WCF Siège & Secrétariat 69 chemin de Planta, 1223 Cologny, Switzerland WCF Head Office c/o Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Deutscher Platz 6, 04103 Leipzig, Deutschland Internet: www.wildchimps.org Email:
[email protected] WCF West Africa Office WCF Guinea Office WCF Liberia Office 23 BP 238 ONG Internationale FDA Compound - Whein Town Abidjan 23, Côte d’Ivoire 1487P Conakry, Guinée Monrovia, Liberia Annual Report 2017 Activities of the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation for improved conservation of chimpanzees and their habitat in West Africa © Sonja Metzger / WCF February 2018 1 Table of Contents 1. Activities in the Taï-Grebo-Sapo Forest Complex, Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire ......... 12 1.1. Creation of Grebo-Krahn National Park ............................................................... 12 1.2. Biomonitoring and Law Enforcement in the Taï-Grebo-Sapo Forest Complex .... 12 1.2.1. Biomonitoring in the Proposed Krahn-Bassa Conservation Area ........................ 12 1.2.2. Biomonitoring in priority sites of Taï National Park ........................................... 15 1.2.3. Biomonitoring with camera traps in Taï National Park ....................................... 16 1.2.4. Eco-guard program at Grebo-Krahn National Park ............................................. 17 1.2.5. Sapo Task Force and law enforcement at Sapo National Park ............................. 17 1.2.6. Monitoring the Cavally Classified Forest ............................................................ 18 1.2.7. Local NGOs’ actions in Cavally Classified Forest .............................................. 19 1.3. Awareness raising campaigns and capacity building in the TGSFC ..................... 20 1.3.1. Awareness raising around Grebo-Krahn National Park ....................................... 20 1.3.2. Theater tour around the Cavally Classified Forest ............................................... 21 1.3.3. Panel discussion about deforestation in Cavally Classified Forest ....................... 22 1.3.4.