NANOCEM 10Th Anniversary OPEN MEETING App,Ril 8, 2014 , Starlin G Hotel , Saint-Sul P,Pice, Switzerland Listst Oof Participantspa T C Pa Ts
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NANOCEM 10th Anniversary OPEN MEETING Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Starling Hotel Lausanne Saint Sulpice, Switzerland Rolex Learning Center EPFL, Lausanne ©Alain Herzog Welcome to the 10th Anniversary celebration Open meeting of the Nanocem Consortium, April 8th, 2014 in Lausanne It is a pleasure to welcome you to our Open meeting in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Nanocem Consortium. Today we take the opportunity to present some of the research of the consortium which has made a difference in the field of cement and concrete: Thermodynamics, Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Admixtures and Cement, Atomistic modeling and the effects of SCMs on the microstructure of cement and concrete. Although these may sound rather fundamental topics, we hope you will see their relevance to everyday applications. We will end the meeting with a talk from Wolfgang Dienemann, head of the Industrial Advisory Board, on the perspectives of the industry for the future. Nanocem, founded in 2004, is a consortium of twenty-three academic and eleven industrial partners who have a common interest in the nanoscale science of cement and concrete. The Nanocem partnership is unique: the industry finances a central Nanocem fund; and the academic partners contribute to the network with one of their externally funded projects, Partner Project, sharing the main results. Together, they identify gaps and plan collaborative research, our Core Projects, which get financed via the Nanocem central fund. The fundamental aspect of the research is of utmost importance. It means that the research is done at a pre-competitive level. The aim is to understand the physical and chemical mechanisms governing the performance of cementitious materials at the nanoscale rather than to develop new products. This builds the foundation for future developments to allow for better and more sustainable cementitious materials. To date fourteen Core Projects have been initiated, half of them have been completed. The principal results of seventy Partner Projects have been shared within the consortium. Two European Marie Skáodwoska Curie training network projects supporting some 30 researchers mostly at an early stage have been awarded to subgroups of Nanocem. Please browse our display of posters of these projects in the foyer and the conference room. With this booklet, we have attached a folder containing five factsheets which explains who we are and what we do and a mortar USB key including a list of the publications issued from Nanocem We take the opportunity to thank our industrial partners who have generously sponsored the event, the speakers and all our partners who have prepared posters. We hope you will enjoy your stay in Lausanne and we thank you for joining us for the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Nanocem. Karen Scrivener Coordinator of the Nanocem network - 3 - - 4 - Table of contents Nanocem Consortium ................................................................................................................................. 6 Partners ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 List of Core projects.................................................................................................................................... 8 Programme ................................................................................................................................................. 9 List of attendees ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Presentations............................................................................................................................................ 12 10 years of Nanocem research - some highlights K. Scrivener (EPFL, CH) .......................................................................................................................... 13 Thermodynamics: from phase diagrams to predictive engineering T. Matschei (Holcim Technology Centre, CH) ........................................................................................... 19 Water and cement : new insights from nuclear magnetic resonance techniques P. Mcdonald (University of Surrey, UK) .................................................................................................... 23 Workability and interactions between admixtures and cement R. Flatt (ETHZ, CH) .................................................................................................................................. 30 Atomistic modelling of cementitious materials: from crystal growth to disordered structures P. Bowen (EPFL, CH) ............................................................................................................................... 36 Effects of supplementary cementitious materials on microstructure and performance of cements B. Lothenbach (EMPA, CH) ...................................................................................................................... 43 An Industrial Perspectives on the future of Nanocem W. Dienemann (HeidelbergCement, DE).................................................................................................. 49 - 5 - NANOCEM CONSORTIUM Nanocem is a consortium of academic and industrial partners with a common interest in fundamental research into the nano and micro-scale of the phenomena that govern the performance of cements and concrete. Nanocem was founded in 2004 and has grown to a network of 23 academic and 11 industry partners. This unique cooperation between the industry and the academic community has lead to identify common issues and has helped map the research needs for sustainable cement and concrete. A few of the ways that Nanocem brings added value to its members in the cement and concrete industry: x organizing workshops and seminars, x sponsoring research in multi-partner projects, x acting as a recruitment base for researchers in cementitious materials, x highlighting the importance of R&D on cementitious materials at the European level, x acting as a networking body to ensure academic research is relevant. Aims Research: To grow the basic knowledge needed to develop new cementitious materials, linking features and processes that take place at atomic level and their impact once used in buildings, bridges or other structures, and to disseminate the results of our work. Education: To prepare the next generation of researchers, by educating university graduates and providing a platform for future employment in the cement and concrete industry. Responsibility: 7R KHOS ¿QG VROXWLRQV WKDW ZLOO IXUWKHU UHGXFH WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO LPSDFW RI FHPHQW DQG concrete. - 6 - PARTNERS Industrial Partners 1. Aalborg Portland (Cementir Holding), Denmark 2. BASF, Germany 3. CTG Italcementi Group, Italy 4. Elkem as Silicon Materials, Norway 5. HeidelbergCement AG, Germany 6. Holcim Technology Ltd, Switzerland 7. Lafarge, France 8. SCG Cement-Building Materials, Siam Research and Innovation Co., Ltd, Thailand 9. SIKA Technology AG, Switzerland 10. VDZ, Germany 11. WR Grace, USA Academic Partners 1. Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland $JHQFLD(VWDWDO&RQVHMR6XSHULRU,QYHVWLJDFLRQHV&LHQWL¿FDV6SDLQ 3. Aarhus University, Denmark 4. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany 5. Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, France 6. CSGI/University of Florence, Italy 7. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic 8. Danish Technological Institute, Denmark 9. Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland 10. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland 11. Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l’aménagement et des réseaux (ex-LCPC), France 12. Imperial College London, United Kingdom 13. Lund University, Sweden 14. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway 15. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 16. Technische Universität München, Germany 17. Technische Universität Wien, Austria 18. University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom 19. Université de Bourgogne, France 20. University of Leeds, United Kingdom 21. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, Spain 22. University of Surrey, United Kingdom 23. ZAG, Slovenia - 7 - LIST OF CORE PROJECTS These are fundamental, long-term research projects carried out by two or more contractors, funded by the resources of the Nanocem Consortium. Typically 2-3 of the academic partners work together sharing a PhD student who moves between partners. Finished Core Projects: 1. Mineralogy of Hydrated Cements University of Aberdeen, UK – Empa, CH 2. Pore Structure Characterisation by Magnetic Resonance Techniques University of Surrey, UK – Ecole Polytechique, FR 3. Organo-Aluminates Interactions Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de Paris – ParisTech, FR 4. Hydration of Blended Cements EPFL, CH – Aarhus University, DK – University of Leeds, UK – DTU, DK 5. Alkali Activation of Aluminosilicates - An Assessment of Fundamental Mechanisms University of Aberdeen, UK – CSIC, SP 6. Atomistic Modelling on Cementitious Systems EPFL, CH 7. Fundamental Mechanisms of Cement Prehydration TUMünchen, DE – University of Leeds, UK – Lund University, SE – ZAG, SI On-going Core Projects: 8. Non-Saturated Transport Properties of Cementitious Materials Lund University, SE - IFSTTAR, FR - CSIC, SP - Empa, CH - DTU, DK - Imperial College London,