European Cement Research European Cement Research Academy Academy GmbH Tannenstrasse 2 40476 Duesseldorf, GERMANY Phone: +49-211-23 98 38-0 Fax: +49-211-23 98 38-500
[email protected] Chairman of the advisory board: Daniel Gauthier Managing director: Martin Schneider Registration office: Duesseldorf Court of registration: Duesseldorf Commercial registration no.: 47580 A-2016/2305 CSI/ECRA-Technology Papers 2017 Development of State of the Art Techniques in Cement Manufacturing: Trying to Look Ahead Dusseldorf, Geneva, 20 March 2017 2 / 190 Development of State of the Art-Techniques in Cement Manufacturing: Trying to Look Ahead, Revision 2017 Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) European Cement Research Academy GmbH WBCSD, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2B CP 2075, 1211 Geneva 1 Tannenstrasse 2 Switzerland 40476 Duesseldorf Germany Phone: +49-211-23 98 38-0
[email protected] Fax: +49-211-23 98 38-500 Managing director: Philippe Fonta
[email protected] Project officer: Cristiana Ciaraldi Chairman of the advisory board: Daniel Gauthier Managing director: Martin Schneider Project manager: Volker Hoenig Person in charge: Johannes Ruppert Registration office: Duesseldorf Court of registration: Duesseldorf Commercial registration no.: 47580 This study was commissioned by the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), a member-led programme of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The re- port represents the independent research efforts of the European Cement Research Acade- my (ECRA) to identify, describe and evaluate technologies which may contribute to increas- ing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from global cement production today as well as in the medium and long-term future.