26 26 In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of Mercy. 26 26 Published by : Tel +97126265151
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[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISBN: 978-9948-36-806-9 First edition 1441 H. - 2020 ©All rights reserved to Al Hosn Research & Studies Centre No part of this book maybe reproduced or transmitted including printing, publishing, photocopying, or storing by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chapter of al-Qalam the chapter of al-Qalam 5 The Chapter of al-Qalam In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of Mercy T he chapter of al-Qalam (1): ~ } | { zy Nun, By the pen! By all they write! [1] (The Quran, al-Qalam: 1) Islam puts the pen, the inkwell, reading and writing in a high position, as Allah the Almighty has named this chapter in question al-Qalam (The Pen) and it is also named ‘Nun’ which means the inkwell that was used in writing. The first thing that was created is the pen, and then Allah the Almighty ordered it to write everything that will happen in the world till the Day of Judgment in the Preserved Tablet. So, the pen has written everything that would happen till the Day of Judgment, including the actions, the provisions and the appointed times of death. In this regard, Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said, ‘The first thing Allah created was the pen. He said to it, ‘Write.’ It asked, ‘What should I write, my Lord?’ He said, ‘Write what was decreed about everything till the Last Hour comes.’(2) This is what is meant by His saying: ‘Nun.