Bolton Community and Voluntary Services: End of Year Report on Grants Administered from The BIG Fund

April 2012 – March 2013


Welcome to our 2012/13 review of the grants administered by Bolton CVS. We are delighted to report that during the year 203 awards were made worth a total of more than £210,000. You will see on the following pages the astonishingly wide range of work that has been carried out by local voluntary organisations and community groups that are committed to building stronger communities in our town. On each page of the report there is a mini-case study giving you greater detail about how the funds are being put to positive use for the benefit of the people of Bolton.

We must offer a big thank you to our funders. Firstly, to Bolton Council who have continued to provide excellent support for small grants and have recently committed to doing this for a further two years through to March 2015. We also wish to recognise the very special contribution made by the Public Health Team of the Primary Care Trust/NHS Bolton who have provided funding for small grants for nearly 20 years. This was the last year that we worked with them under that guise but we look forward to continuing our relationship with them as the newly formed Bolton Council Public Health Department. We are very grateful to all the individuals and companies that continue to support the BIG Bolton Fund Investment scheme and it’s heartening that the income from this continues to grow. Finally many thanks to the staff at Bolton CVS for making the grants schemes work so effectively and to our volunteer grant assessors, whose time and expertise continues to be invaluable.

Once again we have delivered two grant schemes through The BIG Bolton Fund.

The Small Grants Programme had its second year in its current form and awarded a similar number of grants in comparison to the previous year. It is an integrated grant scheme, which enables community organisations to receive one grant per year of up to £1500 in order to benefit people in Bolton.

Funding for the Small Grants Programme in 2012/13 came from several sources:

• Bolton Council’s Chief Executive’s Department: £162,312.09 • NHS Bolton: £ 22,823.00 • BIG Bolton Fund Investment Income: £ 5,390.00 • Bolton Council Environmental Services: £ 1,909.06 ------Total: £192,434.15

Priority is given to organisations whose annual income is below £25,000, with over 96% of the funds awarded to such groups. It is important that the funding reaches those most in need and we are pleased that more than 75% of the money has gone toward activities benefiting the most deprived areas of Bolton or people living with disabilities. However, the fund is available to all areas of Bolton and this year each of the 20 wards of Bolton was home to at least 4 grant recipients.

We are, of course, particularly interested in the impact of the grants we award on behalf of our funders. From the 173 awarded this year 90 had the primary aim of making our communities stronger or safer. In addition, 59 awards were targeting

improvements to people’s health. A smaller number were supporting people to develop skills with the aim of increasing employment or educational opportunities (12) with a similar number focused on improving the local environment (11).

The second grant scheme was The Breaks for Carers Grants Fund which has continued to enable those with caring responsibilities for family members or friends to get a short break from their daily commitments. This fund is provided by Bolton Council Adult and Community Services Department and groups received awards of up to £800 to support their activities. There was an increase in the grants awarded through this fund with 23 groups receiving £16,664.06 in total. We were also able to use a small under spend to award 7 mini-grants totalling £2,626 to groups that already completed projects to enable them to continue their normal break activities while Bolton Council reviewed their carers budget for 2013 onwards.

Our recent ‘Bolton State of the Voluntary Sector 2013’ report (carried out in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University) estimates that there are 1,418 voluntary organisations and community groups here in Bolton and that 1,110 of these groups are classed as ‘micro’, i.e. they have an income of under £10,000 a year. The same survey estimates that there are 32,300 volunteers active within Bolton contributing 100,900 of voluntary effort per week. These small groups and their volunteers give their time freely to improve the everyday lives of people in Bolton and it is vital that we continue to assist them to do this by providing the small grants that help to maximise this activity and bring new ideas to life.

If you would like to know more about the Bolton CVS grants programme or if you would like to donate any funds, please contact Mark Grundy, Grants Coordinator at Bolton CVS on 01204 546026/546010 or via our email on [email protected]

Karen Minnitt Chief Executive

Bolton CVS (Community and Voluntary Services) The Bolton Hub Bold Street Bolton, BL1 1LS Telephone: 01204 546010 Fax: 01204 546011 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Twitter: @boltoncvs

Registered Charity: 1003123 Registered in as a Company Limited by Guarantee: 2615057

Small Grants Programme - May 2012

1) BADGE To pay for 12 months office rent and running costs for Bolton-wide disability support and advocacy group. £1498

2) Bolton Deane and Derby Cricket Club Costs of a community sports day in as part of Bolton Council's Year of Sport and part contribution to printing of a history booklet of the club. £1200

3) Bolton French African Assistance (BOFAA) Continuation of the group’s ESOL classes at Noble Street Independent Methodist Church in for people in different areas of Bolton who want to improve their English. £1500

4) Bolton Neuro Voices used their grant to organise a 10 week hydrotherapy programme with a professional physiotherapist in the summer of 2012 for people with long term neurological conditions at Bolton One Centre. 44 with 9 different neurological conditions had the opportunity to exercise and over 2/3 of them reported an improvement after just a few sessions. These changes included less pain and spasm, stronger muscles, improved mobility, posture and balance and many also reported improvements in psychological well being and confidence with others. In particular one person who had a stroke was able to stand for the first time in 10 years after working with the physio ! £1500

5) Bolton Sixth Form College Vets Football Support with the cost of equipment and training facilities for this over 35’s football club in Bolton. £1500

6) Centre for African in Great Lever To provide a 13 weeks Highway Code and road hazard perception to mixed group of Africans living in Great Lever and Rumworth areas. £1500

7) Children's Academy of Music CIC Costs of music sessions for mother & toddlers held at King’s Church and Wildlife Trust Centre in . £1200

8) Community Coaching Solutions CIC had a grant for the cost of coaching staff to deliver the SportsWrite initiative with children aged 3 -5 in the Tonge Moor and Johnson Fold areas. They’ve been helping the youngsters to develop their speaking and writing skills by combining fun sports activities with short sessions about the words associated with the games. Those who work with the children everyday say their communication and listening has improved tremendously due to taking part. £1440

9) Community Friends Group Refreshments costs for weekly meetings and coach hire to Southport and Cleveleys for group of older people from the Sutton Estate near Hulton Lane. £425


10) Eastfield Residents Association A trip to Windermere for older residents from the Tonge areas. £300

11) Firwood House Friendship Group Cost of gardening equipment and creating a raised planting bed to enable older residents in Tonge Moor to grow flowers and food. £499

12) Friends of Cornerstone Purchase of a new Fridge freezer and Nintendo Wii to be used by children’s and older people’s groups that meet at this church in Bromley Cross. £436

13) Ghosia Community Youth Voice Cost of coaching to deliver 3 days per week of sports activities during the school summer holiday for young people in Rumworth and Great Lever. £1440

14) Harpers Lane Allotments Society Purchase of a module marquee system which will be used to enable member’s meetings and community open days and shows for the wider community to take place in all weather at Harpers Lane Allotment in . £1425.90

15) Harwood and Bradshaw Writers To cover costs of the group’s performance of poems, music and song to people living in care and nursing homes across Bolton. £700

16) Hulton Lane Clubroom (Wally's) Purchase equipment and cover training costs for rounders and football teams from the Hulton Lane Estate. £1463.89

17) Hulton Lane Social Centre Association Celebration party for the Queen's Jubilee for Hulton Lane area. £300

18) JIGSAW Continue to provide activities for stroke survivors and their carers at Christ Church on a fortnightly basis. The group provide a location where members can socialise and regain confidence lost as a result of the stroke. Armchair exercise provides suitable physical activity, aiding stroke survivors to rebuild strength and mobility. They also produce a fortnightly newsletter which goes out between meetings to help reduce isolation at those times. £1500

19) Jubilee House Action Group Towards the refurbishment of the main community room at a sheltered accommodation block in Bolton Town Centre. £1000

20) Moss Bank Veterans' Club To provide medals and refreshments for a Diamond Jubilee bowling competition and to purchase chairs for members to use throughout the year. £519

21) On Your Own Club Day trip to Southport for older residents from Tonge & the Haulgh area, and costs of group meetings held fortnightly. £430.70


22)Seven Stars Costs of a training programme to encourage more women to play netball in the area. £900

23)Sew Gypsy Equipment to set up a sewing group for residents at Crompton Lodges Caravan Park, Farnworth. £832

24) Spirit of Bolton Organising Committee Costs towards the "Spirit of Bolton" Event which promotes the diverse cultures of the town in Victoria Square on 14 th July 2012 . £1500

25) St Catherine's Church Friendly Hour Towards cost of coach for trip to Lancaster canal with boat trip for elderly residents from the Farnworth area. £300

26) St Matthews Coffee Shop New 6 slice toaster for this busy weekly social coffee morning at St Matthew’s Church, Little Lever and also a contribution towards Christmas party £514.16

27) Sunnyside Residents' Association Towards the running costs of the community house in Great Lever which provides activities for young and old. £1498

28) Dementia Support Group have used their grant to provide a weekly activity afternoon for people with dementia and their carers at Trinity Methodist Church in Tonge Fold. They offer a wide range of activities including games, quizzes, bowling, crafts, music and zumba. They’ve also had fun celebrating the Jubilee, Olympics and other events in 2012. Meeting others and taking at the sessions have large impact on mental wellbeing and reducing stresses. £1500

29)The Great Lever Voice Project Provision of weekly sessions to raise level of esteem and build confidence of young people which will include exercise, relaxation and support with emotional issues. £1390

30) Tonge with the Haulgh Community Choir Annual tutor fees for community choir in the Tonge Moor area. £1500

31) WAVE New waterproof clothing and outdoor equipment for group that enables people with addictions or mental health problems to try out activities like canoeing, rock climbing and hill walking. £1471.06

Number of Grants Awarded in May 31 Total Amount Awarded £33,184.69


Small Grants Programme - June 2012

32) Bolton Affiliation of Tenants and Residents Associations (BATRA) Volunteers Group Purchase of 2 Gazebos, display and games equipment to enable the group to hold events across Bolton to promote the work BATRA does for tenants and residents in order to recruit more volunteers. £1379.99

33) Be Strong Project Running costs of project supporting people who have recently been released from prison or are overcoming drug addiction to choose healthy lifestyles. £1475.59

34) Beechcroft Patches Running costs of a food growing project for residents from Breightmet and Little Lever and . £581.08

35) Bolton Wanderers Disability Football Club Coaching costs to deliver 2 x 1hour per week for 30 weeks football training for young people with disabilities. £1500

36) Bolton West Stroke Group Hire of 2 mini buses to take group of stroke survivors and carers to visit Blackpool Air Ambulance. £300

37) Farnworth & District Local History Society Cost of annual insurance and a visit to Chatsworth House for members of history group from Farnworth, and Little Lever and Darcy Lever area. £405.10

38) First Step CIC have purchased of music and exercise equipment to deliver fun group exercise classes, particularly targeting teenagers who have lost (or never had) interest in sport. Sessions like zumba, body kombat and aerobic drums (pictured) have been held with many high schools and youth clubs across Bolton. These have been extremely well attended, particularly by girls, but also by several boys, who have been benefitting from strenuous physical exercise to music. £1440.53

39) Firwood & Moorfield Estates Residents Association Purchase of prize vouchers for bingo and cost of refreshments to enable continuance of monthly group meetings for elderly residents from the Tonge and Haulgh area. £1500

40) Fishing For Life Pennines Support with costs of equipment and travel costs of volunteer coach to enable people suffering, recovering and living with breast cancer to attend a monthly fishing group. £800

41) Friends Of Eatock Primary School Delivery of a one week woodland skills and crafts play scheme during the summer holidays aimed at children identified as having limited opportunities from and Washacre Estate areas. £1500


42) Headstart Resources Running costs of develop project of personal coaching and mentoring support to Halliwell residents to enable them to tackle personal challenges and move forward in their lives. £1193.75

43) Incredible Edible Bromley Cross Costs of developing a neglected area of land in Bromley Cross into a community garden and food growing area. £816.31

44) Insyt Media Productions To cover costs of venue hire to enable a young people’s group to meet weekly at YMCA to develop creative writing, vocal recording and music production. £1500

45) Kirkwall Residents' Association To cover annual public liability insurance costs of a newsletter to maintain contact with elderly residents from Darcy Lever and The Haulgh areas. £531.33

46) Krimmz Girls Youth Group To set up a healthy eating course, self defence classes and a Youth Club for girls aged 11- 15 based at Bolton Council of Mosques. £1500

47) On The Go Theatre Company Costs of rehearsals and performance of an older people’s drama group to produce sketches in order to raise awareness among teenage students that they do not have to accept abusive relationships. £1000

48) Top O'th Brow Together Cost of weekly meetings with various activities and a community newsletter for people of all ages in Top O’th Brow area of Breightmet. £1500

49) United Greater Oromo Community Costs of a Community Consultation event for newly arrived refugees of Oromo origin so that existing members of the community can find out about their needs and help them settle into the town more quickly. £588

50) Xplode Magazine Bolton used a grant to support the cost of producing 2 editions of a magazine designed and written by young people which is distributed across the high schools of Bolton. Young people involved have showcased and developed their writing, photographic and other creative talents. They’ve work together to each have a go at all the roles of magazine production and found it good work experience. They also feel pleased to be displaying a positive image of what young people can achieve. The magazine has covered many important and relevant topics including eating healthily, awareness of signs of self harming, obesity, safe sex, and positive self images. £1500

Number of Grants Awarded in June 19 Total Amount Awarded £21 ,011 .6 8


Small Grants Programme - September 2012

51) Abstinence Support And Maintenance Cost of room hire with refreshments for weekly meetings at Mhist for group that supports people before, during and after detox. £1300

52) AFC Masters Towards cost of hiring St Joseph’s Soccer Dome, training for coaches and transport to League matches for a football team for young people with disabilities. £1500

53) African Community Association of Bolton delivered a programme of activities in celebration of Black History Month 2012 in October. This included workshops and performances at community venues and schools to introduce and highlight the history, music and culture of afro-caribbean people and communities around the world. £1500

54) All Stars Badminton Club Purchase of badminton equipment and cost of specialist coaches to develop clubs at Westhoughton High and St Josephs School. £1000

55) Asian Parents Support Group Costs towards an Eid-Diwali party for families with disabled children from the Great Lever & Rumworth area and cost of group’s annual insurance. £626.72

56) Baby Babble Westhoughton Provision of baby yoga and sensory sessions for parents with babies up to 1 years old from Washacre Estate and Westhoughton areas. £1200

57) Black Action Group Cost of a 3-day residential team building course for group of young people, from Hulton Lane Estate and Rumworth, who have been either victims or instigators of bullying. £1119.40

58) Bolton Astronomical Society Purchase of large telescope to enable continuance of lessons and clubs at primary schools and up to GCSE level at Sharples High. £1000

59) Bolton Kashmir Welfare Society Cost of mini bus for trips for Asian/Afro Caribbean families from the Great Lever area. £300

60) Bolton United Community Group Hire of Sharples Leisure Centre for 10 weeks, purchase of sports equipment and cost of coach for 2 hours x10 weeks to set up football course with health orientated activities and exercises for 7-16 year olds. £1469.25

61) Bolton Wanderers Ladies Football Club Hire of Bolton Arena and coaching costs to provide a week's holiday programme of structured, fun football sessions aimed at girls aged 7 -14 years old. £1460

62) Bradford Street Park Veterans Bowling Club Cost of installation of exterior light at the clubhouse and towards cost of Christmas party for elderly members form the Farnworth area. £400


63) Breightmet Wanderers Football Club Purchase of new equipment and cost of training courses for the continuance and development of football team for 4 - 13 year olds in Breightmet. £1500

64) Caribbean Elders' Association To provide a craft tutor for 2 hours x 10 weeks and costs of monthly community lunch annual insurance, and coach trip to Windermere for a group of older people at Halliwell UCAN Centre. £1200

65) Disabled Community Centre Bolton Costs of 3 sessions to raise awareness among African communities in Bolton of services and activities that are available for disabled people and carers. £1500

66) Farnworth & Walkden Band Cost towards purchase of second hand Besson sovereign baritone horn to replace the existing worn out instrument. £1495

67) FC Sharples Towards hire of Thornleigh Sports Hall and Sharples All-weather pitch to enable 4 training session a week though winter for all the club's junior football teams. £1500

68) Fit for Life Purchase of kitchen appliances, food ingredients, youth worker/fitness professional and cost of room hire to provide a fitness and healthy eating programme for 8-18 year olds at Harmony Youth Project in Halliwell. £1460.03

69) Friends of Washacre Cost of site clearance and purchase of equipment to create an allotment area for children and parents from Washacre Estate. £1500

70) Gaydio CIC Cost of delivering a 10 week radio based training course aimed at 13 - 19 year old lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people. £1492

71) Greenhouse Project General running costs including the purchase of a photocopier and recycling separation bin, for a project which teaches food growing and sustainable living to people from wide range of backgrounds. £1058.3

72) Halliwell Befriending Service Cost of room hire and activities for a monthly social & craft sessions for people aged over 50 from the Halliwell area. £1084

73) Headspace Costs of a training programme at the Octagon to support young adults with mental health problems to take part in volunteering and develop leadership skills. £1200

74) Harvest Project Had a grant to continued running and developing a community allotment group for residents from Horwich and . They have built new compost bins, improved soil around the site, planted fruit trees and bought new tools, paving stones and plants. Volunteers have continued to use the plot to grow organic food, learn new skills and meet new people £796.79


75) Kearsley Park Vets Bowling Club Purchase of indoor bowling mat to enable members at the Kearsley club to stay active and continue bowling through the winter months and on wet days in summer. £618

76) Lostock and Chew Moor Senior Citizens Club Towards cost of room hire to enable continuation of weekly sequence dance and social meetings for older people at Lostock Parish Centre. £1500

77) Maltby Residents' Association Towards cost of Christmas hampers and a New Year's party for elderly residents from the Great Lever area. £1300

78 Moses Gate Community Action Team continue to offer weekly sports sessions for teenagers at Harper Green Leisure Centre. These are particularly targeted at those who are not able to join existing sports teams. The sessions are extremely popular and regularly have over 30 attending. Young people have a regular and safe place to take part in physical activity through games they enjoy. £1500

79) Neighbourhood Investment in Community Enterprises (NICE) Towards overhead costs of reopening Victory Community Centre and restarting a luncheon club for elderly Halliwell residents. £1500

80) Phoenix Writers Cost of room hire at Horwich Resource Centre to enable weekly meetings of creative writing group to continue. £400

81) Shree Sorathia Prajapati Community Hire of venue in Rumworth for weekly yoga sessions and for holding a Navratri Fesitval over 7 days in October. £1400

82) South Bolton Trampoline Club Towards cost of a trampolining project at St James School sports hall to encourage obese children from the Farnworth area to exercise in a fun way. £1500

83) The Bolton Doodlers Towards the cost of room hire to enable people with mental health difficulties to continue social art therapy sessions at Bolton YMCA. £670

84) The Sunnyside Club Purchase of 6 Tablet computers and other stationery/office equipment to enable young people from the Great Lever and Rumworth areas to receive additional tutoring to increase motivation and results at school. £1395

85) Topphome Court Social Club To provide food and entertainment for Christmas Party and to continue a weekly coffee morning for older, mainly isolated members from the Farnworth community. £450

86) Trax Resource Centre Running costs of a van to enable continued of delivery of supermarket sell-by-dated food every day (bar Christmas and Easter) to vulnerable people across Bolton. £1500


87) Turton Football Club Cost of hiring Castle Hill sports hall and St Brendan’s School field for football training and matches for 29 weeks to enable the continuance of three teams for young people from Bradshaw and Bromley Cross . £1265.10

88) Wednesday 4 Lunch Purchase of equipment to start up a monthly luncheon club at St Bede’s Church for older residents mainly from the Rumworth area. £456.38

89) White Horse Action Group Cost of activities for elderly/disabled residents from Westhoughton including monthly social meetings, weekly exercise classes and a Christmas trip. £610

Number of Grants Awarded in September 39 Total Amount Awarded £44,690.11

Small Grants Programme - November 2012

90) 8th Bolton East Scout Group: Cost of transport and refreshments for trip to The Lion King in Manchester for members of cubs mainly from the Breightmet area. £285

91) Afro-Caribbean Elderly Day Centre have held a weekly social session at The New Testament Church of God in Daubhill for older people from a Caribbean background. They enjoy a hot cooked meal and take part in chair based exercises, card games, dominoes and sewing. Members greatly enjoy getting out of the house and interacting with friends in a safe environment. It has a positive impact on their mental and physical wellbeing £1500

92) Blackrod Over 60s Club: Cost of annual room hire, bingo tickets and refreshments for Over 60's club for residents from Blackrod and Horwich. £836

93) Bolton Magistrates' Community Court Helpdesk Timebank Team: Costs of the recruitment and training of volunteers to provide support on a helpdesk in Bolton Magistrates court to court visitors. £1479.4

94) Bolton Solidarity Community Association: Cost of Homework co-ordinator to run club for 6 - 16 year olds in Rumworth who need extra tuition to raise the standards and potential of children who are disadvantaged by language and/or lack of family formal education. £1500

95) Bolton's Ear 4 Kidz: Purchase of games, equipment and refreshments for regular meetings for deaf children and their families. £1500

96) Enable Education Limited: Cost of a partnership project with The African Community Association of Bolton to deliver a short course in job application and interview skills at Bolton YMCA. £800


97) FC Bolton: Ongoing costs to a football team for people who are living with mental health problems, to get weekly coaching at Bolton Lads and Girls Club and to take part in a monthly league against teams from across the North West. £1500

98) Florence Avenue Allotment Association: Purchase of site container to enable storage of equipment and meetings and social events to be held on the allotment site in . £1300

99) Freedom Personal Safety: Cost of delivering an 8 week Personal Safety Course for a group of vulnerable young women from Great Lever, Hulton and Rumworth areas. £1416

100) Full Of Beans Breakfast Club: Cost of food to continue a breakfast club at Lever Park School in Horwich for children permanently excluded from mainstream school to enable them to get a good start to the day as learn about nutrition and develop their social skills. £1000

101) Great Lever Park Veterans Bowling Club: Hire of room for Christmas party with meal and entertainment for residents from Farnworth and Great Lever. £300

102) Imag1ne Special Needs Solutions CIC: Cost of drama tutors to deliver a programme of arts activities for young people with a variety of special needs at The Anthony Centre in Horwich. £1499

103) Making Changes: Cost of a 12 week programme of craft and personal wellbeing activities for 12 week programme for women with low confidence and self esteem in the Tonge moor area. £1500

104) Pikes Lane Community Club: Cost of room hire and equipment to furnish new premises of a youth club for 7 - 13 year olds from the Rumworth and Great Lever areas. £1500

105) Quebec Hall Lunch & Leisure: Cost of twice weekly social meetings with tai chi and chair based exercises for women over 50, mainly from the Rumworth area, aimed at healthy eating and lifestyle. £1500

106) Shree Charotar Patidar Samaj Bolton UK: Costs of weekly exercise and social sessions for older people with disabilities or communication difficulties at Veda Mandir Temple in Halliwell. £1500

107) Shree Kutch Leva Patel Community (Bolton): Cost of tutor for a weekly homework and Gujarati language classes for young people from the Great Lever area and cost of an end of term celebration event where young and old come together to celebrate their achievements. £1100

108) Smile of Hope Bolton used a grant to pay for equipment and volunteer expenses in delivering traditional African dance held at the Willows Centre in Deane every Saturday afternoon and also at community events like Christmas Parties and celebrating International women’s day. People have come together regularly to socialise and take part in physical activity. Many have made new friends and feel more confident. £1200


109) South Bolton Over 40's Forum: Contribution towards weekly costs food and exercise sessions for a group of men aged over 40 from the Rumworth area who are often at isolated at home. £1500

110) Sport, Training, Education and Partnership: Coaching costs and purchase of sports equipment to deliver football and badminton to groups of males aged 16+ from the Great Lever area to encourage activity and healthy lifestyle. £1000

111) St Philips Parish and Community Centre: Cost of replacing existing floor tiles with non slip flooring in entrance area of community hall in Great Lever used for various meetings throughout the year. £500

112) The Wednesday Wildlife Volunteers: Cost of a project where volunteers to build a wood store and garden area at the Environmental Resource Centre in Breightmet. Wood collected during the management of local nature reserves will then be stored there to enable it to be used in training and craft activities. The garden will be used for educational activities for children and people with disabilities. £1417.40

113) Tonge Park Veterans Bowling Club: Cost of Christmas Party and presentation event for 40 members from the Tonge and Haulgh area to celebrate the year gone by. £300

114) Urban ML CIC: Cost of setting up , including football coaches to develop, an indoor street soccer league in Halliwell, where young people will play short, 3 aside football games to music. £1500

115) Westhoughton Food Co-op: Ongoing costs of community food growing project at Central Park in Westhoughton. Groups and individuals come together each week to develop growing skills and meet other people. £960

Number of Grants Awarded 26

Total Amount Awarded £29,892.80

Small Grants Programme – January 2013

116) All Sports Club were able to pay coaching expenses for a year in providing sports and exercise sessions for teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties every Saturday at Thornleigh High School. Many friendships have been formed among the group. They have a great time whilst getting physical exercise and developing skills through football, hockey, basketball and many other games. £1500

117) Azad Cricket Club: Cost of Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League entry fee, hire of a sports hall for 10 weeks pre-season practice and towards the purchase of coloured kit. £1500


118) Bolton Street Angels: Ongoing costs of group which provide support, care and a safe place to wait for people who use the town centre facilities on Saturday nights and once a month on Fridays. The group promote a safe drinking message and support campaigns led by police and health authority. They deal with minor injuries and help those who may be vulnerable to crime because of drink, freeing up emergency services to deal with the most serious issues. £1500

119) Breightmet Community Choir : Room hire costs for a year at The Wildlife Centre to enable residents of Breightmet to join a community choir and rehearse weekly. £1200

120) Carers and Disabled Therapeutic Services (Mediwell): Cost of utilities and room rental to enable the delivery of complimentary therapy and holistic treatments at nominal rates for disabled people, those with a long term illness and their carers. £1000

121) Choices Youth Support Group: To support families in the Farnworth area that have experienced domestic violence to move forward and repair bonds through social activities and workshops. £1100

122) Deane United Reformed Church: Cost of renewing the sound and loop system for the deaf for the benefit of many community groups from Hulton Lane Estate, Hulton and Rumworth. £840

123) Fairtrade In Bolton: Cost towards a sessional worker to work in local schools to encourage and educate children on Fairtrade topics and help schools to gain Fairtrade accreditation. £750

124) Farnworth & District Parks Veterans Bowling Association: Cost of printing fixture books, score cards and presentation tickets to enable competitive bowling for 15 clubs with 20 teams across the south of Bolton. £500

125) Fresh Start Bolton: Purchase of laptops, software and stationery to enable unemployed people aged 18+ in the Farnworth area to help build their employability skills and develop CVs. £1000

126) Friends of Kearsley Mount Cottage : Purchase of gardening equipment to enable a group of residents from the Kearsley area to be involved with improving and maintaining the gardens around a cottage, in the grounds of St John Fisher Church. Both cottage and gardens will be for community use. £1079.84

127) Friends of Rivington and Blackrod High School: Cost of materials and environmental staff for a five week project leading up to Easter for a group of transitional pupils to develop a garden, plant hanging baskets and take produce to local nursing homes. £501.11

128) Ghosia Judo Club : Coaching costs and cost of promotional flyers to deliver Judo taster sessions at high schools in the Farnworth and Great Lever areas. £1500

129) Lahore Badshahs Cricket Club: Towards the cost of Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League fee for a cricket club with members from Farnworth and Great Lever. £625


130) Our Lady Of Lourdes Junior FC: Purchase of outdoor football nets, rental of astro turf pitch for 20 winter training sessions and a contribution towards a fundraising evening for a football club for children from Farnworth and Kearsley £1492.15

131) Over 50's Friendship & Activities Group: Cost of monthly meetings at Bolton Deaf Centre and a trip to Llandudno for people aged 50 - 85 years old. £930

132) R Place Parent and Toddlers: Cost of facilitators and craft materials for 35 structured play sessions for pre- school children and their parents/grandparents/carers from the Johnson Fold area. £1500

133) Sunnyside Vets Bowling & Social Club : Towards the cost of erecting a weather shelter to protect those watching and scoring bowling matches at the club in Great Lever. £950

134) Youth Choices Group delivered twice weekly drama workshops for vulnerable young adults. These have raised young people’s awareness around issues that affect their everyday lives e.g. politics, obesity, racism, fashion, etc. The project has encouraged them to increase their social and listening skills and has given them more confidence in expressing their views. Young people have made new friends and some are keen to join more established drama groups in Bolton. £1500

Number of Grants Awarded 19

Total Amount Awarded £2 0, 968 .10

Small Grants Programme - March 2013

135) 1471 Horwich Air Training Corps

For junior air cadets group in Horwich to replace and update equipment and supplies needed for Duke of Edinburgh awards and general outside pursuits £875.92

136) 14th Bolton (Christ Church Walmsley) Brownies Toward the cost of coach hire for girls aged 7-11 from Bromley Cross and Astley Bridge to go on a residential, outdoor activity weekend to Waddow Hall, Clitheroe. £225

137) 14th Bolton Senior Section Unit Purchase a portable shelter to use to promote the group and use on outdoor activities for a group of girls aged 15-19 meeting at Egerton United Reform Church. £540

138) 58th (Christ Church) Walmsley Guides Contribution toward the costs of a Guide Unit based in Egerton taking part in an outdoor activity weekend at Winmarleigh Hall near Lancaster. £300


139) 66th Bolton St Marys Deane Rainbows had a grant towards individual uniforms and insurance to make the cost of joining the group more affordable for girls aged 5-7 whose families who may find this prohibitive. They’ve met each week at Deane Guides HQ for games and crafts and have also been on outings to Legoland and Gulliver’s World. Girls have increased confidence by spending more time with other children. Many were very shy when they attended but now they all join in activities together. £1013

140) 67th Bolton St Marys Deane Brownies Contribution toward insurance, uniforms, and a coach trip pack holiday for Brownies group that meet weekly at Deane Guides HQ. £900

141) Animal World Conservation Action Group Contribution towards updating the visual information points in the foyer and across the site of Animal World at Moss Bank Park. £1000

142) Aspire Community Action Group For group to hold a community “in Bloom "planting event and funday on Hall Ith Wood during summer 2013. £1335

143) Bolton Care 4 (LD) The costs of break activities for carers of people with learning disabilities including a stress relief day at the Jubilee Centre with treatments from Therapists, and also a separate coach outing. £1100

144) Bolton Environment Enterprise Costs towards the design and print of a Great Lever Community Newsletter. £600

145) Bolton U3A Hire of Meeting Rooms across Bolton town centre to continue providing a range of educational sessions for retired people. £1500

146) Bolton YMCA Costs towards the accommodation of a French exchange volunteer doing youth work at YMCA in the town centre and at various outreach locations. £1440

147) Breaking Barriers : To develop and deliver assertiveness and communication training tailored for parents and carers of disabled children to enable them to engage with support services and statutory bodies more effectively thus reducing their stress and producing better outcomes for their children. £1000

148) Community Care Options: Contribution to the cost of full time staff member to facilitate Bolton Shopmobility, which supports people across Bolton with mobility problems to loan mobility scooters/wheelchairs whilst in the town centre. £1408.79


149) Creative Mind Cost of a part time marketing and development worker for 4 months to raise the profile in the local community of creative and educational learning opportunities available in Horwich £1400

150) Darcy Lever Gravel Pits Action Group Cost of resources and publicity to reintroduce the Darcy Lever May Day Parade which will finish by enabling to take part in nature activities at the gravel pits. Also to support with cost of the group’s website and to update some tools. £1011.39

151) Egerton Park Improvement Committee Cost of holding a child friendly consultation event to get views of children and families as to how Egerton Park could be refurbished and developed. It is hoped this will lead to future funding bids to improve the facilities £1452.5

152) Encompass Hill Walking Group To provide waterproof equipment for use by new members to enable them to take part in regular walks and outdoor activities £600

153) Friends of Bromley Cross Towards costs of putting on a community fair at The Last Drop Hotel for over 50 local charities and community organisations to promote their activities. £1500

154) Harwood Kempo Martial Arts Club have used their grant towards the cost of replacing worn out mats and equipment for use at twice weekly martial arts sessions at Tottington Road Methodist Church in Harwood. The equipment has been put to good use by young people as they train for competitions. The sessions are benefitting them by providing an opportunity for lots of physical exercise leading to increases in their confidence and self esteem as they improve their skills and form friendships with other members . £1433.20

155) Hindleys & Clough Farm Residents' Association Towards cost of a weekly street dance group at John Holt Centre on the Washacre Estate for children aged 5 -19. £1414

156) Horwich Parish C of E School PTA Towards cost of a tool shed and construction of raised beds to change a disused corner of school playing field into a food growing garden for use by children from Horwich and Blackrod. £1500

157) Horwich RMI Football Club Costs of delivering football taster sessions to encourage more local young people to join teams and coaching sessions. Also to provide courses to enable adult volunteers to become qualified coaches. £1390

158) Horwich St Mary's Ramblers Contribution to the cost of coach hire to enable the group to undertake a day of walking in the Lake District. £300


159) HORWICH VISITING SERVICE Ongoing running costs of volunteer visiting service for older and disabled people in Horwich, which enables family carers to have a break. £1407.54

160) I.C.O.C Communities Batting Together Toward the cost of a weekly evening cricket tournament lasting 3 months at Deane & Derby Cricket Club for local community teams. £1365

161) Kearsley West CP School PTFA After school and school holiday multisports activities for young people from Kearsley. £1460

162) Lift People To develop a new young people's project working with 11-17s in areas of Breightmet and Tonge. £1432

163) Mere Hall Veteran's Bowling Club To buy league approved scorecards and display frames so the club in Halliwell can enter this year’s competition. £216

164) Birtenshaw Methodist Church Parent and Toddler Group Purchase of chairs and tables and replace second-hand large toys to provide facilities for parent toddler group in the Bromley Cross area. £558.74

165) Polish Day Centre For The Elderly Room hire for 50 weeks for continue a weekly lunch and social club for older people of Polish origin at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Great Lever. £1500

166) Sahara Drop-in Cost of a project support worker and volunteer expenses to run a weekly drop in for Asian ladies, mainly from the Rumworth area, with mental health issues. £1368.5

167) Sathi Drop-In Cost of a project support worker and volunteer expenses to run a weekly drop in for Asian men, mainly from the Rumworth area, with mental health issues. £1262.8

168) SLICAM (Sri Lankan Integrated Cultural Association Gtr. Manchester) Running costs including room and sports ground hire over a twelve month period for a group supporting people of Sri Lankan origin in Bolton. £1308

169)St Andrew’s Methodist Church has delivered several “cooking with confidence” courses to adults from the Tonge Moor and Hall i’th Wood areas. The weekly sessions are an introduction to cooking for people who are used to eating ready meals or who may have recently moved out of home. Those who took part have increased their confidence and skills and many are now regularly preparing meals and trying new foods including vegetables. £1500


170) The Purchase of a digital SLR camera for use in community filming, photography and journalistic activities with local people of all ages across the borough. £548.99

171) WAYS The cost of delivering a 12 week Archery taster class for 7-16 year olds at a venue in Great Lever. £1500

172) Westhoughton School Sports Alliance Coaching costs to deliver after school and school holiday multi sports activities for young people from across Westhoughton. £1420

173) Your Travel Shop Cricket Club 6 months room hire for team meetings and 6 weeks of indoor cricket practice for a community cricket team from the Rumworth area. £600

Number of Grants Awarded 39

Total Amount Awarded £42,686.77


Breaks for Carers Grants

1) All Sports Club: Costs of a meal at Bella Italia, Middlebrook in December 2012 for carers of disabled sportspersons £800

2) Asian Parents Support Group Costs of a meal at Nawab restaurant in Manchester for parents and carers of disabled children. £800

3) Bolton Aphasia Self Help Group Cost of Christmas outing to Rivington Hall Barn and a new year visit to Media City for carers and partners of adults who have lost their speech. £799

4) Bolton Cardiac Support Cost of a group trip to Chatsworth House for carers of people with cardiac events. £767

5) Bolton Care 4 (LD) To provide a stress relief day with therapists at The Jubilee Centre for carers of adults with learning disabilities. £800

6) Bolton Crossroads Care Two trips out on a narrow boat including a stop at a restaurant for carers and the person they care for. Support staff are there so carers can have a break. £796.96

7) Bolton Ear 4 Kidz The cost of a New Year’s meal at Nick’s Restaurant in Westhoughton for parents and carers of children with hearing impairments. £773

8) Bolton Phab Club An overnight break at Britannia Hotel, Bolton and including a visit to a show at the Albert Halls for carers of people with physical and learning disabilities. £700

9) Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association To provide a meal before a home match for carers of Bolton Wanderers disabled supporters. £800

10) Bolton West Stroke Group Costs of an outing to Botany Bay including lunch and a Christmas Meal at Ridgmont House, Horwich for carers of stroke survivors. £800

11) Bury/Bolton ME/CFS Support Group Sunday lunch at Red Hall Hotel in Bury for group of ME/CFS support/carers group to have a break. £800

12) Carers Social Group To provide a Christmas Party at The Kings Head, Deane and cost of an outing to Theatre organ museum in Eccles for carers of people with dementia. £560

13) Daytrippers (Bolton) Cost of meal at Sokrates in Horwich and an outing to The Comedy Store in Manchester for carers of children with physical and learning disabilities. 800

14) Dementia Support Group Trip to Harrogate in summer 2012and trip to Chatsworth House at Christmas to see the decorations for carers and cared for. £800


15) Good Companions Giving carers a bag of pampering goods once a month so they can relax in their own time when their cared for person is taking part in activites. £800

16) Happy Carers Provision of Christmas meal and towards cost of break at Llandudno for carers of older people. 800

17) Harbour Project Cost of a Christmas meal and a New Year outing to the theatre with a meal beforehand for carers of people suffering from drug or alcohol abuse. 782

18) Horwich Breakaway Club Cost of trip to a Manchester Theatre and towards a meal for parents of people with learning difficulties 378

19) Imag1ne Special Needs Solutions CIC Cost of a visit to the Lowry Theatre to see White Christmas, including a meal before hand for carers of children with physical and learning disabilities. £540

20) JIGSAW - Bolton Stroke Group Provision of vouchers to allow carers of stroke survivors to take a break at local restaurants or theatres at a time convenient to them. £800

21) Tonge Fold Carers Group Outings to Lytham St Annes, Summerseat Garden Centre and 2 local restaurants for a group of older carers from the Tonge area during the first half of 2013. £568.60

22) Westhoughton Visiting Service Weekly activities for carers from Westhoughton, including craft sessions and outings to local places of interest. £800

23) Young Onset Group Associates Christmas meal and a trip out in the New Year for carers of people with early onset dementia. £399.50

Number of Grants Awarded 23 Total Amount Awarded £16,664 .06

Breaks for Carers Mini Grants

24) All Sports Club Outing to Hollywood Bowl over the Easter break for carers and club members, who are young people with learning difficulties £400

25) Asian Parents Support Group Cost of transport for shopping trip to Cheshire Oaks for parents and carers of disabled children. £400

26) Bolton Care 4 (LD) Towards costs of therapists for a stress relief day at the Jubilee Centre for carers of adults with learning difficulties. £400


27) Bolton Phab Club Cost of meal and theatre trip to Albert Halls for carers of adults with physical and learning difficulties. £366

28) Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association To enable carers to get a break by enjoying a meal at De Vere Whites before a match, while cared for are looked after by other carers. £400

29) Crossroads Care in Day's outing on a narrow boat at Marple Wharf with a pub lunch for carers and the person cared for. £400

30) Harbour Project Cost for 29 carers of people recovering from substance addiction to attend a comedy production at the Octagon Theatre . £260

Number of Grants Awarded 7 Total Amount Awarde d £2,626

Feedback from carers who took part in a break activity

- Enjoying a meal out with other carers makes a big difference as we can share experiences with others in a similar situation – Sue, Bury/ Bolton ME/CFS Group

- It was nice to have a break and relax without worrying about the daily routine of being a carer. Yasmin, Asian Parents Support Group

- Not only did I enjoy the afternoon but I felt I left with lots of useful information from parents and carers who have had many and varied experiences with their children. Steph, Allsports Group

- For those few hours I only had myself to take care of which enabled me to recharge my batteries and face the world again. Mrs S, Bolton PHAB Club

- I couldn’t leave (person living with dementia) at home so the help the group provides means I get a real help and I know he’s enjoying himself too. I don’t need to feel guilty now when I get home. Barbara, Dementia Support Group


Report Completed July 2013

Bolton CVS (Community and Voluntary Services) The Bolton Hub Bold Street Bolton, BL1 1LS Telephone: 01204 546010 Fax: 01204 546011 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Twitter: @boltoncvs

Registered Charity: 1003123 Registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee: 2615057