
Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee of Parish Council held at the Civic Hall, on Monday 7TH March 2016

There were present: Cllrs. R. Knotts – Chairman S. Hewitt –Vice Chairman Cllrs. N Allsopp P. Byrne G. Bayley P. Fryer B. Beeley P. Lord L. Brown

A minute’s silence was held for former councillor Bill Cullen who passed away suddenly last week. Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs. Bingley and Curley. Declarations of interest Cllr. Knotts non-pecuniary re Birks’ Quarry Cllr Bayley non-pecuniary re Rough Knarr Quarry development. Cllr. Lord non-pecuniary re 1 Fern Close, Springhead Cllr. Beeley non-pecuniary re 1 Fern Close, Springhead. Minutes of last Meetings The minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2016 were approved and signed. The minutes of the special meeting held on 8th February 2016 were approved and signed.

Matters Arising There were no maters arising.

Ref: Applicant Location ______HH/338091/16 Mr. & Mrs. Bailey 19a Park Lane, Greenfield Proposed single storey rear extension plus additional windows to North and South elevations Recommendation: Approve ______PA/337982/16 Mr. Shaw 3 Buckley Drive Re-submission of previously approved planning application PA/336111/14 for the erection of 2 residential dwellings Recommendation: Approve Subject to the development being in keeping with the surroundings and matching the high standard of the other properties in this award winning development.

______PA/337763/15 Mr. Sweeney 38 Stockport Road Lydgate Change of use from nursery to dwelling Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338147/16 Mr. Barker 21 Station Approach Erection of a single storey rear extension Recommendation: Approve ______

LB/338131/16 Mrs. Adamson 4 Doctor Lane, Retention and alterations of existing rear porch Recommendation: Approve As this is a listed building the alterations to the porch should be in used, reclaimed stone in keeping with the stonework of the main building. ______HH/338130/16 Mrs. Adamson 4 Doctor Lane, Scouthead Retention and alterations of existing rear porch Recommendation: Approve As this is a listed building the alterations to the porch should be in used, reclaimed stone in keeping with the stonework of the main building. ______LB/338049/16 J.W. Lees Cross Keys Inn, Running Hill Gate, Uppermill (Brewers) Ltd. 1. Proposed minor alterations to internal layout 2. Formation of tiered level terrace to existing patio garden Recommendation: Approve minor alterations to the internal layout subject to the changes to the flooring within the building being in used stone flags, showing some age, to be in keeping with other areas of the building. Approve the formation of the tiered terrace subject to a planning application being submitted and building regulations being satisfied.

______PA/338013/16 The Vintage 41 High Street, Uppermill Cupcake Kitchen Change of use from retail shop into tearoom with kitchen and seating area Recommendation: Approve ______PA/337939/16 Mr. McMahon Land at Owens Fold, Lees Erection of 2 no. bungalows Recommendation: Approve ______LB/337902/15 Mrs. Dronsfield Manor House Barn, Road, Scouthead Extensions and internal alterations (Re-submission of HH/335801/14 and LB/335802/14) Recommendation: Refuse ______HH/337901/15 Mrs. Dronsfield Manor House Barn, Oldham Road, Scouthead Extensions and internal alterations (Re-submission of HH/335801/14 and LB/335802/14) Recommendation: Refuse ______

LB/338075/16 Mr. Hamilton 10 Hill End Road, Delph Alterations to external elevations including replacement windows Recommendation: Approve The proposed use of timber frames in the existing window openings is encouraged. ______

HH/338074/16 Mr. Hamilton 10 Hill End Road, Delph Alterations to external elevations including replacement windows Recommendation: Approve The proposed use of timber frames in the existing window openings is encouraged. ______HH/337750/15 Mr. McMahon 3 Walkers Court, Cooper Street, Springhead Side conservatory Recommendation: Approve ______PA/337815/15 Parks & Streetscene Churchill Playing Fields, off Wellington Road Greenfield Removal of existing ballstop fencing and replacement with new 4 sided heavy duty Muga Court with striker goal and basketball units. Removal of existing ballstop fencing and replacement with new 3 sided duex rebound fencing Recommendation: Approve ______PA/337919/15 Mr. Woods Land on the West side of Thurston Clough Road, Delph Proposal for a high quality ‘eco’ camping site on a redundant quarry. Schedule of accommodation includes existing site access to meet current standards with minimum 32 car parking plots Recommendation: Approve ______HH/337959/16 Mr. Mahmood 2 Brookhill Close, Diggle Proposed single storey rear and side extension Recommendation: Approve ______HH/337994/16 Mr. Davidson 16 Belmont Avenue, Springhead Extend and construct new front dormer Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338014/16 Miss Talbot 12 Sunfield Estate, Diggle Erection of rear decking and associated alterations to rear elevation Recommendation: Approve ______PA/338017/16 Ms. Wildbore Springfield Farm, Burnedge Lane, 1. Erection of portal framed building to accommodate 4 stables (private domestic), tack room, feed store and bedding and machine storage 2. Enclosed horse exercising arena 3. Muck Midden Recommendation: Refuse There is concern that the effluent from this proposed development may enter the natural water courses and it is recommended that the issue is referred to the Environment Agency for investigation and advice. ______

HH/338025/16 Mr. Eastwood 67 Church Road, Uppermill 1. Extend first floor over existing garage and extend roof to match 2. Single storey rear extension Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338031/16 Mr. Wright 5 Station Road, Single storey rear and side extension Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338058/16 Mr. Marshall 49 Beech Avenue, Greenfield Proposed single storey rear extension and front entrance porch Recommendation: Approve ______MMA/338064/16 Mr. & Mrs. Buckley Martins Cottages, Oldham Road, Denshaw Removal of Condition 2 relating to PA/335450/14 Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338078/16 Mr. & Mrs. Holmes 31 Wellmeadow Lane, Uppermill Proposed 4 no. dormers on existing roof, rendering of exterior of property and minor alterations to windows Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338083/16 Mr. Spence 1 Fern Close, Springhead Front and rear dormers Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338092/16 Mr. Wainwright 157 Den Lane, Springhead 1. Demolition of existing detached garage and side/rear extension. 2. Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension. 3. Erection of rear dormer 4. New roof over existing rear extension Recommendation: Refuse The removal of the garage would create a potential road traffic hazard as the road is not suitable for on-street parking. ______HH/338094/16 Mr. Holt 21 Sevenacres Delph 1. Demolition of existing garage 2. Erection of a two storey side extension including extension of existing front and rear dormers with pitched roofs above 3. Single storey rear extension Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338097/16 Mr. Griffiths 3 Lower Knoll Road, Diggle Single storey rear extension, incorporating new kitchen and living space Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338099/16 Mr. Henshaw 2 Burnedge Lane, Grasscroft 1. Two storey extension to side and rear 2. Single storey extension to rear Recommendation: Approve ______HH/338140/16 Surebuild 5 Burnedge Fold Road Grasscroft Construction Ltd Erection of front and rear dormers to create additional living accommodation at first floor Recommendation: Approve ______

5. Peak Park Planning Applications NP/0/1215/1156 – siting of a mobile catering unit on the tarmac adjacent to Dovestones Sailing Club has been approved by the Peak Park Planning Authority. NP/0/1115/1038 – Running Hill House, Running Hill Lane building of a double sided extension to the rear of the house has been refused by the Peak Park Planning Authority.

6. Appeals have been made against the following planning application: PA/337587/15 Land at 1 Delph Greave Barn, Lodge Lane, Delph. Erection of one dwelling and associated works HH/337444/15 Kirklea Barn, Gellfield Lane, Uppermill proposed detached garage HH/337462/15 24 Church Fields, single storey side extension, first floor side extension and 2no. parking spaces MMA/337689/15 rear of 9 and 9a Diglea, Diggle

7. Birks’ Quarry, Cllr Knotts referred to the application which had been forwarded for comment. The site is within the green belt but is just outside Saddleworth parish. However, the application impacts on Saddleworth residents. The proposal is to build houses in the disused quarry rather than re-opening the quarry as a tip as per the previous proposals for the site.

Recommendation: Approve We do not object to the building of houses which we consider as preferential to tipping. However, this does not set a precedent for any future planning applications affecting green belt in the Saddleworth area. We are also concerned about the traffic issues on the A62 associated with access to the quarry. We look for a mixed development on this site.

8. Attendance of Planning Officer The cost options for engaging an officer to advise at future meetings were circulated and discussed. It was AGREED that Option One of an hourly rate is preferable and that this option be RECOMMENDED to Finance Committee for approval.