
Kosha Script (Long) by Michele Vinbury

This script is meant to have a brief pause between lines and longer pause between sections.

Allow the first few minutes here to be a transition…from the movement of your day into this quieter, more still space… (pause)

As we go into the practice Knowing that there’s nothing to fix, No problems we’re seeking to solve, Nothing to force, Nothing to accomplish, (pause)

Notice your body feeling supported by the surface it’s resting on. Supported by the floor beneath that. And the earth beneath that. Invite your body to feel heavy, to rest down into the supports beneath it…(pause)

Anamaya If it’s alright, allow my words to be your words as you take a journey through the physical body. Simply noticing whatever sensations are present. You may feel something, or very little at all. (pause)

Feel your mouth. Notice any tastes that might be here…(pause) Welcome sensation in the whole mouth just as it is.

Let attention move to your ears. Outer ear. And then exploring sensation of the inner ear. Nothing to force, or make happen. Now, notice sound here – the way the sound vibration of my voice can just come to you…nothing to refuse, nothing you need to reach out for…how each sound is an invitation to land in the present moment. An invitation into right NOW. (pause)

Let attention move to your nose. Feel your nostrils. Cool air flowing in, warmer air gliding out. Are there any scents, aromas in the room?…(pause)

Attention moves to your eyes. Even with your eyes closed, might you notice what you’re seeing?... And then just feel – both eyes, vibrant sensation. (pause)

Feel your scalp, the curve of the neck, any softness or ease in the throat.

Now feel your whole face, head and neck. (pause)

Tap into sensation as a . Trace sensation from the neck down into both arms. Streams of sensation from the top of the shoulders, down through palms and fingers…feel the arms and hands vibrant, shimmering.

Invite attention to the torso. You might feel how it moves with each breath. Front and back, sides (short pause) inside and outside. Feel the torso, just as it is.

Sensations flowing down to your hips. As you’re ready, feel your hips. Now sensation of upper legs, down through the feet and toes. Feel the legs. (pause)

Let go of the eyes and visualizing, just feeling, just sensing, feel the whole body. The entire body one global , shimmering with vibrant sensation. (pause)

Pranamaya Kosha Begin to notice the breath. Just your natural breath. Nothing to fix or change here. No way it has to be. Just the breath coming and going all on its own. Allowing the breath to unfold however it wants to today.

Bring attention to sensation of the breath wherever it’s most vibrant. Could be in the nostrils. Perhaps in the chest or belly. Very little effort here, the breath coming and going on its own, attention gentle resting wherever sensation is most vivid. (pause)

Know that it’s the of the to wander, when this happens, kindly and gently bring attention back to the breath.

Notice how the breath comes and goes, all by itself.

Manomaya Kosha Allow attention to wander through your experience – are there any emotions present? You could bring to mind an emotion if that is interesting. No need to fix or change or analyze, just noticing what’s here today. And if nothing’s coming, no biggie, just be with whatever is most calling your attention…but if there is an emotion, begin to explore it as sensation if that seems ok. Where do you feel this emotion as sensation in the body? Where is it located? Does it have a shape? A temperature? Curious and friendly. Meeting this emotion as much or as little as feels right today…(pause)

You begin to notice that as you stay with them, the emotions and sensations move and change, they come and go. (pause)

Vijnanamaya Kosha And once again set your mind free to wander through your experience and this time notice thoughts, or images that may be present.

What thoughts or beliefs want to be seen right now? No need to analyze, just noticing what’s here today.

Curious and friendly toward whatever is arising. Thoughts coming and going, no need to reach out and grasp for them, no need to push them away. Just noticing, just watching…

Anandamaya Kosha Let your mind scan through your body and notice if there are any sensations of okayness, , happiness, or pleasure present. And there may or may not be. If it seems useful, might you bring to mind a memory of a time when you felt happy. Notice where contentment, happiness or joy live in your body as sensation. (pause)

At some point let this fade away.

Asmitamaya Kosha Notice breath coming and going. Notice sounds coming and going. And now shift your perspective just slightly, and notice the noticing. Feel how you’re aware of all these changing …(pause)

Feel back into any sense of being this awareness in which sounds, sensations, all of experience is arising and dissolving.

(Longer silence.)

And at first, there’s nothing to do…just let the sound of my voice come to you…Notice other sounds inside and outside of the room. As you’re ready, begin to move small things in small ways…perhaps deepening your breath, or moving fingers and toes.

Allowing the movements to grow larger, as you slowly bring your body back on line. Taking all the time you need to come back to an eyes open, seated position….