This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hoose, C., Karrer, M., & Barthlott, C. (2018). Cloud top phase distributions of simulated deep convective clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. Confidential manuscript submitted to JGR-Atmospheres 1 Cloud top phase distributions of simulated deep convective 2 clouds 1;∗ 1;∗ 1 3 C. Hoose , M. Karrer , C. Barthlott 1 4 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe, Germany 5 Key Points: 6 • Cloud top phase distributions of deep convective clouds differ systematically from 7 in-cloud phase distributions. 8 • The phase distributions contain fingerprints of primary and secondary ice formation 9 processes. 10 • Coarse-graining and co-variation of the cloud dynamics diminish these fingerprints of 11 microphysical processes. ∗These authors contributed equally to the manuscript. Corresponding author: Corinna Hoose,
[email protected] –1– Confidential manuscript submitted to JGR-Atmospheres 12 Abstract 13 Space-based observations of the thermodynamic cloud phase are frequently used for the 14 analysis of aerosol indirect effects and other regional and temporal trends of cloud proper- 15 ties; yet, they are mostly limited to the cloud top layers. This study addresses the informa- 16 tion content in cloud top phase distributions of deep convective clouds during their growing 17 stage. A cloud-resolving model with grid spacings of 300 m and lower is used in two differ- 18 ent setups, simulating idealized and semi-idealized isolated convective clouds of different 19 strengths.