Petition New Duties
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• · (No. 38.) 185 6. TASMAN I A. P E T I T- I O N. NEW DUTIES. Presented· by Mr. Miller and Mr. Dunn, and ordered by the House to be printed, 15 January, 1857. (No. 38.) To the Honourable the Memb.ers of the House of Assembly ·in Parliament assembled. The Petition of the undersigned Inhabitants of Tasmania. RESPECTFULLY SHOWETH: THAT your Petitioners have observed with the deepest regret that your Honourable House have passed the Estimates for the year 1857, amounting to the enormous sum of £347,279. That your Petitioners cannot but consider -this amount as greatly disproportioned to the requirements of the Colony, and altogether in excess of the legitimate necessities of a Government for an adult population not exceeding 35,000 souls. That the total population of this Colony does not exceed 70,000 persons ; and the expenditure, as passed by your Honourable House, amounts to a tax of £16 per head .on the entire male adult population. _ . That your Petitioners believe that the Revenue, estimated from all sources of income amounting to £269,098, is ample for the purpose of carrying on the Government of the Colony. That your Petitioners suggest that, instead of raising additional taxes for the purpose of meeting the expenditure, the salaries of the high Officials should be reduced to meet the altered circumstances of the Colony,-the number of Officials reduced,-and various Depart ments consolidate<:! under one head ; and that if, after calm and deliberate enquiry by your Honourable House into the necessary reductions, additional taxation should be necessary, your Petitioners will cheerfully pay such taxes as impose on all classes their fair proportion of the public burdens. That your Petitioners believe the additional Ways and Means proposed by the Finance Minister on Friday, the 9th January, to your Honourable House to be unequal in their bearing on different sections of the community; oppressive to .the industrial classes,• while . the wealthier individuals (especially landed proprietors and capitalists) escape their just share of taxation. That your Petitioners believe that the increased Duties op. Spirits, Wines, ap.d Tobacco will encourage smuggling and illicit distillation ; and that the additional amounts :placed on Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and Rice (absolute necessari~s in this Cplop.y) will press with undue severity on the working and industrial classes pf the cp.mmµp.ity, who are already sufficiently taxed. ; ' That the proposaltQ leyy 10$1 per hea4 qn cattle and qd. per qead qn sheep imported from the adjoining Cololli~s 'is impoltti~:;-opp!)sed tq every principle offree trade-calcu lated to excite ret11liatm:y measures, by a ta~ ·on timber and other· exports..,.,..and unjust to the inhabitants of this Polony, by raising thf price of meat when the present inability of the Colony to provide sµfficient meat for it_s p,wp. c~msumption is acknowledged. That your Petitioners are of opinion that extra Tonnage Dues and Wharfage , Rates shoulq. p~ 11,b9]jsp.eq.1 as interfering injuriously with the· trade of the various ports of th~ Isl~µd_. (No. 38.) 4 That your Petitioners believe that the increased rate of Postage will have the effect of checking any increase in the Letters, and lead to evasion of Postage by sending Letters in parcels and by private persons. That your Petitioners believe the Auction Duty to be unjust in its operation-falling almost entirely upon the necessitous, and those who are compelled to dispose of their property; and is in reality an ad valorem duty of two and a half per cent. on all goods sold by auction ; and that all such legislative restrictions upon any sections of the mercantile community have been abandoned, both in the United Kingdom and adjacent Colonies, as inquisitorial and incompatible with Free Trade. That your Petitioners believe the Transfer Duty on all Real and Personal Property and Legacy Duties to be impolitic, wrong in principle, and opening the door to numbe_rless frauds and evasions. That, but a short time ago,' an Act was passed to facilitate and cheapen the Conveyance of Real Property ; and p.ow it is proposed to tax it to such an extent that the expenses of Conveyance will be, in many instances, increased tenfold. That your Petitioners consider the Tax on Hawkers' Licences to be excessive. That your Petitioners believe that there are less objectionable plans of raising an additional revenue than that proposed by the Finance Minister. And your Petitioners pray your Honourable House to take the premises into consider ation, and adopt such remedial measures as you in your wisdom shall deem fit. And your Petitioners, as in duty boun,d, will ever pray. JOHN LESLlE STEWART, Mayor of Hobart Ton;n. WILLIAM L. CROWTHER, Chairman of Committee. Robert Sutton, Melville-street. William Smith. William Bellinger, Elizabeth-st. Edward Green, Murray-street. William Wilson, Argyle-street Henry Lawson, Murray-street. George Holmes, ditto, and Brisbane-street. Annie Partridge, ditto. George Germain, ditto. Henry Middleton. John Lamb, ditto, Ann Cable, Melville-street. Clara Archer, Melville-street. G. Gormaly, Harrington-street. Henry Smith, Murray-street. William Thomas, ditto. Thomas Rose, Murray-street. John Wilmott, ditto. George Sakers, ditto. Thomas Ribbon .. John Clues, Melville-street. William Davies. William James, Murray-street. Patrick Frewin, ditto. Henry H. Tucker. Samuel Hart, ditto. William Murray. George Partridge, Murray-street.John Fogarty, Melville-street. Henry Carter, Murray-street. Robert John Law. William Campbell, Melville- Charles Fewkes, Melville-street. J. Niblett, Argyle-street. street. Thomas Hill, ditto. William Brown, Patrick-street. Mary Fogarty, ditto. William Tompson. Henry Skinner, Melville-street. Julia Campbell, ditto. Henry Simpson, Melville-street. C. Walker, Murray-street. Francis F. White. William Campbell. James Newton, ditto. Martin Kelly, Murray-street. Henry Fleming, Murray-street. Samuel Morgan, Melville-street. Charles Smith. Christopher Harwood, ditto. J. A. Reynolds. Samuel Holman, Murray-street. Michael Brady. Thomas "Wilkinson, Murray- Thomas Jones, Brisbane-street. J olm Ingram. street. ' William Allen. John Mitchell, Murray-street. Henry Ibbotson, Melville-street. Thomas Jacobs. Joshua Rose, Melville-street. George Tennent, ditto. · Henry Smith, grocer, l\'.Iurray- Amelia Boys, ditto. Joshua Simmons, Murray-street. street. George Carrington, ditto. William Worsfold, Collins-street. Ja mes Goddard, cabinet-maker. Sarah Andrews, :Murray-street. Thomas Fletcher, Yardley-street. James N. Woon, John Shipley, Melville-street. William Guest, Argyle-street. Edward Bruce. Robert Chandler, Melville-street. Ann M•Gomrie, Melville-street. Andrew Steele. James Smith. Patrick M'Gomrie, ditto. T. Turner. A. Steenbhom. Richard Brookes, No. 51 Bay P. Rheuben. Samuel Williamson, whitesmith, Square. Charles Wightman. Battery Point. , Ann Brookes, ditto. Edward Douglas, Liverpool- James Drew. John Bourke, No. I, Bay Square. street. John Pound, Murray-street. John Richards, Murray-street. John Clarke, Liverpool-street. John M'Pherson, Melville-street. Thomas Price, Prince-street. John M'Mernery. Henry Priest, ditto. Robert Main, Murray-street. George Rice, Murray-street. Henry Wilks, Murray-street. George Weston, Melville-street. D. Aberne, Harrington-street. John Sims. Frederick Needham, Murray- Thos. Aherne, ditto. Samuel Rillian. street. Ellen O'Neil. James Stevenson. John Williams, ditto. Joshua Isaacs. (No. 38'.) 5 E. Haines. James A. Day. William Boon. J. Hewitt, Thomas Frodsham. John S. Hookes. James Martin. James Zechern. John Harris. William Arnold. James Fitzgerald. William Sinks. Edwin George Hooke. Henry Nicholson. Henry Keeling. Matthew Rilev • Annie Harvey. ' .Robert" Andrews. William Lones. John Franklin, Walter D. Worley. John Vane. Frederick Smith. Hugh Maginis. Margaret Harvey. Wm. Stevenson. John James,· James Bennet. Alfred Perry. Henry Ryan. John Shillev. Samuel Thos. Williams. James Goer. John Cork.ram. Henry Tho;nas. Thomas Mead. Cecelia Harris. J. A. Monteath. William Jenkins. John Gray Coulson. Jane Gon. James Watson. James Burns. Robert Coulson. George B. Hogg. Francis X. Bailey, LL.D. Samuel Adams. James Henry. Richard Gray,, Samuel Sargison. William Hanson. John Murphy. John Hooley, J. Page. J olm Jones. William Campbell. George Paynter. Richard Lewis. John Miles. Patrick Gleen. William Charlton. James Thompson. Daniel Hugh. John Moore. Thomas Self. James Arrull. William Davis. John Thoma!'!. Alexander Livingston. Terens Quinn. Joh·n Hayler. Charles Coasby. Jesse Bowtell. Robert Bowen. Daniel Harris. Alexander Watt. William Platt. William Wilding. Enoch Lomas, Ebenezer Sims. W. Crump. John Bedwell. George Blake. Samuel Dawick. Joseph Young. James Jeffries. Charles Ainsworth. W. Fisher, Morrison-street. George Hynes. James 0' Donohoe. John Lynch. Alfred Motley, 59, Argylee Edward Brooks. Cornelius Rourke. John Powell. · street. John Coglin. Henry George Hunter. James Smith. Charles Ottaway, ditto. John Smith. William Watson. George Ogelvie. Jqseph Lazarus, Murray- Robert Worley. Henry W. Jones. Peter Smith. , street. William Montgomerie Charles Hemming. William Ellis. William Carmichael, Arne- Davidson. Robert Ryan. Thomas· Downie. lia-street. William J ..F. Andrews. G. Taylor. Charles Fisher. John Bain, Wilmot~street. William Fletcher. · C. Randall. William Jones, John Lucas, Mona-street. Thomas Considine. Samuel Woodford, Georgf' W. Briant. John Mitchell, Bathurst-st. William Petterd. Walter Mitton. W. S. Cooke. .Josh. Graves, ditto.