The Medical Profession and the State in South Australia

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The Medical Profession and the State in South Australia .f¡.g.qs THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AI\D THE STATE in SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1836 - 1975 Volume 2 Approlices ü ßiÍ tiagrøp ñy REEcEJENMNGS MA MBBS Adel Pl¡D FIin FRACGP DRA.COG MCIT Depørtmcnt of Publíß Heølth The Unioersity of Adeløíd,e Submitted June 1997 in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. APPENDICES * I. Ordinance 7 & 8Víc. 1844, No. 17. 2. SAPP 15611864: Legølly QualifiedMedical Prøctitíoners. Dr. C.G. Everard's Return: the first full medical register. 3. Registered medical practitioners - South Australia - Nos. 1 - 1018 (1844 -19 18): Alphabetical listing. 4. Registered medical practitioners - South Australia - Nos. 1-019 - 2000 (1918 - 1949). Alphabetical listing. 5. Registered medical practitioners - South Australia - Nos. 1019 - 2000 (1913 - 1949). Numerical listing. 6. SouthAustralia: forrn of Lodge Agreement. 7. Prince Alfred College: Alphabetical list of medical practitioners who attended that institution. 8. Prince Alfred College: Chronological list of medical practitioners who attended that institution. 9. Collegiate School of Saint Peter: Alphabetical list of medical practitioners who attended that institution. 10. Collegiate School of Saint Peter: Chronological list of medical practitioners who attended that institution. 11. Prince Alfred College: Summary of graduates with MBBS degrees, University of Adelaide. 12. Collegiate School of Saint Peter: Sumnary of graduates with MBBS degrees, University of Adelaide. 13. Prince Alfred College and the Collegiate School of Saint Peter: Joint Summary of graduates with MBBS degrees, University of Adelaide. * AWE^{DLX 7 * OXotNqNcE 7 ü s,/tc. 7844, ñ). 77. IROYAI ARMS] ANmo Snprruo ET oCTAVo VICTORIÆREGINÆ NO. t7.-1844. By His Excellency Gnoncn Gnny Esquire Gouernor and Commander-ín- Chief of Her Majesty's Prouince of South Australiø and its Dependencies and Více-Admiral of the same by and with the aduíce and consent of the Legßlntíue Council. AN ORDINANCE to defl,ne the Qualifications of MedicøI Practitioners in this Prou ínc e for c ertain p u rp o s e s . Whereas by a certain Ordinance of the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council of South Australia, heretofore passed, mention is made of legally qualified Medical Practitioners, and it is necessary to declare who shall, for the purposes of such law, be deemedlegallyqualified Medical Practitioners : Be it therefore Enacted, by His Excellency the Governor of South Australia, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, that no person, from and after the First day of January next, shall, for the purposes of any such law as aforesaid, be deemed a legally qualified Medical Practitioner, unless such person shall have proved to the satisfaction of the majority of the members present, not being less than three of a Medical Board to be appointed in manner hereinafber mentioned, that he is a Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine of some University, or a Physician, or Surgeon, licensed or admitted as such by some College of Physicians or Surgeons in Great Britain or lreland,, or a Member of the Company of Apothecaries of London or Dublin, or a regular Graduate in Medicine of some Foreign University which shall appear to the said Medical Board to be of suffrcient credit and authority, or who iso or has been, a Medical Officer, duly appointed and confirmed, of Her Majesty's sea or land service. II. And be it further Enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor to appoint a Board, consisting of not less than three Members, being of the Medical Profession, one of whom shall be nominated President, together with a Secretary, under the style and description of "The South Australian Medical Board;" and it shall be lawful for the said Governor to remove the said Members, or Secretary, or any of them; and upon the removal, death or resignation, ofthe said Members and Secretary, or any of them, to appoint such other persons as he shall think flrt, and any person desirous of being declared a legally qualifred Medical Practitioner, as aforesaid, shall submit his degree, diploma, certificate, or other proof, for the examination and approval of the aid Medical Board, and shall obtain from the said Medical Board a certifrcate of his being a legally qualified Medical Practitioner according to the terms of this Ordinance. III. Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted, that for every such certificate there shall be paid to the President of the said Medical Boârd the sum of One Guinea; and every such sum shall be by him accounted for and paid over to the Colonial Treasurer, on behalf of Her Majesty, for the Public uses of the Province, and support of the Government thereof. IV. And be it Enacted, that when any legally qualifred Medical Practitioner ha,s attended any inquest, inquir¡ or trial in obedience to any summons or subpæna, he shall, for such attendance, and for giving evidence at such inquest, inquiry, or trial, be entitled to receive the remuneration of One Guinea, and (in addition thereto) for the making of any post mortem examination, the remuneration of Two Guineas, and if the place of his residence be more than ten miles distant from the place where the inquest, inquiry, or hial is holden, then such Practitioner shall be entitled to a sum of One Shilling for every such mile of such extra distance, in addition: And rrntil funds shall be otherwise specially provided for that purpose, it shall be lawful for the Governor to order pa¡ment of every such sum by the Colonial Treasurer from the public moneys of the Province: Provided that no remuneration shall be paid for the performance of any post mortem examination instituted without the previous direction of the Coroner, Justice, or Court (as the case may be): Provided also, that where the death .hult have__happened in anypublic hospital, gaol, or other public building, no pe{lcal o{rcer, appointed with salary to attend such hospital, gaol, or public building, shall be entitled to any such remuneration. V. And be it further enacted, that the said Medical Board shall, on or before the First day of January next, cause the names of all "Legally Qualified be registered in a book to be kept by nd shall also cause all names, so rnment Gazette, on or about the First da¡r of January next, and the same to be repeated annually for the information of Coroners, Magistrates, and the Public. G. GnnY, Governor and C ommander-in-Chief. Passed in the Legislatiue Council, thís Thírd døy of September, 1U4. W.L. OTIenoneN, Clerkof the Council. Adelaide: By authority, E. Spiller, Government Printer, North-terrace. * SAIU 1 16/1 564 : L øçøzz y Q uz^c ryrco !|,{eotce¿ ?rEøatmon¡rry. [Dn C. ç;, E,t tuWno 3 fiøza4n61 glrfe %z ftryr conte¿ ø ryz o rcz¿ 4c ç rrzq, [No. 156. 'BCIUTE ,AUSTRALT.A.. aL"I,,['IED.:'M,llDf 0a,t ÞRAÛTITIONER$. a¡úot&rd tob,ùtd6il 'cOui*Íc¡r, {sn eugri¡r, MEN pab-firlugir,Ihe of the&Iþe of EurgeonE hglailL , ditto Drva¡l¡i I ol .á,pothocrrier SaI, hgland. üosûtistô of Apotùocarioe rrll, Englautl r¡d Licæti¡t¿ of .lpothooariec Ealt En glaad- England. E¡glniL hglr¡d, Englenrl Job¡ lÍrlls¡ Ditto trüt 2 ¡ oJhgûlty gwli@ ûo&nt Ya (oodiruoitt- .iL[ I lfiüdÌùdtFlt Ee¡rv Bichil (hvan TríPe Lloeatl¡te of Llovd Eorbert . ' Momber of the Crrl Bos(ù 'W. E, Motherall Licoutiate Jao¡es C¡oft Msmber of t'ho ( Joh¡ Mercdith .. Ditto 'lV'. B. Dickenmo .. Ditto g. T.Il'Litt€ll tcmber of the Þgl¡rE á¡ð Doctor of :: :: lÍombor ol the lÍomber of ths :: :: Dootor Joha J. Mageo tenber of tho Âo¿utu¡ E D¡viæ.. .. Ðcöúúwelil .. loben Robort¡on .. Thomns Gr¡ham John Morgan .. Fre<Ierick Spicer Thoo¡¡ DaYnton Eenry Whoeler Ch¡rlea ClarL .. Francis F. Gr¡ltlsmitl¡ John E¡Iwaril llÍol<l .. WiU¡r.E T. Clinlliniag .. Sanuel K. Elli¡ou .. Momber of,the Oollege of Lgmb€rt Butler . Membs¡ óf t'he College of Conpared.n" Colo¡ial Surgeorr'r Oficor Octobot 10, 1864. * SoaryilAtlSqMLIA LE ç AL Ly QUAL r y rED rvttED r CAL tP KACtnn Oî{Efré 7844 7978 - fNos. 7 - lols| ALEh{'LßETICA.C LßTT Reg Surname Other names First 898 ABBOTT Charles Thomas 18 September 1913 MD Louisville Kentucky US41 978 ABBOTT Nigel Basil Gresby 10 August 1916 MBBS Adel aide 1916 494 ABERNETHY James 2 February 1893 MBChB Melbourne 1{ 91 354 ABRAMOUSKI OttO LOUiS MOritZ 2 April 1884 MD Berlin t8762 681 ACTON Frederick Charles 13 October 1904 MB Melbourne 18933 2TI ADDISON George I January 1874 MRCS Eng 1855 383 AITKEN William Blair 7 July 1886 MB Glascow 1883; MRCS Eng 1884 313 ALLWORK Frank 3 May 1882 LSA Lond 1881 353 ALTMANN Charles August 26 March 1gg4 MB Melbourne 1883; BS Melbourne 1gg4; MRCS Eng 1gg9; FRCS Edin 1gg9 MB Adelaide 18834 689 AMBROSE Ethel Mary Murray 9 February 1905 MBBS Adelaide 1903s 384 ANC,OVE William Thomas 7 July 1886 MRCS Eng LSA Lond 18756 9+9 APPTEFORD Sydney Theodore 13 May 1915 MBBS Melbourne 1913 2L2 ARCHER Edmond Lewis 7 October 1874 LSA Lond L872; MRCS Eng 1873 1 qualifications Details of generally follow lhe medicat register, and where those particulars are incorrect, that fact is noted. The register style is inconsistent, and that is reflected to an extent in this publication. The date of registration is that of the first in SA. sometimes a practitioner was registered more than once if, for instance, he temporarily went overseas to obtain post-graduate qualifióations and returned to the State, but this was comparatively rare. Dr. Abbott was the father of Mr. Justice Abbott and Dr.
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