The Elizabethan Court Day by Day--1589
1589 1589 At RICHMOND PALACE, Surrey. Jan 1,Wed New Year gifts. Among 185 gifts to the Queen: by Sir Thomas Heneage: ‘One jewel of gold like an Alpha and Omega with sparks of diamonds’; by William Dethick, Garter King of Arms: ‘A Book of Arms of the Noblemen in Henry the Fifth’s time’; by John Smithson, Master Cook: ‘One fair marchpane [marzipan] with St George in the midst’; NYG by Petruccio Ubaldini: ‘A book covered with vellum of Italian. Also Jan 1: play, by the Children of Paul’s.T Jan 1, London, Jean Morel dedicated to the Queen: De Ecclesia ab Antechristo liberanda. [Of the Church, liberated from Anti-Christ]. Epistle to the Queen, praising her for her victories over all enemies, through God’s guidance. Preface to the Reader. Text: 104p. (London, 1589). Jan 1, Thomas Churchyard dedicated to the Queen: ‘A Rebuke to Rebellion’, in verse. [Modern edition: Nichols, Progresses (2014), iii.470-480]. Jan 5: Anthony Bridgeman, of Mitcheldean, Gloucs, to the Queen: ‘Sacred and most gracious Queen may it please your Majesty to accept as a New Year’s gift at the hands of me your most humble poor subject these thirteen be planted in this your Highness’s garden of England’. Each ‘branch’ being a proposed religious or social reform, including: ‘A restraint of the profaning of the Sabbath Day especially with minstrelsey, baiting of bears and other beasts, and such like’. ‘A restraint of publishing profane poetry, books of profane songs, sonnets, pamphlets and such like’. ‘That there be no book, pamphlet, sonnet, ballad or libel printed or written of purpose either to be sold or openly published without your Majesty’s licence’.
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