I r- usurer Post Stibepenbcnt - leaber Committee to Weigh VOL. XI.I NO. 13 PUICF. FIVE CENTS r|oyTonight; WOODBRIDQE, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1949 Colorfia Fire District I'ulillnlioil Kvprv Tliiirmluy utitl <'l;ihK Maltnr at IS (ircen Stfci, Wixulbrlilue. N. J il Uw I'unt i', VVonillnirlgn, N. J, Field William St. Blast of 20 Years Chairman Row in Talk Tonight Ago Tomorrow. Vivid Memory Further Confab on ZoningChange'Resists of \lnandcr,;GOP Still WOODBRIDGE —If you are the blast but made his getaway. Assur (l Au one of the "old-timers" In Wood- He was found later In St. John's (;il lcd bridRe you will recall the Wil- Hospital. Paterson. RowSlated; Meyers Denies'Error' f «Fte, liam Street blast, which oc- Tenace and Selnto were held crtain >«« ! |Seeks Head curred just 20 years airo to- on complaints of arson, while imiinatof of r:»iii™^r»7sii« ««»««'•'<"'» *<»<• '• "rolecUoii morrow—May 6. Cftfcnyl and Colnpiro Romeo. CiHilHiaersf On Fite Not One on Which Permit Issued COLONIA — Possibilities' that The town was literally shaken Perth Amboy, were held on tom- plalnts of conspiracy to de- olonw Fire District No. 12 may .' rrhmim,ftA,mmi\Ux Nami-il to out'of bed at 2:37 A. M. on May WOODBRIDGE—A. H. Rosenblum, attorney for the UltUtll'lll Of fraud. High test gasoline used JC .abolished'hy» the Town»Klp Survey Candidates, 6, 1929, when the blast occurred Board of Adjustment, announced this week that an ad- ;nmmHtee us the result of a series M.nrrr I" fll1 and demolished one building, to set flre to the house caused Recommend Selection the explosion. journed sesifoh of the Board scheduled for. Monday had if aliened blunders, arbitrary „ ,,f the late damaged several others, put the nwthods and htiw-handed orders ,,S])lTt.cd t,0 WOQDBRIDGE —A committee, telephone exchange nut of busi- After the blast, the old been cancelled to permit Joseph Feinberg; attorney for on the part nf the majority of the ,. :, ciiliells Of consisting of representatives of ness, and caused heavy damage WoodbridRe Independent de- Earl E. Meyer, Colonia", Chester Case, chairman of theBoiud of Fire Commissioners of to the stores on Main Street. scribed the scene as follows: s each ward, has been appointed to Board and Henry St. C. Lavln, attorney for Thomas Drews, the District, appeared likely to- ..n nun ' make a survey reaardlni? the selec- Most of the sixth windows were "Adjoining Csanyi's shop Colonia. to hold a conference. Mr day. Yesterday, the Town&hip * ,',-,. son. The tion of a Republican Municipal blown out. A few days later and towering above it is the Meyers had previously charged this week complained the article Committee sent "lnvltatlqns" to i,1, !].rvr> thrown Chairman, It was learned today. local police cleaned up the case telephone exchange where tre- that plans submitted for a monu- 'does not Rive a true picture." tile Board members, through the ,,i.ih liehind On April 26, the date set by law with the arrest of Domlnick mendous damage waj done and ment site in the vicinity of St. Mr. Meyers' letter reads: "I ampolice drParflnent, to appear be- ", ,.,i, Inn': been for the election of a chairman, the Tenacc and his soh-ln-law, where two night operators nar- Gertrude's Cemetery had been al- writing you in regards to the zon-fore It at a conference scheduled ,.,uiic party. Republicans failed to reach a de- Leonardo Scinto, Perth Amboy. rowly escaped serious Injury. tered. ing change clurge. Your article toniuht at the Memorial Municipal liVP P cision as the election resulted in Tcnace, according to the police, Both were injured but stuck to After a meeting last week. The of today does not give a true pic- Building. William was the one who caused the their posts until they could send • in HI a tic vote for Howard Fullerton. Independent-Leader reported that ture of what occurred at the met The action was taken as the re- Fords and Frederick M. Adams, explosion by netting a match word to the emergency bureau Mr. Meyers had admitted, when ing Wednesday night. tin- Wll- to the harness shop of Frank of the telephone company. sult of complaints died by Judge J. ," itolonla.' shown an original plot plan that "I at no time stated that I wasE. Barker, attorney for the Colonia It was then decided to hold an- Csanyl. Tenner was Injured in (Continued*n Page 8) it was the one originally submitted in error. I repeated.my charges ; ,1. A1(X It Fire Company, wlro complained other session on May 2, but the Belafsky to Head and had not been altered. The I only agreed that the orlwina that the majority of the Board, pnst. Mr. minutes of the Board of Adjust- plot -plan was now back in.tin the club meeting was Indefinitely postponed 9 led by William Barbour, president to permit the committee more time ment bear out The Independent- files. .,;, commit- of the Board, had taken the truck to come in with a definite-report Veteran Posts Fear of Eviction $50,0001'JA Drive Leader report of the meeting but "This is not the plnn on-whlcl away f^enPtte. flre company and and recommendations. Mr. Meyers in a letter to the editor (Continued on Page 8) had formed tytv company. rii'.:th in his Chester Case. Colonia, who is iiiim is Ed- Woorihririgr Physician is Township mtorney B. W. Vogel, chairman of the Zonine Board, From Town Hall Rooms Baseless : p ,1: Breen is Chairman of Animal in ad\ isinn the conference, to be active in Legion affairs and a busi- . we could petition off a small ^ » attended by the entire board, a miiiiii and a ness executive in New York City. Reburial Services Commilte part of the Legion room for office| A|)|Xsul; Aides Listed representative of the flre- com- was prominently mentioned for Decorating of Vet pany and the attorneys for both RutRers the post, but it Is understood' he It Has. ISo Intentions space for the VFW. There was no rn ,v i/i ,1 malice in my heart when I made WOODBRIDGE—A Roal of $50,- For Hero Saturday sides, declared he "doubted a flre ,, ai.oj would not permit his name to be '00 has been set for the 1949Graves Town Task ompany could be disbanded in ' "''",.• ulna fntered as a candidate unless there lo Demand <;iffirCcrA | the reqUCst. and I sakd It- would iic.h a htRh-handed manner. The iiiAAnnnmnr " ,.r i, •, 1 only be done If both parties agreed inited Jewish Appeal and Com- ;,'.!' f01 Ule, was unanimous support for him. Thou. W. Milfonl, 19, of .'ownshlp Jias a Rieat stake In this WOODBBIDOE- WoodondKC | |in *it, . „If , theheyy dd!dnd .t t^ was £ ^ munity Center Drive in the Town- Fitzpatriek Asks Study Whether or riot Mr. Fullerton Post. No. 8T, American Lesion, j ship, it was announced today by nd it is the duty of the Rovern- ,,; I he unex- and Mr. Adams will withdraw in too. There is no truth to the story To Determine Cost, Iselin. Died Ki^htiiijj; .g body to see J.o it that the sec- l),Mcinl)('i' 31. ihrouKh its Commander. Stanley that anyone was ordered out,1' Mr. .he chairman, Dr. Henry A. Be- favor of Mr. Ca.se Is problematical Bi'ookflcld was told Tuesday by the iflfsky. Wayn of Meeting It Al Okinawa in 1945nn gets flre protection." ,:ili in power Both younp men have been active Stevens said. Meanwhile, Mr. Barbtfur, broke .•very likili- Township Committee that it hud The soal was set at a meeting In Republican politics and the lat- no intention of evicting the Lesion WOODBRIDGE—The lonR-tlme ISELIN —The body of PFCits Ions silence of the past months ,,,,-n now will Tuesday when Dr. Belafsky ex- luring which he refused to give ter, an attorney, ran HS candidate or the .Veterans ot Foreign Wars plained "that the goal must be practice of the County of supply- Thomas W. Milford. Oak Tree :.,i ;i lull term 1 my statements to the press, by in the Third Ward last year when from* the Memorial Municipal Heller, Long Town •cached in order that Woodbridge ing flowers for the graves of serv- Road, who was killed in action lie resided in Sewnjen. Mr. Fuller- icemen and firemen for.Memorial ssuins a statement^yesterday to Building. may uike its fullest part in the on May 18, 1945, on Okinawa, at ton who is a'High School tenche Brookfleld said "there had bren Day decoration has been discon- The Independent-Leader. Employe, Succumbs nation-wide $250,000,000 United the age of 19, will be brought and an attorney served as attor some unrest durum the past two Jewish Appeal." The chairman tinued, Charles McGettigan of the Barbour Charm ney and secretary nf the Zoning .weeks because someone had been al.so explained that this year the Port Reading Fire Company, wasback to the Township, today. luclion Aides Board under the Republican Ad told by the Township Committee Mr, Barbpur said in part: "That told that thlie j-ooms_ would have ] Custodian of Municipal Communityy Center will be a bene- The young soldier was a mem it the time of "the controversy of intntstration. Tuesday. 1 to ue varatrci ' U.-.l.]...... * r^M Ilii.tnt/tK ficiary of some of the monies Meanwhile, Mrs. John W. Boos, Building for Quarter ber of Co. L, 307th Infantry. He .he suspended firemen, men that 'oinodv listed space. I spoke U) Township Attor- j raised. Mr. McGettigan said It had fong voted in tlie special election also vice chairman, is serving as HClinu ney Vonel and I wits assured we j been his practice to come to Wood- enlisted on July 26, 1944, from chairman of the- Republican party Ontury Dies at 67 Servint! with Dr. Belafsky on the Piscatawaytown, Raritan Town- received suspension letters. There had nothing to fear." bridge and receive flags and flow- was no truth to the story that they Lul lake It With until a new head is selected. The, executive committee are: Senator ship, "••"• » ••-" •- — --• i At, this point Mr. Vowel inter- WOODBRIDGE—Funeral serv B. W. Vov.el. honorary chairman; ers to decorate the graves. Last were suspended tor not voting for He is sitrvivcd by his parents ; |(l |,,,. I'irsnilcd formej-lender; Jame^a Wight, re-jvupler l f)ut, said ,, U)U, yoll you ices for William Heller, 67. 514Maurice Palkowitz, Benjamin Ra- year, he related, he came down to the flre track.' We want to oper- signed due to ill health. ^^ nothing to feiu1 except fear Linden Avenue, custodian of tli the town hall and found that there Thomas and Lillian Milford; flvt IMIICI Ink binowitz. Herman Plavin, Jack ate our district like any other fire itself." Memorial Municipal Building Tmuier, Norman Tanzman, Julius were no flowers available and atsisters, Mrs. Alberta Nemeth, Mrs district. Our flrehouse was built Continuing Mr, Brookfleld since it was constructed 25 year: Blake, Otto Mayer, Edward Kop- the last minute had to rush around Ruth Curtis, Jean, Joan and Gall by public subscription and through Dm! I I Cnmmittces stated. "To keep the matter ago. were held Tuesday Rfternoor per, Milton Simkin. Dr. Cyril I. to buy flowers and flags. and three brothers, Edward, Rich the labor of the firemen, The flre .:•• I: With YOU," Memorial Parade at the Grelner Funeral Home, 4 ard and Donald. ••. ir. Mos.> Hart straight I want ),hts body to in- Hutner, Rabbi Samuel Newberger. The Port Reading man was in truck, with sirens blowing, was Green Street. Burial was in tin Friends may call at the Greine ,:iiini in lie pre- form the chairman nf the Admin- Louis EUentuek, secretary; Joseph formed that tht Cotmty througl' used in the collection of funds but Plans Set by VFf istration Committee that we have Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Klein, treaasurer. its Grave Registration Committee Funeral Home. 44 Green Stree when the flrehouse was built It did I ,r.u 1 Players tomorrow 1 :. S\iilt)l Alldi- a 25 year lease sigi>cd back in 1938 Mr. Heller died Saturday at th •used to supply the flowers but th WoodbridRe. hot belong 'to the community but .innaimred by ISELIN-^A merttmf to make and we will not vacate until time Perth • Amboy/ General Hospitf expense grew each year and flnall. afternoon. Funeral services will be to a firemen's association which ii,,>n Michael plans for the Memoral Day Pa permits. We will vacate when our after a short illness. He was for the County decided It could no held Saturday afternoon at twocollects proceeds for all affairs. VFW home is ready and until such time merry employed as a trainman b Iselin Red Cross lonjter afford the practice. It ap-o'clock from the Greiner Funeral The flre company is always broke rode pears now that each organization Home. Burial will be in the Clover- ; Post, was held Monday at post we will remain," the Philadelphia and Readin nnd the Board-pays the Firemen's headouarters Several contribu- Thomamomas SUvenssuvens., ciiairmacnaiu.u.n omf |Railroad. ,, He wawass a a membe memberr ootf ttnh will have to bear the expense for leaf Cemetery, Woodbridge. Association $30 a month for rent." Y./XA Kohn, Raih oad He Drive Nets $400 decorating the graves of its mem- f Snfhave been received to help ; U« ,, .^T^tT . Z™ X ' Brotherhood Railroad Trainme Continuing, Mr. Barbour .said • incftor. Mrs. branded the whole mmattet r as "a "^^years' bers. a year ago February, Charles Lu- i.'c miuiaser, , ThP ne^m^tm" of the Me- malicious .story" He declared that - Ml, Heller was also a flre warden! ISELIN-The 1949 Red Cross w s bun out Committeeman William Fltz- cas, Stanley Seabasty and Frank morial Dav Committee wUl be held I """ « » " "'^^ " of Woodbridge Fire Company, No. Drive in Iselin has been completed patrick said it might be worth- Girl Scouts Plan Brown were elected and backed Sriira«- XiriaTat ?Z eadquarterr, All I "We do nwl more office space mcmber of tneExemp l nre., and has netted $400 according to u _ ,.. ... a while to set prices to see what it I by the firemen. Since then both . Richard Mnnnay ai rosi ntNumum ».••>. n i . _. , oBnon of •_ . i.,n^ th» M<,nSi an announcementmade bv Arthur would cost and if it was not too ,,,,„, local civic prRanimations are in- men's Association, the' Men's] an announcement made by Arthur Rummage Sales i Lucas and Brown have resigned , iM,mk Hirth. the VFW. if it would be aarocable' Bvotherho'od of the First Presby- ' Carlson, local chairman prohibitive maybe the Township Jiieob vited to send representatives to the I from the flre company due to the .iiid tenan Church and Camp 58.! Mr. Carlson wishes to extend his could find some way to finance it. WOODBRIDGE — The Girl j "Pressure put on them," Michael 1 \i!V Irving. session. appreciation to the residents of Woodmeoodmen of ththee World. Scouts of Troop 14 will hold a | Kreutz. recently elected and Stan- :. K.ilphDeuisch; Car Crashes Into Vole, Isehn for their support, He pa?- and 1 ley Seabasty are the minority Surviving are a daughter, Marie; wishes to thank the fac- rummage sale tomorrow ; K .'.iftnan. Jack MAY 16 DESIGNATED LAD, 12, TO APPEAR members of the Board. i ihiBrow, Ml'8. 2 are Willlam of Dayton, O puplU of School No. 6 Saturday from 10 A, M. to 2 P.M., in the vacant store on Middlesex Mr. .Barbour also related .that : i.t.k Gottden- START OF CLEAN IP 'Mrs. Elizabeth Schroeder; Scran- 15- and the workers.as fol- ON VIDEO PROGRAM WOODBRIDGE — Two persi Avenue, proceeds will be used for "the new flie company wag incor- H • .%••! and Mrs. | ton, Pa., and four grandchildren. lows: tt'pre slisUtly Injured Tuesday the annual educational trip. porated through the efT6rts of Mrs. A. Stoveniexs, Mrs, Mary Laird, Student in School William Aucler, Rahway attorney, \Un ray .Dern. Hailey Vrgvs Residents wh'un a car. driven by Michael Gray, Mrs. Helene Starr, Mrs. Used clothing or articles may be Cherepon. 224 Gordon Street, 11, Invited lo Perform and Includes men who used to be- .:: Mrs. Solo- To Co-operate; S e e s Conrad Dobbs, Mrs. Russell Furze, left with the scout leader, Mrs. An- long to the original company. Of ': siilney L^Bow Perth Amboy. on Rahway Avenue, Court of Honor Mrs. Anna Calvert, Mrs. Raum drew Jandresevitz, Fulton Street, Drive Boon to Healthskidded at the soldiers' monument On Show Sunday at 7 the 37 men win formed the origN f ;. Rabinowitz; Randal) Mrs. Leo Christensen, or with any of the following scouts: nal fire company only 12 or 13 : K.mfman and and .struck a pnle,' Mis. Harold Hansen, Mrs. Selma Florence Langan. Mary Jane Sny- WOODBRIDGE -The week of Tonight at School WOODBRIDOE — Ernest Laird, are left. Some of those who .. i ,il director Henry Fihtrowitz, 163 Bread Brinkman, Mrs. Louise DitUer, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.der, Mary Desmond. Mary Valen- May 16 will be Clean-up Week in Street, Perth' Amboy. and Anna dropped out are members of the •• n't; ushers, 0 t Mrs. William Dangell, Mrs. Walter Stanley Laird, 201 Fulton Street, tine, Marion Ferrara, Patricia new company. We want to operate the Township of W °dbt'id!! >!!• Rabinow- CLOSKT LOOTKO OF $70« are invited to attend. Refresh- fessionally. Many of the "grad- were issued for construction to History Traced 1 WOODBRIDGE — Two small Tiiiuiwitz. Mrs WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Mary f uates" of the snow are now top cost $360,950 durint; the month "Back in 1942," Judge Bargej1 KEG18TRATION PetercsukPetcrcsuk, 121 2 ,Hontsby» "street, | ments will be served in the cpfe- children were injured, one seri- •' '•••i.\)U Drutscli I8KUN—Chief AiUhQliy. Poreda teria after the pl-ogram. names in show business. of April, Hamilton W. Billipss, said, "cluiins the war period, with 1 • ;• Ni'dzelta .aud Fords, reported** to Patrolmen ously, yesterday afternoon, wlien ttf Fire Co., No. 1 announces tlie . Next Thursdaj night the troop their mother Jost cohtrol of the Acting Building inspector, report- difficulty and their own efforts the Frank Szmllar and Albert Nahass, will sponsor a ca|ri party at School ed to the Township Committee firemen purchased equipment and registration fnv the Popularity Sunday, that her home had been car she was d^'ivinV and crashed DEMOCRATS TO MEET • «v.tilablc an Contest tor «irls from 13 to 18 No. 11 Auditorium. The proceeds Tuesday. Of the permit* issued fQr assembled their own fire truck. 1 entered througii an ' unlocked into a pole on Crqws Mill Road, " SEWA&EN—The Sewateji D»m-j ' • im any mem-years old j|^U be held at the flre- will be used to send the boys' to ocratic Club Wl hold a regular new construction 44 were for new In 1^44, the district -was formed i.'r»«l or Men's window mid $700 hiddeivin a linen Keasbeeasbeyy. I i ijiouie Sunday afternoon. A camp, mueting tonigM in the Parish| dwellings. Total fees collected officially and tha firemen then se- 1 • •itmn Adath closi't had bqeu stolen. i' The police report that t Mrs,,Qen- Chief Orin Berry will be in evieve Kelly. 27, 560 King George House on Cliff Koad. amounted to cured fundsj anp erected a fire- '•'II be used to- house. ' ! !: : n Road, was driving: the car. With '• ' n of the new her were her son. Lawrence, three "In 1948, a special election was • '•'iimmii^ty center An4 Orchestra Departments of Public Schools and one-half years old and her held coverins the purchase of a baby daughter, Jeanne., 17 months. Noted Woman Travel Authority new fire track at $15,000. The ref- All three wens take n to the erendum wasjost and the difficul- To Give Concert May 13; 3S0 Pupils to Tah Part Perth Amboy aenernl Hospital ties started. Fifteen members were j Schools, Rrcd Mueller1, Ed- where Lawrence is being treated To Give Talk Here on May lSfh suspended b|, letter ,\the principal , ''/'*''.s 7 omttrrow WOODBR1DGK Kehottrsulsonlinalors. Jaau-s Datula, Riuluiri! winu Q'Nt'ill, Jnscpli Neupauer, for possible fracture ot.the skull WOODBaipGE — The im- reasons beliw that some of the Miaa Lime prescribes practical so- men were working and couldn't William Oyer, Gustave Remnktiw- and possible fracture of the leg.portance of women as planners lutions are budgeting vacation ex- ski, Willis Calvert, John Sluk, Wil- The baby was treated for lacera- of 83 per cent of the nation's vote and some had spoken against penses, obtaining accommodations, the purchase of the truck in a formed Co- tra Departments ot the wooo-jo>u „....,...... K lores Os- liam Duick, Paul May, Joseph tion, of the ritUit eye and released. vacation travel will be empha- Do chousiiiR a wardrobe fiid packing. legitimate American way. The ac- Association Ward, Earl Berijen, Allen Bliss, Mrs. Kelly, after being treated for sised by Carol Lajie, leading The travel expert will show how m n\\ night, g Richard Bergen, Lais Sorenson, shock, was also' released. when she addresses members and (Continued on Paste 8) tion taken against the j 1 Library, Joseph Limoli, Edward Ward, Ju- guests of the Sewaren So-Shell was un-American as no hearing seph Saflarskl, Frank Thomas, Club on Wednesday, May 18, 1949. wus afforded them. Later tl>ey were reinstated. The majority o^ Robdrt Jordan, Robert Hill. Chris CYO t\> Present Annual According to the program chair- 1 If Madfceri. 1 Ifn. board—thtee' of the members, Show; Tickets omSale \ 11 I" .ircn have *Po)'t Reading Scl)ool, Robert Hnm ouch; tlieu' wejit into the N«w Jersey. 1 .A , J _4+— •#'• ( . wltltie for tJW-wwrds may receive seph Baraniak, Harold will present its annual fflin- SETwSdrtpK m enable, John D'Apollto, Joseph Fatterosl, motioring which the weaker•psv-i lu-lii by the secretary of the board. '"'in Henry and , Junior Band .Btjel show next Wednesday and J usi ice Colie held the secretary was pupils Will participate. Mario Simeone^.John Takacs, Jo- Thursday in St, James' Auditori- sonally tested In more than 50,000 School No. 1, Gary Ostrower, seph Schiavo. Joseph Martlno, miles of research W» last year. entitled to the ijecovds and them Arrangements, are being u, Gal ber f Bowers; um, Rev, James Russell, adviser wus no evidence that the mem- Stephen Lozak, Rocco Sineoiu, ot the group, announced today, Miss Lane conuls to Sewaren by the combined staff of ool, BQICB MoCftln,, from New York, where she » bers of (he Board were ever denied school orchestra and band „ Jack Barstow; Jack Robert Superior; Avenel School, Tickets may be purchased from the right to see the recortft! H« Chester_ Brown, Edward Parker, the corfhairmen, Richard Dunt- Women's Trav«J Director of Shell 'v. O. K, |ow"»: Band: Robert i Plnkham, Barrle 0 therefore danied the a»nlifi»ilont" president] James Robert Arahdeacojj, Robert Began, gan, Roberb t powersP , JacJkk OoldenvMGoldn H Coitpany's TftUrtoff S*"" *- Continuing tlie story of the fire Robert Jennings; .Hope- William Mai, Richard Bailey, Bob. '"' American president: Edward I. Jack Tibak, Richard Jack Kenney or from any mefn> Tluoudh the getvtce, more tnan ioaipaiiy's ta'oublis with the Board. ertPalr. ' - ber of the CYO. •' hiyjoo ;amiUes t>l«w>e<> th.e* va" Liimny wat treasmwj Emery Bosko, Anton Bernat, Ed- 'caUowJ in 19«, and. in addition. Judge Burger further relatied that master; fconald 8eaman, John Poreellana, Fords School: Ronald Harmlsnn, recently the fire department was "I Raymond Hudanlch, CralsUun Per ^I'I- work Ih^it. Raymond Kaniok, called by the police to answer a dersen, Wpjren Perdinwidsen, flre call at the Colonta Country at a m'' Robert Kasler, John Dall, Donald MllrusKB. Ambrose PMWW^ AUMI club, m ^k^ Mtmtf Jamea Ferdlna•'•" n- -—I, Philip Plschw, Ken- •i was the on P$qt 7) Cumpuny PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1040

.r Pretty Church Bride Avenel Items Miss Johanna Sramaty is Bride Successful Parly Polish National Church Held by VFW OfSttlt-Esposito Wedding —Mr. and Mrs. TftofflM Tnoffip-T met r.5 TqrTOst AW smnd of Of John Misura, Jr., Elizabeth ?m and daughters, Martha Jane COLONTA-Ms.s Frnnrrs R-po- who wrirr ^]U\. n Colonla and Avenel. The next AVENEL--Avenel Posl V. F. W. «ntl UM\ Lou, Belmnr w* re •guests! ^ych, Ralnvjv. •. v meeting will b? held at the home AVFNF.I. At an altar banked Her flnsertlp-lehPlh veil of ilhi and its auxiliary held a sum.i.iful to. daui'hler ui Mr. ami Mrs. .ft of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ettershank, \orchid. All c,,,,,,. of Mrs. Robert Larson. Hudson •'.ii'. ^ lute iiUdiohises. snapdra?.-< sion, trimmed with lnce, was ar- Arite.Ui) F.f|)"-ii'^ C'iiirk Township, card party Thursday at Avenel I sweet pea ;. Boulevard, on June 7^ on •. iind rulers. Miss Johanna ranged from a crown of beads and School with Mr. nnd Mrs. George .« —The Parent-Teadier Assorln- r became the bride nf Robert Suit, I -.The flower "„] —A ,p('ial eonsrelflilonal meet- Alane Sramaty. daughter of Mrs. seed pearls. She carried her moth- Kuchak in chaise. ,,, tion will hold its June meeting on _.i nf Mr. nnd Mrs. Lnwrencc Newark wore ••[•,.,', ing of trie First Presbyterian .1. S Basarnb. 1001 Merlline Ave- er's prnyerbook to which was at- High score winners were Mrs. May 21. at the .srhoolhousp. In- Sring bnarer \y '. Church of Avenel will be held I nue. nnd the latf John Sramaty, tached white orchids and lily-of- White, Mr.-. Pearl Clarke, M. Suit. West Street, Saturday at the :v stallation of j-ecently electrJ offi- I Newark. Monday evening at. 8 o'clock at became the bride of John Mlsura, t he-valley. Crowley. Mrs. C. Hableh, Fried Polish National Church. Linden, cers will be conducted. j Jerry Mnrzor , the church for the purpose of ap- Jr., son of John Mlsura. 313 Rich- The mnld of honor wore a Grode, P. B. Pislnski. Maicia Har- 1 The ceremony w.is performed by served as be.ii niu •Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bfrsey. proving the plans and flnanccs of mond Street, Elisabeth and the colonial-styled gown of nil* sreen ris, Mr. Suln, Fred Frey'. W. Riae- ••'Oak Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Rev. Joseph Rekas. were Alex Fium,,,; the Building Fund. It is necessary late Mrs. Catherine Mlsura. Sun- satin and a matching horsehair berg. Louis Varyu, J. Krutzler. .flmind Hpenoer, Lehinh Avenue, poslto, Clark 'r,., for a large group of memous to day at St. Andrew's Church. Rev. picture hat. Her flowers were a fan Frank Zsainbn. Anna Bihflsky. The bride, who was siven In li'uvf n aimed home after visiting 1 Fenimore, Ne.v \\ be present at this very important John Eagan. pastor, performed the arrangement of pink roses and Betty Gosfinsky, Alice Larsen. Mrs. marriage by her fallid , wore a reiiitives in Washington, D. C. meeting. baby's breath. The bridesmaids white satin pown will. hoop, skirt. After the m'i'ii. double-ring ceremony. Betty Lower, N. J. Roome, Mr. wa? held at ih . (•: , • The Ladles' Auxiliary of the wore similar-styled gowns of or- Her lace-trimmcd net veil was ar. ( —ThV White Sisters of Africa Montsano, den. For travel,,.' •"Cnnttiegation of thi> Sons of Ja- Miss Marian Lenart. Perth Am- chid satin, matching hats and car- were guests of the Rosary Society Consolation priz:s we e aw. ranged from a Pearl tiara. Her lected a glen ph,,,. '•H'nb will meet next Tuesday eve- boy, cousin of the bride, was maid ried fan arrangements of yellow 1 of St. Andrew's Church last nlnht, to Mrs. Eva Keneben , Mrs. Sche- bouquet consisted of white sweet an orchid CDI ,u , •jiiiiv! at Hi'' dome of Mrs. Julius Mother Mathias Kolemba was tin of honor and the bridesmaids were! rosM. peas and roses. liiman, Bill Moran. Mrs. F. Howes, I Upon their IT;i; .S,"ii:licr. 5 Park Avenue. Mi'iK principal speaker and showed pic- Miss Mary Lou Gorski, Avenel. and Mr, and Mrs, Mlsura arp on a Mrs. Julia Lako, W. Perna. F. Koe- Miss Tluresu Espn.-ito. sister of ,Niagra Falls iuui <• Phillj) M.irun arid Mrs. Edward tures of the work boine done b\ Miss Pauline Wasiow/ Elizabeth, wedding trip to Washington fo, C. ble, Ann Palfy. Mrs. James Dauda. the bride as maid of honor wore •Rt'-n. fimmiitpe on nominations nlec« of the bridegroom. and upon their return will reside i Mrs. Suit will in, the order In Africa. Henrietta Fedak, Ken Bersey, Mrs. a nlle srrwi taffeta j'.own, mutch- 'on West Strei' i wi'• JUTS' nt ii slate of njimes to be Peter Mlsura, Elisabeth, brother at 1001 Mereline Avenue. Tleman. Mrs. J. Sulo. Qeorsr inu headdress and carried "a bou- —Mrs. O. H. WeferlinK, Lenox home, to then fi;(; • h'rtt"{! fiti ;r; new offirers. A (lem- ^venue. conducted th° annual' of the bridegroom, served as best For traveling the' bride selected Mroz, May Barry. J, Konie, Mrs. quet ol white Munitions and roses. t'.n»"r:ili in nnd sale of plastic man and the ushers were Arthul" a grey stain dress, pink JBcket and Boland. Pete Van Savafte, Mr. Bo- The bridesmaids were Miss Paul- 1 meeting of the Evening group of (Photo by Woodbrldge'etudio.^ i'fii'ids wi!l be held. the Elizabeth Prcsbyterial held Seaman, Perth Amboy and Ed- pink and black accessories. Her hind, Jr. Non-players' prizf.i went ine Esposito. Nnvai'k. who. was in Krus ami aio, MRS. JOHN MISURA Tl)p Tuesday Nluhlers met this Tuesday evening at the Rosette ward Sramaty, Avenel. brother of corsage was of' white orchids. to Mrs. S. Jensen. George Lebo, blue; Miss Helen Suit, Colonla, gram is ten ve.i. ^wiek with Mrs. Zoltan Vargo, St. Presbyterian Church. Also attend- the bride. The bride is a graduate of Perth George H.^ Lebo, Fred Leidner. Oeonrc- Avenue. The bride, given by her uncle Amboy High School. The bride- 1 ing from town vere: Mrs. C. A. Helen lycidner. John Fitz, Mr. . '-The Ladies Auxiliafj- Fife Galloway, Mrs. William Falkeh- Miss Chamberlain Frank Lenart, was attired In a groom attended Klliabeth schools, Daldinak. Mrs. J. Herman. Chnrles FOR TIU It! r •.fiumpany No. 1 will meet next stern, Mrs. William Johnson, Mrs. colonial-styled, candlelight satin served two years In the Navy and Sit.ael, George Kucli, Constance HAROLD E. FUNERAL l'l|.;<|, ,..,, Tiiet'dny" evening at the firehouse. John Peterson, Mrs. William DoU gown, trimmed with Imported Is employed b,y the Pood Fair Kuchak and Mrs. Hunt. PLANTS. C(l|(s\ , , —Mr. ,ind Mrs. Douslas Cannon, weiler. Mrs. Kenneth TaKaart Bride of Spencer French lace, beads and seed pearls. Packing Company, Elizabeth. The special awards went to Mrs. ( • PiiUi:i\vi, and Mrs. John SiKlev Mrs. Carl Nler, Mrs. Frederick H. A. Narry and William Roome. ANDERSON •Ne'vtirk, wrrr- Sunday guests of SEWAREN — The marriage of ,' l'hnne Woi»ll,ii,| , Beckley, Mrs. Frank Brecka, Mrs. Upholstering and • ,Mr and Mis Otis Sears. Madison! Herman Lampe, Mrs. Walter Cook Miss Alicia Jean Chamberlain, GOP Club Opens Mrs, Henry Hostess II1LE KNITTERS PLAN . Avr-mie. • and Mrs, R. G. Perier. daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Chamberlain. IteyHolton Street, Spuring Social Sennon At Church Guild Party THEATRE PARTY Furniture Repair ^WALSHEC - Cancer dressinss are being; —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller nidrle by members nnd friends of | to Frederick N. Spencer, 82 Green AVENEL—A meeting of the Idle have returned to their home on SEWAREN - Winners at the SEWAREN—Mrs. Samuel Hen- Tel. Wood. H-37M-W the Ladies' Aid Society at the Street, Wooclbrid^e, son of Mr. and Knitters was held at tine home Avenel Street, after visiting her firs} card party of the season held ry was the hostess at a card party I 9R MAIN ST!M|T| Mrs. Frederick A. Spencer. Moores- of Mrs. Ralph Peterson. Refresh- iTl |.T.i'•hytcnan Church every Tues- mother in St. Petersburg, Florida. in the clubhouse of. the Sewaren given by the Guild of St. John's 29 E. CJRFFN STUFFT WOOI)1J1!!!)(,| Liuv afternoon. Additional names' town^ was solemnized Saturday in ments were served arid the dark- N —The Ladies' Auxiliary Fire Republican Club, Inc., and spon- Church, Friday evening, in the j'-of workfrs nre: Mrs. Stephen the mnn.se of the First Presbyte- W(KM)BRII)(iF We Deliver .uui |,]r ,,• Company No. 1 will hold a card sored by the club, were: Mr. and Parish House, horse prize was won by Mrs. . .Ii. "Mis. Fred Lott. Mrs. Anna rian Church, Woodbridge; Rev. party at the firehouse tomorrow Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, Mr. and Mrs. Prize winners were: Bridge, Mrs, James Krutzler. WiiiMiis and Mrs. William John-! Earl Hannum Devanny, minister, evening at 8:15 o'clock with Mrs. R. G. Crane, Mrs. Herbert Eyer- A. W. Scheldt, Mrs. Joseph Pock- Other members present were officiated at the doubU-ring cere- •SMI. Charlti Ko7,a and Mrs. Andrew kuss, C. A. Oiroud, Mrs. A. J. King- lembo, Clarence Zischkau. Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Peterson. Mrs. Oil- mony. • The Ladies Auviliary of the j Galisln as co-chairmen. ' berry, Clarence Zischkau, Mrs. W. Floyd T. Howell, Mrs. A. F. So- man Kutcher. Mrs, Andrew Peter- 'v. F. W. 71B4, will meet next The bride, given in marriage by The Junior Womnn's Club will W. Brundage,'Mrs. Michael Qulnn, field, Mrs. F. J. Adams. Mrs. R. G. son, Mrs. Robert Stephen, Mrs. 'Wednesday evening at headquar- her fathep, was attired in a toast meet at the home of Mrs. George Mi', and Mrs. Samuel I. Counter- Crane, Miss Kay Freeman. Pi- Kenneth Peterson and Mrs. Hen- \i li on Ziuler Avpnile. suit with" brown accessories, stone Mirkovich, Avenel Street next man, William Taggart, Mrs. Jean- nochle, Mrs. Kay Freeman, Mrs. ning Peterson. marten fur scarf and she carried Tile Ladies' Aid Society Will Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock ette Randolph, Mrs. John Sllagyi Florence Klein, Mrs. Bernard Sul- The^group will meet tonight, at pink roses and sweetpcas. •mw.'t next. Tuesday evening at the with Mrs. Allan BJorken as co- and Mrs. H. D. Clark. livan, Mrs. C. P. Boehm, Michael the home of Mrs. James Krutzler 1'i'-.l)virriiui Church at 8:15 hostess. The maid of honor, Miss Kath- The door prize was won by Mrs. Qulnn; rummy, Mrs. Harry Halsey, on Avenel Street, at which time oVlmk. Mrs. John Lozo, Wood-, arine V, Harned of 57 Green Street, —Mi', and Mrs. Edward Parker Randolph and the non-players Mrs. Chester Filarowitz: bunko. final plans will be made for the bi:d!T will be the guest speaker. Woodbridge, wore a blege suit with and son, Park Avenue, were visit prizes by Mrs. F. J. Adams, Mrs Misses Betty Lloyd and Marion theatre party to be held May i:) Final plan's will be made at this toast accessories and carried talis- ors of their son-in-law and daugh Walter Wyckoff, Mrs. William: Lockli. at the Paper Mill Playhouse, Mill- .nine for the baked ham supper lan roses and African daisies. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGee Baran and Mrs. William Taggart. A consolation prize was won by burn, N. J. iKins! sponsored by the group on George K. Rhodes, 82 Green in Washington, D. C Their daugh- A. F. Soneld and a $25 bond was Tucsduy. May 17t.h, from 5 to 6:30 treet, Woodbridge, was best man, ter, Mrs. Louise Collins and awarded to Mrs. Henry Smithies jp, M, Anyine wishing tickf.ts for Following a brief wedding trip. daughter, Barbara, returned home Adamszyks Entertain •tlv suppi'i' should contact either :ie couple will reside In Redfleld with them for a two week stay. Renaud urges Increase In U, S, • Mrs. Carl Nier or Mrs. R. 0. Perier. illagt, Metuchen. At Birthday Parties —A meeting of the Budget anil forces 4n West Europe. ask ijQur doctor - • --Tlie Mother's Club held its The bride is a graduate of, Perth Fnance committee of the Wom- SEWAREN—A party was held at •monthly meeting' at the home of mboy High School, attended the an's Club was held at the home of the hbme of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoover on air, urges reduction >TVIr:,. Benjamin Sepanski, Lenox 'niversity of Detroit, Detroit, "about the chairman, Mrs. Robsrt Rhodes of Federal employes. fAvi.nut. on Tuesday evening. New •lich., and is employed by the Adamszyk, 408 East Avenue, in on Burnett Street on Monday eve- 'officers were elected as',follows: 'irst Bank and Trust Company in honor of the birthdays of their ning. |(*Pro:;id*'iii.. Mrs. Walter Peterson; 'erth Amboy. Her husband, a son. Stephen, and Peter La Plaz, i yice president Mrs. Arthur Haye,s, [raduate of Woodbridge High were: Mr. and Mrs. he WEED & FEED *ml secretai7-treasurtr, Mrs. Paul General Assembly committee ichool, is a graduate of Lthigh Frank Fiore, Staten Island, Mr. ! and Mrs. Frank Llttlefield, Mr. and EVERGREENS Try this exclusive SCOTTS Develop" ;Riiweil. A donation of $5 was bars censorship of news. University, Bethlehem, Pa., and is member of Sigma Chi Epsilon Mrs. John Kovalchik and son, Many Varieties and Sizes In incrociiing numbers, doctors men) that kills broad-leaved weeds raternity. He is employed by the Gary. Mrs. Helen' Farinlch and as it nourishes grass. Proven on more alifornia Oil Company in Barber. children, Mrs. Victory Cwiklinski, from (Oast to coast presmbo William Haban and Steve Purty, than a quarter-million lawns Tn the FLOWERING SHRUBS and ri'comnu'nd Jumping-Jacks last three years. Dry compound easily GOVERNMENT FINANCING Jr., all of Perth Amboy. With a debt of $250,000,000,000, Miss Ann Link, Carteret, Wil- applied. 1 he chances art that the Govern- liam Huber, Woodbridge, Mr. and ROSE BUSHES ment will havs to borrow money Mrs. George Hasko, Miss Lorraine Handy Shaker Box - $1.00 Box treats 2500 w fi V! 50 ,o meet the extraordinary expen^ Adamszyk and Miss Rita Andersch litures foreseen for the next 111- of town and Mrs. Rose Hegedus GLADIOLUS BULBS ;een month*. Avenel. ELIZABETH HARDW Vegetable, Flower Plants & SUPPLY CO., Inc. GRASS SEED, FERTILIZER 217-1223 FAYETTE STREET ITIMi! A 4.45 I'EKTII AMBOY 4-258II-I-1! Rhododendrons Red Maples, Holly Ivilds

MOTORISTS STOP GUESSING?? ABOUT IGNITION AM) CARBURETOR TROUBLE 'blue coal' LET US MAKE A SCIENTIFIC CHECKUP OF YOUR ENGINE WITH OUR FILL YOUR BIN »T •jf Four thousand yean ago, practitioners of the healing arts «rtfte impelled to orgaoiu ia order to shield the public from the impoi- mrei of quacks and charlatans. Similar organ- SUN MOTOR TESTER LOWER SPRING PRICES izations have bean carried along the current of history to the preseot day. Today the great ****** Phone WOodbridge 8-0012 national asiociftlool of phyddans, pharmacists, dentists, and nurses work separately and harmoniously to keep WE REBUILD Carburetors t Starters educational standards high, the impostors out ^M^ Generators f Distributors Mom Queen for a Day! Shower Im »||I: FOR PROMPT DELIVERY You cannot exercise too great care in securing the Prices Subject To Change On Or Before August 1 advice of those whose ethical concepts inspire trust and fragrant flowers from our ideal display' " "rb esteem. When ill, consult a registered Doctor of Medicine. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN a lot less tlmn you think! If medication i? needed, bring your prescription to us. JOHN J. BITTING E & L SERVICE 100 FULTON ST. WO0DBD6E —» TexacQ Products — Woodbridge Elower AMJSQV AVENUE AND CONVERY BOULEVARD (i RAHWAY AVENUE Mohilk-at - A) MAIM ITMtf TELEfHONE; 8-089J JOHN C. SCHWARZ, 'MAV -S, ifl4<) PAGE

A form.il in-pn ;i in « ale-Ring Ctnmvy Unites VFWGrotipHlIold Fldwers-to-Wa&her Gift Gamut Seoul Camporee Sunday morniiv .mi! M1 call be msdc i»i!ir to '!.! MUIIAKI, ] tlie Ki'oup at 2 ^0 M .. i0l Couple at St. Anthony's PORT READING — FUftrrHI Joint Induction For MotheT on'Hw Day'Smday ^^ The ('nftip enmnuttee. )>Aj4llj£ wrytee« tw Michael Bfttntsk of Herbri't Hnnkin, SfA.tren, arfd ttt VI,,N(! Miss 1 WOOHBRIDOE -- Rnowell Port Heading Hritlt> 25 DVondhridRe Avenue, were htld Jtifttallnlion Oreinony WOODBRinoE It should he American niothrl" us ';lit' rrontiv-.t Commlssionci s stall puided bt 1,.1-.hi.-r of Mr. nnd Monday nt 8:30 o'clock at the Park will ip the sent1 of much ar- Benjamin I Kiiiim Wuodbrldgt, .•;.;.„... U RU-rtt. bp- breakfast, in bed fm Mother on source of the country's stren^lh hniric nnd at 9 oVInck at. St. EllflS' ' Held Saturday Night Sunday! nnd Inspiration-'-'* established tivity tiiis month. BarUnn Council. are workinn haul mi Hie proiAD* ,( ii( .losppii Minuccl. Greek Catholic Church, Carteret, (Ion and !l Mother's Dny permanently nnd B. 9. A., has jhans underway for ision oi •vlr That's Mother's Day, when '' Fiorello Ml- where n mass of requiem was In Municipal Building scale si-.ii authorized ft Jeral display of the (i Patrol Li .tiler's Training Course i,Btat. An- offered. RfV. C,V 8. RdSltOTlcS WM warm-heartt-J tributes from Dad Stanislaus WOObBRIDOE — A Jottlt In- nnd the kids assure Mom that flag "as a public expression of our in the form of an overnight enmp- |(l.v double-ring celebrant or the mass. Btlrlal #as stftlUtion of Officers of Post 4410. she's Queen of the Household! love and reverence for the mothers PtAN LUNCHEON in St. .Jnmes' Cemetery, Wood- inu trip tomorrow iftid Saturday. VHf, and Its auxiliary WftS hekt of our cdUnti-y." WOODBRIDflK The briii'.'f. One clever Mother's Day greet- This irainini! course will be un- i «1ionc Green Saturday night in the American In the succeeding ysars. Miss ;1 Members nf the Port Refitting ing card seen In a Township shop der the direction (if Chairman ot ColleRe Women's Auxiliary, Mid* Legion room, Memorial •Municipal Jarvls spent every penny cf the 1 ,, «(is maid of actually opens up Into a golden the Trajnln ! Commlitee, L:iuH S. dlesex Cluipti Fire Company acted as honttf»r? Building. modu'ate fortune left by her r. i sponsoring j ,,,m:,j were Miss crown for HIT Highness' royal Raker, P.uiin. who is belli" as- escort and bearers, The beartrs t Sprinfi. Itecoiulnti-Luncheon The following auxiliary officers looks. mother In establistiiiiK Mother's sisted by Joseph Siikmy-MtM-. Hindi > Stephen Hudriik, Anthony were installed by Mrs. Mary Day as a deep-ranted American Lafayette Colle';r families uA icz, Cai'ttTdt. Ko An air pf regal luxury pervades .Stred.and Dr. Miltnn Burn, Perlh WHS In pink •M-. Hlnaklo Lojnbardl, Ahdlrew.Thorn df Carteret. eighth district tradition. During the* years. Uin. tlie deluxe Mother's Day i?reet- s sl Amboy: P.ml Si!vrr.*l(in and .)r»l"i Is of Ufnyetle m the ROW? ,,„„„• Superior, Charles McGcttlfSnn and president, assisted, by Mrs. Car- she cared for her younser > '•''', jTetlev, i(iosmnlds In UempPti'r. Perfumed satin Insets and Wri'dbrldie. nnd T.v'n K. i Hotel Ballroom, Wt* were made tie Cole.y, department chairman Elslo. blind sin:-" birth, ..Va. n Dorn- . Pft'ifdcni I'ark. Kxpn! for Menlo Park Veterans' Horhe KlowiiiB panels of real tapestry wick. Nfiiv 11 at 1230. ; r.; and bustle Carnation Symbol S. OU!I of the Perth Amboy auxiliary. are enhanced by sparkling* rhlrii- ISEUN — Funeral services fot stones, fine lace nnd pastel-hufed The. carnation wls snWResli.i (is Mrs. Julia Dobos, president; w w;is or white Prod S. Olah, 7B Cofrejn Avenue, satin ribbons. official Mother's Dsy flower .by, SISMSI thH active committee In pr/-|"""! Htitrhiscn, wife of Mrs. Ethel Turner, • senior, vice ( rnt ,],„ f.-m- Anna Jnrvis because It hud benn,vidinn down-to-f.nth activity aiul ' Hutchisnn of Lnfnyette lopnd of wearim!' of the rounell. , / | East on. Pa., Nmtonal President <9 St. Cecelia's Church, tselin, fchwe clothesline, A PLATINUM ring, L !•„,,i,m was tliree- LaPMita. secretary; Mrs. Grace red, e.ai-natlom to honor, livlnul Tht- program will open dt 8:00 jlllp Lnfayrttc Auxiliary; . Mr! mass of requiem was offered, Julian, treasurer; Mrs. Pruddence AtfD A DIAMOND trimmed Stove, ,, .m,| was attaclvd Rev. Julian Rucki was the cele- mothers, and whit- boutonnit.os P. M. Friday ami terminat/satur- if'i'iinrls Rluink nnmn. Jr.. wifeW Ferraro, chaplain; Mlm Marie would be fitting, I think." 1 red with MRS, JOSKIMI S. MlNUCCI brant. Burial was In St. James' for deceased mothers. dny ni'thmi thesnme Urn/. •''"It ^ F. S Brown, Jr., ot tM Kreiseler, conductress; Miss Ida Township stdK-3 are veportlriS II,,, (iowrrs consisted Cemetery. In 1943, a small nroup of her) On the weekend of May 21 nnd Pennsylvania Huncrtoi- Court. MJt Mestaros, guard; Mrs. Olpa Dobos, large orders and sales on lingerie, The bearers were John Barby, friends and admirers was shocked 72 tlie same" area In tlie park will | Brown is a fm-mer presidtht (rf patriotic instructress; Mrs. Julia stockings. floweTs and candles to tlle ' h| „!,, anrl brideRrootfc Bur Mitztoih Snlurd&y Peter Katt, Andrew Olevetcf, Ar- to discover that Anna Jarvis was 1 be coven j with teiit.s for the nn-j National Auxiliary. The* m Balasi, historian. be sent to Mom. nbcul 80 .,. ,,t Wontlbiidge Hl»h thur Wisslng, Alex Mnrcl and penniless, 111 nnd nenrly blind.inlial Council Wide Camporee. This LnfnyKtc College fa«nl^ for Hoivithl M. Fj'ibush Mrs. Prances Demmers, thrr-f- Mother's Day will be celebrated lifs in ',',,, ,,iiploycd 4 Rarl- Prank Hedgus. They immediately placed her in nfn(Tair has become- more and tnore; Middlesex County Five ol, year trustee; Mrs, Mary Hondas, for the first time this year wltn- t lesP ai , ^i,,,. tbf ceremony Mr. Olah died Friday at this sttnBtorium wheve she wns com- attractive.in the past several years ' 'c in Woodbridge. ReSerVd* WOODBRIDGE"-The Bar Mltz- two-year trustee; Mrs. • Turner, riUt the active blesslns of Us „ lVc,, held at Holy Railway Memorial ftospital at the fortably cared for dui ins her de-' and this year is expected to attract 'ions for the rcception-lunehMR vah of Howard Maxwell Feibush, and' Mrs. Maffei, delegates to founder, Miss Anna M. Jarvls, ;,', jvnli Amboy. For age of 33. He Is survived by his dining years. , 'well ovtr 500 boys nnd leaders mimcy be sent to Mrs Mnrtln Ml* son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fei- county council; Mrs. Grace Julian, Philadelphia. H'I,',. hriclc selected a bilsh, 146 Green Street, will take widow, Elizabeth; a son, Fred; a Devoted sons and daughters will the scout movement. Demonstra- rasco, Clifton Avenue. New Bruiw* Mrs. Perraro, district delegates; Miss Jarvis, who almost single- w ( k ;;,,,„, :,,nt, fort.it green stepdaughter,. Laura Silva; three be honoring mors than their own, tions of vnj-ious types of camping ' ' - , place Saturday morning at 10 Mrs. Jolranna Sebro, musician; handed created the nation's most I „, on-Hid ocrsagc. stepsons, Anthony, Louis arid Mil- mothers'when they shower them equipmenC'"camp contests. and o'clock at the old Adath Israel Miss Rebecca Uobos, Miss Lillian sentimental holiday, 42 years ago, ton Sllva; his mother, Mrs. Julia with gifts and affectionate Moth- scouting competition will Synagogue on School Street. Dobos, Miss Marie Hansen nnd died last November In a Pennsyl- ROOFING TKOUBLET Olah; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Bird; er's ttyy Rref;ln* cards on Sunday. the weekend. Sunday mnmins IT- After the services 'Mr, and Mrs Mfs. Mary Nolan, color-bearers. vania sanatorium. She was 84 four brothers, Stephen, Joseph, They will be paying tribute to the llRious services for Catholic and Peibush will be hosts at an open Gold.Star Mothers, Mrs. Caro- weak with the Infirmities of age ,,[ his cash register Charles and John. Idealism and perservertmer. of Protestant boys will take plnc-t at PERTH AMBOY 4-0448 house at their home, line CMtfk and Mrs. Margaret Var- lirld(>r Radio Shop, and almost forgotten by the pub- (^""jarvTs," who' gave the 11a- the camp site. The camp fire DIAMOND ROOFING Joseph Ko- A SON FOR MOtJNEYS sa, were presented with corsages. lion's respect for mothers its first'.Saturday evening will be open to stirrt. Perth Am- Darryl ianuck has given Rich- Also thsiaj[ed Anna Jarvis grew up in Oftifton, tangible expression — Mothir'sithe public and visitors ar° most, AM) MKTAL VVOkKS WOODERIDGE — Mr. and Mrs. 305 New Brunswick AW, , Patrolman Arnt ard Widmark a nqfr contract, with Peter Modhey, Cheesefluske; are, The following post officers were W.. Va,, where her rpother taught Day. I welcome iluiini! the entire affair. ,,„ Installed By Lester Bahf, chief of Sunday School in £ft. Andrew's .lll(i:u. The thieves e.h- a We ln'crease In salary. Richard the parents of a daughter born Methodist ChurcBrEach year Mrs, .',,,,. bv (orciiiR a rear by the way, is the most sought- Sunday. They nre former residents staff of the eighth district, assisted by Thomas O'Brion. inspector of Jarvis conducted a celebration after actor at Twentieth, !of Woddbrldge. the eighth district: Alfred LaPen- honoring the mothers of her Sun- ta, commander; William Szenasi, day School pupils. senior vice commander; William ' Memorial to Mother Derek, junior vice commander; in 1905, whjri Attna Jarvls was James Storey, quartermaster; Ste- 4l, her mother died. Anna spent Mother's Day phen Dobos, adjutant; Steven most of hfer days in a great cru- Is on the way, SUNDAY, MAY 8th Shaffer, post advocate; O'Brion, sade to establish the second Sun- chaplain. day In May as a memorial to her Dr. George P. Frederick, sur- own mother and to mothers all geon; Anthony Kelt, officer of the over the tforld. Fresh Flowers day; Walter LaPenta, patriotic in- She arranged the country's first Top the list (if what Mothers like best and you strctor; Charles Turner, post his- Mother's Day service In May, 1907 TIMK—3:30 to IT. M. can be sure tliul a beautiful liouuuet of her fator- torian;, O'Brion, service officer; in St. Andrew's Church. The next ite flowers, or her Pet kind nf plant, will make her Roy Bjomsen, legislative officer? year, Anna Jarvis persuaded Phil- ES-^Muylft. 17-. llt.19,.20 clow with pride and joy, Joseph Shaffer, three-year-trus- adelphia to proclaim the first '^.» STATION—WJZ (770 on the Dial) Stop In nt our shop at your earliest content- tee; Theodore Cbmyr, ohe-year- city-wide Mother's Day. At her rnce and set for yourself the many flower sug- urging, West Virginia made Moth- PLACE—MOH(|UI> Thratro, Newark. IN. J. gestions that will make Mother's Day a crand and Joseph Maffei, sergeant- • er's Day a State-wide holiday In occasion. If you're too busy—we'll gladly take major. 1912 and Pennsylvania followed MASTER OF CEREMONIES your order by telephone and guarantee com- Speakers were Mayor. August F. spit the next year. With single- plete satisfaction. Grelner, Al Germann, Leste>- B«hr, minded tenacity, Anna Jarvis Art LinkletU-r Let us send your Mother's bay (lowers this John Tieghe, Chai-les Sajben, made innumerable speeches be- year—and remember, for birthdays, anniver- Ruddy Bartonek, Russe Shitlds, fore men's and women's clubs and saries, Illness or business, In any evtnl let Ms Ei-nest BUITOWS, Warren Rolfe, meetings of all kinds. She carried THE G-E HOUSE PARTY with Art Linkletter in person I send flowers. Frank Masendrea, •\tf(lljam. Brown, on extensive correspondence with Patrick DeSantis, Nicholas Toft, governors, statesmen, clergymen Does your Mother live far away? tf *>o, we can Don't mixa lliis rullicking, rib-tli'Ulittg air.'.. n rlianct to trin one of tlte C-G ippll- Ewaid Hoffmann, Arthur Don- anti editors. Public response was send her flowers by wire. She will enjoy hearing radio nliuw now heing singed right uncei or radios given away as prize*! froitt you. nelly, Robert Nash, James Breef; enthusiastic. Peter Katt, Richard D. James and In 1914; Anna Jarvis' persua- In New.irk And you're fuarnnlerd llio tinir of your life • Commander E. Stanley Brookflsld sive pen won over President Wil- Vim limy Imve n cliiiiicf lo got in n» a member nf llic studio iiuiliciW-e for one of of the local Aemrican Region post^J son. He signed a joint Congres- ill*- amusing gamvs n» they're plnyeil over tlie rudiu'.i top Jnyliiiic SIIUHS. He on Imnil! Deleaates from Iselin, Avenel', sional Resolution lauding the PLEASE ORDER EARLY Carteret, New Brunswick, Fords Perth Amboy, South Rivej- and late, husband, Commander Alfred Spotswood were present. J. Demmers. 111 -': May (itIt mill 7th until 9:00 P. M. and Commander LaPenta presented A specal meeting of the tail Sunday. May 8th until 1:00 P. M. past commander's pin to Mrs. post will be. htkl tomorrow night Prances Demmers in honor of her at 8 o'clock in post headquarters. 41'/2% Reduction On

J. R. BAUMANN ' COMBINAT 900 ST. GEORGE AVENUE RAHWAY, N. J. STORM Telephone Railway 7-0711 or 7-0712 & SCREEN


23" • 24" - 25" • 26" • 27" • 28" • 2'i" • SO" 3l":- 32" ' 33" • 34" • 3S" • 36" WIDE ! ! UP TO 64" LONG


CUP . CELERY GREEN OLI REGULAR VALUES RUI CREOLI — ENTREES— , to $30 ROAST CHICKEN, 8TUFF?D THE TWO-DOOR GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR- ROAST VdUNtr VlWMOKT trURKEY .... 1.75 BROILEb JERSEY, PORK $%$?$ .-,( •. • -,,f LW Should you, deckle to buy your Combination Screens HOME FREEZER COMBINATION 1 and Storm Windows at 3:00 A. M. some morning, dtfh't 6rt6tLBD '6PTil»d LAMB CtfOPS ..-• M{ If you Imven'l seen it you liuvcii'l «rfn food itoru(;f. 'I he nlher U a big rffri|erjt«r •ii ••'« BflOILEt* SiRidlN STEAK WITH MUSHROOMS 130 Wait—pick up your phone and call our operators who tlits very luiem in refrlgeraiurt! IWll at fr«*1i fuod ttontge. Never needs defroiliii£. ' CAULIFLOWER OREEN-PEA^ never sleep. No obligation. lepirite coiiip»Hiure8(lkd g tmautKnciithi. One li •» mnple home fruezer fur Here'* Hie reiri^cruHir of lilt' future! Atut F*. A. vnao 1+i -SALAD— — DESSERTS— i tnd Ice enbei, mid for long-time fruieu num'i Ilie tiinc to »ce it! • - r~~ SALAp BOWL FR^IT PIES RICE TUX 9 F. M- THVPSUAY ANP FRIDAY : SATURDAY TILL 6 P. M.


THRIFTY GROCERIES mi merely week-mis lima Beans i«n« llbc.nl,), Whole Kernel Com 12 »i. car, 2 h-'tfy

Ppafl D*' Monte or Libby 17 01 (tn]%

B & M Baked Beans .... i3o«.tin2ior2

Wlion you* shop at your thrifty A&P you Libby'a Apricots whou peeled wOL«n 19e itM. »„ ^j, don't just save here and there or now and Fruit Cocktail AiPfaney )7ore.n21c 10or cen,!,>« then. You save in every department in trie Del Monte Peaches . siit«dofj»iv« a»oi. ein3i, store, every day in the week. That's because we think we can help more housewives save Prune Plums S"N« 30o». Cm2I« more money by keeping all our prices as low as possible all the time. Shop regularly at Straintd and Homo«tnit.d ,.mprl FirMl plainly marked, are A&P and see for yourself how these every- Libby's Baby Ms

P«,,,iial to Rood food .hopping. day prices help cut your total food bill! , Orange Juice florida tlot can 2 for 25c 46oi.cin29< Yon en best slay within your food Grapefruit Juice . «orc»n2»or21a «oi.ean2,V lm(lllrt whcI1 you know a» yon shop how

In,,i cacli item is costing you. PcaS Ro

We would appreciate any suggestions Pillsbury White Cake Mix ..... Pig 33* you might have for the improvement o Selected to Glee le« Grmmd Emtlmg... Priced to Give V#*» Grmnd Vmlmet Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix . pk« 33« m.price marking ^.n or any hmg Graham Crackers . Nabh« I n». pk . 28« that will make your A&P a better B i i clse A,P's SUPER-RIGHT MEATS Fig NewtOT^S Nabisco 7)4 01. pkg 21<" 35« place to shop. ( Because "Super-Right" meats are selected by ex- Burry's Oxford Crimes Choe., and vaniiu filled u <*,P k9 29« Please writer perts from the best beef, pork, lamb and veal the CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. -Y'-••--- •-•" country produces, they're bound to be tender, Strained for babiei MM for jui ' . Food Stores, Graybar Building juicy and delicious . . . bound to give you your New York 17,*N. Y. money's worth of enjoyment. And speaking of Swill's Meats 2 money . . . A&P's meat prices are always as low

as market costs permit for such fine-quality cuts, r f<" m«kin» «howl»l« drink! 11b. can 4o«

Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee 4«-39« • ox. 1.13

Wheatena* . . . • • iiox.pkj.18e 22ox.Pk0.29e Shredded Ralston tH-17e Ready-To-Eat or Regular Sunnyfield Corn Flakes • • • 8 oi pig 2^2,^ Smoked Hams TZ Sunnyfield White Rice fancy 12 ox. pkj. 14c 2 fe. pij 37c Gorton's Fibred Codfish . . . . . P^16« * HM ItMl* Slzesundt)r4V4lbi. Gorton's Codfish Cakes R«dy-io-(»y t0oic.n22e .FRUITS & VEGETABLES l*Ot ItoilSt BonelmCkuck-nolaladded Boneless Veal Roa§i ^*< ^ 55c Tuna Fish Flakes sultan. 6 ot tan 33« ; Everything in A&P's Produce Department is har- ; vested iroli and sold fresh. And everything is Leg or Hump of Veal Chuck, ltoast or Steak»°™ <« ^ 4 5« Red Salmon Sunnybrook 11b. can 67e value-priced all week long. Pick your favorite Chinook Salmon ASP Columbia River 7V, e». m 49« i fruits and vt^clalik's today and every day! Prime Ribs of Beef E*lra short cul-!en wail. Ib. 65c Roasting Chickens Fr«h-4'/, & under 5 ibi. ib 49« Top Sirloin Roast Boneless-no lal added Ib 83c FOM'1 f«i WciSfte, jaladi undtr 4 lbs. Ib. 47c 4 lbs. and over Ib. 53c Ritter's Chili Sauce Relish .'e . n««.bot.23« Colossal green speau 8 From Jersey farms bunch Boneless Brisket Beef fmh or corned ib. 69c Duckliagl Long Island's finest Ib. 3t)C Reynolds Aluminum Wrap • • e "«-">"33«

California Plate and Navel Beef frtih-iw Mr* ib. 19c Pork Lotns Whole or either half Ib 57c Toilet Tissue HudsondrR«d Crou 3">»*28« Chopped Beef Pure beel-freshly ground Ib. 49« Pork Chops Hip and ihoulder cull Ib. 45c Bleachette Blue ...... 1«. 1*0.2 »* 1»« PillCU|)ple Medium size each 19c Boneless Soup Beef ...... fc 49c Loin Pork Chops Center cull Ib. 79c Kirkman's Soap Powder • • • e Mox.pkg.21e Tomatoes Red ripe carton ol i to 5 19c § Stewillg Lanib Breast and shank ' Ib. 33e Fresh Hams Whole or eilher half Ib. 55c Octagon Soap Powder , . • • . 40ox.pk«.21« Table Celery While, criip 2 stalkt 25c C Breast or Neck of Veal ...... V29« Fresh Pork Shoulders - short cut ib 37c Ivory or Swan Soap UrB» c«t« 2 ••" 29 Avocado Pears '' Fine for Sa'adl each 19c |b Boneless Stewing Veal, . n>. 55c Skinless Frankfurters . ...» e • 55c yellow. Onions U. S. No.. I grade 3 its 14c Rib Veal Chops short eut-u« waste ib 79« Sliced Boiled Ham • %.ib-65e From Florida farms ib. 13c Beef Kidneys,,^ ...... «»39o Spic,ed Luncheon Meat sliced ib. 59c Scallions Home grown - bunch 6c Smoked Pork Shoulders Short *t fc.39 « Sliced Bacon Swjnylield-'iugar-curel % Ib. pko 29c Crisp Radishes Home grown bunch 4c

C Smoked fork Butt? *»n«t«» fc.75o' Fresh Caught Seafood '* Spring Rliubarb Home grown bunch 6 i Smoked Beef Tongues ^ si»ri euj ib. 55** Flounder Fillet (b 53c Mackerel . . ib 29B J Dried Mixed Fruit t . i u>. «iio. b»g 35c Pork Sausage . , . » link ib. 59c M,,I ib. 45c Codfish Steaks it. 25c Scallops . . ib 55c DfliRht Mother on her special day wilh this brautifiil 4-layer gold cake, filled and frosted with •niooth DAIRY DOLLAR-STRETCHERS vanilla crenie icing, covered with wowy cocoanut »r»J decorated with a red icing roM anfl green leaves. a Ann Page Tomato 14ibo( fer ME!" pig ol 6 It" 4.V Mother's Day Cup Cakes 1 • Yft Ma*9Wh0 Prefer A*P Tern* KETCHUP 2*35 SAVE UP TO 15c ON A POUND* Mother's Day Heai"t Cookies^ • • Millions of people buy let Mother's Day Petit Four* . • . Pk9 of9'<"65« at A&P and 3 out of S Othqr Top Quality Ann Page Food* |iie(ef ii^vot-lftttcd A&P teai. ^^larvel White Bread tVnti (H \Mm « « IMI 14< i • A&P's Dairy Center is known far and wide for i SailCO Rich and leitfut 12oz.bol.23c Sug»ed>D0QutS Jw#>iik»» Bkgotl2'w*"f its wide variety of fine foods at prices that make Neetar Tea U , Allvariellei lib. can 10c |o e HI'UIS go far. Serve a lot! Save a lot! it lea , D eagert Lavera Jan« Parkw pkg.oi2 '33 bagi Prepared Spaghetti . . . , i5^«n2for27c \JA' ; - •>-• - midnme, LirgilrowniWkltt k Salgd Dressing .tie Plnl|ar25c|' quart jar 45u Jelly Filled Coffee; Cake J*"« '" - I i'«\«Ji Eggs *•««• "A" do( 69c Mayonnaise •"• • 8oiiarl9c Pt.jar33c Fane*. Fresh Creamery - e^, t Bllt tei* Sunny!ield-iw.*l or utt b, f^J^ Tomato Soup • 10^01 can 9c COFFEE *Based on National Survey Average* iibjar23o zibiar43c Carefully Aged tor Flavor..; Pure Grape Jam SM in li/whol. Lean a.»l Custom Ground for best r«uB» Sharp ibcdihir. . . b 09c Strawberry Preserves \ib.i»33et in your eoffMinatier, Ail (<•• Sliced American Wil0Bil ib!45c •' • ••* • f ea is not only American P

Cottage Cheese Focderift lib b,s44e , . Jib bt» 1.27 Whipped Butter UOkAtt

1 07 MAIN STREET, Oppodb? Woodbndge- National Buuk, Woodbridge, N» J, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1949 FIVE

INFANT t IlKlsTl M |> Princiiml Sets Date* WOOUllllllKl! | Iselin Clubwomen Entertain at Iselin Auxiliary .fant PTA Luncheon son nf Mi ;mi| \\. ,i ,. To Register Beginner* H. 550 Cedar /Ufiw Plans Spring Hop •A.I- 'hllS-' FROM ISELIN Proves Successful IBELIN-Harold B. Oottohlus, Third District Program Confab toned Jir-eph Hiiiiii .surii principal of Schools No. 6 and | Rev. James Russell I s:, IS, announces registration dates ISEUN At a me(}lnR of (hpjChurrh. The spimwi: —The Iselln Improvement As- ISEUN —The luncheon spon- ISELIN—The Woman's Club of wax Sh'ohfl. Mrs. Henry Hartmann, for beginners who will start Ladles' Auxiliary nf Tire Co., NoIRobfi. l KiUpiiliirk nti <>\ thy • linssrli sociation will meet Monday at 8 sored by the Iselln PTA last Thurs- Iselln entertained at a PmRram Mrs. Seeman Lustlg. Mrs. John it;or,\V school In September. [baby and Amir: .v 0:i< uncle., . It! I p. M., at the HardinR Avenue day nt School No. IB was a finan- Conference of' the Third District Hamilton. Mrs, Anthony Steven- Mrs. Anna Poreda, president, re- Open house was hcl'l QfilS- i" The rate Is a full fare lor r.nh ad- Memb rshlp slarg anf) profl George Brltton, Mrs, Ann O'Neill Applcgflie, Cranbury, Third DJs- her home, Sonora Araie, Monday, Use soon. ditional memb«r. inoHiilm:: chll- .ciency badges were awarded as and Mrs. Catherln Christensen. It was announced me rcroup will trlct Vice President, who presided, Other officers are Carol Tyler, vie: dreti, under 2'J yens " follows; Troop 1, Joan Furze. Eighth tirade girls who served Shewelcomed. the guests and in president; Joan Purae. secretary; hold a plnstlr, party tomorrow I(M,nm, have ie- Annfl Mfinn Nancy Saddler ^ Sixth/Dittrict GOP £ as waitresses were: Misses Anna troduced Mrs. Ernest Reock, Belle- Rita Monahan. treasurer. night at 8:30 o'clock. Each mem- .fi,,|- If Montgomery Cliff' accepts the Chrlstenscn, Dolores H»mby,Shir- Mann, Clara Martlriella, Mary ann To Sponsor June, Danceville, State Program chairman for Others present were Maralc ber Is nsked to attend and to brinsi "li||h parents, proffered^ role in "Berlin Aiiiifl," ley Hoffman, Antonia Kallontgls, Lisclnski, Jean Sohnle, Shirley the Third District. Mohr, Join Taylor and Lois Chrls- a friend. Cullinane, ISEUN—The Sixth District e- The dark horse priac was wonfor 20th Century Fun. lie MorHyn Rajwcllol, Mary Lou Hoffman, Constance Kline, Can- were VE n p tensen. The dark horse prize was drlna Pettolettl, Nancy Saddler. publican Cluf will .sponsor a dancce ***>?* s' u ^ l^ , ™- by Mrs. Clara Lindquist and a the only Hollywnoiilictnr in It. , „ 'Stockman, Jean * Taylor, Joan - • Uraram chairmen of the clubs Ooff ththee ' won by Carol Taylor. Jean f ayloi ,,,, ftu^e.l,*m™< Barby, Nornia BeCcerra, Joan Susan Roslnski and Joan Furze. at St. Cecelia's Recreation Center special prize went to Mrs. Anna!oti'iri's *'" ^ lfiril|llt''cl from] | following cities and towns: I/ms will be the hostess at. the next : vi-.il IT! iininn Bennett, Barbara and Dolores June 3 AJcjJPJLl. M. Reynolds. . ' ttc.ttual people involved in Boil The executive board mat Friday * '"" . JL ,„ , I Branch, /Dcean Grove. Spring meeting Monday at her home, u ' "Funk, Carol Goldstein, Barbara i Fliers, unvernment worki rs, ( and made plans for the open house wlllbelurnishedby Wal-|uke Matawan, AvOn, Little Sll- Coaklfey Street. 1 Knott, Marlon Olbbs, Ruth Hill, ter Cook and his orchestra, Arthur Insurance rndvpanies rasp jl r-'' inani, rti Shimiini; is px|ic{'te Trclch, held lats night when the class- ver, Jersey Shore, River Plain, Red' travel requirements In policies'1 start in June in Europe. Mi • Barbara Istvun, Fiances Mess, Carlson Is chairman of the affair Mr. and rooms were open for inspection. Bank. Toms River, Cranbury, Par- ,1s of Evelyn, McCrory, Mary Riley, Su- and lie will be assisted by Oeorge After his ordeal of impersonat- >. sonora Dr. Mortimer I. Cowan was Ruest Un, Elberan, Avenel, Metuchen, ing Al Jolson for seven months. zanne Roslnski, Carol Taylor; B. Hill, Jr. speaker and disccussed "Immun- Larry Parks Is steklng a rest. The Troop 11, Laura Capps Barbara John Pellwino ization." ersatz mammy-singer has estab- Duffy, Jean and Joan Hoffjnan, Children, and Walt Disney fans iselln nviiim. Bloom- Serving on the- committee were: Ann May Lawrence, June Thume, In Rweral, will be delighted with IN - rirctis in New Mrs. Nellie Lauer, Miss Helen " •J III' Natalie Jordan, Ellenmnjie Mul- following who entertained. Mrs. I, Mr and Mrs. Feutchrbaum, Mrs.. Mary Jordan the coming Disney releases. Al- Slhgs Again," giving his alt In the •• 'All vey. The SenlM-troop will be James Pettlt, who played several an«r,Hd MrMrs.. RvEva. r^nnAiiConnollyv . M>-MrsC. Ha,-Harr™y most finished is "Ichabod and Mr. role. Jolson still claims there will •loniii. known in the future as Troop piano selections by Beethoven; NEW p,ipp, Fiat Ave- Kline, preil'dentTw's"Stanley* Na- Toad," In which Bing Croiby does be a third film on his life, but No. 4. The Investiture service will groost and Mrs. Robert Pertllard the narration and singing for Icha- Miss Marlon Beagan-'who sang, ,ii.!in O'Connor, Parks says, "No more. If he wants be held at the Rapacloll home, bod wlth B s11 "At The Bend of thejllver" and iiniiH a dinner represented the association at the ' « Rathbone as Mr. another one. he'll have to play the Dow Avenue, May 17. Parents and Toad full "Pale Moon" and Miss Carmella JERSEY , ,,| Essex House, Spring Conference of the Middle*, ' "Cinderella" is- going role." ' friends of the girls are welcome sex Counrity Council of Parents •speed and "Aliee in Wonderland" Aquila who sang, "Come Back to is now before the cameras. Disney Sorrento," "Romance" and "Black • • • James Duff to attend./ Louie* Handwerger. and Teacheis yesterday afternoon Mr leaves-soon for England where he Swan." Metro has three stories lined .mil (laughter, Rita Mononan and Violet Soren- it Perth Amboy .High School ; sen were welcomed as new scouts, will film 'Treasure Island," In up for Una Turner, the first of II'MVI" Sunday for AuBltorlum. ! Mrs. Catherine Bower was in June. This summer you'll be see- which is schedulsd to be "Run- Griffiths oimi where they charge of registration, Serving on SESSION TUESDAY ing Disney's "Dumbo" and 'Sa-the refreshment committee were: ning of the Tide," with Ethel * CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY FORDS —The Ladies Auxiliary ludos Amlgos." Mrs. Fred Walker. Mrs. Herbert Barrvmore set for a part. Metro Have the W ilium Rapp ISEUN—Clark Pearson, Green Williams, Mrs. Williyn Rudland, would like to get Clark Gable for M.iiawan. spent of Forces American Legion Post d MiiU«* will meet in the Legion rooms Street, celebrated his 14th birth- Movie fans and thenubile al Mrs. Frank Bnnkman. Mrs. Sal-the role of the sea captain. Tuesday, May 10. at 8 P. M. day at a party at his home Sat- large were grieved by the news , NEW urday. Guests were Joan Bennett, that Wallace Beery, beloved hard- Jean Taylor, Joan Furze, Violet softie, had died of a heart SPINET Sorensen, Lois Chrlstensen, Louise ailment. Beery, who had been un- SEWING MACHINE Handwerger, Qus Rempkowskt, der treatment for some time lor Harold Youngling, Allen Bliss, Eu- a heart condition was apparently HEADQUARTERS MODEL c:ene Catlno and Anthony Mas- improving. His hardboited, clumsy irangelo. but kindly character roles endear- ed him to millions of movtc-goers. HAMMOND ORGAN UNEMPLfoYMENT The number of unemployed per- ^ Davis wants Rudy Vallec ('omplcto, ready to plug in sons dropped 54,000 In March, to \costar with her In "The $ IWIN O MACHINll AT GRIFFITHS." 1 light socket. consecutive months, the Census Tra^eHns Saleswoman. which she after rislns during four previous' Is making for her own independent All in one unit—including ' Will NofLock or Jam Bureau reports. SlmulUiisously,! cojnpany. It's about the first speaker and bass pedals $ the number of employed increased American traveling saleswomen, • Built-in Scwlieht Double keyboard and built 479,000 In March. won sold soap. in vibrator. • Sews Backwards, Forwards 130ft • Floating 1'rcsscr Foot Width 4W, height Delivered " 20-YEAR GUARANTEE depth 25". Iiu lulling Urnt h WOODBRIDGE HOMES SMALL DOWN PAYMENT-BALANCE ON TKItttS BIBLE LECTURES TAY WEEKLY "Tha Music Center «/ New Jersey" | [ON GREAT PROPHECIES $9200 BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE GRIFFITH PIANO CO. - IKCTIRK TOPIC - GI OR NON-VET FOR YOUR OLD SEWMACHINE -STEINWAY KEI'llESENTATlVKS - U" "HEAVEN" 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, N. J 100% MORTGAGE TO QUALIFIED VETS ENROLL NOW IN OUR Open Wcdiics.luy Evenings until 9- I'lionc MArk«'| WWW jj Where and What Is It? 80% MORTGAGE TO NONVETS wmu) YOU uki: TO KNOW; r SEWING SCHOOL ] I x.u I IcicatLon of Ilrnveti? API\ $37.00 MONTHLY 1 Uh.it kinds of bodies we will have there? INCLUDES TAXES AND INSURANCE Learn Hoiv to Make Your Own Clothes :; Whether children grow up there? CALL PE 4-7075 AND ASK I Wlut P.iul meant by The Third Heaven? MISS CHAMPER ABOUT OUR nil (ANT AFFORD TO MISS THIS LECTURE INSPECTION INVITED 10-Lcsson Home Dressmaking Course It. I.. KAITII, Bible Lecturer DAILY OR SUNDAY, 3 TO 6 P. M. Nationally advertised (,. M. MANRY, MlrilsUr of Song Open Friday Night Till 9 SUNDAY, MAY 8th, 7:30 P. M. Residential Section, Off Ridgcdalc Avenue lAuditorium of Public School No. 11 for Sewing Machines KOSS STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Ben Edward Const. Co., Inc. Everyone IN Invited TQWN EDW. TROST - WO-8-1658-R PERTH AMBOY ADMISSI9N FREE BEN. ALBERT — SO. RIV. 6-8933 269 SMITH STREET

,W,!>W»V>W»»6»«<»'' rt VENETIAN JEWELRY 1 wnemlers... GIFTS

Mother's Day, May 8th V CIVli MOTHER A MNE DIAMOND MAY 8th A,Gift of Quality Jewelry will'give-years of lasting remembrance to Mother. You may choose here with Nationally famous (or lusting beauty, siinnilli opera- confidence fhat your Gift will please your Mother. tion, long wear . . . the latest in blinds. Ami that's good old-fashioned value. . ,• - ' \ METALLITE - STRONG SriEEL SLATS — GAL- VANIZED, BONpEIUJfED RUST PROOF, EASY TO | S CLEAN, LONG LASTING ENAMEL FINISH. ! .' *" *'. " •--• f - «•,- ., •.*• Racked by nationally advertised CCC—(Julumliia Controlled Construction. Every \mi \a quality euntrulled fvr tup. performance.

ON HER DAY, WITH A Costume Jewelry Treas- PLUS'FEATURES" Mother Will Appreciate a • •'. f Modern Watch. stored for Years to Come. I'usitivc stop at any helKlit, blind', won't sl[tit ccirils MOTHER'S DAY^ DINNER • At pull away from draperies. M»t«hi«lj metal 4ead>o.«: cpnce,al» {% proleeU See our exquisitely set ilnisf brooches,'mi other accessories alW it from dust for easy, satisfying service. sllvfcrware ... All Weal gifts, * AIR CONDITIONED THE o o 11 |1 iii-iii'ii a reputation for QuftlJtjt Diamonds- l"" "wy select your Diamond Gift for Motrter REODINER- KREIELSHEIMER ' IUilll(;<' that It will give her years of happiness. MR. AND »U8. WILLIAM PAPi'AS, PROPS. The jewelry Gift Shop PERTH AM3OY 318 STATE ST., PERTH AMBOY ROBERTS AMBOY AVENUE AT JAMES STREET 127 SMITH STREET k UjEBERMAN ^ f. A. 4-1936 WOOf)BRIDGE, N. J. mrt M"r" s'KKE'r PERTH AMBQY 4- fMJf?SDAV, MAY 5, 1019 F.F..M,

LEGAL NOTlCKS 5.M0 ART IN OARAGE LEGAIi NOTICES LBGAL NOTICES LEGA!, NOTliT.s ONROVA. Calif. - While J 111. <• VH aiwl nil dlroflorM frliu ThFflher With ;,|. ni i '!i>|-]\ 'im f tlrnnrl Siren til lcd upeclnl n.l.lresfled pnvclnpes thn l LETTEfeS TO TfiE EDttOR rlAir ttif n«mp arid Sd.lreis ol |he n.i nilii>r iirllncil offlcp (ind lhi> m ftlng his, garage, ,)>mes Molr nr MlildlmM-BUMT mil ri'nlilch<+« oT All ntnl-klMiMfrA unit rHl 'i'II i-1. >.^ xju^'4()ii(h«tlv nl«il»r.»iia.*rtrk Mil »i™ "ti the overed a paintint: in a dusty Gu<*t towels IIIIIIIIIIIT ntii' ill- iiiorn per ''fiiliiitt. nf l..at iu To The Woodbnnge iii.in h,' .'enU'r line f Mlil.ll^PX mt«Mc. mMtiiusI W acconipnnli'il bring the sunfcy of 1868, on? of 1884. j 1ml 'iin.li nf thi' illhrnllei- ('nrpnrn- e. Art doalrrs identified It as r In I hi- . I'llll'l Wnc y n cprllrh-il chp'ck drawn tn II" Independent-Leadfr: not printed till '95, and not vnrt- >i lii'ii ni-i' nn Fiillnwtt: done three centuries ago by .'1- "nk TI-.'.I rder or the Trenmirff of die Slate i:\-ci i ir New Jprspy for n..l ii-si than ten I'l-lcr Shlirl'i, rresld»nl-Tri'n!>i>r. Hnvins become interested in 11 rlv al.mn t! At HTIHKl:, famed Bpluinn Artist- Frari7 Itellr dlrftmit from the im\;,\ ,„,.,.., ,,,,,., „,. ,,nk Tp,,. ,.,,,,, wre'M tlll%l Of the milnlinl "I HIPIT, IHrci-liir nrul Jitrti-kliiihlcr. !H / All,ir,,, dPi's and valued it at from $4,- the nature of Rn nrtiflcln! addl- edition, androne on glacial genl-it,, --, ,11,1m ,.1 pin 1 iiPKiiiniwr .Id, profiled t Mil t I he s.dd ceilincd flimi'll Avriiii'.FRiilin'iiy, N. .1. sti'll.i S|ilcrln, Hpirntnry, filrci-lnr '.-1, I-'JS; r,-.-,, I-.., , 1 to $5,000. The paintinK. u pic- tIon to the local topography, ogy frorh 1902. Two are located' AI'lM'ST I' hfek .lhall not he less Hun »->' " iinmlii .-i-iun n • :it -'I : mr morr Hidn JSO.oon itn and inn si ml Slnrlthnldor. !l I Kllflsell Avenue. which has all the appearances on the shelf of rtllgioiHt books, Sof d*ad garnp. wasbefj.ueat.hed if rtVllmcil «l thP nhoye plncp on l:ih\\iu, N. J, TAKK NOTICI'.i and two are lying in th? dust of I '>4olr 25 years ago by Geon?e of a defunct railroad roadbed, ir before the hour named. ( ol'lf- I'liirli'i S. Mnnm, A«nhtnnt flee I*OHT IIKADINI; |..ii- T-.« .r |hp siahdnrd prnpos.il forms aim relnry, IHrn-tor nml fltiirklmhW-r. LOAN AfWiM<»ATIiiN Jd sti .unship company scion, and bplitvlns that Information twtnty years qn top' of the CBHP. ilvfi l i-t- I in ln.lr|ii'Mi!.-lil • pfcclal nildrMfleil envelopes will "e i;7i So lliii-rl»nn HI., llnst iimnicf on the matter would bp found in fhero are nono.'of coursp, in Virporidlnri, dues |l(,,' l,'-i'. M:i, .'i .ind May I.'. ISI9, u^rll!^il••' OB application, llhls not N. ,1. Mr Nollep that nil ]„. Avenel. liliii'i'tiniis, If nny, should he mnilp n map of the county made in \\\'' .. ,,r imidli- lir:irtntr iw nf-loWMl •« *»l"l " '" :"lll'l'7''(1 clalmn (iRainst n 11 liiiiiiodlnlcly In wrlllnK to llernard ;LED SAVING DOG | about 1890, we tfent down yes- The city has, In general, ne- lln:i! inn mi Mny K. I'M , nveloPM *lll lie c.nshliTcil UUnr- thpm under oath, ,n I I IIIIIIKIIII, rl.il, of vVnoillirlilKP office of the f iirp.n , POCOHONTAS. Va. — After ps. i I PI day to ye poode olde Barron glected to vote nny funds to sup- nAl nm) trill not lie oppne.l. TheT"Wii'-lilp, Xi'W Jerni>y. iirht Is reserypd to r.>i I any "' Oroyp Street, Wnmii,, i :»plnt| unlmrmptl twice from her! Library to spaich. ThouBh we port any of ttlwe libraries. We fir Im H-)V;i W-3T3 illliliAl.TKIt I'l'lliptl ney, wllhln iiii. e i , Miin>; III< I'I-m,if ! nil hldn. .V I. UKIIIP Nu. IB, irnlns home, Mrs. D. Smith Sel- > searched two ltours,, we could are thoroughly disgusted! We be- ) ihe (Intp nf this nnii,',. TU WIHl'M IT 1IAV CUNCKliN: lilt Mll.l.I-:!:, .ll:., Wi.n.ll.ridun. Ni'w Ji'l'sev. forever nfler fr,,in ,, , fliirt nothing that modprn. The At II regular mi'iulnB or thi- lejs, 75, ]T-pntprPd the bouse a lleve that a city of thiry thousand State lllnhw:(.\ i;i.inini--1' I. I.. - ;,-:,. I'l for. be?! we could do was 1884. owiinhlp Oommlttpp nf the Town- •d Umc, apparently looking for Is fully capable of supporting n «hl W II.i :.l::... li.'lil Tllonliiv. 1.. This Noll,-, i, uiv,n lei doi?, and becamp trapped, | half-way decent library and wish Alin 'i.l, I , I «III illrn-lfil fOt:i(T Ol' N.J.Ir.H. IT:iaA- l-i:: Tills is n shocking state of af- ,P".rt. lli'inliiii,' I',, -jfifMtnUiii tn (ip.iih. Her death came that it would try. in mivi rtisK [in. fnrt tlnii on Tue»- vcni'l: MOW -IKliSKV fairs, though hardly surprisins . I :• \ ,v,hint. lip i;tli, IStli. ljo'llll Assncl(i| j,,h 8 MITHM: .IS iir.iii'.nv I;IVI:\ rii.\.Nt'i.:i:\; ntvisiiiN V;?** than lluec hours after her 99- lln Tmvi^ lu rniiiiiiiilff uill nlriM f iirfioijifHin in HIP light of our former ex- ftotort Maetur '50 il ^ V. M. lUHTl. In tin- OummlllM" hnl I lie fnlli.wlnit pi-iipiii'i-il "nil- lin.ki'l .No. 107/1111 Oaled: April 21, pin Syai-olrt hutiuirl died in n home ir\nl f- wn« intrmliii-i-.l and pn.•>••"• i Till-: HANK KiUt SAVINflH IN periences with the local libraries. to. H. S. L'liiiiniii-iH, M !• ni n r I iU Munli'l|jal 1.1.-I.. 4-21 to 7-1 I the .n f(l nn llrst reniNnn m a IIIBI-IIIIK "I I'I'I'V * .leriiey, , NOTICES ind i-vim-i'-iinil ti"!! at piihllr «iii« ho Tnnnslilp I'niiiinliliM' «f iln- limi "I Hie si,ite nl NPW Vwk, Bradford, where I vacation, in inH lu 11.H Mglitit lil.Uer unarillnf Tnwnshlp "I Winidhi-lilKc, in 1h'- ,i',CiI iiinirijutirrr . aanmd i'.U:i, ll, si'lM'l.TK Niri'it i: T, Tfl WHOM 1T M.\\ , , the poorest, state in th'e Union, MllTH'R m iprms nf :.:ile nil Hie With the •i.iinly i,f Mlihll.'si-'v, N.'W J.'i«.'' nml INIMill i S. WMI'I.TZ, Mr I'll vv null I;. Clrrlc open to Ilisprotlon lii'hl nn (In- :lnl day ..I M-i\. I1'!'1. et ids lii'fpudun I'M. PH rurnunnt in th.* pi,, IS thKUKHV HIVKS r tliprp is a library not much smal- ind I" lip inililii-ly rrnil |irlor to mil that. Kiiid nrdiiiaiH !• «HI '" t.Vi- iiii. »aii-' nf niiirlltiiKt-d pi-cm- net of tile r.fk i»-l,iiui, CLASSIFIED (li(>t the following prupos.-.l ni'ill- 1 ler, and considerably more up to riani'p, IYHN inir.iiliii-ed Mint pns^r 1 Mali'. I... i ^ K( in I7« Im liislvi. In tfikcn up fur fnrtli.'i . iiiiHlili'i-nlli.ii |.:,« A|,i!l ll, 1:1111. , |H N'PW lprse\', 'iili' , , l;| ., |; Mi'.-.v, VV lirriiir... Tun iislilh |!v vi II Hi' nf III!1 nlmVP HtlHCd t-'oileefiyjlt, I'll. ,,' datp But Woodbridgp-Township, )ti Hrst rerullnir nt il meetiiiK- nl' lid ilimr iia-iatti- nl a iiiii-ihiK nl [he Township Commute* *nf theV- -I-.sill, |ll ,\|.l|, 'aid Tii« ns 1 >If> rniiitnlHfr I" hi Wvil in me iiiri'i-ii'il find ilcll^f.o". KlonofKI:!", ::(',7: | .,„.! |» tl'tlt'Mir.VI' TO Ml UII'. « 1 with a population of 27,000 at Ton-nnliJp of Wnoilbrlilfre, In HIP Tulle iiutln'r nollce that th» hi lit ill il- nipi'tliiR roniii in Hi.' I will i-\puHo in will- nl imhlli- ("I menlK therein ami ;h , ' . Tnwnslilp I'liiniiilliB.. has, hy re.io' Mimii'llil lliilldlnK in WnndhrMiff1. Iherruf, nnth-i' l» i,,.,, i, Ir ^\ || | II \! i •«,. I.. .Ir.i the last census, much larger now, County of Middlesex, Nftrt- .Iprppy, held i>n ihp 3rd day, of May, 1NIH,liilluii HMII piiisiniiit to law, n^ied t Ni'W .Irrify, "n ihe !7lh duv nl May.''"\\-KVAV. TIN-: T\VKNTY- »e slull apply tu n,, \| has no library to compare with K mil tlmt dhlil ordlhniicc will ho minimum priny :it whiili sillili lot* 1(1 IS, :n S' n'cln.'k I', Jl. l| Ti, ,i KIFTII liAiY HI-' MAY, A,»l>. rul'NTY -ilit'llT, i'n II it. The Avenel Free Public Li- m paid iilm-k tin in- .«»id in'Ki'ti.ci c Kimn tlli'li'allir .K ; lid rin 11 • NINI'.TllMN lirNDIllOH VfltliY- at th'r- Cniiri li,,,,,., taken up fw further cnhsldf-iatlnn «-lth nil i,i|.i r ilciiiHs pfi iinpni, nn In G»y — (liainiine — nmnsinp' Ynui an lio ri>arfi.'il?nt whidi tiin. and N IN K , of New Miunswi'k x, brary, the smallest in the state, iiml dual pnffHBfrc nt a meeting of minimijin pi in. IIHUK J::IHI.IIII |ihm 1 111*11 folks will en liir IlifHe delight said Township Committee In be p|||. •!• Illl |lfl'Ml|l» Mll> UlilV III' lllt.'l - .ill one nYliirk Slandaril Time nnd Krldiiy, the third da we understand, has no history •ts n'f nr, pnfint, di'i'd nml ailver- 11 :l held nt Its meeting r loh; In aalil 1'iirtiinlty lo he lle.ird ilicertnim HIM' \UM'KI]-l'T,< thi mihl day.vnlllrlK tlmei. m a- ..,„.,. yinill pet n kick mil of those prim niiH-K, il wnl'l mi ti-rin". will rt!i|inr• «M''-il- M;ike these two sets for vouisell us soon thereafter MI .-:iiil uailfi MjUiil iiioiillily ln.itiillnionts of >10.00 fipllowiiiK inii't nr pari-cl other nirnirn, m w ii ,i,, , yJjSiflriLtlMi.. Wriif. •l^-H.-,! I'tM't , zoolpsical book is dated U)76.' plna InjiTi-Kl mi.I IIHHT terms (iio A\NN nillil.N'ANi'niilHN'ANi'K TTinl A.MKNAMl-'.NIHi Tin-TIIK: |M|- |.ln,| .llh| (|,,. pri'inlm* lu-rein- hriink, Lillian II, ,, , or Rive them ;i? an original clft • an he'reaehellh. , ni whi.-h lime fini ll|:Tl ; ; UBSCKIITION KIT TIIK l' .,'.,.,- iimii. iilmlv IICIITIIIPII, ulliiiilf, llnllirnnk nml .l..',i,i, -4'tlv|it)\ '-1» thi'- iifivspn I'M' nil prrHMTi' ivhit ht Inlcr- vhli'il Inr in Kititrai-t of sale. fix a bride. 4* The situation in Woodbrldg* is . hrnok, .Ir. Tiiki- lurilii-r nnii.e thai Rt Old I:I-:A IJINIJ CAUIIAIIV: r II.I.I^TIHN | u ll)|r .,,„, ll,.]lllt \n • i.,- TUM^IIIII ui therein will lie given -.in np- IISTIilfT Nil. I'iillci'll envelope cnnlalnn liol much worse. In Woodbridge, porttiplty in lie hoinl <-<>ii.*»rtilnpr sale, or nny diiti- lo wlili-li It mij U'uiiilhridK.- in the I'ullllly of Ml-II- I nte.l: April :in I Township Coin- \N OlililX.VSd': lONTITI.I'.l' AN illnex nml Stnte i.l" New .Jersey: .IMSKI'M I: Hi,, i Iron transfer lor ciRlit tawnls. rx- where geology runs hogwlld, llii> .-.nine 1 OIHHNANCK TII firf.ATi: I;M:- ir I.IU.IAX Mm.I !.,• 1 R. .1, MPNICAN, mittfc it-M,-i ves Hie rrRliHn Its (II*- ISKiilNMN'i- at ;• P»l"l '" " perlly slyleil (or either applique or there are four books on the sub- Il.vii-K rnl.l.loi'TKiN' IHSTIlli'TS" 1 .Innrpli l: H.,; Tnwn^llill I'lcrli. '.Pllnn tn rc.ii'. t nny urn. or all lildn .aslellv line of Wini-h.'Sli't Jioiul pniljioiileiy Color (hint, SIIKKPSII'II ject—two identical—a volume of anil to si-ll said lots in Mid blork •AixiiTici) K|.:ni:i'Ai:v IMII, IH-I. (||-j|',ll| ..it a Minis*, nl South 7 de- l.lllllln flnl AN' OlU'ilXAXfK TO AMKN'I) AX A.\.;-:M nn i.'|.:iti:r.\i;v :iiii. \'M-i. nnilvrlnln, nml easy to follow <|iiec l)l!l>l.\AN(TK |.JNTITI>:i> 'AN ill!-to .m/li linlil<'i- nn ll may seled, dut m-ees A inil.'.- I'lnst. iili'-d.'. reel < All I '-, regard ln-lii); ijivi'ii tu terms ami PKnisr.Msv MII, i!i;o. ' nn ,1-iilri'd alnnn tile i-.lfterl.l. line nt 1 tlolis are also iiicluilcd. iil.NANri-: to riiKATK IIAI:- nianni'i- of pnyim-nt, In rase unt J.VM'AKY ilth, Hi:' :ird, HlL'f, M Wit,, I,ei1. i liiiinl I'l-oin II puint of VET DIVIDEND lIAd-H COLU-XTION hlSTIMi'TH" Send 15 rails I in colnM for Pat- nr more iniirininni hlds ahull b6 TP- II'AI: l-iliui l).-v where Ihe .«nlllllel'lv line IllPetl Stleet \Vi A!K>F»TI-;ii KIMiKIAKY IMIi, IVU; i-elvijil. 1 KI..WRI1 K. IllinWV I tern No, 138 10 HOMK SIIOl'l'lNO The first National Service Life lii.m. J.»M'.VI;Y L'IUII. i ;•:: i "i''- !,,V I;,,,,.,, Sli-ei-l in. ets the easterly FK(Jl:l'AI(T Rlh, IS.'.".; KKHKI'AKY I'pon m'fi>ptiin!«: IHCrMMIKCr: l:'.|li, I'.IJiii blil, nr hiil nliiivi> minimum, by I'M Tilli. HKiS, J1M.V Hill. IHII. I'l- 'KM- Win. h. ".lei Uuiid ami Kijyi-n Street ulfi linii.ii'vcll A-. " JAXI'AliV 51th, liU'T: M.WICII 1 if Woodbrldge Independent-Leader go into the mails near the end of Towns-iiip I'nniniilt^f and- the pay t: .\i "tii. I'M-.'. .Irs:-: IT»ii. Inhi HI. .ml down mi ii limp entille.l fnrlem, X. .1 uii, mi: 1''KHI:I;AI:Y LMUI, IK 'KM IIK I: I'oritlnK tn tin- inaniKT of pun-host Box No. 1115. O.P.O.. New York 1, .'is. IIHS NiiVKMinor: iiith, 'i|v Woudlii-ldKi' Tnwii.tlil|i. .Middlesex Administration official. The agency iCtli, 19?!S; IM-riCMtUvl! Mil. l»:is In iirr'i Ii! minute-* the finard nl I-Mii • Kill, !«<(!: APIlll, 51?i l!H-«: NO. THK I'OI'NTV UK, MllHil.lHKX Township or Wnnill.i,.! VKMHKI; 1Cth. ift-IS. H .1 lil'NKJAN. TnMmtiln Clerk Knst. |il!l."if> foct lu ll pidnt, thence There are now some 7,000,000 pol- Iti'PHliiinK :ll I lie lllleise. tiiill nl Ito-ird thioin in tin IlK IT OliDAINKII It V TILK To I... .idvi-iii-ii'd M.iy r.lli, I IMS. IL'I Mouili 1' ilt'Kiees in mlliiitps I'.ast, FARM COSTS icyholders in good standing and tlie Pulilie Seryi.-e llnilway and fell In ,i point; CH hullillnJtJt.. Wlh ldK N TOWNSHIP ro,\rMiTTi:i-: op TIIK .mil M'.iy IL'lli, I "I I :•. ill the Imli'- l I pn; t WiiOilllilllR. I'irlcret linad, I hell, r f i P. M. ICasterIC n li:iyll(ti,t .- DO BUNDLE UPVOUR LAUMDRY 13,000,000 others who have allowed TOWNSIIIT UP WOOMtKIIXiK, IN' pHli.li'ill -l.i.Hl.T Suih ; di'Krees If, minute* Wr»l, The cost of buying and equip- northerly alnnw 1'uhlii Sei\ i. e M:iy 10, 19-111, Inr iipi'i,, AND BRIK16 IT HEGP TO US' ' TIIK COINTY III-' .MtlUll.ttSKN I II T.iij feet In ii point In I He eaM- their policies to lapse. l:ailn':iy lo the I'ori lie.i.lliiK l!;ill- I.1.MI tons #1 hit. In',- ping a farm of adequate size is at 1 Ul'flT toi W-ilS ei-lv line nl Winc*iestpr Knad; thence ITS WASHED W HALF AM HOUR Hlllnllvlsii.n ••[•"' i,I Sfi-lloti 3 ••nii.i; 11i.-n.-i- ea-terh almiK the JnO Inns rice n.;il' ticrt'hy amfndtMl lu Irn'linlr new ami i 11 Xnrlli 7 drKiPes 41 ml n nl en West cllC C a record level, according to the MUM i: IIK rini.ic SAI.B Porl ttetiiling i:allr..a,l In the I'eii- Nii tons nut i ...d WITHOUT ADO OR. ' .'iililltloim! territory sn thai hfi-n illnll); the easterly line nf Winches- Agriculture Department, • which FAITH VINDICATED TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: tiiil Kiln-nail nl Ni-\y ,lcrse\: iheiui' ter I:..iid. stS.HTi feet iii ilie polni nr All eonl must he . Imii niter paid siihdlvMon shnll III.IIHI At a rpRiilar meeting nf theiimtherly al.uiK Hi.- r.-niral l;:iil- nsh etlrtl. LIstH KhiiWin:: nil tlif territory wiihin Hie I'nllnw .1.1 nl HKHI.VNINC. points out. on the other hand, that BERKELEY, Calif. —, Janet Tnwnnhln Cniiimlltcp nf the Town- rojiii nl New .lerin-\- in itic < i-nter of conl t#l Hchnnl'i .iii.l In^ bounds: ship nf Win..M.I' .If. II. H P.I-:IN(! die soiitlierly pnrllon cii' Casey, jj, put her tooth under h*r lllie id Sixth Street: Ihell.e, eiisli-rly flcatlnns may he nl.i.u farm products' prices are about lIpRniiiliifi- :it a imiiil in I In- i-diir May :;rd. I •• i:>. I 1 l.n 11 In I'.I.M k N-I-: a» nnlil lot Is aliillR Ilif rent.! Mil.' .-yi'iiinii, M.iy / 17. IIH!l fairies would put a penny under thenee aluiiR- ihp .enter line of Wniiilliildu'c Tnwtlslilp, Middlesex led any or nil liNI--. reached in January, 1948. Farm itf ilip Ppnnsylvnni;i Kailnmil i-un- tii* Township ('iiiiiniltt« will meei U'udliridKe I '.iili-ret Kuiid s.mtii- MJ fil iil Jf the pillow during the night. When nine, I—northerly alijnt nt H !'. M. (l)STi, in tin: rmnmUtep it'llt>- New Jersey, Mi'y IM'.'," nli-d I Immaterial Jiifnimaliu. operating costs, for the most part >.Vi*«i'!-!y (" I'liU I!.J:I,I): lllelue .llulit n. f,,t,er'.'i, IStZ, Ns. MSS Klir H25. in.' Kin she awakened, however, there was ly llnf or Ihe lYnnaylvuiilu littil- Cliamijers, H enmr "ra l I'llIT r.ijiil tn n poiii(, ni'n inindie't are expected to continue high This disi-riptlon Is in ureorriiin.'p Townshlii ni \\-.,.. road In u polnl wlifii- sunn' wnitl Bullillng, WooJIirlilge, New Jersey, feel south of Ilu- sniiiherly line ol no penny. E-rays at a hospital vin- and MpoMi' ami sell at putili.; »m. uilli survey m.iiie hy C. It. llavl.s, WontlhrldKe, X i again, although a faw costs—no- bf- Intprspi'tpd hy ilip norlhi-iiy lln .*5i llool Slreel i mil illlleil easterly; dicated her faith, however. The and to the highest lild'ler accoHSInf c.l':., Wni.dhridKe, N. .]., Oclobpr II, Itni.RN H. AXl)i:i;, nurthprly lino nf llU/r feet smith i<( S.-honl Street m. the H9-I in ihe ca>lcily line nf Him-K Township Clerk open to Inspection r Hciiift part of tlie unme iirenil.-ies i. I,. • F. it. :.-.', i lower than last yepr. 4, who had awakened first. and to he pnhllrly rnul prior to mil westerly linn of \\ e st Avenue. i-iiiivevi'd In U'estmonl, Inc., JI eor- Illl-ll; tlicn.'f :!—noithprly -.ilnnK Ihi'iiee -mill ll alollK the wei|erl> I.Ill l'i ill I'.lnrk Slili, nil Illl- WOIIII- Ijuration of New Jersey; by deud I'lldlMIS M Miliil i':inerly line of Hlm-li -Illi-ll It Mile of IVl«l Avenue, L'7;. feel lu II liliilKi- TiiWIIsldp A-i.^.^sllll'll! Mill! datcit I'-ehriiiiry Hi, IS*", record»d the .iiiinhfrly II nr «!' Hlmk 177 linlnt: I lit nee wesurly at riKht Sealed proposals will Take fnrthrr notice ihiif tin In the Clerk's llfflie of the County Copf. Adorliun E llii'iici' -I— Wi-Htorl>' alimK llu- soulli- lli(;l.-s III Wf-t Avelllle I HI) feel In hy the Hoard at Kdu. cily lino nf Illnck 477 tn ll |inint Township Committee has, by resoln of Middlesex, N. J., Kehniary 17lh, niilp of, WoodlnhlKi, .. linn and iiniaii.ini to law, fixed s :i point; tlieni-e iiortherly iind pai'- llil'J, in llnuk 12)2 of DredK for said wlu rr rhf- yMiu- int. r.-^'i-t^ tlii- n lllel With U'.'Sl Avelllle HI" te.'l lo lioom In the IliH'h s.-l" liin1 m Middlesex Avcnui'; tl minimum prii-c .it wlili-h said lot County, pane 171). Wo hrhlKi', N . I. In aajiiyiluck will IJH sold together a point; iheiai-e weslerh nml li^lu ly> uloiieK: the i-i-nti'i- lln .inKles tn West Avenue inn feet in Also heing Ihe same primisia coji- I'Damr-rtt with ii™ollicr di'tillls pertinent, «ald Vi-N'i-.I lu Iliiwiiril I,. SpniK-ue iiinl Ifay 111, 1!HS, ill wh:.-i f .Midillpses Avi-niii-, to- a |.nlni miiillifTiin piin lnin'R*?*.'i0.ili) plus i point; tlieiu-e nurtlioiv airl iiaral- Kvn J. SpritKiie, his wile, hy ilecil will he puliIIeK open. I luri- iho name is i iTHia of prepiirlnK .U'i>d arid adver- Icl with U'e.M Avenue 17II feet in .i 1 lilted July ::. Ill 111, recnrdeil In Hook for .ftililtnt-H Wipjili.--, Hit t;isti-i-1 yy rxlpnsim In point 2UI1 feel smith uf Srlmiil street; I,- 131.1 uf bi'i-du for Middlesex County, Hpcclncatiolis \n:\y li. ll Inl ISIIS .Illd I Mill, tlll'l'i hku'U, if milil on terms, require them-e westerly ;\n.l |iar.ill.-l wiih 1 pane i'll'i. the HiHtrlct Clerk - •-:' l om i lu'.yii paum nl of SJ7i.nn, the lluill - Sl-lionl Slrt'fl lu the I'ulllle Sel vi. i- KeiiiR Hie premises commonly wrslerlj to iiorili iti • n.'i nnre ol pin-, liase prn-e to lie pnhl In Kailwa>", Iheii.-e norihei-l>i alniiK 1 known ami ili-KiK'iiuteil as Nn. 150reject any all hi 1>>;:I in llliicK 41? (': nn-iii'in-iii' - . - iiiual Mi.uill.lt installments of J 111.110 I'lililh Service *l!:ill\v;n _tu Wun.l- xniitherly uliing n-uslu'ly limim-- of InlIdiia liiien-si and other lernu prb- lirlilne rarteret Iturnl, i!i.- pl.u e >uWill. he.--Iel- ll.Hiil, Wuinlliridge, N. ,1.Irnmnteiinil l ini'inin.iIii • IMIM lo llic inullivlly lin- uf ki-n-videit fur In contract of sale. lieBinnlntc Thi- :,iipru\iliiiite iinliHlllt ol' the HOAI'.II OK Kin that fill ; li( (ly Streri; t)•<->••''- >• •• ••:i: f>rl >• Take fiii'lhi-r null.-e ttiat ft laid ATiil'ST I'. (IIIKINRI:, cut In he sutlslied liy Haiti Township u:' \\.. r :ilonx Hie nfirl iiprl \ lint. J,r Ktii- Mile, or nny d.ite tu whkji It maj ColHlllltti-elnaii-al-laiKi •, tne sun, III nun Tlioii.sand •U'oihlhriilp.-. .\ 1 IH-IIJ stn-r-i in HIP unnthirrwrh rrp—rttlltiTiTni;() tttr • Tu w iwMp Ooin-; indreil Tlilrty-lwn and Twen- lllCLF.N II. ANliKCSi"'.' i-iiriii r or Inl I KM, tlifiiM. 'i souili- iriitlci1 if'Setves tlie right in iU illl- 11, ,1, lil-'NUiAN. i.\'-uni> i','ills it 1,11:12.21) toBi-thisr Ulstri.-t Cleiti. (Ti> .iltin^ n lini- !•!•,,^yillK KMI'II-IIV i-iviion to ii'leet ii II v one 'or nil hid* Township Clerk. with iln: ousts nf ilii.n sale. I. I.. - V. It. '•-". Sli'i-i I a in! .iliinj! I)H' IVI .stcply liii" an.I in ,-,'li s-ii.l Inl ;n --ai'l hlnch To lie inlvi rilse.l in Inilepend. nt- MI iois iiisii-n;>.'i-ii!M lo :t puint to .stirli Iii-Mi'i- .in it limy select, (Jut hi'arter y" May n and May U', 1'.»I!'. _ SI MM.AIIV »F Al'IIIT — W'IIHJ'C sanil- is Illlel'spi'lt-il liy llit- n-Kfti'd lu'iiii.' K'ven lo terms and TliN Siimniary uf Audit for tile year rililed l-'elmiar. 1 J nith nolire uf imlilli' lieiiriiiK I'or ci'iiu-r lini' nl J t-r.*hi n^ A\""nur; manner nl piiyintnt. In case one oi iiiml :i.lupt_mn on Muy 17, lilt'.'. llm llnurd i.r l'ir.- i'iiiiiuiis«iohi.'r.s, Kire Wstrh-t Nnniher inie tiii'iiri- in u'esti'i'ly iiluiiL^ ttHMi-nli-r mine minimum L.lrU shall \i» re- Tn\vuslii|i, Nev,- .li-riiey, is puhllnhed :IH required ti\' K. S in Ihu- nT IVrsMnK A\>Hilr to .i puiiil eaiyed. hiDWAKI) iH.Si:X. jiOTH'R wliiri- liic s.iinc is inl epsi-rli-il l>v i\n- Upon aiceptunee of the minimum i IIMI'AIIATIVI; RAI,\\(I: snr,i:i's cavivPly line of tuihilividt-d lr;n l nf hid, in- hhl uhnve minimum, by the TAKB N'OTinK that application has lieen made to the Township IVhriiliry i», 1II4S, anil HMD i:md known :is "Anemia .M^iiitir" Township Committee and this pAy- Dataller tlnliniee ment tliereuf hy thft/purohaser ftc- Committee of %Voodhriil1re to trans- If tin- S.IIIII- were pi-niln -tl 1,1111 a - fer: to (llbralttr rurpoi-alhui.'tr.idiiit; ASSISTS Fell. IW, IWK FHi. liN, III i-llv'-: lln-lii-,' II—llnrt llt-rl\- ;ilnn-K fl conHriK to tlie inannor of purchan l| In acr-iji-ilniice with terrfin of suit on as'Howaril Johnson's for premises Cash . t S.liiiUi.1 Jii.-'i.".; - t-iisU-rly line of "Aiismiia .\l IIH.I located ut the southeast enrner nl li.-iei-i-i-d Chai-Ki-s in l-'ntiiri. Tnvatinn ,1,lHlli.(tO in ihp nni'tli Kiit i-urner nl thedie, the Township will deliver* b*r. ualn ami mile ileed for «alil croinliel Ne* Jersey P.outi> No, 25 and l.nrae ^.imi : ihtnre 12"-Wi-Hlerlv ailing liATI-Mi: M;iy 1th, 1 04:i. Avtnue, Wooilbrldtfe, Mew Jersey, Take tlic "If" out of your Mother's Day Gift. UL nnrlliii'ly liilu uf ^!>id 'AiiMillii lucllldlim an .-t in P FASHION TBMXTO5I Koute ,N'o. 'Jf, and l.oree Avenue, »•.'.••:•:: ••- with joy—every day! tin; westerly line "I «i|il ir.n-i, NOTK'1-; IS IIKI;l-:HY (HVKN that Wnflrthrlilge, New Jeruev. L llieiu-e 1.",—-i>ulkiF>rl>' aluiiK tin- > "" STICKS -eali-il hids will he rerelveil hy the 1,-1,, ivi-'iirlv liin- uf s.iHi trait in ihr Thp piimes arul resideui-Vs nf .il 2 Suite Highway i'oinmlssloni'r for! Mother'*, '<» $l,5(j • •niipi Unt- nf li:tk Tree Itnad lu a I'MIK lll.M I. c [inim UIIHII- y;iini- l« liili-i'M-i'lel h> i'mist I'urii.iii oi I'ark A\-,-iuii' Day Box, " 'arryhiff tie Hit- wesiti'ly line of anollu-r travt fri.ill (lull Tlie .Lane to I'liiuii- of lam! owned liy I lie Itiuliii As>n- Mi.lilleseN Cniiniy Line, Iliil-nllgli ul iiai.es Inc; theiu'e lli—Southerly Si,ulli I'laililinlil, -\ftddlese.\ i'lillllty. SWEETEST ( aluii^ Ihe westerly line nf said 1'Vilinil Aid Sei'iimliiry I'l-ojei-l Nn, Iran lo ,i point in ihe renter Iliir I'AS-SII:; ill, I.enKtli 1.71S miles. GIFT, nf l.ln.-oln Highway: then.-i- 17-- I'Jstimate.l: ta.sti-rly along- die eenter line nl ."..injii in. yds. lina.lway Kxca- l.ini'oln ll.lKliyvay, to a point where •*I.5O BOX WRISI,EV 1 vation > tin- Millie wniild he inter **! led li> 111.'.'la MI|. yds. Mn-adani Base FINE TOILET SOAP tlie northerly prnloiiKalinW of the l:'i" Ihi.-Kl u'l-stei'ly lim) nf lllock •(!("; tlienri' 31,(Mil mi. yds. Mod. Pen. M;i- IS -.-iinilierly JIIOIIK Hie we-ad tn » L'.L'SS Iili. It, l>l-ai|lilKe point where I He same wmilil he In- Hhls I'm- tlie all..-.-.- will he lecelvfd wilt voy Fine Perfume _.... urserieil hv Ihe westerly |irii|iiiiKii- nt the iittlee of tin- Stute Highway tion of the southerly line uf KlocU Toilet Water by V£' lepiirtiiieiii, 1:1111111 liti, ritatf TIoiiHe WORLD FAMPUS ::7.'.-A; thence -1—ed.slerly ;ilonn Annex, Tieiiiuii, N. J., mi Thursday. Whitman, Sihrafft, Faberze, Coty, Vard-" the southerly line of Hluck o7fi-.\ tu Muy L'll, Hi 111, at ivii o'clock 1111:0.0 Remember Mama? ley, Iludnlit, ChanUUy." a pi,inl where smile would lie Iniei-- A. M. I'lASTKItN STLVNIIAUD • Warm weather sci-ii'il liy the westerly HNiluiiKatli>n 'NMEl, eli-yen o'.-liick (II:1)D A. M. — Louifi , AentUeric, Tabu, Mat- She'll b« looking for a card ul a line I'.'.' feel mmthe-rly frum and >AYI.HIHT SAVIMS VlMUl. am) means /note [ Page & Shaw • from you oji Molhtr'i Day, t^fabelll— paiiillel lo Ihe wiulhtl'ly line of will lie opened nml read Inilneillatfly In.liilli'i Avenue; thMire 21lr—eafiterlv May 8th, Mak« her happy tUereal'ter. time^pcnt|f * ' $1.00 up unil .iliinK ii line l!"> feet l'imi| and The receliH mid iipeiiiii)(_uf.hlds In with o Hallmork Mothar'i luirallcl to the KOiitlierly line ijl In-SUhjeet In t 111- |irn|n-l ,,l|ll,ll^flr.l|tllll| Day Cflrd. ) dliina Ayeniie, lo u point wlieri- ( the lilitilev iii ar.-nrdaiice wltlj the out-of-doors... ,/Q I Hive her a sitnie will he Intersecti'd hy a line rovlsluns uf the preiiinilltliiitlon S«« owcodipUU lelection feel euKUrly frn|ti «nd parallel t iw 'and tint le^iilulloiis adopted liy mote time needed at Hallmaii Mother's Day .... easterly line uf, Heiijmnlii, Avi,, the iStatii IliKliway Coirlmlsidoner. w|i KODAK Camera li'ue; Ihfnrt) ?3—tiajftherly (UionK il lJldilfi'ti iiiunt uLso Hiihuilt u revised Cqrdi. J100 HOUBtGANT line \:t, ffft nistefjy frttm and |ur- rlnaiiciiil stilti-iiu-nt anil statement ol to answer the WISTERIA AND allel lo the eanterlvillne of Hfnjii- plairt and timipmeiit with thtlr hid. 5c to $1.00 inin Aveiiue to the center.line of •I'Vderill Aid Sei-ullililiy 1'lnjeii" Illl- telephone! when it ririgs. So please, GARPENU lln I;, ley Boulevard; Ihiuu- M— llmllv.fil, hy' the pi'ovisiolltt uf TiVle Westerly alonS the' center line of L'7 of tlic Ui'ilsed Stntuten uf New don't hang dp too Soon, when you n\i TOILET WATER Herkeley Hotileviird, . lo ;t liolnl and .supplements and hy See- I Oitt Wtwnti where the same would he Inter- lliiiKi i, :i and I, I', L. Mi, 7Sth Con- seeted hy the southerly proloiitfii- iid Is in he peifiii'ihed In a call! USMIIFTS Both—$1.00 Ilini uf A line 00 feet Westerly frum ,u-i-iild'iiiee with the spteiul provi- ami parallel ,tii the weau-rly- line iiit.I reijuii-eiiiciils in' the Fed- BROWNIES S3.15 of Woryi Slrflet; them'* 2n— nortli- eral Works Ageitry, Piihlle Itnad.; • Hanging u|i too SOOn 1» the reason Alai-m Clocks 1.79 up erly along a line 90 fe*l we-Uerls Admliii.sll.itlnn, ILM olltlllleil 111 Ihe froin and parallel to Ihe we«Teriy hPci'ilh'iilluiiH, vvlil.'h proVliiiulls 1'e- why more than 75,000 telephone Hair Brushes .... 79c up line of Wi.ruli Htreet to "# siei'luil Ii)' Hie center line of Berk- ini'it Keiyhe, (i Sulllel'stt Street, f\ Ufa are not completed every day he"-' AVER k"r eley Court; thence tt—northerly Flalnrlel.l, N. ,1. The attentiot n nf hjd- .ikiiiK die- .inter line of ilerkeley p.ru- Atomizers 1.25 up ilers in directed to the p IA New Jersey. By waking U l«n» SMALL WONDER Court to a ^iolnt w.here Ihe lll uv i JlJnuljIwHJniI f or afc- w.iohf he Inlemei'led hv tile Konson Lfghters 5.50 up SET iriKi tht viiivliivl, , 'I'hIhtt UUnltml j ly exie,iinli>ii uf the'suUUlPrly lino wg|fB' iralil 1fi, alll l liiisKllleill t laliur Skin Lotion, Amity lor Lady of hut 108 In Dlui-k 37S N. J).; thence l on t,l'i* cunli'itci iiliull lie Face Powder, and 27—easterly vlolilt tho nolltlmrly line %iv. pel- hour. The minimum wu&i take another call-and no Buxton Wallets 2.50 up Cleansing ('ream of I-at 10k In block t'i N. N to tin paid to nil, Intjiii mi'illiUe Kiude u. y coinen r .of »alil lot: labor einployiul on thin contrurt ne wopld bt dl»pppinted. i Parker, Water- All for $1.00 northerly the ,-UMI- Bhull be ""« per hour. The minimum cl-ly line of Jot 100K to 100 (.m-limlve wiltfe paid to nil akilled liibor em- Sfc man or Schaeffer to the .southerly line of 20 in Hlmk ployed on ini» i-i>ntra>l ghalt bo Pens onsets 1.00 uy 37J iN. N. w the KuutllWiflt corner of 11.^5 per hotic. uairt lot; ln>m* IS—formerly alinin lirnwiiifea, .ipe'clttt'UUiih.i and foriL the wetter!/ linu of lot ill ai|d Itso/ hid; inn|nirt anil honil for ihe piHjIuliBUillbn hWther.ly to itjij- — prppotsri WitvU. an' on I.Htt In the lei- line tit1 Green Street: 'itieiic ottii-e or Hie Stale Highway Depurl- weeterly alOUK the cellt)!!' 'line of me.nl, Ti'cnUih, - (f. J., ami iuu» liu flreen Mtrtw to u puint where Ihe Itl l p''p y i^^l t bhlbhlilerl n Hanit would tip ffiliifcci-teJ by (lie offltit IHUHH. P will h buutliclly ihruloqnttbh of tht west till'(I l}t|Kf«lt Teli Ilol PUBLIX ly hue fff IJJ^-M lit tthwk \M-U fur1 l Wrtttfrfm I* *. \m ttrur d itoirr-W« Clerk, Stale Highway I)« NJW JIKSIY IILL TILIPHONI B4slcil) line of lulti 11 kilt) 12 In ti " i^^ sut H Bln,;K «2'M ai)d the, nut I htily pro Ann«x, TTrentaji N. ";l. llldn iiiuat Ilk loiijallon »f tald Una »loiit Uii tl upon I'le Htiindtird In Blook tii t w the »«rttt#at

bull Bt t!if SUGAR "AOED" WHISKEY shelve; tins fa . Tn CJvi» CntlPPrl Edith Prey. Christine Rostel, Mari- P'irinK MI ox- out oncp anrl for lyn Counterman. Gail Parkstroni. World sugar production for the Postwar-madr whiskey, . pertpcl damper all. But meantime the district is Donald DeWItt, Mary Ceber, Gay 1948-49 season is now estimated at after V-J Day and thus mrelina i low's Wear off later in the day or dis- • Continued from Page 1 51,000,000 will be rparty for without proumrm. Inthe inter- Oundersori. Donald Solt, Edward a record %7,8(8.000 tons by the the industry's description of -aged' appear, after a crip of coffee neth Blanchard. Edward Boi>ffario- h disti-joiiUnn ests of all it would ta> br*t lo Bercl*. Frank Mai, Oeorgr Jack- Agriculture Department. This is and qualifying for bottled-ln-bonfl fall ' ' ,1'ltl lo the Them'people have m pep, wltz. Robert Beni. Edwsrd 9ey- abolish No. 12 anrl substitute sonw i.r mn, Fred Briegft, Richard Anzc- 11 per cent higher than the pre- lack energy and strength. They ,irllM BIM'NSON other fire protection in District 12 vlno. Albert Therg?sen. vious season's total arid nlnVpir lire chron-lc carriers of the malaria i . Sewaren School: John Anderson. Mr. Vogel said Judee Barker was Pfeiffer. cent night, than the pre-war parasites which are in a quiescent Donald Gareuilo. James DiForti. (1935-39i average. state. If they shoulubceome sud- presf nt on his invitation. Keith Burnett. Francis Rymsha; Interntedlate Orchestra .„!,» denly chilled, or take an Inter- "I was waited on last Friday Strawberry HID School. John Es- Barbara Frlusch. Ethel Kramf r, I'll current disease, then the parasites night by a delegation," Mr. Vosel sink. John Manganaro; No. 11 Linda Peterson, Christine Rostel, SAVINGS Today Americans are sav- wnuld multiply, and the patient, stated, "and for the continued se- School. Julius Oecsey. Allan Palm- Edith Prey, Gail Patkstrom, Don- in? mohey In record-breaking would shake with chills and fever. curity of the neighborhood, as the er. Richard Hacker, Prank Wran- ald DfWitt, Bnrbarn, Vander Dec- amounts, according to Oscar R. has been This oould be prevented by the men were aroused to a pitch. I sug- iu. Robert Zeher. Frank Mai, ker, Marilyn Zowadskl, Katherine lil Kreut?., head of Loan League. If • ,,i;'i';,iiii since the Imely taking of quinine. Fifteen sested they hnve their counsel Qeorge Jackson. Howard Kuhlman, Martucci. Donald Hulillch. Eliza- 1949 ends as it has started, sav- grains a day lor four or flte days present at tonight's meeting to Robert Fustos. Benjamin Johnson, beth Schultz, Sondra KaU, Nor- l!: ings and loan associations will „, ||lP anopheles should suffice. If fever is present. niv<> thiiv side of the story. I don't William Bothwell. Frank Horat, ma Christensen, Margaret Kra- 1 probably have their largest sav- '•',.,rilVi-d many ad- It will bo necessary to take twenty to spttir this matter to- Charles Oleman, William Mar- mer, Chris Pederson, Theresa Ze- ings Inflow in history, he predicts. ", ,m,-, u( the past, grains of quinine a day from five night. This p'-c;?nts a very serious Dowt',1. Mark Mung«r, Steve Oreg- lucskovics. Donald Jacobi, Sthe- ,' ni;|.',iinc('iit cities to seve. ndays. Begin early in the picturei . W..t us. Fred Brie«s, George Ootsak. phen Ruskai, Fred Brleas, An- anyy Board of SWITCH LAST NAMES "^ ,',,„„. of noisome morning, and take five [.'rains Donald Drost. Robert aimon. John thony Mercurip, Robert Kwollnski. Fire C.'immnsinners can take ac- ORAVESEND, England—How's every four hours. tion as this story reflects makes Kalapos. Danald Jacob' Franklin Richard Anzevino, Aftln Bsrtlcs, . | ,rla was sup- Kara. William Tunison. Steve Rus- Robert Prankel, John Pfeiffer, Al- this for a family mix-up? Alice m l i If you go Into a ma'larhl dis- this an lmnnrtint matter. I sufc- Bolesworth nectntly became Alic» '..„. u, brosthing in- gMt lhal the kai. Albert Hunt, William Benson, bert Thergesen, Dorothy Gutwtin, trict from an area that is free! majority and Oxley and Alice Oxley b?came ,:,,iivl.v that Qt the board as a whale with the at- Harold Roy. Theodore Markulin Prank Mai, George Jackron, Jean from the disease, then as a pro- Alice Bolesworth. They married , |,,, .(. the name torneys bp invited, to attend a Robert Araeon. Albin Bertics. Rob. Livingston. IU phylACtlc, be sure to tnke six to each other's brothers— Philip Ox- '\\ bad air. special meeting Thnwday night ert Prankei,. Julius Palmer. Lee v meam nine grains of quinine a day dur- Senjor Orchestra ley and Henry Bolesworth—in a ";,, l)lilt carried the There is another question, that of Phniot. John Stniak, Michael 1 ing the malarial season. Gloria Osborne, Joyce Olbrlcht, double wedding ceremony. / ,.,,vfrrtl, however, i Insurance. I'm flurprised that the Pin .er. Joseph Hnat. Richard Anr Janet Semrad, Rose Sluk, Ro.-s; ,,,,„! to work with Board of Fire Cotnmisisoners Un- WORLD'S GOLD Sluk. Phyllis Bagdl, Stephen ert Chlnchar, Edward Ounthner, Selection In Tlic County ,. ;,„(! found queer derwirters'has'n't taken mors posi- Out of a total world sold sup- Thi-rgesen, John Pfeifer, Morris Dancecs, Anthony Miller, Dolore.-- j Doris Hemseii, Richard Larsen, .i' I,!,,,,,! of patients tive option. It is our stipulated ( ply of $38,000,000,000. the. United Qrossman, Harriet Hoiuen. Osborne. Marie Scott, Nora Coar. Emtry Rosko, Hden Clark, Helen States has $24,000,00,000 with most duty to see tp it as a Township IntennedUt* Band Margaret Ktisak, Jane,Zieseness, Barna, Joan Skovranek. Elaine ::. i . '' : ''['painstaking toll of it burled underground at Fort | Committee that they are is provide George Dwyer, William Orosz, Florence Johnson, Joh'fi Annesst.iRomberg, Clementine Jordano, ;/ ,. | (inn. the ano- n ( Knox, Kentucky. i ed with fire protection. If the so? Alfitd Leithner, Emery Konick, Jack Hutohins, Carl Youngman.l Marie Neupauer, Do.'ls Sohnle, .'.'.,, w-as the inter- called majority fails to Attend. Edward Berkowltz. Raich Coppola, Harold Lehrer, Carol Oiroud, Rob-' Elsie Szabo. ''!' iimi transmitted their silence will be eloquent John Lisko,*rttehard Yura. Don- ;',,MMtcs to human Fire District Row enough. Then we will know they ald McCabe, Richard Mazzur, Al- GIFTS have no desire to coopf rate and we 'Continued from Pa«e 1) bert Tibak, Jack Hutchins, John ,•. miitis-tnUions were will take the neressary action." which was through west Inmnn Konick. James O'Neill. Arthur CHNNERWARE t GLASSWARE .:,iiv in Italy, where Avenue, Rahway. Mr. Borbour, he The president cf the Colonia Notchey, Alex Urban, Bruce Pe- .•'."i,,.iiiM-lves to be bit said, Interfered with the Tnxpnyers' Association said his terson, Ronald Bills, Theodore ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ,.,',i mosqultos. They pgres group asked if the. new fin? com- Colosky, Robert Barbour. William of the truck and was summoned ;,1, malaria within pany had a chart a- and for the 'aimer. Paul Tomaso. Philip to appeal' in the Rahway Magis- WINDOW SHADES • VENETIAN BLINDS i' .MIS shown by fv-1 nan»s of the men in the nvw com- Painter, Richard Larsen, Lafay- trate's Court on -the complaint of ,„ m.uion that by pro- pany and Mr. Barbour refused to ette Livingston. impeding the porgress of a fire ap- HOUSEWARES ,;i|IVi(lual from the comply. After ejecting the old Tire paratus, a violation of the Motor Sen|or Band ,','.,,! ;, or by exter company and accepting the new Vehicle Act. Mr, Barbour filed a Richard Larsen. drum- major: YOU MAY CHAKOK YOUR ITHCHASM malaria one. the meeting was adjourned cross complaint of reckless driving James Dauda, student leader; from any and the majority members walktd James Bennett, Edward Ounth- against the driver of the truck. n ouT of th meet in';, the taxpayers' Mr. Barbour was found guilty and ner. William Palmer. Robert Chin- ON OUR BUDCKT PLAN !,,',';,'„, nfty years, the head said. he has appenled to the Union car. Ronald Bills. Bruce Peterson. ,, .iiiinnished in extent County Court. The complaint "Mr. Barbour." he continued, "as Theodore Colosky, Robert Barbour. '.'••, ,,',fi- many parts of aaginst .the truck driver was dis- much as said that the public'had Donald McCabs, Richard Mazzur. ,,;,, ,i is still a scoarge missed. no voice a,nd they alone would Gorge- Harris, James Benyola, ;!;i|,,,:-sib]e to entirely i Firemen Fired (Ucide what was to be done. This Robert Ziegner, Nicholas Pelle "On April28." Judge Barger fur- nttittult is unfsir. We have* stake «rino. Bemhardt Madsen, Ferd- ,,.;,: bv "mat malaflolo inand Petersen. George Dwyer ther told the Township Commit-, in the town—our families and our ,,,' ,jiiiiiine we possess a Rrhery Konick, Alfred Leithner tee, "Mr. Barbour took the appa- homes—and he wouldn't sive us a ,.i'n,,iv auainst malarial William Orosz, Edward Btrkowitz chance to talk. He refused w hear ratus away, a truck previously built Ralph Coppola. John Lisko, Rich- K.;. !i tidier, while in our committees We hope you gen. and owned by the fire company ard Yura, William Livingston, Al- .:;!,.. mi areas, but carry tlemen will cooperai? with the which turned it over to the Board bert Tibak, Robert Gawroniak, liir'.ii ureas, must Taxpayers' Association." when the district was formed. The Ronald Seaman. James Dauda, ,:',MI iiuinlne, which truck Is now in a lean-to near tht Beln S?^»bo, ,i resident of the ', pi,,:.-.! him from the Edward Thompson, Jaok Hulchins. CHARLES SIM KIN & SONS Rarltan Township line, Mr. Bar- area, told the committee that the Edward Laubach, Alex LemasKew- bour instructed the firemen that actions (if three members of the ski, James O'Niell, Arthur Notchey. Engineering Contractors Ol'KN FRIDAY Till il P. M. ,;;i- iiiiinv who are suf- they are no longer firemen, that a board 'stinks." ,,[;-: •:;;• clients of latent Alex, Urban*. Jgiui Konick. Thomas IV A. 4-4.ri96 new company "had been formed '•We went to fight against the Weber, Robert Jogan. Emery Ros- Phone P. A, 4-7300 l;,i. lliirv do not have the We do not know if this company very thins that this element is n! rhills and fever, but ko, Philip Painter, Paul Tomaso. 123 SMITH STRKRT PERTH AMBOY l)-:i;. has a charter, how many are in it trying to inject—dictatorship." Mr. ;i:n ul' not feeling well Junior Orchestra !'i,inii or If they aside in the area. Gen- Szabo stated. 'I ask you. as mem tlemen, this is ,i serious situation bers of the TownsHip Committee No. 1 School. Rochelle Stimon, The district is substantially with- to Dresent this case to the prose- Victor Ostrower. Henry Jansen, /•v out fire protection. I want to put cuting attorney and clear up this William Kovacs: Colonia, Maiylin FIRST CHURCH (his on record so situation. L^t tht Grand Jury de- Jennings, Kathleen McCunne, hnpprns, if someone should be cide." Jacquelyn Sparks; Hopelawn, An- OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST burned to death,/hat we won't Arbitration Fails drew Kramer, Vera Johnson, Paul havp to app?ar beYorc the Middle Michael Kreutz. a minority Turk, Dolores Frank. Robert SEWAREN, NEW JERSEY sex County/Grand Jury. The fire member of the board who was Keane, Thomas Winnicki, Alex f n r Benuscio Jos h Novak •U'ii;i!s have bedn char : d i Uv elected in February as a fire Com-l ' eP '. Iselln Announces a firemen can't b«J certain of when pany candidato. said lie had made schools. Shirley Hoffman, Robert the fire Is ivenl if they cuu'.d do many attempts f> arbitrate thejstanik. Glenn Dobbs, Joyce Jolly, something as tht old-type volun- difficulties without sucMis. Herald K*1"1*611 Mulqueen, Alice Young teer bucket brig&de. that whenever he attemmed to get Sa»y Lovinsky, Evelyn McCrory, FREE LECTURE Ethel "Of course the\ company could some statements inf.) the record Sedlak. Barbara Handwer- get ,in inlunction\n the Superior he WHS told n -.'•-. home, write "it Ber. Donald Huhlick, Robert Van- on Christian Science 1 Court, but it woulu take su lea.'1 up and then it won!' ^.placed In-* " Decker, Ka%in'e Martucci, six months for a \ arinv. There the minute? I Marilyn Zowadzki, Anna Mae Law- Subject men are working men and cin't •They just don't want to hear renc"- Christian Science; "It Reveals Man's Dominion afford the cost. You can't so what I have to ,ny" h? concluded.I Sewaren. A^n Na?y, Elaine Over Evil" Superior Court with ut it,costin» Mr. »..'.id the goveininu Girdner, Marioi?\Noon, Adele Roe- omeone some mom '. They have body would t:> i". that the sec- rig. Carpi Rankin. Roger Oberk, BY o money even to my for lion would w. fire prat.-ction ,m. I Betty Uoyd: Avenel. Andrew Meg ROBERT STANLEY ROSS, C.S.B. dvice. I know th/answee is to mediately and set ;;ie c,->nr


The ancient and royorg«me 1| ! popular in New Jersey.' The 79 WITH A GIFT FROM, ALLEN'S physical charcittertifttr^f this mi A PASTEL PRINT ttafe alone would invite the game. Thejrvely.streamj IHIOKS SLIPS....'.3 BLOUSES GALORE FRESH LINGERIE SLIPS .K, which cowrie through the courtt^ysid* and the hilly ll;l:l,rs or screen from In. character of ports of New Jersey contribute to the sporti- '"IU-(1 "a second*—no 1^*5.95 Smtot-Hm ness of mctny of the golf couric5Jw,hich dot the itaie. *'<'• I'ldblnn, Better than $ 79 print - suirit- Her* in New Jeney is ona of Jh» oldest and mosr' 1 famous private clubs, in the United Sjares. Of Iote years '" *"\. Will not ru»t. rot lit'ting, figure many beautiful Municipal and public courses hctve bean BL0USES. 4 rlittterltie. developed hertJ ""' llllni- Impervious to The manufacture of golf tubs is a New Jsrsey in- flll"i .uul dimatic oondl- dujtry and on* in which elec ricity and gas take a part. ("""1 '"' * house time. 2.98 TKMn'INO STYLES I'OK The well built and perfectly balanced dubs made here age Job Costs $160 YOUK EVEKY MOOD have helped many a golfer to win a tournament or To Add Variety to Yuiir Fresh us spring! Slips, gowns, make'a "birdie". The good roads in New Jeney and 1'AVMENTSTO HANDBAGS • • Wardrube imnties, housecoat!*. Figure excellent electric train service make it possible for molding, spirit IJJllui—lUyim DOWN1- many people lo *n|oy the sport. Through golf in- Fabric Favorites Crepes, Kayuii Satins. Tailored numerable city men and women have gained an SERVICE appreciation of the country and become intimately Delikhttul collection of curtain goods and material fur drupes acquainted with the New JtfHy countryside, j HfGUlAR M.95 FIRST QUALITY APRONS and slip covers 1 1.98 to 2.98«» T"" 1" '"' "•''<• estimate and Mother likes pretty iind home, NYLON o $^49 praotlval 29c to 1.98 apruiia. All PER YD. NYLON HOSIERY sizes tu RUFFLED CURTAINS HOSE triple x S9c-1.98 1.98 UP 1.19 to 1.69 CHAPMAN BUY NOW SMITH MY ALLEN'S DEPT. STORE Wuodbridge, IN, J, STREET 85 llain Street 184 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPT S -K. N, ,. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING «««H M\i PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, MAY 5*1949

Yucatan Peninsula and lo ! Gttbborw and 'domic Auction' families can lake more than one Professional Women, thr AAUW. defendant of ai)<> vacation fr yw throuwh the uw Mamie Smolenskl, both of Perth an recital lust nlsht In Perth Amboy, on Wednesday., Although her department's serv- n buildiriR permit was grinted. woodwork in the telephone build- I the Elizabeth RoditiBn Vogrhees May 11th., ! pany and Auxiliary at the firehouse, Inman Avenue. ing caught fire. The force of the to refetlves, Mends (,-,, ices to women motorists hav* in- The Vulldtnn permit was issued on der a'packaue for a , ,, , toapel on thf NJC Campu.s . . . Bright, who !or 38 weeks had his 8—Free Lecture on Christian Science, Woodbridge High School, explosion, the intense heat of the lr t creased several hundred percent a different plot plan than the one —CARS will CIIOOM. , , Meph M. Racina. 309 Grady own Sunday nlRlit half'hour .show I accepted as the original. 8:15 P.M. - flic, and the water used all tended ( in the pnst three years, she still .clplent, Or send a ,.„",„.' ;' frivc. Wnodhrid',T. a teacher In "Try and Do It" on NBC for Max- 8-Communion Breakfast sponsored by Holy Name Society in to cripple telephone service. But finds time to test personally almost | "This matter is far from set- any amount, from dim, le music department of the well House Coffee, will pive away St. Andrew's Church Auditol'ium, Avencl. ** one of the most amazing incidents all the advice she Kives. Her mosti tied and I do noi wish at this time let CARE pool it in n -,,., township Krhools. wns one of ISO merchandise an'l cash'at the one 9—Meeting of Sisterhood Of ConifeR.itlon Adath Israel in the of the affair was the rapidity with recent investiRatlnR trip was con|- to enter into the inc. Its of my case, CARE, SO Broad fin,,. tudents initialed into Kappa Del- matinee and two evening shows. vestry room of the synagogue on School Street, which the telephone company re- ti ducted last .summer, when she but definitely wish to state that 1 4, ft. Y., is a nmi-pi,,!,, 12—Open House nt Middlesex County Vocational and Technical stored service. By 6 P. M, all the aft Pi, Ituppfi Cliapler. SatuidRy at to the first people who can pel drove over 11.000 miles, visitsd 12 i you/ article was in error! Hi«h School, Perth Amboy. , Colleae. the Riaudate up on stoRe with his requests for t phones were in service. Btjffiacheis National Parks, and gathered re- j 'T held'off sending this letter 13—Annual concert? bands and orchestras of Woodbridce High *jchool of education at Columbia j a wlerd assortment of odd articles, search rrrartrial .from 18 states. ! so that I could add to it from the "The force of the explosion : Township schools, in Woodbridge High School Audito- i , University. Kappa Delta Pi is a —ranRini? from hair pins to Dove | mieetins that was to be held to- rium. 8:15 P. M. -\ seemed to'be exerted with a dual A trnveNminded Mldwestemer Xorcc in all directions.. . . Bicycles hononvp' society for men letters, suspenders to gold-headed ; !>y birth and backdround. Miss j night. -May 2, This meeting has 14—Food sale sponsored.bTG. E. T. Club of First Con6renational wbrtH':i in edutatlon. Earlier hptcks.'or can outbid others In jbeen postponed for several weeks. Church at Coppola's Store. Main Street, 10 A. M. to 2 from the harness shop were hurled i,i\nc is also an experienced pilot, ; a Spring, lie was initiated Into the audience by offi/ins articles ••So at this time I merely aSk you P.' M. across the street into a four-oar 1 holding two "flrffs" for women , |>hi Delta Kappa. Beta Chapter, a of apparel for the item Bright puts ' aviators—in 19^1 she was the first In the name of fair play to print 18—Play. "You Can't. Take It. With You," to be sponsored by garage owned by Morris Choper Jjatiomtl honorary society for men on the block. woman to mak« the round trip to my denial in Hie same space as Adath Israel Players at Wooribririge High School Audi- . . . The rear of the Ross Fetraro NOW TI1IU' V\III:I,M e will app • you* article of last week." torium. ' . .home was wrecked. . . . The rear ti'- hi eclnral ion. He was one of 116 Alaska In a two-seater plane and ohti Wayne - I| and two evening shows. Immedi- Records Site Error 18—Installation of officers and annual May Luncheon. Woman's of the Molnar home, William ilm ( lln • |>.,, 11, i for "Please Believe Mn," in which only five blocks, FRIDAY, SATURDAV, The construction of a home and a No. 11 School graduation exercises in .High School Audi- patinR merchants. they will vie for the affections of torium, 2:30 P. M. SUNDAY Thr tas day last Saturday for Paul DouKlas, an up-and-coming breezeway connecting to an office. Deborah Kerr. It's the story of an Mr. Meyers now charges that Mr. 22—School No. 15. Iselin, graduation exercises In School Audi- l,«rrlta YounR, Ilenry ,t he benefit of the Cancer Fund English ?irl wlu inherits a lair.e actor, is scheduled to the star- torium, 10:30 A. M. Bruce (iriito Drews has no intention of build- Wilcoxon, Alan Hale (Daredevil of thr s Jhletted but $142.85. Thought our ranch in Tryas. , rina r.ile ir 'Turned Up Toe•.;." School No. 10, Hopelawn, graduation exercises, in school ins on the site and the office he In Cecil B. DeMllle's Spectacle Chapter s'i •Mjownship WHS a hit more senerous which he will do after he foe's auditorium, 1 P. M. ,ithan that. You still have a chance Katherinc Hepburn will make "Wabash Avenue" with Betty dubbed a "discarded hot dog "THE CRUSADES" —Also— stand." School No. 7, Fords graduation exercises in No. 14 School Comedy and Carlii l'|B0 contribute as David Gerity. her first try at Shakespeare when | Grable and Victor Mature. Auditorium, 2:30 P. M. (,. —Also— „ j ijphnirman. has announced that the 23, 24 and 25—Carnival sponsored by Iselin Fire Co. No. 1. at Eddie Albert, Gale Storm, SUN., MON,, Tl'i:> firehousn grounds. '} ^iivc has brcn extended until May Binnic Barnes |!*|8 . . . So won't you smid in your 30—Carnival sponsored hy Iselin Fire Co. No. 1 at firehouse Jane Wyman - lta\iil \nfl "THE DUDE GOES WEST" Iflontribution risht away? . . . Res- grounds. •«*. "KISS IN Till; HAKK —Plus- rjfwtions for the 45th anniversary JULY —J'lus- 1 iOf Middlesex Council, K. of C, at BEST Last Chapter f 1. 2—Carnival sponsored by Iselin Fire Cy. No. 1 at firehouse Wllllam i.imdic.iii I ijhe Pines doses May 17. The af- "RIDERS OF DEATH grounds. Virginia Rum ! Llair is scheduled for May 28 ... STORE your FURS VALLEY" "STATE DEPAKT.MIM t PAL I. «jThe Pourlh Degree Assembly of and FII,E Mir Comedy and Cartoons f] 'wiwie K. of C. has changrchangrd its name Wore Corduroys I In Cnliir 'Hi the John J. Griffin Assembly. for complete protection YOU EVER HAD Corduroys were originally corded They will meet Monday niRht. Treat them well with the fabrics made of silk and worn by the kings of France in the Know: J fini'st foods and accesso- Cash STATE THEATRE That Eddie Koppei- was rcspnn-' ries from . . . WOODBRIDGE, N. J. e for that fine program put on, or the Lions Club-Ladies' NiRht? I TODAY THRU THURSDAY , Thii I the Jewish folks in this •1 Calamity'I in glorious technicolor 'Township are lakins on' a touah JOE'S PET SHOP "LITTLE WOMEN" to raise, $50,000 for the Woodbridge Fur Shop — I'KTS — stai+in? June ALLYSON-Pcter LAWFORD-Margarrt (CIIKIIN| Jewish Appeal and the FOODS AND SUPPLIES plus _ Community Center Fund? ... That 522 AMBOY TEL. 80770 15S New Brunswick Avenue I / "BLONDIE'S BIG DEAL" ! 41! the fire districts in the area arc Perth Amboy, N. J. j Hut a burglary could change with Penny SINGLETON • Arthi r LAKi: 4Batchlnx the shenanigans in the P. A. 4-3419 • the picture overnight. Insur- 7P '/ ;»nec covers such loss. ~ ' SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY Qolonm Fire District? Hope the John WAYNE in nslri|} Committee can straight- "THREE GODFATHERS" oil t the matter oncf: and for all j THE HARMED AGENCY in technicolor 4ght... It ju.-il, seems J,hat some- KST. ltti:' plus Dorothy"LAMOUR - Brian DONLEVY in must, sit tip niiihts dreaming INSURANCE AND REAL "THE LUCKY STIFF" all those" fiascos ... , "' ESTATE WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY 93 Main Street Gene Esther Iraii fAround the Township: Wo-8-0233 KELLY WILLIAMS SISATKA I Alice Storey, Ridnedale Avenue, UOODBRIOGE, N. J. in (lfts set May 21 ns the date of her "TAKE IVIE OUT TO THE BALL GAWK" jrmse to John Byoris, Perth loy . . . Court Mercedes, Cath- lic Daughters of America will onsor a communion breakfast Hunday at the Middlesex flotel Jter HIP 8 o'clock mass in St. REMEMBER MOllIl times' Church . . . And a com- blinion breakfast will also be held nday in St. Andrew's Church ON HER DAY |udltorium, Avepel, by the Holy |&me Society alter the 7 p'clock s V -•• ; Our Home-madi1 I.oretta Young $t But \ Vun Juliiisuii and Mrs. Benjamin Sun- in 50 Maxwell Avenue, Fords, on an extsnded tour of the Mother is a lited States and Mexico. Do I CHOOSE FROAI (Ml! ' them! Also from Fords comes Freshman" PINK CLOl'D ASM „_ that Mr, and Mrs. William OF'BOXKS iBradley, 1033 Main Street, are parents of a son. Filliam P. All of our tfeliciou.'i !!"!::• • , born at Perth Ambpy General made Candy is imul< ii"ii: pital . . . And that Mr. and Val Lund, 2 William Street PETER'S Pure Miii. "' yds, are the parents of a son Daj'k Chocolate. Slit !• :||V|' I'l.lVHOUM Tuesday nt Perth Amboj* them . . , and you i1" !|- peral Hospital . .,. Saw a lo|,of • WK SUGGKST • membering her wilh "''•*•* [Mates for the position of FORDS. N. J. - I". A. 4-«348 of our beautifully '">• " nship Treasurer at Tqwiisljip ./••"s.l 1 POUND $-1 .25 assortments. ting1 Tuesday... THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ASSORTMENT 1 Tuberculosis Strides iberculoais strikes, rnfn »nd "LIUTLK WOMEN" ,en during their mo«t produf* 2 POUND $«v50 With . period/and is the leadlng^came TODAY THRU ASSORTMENT tivDeate h for people between the ages June AJIyson, l'ctcr liinvluid TUESDAY For Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge and Maj'B;iiTt O'Brien and 44. Joel McCrca 2 LB. HEARTKAKT ?Q.$Q.5:O Alexis Nmllh 1 "SONGS OF Zachury Seott & NUTS O We wish to iiiake tin following aunounceinonl. By popular ADVENTURES^ -wqiiuHl we-ui;« Iwiiigiug iwidtJnr vuur liHlcHiMjleasurv. the . WUJ! yinjpe Roberls mid t AND MANT OTHERS $&'&•& , „ . Russ Hayden "South of \ famous Television AriisiH TINV AND SUM MeCLANE I Extra Cartoons un Saturday St. Louis" FU1DAY - SATURDAY - SUND,AV Matinee) in Technicolor 2nd Feature Our spariouS'dining woni acconiinodalion for 220 persons is SiUNDAY AND MONDAY "CRIME BOSTON Confectionery DOCTOR'S WARY' available forall social!(ui|cliq^rwt^ngij^ Kho^ers,^tc, /// / f/ ji;(^E iiRIBE"' • With Charles r.ajuKhlon and For the finest i» Home-made Cn If you lire pkiiMiing any party it will W to your advantage to Ava 2 SMITH STREET PERTH |S MUCH AS YOU Will couhtilt with us. j > I'.'feETURN OF OCTOBER >VIC Till; BltANl) OF I With Glenn Ford and Terry Moore iCHANDISIi WE (AK- CHILbREN — IN STOCK BUILDS Our iM>licy always has been to clwigv hUlf price for children's I TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY GREAT CARS stylus M seen in portions and shall continue to do so, '"' "N "HOULOW TRIUMPH" PLYMOUTH KSQUME \ With Pawl Hcnreld and SEE IT ON • Joan Bennett MIDDLESEX HOTEL, Inc. "SHAMROCK HILL" With Tttty Eyan and AVJ?$y$ AN? MA!IN ??^?^' WOODBRIDGE, N. , Ray McPonealer : WOODBHWGE \ ^ (AUo, Dishes to the Ladle*) 446 ST. GEORGE AVENUE OPEN KVKNINCSM AND SUNDAY* BAHW'A^ Ntxt to Woolwortb's NICK BAKALAS, UIRECTOR.

yp •,'. I THURSDAY, MA7 5, 194!) ,PAOfc NINE Snkuenbent - leader F0RDSNEWS 4i \ ___ Legion Unit In Take 1)( liial &co/t!> Kinu George KKoadd , to ZZsorey. brother of the bride, was Carl Jahnke of Plnlnfleld. is chairman of the affair assisted xhe bride given in marriage by bearer. AlbertJ. Mihstlovic, son of Mr. and riir^ bearer. ' The bride was attired in an old by Mrs. Lena Watts and Mrs. Anna - ••- ^ r he.r brother', Felix Zelis, was at- .Following a wedding" trip to I'liins Mrs. Paul Mlhiilovlc. ,)(i2 Jacques Pollowinu a lour of liie southftn ,. i itli ashloned style white satin frown Na»y. ( omt of Honor and tlvetl ln a ayon sal n Kown w New York, the couple will reside A hat social was held, with Mrs. Street. Perth Ambny. The double- slates, Wnshin(-I.on. D, C. and Vlr- in their new home. 57 Second trimmed with scalloped lace and - - --- i insertnisei usa ovif CHantlll^MHllniiy lacitiwe anturnd aa Mary Schelly and Mrs. Ann Modes Chnrltr INj|{hl Held in rins ceremony was Street, Rnritan Township. For satin pickups. A fingertip-length I Saturday morniiii! performed (-min/the couple will return May fln&ertip veil which was attached, is Judges, and the winners were llllH' traveling, the ••bride chose a brown veil was arranged from her rhlne- Sdiool Auditorium in ion:» mipliBl IB to reside at tlie Jacques 8treet to a seed pearl crown. She carried mass celebrated nt 10 . . „, „.._ stone crown and she carried gar- most original Mis'. Ann Chovan; ••.- •• r ) o'clock, with address. For traveling the bride i rniiti lin«i» suit with green accessories and of the i the Rev. Johti E. Grimes, pastor wore a srey suit with navy Slue denias and gladioli. - ' and prettiest. Mrs Bartolo UIMat- j HOPKLAWN -Boy Scout Troop •,. • '•, i!: Yuhas of Fords, had a white' orchid corsage. , inhr School. I officiating. " •accessories and had d tprsage of t*o. vn. sponsored by the Home and .£. '.. 'I,.:-,, T- of the bridegroom served as Pavllk-Boyarskl < All the bridal attendants wore The Middlesex County Tuber-1School Association, held its «n- ;ii M , Fred • The bride, tjiven in marriaue by Kiirdenins.- maid of honor. She wore e yellow The weddiliR of M'iss Eleanor V. similar old fashioned gowns with culosls and Health League will Inual Court of Honor and Charter t i • •"'' ,-ie*>-! li»i father, was attired in an CKK- The bride- is a sraduate of matching pleUtfc hats. The' maid taffeta gown with a matching Boyarski, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. show a movie in tlio post rooms i Ni a tit. in the school auditorium ,iii'' • oprtied j shell satin town trimmed with Woodbridse IlUh School and Is of honor wore dusty rose; Miss I seed, pearls and Illusion neckline employed by the RCA Service in headpiece and carried fellow roses Slgmund Boyarski of Linden, to May 10. The auxiliary will psrtici- with former .IIKIKC Adrian Lyon 61 and baby's breath. The piatron of Francis J. Favlik, son of Mj\ and SRtawski wore light blue and Mlssi pate in the Kensbey Memorial pa- c Mrs.;und'*n flnnritip veil trimmed with Railway. Her husband; a graduate DeVingo wore green. Perth Anibiiv as tlie pflnciufti .ident': Spanish lace find draped from a. of 31, Mary's Hinh School. Perth honor, Mrs. Souhle Swa], Wore a Mrs. Frank Pavlik. i8 Emmett rade May 22. speaker, His thrme was "Good i i ? iirer and - seed pearl cap. She carried while Ambny. served two years in the similar ensemble In pink with Miss Avenue, was solemnized Sunday The newly weds left on a wed- A special prizt was won by Mrs, iscouttnr' -,... i .; : Katheyine Swal. bridesmaid. Rown- afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. Eliz- ding trip to Miami Beach. Fla.. •^ j (lardenitts. white roses and lillics Merchant Marine, and is now em- Nagy. Several members attend*^ William WnB!it, execut4*e dlrec- i ed and on their return will reside at fiir tlie: of the volley. ployed by the Raritan Arsenal in abeth's Church, Linden, The the Middlesex County exct-utlvo j ,,>, of Raittiui CouncU, •utrvBoye Scouts, j carried the home of her parents, 1004 lie I'.ivcn' Miss Anna Marie Zsorey. sister Metuchen. red roses and baby's double ring ceremony was per- board meeting held In Colonla. jpresented the charter to Anthony I breath. formed by the Rev. Louis Siese Mopslck Avenue, Linden. For ,V1; |i the of the bride, served as maid of Vtihas-Zelis jMiM'dino. troop representative. He churee:! honor. She wore a dusty rose taf- At a double-rins ceremony per- j Stephen Rlmar of Fords served OSB. traveling, the bride chose a beige. ! ,ilus presented Scoutmaster Ari- Stella . reta sown and carried a colonial fnrlneti Saturday"afternoon at 2:30!as best man for lne. Escorted by her father, the bride gabardine suit with green acces- jdrew J Kramer with » troop (lift John bouquet of spline flowers. o'clock in St. Stephen's Church, ja .nd ushering were Michael Yuhas was attended by Miss Bcrnice Pav- sories. Bride is Honored 'on behalf af the troop's winning Mi's.' " Marnaret Hrablk. cousin of the Perth Ambay. Miss Michaelen'e jJl '- and Julius E- Zells' bolh of lik, sister of the bridegroom, as A Kiaduate of Linden High a "Strengthen the Arm of Libert** Tom-: bride, was flower uirl and wore a Zclis of Apt. K-8. Dunlap Homes. Perth Amboy. maid of honor. Bridesmaids were School, the bride was, employed by At Surprise Party laroxram. Wii«l|t was introduced Helen white taffeta jiown nii.de similar' Perth Amboy, daughter of tfie late1 Mary Ann Yuhas of Fords served Misses Lee Saiawskl »f Newark the Prudential Insurance Com- by John Sznbo, troop chairman. Dolores DeVingo of West Orange pany, Newark., RolM>n M Nlt ami!. MI'S. to'the honor ultcndaiu's and also Mr. and Mis.,Joseph Zelis, became as flower girl and wore a yellow FORDS—In honoi'of her mar-'' ^ '- chairman of the ,,,11'v Mrs. riage. which took place Saturday, .council's board of retde>,.spoke in h.ii'l Lilko, the former Miss Tove Poulsen. ibfllalf llf lhp trooP The Hopel»wn ,..'Pii Elko. Paloti-Dotik Wedding Shirley Jorgensen Perth Amboy was tendered a Fire Company presented two eook- i fur tlif 4mboy Girl Weds New Fords Junior Women's Club Date Set for July 11 bridal shower at the home of her!™ gears' to the troop which were •. '!l Buses aunt, Mrs, Envold Jeremiason, 39' received by Kramer, who In turn ...iu'li ill 10 FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. S. E. To Be June Bride Fifth Street. i thanked the firemen for tholr gift ;i:i/'' was Alexander Vig Completes Qrganization Plans Doak, 99 Shakespeare Avenue, The bride, daughter of Mr. and'0 lne tl'°°P- Mls "'"i HOPELAWN — Annnunecmfnt Milton, Pa., have announced the PORDS—In honor of her ap- Mrs. Christian Poulsen. 297 Smith, - Florence Williams, presl- ,n n i i i i Misses Elko and Horvath will rep- engagement, of their daughter, Street. Perth Amboy. was married : dent of the Home and Sehool As- i-ll(,' has been made of Ilie marriaue of proaching marriage, Miss Shirley : ,, Miss Helen Lynn Kopervns. daiiKh- Puma Matte to Attend resent the club at lhe seSsion. Goldie Fay, to William Steve Pa- to Lt. Coloneo l Charleles W. Hoffmanffman socintion spoke briefly, stating yt Jorgensen, of 505 Harrington lla M trr of Mr, and Mrs. Mifjiatl Knp- loti of 25' Pine Street. The mar- JJr. . U. S. ArmA yy MedicaMdil l Corpsp, son "°»' llaPPy "*J "c tto bbee Sponsor Sponsorss wilh Federation Con ventioji I Jeanne Warren, Smalley and Tas- Street. Perth Amboy was honored ! lt crvas. 226 Mcadc Street, Perth ! riage ceremony is set for July 17 ||if Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoffman, of of "« '°°P- Scoutmaster Kramer ln Atlantic City nady in charge. 1 : Amboy. to Alfva'nricr Viit. Son of at 2 P. M. in St. Nicholas Greek at a shower arranged by her sis- Baltimore. Md.. at Fort Dix. where presented Mrs. Williams and Miss .-.-.,' Prizes were won by Misses Smo- Fee scllMl Mrs. Esther Vi«, Erin Avenue. Church, Fords. ter, Edna Benl of Fords. Lt. Col. Hpffmapa n is stationedtationd,, ; M^ Fee- sclMl PriiPrincipall , eachh FORDS—At the meeting of the linski. Warren and Horvath. The Guests were: Mrs, R. Norman wlln a corsage. Hopelawn. The double-rinR cere- Junior Woman's Club of Fords,;next meeting will be held May 25, Miss Dbak is a graduate of Mil- Miss Jorgensen will be married ton High School and Mr, Paloti to Clarence Qrlggs on June 18, ln Scott and daughter, Jane, Key- i Boys who were invested into, the Closes mony was performed in the Holy Mi,s pn^ir,;, Tasnady was elected: at the Fords library. of Middlesex County Boys' Voca- St. Stephen's Church, Perth Am- port; Mrs. Nels Jeremiason and <-ioop were Robert MeTiesy, Cardo ,, »• i Trinity rectory, with the Rev. n,iTesponriin« secretary and daughters, Eunice and Joyce. Mrs. | D'Andrea. Edward Kofich. Ed. rlivities Stephen G. Ffch, nITiciaUni,^:.^»- i Eleanor Horvath recordinK tional School, Perth Amboy. He is boy. w ...•piii-ii o. .-L-L... iinll....t.i.liK. - iEieanoi" Horvath recordinK secre-i „. „ „, , proprietor of the Modern Motor- Schneecloth. Plainfield; Mrs. Evc-| »'d Schickllng, Carl Andrconl, Mrs. Mury Stopkie attended the , p^s^n-,, p , Dinner PllHy Planned Quests were: Mrs. Richard George Ihnat 3rd. Michael Kopcho Uuy Th( Miss lanccs cycle Mart and Modern Motors on Krauss, • Mrs. Edward Grlgfts, lyn Callahan. Linden; Mrs. R. L. orrd by bride as" matron of honor, while Klk a|)p01,ne(| Miss Lillian Ba-1 p., vnr,\s «„„;„! Huh Highway 25. Clare, Cranford; Mrs. Andrew Nel- i "»'d Thomas Chinchar. :i Ui^re.- Fords; Mrs. Irene Jorgensen and son Sr., Mrs. Andrew Nelson JrJ SMOnd class Scout Pins and ' i Bernard Stopkie served as best ,„„!,„,!,! •„„!,.,,„„,„„ tty tOHlS SOCUll tlUO Miss Mary Hango, Woodbrldge; 1;lc sea- Methods at obtaining member- j FORDS—Mrs. Alma Neary, 52 j Mrs. Ralph Nelson, Mrs. Joseph! «>rds- were presented to George —_ _i man. and Mrs, Vn: are now re- Mrs. A. J. Johansen and Miss Elsa •ul with ship were decided upon with Miss |Mrs. tlif fourth Wednesday of April. A; I O UOmilUC UfntgllO | liam McKettrick, Mrs. Louis Pe- Butala, Miss Glenna Butulla. Mrs. FORDS—The 4 and 2 Club met Hnrold Winder. Special prizes tersen, Mrs. Arnold Chirstensen. A. H. Thygesen, Mrs. I. A, Solar, Kdward Baumlin A* co-hosti'sa. on nvnioIILIIN n was made by Miss Baloyh at the home of Mrs. Walter Shea- were awarded Robert Mehesy and FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mrs. Harold Martin, Mrs. Edward Mrs. Julia Ciolllns, Mrs. Helen man, Dunbar Avenue. Mrs. Thom- •Nich Shevchenko. ivfimday niul't. May » «' 8 o'clock. ih\t tlie by-laws be accepted as ATitien. subject to fchange by Hill, 247 Grandview Avenue, have Balogh, Mjs. Harold Sandorrl, Moravek, Mrs. Dorothy Grlflf, Miss as Aldington was the winner of the Entertainment included several nmcndnient, and this was agreed ^ ^engagementft ofM Mrs. GeorgG e FdlFerdinandsed n and Ann Maciurak, Mrs. Ida Holt and dark horse prize. skits enacted by the Scouts, vocal daughter Oladys of Perth Amboy. upon. their daughter. Gloria, to Dominic Miss Ann Whittier. Others present were Mrs. John j .selections by Mrs. Ann Worgarik Mr. Nicholas Elko, councilor, BeniKno. son of Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Milton Hansen, Mrs, accompanied by Miss Elsie Szabo ii.ul a letter from Mrs. G. I Peter Rasmussen. Mrs. Paul and acocrdion selections by Miss [run. Poiul Pleasant, third district Schickling. Mrs. John Sullivan, Janice Soos, <-- H1LCO- The Leader! advisor, cancernina tlie club's ap- A graduate of Metuchen High Mrs. Stephen Balas and Mrs. Ben Robert Williams played taps. Sc CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Juhl. Hospitality was in charge of Mrs, plication to the Federation. By-' »°°l, Miss Hill is employed by ! laws and dues must be sent in to, the Jersey Typwriter Service. The next meeting will be held Joseph Muhesy, Mis. Francis E\-\HfiVVL ISKIUIU'.KVIION Miss Mildred An.sumk. state ad-: Hei' fiance attended Plainfleld FORDS, HOPEUWN mi KEASBEY May 20 at the home, of Mrs. Holt, j Chlrco. Mrs. Louis Kardos, Mrs. Kennedy Street, Perth Amboy. vi.ior by May 8. I High School and served with the iNOTK: For insertions in this calendar, call Mrs. Stephen A. Joseph Kaniek, Mrs. Andrew Kramer. Hrs Henry Chaplar and ..Anyone wislmm tq attend Hien U. S. Army. He is employed by the Frost, Woodbridge 8-1710 or Perth Afljboy 4-7111, before noon BANQUET GUESTS Federation of Women's'Club con- Mrs. Francis Silagyi, WI.IE EOl\ 1949 on Tuesday of each week.) FORDS—Members of the Fords j vention in Atlantic City May 14 is American Legion and it,s Ladies': to comuct Miss Amy Wideman for tFi elCUt Auxiliary attending the annual ; KNITTING CLUB MEETS ; reservations. Bus,reservations may MAY Middlesex County Banquet Satur- j KEASBEY—Mrs. Elizabeth West- be made with Mrs Rex Dusen- j ()n Birthday b\ Club i day, held at The Pinas. Metuchen, | cott, Raritan Township, was host- berry of South, Amboy. Buses will t 5—Meetins Fords Memorial Post No. 6090, VFW, post headquar- ters, New Brunswick Avenue, Fords, at 8 P. M. were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chovan,! ess to the Idle Hour Knitting Cluh leave South Amboy at 7:30 A. M.| FORDS —Mrs. Thomas Alding- Mr. and Mrs. John Nat:y. Mrs,, at its meeting. j ton, Main Street, was feted by the 5—Meeting PTA—Fathers' Dance Committee In Our Lady of Peace Church rectory at 8 P. M. Fords. Emma, Chovan, Mrs. Lena Watts,! Present were Mrs. Bertha Bo- n 'edding Dutp ; members of the 5 and 2 Club, in 5—Plastic Party, Ladies' Auxiliary, of Fords American Legion, Mrs. Elizabeth DiMatteo. .Miss ross, Mrs. Grace Yencheck, Mrs. j honor of her birthday. Legion rooms. Mrs. Emma Chovan, chairman. Julia Dani. Mrs. Mary Chelle, Mr. , Ida Yunek, Mrs. Helen Majoros, Set by (Him S I Present were: Mrs.. Walter C—Exempt Firemen's meeting. and Mrs! Ben Sunshine and Mr. ' Mrs. Evelyn Sitch and Mrs. Mar- jsheamaji. Mrs. John HoK>44is. 6—Card party, Fords Woman's Club, Library. Mrs. Viola Coe, and Mrs. Alex Garber. jorie Totli. FORDS-In honor of her ap-jMilton Hanson. Mrs. Peter RaV chairman; Mrs. Rose Rossen, co-chairman. proachuiit marriaue Miss Olga mussen, Mrs. Paul Schicklin?;. Mrs. B—Annual Union Crowning Ceremonies. Waters Stadium, 420 New Brunswick Aven\ie, John Sullivan. Mrs. Steve Balas, Perth Amboy. Miss Victoria Cosky, Prefect Amboy Dis- of honor at. a ^hower Mrs. Ben Juhl and Mrs. A. T. Wil- trict Sodality, crowner. tendered by Miss Eclwina Chovan. | liams. 9—Meetinn Holy Name Society of Ojtr Lady Of Peace Church, WITH KVKHV TON (IF COAL 22 FairlU'ld Avenue, assisted by ' 8 P.M. in church audiiorium.Jwds. Misses Irifiic Colombetii. Yolanda 9—Mothers Club of Boy.Scout Troop 52; Mf8. Claude Coleman, FREE LISTED 39 Maxwell Avenue, hostess, with Mrs. Edward Baumlln PUKCHASllI), YOIIK CHOICK OF 3 PIECES "errickei and BL'atric'e Clear. FOIlDS—Baptisms in Our Lady as co-hostess. i Miss Nany will be married June of Peace Church were- announced 9—Meeting Lions Club of Fords, Scandinavian Grill, Fords, OF INTERNATIONA!, SILVER. to GeurBB R. Pusseili. 508 Lawne by Rev. John E. Crimes, paitof, as 6:30 P.itf, tirt'Ct. Perth Amboy. »' follov«: Eileen Marie Duff, daugh- 9—Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post No, 6090, VFW, 13 tons of coal pur- Gii».sts were: Misses Esther Gil- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Duff, Post building; 8 P.M. bert, Margaret Stttfeasen, Lor- with Mary and Leo Welsh as spon- 10—Keasbe-y War Monument Committee, Keaabey flrehouse. raino -WIII'RO. Mrs. Frances Mar- \&mi.. Joseph Mish Jr 10—Meeting LOTies' Auxiliary, Fords American Legion, Legion cliusi'd OV«T u period linson, Mrs, Dorothy Reid, Mrs., and.Ml§. Joseph Mish, with Sophie rooms, 8 P. M. 11—Dinner Party—Fords SocUl Club, Mrs. Alma Neary, 52 Gor- Emma Neineth. Mrs. Ellen Dona-jand John Kurtesz, as sponsors; of time you will re- lay, Mrs. Olua SZloboda, Mrs. Ann- , daughter of Mr. don Avenue, chairman. Fords, Dar( y Marje Doll 12—Auction, and Cake Sale, Little Women's Club, Fords Library, Ch.snuir. Mrs. •Blanche KraineU -and Mrs. William, Doll, Eleanor Winifred Jepsen, Edna Romer, 13—Food' Sale—Ladies' Auxiliary of Forda Memorial post 6090, reive a nd Walter Doll asjsponsors; Wil- VFWt. Post Headquarters, New Brunswick Avenue, Fords. Betty FeltoVic, Margaret Feltovic, iam Cariste. Jr., son of Mr, and 13—Square, Dance, PTA, School No. 14. Walter Cook, caller. Arlyne JensiMi, Jacqueline Taylor, Mrs. William Cariste, with Mari- Mrs. Belko, chairman. lnLcriuitional Silver Rose Palmer and Mrs. Olga Clay- inna and Camilo LaZlzeo as spqn- 15—Crowning, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, Our Lady pf ton, Perth Amboy. lors. Peace Church. Miss Victoria Cosky, crowner. SERVICE FOR 16—VFW Post Anniversary, Covered Dish Supper, Ladies' lUCMONST^ATION TONIGHT Auxiliary, Post Rooms. SON i|OR SWAL1I|CKS 16—Meetlr.R St. John's First Aid Squad, ;Inc, at headquarters EIGHT FOUDS-rWrs, Emma Chovan is FORDS—Mr. and Mi's. Paul 8 P.M. Fords. ' her '4« I'OMIAl. Club tUtup. tor Jfyur Cunveiiience 1 "• 1'iokiiie'for. STOP IN-SEE It TODAV! '41 «IIEVHOI.ET 2-Po«r BUCKWHEAT 13.45 Open Tliurs., Fri., Sat. '38 DOUOK, 4-dour Sedan Tilt Nine '41 CHRYSLER, 4-door Sedan ^ H AHoiiT OUR EASY TERMS AND OTHERS iliis Week Only OFFER GOOD APRIL AND MAY ONLY (imid Transportation-^ Guaranteed. FRANK'S .. GRAHMANN'S Priced Kifht for Quick Sale. GREETING CARD AND | Terms If dwlred. GIFT SHOP M. & M. Coal and Supply Co. KM & TELEVISION I'rauk A I'lulu Ur'akMtita, rro#».' METCHIK MOTQftS, Inc. • YOUR Authorlitd CRYSTAL AND UOSS STREETS • ' AVENUE FORDS 603 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. Ue Sotu • Plymouth Dealer. STORES iiri METUCHEN, N. J, " AND rRlDA r JfOKDS, N. J. 446 &T. OEOaGJE WOODBK1DUE - FORDS PA 1-W67 Phohe P. A. 4-3J9S EAUWAV, N. J. MOPELAWN AT *INEM4'8 GUNPOWDER TEA -••Editorials:- Others

TWO LABOR BIU.S warmtnK lesi,im,,ni, • The Residents Ate the Real Victims A bill to repeal the Tuft-Hart- leglance of fed,.,.,,," ley Law. as such, and to replace suggest Hint (he '•„, It with a modified version, has to call off the- ,!„•. Although taxed for fire protection, resi- If members of the flre company haw been Introduced In the House by the elaborate i(,y;li-. dents of the Colonla Fire District hardly bpen derelict in their duty, Mr. Btrttnir John S. Wood. Democrat, of cednre and rriun, Ing as still may Georgia, Many of Its provisions i>, ever know from day to day whether they should point out the facts—where, when BIT those on which Senator Taft the Civil can really depend upon such protection or and in what manner. If they are Incompe- und his liberal Republican col- operatlnn nrds of procedure not This uncertainty develops from the tent or indifferent of callous to their re- Icmme, Senator Ives of New York, havr readied agreement. A o)iftii>(> of (|i , arbitrary and unpredictable hallucinations sponsibility, let us have the details—dates, According to one Washington haps the oniv ,','' of authority which comq, quite unan- places, names. Then we will know where rrport. Representative Wood wns United State-, m .. nounml, to Fire Commissioner William prompted to make the contents fendnnl cannot IM to go to get the other side of the story. of his bill public at this time cusers. In en,,' , Uiirbour. • Then^ we can have a formal, democratic because of rumors that the legis- t reason to pur,.' •,,,. Mr Barbour dismisses firemen and rein- hearing at which both sides will be given lation would actually "tighten" is ufi clement in v ,.„. Hie Tafl-Hartley Law. In a American- jiiridirm .st»«t<*s them, without any warrant within the opportunity to be heard. .•infoment iicrompiinyiiiR his In- The result ,,t , thr law. He determines whether the oper- We believe the little band of men who irodiirlion of the bill b.e Iflis de- often is Lo pnni h ;i ator of the fire truck is a good and careful clared that wherever the pro- his act's but for \\\..., originated the flre company are entitled to posed mennniT rippnr'ts from the ably mlflht ,, :>? whether It Shall be replaced. He is—at For example; Thi: Wood bill to loyalty. hand civil defense pumper into a piece of abolishes some of the existlnK Even If our nn,; i Icfist he gives every evidence of thinking he fire apparatus. They participated in the provisions whlrh make It man- that no one lia- ', datory for the counsel of the government job, .| is- -omnipotent. construction of a firehouse in which to keep Obsessed with illusions of power, he has National libor Relations Board to condone pmri],, the equipment. They became members of to s*ek injunctions in secondary in proscrihini: n pf mnde a .shambles of the morale and the a regularly constituted company, pledged boyrnlt cn^es: II extends the re- public and HIOM ni otVicirncy of the Colonia fifi department. quirement for the filing or ri'on- ment on evidciur i; to a most worthy cause. Communlst affidavits to cover stand up In r-(>iir i This, in itself, is serious business—but of employers as well ns union of- If some sort n| ficers. It allows striking employes {•von greater seriousness is the danger It Commissioner Barbour has designs on federal jobs is t(, i,. creates so far as the protection of life and changing all this, for reasons-Which he has lo vote In union representative under the civil elections even if they are no sion, we think i!M;, property within the district is concerned. not disclosed. He reads out of service these longer elmible for reinstatement a complete i.tmiv ,.; We have challengediMr. Barbour on many men and replaces them with men of his lo their jobs. It abolishes the by some eminent ,,•, requirement that before a union ested fltfUlr. Ra: > •,, , occasions to show where he derives the own choosing, No charges are made, so hone may ask for a'union shop a ma- of Ktandnnls. m ,, authority to act as he has acted. We have can be answered. Men who have already jority of the employes in the should be u icmin,:,, demonstrated their godd faith arttf their bnniiiininj! unit shall .so decide evidence br of .; „.:' challenged him on many occasions to bring in ;in election. able in u eomi. (... , acceptance of responsibility are scuttled ch:irges arc \^,\ out. into the open any real or fancied It is not necessary to subscribe any made, in emu i charges he may care to make against those without any opportunity to be heard. to every section in this proposed who have been the victims of his high- replacement for the present law Furthermore, v i., This is a dangerous situation, We cer- to point out lh& nature and im- ought to be it IOHIIV handed tactics. In response to these chal- tainly hope that the conference with the Under the Capitol Dome portance of ltsScontribution to lion of wimi con iiti, lenges, we have been able to get nothing Township, Committee tonight will be pro- ' the labor legislation controversy. tlve jobs, for it, is Hi, By J. Jtseph Grlbblns Up to now the outlines of that the primary runr.-vt, from Mr, Barbour except hysterical dia- ductive of a solution, for the benefit of resi- .controversy have not always nations. tribes against those he,, deems to be his dents of the district and In the name of been clearly defined. The Issue No American r;,n enemies. '•'V" < fair play. TRENTON—Tht Stale of. Sew COURT — Increased litigation Slate Department of Agriculture has been, us it were, a triangular close his eye;; to ti,.- Jersey could copy a unique ex- in the New Jersey Superior Court for disease and health creden- one, with the Taft-Hartley Act designs of the Comnm periment in State Government and the tendency to appeal de- tials are issued before the hives representing one side, a revised question is wluuiiit i Instituted by the'Commonwealth cisions to the A^Ihte Division are screened and placed in trucks and watered-down version of not be met by mi'iL,. of Pennsylvania and transform may soon cause Chief Justice Ar- for the long trip to the land of the Wauner Act of 1935 a sec- not generate divisiun the idle acres and buildings of thur T. Vanderbllt to add another sunshine. ond, and a jerry-built compro- alarm and confusimi i Take All the Time You Need! the National Guard Trainiris section of the Appellate Division, COSTS = The cast of Govern- mise measure a third,-. The issue selves play direct Iv Center at Sea Girt Into a summer At the present «time, all ap- ment will figure prominently in is now, within fairly* narrow lim- bands' of the Kn-nli InKton Post. We believe the community will applaud camp lor underprivileged boys. peals are heard by Part A and the gubernatorial campaign its, definite and sharp. It Is provided in the annual budget for the pur- Part B of the Appellate Division which is now underway in New whether the country wants the "The Sea Girt Camp Grounds, 01 RECREATION the Township Committee for refusing to in Newark, Trenton and Cam- Jersey. Lesinski bill, whic|i would turn chase of modern bookkeeping machines for no longer used by the National American connnuti: den. Part A comprises Judges Na- the clock back half a generation, be stampeded into hasty decision' on the Guard, comprises 165 acres of State Senator Elmer H. Wene, been asked to levnv .<, i installation in the Treasurer's office, and than L. Jacobs, Howard East- or whether it wants the Wood Und, fronting on the Atlantic Vineland Democrat, fired the reation services fm n.,. selection of a Township Treasurer to suc- wood and John O. Bigelow and bill, which represents all the elsewher^, to secure the prompt and me-Ocean, including modern rifle, opening gun at the alleged spend- the nation's bbii : Part B consists of Judges John B. study and effort that went into ceed 0. J, Morgenson who died a few days thodical treatment necessary in the ad-carbine rfnd machine gun ranges thrift policies of the administra- armed forces--I.iionnu McGeehan, Ralph W. E. Donges the hammering out of the 1941 ago. An office as important as this one, in and equipped with kitchens, mess tion of his opponent Governor in uniform at the >:,, ministration of our fiscal affairs. Adoption and Frederic R. Colie. Alfred E, Driscoll at the State act, plus the fruits of nearly two halls, barracks and recreational years of careful study of that Of these, 030,000 :w.t - a municipality of this size, requires ah' The hearing of the appeals and Democratic Convention. of such methods showed sound judgment. facilities. The "Little White law in actual practice.—N. Y. "Upward Of 50 per •' ;:• appointee of impressive qualities, the writing of decisions takes the Wene pointed out' a few years House" on the camp grounds has Times. under." Appointment of the^offlcial to actually do been Ignored by the past two entire time of the judges and as ago the New Jersey State Govern- There can be no doubt but that Wood- the job requires equally sound judgment. Governors. Previously it was rec- the .apneil cajend^rs Jncrt^e, ment operated on a $100,000,000 99-PLl'S PER CENT PURE budge Township numbers among its citi- We have no objection to the selection of ognised as the summer capitol of the judges ftml themselves work- State budget annually, while this zens many such qualified rflen, but it is TteW Jersey. ing twelve to sixteen hours a day year the budget has reached the Like a certain well-advertised a worthy party man provided he can meet to keep up with their work, "staggering sum" of over $160,- soap, government employees now Prior to World War II units of have been found to be 99-plus plainly the responsibility of the appointing Under the new court system 000,000, the largest in the his- the exacting requisites of the position, but th« New Jersey National Guard per cent pure, politically speak- .agency to make a choice which will not only which became effective last Sep- tory of the State. utinied the Sea Girt camp ing. The FBI reports that of we certainly would oppose any nomination tember a Part C could be added A few blocks away, Governor inspire confidence but which will also give grounds for summer training, but 2,387,235 persons checked for to the Appellate Division of the Driscol! at the Republican State which had as its sole basis partisan loyalty since the war the 10.000 National loyalty, 2,378,703 have been ample insurance that the intricate com- Superior Court to relieve the Convention accused the Demo- Guardsmen from the State have cleared. plexities of this department will be handled and devotion. There is too much at stake, we been training in the much larger work of the six judges and expe- cratic record in New Jersey as being "sterile." Nationally, the with competency and integrity. think, to allow machine politics to provide areas of Pine Camp, New York, dite the determining of appeals. Full investigations have been and Camp Edwards, Massac^us Governor said, the Democrats ordered in only 7.996 cases, and the sole yardstick of availability—and the Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, through Federal bureaucracies •Time has passed when the outmoded setts. Ifnita of the New Jersey upon recommendation of the it is a reasonable assumption insistence by the Township Committee that National Guard will train in those are wasting three billion dollars that some of these persons have methods of a decade ago, applied with the Chief Justice, would probably se- a year or sixty million dollars a camps in July. , lect three judges from either the been absolved of disloyalty. In- hrt-orVniiss technique of the hack, are suf- it have full opportunity to study the field, week. In three weeks the Federal vestigations arertiow on a cur- The Commonwealth of Penn- law or chancery divisions of tKe bureaucracies waste irnore money fldjerfl. With considerable foresight, we be-of candidates is, we are sure, & clear indi- court to sit as appeal judges, to rent, basis covering n#w , em- sylvania had a similar situation than the State of New Jersey ployees. In view of this he.ait- lie>e,;the Township Committee this year cation that it is of the same mind. at the Indiantown Gap Military comprise the new Appellate Di- spends to pay its yearly bills, the Reservation near Harrisburg. vision. This would leave three Governor said. a T/he 1949 Legislature promptly vacancies on the Superior Court T/it hungry did (something about it upon rec- bench to'be filled by the Gover- JERSEY JIGSAW— New Jer- do leap a:-.'! ommendation of Governor Duff, nor, which is pf great Interest to sey continues to hold top ration Unii'i WIllliiinKim Kfll; Thty'n gulling who locked upon the military fa- all the lawyers of New Jersey, the nation on average cash in- Latin OW'jora Good Break for the Travelling Public cilities as a waste of potential MIIITII X, 1S7H— tllKii l S, ||U2 1 come per acre of farm products, But you don't ten benefits for the youth of the BEES—Nisw Jersey bees which the State Department of Agri- him wttp u/iJ. d no t v tlon in orlda during state. Governor Duff believed that > ° ** ^ culture announces . . . The fifth Til). (inrti > FoT Lafiit Oil's Ifhe commuting; public, as well as the Woodbridge u§ers of the Pennsylvania the winter months may be such recreational facilities built class of psychiatric technicians \\<>i,illirlilKi> l.nuliT IIUOIM ed by IJ-'I' l casual traveler, wi|lwant.to give a rising for too long had been subjected to ihcon- by the Army would help consid- housed in electrically heated bee- has started a year's training -in tll)ll>) hives in the future. Ivllu .luiiriinl (IIILMIl vote of thanks to Township Attorney B. W. venience because the railroad officials had erably-in. the fight against juve- three State Hospitals and the «lliililisln.il Krt-rv Tliurx l:iy liy nile dellQuency in the metropoli- The State department of'Ag- State Village for Epileptics . . . ut membprsof the Commit- for ordering additional stops in Woodbridge of operation is included in the winter. Before shipment the bees biennial State budget. •are inspected by attaches of the J Over 1,112 llirifly people banked their yjSrthwery eundert willin; g tojjfrsist in their most on trains to ajnd from New York, and we assistance, |the andy hav, wite hme Mrt. witVogel'h as feel, highly confident that new revenues "large, measure of success. resulting from this expanded service will at the Woodllridce' National |la$t mouth more than justify the concessions allowed. GLAMOR GIRLS ers j ' To Aid the Btickwrf Areas perhaps you were one of them, If not, 1 Jhe experts are .working on a proposal a threat'* to'them and to prosperous states. we h<|>pe you will start saving at the F to:'go before Congflesjs designed to hnplc- bne>- phase of the program considers U^ Wdbridge- National this motUh. S^v^. ht the "bold, new program" of assist- possibility that private capltaliaU pf this ing money is a matter of knowing1 to backward areas of the world country can be induced to invest abroad how to spend less than you earn. Most 1 <; promulgated in his inaugural address last if assured of the security of their invest- people find that the easiest way to January. * Jments. The experts suggested that foreign save is by banking a little FIRST, then ^•foulard h,Thorp, Assistant Sepretary of Jgovernmfnts make treaties with)the United [spending what is left. Why don't you ' ' B, says that upwards of 500 persons in. States pledging fair treatment, and that istairt to try this proven method this j have been work^g put the American Government attempt some payday? , . "" ' : f. ?ect to recommend ;some- guaranty against undue risks." less than $100,000,00a to provide In addition, Mr. Thorp says that one of 108 finical cooperation with other countries the lorms of inducement, to get private backward areas. capital to go abroad, may fieta x conces- tie idea in Mr. Truman's mind, .as- sions on profits earned abroad. This last • Open Fridays 4 to 6 P. Ml led from his remarks, is that the suggestion, itlteemq to us, is extremely ed, States should attempt to mike the silly. Why should the United States extend ats of scientific advances »nd Indus* tax concessions to American investors ft>r pogress aveila8p "ftrf itiiT In&prove- piitl^g their moftey to work outside the ; and growth of ufider-developed arias, United States Which is something of a bar- WOODBRIDGE NATIONAL BANK eSomflg pas^s mW-n^f «»* totQ-fymM-^rfvuv In the de- poverty "constitute a handicap arid velBprnent'ofilM tJnited Stetea? ' I'KHltllAI, n^DBRVB U FliiUKHAI. Dlil-OSIT INBDHASIOK VO1U*OHA'I'IUN 4 "71 7~::. >. T FADTTR

Sunday her fath«r. qjistav Berger ! tion, Colorado, spent a few days1 Mr*. Latin to Entertain Arlington; Mrs. Lena Johnson' last week with his parents, Mr. and '< LAPY of PEACE WTtt. ' Colonia News Ktamy; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stras-1 Mrs. Joseph Grass!, Inman Ave- Acme Offers Gifts Woodbrldge Notes Tumbion p. M Mfm'o*p , .,,-<• tU:ise over Charles Cherris. and son, Tllen, Avenue, attended the circus in Company's annual "Bttby Derby." 15 Central Avenue, Port Reading, Mrs. T\M Levin. will mepi nt our i,iH|V 0[ p Mr., and Mrs. Paul Resetev anti New York city, Friday, with his children, Cranford. Parents having babies born on are parents of a daughtt: born .„ Hi," Colonla aunt. Miss Lillian Clayton, Ten- Chtnrh at 13 i:, ' children, Terry, Celeste and Ste- —Mr. and Mrs. Fred flutter. Saturday. ;May 7, 1949 between Sunday In St. Peter's Hospital. The next meeting will be held, ,. •iir i- for the neck. The members of the Hnly Namr ven. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pnncoe, 12:01 A. M. and 12:00 P. M. will New Brunswick. Mrs. Muler is the ftt the home of Mrs. Lnvln, Perth' ,,1) I'liaiVrtes In Amherst Avenue, entertained re- Society will revive riimrniimon In Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson and -Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hughes, become eligible (or a sift package. former Doris Einhorn, Wood- Amboy i cently Miss Lillian Devanay, New- n body at the 8 n'clii.-k mnss on Mr. andlMrs. George Clmlfa, Perth Caroline Avenue, entertained Mr. ark; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hal(gow- , To receive the gift, the parents bridge. .\ ,'ni;ilcs Will and Mrs. John Lanza and family must fill in coupon appearing in Sunday morninu. Amboy. skl and children. Elizabeth, NEW'DAUGHTER .. i.iir:. MHV 12, and Maroella and Dennis Mona- the American Stores or Acme The reRiilar meo'.hv. nt the 8o- —Miss Janet Scott, daiiRl\t?r of •O. 0. P. UNIT TO MEET PORDS-Mr. and Mr,;. Iivln-,'. v —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tajbot, \ ••'' han, Jersey City, Sunday. Market newspaper advertisement, fty Will be hplrt Momluy niqtit at Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgt Scott, Inman Fnirview Avenue, entertained for COLONIA —The Woman's Re- ; Benge of 101 William Street are ; c.iiiipiii Bi'hool —Mr, and Mrs. George Scott, or make a reasonabl* facsimile. i "'clock in the rhr.rcii .mditcrmih. .' i,i,iv Tuesday Avenue, celebrated her 6th birth- a week her parents, Mr. and Mrs. publican Club of Colnnia will meet , tlie parents or n daughter born : Inman Avenue, were hosts Satur- Then mail the coupon to "Baby day at ft party Friday with the tonight at 8( o'clock nt the Colonia . Monday nt the Ps'rth Amhny O( ,i- AHmeyer support, 4 , ., A nicli will be Mark McCall, Ashvllle, N. 6. Derby Contest," American Stores uayroll following guests: Caiolynn and day to Mr, and Mrs. John Pierce Library. I eral Hospital. r.i .-i'Mi-Tnicher and daughter, MaryJane, and Miss —Mr. and Mrs, Charles Volk. Company, 424 North Nineteenth .ix for Social Seruriiv. . .. TinMT Will be Geoffrey Van der Linden. Freder- 1 ick Sutter, Maureen and Carole Judith Pleroe, Jersey City and Wil- East Cliff Road, entertained on Street. Philadelphia, 80. It is not . v oMit'i'i's. nnd Scott, Carol Hltzlcr, Roberta liam Prite, Lyndtaurst. On Sunday Sunday Mr. and Mr^. Walter Volk necessary to make a purchase to hi' liflil. Parents ISchusstef, Werner Prey, and they were the guests of Mr. and and family, Jersey City. ' get the gift. George Scott. Jr. Mrs. Harry Scott, fatnden. —Mr. and Mrs. Rayirtond Rohde, Fathers, aunts, unoles, relatives. ,; \vill he held - —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Read, Falrvlfily Avenue, visited their son. friends, doctors oan help by mail- —Robert Fuller. C. A. A. pilot* I ,r itu' min- Amheist Avenue, and Mr. and John, at Peddle School, HljhU- ing coupon promptly. has returfied to his home on Morn- I ,i ,v ,md S.itiu-- Mis. William Breldenbach. Jr., town, Sunday.i ~s The valuable, useful gift pack- lngslde Road, alter upending neniv age contains useful baby food d •cliu's Rec- Amherst Avenue, attended th* —Mr. and Mrs. James'McCarthy ly a year in Hawaii. items and will be mailed after re j 1,,, by ihp La- wedding on Saturday of Mr. and and son, Gerald, East Cliff Road, ,,l tiir Colonla —Mr. and Mrs. William.Wels. Mrs. Armand Iorto, New York were the guests recently of Mr. celpt of the xoilpon. i iinpafiy. West Street, entertained on Sun- «!ty. and Mis. Clare Sears, Drexel Hill, *•, ~ day 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maul, and ;:: •;u\ was »lv- Pa. j I.IONS MEET MONDAY her mother. Mrs. Marie Schneider —Mr. and Mrs. Jaok Condas, , ••• mi ihf occn- New York City. • Inman Avenue, were hosts Monday —Mr; and Mrs. George Reseter ; FORDS — The Lions Club of ,-.,v. ';isl work, by 1 to Mr. «nd Mrs. Michael Simots and son, Edward, Middlesex Road, I Fords jrill hold Its regular meet- --Mi , and Mrs. Auwist Prnzier, 1 .•,.,, Mrs. Oeorer and children. Elizabeth. were dinner and theatre guests in in« Monday at 6:30 P. M. in Son' Arthur Avenue, entertained on I mm" nil Mltl- —Joseph Spnno, Grand Junc- N

10 DAY TRIAL HOSIERY A flattering thought and s flattering Gift for Mother. Choose from new natural shades. The "Bystander" RCA Victor 8T24I R. C. A. GOTHAM GOLD SJRIPE f iIn- "ivati-M I'.yc Witness value in the lijs- RERKSHIRE - BLENpWELL ui\ nl tr|i-\Mim! It gives you Urifilit, clt'ur, Available in All Siies • ICHK pictures on a hip 52 square inch ncreen, VICTOR nrlrd in (nnc by KCA Victor's amazing live Wiim-.-; I'icluu- Synchronizer. Controls are IJ.19 !o $J.95' iin|liliril. M ul ti-Channel Station Selector for M aiitnmutic tuning. Your choice of rich TELEVISION w.limit or mahogany finish or blond finish at BLOUSES •li::lul\ lii^licr price. With ihc "Bystancler" 's your chaucc to get rid of till your tele- mi l.niiilv need IIUNH the ex- ^^ .^^ ^^ ^m Designed by Joan Kenley i i1111L- I'litcrlainnient of tele- Or ^J O C vision doubts. LOMAX and RCA Victor offer . mn. \(.. operation. you installation ami service for 10 days right • ,SO DAINTY!SO.l6HlY! liiitinlInlIIIII •Fof'Wear Everywhere in your own home. Unless you are completely, satisfied during this period, this amazing offer Rayon and Nylon COSTS YOU ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Try 13.98 t0 $5.98 this 52 Square Inch "Bystander" RCA Victor Television Set in your home. Get in on all the Eyelet Batiste and other Blouses $2.98 swell entertainment you are missing—hall games, variety shows, wrestihig, fights and others. And remember, if you keep your set, both LOMAX and RCA guarantee to maintain ' continuous and satisfactory performance of all parts including Uie picture tube FOR ONE SLIPS and GOWNS FULL YEAR! Barbizon - Luxile - Seainpriiff - Shar - Loo Tailored and Law Trimmed 2.98 to 5.98

W New Lower Wit Terms! NYLON SLIPS \ BED JACKETS HOUSECOATS ! AND GOWNS j SATIN Seersucker - Prints :. 104 Weeks to Pay 5.98 to 10.98 j _2-92l^:^^_ PANTIES , By Luxite—Rayon and Nyton 79(* to ?.50 AS LITTLE AS ( .2.98 -i. 50 M COTTON- CREPE and BATISTE GOJWNS 1.98 to 3.98 *2 weekly GIVE MOTHER.A DRESS ftressjr^ottmis by Rene Day 4S&- Small Carrying Charge T V , Bolero Sunhacks 5.98 - 6.98 Orange#Maid House Dresses 2.98

COME IN TODAY COSTUME JEWELRY, COMPACTS, UMBRELLAS, LUGGAGE, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, APRONS •I •, • OPEN EVENINGS TIL 8 CivjpJtfteffcej1 «.';^iflrift ; fromfro*M: our attrsi^Uvattra(clive ^lwiioii of JHouaeJiold It^ra», and Apj)lianc^8.

1 . * • • t Irons •PwMSure Cookers •Oocks • Vacuum Cleanem


(.lassified TViftertising •'A" Itllt sv, \\OHHIIM;I: I'liiii.iHlllMi ci). in <;rrrn strrci. WnndhHilRF, \. ,1. l Ullll lllM|

• 'riini'i i:tc i>nr Hue i Tim.-it . ]•!<•• l«r line VETERAN'S Sl«|(ml 1 YOUR .ONLY »«» TUT!1 1;"'"A . (YEARLY CONTRACT) t» Piirri,,,,,; ;, ;' ii f"ft l!*;,,| •„,,,'• 1"!l "' iiic-. [ i, I. ,. pa (id's.. 111: |IW 11II >i Monthly i'liyiiionin \,,; i Minimum i|im r i mirnfit—Ti lini'-v I ril;iliKr o( Hl|>y llllllWPd tlKllUlVly. Mmlprn lldirii.,; (,,'„,, J. |.'il<-i-s in .i I III (—tlvr wii'iln. SHOPPING GUIDE Katurdiiy mul 's,',,'i.|," , t ti> ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING |.-i-.:il>lc- 111 ,l(IV)llli-l>. Kxrrplli'lia "*'•• in...I. [.>r «',"I;III1IH,1U'H IMTIIIIMIM onlv. Mrlti«'lir,,, N lurKtiLir i irH^n tnns will In1 I'lionn Mi1!. ii.|K2(| ,,, , •' h.iiKi"! I"!' »t tin- niip-tlniP rii-ti'. and DIRECTORY ,1,1:: urilrri'il I'IIIM IIIIIIM «i"l |II|I|UMI licliirr tlni'l tlini' will I"1 iiiii'BiMl lor lln> iii-lii.il niiiiilMT "f inios I In- Mil iiiipciirrd. ••liiiriflnl? HI Ni'tt-I.v i|iM'i,r.iti'i| iin.| ,, In- rail- riirni'il. finiin, fur UimiHi-. •• i- '. ] 'I'lii' WomllirlilKl- 1'llhllMlllllK •'»• ! I r.srni'j ihi' right In I'llit, iTviMi- or "ii IHIS llin> I,,,,|" l'," | ' Locksmith < Radio and Television i i, ic-t Jilt * fijiy xuliniHIt'il, ini'l W'H "'•.millifiiltil'. CiiH \\i, .' j mil he rcs|i'iiinll)l(' fur nmri' limn nn. iiii-iiiTPrt ilisfrlliill nl llllt :i'l- Perth Amboy I vi'i ilMi'inunl. Tin1 «Ti-ii|H'Piilimi lit tlic • (iAKDIONs AM) WOODBRIDGE RADIO i.nlVl-l -llSfrs Will llC «|>|l|-|M-hlll>il. Locksmith Co. AND TELEVISION Ihlll) A. MAll. s AcnilTKn "I'll lAi.iiwr 77 SMITH STREET SALES & SERVICE WOODBRIOGE 8-1710 IIOTOTll.l I ;iiN,. "vi Drug Stores PERTH AMBOY - • Home and Auto Radio* Service Stations : P. A. 4-4405 * Amplifiers • Television BUSINESS DIRECTORY A vend Pharmacy Safe Expert, Locks and Door • Expert Servicing IIKATIKU HKIIVICK IM'IMMKM inn Checks Repaired- ' fmly s Esso Servicvnter 1010 RAIIWAY AVENUE JOSEPH P. KOCSIK h IM| Complete Auto Lock and YVOODBRIDGE 8-1914 452 RAHWAY AVENUE JJBRICATION - TIRE REPAIRS MINOlt I1HATINO IlKl'Allta Illiick ami Ui, Key Service WOODBRIDGE, N. J. FKWK OK CHAIMii:. Mi ;)ri Fords, N. J. 1 mile north nf our store WASHING, GREASING Eonr New Spick & Span Kennels Perth Amboy 4-11948 CARTERET Carteret Surplus Store Corner Sfile.i fit, and Woodbridti Headquarters for TIRES REPAIRED Box 216, Inman Avenue CARTERET 8-5636 ARMY wool pi nts, shirts.swcaters, St. Gcorgfs AVP. a t'oi&fllcte Line of Rahway, N, J AMBOY AVE. ANDMJREEN ST. arctics, flight boots, tents; U. S. Men's WKX Clothes, Shoes, Pet Shop RAIIWAY 1-J938-M WOODBRIDGE, N. J. NAVY pea coats, sheer-lined LIN DEIS Sportswear and Luggage, i>i»nis, Combat shoes. Air Fomt Woodbrldge 8-W87 Army and Navy Donald T. Matison Jacket*, etc. 97 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Sales Stores INSURANCE Hold For Dogs Near Hudson Street 1M MAIN STREW Pedigreed cocker and collie pup Holohan Brothers CARTERET, N. J. W00DBK1DGE, N. J. pies. Boarding, bathing and trim Joe's Pet Shop GARAGE WDGE. 8-29M mlng, also. I'rln . KiMtila - Suppllra - llnmrmenl Representing Boynton Brother! Standard Etso Pruduoti l'r»»li Dnlly - I . S. (iuv't InxiK-Hril & Co. Over 27 Yean Old Meat* - (Inlura - I'rlaklen . F'.ione i • Mtllwork & Screens » Automotive • 959 OLD LINCOLN HIGHWAY llinU - Woodbridge 8-0064 and 80533 156 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE Telephone Woodbrldfe 8-1592-J Cor. Amboy Avenue anu , METUCHEN 6-2360. Berlohimi Brothers •ERTH AMBOY Tel. 4-3419 Second Street These recipes arc reprintedby | and dvedsccl with flour .ii-,, Perth Am boy bales & Firestone Tires and Tubes I.uxber - Mlllwork - Hardware . request— j salt. The 'flout- ,srms ' Piano Tuning • Roofing and Siding • ! tlie Juice and hcl|> m p; Seance Carp. t Funeral Directors • Woodfirldje, N. J. SCREENS MADE TO ORDER Cremn Rolls ! from overflowing. Dni il>- iilal 1 cup thin crenm j berries with small picn'.i «f I 5b'4 LAURIE STREET Joseph L. Cwiklik W3 CARTERET ROAD 1 yeasl cake* and add augur to swiriou cm [ IIINES ROOFING GO. l ^ PERTH AM2QY, N. i. SYNOWIECK1 .412 Meredith Street Taxi. PORT READING 1 cup butter or other shorten- try strips h inch wide .uul airs Gutters - Leaden - SkyUgbU on the t-op of the pie. Bm>h • 1 Slate and Asphah Roofs ing v "AutiionieJ Hudson Dealer" * Perth- Ainboj.N. J. Telephone Carterct 1-6857 beat«n egg|ror* and A iirlo i Kubberold Shingles 5 egg yolks Funeral Home , Piano Tuning - Voicing - Action Bake in an oven 3fiO de-:rro> t. A. 4-6412 P. A. 4-em All work covered by Workmen's WOODBRIDGE Vz cup sugar Regulating - Repairing FOOLED BY HOLDUP GAME 10 minutes, then lower lira! 46 Atlantic Street Compensation and liability 1 cup blanched almonds chop- 1 Telephone P. A. 4-2911-W M1AMISBURG. O. — Wilbur ped degrees and cook 30 mimi .- Carteret, N. J. Charges Reasonable Karpur, grocer, isn't going to play Scald cream and cool to luke- er. Auto Laundry EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED "cops and robbers" with th« neigh- warm, orumble yeast and mix with i Telephone Carterei 8-5715 Highest Recommendation! Hinet Roofing Co. borhood youngsters .aity more. the cooled cream. Cream butter Having played a "hold-up game" thoroughly, add egg yolks one at Raspberry CARS WASHED 456 School Street, Woodbrldge with the kids tor years, Karpur a time, beating well after each ad- 3 egg whites WHILE YOU WAIT Furniture Pony Ride WO-8-1077 wasn't surprised when a youth en- dition. AdiHiour alternately with Salt tered his story, a gun In hand and yeast mixture to the butter and 1 cup sugar "Modern Auto Laundry BUY ON THE HIGHWAY AND his face covered with a handker- egg mixture. Beat thoroughly. •i teaspoon vanilla w SAVE Deter's Potiy Ride Henry Junten & Son DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE chief. He laughed when he was or- Chill dough In refrigerator over- 1 pint raspberrii s >n i Lou Maty, Vrop. 1 cup cream whippd Sprint is the season for new Tinning and Sheet Metal Work METEREO RATES dered to gef'behind the counter. night. Mix isugar and nutmeats ttmonizliig, Itlue Coral Treatment At Maple Tree Picnic and sprinkle half the mixture on Beat the eKR wliitc- •<: freshness. Our furniture' is Roofing, Metal Ceilings and Ht- didn't laugh, however, when f 413-15 MARKET STREET fresh in design experienced •'Irst Vj Mile ISo[the youth struck him on the head the molding board. Divide chilled with an electric nw. Grounds Furnace Work ' speed or a hand beui'T iiiiiii PERTH AMBOY, N. J. in quality. lacta Additional 'A Mile . . 10c with a home-made blackjack and dough in half; roll outeach por- most stiff. Add thfsu^ii •i.iiiua 5$8 Alden Street OFFICE: 443 TEARL STREET then fled when the grocer threw a tion in the sugar and 'nuts, until Perth Amboy 4-4851 Winter Brothers OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY VVOODUKIDfiK. N. J. UOD .bottle at him. It took six. the dough is one-eigjtth'inch thick. continuing to bsiit until! ihem Wayside I'urnjture Shop Woodbridge, N. JT. stitches to close the wound in Kar- Roll up like a jelly roll. Cut offture is very stiff. Add tini' van FROM 2 TO 6 P. M. and blend. Turn iiii" ,, 9-H Highway 25 Avenel, N, J. Telephone 8-1246 pur's head. VH inch slices and place on a • Decoration Service • Open Usttly 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. greased baking sheet, cut side up, layer cake pan whifi i;;i. t) PhorifWoodbridge 8-1577 Tiling ROBBED 15 TIMES IN 5 1 Mj inches apart. Let rolls rise until lined with waxed i>ai»i .uul >iir light, about 1 hour. Bake In anevenly. Bake in an »v.n ' THIS VICINITY'S LARGEST Radios "SINCE 1905" BUFFALO, N. Y.—Albert Sny- oven 360 degrees until delicately gr«es tor 45 minutes, IMI DECORATION SERVICE • Juvenile Furniture • 1. HARMSEN E. W. NIER der, owner of Snydftr's jLunch, brouned. per by 'placing »n " u • DuPont Paints I IN TELEVISION New Jersey Roofing thiflks it's about time for blirglars Place merhiRue on « n.i! '• Imperial Washable Wallpaper j Featuring the finest makes in ' Company ARXJ1LE CO. I to pick on someone else. Hi$ diner Fold rasptH-rries into OVM I • Columbia Venetian Blinds ITfS ANDERSON lias been ransacked by thieves fif- Blackberry Pie on center top of mnuru1' SCROLLERS, BABY CARRIAGES Roofing • Brick Siding 454 RAHWAY AVENUE • Tontine Window Shades i AND JUVENILE FURNITURE teen times in the past five ypars. Make a plain pastry, roll thin Interior Decorator at Your Service FOR SERVICE AND SABLES Metal Work WOODBRIDGE Storklinc, Thayer, Hedstrom In the latest raid, they smashed ajid line ,\ pie pan. Spririkle lightly Guaranteed i Expert Workmanship J09-3I3 NEW BRUNSWICK AV£, BATHS KITCHENS a cigarette-vending machine, get-wjith flour and sugar. Fill the shell Minted l'tt,m «i Union, Whitnuy, BiltRite Schwinn 1 Strawberries SPIVACKBROSI and Roadmaster Bicycles PERTH AMBOY. N. J. RUBBER FLOORING ting 260 packages of cigarettes— With berries which' rdve been and a free lunch. picked over and washeimbed drained *U STATE ST., PERTH AIVtllf> Anderson Radio Tel. PE-4-0216 1 cijp cream I4UALITX FIRST I '/i clip crushed fnnilim rhone P. A. 4-11136 p I MechQnik's 114 AiMbo; Avenue, Perth Ptynekj WO-U9Z7 •3 cups strawberries Visit Our Showrooms ] 2*6 HOBART STREET Phcjnc Perth Amboy 4-3735 Rags P. A. 4-0614 < WO-8-2368 Qreen vegetnbii <-• PERTH AMfiOY, N. J. Whip cream, until '< ' U|i|iimllr Sriirn Ituebiivk For fatter Brakes . . ; . nu3 Dry Cleaning • Radio Repairs • WALL TO WALL • Tuxedos • Tint a delicate KIWI. ''" Let An EXPERT Do Your Brake Work firm. Wash unri hull ln' t Lumber and Mlllwork § Telephone CA.8-5089 We Are Equipped to berries. Arrange in MlW "Pleasing You is Our ftusiness" Clean Wall *o Wall ureti ne 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE pile frozen mint w?m "' dry cleaning. r«cibt * AVs Radio & Television Phone P. A. 4-2991 tar. Garnish with '•vl11111 t«uirklinff fresh color wjE new gar- 1 Tils. Alterations are truly pro SALES and SERVICE tpkulttttt la NO GUESSWORK — NO EXPERIMENTING Curried In" ' , (|ukk service. H , Authored Scyvice Eniliteer Homt. 1 slice Ofilon S. Fishkin NO DEUYS 1 1 1 i, Haiti f leaned a Wobdbrldge Lumber Co. Only the Best HeplacemeVit Parts Called for Ii/, tablespoons I"' ' ' ' Trousem and Sportswear ked. and Udlvtret. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED SHOP 1 Va tablespoons lli»»'" .. ,4* u£d , »' cup lamb &iwk DAILY J A. M'fP. (M p: Wr* TutU* OuaMnteeT TIH&DOS FOR HIRE \ 4 (IViduys till 7 P. M.) Large Stock of , Vt to J. teaspoon rimy I' All Type Tubes and Batteries in STANLEY BOYES Salt and ptvi'1'1 Kutnui Cleaners ; Stock, < 205 SMITH STREET HYDRAULIC PARTS - KITS - BRAKE DRUMS Telephone: Woodbrldfe » MM 366 Augusta Street Cosked lamb Charles Kutma, Prop. 34 PER8HING AVENUE South Amboy *• A. 1-161 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. BRAKE CYLINDERS - CABLES, ETC. Cooked peu^ ,in Hi. . Wooitbrldge, N. J CABTERET, N. J. BRAKE DRUM REPACING Steamed rice We call (or and deliver. Pai-sley WO-8-1496 t Radio and Television • BRAKE CYLINDER HONING AND REBUILDING rs i 1 1 l Stores • Said • Dirt - • Typewriters • Cook onion *li> '" ' Add PIN FITTING with buttpr until t«i*--1 DAY CALL ANI* TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING |k Telephone Woodbrldge 8-1889 Stephen UodroskL Jr., Prop. flour and lamb sH) - r 3 DELIVERY SERVICE TOP SOIL MACHINES BEAR WHEEL ALIGNING AND BALANCINQ thick, add salt ami '|Jl"' R«». CA-8-6404 [anil) ^ul FOB YOUR SECTION Woodbridge BOUGHT • SOLD - RENTED FRONT-END REBUILDING, curiy powder, t CONSULT US Downs at Machine* in Stock mul I''' f Liquor Store Appy's Radio Service slicee free from - P. A. 4-1616 Jofin F. Ryan, Jr. Generous Trade-in Allowance, lp sauce until in1 JOS. ANDRAl&IK, PROP. Television and Radio Sale*, » Expert Repairi. Rahway Brake Service not. allow to boil Milton'sQwltltf i and BuppUci P. A, 4-6S80 ,. flirt I" ' 8OUNH EQUIPMENT RENTED Eastern ne-Up - Gentnl faiwtrW- M-Huur Towfnt ti* bottom Dry Cleaners and Imported Wines, wn Recording Made - Just Call Ui 1263 MAIN STREET RAHWAY 14511 mjxed with choppi'Jho u'l'i i '''!.u 4M MARKET STREET and Typeumiter Exchange molded on a hut \^^ ,„„ PEJKTU AMBOY 286 PER3H1NG AVENUE Samuel J. Gauawar 574 AMBOY AVENUE CAKTEBET, N, J. WH«W*». m MwtoUgtoet car, Hug rnm AJHVOY ,|.;NT LEADER THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1949 PAGE TliJllTEEN

fares will not be further Increased As compared with the prewar | iipin nxini.it.-H 1, Soii nml the Board of Public Util- of New Jersey and on the New tivhr-r than^ Graduates Solicited RR Fare Increase ity Commissioner!! of New Jersey. York and LOUR Brtvnch Railroad, by the tariff filed today. Therefore conditions or 1939 the over-all in 19M. The tariff proposes that the ntw which is operated jointly by the the (Sffect of the flew tariff will be 0 avcft«e coat of prnvirtmn rmlroBrtl CompariMin is ,| w iiiiicii! with"' to place the, remainjng communl- fares shall besmme effective May Jersey Central and the Pennsyl- service on the Pennsylvania, as j the Dep.uimijr! ii[ Kibor's con- A force Officers' Corpi 15. They will apply to Inter-state , ViUila. tlei on the Pennsylvania upon the 1 Air May 15 Requested the combined result of IncreaHnflraumer price mdex i,,'nnerlykhowfl* ' An Force to Its minimum educational require- commutation between the New same scale of commuting fares, of .•i in i The Pennsylvania was author- wages, payroll taxes and material' as Hip cost nf living index, which ** Jersey communities ami New York 'and so remove the inequalities ,„!.,,„! to build ments for officer and pilot, trnin- WOODBRlDGlT f- Increases ized, effective April 1, to advance and supply prices. Is current'In 1948 was 7'M"" hisher tlmYi City, and also to commuter travel which now exist? ,iH,sed in law InR. However, while acceptinR aver&Klnu approximately 20% In its fares at common polnta to the 84% higher, and this will rise to. in 1!>3!>. m (mm cnlteffcs within the state between the com. qualified applicants who have -at commutation fares upplylnR to same levels as authorized for the Comparison Cited 84.3% hlpher. and this »1ll rise to | The r.nlion, ;iiulv/,inf IU the muntttcs themselves. least two years of COHCRC training New Jersey points on the Pennsyl- ! Jersey Onlnl. The fares so ad- The railroad points out that the S5.27, next Srpkmbpr when the commutation t IXM'latlim costs or can prfss an equivalent exam- vania Railroad's New York Divi- The new fares will bring com- juster! were those from Perth Am- fare Increases proposed are jery 40-hour week noes into effect for'over its cini- "t i-ni and in. ination, the Air Force Is advising „!!,,„,. presidents, sion from Trenton northward, mutation rates for the" cities af- boy and Elizabeth to New York, much lower, on a percentaKe basis, the non-operattmi employes. In jcreases in nn 'I'hpi ."itinns students to complete their coHese Rrc n ( ,ll(|rnl)ri-R. Chief with certain exceptions, nre pro- fected up to thn level of the ncv and fri'iii Newirk ind Elisabeth than the Increases which have contrast with this, the proposed ' '"ntem work before applyinu for training Al, Force, has vided In a tariff filed with the scale recently approved, and now to points on the New York and taken place In rtillway operating new commutation f;ues lor thp j ANA slirv . ,h(p, and officer assignments. 11149 pios- • .i;,ii(m In brlng- Tnt.ersliUr Commerce Commls- In effect on the Central Railroad Irf'im Branch Railroad. Thesft costs. communities aftn'tc.l will jivc-ranc pnels [nr bin'in- ,, h

il|i|imiiiiiilies lor : ' 'i', ,(| .;in(i pilots In the

" ,,, ,,f the Air Force

l 1 1 -/;; ;'; ,n;;', ^nci leader^. 1 , v miiiiibni'B s letter s of these GIVES YOU ALL THREE ,,iuii(ins y conri- \, ,.,,ips composed 1''.'..,,.iniinnd men and

, ,,iu:iics interested

," ,|1(. Air Force Is ! 1 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ,l, ,mi,n' of places In M|il ,,,,-iy fall Aviation •I,,,, purpose. It was ui prrmil seniors

.', nIM(. tn bcRin Pilot "•1, minimum delay.

lliplv now will have ' ,ll(l[.r;;..,p(] so that, If ',,, ,-,,trd. they will be ,, i,.imtnc in one of I, ,,.., following their

., ,, ,ii Aviation Cadet wiffi Clearest Picture of /hem al\ ! iiifjhl iinstrucn - wmk, and leader- t]n-y arc commls- i;iMiif'iiants in the ,nr, with BSSIRII-

V. M!urn Cadet train- i:,uliir .commissions iiiioii completlnB i, rue others, with


Mm Wmiirll legible :.,,n,.(trs interested in iJinmiMrativc and ,,,:,.'is in the Air Force ,.-.,:: 11 v in receive Bc- .[],i!i:.:ii)ii.s .after six !..,;:nn;: at an Air Force most compact powerful radio ever built ,,, i,.i,itc School, Both

v .ni,.1. ;MP eiiuible and |jjni( ! .iincr prior military All 3 for the prke of one! .,:. iiinii sriuors will re» ., - i"ininissions upon ,,: •Heir llOTC worlc at ,',:•,• I no COIICRCS and ,ii luii*1. All arc being ';,!' 11 icy hiive an op-, • i i'ii:' three years of ", vi'ii the Air Force. in liass the physical .•.. '\.nniuattoiis will be : ;!::•)' training. t'i'i'T has not chani?ed

ar Radio Star Words can't tell all features of this supremo value.You Convention must hear and .see them.

'•v Fmd Merchants MAGIC MIRROR TELEVISION with big 10-inch picture' 'ii'i.it ion ai the tube for bright, sharp, clear, steady pictures, GUARAN- T •in 'inion Hall will in Sunday. May 8, TEED TO OUTPERFORM ANY SET, ANYWII?RE, ANYTIME. 'ii tl stauins ot tlie piiv-iram, "The •>ii"Uf)inB." It stars 4 HOURS OF RECORDED MUSIC AUTOMATICALLY - ••'I Kin; as Master New 2-speed phonograph plays 7-in., 10-in. and 12-in.

• < '• « ill be open 10 LP (Long Playing) and standard records automatically, "f clmrye. Thous- '. ii iviiincn are ex- DYNAMAGIC FM-AM RADIO - An engineering miracle. ""»i in meet John : ii"iMin and to com- So compact! So powerful! Such superlative performance! ' n.v 'voiuicrful ctivc- l :.i'-r Hr'ky men and All this in a masterpiece of cabinet-styling - a design ' ••;>' lU'iii'o the thrill - ,> iii'.iiar radio pio- triumph by the nation's leading stylists - at a price that ": .ictually liearins ' •:•»• ulr later. The is sensationally low. See, hear and compare it today. •'•'irded ^id then Si al inn WCB8 oh '•!•'••• 11th. as the req- !! I''lasstaH Poods.

sewaren Notes 4 HOURS OF

I'i'icv a.' Austen "i and William.' TABLE RADIO- ''i I in Suuthpury, WEEKLY PAYMENTS LOW AS $2.50

''.ui iiiul children LOW DOWN PAYMENT PHONOGRAPH '

l|-'i ivtft'son, Louis. you can have one for every room. "•'' "fi-et and Miss M 95 beautiful tone.' So low in cost, Woodbrldge, at- Modil 5R10 I|llri'-Hi>d Sox ibali Modol 6V1J l! l|i«' Yunkec Sta-

•' 1''^lii,i\ Westfleld 111 • ^uJu'or, Qtanl ll! ' Wednesday In

l{,"^i. Krnest Rossi, ~ ' :U111 Mrs. j. Mun- had >e "WhltejaU

'. Tim. g n4 lll LOM AX HOME and AUTO SUPPLY ' '"Ule ruined their l!lli citlier. ground it J' ''^ » ground it ft "ll1' 'l'lie Imwswife used 51 MAIN STREET COKMEll FULTON ST., WOOUBUIDGE, N. J. •'" f|t>ui- to bikt tht

'•1"ll"'»y all the vit%- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 ' TKLEPHONE WOODBRIDCE lt-0020 i ! l ll:( ot .1", ' "' '' the graii| '" '" Ul« homem»d« J., baled temporarily at Mercer Air- Struy Sheep Breeders Atsocla,- Health, has created a Bureau of country is "subsidising people farmers have sown every bit of Capitol Dome port urHll permanent tacllttle* ticn will hold their armu« men- Environment Sanlutlon In the too much, coddlinn them- ton acreaw they could into wheat. the past six or (icven •• caii be tomplebed atMcOUIr#Ai» flectric'Eye' i Continued from Editorial Page) inn and l«n» show at the Ool- State D*partmentfof Heslth ... • much, and giving them too many Last year's spring and winter Ing to the EC A F,,r ,',' FOICP Base, Fort Dix . . . Three 1 wtteatcrop amounted-to l.BBWKHl,- into New Jersey, which is a re- lege of Agriculture, New Bruns- handouts. ' popnlauion in ti»> Ml 000 but the all-time mark was In duction of 2,700 compared with hundred small hotels in mr»l wick on May 21 ... With mn- i CAPITOL CAPERS—The State countl'los, cllot.s «,:;• 1947 when the total was 1,364,919,- th« same period the previous New Jersey hnve been surveyed teiial costs dropping, bids on New Division of Employment Security Bin WHEAT CROP bn deficient, in m,..! Is Found Useful .and checked for flr« safety hae- 000. ucts, fats and oil, , year, the State Department of J«r*ey Ctate highway projects recently mailed a disability in- With average weather condi- Agriculture nnnounrpci . . . The fttds under the new Ho&l Fire these days are geneially below surance check to a Bloomfleld tions, another billion-bushel-wheftt with pre-war stiiii,|';i:',| third annual highway contest, Safety Law . . . New Jersey to- the estimates of departmental resident .for the six weeks period crop is In prospect, according in F.imOPF.AN DIET In Myriad Ways sponsored by thr Garden Club of mato growers will again be warn- engineers . . . Secretary of Ag- lie was hospitalized in Norway wheat growers, who, have begun If fond production in Europe Snm Ooldwyn is i,,,,, New Jersey is underway to select ed if there 1^ any danger of late Holds-up, thf average diet per per- girl loplay opposiu.])..: NEW YORK LWt l«iok now, riculture Brarfnan has appointed with pneurnwlih , . . New Jer- to be accustomed to such unusual the best-kept buildings In New blight lnjuriog the Garden State son may hit 2,700 calories a day, David Nlven m p.,,'" but yfin'ri' lii"iii(! v.'nlf'hrci hy thnns- W. Andrew Cray of Stockton to sey di-UKgists haVe been told by harvests. Spurred by their last Jersey . . . The New Jersey Air crop this summer, according to 'siiirhtly less than prewar" a.nd Asked whot typr i1(1 , andP rif Hcrlrnhie eves. the National { Poultry Advisory Dr. Ivor Griffith, president of the chance to cash in on HIP full 90 National Guard will establish a the College of Agriculture, Rut- fifteen to twenty per cent below for, he replied, A •, • % Aiitnni.ntii- contnils using photo- Committee . . Dr. Daniel Berus- .-Philtjjrielphia College of Phar- ppr Cfnt of parity support prl::c or new Flfjhter .Squswlrnn t"> bp KPIS University . . . The New the United States average, but a rah act as wnll n<; •)•,.., |), elrrtlic 1nhr« h:ir^ heroine big ma. Statp Commissioner or macy thai Kovcinment In this a fHurt close tn S2 a bushel, t •li business iiml ;>re in" me in mnny 4'j ways Oiiii iiffrcM ymir pvery-dny if Ufe' i* This typf uf deviop is most tt- J mlli.'ir tn ihr public, perhaps, In •..;'• opening doors of railroad terminals '|! and other pnblio buildings—the i ji door "wintjini! wide when you walk | ; (cross an invisible beam of light. >;!!: But tliHt n\c is only one of hurt- i?|- dreds. Others include safety cpn- f tif' troh that shut uff machines when j|j>;j Worker* KPI near danger zunei, ijfi utrrrl lights that turn themselves In Celebration of National Baby Week! ; :j*j on when it i^ts dnrk and off when 0{i It's light agnln, burglar nlorms, machines (hat automatically wrap An Appropriate/^I PT candy and cigarettes, and dcvice» Virginia Lee MOTHER'S DAY that count 10,000 pills a minute. ..K and Valuable VJ11 I \ Really Blf Business ,V &M Frank Rudolph, president of the W- Ripley co., of Middletown, Conn., Layer Cake 75c I'l «»tin-(ateB the manufacture of elec- GIVEN AWAY |: tronlc controls using the photo- Large size, rich golden cok*, filled ond iced ;:'* tlectric, tube will he a ten-mllioti- To Proud Parents Of dollnr business this year. His own with vonillo creom, pink cocoanut sides. Dec- company is not the biggest In the orated with large pink heart with word business but is one (if the pioneers. "Mother." Featured ot all Acmes! I IH growth from $20,000 in businesB jjp| in 19.17 to an expected $475,000 this BABIES || year, he says, is an indication of Between 12:01 A.M. & 12 P.M. how (he industry an a whole bas VIII01NIA tK expanded. Golden Maca^on Crunch Bar I At least three otlier companies R'ch delicioiis golden cake, vanilla cream Iced, h)pp«d with mioroon crunch. devote their full facilitis to elec- mikm Sat. May 7th < r,.,.,,^ tronic controls and some big manu- Apple-Filled Coffee Cake ™ ...39c facturing nimpaniei, such as Cen- t, ounM, uncles, relatives, • "Kgeral Kltctric and Westlnghouse, SUPREME mnke them in quantity.. Pan Rolls f,- 10c Doughnuts ? 25c friends, doctors! Help us by moil- | D«fo,', ^ I Rudolph and others In the indus- SUPREME N try are constantly thinking ,up new ing this coupon promptly. J «m« of SANDWICH Bread 15cApple Pie £ 49c I uses One of his pets right now Is a little attachment for your floor I lamp that, when set. will turn the Supreme White Bread light on at nightfall so you don't ENRICHED I A I toof I "Tt ] •,j'jhave to stumble into a dark house Slictd Check These Acme Everyday Low Prices/ ^ "*^ J t or apartment on your return f"wn Farmdale Evaporated Milk 2 can«* 23c ' The electronic eyes are In such You! rarmaaie cvapurcjicu mi^ - toll It ]Wlde use already, however, that the 1 cans i Industry \t -hard .pressed to get &' Pet, Carnation, Nestle, Borden's Evaporated Milk 2 ^enough of Eornc critical material? ito keef, up with orders Coffee *' Protect Workerg Baby Foods Other Infatit Food« i They are in Increasing use • to T RENNET l'/l-OI. CUTS Blended Juice 2 ?.r 23c Nabisco Zwieback, ; 25c ing out—more than is> permlt- D A Facial Tissues 2 ftO065c id by local laW«, „ m* Lambs Liver ht Pineapple Juice «L.39c George Inn c"t» P*,.39c Shoto-electric tutTes are used by LIBBY'5 6 O'CLOCK Diaperwite PX.25c M soft drink manufacturers for plate Beet ccd MMI D ;ng returned bottles—separat- Meat Loaf " Tomato Juice 21? 25c Corn Muffin Mix X16c PardDogFood2'r27c them by the colors of special Sliced Bacon •fcings imbedded in the nfeckg of KAidaetSalam* bottles. Bee<;h-Nut Swift Strained Ocean Spray Durkee i Seeking Jobs Get Baby Food Meats 2 *£ Cranberry Sauce Marsh ma I low tiling of Over-Dtesiinf 4 Swift 7 YORK.—If you'r* a girl ™> io t:: 93c fc' ^htftdising organization! pir- Lii-jcious whole. Ki jelling Frmteit To°i"- Pfic«g<»s to 33c ofd 91 con Monday V»l\l JV-V/ Jrl\ I con ated. It waa putt nf a "clinic OH iers in retailing" held by the York university school of tiling., ' Sm at AmA 0MR1 CiMR grooming, the members is important for applicants JbmeFre lime! eing interviewed—but the matter Gold Seal Fresh Eggs *"" riV» 73c I Qver-dressiiig is the downfall olj ; Try these top-quolity oil-white FRESH eggs! Silve an otherwise acceptable nnei ware Set No. 2 eclally if the interviewer is a1 Mind Color /Q VALUI Bin, they told the co-eds, ''Gold Seal Large Eggs ^cCotton ol U Q/C a is preferred, Omd* » /r Su«r, ,.' Firm, Silver Seal Large Eggs Cattail «(,n WJC ntee( Graduates May l le Curd Into Better lobs Crop Butter X .t 68c X 69c ; ; 66c HACA, N. Y.-The cill«e Pound ^1 Potkogt | * I V uates of June, 1949, are dju^ tu Princess Margarine HHIff "!!)!„„„ in.to better paying jubsltfrW) rding to a Cornell «inl- Aged Cheddar Cheese " 69c rity placement expert. t , bunch 1b L. Munsfhauer, Cornell Mild Colored Cheese 49c flee direct^, said one \»rge j chong*' ,Kj t«S ralseiJ its stafttlf?il«y, Phila Brand Cream Cheese *;; 17c last' year's $285 to $305 a Another w|nVupjfro«rt2» C8l0 d 24-Pc. in third wa&Vfi 130-to American Loaf Cheese " ». 45c M'lverw* Set No. 1

«alari«t are cbj«|< CHKJI 2-tb I' engineering graduatea ind Glendale Club Box $3.98 ts, Munnchauw >aid, 77c with *0 With the trend to tie ech Rich blend of mild aged theddar with other healthful milk solidtt. i the whole job range.

for fUtrfat, bttwean V. 7. it Dairycrest Ice Cr©am«&29- J. M^itJttnd t. Albert F, Ha|enberg« Meltproof bog TREE' Richer, creamier! .Irv it now' ). of U. S. army *ir •74** . * ^J. _ A« V' . .. THtTRRDAY, MAY fi, 1f)4fi PTFTKRN aiitner to be Priscoe's Mound Chojce Against Carteret^ NEW LIFT FOR NATS . . |£ — 1 ••.. . — i, ••-.,——— — 1 „.,. ,. , *r\ . • * -— —' '•- ——————— • _ ^ ^ Lls Win a>eft ^ ' Town Clubs Formally Get League Season Under Way Contest Tomorrow; : a A/MS He's /Way;IN.Brunswifkt L, Keating ft) HAV? BBES Open Play TRAPBD FROM THE WORIO''. I1: holt Stadium. " 11' whirlwind start this week with Port ReadinK, Hart A. A., Salri-- I C'iMch Nick Pii'-Tor is exixrtsd 'j,•' „;,, WiHl vllle Rangers, Sncred Hearts, Rari- : I" send liis ace, Frank Sautner, " ,im,, brilliant re- Township Rumbles", and Nixon ! ;i!inln-,t thi> Rambk'is. SAutim lms I,I,' inninKS i^i i rnuntlcd into form aftrr a shaky I winning their ,ope.I)!riK buttles.' • I ,JX.I,I. the Harl I starl ,:iid now bus a uvord of Kivc township teams are repre- ,'," ,.,>nif ""I "» t°V two viclnrics and one setback. His . , makr their se.i- j 'd in the loop this season. M hilvmound performuiuc iianiiisfc . : | rC'SS. St. Anthony's m^deOvertures to 1 New Brunswick's heavy «iUt,-< w.l'j tain t.lip Mid-County, champion- ,; ..uirli'd on the a mas ; ship by posting a 3-1 Victory over ,| . MM M('I->rt>l(?h- in r Hie Cnrteret Orioles in tlie open- CuHiiye W'hsiils is sluled to IP- • :,,,! KI i'.ivc way to liv! (tami of the season. plarc Andy Schiller ,it third bate v ',, .hi nilli frame for the Carteret till tr) net his big ".' "..',.,1 fur four runs. The hero of the fray was Snaps b;it into the lineup. Wissini!. at tin; , ,".'i .mist held Mnt- Zullo, St. Anthony's aggressive present. Is one of the team's The Port Heading team us it appeared at the Tuny Ziirzilln, (Irnc Srhrinrr. Front row, John til the ninth second baseman, who lined out a leading hitters, im opening of the Mid-County League at Port Read- „ ,,,,i^ touched for vicious single with the bases londed lliitnick, llnnny I,ii/.;\li, Keiinlr Slauliaik, Walt The Red Blazers ure scheduled ,, ing. Back row, Julius Kollar, former inaiwer; ,,,i,iic sfttitiK the in the second inning to account'for Malinowski, John Syrr, John /iilln, (ienree Hrut- In return to their home grounds''' •Joseph Gyenes, Frank Syre, T. Zurr.aro, Oorfce ,,i,'i'is.sive strike- all the Saints' runs. Saturday to mE?t Cranford at" Wiisellk, manager; Butch Citirney, Andy , sano, Hub llultanleh, hat hoy. Beans Staubach was Manager Foi ds Park. The gome is schfdulfd • Gi M'Ke Wasllek's choice to pitch ,. |M,iii!!ht home the to start at 2:30 P. M. ^ ,,,, HI Hie first In- i he opener, and he came through Keasbey to Open Ocoige Wisslng. who has yet to '' ,..:KCI1. took second, with flying colors, limiting the lose a high school same, and has mid romped over heuvy-hlttlng Orioles to two Sin- one victory to his credit Urn sea- "j V i,,ul;i's 1on« dou- ides uvnr the six-imiing route. Against No. Amboy son, Is slated to gel the Cnuiford " Ernie Brechka, Carteret's mound mound assignment. ,',;: th. lead In the are. was chargtU with the loss KEASBSY—The Keasbey Rant'- This past week the- Red Blazer.) \ .., , ii .lohnny . Ven- after walking six batters and al- j ers, nfter completing their" strenu-, recorded then most impressive win f le ri'luiblu sfffirt- WITCHED FRQK\ A lowing four hits. * mis spring practice sessions, hope ° l' season by defealiji" New • •, i r.vu errors and CHAMP TO A CHUMP OUT fir Don Anderson pitched brilliant to,start, their season off on the Brunswick 5-2 befclnd thn six-hit „,., , ilii and Pitzpat- mafo oer A LOT OF two-hit ball to give the Rarltan riti'lit fobi tomorrow nigln when. Pitching of Prank Sautner. '-

• ,i. ;'ii siifci'sslve sin* BUT Township Ramblers a 3-0 decision they take on tin North Amboy A. j The win Was the Barronx' third ! sl ,'•' ;,a all (he scoring 3LAO BeCAUSt over the Iselln Cubs. A. at the Stale Street field. Game (Straight, find they rfaly celebrated il ; in- inning. n$ UPtir aerALOtts WITH The Ramblers, who have ab- time has been set for 6 o'clock. | ^ nicking'two New Brunswick " '...vr hit Matawan .poesH'T etPicr sorbed several of the former Fords Last year tlu> Rangers wound up in-,,! the ntth when ro PICK UP A. A. performers including Don a successful .campaign with u /..iinbito bobbled a Anderson, scored single runs in record of 27 wins against sttfen , ,- A hull allowed the Mo His BASIC Pkrn mum the third, fourth and sixth Innings setbacks. Manager Louis Banka is to put the game in the win column. ^d ^d were advanc.,1 a buse on 4 :,Ui men on. Johnny well astlsfled with the way his eo e i:," I for his miscues Jack Wallace paced the Ram- ° « 11 WI«lnKS sacrifice. Pet. tecam performed in their exhibi- lvak •,.' iiiniiiB by lacing bler batters with two hits In three tion games and expects to have ^. then «loiit«^„ ,,d a home ru. n, to - ,,i.ii- Mimle to drive Mid-County League Engagement trips to the plate. on, ,,f the strongest senior nines dfep cenlel" flekUt0 Wl'ount for i, ivtc Gyenes kept The Keasbey Eagles were victims in the township this season. . in- --ending Venerus of an early season upset at the Frank Banko. last year's number' in Yhe fieVenth "after "deorgeWis- ,, iii!;if to left center. Tonight on Pt Reading Diamond hands of the Sayreville Rangers, one chucker, is slated to do the slng walked| slole secon(, aluU ;.,ul down a perfect who displayed surprising power in 1 registering the 2-1 victory. jPitcMing for Keasuey when they - ,-ompea hoMe on HuwhMcf^iim's-- • ircii Venerus and St. Anthony *, Harts to , square off with Amboy tomorrow HI i« second. Gary Zaneski's triple with one man on sharp single. 's No-Hitter night. Joe Banyacski. in .all prob- Prank Sautner was also the H.II^' rookie Utility Clash; Line-Vim are and Bochenski's single accounted ability, will do the catching. game's batting hero with three hits -i ,i nit n double, scor- for the Rangers' tallies. Joe Bartos Listed by Managers The game is expected to attract in four trips lo the plate. Pete Da- ,.im si'cond with the Beats BfOOKS, 5-0 averted a shutout by walloping one of Porti's pitches for a home run. a lurpe crowd due to both com- nnUi aMrge hissing and Howie PORT READING--The Hart bines' pats records. The Amboy allen same through with two PERTH AMBOY — The Wood- As was expected the Harts- ] McC ijjii)iiii> put, the A. A. nine will play host to St. . , . nine will not announce Its start- base knocks apiece to pacs the Red Carragher clash lived up to all ex- (ilf of the eighth Anthony's tonight at the Port ^e Bears met more rfian their ins" batterbuttervy until stumsamep time. *>!„,.,..„> «»„;.„„ Saturday when they were pectations with both clubs shoot- Blaztvs' offense. in: Beading Held in a Mid-County ing the works. Jerry Stampiglia, W'lUlllll'IIHT, ilt p "center field, League engagement. Both teams held hiUess and scorelt-ss by Ernie I Lilian, JH f the Harts' opened their respective loop sched- Nehila. who hurled a perfect eurae the Harts' mound sensation, | t0 tlle twirled Manager Joe McLaughlln's New Surgical Knile Said I Hi liim. Hi [ ules last Monday night with im-. ^e PerthAmboy Brooks i-r. sii - IntBlAllnn h» v* n. r] 1*_ II f ii/if /v till aggregation to an-Jnipressive 6-4 .inn Keating, who prtsslve victories. a well-earned 15-0 victory. To Prevent Loss of Blood if win. \ (/flmmtttccman flcorge Mroz threw out tlic first ball for the us first i?ame with Nehila liad perfect control dur- EXETER, ENGLAND.-A young I rl i George Wasllek, who replaced . opening of the Mid-County League at Port Reading with the M, , :ili, rl' wiLhiheall-'juHus st:'Anthony's w Ins remarkable The Harts put the )game on ice hospital technician has said he .I8s Kollar as In the third inning when Bruzay Port Heading and Carteret teams facing Wch other. I«ft to Wolff, !• Johnny Longo, mentor, may start either George tsint and allowed just one Wood- invented a surgical knife which Im- Nil II in IT, p Bole- led off an dreaojied first on right are Ray Alilmni, Mike Makoski, rauMuii of the Carteret. "" pitchei, was Bratsaho or Frank Syre on, the brldge batter to reach first base. mediately puts back into th« VOlm M tr Kamlnsky's error. Johnny Venerus Orioles; John Zullo, captain of the I'ort Reading Seniors, and '.nsl. after allow- mound to halt the Harts' U'Oisame Hnnsen was the Brnnks' leading blood lost by e patient during r.n laid down a bunt to sacrifice Boyle Conunitteenmi Mroz. fourteen hits. wm strtak. hitter with four buse knocks In operation. to second, but when the Carragh- .Ml II , k !J V. I lie Harts' first five trills to the plate. Ehnot and The inventor Is W. D. G. Greg- 1 ers elected to Wrce Boyle at sec- Hunt, i IO f,ere clas( behind Han- 1'ini', i) • .blazing debut at sUrl lne sftme llneup aagin8t the ory, a sick-bay attendant In the sen inn IW oll?n!;ive department ond, Tom Mullaney dropped the H I i ti I Ju :.ice nits one a Sainls whlch defeatt(i lhe car- ball, and all hands were safe. Two British navy during the war and :i h-etexepss League opener with with threth e 1hits apiece. now an opcrdting-room technician ft , raihers in lne Hll uccessive walks to Dsubay and lil/.k. rl' II .who i I! Stampiglia forced In a run. Al Lada SPORTS ROUND-UP at Exeter city hospital. Iminiini im Pace Sixteen) His knife has not yet been U»ed upon to replSc'e the j';"W cleaned the bases with a double to l ••',', By Johnnie Royle In the operating room. He told II injured Art Johnson at second ,IIM. II,, deep center field. Pete Gyenes fol- II base. Trie veteran inflelder twisted lowed suit with another two-base reporters it will prevent shock It . | his ankle last Sunday in the Mata- wallop, scoring Lada, The Barron track team made an encouraging debut through loss of blood, sometimes ' II I'.nii fatal during an operation II wan fracas. I'h.iliv. The Carraghers came back strong last week against St. Peter's of New Brunswick which. The new knife has a grooved The Harts have a long weekend i y in the bottom of the fourth to liv on tap with a game scheduled with iii>, i', -score three runsinfore Stampiglia has CoacHes Jerry O'Brien and Chuck Farrell fvfll of blade with a thin tube running (I n II N. lii'iuiawli'k l\n " I n i' I' " " the Jamesburg Indians on Satur- bore down to retire the side. Ace enthusiasm. Considering the length of time the squad through Its hollow handle. As day at Jamesburg, and another l'i;i:'PII AM I'll IV IlKiiiiKS (ir,| Adams' and Jim Romer's singles an incision Is made, a small elfcC- BOOKING OAMES? rsi.-iimi. Ht •-. * ii has had to practice on an unfinished track and with- tilt witru the Laurence Harbor accounted for all their team's runs. trie pump draws away the flow PORT BEADINGr^ie St, Arw ' American Legion at Laurence Har- Vv, ss Bob Wanca, Manager Chuck out proper equipment, they gave more than a good Ing blood, passe? It through a thony's CYO,, an Intermediate ?„ bor for Sunday afternoon. 'I*IIIIIIII- J'arrell's new addition to his hurl- purifier, and pumps it back Into combine, Is seeking home artel ,;- i.:,,in, account of themselves opposing season veterans. fThe a vein through a rfeedlo, similar Whitey Mizerak will be given the ing staff, pitched the last two in- away game* with light senior . ning and looked exceptionally Barrens came close to sweeping the sprint events to those for transitions o[ blood teams in Central Jersey. Any team opoprtunity tt> register his first Nuliil.i, ggood, retiring the Harts in order. plasma. / interested in booking n gume withinl win of the season Saturday when Ki rh i which requires a little less practice and conditibning 1 Gregory has registered his knile the Port Reading nine may do so he Is slated to face Jamesburg. Jerry Stampiglla was credited with the victory, while Kaminsky than th£ half mile, mile, hurdles, pole vault, high with the British patent office and by phoning Manager Carmen Da- Pete Qyenes will take cliarae of was charged with the loss. expects the patent to be yranterl lessio at Wooclbridge 8-1880-R any'*'" Mlzerak from behind the plate, llr.irs il ii li jump, and shotput events. They have had a month to . 1 I'dKT KK.UHNO i:ll evening affei 6 o'clock, . ,(i )'. V III prepare themselves to encounter squads which have Has In all probability, Ernie" Zullo, AII i: M Who showed exceptional ability in BOY "SAVES" SE),F /.iilln, 2li been practicing through the winter months arid even\ Indonesian Imports his three Inning stint against Indonesia was normally the pre- ft' CHiCAUU—Passersby saw Al- competing in indoor meets. In the half mile and mile Spotswood, will get the nod to lan Struck, 9, fall into an excava- I'llI'M, II Uncle Sam Wants war loultte dt 30 per cent of TJ.S. •• "'• ;i l)out the ex- MpLaugWIn is. dated tp don histified firemtn. who began pumping comes only through long practice sessions and compe- To Eat More Spuds pepper, 30 per cent of tea, 10 per "•" '" pajamas for mask for the first time this sea- operations. Twoi firemen, lowered l'J cent of tin. 1(11 tion. Before the track season comes'te a elbse, you can WASHINGTON.-One way you when his team lineli s up by ropes into seven feet of QOld 1 '*'':"• that we are son Ml look for a big improvement in the Red Blazers' track- oan help the government save water, came up with a d»ad ao#. .-.:: il toegton. [•:. irmshii, i-f r. mousy is by eating potatoes. The probably starting lineups Policemen, sent to tell Allen's par- SlI'HIlllil.'ll, KB ' , a men, who still need additional polish; ' An unexpected surplus in the i:i ents what had -happened, found UakuKki, :',li . ... ,:i "k ut them for tonight's Mid-County tilt ut early crop in Florida ha» forced the boy at home, his clothing wet. ,a/.iir, rl Big things are predicted for Joe Steeber who cap- •iiill feeling. port Reading: l.nyiiuk, III . .. the agriculture department to 1|.\IIT A. A. He admitted falling into the water ieatii, c ,...»„ tured the 100-yard dash without too much trouble. nii for men Hkituuwskl, II buy rn^re than 24,000 160-pound MH-K, '.'I. Uut said he climbed right out. 1 i;t| they will: i'UM, HS HiKltTlk. Jti . He is the type of sprinter who has a lot of drive, and bags to .'steady prices. Additional Twenty-two wet and muddy fire- ilivi-hk.i, H I'l'inty of sleeping . If men also climbed right out when according to his coaches, he should be capable of , purchases may have to be made luulii\y, <,T In other southern states. miull tha"iat lounginli g D'Annolo, Hi told that Allan has 'saved" him- i)«luuiul, if ^iMiri' dy ini knocking a full second off fiis time>once he learns to Potato growers are protected i HI" ' self. l o o n o o—i (tyenex, i' ii'it-i By the- farnvlprlce-support IRW. •I lii.lilllIK u ;i II II II x—a get a fast break at the gun. Bob Heri rjiay als6 rise' H.iyle, 3h i Last year thei were guaranteed 11111 '"I*, snap button M to track stardom after placing second, in the 100-yard Zul l KKASHKY (II a minimum of $2.63 per 100 I1"li yrlet« uiilfin between th'« graft Just above lng»HI«n yuu tvork, or if self' the same team which Julius Kollar piloted to the will (till to »bout the lupjort d tll« dwirf rooti tl vuln»r»ble to .employed, (lie Uoud-a-Month Plan .,38 nhere you bank. (Continue •» P (Continued on race Sixteen) A. Trmwt PAGE SIXTEEN r THtiKKDAY. MAY , ,, KM!) INDEPRNDKNl I ••<,, ,1 SPORTS ROUNb-UP Anna Bricl Weds Metal Rust-Proofing Technique Cub Scouts Den /Vo. f VFW Auxiliary l<> to Make Homo to rust-proof tools, enplne parts, 'stririd or summed tnpe, are ade- . glf.pll(>n K Werlock, Green Street,!of Avenel Memorial V. P. W. Post II.M1T A. A 1 piling a big lead as they did last year early in the In Lindrii on Return fine instruments, mid ojhrr metal rumle For lonn term protection. ^ ^ ^n c]ilef Libert Thcrge-J is completing plans lor a house Hides without ;iflb or M>«I- tighter closure with foil wrappinc social to be held Monday at the •Inlni; "11. Hli sen. k. I'II, season. St. Anthony's has a well balanced club and From Wedding Trip nii'tiuht. simply by wrapping iis recommended, but the package Officers were elected as follows: | home of the president, Mrs. Julia | n,,,|,, liem loosely in a chemically nped not b(. hnm:ilically scaled. has a good chance of snaring the circuit title for the i Thomas Werloek, Denner; An- O'Brien. .1. iK reated paper, nccorrlitiu to Dr. M. j -- UIIIH. If, 21. COLONIA—At n ceremony per Anihony Secondl. assistant Den- Mrs. Oladys Barr Is general third straight year. • E. Spaght, president of Shell De- UZIIIIMV' i-r fniinrd Saturday In St. Joseph's ner and Andrew McKlnney, Keep- H H'Annvlu, 'elopment Company. Shell De- chairman and she is being assisted The Harts and Caifaghm picked up where they left Church. Roselle, Miss Anna Mar er of the Buckskin. V(Mil run, f.* elopment is the research affiliate Miss Irene Spisak by Mrs. Dorothy James, Mrs. Bae Ljaict Brpll, dRuahter of Mr, and It was decided to hold weekly jOfl last season and their rivalry appears to have been if Shell Oil Company. Bird and Mrs. Dorothy Sulo. Mrs. Walter Brell. Archangel Avt meetings on Tuesday afternoons. I'. /.llllll, II Key to the new method of prc- A party will also be held May sharpened. Both dubs have what it takes to become i nup, beramp the bride of Andrew Other members are James Elek, W lll/.(.l-il|,. |, entlnr: rust is a special chemical Is Qiurch Bride 16 at the Veterans Home. Menlo j .1. Ki'.lllliu. |i Tripoli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sal Richard Hess. William Benson, real contenders, but they v/ill have to concentrate on evelopci by Shell and marketed Park under the chairmanship of vaclor Tripoli. Roselle, WOODBRIDGE — Mis.; Irene j Harold Ford and Thomas Gchman, the other teams in the league instead of each other. mcler the trademark VPI. for Mrs. Sara Clarke. She will be as- The bride, who was Riven in Spisak, daiuhtiM' of Mr. and Mrs. Illll Zupor Phase Inhibitor. Ordinary sisted by Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Helen NIUlKl Il''k Manager Joe McLaugtilin came up with a prize in Jerry mniTiaae by her father worn a Paul Spisnk, Chiii Avenue. Was Osthoff, Mrs. Ann Toft and Mrs.M.iIII A. \\. Stampifjlia who lias alUt takes to become a top notch : while satin gown, made with lorn? ;raft paper Is rooted on one side , man.iofUo William Tarri.Carleret. National TB Unit Betty Krutzler. train, Peter Pan collar, bead with VPT. Then, nfter H metal son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Tare!, The next meetlnc of the auxil- twirlf r. He has a nice assortment of ;,tuff, including a trimmed. Her fingertip-length rtlclc has been wrapped in this of Czechoslovakia, Saturday, in St. Town ary Is scheduled for Wednesday at screw bull, and has the ability to keep his head and veil of illusion was embroidered in wper. the chemical slowly vapor- E'.taabtihVChurch. Carterej. Rev. Meets in Detroit the post rooms. Continue* from Hl,.i:' silk and .was arranged from a izes inside the,package, neutral- Anthony Huber, pastor, performed control over Hie rough spots. Pete Gyencs, another II. T, I:A.MI:I crown of pearls. She carried a bou- ;zin<: the corrosive action of mois- the double-ring ceremony. NEW BRUNSWICK - Tlu'DO ure in the air. ^addition to .the club, will be a big asset with his past quet of gardenias arid stock. MMs7er.iiy Spisak'w'as her sis- j comity residents will be part_of_the' ATTEND SESSION I ill! wrili, 1 U Miss Eleanor Avmanri, Railway "VPI." declared Dr. Spoilt, "is two years of experience in the league, He is also capable te17mnld"o7ho7orTnd'Mi.s'. a tma - G - • • Oreen buvei. WOOQ. „. - Grace Deuel. Mrs. Frank Dunham. •and Carol Koniuscy. Clark Town- iriEht metal from rust. Then, dur- ot seed pearls and she carried i bridge, League president andI M ss Miss Use Jensen. Mrs. Jacob L. 1 Ni IIII should blossom into a real star with some additional ship, were in pink and blue mar- :nR World War II. Shel- l developed while roses ,,nd Hhes-of-the- ^se Golosoff, Director of Public Anderson, Mrs. Karen Andersen, 1 T. I;,-mil],. experience. Against the Harts, he fielded his position qui'.ette. Ensls,' B general corrosion in- valley. Information at the county aeency. Mrs. Albert Menwcn, Mrs. Lah- i • After the ceremony a reception Albert* L. Gardner, Raritan flawlessly and looked as good as any shortstop we have libitor. This discovery, in turn, led j Tlie maid of honor was attired man, Mrs. Ray Wilck and Mrs. W. i i was held In the Roselle flrehouse. ;o specific^ products to prevent' in an orchid laffela eown and the .Township. .Honin'ary^ViM-presi- Howard Jensen, • \ seen since the war. The surprise of the Carraghers may I For traveling the bride selected a tee! parts fiom nistinp in storage, bridesmaid wore a nlle green taf-'denl of the Lewp' wl11b f a mcm"' ! prey suit, matching accessories. o protect farm ltnplimenis and feta gown. They both wore match- tter of the New Jersey Tuberculosis | be young Bob Wanca who muffled" the Harts' big bat COMMUNION BREAKFAST i lAiippI, li i pink hat and a white orchid. Mr. 1 ,oo!s. and to eliminate destructive \ni headdresses and carried col- Leagueague delegdelegationa , . I'.Mill,I..' I during his two-inning stint. Wanca is still a sophomore the! AVENELr-The Holy Nami; So- ' and Mrs. Tripoli will make their blacl: riftf in the Navy's steam Onial bouquets of contrasting The conference which is St.llllliliKliii, but already has gained quite a reputation for himself. home on Elizabeth Avenue, Lin- urbines. [spring flowers. ,45th annual N. T. A, meeting will ciety of St. Andrew's Church will I.mill. 11 den. be attended by 2,000 people in- sponsor a communion breakfast Last season he pitched two no-hjtters and several onc- "VPI represents n forward step Mr. and' Mrs. Tarci are on a In ll.nrnl. rl n this evolution." continued Dr.' wedcimR trip to New York City eluding doctors, nurses, social Sunday, Mother's Day, after the Mlxi'i.ik. rl sevMi o'clock mass. All young men itiivir, :;!• hit games in the Recreation Leagues. He is the,boy to ATTEND INSTALLATIONS Ipacht. "because it. means both; and upon their return will reside rs. riirec- of the parish are Invited. watch from here on. FORDS—Mrs. Emily Westlakc. lower''packaging costs, for manu-iwiih the bride's parents. For statis- •msldent of the Ladies' Auxiliary acturers and greater convenience i traveling, the bride chose a navy , ticlans. ''Allll.VilH: HOOKERS . . . Detroit scouts arc very much inter- if Fords Memorial Post, VPW, to- or customers, since it does away blue suit, pink accessories and a I HQ^TPSS gether With the following mem- with both application and removal (corsage of carnations. ' p'oRDS-*Mtss Beverly Geilins. Harts Win ji ested in Ace Adams who has been playing brilliantly 1 1 1 1 bers attended the joint installa- •f grease or other protective coat- j The bride is a graduate of Car- 'Maitl street 'suertained with a (Continued from Soorts Page) I ' ' ' for the St. Benedict's Prep nine, ... Coach Lou Bartha tion of • officers of "Woodbridge ings. It ensures'delivery of articles \ teret High School and is employed ' ' tv nl hev"'^Q'm^ Guests presc-nt with two base knocks apiece to; T.-'III. llil has another red hot freshmen team this season. . . . Ptwt 4410. "VFW, on Saturday •ust free and ready for immediate i by Merck and Company. Runway were: Marine Seng, Elaine Ram- pacev Woodbridge's fourteen lilt: ^ " ninhl: Mrs. Helen Zander, Mrs ise." , ' i Her husband attended schools in The'Golden Bears have two teams represented in the bery. Margaret Marjoczy, Fred_ attack. Hi Kathcrine Lucka and Mrs. Alice Use is Explained Czechoslovakia and is employed by Schulu and Jack Hutchins of Hank TamnseUo and JPoe Ro- Recreation Softball Senior League. . , . Tonight's game Uomeika. Although VPI paper, now being U. S. Metals in Carteret, town. Alberta Resko, Marcella were the big suns for Mata- betvvcen the Harts and Port Reading should be a honey, Mrs. Domejka also attended sroduced by,three manufacturers .Mesysie. Joan Sipos and Thomas wan wtih three safe wallops each. .joint installation of officers of the inder license from the Shell De- COMMITTEE MEETS ' ; Whe'lan, Woodbridge; Emery Kon- .M ATA WAN I• A IiK A. ... A large majority of our to#n's inhabitants are in Jamrsburs and Plainfieid VFW velopment Company, is for sale i All FORDS—ThA iiive Fat hets_„ ' Dance' ick, Gordon Toye and Frank Smi- and their Auxiliaries during the favor of naming the high school field "Memorial Sta- mly in commercial quantities, it • comlmttec of thee PTA of Our'gelski. Avenel; Patricia Fox, Col- ,,„,.„„„, past week. dium." . . . Manager Lou Banko expecting big things may be used by the ultimata pur- i L;itiy Oi rraci- ouiuol will meet to-' onia: Sanford Yagcndorl. Iselin | :haser to re-wrap-'the'article and ] nigjlt, jn u1(. rectory. and Steve Pctner, Hopelawn. from his Keasbcy Rangers this season. , , , Tommy | LIST MEETING hus protect it when not in use. Several types of prefabricated Korczowski hotter than a firecracker with the William ' FORDS—The Exempt Fircmer of laekaces may be made with VPI- of Fords, Hopelawn and Keasbcy 1 and Mary nine. Several big league scouts have been :oiited stock, such as corrugated will meet tomorrow night at liirtons. envelopes, bags, or pre- trailing him all over the South. <•. I o'clock in the Fords flrehouse. 'ormed VPI paper sheaths tailored to fit the article(,to be protected. Depending on the tightness of the wrapping, VPI paper provides complete surface protection for NOW periods ranging from a month to more than five years, even under severe conditions of temperature AT. 1FRSFY TIRF CO and humidity. For average use. in YOUR which protection is needed for only one or Uvo years, .simple fold ALBRECHT'S KEY SHOP ROOF l.o.l— mil Ii - Mm I llhm I.HUM Himrrn Vhjir|ki*ii«-il \\ :i- liluu \ln, lilui- I'uriM A Jli'linirs I^I \« \stu\i.rii\ v\ I:M I-: The loiigcr you put off repairs the more t AHTI:ici:i- i-;iii:i Mtlllk*? 'l'(MiN — Ki*>s U liile ^ mi it usually costs to fix ... and if you wait \V 111! — (nil I K too long, rain seeping in may rot frame- work, streak walls ahd cause plaster to fall.

Let us make a thorough examination of it now,, while we stilL have materials Please accept our challenge I available, and give you an estimate of No matter whit fruit juices you're the eost of putting it back in first class buying now, we ask you to try condition. Flagstaff Fruit Juices. They're squeezed from.the luscious fruit of IF yOlIH roof is wearing out—leaking— America's most famous orchards! has loo:;e shingles—call us immediately, So-treat your family to a whole Automatic Electric Dishwasher Call George Buck We'll gladly hiake an examination and varitty of Flagstaff Fruit Juices. and lie'll arrange give you an estimate on the cost of re- Th(7're all tops in fine quality, l'i!r you to get FOR AMAZiNG pairing or replacing it. tops in value, tops in vitamin good- $2S to $500 ness! .. , Yea, tasting is believing. IN RECORD TIME! Enjoy the b«$t c«p-o/ coffee in. America1. I'll one wo. 8-1848 Always ask for Inr hnipcdi.itr action! DIAMONDS [ROOFING' and METAL WQRKS EMPLOYEES KNOWING DISHWASHINGiliii LOAN CO. •36I-.369 ;,Ntty BRUNSWICK AVE, FLAGSTAF

TIIM ia"The Miwus Cow A-Slio[>i)injf e*ea Hon.. Wi. - ONLY 10% DOWN 51? ANNIVERSfl OVER 100 WEEKS \

TO PAY t Help mother celebiulc! 1 Select for her from our Big assortment ( BUY NOW. underpricod values . . . gift suggestions Make Every Day Mother's Day! Accounts opened; Takt advantagt of this special offer now and hive a SALE Blouses new llolpoiiu Am.mimic Mectric Dishwasher installed before Mather's Day—at this one low price. Hotpoim's toy Terms Slips, Gowns - unu/ing "i'OUCII dud CjO" disWasbiog will give Efe^i; Handbags mm • the Mmhtr in your house freedom from tomekeep- arranged inn's Mieantst task. ! DRESSES Small payminli; NYION HOUSE • Juki load the. Uu(ppim Dijhwisber . . . touch the n« |#b r«far HOSE FROCKS dial... and go-go away frohi di«tip»if drudgery for. ever! AUTOMATICALLY dishes »re double wiihed, Regular double cioied >ad dried electrically. LADIES' !se' 5^'WATCHES pay later! OPEN FRIDAY NI8HTS 'TIL 9:00 taring sh««r Thurs. Frl & Saturday prints at • REGULAR $24.98 n«w low.Ma- rm Special tronly tltts 3 O«y» Onfy to S3. truer lire Beautifully % llM" catad, fnmou* 186 Smith St. , IVrlli A •""<*?..'?" Pay portia SwU» movsmtnts. OPEN FRIDAY EVE 147 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. PERTH AMBOY, N- $1.week