Reviews in the Great Circle 1979-2018

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Reviews in the Great Circle 1979-2018 Book Reviews in The Great Circle 1979-2018 Book Author Book Title (Reviewer) Volume/Issue, Year, Page(s) Australia, Department Report on a Review of Overseas Cargo Shipping of Transport Legislation 1/1, 1979, 36-40 (Derek H. Aldcroft) STAMP, T. & C. William Scoresby (A.G.E. Jones) 1/1, 1979, 41-2 JACKSON, G. The British Whaling Trade 1/1, 1979, 42-4 VAMPLEW, W. Salvesen of Leith (C. de Jong) 1/1, 1979, 45 CHAPELLE, H.I. The Baltimore Clipper (K. Hobbs) 1/1, 1979, 46-7 ABBOTT, G. & (eds.), The Respectable Sydney Merchant: A.B. Spark of Tempe (Barrie 1/1, 1979, 47-8 LITTLE, G. Dyster) GRENVILLE, J.A.S. Europe Reshaped 1848-18 (C.J. Bartlett) 1/1, 1979, 48-9 HOLTHOUSE, Hector Ships in the Coral (H.T. Fry) 1/1, 1979, 49-50 ANDREWS, G. Veteran Ships of Australia and New Zealand (Vaughan Evans) 1/1, 1979, 50 WOODLEY, A.E. Western Port Ferries (Wilson P. Evans) 1/1, 1979, 50-1 MACKELLAR, N.L. From Derby Round to Burketown. The A.U.S.N. Story (P.N. Davies) 1/1, 1979, 51-2 TOGHILL, J.E. Celestial Navigation (Bill Spencer) 1/1, 1979, 53 TOGHILL, J.E. Coastal Navigation for Beginners (Bill Spencer) 1/1, 1979, 53 ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & The New Glenans Sailing Manual (Bill Spencer) 1/1, 1979, 53 SIGMOND, J .P. HASTINGS, P. & Australia's Resources Future (David Murray) 1/1, 1979, 53-4 FARRAN, A. BOOTH, K. Navies and Foreign Policy (Ian Clark) 1/1, 1979, 54-5 DARROCH, Vin Barque "Polly Woodside" ("Rona") (Jack Churchouse) 1/2, 1979, 67-8 LOWER, J. Arthur Ocean of Destiny. A Concise History of the North Pacific 1500-1978 (Barry 1/2, Oct, 1979, 62 M. Gough) WORGAN, G.B. Journal of a First Fleet Surgeon (Vaughan Evans) 1/2, 1979, 60 ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & An Authentic and Interesting Narrative of the Late Expedition to Botany 1/2, 1979, 60-1 SIGMOND, J .P. Bay, Written by an Officer (Vaughan Evans) NOAH, William Voyage to Sydney in the Ship Hillsborough 1798-1799 and a Description of 1/2, 1979, 61-2 the Colony (Vaughan Evans) LEES, James The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War 1625- 1860 (Keith Hobbs) 1/2, 1979, 62-3 EDWARDS, Hugh Australian & New Zealand Shipwrecks & Sea Tragedies (Jack Loney) 1/2, 1979, 63 MARTIN, Ged (ed.), The Founding of Australia (John Bach) 1/2, 1979, 63-5 BATESON, Charles Dire Strait. A History of Bass Strait (S. Murray-Smith) 1/2, 1979, 66 JOHNSEN, A.O. & Albany and the Whalers (Graeme Henderson) 1/2, 1979, 66-7 TONNESSEN, J.N. TOGHILL, J.E. The James Craig: Her History, Recovery and Restoration (Vin Darroch) 1/2, 1979, 67 McKINLAY, W.L. Karluk: the Great Untold Story of Arctic Exploration (Andrew Jackson) 1/2, 1979, 68-9 MARTIN, Sheila Sea Wanderers to Australia (John Bach) 1/2, 1979, 69-71 GAASTRA, Femme & (eds.), Australia's Offshore Resources: Implications of the 200-Mile Zone 1/2, 1979, 71-3 BLUSSE, Leonard (Edgar Gold) ARIOLD III, J. Barto & The Nautical Archaeology of Padre Island (Graeme Henderson) 2/1, 1980, 55-6 WEDDLE, Robert S. SPATE, O.H.K. The Spanish Lake (The Pacific since Magaellan. Vol. I) (H.T. Fry) 2/1, 1980, 56-8 HAWKINS, Clifford, W. The Dhows (Esmond Bradley Martin) 2/1, 1980, 58-9 HOUGH, Richard The Murder of Captain James Cook (O.H.K. Spate) 2/1, 1980, 59-60 PANTING, Gerald & Britannia Rules (C.J. Marcus) 2/1, 1980, 60-1 OMMER, Rosemary HACKMAN, John & (eds.), In Peace and War. Interpretations of American Naval History 1775- 2/1, 1980, 62 GREENHILL, Basil 1918 (Robert Hyslop) NICHOLSON, I.H. Shipping Arrivals and Departures Sydney, vol. II (1826- 1840) (Frank 2/1, 1980, 63 Broeze) ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & Guide to Shipping and Free Passenger Records, New South Wales (Frank 2/1, 1980, 63-4 SIGMOND, J .P. Broeze) 1 Book Author Book Title (Reviewer) Volume/Issue, Year, Page(s) BOLGER, P. Hobart Town (David Carment) 2/1, 1980, 64-5 TAUMAN, M. The Chief: C.Y. O'Connor (Frank Crowley) 2/1, 1980, 65 O.NEILL, Robert A. & Select Bibliography of Australian Military History 1891- 1939 (P.C. Firkins) 2/1, 1980, 66-7 FIELDING, Jean BECHERVAISE, John Science: Men on Ice in Antarctica (Andrew Jackson) 2/1, 1980, 67 CHIPMAN, Elizabeth Australians in the Frozen South (Andrew Jackson) 2/1, 1980, 67 RYAN, A.N. & Wilsonian Maritime Diplomacy, 1913-1921 (Richard L. Watson Jr) 2/1, 1980, 67-8 QUINN, D.B. DULL, Paul S. A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy (1941- 1945) (Robert 2/1, 1980, 68-9 Hyslop) BOOTH, K. Strategy and Ethnocentricity (Ian Clark) 2/1, 1980, 69-71 NOBLE, J. Port Phillip Panorama. A Maritime History (G.R. Henning) 2/2, 1980, 136-7 ARNOLD III, J. Barto (ed.), Beneath the Waters of Time: The Proceedings of the Ninth 2/2, 1980, 129-30 conference on Underwater Archaeology (Jeremy Green) HILDER, Brett The Voyage of Torres (O.H.K. Spate) 2/2, 1980, 130 SINGE, John The Torres Strait (David Carment) 2/2, 1980, 131 KONVITZ, Josef W. Cities and the Sea: Port City Planning in Early Modern Europe (Kenneth 2/2, 1980, 132-3 McPherson) SIGMOHD, J.P. & Dutch Discoveries of Australia (J.R.Bruijn) 2/2, 1980, 133-4 ZUIDERbAAN, L.H. MITCHELL, T.C. (ed.), Captain Cook and the South Pacific (K.R. Rowe) 2/2, 1980, 134-5 AMARAL, Pat They Ploughed the Seas. Profiles of Azorean Master Mariners (C. de Jong) 2/2, 1980, 135 BERSON, M. Cockburn: The Making of a Community (Tom Stannage) 2/2, 1980, 136 LONEY, Jack Australian Shipwrecks, Volume 2: 1851 to 1871 (Vaughan Evans) 2/2, 1980, 139 MARTIN, Esmond Bradley & Cargoes of the East. The Ports, Trade and Culture Arabian Seas and 2/2, 1980, 142-3 PARRY, Chryssee Western Indian Ocean (Auguste Toussaint) BEAZLEY, Kim C. & Politics of Intrusion: the Super Powers and the Indian Ocean (G. Jukes) 2/2, 1980, 143-4 CLARK, Ian CLARK, Ian & (eds.), Cook's Voyages and the Peoples of the Pacific (K.R. Rowe) 2/2, 1980, 134-5 BEAZLEY, Kim C. SEAGER II, Robert Alfred Thayer Mahan. The Man and his Letters (Frank Broeze) 2/2, 1980, 139-42 BOXER, C.R. Jan Compagnie in War and Peace 1602-1799 (S. Arasaratnam) 3/1, 1981, 51 MARTIN, Esmond Bradley Zanzibar (Jagdish S. Gundara) 3/1, 1981, 52-4 KRESSE, Walter Die Fahrtqebiete der Hamburger Handelsflotte 1824-1888 (Frank Broeze) 3/1, 1981, 54 APPLEYARD, R. T. & The Beginning: European Discovery and Early Settlement of Swan River, 3/1, 1981, 54-5 MANFORD, T. Western Australia (B.K. de Garis) SPROD, Dan (ed.), The Tregurtha Log (Barrie Dyster) 3/1, 1981, 56-7 MORRIS, Charles F. Origins, Orient and Oriana (John Bach) 3/1, 1981, 57-9 MURRAY-SHITH, S (ed.), Mission to the Islands: The Missionary Voyages in Bass Strait of 3/1, 1981, 59-60 Canon Marcus Brownrigg. 1872-1885 (Bob Reece) ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & James Glen Wilson, R.N. (1827-1863): Landscape and Marine Painter 3/1, 1981, 60 SIGMOND, J.P. (Honore Forster) PEMBERTON, Barry Australian Coastal Shipping (John Bach) 3/1, 1981, 62 MIDDLEBROOK, Martin & Battleship. The Loss of the Prince of Wales and Repulse (John McCarthy) 3/1, 1981, 62-3 MAHONEY, Patrick CHURCHOUSE, Jack The Pamir under the New Zealand Ensign (Robert T. Sexton) 3/1, 1981, 63-4 TOWLE, Philip Naval Power in the Indian Ocean: Threats, Bluffs and Fantasies (Geoffrey 3/1, 1981, 64-5 Williams) ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & Movements de Populations dans l’Ocean Indien (Madeleine Ly-Tio-Fane) 3/1, 1981, 65-7 SIGMOND, J .P. MacFARLAHE, Ian & Merchant Sailing Ships 1775-1815 (Keith Hobbs) 3/1, 1981, 67-8 CANNON, Michael DAVIES, Peter N. Henry Tyrer. A Liverpool shipping Agent and His Enterprise (Michael 3/1, 1981, 61 Stammers) 2 Book Author Book Title (Reviewer) Volume/Issue, Year, Page(s) MUNZING, Joachim, Die Jagd auf den Wal (c. de Jong) 3/1, 1981, 52 MORTON, Harry, The Wind Commands (H.T. Fry) 3/1, 1980, 50 CUSINE, D.J. & (eds.), The Impact of Marine Pollution (John Penrose) 3/2, 1981, 134-4 GRANT, J.P. KNIGHT, R.J.B. (ed.), Guide to the Manuscripts in the National Maritime Museum (vol. 2) 3/2, 1981, 137-8 (Glyndwr Williams) UNGER, Richard W. The Ship in the Medieval Economy (Timothy J. Runyan) 3/2, 1981, 138-140 HENDERSON, Graeme Unfinished Voyages: Western Australian Shipwrecks, 1622-1850 (Peter 3/2, 1981, 140-1 Marsden) SCHMITT F.P. & Thomas Welcome Roys. America's Pioneer of Modern Whaling (John 3/2, 1981, 141-2 De JONG C. & Bannister) WINTER, F.B. MONTGOMERY, Michael Who Sank the Sydney? (John McCarthy) 3/2, 1981, 142-3 STONE, Jeffrey C. (ed.), Africa and the Sea (Frank Broeze) 9/1, 1981, 66-7 WATT, J. & (eds.), Starving Sailors: Influence of Nutrition upon Naval and Maritime 4/1, 1982, 54-5 FREEMAN, E.J. & History (Mel Davies) BYRUM, W.F. KRESSE, Walter Von armen Seefahren und den Schifferalten von Hamburq (Frank Broeze) 4/1, 1982, 55 ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & The 1806 Log Book of the Arctic Voyage of Captain William Scoresby 4/1, 1982, 56-7 SIGMOND, J .P. (A.G.E. Jones) BURROWS, E.H. Captain Owen of the African Survey 1774-1857 (Geoffrey C. Ingleton) 4/1, 1982, 57-8 ZUIDERBAAN, L.H. & The Polynesian Journal of Capitan Henry Byam Martin, R.N. (O.H.K.
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