Mustang Daily, November 2, 1984

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Mustang Daily, November 2, 1984 -V«* Mustang ('alifornia Polytechnic State I'niversity, San Luis Obispo Volume 49, No. 28 Friday, November 2, 1984 Diablo full-power license angers SLO locals TTTTTT» ♦ -i ^ - 1* □ IT * • u*fit Fue( Rdt< SmbED isacTz.^ I»»,, sdBi b JBbs tBfci c3 .J-rO oLL -II a ---------------:-1 - | f l * J - J5 *l rJ ~1 j Í ?! Í The control room of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Wednesday to allow the Nuclear Regulatory Com­ mission to issue a full-power license for the $5.1 billion PG&E plant. By KEVIN H. FOX Peace filed the request for the in­ licensing the plant. Pacific Gas and Filectric, th. determine if there was an^ wrong­ Staff Writer junction and claim that the NRC The letter is part of evidence by plant's owner, said they are very doing in the licensing procedure acted for political reasons in ini­the Mothers for Peace to support pleased with the court ruling. “We and could withdraw the license in A U.S. Court of Appeals decision tially granting the operating the allegations of Richard Ottinger, are very pleased that we will now the future. to remove a seven week old injuc- license for Diablo Canyon. D-N.Y., the chairman of the House be able to get on with business. We "We are in a state of stunned tion blocking the full-power licens­ Culver also said that this deci­ Subcommittee on hJnergy and have a lot of expert people out at disbelief that a federal court could ing of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear sion may be just what the NRC Power. Ottinger accused the NRC the plant who are qualified to make such a weighty decision be­ Power Plant has many of the needs to “go ahead in a reckless of making misstatements to the operate the plant safely, " she said. fore deciding what they will do plants’ opponents an^fry and upset. manner " court to justify its vote to license She said the utility company will later, " said Pam Metcalf of the The courts' decision to remove the plant. have the full-power license in its Abalone Alliance. the injunction opens the way for She said that the next step for hand by Friday and will start Although the group is not cur­ the Nuclear Ke«ulatory Commis­ the group will be to file a motion Culver said that the removal of testing rently planning any large scale sion to issue a full-power license for with the court next Tuesday to put the injunction opens the door for demonstrations, they will continue the $5.1 billion nuclear plant. into the record a letter writen by the NRC to license other nuclear In response to charges that the to be a center for information "We think it is outragtnius that NRC member .James Asselstine. power plants. She added that sheNR(' acted improperly in granting distribution to the public "We are the court lifted the injunction be­The letter writen by Asselstine ac­ feels that the commission acted the license she said, “We have determining tbe best way to handle fore they even determined if the cuses the NR(' of lying to the imprt)perly and that they have the always felt the NRC has acted the recent development without license was K'^cn legally,” said court Asselstine has accussed the attitude of, "You license plants andproperly in granting the license. ’ putting people in danger outside a Mothers for Peace spokesperson commission of acting improperly m vou do it anv way vou can. " The U.S Court of .Appeals will fully charged nuclear plant. Met Nancv Culver The Mothers for closed-dfHir deliberations before M issie Hobson spokeswoman for continue to hear testimony to calf said Reagan favorite In student presidential poll By DONALD MUNRO Research at Cal Poly students (21 percenti indicated buta he’ll probably wind up blowing engineering major wrote, “Mondale S'a" .......... Of the 309 student responses us family income l>etween $35,000 and us all to kingdom come, said a is a pansie Sixty jH'rcent of Cal Poly stu ed in the poll, 2.59 IH4 percent I said $45,000, 61 (21 percent) indicated a senior journalism major The word wimp was used dents who are registercrl voters m they were registered to vote. For family income l)etween $25,000 and “ Reagan scares me, wrote a rep«'atedly to describe Jxith Mon­ tend to support Ronald Reagan mty-eight (16 percenti indicated they $35,000; and 51 (18 percent) in­ sophomore agricultural manage­ dale’s piersonality and his defense the presidential election, accordingwere not registered dicated a family income between ment major "His performance over policies to a poll conducted for theMusían^ Registered Republicans out- $10,000 and $25,000 the past four years has made me "Reagan is a stud," wrote a Daily numliered Democrats by a two to Students were also asked why believe that he is just an actor sophomore metallurgical engineer­ Twenty-six percent of students one margin in the poll, indicatingthey were voting for their par­ playing up a false image of a great ing major. surveyed said they will support ('al Poly is much more Republican ticular candidate and given an op­America" “hJvery war has been started by Walter Mondale in the Nov 6 elec­than the country as a whole. Of the portunity to write a respnjnse. While some of the comments a Dernocrat and 1 just don’t want tion. Thirteen percent said they students surveyed, 163 (56 percent) explanations ranged from votingdi.scussed the qualifications of the my taxes raised for some program don't plan to vote, and one percentsaid they were Republicans, 79 (27 for Reagan because “he’s cute " to candidates and where they standthat won’t work, said a .senior civil supported other candidates. percenti said they were Democrats, detailed discussions of issues fac­on the issues, many of the engineering major. “ And 1 don’t About 650 students were 42 (14 percent) said they were in­ing the country — including theresponses centered on per­believe in stealing from the rich to surveyed by the Mustang Daily in dependents, and nine (three per­budget deficit, defense spendingsonalities. provide for the lazy," he added a five day period from Oct. 24 to cent) indicated another party af­and moral issues. “Mondale is a fish!" one junior A senior journalism major voting Oct. 29, after the final presidential filiation. "1 believe that Reagan’s ap computer science major said. for Reagan*said, “ Ronald Reagan is debate. Of, 309 When asked to indicate where proach to the domestic issues are A freshman aeronautical Please see OPINION POLL, page 2 were randomly selected to match they live in the state, 116 (38 per­ some of the best, " a freshman child demographic characteristics of the cent) said southern California, 111 development major wrote. “He is student population, including class(36 percent) said northern Califor­strong in what he believes and PRESIDENTIAL VOTE level and academic school. nia, 46 (15 fiercent) said the Central speaks out about it," she added. The poll included questions onCoast, 27 (9 percent) said the San “Reagan is the man for the Number % party affiliation, family income and .Joaquin Valley, and seven (2 per­presidency, " said a freshman ar hometown. Students were asked to cent) said they lived outside the chitecture major. “ He has brought give their class standing, major, state. our country back from the poor job Reagan 177 60 sex and whether or not they are Fifty-two percent of the respon­ done by the Carter Administration registered to vote. dents were male, 48 pt*rcent were and will continue to do so " Mondale 77 26 The was advised female. Most students who said they in­ Mustang Daily Other 3 on the poll by David George of the When asked to indicate family tend to vote for Mondale expressed 1 dissatisfaction with Reagan. political science department, andincome, 116 (40 percent) of the Will not vote 39 13 received assistance from I,. H students said their family makes “Reagan is a stubborn, dodder­ Dunfgan, Director of Institutionalmore than $45,000 a year Sixty ing fool who means well. I’m sure, Pag« 2 Mustang Dally Friday, Novsmbar 2, IM4 OPINION POLL From page 1 • > creasing taxes to balance the fed­in that.” so-called "gender gap," my hero. He knows how to lie, corporate puppet. ’ ’ eral budget, which Mondale has When responses to the poll ques- which says that women are less cheat and steal and get away with “Reagan is an idiot — he doesn’tproposed. tions were cross referenced using a likely to vote for Reagan than men, it.” belong in office,” wrote a freshman computer, some correlations was also evident, electrical engineering/math major. Political Science Professor David developed. Sixty-four percent of the male Students for Mondale weren’t In general, students expressing aGeorge said the relative students surveyed said they will hesitant in their description of the preference for Reagan cited his shallowness of student response? The defection rate among Demo- vote for Reagan, compared with 56 president. strong leadership qualities, his was to be exp>ected. crats — those who were registered percent of the females, “Reagan favors the rich and is handling of the economy and his "It doesn’t surprise me there’s a in the Democratic Party but plan Mondale won the support of only destroying the environment," support of a strong defense. widespread lack of substance to to vote for Reagan — was four 20 percent of the men sampled, wrote a senior city and regional these answers,” George said.
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