'The Apple Tree'
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Four more The years. Page 2 Collegian November 9, 2012 The Grove City College Student Newspaper Seniors Joel Ayers to Richardson and Emily Peterson ‘Th e star in the fi rst act of “The replace Apple Tree.” Sparks Apple Tree’ as dean CaitlinCaitlin DoddsDodds ContributingContributing WriterWriter ENCHANTS JJustust oonene mmonthonth aago,go, DrDr.. JJohnohn Katie Koller SSparks’parks’ uupcomingpcoming rretirementetirement Contributing Writer wawass anannounced,nounced, aandnd sstudentstudents bbeganegan to wwonderonder wwhoho wowoulduld On a darkened stage, the voice of God spoke rereplaceplace hihimm as tthehe nnextext dedeanan ooff the “The Apple Tree” into existence and drew ththee A.A.J.J. CCalderwoodalderwood ScSchoolhool ooff the audience into this humorous, unique and ArArtsts aandnd LLetters.etters. TThishis ppastast weweekek entertaining show. From Adam and Eve to King ttheirheir cucuriosityriosity wawass sasatisfitisfi eedd Eric’s court to Ella the Chimney Sweep, the wiwithth tthehe aannouncementnnouncement tthathat cast members worked together well to illustrate DrDr.. DaDavidvid AAyersyers wowoulduld fi ll tthehe these three tales and the overarching theme that ppositionosition iinn ththee nenextxt aacademiccademic connects them. Each song fi t in place perfectly yyear.ear. and came alive with the actors’ wonderful AyAyersers jjoinedoined tthehe ffacultyaculty ooff voices. GrGroveove CiCityty CCollegeollege iinn 19199696 The fi rst act, featuring the biblical story of as a pprofessorrofessor ooff sosociology.ciology. IInn Adam and Eve, set the tone for the rest of the 22003,003, he bbecameecame ththee asassis-sis- play. As Adam and Eve came to know each tatantnt ddeanean ooff tthehe CCalderwoodalderwood other, they struggled with their diff erences in ScSchoolhool aandnd hhasas sservederved in tthishis gender and the love they had for each other. ppositionosition ssinceince iitsts ccreation.reation. The saying, “Men are from Mars and women WWhenhen tthehe CCollegeollege bbeganegan are from Venus,” was the epitome of this story. hihiringring iinternallynternally foforr a neneww Seniors Joel Richardson and Emily Peterson ddean,ean, AyAyersers apappliedplied anandd wawass each delightfully portrayed the simplicity and cchosenhosen aafterfter sseveraleveral ootherther ccan-an- honesty of their characters’ feelings, endearing ddidatesidates hhadad bbeeneen iinterviewed.nterviewed. the audience to Adam and Eve and enticing AAyersyers plplansans to ccontinueontinue laughter as the two characters strove to under- teteachingaching ssixix ccreditsredits eeachach stand one another. sesemester,mester, bubutt he wwillill momodifydify By the end of the act, Adam and Eve had pre- hhisis cocourseurse sschedulechedule to aaccom-ccom- pared the audience for the next two tales. The momodatedate hhisis ddutiesuties as ddean.ean. HHee narrator, played by senior Stephen Horst, moved enenjoysjoys tteachingeaching anandd wawantsnts to the show along, masterfully switching between cocontinuentinue hhisis rregularegular iinteractionnteraction addressing the audience and participating in the wiwithth sstudentstudents to aavoidvoid llosingosing play. totouchuch wiwithth ttheirheir nneedseeds aandnd The following stories of Princess Barbara and iinterests.nterests. Ella the Chimney Sweep were purposely made “T“Thehe sstudentstudents chchangeange eeveryvery to lack the character depth of Adam and Eve yeyear,”ar,” AAyersyers ssaid.aid. ““TheyThey aarere nnotot in order to focus on the characters’ trials. The ththee sasameme aass ththeyey wwereere 10 yyearsears wildly colorful love aff air of the dashing Captain aago.”go.” Sanjar (sophomore Jack Krimmel) and Princess In aadditionddition to tteaching,eaching, AAyersyers Barbara (freshman Elizabeth O’Brien) provided wiwillll ccontinueontinue hihiss oownwn rresearch.esearch. a more humorous side. The two had to face FForor seseveralveral yyears,ears, AAyersyers hhasas bbeeneen ridiculous guards and an overly protective father. coconductingnducting rresearchesearch on ccom-om- O’Brien played her part well, but the audi- puputerter mimisusesuse iinn tthehe cclassroom.lassroom. ence could hear her voice straining during a HHee aalsolso plplansans to ppublishublish a couple of her songs, and she sometimes showed bbookook oonn CChristianhristian mamarriage.rriage. As a haughty rather than loving expression toward a memembermber ooff CoCovenantvenant OOrtho-rtho- Krimmel. Krimmel, on the other hand, took on his role marvelously. He seemed charming, ddoxox PrPresbyterianesbyterian CChurch,hurch, AAyersyers Photo Credits: Kevin Hanse brave and secretly romantic. hahass bebeenen tteachingeaching a SuSundaynday Sophomore Jack Krimmel and freshman Elizabeth O’Brien star in Act II: ‘Lady scschoolhool cclasslass fforor sseveraleveral mmonthsonths Breaking into the third and or the Tiger.’ The cast has rehearsed for months to prepare for this week’s fi nal story, “Passionella,” a ’60s on ddating,ating, mmar-ar- MUSICAL 8 performances. melodramatic retelling of “Cin- ririage,age, pparentingarenting aandnd AYERS 2 The Collegian Vol. XXI No. IX Life E! Perspectives Sports News..................................2 Two members of the Ryan Hampton reviews Is the electoral college worth The Grove City College Life.....................................4 College community win Taylor SwiŌ ’s new album saving? Get Claire E. Healey’s women’s soccer team earns Entertainment....................6 the presƟ gious Florence E. “Red.” Pg. 8 take. Pg. 9 a spot in the NCAA Division PerspecƟ ves.......................9 MacKenzie Campus-Com- III championship Sports.................................10 munity Awards. Pg. 2 tournament. Pg. 12 2 News November 9, 2012 Obama defeats Romney, wins second term Kyle Burko with George Washington? How policies at stake, the presiden- to 117 million) echoes this trend. California and Harvard University Staff Writer has the electoral process changed tial election seems reduced to a The impact of Hurricane Sandy to the tune of $1.7 million col- in 2012, and is the change for contest of how well a candidate on the Eastern Seaboard also lectively. After the 2012 presidential better or for worse? can solicit funds. set apart the 2012 election since Skidmore College of New election, President Barack Obama While the pivotal positions of In the highest-price election some New York and New Jersey York installed a voting machine is preparing for another term. Ohio and Florida in the election of our nation’s history, Obama potential voters were displaced on its campus. The University of With 303 electoral votes and 50 were nothing new, the election and Romney collectively spent and could not vote. Illinois forecasted an electoral map percent of the popular vote as of did contain some unique ele- $2.5 billion on campaigns, a Grove City College was ranked (showing Obama winning), and Wednesday morning, the incum- ments. First, the president is to large portion of the fi gure going the no. 1 most Pro-Romney insti- Georgetown University’s faculty bent Obama will gain four addi- preside over the greatest debt in to advertisements. In this area, tution in the country. The news, members off ered commentary tional years in the Oval Offi ce. American history – $16 trillion Obama spent $265 million and published by collegemagazine. on major issues to aid students in Gov. Romney gave a conces- and counting. Romney spent $105 million. The com, identifi ed a link between the selecting a candidate. sion speech Tuesday night, despite Fiscal matters also aff ected the result was over 500,000 advertise- Austrian school philosophy of the Overall, the youth vote in the the continued vote counts hap- funding of the 2012 presidential ments for Obama and just under College’s economics department United States (ages 18 to 29) pening in Florida. campaigns – a key historical prec- 200,000 for Romney. and the support for Romney gave 66 percent of its support to Similar to 2010, Obama is once edent. The 2010 Supreme Court The Internet and television during a presidential term of Obama. According to an IOP again faced with a divided House decision in the case of Citizens visibility of the candidates has nearly 10 percent unemployment pole, young people claimed “jobs of Representatives. In the House, United v. Federal Election Com- also been increasingly vital for and meager job growth numbers. and the economy” were the main the Republican Party lost two, mission permitted unlimited campaigning. Prior to the elec- The website off ers no insights on issues in the election (58 percent). while the Democrats gained one. political expenditures by indepen- tion, Google queries of “who is its ranking process. Prior to the election, 46 percent The Democratic Party gained dent political organizations such running for president?” skyrock- Boston University’s newspa- of the age demographic 18 to 29 two senators and will retain its as super political action commit- eted, likely demonstrating a rising per, the Daily Free Press, openly claimed they would “defi nitely” control of the Senate. tees. According to many election disenfranchisement of Internet endorsed Obama in the elec- vote. The actual numbers will Where does the 2012 election analysts, this has set the United users from political matters. tion, as did Harvard University’s soon come to light. stand among the 57 elections States on a runaway funding train. The drop in participation of 14 Crimson. Obama’s campaign since the founding of the republic At the expense of the issues and million