Election 2012: Record Number of Students Vote in UC Noël Um Assistant News Editor Brian Trimboli Staffwriter

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Election 2012: Record Number of Students Vote in UC Noël Um Assistant News Editor Brian Trimboli Staffwriter Ph.D. students use phones ‘Movember’ raises men’s Pittsburgh festival offers to track down malaria • A4 health awareness • A7 indie film paradise• B8 SCITECH FORUM PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan November 12, 2012 Volume 107, Issue 11 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Election 2012: Record number of students vote in UC NOËL UM Assistant News Editor BRIAN TRIMBOLI Staffwriter A record-breaking number of Carnegie Mellon students showed up at the polls this year. Students cast 1,445 votes at polling locations on Carn- egie Mellon’s campus, a leap from the 1,140 votes cast in the 2008 election. This increase in voter turn- out did not necessarily mean greater enthusiasm for the election, but was due in part to the increased number of vot- ers on campus. In 2008, there were 2,153 registered voters at Carnegie Mellon; this year, there were 3,269. Thus, the percentage of voter turnout actually de- creased from 52.5 percent in 2008 to 44.2 percent in 2012, according to the Allegheny County Pennsylvania Election Detail District Report. According to that same re- port, 1,724 Carnegie Mellon students voted for President Barack Obama, 368 voted for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, 57 voted for Libertar- ian candidate Gary Johnson, Jonathan Carreon/Photo Editor and 18 voted for Green Party Top: Last Tuesday, 1,445 students showed up to vote in the Alumni Lounge. Bottom Right: Students line up inside the University Center to cast their ballots. candidate Jill Stein. Compared to the 2008 elec- the voting booths expressed Romney based on his econom- adding $4 trillion to the na- tions, Obama did not have as their enthusiasm in voting for ic plan were disappointed with tional deficit is a sign of mis- great of a lead among Carn- their respective candidates. Obama’s re-election. First- management despite how egie Mellon students in this “I voted for Obama because year undeclared Dietrich Col- the rest of the economy is do- election. In 2008, Obama ac- Mitt Romney seems like the lege student Laurnie Wilson ing. I liked Romney’s rhetoric crued 83.41 percent of the king of contradictions, and said, “I mostly voted for Rom- on cutting the national debt Carnegie Mellon vote, leaving Obama clearly has a good ney because I didn’t like how because I think we can’t be Senator John McCain with track record in terms of recov- the current economic state has spending $4 trillion of my chil- 13.28 percent of the vote ering the economy, in terms evolved under the Obama ad- dren’s money; it’s only going for those who did not vote a of social issues for gay rights ministration. I’m disappointed to lead to a bigger economic straight party ticket. and women. When he spoke that Romney lost, but I wasn’t problem than what we have This year, Obama received on campus [last summer], he necessarily surprised.” now.” 78.69 percent of the campus said he would take the gloves Reid Sherard, senior de- Some students, however, vote, and Romney received off and not be as compromis- cision science and Chinese made their decisions based 17.23 percent. The percentag- ing as he was in the first two double major, said, “I voted on Obama’s social views, and es for those who voted straight years,” said Michael Hadida, a for Romney to vote against were excited for another four party remained similar. fifth-year architecture major. Obama, because I didn’t like Students emerging from Students who voted for his economic plans. I think See ELECTION, A3 Jonathan Carreon/Photo Editor New goal for women’s soccer Fee raise partially approved ABBY SMITH a standout game, scoring forward Alex Venegas each BRENT HEARD to do and examples of orga- the strains faced by Senate, Assistant Sports Editor twice to contribute to the win. had goals that propelled the Assistant News Editor nizations that benefit from the Joint Funding Committee, The first came in the seventh Tartans to victory. this money. The explanation and many student organiza- The Carnegie Mellon wom- minute, when she made a shot Reid’s goal was marked by Undergraduate students concluded with a justification tions and projects. Carnegie en’s soccer team made history toward the center of the goal a stellar header in the 15th have voted in favor of recom- for the proposed increase and Mellon University has a long on Saturday when it won its box, which gave the Tartans a minute, assisted by junior de- mending an increase in their the numerical increases that tradition of student gover- first NCAA tournament game 1–0 lead. In the 17th minute, fender Rachel Contopoulos. student activities fee, while would be recommended by a nance, and I am pleased the at home. The Tartans scored Magill scored again, marking This was Reid’s ninth goal of graduate students have voted “yes” vote. election yielded clear input to a huge victory against Cabrini her seventh goal of this sea- the season. against the proposition. The Voter turnout for the elec- guide student government’s College in a 5–0 shutout and son. After a 3–0 start during the fee increase for undergradu- tion was markedly low, with final recommendation to the will advance to the second Sophomore forward Sav- game’s first half, the Tartans ates will be brought to the only 18.11 percent (1,053 Board of Trustees for their ap- round. ina Reid, junior forward Ce- Board of Trustees for consid- out of 5,816) of undergradu- proval of next year’s activities Senior Brianna Magill had cilia Zischkau, and junior See NCAA, A10 eration. ates voting, and 16.83 percent fees.” Voting 64.02 percent in fa- (945 out of 5,614) of graduate Mark was also happy with vor and 35.88 percent against students voting. This resulted the results. “I was pretty (681 and 382 votes, respec- in a total voter turnout of convinced the undergradu- tively), undergraduates have 1,998 out of 11,430, or 17.48 ate measure would pass, and supported student govern- percent of students. figured the graduate referen- ment’s recommendation to Mark, a senior lighting de- dum wouldn’t pass,” he said. suggest an increase in the un- sign major, said that the vot- He praised the Graduate dergraduate student activities ing percentages do not add up Student Assembly (GSA), say- fee by 25 percent. to 100 percent because some ing, “GSA did a lot of work Graduate students rejected students logged in and hit the getting people informed.” He the recommendation to raise vote button without selecting noted the higher graduate the graduate student activi- an option. student voter turnout as com- ties fee, voting 16.51 percent Gina Casalegno, the dean pared to the previous student in favor with 157 votes, and of student affairs, said in an body election. 83.39 percent against with email, “I am pleased to see the Andrew Schwartz, a soph- 789 votes. results have generated deci- omore information systems Voting ran between last sive input on the wishes of the major, served as a researcher Thursday and Saturday eve- undergraduate and graduate on the fiscal data for student ning and was conducted student populations. Voter government, and was pleased through the student govern- turnout was on par with to- with the result. “I think it’s a ment website. tals we have seen in past gen- phenomenal step,” he said. Upon visiting the website, eral student government elec- Schwartz described how the voter was first shown a tions, which is impressive for a number of student organi- message from Jon Mark, the a special election.” zations had solicited JFC for Student Body Vice President In the spring 2012 gen- money, but were unable to for Finance. The message in- eral student government receive it. “Now that there’s cluded links to an activities elections, 27.61 percent of more money in the system, fee data sheet and presenta- undergraduates voted, and we know exactly where to put tion. 4.98 percent of graduate stu- it,” he said. Students, depending on dents voted. In the 2011 gen- Dylan Mori, a senior chem- their status as undergraduate eral elections, 25.45 percent istry major and president of or graduate students, were of undergraduates and 6.99 the Kiltie Band, was pleased presented with the opportu- percent of graduate students with the vote. “I know a lot of nity to vote on whether there voted. organizations got hit hard last should be a recommended in- Casalegno continued, “I year with JFC cuts, our orga- crease in their student activi- applaud Jon Mark and those nization included,” Mori said. José López/Junior Photographer ties fee. who supported his efforts to “I expect that you’ll see Junior forward Cecilia Zischkau (No. 12) has three goals this season, with her most recent goal coming in Above the voting box was gather and present relevant more activities on campus, the first round of NCAA tournament play against Cabrini College. The Tartans are undefeated in games that a paragraph explaining what data and information to the and less brownie sales,” Zischkau has found the back of the net. the activities fee is intended student population describing Schwartz said. A2 « thetartan.org/news The Tartan » November 12, 2012 CAMPUS NEWS IN BRIEF CMU team takes first place CMU-Q sponsors stand-up Statistically in programming contest comedy showdown Senior computer science “Four of the top six teams Carnegie Mellon’s Qa- successful comedian.” Speaking major Nathaniel Barshay, were from CMU,” he added.
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