
Frilled Dragon Fact Sheet

Common Name: Frilled Dragon

Scientific Name: Chlamydosaurus kingii

Wild Status: Least Concern

Habitat: Tropical Woodland

Country: , New Guinea

Shelter: Trees/woodland

Life Span: 10-20 years

Size: 3 feet long


The Frilled Dragon is an arboreal, insectivorous native to the woodlands and savannahs or Australia and New Guinea. It grows to about three feet in length. They are named for the large frill surrounding their heads, which can be extended in a variety of display behaviors. Frilled dragons are also famous running on their hind legs and being the inspiration behind the design of the from the Jurassic Park films. Birds of prey, snakes, and foxes all are some of the most common predators for the Frilled Dragon.

Cool Facts

The frilled dragon is also called the frill-necked lizard, the frilled lizard, and the frilled agama. The frilled dragon's frill is made of of loose skin supported by mobile, cartilaginous spines. Thanks to its prehistoric appearance, the frilled dragon has become popular as an . Chlamydosaurus contains only a single and means "cloaked lizard" in Greek. Taxonomic Breakdown

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Family: : Chlamydosaurus Species: C. kingii

Conservation & Helping

The frilled dragon is not endangered and is classified as least concern.

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