The Morning Star E-Journal • 1 Table of Contents

Honor the Queen by Rick Joyner ...... 3

Beyond Our Perceptions by Jorge Parrott ...... 5

Reward at the End: Hope for the Gadarenes by Eric Lucas ...... 9

Signs of Those Days by David White ...... 13

A National Check-Up, Part 2: The Economic Crisis by Rick Joyner ...... 15

Partners Letter ...... 24

MFM Directory ...... 36

2 • The Morning STar E-Journal Honor the Queen by Rick Joyner

was once walking around Buckingham Palace in London when I heard the Lord ask me what II would say if I ran into the queen. I braced myself because I thought this question was to prepare me to actually meet her, and I did not know the protocol. I resolved to simply treat her with as much respect as I knew how. The Lord then said that I must always remember that the church is His queen, and to always treat her with the utmost honor and respect. I got the message. Even if you have to bring some correction to a church, you do it with respect—she is the Lord’s queen. It is an unfathomable honor to be a part of the church. How much more so to be one of her ministers or servants? She may have many problems right now, but she is still His bride that He loves. She will become awesome as the times unfold. God is in her; she is the temple. As Einstein considered it an endeavor worth his whole life to be able to comprehend even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature, we have been given much more than that! The prophets of old longed to see just a tiny portion of the knowledge of the mystery of God that has been given to the least of the saints in these times. We are also told that this great mystery is the union of the Lord with His bride, the church. This great mystery will now capture more and more hearts, resulting in the manifestation of it in His people. The bride is also an army. She is an awesome queen! She is glorious and beautiful and will grow in passion for her King. Even so, she will likewise be growing in a fierce, irresistible devotion to truth and the biblical standards of morality and integrity. She will know how to keep her vessel with the honor and dignity like true royalty in the earth. She will walk in “the beauty of holiness” that is so compelling, the rest of mankind will begin to marvel at her and be drawn to her and to her King. Let us resolve to honor God by honoring His queen. We should honor her with our devotion for such a great honor as He has given us—to know His salvation, to be a part of His bride, and to be alive in the greatest of all times to serve Him. He has saved His best wine for last. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will begin to stand out in radical contrast to those who do not. Because the queen is destined to stand out, to be the light of the world and the bearer of the glory of God that the nations will come to, we must have the courage to be different. That our difference is so contrary to the present trends is a great opportunity. We must never compromise the sure Word of God and His ways. If we do not stand out, then we are not really standing up for the truth. This is the time of great separation, and the great distinction will become increasingly clear. One way that this distinction between the true servants of God and the pretenders will be manifest will be by the spiritual food that we eat. It has been said that an army marches on its stomach, or that it has to be fed to have the strength to march, much less to fight. We are living in the times of the best, richest spiritual food. We must partake of it daily for the spiritual strength we need for these times. Those who do not will weaken and fall behind.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 3 Only those who devote themselves to growing in the Lord will grow. They care enough to seek Him, to seek spiritual food, and He provides for them. Those who do not care enough to do this will fall increasingly behind. They have set their own judgment by what they really worship, which is what they give themselves to more than the Lord and His purpose in their lives. We are in the times when the distinction becomes more clear between true disciples who follow the King and those who fall away. Does that sound hard? Maybe too serious? Our life on this earth has always been a serious matter, and we are coming to the end of this age that will be the most serious time yet. We must get use to it. The spiritual drill sergeants are being released to get the army ready for battle. The less you like your drill sergeants when in training, the more you will love them when you get into battle. Like it or not, the battles are already being fought, and many more are looming. Those who are obedient are assured of victory, but those who do not follow the King will pay a most terrible price. Follow the King. Be a part of His queen. Find your place in His church.

Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including his latest, I See a New America, as well as The Final Quest, a worldwide bestseller. Rick is the president of The Oak Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing Christians to be engaged in the great issues in our time. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

4 • The Morning STar E-Journal Beyond Our Perceptions by Jorge Parrott

hat does it feel like when you miss something that was right in front of you? Our human Wnature often misses what can seem painfully obvious later. Our Lord is the God of surprises and even on the road to Emmaus Jesus was unnoticed until He broke bread with them, then He was gone from their sight in an instant. At least at the end of their encounter with the living God, they recognized who was with them. In these crucial times ahead, we will need to increase our sensitivity and expectation of the holy presence of God showing up. Jehovah “Sneaky,” as Larry Randolph once said, loves to surprise us. He has been with us since we first believed. We read in Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to Him who is able to do exceed- ingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever .” I have heard there are more than four hundred prophecies in the Old Testament pointing to the coming Messiah, and yet when Jesus walked in the midst of the Sadducees and Pharisees, most did not even realize whose presence they were in. Our sensitivity to the ways of the Lord shapes our perceptions of who He is and can even open the gate to our own deception if we are not pressing in to His presence continually in His Word and His fellowship. Remember when He was in Nazareth. In Mark 6:4-6, we read, “But Jesus said unto them, a prophet is not without honor, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house .And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them . And he marveled because of their unbelief . And he went round about the villages, teaching” (KJV) . The people in Nazareth expected little of this Jesus they grew up with. He was just a carpenter’s son in their minds. What could he do? Their perception and expectation could not “see” in this familiar face anything unusual. He would have to go where people were not limited by their frail perceptions and unbelief, that which is not based on heaven’s reality. In preparation for the great harvest that is coming, let us examine ourselves to determine what areas in our line of sight need to be honed and sharpened so we may see accurately the opportunities and hazards which lie before us. We see in part and prophesy in part. In the days ahead, our gathering together and covering each other will become even more crucial to our survival, balance, and maturity in wisdom. We need trusted and loyal friends to lovingly reveal our own blindspots. Do not forsake the fellowship with others in the days ahead. How do we embody the anointing of the sons of Issachar so we may discern the times and the seasons we have been in and the seasons of hyper-change we are entering? What got us through before will be insufficient for our survival in the days ahead. Thankfully, we know the Captain of the host of the army of God, Jesus, who sent the Helper, the Holy Spirit, and assures those who overcome the world by faith, will enter into His eternal joy, rest, and reign

The Morning Star E-Journal • 5 with Him. If we are training to reign with Him, we better know the voice of our Shepherd. The gates of deception are open doors for our frail intellect. Our chain of command and final outcome of victory are known certainties. Bold faith and confidence are our shields against snares, curses, accusations, and darts from the enemy of our soul. Declare your faith boldly and prophesy to yourself and your family to encourage each other and build each other up in the most holy faith. It is our perception of what is seen and what is unseen by faith which shapes our attitude and confident expectations of what is coming that invites the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Our prophetic vision and Holy Spirit encounters while trusting and obeying our Lord will determine our effectiveness and lasting fruit in the strategic battles ahead. We must boldly overcome all evidence of any religious spirit and fear of man that may linger in us.

The Parable of the Talents

In Matthew 25:14, we read about the servants who received varying talents from their master. The first two invested their talents by faith and brought increase to their masters, were made rulers over cities, and were commended for their faithfulness. The one who perceived his master as a hard man and a taskmaster was spurned and cast into outer darkness. His level of expectation and fear led to his horrible outcome.

The Dangers of Our Perception

“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed . ‘And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground . Look, there you have what is yours ’. “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed . ‘So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest . ‘Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents’” (Matthew 25:24-28) . This servant’s unfounded perception of his master as a mean and hard man was fulfilled by his negative level of doomed expectations. His lack of faith and fearful views, which were unrealistic, cost him his eternal rest and reward. Where did this wicked servant get such an idea? Where have we gotten our ideas about God? In the Book of Revelation, we read about those that will be cast into outer darkness and the first in that list are the cowards. The fear of the Lord is the only wise fear that leads to life. Our God is a holy God and He will not allow sin to be near Him. As we read in Romans 14:23 “…for whatever is not from faith is sin .”

6 • The Morning STar E-Journal Remember, the Veil Has Been Torn We must guard our hearts, our senses, and our tongues. Let us examine our thoughts in the dark. We may come from families where our attitudes or perspectives were shaped from a different era or circumstances that are not present now. Either way we can pray for our family lineage with mercy and grace and say, like Jesus, “Father, forgive them they know not what they do” (see Luke 23:34) . Only Jesus is perfect. Man (and woman) will always let us down. Rick Joyner has written some great books in his Overcoming Series on how to recognize and get free from the religious spirit, the control spirit, racism, poverty, the spirit of fear, and more. Every follower of Jesus needs to read these gems of wisdom. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Indeed the power of life and death is in our tongue. In James 3:9-10, “Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God . Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing . My brethren, these things ought not so to be” (KJV) . My Dad used to say to his six children, “if you can’t say something good, don’t say anything.” I wish he had taken the time to explain why that is good advice. It took many years and trials to find out on my own. The enemy of our soul seeks to divide God’s people through envy, jealousy, greed, hatred, control, and more, and we must learn how to recognize, discern, and wage battles against evil spirits sent to destroy us. We are eternal spiritual beings living in these temporary vessels of clay. II Corinthians 14:18 assures us: “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (KJV) . The work of the Father is to believe. I pray almost every day these words, “Lord help me to believe the way You desire me to believe. Help me to see others the way You see them, Lord. Lord, help me to see myself the way You see me. Amen.” These are just a few of the thoughts I have living on heaven’s side of the veil. More will be addressed in future articles.

Jorge Parrott has been the President of Christ’s Mandate for Missions (CMM) since 1998. In 2009, CMM joined forces with MorningStar Missions, which now has more than five hundred missionary leaders serving around the globe. Many of these leaders have more than one hundred churches and two have more than two thousand churches each in their networks. Jorge and Anna Marie have been married thirty-three years and have three grown sons, Orion, Matthew (married to Miriam), and Jonathan (married to Jennifer). Jorge has more than thirty years experience as an en- trepreneur, a Doctoral of Theology, and a Ph.D. from NCCT. He helps administer the MSU College of Theology Degree program at MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill. His heart was captured by the Lord for the nations when he stepped out in the faith realm and encountered the supernatural love of the Lord.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 7 8 • The Morning STar E-Journal Reward at the End: Hope for the Gadareenes by Eric W. Lucas All Scriptures are King James Version.

Peace, Be Still

here may be no greater torment than to watch a loved one, particularly a child, slip away Tinto the darkness of sin and its bondages. Every waking day you hope that it is all just a nightmare, a bad dream that will end with the sound of the alarm clock. It is not a dream. With each passing day you can’t believe that the situation could actually continue, yet it worsens like the raging of a great storm. You row with all your heart into the surge to reach your prodigal, only to hear in each gust the mocking laughter of the enemy. Your prayers seem futile, your strength is waning, and you fear that you may drown in the sea of your own tears. Waves of continued disappointment crash over the bow of your ship and you desperately plead, “Lord where are You? Are You asleep? Don’t You even care? Can’t You see that I have no ability to navigate these waters?” To you the Lord says, “Peace, be still. I have heard the cry of your heart. The enemy has declared death, but I say unto you, don’t be afraid—only believe.”

Leaving the Ninety-Nine for the One

In Mark 5 and Luke 8, the Bible records the amazing story of God’s mercy shown to a horribly tormented Gadarene man. It is a timeless testimony of hope for the hopeless, a prophetic word from the one who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Friend, the Lord’s arm is not too short that He cannot save, even one who has drifted so very far into the night. This Gadarene “demoniac” was somebody’s child, somebody’s loved one—perhaps yours. The story begins with Jesus’ resolute declaration (see Mark 4:35), “Let us pass over unto the other side .” At His Word, the disciples prepared the ship, yet without any idea as to the ultimate purpose of this voyage. Mark 4:36 says, “And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship .” As I reviewed these accounts, I began to see the Lord’s heart for this journey. In sending away the multitude, He was leaving the “ninety-nine” to rescue the one. Jesus’ only recorded activities on the “other side” focused on the deliverance of this one man. Take heart dear one; there is no tempest that can withstand this quest of love.

Dwelling Among the Tombs

If we read these Scriptures purely from an intellectual standpoint, we will see an extreme, almost surreal description of this Gadarene wild man—a man dwelling among the tombs, a scene from The Exorcist or some other horror film. From this perspective, it’s easy to forget his humanity and see him merely as a theological object for doctrinal exposition: a man with an “unclean” spirit. However, if we look deeper, we may be surprised to find that we recognize his face or even the face of a generation. Lord, help us to see him through Your eyes of compassion.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 9 Mark 5:3-4 says that the man made “his dwelling among the tombs,” and that “no man could bind him, no, not with chains . Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him .” The account in Luke 8 adds that he wore no clothes and was driven into the wilderness by the devil. In the general description of this man’s bondage, we find a prophetic template of some of the same spiritual poisons that have attacked a modern prodigal generation. There seems to be an incomprehensible draw to darkness and death, an unseemly desire to “dwell among the tombs.” This is reflected clearly in much of the music that violently pounds their souls with penetrating messages of hopelessness, anger, and even the occult. Various forms of witchcraft, drug, and alcohol abuse, lewdness, and sexual immorality form a modern “legion” of demonic strongholds, which drive them further and further from home into a wilderness filled with the shadows of death. Their lives become increasingly out of control until every human attempt at restraint seems only to get “plucked asunder.” Mark 5:5 records that this Gadarene was night and day in the mountains and in the tombs, “crying, and cutting himself with stones ”. Spirits of shame and condemnation quickly flood the soul that has been opened up to this legion. These ruthlessly accuse their victims until all sense of self-worth is dissipated, and they end up feeling more comfortable among the spiritu- ally dead than among the living. This is often evident in the company that they keep. Spirits of depression come to leech away all hope for the future. Shame and condemnation open the door to self-abasement, self-mutilation (e.g. “cutting”), and finally spirits of suicide.

What Have I to do With Thee?

Shame, condemnation, and depression are among Satan’s most powerful devices. These evil spirits manifest themselves by imparting their natures into the souls of people, thereby bringing forth their own “characteristic affliction” within their victims. For example, spirits of shame bring the impartation of their shame, until finally the victim accepts the shame as his own, and thus takes on the nature of shame itself. This is not to discount the reality of chemical imbalances, substance abuse, and other physically-based disorders, but we should realize that Satan is a vicious opportunist who will take advantage of any breech that he can find. He will slither through any available crack. Notwithstanding, his work is no match for the power of God’s love and redemption. The cross of Jesus trumps all of the power of the enemy, breaking every curse. We overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. The Lord is our strength and strong tower, worthy of our trust and hope. He alone is our rock. Satan’s winds of opposition cannot destroy the house built on Christ. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will walk above the turbulent waters. We will safely reach the other side. Still, we cannot be ignorant of Satan’s devices. We must recognize shame and condemnation for what they are—evil spirits whose strategic purpose is to completely distort our vision of God, life, and ourselves. Satan wants people to believe that they are completely out of mercy’s reach. Shame insists that there is no path to reconnect to God. Condemnation drives people

10 • The Morning STar E-Journal into the wilderness of isolation, fear, and hiding. God is not far off, and His ears are open to our cries. He has not cast you or your prodigal from His heart. His mercy endures forever, and His love will not relent. He has readied the ship of deliverance. “Let us pass over unto the other side” (see Mark 5:35) . This lonely, afflicted Gadarene could not imagine that Jesus would want any part of him. How could God love him through his filth and shame? He had been stricken with the demonic lie that God’s only thoughts toward him were for judgment and destruction. Mark 5:6-7 reads, “But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshiped him, and cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not .” Jesus did not come to torment—He came to deliver. He came to set the captive free, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to cause the blinded to recover his sight. The Son of Man came not to destroy this man’s life, but to save it. He left the ninety-nine for the one, and He will do so again. Great is His faithfulness.

Reward at the End If you know this Gadarene, take courage in the relentless love of God. There is hope for your Gadarene no matter how formidable his legion. Satan must flee at the Lord’s rebuke: “Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit” (see Mark 5:8) . Mark 5:13 reads, “And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, they were about two thousand, and were choked in the sea .” Jesus cast out the entire legion of this man’s uncleanness and buried it forever in the depths of the sea. It gets even better. This former Gadarene “tomb dweller,” who seemed so completely swallowed up by darkness and despair, ends up “sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind” (see Luke 8:35; Mark 5:15) . Hallelujah! How great is our God! I looked up the meaning of the name “Gadarenes” in A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names by J.B. Jackson.1 In it, I found a beautiful prophetic word of hope: It means “reward at the end.” This is a word from the Lord to every heavy heart that has earnestly prayed and wept over their Gadarene. Your prayers are heard. There is a place at Jesus’ feet waiting for your prodigal, and the day is coming when he also will “pray that he might be with Jesus” (see Luke 8:38). In Mark 5:19, Jesus told the Gadarene man, “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee ”. The Lord will send the delivered Gadarene home, and he will return with a commission to spread the everlasting good news of God’s mercy and compassion. The many tears that you have sown will reap a joyful reward at the end.

J.B Jackson, A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names (: Loizeaux Brothers, 1909).

Eric Lucas is a trustee of Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Frederick, Maryland. He serves on the worship team and is also a part of the teaching ministry. Eric has led the Jesus Bible Fellowship home group for seven years. Eric’s first book, titled Seed of the Harvest, will be published through Xulon Press and available in the fall 2012. Eric and his wife Linda live in Maryland and have four children: Eric, David, Bethany, and Ruthanna.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 11 12 • The Morning STar E-Journal Signs of Those Days by David White All Scriptures are New King James Version. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men (or women) shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams . And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy . I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath” (see Acts 2:17-19) . od promised that signs in the earth would point to the fulfillment of what He also promised Gwould occur on the earth in what is described as “those days .” The promise was of a great outpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh, which includes men, women, sons, and daughters and the emergence of prophecy, dreams, visions, and signs in the earth. Then all of this is followed by the promise of a massive harvest where God promises, “and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21) . Larry Evans was dead! He died in the lobby of West Wilkes High School gym. The sixty-seven year old man was there to watch his grandson compete in a high school wrestling match. Shortly after arriving at the school, Evans decided to go to the restroom but discovered the door was locked, which actually opened a door for what was soon to follow. As Evans turned from the locked door, a pain shot through his chest. After staggering for a few seconds, he collapsed, hit his head on the window pane, and landed on the floor face down. Then in an instant, cries for help caused the mostly empty lobby to be filled with what the local newspaper described as an army of people wanting to help. Within seconds his face and tongue began to swell and he began to turn blue. Evans had no pulse and no heartbeat. The initial calls for 911 were unsuccessful because of the lack of cell phone reception at the rural high school. Time was crucial. Soon a number of people led by the principal gathered around and began to pray for Evans. Then CPR and other life-saving techniques were performed by one of the mothers of another wrestler on the team who was a nurse. Yet still there was no pulse and no sign of life. An eighth grader who was watching all of this unfold thought about his aunt who was still in the gym. He had a feeling that she could help, so he turned and darted into the gym to find her. When the young student’s aunt arrived to where Evans was, she discovered that he had no pulse and no heartbeat. Suddenly, the aunt remembered a dream she had two weeks before

The Morning Star E-Journal • 13 where she was attending a basketball game. At the game, she witnessed a referee fall to the floor having suffered a heart attack. In the dream, she was able to revive him with an Epi-Pen, which is sometimes used when suffering from an allergic reaction to a bee sting. The lady who had the dream then asked if anyone had an Epi-Pen on hand, of which no one did. Then one of the coaches at the school who had heard all that was said, ran into the gym and called out to see if anyone there had one. Soon, he had a handful and rushed back into the lobby and gave them to the lady. She immediately used the first one on him, but he still had no pulse. She quickly used the second one and all of a sudden Evans’ heart began to beat and he opened his eyes. He had been without any pulse or sign of life for four to five minutes. This was plenty long enough for permanent damage to occur to any number of vital organs, especially his brain. Shortly after being revived, Evans was told that he was going to be taken to the hospital. He sat up and told those gathered around him that he was not going anywhere but to watch his grandson’s wrestling match. After the entire ordeal was over, Evans did go in for a medical evaluation. There was no sign of brain damage, a heart attack, a stroke, or any damage to his heart or brain whatsoever. The only sign that remained was that someone had a dream, acted on it, and someone’s life was saved. A miracle occurred and was reported as such in the local newspaper. In addition to the sign that what God had promised would occur in “those days,” was being fulfilled in these days, there is another twist to the story. Before the events unfolded at West Wilkes High School, our church had been praying for revival. Somehow it was suggested at one of the initial prayer meetings that we pray for everyone in our county that was appointed to die during the following seven days would be saved. We pleaded with God that anyone without the Lord would be snatched from the fire if need be, and that if they were in some type of comma, that He would visit them in that state and grant them salvation. Also, we prayed if anyone in our county was not appointed to die that the devil wanted to take out early, that God would send angels to intervene in every situation. We were earnestly praying and believing what James records, “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (see James 5:16) . Now you might ask: Was this man raised from the dead at a local high school sporting event an example of our prayers being answered? Could we in any way take any kind of credit for a miracle occurring in our county? Well, we will give the credit where credit is due. What we are certain of is that the effective prayer of the righteous avails much and that “those days” of which He promised arrived. The signs are all around us. These are the days promised and prophesied would come. Be ready to be used and a part of the greatest outpouring of His Spirit this world has ever known.

David white is the pastor of the MorningStar Fellowship Church (The Gathering) in Wilkesboro, North Carolina and lives in nearby Moravian Falls. David has been in ministry for over thirty years, and he is part of the MorningStar Leadership Team. He and his wife Shirley have a son and daughter who are both in college. David has written numerous articles over the years for The Morning Star Journal and has authored one book, The Times to Come Have Come—Hope and Help in Troubled Times, and can be ordered at The Gathering’s website:

14 • The Morning STar E-Journal A National Check-Up, Part 2: The Economic Crisis by Rick Joyner

his article is a brief on the second of seven main crises threatening our country, as well as Tmuch of the world. These are issues that we need at least a basic understanding of if we are going to understand the times. This is a modified version of what we distributed through The Oak Initiative. As a reminder, the Health Meter goes from 1 being the lowest and most dangerous, to 10 being the highest and healthiest. The Trend Arrow is for a quick reference rating with UP for getting healthier, and DOWN for getting worse. These will be followed by a commentary to explain the ratings.

Economy Present State (3) Trend DOWN

Our economy may have never been in a weaker and more vulnerable state than it is now, but in this state it has been revealed just how remarkably strong and resilient it is. In spite of all the blows it has taken and the incomprehensible burdens our government has put on it, it is still chugging along. Even so, we should not presume that this will last. It is vulnerable and little is being done to lead it to a more stable and safe place. To a large degree, our economy is subject to faith or doubts, evidenced by how just a little news can cause large swings in the stock market. This should cause all of us pause. Why is it so fragile? Why does it not have enough substance to just stand on its own merit and strength? You can have an economy without a government, but you cannot have a government without an economy. This is the crisis that could most quickly destroy not only the American Republic but also Western civilization. A little change in the large economies of the earth can have a profound impact on smaller countries. This is why the economy is the main target of those who would destroy America and Western civilization. The world economy has been tottering on the edge of the precipice of collapse for years now. Much of this has been due to our own foolishness, the lack of political courage by our leaders, and the result of intentional, systematic attacks. We can fix one of these and still be vulnerable, so we must address all three. One of THE greatest needs we have as a nation is for wise leadership who will have the courage to do what must be done to draw us back from the cliff we are now hanging over. They must have the understanding to discern the nature of the economic war that is being waged against us and the courage to counter it. Wars today are not just fought with guns and bombs, but with banks, currencies, and crip- pling cyber attacks. Those who do not understand the nature of the conflict are increasingly vulnerable. Espionage today is targeting industry secrets more than military secrets. It is not possible to win a war you do not understand, and you cannot defeat an enemy you do not

The Morning Star E-Journal • 15 see. We are in desperate need of leadership today that understands the war that is being waged against us and has the courage to fight back.

The Strategy of Slow As we see in Scripture that the primary strategy of the devil at the end is to wear out the saints, our primary enemies today are not trying to destroy us fast because this would hurt them too much. They are trying to systematically weaken us, distract us, and wear us down gradually to give them time to seize our assets. They are seeking a controlled destruction, and to date, they are being very successful. The politically correct mentality, or being overly sensitive to who might be offended by our actions, has us tied in knots so that we are not even fighting back against some of the primary assaults against us. To have a chance, we must cast off the naïve belief that if we are nice to everyone, they will like us. They will never like us and will never be satisfied until we’re destroyed and they have plundered our wealth. This is not to imply that we should not have a concern for the other nations and try to do them good. What has made America possibly the greatest nation in history has been the unprecedented willingness to fight desperate and costly wars and then expend our own resources and help to rebuild the nations of our former enemies. One leader of a third world country once said that the quickest way to prosper his nation was to go to war with the United States, surrender quickly, and the aid would come. A sign at the U.S. cemetery at Normandy reads: “These tombstones reflect the sacrifice that America was willing to pay to help save Europe, and if anyone doubts their intentions, the only thing they asked for in return was a place to bury their dead.” There certainly has never been another nation with the power America has had and been so noble in its use of it. To use our power and our wealth for good is a noble cause, whether the other nations acknowledge us and like us or not. Even so, our naïve leadership has allowed other nations to manipulate us so easily that we are more scorned than respected. More will be said about this when we cover the political crisis. As we look at the roots of our present economic crisis, America may never have had a brilliant economic thinker as President. Congress seems almost entirely void of those who understand the economy, which is why bills like Dodd-Frank get passed that do deep and long-term damage to our economy. A number of factors could push it over the edge, and if we are not led to greater safety soon, it is likely that we will pay a terrible price. We will not just have one part of the economy collapsing, but there will be a cascade where crises will feed off of each other. Until there is a leadership that can lead us away from this brink, we should be prepared personally for a worldwide economic disaster.

What’s the Good News? That was the good news. As we dig down, it gets worse. However, there is potential good news. Until our economy completely collapses, it can be fixed. It can even be fixed after it collapses, but it will probably take the greatest leadership our country has ever had to do it.

16 • The Morning STar E-Journal We must have in our hearts that regardless of how bad it becomes, we will not give up on preserving the Republic that was given to us at such a high price paid by so many for so long. We must resolve that this will not happen on our watch. To do this, we must know our enemies and understand how they are attacking us. Just as a key strategy to defeating demonic attacks is to resist the devil until he flees, we must resist, and to do this, we must recognize the attacks. Even if we have a total collapse of our stock markets and our currency becomes worthless, we can still come out of it. It has been done before, and we too can do it. If this happens, it will actually present a brief period when we could make the changes that lead us to a much stronger and safer economy than we have ever had. It will all depend on the leadership that is in place. It is going to be all about leadership. Even though I am painting a bleak picture of our present conditions, it is the truth. We will never get out of the mess we’re in if we do not have the courage to see things as they really are and address the real conditions and real factors.

The 800-Pound Gorilla

The economy is not hard to understand, but it does seem hard for anyone who understands it to get elected to an office in the present political environment. The single factor that could lead us to safety the fastest and the one that should be the most obvious of all—no one in government has even mentioned. That is cutting government spending by cutting the size of government. This could easily be done without cutting services, or entitlements, but rather improving them just by imposing efficient management on all levels. The fact that this has not been addressed by a single Presidential candidate is also revealing. It was not even a factor in Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. It is the 800-pound gorilla using up all of the oxygen in the room, and no one seems willing to acknowledge it. Why? I do not mean to be indelicate, but Michael Reagan said it best on Fox News, “The Democrats have gone nuts and the Republicans have lost theirs.” There does not seem to be anyone in our Federal government with the courage to take on the public service unions. This will have to be done, and we will not escape from our present crisis without doing it. This is more than a problem with deficits; it is the problem of a single special interest group sucking up the economic oxygen in the country. At present, you can make up to twice as much working for the Federal government as you can in the private sector for a comparable job. We, the people, are paying these extravagant salaries and unimaginable benefit packages because union leaders have proven more capable at representing their people than our elected officials have had representing us. We should not fault the union leaders, or the union members, but our own elected officials for this incomprehensible situation. Even so, it must be addressed if we are going to get out of the crisis we’re in. Consider that with the round of budget cuts proposed by our President, Congress was willing to cut pay and benefits to our servicemen and women, and no one even mentioned cutting these inflated pay and benefit packages to the public service unions? Just bringing salaries back in line with the private sector would cut our deficits by 25–35%.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 17 Cutting the size of government to what it should be with efficient management would not only eliminate our present deficits, we would have a surplus. This cannot be done all at once, but if a plan is set in motion to do it in five to eight years, it would create so much more capital for the private sector that economic growth would likely enable this to be accomplished even much faster. Right now, with the government paying twice as much as the private sector, where are the best and brightest people in our country now trying to work? Many think we should want the best in government, but the government does not produce anything marketable or eatable. All of the taxes for sustaining government come from the private sector. We are now approaching the point where more than half of all Americans derive their support from the government, and if private sector jobs are included that exist because of government contracts, this is now approaching 65%. This means that every person in America who is actually producing something has to produce enough to take care of themselves and their families, and two more families that are living off the government. This ratio is not sustainable, which is why the deficits are ballooning.

Another 800-Pound Gorilla

Other factors are eroding our economic strength and keeping us in ultimate jeopardy. One is that if you put our government on the accrual accounting basis that the rest of us have to use, then our real liabilities are now over 200 trillion dollars. This was assumed to be “just” sixty to seventy trillion, but now we know it is much more. For the first time, someone has acknowledged that if the tax rate for every American and every business could be raised to 100% of their income, it would not even begin to pay for our obligations. So how are we going to pay for them? The obvious answer is that they are going to try to debase the currency with inflation. This was Marx’s first strategy for destroying capitalism—destroy the capital, the money, with infla- tion. Whether intentional, or unintentional, this is being done to us. There is a way out, and one that could lead to a stronger and safer economy than we’ve ever had—cutting the size of government and cutting government waste. However, to date, we have not had the leadership willing to do it. The longer we wait, the more painful it will be. Dealing with the biggest factor, government waste, inefficiency, and incompetence, would give us much more time to address the problems with entitlements and get us out of this situation with the least pain. If our entitlement programs were run efficiently, we might be able to actually give greater benefits than are planned. If the economy was released to grow as it should, the potential wealth generated by the American economy could be far greater than it has ever been before. If our economy had the government working for it instead of against it as it has been, our economy could go into an economic warp speed, quickly shrinking our debt to GDP ratio, and eventually eliminating our debt, which should be our goal. There has never been a more powerful economic engine like the U.S. still has. Released to run as it could, we would not only have virtually no unemployment, we could help the whole world’s unemployment problem.

18 • The Morning STar E-Journal We Are Gulliver

The next biggest factor hurting our economy is overregulation. This has become exponen- tially worse under the present administration, but it has been getting intolerably worse under every administration. This is death by a million paper cuts, and if the bleeding is slowing, it is only because we have run out of blood. Obamacare has already created 80,000 pages of regulations and it is just getting started. From 60,000 to 80,000 new laws are imposed on Americans each year, with the great majority of them anywhere from foolish to devastating. There have been some good stories of recovery lately, and there will be some in even the worst of times. These should be celebrated, but we should not be fooled by some economic indicators that are presenting a much rosier picture than the conditions really are. We are in the worst economic condition in our history, and it is getting worse. It could collapse in a day and soon will at some point if the right action is not taken to prevent it.

Other Factors

The stock markets are riding near all-time highs because so much money is fleeing Europe, that the U.S. stock markets are now seen as one of the safest places to go. I have been predicting for years that the E.U. was unsustainable and would collapse. The only issue was how long it would take and if it would be orderly or not. As precarious as our own economy is, Europe’s is much more so. For several years, the leading nations of the E.U. have known this and have only been trying to sustain the present situation long enough to build firewalls around their own countries. The final unraveling could get very messy, and it could be what pushes the U.S. economy over the edge as well. At the very least, the entire world’s economy will be left crippled and in worse shape for the foreseeable future. This will create civil unrest. Our Federal Reserve has also been reacting in a way that could buy us short-term relief, but will cause long-term problems. When the Fed stopped printing the M-1 money supply (the amount of dollars in circulation), everyone should have known what the Fed was up to. It was shocking that no one in Congress even raised a peep about this when they should have been screaming bloody murder. My bet would be that they did not even notice and may not have even known what it was. The Fed is scary and needs to be reigned in because it has the power to do us in by itself. However, what is even scarier is giving that power to Congress. This is a major issue that must be addressed, but it must be done so with great wisdom and great care.

Better News The good news is that a temporary meltdown, and even temporary martial law, could be good news. This could be the wakeup call that forces reality and focus, which will get us back to the foundations on which our nation was established and our prosperity was based on. The

The Morning Star E-Journal • 19 simple principles we were given work, and they can lead us back to being the strongest and safest economy in the world with even greater prosperity. A meltdown would be messy for a time, but it could lead to the reset we need, a jubilee that gives us another chance—if the right leadership is in place and is ready to take wise, decisive action. The bad news is that if the right leadership is not in place, this could be the open door through which the worst kind of tyranny takes over America. That should be horrifying for the whole world.

Truth Is Strength

It is understandable that people would want to present the economy in the best light pos- sible because so much of it is driven by faith in the economy. However, for our government to cook the numbers like they have been doing would land them in prison if they were running a business. This is a serious crime because it can hurt so many people, but when the government does it we can count on it ultimately hurting many more. One of the most important things we could do to bring strength and stability back to our economy would be to demand truth from the government, making it a serious crime for any government leader to intentionally lie or deceive the American people. For example, if you add back into the factor those who have dropped out of the job market in the last three years, our real unemployment is over 11%, but the government is claiming we’re close to 8%. This is not true. We have more than two million fewer total jobs in America than we did at the beginning of the Obama Administration. Inflation is much higher now than they are telling us because they keep removing from the factors they use for computing this—the really volatile things such as energy and food. What could be more important factors than these? To get Obamacare passed, the CBO came out with a set of numbers that we recently found out were understated by half. Then, we found out it was even much more than that, maybe three or four times as much as the Administration had stated to get the bill passed. Why is there no accountability for such deceit? Again, to have an overly optimistic view of the numbers is not criminal, but to change the numbers is—unless you’re the government. Ultimately, this erodes not only people’s faith in the economy but in the United States. When the real facts become known, the collapse could be more devastating than anyone at this time is willing to discuss. The positive is that the U.S. economy is so strong and resilient that it has taken the dev- astating hits of the last few years and is not only still afloat, but from time to time, still cranks out a few knots of speed. It is doing this in spite of government interference, not because of it. We still have the strongest economy in the world. In some ways, it may be stronger because it has had to fight against such resistance for so long. Even so, for it to realize that strength, it must be released from its shackles soon.

20 • The Morning STar E-Journal Prediction

Factors will converge that cause a lightning fast collapse of the U.S. dollar, and the world economy will be shaken to its foundations. If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed. We are headed for an economic collapse, followed by the worst civil unrest America and much of the world has ever experienced, followed by martial law, at least for a time. The right leadership could avoid the above, but that is where we are now headed. The right leadership would have to be bold, courageous, and decisive, with the integrity that can restore faith by telling the truth, decisively implementing a wise, workable plan for righting the ship that instills world confidence. Such a leader would likely have to be one of the most remarkable we’ve ever had. Could that leader be Romney? It could. Romney took over the Olympic Games when in crisis and turned them into a brilliant success instead of the disaster they were headed for. His experience at Bain Capital could be just what is needed to get us through these times. Bain Capital took over companies in crisis to turn them around. Bain Capital did not win unless they turned the companies around, and sometimes they had to make hard decisions to do it. A lot of hard decisions are going to have to be made over the next year. There will be some pain, and we need a leader that can hold the course even when it is painful. Bain Capital won more than they lost, which is a major accomplishment in that business. This could have been perfect training for what we are now facing. Many evangelicals understandably have great reservations about Romney being a Mormon. Anyone but a Mormon who reads the Book of Mormon would likely have great concerns about anyone who could believe such things—just like anyone who is not a Catholic would have great concerns about some of the basic beliefs of Catholics. As an evangelical Christian who does not believe in basing any doctrine on what cannot be clearly established in canon Scripture, I share these concerns. Even so, for the times, one thing that the Mormons understand, which could be helpful to the whole nation at this time, is being prepared for coming calamities by having a supply of food and water. We are coming to a time when we are going to need this. It could be soon, or a few years off, but it will come. Could Obama ever be the leader that could get us out of the present crisis? As long as he is President, I will pray for him to have a transformation and become that leader. To date, there is no indication that he would ever steer us from the path to disaster we are now on. I have learned never to give up on the power of God to transform anyone, and so I will not give up on him as long as he is in office. However, without a profound transformation, he seems far more likely to keep doing the opposite of what needs to be done to get us out of the present crisis. We will discuss this in more depth when we cover the political crisis. Trauma, and especially economic trauma, has been the biggest open door for tyranny throughout history, and if we have not turned to the Lord in a way that compels Him to heal our land, we will face the worst form of tyranny. This is a very real threat for as long as we remain in this vulnerable condition.

The Morning Star E-Journal • 21 Solution More important than getting the right person in the White House is inviting God back into our house. Turning to God should never be the last resort but the first. In the first five chapters of Isaiah, we see that the nation which falls to the depravity of calling evil good and good evil, that honors the dishonorable and dishonors the honorable, the first judgment which comes upon that nation is wicked, immature, and capricious leadership. Good is what God defines as good, and evil is what He defines as evil. To return to God includes loving what He loves and rejecting what He hates. It is all about leadership. Knowing what to do is the beginning, but we must add to the right knowledge the wisdom to apply it right and the resolve and courage to hold the course until the job is done. Such leadership is the grace of God, and He is the main one we need to appeal to for it, but we must also be wise in our choice of leaders. In a republic, the people are the sovereign. If we have poor leadership, it is because it is allowed by us. As Edmund Burke said, “The only thing required for evil to prevail is for the good to do nothing.” Are there good people in America? Will they do something? All of the crises we’re now facing are interrelated, and fixing the one that we began in this series to address, the spiritual and moral crisis, could begin the process of turning every crisis into an opportunity. Does our generation have the spiritual and moral fiber to do this? We will likely see very soon.

22 • The Morning STar E-Journal MFM Directory

the morning star E-journal • 23 July/August 2012 Dear Friends,

ur Partner’s Weekend on June 1-3 was even better Othan we expected. We were very sorry that we had to turn so many away who wanted to come to this event, but we sold out fast and simply did not have any more room. However, because of the demand we immediately began to plan for another one, so expect the details soon. Wellington Boone, Lance Wallnau, and Bob Weiner, who are all members of our board, had a significant impartation into the ministry. They have had input over the years with their counsel, but this was prophetic impartation, and 375 Star Light Drive there was so much that we will be processing it for a while. Fort Mill, SC 29715 We had a number say that this was the most significant (800) 542-0278 event they had ever been to. It was a very significant event in our history, and we will look back on it knowing that many things changed from that weekend. Some said that the meals and service were as good as they have received in a five-star hotel. This was a major encouragement to our team. We have never fed that many sit-down dinners in the Grand Ballroom before, and honestly, I did not know how it would go, though I had confidence in our staff. However, I think they set the bar pretty high for all future events. David Yarnes, John Boneck, and the Partners staff are truly a remarkable team. I have been around many great leaders in my life, but Dave is one of the most exceptional. He keeps a passion for growing and getting better. He has brought together some of the best people, and they are all devoted to excellence and growth. I feel that they are like the nuclear fuel being used to power the whole ministry. The schools are the nuclear reaction, and the churches are what is being produced. Dave joined the team just when we were entering some of our most difficult times, and he took a huge part of the load for the whole ministry. Now that we have been through the pruning phase, I hope he will enjoy the fruit. As I shared at the Partner’s event, and I hope without embarrassing them, our Partner’s department contributes more financially to the ministry than we pay them in salaries. If that is not commitment to a cause then I cannot imagine what would be. Everyone at MorningStar is here sacrificially, and obviously able to earn far more if they wanted to, but they are here because they are on a mission that they see as more valuable. Where else can you find people like that? Next to the encouragement and impartation from the Lord, my favorite part of the weekend was to see so many of our friends—old ones we have known for a long time and new ones that I had never met before. I also thought the Oak Benefit with Ollie North, Sen. Jim DeMint, Gen. Boykin and Stu Weber was exceptional. They are all outstanding people who have had an impact on our times and are deeply devoted to the Lord. Gen. Boykin has become one of our best friends, who I often talk to several times a week, and we get together quite a bit. I especially enjoyed the time I was able to spend with Jim DeMint and Ollie North. They are fully engaged in the times and are resolved to stand for the Lord and His purposes. Stu’s teachings are so loaded that I know he had a lot of people asking for more. We will be distributing the videos of the OAK/Freedom Congress event in The Morning Star Journal, so if you weren’t there you will be getting them (all Partners get a free subscription to the MSJ). Even if you were there, so much came out in each session that you will get even more by watching them again on video. Thank you to all who came, and also to those of you who wanted to come but could not because it was sold out. If you couldn’t get into this one, be encouraged that the next one will be even better, which is our devotion in everything we do. We learned so much from this one that we can make major improvements. Please sign up just as soon as you can for the next one because it will likely fill up fast as well. Also, thank you for the generous offering to the ministry. The offerings were about $165,000 at the event, and pledges of almost $200,000 more, and they are still coming in. In the same week, MorningStar was also given two very nice homes, one in Regent Park and one in Moravian Falls, with a total value of between $500,000 and $600,000. That week we received gifts worth about one million, which is what David Yarnes had prayed for.

Mission of a Lifetime When Cindy Jacobs gave us the word last year about recovering the mantle of the Moravians, it seemed to set something off on a whole new level, especially in missions. When my aviation business was at its peak and I had just founded MorningStar Publications to publish and distribute one book, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me one day, and He said that MorningStar would be much larger than the aviation business, and ultimately would be the biggest mission in the world. We will be that very soon. I know there are missionary organizations that have more people in the field, but I don’t know any that have so many who are having this kind of impact and fruit.

25 I am not sharing this to boast. Size and numbers do not necessarily compute into quality either. I’ve never had a vision for size, and I have always felt that trying to be the biggest at anything can be a major delusion. When I was told this, it was to prepare me for the responsibility. At the time, I had no vision for MorningStar to be anything but a publishing ministry and really was not intending to write any more books or publish others. I was stunned. He then showed me the teaching center/prophetic community, the schools and churches all over the world devoted to fulfilling the Great Commission. I was so captured by this vision that I lost almost all interest in my business that day and set about turning it over to others to run so I could give myself full-time to this vision. We have now probably surpassed 12,000 churches being planted under MorningStar/ CMM missionaries just in India alone. We have others doing extraordinary work all over the world. We must help fortify them and build them up. At the same time, huge new doors are opening to us, and another very large international missionary organization has expressed interest in joining with us. MorningStar has been far beyond my ability to control or manage for a long time. Even so, we are committed to doing better, especially in the communications and support with our missionaries, and in raising up and sending out high-impact missionary teams. That is the main purpose of our schools and is why we are focusing on finishing our Mission Base in Moravian Falls. We’ve done pretty well at mobilizing, but now we must do much better at being connectors. We have missionaries in the same country and sometimes the same area that do not even know each other. They need to, and by connecting, they can both become much more fruitful. In 1988, when Bob Jones had the dream about the land we were called to have in the mountains of North Carolina, he saw in this dream a mountain from where the gospel would be preached to the whole world. When Rory Alec, the founder of God TV first visited us in Moravian Falls, we were standing on the porch of our house and he pointed to that same mountain and said, “We could preach the gospel to the whole world from that mountain.” He did not know about Bob’s dream, and I was very curious as to why he would say this, but he just felt it. It is close to becoming a reality. Something is coming together now that really does have the potential to see the gospel of the kingdom preached to every nation. We really could see the Great Commission fulfilled. Of course, this will take the whole body of Christ, but there is something joining together that is forming a potential critical mass in missions. Heritage is basically called to be a school of missions, which I was shown when we received the property—an anointing to reveal and equip people in their purposes. This is a main reason for our conferences. Whether full or part-time missionaries, every Christian is called to be a missionary, and our facilities were given to help equip people in their purpose.

26 Julie and I have been working to simplify our lives, and I’ve been steadily reducing my own salary to devote more to missions. Everyone at MorningStar is on a missionary salary, and we are committed to modest and simple lifestyles. I know some of you have been hearing the same call. We are close to the greatest move of God of all-time. Our missionaries are crying out for teachers and pastors, and this cry will get much louder. We need many apostolic teams raised up. Most are called to be part-time and will have a great impact for the gospel. Many others are close to retiring from their professions, and now their real purpose will begin. We need your donations, but we also need you. Churches and ministries have been sending teams of construction workers to help finish our Mission Base. We will then need teams to man communication networks, and others to go into the field to teach and train indigenous workers. That is why the theme of our first ever Partner’s Weekend was “Your Place in the Harvest.” Think about it. Pray about it. This is about much more than being a MorningStar Partner—it’s about fulfilling our purpose. As always, I pray the II Corinthians 9 blessing for you and all who are a part of your household, that “all grace would abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in everything, you may have abundance for every good deed.”

Yours in Him,

Rick Joyner

27 China—Seeing Beyond Our perception By Jorge Parrott, Missions Directors

The Lord is preparing us for the time to come where nothing should surprise us. Transition is happening faster than ever. Remember, the Lord does nothing without speaking first to His prophets. Bob Jones told me when I returned from China that he had seen China really “being on fire” for God by 2015.“Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you” Habakkuk 1:5 (NKJV). MorningStar Partners volunteers Gary and Ann Wickham introduced me to their friends in Singapore, Nic and Hillary Khoo. Nic has been on staff at Hunan Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan Province, China for four years. HBI is a government owned seminary with a focus on worship and music. The principal, Rev. Chen, is a humble man who had planted over 300 churches and now oversees 1,250 churches in Hunan Province. He told me in 1985 that there were about 20,000 believers in his province, and today there are almost 700,000. There are approximately 100 students at this school and many are already pastors of churches who are seeking further Bible and music education. Nic shared with me there are four or five pastors of underground churches attending the school. We continue to hear reports of persecution among underground churches in other areas of China and ask for your prayers for the persecuted church in many nations. Rev. Chen spoke of the underground churches several times and welcomes them to come to school. In his area, if they become registered, their distrust of the government will lessen as he compared churches registering to operating a business or driving a car; “you need a license to operate.” Nic shared that he has been with the students while conducting outreaches in public, and a stadium concert of praise and worship is being planned. Many new church members are gleaned from praying for the sick and sharing with friends. Rev. Chen showed me architectural drawings of a huge new church and school facility that the Chinese government will spend over 20 million dollars constructing beginning in two months. It will hold 4,000 in the sanctuary, 2,000 in an overflow auditorium, and a park outside will hold 10,000. Rev. Chen said he told the central government that he does not need a facility that large, and the reply from the central Chinese government was “they want to make it the showcase of Christianity in China.” During worship, the presence of the Lord was very strong in this school. I was allowed to speak on almost any topic in my teachings of ten hours over a two-day

28 period. I was asked to speak on missions, evangelism, church planting, disaster relief, and discipleship. I prayed for many students and the lead teacher, Gloria, who was my interpreter, and spoke life, faith, and encouragement into them without calling it prophecy. I asked Rev. Chen what vision he had for the Hunan Province over the next ten years, and he answered that his prayer is for the government to continue to open up to the gospel and support church planting efforts. While in Changsha, I received a strong impression from the Lord which was confirmed by Bob Jones my first Sunday back home. It was: “If America does not wake up, it will be left behind like a country town in the dust.” Bob Jones added, “We will also be economic slaves to China if we don’t wake up.” Please pray for China. Pray for America to wake up. Pray for all the places the Lord desires to send MorningStar Missions and that we would continue to have open heavens and great favor with the nations of the earth to help fulfill The Great Commission. Contact the Missions Dept. at ext. 392 for info or help in planning a short-term mission trip for your church. Visit the website for upcoming trips. Below is “God’s Boat.”

MorningStar Ministries/CMM, partnering to save the lost and change the world. You can make a powerful difference. Contact MorningStar Missions at 803-802-5544 ext. 392 or visit for more information or to contribute.

29 Person of the month Tim Flachman, Multi-Media Director

As Multi-Media Director, Tim oversees IT and POD (Publications/Operations/ Distribution) which includes TV, audio, video, call center, warehouse, shipping, bookstore, duplication, web, email, social media, and publications. Tim and his wife, Kari, homeschool their four children: Josiah, Caleb, Jordan, and Nathan.

How I Came to MorningStar In college, a friend gave me Rick’s book, The Harvest. Back then, it was a little booklet that looked like it had been run off on a copier, but that didn’t bother me. I thought Rick’s encounters with God were amazing. He was experiencing a higher level of the prophetic than I had heard before. From that point on, I continued reading more of Rick’s books and subscribed to The Morning Star Journal. Kari and I served with a church that was tracking with Rick’s teachings. We relocated here to Fort Mill with that church. After several years of intense ministry involvement with that particular fellowship, we transitioned to MorningStar as our home church. Preparation for Ministry I owned a Point of Sale business, which means I equipped businesses with computerized cash registers, touch-screen systems, and barcode scanners. During the early stages of my business, MorningStar acquired the H.I.M. building and property, which was in an extreme state of disarray. I would come to clean and haul out debris every day until noon; then I would go to work at my Point of Sale business. One day, God told me to stop cleaning and get back to my business. I heard Him say, “It’s not your season yet. Get back to work.” It was through that season of pouring myself into the business that I gained critical experience necessary to do what I am doing now for MorningStar. I first joined the MorningStar staff in 2010 working on web design. Then I transitioned to Multi-Media Director on my 40th birthday, February 4, 2011. A Word to Our Partners The heart of our department and our goal in sending out emails, posting announcements on the MorningStar website, producing DVDs/CDs, and all the things that we do is to get resources into your hands that will feed you spritually. We want to make sure you have access to the resources that will make you successful and bless you. It is an opportunity for us to put out “meat in due season” which has been part of Rick’s original mandate.

P.S. Please send us your prayer requests and praise reports to the Partner’s Dept. at MorningStar Ministries. The Partner’s Dept. prays over your requests weekly. You can also e-mail us at partners@


MFM Directory

John Ebenezer (Pastor) OTHER COUNTRIES World Children’s Center Ministries Sylvain Gauthier (Pastor) Aivars Alksnis (Pastor) P.O. Box 126, Hyderabad, AP, Najoth Ministries “Light in the World” Fellowship 500001, India 784 Rang 7, Ste-Clotilde Matisa jela 113-3/4, Riga, Latvia, LV—1009 Phone: (9140) 6682-1730 , Canada G0N 1C0 Phone: +371-2959-1321 Fax: (9140) 6677-7430 Email: [email protected] Phone: (418) 484-5611 Fax: +371 6754 9485 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] George Ferrar (Pastor) Dennis & Eleanor Hansen Ralf D. Bürzele (Pastor) Tree of Life Ministries Box 244 - 887 Hansen Road, Hans-Reyhing-Weg 26, 72531 Avenida Mangle, Caye Caulker, Mason's Landing Hohenstein, Germany Belize, Central America Courtes Island, B.C. V0P 1K0 Phone: +49-7387-984920 Phone: (501) 226-0342 Phone: (250) 935-6389 Fax: +49-7387-8284 Email: [email protected] Fax: (250) 935-6389 Email: [email protected] / Email: [email protected] Sung-Jun Han (Pastor) Nelson Richardson (Pastor) Rob & Aliss Cresswell (Pastors) United Church and All Nations Maranatha Fellowship Gloryfires MIssion Association 4 James Long Court Blacon, Chester UK Bongcheon-dong, 94-15, Nepean, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K2J 4R1 Phone: +44 (0) 1244 630054 Gaunack-gu, Seoul, South Korea 151-050 Phone: (613) 823-6815 Email: [email protected] Phone: (016) 338-6341 Email: [email protected] Francine Tessier International Christian Chamber of David Daynes Richard & Audrey Ho Commerce – Canada Gloryfires (MorningStar Europe) Streams Revival Ministries 360 Ave. Emile-Pominville 96-98 Northgate Street 658h 27/154 Taman Bkit Anggerik Lachine, Quebec H8R 1M3 Chester, United Kingdom CH1 2HT Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia Phone: (514) 903-6574 Phone: 603-79806843 Email: [email protected] Phone: + 44-1244-630054 Email: [email protected] Bryan Yager Pieter Jordaan (Pastor) Eagleview Ministries Nanette Diogo Gateway Ministries 205 Meadowbrook Road, Victoria, British Light On the Word 18 Mount Street, Aylesbury, Buckingham- Columbia V9E 1J5 1005 Pavor y Morelos, Vincente Guerrero, shire, HP 20 2SE United Kingdom Phone: (250) 479-7166 Baja Norte, Mexico Phone: +44 1296422669 Fax: (250) 479-7168 Phone: 011-52-616-16-62403 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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Andreas Keller (Pastor) UNITED STATES Nanette Diogo Stiftung Schleife Light On the Word Pflanzschulstrasse 17, Postfach75 858 3rd Avenue #451 Winterthur, Switzerland CH-8411 ALABAMA Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: + 41 (52) 233-6080 Phone: (619) 540-0590 Fax: +41 (52) 233-6082 Miles Wylie Albright (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Day’s Dawn Ministries 301-A CC Ivy Road, Huntsville, AL 35803 Gina Misch Email: [email protected] Firebrand Ministries, Inc. Jerry McNally (Pastor) 43172 Acacia Avenue, Hemet, CA 92544 Living Hope International Phone: (619) 341-4702 Mexico Steve Christmas Email: [email protected] Phone: (262) 381-0121 365 Holly Ridge Drive Fax: (262) 364-2153 Montgomery, AL 36109 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Charles Payne (Pastor) Craig & Amy Bassett John Powell (Pastor) Open Door Fellowship Atlantic Missionary Aviation The Key of David Ministries P.O. Box 280 P.O. Box 5, Tolland, CT 06084 San Jorge, La Paz, Bolivia, South America Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 Phone: (860) 454-4377 Mailing: 2771-29 Monument Road #224, Phone: (256) 682-2645 Email: [email protected] Jacksonville, FL 32225 Email: [email protected] Phone: 011-591-706-27678 Email: [email protected] Weston Brooks (Pastor) Joe Pileggi River of Life Christian Fellowship Chris & Mary Ellen Reber JIC Ministries 384 Y Merrow Road, Tolland, CT 06084 White Falcon B.A.M. 8045 Woodland Hills Drive Phone: (860) 871-1070 Asia / Email: [email protected] Semmes, AL 36575 Fax: (860) 875-7214 Phone: (251) 751-2698 Email: [email protected] Sheena Ryan (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Beauty for Ashes International P.O. Box 284, Nambour, QLD, Australia Chris Fields Email: [email protected] Tracy Schellhorn Sagres House Publishing Manifest Ministries International 449 S. River Rd, Tolland, CT 06084 P.O. Box 382227, Birmingham, AL 35238 Phone: (860) 906-7580 John & Sharon Senin Phone: (205) 980-4996 Email: [email protected] Shiloh House Mission Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 655 Kabarnet Rift Valley, Kenya, East Africa Rick McKinniss (Pastor) Phone: (254) 771440325 or (254) Wellspring Church 754270264 ARIZONA 222 Lincoln Street Email: [email protected] Cory McClure (Pastor) Kensington, CT 06037 LifeWay World Outreach Center Phone: (860) 225-0661 2487 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 106-120, Fax: (860) 229-5433 Valentina Tomasello Gilbert, AZ 85295 Email: [email protected] Palermo – Italy 90143 Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: +39 (338) 4828415 Email: [email protected] Deleen & Don Walton 33 Trent Lane, Groton, CT 06340 Derek Tripp Phone: (860) 445-6005 or (860) 235-0139 Aberdeen Intercessors ARKANSAS Email: [email protected] 77 Leadside Rd. Aberdeen AB25 1RX Randy & Crystal Moser (Pastor) United Kingdom The Gatherings Phone: +44 1224 658188 87 Nieboer Drive Wesley Zinn (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Mountain Home, AR 72653 Wellspring Church Phone: (870) 491-5299 222 Lincoln Street Hans Jakob & Tanya Winsnes Fax: (870) 491-5353 Kensington, CT 06037 (Pastors Phone: (860) 225-0661 Alive Ministries Email: [email protected] Fax: (860) 229-5433 Phone: +47 48310445 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] CALIFORNIA Ferry Wieland (Pastor) Christian Fellowship Drachten (C.F.D.) Kim & Mary Andersson (Pastors) Gerrick & Jill Busl Torenstraat 18, Drachten 9203 BG Christ the Rock Ministries Sabbath House Netherlands P.O. Box 1474, Anderson, CA 96007 2720 SE Kern Road Phone: +31 (512) 341095 Phone: (530) 365-5048 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (772) 340-5807 Email: [email protected]

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Randal Cutter (Pastor) Cynthia D. Stewart Bryan & Mona Gabriel New Dawn Community Church Cindy Stewart Connects 1015 Cherokee Road 9335 West Sample Road 4526 Serenity Trail Winterville, GA 30683 Coral Springs, FL 33065 Palm Harbor, FL 34685 Phone: (706) 742-5732 Phone: (954) 753-7729 Phone: (727) 251-6155 Email: [email protected] Fax: (954) 345-2562 Fax (727) 942-9268 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www. Brian & Darla Hayes (Pastors) The Gate Church Kelly P. Galati (Pastor) 350 Bentley Way, Fayetteville, GA 30214 Family Life Church Rick & Bette Strombeck Phone: (770) 460-8822 P.O. Box 121, Frostproof, FL 33843 Koinonia Ministries Email: [email protected] Phone: (863) 635-2704 437 Hollywood Rd Email: [email protected] Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Phone: (336-838-6701) Ryan & Torrey O’Connor Email: [email protected] (Pastors) Frank A. Gresham (Pastor) The Lighthouse Worship Center Whosoever Ministries 411 Cobalt Valley Lane P.O. Box 9591, Daytona Beach, FL 32120 K.R. “Wake” Upchurch (Pastor) Canton, GA 30114 Phone: (386) 566-4779 Liberty Ministries & Fellowship: Phone: (770) 345-6361 Email [email protected] God’s House Church & FreeSong Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 252, 1512 Lake Alfred Rd. (HWY 17 N), Lake Alfred, FL 33850 Phone: (863) 956-0144 or (863) 299-0506 Peggy Pulliam David Hartz (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Passionately Serving Ministries Cherith Ministries 2855 Jones Chapel Road 1506 Bannerman Road David Weber Sparta, GA 31087 Tallahassee FL 32312 126 Belmont Drive Phone: (706) 998-0748 Phone: (850) 893-3032 Fax: (850) 893-3032 Winter Haven, FL 33884 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (863) 325-8215 Email: [email protected] Keith & Janie Smith (Pastors) Keith Smith Ministries, Inc. Tom & Carole Hayes P.O. Box 1263, Jesup, GA 31598 New World Ministries GEORGIA and Providence Worshiping Arts Center 535 Greenbrier Avenue Elizabeth Brunson 3343 Highway 341 North, Jesup, GA 31545 Celebration, FL 34747 The Meeting Place for Women, Inc. Phone: (912) 270-5030 Phone: (407) 361-6650 907 Cammaron Way, Augusta, GA 30907 Email: [email protected] Fax: (321) 939-3998 Phone: (706) 210-7638 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] John David & Sarah C. Kirby John David Kirby Ministries ILLINOIS 4690 Woodstock Road Craig Cooper (Pastor) St. James City, FL 33956 Relationship Church Gail H. Ciarrachi Phone: (239) 283-2553 1401 Cleveland Highway Suite C Order of the Saints of the Holy One Email: [email protected] Dalton, GA 30721 137 N. Maple Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126 Phone: (800) 903-9809 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Greg Pusateri (Pastor) Partnership for Global Tony Danhelka Advancement Mike & Becky Chaille Riverwoods Christian Center 20701 NW 70th Place, Starke, FL 32091 Firestarter Ministries International 1005 Crestwood Circle Phone: (904) 966-0404 7523 Ridge Road, Hiram, GA 30141 St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: (770) 439-2397 Phone: (630) 377-5695 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Fax: (630) 443-0286 Email: [email protected] Rick Reddick (Pastor) Mike & Becky Chaille (Pastors) Clearwater Fellowship Church The Gathering House Rodney A. Drury Clearwater, FL 33756 578 Brownsville Road Peoria Prayer Center Phone: (813) 787-0249 Email: Info@clearwaterfellowship- Powder Springs, GA 30127 3011 N. Delaware Street, Peoria, IL 61603 Phone: (770) 949-8877 Phone: (309) 361-4052 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Email: [email protected] Sr. Chaplain Linda Spaulding, MA Levite Ministry & Ron & Carole Collings (Pastors) Thurman Ferree School of Worship Inc. 3404 University AvenueColumbus, GA Goshen Fellowship P.O. Box 90736, Lakeland, FL 33804 31907 1 Equestrian Court Phone: (863) 581-1784 Phone: (706) 653-0097 S. Glen Carbon, IL 62034 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.goshenhouse .org

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Janice Fennell H. Dean Woolard (Pastor) Sandy Lee 1701 Bristol Hollow Road Cornerstone World Walking In Destiny Ministries, Inc. Dunlap, IL 61525 Outreach Ministries P.O. Box 3132, Paducah KY 42003 Phone: (309) 243-5067 P.O. Box 743, Auburn, IN 46706 Phone: (270) 898-2626 Fax: (309) 274-4686 Phone: (260) 925-4360 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Theresa Forkins-Phillips LOUISIANA Praise Ministries International IOWA Denise LaPorte 1731 South 7th Avenue Lonnie R. Parton (Pastor) Spirit of the Nazarite St. Charles, IL 60174 Victory Fellowship International P.O. Box 12624, Lake Charles, LA 70612 Phone: (630) 377-5355 Ministries Phone: (337) 499-6763 Email: [email protected] 2111 23rd Avenue / PO Box 1843 Email: [email protected] Council Bluffs, IA 51502 or Phone: (712) 323-3453 Email: [email protected] MAINE Steven McCann (Pastor) Heart Land Family Worship Center Thomas Markham PO Box 168, Charleston, IL 61920 Linda Schreurs Healing Room Intimacy with God Ministries 657 Main Street, Farmingdale, ME 04344 Phone: (217) 549-6292 P.O. Box 1294, Johnston, IA 50131-1294 Email: [email protected] Phone: (207) 458-1170 Phone: (515) 270-0231 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Nancy Nichols Hilton Thomas Transformations Ministries 3377 Maple Tree Lane KANSAS P.O. Box 4202, Presque Isle, ME 04769 Wadsworth, IL 60083 Phone: (207) 768-3400 Phone: (847) 858-3136 Nick & Jana Harris (Pastors) Fax: (207) 768-3401 Fax: (847) 244-1446 Living Waters House of Prayer Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 48607; 3033 S. Hillside Wichita, KS 67201 Robert Whitt (Pastor) Phone: (316) 262-7729 Roy Roden (Pastor) Family Life Church Email: [email protected] Destiny Church Fellowship and 270 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, IL 60120 Destiny School of Ministry Phone: (847) 717-4878 P.O. Box 711, Camden, Maine 04843 Fax: (847) 697-4987 Jerry & Ruth Wickline (Pastors) Phone: (207) 236-4904 or Email: robertwhitt@familylifechurch. Spirit Life Church & Spirit Life (207) 975-1849 Ministries (Wichita, KS) Email: [email protected] OR roy@ P.O. Box 215, McPherson, KS 67460 Phone: (620) 245-1058 or (316) 217-0777 INDIANA Email: [email protected] J.L. Horton (Pastor) MARYLAND Firewater Fully Gospel Fellowship PO Box 68, Angola, IN 46703 KENTUCKY Gene Paul & Debra J. Nesgoda Phone: (260) 668-3676 Front Line Word Ministries, Inc. Ann B. Anderson 100 Dumbarton Road #D Fax: (260) 668-3676 Chalice Email: [email protected] Baltimore, MD 21212 PO Box 1604 Phone: (410) 616-9478 / (813) 454-7643 Michael Lee (Pastor) Hopkinsville, KY 42241 Email: [email protected] Phone: (270) 885-1594 The Prayer & Training Center Email: [email protected] 1901 Mansfield Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 MASSACHUSETTS Phone: (317) 632-0206 Linda Dulin-Moore Email: [email protected] Prayer Ministries with Messiah Karen Elliott (Pastor) Eagle & Dove Ministries Ministries 2800 Tates Creek Road P.O. Box 9076, Gloucester, MA 01930 center Phone: (978) 283-9076 Lexington, KY 40502 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Jack L. Smith (Pastor) Elijah’s Fire Int’l Church Tommy Hays Barry Grauman (Pastor) 607 Middleton Run Road Messiah Ministries Taconic Valley Christian Fellowship Elkhart, IN 46516 2800 Tates Creek Road 3399 Hancock Road Phone: (574) 522-9944 Lexington, KY 40502 Williamstown, MA 01267 Fax: (574) 294-7470 Phone: (859) 422-1794 Phone: (413) 738-5814 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

the morning star E-journal • 39 MFM Directory

Donna Milham (Pastor) Dan Farley Steve Burton (Pastor) Eagle & Dove Ministries / Judah’s Public Square Ministries House of Praise Ministries Roar Church 131 Stillwood Drive, Branson, MO 65616 P.O. Box 511, Swedesboro, NJ 08085 P.O. Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930 Phone: (417) 337-8622 Phone: (856) 467-0986 Phone: (978) 283-9111 Email: [email protected] Fax: (856) 494-7841 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Eric & Kristy Murray Awake Ministries Steven & Karen Williams 380 West 22nd Street #405, Kansas City, Margaret Clark (Pastor) (Pastors) MO 64108 Crown Fellowship Church Gateway Ministries at GFP Phone: (402) 212-3597 626 Plainsboro Road P.O. Box 540502, Waltham, MA 02452 Fax: (402) 939-0382 Phone: (781) 609-2552 Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (609) 799-5637 or [email protected] Fax: (609) 799-0012 Meghan Williams Email: [email protected] MICHIGAN Dyed4you Ministries Daniel P. McKeon (Pastor) Christopher J. Hardwick St. Louis, MO LifeSpring Church (Pastor) Phone: (314) 504-1162 P.O. Box 11247, Yardville, NJ 08620 Jumpstart Ministries Email: [email protected] Phone: (609) 387-4230 P.O. Box 1551, Owosso, MI 48867 Email: [email protected] Phone: (989) 723-9511 Email: jumpstartministries@jumpstart- David & Evelyn Scull (Pastors) Jubilee Living Word Ministries P.O. Box 333, Quinton, NJ 08072-0333 Patti Morris MONTANA Phone: (856) 451-1356 Intercessory Prayer Ministries Thomas C. Banks (Pastor) Fax: (856) 451-2288 4435 North Rochester Road, Rochester Morningstar International Fellowship Email: jubileelivingwordministries@ Hills, MI 48306 609 S. Harris, Helena, MT 59601 Phone: (248) 652-3353 Phone: (406) 439-6938 Email: [email protected] Dr. Andrew P. Surace (Pastor) Email: [email protected] Covenant Life Christian Fellowship Tom Walz P.O. Box 1038, Marmora, NJ 08223 1132 S Genesee Dr., Lansing, MI 48915 Lloyd Phillips (Pastor) Phone: (609) 602-5811 Phone: (517) 648-3288 FLINT Net (Fellow Laborers’ Fax: (609) 609-7445 Email: [email protected] International Network) Email: [email protected] Rick & Barb Warzywak P.O. Box 113, Missoula, MT 59806 Transformation Michigan/Northeast Phone: (406) 546-6094 MI House of Prayer P.O. Box 12, Atlanta, MI 49709 Phone: (989) 657-0832 Robert Barker (Pastor) Email: [email protected] NEBRASKA Church on the Sound Bradley & Kimberly Campbell 335 Oxhead Road City On A Hill Ministry Stony Brook, NY 11790 Wendy M. Waterson (Pastor) 127 Gregg Place, Bellevue, NE 68005 Phone: (631) 941-4100 Sanctuary Gate Church Phone: (402) 968-4851 / (402) 201-3002 1120 Commerce Park Dr. Suite B Fax: (631) 941-4102 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] DeWitt, MI 48820 Phone: (517) 980-6603 Email: [email protected] Jeff & Hanna Farwell Overflowing House of Prayer Joanie Boring PO Box 57, Bern, KS 66408 4856 Hitchcock Road, Odessa, NY 14869 MISSISSIPPI Phone: (402) 830-5498 or (402) 840-2438 Phone: (607) 594-2293 Carlton & Marilyn McCarter Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (Pastors) James M. Murphy, Jr. Dylan T. Bowden Victory International Christian Center Victory Fellowship Church, 8401 Ocean Spring Road Whole New Life Ministries Council Bluffs IA 110 Miner Road Ocean Spring, MS 39564 7316 North 111th Avenue Phone: (228) 875-3131 Porter Corners, NY 12859 Omaha, NE 68005 Email: [email protected] Phone: (402) 981-7673 Email: [email protected] Bob & Kathy Campbell (Pastors) MISSOURI NEW JERSEY Harvest International Family Church Diane M. Czekala Ken Bellan 4647 Reservoir Road Restore the Glory Ministries 105 Chestnut Hill Lane Geneseo, NY 14454 670 B. Shady Drive, Branson, MO 65616 Columbus, NJ 08022 Phone: (585) 243-9280 Phone: (417) 544-0664 Phone: (609) 647-4056 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

40 • The Morning STar E-Journal MFM Directory

John Cuomo Dianne Robinson Matt Peterson (Pastor) Abide in the Vine Fellowship, Abide in the Vine Fellowship Awake Church Owego, NY P.O. Box 314, Apalachin, NY 13732 5426 Shattalon Drive 23 London Lane, Endicott, NY 13760 Phone: (607) 625-3516 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Phone: (607) 754-4466 Email: [email protected] Phone: (336) 712-4008 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ralph & Linda Diaz (Pastors) Diane Scalchunes (Pastor) Deep Waters Ministry Carey & Suzanne Ramsey New Harvest Christian Church Lovingkindness Ministries 1230 RT 94 P.O. Box 217 P.O. Box 2091, Port Washington, NY 11050 Phone: (516) 629-6540 690 Sink Road, Lexington, NC 27295 Vails Gate, NY 12584 Phone: (336) 224-1216 Phone: (845) 568-0135 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (845) 568-6013 Email: newharvest@newharvestchristian- Robert Seymour (Pastor) Doug Rowe & Kathy Rowe, Abide in the Vine Fellowship (Pastors) 279 Lower Fairfield Road The Father's House of Prayer Newark Valley, NY 13811 2468 Highway 441 South James & Roseanne Exner Sylva, NC 28779 (Pastors) Phone: (607) 687-5920 Phone: (828) 631-9050 Syracuse Airport Christian Email: [email protected] Leslie Morley Fellowship & Ministries Int. 15 Francis Ave., Norwich, NY 13815 7744 Frontage Road Plaza Phone: (607)336-1109 Clifton Sutton Cicero, NY 13039 Email: [email protected] JLJ Ministries Phone: (315) 415-6217 321 Fonville Street, Burlington, NC 27215 Email: [email protected] Phone: (336) 538-1616 NORTH CAROLINA Email: [email protected] James Fuller Leo Barnwell (Pastor) Lavon Shapland Church on the Sound Faith Community Church House of Worship Home Fellowship 335 Oxhead Road PO Box 3536 173 Cimmeron Drive Stony Brook, NY 11790 1220 Alamac Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Phone: (631) 941-4100 Lumberton, NC 28359 Phone: (828) 877-5154 Phone: (910) 671-0339 Email: [email protected] Fax: (631) 941-4102 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Don Stiver Father’s Vineyard Fred & Donna Hoover (Pastors) Sally Boenau 404 E. Church Street, Bostic, NC 28018 Abide in the Vine 122 S. Greenbriar Woods Road Phone: (828) 245-5784 1018 Lillie Hill Road Hendersonville, NC 28739 Appalachian, NY 13732 Phone: (828) 697-2172 Rick Stoker Phone: (607) 625-5907 Email: [email protected] First Fruit Ministries Fax: (607) 687-0045 2750 Vance Street, Wilmington, NC 28412 Mark & Kathy Edwards (Pastor) Phone: (910) 612-9437 Email: [email protected] Oak City Fellowship Fax: (910) 452-0211 315 S. Bloodworth Street Email: [email protected] Raleigh, NC 27601 Jim & Peg McLaughlin Phone: (919) 610-5142 (Pastors) Randy Strombeck New Beginnings Church Email: [email protected] Koinonia Ministries 15 Silver Street, Norwich, NY 13815 437 Hollywood Rd Phone: (607) 334-2833 Martial Ferigo (Pastor) Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Fax: (607) 441-1231 MorningStar Ministries Wilmington Phone: (336) 838-6701 Email: [email protected] 6253 Sentry Oaks Drive Email: [email protected] Wilmington, NC 28409 Gary W. Pfeiffer (Pastor) Email: [email protected] David White (Pastor) MorningStar Christian Fellowship Terry Howell (Pastor) MorningStar Fellowship Church - Church Father’s Vineyard Wilkesboro 36 Heritage Woods Court 486 Hollywood Road 724 Oakland Road, Spindale, NC 28160 Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Rochester, NY 14615 Phone: (828) 287-2868 Phone: (585) 529-5769 Phone: (336) 667-2300 Fax: (828) 287-3170 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Byron Wicker (Pastor) Michael Quinn David Olinger River Life Fellowship Resurrection Life Ministries Awake Church 2487 Charlotte Hwy 672 Dogwood Avenue #182 5426 Shattalon Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 Franklin Square, NY 11010 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Phone: (704) 664-3540 Phone: (516) 312-2532 Phone: (336) 712-4008 Fax: (704) 799-1928 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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OHIO Ted & Joyce Moyer Brandon Hull (Kids Pastor) Rock Community Church MorningStar Fellowship Church Steve & Shaye Caperton 837 Main Street, Harleysville, PA 19438 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 (Pastors) Phone: (215) 723-8678 Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 224 River Tree Church Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 5857 Highview Drive / PO Box 886 Milford, OH 45150 Bobby & Ginger Hussey Phone: (513) 248-8733 James & Jackie O’Keefe (Pastors) Email: [email protected] 2216 S. 17th Street MorningStar Fellowship Church 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Philadelphia, PA 19145 Phone: (803) 802-5544 Hombre Liggett (Pastor) Phone: (215) 805- 1931 Church of the Harvest Email: [email protected] / [email protected] 420 W. Third Street, Dover, OH 44622 Oliver & Barbara Jones Terry Smith (Pastor) Wind and Fire Ministries Phone: (330) 343-1905 Jubilee Christian Center Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 1048, Fort Mill, SC, 29716 1505 Robinson Ave. Hyde, PA 16843 Phone: (704) 737-1501 Phone: (814) 765-1915 Fax: (704) 973-7724 Timothy & Lynette Martin Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] (Pastors) His Glorious Church Eugene Strite (Pastor) Deborah Joyner 15655 Street, Rte. 170 Sent Forth Ministries MorningStar Fellowship Church East Liverpool, OH 43920 826 Tallow Hill Road 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: (330) 843-4895 Chambersburg, PA 17202 Phone: (803) 802-5544 Email: [email protected] Phone: (717) 816-6002 Email: [email protected] Rick Joyner (Senior Pastor) Sara Bender MorningStar Fellowship Church Prodigal House Ministries SOUTH CAROLINA 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 1013 Thomas Hollow Rd. Phone: (803) 802-5544 Lucasville, Ohio 45648 Cris & Rebecca Bennett Phone: (740) 821-2190 Life Ministries 2238 Durand Rd., Fort Mill, SC 29715 Laura Kunzie Fax: (740) 259-0635 ZEB Gear Email: [email protected] Phone: (704)970-6605 Email: [email protected] 1646 West Hwy 160, Ste E, #8119 Fort Mill, SC 29708 John & Barbara Briggs Email: [email protected] Restoration Ministries International Oklahoma 711 Chelton Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Sheila Lester Joann Thompson (Pastor) Phone: (828) 508-2122 Email: [email protected] Restoration Ministries International God’s Gathering Place Fort Mill, SC 29708 PO Bow 3671, Bartlesville, OK 74006 Phone: (704) 340-4309 Phone: (918) 815-9476 Keala Elston Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Morningstar Pastor of Intercession 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Bradford McClendon Phone: (803) 802-5544 Ext. 209 Living Vine International Ministries & OREGON Email: intercession@morningstarminis- MorningStar Ministries 945 Heritage Pkwy, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Robert & Rebecca Haaby Phone: (803) 802-5544 (Pastors) Robert Foster Email: bmcclendon@morningstarminis- Eagle Mountain Fellowship of My Father’s House 107 Myers, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Ministries Bill & Chris NeSmith 910 SE Wilson Avenue, Suite A1 Phone: (509)671-7838 Email: [email protected] Harvest Light Ministries Bend, OR 97708 1646 W. Hwy 160 Suite 105 Phone: (541) 312-9345 Jim Garrison (Pastor) Fort Mill, SC 29708 Fax: (541) 312-9345 Gateway Outreach Christian Phone: (704) 541-2693 Email: [email protected] Ministries (Chapel of Love) Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 675, Wagener, SC 29164 Phone: (803) 564-3399 Fax: (803) 564-5750 Jorge & Anna Marie Parrott Email: [email protected] MorningStar Ministries Missions Paul & Cindy Johnson Director It Is a New Day Inc. Tom Hardiman (Pastor) 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 1122 Mica Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18017 MorningStar Fellowship Church Phone: (704) 517-2557 Phone: (610) 691-3368 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Fax: (888) 816-0725 Email: [email protected] Phone: (803) 802-5544 Email: [email protected]

42 • The Morning STar E-Journal MFM Directory

Bart Peacher TEXAS Email: [email protected] MorningStar Fellowship Church 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Tom & Jackie Archer Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 250 705 Silver Lake Drive Patrick O’Hern [email protected] Keller, TX 76248 Northwest Open Door Ministries Phone: (253) 653-3816 P.O. Box 7333, Covington, WA 98042 Marc Sinclair Email: [email protected] Phone: (425) 432-9931 Angelmark Services Email: [email protected] 2914 Misty Plum Ct, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Darren Carter http://northwestopendoorministries. Email: [email protected] Foundation Ministries PO Box 362, Cross Plains, TX 76443 Allison Smith Phone: (254) 725-9471 Christine (Heasoo Gim) Redeeming Faith Apostolic Ministries Email: [email protected] Wagoner 2905 Huckleberry Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29715 25826 158th Avenue SE Covington, WA 98042 Phone: (980) 205-1459 Phone: (206) 963-4633 Email: [email protected] UTAH Email: [email protected] Trevor Tiessen Tracee Anne Loosle Paul “Red” & Tricia Wilson MorningStar Fellowship Church Intrepid Heart Ministries (Pastors) 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 P.O. Box 13847, Ogden, UT 84412-3847 Aggressive Ministries Email: conferences@morningstarminis- Phone: (801) 782-5663 P.O. Box 790, Sumner, WA 98390 Email: [email protected] Phone: (253) 709-6441 Fax: (253) 891-1710 Email: [email protected] Jim Whitley 892 Hickory Stick Ln. VIRGINIA Fort Mill, SC 29715 Frederic D. Huntington WEST VIRGINIA Phone: (704) 995-3775 (Pastor) Fax: (803) 547-5656 San Marcos Congregation Joni Ames Email: [email protected] 6744 S. Wings Highway P.O. Box 99, Elkview, WV 25071 Alexandria, VA 22305 Phone: (704) 608-1052 Al Wood Phone: (703) 765-3949 Email: [email protected] MorningStar Fellowship Church 375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Keith M. Jones Keith Jones Ministries, Inc. Phone: (803) 802-5544 835 Jonquil Lane Hampton, VA 23669 Phone:(757)723-0004 or (757)-778-7935 Email: [email protected] TENNESSEE Joseph B. Perry (Pastor) Remnant Ministries Marc Huddleston (Pastor) P.O. Box 2942, Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Hunters Point Celebration Church Email: [email protected] 2232 Hunters Point Pike Lebanon, TN 37087-1102 Phone: (615) 547-9420 Coy Wood Fax: (615) 547-9425 Remnant Ministries PO Box 2942, Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Darrell Simbeck (Pastor) Ascension Life Fellowship 205 E. Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303 WASHINGTON Phone: (423) 829-5102 Lisa Kitchen Email: [email protected] Aggressive Ministries 1202 Xavior Street, Milton, WA 98354 Phone: (253) 241-1718 Susan Todd Email: [email protected] Crossmember Ministries Ken & Deborah Deonigi 12 Otto Warner Rd, Crossville, TN 38571 P.O. Box 1140, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Phone: (931) 200-3092 Phone: (425) 413-9118 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Connie Vyverberg Church Tonight Angela Greenig (Pastor) 239 Lexington Place, Sevierville, TN 37862 Setfree Ministries International Phone: (865) 774-6476 428th Street SW, Auburn, WA 98001 Email: [email protected] Phone: (253) 863-8031

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