K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 1:K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 1 28/8/09 12:13 Page 1 kensıngtonApril 2009 Issue 32 Local views, local issues news


Reports on crime are ‘misleading’ PAGE 2

Paula heads for Number 10 Paula Nolan (second left) who manages HEAT, one of Kensington Regeneration’s flagship projects, was recently Twin celebrations invited to a reception at 10 Downing Street by Prime Minister Gordon Brown. See page four for full story. for local school PAGE 4 Creating change for the better

of poor housing in the area. 10 per cent rise in the proportion of In terms of community safety, residents who feel safe walking home there was a 22.6 per cent reduction after dark. in the number of reported crimes in The survey also highlights the Kensington in 2008 compared with progress that is being made in local the previous year. Because of this, schools. Attendance is now higher MORI’s assessment is that than the average and the ‘significant improvements are being number of pupils achieving five A*-C achieved in the area’. passes at GCSE has risen by 17 Spotlight on This view is backed up by per cent since 2002. our local wardens residents. Since 2002 there has been Overall performance in English a 20 per cent drop in the number of and maths at Key Stage 2 level 4 PAGE 5 people concerned about vandalism, has also improved significantly, graffiti and other criminal damage. with 28 and 31 per cent Concerns about car crime and increases respectively. youth disorder have also decreased Attainment levels in local schools have increased significantly. significantly, while there has been a Continues on page 3... Kensington Regeneration is The household survey in beginning the final 12 months of Kensington, conducted by top polling its ten-year programme to organisation MORI, focuses on the improve the area. key issues of housing and the all the latest As it does so, a new report has environment, crime, education, health revealed that the Partnership has and worklessness. news on Kensıngton had a really positive impact on It reveals that satisfaction with Regeneratıon local life. the local environment has increased developments ıs Kids go free at Kensington is one of 39 New Deal substantially since the first survey for Communities areas across the was done in 2002. 69 per cent of just one clıck away... Safari Park country and a survey was people said they were satisfied commissioned by the Government with the state of repair of their PAGE 7 to evaluate its investment in all homes, and there has also been these schemes. a significant drop in the amount www.kensıngtonregeneratıon.com Page 2 Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32 WELCOME TO KENSINGTON NEWS Welcome to the latest issue of Kensington News which you are receiving as we begin the final 12 months of our ten-year programme to improve the area and the opportunities for local people

This is a good time to look back to ensure that as many of our key at what has been achieved projects and services as possible since 2000, and ahead to what will continue to benefit local will be done before and beyond residents after Kensington March 2010. Regeneration closes its doors. There have been a huge This is very important, because amount of positive developments I believe it is essential that we in the area in recent years. regard March 2010 not as an We now have major new ending, but as the start of a new facilities like Kensington era in the regeneration of our Community Sports Centre, the area. Academy of St Francis of Assisi There will be new opportunities and the Life Bank. and new sources of funding open There have also been many to us in the future, if we continue successful initiatives to address to work together as a community Crime has actually reduced in Kensington in recent years. issues around crime, community as we have done over the lifetime safety, the local environment, of the New Deal programme. housing and health. We’ve made really good In addition, we’ve been able to progress on the regeneration of PRESS REPORTS ON CRIME IN help large numbers of residents our area over the last few years. into work, and to support the Together, we can now go on and remarkable successes of our local finish the job. KENSINGTON ‘MISLEADING’ schools in recent years. Kensington Regeneration has rejected recent press • Burglaries have dropped by 43 per cent since their We should all be proud of what With best wishes reports on crime in the area as ‘misleading’. highest level in 2002. has been achieved, but there is Norma Williams According to Community Regeneration Manager Alan • Theft of motor vehicles has dropped by a massive 92 per still work to be done in our final Chair of Kelly, the coverage gave the impression that crime is on the cent since 2000. year on completing the major Kensington up in Kensington, while the reverse is actually true. • There has been a similar 92 per cent drop in thefts from housing schemes and the new Regeneration This view is backed up by Inspector Dave Charnock, motor vehicles since 2002. complex at the corner of Beech Street, which will include 50 new who heads up the Kensington New Deal Police Team. He • Criminal damage has been reduced by 53 per cent since homes, shops, offices and a explained: “The recent press coverage was unfortunate. its highest level in 2003. community fire station. The figures quoted seem to have been based on one • Reported sexual offences have been reduced by 68 per At the same time, we will be particular month rather than showing the true picture over cent since their 2005 peak. working closely with our partners a longer period of time. Alan Kelly commented: “We think it is important to “Our figures in fact indicate that there has been a present these figures which show long-term trends rather significant reduction in all crime in the Kensington New than statistics based on a snapshot of what happened in Deal area over recent years. one particular month. If you would like to register “This is a reflection of the hard work and commitment “The figures clearly show that crime in Kensington with us to receive up-to-date of all the agencies working to improve community safety is falling, which is why the work of our New Deal information on Kensington in the area and the residents who support them.” Police Team has been recognised regionally and nationally. kenny,s In detail, the Merseyside Police figures show that: “Of course, there is always more work to be done, Regeneration events, latest • All crime within the Kensington New Deal area has been and statistics aren’t much comfort to anyone who direct reduced by 44 per cent since 2002. finds they are a victim of a crime. But the overall meetings etc via your mobile, to your please contact us via text on mobile • Violent crime has been reduced by 58 per cent since its picture is encouraging and we should give credit where 07976 383790 highest level in 2004. credit is due.” • Robberies have been reduced by 74 per cent since their peak in 2002.

John Smith pictured with volunteers (from left) Kensington plays host June Belger, Mark Malone, David Knight and Ann Walker. to pilot community travel initiative Kensington is playing host to a pilot scheme which bus pass and expenses. It is a pleasure to participate in aims to create a network of Merseytravel community this pilot scheme and the service will certainly benefit travel offices across Merseyside. members of the local community.” The offices will offer residents help and support For further information regarding the project, please with planning local and national public transport journeys contact John Smith on 0151-707 0566. as well as acting as a port of call for general enquiries and suggestions. The ATLAS travel project is the result of a partnership between Kensington Community Learning Centre (KCLC) and Merseyside Network for Change. The pilot scheme involves training volunteers to staff a travel advisor office based at KCLC. John Smith, Project Director of Merseyside Network for Change, said: “This new service will ensure that local residents have good access to a dedicated travel advisor. The travel surgeries will help the public to plan their route and we will be on hand to answer any enquiries they have.” KCLC Manager Alan Tapp added: “The project will give us the opportunity to offer more benefits to our volunteers, who will be issued with a free John chairs a volunteers meeting. K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 3:K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 3 28/8/09 12:14 Page 1

Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32 Page 3

...continued from page 1 NEWS Partnership creates change for the better IN BRIEF Individual schools have also residents are in paid employment achieved some remarkable successes. compared with 35 per cent in 2004. Euro boost for For example, St Sebastian’s is one of Overall, the survey reveals real only 20 schools in the country to strength in the local community local jobs have received three ‘outstanding’ in terms of the friendliness of Kensington residents will benefit Ofsted reports in a row. residents and the way that they from a new £5.7 million European Social Fund grant which Liverpool While there is still some way to go support each other. has received to tackle worklessness in terms of heath improvements in Commenting on the survey findings at neighbourhood level. Kensington, death rates as measured Kensington Regeneration Chief The cash will be used to develop the by the Standard Mortality Ratio Executive, Lynn Spencer, said: “It is work of the city’s JET Service and have fallen significantly. very pleasing that this report has Transitional Employment Team. 82 per cent of residents described highlighted some of the really It could help to get more than their health as ‘good’ or ‘fairly good’ positive benefits that the Partnership 9,000 people into work, especially lone parents, the over 50s and and four out of five people said has helped to deliver in the area black and racial minority residents. they engaged in some form of “Of course, though a lot has physical exercise for at least 20 been achieved, there is still much minutes a day. to be done, both in our final year On the jobs front, the and beyond. unemployment rate in Kensington is “However, this report clearly now 10.1 per cent compared with shows that we are on the right track 12.4 per cent in 2000. and that - with the support of local New ‘cop shop’ The proportion of household people - it will be possible to A new police room within the Tesco members who are economically continue improving life in Kensington store in Edge Hill is thought to be active is 54 per cent (up from 44 per in the years to come.” More Kensington residents are now satisfied with the local environment. the first of its kind in the country. cent in 2002) while 43 per cent of The room in the Overton Street supermarket will be staffed by officers every day as part of efforts to break down barriers between local people and the police. Kensington remembers the Holocaust Merseyside Police say the new facility will enable officers to listen Kensington residents who moved Academy of St Francis of Assisi. which are still taking place - around to the concerns of residents in an to the area from some of the Kensington Remembers was the world. informal setting, and to tackle any world’s worst war zones funded by Kensington Regeneration “It is not just about dwelling on issues they may raise. were among those who took part and commemorated the Second the past. It is also about looking in a recent Holocaust World War Holocaust and other forward with hope to the future.” remembrance event. more recent genocides and ethnic The event included an exhibition Local people from Jewish, cleansing programmes. featuring photographs of Auschwitz Congolese, Darfurian, Kosovar, Co-ordinator Aime-Claude by Kensington-born John Guy. There Kurdish, Polish, Roma, Rwandan and Ndongozi, commented: “It is very were also banners showing Burundian backgrounds shared their important to raise awareness of the photographs and poems about experiences at an event at the tragedies that have taken place - and Auschwitz, created by young people from Kensington-based arts Ryan Janny and Sophie Hamlet from A taste of Poland Edge Hill Youth Club performing at organisation Yellow House. Kensington residents were recently the event. Visitors were also able to view the invited to sample a taste of Poland film A Painful Reminder which took part in a discussion on at an event at the Academy of St Francis of Assisi. includes footage shot by troops as educational resources developed in The evening was organised by Kensington focusing on case histories they liberated concentration camps, Merseyside Polonia to give people a with testimonies by survivors and of Jewish, Congolese and Rwandan better understanding of Polish other witnesses. immigration to Liverpool. people who have settled in the area. Speakers from the Congo and Kensington Regeneration Organiser Gosia McKane said the Darfur gave presentations about the Community Regeneration Manager, event was designed to give people use of rape in genocide and ethnic Alan Kelly, said: “This was an the chance to meet the Polish community and sample the cleansing, while pupils from the important event which addressed country’s tasty food. Academy showed a video they had some very serious issues which have created on difference, bullying and had a direct impact on the lives of related themes. many of our local residents.” Kensington Regeneration Board Member John Caton and his wife Barbara view Teachers from Merseyside also the John Guy exhibition.

Fitness on the rise Thousands more people in Liverpool are taking part in sport and physical activity, a major new report has revealed. The Active People Survey from Sport England shows that an additional 5,000 people are now exercising at least three Kensington Regeneration Partnership is planning for the future after the NDC programme comes to an end in March 2010. We have set up times a week compared with the a company that puts community benefit at the heart of its business. The company will conduct activities for community purposes. If you are interested 2006 figure. in finding out more about the company or wish to become a member*, please contact Anne-Marie Turner at the Job Bank, 4 Tunnel Road L7 6QD. It means that the percentage of the local population keeping fit has risen from 18 to 19.4 per cent. The national rise was just 0.3 per cent over this two-year period.

communıty ınterest co.

*You must be over 18 years, be a resident of the Kensington NDC area and support the aims of the company. K NEWS ISSUE 32 - PAGE 4:K NEWS issue 32 PAGE 4 28/8/09 12:14 Page 1

Page 4 Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32

www.dreamhigh.org.uk Tel: 07921 372844

Helping Dream High helps people who want to to make start a business or develop an existing business. It is different from other kinds of business support and is based on the your International Sirolli Institute’s approach. business In East Liverpool a panel of about 60 people, with a wide range of experience and skills have been brought together to dreams help people start their own business or a reality help existing businesses to expand.

If you have a business idea or just want to know more, call Claire for an informal chat on Paula (right) and MP Jane Kennedy are pictured outside the famous door at Number 10. 07921 372844 or email her at [email protected]. DOWNING STREET A kensington regeneration funded project HONOUR FOR PAULA Twin celebrations for The manager of one of neighbourhood renewal project of Over the past 12 months 47 Kensington Regeneration’s the year category. residents found work with the Kensington primary school flagship projects was recently Over the past year more than project’s help. 93 local people Pupils and staff at a Kensington primary school have been invited to a reception at 10 2,000 local residents have benefited accessed new training marking a remarkable double anniversary. Downing Street by Prime from the project’s services which opportunities, with 59 gaining an Minister Gordon Brown. include: accredited qualification. St Sebastian’s Catholic Primary wonderful community that has Paula Nolan of the Health Energy • The Winter Survival Project which • Kensington Family Support Group School Head Teacher Dennis always been so supportive of the Advice Team (HEAT) was chosen to helps vulnerable residents who are which provides support and Hardiman has been celebrating 25 aims of the school. attend a special event celebrating suffering the effects of social and counselling to the families of drug years in the post at the same time “The partnership with local the country’s female ‘community economic exclusion. In the last users. Over the past year the as his school enters its 100th year. parents has also been fantastic and heroes’ which was organised to mark year HEAT staff have helped project has supported 59 families. The special anniversary has been has helped to create an atmosphere International Women’s Day. 1,023 people to access a total of It also organised 48 support marked with the production of a in which all the children can Guests at the prestigious event £879,537 in unclaimed benefits group sessions, 12 alternative calendar of photographs - funded develop their full potential. included Gordon Brown’s wife and other entitlements. New fire therapy days and three family by Kensington Regeneration - “Completing the Field of Dreams Sarah, Leader of the House of safety measures and improved day trips. and a celebration mass at nursery, with the help of Kensington Commons Harriet Harman and security features have also been • Kensington Domestic Abuse St Sebastian’s Church. Regeneration, also shows what Wavertree MP Jane Kennedy. installed in almost 300 homes. Service, HEAT’s newest project, Mr Hardiman, who has also been partnerships can achieve - a lasting Paula commented: “The whole • Kensington Community Assistance which opened its doors in October Head of St Cuthbert’s on Prescot quality provision to meet the needs thing was a fantastic experience. Project which supports residents 2007. Over the past 12 months Road since the schools formed a of our community.” I had the opportunity to chat with affected by the Housing Market HEAT has supported 124 victims federation in April 2006, said: Kensington Regeneration Board the Prime Minister and to explain Renewal clearance programme. of domestic abuse in Kensington, “It has been a privilege and an Member, John Caton, said: “It is a what we do at HEAT. He was asking 328 people received help during trained four volunteers and honour to be the head of St pleasure to help Dennis about the type of people who benefit the year with issues such as provided domestic violence Sebastian’s and to have served the commemorate his achievements. He from our services. security measures, fire safety awareness training for staff in 12 communities of Fairfield and has been a truly inspirational figure “He was also saying how much improvements, Corgi gas safety local organisations. Kensington since 1984. in the community and has helped he liked Liverpool and mentioned checks, disabled adaptations, Paula Nolan commented: “It’s “I have thoroughly enjoyed the school to develop and grow. that he had been in the city recently energy efficiency work and been a really good year which working with such a dedicated, Dennis has ensured that the for one of the regional meetings of accessing fuel assistance grants. reflects how much HEAT is now talented group of staff who have leadership and management of the Cabinet.” • Kensington Access to Training and ‘embedded’ in Kensington and part helped to make my job exciting and St Sebastian’s is second to none.” There was another major highlight Employment (KATE) which helps of the local community. fulfilling. We are part of a of the day for Paula: “I got someone people in the area who face “Because of this, people seem to to take my picture in front of the significant barriers in terms of trust us more than some of the famous Number 10 door which was accessing jobs and education and statutory organisations and we get great,” she said. training opportunities. Such lots of word-of-mouth The invitation to Downing Street groups include long-term recommendations. This is good crowned a great year for HEAT unemployed residents, people because it means we can provide which was recently put forward for with disabilities, lone parents, practical help to large numbers a national Regeneration and refugees and - more recently - of the most vulnerable people in Renewal Award in the migrant workers. our area.”

It’s been a very successful year for the team at HEAT.

Dennis Hardiman (left), John Caton and Teacher Patricia Minogue launch the calendar with children from the school. Patricia was actually a pupil at St Sebastian’s and started on the same day as Dennis. Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32 Page 5

PROJECT PROFILE COMMUNITY WARDENS The Kensington community ‘eyes and ears’ of the local they have two other very important wardens recently reached a community and making Kensington roles as well. remarkable milestone when they a cleaner and safer place to live. One of these is to support the completed their 10,000th Patrolling the streets from 8am police in tackling crime and environmental job in the area. to 8pm on weekdays, and from 12 improving community safety by The wardens - funded by noon to 8pm on Saturdays, the reporting incidents of vandalism Kensington Regeneration and wardens are always on the lookout and anti-social behaviour that they Community Seven - joined forces for the latest problems with graffiti, come across while on patrol. with the Kensington Clean Team to litter, fly tipping, faulty street The other is to engage with the remove a mountain of tyres that lighting, abandoned cars and stray local community, offering had been dumped in a local street animals. These are all reported to information and advice to residents by a fly tipper. the relevant authorities by members and signposting them to other Tackling this type of incident is of the team. sources of help and support if they all in a day’s work for the ten- Although environmental work need it. strong team that was formed in accounts for the largest proportion In the case of some vulnerable Team Leader Sue Tracey says that all the wardens are passionate about helping to 2003 with the aim of acting as the of cases handled by the wardens, residents, the wardens act almost make Kensington cleaner and safer.

like members of an extended family. historical sights in the city centre. Sue Tracey - one of two warden Developing this type of Team Leaders, the other being Alan relationship with local people, and Ashworth - explains:“We have a list working in partnership with other of vulnerable people in the New organisations and agencies, has Deal area and we ensure that we been the key to the wardens’ success visit them all at least once a month. over the past five and a half years. This helps to give them peace of According to Sue Tracey, it’s also mind and, over the years, our what makes the job so satisfying: wardens have got to know the “It’s great to know that we’ve been residents they visit very well.” able to make a difference in terms Although a warden’s job can of Kensington becoming cleaner and often be challenging, Sue Tracey is safer. Looking round the area now the first to admit that there are it’s certainly a lot better than it was many very enjoyable aspects to it as a few years ago. well, in particular the work the “This reflects the fact that all the team do with local schools. members of our team are This ranges from leading passionate about their duties, and pedestrian safety courses to committed to doing everything they accompanying groups of children can to help the local community when they go on walking trips from and improve life in the area.” school, for example around the

Seeing is believing – Sue Tracey pictured with some of her warden colleagues. Kids in Kenny going strong Kids in Kenny, the magazine The Editor of the magazine's project should call the magazine produced by and for young fourth issue, 12-year-old Jake funders, Kensington Regeneration, on people in Kensington, is Evason, recently spent a day on 0151-233 6136. going strong. the newsdesk of the Liverpool Echo, More young people have been learning how the evening paper is recruited to the project with a new put together by its team of weekly workshop taking place at the journalists, photographers Academy of St Francis of Assisi. and designers. The Kids in Kenny sessions Jake and his team expected the are being held on Tuesday next issue of Kids in Kenny to be lunchtimes in the school library, published at Easter. It includes a while Tuesday evening workshops feature on Liverpool’s spectacular continue at Kensington Fields spider artwork in the city centre. Community Association and Edge In the meantime, any young people Hill Youth Club. interested in taking part in the Local MP Jane Kennedy tries her hand at judo with the help of experts (from left) Andrew Moshinov, Matthew Clempner and Neil Anderson. Top judo star visits Kensington club Kensington recently welcomed coach of China. one of the top names from the The AYAC Club also plays host to world of judo. the Merseyside county judo squad Andrew Moshinov of Russia - who aged 8+ who train with member is a Black Belt 6th Dan - hosted a Neil Anderson who is Merseyside seminar for North West judo coaches County Coach. at the AYAC Judo Club in Fairfield. The squad recently triumphed in a Andrew is currently the Technical four counties event in St Helens, Director of the British Judo beating off the challenge of teams Association. Previously he was a from Greater , technical advisor to the Russian Lancashire and . Judo Federation and the national Page 6 Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32 news round up Kensington is set to benefit from a buildings into a creative ‘hub’ for the major new ‘platform’ for arts local community, artists and the Major new arts activities in the summer. wider public. Dog owners beware Marmaduke Street-based arts The new centre will host exhibitions, organisation Metal is to reopen the performances, discussions and events is turning up buildings at Edge Hill railway station throughout 2009 and beyond as well as the pressure on people who allow facility for to the public for the first time in providing space for businesses and their dogs to foul the city’s streets many years. artists’ studios. and open spaces. Thanks to funding from Kensington As part of the creation of the new Council chiefs say they could hand Kensington centre Metal has also formed a group Regeneration, Metal is turning the out over 1,000 fixed penalty notices of people called Future Station to to dog owners in 2009/10, more develop ideas and projects for the than any other local authority. new facility. The move is a response to the The group is keen to attract new city’s annual quality of life survey members so if you would like to get which repeatedly highlights dog involved please call 0151-261 0514 or fouling as one of the major email [email protected]. concerns of residents. Edge Hill was where passenger railways began back in 1830 when Art success Stephenson’s Rocket pulled out of the Four members of a Kensington station with then Prime Minister, the project for people with learning Duke of Wellington, on board. The two disabilities recently had their island platforms each have an original art works exhibited at two city building dating from 1836. centre venues. The station buildings are due to The work of the residents from the reopen around June this year. L’Arche Project in Fairfield was on display at the Studio at the Tate and How the exciting new Edge Hill arts facility will look. at the Egg Cafe. The pieces were created on an ‘in my Liverpool home’ theme linked to the city’s Capital of Culture celebrations. Bogus callers event

A special event in Kensington has highlighted the threat that older people can face from bogus callers. The event at Fairfield Police Club Kensington New Deal Police team included advice from Merseyside said: “The aim of the day was to Drama premiered Police and an interactive play, educate local residents about the A gritty drama about knife and gun produced by the Evergreen Drama dangers of distraction burglary. crime was premiered at Kensington Group, which helped to raise “It was a great success and we Fields Community Centre recently. awareness of the various forms of have signed up a number of Da Boyz, written by former so-called distraction burglary. individuals who wish to undergo a Brookside writer Carol Cullington, These can range from callers free crime prevention survey to help focused on the impact of street pretending to be from a utility increase the safety of their homes.” violence on families and company in order to gain access to a The event was also attended by a neighbourhoods. property to people asking for their number of other agencies, including The play - which was supported by ball back. Age Concern Liverpool and Jimmy McGovern and Phil Redmond Around 120 people attended the Kensington Health Energy Advice - was subsequently performed at event, which was funded and Team (HEAT), who were on hand a number of other venues across organised by Kensington to discuss residents’ concerns and Siddi (right) is pictured with Tranmere Rovers star Edrissa Sonko. the city. Regeneration and Merseyside Police. give advice. Sergeant Simon Joyce of the Parking triumph Local footballers After years of campaigning, people living in Kensington near the Royal embark on an Liverpool Hospital have won the right to park outside their own homes. A new scheme is being African adventure introduced in the Edinburgh Road area of Kensington Fields which will A Kensington-based community The squad took a specially provide local residents with their own sports group has been on an designed trophy with them, signed by parking permits. African adventure to forge links Tranmere Rovers star Edrissa Sonko, In future, hospital visitors and other with Gambia. who is a regular for the Gambian people visiting the Royal on business Liver World recently took a group national team. will face fines if they park in the area of young men to west Africa to take The trip was funded by Kensington covered by the permit scheme. part in a variety of workshops and a Regeneration’s Community Interest football tournament, organised in Company Community Fund and PC McNally from Merseyside Police lays down the law to cast members partnership with the Gambian Community Seven. Clean winners Barbara Davies (left) and Ann Roberts. Football Association. The voluntary organisation is Members of the Kensington Clean behind a number of successful multi- Team, who are a familiar sight cultural events, such as the Anthony around the area, have picked up a Walker Festival and the Liverpool leading city award. The ten-man All Nations’ Cup, which involved team has been honoured as team of 20 football teams from different the year by social enterprise group nationalities and faiths. Local Solutions. Siddi Majubah, Liver World The award recognises the team’s Co-ordinator, said: “This project will work on tackling fly tipping, promote football as a way of building cleaning up grotspots and links between Liverpool and Gambia. maintaining open spaces. We hope that it will encourage friendship and cultural exchange between the two countries. “The trip is educational and will improve the players’ self-confidence and serve to expand their horizons. It is a pleasure to help local young people experience other countries and cultures first-hand.” K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 7:K NEWS ISSUE 32 PAGE 7 28/8/09 12:15 Page 1

Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32 Page 7 SAFARI PARK READER OFFER

More than 35 years after offers everything from snakes and Olympic swimmer Steve Parry and Kensington Regeneration Chair Norma Williams (centre) with the first swimmers at opening its gates for the first lizards to cockroaches, creatures a St Anne’s School pool. time, Knowsley Safari Park world away from the goats, lambs, remains one of the North West’s cattle and horses for the youngsters New pool puts Kensington in the swim most popular attractions. to enjoy at Children’s Lake Farm. And now, thanks to a great Knowsley is also home to Aerial Olympic swimmer Steve Parry helped to make a big splash with the opening of a new pool in Kensington. Kensington News offer, kids can go Extreme - the North West’s largest He launched the pool at St Anne’s for the local community as it is the and also for community groups. This free at the park any time over the adventure ropes course - and at peak Primary School along with pupils, only swimming pool in Kensington so is an important part of our next six months (except bank periods there are also amusement local residents and Board members we have the opportunity to reach out regeneration programme, to improve holidays), saving the normal £9 park rides and bird of prey displays. of the main funders, Kensington to a whole community. access to sport facilities and help admission price. (Additional costs apply for the ropes Regeneration. “In the run up to the 2012 people to improve their health – and Simply cut out the vouchers on this course and rides). Kensington Regeneration paid Olympics in London we want children who knows, even become a future page and hand them in at the ticket The park is open every day of the £275,000 to refurbish the disused to be inspired by the likes of Becky Olympic medallist like Steve Parry.” office when you arrive - it’s as simple year except Christmas Day. Tickets – school pool, with another £10,000 Adlington and this pool will provide The pool will be used by pupils at as that. which have been pegged at 2008 from Liverpool Sport and Physical an opportunity for children to take St Anne’s, Kensington Infants, Kensington residents will find that prices - cost just £12 for adults and Activity Alliance. part in our wonderful sport.” Kensington Juniors, Sacred Heart RC the park on the Earl of Derby’s estate £9 for children, with a family ticket Steve said: “This is a great Kensington Regeneration Chair Primary, Phoenix Primary and St gives visitors the chance to get ‘up on offer at £37 for two adults and opportunity for swimming in a time Norma Williams welcomed the first Sebastian’s RC Primary. Community close and personal’ with exotic two children. when so many school swimming swimmers and said: “It is fantastic to groups will also be able to book animals from all over the globe. For more details ring the pools are closing down. St Anne’s have a new pool in Kensington, with sessions, but it will not be open to the These include rhinos, camels, 24-hour information line on pool will provide great opportunities regular lessons for school children general public. buffalo, bison, wildebeest, lions, tigers, 0151-430 9009 or log on to zebras, monkeys, deer, antelope, www.knowsley.com wallabies and – of course – Knowsley’s famous baboons! Rail link Current highlights of the safari drive include three baby white rhinos back in – Flannery, Cara and Kimba - plus more than a dozen lion cubs born in recent months. business Other attractions at the park A disused stretch of railway line include the safari village with its in Edge Hill is back in business miniature railway and a walkaround after 20 years, linking the Port animal area where elephants, giraffes, meerkats and otters can be viewed at of Liverpool with the West close quarters. Coast Main Line. A major new feature in this area is Merseytravel’s Olive Mount the park’s revamped sealion facility, Chord project has involved with a larger outdoor pool and reopening a stretch of track about underwater viewing facilities, which a quarter of a mile long between enable visitors to watch the sealions’ Edge Lane junction and the Canada Alan Tapp and Jane Kennedy enjoy the unique 10 Downing Street atmosphere. antics throughout the day, not just at Dock branch line, usually known as show times. the Bootle dock branch line. Meanwhile, Knowsley’s Bug House The rail link was closed in 1988 following a fire in a signal box. DOWNING STREET Since then, freight trains have had EXCLUSIVE READER OFFER to reverse at Edge Hill and cross SAVE UP TO £13 the busy lines in and out of Lime INVITATION FOR KIDS GO FREE BY USING THESE VOUCHERS Street station. AT KNOWSLEY SAFARI PARK Now, following the completion of KCLC MANAGER ALAN Directions: Leave the M62 at exit a £7.9-million project, freight will 6, then take the M57 at exit 2. be able to move in and out of the Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently invited the manager of At the roundabout follow the docks much more quickly, helping it Kensington Community Learning Centre to a reception at brown safari signs. to expand and create jobs. 10 Downing Street. VOUCHER ONE VOUCHER TWO Merseytravel bosses also believe Alan Tapp was accompanied by from a field of more than 6,000. that the restored link will help to Wavertree MP Jane Kennedy at At the Downing Street reception, THIS VOUCHER ADMITS THIS VOUCHER ADMITS reduce the number of heavy ONE CHILD FREE WHEN ONE CHILD FREE WHEN the event. an audience of around 100 guests vehicles travelling to Bootle from ACCOMPANIED BY ONE ACCOMPANIED BY ONE the motorway junction at Switch The invitation acknowledged the from around the UK were addressed FULL-PAYING ADULT FULL-PAYING ADULT Island. This in turn will help outstanding success of the centre by Leader of the House of Commons WORTH £9.00 WORTH £9.00 to reduce road congestion and in helping local people to acquire Harriet Harman, as Prime Minister Offer not valid on Bank Holidays. Offer not valid on Bank Holidays. new skills. Gordon Brown was unexpectedly Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, air pollution. including family tickets. including family tickets. A number of organisations Last year, KCLC was honoured as called away. Normal entry price Adults £12.00. Child £9.00 Normal entry price Adults £12.00. Child £9.00 Knowsley Safari Park, Prescot, Merseyside L34 4AN. Knowsley Safari Park, Prescot, Merseyside L34 4AN. supported the Olive Mount Chord social regeneration project of the Alan said: “It was a fantastic 24 hour information line 0151 430 9009. 24 hour information line 0151 430 9009. scheme including Network Rail, the Open 10am daily. Last entry 4pm. Open 10am daily. Last entry 4pm. year in the prestigious awards experience to go inside 10 Downing www.knowsley.com Voucher expires 30.09.09 www.knowsley.com Voucher expires 30.09.09 Northwest Regional Development organised by Regeneration and Street, to see all the photographs KENSINGTON MINIBUS OR CAR ENTRY ONLY KENSINGTON MINIBUS OR CAR ENTRY ONLY Agency, local councils and Peel Renewal magazine. and paintings of past prime Holdings. The project was also This followed hot on the heels of ministers going back to the backed by European funding. kensıngton kensıngton the centre being recognised as one of eighteenth century and to have a Local views, local issues news Local views, local issues news the country’s top five Online Centres look inside the Cabinet Room.” Page 8 Kensington News April 2009 Issue 32


Pupils and staff at St Sebastian’s Primary School in Kensington recently welcomed a VIP guest in the form of one of Liverpool’s much-loved Superlambananas. The striking sculpture named 24 Hours was given pride of place in the hall of the Fairfield school for the week-long visit. Deputy Head Teacher, Margaret Hagan, said: “Everyone was really excited to see this fabulous creature in our school. Children were bringing in their parents to have their pictures taken with the lambie and it was a great boost for all the staff too.” The VIP guest is welcomed by Margaret Hagan (right), Nursery Nurse Angela Denson and a group of St Sebastian’s pupils. Artistic celebrations notice board Upcoming dates for your diary: A Kensington community group gave local residents the chance to brush up their art skills to mark International Women’s Day. Fairfield Interested United Colours of Kensington All proceeds from the event went Neighbourhood (UCOK), a group that provides to Steps To Freedom, a local face painting at community events, charity that supports survivors of Assembly in FREE held painting workshops and childhood abuse. Wednesday 22nd April design competitions at Kensington UCOK Chair Oli Thomas said: 6.30pm-8.30pm Infants School. “It was a fabulous, fun event with Fairfield Police Club training Around 70 people attended the lots of colour. I think everyone really Don’t forget Kensington day, which also included salsa enjoyed themselves. We have also Regeneration also has a dancing, arts and crafts for children, recruited some new face painters as website where you can find head massage and keep fit activities. a result of the workshops.” information about the for your partnership and what’s going on in the New Deal area as well as the latest from staff or Kensington News. You can also have your say about the issues that affect you most. volunteers? The Kensington Regeneration website can be accessed at: www.kensingtonregeneration.com

KCLC are now working in partnership with Intellect Training Enterprise (ITE) to provide FREE NVQs and Skills for Life courses. Students who are employed, or involved in voluntary work are we’re eligible for the following funded courses: NVQs all ears ITQ Team Leading We want to hear from you levels 2 & 3 level 2 about life in Kensington. Business Administration Management levels 2 & 3 level 3 Whether you’ve got a news story you’d like us to Customer Service Business Improvement techniques levels 2 & 3 levels 2 & 3 Facing a challenge – Olivia Taylor gets busy with a group of local youngsters. cover, or you want to have your say by sending us a In addition, courses in Literacy & Numeracy (levels 1 & 2) can be letter with your views on a delivered at KCLC. local issue, Kensington News is for you. So, are you an organisation interested in FREE training for your staff or volunteers? Please get in touch with us other languages using the contact details below, clearly marking Or are you employed or working as a volunteer and all submissions want to achieve a nationally recognised qualification? ‘Kensington News’. We look forward to hearing from you! If the answer is YES to any of these questions, please contact either Danielle at ITE on 07894 793 366/0151 647 7505, for more information on NVQs, or contact KCLC on 0151 260 1006 for an assessment appointment for Literacy and Numeracy. kensıngton communıty JOB BANK learnıng centre 4 TUNNEL ROAD LIVERPOOL L7 6QD t 0151 233 6136 A kensington regeneration funded project f 0151 233 6137 w www.kensingtonregeneration.com e [email protected] text 07976 383790

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