A Fredholm Determinant Identity and the Convergence of Moments for Random Young Tableaux Jinho Baik,∗† Percy Deift ‡§ and Eric M. Rains¶ January 1, 2001 Abstract We obtain an identity between Fredholm determinants of two kinds of operators, one acting on functions on the unit circle and the other acting on functions on a subset of the integers. This identity is a generalization of an identity between a Toeplitz determinant and a Fredholm determinant that has appeared in the random permutation context. Using this identity, we prove, in particular, convergence of moments for arbitrary rows of a random Young diagram under Plancherel measure. 1 Introduction In [3], the authors considered the length `N (π) of the longest increasing subsequence of a random ∈ permutation π √ SN , the symmetric group on N numbers. They showed, in particular, that for − ˜ `N (π) 2 N `N (π):= N1/6 , (1) lim P(`˜N ≤ x)=F (x), (1.1) N→∞ where F (1)(x) is the Tracy-Widom distribution [34] for the largest eigenvalue of a random matrix from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE). The authors also proved the convergence of moments, Z ∞ m m (1) lim E (`˜N ) = x dF (x),m=1, 2, ···. (1.2) N→∞ −∞ The authors then reinterpreted (1.1), (1.2) in terms of Young diagrams λ =(λ1,λ2, ···)viathe Robinson-Schensted correspondence. Here λj is the number of boxes in the jth row of λ and λ1 ≥ ∗Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 08544,
[email protected] †Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 ‡University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 19104,
[email protected] §Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York 10012 ¶AT&T Research, New Jersey, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932,
[email protected] 1 P ≥ ··· ≥ λ2 0.