Urban Mobility Plans National Approaches and Local Practice
Urban Mobility Plans National Approaches and Local Practice Moving Towards Strategic, Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Transport Planning Sustainable Urban Transport Technical Document #13 Published by About the authors Dr-Ing. Susanne Böhler-Baedeker (Rupprecht Consult) is in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Jharkhand, a planner, specialised on urban mobility planning. After covering areas such as bus rapid transit, street design, receiving her diploma Susanne joined the Wuppertal parking management, and transit-oriented development. Institute (WI) for Climate, Environment and Energy. In Before joining ITDP, Chris worked for the Transportation her latest position at the WI she was the co-director of and Land Use Coalition (now Transform) in Oakland; the the research unit “Energy, transport and climate policy” Metropolitan Transportation Commission, also in Oak- with around 50 employees. She was responsible for the land; the City of Berkeley’s Planning Department; Meyer, coordination and management of transport research Mohadddes Associates, Los Angeles; and Delin Consult in related projects and was involved in several national and Accra. Chris received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees international projects about sustainable and low carbon in environmental policy from the Earth Systems Pro- transportation on different political levels. gram at Stanford University. Being a Rupprecht Consult staff member (www.rup- Mathias Merforth joined the Transport Policy Advi- precht-consult.eu) since 2013, Susanne currently coor- sory Services team at GIZ after receiving his diploma in dinates the EU-funded project CH4LLENGE which transport economics in 2013. For his thesis at Technical concentrates on policies to improve transport planning University Dresden he analysed the regulatory, financial processes in European cities.
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