Chief Engineers of At{ States/ Uts Pubtic Works Subject: Stand
p&M n No. NH- 1501 7 / 33 t2A19 - lllnt r Govennment of India $ Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (Ptanning Zone) Transport Bhawan, 1, Partiarnent street, I.{ew Dethi - 110001 Dated the 16th August, 2019 To 1. The PrincipaL secretaries/ secretaries of atl states/ UTs Pubtic Works Departments dealing with National Highways, other centratty Sponsored Schemes & State Schemes 2. Engineers-in-Chief/ The Chief Engineers of at{ States/ UTs pubtic works Departments deating with National Highways, Other Centpatty Sponsored Schemes 3. The Chairman, Nationa[ Highways Authority of India (NHAI), G-5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Dethi- 1rc075 4. The Managing Director, NHIDCL, 3'd Floor, PTI Buitding, 4-parliament Street, New Dethi - 110001 5. Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, 4- partiament Street, New Dethi - 1 10001 6. Att CE ROs / SE ROs Subject: Standard Operating Procedure for installation of kilometer stone as per rationalization in the numbering system of NHs and thereby renumbered NHs- Reg. Sir/ Madam, Ptease find enctosed herewith the Standard Operating Procedure for installation of kilometer stone as per rationalization in the numbering system of NHs and thereby renumbered NHs. State wise sanction ceiting is enclosed at Enclosure-;. is 2' lt requested to bring these to the notice of att concerned for comptiance with immediate effect and untiI further orders. 3- This issues with the concurrence of the Finance wing vide u.o. No. 356/TF-ll, dated 25 and approvat of the competent Authority. rs faithfulty, (5.P. Choudhary) Under Secretary to the rnment of India Tet. No. 01 1-23n9A28 f,nctosure: As above Page 1 of 57 c:\users\Hemont Dfiawan\ Desktop\Finat_sop_NH_km*stone*new_l.JH_ l6.0g.2019.doc - No.
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