Tobruk Is Reoccupied by British Today
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I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 194i ] A ven xe Dfiily Circabtion ’ The Weather iWattt&fgifr Etwihia Rfwto For the Meatk a t Oetoher, 1B49 Foieeoet ef U. R Weather Boreaa ber 80. at t o'clock. Anyone be Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh Miss Miriam Hooks, formeriy of tween the ages o f 18 and 60 is 7,696 Much eoMer wllk eeld wave te- this town who underwent a major TwoSessions ters of Scotia, wiU InstaU Its new Vurses’ Aides eligible to take this course. This - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Member at the Aadlt eight: light saew Barriee. intTown ofrieen tomorrow evening at the <^>eratlon Monday In St. Vincent's is volunteer work that an Tone hospital, Bridgeport, is making 3 Boreaa ef CIrealatloaa „v Masonic Temple at an opM I n s o may be proud to be doing, so sign good progress. Miss Hooks is a Sorely Needed Decided Upon S A V IN G S A T • Manehezter^A City of Vittage Charm lation servloe. The meeting will graduate of the nurses' training up for this new class. For any begin promptly at 7 o'clock, and school at this hospital, since which information can Jled Cross, 6637. Xyrtto W itfht. wlU the work win be In charge of Dep time she has been on its staff. (ClaaaiScS ASvertlalag ra g e 14) MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE TH R EE CENTB^; ■ lakt for tbo final uty Mrs. Jennie McVlcker o f New Local Red Cross Makes Red CroM Is Falling Be VOL. LXII„ NO. 38 1 M iiu wUl bo Brttain and her sUff. A hind in Its W ork at the •I tioMu ’ Mrs. E. H. Crosby of Greenwich, Appeal to Help in a Vbmt time will follow, with rrfre*- formerly of this town, Is visiting Police Court ments served by Mrs. Legion Hall. FOSTER’S War Emergency. Club win meet Intoah and her committee. All Mrs. W. E. Alvord of 3 Oakland ?:»• street. FOR FINE FODS •t tbo TJf.C^. Scotia daughters are urged to at Frank Foley, 48, of the Under Red Croaa surgical dressings | tend the meeting tomorrow eve Uncle Sam's need for nurses U 84 O A K L A N D STR EET D IA L 7388 w ffllM gt»w» «t the cliff Sanitarium, Meriden, paid will bs made as usual on Wed- | tn New Haven. ning. The first in the series of bible everybody's business. It la the Orders $2.00 or More Delivered lectures by Dr. Victor R. Pearson special buainess o f the Red Croaa $10 and coata for operating with neaday of next week from 10 to { Double Stamps Friday! Open TiU 9 P. M. The social meeting which Lady wUl be given tonight at eight m o iU * 01* entitled "Mu- which In 1912 was made the offi out a license In town court this 4:30, and on the Thuraday after Roberta Lodge, Daughters of St. o'clock at Emanuel Lutheran Sweeps Toward Tunisia; morning. Foley was arrested noon following from 1 p.m. to 4:30. 1 fVtr Free Men" at the State church. Additional lectures will be cial reservoir for Army and Navy Fancy ' George, was to have held Tuesday Both sesskma will be at the Am er ater thla week, U being upon- given by Dr. Pearson tomorrow Monday at 6:30 p. m. by/Officer evening at the home of Mrs. Fred nurses. ican Legion hall. I by the Mancheater Teachere and Saturday evenings qt the John Cavagnaro a t Charter Oak Legs o' Lamb lb. 39c The oonunenta are by Lowell Prjh er of Academy street, has Today the Red Cross First Re The additional half day is made and Main street. been postponed until a later date. same hour. serve oonslsts of only 36,000 necessary from the fact that not Judgment was auapended In the Veal Roasts lb. 39c nurses, Including those assigned as many responded Tuesday (the cases of Malcolm J. Rupp o f Precinct Na 11 Air Raid War to the armed forces. It could be Legion hall waa not available jres- About 66 are expected to attend Providence and Daniel DoWds^of ea. $1.25 get-together dinner party to dens are requested to meet tomor exhausted in less than a year. terday). The work did not pro Fancy Cut Ups New York, both charged with in held by the members cd the row evening e.t 7 o'clock at the Church Group Building up thla reserve, enlisting gress as well with the small dress toxication. Rupp waa arreated Tobruk Is Reoccupied by British Today Civic Association to be held Washington school on Cedar every one of the 08,000 eligible ings, 2x3, and there are 30,000 Fancy Fryers ea. $1.25 last night at the Center as he waa ttie Oartenhouse In Woodland street, and to bring their band nursea in the nation, is a tremen- of them to fold. Then, too, the fol W E W IL L HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF BRISKET ^ ,r t Wednesday. There will be no ages. ____ Planning Sale doua Job, one that not only . re about to board a bus. The drlv- lowing week on Wednesday, while denied him admission and ha A N D RIB CORNED B E E F vitated admission fee. quires the cooperation of the en the hall w ill be open aa usual, The second lesson In the third tire Red Croes but of the whole was brought to the atation. many will be buqy with their per Members o t the Manchester Home,Nursing course by Mrs. Bet Dorcas Society of nation as well. Dowds made a commotion at the sonal preparations for Thanksgiv home of his sister and police were Ground Beef lb. 39c fire Department will meet tonight ty Mcnduff. R. N„ will be given Reason Behind Drive ing. this evening at 7:30 In St. Bridg railed to investigate and found Subs and Bombers !': a t headquarters at Main and HU* Enkanuel Church Already the new gause has been May Get to Tripoli The Manchester Cbqpter o f the lb. 45c fltord street at seven o'clock sharp et's parish halt The class meets Dowds In a drunken fondltlon. received for the next quota. There Armour's Sausages Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30 noiinces the Event. American Red Croaa has been The defendant promised to leave Chnmherialn'it „ and then wil Journey to Rockville urged by the National Red Cross is urgent need for these dressings to watch the bombing exhiblUon. to 0:30. town today. and It la hoped as many women as The Dorcas Society o f the to step up the Red Cnpa activi Jack McDonald of Portland. Dried Beef i lb. 45c Hit H Jap Ships; ’ TU a is a psj* of the SUte Defense ties designed to release nurses. possible wlU try to give all time A public card party will be held Emanuel Lutheran church la plan Maine, employed by Burr Nufi- OouncU’s new educational pro- The Nurses’ Aides and the Home poaaible next week. Again new tomorrow evening at eight o'clock series as a laborer waa found comers are reminded to wear a ly; ning a Variety Sail and "Kaffe Before Axis Am giam. Nursing courses are running con in the social room of the Bucking wandering on Oakland street, near Van Camp's Milk 6 for 50c Stuga" or Coffee Shop for WedneS' tinually at this Ume. The more wash dreaa or coverall aprons and ham church. Bridge, whist and Edward street early Wedneddky SPECIAL.! ■' The Manchester Fire Depart people who learn to do rimpie to provide something for covering Lull in Land Fight setback will be played, with prises day evening, December 3, In the morning and was brought In their beads. ■ ment answered a still alarm yes and refreshmenU. Teachers of the nursing in their own homes, the terday for a chimney fire at 86 church basement. drunk. McDonald had been rs' ICE BOX COOKIES box 29c church echoed are making arrang^ fewer the nursea who will have to Royal Seariet .-^ttarfeweather street Chief Roy A ll the members have been buay be called on to help In case of 111- leaaed Sunday by the prosecutor ments. and the proceeds will ^ the laat few months completing when he was brought In on a aim- Cargo or Transport Ves Down Troop Planes FtMswold reported no damage h ^ for additional equipment In nesa. And the more Nurses' Aides their donations for this event. ilar charge.. He went to Jail to Tomato ot Vegetable New Record - been caused. the church school. Mrs. Dwight who can be trained to assist vrtth Everything to be offered for sale work out his court fines of 85 sels Put Out of Ac Blish, Mrs. J. Gordon McDonald. some of the simple nursing proce will be made by the members. A and costs. Soup 3 fge. 20-oz. cans 50c tion; Airmen Do Many Indications Axi* Mrs. Franklin Davis, Mrs. Ph.lip few of the articlirt were on display dures In hospitals, the greater the WANTED On Building Port Abandoned by Na- W o r k s M. Rose and Mias June Clay are on number o f nurses who can be rc‘ John Carlson o f 104 Haynes viking t a l l c e d a r s at the laat regular mcmthly. meet street received suspended Judg Qaim Any Sunk, ns in Headlong Rush ^ , Too sLate with Too the committee.