The BG News September 21, 1983
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-21-1983 The BG News September 21, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 21, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4160. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. vol. 66, issue 14 Wednesday, September 21.1983 new/bowling green state university Reagan,Congress compromise power dispute WASHINGTON (AP) - President But for now, the compromise prom- 18 months. It serves, too, to remove tinued presence of VS. forces in political justification behind the 18- Within hours of the negotiated Reagan and congressional leaders ises to stem a burgeoning confronta- the issue from 1984 presidential poli- Lebanon, a provision cited by White month limit. agreement, the resolution was for- agreed to a compromise yesterday tion over whether the president had tics. House aides in explaining why it was "I don't want to see blood spilled mally introduced in the Senate by that heads off a constitutional dispute overstepped his authority by refusing "We are in agreement with the accepted. just to get us through an election. For Majority Leader Howard Baker Jr., over war powers while authorizing to declare the Marines' peacekeeping philosophy and the policy of the White me that is no justification for 18 R-fenn., and Secretary of State the administration to keep 1,200 Ma- mission a matter subject to congres- House, House Speaker Thomas P. Reagan, meanwhile, said although months," he said. George Shultz was summoned to tes- rines in Lebanon for the next 18 sional approval under the War Pow- O'Neill Jr. said, following several he has "substantial reservations Byrd said he also wants Reagan to tify before the House Foreign Affairs months. ers Act. days of negotiations among leaders of about parts of this resolution," he will make a detailed report to Congress on Committee today. The settlement acknowledges that the Democratic House, the Republi- sign the measure if it reaches his desk the mission of the Marines in Lebanon The proposal must be passed by the congressional role and imposes spe- can-controlled Senate and senior without change. and how long he expects to keep them The Vietnam era War Powers Act House and Senate, and Reagan said cific limits on the peacekeeping as- White House advisers. One important congressional figure there. sets a 90-day limit on how long Ameri- he has "substantial reservations" signment. But it effectively who has yet to accept the proposal is However, other leaders of both par- can troops may remain overseas in a about its legality even as he is willing guarantees the military mission will The resolution gives specific con- Senate Democratic Leader Robert ties moved to speed the resolution battlefield situation unless Congress to sign it. not be scuttled by the lawmakers for gressional authorization lor the con- Byrd Jr. who said he objected to the through Congress. specifically approves the mission. Ohio universities interested in SLS by Janet Boyer Bowling Green passed their program Not unlike the University, Miami effort to get some information be- stall reporter to gain support for ours," Neal said. has experienced some problems get- cause students need access to such a Editor's note: This is the second The SLS program at Miami Univer- ting administrative support for the service," she added. in a two-part series concerning sity will be similar to the program at program, Neal said. Several variations of a student legal the Student Legal Service. To- BG, Neal said. However. Neal said, "But, once we make progress our service can be found on other univer- day's story deals with the pro- because Miami can use the Universi- (university) president won't do any of sity campuses. gress of the service at other ty's SLS program as a guide for the foot-dragging like your president The University of Cincinnati is try- universities. setting up one, they won't be proceed- is doing," Neal added. ing to get a legal service established ing blindly anymore. Youngstown State University has which will be operated by volunteers The Student Legal Service program One thing they have learned from also expressed interest in the SLS from their law school. has been a rallying point for students the University's program is how program. As a result, there will not be a lot of on this campus, and other universities much to charge students for the serv- The problem is an administrative cost to the student, Jane Getty, stu- have now expressed interest in having ice, he said. change within the student body dent body president, said. such a program. Miami also needs approximately caused several of the files to be mis- Ohio University in Athens also has a According to Jerry Neal, student $30,000 to start the program and will placed and the university has no infor- type of legal service which is operated body president at Miami University, probably charge a S3 fee for the mation on the SLS program, Cathe by students. the university introduced a student service instead of the $2 the Univer- Pazlov, student body president, said. The program at OU, called Students legal service program two years ago sity charged, Neal said. "The program would definitely be Defending Students, has a primary but had some problems getting sup- Since they do not expect to get the an asset because the Youngstown function of counseling students on port because of the negative check-off same 80 percent participation rate the area, generally speaking, has no real how to present their case with accu- system of payment. University had they will need the legal service,' Pazlov said. racy, Stacy Clewell, vice chairperson "We're currently using the fact that extra $1 charge, he added. "We are going to make an active of SDS, said. Wrongful imprisonment causes hurt Man seeks new life after prison term COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A year a machine shop, but is waiting for House in February. It would allow the up, especially since (Dr.) Jackson ago tomorrow William Bernard Jack- someone to hire him for a full-time Ohio Court of Claims to compensate admitted he did it. There's no reason son walked out of prison a free man job. William Jackson for his imprison- for the bill to be held up any longer." after serving nearly five years for ment. But even if the bill is passed by the crimes he said all along he didn't "IF I COULD at least find a job. I But Jackson worries that the bill Legislature, William Jackson be- commit. wouldn't have to be standing around,'" will be forgotten and he always will be lieves he should have some say in his he said. "But nobody's going to hire known as "the guy who did time for compensation. His release followed the arrest of no jailbird. I'd show them the newspa- the other guy's crime." Dr. Edward Franklin Jackson Jr., a Ser clippings that say I was innocent, "I spent almost five years in prison. "What they're saying is you spent prominent 39-year-old internist who is ut they don't want you. No way." They should have let me go down and five years in the joint and now we're on trial in Akron for 21 rapes and 39 After waiting five years in prison file for the money the day after I got going to tell you how much it was other crimes committed against Co- for someone to realize a mistake was out of jail. Did they? No. worth," he said. "It can't be like that. lumbus women over seven years. made and waiting three weeks after They don'tuwi i knowuww whatmw Ii wentwait through.wu wig". The physician, who is similar to Dr. Jackson's arrest for his release, "ITS LIKE everything else. They There'se's no way of telling what I could William Jackson in appearance, has he since has waited for the Ohio come to prison, tell me I'm not guilty, have accomplished while I was in admitted the crimes but pleaded inno- Legislature to act on House Bill 124, a then make me wait three weeks be- prison. cent by reason of insanity. bill that would pay him for the wrong- fore I can get out." For William Jackson, 31, and no ful imprisonment. Jackson's bill was assigned to the Despite his bitterness toward the bg news staff/James Youli relation to the doctor, the euphoria of While Dr. Jackson sits in an Akron House Civil and Commercial Law system, William Jackson says he har- his release has been doused by a year courtroom, waiting for a seven-man, Committee. It hasn't been voted on. bors no resentment for Dr. Jackson. of waiting. five-woman jury to finish deliber- Beatty said a vote was delayed be- Acknowledging he has followed Interior decorations He and his wife, Paula, who he ations, William Jackson lives in a cause of fears it might have caused news reports of the physician's trial, Sue Moreland (foreground), sophomore education major, and Sue married shortly after leaving prison, dilapidated duplex, playing basket- more pre-trial publicity.