Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Minerals & Waste Development Framework 497

Site Assessments and Maps 4

Other sites in that have been considered 498 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps

SL24 Lindal former ore mill sidings, Lindal

4.911 This site was not included in the 2007 consultations. It has been included in South Lakeland District Council's consultations for possible development sites. It was put forward for consideration as a possible waste transfer station site. It is not a preferred site.

Summary of comments from previous consultation stage

4.912 This site would not appear to be suitable for waste treatment, given its history of subsidence, presence of underground limestone and one workshop, which may have left a legacy of pollution. The site might also be regarded as too close to houses for waste treatment use, and would be better used for light industry, reflecting its historic use.

Environmental assets

4.913 There are several County Wildlife Sites (CWS) in the locality - Dalton and Lindal Mining Area CWS is around 725 metres away; Little Crags, Stone Walls & Bower Wood CWS is 1.4km; Flat Woods CWS is 1.5km; and Dalton Railway Cutting CWS is 1.6km. Ancient Woodlands in the area - Heaning Wood, also semi-natural woodland UK priority habitat, is 920m away; Flat Woods is 1.5km and Bower Wood is 1.6km. An area of calcareous grassland UK priority habitat is 1.6km away.

4.914 There are records of badgers, noctule bats and brown hares in the vicinity.

4.915 runs adjacent to the north west boundary of the site.

Enhancement potential

4.916 Potential for habitat creation/enhancement.

4.917 Information needed on historic industrial remains - mitigation may be required.

Flood map zone

4.918 No identified flood risk


4.919 The site is not within a safeguarding area, but the to Barrow Transco gas pipeline runs 330m away. The Green Lane former landfill site is 150m away.

Agricultural Land Classification

4.920 Grade 3.

Sequential approach

4.921 Although this is described as former sidings, the use was so long ago that the site should be regarded as greenfield. It is not at a town or Key Service Centre. Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 499

Site Assessments and Maps 4 4 Site 500 WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE SCORING MATRIX - SL24 Lindal former ore mill sidings, Lindal Cumbria Assessments Site Description/ Characteristic Score Comment/ Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Minerals 1. Proximity Within 5 miles of the centre of main towns* NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: CS1, to waste or of Key Service Centres** sustainably and minimise waste CS7,

arisings (by GDC1 & Within 5 - 10 miles of the centre of main - reduce waste miles by road and promote the and road) NR1 – To improve local air quality and movement of waste by rail and limit or reduce the W

towns or of Key Service Centres aste reduce greenhouse gas emissions emission of climate change gases and other air

Greater than 10 miles from a town or Key pollutants as a result? Maps Development Service Centre SP5 – To improve the health and well being of people

2. Access to existing rail facilities NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: CS1

Accessibility sustainably and minimise waste Framework Access to existing primary road network Detail of site access could be an issue. - improve access to recycling and composting SP2 – To improve access to services, services, where possible within local communities Potential for rail access x Adjacent to railway but unlikely to have facilities the countryside and open spaces using sustainable transport choices? the potential for a new siding. - Access to proposed primary road network - reduce waste miles by road and promote the Site

movement of waste by rail and limit or reduce the Allocations Good local road accessibility emission of climate change gases and other air pollutants as a result?

3. Previously developed land (Brownfield) NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Policies Sequential sustainably and minimise waste approach Greenfield xx Although previously developed, the site is now regarded as a greenfield site. - include measures to avoid soil degradation and

NR3 – To restore and protect land and soil pollution? Regulation Allocated for waste management or employment use and at a town or key - encourage the siting of waste management facilities service centre on brownfield land?

Allocated for waste management or xx SLDC considering employment use of the 27 - seek to protect good quality agricultural land and employment use a but not at a town or key site in LDF. Consultation service centre Greenfield sites as far as possible?

- account will have to be taken of the proportion of brownfield land in the assessment December

4. No owner objection ? No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Deliverability Owner objection exists

5. Flood Zone 1 or no flood risk NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: 2009 Risk sustainably and minimise waste Zone 2 Site Description/ Characteristic Score Comment/ Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Site

NR2 – To improve water quality and - alleviate flooding and flood contamination of water Allocations Zone 3a resources resources? Zone 3b (functional floodplain) EN3 – To improve the quality of the built - be in an area at risk from flooding and/or be likely

environment to create a higher risk of flooding elsewhere? Policies

6. Other land Conflict unlikely with other land use Subject to detailed mitigation measures. No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria uses Regulation Conflict likely with other land use 7. Large enough to accommodate more than NR1 - To improve local air quality and - Will the option: Co-location one facility reduce greenhouse gas emissions 27 potential Not large enough to accommodate more xx - minimise loss of green field sites or areas of open Consultation than one facility NR3 – To restore and protect land and soil space

NR4 – Manage mineral resources - Will site location criteria minimise the need for sustainably and minimise waste transport December SP5 - To improve the health and sense of well being of people 2009 8. Proximity No houses within 250 metres NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: to Housing sustainably and minimise waste Houses within 250 metres xx Houses adjacent to site boundary. - - Will the plan ensure that local air quality is not Cumbria NR1 – To improve local air quality and adversely affected by pollution reduce greenhouse gas emissions

- limit the negative impact on people’s health and well Minerals SP5 – To improve the health and well being? being of people Site &

9. European/National sites, species or habitats NR4 – Manage mineral resources minimise adverse impacts on species and habitats W aste Environmental sustainably and minimise waste through human activities and development? Assessments Assets Potential to enhance Development No impact EN1 – To protect and enhance biodiversity -ensure continuity of ecological frameworks such as river corridors, coastal habitats, uplands, woodlands Indirect adverse (site outside designated EN2 – To preserve enhance and manage and scrub to enable free passage of specific habitat area) landscape quality and character for future dependent species?

generations Framework Direct adverse (site directly within - take account of the impacts of climate change on

designated area) biodiversity? Will the option: and Local sites or priority species/habitats

- protect and conserve habitats and species especially Maps Potential to enhance where these may be rare, declining, threatened or 501

indigenous? 4 4 Site 502 Site Description/ Characteristic Score Comment/ Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Cumbria criteria Policies Assessments No impact ensure biodiversity sustainability by enhancing conditions wherever necessary to retain viability of Minerals Requires mitigation/ compensatory the resource? measures - Indirect adverse (site outside designated area) & and Requires compensatory measures for W Direct adverse impact (site directly within aste designated area) Maps Development 10. Visual Site not likely to impact on nationally NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: and designated landscape areas sustainably and minimise waste landscape - protect local landscape quality, distinctiveness and Impact Site likely to adversely impact on nationally designated landscape areas EN2 – To preserve, enhance and manage character protected from unsympathetic

landscape quality and character for future development? Framework generations - maintain the remoteness and tranquility of EN3 – To improve the quality of the built landscapes? environment -

- protect the appearance of world heritage sites, Site designated archaeological sites, historic parks and gardens, battlefields and their settings? Allocations

- protect areas of high archaeological and historic landscape sensitivity?? Policies - factor in anticipated impacts of extreme weather events on landscape character and other valued

assets? Regulation

- conserve features of historic and architectural importance? 27 - promote energy efficiency, the use of locally sourced materials and low impact operation? Consultation

11. Likely to be part of, or aid regeneration Development at this site would provide a NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Economic and/or safeguard jobs small number of jobs sustainably and minimise waste

Potential December Demonstrable adverse impact on inward - stimulate private sector investment – generally and investment EC1 – To retain existing jobs and create within the waste management sector? new employment opportunities - stimulate diversification within the waste EC2 – To improve access to jobs management sector? 2009 Site Description/ Characteristic Score Comment/ Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Site

EC3 – To diversify and strengthen the - stimulate innovation and research relating to Allocations local economy emerging waste management technologies?

12. Not affecting safeguarding No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Safeguarding procedures/zones*** Policies Conflict with safeguarding

procedures/zones Regulation Summary of overall assessment: Small greenfield site which is being considered for employment use in the South Lakeland Local Development Framework. Access may be an issue. Not a preferred site.

KEY The site scores very The site scores x x The site scores very x The site scores ? There is too much 0 The site has no impact 27

positively against the positively against the negatively against the negatively against the uncertainty to score the on this criteria Consultation criteria criteria criteria criteria site against this criteria

4.922 *The main towns are: , Penrith, Workington, , , Barrow-in-Furness December 4.923 **Key Service Centres: Alston, Appleby, Aspatria, Brampton, Cleator Moor, Cockermouth, Dalton-in-Furness, Egremont, Grange over Sands, Kirkby Lonsdale, Kirkby Stephen, Longtown, Maryport, Millom, Milnthorpe, Silloth, Ulverston, Wigton 2009 4.924 ***Safeguarding procedures/zones includes those for airfields, Technical Sites (e.g. navigation beacons/interference), pipelines. - Cumbria Minerals Site & W aste Assessments Development

Framework and


503 4 504 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps

SL 25 Roan Edge landfill, New Hutton

4.925 This site was not identified in the 2007 consultations. It is an inert landfill and recycling site used by the main construction, demolition and excavation waste contractor in the south of the county. An extension to the site was put forward for consideration. The site is well located next to junction 37 of the M6 and its visual and landscape impacts have been recently mitigated. However, it has proved difficult to develop the site in an environmentally acceptable way. It is difficult to see how an extension could be developed satisfactorily in this sensitive location. The recent planning permission to increase the capacity of the site required an amount of quarrying to create a void.

4.926 An extension is not a preferred site.

Environmental assets

4.927 There are a number of County Wildlife Sites (CWS) in the locality - Killington Reservoir CWS is around 650m away; Firbank Fell CWS and Hutton Park Mire CWS are both around 1km; Lambrigg Tarn and Fell CWS is 1.4km; Lily Mere & New Park Mosses CWS is 1.75km; and Brundrigg Moss CWS is 1.9km away. There are two areas of UK priority habitat in the area - calcareous grassland is around 1.45km distance and heathland is 1km. A Special Roadside Verge lies 850m away.

4.928 There are records of brown hares, badgers and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies in the vicinity.

4.929 A bridleway runs to the north and west boundaries of the site.

4.930 There are several areas of open access land within 2km.

Enhancement potential

4.931 Potential for habitat creation/enhancement.

4.932 Archaeological work is not recommended.

Flood map zone

4.933 No identified flood risk.


4.934 The site is within a consultation area for British Waterways for development likely to affect Killington Reservoir, which feeds the Kendal-Lancaster Canal.

Agricultural Land Classification

4.935 Grade 5. Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 505

Site Assessments and Maps 4

Sequential approach

4.936 This is greenfield and not within a Town or Key Service Centre. 506 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE SCORING MATRIX - SL 25 Roan Edge landfill, New Hutton Site Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Allocations criteria Policies 1. Proximity Within 5 miles of the centre of main towns* NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: CS1, to waste sustainably and minimise waste CS7, Policies arisings (by Within 5 - 10 miles from their centres - reduce waste miles by road and promote the GDC1 road) NR1 – To improve local air quality and movement of waste by rail and limit or reduce the Within 5 miles of Key Service Centres** reduce greenhouse gas emissions emission of climate change gases and other air Within 5 – 10 miles Key Service Centres pollutants as a result? Regulation SP5 – To improve the health and well Greater than 10 miles from a town or Key being of people Service Centre 27

2. Access to existing rail facilities NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: CS1 Consultation Accessibility sustainably and minimise waste Access to existing primary road network - improve access to recycling and composting SP2 – To improve access to services, services, where possible within local communities Potential for rail access xx facilities the countryside and open spaces using sustainable transport choices?

Access to proposed primary road network December - reduce waste miles by road and promote the Good local road accessibility movement of waste by rail and limit or reduce the emission of climate change gases and other air pollutants as a result? 2009 -

3. Previously developed land (Brownfield) NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Cumbria Sequential sustainably and minimise waste Greenfield xx approach - include measures to avoid soil degradation and Allocated for waste management or NR3 – To restore and protect land and soil pollution? Minerals employment use and at a town or key service centre - encourage the siting of waste management facilities on brownfield land? Allocated for waste management or xx Site &

employment use but not at a town or key W

service centre - seek to protect good quality agricultural land and aste

Greenfield sites as far as possible? Assessments Development - account will have to be taken of the proportion of brownfield land in the assessment

4. No owner objection ? No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Framework Deliverability

Owner objection exists and 5. Flood Zone 1 or no flood risk NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option:

Risk sustainably and minimise waste Maps 507

Zone 2 4 4 Site 508 Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Cumbria criteria Policies Assessments NR2 – To improve water quality and - alleviate flooding and flood contamination of water Zone 3a resources resources? Minerals Zone 3b (functional floodplain) EN3 – To improve the quality of the built - be in an area at risk from flooding and/or be likely environment to create a higher risk of flooding elsewhere? & and W aste 6. Other land Conflict unlikely with other land use No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria uses Maps Development Conflict likely with other land use 7. Large enough to accommodate more than Only being considered for inert landfill. NR1 - To improve local air quality and - Will the option: Co-location one facility reduce greenhouse gas emissions potential Not large enough to accommodate more - minimise loss of green field sites or areas of open Framework than one facility NR3 – To restore and protect land and soil space

NR4 – Manage mineral resources - Will site location criteria minimise the need for sustainably and minimise waste transport - Site SP5 - To improve the health and sense of

well being of people Allocations

8. Proximity No houses within 250 metres NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: to Housing sustainably and minimise waste

Houses within 250 metres - Will the plan ensure that local air quality is not Policies NR1 – To improve local air quality and adversely affected by pollution reduce greenhouse gas emissions

- limit the negative impact on people’s health and well Regulation SP5 – To improve the health and well being? being of people

9. European/National sites, species or habitats NR4 – Manage mineral resources minimise adverse impacts on species and habitats 27 Environmental sustainably and minimise waste through human activities and development? Consultation Assets Potential to enhance No impact EN1 – To protect and enhance biodiversity -ensure continuity of ecological frameworks such as river corridors, coastal habitats, uplands, woodlands Indirect adverse (site outside designated EN2 – To preserve enhance and manage and scrub to enable free passage of specific habitat area) landscape quality and character for future dependent species? December generations Direct adverse (site directly within - take account of the impacts of climate change on designated area) biodiversity? Will the option: Local sites or priority species/habitats 2009 - protect and conserve habitats and species especially Potential to enhance where these may be rare, declining, threatened or indigenous? Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Site

No impact ensure biodiversity sustainability by enhancing Allocations conditions wherever necessary to retain viability of Requires mitigation/ compensatory x Mitigation to prevent impact on Killington the resource? measures - Indirect adverse (site outside Reservoir County Wildlife Site through designated area) watercourse pathways. Policies Requires compensatory measures for Direct adverse impact (site directly within designated area) Regulation 10. Visual Site not likely to impact on nationally Natural is considering extensions NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: and designated landscape areas to the National Parks and AONBs in this sustainably and minimise waste landscape area. - protect local landscape quality, distinctiveness and Impact Site likely to adversely impact on nationally EN2 – To preserve, enhance and manage character protected from unsympathetic 27

designated landscape areas landscape quality and character for future development? Consultation generations - maintain the remoteness and tranquility of EN3 – To improve the quality of the built landscapes? environment

- protect the appearance of world heritage sites, December designated archaeological sites, historic parks and gardens, battlefields and their settings?

- protect areas of high archaeological and historic 2009 landscape sensitivity?? - Cumbria - factor in anticipated impacts of extreme weather events on landscape character and other valued assets? Minerals - conserve features of historic and architectural importance? Site &

- promote energy efficiency, the use of locally sourced W materials and low impact operation? aste Assessments Development 11. Likely to be part of, or aid regeneration Existing site is used by important local NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Economic and/or safeguard jobs contractor. sustainably and minimise waste Potential Demonstrable adverse impact on inward - stimulate private sector investment – generally and investment EC1 – To retain existing jobs and create within the waste management sector? new employment opportunities Framework

- stimulate diversification within the waste and

EC2 – To improve access to jobs management sector?


EC3 – To diversify and strengthen the - stimulate innovation and research relating to 509

local economy emerging waste management technologies? 4 4 Site 510 Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Cumbria criteria Policies Assessments

12. Not affecting safeguarding No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Safeguarding procedures/zones*** Minerals Conflict with safeguarding procedures/zones & and Summary of overall assessment: A site which is well located for motorway access. This is a very prominent site and it has proved difficult to contain the visual impact of existing operations. W aste Maps Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 511

Site Assessments and Maps 4

SL 26 Near Junction 36 of M6 motorway

4.937 This site was suggested as a transfer/bulking station, but no area was identified. 512 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps

M 16 Holmescales Quarry, Old Hutton, Kendal

4.938 A proposed extension to this quarry was put forward. It produces high skid resistance roadstone for a regional market. Although its planning permission does not expire until 2042, the current permitted reserve of 770,000 tonnes will become exhausted around 2014, if worked at the maximum permitted annual output. The nearest alternative sources of similar high specification aggregate are at Roan Edge and in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The site is within a proposed Minerals Safeguarding Area.

4.939 This quarry has serious accessibility problems for which there are no obvious answers. A recent appeal was dismissed on these grounds. It is not a proposed Area of Search.

Environmental assets

4.940 Cocklet Wood Ancient Woodland, which is also semi-natural woodland UK priority habitat, lies 825m away; Birkrigg Park Wood County Wildlife Site, which is also Ancient Woodland and UK priority habitat, lies 1.3km away; and Blease Hall Wood CWS is 1.7km. Holmescales Quarry is a Regionally Important Geomorpholgical Site.

Enhancement potential

4.941 Potential for habitat creation/enhancement.

4.942 Archaeological work is not recommended.

Flood map zone

4.943 No identified flood risk.


4.944 No safeguarding issues identified.

Agricultural Land Classification

4.945 Grade 4. Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 513

Site Assessments and Maps 4 4 Site 514 WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE SCORING MATRIX - M16 Holmescales Quarry, Old Hutton, Kendal Cumbria Assessments Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Minerals 1. Access to existing rail facilities NR4 – To manage mineral resources Will the option CS1 Accessibility sustainably and minimise waste Access to existing primary road network xx

- minimise the need for the transport of minerals and & and Potential for rail access xx SP5 - To improve the health and sense of aggregates? W well being of people aste Access to proposed primary road network Maps Development Good local road accessibility 2. No owner objection No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Deliverability Owner objection exists Framework 3. Flood Zone 1 or no flood risk NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: See Risk sustainably and minimise waste GDC Zone 2 - alleviate flooding and flood contamination of water policy NR2 – To protect and improve water resources? 13 – Zone 3a Flood - quality and resources Site Risk Zone 3b (functional floodplain) - be in an area at risk from flooding and/or be likely EN3 – To improve the quality of the built to create a higher risk of flooding elsewhere? Allocations environment

4. Other land Conflict unlikely with other land use No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Policies uses Conflict likely with other land use

Not large enough to accommodate more Regulation than one facility 5. Proximity No houses within 250 metres NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: to Housing sustainably and minimise waste

Houses within 250 metres x One property (Robinson Rock) 27 - ensure that local air quality is not adversely affected NR1 – To improve local air quality and by pollution? Consultation reduce greenhouse gas emissions - limit the negative impact on people’s health and well SP5 – To improve the health and well being? being of people December

6. European/National sites, species or habitats EN1 – To protect and enhance biodiversity Will the option: Environmental Potential to enhance Assets EN2 – To preserve enhance and manage - protect and conserve habitats and species especially 2009 No impact But there is an important Great Crested landscape quality and character for future where these may be rare, declining, threatened or Newt habitat adjacent to existing quarry. generations indigenous? Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Site

Indirect adverse (site outside designated ensure biodiversity sustainability by enhancing Allocations area) conditions wherever necessary to retain viability of the resource? Direct adverse (site directly within designated area)

minimise adverse impacts on species and habitats Policies Local site or for biodiversity priority species/habitat through human activities and development? Potential to enhance

-ensure continuity of ecological frameworks such as Regulation No impact RIGS in existing quarry river corridors, coastal habitats, uplands, woodlands and scrub to enable free passage of specific habitat Requires mitigation/ compensatory dependent species? measures - Indirect adverse (site outside designated area - take account of the impacts of climate change on 27 biodiversity? Consultation Requires mitigation/compensatory measures for Direct adverse impact (site directly within designated area) 7. Visual and Site not likely to impact on nationally NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: landscape designated landscape areas – Heritage sustainably and minimise waste December Impact Coasts, Areas of Outstanding Natural - protect local landscape quality, distinctiveness and Beauty and National Parks EN2 – To preserve, enhance and manage character protected from unsympathetic Site likely to adversely impact on nationally landscape quality and character for future development? 2009 designated landscape areas generations - maintain the remoteness and tranquility of -

EN3 – To improve the quality of the built landscapes? Cumbria environment - protect the appearance of world heritage sites, designated archaeological sites, historic parks and Minerals gardens, battlefields and their settings?

- protect areas of high archaeological and historic Site landscape sensitivity?? & W aste

- factor in anticipated impacts of extreme weather Assessments

events on landscape character and other valued Development assets?

- conserve features of historic and architectural importance?


- promote energy efficiency, the use of locally sourced and

materials and low impact operation? Maps

515 4 4 Site 516 Site Description/Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Cumbria criteria Policies Assessments 8. Economic Likely to be part of, or aid regeneration Continued supply of aggregates to the NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Potential and/or safeguard jobs regional economy and safeguarding direct sustainably and minimise waste Minerals jobs. - stimulate private sector investment – generally and Demonstrable adverse impact on inward EC1 – To retain existing jobs and create within the waste management sector? investment new employment opportunities &

- stimulate economic diversification? and W

EC2 – To improve access to jobs aste - stimulate innovation and research? Maps EC3 – To diversify and strengthen the Development local economy

9. Not affecting safeguarding No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Safeguarding procedures/zones* Framework Conflict with safeguarding procedures/zones Summary of overall assessment: An important source of high specification roadstone, but with inadequate access - appeal recently dismissed on those grounds. No viable alternative access has been identified. Site -

is within a preferred Minerals Safeguarding Area. Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 517

Site Assessments and Maps 4

M21 Baycliff Haggs Quarry, Baycliff, Ulverston

4.946 There is no doubt about the importance of this and the Kirkby slate quarries, they are an integral part of the operations of what is probably Cumbria’s largest mineral operator, in terms of employment. Baycliff Haggs is within a Limestone Pavement Order and I consider that the issues of a small extension need to be addressed through the planning application process. It is not, therefore, proposed as a preferred site.

Summary of comments during the September/October 2009 consultation stage

4.947 Provision of Preferred Areas to extend Baycliff Haggs building stone and Kirkby slate quarries have been requested.

Environmental assets

4.948 Scales & Baycliff Haggs County Wildlife Site, which is also subject to a Limestone Pavement Order, falls within part of the site; Morecambe Bay SAC, SPA, Ramsar and SSSI all lie 1km away; Birkrigg Common Limestone Karst Regionally Important Geomorphological Site is 1.2km; Birkrigg Common CWS is 1.3km; Sea Wood Ancient Woodland, which is also semi-natural woodland UK priority habitat, is 1.4km; Mere Tarn CWS is 1.5km; Wellhouse Wood CWS is 1.7km; and Urswick Site CWS is 1.8km away.

Enhancement potential

4.949 Potential for habitat creation/enhancement.

4.950 There are archaeological remains in the vicinity - mitigation may be required.

Flood map zone

4.951 No identified flood risk.


4.952 No safeguarding issues identified.

Agricultural Land Classification

4.953 Grade 5. 518 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE CORING MATRIX - M21 Baycliff Haggs Quarry, Baycliff, Ulverston Site Site Description Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Allocations criteria Policies 1. Access to existing rail facilities NR4 – To manage mineral resources Will the option CS1 Accessibility sustainably and minimise waste

Access to existing primary road network Policies - minimise the need for the transport of minerals and SP5 - To improve the health and sense of aggregates? Potential for rail access xx well being of people Access to proposed primary road network Regulation Good local road accessibility 2. No owner objection No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Deliverability 27

Owner objection exists Consultation 3. Flood Zone 1 or no flood risk NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: See Risk sustainably and minimise waste GDC Zone 2 - alleviate flooding and flood contamination of water policy 13 –

NR2 – To protect and improve water resources? December Zone 3a quality and resources Flood Risk Zone 3b (functional floodplain) - be in an area at risk from flooding and/or be likely EN3 – To improve the quality of the built to create a higher risk of flooding elsewhere?

environment 2009 -

4. Other land Conflict unlikely with other land use No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA crieria Cumbria uses Conflict likely with other land use

Not large enough to accommodate more Minerals than one facility 5. Proximity No houses within 250 metres NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Site to Housing sustainably and minimise waste & W

Houses within 250 metres - ensure that local air quality is not adversely affected aste

NR1 – To improve local air quality and by pollution? Assessments

reduce greenhouse gas emissions Development - limit the negative impact on people’s health and well SP5 – To improve the health and well being? being of people Framework 6. European/National sites, species or habitats EN1 – To protect and enhance biodiversity Will the option:

Environmental and Potential to enhance

Assets EN2 – To preserve enhance and manage - protect and conserve habitats and species especially No impact landscape quality and character for future where these may be rare, declining, threatened or Maps generations indigenous?

519 4 4 Site 520 Site Description Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF Cumbria criteria Policies Assessments Indirect adverse (site outside designated ensure biodiversity sustainability by enhancing area) conditions wherever necessary to retain viability of Minerals the resource? Direct adverse (site directly within xx Limestone Pavement Order designated area) minimise adverse impacts on species and habitats Local site or for biodiversity priority species/habitat through human activities and development? & and W

Potential to enhance aste -ensure continuity of ecological frameworks such as Maps No impact river corridors, coastal habitats, uplands, woodlands Development and scrub to enable free passage of specific habitat Requires mitigation/ compensatory dependent species? measures - Indirect adverse (site outside designated area) - take account of the impacts of climate change on

biodiversity? Framework Requires mitigation/compensatory measures for Direct adverse impact (site directly within designated area) 7. Visual and Site not likely to impact on nationally NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: - landscape designated landscape areas – Heritage sustainably and minimise waste Site Impact Coasts, Areas of Outstanding Natural - protect local landscape quality, distinctiveness and Beauty and National Parks EN2 – To preserve, enhance and manage character protected from unsympathetic Allocations Site likely to adversely impact on nationally landscape quality and character for future development? designated landscape areas generations - maintain the remoteness and tranquility of

EN3 – To improve the quality of the built landscapes? Policies environment - protect the appearance of world heritage sites,

designated archaeological sites, historic parks and Regulation gardens, battlefields and their settings?

- protect areas of high archaeological and historic landscape sensitivity?? 27 Consultation - factor in anticipated impacts of extreme weather events on landscape character and other valued assets?

- conserve features of historic and architectural December importance?

- promote energy efficiency, the use of locally sourced materials and low impact operation? 2009

8. Economic Likely to be part of, or aid regeneration Part of a major operation supplying slate NR4 – Manage mineral resources Will the option: Potential and/or safeguard jobs and building stones. sustainably and minimise waste Site Description Characteristic Score Comment/Explanation/ Issues Relevant SA Objectives SA Criteria Relevant selection MWDF criteria Policies Site

Demonstrable adverse impact on inward EC1 – To retain existing jobs and create - stimulate private sector investment – generally and Allocations investment new employment opportunities within the waste management sector?

EC2 – To improve access to jobs - stimulate economic diversification? Policies EC3 – To diversify and strengthen the - stimulate innovation and research? local economy Regulation

9. Not affecting safeguarding No directly related SA objectives No directly related SA criteria Safeguarding procedures/zones*

Conflict with safeguarding 27 procedures/zones Consultation Summary of overall assessment: A small quarry, but part of a much larger operation, which is an important local employer. Site is within a Limestone Pavement Order. Issues need to be addressed through planning application process, not the development plan. December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals Site & W aste Assessments Development

Framework and


521 4 522 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps

M 25 Stainton Quarry, Stainton with Adgarley.

4.954 Existing quarry producing high purity limestone and aggregates, with a life beyond the plan period. No need to be included as a preferred option, no assessment matrix has been included.

Summary of comments from previous consultation stage

4.955 Although the planning permission does not expire until 2042, this is subject to periodic reviews and an application for the determination of new conditions is expected to be submitted, with an environmental statement, before the end of 2009. It is suggested that the quarry is included as a Preferred Area, at least until the forthcoming application is determined.

Environmental assets

4.956 Stainton Quarry and Bolton Heads Pavement County Wildlife Site falls partially within the site. Little Urswick Crags, Stone Walls Wood and Boxer Wood Ancient Woodland lies 675m away. Bolton Heads and Stainton Quarry Limestone Pavement Order falls partially within the site. UK priority habitat - calcareous grassland - lies 675m away.

4.957 Dalton Conservation Area lies 1.2km from the site.

4.958 National Cycle Route 72 runs adjacent to part of the NW boundary of the site. A bridleway runs through the site and a public footpath runs through the north of the site.

Enhancement potential

4.959 Potential within a restoration scheme.

Flood map zone

4.960 No flood risk identified.


4.961 No safeguarding issues identified.

Agricultural land classification

4.962 Part grade 3, part grade 5. Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009 - Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework 523

Site Assessments and Maps 4 524 Cumbria Minerals & Waste Development Framework - Site Allocations Policies Regulation 27 Consultation December 2009

4 Site Assessments and Maps


SITE COMMENTS SL 2 Station Yard, Milnthorpe Not compatible with owners intentions and shortage of employment land in the area SL 4 Millness, Crooklands Mistakenly thought to be unused land SL 11 Low Mill Tannery, Ulverston Committed to other development SL 12 Moor Lane, Flookborough Highway/pedestrian safety and impact on tourism and other adjacent uses SL 19 Grisleymires Lane, Milnthorpe Already committed to other development SL 23 Whinfield Farm, Lindal in Furness No specific boundaries given