MASS INTENTIONS Reflection Immaculate Conception Church Palmer Rd CWL Christmas Potluck, Thursday, Dec Monday: 02/12 11:30 a.m. The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The 5 at 5:30 p.m. for all members. Please remember to Palmer Road Gordon Gallant by Cora & family focus of the entire season is the celebration of the bring non-perishable food items for parish Christmas Tuesday: 03/12 9:00 a.m. Our Lady of Assumption Mission birth of Jesus Christ. Advent also symbolizes the hampers. Stephen MacDonald by George & Velda spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as Thursday: 05/12 7:00 p.m. Miminegash they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present Gluten free hosts: Gluten free hosts are now Gabriel Chaisson by Mom available for communion. Please speak to Fr Arthur in the world today, and that He will come again in Friday: 06/12 7:00 p.m. or leave a message if you require these. power. Confession from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. Bulletin from December 1 to 8, First Sunday of Advent: Jesus wants us to be ready, St. Mark's Lot 7 Annual Christmas Ceilidh Sunday, Alice Doucette by Joe Perry 2013 but leaves to us how we prepare ourselves for his Dec 1 at 7:30 p.m. featuring Sandra Jones and Second coming. family, Dwayne Doiron, Brian and Karlee Doiron, Dale Administrator: Rev. Arthur Sequeira 2nd Sunday of Advent Email:
[email protected] Second Sunday of Advent: We need to live our and Lorne Howard, Shirlene O'Brien, Rebecca King, Tyler Website: baptismal faith and help to build a community of Gallant and many more.