
internal displacement

UpdateIssue 25: 7 – 20 September 2017

Any boundaries, names or other designations shown on the above map do not imply IDMC’s official endorsement or acceptance of them.

Feature Context The entire population of Barbuda, about 1,400 people, evacu- Antigua and Barbuda ated to Antigua Island between 7 and 8 September after Hurri- cane Irma made landfall on 6 September destroying almost all Affected Barbuda buildings on the island (CDEMA, 10 Sept 2017). Evacuations areas were carried out amid fears that the island would be hit by a second hurricane. While Hurricane José eventually veered off Disaster Cause of path, the damage wrought by Irma alone has left the island displacement “almost uninhabitable,” according to the Prime Minister (BBC Figures About 1,400 new displacements News, 8 Sept 2017; CNN, 11 Sept 2017). between 7 and 8 September East Asia and Pacific Latin America and Caribbean

Philippines Cuba

Affected , Central , Affected Country-wide areas Davao, National Capital regions areas Cause of Disaster Cause of Disaster displacement displacement Figures As many as 42,000 new Figures As many as 1.7 million new displacements between 11 and displacements between 8 and 16 September 2017 17 September Context Context

As many as 41,000 people were displaced across Central As many as 1.7 million people were forced to evacuate as Luzon, Calabarzon and the National Capital Region between a consequence of that made landfall on 8 11 and 16 September due to heavy rain and flooding from September, bringing strong winds and flooding that caused Typhoon Doksuri (DROMIC, 16 Sept 2017). An additional 700 widespread damage to thirteen of Cuba’s sixteen provinces. people were evacuated in Davao City on Mindanao island The province of Villa Clara had more than 200,000 evacuees, between 11 and 12 September due to flooding caused by the highest recorded number. Of the total number of people heavy rains (Rappler, 12 Sept 2017). forced to leave their homes, about 200,000 sought refuge in evacuation centres on 11 September, the rest staying with neighbours or relatives (UN Resident Coordinator, 12 Sept 2017). Hurricane Irma caused the collapse of about 16,500 houses, 13,000 of which are in the province of Camagüey, where Irma Affected Ha Tinh, Nghe An, Quang made first landfall UN( Resident Coordinator, 17 Sept 2017). areas Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Tien Hue provinces Cause of Disaster displacement Affected Chiapas, Oxaca, and As many as 117,000 new Figures areas states displacements between 15 and 16 September Cause of Disaster displacement Context Figures As many as 96,000 new As many as 117,000 people were evacuated after Typhoon displacements between 7 and Doksuri hit provinces in the central region bringing floods and 19 September heavy winds on 15 September (VGP News, 16 Sept 2017). This Context included the evacuations of about 44,000 people in Ha Tinh province, 34,000 people in Quang Binh province, 20,000 More than 88,000 people were displaced between 7 and 13 people in Quang Tri province, 18,000 in Nghe An province September following the destruction of their homes by a magni- and 1,400 in Thua Thien Hue province (Floodlist, 15 Sept tude 8.1 earthquake that shook the southern coastal states of 2017). The typhoon wreaked widespread housing damage Chiapas and on 7 September. Those rendered homeless and inundated thousands of hectares of fields and other sought shelter across official relief centres, in hostels or with agricultural land (Vietnam News, 19 Sept 2017). host families (UN, 13 Sept 2017). More than 400 people were evacuated in the the states of Veracruz and Puebla after Hurricane Katia made landfall on 8 September, bringing severe rains, winds, flooding and landslides (Floodlist, 11 Sept 2017; UN, 13 Sept 2017). More than 7,500 people were displaced when a second earthquake struck central and southern Mexico on 19 September causing buildings and bridges to collapse in Mexico, Puebla and states (Voice of America, 24 Sept 2017). This included more than 3,000 people whose homes were destroyed in Mexico state alone (Excelsior, 25 Sept 2017). The government had set up 129 evacuation shelters across the three affected states as of 20 September, however the total number of people displaced by the quake will not be known until a later period (IFRC, 20 Sept 2017; CNN, 20 Sept 2017; Secretaria de Gobernacion, 20 Sept 2017; Secretaria de Gobernacion, 22 Sept 2017). 2 North America Sub-Saharan Africa Central African Republic United States Affected Basse-Kotto, Haut-Kotto Affected Alabama, Florida, Georgia, areas prefectures Mississippi, North Carolina, areas Conflict South Carolina and Tennessee Cause of displacement Cause of Disaster About 15,000 new displacement Figures displacements between 4 and Figures More than 222,000 new 10 September; more than displacements between 4 and 17,000 secondary displacements 13 September between 4 and 19 September Context Context

More than 222,000 people were evacuated between 4 and 13 More than 32,000 people were displaced by violence in Basse- September as Hurricane Irma approached and made landfall Kotto prefecture between 4 and 19 September as clashes on 10 September battering south-eastern states with strong between armed groups intensified, triggering two large waves winds, heavy rain and tidal surges. Most evacuations were in of population movement. The first involved a group of about Florida, where about 192,000 were moved to shelters, with 15,000 people, mostly women and children, who fled clashes smaller numbers housed in evacuation centres in Georgia, in Mingala towards Mbopouloubou (OCHA, 10 Sept 2017). The Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina and second wave entailed about 16,000 IDPs who were second- Mississippi (FEMA, 11 Sept 2017; FEMA, 12 Sept 2017; FEMA, arily uprooted by fighting in the south of the prefecture and 13 Sept 2017). While about 6.3 million Floridians and 540,000 fled towards the neighbouring Ouaka prefecture OCHA( , 19 Georgians were issued evacuation orders, both mandatory and Sept 2017). Towns and villages in Basse-Kotto have been voluntary, the exact numbers of people who left their homes almost emptied since the prefecture exploded into conflict in these states is difficult to verify outside of those who sought earlier this year with the arrival of militia from the Union refuge in evacuation shelters (The Boston Globe, 9 Sept 2017; for Peace in the Central African Republic in Alindao town. The Chicago Tribune, 10 Sept 2017; Reuters, 7 Sept 2017). Civilians have borne the brunt of the violence fleeing into the In South Carolina, however, it is known that about 22,000 bush, church compounds and other ad hoc displacement sites sought refuge outside of shelters (South Carolina Emergency to seek refuge from brutal attacks, including mass rape and Management Division, phone correspondence, 19 Sept 2017). torture (Amnesty International, 8 Sept 2017). About 1,000 people were secondarily displaced following severe fighting between 7 and 8 September in the Bornou South Asia district of Bria in Haut-Kotto province. This number is believed to be only a tiny fraction of a much larger group of people Afghanistan forced to flee clashes that spread across three of the town’s districts. Despite a cessation of hostilities, ongoing tensions Affected Kandahar, Kapisa, Kunar, between the belligerents means the security situation in Bria areas Kunduz, Nangarhar, Nuristan, remains unpredictable (OCHA, 10 Sept 2017). Paktya, Uruzgan provinces Cause of Conflict displacement Figures About 30,500 new displacements between 11 and 17 September Context

About 30,500 people were newly displaced by conflict between 11 and 17 September. Of those displaced, as many as 21,000 people fled districts in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Uruzgan, while the remaining 9,500 fled conflict or intimidation from non-state armed groups across the provinces of Kapisa, Kunduz, Kunar, Nangarhar, Nuristan and Paktya (OCHA, 17 Sept 2017). Despite the volatile security situation, more than 18,000 Afghans returned from Iran, and about 1,300 from Pakistan between 10 and 16 September (IOM, 16 Sept 2017).

3 Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia

Affected Haut-Katanga, Kasaï, North Kivu Affected Oromia, Somali regions areas areas Cause of Conflict Cause of Conflict displacement displacement Figures As many as 48,000 new Figures More than 55,000 new displacements; about 45,000 displacements between 11 and returns between August and 11 17 September September Context Context About 55,000 people, mainly ethnic Oromos, were displaced As many as 20,000 people were displaced from villages in from the Somali region to Oromia and Harari due to clashes Pweto Territory, Haut-Katanga, between late August and between 11 and 17 September along the southern division 13 September due to flares in inter-communal violence. By between the Oromia and Somali regions. Tens of thousands 13 September, 98 per cent of villages in the area had been of ethnic Somalis were also reportedly displaced within the emptied (OCHA, 13 Sept 2017). Somali region due to clashes at the border (NRC, email on file As many as 10,000 people fled Alimbongo towards neigh- with IDMC; VOA, 17 Sept 2017). bouring villages in Lubero territory, North-Kivu, between the After almost two decades of dispute between Ethio- end of August and 11 September owing to clashes between pia’s largest regions over the delineation of their common government armed forces and Mayi-Mayi militia. An addi- boundary, violence was renewed in April after the Ethiopian tional 17,500 people arrived in Hombo in Walilake Territory government moved to rearrange the borderline as per the from early August to 7 September, having fled confronta- 2004 referendum outcome. This announcement, combined tions between various factions of the militia and government with a flare in ethnic clashes between Oromo and Ethio- forces around Walowa Loanda villages in Lubero territory pian Somalis over scarce water and land resources related to (OCHA, 11 Sept 2017). Large numbers of new displacements drought, resulted in levels of violence not seen since the 2005 in Lubero territory, North-Kivu, follow an intensification of post-referendum period (Global Voices, 18 Sept 2017; VOA, clashes between militia and government forces in the area 17 Sept 2017; Horn Affairs, 16 Sept 2017; NRC, 18 Sept 2017). since early August. In Kasaï province, amid a slight improvement of the security situation, more than 45,000 people returned to Mayi Munene, Masangu Nayi et Lungudi villages by 1 September, having fled earlier bouts of violence that left significant destruction from burning and looting of the area (OCHA, 8 Sept 2017).

Disclaimer The terminology, names and designations used in this update and the material in links do not imply any opinion on the part of IDMC. Displacement figures reported here are indicative only and have been rounded to the nearest 10 (if the total is less than 999), 100 (if the total is less than 10,000) or 1,000 (if the figure is 10,000 or larger). The IDU gives priority to displacement flows that occurred or were reported in stated period. However, due to reliance on third party sources, certain entries may include information that refers to an earlier reporting period. For IDMC-validated and peer-re- viewed figures, read our Global Report on Internal Displacement.

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