Voi.. XXVII. , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2o, 1899. NUMBER 8,069.

It will be necessary to entirely rebuild the sewer and foundation between Manholes No. ; and 4, and strengthen the arch from Manhole No.3, south, to the line of former Wetmore avenue. It is my judgment that the failure of this sewer was caused by the excessive filling-in on the mud flats east of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, which started a " mud wave '' towards the sewer, and lifted it from its foundation and carried it over to the westward, causing it to crush and break to pieces. There was no filling on the west side of the sewer. This street should have been graded years ago, as a protection to this important outlet sewer, and I urge the importance of doing it, immediately after these repairs have been completed. ~•~.~ I, 19 i { it The following is an approximate estimate of the quantities required for repairing and strengthening this sewer : 620 cubic yards brickwork in Portland cement. 20 cubic yards vitrified brickwork in Portland cement. t6o cubic yards concrete in Portland cement. 500 cubic yards rubble masonry in Portland cement. 200 cubic yards broken stone for foundation. 20 Spurs. t,5oo lineal feet piles with oak caps. 55,000 B. M. lumber for foundations. 2,215 cubic yards excavation (approximate). BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. 2,700 cubic yards embankment (approximate). Embankment to be 20 feet wide on top, slopes I to I, and protected with rip-rap. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, I recommend that a special appropriation be asked for of $[5,000 to make these repairs and MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, I(i protect this sewer from further damage, as it has already been assessed upon the property n ith FRIDAY, November io, 1899. the '' drainage area." I also urge the necessity of grading this street immediately upn the The Board met in pursuance of the following call completion of the repairs, and that the greatest care be taken, placing the filling deeply on both OFF[CE OF THE MAYORALTY, fff sides of the sewer, as the grading progresses. E' FCUTIVE DEPARTMENT-CITY HALL, Respectfully, NEW YORK, November 8, i8gg. (Signed) HENRY H. FARNUM, Chief Engineer of' Sewers. In pursuance of the authority contained in section a66, chapter 378 of the Laws of r8gy, a meeting is hereby called of the Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and President of the Depart- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, ) ment of axes and Assessments, consti uting a Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to be held at the office of the Mayer on Friday, November to, 1899, at r1.30 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of transacting such business as November I, 1899. may be brought before the Board. Zion. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. ROBT. A. VAN WYCK, Mayor. SIR-Hon. James Kane, Commissioner of Sewers, in communication October 12, 1899, to the INDORSED : Board of Estimate and Apportionment, submits copy of communication from the Deputy Coln ui-- Admission of a copy of the within as served upon us this 8th day of November, r8gg. sioner of Sewers, Borough of The Bronx, transmitting report of the Chief Engineer of the sonic ROBT. A. VAN WYCK, Department, calling attention to the condition of the outlet to sewer in East One Hundred and Mayor; BIRD S. COLER, Forty-ninth street, between Long Island Sound and the Boulevard. Comptroller; The Commissioner indorses the recommendations of the Deputy Commis,ioner and Chief JOHN WHALEN, Engineer of Sewers, Borough of The Bronx, and therefore requests that the sum of $15,000 be Corporation Counsel appropriated to enable the Department to make the repairs called for. RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIM ER, President of the Council, The communications referred to, particularly the report of Mr. Farnum, the Chief Engineer of THOS. L. FE1T.ER, Sewers, gives in detail the facts connected with the failure of this sewer. After close examination President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments, Mr. Farnum says : "The sewer shows evidence of having been lifted from its foundation and Present-Robert A. Van W,vck, the Mayor ; Bird S. Coler, the Comptroller ; John Whalen, forced over several inches to the westward, between Manholes 3 and 4, where about 6o feet of the the Corporation Counsel ; Randolph Guggenheimer, the President of the Council ; Thomas L. arch has ta'aen in, and both the invert and the remaining portions of the arch, between the sail Fei:tter, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments. manholes, are badly cracked and misshapen. North of Manhole 4 the sewer is in good condition, but from Manhole 3, south, there is a crack in the crown of the arch ; this crack has not been The Comptroller moved that the minutes of the meetings held October 5, 6, 9, to, I I, 12, serious enough to cause any change in the shape of the interior, or intrados, of the arch, but it 13, 16, 17, t8 and 30, 1899, be approved as printed. will require to be straightened, however, for the whole distance, particularly as the grade of East Which was adopted by the following vote : One Hundred and Forty-ninth street has been raised very much for an overhead crossing over the Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. i1 It will be necessary to entirely rebuild the sewer and foundations between Manholes 3 and 4, and strengthen the arch from Manhole 3, south, to the line of former Wetmore avenue." 1 he Comptroller presented the following : Mr. Farnum gives, as the cause of failure of this sewer, the excessive filling-in on the murl DEPARTMENT OF SEWERS-BOROUGH OF , flats east of East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, which started a " mud wave " toward the COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NOS. 265 AND 267 BROADWAY, sewer, and lifted it from its foundation, carrying it to the westward, and causing it to crush and NEW YORK, October 52, 1899. break to pieces. Ills estimate of the quantities required for repairing and strengthening the sewer is as Board of Estivate and Apportionment, Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Chairman: follows: DEAR SIR-I beg leave to submit to you copy of communication from the Deputy Commis- 620 cubic yards brick work in Portland cement. sioner of Sewers, Borough of The Bronx, transmitting report of the Chief Engineer of the same 20 cubic yards vitrified brick in Portland cement. Department, calling my attention to the condition of the outlet to sewer in East One Hundred and 160 cubic yards concrete in Portland cement. Forty-ninth street, between Long Island Sound and the Boulevard. 500 cubic yards rubble masonry in Portland cement. I indorse the recommendation of the Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer of Sewers, 200 cubic yards broken stone for foundation. Borough of The Bronx. I would therefore request that the sum of fifteen thousand ($15,000) 20 spurs. dollars be appropriated to enable this Department to make the repairs called for. 1,500 linear feet piles with oak caps. I am, yours respectfully, 15,000 feet, B. M., lumber for foundations. JAMES KANE, Commissioner of Sewers. 2,215 cubic yards excavation (approximate). DEPARTMENT OF SEWERS-BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, 2,700 cubic yards embankment (approximate). NEW YORK, October 6, 1899. Embankment to be 20 feet wide on top, slopes I to I, and protected with rip-rap. I have had the sewer examined by Inspector Culver, of this Department, and his report, Hon. JAMES KANE, Commissioner of Sewers, City of New York: herewith, shows its condition to be as represented by Mr. Farnum. DEAR SIR-Early in the month of July, 1899, it was discovered that the outlet sewer in The sewer is a large one, being in dimensions 6 feet by 6 feet io inches. It is a very im- East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, between Long Island Sound and Southern Boulevard, portant one, draining a very large area. It is generally known as the 11 Bungay " sewer. hal been seriously damaged by reason of excessive filling-in on mud flats east of East One Hun- The estimate of quantities submitted by Mr. Farnum is carefully made, and as accurate as dred and Forty-ninth street, which filling-in started a " mud wave " toward the sewer and lifted can be expected in advance. The appropriation asked for, $15,000, will be all required to it from its foundation and carried it over to the westward, causing part of it to crush and break to perform the work. pieces. This sewer is built-through a swamp and for a considerable time material has been filled There can be no question that the repairs should be made at as early a date as practicable, • In the swamp upon the east of the sewer. and I respectfully recommend that the appropriation of $t5,000 be made for the purpose, as A great part of the material mentioned was filled in on private property adjoining the sewer, requested by the Commissioner. and over the matter of filling-in this Department has no jurisdiction. It now becomes necessary Respectfully, to entirely rebuild the sewer and the foundation thereof between Manholes Nos. 3 and 4, and to EUG. E. MCLEAN, Engineer. strengthen the arch of the sewer from the line of Manhole No. 3, south, to the line of Wetmore DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, avenue. I inclose herewith copy of a report of Mr. Henry H. Farnum, Chief Engineer of this Depart- October 30, 189?, ment, in the matter, which report shows an approximate estimate of the quantities required for EUGENE E. MCLEAN, Esq., Engineer, Finance Department: the repairing and strengthening of the sewer. SIR-In tht matter of the request of Hon. James Kane, Commissioner of Sewers, for the I respectfully recommend that the special appropriation mentioned in the said report of the appropriation of $15,000 for repairs to sewer in East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, between Chief Engineer, viz., the sum of $15,000, be asked for from the Board of Estimate and Appor- Long Island Sound and Southern Boulevard, I would report that I have examined the sewer and tionment, so that the necessary repairs may be made. This appropriation should be made at the find, as stated in Engineer Farnum's report, which is herewith returned, that the sewer has broken earliest possible moment, as the portion of the sewer which is to be repaired is open, and the down between Manholes No. 3 and No. 4 ; that about fifty (5o) feet of the arch has been removed sewage matter therein is very offensive. In this connection, I would urge the necessity of grading and the earth stripped from the top of it for a considerable distance, further showing it to be the street immediately upon completion of repairs, and that the Department of Highways be badly flattened and out of shape. requested to take such steps as will complete the grading of the street so that the sewer when Water and sewage are now flowing through the sewer and it is not practicable to examine rebuilt may be properly protected. more than the part which has been opened. In this, however, large cracks appear in the bottont, Respectfully, and these have every indication of extending, as stated by the Enginer, from Manhole No. 3 to (Signed) THOS. J. BYRNE, No. 4. Deputy Commissioner of Sewers, Borough of The Bronx. From Manhole No. 3 to Wetmore avenue it is proposed to strengthen the crown of the arch, which is now 16 inches and I2 inches thick, by making it a uniform thickness of 24 ill lies NEW YORK, October 6, 1899. throughout ; this is made necessary in consequence of a change of grade in the street, whereby the Hon. THOMAS J. BYRNE, Deputy Commissioner of Sewers, Borough of The Bronx: filling will be increased some twelve (12) or fifteen (15) feet, thus increasing the load the sewer SIR-In reply to your communication of July II, 1899, also one of October 2, 1899, relative will have to carry. The distance requiring to be strengthened is boo feet, in which about 300 to the damaged condition of the outlet sewer in East One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, cubic yards of brickwork will be used. between " Long Island Sound and Southern Boulevard," I report as follows : The portion of sewer broken down and requiring to be rebuilt between Manholes No. 3 and I learned of the failure of this sewer early in July, 1899 ; the sewer was visited daily while No. 4 is 208 feet in length and will also require about 300 cubic yards of brickwork, the Engineer's the break was being uncovered, showing the arch to have fallen in, but owing to the large amount estimate being 620 cubic yards for the entire work. The piling, lumber and rubble masonry of sewage flowing in the sewer, it was impracticable to make a thorough examination to deter- described in Engineer Farnutn's report are necessary and will be used between Manholes No. 3 mine the amount of damage done at this time, or until the sewage could be diverted. A side and No. 4. cut was made at Manhole No, 4 and the sewage carried around the break in a large wooden box, As to the cause of the damage to the sewer, I am of the opinion that it is due to the large to make a careful examination possible. This was accomplished about September 20. The sewer quantity of filling which was placed to the eastward of it, which forced it over, eventually shows evidence of having been lifted from its foundation and forced over several inches to the breaking it down. westward, between Manholes Nos. 3 and 4, where about 6o feet of the arch has fallen in and both The Engineer's estimate of material required is accurate, and the amount, viz., $15,0O asked the invert and the remaining portions of the arch between the said manholes are badly cracked for, not far from what will be the actual cost of the work. and misshapen. Northof Manhole No. 4 the sewer is in good condition, but from Manhole No. 3, Very respectfully, south, there is a crack in the crown of the arch ; this crack has not been serious enough as yet to A. G. CULVER, Inspector. cause any change in the shape of the interior, or intrados, of the arch, but it will require to be And offered the following straightened, however, for the whole distance, particularly as the grade of East One Hundred Resolved, That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) be and hereby is transferred from and Forty-ninth street has been raised very much for an overhead crossing over the New the appropriation made for the year 1899, entitled " Interest on Bonds and Stocks to be Issued York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. after October to, 1898, and in 1899," the same being in excess of the amount required for the


purposes thereof, to the appropriation made to the Department of Sewers for 1899, entitled DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, -Borough of the Bronx, sewers-Repairing and Cleaning-Contracts at Public Letting," October 30, 1899. the amount of said appropriation being insufficient to provide for repairing outlet sewer in East Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, between Long Island Sound and the Boulevard, Borough SIR-Hon Francis J. Lantry, Commissioner, Department of Correction, in communication of the Bronx. of October 25, 1899, transmits plans and specifications for portico at the new City Prison, with Which was adopted by the following vote an estimate ofcost, amounting to $13,000, and requests the Board of Estimate and Apportion- Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and ment to set aside this sum from the amount authorized by the issue of bonds, by the provisions of President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. chapter 629, Laws of 1896, and chapter 642, Laws of 1897. The plans and specifications are duly signed, as approved by the Commissioner, the archi- The Comptroller presented the following : tect and the consulting architect, and the estimate is furnished by the architects. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING, The law is fully complied with in the application, and the Board of Estimate and Appor- NEW YORK, October 30, 1899. tionment may properly approve of the plans and specifications and authorize the work to be done, Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK. Mayor and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- in conformity with the provisions of section 2 of Chapter 6z6, Laws of 1896, and provide the ment : funds for the same, under section 4 of the same law. The work, under section 3 of the law, must be done by contract at public letting, and the DEAR SIR-I desire to have the following transfers made in the "Bond Account " (New amount may be more or less than the estimate. Stock or Plant) of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, authorized by a resolution of the In pursuance of chapter 626, Laws of 1896, and chapter 642, Laws of 1897, the Board of Board of Public Improvements of January 25, 1899, of your Board January [I, 1899, and con- Estimate and Apportionment were authorized to direct the Comptroller to issue Consolidated curred in by the Municipal Assembly, with the approval of the Mayor April 25, 1899, as pro- Stock of The City of New York to the amount of $1,300,000 for the erection and alteration of vided in section 546 of the Charter, of this Department for the present year, namely: buildings under the jurisdiction of the Department of Correction. The Board of Estimate and $4,000 from horse collars to horses. Apportionment at different times has authorized the Comptroller to issue bonds for the following : $4,000 from burlap bags to can carriers. $1,770 from burlap bags to cans. Temporary Quarters, City Prison ...... $13,000 00 $430 from burlap bags to light wagons. Buildings, Riker's Island ...... 64,000 00 $too from ash carts to light wagons. CityPrison, Tombs... ...... 973,000 00 $6o from paper carts to light wagons. Alterations etc., Penitentiary ...... 250,000 00 The last two items are the balances left over from those two purposes, and in each instance the sums are insufficient to be applied for the purposes intended. Therefore, I desire to use these $1,300 000 00 two amounts toward the purchase of light wagons. Respectfully, The appropriations made for all the above works except $973,000 for City Prison have been JAMES McCARTNEY, Commissioner. used for the purposes specified or transferred to other works, there only remaining a small balance And offered the following: which will be adjusted when all the contracts chargeable to same are completed. Res, dved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the request of In regard to the amount $973,000, appropriated for the City Prison, the following contracts the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, dated October 30, 1899, in regard to the purchase of new and expenses are chargeable against it : stock or plant in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, from the proceeds of bonds hereto- P. J. Carlin, stone work .. ...... $345,000 00 fore authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of section S46 of the Greater New York iron cell work ...... 310,000 CO Charter. piling.. .. ...... 9,840 00 Which was adopted by the following vote: strengthening girders ...... 11,000 00 Afirrmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and W. G. Triest, iron structural work ...... 23,240 00 President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Armstrong & Bolton, steam heating ...... 93,325 00 Howe & Bassett, plumbing ...... 66,5oo 0o The Comptroller presented the following : DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING, $858,9o5 00 NEW YORK, November 4, [899. Architects' fees, 7/ per cent. on above ...... 64,417 88 5,000 00 Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate and Apportionment: Inspection, estimated ...... Surveys...... 500 00 DEAR SIR-I transmit to you herewith a form of contract, in triplicate, for the removal of snow and ice from the streets, etc., of the Borough of Brooklyn, for the approval of your Board as $928,822 88 to its terms and conditions, pursuant to section 239 of the Charter. Amount appropriated ...... 973 aoo 00 It is similar in its provisions to that recently approved by your Board for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx and which has been already executed and filed with the Comptroller, Balance...... $44,177 12 as provided by law. I request the speedy action of your Board upon this matter, so that the contract may be The above figures show that there are ample funds available for the structure proposed. executed before the snow comes. Respectfully, Respectfully, EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. JAMES McCARTNEY, Commissioner. And offered the following : LAW DEPARTMENT, Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the application OFFICE OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL, and expenditure of the unapplied balance of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000) remaining from NEW YORK, November 4, 1899. the proceeds of bonds sold pursuant to the provisions of chapter 626 of the Laws of 1896 as Hon. JAMES MCCARTNEY, Commissioner, Department of Street Cleaning: amended, for the construction of a portico at the new City Prison. SIR-I am in receipt of a communication from your Department, dated November r, 1899, Which was adopted by the following vote : transmitting for my approval contract for the removal of snow and ice from the streets of the Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Borough of Brooklyn. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. I return said contract herewith approved as to form. Yours respectfully, The Comptroller presented the following : GEORGE HILL, Acting Corporation Counsel. CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, LIGHTING AND SUPPLIES, November 8, 1899. Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller: NEW YORK, November 3, 1899. SIR-The Hon. James McCartney, Commissioner of Department of Street Cleaning, in com- lion. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, C4,tirman, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, The munication November 4, 1899, to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, incloses a form of City of New York: contract, in triplicate, for the removal of snow and ice from the streets, etc., of the Borough of Brooklyn, for the approval of the Board as to its terms and conditions, pursuant to section 239 of DEAR SIR-The appropriation for " Supplies and Repairs " of this Department, in the Borough the Charter. He says it is similar in its provisions to that recently approved by the Board for the of Queens, for the year 1899, being insufficient to meet the demands made upon it, I have to boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. respectfully request that you will cause or authorize the transfer of one thousand five hundred I have examined the form of contract submitted and find it only differs from that recently dollars ($1,500) to said appropriation from the appropriation, entitled "Salaries of Deputy and approved in the sixth paragraph, this contract fixing the limit of the loading coupons to be furnished Employees, 1899, Borough of Queens," where there is an estimated surplus of about this sum. by the contractor at $750, whereas in that heretofire approved the limit is $2,000. The appropriation for "Supplies and Repairs" in said borough is virtually exhausted and, to In my opinion, the form of contract submitted may be properly approved by the Board of meet the requisitions now on hand and those anticipated for the balance of the year, it is absolutely Estimate and Apportionment. necessary to make this transfer. Respectfully, Very respectfully, EUG. E. MCLEAN, Engineer. HENRY S. KEARNY, Commissioner. And offered the following: And offered the following : Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the terms and Resolved, That the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) he and hereby is conditions of the form of contract for removing snow and ice from the streets and avenues of the transferred from the appropriation made to the Department of Public Buildings, Lighting and Borough of Brooklyn, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and transmitted to this Supplies, for the year 1899, entitled, "Salaries of Deputies and Employees, Borough of Queens," Board by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning under date of November 4, 1899. the same being in excess of the amount required for the purpose thereof, to the appropriation Which was adopted by the following vote: made to the said Department for 1899, entitled "Supplies and Repairs, Borough of Queens," the Affirmative-l'he Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and amount of said appropriation being insufficient. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. The Comptroller presented communications from the Commissioner of Public Charities, bor- oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, submitting plans for new buildings, in compliance with a resolution of this Board adopted October 5, 1899 ; also a report of the Engineer of the Finance Department The Comptroller presented the following: in relation thereto. SHERIFF'S OFFICE,-RICHMOND COUNTY, The Comptroller moved that the subject be referred to the President of the Council for exam- RICHMOND, N. Y., November 4, 1899. ination and report. To the Honorable Board of Estimate and Apportionment: Which was adopted by the following vote Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and GENTLEMEN-31y appropriation, entitled " Court Officers," for the year 1899, is insufficient, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. and I therefore herewith respectfully ask that you transfer the sum of two hundred dollars ($zoo) from the appropriation entitled 11 Disbursements '° (under chapter 392 of the Laws of 1896) to the appropriation for " Court Officers." The Comptroller presented the following : I remain, very respectfully yours, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, AUGUSTUS ACKER, Sheriff, Richmond County, N. Y. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE-No. 148 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, NEW YORK, October 25, 1899. And offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) be and hereby is transferred from the Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYcK, Mayor, and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- appropriation made to the Sheriff of Richmond County, for the year 1899, entitled •' Disburse- meEt: ments" (under chapter 392, Laws of [896), the same being in excess of the amount required for DEAR SIR-I beg to transmit herewith plans and specifications for portico at the new City the purposes thereof, to the appropriation made to the said Sheriff, for 1899, entitled ', Court Prison, at an estimated cost of thirteen thousand dollars. Officers," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient. I would respectfully request your Honorable Board to set aide this sum from the amount Which was adopted by the following vote : authorized to be raised by the issue of bonds, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 626, Laws of Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and 1896, and chapter 642, Laws of 1897. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Yours, very respectfully, FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Commissioner. The Comptroller presented the following : WITHERS & DICKSON, ARCHITECTS, BIBLE HOUSE, ASTOR PLACE, To the Board of Education : NEW YORK, October 21, 1899. The Committee on Finance, to which was referred the report of the Committee on Buildings- Hon. FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Commissioner of Correction, City Prison, New York : recommending an award of contract for supplying, heating and ventilating apparatus and electric, DEAR SIR -Referring to the conversation of our Mr. Withers with you relative to adding the lighting plant for the Eastern District High School, Borough of Brooklyn, respectfully reports plans and specifications for the sidewalks, etc., to those of the entrance porch, we desire to say that, in response to the usual duly authorized advertisement, the following bids were received that, upon consideration of the matter, we have come to the conclu,ion that it would be better to E. Rutzler ...... $8,950 00 keep them entirely separate, and we therefore respectfully recommend that as the plans, etc., for Blake & Williams ...... Io,[ 20 00 the porch have been approved by yourself and Mr. G. B. Post, they b-- presented to the Board of Frank Dobson.. ...... [0,[80 00 Estimate and Apportionment with the probable cost of same, which we estimate would be about The Wells & Newton Company ...... I0,220 00 $13,000, including tees of architects, inspectors, etc. Williams & Gerstle ...... 8,600 ao Yours respectfully, Evans, Almirall & Co ...... I0,387 00 WITHERS & DICKSON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. THE CITY RECORD. 7083

The Committee on Buildings recommends that the award be made to the lowest bidders, in The Comptroller presented the following: which recommendation the Committee on Finance concurs, and submits for adoption the follow- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-CITY OF NEW YORK, ing resolution : SCHOOL BOARD, BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX, Resolved, That, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the 146 GRAND STREET, NEW YORK, July 21, 1899. sum of eight thousand six hundred dollars ($8,600) be and the same is hereby appropriated from Hon. RANDOLPH GUGGENHEI\IER, President, Municipal Council: the proceeds of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to be issued by the Comptroller, pur- DEAR SIR-I am requested by Hon. George Livingston to advise you that, in conformity suant to section 48 the Greater New York Charter, application for the issue of which is hereby with your suggestion, he introduced a resolution at a meeting of the Board of Education held on made ; said sum to be applied in payment of the contract to be entered into by the Committee on the 19th inst., relative to the issue of Corporate Stock of The City of New York to the amount of Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, with Williams& $200,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a site and the erection of an Gerstle, contractors, for supplying, heating and ventilating apparatus and electric-lighting plant addition to the new Hall of the Board of Education. A copy of the resolution is enclosed here. for the Eastern District High School, Borough of Brooklyn. But no part of said appropriation with. authorized by this resolution to be paid until the Committee on Buildings shall have filed the Will you please advise Mr. Livingston at what time the committee appointed to confer with contract to be entered into by it, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New you can meet you? York, with the contractors named, to whom the award is hereby made ; said contract to be in Yours very respectfully, such form and with such security for the faithful performance of the same as shall be satisfactory to the Committee on Finance ; the rules of this Board in regard thereto, and as to the payments THOMAS E. BUSSEY, Acting Secretary. to be made on account thereof, to be complied with. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on October 25, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL, CITY HALL, 1899. NEW YORK, July 17, 1899. A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. A. EMERSON PALMER, Esq., Secretary, No. 146 Grand Street, : DEAR SIR-I am directed by President Guggenheimer to acknowledge the receipt of your DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, communication of the 15th instant, and to inform you that the Board of Estimate and Appor- November I, 1899. tionment has received the resolution of the Board of Education requesting an issue of Corporate Hon. BIRD S. COLF.R, Comptroller: Stock for the:unt of $200,000 for the purchase of a site and for the addition to the new Hall of SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 25, 1899, appropriated, the Board. Before advocating the issue of so large an appropriation he would like to have some subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the sum of $8.6OO from the definite information, and, therefore, suggests that the proper committee should call upon him in proceeds of Corporate Stock of the City of New York, to be issued by the Comptroller pursuant the City Hall at any time to be hereafter arranged. I have the honor to remain, to section 48 of the Greater New York Charter, said sum to be applied in payment of the contract Very respectfully yours, to be entered into by the Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education, (Signed) JOCELYN JOHNSTON, Secretary to the President of the Council. with Williams & Gerstle, contractors, for supplying heating and ventilating apparatus and electric- In connection with the foregoing communication Mr. Livingston offered the following lighting plant, for the Eastern District High School, Borough of Brooklyn, corner Briggs avenue Whereas, Section 1067 of the Charter provides as follows : and South Third street. " Section 1067. The hoard of Education shall have power to use and to control the prem- Proposals were invited for the above work, on carefully prepared plans and specifications, ises known as the Hall of the Board of Education, at the corner of Grand and Elm streets, in and six bids were received, ranging from $8,600 to $10,387. the Borough of Manhattan, and any other buildings to be occupied for like purposes therein, and The contract was awarded to the lowest bidders-Williams & Gerstle of their bid of $8,600. to make all the repairs, alterations and additions in and to the said building or buildings which No objections can be urged against the approval of the appropriation by the Board of Estimate the Board of Education may authorize and deem advisable. And it shall be its duty to make and Apportionment. provision for housing the School Board of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx in such 'i'he heating and ventilation is by what is called the gravity system, or direct indirect radiation building, or in any other luildiWg which may be so occupied by the Board of Education. The -the fresh air coming through the walls under the windows, and passing through the radiators, Board of Education of The City of New York shall provide a meeting-room, and such other which are heated by steam. headquarters, offices and rooms as they may deem advisable within the boroughs of The City of The electric plant consists in wiring the building, the electricity to be obtained from outside. New York, for the administration of the powers and duties of the School Boards of the other Respectfully, boroughs " ; EUG. E. MCLEAN, Engineer. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is hereby respectfully And offered the following requested to approve of the issue of Corporate Stock of The City of New York to the amount of Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the requisition two hundred thousand dollars ($200,oco) for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a of the Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 25, 1899, for the appropriation of eight site and the erection of an addition to the new Flail of the Board of Education. thousand six hundred dollars ($8,600), from the proceeds of Corporate Stock of The City of New Adopted. York, to be sold pursuant to the provisions of section 48 of the Greater New York Charter, and Mr. Livingston moved that a Special Committee of Three be appointed to wait upon the the ordinance of the Municipal Assembly approved by the Mayor March 7, 1899, for the purpose of President of the Council and present facts and data in relation to the subject-matter of the fore- providing means for the payment of the contract to be entered into by the Committee on Buildings, going preamble and resolution. for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, with Williams & Gerstle, Adopted. contractors, for supplying heating and ventilating apparatus and electric lighting plant for the The President appointed as the Special Committee of Three the following Eastern District High School, Borough of Brooklyn. Mr. LIVINGSTON, Mr. O'BRiEN. Mr. MORIARTY. Which was adopted by the following vote: BOARD OF EDUCATION, No. 146 GRAND STREET, Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and NEW YORK, July 28, 1899. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Co';tptgoller: DEAR SIR-I have the honor to transmit herewith a certified copy of a preamble and resolu- The Comptroller presented the following: tion adopted by the Board of Education on J my 19, 1899, requesting the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to issue Corporate Stock to the amount of $zoo.000 for the purpose of providing To the Board of Education. funds for the purchase of a site and the erection of an addition to the new Hall of the Board of The Committee on Finance, to which was referred the report of the Committee on Buildings Education. recommending an award of contract for supplying heating and ventilating apparatus and electric Respectfully, lighting apparatus for Public School 174, Borough of Manhattan, respectfullw reports that, in A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. response to the usual duly authorized advertisement, the following bids were received : Whereas, Section 1067 of the Charter provides as follows : E. Rutzler.. ...... $29,000 00 " Section 1o67. The Board of Education shall have power to use and to control the premises John Neal's Sons. ...... ...... 28,500 00 known as the Hall of the Board of Education, at the corner of Grand and Elm streets, in the New York Steam-fitting Company ...... 28,700 00 Borough of Manhattan, and any other buildings to be occupied for like purposes therein, and to Blake & Williams... ...... 28,384 00 make all the repairs, alterations and additions in and to the -aid building or buildings, which the TheWells & Newton Company ...... 26,042 00 Board of Education may authorize and deem advisable. And it shall be its duty to make provision Frank Dobson.. ...... 25.194 00 for housing the School Board of the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx in such building or in Williams & Gerstle ...... 29,997 00 any other building which may be sooccupted by the Board of Education. The Board of Education of The City of New York shall provide a meeting-room and such other headquarters, offices and The Committee on Buildings recommends that the award he made to the lowest bidder, in rooms as they may deem advisable within the boroughs of '[he City of New York, for the admin- which recommendation the Committee on Finance concurs, and submits for adoption the following istration or the powers and duties of the School Boards of the other boroughs ; " resolution : Resolved, That the Boardl of Estimate and Apportionment be ann it is hereby respectfully Resolved, That, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the requested to approve of the issue of Corporate Stork of 'I he City of New York to the amount of sum of twenty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-four dollars ($25,194) be and the same two hundred thousand dollars ($2c0,coo) for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a hereby is appropriated from the proceeds of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to be site and the erection of an addition to the new Hall of the Board of Education. issued by the Comptroller, pursuant to section 48 of the Greater New York Charter, application A true copy of preamble and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on July 19, 1899. for the issue of which is hereby made ; said sum to be applied in payment of the contract to be A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. entered into by the Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, with Frank Dobson, contractor, for supplying heating and ventilating DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, apparatus, electric lighting plant for Public School 174, Borough of Manhattan. July 8, 1899 But no part of said appropriation authorized by this resolution to be paid until the Committee flan. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. on Buildings shall file the contract to be entered into by it, for and on behalf of the Board of SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted June 28, 1899, requests the Board of Education of The City of New York, with the contractor named, to whom the award is hereby Estimate and Apportionment " to approve of the issue of Corporate Stock of The City of New made ; said contract to be in such form and with such security for the faithful performance of the York to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) lot the purpose of providing same as shall be satisfactory to the Committee on Finance ; the rules of this Board in regard funds for the purchase of a site and the. erection of an addition to the new Hall of the Board of thereto, and as to the payments to be made on account thereof, to be complied with. Education." A true copy of report an•l resolution adopted by Board of Education on October 25, 1899. On inquiry at the Board of Education I could obtain but little definite information. I was A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. informed by the Secretary, Mr. Palmer, that the resolution was introduced by Mr. Livingston, member of the Committee on Buildings, who, in the course of his remarks, stated that an addi- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, tional builidng will be necessary on account of the increase of business due to the enlargement of November 1, 1899. s the city, the present building being only intended to meet the demands of the old city. V1 ithout any definite plans, it appears to be in contemplation to acquire two lots adjoining Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller: the present building on the south, with a front of fifty feet on Park avenue. SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 25, 1899, appropriated the sum It does not appear to me that sufficient definite information has been furnished the Board of of $25,194 from the proceeds of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to be issued by the Estimate and Apportionment to enable it to act understandingly in so important a matter, Comptroller, pursuant to section 48 of the Greater New York Charter ; said sum to be applied in involving so large an expenditure. payment of the contrast to be entered by the Committee on Buildings for and on behalf of the Respectfully, Board of Education with Frank Dobson, contractor, for supplying heating and ventilating appar- EUG. E. MCLEAN, Engineer. atus and electric-lighting plant for. Public School 174, Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 123 to 135 Attorney street, near Rivington street. BOARD OF EDUCATION, No. 146 GRAND STREET, Proposals were invited for the above work and carefully prepared plans and specifications, by NEW YORK, August 14, 1899. advertisement in the CITY RECORD, and seven bids were received, ranging from $25,194 to Hon. RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER, President of the Council: $29,997• DEAR SIR-The undersigned, a committee appointed by the Board of Education to submit The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Frank Dobson, at his bid of $25,194. facts and data showing the necessity for the erection of an addition to the new Hall of the Board The appropriation was made subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Appor- of Education, now in course of construction at the southwest corner of Fifty-ninth street and tionment, and there is no reason why such approval should not be given. Park avenue, Borough of Manhattan, would respectfully present the following : The system of ventilation adopted is the Plenum or Blower system, and the heat is furnished The building, which is now nearing completion, was contracted for prior to consolidation, on what is known as the Exhaust Hot Water System, forced circulation, whereby the exhaust and was intended for the use of the Board of Education of the former City of New York. The steam is, by means of a heater, absorbed by the circulating water, and its heat by means of the Greater New York Charter, chapter r8, relating to.the Department of Education, creates a Board water conveyed to the radiators and coils in the rooms. of Education of The City of New York, and makes it its duty to make provision for housing the The electric lighting plant consists in wiring the whole building, the electricity to be ob- School Boards of the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx and the other borough boards. In tained from the outside. Respectfully, addition to creating a Central Board, the Charter authorized the appointment of the following EUG. E. MCLEAN, Engineer. school officials : And offered the following: I. A Secretary of the Board of Education. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the requisition 2. A City Superintendent of Schools. of the Board of Education, by resolution adopted October 25, 1899, for the appropriation of 3. A Superintendent of School Supplies. twenty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-four dollars ($25,194), from the proceeds of Corporate 4. An Auditor of the Board of Education. Stock of The City of New York, to be sold pursuant to the provisions of section 48 of the Greater 5. A Board of Examiners, consisting of four persons. New York Charter, and the ordinance of the Municipal Assembly, approved by the Mayor March The officials above enumerated will be provided with office room on the first and fourth floors 7, 1899, for the purpose of providing means for the payment of the contract to be entered into by of the new building, which will be occupied as follows the Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New First Floor- York, with Frank Dobson, contractor, for supplying heating and ventilating apparatus, electric President, Board of Education ; also President of the School Board for the boroughs of Man lighting plant for Public School 174, Borough of Manhattan. hattan and The Bronx. Which was adopted by the following vote: Secretary, Board of Education. Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Superintendent of School Supplies. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Auditor, Board of Education.


Second Floor and Gallery— purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a site and erection of an addition to the new Hall Board room. of the Board of Education. In the light of the fact that this new building has just been completed Large assembly room. at a considerable expense to the taxpayers of this city, I can see no reason why the Board of Four committee rooms. Education should not be able, in the exercise of their discretion, to find space in the new hall for Fourth Floor— all additional supplies and service. It is clear, in my opinion, that this request for two hundred City Superintendent of Schools. thousand dollars ($200,000) would be merely the precursor of additional demands upon the city Board of Examiners. f or the erection or for the completion of the proposed addition to the new Hall, so that the Board Examination room. of Estimate and Apportionment would be obliged from time to time to authorize, with the con- Library and reading room. e urrence of the Municipal Assembly, further issues of Corporate Stock for the purposes specified. One committee room. Personally, I believe that the Board of Education has advanced no facts or arguments which would Fifth Floor— justify the expenditure of so large a sum of money for the purchase of a new site. The present Secretary, School Board for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. building was intended by the City Administration to be spacious enough to accommodate all the Three committee rooms. departments of the Board. Eight rooms for Supervisors of Special Branches. • Respectfully, General meeting room. RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER. Store Loom. And offered the following: Sixth Floor— Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby declines to authorize the Borough Superintendent of Schools. issue of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to the amount of two hundred thousand Fifteen rooms for Associate Superintendents. dollars ($2oo,oco), to provide for the purchase of a site for the erection of an addition to the new Conference room. Hall of the Board of Education. Meeting room for Borough Board of Superintendents. Which was adopted by the following vote Room for storage of records. Affirmative—The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and St v enth and Eighth Floors— President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments— 5. Superintendent of School Buildings. Two committee rooms. The Comptroller presented the following Draughting room. To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment Estimating room. Requisition is hereby made upon you, pursuant to the provisions of section io of chapter 4 of The basement will be occupied by machinery, etc., and there will be about 8,800 square feet the Laws of 1891, entitled, " An Act to provide for Rapid 'Transit railways in cities of over one for the storage of school supplies. million inhabitants," as amended by section 7 of chapter 752 of the Laws of 1894, by the Board The number of school officials (other than members of the Board of Education and the of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, organized under the aforesaid act as amended, for the Borough Board) and other employees who will have to be provided with office room in the build- sum of nine thousand and ninety-five dollars and thirty cents ($9,095.30), which is requisite and jug is about two hundred. necessary to properly enable said Board to do and perform, or to cause to be done and performed, The committee, being of the opinion that the room in the new Hall of the Board is inade- the duties prescribed by the said statute as amended. quate to meet the needs of the Board of Education and also the School Board for the Boroughs Appended hereto is a statement (marked Schedule A) and authenticated by the signature of Manhattan and The Bronx, strongly recommends the granting of the appropriation of of the President and Secretary of this Board, showing the purposes to which it is intended to $200,000, for the purchase of land and the erection of an addition to the building, which addition apply the appropriation for which requisition is now made. i needed principally to provide more room for the Bureau of Supplies, the Bureau of Buildings, This requisition is made and presented pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the concur- and for the proper classification and storage of records. rent vote of four members of this Board at a regular meeting thereof, duly held on this second day Bureau of Supplies. of November, 1899. In Witness Whereof, the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners has caused this According to present arrangements, the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies will requisition to be subscribed by its President and Secretary, and its official seal to be hereto affixed be located in the rear of the first floor, and there will be a space of about 8,800 square feet in the at 1'he City of New York this second day of November, 1899. basement for the storage of supplies. The space allotted for this Bureau and for the accommo- [SEAL] A. E. ORR, President. dation of the Deputy Superintendent of Supplies and the twenty-six employees is entirely BION L. BURROWS, Secretary. inadequate. The room for storage of supplies in the basement of the new Hall is very little more SCHEDULE A. than the room now used for this purpose in the basement of the present Hall in Grand street, and the four floors of the annex, No. i6o Elm street. At the present time only small quantities of Purposes for Which It Is Proposed to Apply the Appropriation for Which Requisition is Now Made. certain kinds of supplies can be ordered, and it frequently happens that the demand is greater than the supply on hand. If the space for the storage of supplies were ample, a sufficient quantity I. Martin B. Brown, printing minutes from April 30 to December 31, 1895...... $185 31 of supplies would be on hand at all times, and there would be no possibility of delay in 2. Bill of the Audit Company for examining accounts ...... 275 00 furnishing the schools. It is very likely that contractors would furnish supplies at cheaper prices 3. For lithographing drawings of the tunnel road ...... 1,200 CO if they knew that large quantities would be ordered. The fact that thirty-five new school 4. Fees of Chief Engineer...... .. ... .... ...... 2,500 CO buildings and twenty-eight additions to buildings have been erected during the past six years in 5. Salary, Messenger, for three months ending December 31, 1899 ...... ISo co in the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, as well as the fact that the appropriation for 6. Salary, Secretary, for the same period...... 624 S9 supplies has increased from $185,000 in 1893 to $587,819 (including the appropriation for libraries) 7. Furniture for new ofhces ...... 350 CO in 1899, have made it absolutely necessary that the space for the accommodation of the Bureau of 8. Advertising Invitation to Contractors ...... 3,780 CO Supplies be largely increased if the efficiency of the bureau is not to be hampered and the schools promptly furnished with supplies. Total ...... $9,095 30 Bureau of Buildings. A. E. ORR, President. This bureau, which has, until August t, 1899, been located on the eleventh and twelfth BtoN L. BURROWS, Secretary. floors of the building Nos. 585 and 587 Broadway, for which the Board paid an annual rental of And offered the following : si,75o, csill occupy the seventh and eighth floors of the new Hall. In addition to renting two Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section so of chapter 4 of the Laws of 1891, as floors at Nos. 585 and 587 Broadway, which contained an effective floor surface of about 17,500 amended by section 7 of chapter 752 of the Laws of 1894, the sum of nine thousand and ninety-five >,luare feet, the Board also rented the fifth floor of the building No. 4tg Broome street, the dollars and thirty cents ($g,o95.3o) be and hereby is provided for the purpose of paying the follow- greater part of which has been used as an estimating room, the effective floor surface being about ing items of expense of the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners contained in the requi- 4,000 square feet. The two upper floors of the new Hall contain an effective floor surface of sition of said Commissioners, dated November z, 1899, viz. : 17,376 square feet, which is less than the room formerly occupied by the Building Bureau in the Martin B. Brown Company, printing minutes from April 3o to December 31, 1895.. • $185 .3 t building Nos. 585 and 587 Broadway alone. Bill of the Audit Company for examining accounts ...... 275 CO For lithographing drawings of the tunnel road ...... t,2co 00 Room for Records. Fees of Chief Engineer ...... 2,500 00 An enormous quantity of records of the Board of Education of the former City of New York Salary of Messenger for three months ending December 31, 1899 ...... 180 00 are now stored on the upper floor of the annex, No. rho Elm street. These records are valuable, Salary of Secretary for the same period ...... 624 99 and are frequently referred to. The erection of an addition would provide room for the storage Furniture for new offices ...... ...... 350 00 of these records and make it possible to systematically arrange and classify them, which has not Advertising invitation to contractors ...... 3,780 00 been done heretofore owing to lack of room. In conclusion, attention is called to the fact that, while there has been but one new building $9,095 30 completed this year, there will be eight new buildings ready for occupancy in September. —and that the unexpended balance of any previous appropriation made by this Board upon the Hoping that the foregoing statement of facts will convince you that there is urgent necessity requisition of said Commissioners be applied to the same purpose ; and for the erection of an addition to the new Hall of the Board of Education and will lead to the Resolved, That, for the purpose of providing for the payment of so much thereof as is in excess granting of the appropriation asked by the Board for this purpose, we remain, of said unexpended balance, the Comptroller be and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue Very respectfully yours, and sell Revenue Bonds of The City of New York to an amount not exceeding nine thousand and Arrangement of Offices, etc., in the New Hall, of the Board of Educati,n. ninety-five dollars and thirty cents ($9,o95.3o), bearing interest at a rate not exceeding three per cent. per annum, and the amount required for the redemption thereof to be included in the Budget Basement— for 1900. Machinery. Which were adopted by the following vote Vent ducts, etc. Affirmative—The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and About 8,800 square feet for storage of supplies. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. 1•ir-t Floor- Pre.ident's office. The Comptroller presented the following: `ecretary's office. (Chief Clerk, and seven Clerks, Stenographers, etc.) DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING, Auditor's office. (Eleven Examiners of Claim, Clerks, etc.) NEW YORK, November 8, 1899. Superintendent of Supplies office. (Deputy Superintendent, and twenty-six Clerks and other employees.) Bon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, Chairman, Board of Estimate and Apportionment Second Floor and Gallery— SIR—I have to request that the following-named amounts be transferred to the accounts of Board room. Final Disposition and Rents and Contingencies, appropriation of the Department of Street Cleaning Large assembly room. for the year 1899, boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx : Four committee rooms. From Administration to Final Disposition ...... $15,000 00 Fourth Floor— From Sweeping to Final Disposition ...... ...... 6o,000 oo City Superintendent's office. (Secretary, and five Clerks, Stenographers, etc.) From Carting to Final Disposition ...... ...... 50,000 00 Board of Examiners office. (Seven Examiners, Stenographers, etc.) Examination room. $125,000 Co Library and reading room. From Administration to Rents and Contingencies ...... Io,000 00 Committee room. Fifth Floor— Making a total of ...... $135,000 00 Secretary of the School Board, Manhattan and The Bronx. (Assistant Secretary, and eleven Clerks, Stenographers, etc.) The reason for this request is that the accounts of Final Disposition and Rents and Contin- Three committee rooms. gencies, boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, are insufficient to cover the business of the year. Eight rooms for Supervisors. -- Early in January of this year I anticipated the necessity of supplementing the accounts of General meeting room. Final Disposition and Rents and Contingencies, and at once began retrenchments in other accounts, Store room. so that I would have sufficient money to pay the necessary expenses under these accounts. S_iath Floor- Respectfully, L'orough Superintendent of Schools office. (Forty-eight Supervisors, Clerks, Stenographers, JAMES McCARTNEY, Commissioner. Attendance Officers, etc.) And offered the following : Fifteen rooms for Associate Superintendents. Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) be and Conference room. hereby is transferred from the following appropriations made to the Department of Street Clean- Meeting room for Borough Board Superintendents. ing, for the year 1899, and as follows : Room for storage of Records, 14 feet by rg feet 6 inches. Seventh Floor— BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. °` Administration "...... $15,000 00 Superintendent of School Buildings office. (Sixty Deputies, Inspectors, Clerks, Stenogra- "Sweeping, including Sunday pay for Hustlers" ...... 60,000 00 phers, Draughtsmen, etc.) "Carting, including Sunday pay for Hustlers" ...... 50,000 00 Two committee rooms about ig by 22 feet each. Eighth Floor— Total ...... $125,000 00 Superintendent of School Buildings. Drafting room. —the same being in excess of the amount required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 111 made to the said Department for 1899, entitled !` Final Disposition of Material, including Crema- OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL—CITY HALL, tion or Utilization," boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, the amount of said appropriation NEW YORK, November 8, 1899. being insufficient. 7o the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, New York City: Which was adopted by the following vote : GENTLEMEN—I have carefully considered the application made by the Board of Education for Affirmative—The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and the issue of Corporate Stock to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($zoo,000) for the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. THE CITY RECORD. 7085

The Comptroller offered the following : St. John's Home ...... ...... $113 75 Resolved, That the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) be and hereby is transferred from The Temporary Home for Children of Queens Co., N. Y ...... 241 00 the appropriation made to the Department of Street Cleaning, for the year 1899, entitled "Ad- The New York Catholic Protectory, July ...... ...... 138 93 ministration," boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, the same being in excess of the amount The New York Society for the.Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, July...... r2 74 required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation made to the said Department, for 1899, entitled "Rents and Contingencies," boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, the amount of I hereby certify that the above amounts are justly payable from the Excise Taxes to the said appropriation being insufficient. aforesaid institutions for the support mentioned in the vouchers submitted ; that the payment Which was adopted by the following vote : thereof has been authorized by law, and that the amounts have not been previously paid. Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Respectfully, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. FRANCIS R. CLAIR, Auditor of Accounts, Borough of Queens. And offered the following The Comptroller presented the following Resolved, That the amounts following be and are hereby appropriated from the "Excise DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Taxes," under the provisions of section 210, chapter 410, Laws of 1882 (New York City Consolida- COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, No. 148 EAST TW EN'rIE'rli STREET, tion Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapters 312 and 378, Laws of 1897, NEW YORK, November 4, 1899• 111111 for the support of children in the month of July, 1899, committed to the institutions named, Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and 4pportion- pursuant to law ment: DEAR SIR-I would respectfully ask your Honorable Board to transfer the sum of thirteen NUMBER NUMBER thousand dollars ($13,000) from the appropriation entitled "Supplies," Borough of Brooklyn, for NAME. OF OF RATE. AMOUNT. which it is not required, to " Purchase of Supplies needed in Kings County Penitentiary," Bor- CHILDREN. DAYS. ough of Brooklyn, both for 1899. Very respectfully, St. Malachy's Home ...... 5 138 $o.z5 per day $34 50 FRANCIS J. LANTRY, Commissioner. And offered the following : Ot:ilie Orphan Asylum ...... 6 186 " 46 50 Resolved, That the sum of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000) be and hereby is transferred St. Joseph's Female Orphan Asylum ...... g z;9 69 75 from the appropriation made to the Department of Correction, for the year 1899, entitled "Sup- plies," Borough of Brooklyn, the same bein; in excess of the amount required for the purposes The Orphan Home ...... :r9 3.637 909 25 thereof, to the appropriation made to the said Department for 1899, entitled "Purchase of Sup- plies needed in Kings County Penitentiary," Borough of Brooklyn, the amount of said appropria- The Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum Society ... 6 r86 " 46 So

tion b-ing insufficient. St. John's Home ...... r6 455 113 75 Which was adopted by the following vote The Temporary Home for Children of Queens County, Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and New York ...... 32 964 •' z41 Co President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. The New York Catholic Protectory...... 15 461 $rro per an. 138 93 The New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured andt x tz The Comptroller offered the following : Crippled ...... ...... r 3 ro5 •, 74 Whereas, The Board of Education, by a resolution adopted September 27, 1899, requested the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to transfer to the General School Fund, from such Total ...... ...... 8r,6rz 92 sjurces of revenue or City moneys as it may in its judgment deem best, the sum of one hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and ninety-three dollars and ninety-seven cents ($174,- 593.97), ani to distribute said sum in the following manner : Which was adopted by the following vote: Borough of Queens ...... $131,233 86 Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Borough of Richmond ...... 43,360 tl President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5.

~174,593 97 The Comptroller offered the following : And, Whereas, It appears that the foregoing amounts are asked for to make good certain Resolved, That the amount following be and is hereby appropriated from the '0 Excise so-called deficiencies in sail boroughs, due to the payment of teachers' salaries according to the Taxes," under the provisions of section 210, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882 (New York City Con- rates fixed in salary schedules, which, as held by the Corporation Counsel, are illegal, because in solidation Act of 1882) ; chapters t Iz and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapters 312 and 378, Laws of excess of the appropriation made for the current year ; and 1897, for the support of children in the months of July and August, 1899, committed to the ins,i- Whereaq, No injustice can result to said teachers because, by receiving salaries in excess tution named, pursuant to law: of the amounts they were legally entitled to, they have, in fact, received a full year's pay in the past ten months ; NUMBER OF NUMBER OF RATE. A\IOU NT. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby declines to approve the NaM r•. CHILDREN. DAYS. illegal action of the School Boards of the boroughs of Queens and Richmond in fixing salaries in excess of the appropriations available therefor. Which was adopted by the following vote: The Convent of the Sisters of Mercy...... 2 48 80.x5 per day $12 oc Afirtnative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Which was adopted by the following vote Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and The Comptroller presented the following : President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. • CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, The Comptroller presented the following : October 31, 1899' Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller, City of New York: CITY OF NEW YORK-DEl'AR1istENT OF FINANCE, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, 1L DEAR SIR-I submit herewith, for action by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to section 240 of the Greater New York Charter, the following bills for committed November 9, 1899. children and inmates in institutions for the month of August, 1899 flu,,. 'BIRD S. COLER, ('oAm/Jlrolter: St. Malachy's Home, August ...... $31 00 SIR-I sub-nit herewith for action by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to Ottilie Orphan Asylum, August...... 46 5o section 240 of the Greater New York Charter, the following bills for committed children and St. Joseph's Female Orphan Asylum, August ...... 69 75 inmates in institutions in the County of New York, Borough of Manhattan, as follows TheOrphan Home, August ...... 900 25 Institution of Mercy, September ...... $6,946 57 The Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum Society, August ...... 46 5o Missionary Sisters, Third Order of St. Francis, September ...... . 7,580 86 St. John's Home, August ...... 100 75 Asylum Sisters of St. Dominic, September ...... 3,920 86 Temporary Home for Children of Queens County, N. Y., August ...... 240 25 St. Joseph's Asylum, September ...... 7,001 86 The New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, August...... 12 94 St. Agatha Home for Children, September ...... ..... 2,879 71 The Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, July and August ...... 12 00 St. James' Home, September ...... 830 57 Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans, September ...... 1,421 86 I hereby certify, that the above amounts are justly payable from the Excise Taxes to the Five Points House of Industry, September ...... ...... 2,592 86 aforesaid institutions, for the support mentioned in the vouchers submitted ; that payment thereof Asylum of Sr. Vincent de Paul, September ...... ...... 817 12 has been authorized by law, and that the amounts have not been previously paid. St. Michael's Home, September . ...... 1,117 14 Respectfully, St. Ann's Home, September .... ...... 3,052 86 FRANCIS R. CLAIR, Auditor of Accounts. Association for Befriending Children and Young Girls, September ...... t,8z8 86 And offered the following: St. Elizabeth Industrial School, September ...... ...... 158 86 Resolved, That the amounts following be and are hereby appropriated from the "Excise Hebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York, September ...... 638 00 Taxes," under the provisions of section 210, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882 (New York City Consoli- St. Zito s Home for Friendless Women, September...... ...... .... . 308 00 dntion Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapters 312 and 378, Laws of Washington Square home for Friendless Girls (formerly Home for Fallen and Friend- 1897, for the support of children in the month of August, 1899, committed to the institutions less Girls), September...... ... ...... ... ... ... , ..... 489 04 named, pursuant to law Washington Square Home for Friendless Girls (formerly Home for Fallen and Friend- less Girls), August ...... ...... 512 05 Dominican Convent of Our Lady of the Rosary, August ...... ...... 4,705 92 NUMBER NUMBER Hebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York, August ...... 556 86 NAME. OF OF RATE. AMOUNT. CHILDREN. DAYS. I-Iebrew Intact Asylum of the City of New York, July ...... 549 43 Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, July ...... 6,910 14

St. Malachy's Home ...... 4 r24 $0.25 per day $3r o0 I hereby certify that the above amounts are justly payable from the Excise Taxes to the afore- Ottil:e Orphan Asylum ...... 6 r86 46 5o said institutions, for the support mentioned in the vouchers submitted ; that payment thereof has been authorized by law, and that the amounts stated have not been previously paid. St. Joseph's Female Orphan Asylum ...... 9 279 " 69 75 Respectfully, TheOrphan Horn-...... rzo 3,6or goo 25 JAMES J.. LEAVY, Examiner of Accounts of Institutions. And offered the following : The Brooklln Howard Colored Orphan Asylum Society...... 6 r86 46 50 Resolved, That the amounts following be and are hereby appropriated from the " Excise St. John's Home...... 403 " rm 75 Taxes," under the provisions of section 210, chapter 41o, Latvs of 1882 (New York City Consol- idation Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapter 312, Laws of Temporary Home for Children of Queens County, N.Y...... 3r 961 " 240 25 1897, for the support of children in the month of July, 1899, committed to the institutions The New York Society for the Re'.ief of the Ruptured and Crippled ...... r 31 $r 5o per an. rz 74 named, pursuant to law


Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and dission of the Immaculate Virgin ...... I 799 24,301 $z per week. $6,9x0 14 President of.the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. 4ebrew Infant Asylum of the City of New York ...... 67 1,923 549 43

The Comptroller presented the following: Total ...... ...... $7,459 57 CITY OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, L COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, I1 Which was adopted by the following vote : September 14, 1899. Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller, City of New York: President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. DEAR SIR-I submit herewith, for action by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pur- suant to section 240 of the Greater New York Charter, the following bills for committed children and intnates in institutions for the month of July, 1899 : The Comptroller offered the following : St. Malachy's Home, July ...... $34 50 Resolved, That the amounts following be and are hereby appropriated from the " Excise Ottilie Orphan Asylum, July . .. ...... 46 5o Faxes," under the provisions of section 230, chapter 410, Laws of 1882 (New York City Consoli- St. Joseph's Female Orphan Asylum, July ...... 69 75 lation Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapter 312, Laws of 1897, for The Orphan Home . ...... 909 25 he support of children In the month of August, 1899, committed to the institutions named, pur- The Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum Society, July ...... 46 50 suant to law:


NUMBER NUMBER excess of the amount required for the purposes and objects thereof, to the appropriation, for the NAME. OF OF RATE. AMOUNT. same boroughs and year, for Headquarters pay-roll, the amount of which is Insufficient. CHILDREN. DAYS. Yours respectfully, JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner. 530 15.996 And offered the following: Dominican Convent of our Lady of the Rosary Children ... $2 per week. $4.705 92 infants .....I 25 697) Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) be and hereby is transferred from the Hebrew Infant Asylum of The City of New York...... 67 1,949 556 86 appropriation made to the Fire Department, for the year 1899, entitled " Salaries, Bureau of Combustibles Pay-roll, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens," the same being in excess of the amount required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation made to the said Department, for Total ...... 1 .... ...... I ...... I $5.262 78 1899, entitled " Salaries, Headquarters Pay-roll, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient. Which was adopted by the following vote: Which was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5.

The Comptroller offered the following: The Comptroller presented the following : Resolved, That the sum of one thousand and one dollars and nine cents ($t,00r.og) be and HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, hereby is appropriated from the - Excise Taxes" to the Washington Square Home for Friendless NOS. 157 AND 159 EAST SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, [I( Girls, formerly "Home for Fallen and Friendless Girls," for the support of ninety-seven (97) BOROUGH OF MANHA'ITAN, November 9, 1899. inmates, in the months of August and September, 1899, aggregating 2,436 days, at the rate of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, pursuant to section 208, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882 (New Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Apportion- York City Consolidation Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225, Laws of 1896 ; chapters 312 and ment : 378, Laws of 1897. SIR-I have the honor to request that your Honorable Board will please authorize the follow- Which was adopted by the following vote: ing transfers from and to the appropriations below specified, which are payable from the proceeds Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and of the sale of bonds, heretofore authorized and appropriated for purposes of this Department for President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments -5. 1897, under the provisions of chapter 76 of the Laws of 1894, as amended by chapter 751 of the Laws of 1896, viz. : From appropriation "For Placing Wires and Conduits of the Telegraph System The Comptroller offered the following : Underground " to " New Buildings " ...... $450 00 Resolved, That the amounts following be and are hereby appropriated from the " Excise From appropriation "Additions and Alterations to Buildings " to " New Buildings " 125 00 Taxes," under the provisions of section 210, chapter 41o, Laws of 1882 (New York City Consoli- dation Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225 of the Laws of 1896 ; chapters 312, Laws of 1897, for Total ...... $575 00 the support of children in the month of September, 1899, committed to the institutions named, pursuant to law This sum is needed to pay the architect who prepared, under a proper order, the plans and specifications for a contemplated new apparatus house at One Hundred and Fifty-ninth street and NUMBER NUMBER Railroad avenue, for which provision was made in the appropriation made under the bond issue NAME. OF OF RATE, I AMOUNT. for 1897, but the erection of which was deferred in order to permit of the construction of an CHILDREN. DAYS. apparatus house in East Twelfth street, which was urgently needed. Yours respectfully, JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner. Institution of Mercy 834 24,446 I DO per $6,946 57 And offered the following: Missionary Sisters, Third Order of St. Francis...... £gg 26.589 7,580 86 Resolved, That the sum of five hundred and seventy-five dollars ($575) be and hereby is transferred from the fund provided by chapter 76, Laws of 1894, as amended by chapter 751, Asylum Sisters of St. Dominic ...... 465 13,814 3,920 36 Laws of 1896, and as follows: . Joseph's Asylum...... 841 7,cor 86 'I For Placing Wires and Conduits of the 'Telegraph System Underground" ...... $450 00 St 24,783 " Additions and Alterations to Buildings " ...... 125 00 St. Agatha Home for Children ...... 343 20,114 2,879 71 Total ...... $575 00 St. James' Home...... 100 2,907 830 57 Association for the Benefit of Colored Orphans...... 273 5.078 1,421 86 -to the fund entitled " New Buildings," the amount of said fund being insufficient. Which was adopted by the following vote : Five Points House of Industry ...... 315 9,132 2,592 86 Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Asylum of St. Vincent de Paul ...... 98 2,850 817 22 President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. St. Michael's Home...... 138 4,022 1,017 24 St. Ann's Home...... 360 20,734 3,052 86 The Comptroller presented the following : HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, association for Befriending Children and Young Girls...... 227 6,401 x,828 86 Nos. 157 AND 159 EAST SIS't'Y-SE\'EN'rII STREET, St. Eliztbetli's Industrial School ...... x9 556 158 86 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 9, 1899. Hon. ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Hebrew Infant Asylum of The City of New York...... 71 2,2 6;8 co 33 Apportionment. SIR-I have the honor, upon recommendation of the Deputy Commissioner, to request that Total ...... I ..., I ...... I ...... ( $40,787 99 your Honorable Hoard will please authorize the following transfers from the "Salary Account " for 1899 of this Department, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, which are in excess of the amounts Which was adopted by the following vote: required for the purposes and objects thereof, to wit : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Bureau of fire Marshal ...... $1,500 00 President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments- 5. Fire Alarm Telegraph Branch ...... 400 00 Repair Shop; ...... 1,800 00 Hospital and Training Stables ...... 3,300 00 The Comptroller offered the following: Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies ...... 45,000 00 Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and eight ($308) dollars be and hereby is appro- priated from the "Excise Taxes " to "St. Zita's Home for Friendless Women," for the support Total ...... $52,000 00 of forty-four inmates, in the month of September, 1899, aggregating one thousand and seventy - eight clays, at the rate of two dollars per week, pursuant to section 208, chapters 41o, Laws of -to the appropriation made to this Department for the same boroughs for the current year for 1882 (New York City Consolidation Act of 1882) ; chapters 112 and 225, Laws of 1896: chapters "Apparatus, Supplies, etc.," which is insufficient. 312 and 378, Laws of 1897. This sum is needed to provide for the purchase of apparatus and supplies, the appropriation Which was adopted by the following vote for which purpose for the present year has proven inadequate. Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Early and favorable action upon this application will be appreciated. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Yours respectfully, JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner. The Comptroller presented the following : And offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of fifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000) be and hereby is transferred I IEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, From the following appropriations made to the Fire Department for the year 1899, and as follows: Nos. 1$7 AND 159 EAST SIXTY-SEVRNTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 9, 1899. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. lien. ROL:ERT A. VAN \VYCK, Mayor and Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Apportion. Salaries-Bureau of Fire Marshal Pay-roll ...... $1,500 00 meat. " Salaries-Fire Alarm Telegraph Pay-roll ...... 400 00 I' Salaries-Repair Shops Pay-roll.. 1,~ 00 SIR-I have the honor to request that your Honorable Board will please authorize the follow- Salaries--Hospital and Training Stables Pay-roll " ...... 3,300 00 ing transfers from the salary appropriation of this Department for 1899, boroughs of Manhattan " Salaries -Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies Pay-roll ...... 45,000 00 and The Bronx, the same being in excess of the amounts required for the purposes and objects thereof, to the appropriation "Apparatus, Supplies, etc.," for the same boroughs and year, which Total ...... $52,000 00 is insufficient, to wit : Headquarters' Pay-roll ...... .... ...... $2,000 00 -the same being in excess of the amounts required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies' Pay-roll ...... [8,000 00 made to the said Department for 1899, entitled '° Apparatus, Supplies, etc., Boroughs of Brooklyn Building Superintendent Pay-roll ...... 1,400 00 and Queens," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient. Which was adopted by the following vote : Total ...... $21,4co 00 Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and Yours respectfully, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. JOHN J. SCANNELL, Commissioner. And offered the following: The Mayor moved that this Board do now adjourn. Resolved, That the sum of twenty-one thousand four hundred dollars ($21,400) be and hereby Which was adopted by the following vote : is transferred from the following appropriations made to the Fire Department, for the year 1899, Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and and as follows : President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. THOMAS L. FEITNER, Secretary. "Salaries-Headquarters Pay-roll ...... $2,000 00 "Salaries-Engine and Hook and Ladder Companies Pay-roll ...... 18,000 00 "Salaries-Buildings Superintendent Fay-roll ...... 1,400 00 APPROVED PAPERS. Total ...... 00 $21,400 Approved Papers for the Week ending November IS, I8gg. -the same being in excess of the amounts required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation male to the said Department for 1899, entitled "Apparatus, Supplies, etc., Boroughs of Manhat- No. 1085. tan and The Bronx," the amount of said appropriation being insufficient. AN ORDINANCE to authorize the regulating, etc., of Hughes avenue, Borough of The Bronx. Which was adopted by the following vote : Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows: Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and That, in pursuance of sections 413 an 1 422 of the Greater New York Charter, the following President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments--S. resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, adopted by that Board on the 17th day of May, 1899, be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is hereby authorized, and it is hereby determined that the cost and expense thereof shall be The Comptroller presented the following: borne and paid as therein provided ; namely, Resolved, by the Board of Public Improvements, That, in pursuance of sections 413 and 422 HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW I'ORK, of the Greater New York Charter, the regulating and grading, setting of curbstones, flagging of NOS, 157 AND 159 EAST SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, (IL 2fdewalks a space of four (4) feet in width, laying of crosswalks where not already laid, building BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 9, 1893. of fences where necessary, and constructing approaches where required, in Hughes avenue, from Hon. ROPERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor, and Chairman of the Board of Eatima!e and Apportion- Tremont avenue to lands of Fordham College, in the Borough of The Bronx, under the direction ment of the Commissioner of Highways, be and the same hereby is authorized and approved, there SIR-I have the honor to request that your Honorable Board will please authorize the trans- having been presented to said Board an estimate in writing, in such detail as the said Board has fer of the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) from the appropriation made to this Department for directed, of the cost of the proposed work or improvement, and a statement of the assessed 1899, boroughs yf Brooklyn and Queens, for Bureau of Combustibles pay-roll, the same being in value, accordipg to the last preceding tax-roll, of the real estate included within the probable MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. THE CITY RECORD. 7087 area of assessment, the estimated cost of said work being forty-five thousand dollars. The No. 1094. said assessed value of the real estate included within the probable area of assessment is two Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Jennie & Co. to erect a show- hundred and sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. case twenty inches square in front of their premises, No. 12o Richmond avenue, Third Ward, Borough And the said Board does hereby determine that no portion of the cost and expense thereof of Richmond, within the stoop-line, to conform in all respects to the ordinance in such case made shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but the whole of such cost and expense shall and provided, the work to'be done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby. of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. Adopted by the Council, September 26, 1899. • Adopted by the Council, October 24, t899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Approved by the Mayor, November 14, 1899• Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval No. io86. thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. AN ORDINANCE to regulate, etc., Fifty-seventh street, Manhattan. lie it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows : No. 1o95. 'Chat, in pursuance of sections 413 and 422 of the Greater New York Charter, the following Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the following-named persons resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, adopted by that Board on the 7th day of June, whose application for stands have been indorsed by the Aldermen of the districts in which they 1899, be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided are to he located, to erect, keep and maintain stands for the sale of newspapers, periodicals, fruit for is hereby authorized, and it is hereby determined that the cost and expense thereof shall be and soda water and for bootblacking purposes, within the stoop-lines, at the locations set respect- borne and paid as therein provided - namely, fuel' opposite their names, and in compliance with the provisions of the ordinance in such case Resolved, by the Board of Public Improvements, That, in pursuance of sections 413 and 422 made and provided of the Greater New York Charter, the regulating and grading of Fifty-seventh street, from By the President— Eleventh avenue to Twelfth avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan, and the setting and resetting Fruit Stand—William G. Wagner, Nos. 573 and 575 First avenue. of curbstones and the flagging and reflagging of sidewalks, where necessary, under the direction By Alderman Bailey— of the Commissioner of Highways, be and the same hereby is authorized and approved, there having Newspaper Stand—Sarah Golde, No. 1029 Sixth avenue. been presented to said Board an estimate in writing, in such detail as the sefd Board has directed, By Alderman Bridges— of the cost of the proposed work or improvement, and a statement of the assessed value, according Fruit Stand—Rafeal Baceala, No. 40 Willoughby street, Brooklyn. to the last preceding tax-roll, of the real estate included within the probable area of assessment, By Alderman Flinn— the estimated cost of said work being five thousand dollars. The said assessed value of the real Fruit Stand—Frank Rugguiro, No. 39 Sixth avenue. estate included within the probable area of asssessment is two hundred and ten thousand dollars. By Alderman Geiger— And the said Board does hereby determine that no portion of the cost and expense thereof Fruit Stand—Charles A. Weber, No. 2853 Third avenue. shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but the whole of such cost and expense shall Bootblack Stand—Charles A. Weber, northwest corner of Third and Melrose avenues. be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby. By Alderman Kennefick- Adopted by the Council, September 26, 1899. Soda-water Stand—Victor Levor, No. 36 Lispenard street. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Bootblack Stand —Fred. Arndt, No. igo West street. Approved by the Mayor, November 14, 1899. By Aldermari Minsky — Newspaper Stand—Philip Brown, No. 84 Rivington street. No. 1087. By Alderman McEneaney- AN ORDINANCE to regulate, etc., Wadsworth avenue, Borough of Manhattan. Fruit Stand—Isidor Blank, No. 1454 Second avenue. Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows : •By Alderman Mclnnes- That, in pursuance of sections 4t3 and 422 of the Greater New York Charter, the following Bootblack Stand—John Mtfch, No. 386 Nostrand avenue, Brooklyn. resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, adopted by that Board on the 26th day of July, By Alderman McMahon— i899, be and the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided Newspaper Stand--Josef Weiss, No. 133 First avenue. for is hereby authorized, and it is hereby determined that the cost and expense thereof shall be By Alderman Dunphy—. borne and paid as therein provided ; namely, Fruit Stand—James McElroy, No. 201 West Twenty-ninth street Resolved, by the Board of Public Improvements, That, in pursuance of sections 413 and By Alderman Ledwith- 422 of the Greater New York Charter, the regulating and grading, setting of curbstones and Newspaper Stand—Timothy J. Callahan, No. 301 East Forty-sixth street. flagging of sidewalks a space four (4) feet wide through the centre thereof, of Wadsworth avenue, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. f:um One Hundred and Seventy-third street to Eleventh avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan, Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. under the direction of the Commissioner of Highways, be and the same hereby is authorized and Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval approsed, there having been presented to said Board an estimate in writing, in such detail as the thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took said Fourd has directed, of the cost of the proposed work or improvement, and a statement of the effect as if he had approved it. assessed value, according to the last preceding tax-roll, of the real estate included within the No. 5096. probable area of assessment, the estimated cost of said work being ninety-two thousand dollars. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to George E. Smith to place and The said assessed value of the real estate included within the probable area of assessment is five keep a stand for the sale of newspapers and periodicals under the stairs of the elevated railroad on hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred dollars. the northeast corner of Lexington and Sumner avenues, in the Borough of Brooklyn, provided And the said Board does hereby determine that no portion of the cost and expense thereof said stand shall be erected in conformity with the provisions of chapter 718 of the Laws of 1896, shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but the whole of such cost and expense shall and subject to the conditions of an ordinance to regulate the placing of stands under the stairs of be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby. the elevated railroads, the work to be dune at his own expense, under the direction of the Corm- Adopted by the Council, September 26, 1899. missioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Munich 2l Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Assembly. Approved by the Mayor, November 14, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. No. Io88 Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1809. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval AN ORDINANCE providing for repaving on Bedford avenue, Borough of Brooklyn. effect therefore, p ovevided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Be it Ordained by the Municipal Assembly of The City of New York, as follows : effect asas if lie had approved it. That, in pursuance of section 413 of the Greater New York Charter, the following resolution of the Board of Public Improvements, adopted by that Board on the 7th day of June, 1899, be and No. 1097. the same hereby is approved, and the public work or improvement therein provided for is hereby Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Isaac I Iargrave to place and authorized, viz.: keep a stand for the sale of newspapers and periodicals under the stairs of the elevated railroad Resolved, by the Board of Public Improvements, That, in pursuance of section 413 of the on the northeast corner of Lexington and Tompkins avenues, in the Borough of Brooklyn, pro- Greater New York Charter, the repaving with asphalt pavement on a concrete foundation, of the vided said stand shall be erected in accordance with the provisions of chapter 718 of the Laws of c.irriageway of Bedford avenue, between Heyward street and De Kalb avenue, and between 1896, and subject to the conditions of all ordinance regulating the placing of stands under the Quincy street and Atlantic avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, with a five years' guarantee of mainten- stairs of the elevated railroads, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of ance from the contractor, under the direction of the Commissioner of Highways, be and the same the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the i, hereby authorized and approved, the cost of said public work or improvement to be paid for from Municipal Assembly. the appropriation for "Labor, Maintenance and Supplies," Borough of Brooklyn, for 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. Adopted by the Council, October ro, 1899. Adopted by the Council, October 35, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or ilisapprval Approved by the Mayor, November 14, 1809. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. No. 1089. No. 5098. Resolved, That the Auditor of the Department of Finance be requested to audit and the Comp- Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to David Mayer to place and troller to pay the attached bill of Thomas McNamara and Garry Williams, amounting to ten dollars keep an iron railing within the stoop-line, on the Seventy-second street side of his premises, on the ($to), for services rendered on the evening of December 31, 1897 ; the same to be charged to the northwest corner of Seventy-second street and Third avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan, the appropriation for "City Contingencies " for 1899. work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commis,ioner of Highways ; such Adopted by the Council, February 7, 1899. permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 3t, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899• Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval I Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval effect as if he had approved it. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took No. 1090. effect as if he had approved it. Resolved, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and requested to draw a No. 1099. warrant for the sum of forty dollars, to be paid from the appropriation for contingencies of the President of the Borough, said warrant to be in favor of C. H. Koster, for decorating and draping Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to David Mayer to erect, place the rooms of the President of the Borough upon the death of the late Augustus W. Peters, President and keep two storm-doors in front of his premises on the northwest corner of Seventy-second street and Third avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan, provirled that said storm-doors shall be erected of said Borough. Adopted by the Council, February 7, 1899. so as to conform in all respects with the provisions of the ordinance in such case made and pro- vided, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of High- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval ways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. effect as if he had approved it. Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. No. togs. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 54, 1899, without his approval or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Resolved, That 1'permission be and the same is herebyy given g to the Alhambra Glee Club to effect as if he had approved it. p-irade on October 30 and October 3t in the Borough of Brooklyn, under the direction of the No, t too. Commissioners of Police. Adopted by the Council, October 24, 1899. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Thomas Burke to place and keep Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. a stand for the sale of newspapers and periodicals under the stairs of the elevated railroad on the Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval northeast corner of Nostrand avenue and Fulton street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, provided said thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took stand shall be erected in conformity with the provisions of chapter 718 of the Laws of 1896, and effect as if he had approved it. subject to the conditions of an ordinance to regulate the placing of stands under the stairs of the No. Io92. elevated railroads, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commis- sioner of Highways; such permission to continue only (luring the pleasure of the Municipal Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Peter Dolger to place and keep a watering-trough on the sidewalk near the curb at the southwest corner of Eighty-second Assembly. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. street and First avenue, Borough of Manhattan, the work to be done and water supplied at his Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval only during the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Adopted by the Council, October 24, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. effect as if he had approved it. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval No. I id. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Mrs. Edward Burke to place and effect as if he had approved it. keep a stand for the sale of newspapers and periodicals under the stairs of the elevated railroad on No. a093. the northwest corner of Nostrand avenue and Fulton §treet, in the Borough of Brooklyn, provided Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Patrick Coughlin to place and said stand shall be erected in conformity with the provisions of chapter 718 of the Laws of 1896, keep an iron drinking-fountain on the sidewalk near the curb in front of his premi-es No. 503 Canal and subject to the conditions of an ordinance to regulate the placing of stands under the stairs of street, Borough of Manhattan, the work to be done and water supplied at his own expense, under the elevated railroads, the work to be done at his own expense under the direction of the Corn- the direction of the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure missioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Municipal of the Municipal Assembly. Assembly. Adopted by the Council, October 24, 1899. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, X899• Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 3t, 1899. Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 4o of the Greater New York Charter, the same took thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. effect as if he had approved it.


No. 1102. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies be requested • to ascertain if any armory or public building in the Borough of Brooklyn now not in use cannot be transferred to Board of Education for primary school purposes until such time as adequate BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. school buildings are erected in said Borough to accommodate the thousands of children who now IN BOARD OF EXAMINERS, NOVEMBER 9, 18". are only receiving half-day tuition and the very many who cannot gain admittance at all; and Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies he requested The Board of Examiners met this day at 3.15 P. M. to report at as early day as possible. Present—Thomas J. Brady, Commissioner of Buildings for the boroughs of Manhattan and Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. The Bronx (in the chair), and Messrs. Dobbs, Conover, D'Oench, Croker, Fryer, Moore and Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. O' Reilly. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval Absent—Mr. McMillan. thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took The minutes of October 31, 1899, were read, and, on motion, approved. effect as if he had approved it. Petitions were then submitted for approval as follows :- No. 1103. Plan 2440, Alterations to Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow the construction of pent-house Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Beruheim & Co. to parade on roof, of angle and channel-irons, inclosed with galvanized sheet and corrugated iron, said pent- with an advertising wagon through the streets and avenues of the boroughs of Manhattan and The house to be used for the storage of empty barrels and kegs, as stated in petition ; northeast Bronx during the months of November and December, provided the same is free from objection- corner of First avenue and Thirty-seventh street. Petitioners, John B. Snook & Sons. Denied. able matter, and has no device that is intended to attract attention by sound, the work to be Plan 1204, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow the J. W. Rapp system of fireproof floor done at their own expense, under the direction of the Chief of Police. construction to be used for the first floor of building, in place of brick arches ; the underside of Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. I beams to be covered with wire-lath, as stated in petition ; Nos. 133 and 135 East Seventy-third Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. street. Petitioner, William H. Birkmire. Approved. Mr. D'Oench voting No. Received lions his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval Plan 1534, New Buildings, i899—Petition to allow the J. W. Rapp system of firepn"of floor thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took construction to be used for the first floor, in place of brick arches ; the underside of I beams to effect ss if he had approved it. be covered with wire-lath, as stated in petition ; north side of One Hundred and Thirty-eighth No. 1104. street and south side of One Hundred and Thirty-ninth street, t78 feet east of Seventh avenue. Petitioner, Edward Wenz. Approved. Mr. D'Oench voting No. Resolved, That it is recommended to the Department of Docks and Ferries that a recreation Plan 454, New Buildings, 5899—Petition to allow the Columbian system of floor construc- pier be established at the foot of East Ninety-sixth street, Borough of Manhattan. tion to be used in place of tile arches, as stated in petition ; southwest corner of Forty-second Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. street and Tenth avenue. Petitioner, Ernest Flagg. Approved. Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. Plan 663, New Buildings, IN99—Petition to allow the Columbian system of floor construction Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval to be used in place of tile arches, as stated in petition ; south side of Forty-second street, 95 feet thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took west of Tenth avenue. Petitioner, Ernest Flagg. Approved. effect as if he had approved it. Plan 1210, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow the fireproof floors and partitions to be No. t toy. constructed according to the method known as the Columbian system of fireproof construction, Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Henry Behnken to erect, as stated in petition ; No. 987 Fifth avenue. Petitioners, Welch, Smith & Provot. Approved. place and keep a storm-door on the Sumner avenue side of his premises on the northeast cornet Plan r 151, New Buildings, i8gg—Petition to allow the Bailey system of fireproof floor filling of Sumner and Lexington avenues, in the Borough of Brooklyn, provided the dimensions of said to be used in place of brick arches ; the lower flanges of steel beams on first story to be covered storm-door shall not exceed ten feet in height, two feet wider than the doorway, and shall not underneath with wire-lath ; also to allow the same system of fireproofing to be applied to vesti- extend more than five feet from the house-line, the work to be done at his own expense, under bule on first story and bulkhead on roof, all as stated in petition ; No. I ig West Forty-fifth the direction of the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleas street. Petitioners, Buchman & Deisler. Approved. ore of the Municipal Assembly. Plan 1296, New Buildings, 18og—Petition to allow the Bailey system of fireproof floor filling to be used in place of brick arches ; the lower flanges of steel beams on first story to be covered Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 24, 1899. underneath with wire-lath, as stated in petition ; north side of One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899. street, 450 feet east of Willis avenue. Petitioner, John Immel. Approved. Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval Plan 1554, New Buildings, t8c~9—Petition to allow the Roebling system of fireproofing to be thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took used in building, as stated in petition ; No. 24 East Twenty-second street. Petitioner, William effect as if he had approved it. H. Stearns. Approved. No. I t o6. Plan 1535, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow partitions enclosing first story entrance Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to John F. Reilly to erect, keep hallway to be constructed of 4-inch angle and tee iron frame, spaced 30 inches apart, filled in and maintain three storm-doors in front of his premises Nos. I t5 and i 17 \Vest Twenty-third street, between with 4-inch terra-cotta blocks and plastered on both sides ; ceilings to be constructed of in the Borough of Manhattan, provided that the said storm-doors be constructed in accordance 2-inch tee iron, spaced 24 inches apart, filled in between with 2-inch terra-cotta blocks and plas- with the provisions of the ordinance in such case made and provided, the work to be done at his tered on underside, as stated in petition ; No. 132 West Twentieth street. Petitioner, George own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue Fred. Pelham. Approved. only during the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. Plan No. 1585, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow the main entrance hall partitions up Adopted by the Council, October 31, 1899 to staircase to be constructed of 4-inch angle irons, 4-inch tees or 4-inch channels, spaced Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, 1899. not more than 30 inches on centers, well braced and filled in between solid with 4-inch Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval thick brickwork, 4-inch thick burnt clay or porous terra-cotta blocks, well set in cement and thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took plastered on both sides ; ceiling of )rain entrance hall up to staircase to be constructed of effect as if he had approved it. 2-inch T's, angles or channels, placed not more than 24 inches on centers, and to be filled in between solid with 2-inch thick clay or porous terra-cotta blocks, well set in cement and \o. t Io7. plastered on underside, as stated in petition ; No. 127 Pitt street. Petitioners, Kurtzer & Rolil. Resolved, That it is recommended to the Commissioner of Public 'Buildings, Lighting and Approved. Supplies that six lamp-posts be erected, street-lamps placed thereon and lighted, in front of St. Plan No. 1588, New Buildings, i8gg—Petition to allow the first story entrance hall to be Stephen's Methodist Church, corner of Terrace View avenue and Kingsbridge avenue, Marble inclosed by fireproof partitions constructed of 4-inch I beams and channels, set not more than Hill, Kingsbridge, in the Borough of Manhattan, four of said lamp-posts to be erected on the 30 inches on centers, properly braced and built in with 4 inches of hard burnt brickwork, Terrace View avenue side and two of said lamp-posts to be erected on the Kingsbridge avenue laid in cement mortar and plastered on both sides ; ceilings in said hall to be constructed of side of the premises of the said St. Stephen's Methodist Church. 2-inch hard-burnt blocks, supported by 2-inch T's laid two feet apart ar.d plastered on underside, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 31, i8gg. as stated in petition ; No. 132 Ridge street. Petitioners, Horenburger & Straub. Approved. Adopted by the Council, October 31, t899. Plan No. 1593, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow partitions inclosing first story Received from his Honor the Mayor, November 14, 1899, without his approval or disapproval entrance hallways to be constructed of 4-inch angle and tee iron frame, spaced 30 inches thereof ; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Charter, the same took apart, filled in between with 4-inch terra-cotta blocks and plastered on both sides ; ceiling to effect as if he had approved it. be constructed of 2-inch tee iron, spaced 24 feet apart, filled in between with 2-inch terra-cotta No. I Io8. blocks and plastered on under.ide, as stated in petition ; Nos. 327 and 329 East Twenty- third street. Petitioner, George Fred. Pelham. Approved. Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby appointed Comnuts Plan No. 1501, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to incase the longitudinal iron girders sioners of Deeds in and for The City of New York : (between center division and outside walls where the span is greater than 33 feet) with Samuel Thomas Walkup, No. ioi West Ninety-sixth street, Manhattan. hard-burned terra-cotta blocks and brickwork, instead of building brick between ends and to James J. Carroll, No. 229 East Thirtieth street, Manhattan. depth of wooden beams on top of iron girders, as shown on longitudinal section E. F., and as Edmund Petersen, No. $4 Lexington avenue, Manhattan. stated in petition ; southeast corner of Sixtieth street and Columbus avenue. Petitioner, J. I. Herman Mandelbaum, No. 26 East Fifty-ninth street, Manhattan. Campbell. Denied. Arthur L. Marvin, No. 39 West Forty-ninth street, Manhattan. Plan 1542, New Buildings, m8gg—Petition to allow frame buildings to be erected 37 feet Charles J. Coyle, No. 1578 Third avenue, Manhattan. high, as shown on plans and as stated in petition ; west side of Park avenue, northwest corner of Timothy A. McCarthy, No. to8 East Fifty-sixth street, Manhattan. Itiner place. Petitioner, Frederick Jaeger. Approved. Louis Marks, No. 157 East Fifty-seventh street, Manhattan. Plan 1583, New Buildings, 1899—Petition to allow the erection of a one family frame dwell- Thomas Smith, Manhattan. ing 37 feet 8 inches high, as stated in petition ; east side of Loring place, J37.t7 feet north of Henry B. Boyle, Williamsbridge, Bronx. One Hundred and Eighty-first street. Petitioner, C. F. Rose. Approved. William J. Martin, No. 253 Rest Fourteenth street, Manhattan. Fireproof Shutters—Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on the two southerly win- William F. Conahan, No. 123 Dean street, Brooklyn. dows of the second, third and fourth stories, for reason as stated in petition ; No. I I I Front street. Henry F. Closius, No. 450 Knickerbocker avenue, Brooklyn. Petitioner, Henry I'. Rogers. Petition granted on recommendation of Mr. Conover. John T. Lang, No. 127 Central avenue, Brooklyn. Petition for exempti •n from fireproof shutters on windows of the upper stories of the north Joseph J. Glennon, No. 309 Broadway, Manhattan. and east sides of building, for reason as stated in petition ; Nos. 290 to 294 Broadway. Louis Levy, No. t390 Second avenue, Manhattan. Petitioners, George Edw. Harding and Gooch. Petition granted on recommendation of Mr. M. A. Quinlan, No. 707 East One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street, Bronx. Conover. Frank E. Kerby, No. 411 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on all stories of the rear of building, for reason George M. Silverberg, No. 102 East Tenth street, Manhattan. as stated in petition ; No. 479 Broadway. Petitioners, Rhinelander Estate. Petition denied on Frederick Green, Sheriff's Office, Manhattan. recommendation of representative of New York Board of Fire Underwriters. William Byrne, No.429 West Forty-seventh street, Manhattan. Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on windows the first story of rear of building, for David Salomon, No.3og Broadway, Manhattan. reason as stated in petition ; No. g6 James street. Petitioners, Burns Bros. Petition denied on Daniel D. Barry, Pier A, North river, Manhattan. recommendation of representative of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Henry Harris, No. 40t \Vest Forty-third street, Manhattan. Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on windows of the third and fourth stories, for Aaron Solomon, No. I ii Avenue C, Manhattan. reason as stated in petition ; No. 626 Tenth avenue. Petitioner, J. F. Jackson. Referred to Mr. Peter Staudt, No. 295 East Third street, Manhattan. Croker for examination and report. Mitchell L. Erlanger, No. 33 \Vest Sixty-first street, Manhattan. Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on windows of the rear of second, third, fourth Isidor Buxbaum, No. 69 Jefferson street, Brooklyn. and fifth stories, for reason as stated in petition ; Nos. 447 to 457 West Twenty-sixth street. William Bertisch, No. toe Suffolk street, Manhattan. Petitioner, John B. Brazier. Referred to Mr. Croker for examination and report. Nathan Ifirschbein, No. t3o East One Hundred and Fifth street, Manhattan. Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on windows of eight stories of rear of building, George Richard Muhlau, No. 63 Simonson avenue, Richmond. for reason as stated in petition ; No. 16 East Seventeenth street. Petitioner, Thomas McKeone. S. Lee Kohn, No. 289 Fourth avenue, Manhattan. Referred to Mr. Conover for examination and report. David Michaels, No. 481 Fulton street, Brooklyn. On motion, the Board then adjourned, 5 P. M. Charles F. Higham, No. 735 Halsey street, Brooklyn. WILLIAM H. CLASS, Clerk to Board. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 14, 1899. No. I tog. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING Resolved, That consent is hereby given and the Ocean View Cemetery and St. Agnes • Cemetery are each hereby authorized to locate a cemetery in the Borough of Richmond, in The AN ABSTRACT OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING OF THE City of New York, on private lands approved by the Board of Health. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 14, r8gg. CITY OF NEW YORK FOR THE WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 21, ISgg (SECTION 1546, Adopted by the Council, November 14, 1899. GREATER NEW YORK CHARTER). Approved by the Mayor, November 16, 1899. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. No. IIIo. Rsnoval of Iwrumbrancrs. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Frederick Keppler, to erect, (Section 545, Greater New York Charter.) place and keep a storm-door in front of his premises No. 164 East Eighty-seventh street, in the Unredeemed incumbrances on hand October 14, 1899...... 325 Borough of Manhattan, provided said storm-door shall be erected so as to conform in all respects Incumbrances seized during the week ...... with the provisions of the ordinance in such cases made and provided, the work to be done at his --47 372 own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Highways ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Municipal Assembly. Incumbrances redeemed and released ...... Incumbrances sold at auction October zt ...... 232 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, November 14, 1899. -- 301 Adopted by the Council, November 14, 1899. Approved by the Mayor, November 16, 1899. Unredeemed incumbrances on band ...... 71 P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk.


Moneys Bills and Pry-rails transmitted to City Chamberlain, as follows : transmitted to Comptroller, as follows ...... $928 00 For trimming scows, for week ending October 23, 1899 ...... Schedule No. 122, Sundries- For picking over refuse at Eighteenth Street Yard, from July 15 to October 7, 1899. 491 32 Franklin,4' E. M.,car-fares ...... $ 13 65 Bills and Pay-roll .. ,t ...... 9 65 transmitted to Comptroller, as follows: ...... 26 30 Schedule No. t5o, Sundries- $49 6o Dailey, John D., towing and unloading ...... $945 00 ...... 885 00 .. Schedule No. 138- 00 ...... 1 940 - J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), salaries of Uniformed Fare for month " 400 00 of October, 1899 ...... $387 10 Dailey's Towing Line, towing, etc ...... 172 00 Hill, Thomas, paper carts ...... 840 00 Lenane, Thomas, forage ...... 3,131 66 Schedule No. 140- 11,450 23 J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of Sweepers for week ending Moran's Towing Line, towing ...... 50 00 October 19, 1899 ...... $10,520 54 The Barney Dumping Boat Company, towing ...... 986 00 shifting ...... 84 50 Schedule No. 141- towing ...... 986 00 J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of hired carts for week ending ...... 993 00 October 19, 1899 ...... $3,07 1 30 .. ...... ...... 96000.4600 ...... BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. Cl .. ...... 973 00 Holland, Edward, & Co., patrol service, etc ...... 825 00 Pay-roll transmitted to Comptroller, as follows $24,667 39 Schedule No. 30- J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of Sweeper, acting as Assistant to Schedule No. 151- Foreman, for week ending October 19, 1899 ...... $17 26 J. H. Timmerman (City Paymaster), wages of Sweepers, Cartmen, etc., for week ending October 19, 1899...... $43,280 04 Amounts of Material from all Dumps and Dumping Places, as follows: F. M. GIBSON, Deputy Commissioner of Street Cleaning, Borough of Manhattan, Designated with Full Powers of Commissioner.


Department carts 6O 4,72 2 ...... 4,015Y4 I5,5 3.948% CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. Permit carts ...... 365Y. 6.789 645 7,79931 APPOINTMENT MADE BY THE MAYOR. NOVEMBER 16, 1899. Total ...... ..... 4,381 22,349Y4 5,017 31,747Y4 Robert F. Goggin, a Marshal of The City of New York, in place of John Rooney, of the Borough of Richmond, resigned, and for the unexpired term of said John Rooney. Appointed under Civil Service Rule 33. Per Annum' To the Supervisor of the City Record, City Hall, New York James Duffy, Messenger, on October 12, 1899...... $1,000 00 James T. Devlin, Clerk, to take effect October 23, 1899 ...... 8,000 00 DEAR SIR-The Mayor directs me to transmit to you, for publication in the CITY RECORD, James D. Keeley, Clerk, to take effect October 23, 1899 ...... 1,000 00 the above memorandum of appointment made by him this day. Alfred F. Willtnott, Clerk, to take effect October 23, 1899 • • • • • • • • • • • ...... 750 00 Very respectfully yours, John B. Bowen, Snow and Ice Bookkeeper, to take effect October 23, 1899...... 1,000 00 ALFRED M. DOWNES, Secretary to the Mayor.

LIST OF FINES IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENT RULES, WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 2I, 1899. CITY OF NE\V YORK-OFFICE OF 'rHR MAYOR. Sweepers. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE MAYOR. NOVEMBER 17, 1899. NAME. SECTION. DNBD. NAME. SECTION. F NED. Inspectors of Weights and Measures. James J. Carberry ...... Tenth District. William Bentell, in place of Joseph Fitzgerald, deceased ...... Third " Antonio Diorio ...... ra r Adolf Goldner...... ... to r ra . William Burns ...... .... 43 v Timothy Devery...... DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. James Williams ...... 43 David Maher...... 47 t FERRIES. r John McCaffrey...... :a 5 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Peter Gilmartin ...... a5 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, John Miller ...... r4 r Patrick Connors...... Sub. I DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER FOR THE PIER "A," N. R., BATTERY PLACE, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX, Benjamin Finnie ...... a3 3 Terence Sweeney...... 4 Sub. I NEW YORK, November 17, 1899, ZBROWSKI MANSION, CLAREMONT PARK, November 17, 1899. Domenico Parento ...... 13 1 Peter Cassanelta...... 24 3 Supervisor ofIhe City Record: Supervisor of the City Record: Guiseppe Vita ...... to Sub, I Joseph Baffo...... to Sub. I SIR-At a meeting of the Board of Docks held this date, John F. Crump, Recreation Pier DEAR SIR-Pursuant to section 1546, chapter Antonio Bruno...... 48 2 Guiseppe Rissicho ...... 9 1 Attendant, was discharged from the service of 378, Laws of 1897, I hereby notify you, for pub- John Crawford ...... 9 r Francisco Fossa...... a5 this Department to take effect immediately, his lication in the CITY RECORD, that I have rein- services being no longer required in consequence stated Francis J. Geis as Foreman's Assistant, Patrick Connors ...... 4 Sub. 2 Michael Donohue...... sr of the closing of the Recreation Piers for the at a compensation of $75 per month, Respectfully yours, Michael Walsh ...... r9 2 Frank Blum ...... ao a season. William P. O'Brien, who was appointed Pile AUGUST MOEBUS, Edward McCormack...... a4 a Joseph Richards...... a5 I Driving Engineer in this Department on Nov- Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx. George Knight ...... 45 z George O'Bryhim...... r2 r ember 3, 18og has declined the appointment as he is at present employed elsewhere. Richard Walsh ...... 5 r Alfred Linkers...... 4a 7 Yours respectfully, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. WM. H. BURKE, John L. Sullivan ...... 38 5 Edward Reilly...... 36 s Secretary. TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING S which the Public Offices in the City are open for business, and at which the Courts regularly open and Drivers. adjourn, as well as of the places where such offices are DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. kept and such Courts are held ; together with the heads of Departments and Courts : DAYS DAYS NAME. STABLE. FINED. NAME. STABLE. FINED. DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. CITY OF NEW YORK, Mayor's office. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, No. 6 City Hall 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, g John Brescha ...... G I John Hickey ...... D I PARK Row BUILDING, A. M. to Ii M. MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Mayor I James J. Cashman...... K r Thomas F. Shine...... G November 17, 1899, ALFRED M. DOWNES. Private Secretary. Gilbert Evans ...... B 2 John Westmeyer...... G r Bureau of Licenses. Supervisor of the City Record: Q,A. M. too P.M.; Saturdays,9 A. M. to ra M. Thomas M. Kierstead...... F 2 Frank Schuler ...... A t GENTLEMEN-For the purpose of equalizing DAVID J. ROCHE, Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room r, City Hall. GEORGE W. John Ferguson...... B r Thomas P. Lewis...... B the compensation of Axemen in this Depart. BROWN, Jr., Deputy Chief in Boroughs of Manhattan ment, I do hereby fix the compensation of and The Bronx. James Stanton ...... F r James J. Conway...... C t Jeremiah Enright, Nich olas Eberhard and Branch Office, Room Is, Borough Hall, Brooklyn; James J. Thornton at per day, to date from WILLIAM H. JORDAN, Deputy Chief in Borough of John Besher ...... K a Daniel Ryan ...... B 2 $3 Brooklyn. November 20, 1899. Branch Office, " Richmond Building," New Brighton, Charles Redfie.d ...... E I Michael J.Glennon...... A 2 Respectfully, S. I. ; WILLIAM H. McCABE, Deputy Chief in Borough of Richmond. Felix O'Brien...... D 2 Chris. Fleckenstein...... D I JOHN L. SHEA, Branch Office, " Hackett Building," Long Island Commissioner. City; PETER FLANAGAN, Deputy Chief in Borough of Felix Conglo ...... D I Alberico Adelardo ...... D I Queens, James Ryan...... D r John McDonald ...... D I BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENTS. THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, Angelo DeFlippo ...... D I Valentine J. Heinz...... D I And Bureau of Prieting, Stationery and Blaiek Books. Francisco Marchese ...... D t Daniel Murphy ...... E - s BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, No. 2 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., Saturday, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Michael Hinchy ...... D 4 I Philip Rogers ...... B I CITY OF NEW YORK, WILLIAM A. BUTLER, Supervisor; SOLON BERRICK, No. 21 PARK Row, Deputy Supervisor ; THOMAS C. COWELL, Deputy Phil. Farley, hostler...... F BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, Supervisor and Accountant. NEW YORK, November 16, 1899. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Supervisor of the City Record. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. The MAYOR, Chairman; THOMAS L. FErrNER (Presi- Appointment. DEAR SIR-I hereby notify you of the follow- dent, Department of Taxes and Assessmentsb Secre- ing-named appointment in the Topographical tary the COMPTROLLER, PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL, William H. Lawrence, Assistant Dump Inspector. Bureau of this office, viz. : ind tl.e CORPORATION COUNSEL, Members ; CHARLES Transferred. V. ADEE. Clerk. William J. Irving, Assistant Dump Inspector, from Borough of Brooklyn to Manhattan. Cleaner. Office of Clerk, Department of Taxes and Assess- James J. Jones, No. 215 East One Hundred ments, Stewart Building._ BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. and Twenty-second street, Manhattan, trans- COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. Moneys ferred from the Department of Sewers, Rich- The MAYOR, Chairman ; BIRD S. Cot.aa, Comp- transmitted to City Chamberlain, as follows: mond. troller ; PATRICK KEENAIN, Chamberlain ; RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER. President of the Council, and ROBERT For privilege of dumping refuse foot of Gold street for week ending October 14, Very truly, Mum, Chairman, Finance Committee, Board of Alder- g99, $3 8 00 JOHN H. MOONEY, men, Members. EDGAR J. LBvev, Secretary. Secretary. Office of Secretary, Room No. II, Stewart Building.' 7090 THE CITY RECORD. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899.

BOARD OF ARMORY COMMISSIONERS HENRY P. MORRISON, Deputy Commissioner and DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, RICHMOND THE MAYOR, Chairman ; PRESIDENT OF DEPARTMENT Chief Engineer of Sewers, Borough of Richmond. Office Arsenal Building, Central Park, 9 A. r. to 4 P. 21,; COUNTY. or TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, Secretary; HENRY S. ,, Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace aaa Saturdays, Is M. CHARLES J. KULLMAN, Commissioner. KEARNY, MCCOSICRY BUTT and JAMES McLEEii, Corn. York avenue, New Brighton, S. I. GEORGE C. CLAUSEN, President, Commissioner in J. HOWARD VAN NAME, Deputy. missioners. De¢artsrtut o} Bridges. Manhattan and Richmond. Address THOMAS L, FRITNER, Stewart Building. GEORGE V. BROWER, Commissioner In Brooklyn and Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. at.; Saturdays, 9 A. It. to Nos. 13 to SI Park Row, g A. M. to 4 P.M. ; Saturdays, Queens. NEW YORK COUNTY JAIL. 12 M. 9 A. M. to Ia M. AUGUST Monaus, Commissioner in Borough of The No. yo Ludlow street, 9 A. M, to 4 P. M, JOHN L. SHEA, Commissioner. Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. PATRICK H. PICKBTT, Warden, THOMAS H. YORK, Deputy. MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY, SAMUEL R. PROBASCO, Chief Engineer. MATTHEW H. MOORE, Deputy for Bronx. COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE' THE COUNCIL. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. HARRY BEAM, Deputy for Brooklyn. Nos. 7 and 8 New County Court-house, 9 A. N. to 4 RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER, President of the Council. JOHN E. BACKUS, Deputy for Queens. Main Office, No. aso Fourth avenue, Borough of Man- P. M. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. hattan. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. IL; Saturday, WILLIAM SOHMRR, County Clerk. Clerk's office open from to A. 1I. t04 P.M.; Saturdays, Datartteteut of Water Srpply. 9 A. M. to sa M. GEORGE H. FANRBACH, Deputy. 10 A.M. to12N Nos.Igtos1 Park Row,gA.M.to4P.M. THOMAS J. BRADY, President of the Board of Build. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. WILLIAM DALTON, Commissioner of Water Supply. lags and Commissioner for the Boroughs of Manhattan JAMES H. HASLIN, Deputy Commissioner. and The Bronx. KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. THOMAS F. WooDS, President. GEORGE W. BIRDSALL, Chief Engineer. JOHN GUILFOYLS, Commissioner for the Borough of Hall of Records, Brooklyn, g A. M. to 4 P. M. MICHAEL F. BLAICz, Clerk. W. G. BYRNR, Water Register. roo klyn. WILLIAM P. WURST, County Clerk. JAMES MOFFETT, Deputy Commissioner, Borough DANIEL CAMPBELL, Commissioner for the Boeoughs WILLIAM J. LYNCH, Deputy. BOROUGH PRESIDENTS. Brooklyn, Municipal Building. of Queens and Richmond. WILLIAM RASQUIN, Jr., Deputy Commissioner, Bor- A. J. JOHNSON, Secretary. Borough of Manhattan. ough of Queens, Long Island City. Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Man. QUEENS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan, THOMAS MULLIGAN, Deputy Commissioner, hattan and The Bronx, No. szo Fourth avenue, Borough Jamaica, N. Y., Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens. Borough of ' he Bronx, Crotona Park Building of Manhattan. Office hours, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M, ; Saturdays, 8 A.M. to Nos. ro, it and .a City Hall. g A. K. to 4 P. M.; Satur- p days, g A. M. to IS M. HENRY P. MORRISON, Deputy Commissioner, Borough Office of the De artment for the Borough of Brook- is M. JAMES J. COOGAN, President. of Richmond. Office, "Richmond Building," corner lyn, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn. OHN H. SUTPHIN, County Clerk. RA EDGAR RIDER Secretary. Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. L Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Queens HARLES DOWNING, Deputy County Clerk and Richmond, Richmond Hall, New Brighton, J Borough of The Bronx. Deearteext of Street Cleauiug. Staten Island, Borough of Richmond. Branch office: Office Of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, Nos. r3 to 21 Park Row, o .M.to4P.M. Room r, Second floor, Town Ha14 Jamaica, Long RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. corner Third avenue and One Hundred and Seventy- JAMES MCCARTNEY, Commissioner. Island, Borough of Queens._ County Office Building Richmond, S. I., y A. M, to 4 seventh street. g A. M. to 4 P. at.; Saturdays, g A. M to F. M. GIBSON, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of P. M. 12 M. Manhattan, No. 346 Broadway. JOSEPH SIMONSON. County Clerk. PATRICK H. QUINN, Deputy Commissioner for DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. CROWELL M. CONNER, Deputy. Louts F. HAPPEN, President. Borough of Brooklyn, Room 37 Municipal Building. Borough of Brooklyn. JOSEPH LIEPERTZ, Deputy Commissioner for Borough Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to f P. M. ; Saturdays, is M. of The Bronx, No. 6t5 East One Hundred and Fifty- THOMAS L. FEITNER, President of the Board; ED- NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSION. President's Office, No. I Borough Hall. 9 A. It. to 4 second street. WARD C. SHEEHY, ARTHUR C. SALMON, THOMAS J. P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to Is M. PATTERSON and WILLIAM GRELL, Commissioners. Commissioners' Office, Nos. 4g and 51 Chambers EDWARD M. GROUT, President. JOHN P. MADDEN, Deputy Commissioner for Borough street, New York, g A. M. to 4 P.M. of Queens, Municipal Building, Long Island City. LEWIS NIxoN, President; JAMES W. BOYLE, Vice- Borough of Queens. Department of Bttildiuys, Lg'htittg and Suutliss, President ; JAMES D. BELL, Secretary ; JULIAN D. FREDERICK BOWLEY, President. BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL STATISTICS. FAIRCHILD reasurer ; JOHN W. WEBER, SMITH E. Office, Long Island City. g A. M. until 4 P. M.; Satur- Nos. 13 to or Park Row, Q A. M. t0 4 P. M. No 13 to sr Park Row, Room 19x1. Office hours LANE and ~Fhe MAYOR, Commissioners. days, from q A. M. until is M. HENRY S. KEARNY, Commissioner of Public Build. from g A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, from 9 A. M. to Chief Engineer's Office, No. 84 Broadway, Brooklyn, logs, Lighting nd Supplies. Ia M. E.D., 9 A. M. to S P. M. Borough of Richmond. PETER J. DOOLING, Deputy Commissioner for Man- JOHN T. NAGLE, M. D., Chief of Bureau. GEORGE CROMWELL, President. hattan. Municp a] Statistical Commission : FREDERICK W. Office of the President, First National Bank Building, GEO. BEST, Deputy Commissioner for The Bronx. GRUBS, LL. D., HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY, ANTONIO DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WILLIAM WALTON, Deputy Commissioner for Brook. New Brighton ; 9 AM, to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A.M. to RASINES, JULIUS G. KUGKLMAN, RICHARD T. WILSON New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A. at. ra W. — lyn. Jr., ERNEST HARYIHR. to 4 P. M. FOWLER, Deputy Commissioner for Queens. District Attorney ; WILLIAM J. EDWARD I. MILLER, Deputy Commissioner for Rich. MCKRNNA, Chief Cleric. • COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. mond. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Rooms x14 and 5z5 Stewart Building, o A. M. to 4 P.M Criminal Court Building, Centre street, between KINGS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JOHN C. HERTLE and EDWARD O W EN, Commissioners LAW DEPARTMENT. Franklin and White streets, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. CHARLES H. KNOX, President, ALEXANDER T. MASOP Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn. Office of Corporation Counsel. and WILLIAM N. DYKMAN, Commissioners. Hours, 9 A. M. tO 4 P.M. HIRAM R. STEELE, District Attorney; ARTHUR H PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Staats-Zeitung Building, 3d and 4th floors 9 A. M. to LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary. No. rrg Nassau street, y A. to to 4 P.M. 5 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to is M. W ALKLEY, Chief Clerk. WILLIAM M. Hon's, Public Administrator. JOHN WHALEN, Corporation Counsel- THEODORE CONNOLY, W. W. LADD, Jr., CHARLES BOARD OF ASSESSORS. QUEENS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY BLANDY, Assistants. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, KINGS COUNTY. WILLIAM J. CARE, Assistant Corporation Counsel for Office, No. 32o Broadway, 9 A. 4 P. M. GEORGE W, DAVISON, District Attorney. No. 189 Montague street, Brooklyn, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., Brooklyn. EDWARD CAHILL, THOMAS A. WILSON, EDWARD except Saturdays in June, July and August, A. M. to MCCUE, PATRICK M. HAVERTY and JOHN B. MEVEN- 9 Bureau for Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes. BORG, Board of Assessors. WILLIAM H. JASPER, RICHMOND COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. [ P. M. Port Richmond, S. 1. WAI. B. DAVENPORT, Public Administrator. Stewart Building, Broadway and Chambers street, g Secretary. A. M. tO 4P.M. EDWARD S. RAWSON, District Attorney. JAMES C. SPENCER, Assistant Corporation Counsel. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Bureau for the Recovery of lexaltiss. CORONERS. Room zoo Stewart Building, 5th floor, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. BOARD OP EDUCATION. Borough of Manhattan. JOHN 7. RYAN, MAURICE J. POWER, WILLIAM H. Nos. rug and 121 Nassau street. No. 246 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan, g A.M. Office, New Criminal Court Building. Open at all TEN EYCK, JOHN P. WTNDOLPH and THE MAYOR. ADRIAN T. KIERNAN, Assistant Corporation Counsel to 5 P. M, ; Saturdays,A. M. to 12 M. y and night. COMPTROLLER, Commissioners; HARRY W. times of da and Bureau of Street Ojsuirtgr. JOSEPH J. LITTLE,, sidentPre ; A. EMERSON PALMER, EDWARD T. FITZPATRICK JACOB E. BAUSCH, EDWARD WALKER, Secretary, A. FTRLEV, Chief Engineer. Secretary. Nos. go and 92 West Broadway. W. HART, ANTONIO ZUCCA. JOHN P. DUNN, Assistant to Corporation Counsel. School Board for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Borough of The Bronx. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The Bronx. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 ANTHONY MCOwwN, THOMAS M. LYNCY. POLICE DEPARTMENT. No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan. A.M.tO `z P.M. JOSEPH J. LITTLE, President ; ARTHUR McMuL .nt, Borough of Brooklyn. Comptroller. Central OtIke. BIRD S. COLHR, Secretary. ANTHONY J. BURGER, GEORGE W. DELAY. MICHAEL T. DALY, EDGAR J. LevEY, Deputy Comp. No. 30o Mulberry street, 9 A. U. to 4 P.M trollers. BERNARD YORK, President of the Board ; JOHN Sckaal Board for the Borough of Brooklyn. Borough of Queens. Auditing Bureau. J. B. SEXTON, JACOB HESS, HENRY E. ABELL, Commis- No. 131 Livingston street, Brooklyn. PHILIP T. CRONIN, Dr. SAMUEL S. GUT, Jr., LEONARD JOHN F. GOULDSSORY, First Auditor of Accounts, sioners. — CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, President ; GEORGE Rourr, Jr., Jamaica, L. I. Borough of Manhattan. BROWN, Secretary. Borough of Richmond. EDWARD J. CONNELL, Auditor of Accounts, tough DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. of The Bronx. School Board for the Borough of Qusestr. JOHN SEAVER, GEORGE C. TRAHyHR. Central Office. WILLIAM MCKINNY, First Auditor o. A.-ounts Flushing, L. t. Borough of Brooklyn. Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, A. M, to P.M. FRANCIS R. CLAtR, Auditor of Accounts, Borough of 9 F. DR HAAS SIMONSON, President ; JOSEPH H JOHN W KBLLER, President of the Board ; Commia- PATRICK, Secretary. SURROGATES' COURT. Queens. sionek or Manhattan and Bronx. WALTER H. HOLT, Auditor of Accounts, Borough of New County Court-house. Court opens at 10.30 THOMAS S. BRENN .N, Deputy Commissioner. School Board for the Borough of RkhmeN, Richmond. ADOLPH SEMIS, Jr., Com.nissioner for Brooklyn and A. M. ; adjourns 4 P.M. Queens, Nos. ia6 and 128 Livingston street, Brooklyn. Stapleton, Staten Island. FRANK T. FITZGERALD, JAMES M. VARNUM, Sur- Bureau for the Collectiow of Assessments and JOHN T. BURKE, President ; FRANKLIN C. VITP, SeG- rogates; WIU.IAm V. LEARY. Chief Clerk. Arrears. EDWARD GLINNEN, Deputy Commissioner. JAMES FEENEY, Commissioner for Richmond. retary. EDWARD GILON, Collector of Assessments and Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and Arrears. Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE. COMMISSION, JOHN KELLEHER, Deputy Collector of Assessments pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, g A. M. to 4 P.M. TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY. and Arrears, Borough of Manhattan. Saturdays, 14 M. Stewart Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. FOURTH WARDS. Deputy Collector of Assessments THOMAS DUNN, Shenll ; HENRY P. MULYANY, JAMES E. STANFORD, Out-door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. Si J. Room 58, Schermerhorn Building, No. 96 Broadway. and Arrears, Borough of The Bronx. to 4.30 P.M. -- Under Sheriff. Meetings, Mondays, Wedhesdays and Fridays, at 3 MICHAEL O'KEEFPR, Deputy Collector of Assess- P. IL ments and Arrears, Borough of Brooklyn. WILLIAM E. STILLINGS, Chairman; WARREN W. JOHN F. ROGERS, Deputy Collector of Assessments DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. SHERIFF'S OFFICF, KINGS COUNTY. and Arrears, Borough of Queens. County Court-house Brooklyn. FOSTER, CHARLES A. JACKSON, Commissioners. GEORGE BRAND, Deputy Collector of Assessments Central Office. FRANK D. CREAMER, Sheriff ; WILLIAM J. BOGEN- LAMONT MCLOUGHLDI, Clerk. and Arrears, Borough of Richmond. No. 148 East Twentieth street, 9 A. H. to 4 P.M. SHUTZ, Under Sheriff. FRANCIS J LANTRY, Commissioner. Bureau for the Collectiow of Taxer, N. O. FANNING, Deputy Commissioner. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS. DAVID E. AUSTEN, Receiver of Taxes. JAMES J KIRWTN, Deputy Commissioner for Bor- SHERIFF'S OFFICE, QUEENS COUNTY. Courts open from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. JOHN J. MCDONOUGH, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, oughs of Brooklyn and Queens County Court-house, Long Island City, g A.M. to 4 P. M. City Magistrates—HENRY A. BRANN, ROBERT C. Borough of Manhattan. ; WILLIAM METHVP.N, CORNELL, LEROY B. CRANE, JOSEPH M. DEUB~L~)CHARLES JOHN B. UNDERHILL, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, WILLIAM CAS BAKER, Sheriff A. FLAMMER, LORENZ ZELLER, CLARENCE W. MEADE, Borough of The Bronx. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Under Sheriff, JOHN O. MOTs, JOSEPH POOL, JOHN B. MAYO, ED. JAEIEs B. BoucK, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Borough Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted, WARD HOGAN, W. H. OLMSTEAD. of Brooklyn. from g A.M. to 4P.M.; Saturdays, Ia rs. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, RICHMOND COUNTY. LuowiG F. THOMA, Secretary. FREDERICK W. BLECKWENN, Deputy Receiver of First District—Criminal Court Building Taxes, Borough of Queens. Headquarters. County Court-house, Richmond, S. 1., g A. M. to 4 P.M. Second District—Jefferson Market. MATTHEW S. TULLY, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street. AUGUSTUS ACKRR, Sheriff. Third District—No. 6g Essex street Borough of Richmond. JOHN J SCANNELL, Fire Commissioner. Fourth District—Fifty-seventh street, near Lexington JAMES H. TULLY, Deputy Commissioner, Borough '.. avenue. Bureau fir the Collection of City Revenue and of of Brooklyn and Queens. REGISTER'S OFFICE. Fifth District—One Hundred and Twenty-first street Markets. AUGUSTUS T. DOCHARTY, Secretary. East side City Hall Park, g A.M. to 4 P. n. southeastern corner of Sylvan place. DAVID O'BRIEN, Collector of City Revenue and EDWARD F. CROKER, Chief of Department, anu In ISAAC FROMME, Register; JOHN You GLAHN Sixth District—One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street Superintendent of Markets. Charge of Fire-alarm Telegraph. Deputy Register. and Third avenue. ALEXANDER MEARIW, Clerk of Markets, JAMES DALE, Deputy Chief, in Charge of Boroughs Seventh District—Fifty-fourth street, west of Eighth of Brooklyn and Queens. avenue. Bureau of the Csty fiFianberIaia. GEORGE E. MLRRAY, Inspector of Combustibles. REGISTER, KINGS COUNTY. SECOND DIysstox. PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain. PETER SEERY, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhattan Hal of Records. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M., ex- Borough of Brooklyn. JusN H. CAMPBELL, Deputy Chamberlain. The Bronx and Richmond. cepting months of July and August, then from 9 A. M ALONZO BRYMER, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brook. to a P. M.,rovided for by statute. First District—No. 358 Adams street. JACOB BRRH. Office of the City Paymaster. lyn and Queens. NBR, Magistrate. HENRY F. HAGGERTY, Register. Second District—Court and Butler streets. HsleRY No.83 Chambers street and No.65 Reade street Central Office open at all hours. WILLIAM BARRB, Deputy Register. JOHN H. TiMEtsaNAN, City Paymaster. BRISTOW, Magistrate. Third District—Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. CHARLES E. TRALR, Magistrate, Fourth District—Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue. WILLws BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Pier "A; N. R., Battery place. Room Is7 Stewart Building, Chambers street and J. SERGEANT CRAM, President ; CHARLES F. MURPHY, KRAMER. Magistrate. Nos. 13 to as Park Row, r8th floor, 9*. M, to 4 P. M. Broadway, V.M.t0P. M. Fifth District—Ewen and Powers streets. ANDRSw Treasurer ; PETER F. MEYER, Commissioners. CHARLES WELDS„ missionerCom ; JAMES It.. CONNRR, Saturdays, 9 A. M. to III M. WILLIAM H. BURK$, Secretary. Deputy Commissioner. LESION. Magistrate. MAURICE F. HOLAHAN, President. Office hours, g A. N. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, is st. Sixth District—Gates and Reid avenues. LRwta R. JOHN H. MOONEY, Secretary. WORTH, Magistrate. Seventh District—No. 31 Grant street, Flatbush Dejartmeut of Highwayt. SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. ALFRED E. STEERS, Magistrate. Nos. 53 to ax Park Row, 9A.M. to 4P.M. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. No. III Fifth avenue. Eighth District—Coney Island. J. Lour Noe'rwANn JA MES P. KEATING, Commissioner of Highways. Southwest corner of Fifty-fith street and Sixth ave- H. W. GRAY, Commissioner. Magistrate. WILLIAM N. SHANNON, Deputy for Manhattan. nue, p A. M. to 4 P.M. Borough of Queens. THOMAS R. FARRELL, Deputy for Brooklyn. MICHAEL C. MURPHY, President, and WILLIAM T. J AMES H. MALONEY, Deputy for Bronx. JENKINS, M. D., JOHN B. COSBY, M. D. THE PRESS. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, KINGS COUNTY. First District—Nos. as and 23 Jackson avenue, JOHN P. MADDEN, Deputy for Queens. DENT OF THE POLICE BOARD, ax-officio, and the HEALTH Long Island City. MATTHEW J. SMITH. Magistrate. 3 Court-house. Second District—Flushing, Long Island. Luxz J. }I1iNRY P. MORRISON, Deputy and Chief Engineer for OFFICER OP THE PORT, ex-officias, Commissioners. WILLcsne A. FURRY, Commissioner. Richmond. Office, "Richmond Building," corner Rich. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. CONNORTON, Magistrate. mond'1'eriace and York avenue, New Brighton, S. I. CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M,D., Superintendent, Bor. Third District—Far Rockaway, Long Island. ED. ough of Manhattan. SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, MUND J. HEALS', Magistrate. Dsftartmesit of Sewers. EUGENE MONAHAN, M. D., Assistant Sanitary KINGS COUNTY. Borough of Richmond. Nos. r3 to al Park Row, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. Superintendent, Borough of The Bronx, No. 325 Fulton street. JAMES KANE, Commissioner of Sewers. ROBERT A. BLACK, M.D., Assistant Sanitary Super- EDWARD J. DOOLBY, Commissioner First District—New Brighton, Staten Island. Joins MATTHEW F. DONOHUE, Deputy for Manhattan. tendent, Borough of Brooklyn. CROAK, Magistrate. THOMAS J. BYRNES, Deputy for Bronx. OBED L. LUSK, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superin- Second District-Stapleton,Staten Island. NATHANIEL WILLIAM BRENNAN, Deputy for Brooklyn tendent, Borough of Queens. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, QUEENS MARsh, Magistrate. COUNTY M*mtEw J. GOLDNER,ty Depu Commissioner JOHN I., FII'NY, M.D., Assistant Sanitary Superin. Secretary to the Board, FRANK J. GARDNER, Myrtle Sewers. Borough of Queens tendent, Borough of Richmond. EDWARD J. KNAUER, Commissioner, and Vanderbilt avenues, Borough of Brooklyn,


KINGS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT. lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall street. THE COLLECE OF THE CITY OF handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who County Court-house Brooklyn. Court-room, corner of Grand and Centre streets. NEW YORK. has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be GEORGE B. ABBOTT, urrogate ; MICHAEL F. McGoLD- HERMANN BOLTS, Justice. FRANCIS MANGIN, Clerk. deposited in said box until such check or money has RICK, Chief Clerk. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be Third District—Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. Court- STATED SESSION OF THE BOARD OF correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and West Tenth A Trustees of the College of The City of New bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. street. Court open daily (Sundays and legal holidays York will be held at the Hall of the Board of Education, within three days after the contract is awarded. If the County Office Building, Richmond, S. I, excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan, on Tues- successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five STEPHEN D. STEVeNS, County Judge. WM. F. Moo, Justice. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Clerk. day ,November as, 189a, at 4 o'clock P.M. days after notice that the contract has been awarded to Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 15, r899. him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit Fourth District—Tenth and Seventeenth Wards. made by It shall be forfeited to and retained by The Court-room, No. First street, corner Second avenue. JOSEPH J. LITTLE, KINGS COUNTY TREASURER 3° Chairman. City of New York as liquidated damages for such neg. Court opens 9 A. M. daily, and remains open to close of lect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract Court-house, Room 14. business. A. EMERSON PALMER, JOHN W. KIMBALL, Treasurer; THOMAS F. FARRELL, Secretary. within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit will Deputy Treasurer. GEORGE F. RORSCH, Justice. JOHN E. LYNCH, Clerk. be returned to him. Fifth District—Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth THE COMMISSIONER OF SEWERS RESERVES Clinton street. THE COMMISSIONERS OF RECORDS. Wards. Court-room, No. r54 THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED, HENRY M. GOLDFOGLE, Justice. —, BOROUCH OF RICHMOND. IF HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS Kings County.—Room 7, Hall of Records, Clerk. OF THE CITY. GEORGE E. WALDO, Commissioner. Sixth District—Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards. OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF BOROUGH OF RICHMOND, Blank forms of bids or estimates, the proper envelope FRANK M. THORBURN, Deputy Commissioner. Court-room, northwest corner Twenty-third street and Now B: IGHTON, N. Y., November 17, 1899. in which to inclose the same, and any further infor- Second avenue, Court opens 9 A. M. daily, and continues mation desired, can be obtained at the office of the OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, IN ACCORD- EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS open to close of business. Commissioner of Sewers, Nos. 13 to zI Park row. DANIEL F. MARTIN, Justice. ABRAM BERNARD, Clerk. N ance with section 400 of the Charter of The City Rooms 14, x5 and z6 Nos. x49 to 151 Church street. of New York, that a petition signed by residents of the JAS. KANE, President, JOHN RBNEHAN ; Secretary, JAMES L Seventh District—Nineteenth Ward. Court-room, First District for Local Improvements for the extension Commissioner of Sewers. MCGOVERN; Treasurer, EDWARD HALEY, HORACE No. 151 East Fifty-seventh street. Court opens every of Clark street to the end of Pine place, in the Second Loomis, P. J. ANDREWS, (x—officio. morning at 9 o clo,k (except Sundays and legal holi- Ward, has been presented to me and is on file in this Meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a days), and continues open to close of business. office for inspection, and that a meeting of the Local NORMAL COLLECE OF THE CITY P. M- — HERMAN JOSEPH, Justice. PATRICK McDAVITT, Board will be held in the Borough Vthce, in the First Clerk. National Bank Building, at St. George, Borough of Rich. OF NEW YORK. Eighth District—Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. mord, on the z8th day of November, 1899, at to o'clock SUPREME COURT. Court-room, northwest corner of Twenty-third street in the forenoon, at which meeting said petition will be STATED SESSION OF THE BOARD OF County Court-house, 50.30 A. M. to 4 F. M. and Eighth avenue. Court opens at 9 A. M. and con- submitted to said Board. A Trustees of the Normal College of 'the City of Special Term, Part I., Room No. z. tinues open to close of business. GEORGE CROMWELL, New York will he held at the Hall of the Board of Special Term, Part II., Room No. r5. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M, to 4 P. M. each Court President. Education, No. ,46 Grand street, Borough of Manhat- Special Term, Part IIl., Room No. i9. day. ALBERT E. HADLOCK, t&n, on Tuesday, November zl, 1899, at 4.30 o'clock P. st. Special Term Part TV., Room No. u, Trial days, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Secre(ary. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHAT'FAN, November t5, rig. Special Term, Part V., Room No. 23, Return days Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. JOSEPH J. LITTLE, Special Term, Part VI., Room No. 2r. JOSEPH H. STINER, Justice. 'THOMAS COSTIGAN, Chairman. Special Term, Part VII., Room No. 2$. Clerk. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM- A. EMERSON PALMItR, Special Term, Part Vlil., Room No,34 Ninth District—Twelfth Ward, except that portion Secretary. Trial Term, Part [L, Room No. x6, 'hereof which lies west of the centre line of Lenox or MISSION. Tri:.l Term, Part 1II., Room No. r7- Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the Trial Term, Part IV., Room No. 18. terminus of Lenox avenue. Court-room, No. 17o East MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Trial Term, Part V. Room No. 32. One Hundred and Twenty-first street, southeast corner CITY OF NEW YORK, Trial Term, Part VI., Room No.3r- of Sylvan place Court opens every morning at 9 CENTRE, ELM, FRANKLIN AND WHITE STREETS, CHARITIES. Trial Term, Part VII., Room No. 30, o clock (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con- NEW YORK, November so, x899. Trial Term, Part VilI., Room No.24, tiinues open to close of business. DEPARTSIENI' OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, Trial Term, Part X. Room No. 23. JOSEPH P. FALLON, Justice. WILLIAM J. KENNEDY, UBLIC NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT BORIUGHS <,F MANHATTAN AND 'I'He BRONX, S Trial Term, Part IX., Room No. as. Clerk. Open competitive examinations will be held at the NEW Yoxx, November r6, t899. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 26. Clerk's office open tinily from 9 A. M. to 4 P. H. officesP of this Commission for the following positions, 7*WiceP—ABRAHAM R. LAWRENCE, CHARLES H. upon the dates specified : TRUAX. CHARLES F. MACLEAN, FREDERICK SMYrH, Tenth District—Twenty-second Ward and all that PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERS' AND MISCEL- portion of the Twelfth Ward which is hounded on the Monday, November 17, ro A. M. EXAMINERS LANEOUS SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS. JAMES FITZGERALD, MILES BEACH, DAVID LEVENTRITT, north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth OF DEPENDENT CHILDREN. Subjects of ex- LEONARD A. GEIGERICH, HENRY W. BOORSTAVER. street, on the south by the centre line of Fighty-sixth amination : Letter-writing, arithmetic, experience and HFNRY BISCHOFF, Jr., JOHN J. FRIEDMAN, GEORGE P. apers. No notice to appear for this examina- BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. ANREWS,D P. HENRY DUGRO, DAVID MCADAM, HENRY street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue, general p R. BEEKMAN, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, FRANCIS M. and on the west by the North river. Court-room, No. tion will be issued on any application filed after Satur- SCOTT. WILLIAM SOHMER, Clerk, 318 West Fifty-fourth street. Court opens daily day, November t8, 1899. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUR- (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 4 Tuesday, November za to A. M. INSPECTORS nishing Engineers' and Miscellaneous Supplies and P. M. OF PLUMBING, LIGHT AND VENTILATION. S JAMES A, O'GORMAN Justice. JAMES J. GALLIGAN, Repairs, in conformity with samples and specifications, CITY COURT. Subjects of examination : Writing, arithmetic, technical will be received at the office of the Department of Clerk. knowledge and experience. No notice to appear for Public Charities, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, in Brown-stone Building, City Hall Park. Eleventh District—That portion of the Twelfth Ward this examination will be issued on any application The City of New York, until r2 o'clock noon, on General Term. which lies north of the centre line of West One Hun- filed after Monday, November 2o, 1899. Trial Term, Part I. dred and Tenth street and west of the centre line of Monday, December 4, Ir, A. JUNIOR ASSIST- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1899, Part 11, Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north ANT ARCHI-I'ECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN. The ✓ Part III. of the terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Court- maximum salary for this position is $goo. Subjects of READ' ERTISED LINES. Part IV. room. corner of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street examination : Writing, arithmetic, technical knowledge 731- I set of Dies and Taps, machine thread, from Special Term Chambers will be held to A. M. to 4 and Columbus avenue, Court opens daily (Sundays and experience, VS to i4, advancing by sixteenths. P M. and legal holidays excepted) from ro A. M. to 4 P.M. Monday, December 4, ro A. M. ASSISTANT 1028. I Box-wrench with off-set handle. Clerk's Office, Brown-stone Building, No. 32 Cham- FRANCIS J. WORCESTER, Justice. ADOLPH N. DUMA- I048. 6 enameled Rsgi ter Plates, rz by 18 inches, bers street, Fp A.M,tO 4 P.M. HAUT, Clerk ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN. The maid- mum salary for this position is $,,zoo. Subjects of as per cut slow n. JAMES M. FITZSIMONS, Chief Justice; JOHN H. Borough of The Bronx. 1059. 15 feet She't Bras-, 6 in. wide, No. r8, B. & S. MCCARTHY, LEWIS J. CONLAN, EDWARD F. O'DWYER examination : Writing, arithmetic, technical knowledge info. z pounds Round Head %-in. Brass Naih. JOHN P. SCHUCHMAN and THEODORE F. HASCALL Jns- First District—All that part of the Twenty-fot.rtn and experience. lo6z. 4 sheets Galvanized Iron, No. co. tizes. THOMAS F. SMITH, Clerk. Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County Monday, December 4, g A.M. FIREMEN. On this 4-in.long, with ,-in. of New York by chapter 5034 of the Laws of x895, com- ro63. 2 dozen Lag Screws, i(, date a medical and physical examination for Firemen will eye, galvanized. prising all of the late Town of Westchester and part of begin. In this examinat.on only applicants Nos. tS8o 15 Galvanized Iron Buckets, as per sample. A PPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. the Towns of Eastchester and Pelham, including the 1.64, to 2632, inclusive, whose applications were filed on or 1065. II Screw Eyes, ?/t -in., iron, 3-in. opening, 3-in. Villages of Wakefield and Williamsbridge. Court-room, before February 8, 1859, will be examined. Court-house, No. err Fifth avenue, corner Eighteenth Town Hall, Main street, Westchester Village. Court shauc, street. Court opens at I P. M. Wednesday. December 6, to A. M. ARCHITEC- ,o56. z Brass Cuspidors, 7 in. diameter across top. opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 5 pieces sheet brass, 3 ft. long, 4f in wide, 18 CHARLES If. VAN BRUNT, Presiding Justice; GEORGE 9 A. M. tO A P. M. TURAL DRAUGHTSMAN. The maximum salary Io67. C. BARRRTT, CHESTER B. MCLAUGHLIN, EDWARD PAT- Wit LIAM W. PENFIELD, Justice. JOHN N.STEWART, for this position is $t,8co. Subjects of examination In. gauge, B. & S. TERSON, MORGAN J. OBRIEN, GEORGE L. INGRAHAM, Clerk Writing, arithmetic, technical knowledge and expe- ro68. 4 pieces sheet brass, x8 in. long, 14 in. wife, WILLIAM RUMSEY, Justices. ALFRED WAGSTAFF, Clerk, rience. 18 gauge, B. & S. WILLIAM LAMB, Jr., Deputy Clerk, Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth LEE PHILLIPS, lo6q. 15 fathoms 24-in.6-strand Manila rope. Wards. Court-room, corner of Third avenue and One Secretary 1070. z% dozen galvanized iron petticoat lamps. Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. Office hours from 9 1o75. 2 gallons Murphy's engine black varnish. COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. A, M. tO4 P.M. Court opens at 9 A.M. 1n90. 2 valves for Utility pump governor. JOHN M. TIERNEY, Justice. HOWARD SPEAR, Clerk. 1.91. 36 springs for Blake pump. 6 by 4 by 6. Held in the building for Criminal Courts, Centre DEPARTMENT OF SEWERS. 1C92. 24 springs for Blake pump, 5% by 3% by 5. Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at it Borough of Brooklyn. 1-93. 24 springs for Blake pump, 4', by z) by 4. Sectional covering with bands and paste o'clock. First District—Comprising First, Second, Third, DEPARTMENT OF SEWERS—COMMISSIOI1ERIS OFRICE, zto9. RuFUS B. CowING, City Judge; JOHN W. GOFF, Re- Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, J(` for 45 ft. of 3% in. steam-pipe and the corder ; JOSEPH E. NEWBURGER, MARTIN T. MCMAHON Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner NEW YORK, November 17, 1899. following ti zings: 3 3% in. elbows, I and JAMES A. BLANCHARD, Judges of the Court of 3'4 In. T, 3 ft. 5 in. pipe, 15 in. T ; to be General Sessions. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. State and Court streets. delivered to Dcpiriment ; quality as JACOB NEU, Jultice. EDWARD MORAN, Clerk. per sample. Clerk's office open from to A. M. to 4 P. M. P.M. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 TO CONTRACTORS. 1121. 3 three-light gas fixtures, as per cut shown. SfrtrenYt Court, Part I., Criminal Trial Term. Second District—Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, 1x22. 03 two-light gas fixtures, as per cut shown. Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty- 1123. 16¢ht gas fixtures, as per cut shown. Held in the building for Criminal Courts. Court third Wards. Court-room located at No. 794 Broad- 1157, 2 swivel blocks with tz in, patent sheaves opens at 1o.30 A.M. way, Brooklyn, IDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A and iron shells for rope I in. d ameter. EDWARD R, CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from to A. M. to GERARD B. VAN WART, Justice. WILLIAM H.AI LEN, B sealed envelope, with the title of the work and 1166, 6 enameled hoppers. Plate 346% Mott'scata- 4 PM, Chief Clerk. the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, will be logue. Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M, received at this office until u67, 6 Anderson automatic flushing tanks and long Third District—Includes the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, English hoppers, hard wood seat rim. CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1899, Plate 347 Mott's cata'ogue. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street. Court Nineteenth Wards. Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee ave. at 12 o'clock M., at which hour they will be publicly I175. 3 plumber's hammers. opens at -0.30 o'clock A. M. flue, Brooklyn. opened by the head of the Department and read. 1213. Furnish labor and material to construct and EDWARD R CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from to A. M. to WILLIAM SCHNITZPAHN, Justice. CHARLES A. CON- For the following works in the Borough of Manhattan, erect, In the office of the Superintendent of Out-door Poor, a landing staircase 4 P. U. —^ RADY, Clerk No. r. REPAIRS TO WOODEN BARREL, SEWER Clerk's offi,e open from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. Court with hand-rail, in accordance with plans UNDER PIEK 13, NORTH RIVER. and specifications in office of Supervising ottens at to o'clock. Nor. REPAIRS TO WOODEN BARREL SEWER COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. Fourth District — Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Engineer. UNDER PIER 8. NORTH RIVER, FOOT 1221. Furnish labor, mate: ial, tools and appliances, County Court-house, Brooklyn. Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth OF RECTOR STREET. as required, for discharging 8,uoo gross JOSEPH ASPINALL AND WM. B. HUED, JR., County Wards. Court-room, No. r4 Howard avenue. ADOLPH H. GOF.TTING, Justice. HERMAN GOHLING- Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the tons of coal, more or less, as demanded Judges. name and place of residence of each of the persons by the department from vessels " along- CHARLES V. VAN DOREN, Chief Clerk, HORST Clerk; JAMES P. SINNOTT, Assistant Clerk. Clerk's office open from q A. M. to 4 P.M. makinIF the same, the names of all persons interested side" at Blackwell's and Randall's with him therein, and if no other person be so interested Island. The contractor to furnish all Fifth District—Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without labor for shoveling at City Hos- QUEENS COUNTY COURT, and Thirty-second Wards. Court-room on Bath ave- any connection with any other person making an esti- pital, Almshouse and Metropolitan nue and Bay Twenty-second street, Bath Beach. mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair Hospital, B. I. ; also to furnish County Court-house, Long Island City. CORNELIUS FURGUESON, Justice. JEREMIAH J. and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of hoisting horse and leader at Met- HARRISON S. MooRE. County Judgx. O'LEARY, Clerk. .the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of ropolitan Hospital ; also labor for Clerk's office oven from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other shoveling and horse for hoisting at Ran- officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- dall's Island ; also to furnish shovels, COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Borough of Queens ested therein, or in the supplies or in the work to etc. TIC Department to furnish which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof. horses and carts for hauling, and Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between First District—First Ward (all of Long Island City, formerly composing five Wards). Court-room Queens Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in labor for dumping and trimming Franklin and White streets, Borough of Manhattan, County Court-house (located temporarily). also transportation to and from Court opens at Io A. M. writing, of the party making the same, that the several THOMAS C. KADIEN, Justice. THOMAS F. KENNEDY, matters therein stated are true, and must be accompa- the Islands for men and horses. Yustites, First Division — ELIZUR B. HINSDALE, Clerk. nied by the consent in writing, of two householders or The cr ntractor shall bid ro much , EPHRAIM A. JACOB, JOHN Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. each week freeholders in The City of New York, to the effect that per gross ton. Should the aggregate B. McKEAN, WILLIAM C. HOLBROOK- WILLIAM M. day. Court held each day, except Saturday. amount of the bid exceed $t,000 the if the contract is awarded to the person making the contractor shall file with his bid two FULLER, Clerk; JOSKPH H. JONES, Deputy Clerk. Second District—Second and Third Wards, which estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to4 P.M. bonds of fifty per cent. of the amount. Includes the territory of the late Towns of Newtown bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and A deposit of five per cent. of the amount Second Division—Trial days—Borough Hall, Brook- and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house 01 late Town that if he shall refuse or nefflect to execute the same of security required must accompany lyn, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at to o'clock; of Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court street, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between each bid. The deposit to be in currency Town Hall, Jamaica,Borough of Queens, Tuesdays, at Elmhurst, New York. P.O. address, Elmhurst, New the sum to which he would be entitled upon its comple- or a certified check drawn on a city ro o'clock; Town Hall, New Brighton, Borough of York. tion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to bank to the order of the Comptroller of Richmond, Thursdays, at to o'clock. WILLIAM T. MONTEYERDE, Justice. HENRY WALTER. pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded New York. Jr., Clerk. at any subsequent letting; the amount to be calculated Furnish labor and material necessary for 7ustic6t-OHN COURTNEY, HOWARD j, FORKER, Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. upon the estimated amount of the work by which the rz66. PATRICK KADY, JOHN FLEMING, THOMAS W. bids are tested. the building of a roadway affording FITZGERALD. JOSEPH L. KERRIGAN, Clerk; CHARLES Third 1)istnct—JAMBS F, MCLOuG8LIN, Justice entrance to the grounds of Fordham F. WoLz. Deputy Clerk. GEC. W. DAMON Clerk. The consent last above mentioned must be accom- Hos ital,located at Aqueduct avenue and Clark's office, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn, Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of St. James street. Also to lower Croton Open from 9 M M. to 4 P. M. the persons signing the same, that he is a householder water, gas and sewer pipes, and con- Borough of Richmond, or freeholder to The City of New York, and is worth necting same up ready for use ; all to he First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of the amount of the security required for the completion of done in accordance with detailed plani Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Village the contract, over and above all his debts of every na- and specifications on file in the office of MUNICIPAL COURTS. Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New ture, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, the Supervising Engineer. Borough of Manhattan. Brighton. or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety No empty packages are to he returned to bidders or First District—Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards, and JOHN J. KENNEY, Justice. FRANCIS F. LEMAN, Clerk. in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond contractors except such as are designated in the specifi- all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway Curto office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Court held required by law. cations. and Whitehall street. including Governor's Island, each day, except Saturday, from ro A. M. No estimate will be considered unless accompanied The person or persons making any bid or estimate, Bedloe's Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands, Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards by either a certified check upon one of the State or shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed New Court-house, No. Iz8 Prince street, corner of (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). National banks of The City of New York, drawn to Bid or Estimate for Engineers' and Miscellaneous Wooster street. Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Stapleton, the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount Supplies and Repairs," with his or their name or WAUHOPE LYNN, Justice. FRANK L. BACON, Clerk. ALBERT REYNAUD Justice. PETER TIERNAN, Clerk. of five per centum of the amount of the security names and address, and the date of presentation, to Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. Court office open from 9 A. M, to I P. M. Court held required for the faithful performance of the contract. the head of said Department, at the said office, on or Second District—Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four- each day from to A. as., and continues until close of Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a before the day and hour above named, at which time teeuth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward business. sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be and place the bids or estimates received will be 7092 THE CITY RECORDD. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. .

publicly opened by the President of said Department, All lumber to be delivered at Blackwell's Island forth. TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST, AS PROVIDED IN SEC- THE BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES THE or his duly authorized agent, and read. with. Measurements allowed as received at Black. TION 419, CHAPTER 378, LAWS OF 1897, RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEEMED THE BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES THE well's Island. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST, AS PROVIDED IN RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEEMED Line Nos. awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- SECTION 419, CHAPTER 378, LAWS OF 1897. TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST, AS PROVIDED IN SEC- 1683. 4,000 feet, B. M.. t%-inch, first quality extra poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, No bid or estimate will be accepted from or contract TION 45q, CHAPTER 378, LAWS OF 1897, clear White Pine, I2 to t6 inches wide, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Corpo- No bid or estimate will be accepted from. or contract 12 to r6 feet long, dressed two saes, poration. ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- %-inch, to average 14 inches wide, per The award of the contract will be made as soon as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, 1.000 teat, B. M. practicable after the opening of the bids. poratton. y. as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the 1684. 6,000 feet, B. M., h-inch, fi St quality, extra Delivery will be required immediate) The award of the contract will be made as soon as Corporation. clear White Pine, t2 to 16 inches wide, Any bidder for this contract must be known to be practicable after the opening of the bids. The award of the contract will be made as soon as 12 to 16 feet long, dressed two sides, engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must Any bidder for this contract must be known to be practicable after the opening of the bids. %-inch, to average t4 inches wide, per have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the engaged in and well prepared for the business, and Delivery will be required to be made from time to 5,000 feet, B. M. person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and time and in such quantities as may be directed by the x685, 5,000 feet, B. M. -inch, first quality, ex'ra clear will be required to give security for the performance of the person or persons to whom the contract may be h awarded will be required to give security for the per- Commissioners. White Pine, tz to r6 inches wide, rs to the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient Any bidder for this contract must be known to be r6 feet long, dressed two sides, %-inch, sureties, each in the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. formance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must to average 54 inches wide, per I,000 feet, of the bid for each article. (No bonds or deposit sufficient sureties, each in the penal amount of Five have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the per- B. M. required on bids under One Thousand Dollars.) Hundred (Soo) Dollars. son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded x686. 30,000 feet, R.M , i-inch, first quality, extra clear Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name will be required to give security for the performane^ of White Pine, 12 to r6 inches wide, t2 to and place of residence of each of the persons making the and place of residence of each of the persons making the the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient r6 feet long, dressed two sides, Vs-inch, same, the names of all persons interested with him or same, the names of all persons interested with him or sureties, each to the penal amount of fifty (5o) per cent. to average 14 inches wide, per i,000 them therein, and if no other person be so interested it them therein, and if no other person be so interested it of the bid for each article. feet, B. M. shall distinctly state that fact ; also that It is made with- shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with- Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name 1687. i,000 feet B. M., r3(-inch first quality extra out any connection with any other person making an out any connection with any other person making an es- and place of residence of each of the persons making the clear White Pine, is to if inches wide, estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair timate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of same, the names of all persons interested with him or RI to 16 feet long, dressed two sides, and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of them therein, and if no other person be so interested it r%-inch, to average x4 inches wide, the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of the Municipal Assembly head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereoftor clerk therein, or other offi- shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made with- per i,000 feet, B. M. a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer out any connection with any other person making an es- 1688. 7,500 feet B. M., t4-inch, first quiity extra of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested cer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- timate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair clear White Pine, is to r6 inches wide, therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of 12 to r6 feet long. dressed two sides, In any portion of the profits thereof. l'he bid or esti- relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The y the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a t3- rich, to average 14 inches wide, mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the bid or estimate must be verified b the oath, in writing, bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer per icon feet, B. M. party or parties making the estimate that the several of the party or parties making the estimate that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested 1688. 5,oco feet, B. M., z-inch, first qualimy, ex•ra matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, clear White Pine, in to 16 inches wide, more than one person is interested, it is requisite that When more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all or in any portion of theprofits thereof. The bid or 12 to r6 feet long, dressed two sides, the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of x%-inch, to average 14 inches wide, per parties interested. the Parties interested. the party or parties making the estimate that the several 1,000 feet, B, M. Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or free. matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where 1690. 6o,000 feet. B. M , good sound White Pine Box consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders more than one person is interested it is requisite that Boards, tree from black or heart knots holders, in The City of New York, with their respective in The City of New York, with their respective places of places of business or residence, to the effect that if the the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the or sh.kes, dressed two sides, 4-inch, business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be parties interested. ra to 15 inches wide, to average z334 contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the coo- indhes wide, is to r6 feet long, to ave- its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its sent, in Writing, of two householders or freeholders in rage 14 feet long, per loon feet, B. M. sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the The City of New York, with their respective places of i6gr. i25,oco feet, B. M., good sound White Pine Box to execute the same they will pay to the Corporation business or residence, to the effect that if the contract he Boards, free from black or heart knots Corporation any difference between the sum to which he any difference between the sum to which he would be would be entitled upon its completion and that which awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, or shakes, dressed two sides, 74-inch, entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo- on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties is to 55 inches wide, to average 13 the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or ration may be obliged to pay to the person cr persons to persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any for its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or inches wide, no to 16 feet long, to aver- whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor. age 14 feet long. Pt r r,00n feet, B. M. subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calcu- letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon lated upon the estimated amount of the work by which poration any difference between the sum to which he 1692. 2c0 feet, B. M., N-inch, clear, first quality the estimated amount of the work by which the bids would be entitled on its completion and that which the Ash, £ to 14 inches wide, 12 feet and the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or over long, die sed two sides %-inch, panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of persons to whom the contract may be awarded at an to average it inches wide, per I,000 of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a the persons signing the same that he is a householder householder or freeholder in The City of New York, subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be cal- fee;, ELM. or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the culated upon the estimated amount of the work by and is worth the amount of the security required for if93, t,coo feet, B, M. t inch to z inches, clear first amount of the security required for the completion of this which the bids are tested. The consent above-men- first quality Ash, 8 to 14 inches wide, the completion of this contract over and above all contract over and above all his debts of every nature his debts of every nature, and over and above his lia- tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, I2 feet and over long, dressed two and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that sides, to average rt inches wide, per bilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that be has he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in offered himself as a surety in good faith, and 1,000 feet, B. M. good faith and with the intention to execute the bend York, and is worth the amount of the security required 5694. 120 feet B. M. t-inch clear first quality Black with the intention to execute the bond required required by section r2 of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordr- by section r2 of chapter 7 of the Revised for the completion of this contract over and above all his Walnut, 8 to 14 inches wide, •2 feet nances of The City of New York, if the contract shall be debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities and over long, dressed two sides, Ordinances of The City of New York, if the awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered him- inch, to average to inches wide, per to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the self as a surety in good faith and with the intention to 0,005. feet, B. M. whom he consents to become surety. The adequacy security offered to be approved by the Comptroller and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved execute the bond required by section tz of chapter 7 of 1695. 200 pieces first quality Rough Spruce, z by 3 of The City of New York. the Revised Ordinances of 'l he C ity of New York, if inches by r3 feet long, per piece. by the Comptroller of The City of New York. the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons .696. 750 pieces first quality Rough Spruce, 2 by 4 No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- for whom he consents to become surety. The ade- inches by s3 feet long, per piece. panied by either a certified check upon one of the panied by either a certified check upon one of the quacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be ap- 1697. I,3co pieces first quality Rough Spruce, 3 by 4 National or State banks of 'The City of New York, National or State banks of The City of New York, proved by the Comptroller of The City of New York. inches by t3 fe: t long, per piece. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- 1698. too pieces first quality Rough Spruce, t by 9 amount of five per centom of the amount of the to the amount of five per centum of the amount of paoied by either a certified check upon one of the inches by 13 feet iong, per piece. security required for the faithful performance of the the security required for the faithful performance State or National Banks of The City of New York, x699 i,roo pieces first quality Rough Spruce, 2 by 9 contract. Such check or money must Nor be of the contract. Such check or money must NOT drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money inches by 13 feet long, per piece. inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the to the amount of five per centum of the amount 5700 260 pieces first quality Spruce, dressed one mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the security required for the faithful performance .side, tongued and grooved to finish, %s of the Department who has charge of the esti- of the Department who has charge of the estimate of the contract. No deposit or bonds required cn by i inches by r3 feet long, per piece. mate box, and no estimate can he deposited in said box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box y bids tinder One Thousand Dollars.) Such check or ryor too pieces first quality Spruce, dressed two box until such check or mone has been exam- until such check or money has been examined by money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed en- sides, tongued and grooved to finish I% ined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. said officer or clerk and found to be correct- All velope containing the estimate, but must be handed by 8% inches by 13 feet long, per piece. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, to the officer or clerk of the Department who 17oz. t,rco feet, B. M., to z-inch, clear, first will be returned to the persons making the same within will be returned to the persons making the same has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be quality White Oak, 8 to sa inches wide, three days after the contract is awarded. If the suc- within three days after the contract is awarded. If the deposited in said box until such check or money has 12 feet aid over long, dressed two cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be sides, to average it Inches wide, per after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, days after notice that the contract has been awarded to ,coo feet, B. M. to execute the same. the amount of the deposit made by him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful him shall be forfeited to and be retained by The City of bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same 1703. 1,000 feet, B. ttsl., first quality extra clear Wl,ite made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by within three days after the contract is awarded. I f the Pine Ceiling, dressed two sides, New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or The City of New York as liquidated damages for such successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five tongued, grooved and headed to finish refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract days after notice that the contract has been awarded 7s-inch by 3% inches by r2 feet and time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be re- within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit over long. per i,000 feet, R. M. turned to him. be returned to him. made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by The 5704. Soo feet, B.M., Yellow Pine Ceiling, dressed Should the person or persons to whom the contract Should the person or persons to whom the contract City of New York as liquidated damages for such two sides, tongued, grooved and beaded may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract neglect or refusal, but if he shall execute the contract to finish %- nch by 3xi4 inches by rz within five days after written notice that the same has within five days after written notice that the same has within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will feet and over long, free from sap, been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or be returned to him. knot', gum, rot, shakes or splits, per they accept but do not execute the contract and give the they accept but do not execute the contract and give the Should therson or personsp to whom the contract r,oeo feet. B. M. proper security. he or they shall be considered as having proper security, he or they shall be considered as hav- may be awardede neglect or refuse to accept the contract 1705. 600 feet, B. M., Yellow Pine Ceiling, dressed abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation,and ing abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, within five days after written 4totice that the same has two sides, trngued, grooved and beaded the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided and the contract will be readvertised and relet as pro- been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or to finish Y6-inch by ziz inches by is by law. vided by law. they accept but do not execute the contract and give the feet and over long free from tap, The quality of Ike Lumber must conform in every Bidders are cautioned to examine the plans and proper security, he or they shall be considered as hav- knot-, gum, rot, shakes, or splits ; per retpe,t to the specifications. Bidders are cautioned specifications for particulars of the work, etc, ing abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, 1,000 feet, B. M. to examine the speci.6catlons for particulars be/are required before malting their ts!imatcs, and ere cautioned against referring to any specifications and the contract will be readvertised and relit, as pro- 1706 6co feet, B. M , Yellow Pine Ceiling, dressed making their estimates, and are cautioned against vided by law. two sides, tongued, grooved and beaded referring to any t/fci7ieations other than than fur- other than those furnished by the Department. The quality of the articles, subj:us, goods, wares to finish, Ys-inc;t by 3% inches by to nished by the Department. Such references are Such refirences are cause for bids whereon no case govern the action and merchandise must conform in every re%pect to the feet and over long, free from sap, knot-, cause for rgfrct,ng bids whereon they are written, they are written, and will in samples of the same an exhibition at the o(jfre of the gum, rot, shakes or splits, per r,oco and will in no case govern the action of the Depart- ajthe Department officers in passing upon tendi-inch by 2) inches by 2 feet jo?fing and awards made to the lowest bidder on lot The form of the contract, including specifications, and Bidders must state the price of each article per lot, and over long, fee from rap, knot., by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must complete. showing the manner of payment, can be obtained and gum, rot, shakes or spits, per r,000 feet, All estimates not conforming to these requirements plans seen at the office of Horgan & Slattery, architects, be footed up, as the bids will be read from the total B. M. footing and awards made to the lowest bidder on each may be considered as informal. No I Madison avenue, New York City, and bidders are 1708 05,000 feet, P.M.. Yel'ow Pine Flooring, tongued cautioned to examine each and all of its provisions item or c.'ass. and grooved to finish t%s inches by 3 Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates All.stimates not confa,m'ng to these requirements in addition to inserting the same in figures. carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will insist inches by s2 feet and over long, free upon its absolute enforcement in every particular. may be considered as informal. from sap, knots, gum, rot, shakes or Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- splits, per 1,000 feet B. M. troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or JOHN W. KELLER, President, troller in accordance with the terms of the contract, or 1709. x,000 feet B. M. comb grain, Yellow Pine Floor. from time to time, as the Commissioners may deter- ADOLPH SIMIS, JR., Commissioner, from time to time as the Commissioners may determine. ing, concave, dressed two sides, mine. JAMES FEENY, Commissioner, All bids must be based upon the descriptions fur- tongued, and grooved to finish, %- The form of the contract, including speci/ications, Department of Public Charities. not nished or samples exhibited by this Department and inch by z inches by I2 feet and over and showirg the manner of paymen•, can be obtained on samples furnished by the bidder. long, free from sap, knots, gum, rot at the office of the General Bookkeeper and Auditor, Samples will be on exhibition at the office of Super- shakes, or split', per r,003 feet, B. 1,1. foci of East Twenty-sixth street, and bidders are CHANCE OF GRADE DAMAGE vising Engineer, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 1720. 6,000 feet B. M. N-inch clear, first quality White cautioned to examine each and all of its provisions COMMISSIONTWENTY-THIRD curing office hours, until the bids are opened. Wood, dressed two sides, '4-inch, 8 carefully, as the Board of Public Charities will insist The form of the contract, including s/eeineafians, inches and over wide, in feet and over upon its absolute enf.rcement in every particular. AND TWENTZfi-FOURTH WARDS. and showing the manner ofpa, men'. can be obtained long, per r,000 feet, B. M. bidders JOHN W. KELLER, President, URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- at the office of eke Supervising Engineer, and 1710, 1,000 feet B. bt. i4 by to inches by t6 feet Yel- are cautioned to examine each and ail of its tro-,ir. ADOLPH SIMIS, Ja., Commissioner, ter 537 of the Laws of x893, entitled "An act low Pine Step Plank, tree from sap, JAMES FEENY, Commissioner, "providingP for ascertaining and paying the amount of ions carefully, as the Board of Public Charities wi I knots, gum rot, shakes or splits, per insist upon its absolute enforcement in every par- Department of Public Charities. I, damages to lands and buildings suffered by reason of 1,0w feet B. M. "changes ofgrade of streets or avenues, made pursuant ticular. 1712. n,000 feet, B. M., I% by is inches by r6 feet, JOHN W. KELLER, President, "to chanter 721 of the Laws of 1887, providing for the Yellow Pine Step Pank, free from sap, . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, " depression of railroad tracks in the Twenty-third and ADOLPH SIMIS, Ja., Commissioner, knots, gum, rot, shakes, or splits, per BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX, JAMES FEENY, Commissioner, " Twenty-fourth Wards, in The City of New York, or X,000 feet, B. M. FOOT OF EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, Department of Public Charities "otherwise,' and the acts amendatory thereof and 17t3- 5,oco feet, B. M., merchantable White Pine NEW Yoax, November t3, 1899. supplemental thereto, notice is hereby given that B' ard, tongued and grooved to 6nish,'- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, public meetings of the Commissioners appointed pur- inch by 9jts inches by tz, 14 and z6 feet BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX, suant to said acts, will be held at Room 58, Schermer- long, per t,oco feet, B. M. PROPOSALS FOR THE MATERIALS AND FOOT OF EAST 'I WENTY-SIXTH STREET, horn Building, No. 96 Broadway, in The City of New 135 bundles first ualit Spruce Lath, zoo in WORK REQUIRED FOR THE ALTERA- NEW YORK, November t4, t8gg. J 1754• q y York, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each bundle. per bundle. TIONS TO THE NORTH HOSPITAL BUILD- ING ON RANDALL'S ISLAND. week. at 2 o'clock P. M.. until further notice. 1715 no bundles "Bests" Pine Shingles, r6 inches Dated NBw YoRtc, April r7, I89g long, each width separately bunched, 5 WILLIAM K. STILLINGS, PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER, TO BE DELIS butts to measure z inches, all heart, EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR THE WARREN W. FOSTE R, ERED AT ONCE. free from shakes, knots and other de- S above-mentioned work, in conformity with plans CHARLES A. JACKSON, fects, per bundle. and specifidations, will be received at the office of the Commissioners. r7t6. 200 only first quality Chestnut Clothes Posts, Department of Public Charities, foot of East Twenty- LAMONT MCLOUGHLIN, BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX to feet long and 6 inches in diameter sixth street, in The City of New York, until in Clerk. when finished, each. o'clock M., 1717. 4,000 only Maple Bed Blocks, as per sample, per loo. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1899. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUH OFFICIAL PAPERS. S nishing the above-mentioned Supplies, in con The person or persons making any bid or The person or persons making any bid or estimate estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed fortuity with specifications, will be received at the Cen ORNING—"MORNING JOURNAL," "TFLE- teal 011ice of this Department, toot of East Twentj indorsed "Bid or Estimate for Lumber," with "Bid or Estimate for the Materials and Work required his or their name or names and the date of pre- for the alterations to the North Hospital Building on M graph." -1,b ;trcet, until 12 o'clock noon, Evening—" Daily News," "Commercial Advertiser." sentation to the head of said Department, at the Randall's Island," with his or their name or names, and Weekly—" Weekl Union." MONDAY, NOVEMBER `67, 1899. said office. on or before the day and hour above named, the date of presentation, to the head of said Depart- y at which time and place the bids or estimates received ment, at the said office, on or before the day and Semi-weekly—" Harlem Local Reporter." LUMBER. will be publicly opened by the President of said De- hour above funned, at which time and place the bids German—" Morgen Journal." (Bidders will state prices by items. Awards will partment, or his duly authorized agent, and read. or estimates received will be publicly opened by the WILLIAM A. BUTLER, made to that bidder the total of whose bid for loan THE BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES THE President of said Department, or his duly authorized Supervisor, City Record. shall be the lowest.) RIGH1 TO REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEEMED agent, and read. SEPTEMBER 6, x8p . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. THE CITY RECORD. 7093

DEPARTMENT OF WATER objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The highest bidder will be required to pay twenty-five of Assessors, No. 320 Broadway, New York, on or (25) per cent. of the purchase money and the auctioneer's SUPPLY. before December g, 1899, at rr A. M., at which time and NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF SALE OF fee on each of such lots of land at the time and place of place the said objections will be heard and testimony LANDS AND TENEMENTS WITHIN THAT sale aed the balance, Seventy-five (+5) per cent. upon DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, received thereto. PART OF THE C1TY OF NEW YORK the delivery of the deeds within thirty (go) days from COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, 1{ EDWARD McCUE KNOWN AS THE BOROJGHS OF MAN- the date of sale. NEW YORK, November 8, 11899. EDWARD CAHILL, HATTAN AND THE BRONX, FOR UNPAID The Comptroller may, at his option, resell any lot THOS. A. WILSON, ASSESSMENTS. which may be struck off to the highest bidder, who may PATRICK M. HAVERTY, fail to comply with the terms of the sale, and the party NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. JOHN B. MEYENBORG, HEREAS, SECTION zo29 OF THE who may fail to comply therewith will be held liable for Board of Assessors. W 'Greater New York Charter" authorizes the any deficiency that may result from such resale. WILLIAM H. JASPER, Comptroller, in his discretion, to postpone any sale for The lands otr the line of the New Croton Aqueduct Secretary, will be sold subject to a permanent easement therein by N THURSDAY, NOVEMBFR 23, 7899, AT xi unpaid taxes and assessments ; and No. 32o Broadway. Whereas, Many persons desire, and have applied The City of New fork, its successors and assigns, for O o'clock A. M., the Department of Water Supply the maintenance and preservation of the Aqueduct will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, by CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, for, a postponement of the sale for unpaid as. November t5, 1899. sessments advertised to be held on Wednesday, Sep- underneath the surface of said lands as the same now Messrs. Peter F. Meyer & Co., Auctioneers, at the exists in certain parcels, as noted in the description. Department Pipe Yard, foot of East Twenty-fourth tember 6, r899 ; now, therefore, in order to afford all such persons the opportunity to pay the assess- The right to rejzct any bid is reserved. street, Borough of Manhattan. The maps of the several parcels of property to be sold About r5o tons of old cast-iron. BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVE- ments upon their property so advertised to be sold, and thereby avoid the additional expense of redemp- may be seen upon application at the Comptroller's office, 5 tons of old wrought-iron and steel. MENTS. No. z8o Broadway, Room 55, Borough of Manhattan, 500 pounds of old composition metal. tion of the property if sold, the said sale is hereby ordered to be postponed until Monday, the 4th day of City of New York. By order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, TERMS OP SALE. BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, December, 2890, to be held at the same time and place, No. at PARK Row, to wit : at the Court-house, City Hall Park, at r o clock under resolution adopted July 3r, 1899. Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. P. M. BIRD S. COLER, of sale. Bidders must name a price per ton for the old BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel, and a price per pound OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Comptroller. CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, for the old composition metal. No bid will be received N Board of Public Improvements of The City of COMP'rROt-r.ER'S OFVICP., October 2o, r 899. except for the entire lot of iron, steel and composition New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPAR-tMENT OF FINANCE, metal. The purchaser must remove all the material proposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, September 5, 1899. from the Pipe Yard within thirty days after the sale, York, by laying out new streets, avenues, parks and otherwise he will forfeit the money paid at the time of public places, as shown on a proposed map or plan, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. sale, and the ownership to the material, which will showing the street ysttm in the First Ward, Borough thereafter be resold for the benefit of the City. The of Queens, formerly Long Island City, as modified and DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, purchaser must remove the material as directed by the proposed by the said Board of Public Improvements, ARSENAL, CENTRAL PARK. officer of the Department in charge at the Pipe Yard, which said Map or Plan is now on file, and can be seen at No, j7 CHAMBERS STREET (STEWAIRT BUILDING), NEW YORK, November x, ,Egg. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, and will not be allowed to select material for removal the office of the said Board, as above ; and that a meeting November 17, 1899. at will. of the said Board will be held in the office of the said Board OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS WM. DALTON, at No. ax Park row, Borough of Manhattan, as above, on N whose taxes for the year r8g9 remain unpaid on Commissioner of Water Supply. the z9th day of November, 1899, at 2 o'clr,ck P. M., at the 1st day of November of the said year, that unless TO CONTRACTORS. which such proposed laying out of new streets, avenues, the same shall be paid to the Receiver of faxes, at his etc., will be considered by said Board ; all of which is EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES, WITH THE office in the borough in which the property is located, title of the work and the name of the bidder or more particularly set forth and described in the follow- as follows : S ing resolutions adopted by said Board on the 8th day bidders indorsed thereon, will be received by the Park CORPORATION NOTICE. Borough of Manhattan, No.57 Chambers street, Man- Board, at its offices, Arsenal Building, Sixty-fourth of November, 1899, notice of the adoption of which Is hattan, N. Y. hereby given, viz. : street and Fifth avenue, Central Park, New York City, Borough of The Bronx, corner Third and Tremont until is o'clock A. nt. of UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE. Resolved, That the Board of Public Improvements of avenues, The Bronx, N. Y. P owner or owners of all houses and lots, improved The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Borough of Brooklyn. Rooms 2, 4, 6 and 8, Municipal FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1699, or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the follow. section 436 ofchapter 378, Laws of ,197, deeming it for the Building, Brooklyn, N.Y. FOR Soo CUBIC YARDS OF MARCELLUS SHALE ing proposed assessments have been completed and public interest so to do, proposes to alterthe map or plan Borough of Queens, corner Jackson avenue and Fifth are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for of The City of New York by laying out new streets, SANUS"IONE SCREENINGS, TO BE street, Long Island City, N.V. DELIVERED, WHERE AND WHEN examination by all persons interested, viz.: avenues, parks and public places, as shown on a pro- Borough of Richmond. Richmond Building, New posed map or plan, showing the street system in the REQUIRI-1i, ON PROSPECT PARK, Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. AND BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. First Ward, Borough of Queens, formerly Long Island —on or belore the ,st day of December of said year, he WI'lHIN ONE MILE OF PROSPECI' City, as modified and proposed by the said Board of will charge, receive and collect upon such taxes so re- PARK. List 5977, No. I. Regulating, grading, curbing, flag- Public Improvements. ging, laying crosswalk;, building approaches and placing maining unpaid on that day, in addition to the amount Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed of such taxes, one per cantum on the amount thereof, 'I'he above to be equal in quality to the stone tokon lences in Jerome avenue, from Elliott street to Wolf laying out of new streets, avenues, etc., in the above. from the shale beds near Matamoros, Pike Coanty, place. as provided by section 916 of the Greater New York named First Ward, Borough of Queens, at a meeting of Charter (chapter 378, Laws of 1897). Pennsylvania. List 5978, No. 2. Regulating, grading, curbing, fag- this Board, to be held in the office of this Board, on the DAVID E. AUSTEN, The amount of security required is Six Hundred ging, laving crosswalks and placing fences in Jerome 29th day of November, 589g, at a o'clock P. M. Receiver of Taxes. Dollars. avenue, from Wolf place to One Hundred and Ninetieth Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal exami- street (St. James' street), together with a list of awards these resolutions, and a notice to all persons affected nation, and by such other means as they may prefer, as for damages caused by a change of grade. thereby, that the proposed laying out of new streets, PETER F. MEYER, AUCTIONEER. to the nature and extent of the work or materials, and The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said avenue,, etc., in the above-named First Ward, Borough shall not, any time after the submission of an estimate, assessments include all the several houses and lots of of Queens, will he considered at a meeting CORPORATION SALE OF REAL ESTATE. dispute or complain of such statement, nor assert that ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated of this Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, there was any misunderstanding in regard to the nature on— to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days con- or amount of the work to be done or materials to be tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT furnished. No. r. Both sides of Jerome avenue, from the south the zgth day of November, 18gg. P the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name side of Elliott street to the north side of Wolf place, Dated NEW YORK, November r4, 1899. City of New York, by virtue of the powers vested in and place of residence of each of the persons making the and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, on same, the names of all persons interested with him or streets. JOHN H. MOONEY, Secretary. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1899, them therein, and if no other person be so interested, No. 2. Both sides of Jerome avenue, from Wolf place it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made to One Hundred and Ninetieth street, and to the extent at to o clock M., at the Comptroller's Office, No. abo without any connection with any other person making of half the block at the intersecting streets. BOARD OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects NO.zr PARK Row, all the right. title and interest of The City of New lair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member All persons whose interests are affected by the above- York, in and to the several parcels of land and premises BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to situated in the County of Westchester, State of New of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other the same, or either of them, are requested to present OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE York, being lands heretofore acquired for the purposes officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter. their ob jections, in writing, to the Secretary of the N Board of Public Improvements of The City of of the New Croton Aqueduct, the said several lots and ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it re- Board of Assessors, No. 320 Broadway, New York, on New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, parcels of land being designated and described by the lates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or before December 19, 1899, at rt A. M., at which ,rroposes to alter the map or plan of The City of New original parcel numbers as shown on the maps filed by or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, time and place the said objections will be heard and York, by changing the grades of Creston avenue, from the Aqueduct Commissioners under chapter i9c, Laws of the party or parties making the estimate, that the testimony received in reference thereto. East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street to East of 1883. several matters stated therein are in all respects true. EDWARD McCUE, One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street, in the Borough SHAFT SITE No. T. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite EDWARD CAHILL, of The Bronx, City of Pew York, and that a meeting of All those certain lots or farm Is of land in the Town that the verification be made and subscribed by all the THOS. A. WILSON, the said Board will be held in the office of the said Board, of Yorktown, known and descril_ed as follows: Parcel parties interested. PATRICK M. HAVERTY, at No. xi Park row, Borough of Alanhattan, on the zzd No. 863A, an irregular plot of land containing an area of Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con- JOHN B. MEYENBORG, day of November, 1899. at z o'clock P. at., at which o.6ol acres, adjoining the shift site and fronting on the sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in Board of Assessors. such proposed change of grades will be considered by public road from Sing Sing to Croton Dam. Easement. The City of New York, with their respective places of WILLIAM H. JASPER, said Board ; all of which is more particularly set forth Parcels 865n and 866, forming toget her one pot of land business or residence, to the effect that if the contract Secretary, and described in the following resolutions adopted by containing a total area of 4.'94 acres, fronting on the be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, No. 320 Broadway. said Board on the 1st day of November, 1899, notice of some public road from Sing Sing to Croton Dam. Ease- on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, the adoption of which is hereby given, viz. : ment. Its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or re- November I8, 1899. Resolved. That the Board of Pf.blic Improvements of Upset price, $15o. The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions fuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corpora. SHAFT SITE No. 2. tion any difference between the sum to which he would of section 436 of chapter 378, Laws of 1897, deeming it be entitled on its completion and that which the Cor. UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE for the public interest so to do, proposes to alter the All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town of Newcastle, known and de-cribed as foilaws: Parcels poration may be obliged to pay to the person or P owner or owners of all houses and lots, improved map or plan of The City of New York by changing persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the follow- the grades of Creston avenue, from East One Hun- Nos. 841 and 841%, forming together an in eguHr plot of subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be cal- ing proposed assessments have been completed end dred and Eighty-fourth street to East One Hundred and land, containing a total area of 6.961 acres, the northerly culated upon the estimated amount of the work are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for Eighty-ninth street, in the Borough of The Bronx, side of which is on the line between the Towns of York- by which the bids are tested. The consent examination by all persons interested, viz. more particularly described as follows: town and N, wcastle. Easement. above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or Beginning at the intersection of Creston avenue with Upset price, $zoo. affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street, the eleva- SHAFT SITE No.3. same, that he is a householder or freeholder in 'The City List 5878, No. x. Sewer and appurtenances in East tion to be 130 feet on the east curb and 131 feet on the of New York, and is worth the amount of the security west curb as heretoTore. All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town Two Hundred and First street (.uburban street), be- of Newcastle, known and described as follows : Parcels required for the completion of this contract, over and tween Webster avenue and the Concourse, with 1st. Thence 170 feet north of the north curb of East above all his debts of every nature and over and above One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street, the elevation Nos. 817 and 818, forming together a square plot of land branches in Decatur avenue, br tween East Two Hun- containing a total area of 3.67; acres, near the public his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he dred and First and East Two Hundredth streets'; to to be r3z feet above high water datum. has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with zd. I-hence to a point 270 feet southerly from the road known as the Sing Sing road. Easement. Bainbridge avenue, between East Two Hundred and Also parcel No.Bzo in the same town, a triangular the intention to execute the bond required by section First and East Two Hundredth streets, and in Briggs southeasterly intersection of7 the curb lines of Creston 27 of chapter 8 of the Revised Ordinances of The City avenue and East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street, plot of land fronting on the same public ro; d opposite avenue, between East Two Hundred and First and East the shaft site and contained o.z2o acres. Easement. of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the Two Hundredth street. the elevation to be 125.5 feet above mean high-water person or persons for whom he consents to become datum. Upset pric-, l2o. The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security 3d. Thence to the intersection of East One Hundred SHAFT SITE No. 4. offered to be approved by the Comptroller of The City assessments include all the several houses and lots of and Eighty-ninth street with Creston avenue, the ele- ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated vation to be 112.5 feet above high water datum as here- All that certain lot or parcel of land in the Town of of New York. on— tolore. Ossining, known and described as follows: Parcel 7v4, No bid or estimate will be received or considered No. x. Both sides of Two Hundred and First street, Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed an oblong piot of land adjoining the southerly sale of unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one from Webster avenue to the Concourse : to'.h sides of change of grades of the above-named avenue, at a the shaft side and containing an area of 5.359 acres, of the State or National banks of The City of New York, Decatur avenue, Marion avenue, Perry avenue, Bain- meeting of this Board, to be held in the office of this near Mud Hill road to Sing Sing. Easement. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money bridge avenue, Briggs avenue and Valentine avenue, Board on the 22d day of November, 1899, at 2 o'clock Upset price, $rho. to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful per- from Two Hundredth street to Two Hundred and First P. M. SHAFT SITE No. S. street ; and east side of the Concourse, from Two Hun- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause formance of the contract. Such check or money dredth to Two Hundred and First street. these resolutions, and a notice to all persons affected All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope con- If Ossining known and described as follows : Parcels All persons whose interests are affected by the above. thereby, that the proposed change of grades of the taming the estimate, but must be handed to the above-named avenue will be considered at a meeting of dos. 7715 and 772, forming together an oblong plot of officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to land containing a total are" of y.2 3 acres, the easterly estimate box, and no estimate can be deposited in said the same, or either of them, are requested to present this Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, 9 to be published in the CITY RECORD, for ten days con- side of which is on the New York Coy and Northern box until such check or money has been examined by their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Rai road. The Pocantico river and branches run Board of Assessors, No. 320 Broadway, New York, on tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such the 2zd day of November, x8gg. through the property. No easement. deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be or before Decembers 1899, at Is A. M., at which Upset price, $zoo.00. returned to the persons making the same within three time and place the said objections will be heard and JOHN H. MOONEY, days after the contract is awarded. If the successful testimony received in reference thereto. Secretary. SHAFT SITE No. 6. bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after EDWARD McCUE, Dated NEW YORK, November 8, 1899. All that certain lot or parcel of land in the Town of notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to EDWARD CAHILL, Ossining, known and described as follows : Parcel 750, execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by THOS. A. WILSON, an oblong plot of land near the Pleasantville road, con. him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of PATRICK M. HAVERTY, POLICE DEPARTMENT. taining an area of 5.2o2 acres. Easement. New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or JOHN B. MEYENBORG, Upset price, $150.00. refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the Board of Assessors POLICE DRPARTMFNT—CITY OF NEW YORK, 1899. time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be SHAFT SITE NO. 8. WILLIAM H. JASPER, WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY returned to him. Secretary, O Clerk of the Police Department of The City of All those certain lots or parcels of land in the Town N. 8.—The prices must Be written in tie esti- No. 320 Broadway, New York, No. too Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the of Mount Pleasant, known and described as follows: mate and also stated in figures, and all estimates following property, now in his custody, without claim. Parcels No. 7rz A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, T, K, forming CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, well be considered as informal whic/z do not con- ants : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, together an irregular plot, as shown on the said ntap, tain bids for all items for w,rich bids are herein November 27, 1899. boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, containing a total area of 3.928 acres, including a por- called, or which contain bids for items for which liquors, etc. ; also small amount money taken from tion of the present highway on the southerly side of bids are not herewith call,d for. Permission will UBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TO THE prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Depart- the plot. No easement. not be given for the withdrawal of any bid or owner or owners of all houses and lots, improved ment. Also at the same shaft site, Parcels Nos. yrs?1, 7I6% estimate. No bid will be accepted from, or contract orP unimproved lands affected thereby, that pursuant ANDREW J. LALOR, and 7i84, forming together a long oblong plot, con- awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- to section 4, chapter 564 of the Laws of 1895, the Board Property Clerk. taming an area of 3.861 acres, through which the ¢oration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, of Assessors has fixed the district of assessment to be Pocantico river runs, as shown on the said map. No as surety or otherwise, ration any obligation to the benefited by the acquisition and improvement of J amaica easement. Corporation. POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY OP NEW YORK, Upset price, $zoo. avenue (formerly known as the Brooklyn and Jamaica BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. I'he Park Board reserves the right to relict any Plank road), Borough of Brooklyn, as follows: SHAFT SITE No. r6. or all the bids received in response to this advertise- WNERS WANTED BY THE DEPUTY PROP- All those certain lots or parcels of land in the City ment if it should deem it for the interest of the City From the boundaries of the Borough of Brooklyn, O arty Clerk of the Police Department of The City between the Twenty-fourth and Twen y-sixth Wards, of New York—Office, Municipal Building, Borough of ofYonkers, known and described as follows: Parcels so to do. and Jamaica Plank road, including both sides of said Nos. z8r and 282, forming together an oblong plot of Blank forms for proposals for the contract, and in- Brooklyn—for the following property now in his custody land containing a total area of acres, through which formation relative thereto, can be had at the office a f road and Jamaica avenue to Enfield street, being the without claim..nts : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and 5.591 boundary line between Kings and Queens Counties, and runs Sprain brook. No easement. the Park Board, Arsenal, Central Park, or at the emale clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, Upset price, $170, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brooklyn. to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets canned goods, liquors, etc. ; also small amount money and avenues. taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. GEORGE C. CLAUSEN, All persons whose interests are affected by the above- Department. All the lands to be sold adjoining any one shaft site GEORGE V. BROWER, named proposed district of assessment, and who are CHARLES D. BLATCHFORD, shall be sold together and shall be considered as on, AUGUST MOEBUS, opposed to the same, are requested to present their Deputy Property Clerk lot. Commissioners of Parks of The City of New York, 7094 THE CITY RECORD . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899.

DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. approved form of contract and the specifications therein EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE NEW EAST set tomb, by which price the bids will be tested. This S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of River Bridge will sell at public auction to the price is to cover all expenses of every kind involved in Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of highest bidder, on the ground at Nos. 6s and 64 South CITY OF NEW YORK, or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, including the Board, No. 346 Grand street, Borough of Man- Fifth street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, any claim that may arise through delay, from any cause, hattan, until 4 o'clock P. M. on New York, on C.)MMtsstosER's OFPKCE, NOG. 13-2I PARK RO\1', in the performing of the work thereunder. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 6, x8gq. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1899, MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OF NOVELH- Bidders will distinct'y write out, both in words and in BER, 1889, figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this for Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Electric- work. lighting Plant for Public School 30, Borough of at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the 4-story brick building NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. The person or persons to whom the contract may be Brooklyn. 49 feet by too feet, known as the Young & Smylie licorice awarded w41 be required to attend at this office, with the factory, with all the materials in or appurtenant to said sureties offered by him or them, and execute the eon- Dated BOROUGH OF MANN STTAN, November 9, x8gg. building and now on its site. RICHARD H. ADAMS, Said sale will be made upon and subject to the f,;llnw- N TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, t899, AT it tract within five days from the date of the service of a notice to that effect, and in case of failure or neglect so CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, ing. conditions, and the purchaser, by paying his bid, O o'clock A. M., the Department of Highways will GEORGE LIVINGSTON, will agree to said conditions and to perform all acts to sell at public auction, by Philip A. Smyth, Auctioneer, to do, he or they will be considered as having aban- doned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the OHN T. BURKE, be by him performed as stated therein. the following buildings, parts of buildings, sheds, walls, ILES M. O'BRIEN, fences, etc., standing within the fines of Melrose avenue, contract will he readvertised and relet, and so on until CONDITIONS. it be accepted and executed. F. DR HASS SIMI1NSON, from One Hundred and Sixty-third street to the junction The whole purchase money must be paid in bankable of Webster avenue and Brook avenue at East One Hun- Bidders are required to state in their estimates their JOHN R. THOMPSON, Committee on Buildings. funds at the time of the sale. dred and Sixty-fifth street, Borough of The Bronx names and places of residence, the names of all persons All the materials in said building shall be removed by interested with them therein, and if no other person be the purchaser within thirty days after the date of the so interested the estimate shall distinctly state the fact ; Bale. APPROXIMATE also, that the estimate is made without any connection PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The first floor of the building above the ground must 6 I OBJECT. DIMENSIONS. with any other person making any estimate for the may be seen, and blank proposals obtained, at the be left intact until the walls of the building are removed same purpose, and that it is in all respects fair and Annex of the Hall ofthe Board of Education, Estimating to the level of this floor, after which the walls will be without collusion or fraud ; and also that no member Room, Nos, 41g and 421 Broome street, Borough of Man- removed to a depth at least 3 feet below the level of the of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief hattan. ground about the building. Entire two-story Frameii of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other All the building materials of every description on the Dwelling, Brick Basement1 2o.zg x 35. officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter. The attention of bidders is expressly called to the time 27. stated in the contract within which the work must be premises, except refuse brick, stone and mortar, shall Part of two-story and Base- ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it be removed from the premises as rapidly as they are ment Brick Dwelling .... 4.o3 x 31. 27. relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, which completed. They are expressly notified that the suc- cessful bidder will be held strictly to completion within taken down. Water-closet ...... 4.7 x 6.7. estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the For failure to remrve such material in the manner or Wood Shed ...... 8.7 x 26.8 party making the estimate, that the several matters said time. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all within the time named. the C,,mmissioners may stop Wood Shed ...... 1 6.6 x ro.o. stated therein are in all respects true, Where more the work, and at the expiration of the time named may \Vood Shed ...... 3.g x 10.8. han one ¢erson is interested it is requisite that the of the proposals submitted. The party submitting a proposal and the parties pro. enter and remove the said materials, or cause a resale Frame Shed ...... 6.2 x 2 5.4• verification be nradeand subscribed to by all the pa rties thereof, and said purchaser shall forfeit the purchase Vine Arbor ...... About 30 lin. ft. interested. posing to become sureties, must each write his name and place of residence on said proposal. money paid by him at the time of sale. Board Fence...... ... 15.9 tin. ft. Each estimatet shall be accompaniedp byy the con- The purchaser shall be liable for any and all damages Storm Shed. Wooden Plat- sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders of Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of of every kind by reason of the occupancy or removal of form and Steps...... x 3,0, The City of New York, with their respective placer of this city, are required when the amount of the bid is said building or his failure to remove the same within Picket Fence...... A.bout go hit. R. business or residence, to the effect that if the contract less than two thousmd dollars. Whenever the bid exceeds two thousand dollars the surety for said time limit. Part of Wooden Platform, be awarded to the person or persons making the By order of the Board. etc...... estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become the performance of the contract shall be a fidelity or surety company authorized to transact business by the JAMES D. BELL, Stone Steps, etc...... bound as his or their sureties for its faithful perform. Secretary, z Entire 2-story Frame Dwell- ance, and that if said person or persons shall omit or laws of the State of New York, and authorized to become surety on such contract by a resolution of its Board of Dated November 6, 1899. ing, Brick B isement..... 20.28 x 28.15. refuse to execute the contract they will pay to the Cor- Avetionecr,'l'homas A. Kerrigan. Entire I-story Frame Exten-I poration of The City of New York any difference Directors. lion...... ..... 20.28 x x6.08. between the sum to which said person or persons No proposal will be considered from persons whose Part of Wooden Platform... ) would be entitled upon its completion and that character and antecedent dealings with the Board of Water-closet ...... 1 3.7 x 4.I. which said Corporation or the Armory Board Education render their responsibility doubtful. DEPARTMENT OF STREET Vine Arbor ...... About 6o fin. ft. may be obliged to pay to the person to whom It is required, as a condition precedent to the reception CLEANING. Wood-shed...... 9.8 x 12.2. the contract may be awarded at an suh aquent or consideration of any proposals. that a certified check Wood-Shed ...... 5 5 x 4.7. letting, the amount in each case to be calculated upon or a certificate of deposit of one of the State or DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING Stone Steps, etc ...... 2.q x 6.2. upon the estimated amount of the work to be done National Banks or Trust Companies of The City of New OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, }I Picket Fence...... ' About zoo lint feet. by which the bids are tested. The consent above men- York, drawn to the order ofthe President of the Board MAIN OFFICE, Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, 3. Entire 2-story Frame Dwell tioned shall be accompan.ed by the oath or affirma- of Education, shall accompany the proposal to an amount BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ing, Bri; k B ,sement,Area tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, of not less than three per cent. of such proposal when Steps, etc ...... r8.23 It 24.15. that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollars, and Borough of Brooklyn. Platform and Wooden Steps. New York and is worth the amount of the security to an amount of not less than five per cent. of such pro- Part of x Story Frame. required for the completion of the contract, over and posal when such proposal is for an amount under ten Dwelling ...... ! 5.43 x 30.16. above all his debts of every nature, and aver and above thousand dollars ; that on demand, within one day after Picket Fence ...... about 5o lint ft. his liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise, and that the aw ardtng of the contract by the Committee, the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and President of the said Board will return all the with the intention to execute the bond required by law deposits of checks and certificates of deposit made to the The sale will begin with Lot No. r. Plans and The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is persons making the same, except that made by the PROPOSALS FOR CONTRACT. descriptions of the buildings, parts d buildings and to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of New person or persons whose bid has been accepted ; other structures may be seen at the office of the York alter the award is made and prior to the signing and that if the person or persons whose bid has Deputy Commissioner of Highways, 'Third avenue and of the contract. been so accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM THE One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, Borough of No estimate will be received or considered unless days after due notice has been given that the contract PAVED AVENUFS, STREETS, LANES, The Bronx. accompanied by either a certified check upon one of is ready for execution, to execute the same, the amount of ALLEYS AND PLACES, OR PORTIONS the State or National banks of the City of New York, the deposit or of the check or certificate of deposit made TERMS OF SALE. THEREOF, OF THE BOROUGH Oh BROOK- drawn to the order of the Comrtroller, or money to by him or them shall be forfeited to and retained by LYN, DI-SIGNATED BY THE COMM S- this Board, not as a penalty, but as liquidated Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place the amount of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS SIONER OF S'T'REET CLEANING, FOIL THE of sale, and the entire removal of the buildings, parts of (CCw). Such check or money must not be inclosed damages for such neglect or refusal, and shall be paid PERIOD BEGINNING WITH THE DATE OF buildings, or other structures, by the purchaser or in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but into the City Treasury to the credit of the Sinking Fund EXECUTION AND ENDING THE r51'H DAY purchasers within ten days after the sale. If the pur- must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Board of The City of New York ; but if the said person or per- OF APRIL, t9oo, INCLUSIVE. chaser or purchasers fails or fail to remove the buildings, who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate sons whose bid has been so accepted shall execute the part. of buildings, or other structres, within the time can be deposited in said box until such check or money contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his or specified, he or they shall forfeit his or their purchase has been examined by said officer or clerk and found their deposit of check or certificate of deposit shall be N.B. -Under sections 239, 4'9, 534 and 541 of the money and the ownership of the buildings or parts of to be correct. All such deposits. except that returned to him or them. Greater New York Charter. buildings purchased. of the successful bidder, will be returned by the Bids or proposals for the above contract inclosed in JAMES P. KEATING, Comptroller to the persons making the same within sealed envelopes, indorsed with the title of the work, Commissioner of Highways. three days after the contract is awarded. If the suc- NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE COM- and with the names and address of the persons making cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days MISSION. the same, and the date of presentation, will be received after notice that the coeLract has been awarded to him, at the Alain Office of the Department of Street Clean- to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by ing, at Nos. Ti and rr Park row, Borough of Manhat- ARMORY BOARD. him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of CoMstlsStOs New EAST RIVER BEIDCE, tan, City of New York, until xa M. of Friday, the 24th New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or CITY OF NEW YORK, November g, 1899. day of November, 1899, at which time and place the refusal, but if he shall execute the contract within said bids or proposals will be publicly opened and ARMORY BOARD—OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be read. 74ew Voi,K, November ox, x899. returned to him by the Comptroller. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The person or persons to whom the said contract No estimate will be accepted from, or contract may be awarded will be required to execute the same PROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR MATERIALS awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. within five (5) days after the receipt of a notice to that AND WORK IN FUR\I,,HING AN ALTER- poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, effect, and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or ATION AND IMPROVE>IENP TO THE Proposals will he received by the Commissioners of as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor. the New East kiver Bridge, at the;r office, at No. 49 they will be considered as having abandone I it, and RIFLE RANGE IN THE FOURTEENTH potation. the Commissioner of Street Cleaning may readvertise REGIMIEN i ARMORY BUILDING, ON Chambers street, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti- City of New Yotk, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the and relet the work, and so on until the contract be EIGHTH AVENUE, FOURTEENTH AND mates, to use a blank prepared for that purpose by accepted and executed. FIFTEENTH STREETS, IN THE BOROUGH the Board, a copy of which, together with the form 7th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1899, Headers are required to state tinder oath or affirma- tuFBROOKLYN,ANDANALThIATION 10'. of the agreement, including specifications, and show- indorsed " Proposal for Construction of Steal Cables, tion in their bids or proposals their names and places THE SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT ARMORY of residence, the names of all persons interested with ing the mamter of payment for the work, can be seen Suspenders, etc., of the New East River Bridge," BUILDING, ON FOURTH AVENUE, BE- upon application at the office of the Architects, Her- them therein, and if no other person be so interested TWEEN THIRIV-THIRD AND THIRTY- for furnishing the materials for and consru, ting gan & Slattery, No. t Madison avenue, New York City. the steel cables, suspenders, cable bands, cover- they shall distinctly state that fact ; also that the bid FOURTH STREETS, IN THE BOROUGH OF or proposal is made without any connection with any MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all ings, sheaves, and their appurtenances of the other person making a bid or proposal for the above estimates not deemed beneficial to or for the public New East River Bridge, in accordance w,th the proposed hem of contract and the drawings and work ; and that it is in all respects fair and without interest. collusion or fraud, and also that no member of the Specifications and blank forms for bids or estimates specifications therefor. All bids shall be mcloced in ROPOSALS FOR ESTIMATES FOR MATE- Municipal Assembly, head of a department, deputy obtained by application to Horgan & slaftery, Archi- sealed envelopes, addressed to Lewis Nixon, Prey, dent thereof, or clerk therein, chief of a bureau, or other P rials and work in Furnishing an Alteration and tects, No. i Madison avenue, New York City. of the Board of Commissioners of tie New East River Improvement to the Rifle Range in the Fourteenth officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- ROBERT A. VAN WYCK, Bridge, and presented to him on that day and at that Regiment Armory Building, on Eighth avenue, Four- hour at said office, and such bids will be opened in pub- ested therein, or in any of the work to which it relates, teenth and Fifteenth streets, in the Borough of Mayor, or in any portion of the profits thereof. W here more than THOS. L. FEITNER, tic meeting by the said Commissicnees on that day, at 2 Brooklyn, and an Alteration to the Sevet.ty-fir.t o'clock in the afternoon. one person is interested it is required that both the bid Regiment Armory Building, on Fourth avenue, be- President, Department of Taxes and Assessments, or proposal and the affidavit thereon be made and sub- HENRY S. KEARNY, Copies of the specifi-ations and the general drawin:s tween Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets, in the for the work, with the proposed form- for the bid, bond scribed to by all the parties interested. Borough of Manhattan, New York City, will be Commissioner of Publ, c Buildings, Lighting and Supplies, Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by the BRIG Ger. JAMES McLEER, and contract, may he seen and further nf,rmat on will consent, in writing, of two householders or freehold. received by the Armory Board, at the MAYOR'S be given at the office of the Chief Eng toter, No. 84 OFFICE, CITY HALL, UNTIL Ix O'CLOCKA. M., BRIG-GEN. McCOSKRY BUTT, ers in The City of New York, with their respective Armory Board Commissioners. Broadway, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on places of business or residence, or of two guaranty and after the 13th day of Nov,mber, 5899. FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF NOV- or surety companies, duly authorized by law to act as EMBER, 1899, The Commissioners regmre that all bidders shall care- sureties, as shall be satisfactory to the Comptroller of fully examine the specifications, drawings and proposed The City of New York, to thelffect that if the contract at which time and place they will be publicly opened DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. form of contract, in order that no question as to their g the bid or and read by said Board. be awarded to the person or persons makin meaning may arise hereafter. It must be distinctly un- proposal, they will, upon its being so awarded become Any person making an estimate for the above work derstood that no changes in the quality of the materials shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope to the Presi- LALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY bound as his or their sureties for its faithful performance the Committee on Buildings of the Board of Edu- or of the workmanship will be allowed, and that the dent of said Armory Board, indorsed '• Proposals for S in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) ; and cation of The City of New York, at the Hall of the specifications will be adhered to strictly. that if he or they shall omit or refuse to execute the Estimates for Materials and Work in Furnishing an The contract is to betomp etely performed within ten Alteration and Improvement to the Rifle Range in the Board, No. 146 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan, contract, they will pay to The City of New York any until 4 o'clock P. M., on months after the cable sa ld:es are set in place upon the difference between the sum to which he or they would Fourteenth Regiment Armory Building, on Eighth Ave. steel towers of the bridge. flue, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets, in the Borough of be entitled on its completion and that which The City MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1899, Proposals will be made upon a form provided therefor, of New York may be obliged to pay to the person or Brooklyn, and an alteration to the Sventy-fir-t Regi- and only those proposals will be considered which are ment Armory Building, on Fourth Avenue, between for Sanitary Work at Public School 5, Long Island City, persons to whom the contract may be subsequently Borough of Queens. complete, in proper form, comply wi,h the requirement; awarded, the amount to be calculated upon the mtt- Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets, in the Borough herein stated, and are offered by parties of known repu. of Manhattan, New York City," and also with the name Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 15, x899. ntated amount of the work by which the bids or pro- RICHARD H. ADAMS, tattoo, experience and responsibility. posals are tested. of the person or persons presenting the same, and the Each bidder will be required to deposit. with his (late of its presentation. CH..RLES E. ROBP_R'ISON, The consent above mentioned must be accompanied GEORGE LIVI.%GSTON, proposal, in the office of the Commissioners, a certified by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- JOHN T. BURKE, check for $I2,oco, payable to the order of Julian D. the persons signing the same that he is a householder or gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must MILES M. O'BRIEN, Fairchild, as Treasurer of the New East River Bridge freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the have satisfactory testimonials to that effect; and the F. DEHASS SI\1ONSON, Commissioners, as security for the execution by him of amount of security requited for the completion of the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded JOHN R. THOMPSON, the contract and the giving of the required bond, if his contract and stated in the bid or proposal, over and will be required to give security for the performance of Committee on Buildings. bid is accepted, within two weeks after notice of the above his debts of every nature, and over and above his the contract, by his or their bnmt, with two sufficient acceptance of his bid. liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he sureties, in the amount of TWO THOUSAND The contractor will be required to give a bond in the has offered himself as surety in good faith, and with the DOLLARS ($2,000). EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED penal sum of 8400,0o0, in the form annexed to the pro- intention to execute the bond required by law, and a Bidders are required to submit their estimates upon S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of posed form of cotaract, with an appr•..,ved surety com- like affidavit as to sufficiency shall be required of an the following express conditions, which shall apply to Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of the pany doing business in The City of New York, con- officer of a guaranty or surety company, so consenting. and become part of every estimate received: Board, No. x46 Grand street, Borough of Manhattan, ditioned for the prompt and faithful performance of the The adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties offered I. Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal exam- until 4 o'clock P. M. on contract and its covenants and the work thereunder. shall be subject to approval by the Comptroller of The ination of the location of the proposed work, and by such As by far the greater part of this work can be exe- City of New York. other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1899, cuted only by bridge establishments of the first-class, A special deposit of ten thousand dollars (flio,00"), in the estimate, and shall not at any time after the sub- bids will be received only from such parties as have the lawful money of the will be required to for erecting new Public School 124, Borough of Brook. mission of all estimate dispute or complain of the state- requisite plant and facd,ties, which have been in suc- be made with the Comptroller of The City of New ment of quantities, nor assert that there was any mis. lyn ; also for erecting a new Public School at White- York on or before the execution of said contract; said stone, Borough of Queens ; also for erecting an addition cessful operation on work of similar character for at understanding in regard to the nature or amount of the least one year The bidders most be, in the opinion of deposit to be retained by the said Comptroller• as pro- work to be done. to and improving the premises of Public School x7, vided in the contract, as an additional security for the Borough of Richmond. the Commissioners, fully qualified, both by experience 2. Bidders will be required to complete the entire and in appliances, to execute work of this character and purpose described in said contract. work to the satisfaction of the Armory Board, and in Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, November 14, I899. importance. according to the highest standard of such The cornpeusatlon of the Lontractor is to be for the substantial accordance with the specifications of the RICHARD H. ADAMS, work at the present time. ascertained number of cubic yards of snow and ice contract and the plans therein referred to. No extra CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, The Commissioners reserve the ri5ht to reject any removed and disposed of by him, at the price bid by him compensation, beyond the amount payable for the work GEORGE LIVINGSTON, and all of the proposals offered, and to accept any pro- per cubic yard. before mentioned, which shall be actually performed at JOHN T. BURKE, posal offered. The price must be given in the bids or proposals and the prices therefor, to be specified by the lowest bid- &TILES M. O'BRIEN, LEWIS NIXON, must be for so much per cubic yard and must be written, der, shall be due or payable for the entire work. F. DE HASS SIMONSON, President. and must also be given in figures. Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the JOHN R. THOMPSON, JAMES D. BELL, Permission will not be given for the withdrawal of whole of the work to be done, in conformity with the Committee on Buildings. Secretary. any bid or proposal, and the right is expressly reserved •MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899. THE CITY RECORD. 7095 by the Commissioner of Street Cleaning to reject all of expenses up to and including the 3oth day of October, t899, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that and Eightieth street ; thence southeasterly along said the bids or proposals sihould he deem it for the interests 08go, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be middle line of the block to its intersection with a line of the cif so to do. No bids or proposals will be of the County of New York, there to remain for and heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said drawn parallel to the northwesterly side of Ryer avenue accepted from, nor will the contract be awarded to, any during the space of ten days, as required by the pro- report be confirmed. and dm,tant loo feet northwesterly therefrom ; thence person who is in arrears to the Corporation, upon debt or visions of section 99p of title 4 of chapter Ig, of chapter Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEw YORK CITY, northeasterly along said parallel line to the middle line contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, 378 of the Laws of 0897. November 3, 1899• or the block between East One Hundred and Eighty- upon any obligation to the Corporation. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, Naw YORK, RIGNAL D. WOODWARD, first Street and East One Hundred and Eighty-second The acceptance of a bid or proposal for this contract October 3o, 0899. Chairman, street; thence southeasterly along said middle line of the will be subject to the approval of theBoard of Estimate PHILIP BERG, EDWARD JACOBS, block to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the and Apportionment. EDWARD F. HOLLISTER. LOUIS SEIDE, southeasterly side of Ryer avenue and distant too feet No bid or proposal will be received or considered, JACQUES P. ROSENBERG. Commissioners. southeasterly therefrom ; thence southwesterly along unless accompanied either by a certified check upon Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN, said parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn one of the National or State banks of The City of New JOHN P. DuNN, Clerk. parallel to the northeasterly side of East One Hundred York drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money, Clerk. and E ghtieth street and distant too feet northeasterly to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the FIRST DEPARTMENT. therefrom ; thence southeasterly along said parallel line surety bond aforesaid, required for the faithful per- FIRST DEPARTMENT to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the south. formance of the contract. Such check or money must In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen easterly side of Valentine avenue and distant too feet not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the and Commonalty of theCity of New York, relative southeasterly therefrom ; thence southwesterly along bid or proposal, but must be handed to the officer or In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been said parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn clerk of the Department who has charge of the esti- men and Commonalty of the City of New York heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and parallel to the northeasterly side of East One Hundred mae-box, and no bid or proposal can be deposited in relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not heredttaments required for the purpose of opening and Seventy ninth street and distant ton feet nort heisterly said box until such check or money has been examined been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements CLIFFORD PLACE (although not yet named by therefrom; thence southeasterly along said parallel line by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All and hereditaments required for the purpose of proper authority), from Jerome avenue to Walton to its intersection with a hoe drawn parallel to the such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will opening EAST (INE HUNDRED AND SIXTY. avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and southeasterly side of Webster avenue and distant rco be returned to the persons making the same within FOURTH STREET (although not yet named by designated as a first-class street or road, in the feet southeasterly therefrom ; thence sou:hwesterly three days after the award of the contract. It the suc- proper authority), fromerome avenue to Sheridan Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York. along said parallel line to the middle line of the block cessful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and between East One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street and after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, designated as a first-class street or road in the SAT E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS East One Hundred and Seventy-;ixt4 street: thence to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. of Estimate and Assessment in the above- northwesterly along said middle line of the block and its him shall be forfeited to and be retained by The City of entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- prolongation northseestwardly to its intersection with a ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, line drawn parallel to the northwesterly side of Carter New York as liquidated damages for such ne_lect or OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- avenue and distant too feet northwesterly therefrom ; N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to thence northeasterly along said parallel line to its inter- time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, returned to him. all others whom it may concern, to wit : section with a line drawn parallel to the southerly side up to and including the 3oth day of October, x699, First-That we have completed our estimate of of East One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street By the terms of the contract the Contractor is to will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of observe the Labor Laws as amended by chapter 567 of damage, and that all persons interested in this pro- and distant ion feet southerly therefrom ; thence west. the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First ceeding, or in any of the lands. tenements and heredita- erly along said parall,I line to its intersection with a line the Laws of 58gg, and will agree that he will pay all Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be persons employed by him in shoveling snow, and all ments and premises affected thereby, and having oblec- drawn parallel to the westerly side of Anthony avenue held at the County Court-house, in the Borough of ttnns thereto, do present their said objections in writing, and distant too feet westerly therefrom; thence north- persons furni hing him with horses and carts, or other Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the z4th day vehicles and labor for the work, without unnecessary duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and qz West erly along said parallel line to the middle line of the of November, r8gg, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City block between Mount Hope place anti Tremont avenue ; loss of time to them and at least once a week, and that that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for this purpose he shall at all times provide suitable of New York, on or before the ist day of December, thence westerly aloe: said middle line of the block to thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and r699, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear the middle line of the block between Anthony avenue and convenient places of payment, and the necessary expenses, up to and including the day of October, funds, and all proper facilities for said payment, as parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in and Monroe avenue ; thence nortrerly along said mid- r8po, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk attendance at our said office on the 4th day of Decem- dle line of the block to the middle line of the block provided for in said contr.tet- of the County of New York, there to remain for and All bids or proposals must be made with reference to her, x899, at 3,30 o'clock F. H. between Tremont avenue and Buckhout street ; thence during the space of ten days, as required by the pro- Second-That the abstract of our said estimate of westerly along said middle line of the block to the point this notice to Contractors, and to the form of contract visions of section qgq of title 4 of chapter rg, of chapter and the requirements thereof on file at the Main Office damage, together with our damage maps, and also all or place of beginning. ;78 of the Laws of t8g7, the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents Fourth-That our first parti:,l and separate report of the Department of Street Cleaning, or, being not so Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEw YORK, October made, they will be rejected. used by us in making our report, have been deposited herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the 30, x899• in the Bureau of Street Openings, of the Law Depart- State of New York, First Department, at a Special The forms of bids or proposals and of the agreement, CHARLES W. WEST, ment of The City of New York, Nos. go and gz West Term thereof, Part III., to be held in the County including the specifications, and the manner of pay- WILLIAM STAINTON, Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, Courthouse. in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City ment for the work, and any further information will CHARLES O'BRIEN, there to remain until the 9th day of December, :89g. of New York, on the .4th day of December, 1899, at the be furnished upon application at the Main Office of the Commissioners. Third-That we propose to assess for bemfit, which opening of the Court on that day, and that then and Department of street Cleaning, Nos, i3 to zt Park Row, JOHN P. DUNN, assessment will appear in our last partial and separate there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard Borough of Manh.,ttau. Clerk. abstract of estimate and assessment, and will be con- thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be N. B.--This notice to Contractors is, and is to be tained in our last partial and separate report, all those confirmed. taken, to be a part of the contract. lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises sit- Dated New YORK, November i t, r89g. FIRST DEPARTMENT Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEw YORK CITY, rate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in November 3, 1899. JAMES McCARTNEY, The City of New York, which. taken together, Commissioner of Street Cleaning. EDWARD E. iifcCALI., In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. are bounded and described as follows, viz.- Be- WILLIAM J. CARROLL, men and Commonalty of the City of New York, ginning at a point formed by the intersection of a Commissioners. ERSONS HAVING BULKHEADS TO FILL, IN relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has hoe drawn parallel to the southerly side of Featherbed JOHN P. DuNN, P the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure mate- not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements Lane and distant non feet southerly therefrom with a Clerk, rial for that purpose-ashes, street sweepings, etc., such andhereditaments, required for the purpose of open- line drawnarallel to the westerly side of Jerome ing FAST ONE HUNDREI) AND SEVENTY- avenue and distant IEo feet westerly therefrom ; run- as is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning- FIRST DEPARTMENT free of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of FIFTH STREET (altho igh not yet named by proper ning thence northerly along said parallel line to its authority), from Third avenue to Boston road, as intersection with the westerly prolongation of a line Street Cleaning, Nos. t3 to as Park row Borough of i the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. Manhattan. the same has been heretofore laid out and designated drawn parallel to the northerly side of East One Hun- as a first-class street or ro.ed, in the Twenty-fourth dred and Seventy-fifth street and distant too feet north- men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rela- JAMES McCARTNEY, tive to acquiring title, wherever the same has not Commiss,nner of Street Cleaning, Ward of the City of New York. erly tl'erefrom; thence easterly along said westerly pro- longation and parallel line to the northwesterly side been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse ; thence south- hereditaments required for the purpose of opening E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS westerly along said northwesterly side of the Grand E°SI' ONE HUNDRI'D AND SEVENTY- SUPREME COURT. W of Estimate and Assessment in the above- Boulevard and Concourse to its intersection with a line SEVEN I H STREE I' (although not yet named by proper authority), from Jerome avenue to the Grand entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- drawn parallel to the southerly side of East One Hun- terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, dred and Seventy-fourth street, and distant zoo feet Boulevard and Concoerse, as the same has been here- In the matter of the application of the Board of Edu- occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im- tofore laid out and designated as a first-class street cation of The City of New York, by the Corpora- southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said paral- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to lel line and a line drawn parallel to the southerly side or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of tion Counsel, relative to acquiring title by The City all others whom it may concern, to wit: New York. of New York. to certain lands situate on PU l'NAM of Featherbed lane and distant too feet southerly there- AVENUE AND MADISON S1'REEI', west of First-That we have completed our estimate of dam- frotn to the point or place of beginning. Macy avenue, in the 'Pweuty-third Ward of the age, and that all persons interested in this proceed- Fouvih-That our first partial anI separate report E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- Borough of Brooklyn, duly selected and chosen as a ing, or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita- herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the W ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- site for school purposes, by the tiel:oot Board of the ments and premises affected thereby, and having ob- State of New York, First Departnrent, at a Special entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- Borough of Brooklyn and approved by the Board of jections thereto, do present their said objections in writ- Term thereof, Part Ill., to be held in the County terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Education under and in pursuance of the provisions ing, duly verified, to us, at our office, Nos. go and 91 Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to of chapter lot of the Laws of x888, and the various West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, to City of New York, on the 18th day of December, statutes amendatory thereof and other sta'utes relat- The City of New York, on or before the 1st day of r89g, at the opening of the Court on that day, and all others whom it may concern, to wit : ing thereto, December, i8gg, and that we, the said Commission- that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel First-That we have completed our estimate and ers, will hear parties so objecting and for that pur- can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the assessment, and that all persons interested in this pose will he in attendance at our said office on the said report be confirmed. proceeding, or in any ofthe lands, tenements and E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS 4th day of December, 1,899, at 3 o'clock r. M, Dated BoRoUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK CITY, hereditaments and premises affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said W of Estimate in the above-entitled matter, Second-l'hat the abstract of our said estimate of November 3, 1399• appointed pursuant to the provisions of t •e statutes J.PHILIP BERG, Chairman, objections in writing, duly verified, to us at our office, dama;fie, together with our damage maps, and also all Nos. go and 9a West Broadway, in the Borough of relating thereto, hereby give notice to the owner or the affidavits, estimate-, proofs and other documents EDWARD F. HOLLISTER, owners, lessee or lessees, parties or persons respect- used by us in making our report, have been deposited Commissioners. Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the ivoly entitled to or interested in the lands, tenements, in the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart- JOHN P. DuNN. z9th day of November, z8g9, and that we, the said hereditaments and premises, title to which is so,tght Clerk. Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for moot of The City of New York, Nos. go and q: West that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all others Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, whom it may concern, to wit : FIRST DEPARTMENT. the ist day of December, 189g, at 3 o'clock r.vt. there to remain until the 6th day of December, 1899. Second-That the abstract of our said estimate and First-That we have completed our estimate of the Third--:Fhat we propose to assess for benefit, which loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, assessment will appear in our last partial and sepa- men and Commonalty of the City of New York, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other parties and persons interested in the lands or premises rate abstract of estimate acr d assessment, and will affected by this proceeding, or having any Interest relative to acquiring title. wherever the same has not documents used by us in making our report, have been be contained in our la't partial anal separate report all been heretofore acquired to the lands, tenements, deposited to the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law therein, and have filed a true report or transcript of those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises Department of The City of New York, Nos. go and 92 such estimate in the office of the Board of Education and berecl'taments required for the purpose of opening situate, • lying and being in the B:trough of 'The RYER AVENUE lahhough not vet named by proper West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said of The City of New York, at No. 145 Grand street in Bronx, in The City of New York, which taken the Borough of Manhattan, City „f New York, fur the authority), from Tremont avenue to Burnside avenue, city, there to remain until the +th day of December, together are bounded .md described as follows, viz as the same has been heretofore laid out and desig- t899. inspection of whomsoever it may concern. Begintii - 7 at a point formed by flit iubvsectfon I'hird-That the limits of our assessment for benefit Second-That all parties or prr;ons whose rights may nated as a first-class street or road in the Twenty- of a line drawn parallel to the southerly side fourth Ward of the City of New York. ir, lude all those lands, tenements and hereditaments be affected by the said estimate, and who may object to of E:ut One Ilimdred and Seventy-fifth street and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough the same, or any part thcreot, may, within ten days after and distant toi fret south.,rly therefrom with the cast- the first publication of this notice, Nuvcmher r7, rf99, E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken erly side of I'.trk av,nue (for.uerly Vanderbilt aven,te of Estimate and Assessment in the above together, are bounded and described as follows, viz. file their objections to such estimate, in writing, with East), running tli'mce northerly along said e?sterly side W Beginning at a point formed by the ii.tersection of us, at our office in the office of the Corporation t'oun'cl entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter. .-,f Park : tvt-nue (f'rnterly V;',d: rbdt avence east), to ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, the westerly prolongation of the middle line of the of The City of New York, in the liQrontb flail in the its iutrr'cct on with a line drawn parallel to the norih- Borough of Brooklyn. in said city, as provided by stat- occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im- blocks between Mount Hope place and East One Hun- erly side of F. St One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to dred and Seventy-seventh street with a line drawn ute, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear and distant its feet n rtherly therefrom ; thence east. parallel to the westerly side of Jerome avenue, and parties so objecting at our office on the zg'h day of all others whom it may concern. to wit criy al tg said par.dlel I,ne It a tae middle line of the First-That we have completed our estimate of distant too feet westerly therefrom ; running thence Nov,m'ter, 589•), at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and block between Bathgate avenue and Third avenue; northerly along said parallel line to its intersection upon such subsequent days as may be found necessary. damage, and that all persons interested in this pro• thence northerly along said middle line of the block to ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita- with the westerly p olongation of the middle line of Third-That our report herein will be presented to the its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the ments and premises affected thereby, and having objec- the blocks between East One Hundred and Seventy- Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special northerly side of East One Hundred am.l Se•icnty-sixth tions thereto, do present their said objections, in writing, seventh street and 1-remont avenue ; thence easterly Term thereof for the hearing cf motions, to be held in street and distant I..o feet northerly there ruin ; thence duly verified, to us, at our office, Nos. go and 92 West along said westerly prolongation and middle line, and the Kings County Court-house, in the Borough of easterly alo:rg said parallel line to the westerly -ide of Broadwav, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of its prolongation easterly to the southwesterly side of Brooklyn in The City of New York, on the Third avenue : thence easterly to the inters-cuion of New York, on or before the zgth day of November, 1899, 'I remunt avenue ; thence southeasterly along the south. 4th day of December, i8gg, at the opening of the Court the easterly side of Arthur avenue with a line drawn and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties westerly side of Tremont avenue to the westerly side on that day, and that then and there, or as soon there- parallel to the northerly side of East One Hundred and so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse ; thence south- after as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be Seventy sixth street and dista'.t too feet northerly at our said office on the ist day of December, 1899, at erly along the wfsterly side of the Grand Boulevard made that the said report be confirmed therefrom thence easterly along said 1 atallel line to I I o'clock A. M. and Concourse to its intersection with the middle line Dated the BonoUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY OF Naw the westerly side of West Farms road ; thence south- Second-That the abstract of our said estimate of the blocks between Mount Hope place and East One YORK, November r6, x8oq. erly along said westerly side of We-t Farms road to its of damage, together with our damage maps, and also Hundred and Seventy-seventh street ; thence westerly FRANKLIN BIEN, intersection wrh the middle line of the block between all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents along said middle line and its westerly prolongation to WALTER HAMMMITI, East One Hundred end Seventy-fourth street and East used by us in making out report, have been deposited in the point or place of beginning: Excepting from said area JOHN W. CARPENTER, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street ; the ice westerly the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart- all streets, avenues, roads or portions thereof hereto- Commissioners. along said middle line and the middle line of the block ment of The City of New York, Nos go and 92 West fore legally opened as such area is shown upon our GEORGE T. RIGGs, between East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, benefit map deposited as aforesaid. Clerk. and Baston road to the southeasterly side of Boston road; there to remain until the 7th day of December, 1899. Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to thence westerly to the intersection or the southerly Third-That we propose to assess for benefit, which the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First FIRST DEPARTMENT side of Crotona Park, East, with the westerly side of assessment will appear in our last partial and separate Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be the Southern Boulevard ; thence northerly along said abstract of estimate and assessment. and will be con- held in the County Court-house, in the Borough of we..terlyside of the Southern Boulevard to the northerly tained in our last partial and separate report, all those Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the r 8th day In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- side of Crotona Park, East ; thence westerly along said of December, 1899, at the opening of the Court on that men and Commonalty of the City of New York. lands, tenements and heredttaments and premises northerly side of Crotona Park, East, and its continua- situate, lying and being in the Borough rf The Bronx, day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not tion westwardly to its junction with a line urawn paral. counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements to 'L'he City of New York, which, taken together, lel to the southerly side of Crotona Park, North, and are bounded and described as follows, viz. : Begir.- that the said report be confirmed. and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening distant zoo feet southerly therefrom ; thence westerly Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, Naw YORK CITY, CLIFFORD PLACE (although not yet named by ning at a point formed by the intersection of the by said parallel line to its intersection with the easterly middle line of the block between Tremor,t avenue and October z6, 1899. proper authority), from Jerome avenue to Walton prolongation of the middle line of the block between GEORGE GORDON BATTLE, avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and Buckhout street, with the southeasterly side of the East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street and East Grand Boulevard and Concourse; running thence Chairman, designated as a first-class street or road in the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street ; thence westerly PATRICK A. McMANUS, Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, northeasterly along said southeasterly side of the Grand along said easterly prolongation and middle line of Boulevard and Concourse to the middle line of the ARTHUR TERRY, the block to the middle line of the block between Tedrd block between East One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Commissioners OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE avenue and Bathgate avenue ; thence northerly along street and Bush street ; thence easterly along said JOHN P. DuNN, N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by said middle line of the block to its intersection with a middle line of the block to its intersection with a line Clerk. reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, line drawn parallel to the souther'y side of Eist One drawn parallel to the westerly side of Anthony avenue up to and including the 3oth day of October, .899, Hundred and Seventy-filth street and distant too feet and distant one feet westerly therefrom; thence north- FIRST DEPARTMENT. will he presented for taxation to one of theustices of southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said par- erly along said parallel line to the southwesterly side the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First allel line to the point or place of beginning. of Burnside avenue ; thence easterly on a straight In the matter of the appiication of The Mayor, Alder- Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be Fourth-That our first partial and separate report line to theintersection of the northeasterly men and Commonalty of the City of New York, held at the County Court-house, in the Borough of herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of side of Burnside avenue with the middle line relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the agth day the State of New York, first Department, at a of the block between Anthony avenue and the Grand been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and of November, x899, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of Special Term thereof, Part III., to be held in tire Boulevard and Concourse ; thence northeasterly along hereditaments required for the purpose of opening that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be beard County Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said middle line of the block to the middle line of the AVENUE ST. JOHN (although not yet named by thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and The City of New York, on the 18th day of December, block between Burnside avenue and East One Hundred proper authority), from Prospect avenue to Timpson 7096 THE CITY RECORD. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1899.

place, as the same has been heretofore laid out and the Law Department of The City of New York, Noa. ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, I lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises designated as a first-class street or road, in the go and .9a West Broadway, in the Borough of Mati- occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- situate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. hattan, in said city, there to remain until the 7th day proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to I in The City of New York, which, taken to- of December, tgoq- all others whom it may concern, to wit: I gather, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Third—That the limits of our assessment for benefit First—That we have completed our estimate of Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of a E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments damage, and that all persons interested in this pro- line drawn parallel to the southerly side of East One W ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of carding, or in any of the lands. tenements and here- Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and distant ion feet entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having southerly therefrom with the middle line of the block terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, together, are bounded and described as follows,viz.: objections thereto,re do present their said objections, between Forest avenue and Jackson avenue; thence occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of in writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, I northeasterly along said middle line of the blocks to its proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to the westerly side of Park avenue (Vanderbilt avenue, Nos. go and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough intersection with a line drawn parallel to the northerly all others whom it may concern, to wit: West; with the northerly side of East One Hundred of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before ! side of East One Hundred and Sixty-first street and First—That we have completed our estimate of and Seventy-ninth street, running thence westerly along the 25th day of November, 1899, and that we, the said ! distant ion feet northerly therefrom ; thence easterly damage, and that all persons interested in this pro- the northerly side of East One Hundred and Seventy- Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, and j along said parallel line and its prolongation eastwardly ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- ninth street to the easterly side of Valentine avenue ; for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office I to the southeasterly side of Westchester avenue ; ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having thence southwesterly to the northeasterly side of Burn- on the 27th day of November, x899, at to o'clock A. at, j thence northeasterly along said southeasterly side of objections thereto, do present their said objections in side avenue; thence northwesterly along the north- Second—That the abstract of our said estimate of i Westchester avenue to its intersection with a line writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and easterly side of Burnside avenue to the middle line of damage, together with our damage maps, and also drawn parallel to the northerly side of Longwood ave- gx West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in the block between Morris avenue and Creston avenue ; all the affidavits, estimates. proofs and other docu. nue and distant 66o feet northerly therefrom ; thence The City of New York, on or before the z7th day of thence northeasterly along the middle line of the block ments used by us in making our report, have been southeasterly along said parallel line to its intersection November, r8pQ, and that we, the said Commissioners, between Morris avenue and Creston avenue to the deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law with a line drawn parallel to the northeasterly side of will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose southerly side of East One Hundred and Eighty-first Department of The City of New York, Nos. go and s Tiffany street and distant too feet northeasterl there' will be in attendance at our said office on the eSth street ; thence easterly along the southerly side of East West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said I from ; thence southeasterly along said parallel line to day of November, r8g9, at 4 o'clock r. M. One Hundred and Eighty-first street tied its prolongation city, there to remain until the 4th day of December, its intersection with the northeasterly prolongation of a Second—That the abstract of our said estimate of eastwardly to the westerly side of Park avenue tVan- 1850 line drawn parallel to the southeasterly side of Trux- damage, together with our damage maps, and also derbilt avenue, West) ; thence southerly along the west- Third—That we propose to assess for benefit, which ton street and distant zoo feet southeasterly therefrom; all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other doc- erly side of Park avenue (Vanderbilt avenue, West) to assessment will appear in our last partial and thence southwesterly along said northeasterly pro- uments used by us in making our report, have been the point or place of beginning ; excepting from said separate abstract of estimate and assessment, and longation and parallel line to its intersection with the deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings, of the Law area all streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof will be contained in our last partial and separate report, southeasterly prolongation of a line drawn parallel to Department of The City of New York, Nos.go and 92 heretofore legally opened as such area is shown upon all those lands, tenements and lleredltaments and the southwesterly side of Craven street and distant Too West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of feet southwesterly therefrom ; thence northwesterly city, there to remain until the 5th day of December, Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to The Bronx, in The City of New York, which taken I along said southeasterly prolongation and parallel line r8og- the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First together are bounded and described as follows, viz. : I to the southwesterly side of Leggett avenue ; thence Third- That we propose to assess for benefit, which Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part IlI., Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the I northwesterly on a straight line to the intersection of assessment will appear in our last partial and separate to be held in the County Court-house, in the Borough middle line of the block between East One Hundred the southerly side of Dawson street with the south- abstract of estimate and assessment, and will be con- of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 18th and Seventy-fifth street and East One Hundred and easterly prolongation of a line drawn parallel to the tained in our last partial and separate report, all those day of Dtcemb-r, rggg, at the opening of the Court Seventy-sixth street, with the southwesterly prolonga- southwesterly -side of East One Hundred and Fifty- lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises on that day, and that then and there, or as soon tion of a line drawn parallel to the northwesterly side of sixth street and distant Too feet southwesterly there- situate, lying and being in the Borouth of The Bronx, thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion Belmont avenue and distant zoo feet northwesterly from ; thence northwesterly along said southeasterly in The C ity of New York, which, taken together, will be made that the said report be confirmed. therefrom; running thence northeasterly along said prolongation and parallel line to its intersection with a are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Begin- Dated BOROUGH of MANHA-ITAN, New YORK CITY, southwesterly prolongation and parallel line to the line drawn parallel to the southerly side of East One ning at a point formed by the intersection of the October it, 1899. southwesterly side of East One Hundred and Seventy- Hundred and Fifty-sixth street and distant too feet northerly side ofAustin pace with the northeasterly side CHARLES K. LEXOW, Chairman, seventh street ; thence northeasterly to the intersection southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said paral- of East One Hundred and Forty ninth street ; running EDWARD I.SCHEVCIK, of the northeasterly side of East One Hundred and lel line to the point or place of beginning. thence northerly along the northeasterly side of East GEORGE C. AUSTIN, Seventy-seventh street with the southeasterly side of Fourth—That our first partial and separate report One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street to the southerly Commissioners. Hughes avenue ; thence northeasterly along said south- p side of the Southern Boulevard; thence northerly to herein will be resented to the Supreme Court of the JOHN P. Dcxv, easterly side of Hughes avenue to a point too feet State of New York, First Department. at a Special the point formed by the intersection of the northerly Clerk. northeasterly from the northeasterly side of East One Term thereof, Part liT.. to be held in the County side of East One Hundre.t and Forty-ninth street with Hundred and Eighty-second street ; thence southeast- Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The the easterly side of Prospect avenue ; thence northerly FIRST DEPARTMENT erly on a line at a right angle to B-1mont avenue to its City of New York, on the irth day of December, r8gg, along said easterly side of Prospect avenue to intersection with a line drawn parallel to the northwest- at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then the easterly prolongation of the middle line of the In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- erly side of Belmont avenue and distant too feet north- and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be blocks between East One Hundred and Fiftieth men and Commonalty of the City of New York, westerly therefrom ; thence northeasterly along said street (Fox street) and East One Hundred and heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not parallel line to the southerly side of Crescent avenue ; re ort be confirmed, (Beck street) ; thence westerly Fifty-first street been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and thence westerly to the intersection of the northerly ~jaten BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK City, along said middle line and its easterly prolonga hereditaments required for the purnose of npenine side of Crescent avenue with the southwesterly pro- October 31,r899- tion to the middle line of the block between Untsn EAST ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVENTH longation of a line drawn parallel to the northwesterly JAMES R. ELY, Chairman, avenue and Beach avenue ; thence northerly along said STREE I' (although not yet named by proper au- side of Belmont avenue and distant too feet northwest- LEOPOLD W. HARBURGER, middle line of the block between Union avenue and thority), from Walton avenue to Exterior street, as erly therefrom; thence northeasterly along said south- SAMUEL J. FOLEY, Beach avenue to a point midway between East One the same has been heretofore laid out and designated westerly prolongation and pat-ailel line and its pro- Commissioners. Hundred and Fifty-first street (Beck street) and East as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-third longation northeastwardly to its intersection with a line One Hundred and Fifty-second street Kelly street) ; JOHN P. DUNN, Word of the City of New York. drawn at a right angle to the northeasterly prolongation Clerk. thence westerly by the middle line of the blocks be- of Belmont avenue and distant 300 feet northeasterly tween East One Hundred and Fifty-fir-t street (Beck from the southwesterly boundary of the lands of Si. street) and East One Hundred and Fifty--second street 7'E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS John's College ; thence southeasterly along said line at FIRST DEPARTMENT. (Kelly street to its intersection with a line drawn V'Y\ of Estimate and Assessment in the above- a right angle to the northeasterly prolongation of parallel to the westerly side of Be. ,ch avenue and distant entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons Belmont avenue to its intersection with the northeasterly too feet westerly therefrom; thence northerly along Interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or prolongation of a line drawn parallel to the southeasterly In the matter of the application of The Mayor. Aldermen sa d parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and side of Belmont avenue and distant too feet southeast- and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to parallel to the southerly side of Dawson street and tits- improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and erly therefrom ; thence southwesterly along said north- acquiring title, wherever the same has not been hereto. taut too feetsoutherly therefrom ; thence westerly al one to all others whom it may concern, to wit : easterly prolongation and parallel line to the northerly fore acquired, to the lands, tenements and heredita- said parallel line and its prolongation westwardly to the First—That we have completed our estimate of side of Crew. c•nl avenue ; thence sc nth easterly to the meats required for the purpose of opening BATH- easterly side of Jackson avenue ; thence northerly along damage and that all persons interested in this pro- in erection of the southerly side of Cre-cent avenue GATE AVENUE (although not yet named by the easterly side of Jackson avenue to its intersection ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and heredita. with the northeasterly prolongation of a line drawn proper authority), from Wc•ndover avenue to East with a line drawn parallel to the northwesterly- s-de of ments and premises affected thereby and having objec- pirallel to the southeasterly side of Belmont avenue and (Inc Hundred and Eighty-eighth street, as the same Westchester avenue and distant =co feet at a right tions thereto, do present their said objections in writing, distant too feet southeasterly therefrom; tr•ence south- has been heretofore laid out and designated as a angle northwesterly therefrmm ; thence northeasterly duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and on West westerly along said northeasterly prolongation and first-class street or road, in the Twenty.fourth along said parallel line to its intersection with a line Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn at a Ward of the City of New York. drawn parallel to the westerly side of Prospect avenue of New York, on or before the z7th day of November, right angle to Belmont avenue, from a point in the and distant too feet wester:y therefrom ; thence north- x899, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear northwesterly side of Cambreling avenue distant Too SATE, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- erly along said parallel line to the southerly side of parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in feet northeasterly from the northerly side of Grote East One Hundred and Sixty-fir-t street ; thence east- attendance at our said office on the 28th day of Novem- V Y ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- street ; thence southeasterly along said line at a right entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- erly along the southerly side of East One Hundred ber, t8o9, at so o'clock A. M. angle to Belmont avenue to the northwesterly side of and Sixty--first street to the westerly side of Second—That the abstract of our said estimate of ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Cambreling avenue ; thence southwes~erly along said occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im- Prospect avenue ; thence southeasterly by a straight damage, together with our damage maps, and northwesterly side of Cambreling avenue to the north- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all line to a point in the southeasterly st de also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other erly side of Grote street ; thence southwesterly 'o the others whom it may concern, to wit : of Westchester avenue, midway between L ngwood documents used by its in making our report, have been intersection ofthe southerly side of East One Hundred avenue and Hewitt place, and said straight line pm- deposited in the Bur,au of Street Openings, of the Law First—That we have completed our estimate of and Eighty-second street with the middle line of the damage, and that all persons interes'ed in this pro- longed southeasterly to its intersection with a line Department of \'lie City of New York, Nos. oo and 92 block between Belmont avenue and Crotona avenue; West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said cceding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- drawn parallel to the southeasterly side of Westchester thence southwesterly along said middle line tithe block ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having avenue, and distant too feet southeasterly therefrom; city, there to remain until the 5th day of December, to it intersection with a line drawn parallel to the objections thereto, do present their said objections in thence southwesterly by said parallel line to its inter- 5899. southeaslerly.side of Belmont avenue sod dist.cnt Too Third—That we propose to assess for benefit, which writing, duly verified, to us at our ofhce. Nos. go and section with a line drawn parallel to the easterly side feet southeasterly therefrom ; thence southwesterly pa \Vest Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan. in The of Prospect avenue and distant too feet easterly there- a,ses. men[ will appear in our I rst partial and separate along said parallel line and its pr.tlongation City of New York, ou or before the cast day of Novem- from ; thence southerly by said parallel Inc to its abstract of estlma:e and assessment, and will he con- warilly to the middle line of the block between East rained iu our last partial and separate report, all those her, r8gg, ant.' that we, the said Commissioners, will intersection with a line drawn parallel to the north- One Hundred and Seventy-filth street and East One hear parties no object'-g, and for that purpose will erly side of Macy place and distort too feet land, tenements and hereditaments and premises Hundred and Seventy-sixth street ; thence northwest- northerly therefrom ; thence raster y by said par- situate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, be in attend-au 7 , at e . [said office on the 23d day of erly along said middle line of the block to the point or November, 5899. at 4 o'clock P. m. allel line and its prolongation easterly to its in The City of New 1'otk, which, taken together, place of beginning. are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Second—that the abstract of our said estimate of intersection with a line drawn parallel to the south- Fourth—That our firer partial and separate report dam+ge, together with our damage maps, and also easterly side of Hewitt place and distant too feet south- Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of a easterly therefrom ; thence southwesterly by said line drawn parallel to the easterly side of Walton herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other docu- State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term ments used by its in making our report, have been parallel line to its intersection with the westerly s de of avenue and distant roe feet eisterly therefrom with a Leggett avenue prolonged northwardly ; thence line drawn parallel to the southwesterly side of East thereof, Part III., to be held in the County Court-house deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings, in the Law in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New southerly and southeasterly along said westerly side of One Hundred and Fifty-third street and distant too Department of The City of New York, Nos. go and 92 York, on the itth day of December, 1899, at the open. West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said Leggett avenue to its intersection with the northerly feet southwesterly therefrom; running thence north- westerly along said parallel line to its intersection with ing of the Court on that day, and that then and city, there to remain until the 1st day of December, side of Whitlock avenue; thence westerly along the there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard tsgq- a line drawn parallel to the easterly side of Cromwell northerly side of \Vhitlock avenue and northerly side of thereon, a motion will be ade that the said report Third—That we propose to assess for benefit, which Austin place to the point or place of beginning. avenue and distant too feet easterly therefrom ; thence southerly along said parallel line to its intersection be confirmed. assessment will appear in our last partial and separate Fourth—That our first partial and separate report Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, abstract o estimate and assessment, and will be con- herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the with the easterly prolongation of a line drawn parallel it the southerly side of Waldorf place and distant October 3t, iRoo. tained in our last partial and separate report, all those State of New York, First Department, at a Special EUGENE A. PHILRIN, Chairman, lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises Term thereof, Part III., to be held in the County too feet southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said easterly prolon_a:ion and parallel line to its intersection T <1HN DR WITT WARN ":R, situate, lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The WILLIAM FITZPATRICK, in the City of New York, which, taken together, are City of New York, on the rrth day of December, x'og, with a line drawn paraliel to the southwesterly side of East One Hundred and Fifty-first street and Commissioners, bounded and described as follows, viz. : Bet;mning at a at the opening of the Court on that day, and that dis'ant zoo feet southwesterly therefrom ; thence JOHN P. DUNN, point formed by the intersection cfa line drawn parallel then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be northwesterly along said parallel line to its inter- Clerk. to the southerly side of East One Hundred and Seventy- heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said section with the easterly side of Exterior street; first street and distant Too feet southerly therefrom with report be confirmed. a line drawn parallel to the westerly side of Washing. thence westerly at a tight angle to the easterly side FIRST DEPARTMENT Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CI]Y, of Exterior sIreet to the United States pier and bulk- ton avenue, and distant roc feet westerly therefrom ; October 3t, :899. heod-line in the Harlem rivrr ; thence northerly along running thence northerly along the last-mentioned JAMES R. ELY, Chairman, • id pier and bulkhead-line to the southeasterly side of In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel EDWARD D. FARRELL, men and Commonalty of the City of New York, to the northerly side of East One Hundred and Eighty- Commissioners. Jerome avenue; thence northeasterly along said south- easterly side of Jerome avenue to the southwesterly -side relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has ninth street, and distant Too feet northerly therefrom ; thence easterly along sad parallel line to its intersection JOHN P. Di-NN, o f East One Hundred and Sixty-fir tstreet ; thr ace south- not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements Clerk. easterly along said southwesterly and southerly sides and hereditaments required for the purpose of open- with is line drawn parallel to the easterly side of Loril- of Fast One Hundred and Sixty-first street to its inter- ing LONGWOOD AVENUE (although not yet lard place and distant too feet easterly therefrom FIRST DEPARTMENT. section with a line drawn parallel to the easterly side named by proper authority), from Westchester ave- thence ;outhe-ly along .cai l parallel line to the north- of Walton avenue and distant rco feet easterly there- nue to the Southern Boulevard, as the same has easterly side of Belmont place, near its junction with Third avenue ; thence south,_rly on a straight line to In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- from ; thence southerly along said parallel line to the been heretofore laid out and designated as a first- point or place of beginning. class street or road, in the Twenty-third Ward of the intersection of the southwesterly side of Belmont men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rela- phtce with a line clean-n parallel to the easterly side of rive to acquiring title, wherever the same has not Fourth—That our first partial and separate report the City of New York. herein wdl he presented to the Supreme Court of the Third avenue and distant Too feet easterly therefrom ; been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and thence southerly along said parallel line to its intersec- hereditaments required for the purpose of turning State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be held in the County Court- 7[ 1E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS tion with a line drawn parallel to the southerly side of EAST ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH Y Y of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti- East One Hundred and Seventy-first street and distant STREET, (although not yet named by proper au- house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the rtth day of December, 1899, at the opening tled matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested too feet southerly therefrom : thence westerly along thorityt, from Creston aven, te to Webstor avenue, as in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant said parallel line to the point or place of beginning. the same has been heretofore laid out and designated of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and Fourth—That our first partial and separate report as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-fourth herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others Ward of the City of New York. whom it may concern, to wit : State of New York, First Department, at a Special Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, 1, be held in the County November t, 1899 First—That we have completed our estimate of Term thereof, Part 11I., damage, and that all persons interested in this Court-house, in the Bore ugh of Manhattan, in The JOHN DE WITT WARNER, Chairman, City of New York, on the ttth day of December, E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM H. BARKER, proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- of Estimate and Assessment in the above- ilgg, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that W Commissioners., ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- objections thereto, do present their said objections in then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can JOHN P. DvNx, be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Clerk writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and qz occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The report be confirmed. proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to FIRST DEPARTMENT City of New York, on or before the zyth day of Novem- Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK, all others whom it may concern, to wit : ber, r8gg, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear October 30, t800. First—That We have completed our estimate and parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in WILLIAM G. DAVIES, Chairman, assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- attendance at our said office on the 27th day of No- ISAAC H. KLEIN, ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- men and Commonalty of the City of New York, vember, r8rig, at 3 o'clock P. si. LOUIS EICKWORT, ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not Commissioners. objections thereto, do present their said objections, in been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and Second—That the abstract of our said estimate of JOHN P. DUNN, writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening damage, together with our damage maps, and also Clerk, 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in BELMONT AVENUE (although not yet named all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other locu- The City of New York, on or before the zgth day of ments used by us in making our report, have been by proper authority), from Tremont avenue to the pe gs of the Law November, r8g9, and that we, the said Commissioners, lands of St. John's College, as the same has deposited in the Bureau of Street O nip THE CITY RECORD. will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose Department of The City of New York, Nos. go and pa been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said will be in attendance at our said office on the 1st day of street or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City y, there to remain until the 4th day of December, HE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, December, r8gg, at r o'clock P. M. of New York. —_ citog Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and T Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. a assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps Third—That we propose to assess for benefit, which City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, $g.3o, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- assessment will appear in our last partial and separate postage prepaid. documents used by us in making our report, have ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- abstract of estimate and assessment, and will be con- WILLIAM A. SUTLER, W Supervisor. been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings of entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- tained in our last partial and separate report, all those