f, JFor six eonts a Sfou won't yot woo A a carrier ail tAo looai wilt h a ve tho now* unless you daily edition of r o a d tho :-The Journal x ♦ JOURNAL a at your door, t ooory evening.ty. | ♦♦♦ .

VOL. XVII. NO. 30S. * ? ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT PIPES flake Good A nother! There is scarcely a week goes past in these warerooms H ^e’s a Scene That Will Be Duplicated In Asbury Park Hundreds of Times To- without some incident to for the man who smokes- show tbe confidence of our - A Merry Christmas For AH Wishes the JOURNAL customers in us. This week and there isn’t a man who a gentleman, living in Brook­ wouldn’t be pleased if you lyn, to whom we had sold a piano sometime ago,brought bought him one from my a friend to us to buy an in­ Holiday stock. A large strument. He told this variety to select from; party that he had ‘ ‘shopped’ ’ all around the city and found that he could not pos­ Beringer’s sibly do better than with us, and our treatment has been 152-154 Main Street so satisfactory that he want­ ed him to give us first chance on a piano. There is a reason for this kindly feeling shown us so often— a good, solid business reason. R. A. TUSTING. LfST YOU FORGET

WE SAY IT YET A GOOD INVESTMENT IN REAL ESTATE at Deal. Owner will sell a twelve room house with all ‘ improvements on easy terms at a sacrifice. Splendid plot 100x150 feet. For ■particu­ lars see

208 Bond St., Asbury Park, N, J.

SHOES HADE TO ORDER $2.50 up. First-class work­ manship. REPAIRING neat- 'ly done at lowest prices. . . Christmas Eve Is the Children’s Night the World Over. Here Is a Beautiful Picture off a Trio of Tiny Tots * fl. E. TElTELBAUfl Next to P. O. BRADLEY BEACH Event the Year. Happy Home In the; 4 ’ • C«ove ?our name < > Depicting The Greatest of Every ° at !li« publication o Will Be the Scene of a Similar Ceremony This, Evening. NOW IS THE TIME TO ° V office, 718 COaHi* ♦ Haye Your House Painted '<" 1 son atjenue, anH a ,, and rooms papered. I do first-clas» work ° ^ carrier will cUlirer 0 KEATOR APPOINTS LOCAL OPTION IS ch u rc h c m m s BITS See me about, it. ' ’ th« Sail? edition of the ,, HIS COMMITTEES DEADAS A NAIL IN THE STATE PETER BATH, ‘ journal to ?ou for sije«, TOOCXPEMSSVE 409K First Avenue, Asbury park. ' ’ cents a toeel*. < > President of Board of Trade Can't be Given Life Enough Congregations RsmS INsburse- is Happening From Day ■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ HEADQUARTERS FOR Assigns Members to Next to Bring About Its In­ m e n ts Heavy and Cafltaot to Day in New Jersey Year’s Work. troduction. __Afford to Pay Singers. Towns. CHRISTMAS PODLTRY , Miss Marlett Price; daughter of Mr. Dr. Bruce 8 . Keator, president of the The abolition of spring elections and Following close bn the newajthat the First Come and examine before purchasing. and Mrs. ThomaB Price of Red Sank, was Board of Trade, today appointed the fol­ Constitutional amendments providing for Presbyterian Church Is going to do away To be sold at rock bottom prices for lowing committees to serve the board biennial sessions and for Senatorial dis­ wltb Its paid choir the first of the year, married Wednesday afternoon to George cash only. ■ next year: tricts promise to be among the most ex­ comes the announcement that Madam W. Sewing of East Side Park. Finance—Henry C. Winsor, John For­ citing subjects for consideration by the Ogden Crane haa resigned from tbe leid- Miss Helen VaoDusen Wells, daughter Leg of Lamb, 12 ! , < For the man, Captain J. Minot, John Hubbard. ^ Legislature this winter. ershlp of the First Baptist Church choir. of Mr, and Mrs. Sarah B. Wells of Brade- Leg of Mutton 10 Railroads—Henry Stelnbacb, F. L. Ten The local option bill that will be intro Madam Crane tendered her resigna­ velt, and Henry Irving Schanck of Ilolm- Forequarter of Lamb 0 HOLIDAY Broeck, C. E. Steiner, George W. Treat, duced In tbe Legislature provides tbat tion yesterday, and it was promptly ac­ del will be married Wednesday after­ Hindquarter of Lamb 12 noon. trade I have secured an unri­ George F. Kroehi. “hereafter no license', or renewal thereof, cepted; It will take effect the first of Shoulder Chops 10,3 lbs 25 Manufacturing—M; L Bamman, Henry tokeepan Inn or tavern, or to sell alco­ February. She has been the director of There are six cases of small pox in Of G if t Box C ig a r s , valed line Stelnbacb, J. 8 . Ferguson, H. B. Ayers, holic, spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed the choir for two or three years, spending Paterson. Rib Roast 12 Merschaum and Silver Mount­ C. 8 . Steloer. liquors, shall be granted by any court, a part of each week in Asbury Park. Because his prelty wife visited New Sirloin Steak 16 ed Briar Pipes, Cigar and Cig­ Publication and Statistics—J. L. Kin- Excise Board, Common Council, or other It Is not likely that any paid successor York occasionally and finally had her Porterhouse Steak 18 arette Cases and Smokers’ In- month, R. A. Tusting, Howard LeRoy, board or authority now or hereafter hav­ will be named to** fill Madam Crane’s head turned by the drama, Augustus Chuck Steak 10c, 3 lbs 25 Guenther of Butler, Morris county, left dispensables In general. Before Howard Hullck, H. B. Ayres, Charles R. ing power to grant such licenses, except place. Pot Roast Beef 5, 6, 8 Zacbarlas. upon the following conditions.” The The cost of a paid director or paid her and Is.now In the county jail pending buying, see what’s here. Insurance and Taxes—J. S, Ferguson, conditions specified are tbat it shall be choir in both the First'Presbyterian and tbe decision of Judge Vreeiand. Sausage 10 Arthur C. Hay of Keansburg was ar­ Frankfurter Sausage 10 John F. Seger N. E Bucbannon, M. L. Bamman, Dr. H. decided by vote every three years, at the First Baptist chuiches has been greater S. KInmonth, F. L. Tenljroeck. ; regular municipal election, whether or than thecougregatlons could afford to pay. rested Thursday on the charge of em­ Bologna 9 647i Cookman Avenue. Legislature—T. Frank Appie'by, Samu­ nit licenses are to be granted In the mu­ To curtail expenses It was necessary to bezzling $89 from the Prudential Insur­ Fresh Hams t 2 el W. Kirkbrlde, Charles Young, Jo in nicipality in which the.election Is held. take some Immediate step, and it wns de­ ance Company. Hay Is a well known Scrapple, our own make, 6 Hubbard, George F.' Kroehi, Edward If the vote Is In favor of license the li­ cided that the cut should be made In the lawyer, having been connected with the Wortman. censes granted shall be for only one year. music line. adjutant-generui’s office in Washington. Boneless Pigs’ Feet, 12 Complaints and Credits—W.E. Bedell, It will probably be rather difficult to get It is reported that the First Methodist Two cottages at Seaside were set on fire Sugar Cured Hams 12 E E. Dayton, Dr. George F. Wilbur. anybody to introduce tbe bill. Its pas­ Church has under contemplation the dis­ by firebugs Friday nigbt. The first blaze Head Cheese. . Hotels and Boarding Houses—Frank L. sage Is out of the question. banding of Its paid choir early next was seen In the cottage of Michael Row­ Liver Wurst, Blood Puddings land. A minute later Sanies shot up from Ten Broeck, Frank Bi Conover, William Some of the large surplus In tbe State spring. Dr. J. H. Bryan, the directon A First-class Market and Meats Applegate, William J. Cooper, J. S. Adri­ Treasury will probably be expended In denies the rumor. the summer cottage of Samuel Corse of of the Best Quality. New York. an, W. 0. Cottrell, David Harvey, Jr .... making another enlargement of tbe State M r P a h ^ ’ c UKE AVENllE “»* ■■■ Business Interests—Dr. George F. W il­ House. The extensions ordered last win­ John Carroll of Red Bank was struck 5 MAIN STREET. bur, Henry Stelnbacb, Dr. J.F . Davison, ter and nov» approaching completion were BIGGEST ON RECORD. and dangerously Injured by a trolley car in that town Saturday. He was drunk A Hiss A. W. Cornelius; George A. Smock. for the accommodation of the administra­ Public Improvements — Dr. Henry tive officers. The original purpose in­ Incoming Mail This Morning Heavier Than and lay, between the car tracks at the a t Any Other Time in Asbury I have the Io ao good as emil® Mitchell, Charles R. Zacharlas, T. J. cluded a new Senate chamber, with com­ time of the accident.. Park’s History. nnlosa you have missed Winckler, A, C. Twining, W. C. Cottrell. mittee rooms ana other accommodations^ Mrs. Huldab Miller, wife of ,D4vld U p c t Rugby Footballs the protection' ^h ic h a Miller of He'd Bank, died of Bright’s dis­ at low prices lire Insurance policy alone Winter Resort — Frank B. Conover, of which the present chamber Is practic­ The incoming mall this morning was can give I Don’t rteglcct Frank L. Ten Broeck, H. B. Ayres, ally bare. But It was finally decided to the heaviest In the history of the Asbury ease In tbe Long Branch hospital'Frlday. H n p Boxing Gloves in such an important doty a S. T. Bloodgood, formerly of Atlantic minute longer than you Charles Young, John Minot. build the offices this year and to postpone Park postofllce. It has been tbe custom ordinary sizes have to-^to*raorrow may Collector—John Forman. the other part of the plan to a later day. to transport the mall to the postoiUce on a Highlands, died of consumption last we^ek bo too la te ! . -■. . • . I Y f Striking Bags for the The new Senate chamlwr will put In Its truck, but this morningit was necessary In Denver. Wa can give you tlie strongest development of muscle •Hoy evey written, and at a very Merry Christmas to All.' claims at the approaching oooalon. Tho to call Into service one of the United rate., . . . . . » ’• Compliments of the Season I The Steinbach Company, extends the contracted quarters and . batten accommo­ States Express wagons. The carriers compliments of the season to its many pat­ dations of the present Senate tolintnber were loaded up to tbelr beads when tbey A glorious greeting sporting rons and announces that their stores will be To our friends,.far and wide. are responsible In no slight degree for left tho office. With peace,"plenty and health closed Christmas day.—Adv, ’ the'delays that characterize the'work of At this joyous Yule-tide! goods in thfe session. -There is not room to work. . to w ra Twining & yansanl! Dr. George B. Herbert, Dental Surgeon, '. v The finol Reminder. Yours, to serve, Th e St e in b a c h Comvahv, Uonttioutli Truot Building A'.P. & 0. G. bank building. Office hours 9 HARRY' A..BQRDEW, - ttn ttio o n ftxe. & Bond S ttoet •.tt; to 5 p. m. , Ges administered—aito3-& 1 Uavo you Been Bannard’a store?—Adv. Christmas Rifts purchased, at the Stein- ■■..X v Asbury, Park; N. J. ------_ bach stores today will be safely and prom j: t • Stationer and newsdealer, ,, i Buy at Bannard’s tonight.^Adv. Best gifts arc ut Bannard’s’.—Adv. ly delivered.—Adv; Go to Bannard’s tonight—Adv. ' *& % •; .Cor. Bond St. anfl MaUIsau Ave. Vv:'- ?./;'-.- V. ;'": : ^ / V ’ ;./£■,Q ',y il'l


MISUSE THEIR JEWELRY, JOYS OF APPLE PIE. Arrival and^ Departure,of Malls. - .'.SpecialNotices. ■ ASBURY PARK yiL OealeiP^ Declare* That Woinen Iti- Other Plea itw v e Their Sefuson, B a t MAITJ9 CLOSE. Trent Their Rings a'mli Apple la Alvraya In " i *- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦- »-> ♦ ■» ♦ ♦ ♦ ’ For New York and .points north—7.80, Watches." .' Style.' 11.40 a. m.; 8. 30, 5.60 p, (n. - For Trenton, Philadelphia and points Wotucn, a certain jeweler declares, ’ -But, apples I You take good, sharp, WASHINGTON, South—7,11.40 a, m.; 3.30, 5.50 p. m. * Vll-treat their rings to abqut^he same juioy winter apples and pare them and ffor Freehold-i7.Rn, 11.40 a, m.; 3.30,' extent that they do their watches, and quarter and core them and slide, them Holiday Tours'via Pennsylvania Railroad. 5 50 p. m. ■' ■' ire, herefore, really, fit. to ' possess and- stre#' them on the well-worked Por Point Pleasant and vray stations— December 27 has been selected as the date neither. and well-shortened under-crust, made . 1005 a. m.j 1, 5.60 p. in. ■ . O t course, it doesn’.t injore a ring to out of goqd winter wheat flour, and for the Personally-Cpnducted Holiday Tour For , Ocean Grove—7, 10.06 al m.: 5.50 p . v - - ::"-,iii: put. It on a cold marble slab at Hlg’ht, put them in a little sweet butter and of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Washing in. ton. This tour will covcr a period of three MAILS ARBXVK. nor to drop itUSccasionally to the brick just enough sugar and a clove or two From New York abd poihla' hortli-^7.09, p'avetnent, but it does .ruin the settings and nutmeg and cinnamon and maybe days, affording ample time to visit all the 10.35 a. m.j 1.25, 2.3;!, <5.28, 0.48 p. m. of the jewels, he says, to have a tight • little lemon peel and then fix on the principal poinlaof interest at the National From New York direct—2 55,0.45 p. m. glove pulled.on over them. . Yet there cover and take a caseknlfe nnd trim' Capital, including; the Congressional Libra­ From Philadelphia and points south— is hardly a member of the sex, unless off the superfluous dough aro'und the ry and the now Corcoran Art Gallery. 7.09,10.35, 11 a, to.’, 6.40 p. tr ■- i f I she wears;so umny ornaments rim and pinch up the edge with your From Trenton—7,09, 10 85,11 a. m.; 2.15/.' Round-trip rate, covering railroad transpor­ that it's impossible to ^et a glove over thumb and finger all around to make 6.40 p. m. them, who does not. subject theib,, to it look pretty and gash the top some­ tation for tho round trip, hotel accommoda­ From (Freehold—7.09, 10.35, 11 a. m.: 6.23 p. m. T ' such severe treatment, and wonders thing liKe a lenf so as to let out the tions, and guides, ?14.50 from Now York, $ 18.00 from Trenton, and $11.50 frotn Phil­ Frota point Pleasant and way stations— and mourns when she loses a stone she steam, and then set it in an oven that 8 a. m.; 12.10, 4, 6.20 p, m. values. > ; , bakes just right,, top and bottom, and adelphia. These rates cover accommoda­ From Ocean .Grove—7.1i5 n.m.; 12 m.; One young woman always ties hoi let it stay .there t ill It browns the right tions for two dajs at the Arlington, Nor­ 5.50 p.-m. - .0,..l. - rings up in the corner of her handker­ shade, and. I tell you you’ve*got a pie mandie, Biggs, or Ebbitt House. For ac­ COLlbECTIONS AND DEXIVBRIE8, ' chief when she puts on her gloves, and that is a pie, says Harvey Sutherland, in commodations at Willard’s, Regent, Metro­ Collections from letter boxes—6, 11 a.m.; then tucks her handkerchief • up hex Ainsiee.’s, And when ma opens the politan, or National Hotel, $2.50 less. Side 8 . 3 0 m. , ’ sleeve, and she considered this 0 very oven door to see bow it is getting along, trips to Mount Vernon, Richmond, 4 Old Deliveries by carriers— 8 and 11 a; m.:' good way until she lost the mouchoir there is such a nice smell all through 8.30 p. tn. . with its contents of four tie other day, the house—wnit n second till I swal­ Point Comfort, 'and Norfolk, at greatly re­ when she began to' believe she'd been low; I ’m mopt choked—and it seems ai duced rates. OCEAN GROVE. a little thoughtless with her treasures, tf you just couldn't wait till dinner All tickets good for ten days; Wlih special . MAILS CLOSE. , time comes—oh, yes; I guess warm For New York and points north--7.30 says the Kansas City Journal.* hotel rates after expiration of hotel coupons. 10.30 a. m.; 1, 3.80, B p, m. It is said by the porters of sleeping apple pie is .^ll right. And cold apple For itineraries and full information apply For Trentonl Philadelphia and points cars and the matrons of the various pie can be got down, especially if there to Ticket Agents; Tourist Agent, 1196 sooth—7 a, ro.; 12 noon; 8 ^ 0, O p. ta. public places, however, that fewei is a piece of cheese on the plate beside Broadway, New York; 4 Court street, For Asbury Park—7 s. m.; 12 noon, rings are left now on washstands than it, this kind of cheese that is all crum­ 6 p. m Brooklyn; or address Geo. W. Boyd, As­ was the case a few years ago, and thU bly and has about a million little stick­ M in i! AWRIVB. is probably because a large proportloi ers in it. . , o sistant General Passenger . Agent, Broad Frotn New York and points north—7.10. of womankind seems to have made it a Apple pie is always in style. Go itito Street Station, Philadelphia. 292 3 10.30a. inj 4, 6.10, p. m. rule to keep such ornaments In their a restaurant, and ask for a “cut of From Trenton, Philadelphia and points mouths while they bathe their handB standard,” and the waiter will bring EXCURSIONS south—7.10,1080,11.30 a. m.; 4, 6.10 p. m. From Asbury Park—7 a. m,; 12 nocn; A woman with a mo.uthful of jeweli you a piece of apple pie. He knows 6 p.m. isn’t a beautiful sight, but she’s an il what standard pie is. There are times California! Mexico, Hot Springs end COLLECTIONS AND DELIVERIES. lustration of a certain sort of care, ant1 in the year when other kinds make a Arkansas. Collections made from letter boxes at 6, spurt and run on ahead a little, but it is a very refreshing one, when ont The Missouri Pacific Railway, the Fast 9.30 a. m., and 12 noon, and 5.80 p. m. De­ consider^ the number who are forever apple pie keeps jogging on, and by and Mail Route between SL Louis and Kansas liveries by carriers at 8 and 11 a. m., and having to advertise some valuable-,tals- by. it overtakes them. This month 4.80 p. m. laid through their own carelessness. s mince' pie Is in the lead because it'is City, in. addition to its Colorado Short Line near Christmas, and that is an ortho­ to, Denver and Salt Lake City, and the Asbury Park Fire Alarms. DEAD TO HER FAMILY. dox Christmas article of diet. Last Rocky Mountain Roate to, California, also 17—Banns and Bond. month pumpkin pie had the call be­ embraces in it# system tha Iron Mountain 19—Cookman and Main. Blsh-Caate Hindoo Ulrl Who Wai cause it was Thanksgiving time. Next Route, the short line to principal Texas 28—Cookman and Bangs. Oitractied Becaote She Became spring when pie-plant comes In—some points—the true Southern Route to Califor­ 86—Second and Main. st Christian. people call it rhubarb, but that always 37—Main and Munroe. . sounds stuck-up, and like you-were try­ nia. For the season of 1900 and 1901 regu­ 44—Second and Grand. lar weekty, personally conducted and inex­ 46—Asbury and Emory. A young Hindoo girl, a convert tt ing to show oil—everybody will eat pie­ plant because it is goo—" out this country and Canada, and the tes­ walled iip the door of Sooboo’t room. tained hei1 sfeat for two hours, bal­ No, 2, alone, rain oi- snow, stationary tem­ ancing the wheel without moving, perature. “But,” interrupted Mrs. Jobson, aren't timonials are the most. convincing liters- ture I ever read in my life.” Ahother of her feats is that b t riding No! 8, alone, local rain, stationary tem­ you afraid that tho stuff wiil be injurious? irO ttG ftf im m feifrdS. perature. I have often heard that those so-called hair Mrs. Jobson made no reply, but she ont wheel an chums with intended you to walk painted With iodine. He growled something much care selected a solitaire that Grifiln Henry through the world with a shiny noBe, why and. rushed to the withstand apd applied 'united her. dd you—” suds to the bald spot, ■ but not. a”~partiol< None of the clerks guessed, of "Oh,” said Mrs. Jobson, ."I was only of the color cajne o$. The application ol conirse, that the girl with the flushed Try the Journal’s Cenl:-a- peop can tfiiilking that I never heard of one of these soap and water, in fact, rather intensified o tfa Oi' Miss bAT-s p k Ats.- the color, cheek* wns byiying the circlet that buy the 'Asbury Park hair restorers really causing the lost hair was to seal her engagement, but she Thls she reaches on her left side when to ord column. ; to grow out again, and—" Mr. Jobson glared at Mrs. Jobson. Was,- and she paid her for it in a busi­ the left pedal la1 descending. She takes ..“Didn’t, hey?” broke in Mr. Jobson. "V'tty well,* he said; in a hard, strained atepS, evokes or eaeh other, »nil In-' J o u r n a l at Naph Poland’s tone.' “This is the end. You have at length ness-like vvay, secured a receipt, And advantage pf this favotftble mothent “Well, that’s just one more of those little )eft the shop smiling, and pfobably to stoop and catch hold of the bicycle tferlacement of hahdlebarHa. The rider things that you haven’t heard of. The verstepped the limit. Any woman whc keeps kltghtly in adVihiife « f h«» fiicycle Shop every evening. man who recommended tbis hair restorer will deliberately chloroform her husband in better satisfied with the bit of jewel­ by the left handle; quickly swinging the middle of the night and then smear ry than she would .have been if her it up, she then transfers her grasp charges and executes circles very, pret­ to me was as bhid as an orange, he told tily, although the skill required to de­ rot, Vrheb. he started in to Use the stuff, some indelible substance ail over the toj affianced had bought it himself. to the middle of the handlebar. A and now he looks enough like Paderewsjcj of his head out of pure malice—very weii, revolution of the; pedals brings her termine the exact relative poeitiona madam; very well; we shall have an un­ when each machine miiai deaoribfe . Jobson,, turning red. “It don't make The very superior saleslady had stu- ese, ideograph. For Instance, the sol­ po’sltTon for that operation, and also the century, . Book contains a solectlon of any difference whether h£ wps selling zinc beciiuSe the front, wheel, has a .ten­ From Famo the felory and tbe gleam— Hondsomoly Field’* beat aid most rcni'a- fliously ignored the efforts of the shop diers of the Third regiment just wore Friends, and the scorn of foos. lUbsttated by-a, e6ntatlvo Works.and la ready vvatekes b'r thrnips—he’s got' the hirsute dency to Bwing urounu hnd eollldfe thirty-two of fj tot delivery. adornment to prove his statement*, in i ping person-to attract her attentiob. a 3 upon their shoulder, straps. I bearer to me tho huftible tfrfeam. Es! fouiid upon inquiry tbat this was be­ with one of the other of its neigh­ And froth Lovii’s h&nd one i'ose. But lor t ms noble oon that's all. that I care to ltno\£. Fact is, Finally, however, she condescended to And where my lo^flbr lot shall be, fHon of the world’sjireaieat. though, he showed -me d pictuirt of himself cause the European numbers were so bors—a tendency which, if not smarts artist* thtebook oouM not huvo.bccnraantife.c- tusk: * ly checked, would cause a bad fall, aa Only Love's armii to uecklaoo me,. ; tbWd fir lem than S7 00. takc-i) before* he begah to use the hair re­ “Is anyone waitirigon you?” much more quickly and easily distin­ .T he Fund- created la divided equally belwwd HEP storer, And be had no more hair on hia I- “I ’m afraid not,” replied the shop­ guished from each other. than , tbe tbe rider has 710 means of saving her­ For 'JjQve his own rowarder ln tbe family of the IWo'Eugone yield -,'iidUi^ FoBri head than a Mexican hairlroa dog. ' Just self. When the difTieu. Jes of , the for­ The flowory world , along. * " to^hsj^»B»ory^ S t ping person, Rweetly; “my husband wan complicated Chinese ' characters. A For Love the thorn lij sweet to kies, you.hold yourself down fora week, ’that’* —I left him outside—but I ’m afraid truly practical ndtioii the Jftpanesel ward movement linve. been overcome, And toll la a nontf. all, snd I'll show you a head o’ hair that but he’s become dlssausted und gonehoibe.* gicat care mtiat ttlll be exorcised to Whorctoro, 1 iseaft no proud estate, tKi at! a avoid Sttfr.nijfeiAen- of 1 Mnm (Telegraph Snap Shots From All Parts) (Special Cabled News Bulletins) tiEur- c a t 3X1 CtflV'

province or i)enguet, wnere 101 u long MOUNTS FOR THE BRITISH, time he was the only white man. He speaks the native language and several STARVING TO DEATH jEtasI«*s>®“ B u j-Seik H o i?sibs In T & ls AN AUTONOMY PARTY European tongues fluently and is Ulti­ Oaanjtrjr—(fe a rfu l JEMsiitb ;jlate.» mate with the Igorrotes. Alarming Mortality and Suf­ KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 24,-Cap- Thirty-nine priests, 17 of them belong­ Inln. Heygat*1 if the British army is pur­ Loyal Filipinos at Manila ing in the province of Bulacan, the stron­ fering In Porto Rico. chasing BO,000 cavalry horses nnd mules gest of the Cttgal provinces, have signed for the British nrniy in South Africit He Adopt. a Platform. aud forwarded to the Philippine commis­ came here more than a year ago to buy sion a paper proffering their submission PEOPLE DISEASED AND EMACIATED, horses aad mules, but was ordered home and loyalty to its authority, adding that a short time ago. But the ooexpeqted FORMER INSURGENT AT IH E HEAD. the promise is made voluntarily nnd with­ renewal of hostilities has made the pur­ out mental reservation. Judge Taft haa Samcon Williams In, HI* RepoM chase of more horses iind mules neces­ ITewxpaper Man Named to Rnle Ben- replied, welcoming their assistance in tho Tells of W ant, Squalor nnd Slclc- sary. As fast rva the animals are inspect- Principals In the Booz Case ...... tfm-t— hlrty-nlno Prieata Have' pacification o f,a people “over whom you ■ »c « » .'Caused. lay . iUaals .. ed and, bought they will be sent to New will have so great an influence." Proffered Submission to ' of F o o d , Orleans and shipped to Cape Town, Dur­ uoTcraor 'fanner Pardon* FnrlOBf, A detachment of the Sixteenth infan­ American Buie, ban and New London on British tiwns- CHICAGO, Dec. 24.*—Former Police- try has captured Bautista, the head of JAOKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 24.-Dr, ports, some of whleh are now on their the Katlpunan society, in northwestern A. D, Williams, assistant Burgeon of the man Patrick Furlong, who in February, MANILA, Dec. 24.—The recently or­ way to the. Usited States. One shipload KITCHENER HOPEFUL 1000, killed Edward Leach, a brother of­ ganized Autonomy party wa» launched Luzon. , iios arrived from of the animals will be takes to floOth A detachment, of the Forty-ninth in­ Porto Rico, where he waa detailed to mate ficer, and vas sentenced to the peniten­ at a meeting attended by virtually all the Africa by Lieutetiant David Mcberly, tiary for 14 years, has been pardoned loyal Filipino leaders in Manila. The fantry recently attacked a barrio on the S. report on conditions of the people as leaving New Orleans soon after January. Believes the Cape Colony )In- Cagayan river, in Isabella province,' Observed by him oi» a march with soldiers by Governor Tanner and wit? take his declaration of principles was read arid, Lieutenant Moberly said: after some-discussion, adopted by a vote drove out the insurgents, killing several . across the island. That report was made '. v is io n Checked. > Christmas dinner with his family in Chi­ “By the time the horses and mutes are cago. Furlong, who is of Irish parentage, of 123, less than half a dozen declining of tliom, and captured a thousand rounds to the adjutant general, department of landed in South Africa they cost the of ammunition. Tho Americans also , Porto Ricq, San Juan. A copy of the re­ &nd Leach, an Englishman, became in­ to vote. All signed an indorsement of British government $360 a head. That is volved in an argument about the Boer the platform, including Senos Patemo, burned the insurgent quarters. The port was given ont Inst night by Dr. Wil­ a large price for an animal which will be FEELING SOT SHARED IS LONDON. latest reports from Iloilo Bay that the liam!?.'. • war. Lcach’s (declaration that England one of the most influential of the former fit for service only six weeks. Most of conld-whip any country on earth led to insurgent leaders, whose real attitude to­ islands of Panay and Cebu since the “At I/os Marios,” the report sayp, “we the animals die because of the change in rainy season set in are being rapidly1 begfln to see the v nil guard oft misery. In He Wet'* Hfrlit : Thought to Be n blow?;-and both men drew revolvers. ward American authority has been much climate. They must cross the equator in Furlong shot first, with fatal effect. questioned. cleared of the enemy and thnt in a few that small, sqdalld town there is no med­ going to South Africa, and the torrid heat Well Plsnncd nnd Series* Af­ weeks the inly opposition encountered ical man. Many were sick. A Mr. Ton fair—-Communication With The principal discussion was with ref­ of the tropics kills them rapidly. The era*y Man Shoots Two, erence to the organization of the govern­ will be that offered by scattering in- anand, the American schoolteacher there, average death rate on shipboard is 32 to Bloemfontein Cut Off. drones. The Twenty-sixth infantiy in told me that many of the people not only NEW YORK, Dec. 24,-John Galle- ment of the party. A council of 25 mem­ the 1,000. Forty day; after a horse is LONDON, Dec. 24.—Lord Kitchener’s bers was elected, together with an exec­ Panay snd the Forty-fourth in Cebu arc of the surrounding country, bat of tli. purchased in Kansas City it it* landed in tus, a Brooklyn mechanic who bps re­ dispatches, breathing a confidence hardly cently shown evidences of insanity, be­ utive committee, including Senor Caye- conducting an actively aggressive r m town, were in great distress. I asked South Africa. So great it. the demand paign. The American casualties Live him the cause of so much sickness and so justified by their Contents, are almost came violent in hie home' and,: taking a tano Arellano; chief justice of the su­ for horses nt the front that it. is impossi­ the only available news from the seat of preme court; Mr. Frank H. Bourne, recently been slight. many deaths. He answered without hes­ ble to give them the needed rest after revolver, ran out of his house. At the Major Bell, the provost marshal, has itation, ‘For want'of food.’ ” The report hostilities in South Africa, but telegrams time Nathan Ruth, 9 years old, and Law­ Senor Armiosa Frores, a former insur­ landing before putting them into service. from Cape Town depict the situation in gent general; Senor Floreatino Torres, instructed all pflicers to obey literally continue.-: Consequently they go to the front in a rence Kelley,; a man, were passing. Gal- General MacArtliur's proclamation con­ "At Adjuntas. the conditions were ap­ anything but roseate views. letus without warning fired at both of attorney general for the Philippines; weakened condition, and, not getting a Without believing the assertion of tlie Senor Jose Near, prosecuting attorney, cerning persons in Manila giving encour­ palling—men, women and children swoll­ sufficient amount of food, they soon die. them. Ruth was shot under ’he right agement to the enemy. It is universally en, bloated, diseased and emaciated, Transvaal agency in Brussels that 0,000 eye nnd Kelley in the breast. The boy and Senor Tomas lei Rosario. The Since the beginning of the Boer war Eng­ Boers have invaded Cape Colony, it is smallest cumber of votes received by believed that the rebel forces are greatly whose pinched and haggnrd features ap may die, but the man is not seriously in­ thinned and scattered throughout Lu­ land has purchased over 100,000 head of quite evident that tlie invasion was s se­ jured. ' any candidate was 80. pearcd weighted with tha sorrows of horses and mules in the United States. zon. Their ammunition supplies are be­ years, When I asked the city physician rious and well planned affair. In con­ Advices brought yesterday, by'steamer It required <55 ships' to carry them from nection with this a correspondent sen^s T t o o p k Hoisae For/Cfarlitm ss, from southern Luzon say that n lieuten­ ing rapidly cut off, and numbers of them af Adjnntat the cause of such a large New Orleans to South Africa. Govern­ ' H A LIFA X, Dee. 24. — The steamer are becoming amigos. Much interest is' death rate—52 deaths and 4 births the an extremely interesting letter, dated Be- ant and 60. men of the Ninth United ment transports will be kept very busy tbulie, Dec. 1, describing General De Lake Champlain, having on board Colo­ States cavalry attacked a large body of felt in the movements of the re-enforce­ week immediately preceding our visit from now on carrying the horses Which nel Otter and 350 Canadian troops re­ ments in Mindanao.' there—he replied: Wet and his doings. insurgents last Wednesday near Quino- England will need ,iu South Africa and “De Wet has never been taken serious­ turning from South Africa, arrived from batan, province of Albay. After the bat­ “ ‘The death rate is about the same Which have leen ordered purchased Ie ly enough," pays the correspondent. “It Liverpool1 and disembarked here. The tle 45 dead insurgents were counted, to­ A Jaipsneae Mlnijstea* neafgna, every week. The prime cause is chronic the United States. Baden-Powell now order to land at St. John, N, B,, had starvation.’ » is of little use to pursue him, as he fights gether with many wounded. The only YOKOHAMA, Dec. 24.-HosM Toru, has 25,000 mounted pollee, and it'ls pro­ a rear guard action and gains 20 miles been canceled by the militia department. American casualty was the wounding of Dr. Williams in his report declares that posed to mount 50,000 of the imperial in­ The time saved by the change will en­ minister of *?ommunicationg and formerly with 14 patients in the hospital at this while he' is being fought. He is a born. a sergeant'who was cornered by several Japanese minister to the United States, fantry. England has discovered that her Military genius, whose wonderful powers able the western men to get home for rebels and struck in the leg by a tiolo. place and t^ree nurses the municipal hn- soldiers smst be mounted to be able to Christmas. has resigned'his portfolio in eonseqHeuce ihorftiea oiSow the steward to draw only have kept up this phenomenal resistance. The rebel loss was the heaviest recorded of > the persistent allegations of ?jis im­ cope with the Boer, who gets ftver tbe “Once he fails, the whole thing could among recent encounters. The cutting f l a day in municipal stamps for the sub­ country with alarming rapidity.” BKIxinrd In Mlnneaiotn. plication ir, financial scandals. He will be crushed in a fortnight. He Jtas every of the wires has delayed the official re­ be succeeded by Mr. Hara, former min­ sistence and care of the patients and that ST. PAUL, Dec. 24.— Thin section o£ port of the engagement. the steward can realize only 00 cents for Blue Stone I fnpcrlffn .Ferejiaied, single commando under his supervision ister to Korea. It ie possible, that the All his patrols and columns march.and the northwest is experiencing the first The Philippine commission has ap­ tiis stamps, and with that amount daily MIDDLETOWN, N. if., Dec. 24.—J, blizzard of the present Winter. The past stability of the I to cabinet will be af­ he has to provide tlie scanty hospital jonntermarch on his order. The forces pointed H. Phelps Wliitmarsh governor fected. F, Kilgour of Passaic. N. J., once fa­ inder his command have been reduced week was extremely mild and pleasant. and Otto Scherer secretary of the prov­ food. •• mous ob the “blue stone king,” has just In St- Paul the (snowfall has been light, by his strength of will to a properly sr- ince of Besguet, Kuaatlan Lose Beelliaed. Snow In HebmskmV purchased extensive blue stone properties but the fierce wind blows it in blinding Mr. Whitmarsh has been here two .gnnized army, moving at his word. The sheets -and makes things very disagreea­ LONDON, Dec. 24 —"Russia offered OMAHA, Dec. 24.—Considerable snow dt West Brookville, Sullivan county. A sooner the British rid themselves of the years, principally engaged as a newspa­ company has been formed of which Dr. ble. The storm is general throughout Routnania a loan of 16,000,000,” says h^B fallen all . over Nebraska. The tem­ idea that De Wet's forces are a mere per correspondent, and has resided latter­ the Vienna correspondent of The Daily perature is not so low, tat a sharp >vin

A Large Assortment of Xmas Novelties Was Late In Coming. We Have Marked Them Very Low. Here Are Some Bargains:

A Musical Cabinet^ Mahogany, for $4.00 Wide Side Arms, Reversible Cushions, Golden Oak, Adjustable Shelves ' Highly Polished Highly Polished, Brass Adjustable Rods, Guaranteed O. K. Finely. Finished

A Chafing Dish for $5.00 Golden Oak, Finely Finished, French Curved Legs, Guaranteed in Every Respect, Patent Lamp Atta«h Well Made Throughout. mcnt, Finely Finished. P : ' - ■>

Ki¥paeNEi:.GW€m. .. QARDin HAD TO P.O.:; OCEAN GCSOVPS AmSt/EitSAfW SUNDAY SCJismt ,J©VS..MM Continued from third page, aooraevoM ■’Vo'ek I’com pt A c tio n ASBURY PARK JOURNAL Founding of Our Slater Resort Cofebroled The-'Great AnauBl OothartBg ©I Young Caw o( District Attorney, PUBLISHED DAILT EXCEPT SUNDAY AT THE Saturday Nigbt—Addresses b> Officers . ’ ' Folks for tbo Coiobratloa of Yeie- The Cape Colony, cabinet had an im­ NEW YORK,'.* Dec. 24. — Goveruoi of tho Association. tide Begins Today. portant sitting yesterday. Jit appears that Roosevelt’s prompt and summary action ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE the Boero have destroyed a railway in tho case of Asa Bird Gardiner was an Tho thirty-first anniversary of the The Christmas entertainment of the bridge 80 feet long abotit 12 miles south eycopener for the Tammany braves. The - 718 Mattison Are tiue P. O. Drawer P. Asbuiy Park, N. J. founding of tho Ocean Grovo Camp Meet primary department <>f the Flrat Congre­ of De Aar and that no Cape mails have hearing Saturday nt Aibhny occupied Long Distance Telephone, .92. arrived at Bloemfontein for three days. scarcely eight hours, and late In the even­ Ing Association was celebrated In Associa­ gational Sunday school la being held this • Farther anxiety has been caused in ing the governor announced the. removal tion Hall Saturday. night. About 200 afternoon. The exercises are being di­ Cape Town by the discovery that during of Croker’s district attorney and the ap­ guests were present. The event’ was a rected by Miss Bartlne, the teacher. tbe last two months public bodies in out pointment

V BA H E DtTBAWD. SfttWlssss* C erem ony Stopped. Pennaylvania Street Railways. mount of your purchase will be punched and when | JA W K IN 8 & DUBAND, SUSQUEHANNA, Pa., Dec. 24.—At HARRISBURG, Dec. 24.—The total Yo Salic Falnca frost Seeda, Hawley ton, while David D. Owen and the card is filled a fine umbrelja is yours, F R E E . . . COONSEiX)B8-AT-LAW. income of the Of street railway compa- To start palm seeds is an easy mat- -Offices^Asbnry Park and Ocean Grove-Bai.k- Miss Nancy D. Vaughan were 5:eiti£ nles operating In Pennsylvania during the JeivJPlace-half-a-dozen-seedsjn a six-_ united in marriage by a local juBtiee of Building EfulnHt. and Mattison A*. A nbv nr Park Sscnl year' ended- June 30, 1900, was inch pot, covering them so they will Special Holiday Bargains in All 'Departments the peace and when the ceremony was $24,447,181. The report of Chief Brown be about two inches below the sur­ H. ©ftESNAHABS, just half completed, the young woman’s of the state bureau of railways says the mother jumped in between the couple and total a m o u n t ,-,r , litnl stock outstanding face. They should then be well’ wa­ forbade further proceedings. The mar­ of the opi'Duin^ street railways for the tered, and . the soil should be kept Daily Messenger to New York. riage was then declared off. It "is said ear was ?103,170,121, aud the taxes fairly moist continually until the Leave orders at Nowlin's Hardware Store, to be the first instance of the kind in the Maid during the year was $1,579,284. The little seedling# push their way up 113 Main Street, also at Opdyke’s printing annals of history. " total number of persons killed during the The soil should never be allowed to office, 628 Mattison avenue, Asbnry Park, year was 1,582. dry out, nor should it be kept soggy. ____977-SOX I*ar(ce De al In. Coal Lanili,- Another goofi plan is to place all the FAIRMONT, W.. Va„ Dec. 24.—The •The Cndahy <3aae, Reeds in a box of moist’ sand and ex­ largest coal deal ever made io Harrison OMAHA, Dec. 24.—The mysterious county will be closed, to a few days. The “dark” man in the Cudahy kidnaping amine them every few dayB. Those 639-41-43 Cookman Avenue Shoes Shined Free in territory comprises 12,000 ueres, or 19 case was arrested yesterday afternoon by that burst and begin to sprout may be square milea, lying: around Salem. The the police from the description gives by potted, if well started, in small, pots. purchasers are James E. Brown of Un- Miss Maud Munshaw, whb lives near the It should be borne in mind that the Haircutting. iontowi) anti Alft.wl ,W. Cochran of Daw­ hpuse in which Eddie Cudahy was held embryo, or seed, ltaves of palms are son, who will pay f/',i2,000 for the entire for ransom by, his abductor*. Hlti same Gentlemen desiring first-class usually entirely different, in' form tract.' ' ' $,-.\Y Is Ed Johnson, He is a laborer in the from ihe true, or eharnoter, leaves haircutting are cordially invited VIES AID LIQUORS Cudahy packing pinnt and resides at whlijh come later, In the embryo A Probable Murder. Tweuty-sijth «md Walnut streets. lie to give the undersigned a trial* NAUGATUCICji Conn., Dec. 24,-—The ijavof. the form is lou

Silver sterti wind Watches from Silver and Plated Ware agST G la ss 3.25 up. Gold filled stem wind •To Select From For Watches $7 up. Solid Gold $12 up. Wedding and Holiday Presents ' A fine assort­ ment of Pins in solid Gold, set ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -» ♦ ♦ ♦ -»- » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-♦■<> ■+■ ♦ » .» ♦ » ♦, .»• ♦ ♦ ♦ » » » j with very fancy A Fine lamp Given To Every Purchaser of $5 Worth or Over stones, $2 up. Diamonds My Specialty If you are thinking of buying a Diamond, don’t waste your time looking around to get Diamonds cheap. Place your order with me and I will supply your wants. REHEriBER: Quality governs the price. I have had 23 years experience. I guarantee quality and prices to be lower than those of any Baby Rattles in other Dealer in the state. - , , ------" Sterling Silver and Pearl, 65c ;♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »-♦ ♦ ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦ 14k Gold Filled Watches from $ lo up. 14k Solid Gold watch­ es $25 up. I have the largest assortment of Watches in Mon­ mouth County. Gents’ Rolled Gold Vest Chains from $1 upwards. A fine assortment I have added to my line a of Gold Filled Chains, 2,75 up Gents’ Solid Gold Vest Chain s from choice collection of Pictures. Call and see my stock; whether you 8.50 up. Ladies Watch Chains in Silver, Gold Plaite and Solid Gold at Sterling Silver buy or not, I deem it a pleasure j| Factory Pri es. - - * - - - - Bag Tgas, 25c to show my goods. g up. . ea^4^m9J2SHE«^as!siaia!oas^afflS(effl£f.- ♦ -♦ »- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - »- »- » » - » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » : » »♦♦♦♦» - a«ssiKBS!SsssftJfWKS(ea» W h at 10 Buy For What to Buy For GENTLEMEN LADIES

Ash Trays, . Bracelets, 32 Card Gases. $2 Cigarette Cages Belt Buckles, Ss Cigar-Holder, Bon Bon Tongs,. , . Cigar Cutter, Bonnet Pins, ^ Cloth Brush, « Cork Screws, Book Marks, fe Cotabi, Belt Pins, jjs • Cuff Buttons. • Bon Bon Dishes. Foot. Rules, h; Masks, • Bon Bon Spoons, ' H a t Brushes* Brooches*.. H at Harks, Combs,' }jf Key Chaius, KeyRingj, Cloth Broshes, Sterling Silver Handle Knives from » Key Taga Card Cases, Lo ckets,---- ...... - Cuff Buttons, 50c up. A fine assortment of handles. ( }g Manicure Articles, Chatelaine Watches, ^ Military Brushes, Match Boxes, Cologne Bottles, At Mirrors Garters, . Pipes, Pocket Knives, Glove 8 tre tellers, Suspenders. Glove Buttoners, - / JS Shaving Cups and Brushes, Oloye Hooks, ; & Smoking:ine Sets,Sri Silver Tea Set's fix Scarf PPin«,11 Hair tins, & Sptctaclcaclos. HatPius, fife Soap Boxes, In 4 and 5 Pieces From 6.50 up H air Broshes, St Tape Measure, & Tie Holder, Hair Ornaments. Watclio^, § -i. | Lorgnettes, " ^ Watch Chains, Lockets. Chain g Watch Churuis, § 1 have the largest assoriment of g VH hisk Brooms, etc. Rogers Brothers silver plaied ware Extra Heavy Sterling Silver Bracelet Til Monmouth County and at the lowest prices, I847 Tea Spoons $1.50 a i 1.65. Sterling Silver Chain Bracelets dozen. Table Spoons 2.87 a i dozen. Forks 2.S7 a i dozen. Knives with lock and key 85c up. Rolled plated Chain Bracelets, with lock and key 1.25 $1 a i dozen and upwards- I invite Hotel and Restaurant trade to get my up. Solid Gold Chain Bracelet with lock prices before buying elsewhere.. - - - - - and key, $6.5o. . Sterling Silver Blotters from 25c up. A I carry a full line of large assortment of Manicure pieces in p I ■ M Watch Movements, many patterns - - - if .1. JH All kinds of Watch Walthams, Elgins & Clock and Jewelry many other makes. If Repairing done and your watch does not warranted. give satisfaction let me fit your case with a new movement...... Sterling Bracelets 65 cents up

The .Leading.Jeweler Of itfitopmouth County ' ; 180 BROADWAY • " * .j • .' •

Sterling Silver Key Rings, with chain 1.50 up • • • ASBURY PARK JOURNAL, DECEMBER 24, 1900

r a ^ e le c a ’ Quide.

! roe Btandard BaUroad o >mortos On and after Noverabor 25. 1900. Tratna Leave Asbury Park Weekdays. atlA 7.10, 8.Bo h. ta 2.25 and 5,88 p. m. , i KlLrabdth,8.60a.m ., 2 25 rnd 5.08p.m . For Kahway, 8 50 a. m., 2.25 arid 5.88 p. m. For Matawan, 8.50 a. tn„ 2.25 and 5.88 p, m. Branch, 7.10, 8.50, 11.00 a.m., _2.15, 2.25, 5.88, 5.40 and 7.07 p. m For Bed Bank, 7.10, 8.50, a.m., 2.25 and 5.88 p.m* ...... Headaches are nature’s warnings that there is b.ooft ^a. ati0lp^ m., 12.15 aVfcB^ a n 5 i d,%4.07 ,tind^Trenton,^ p. m. For Camden, via Trenton and HordGntown, 7.530 physical trouble somewhere in the body. A cure a. m., 12.15 and 4.07 o. m. For Camden and Philadelphia, via Toms Biver can generally be effected by putting the stomach 1 25 p. m ForToms Biver, Island Heights and intermedl. into good condition. Ripans Tabules will do it. ate stations, 1 25 p. m. Peasant and intermediate stations “ I have been troubled with sick and nervous 11.04 a. m., 2.58, 5.in and 0.48 p. m. Brunswick, via Monmouth Junction, headaches ever since I can remember, but have 8. 05 a. m.. 12.15 and 4.07 v. m. ' been worse for the last two years,” writes a young Train* leave New York for Aobnry F&fe From West Twenty-third Street Station, 8.55 married woman living in Elmira, N. Y . “I could not a. m„ 12.40, 8.35^ and 4.55 p. m. Sundays, 0.25 a. m. and 5 55 p. m. . do my housework in the way it should have been rPIs aso8 Street 8tation, 0.00 a. m. 12.50, 8.40, and 5.10 p. m. Sundays, 0.4^ done. I was sick at my stomach most of the time, а. m. and 5.15 p. m. was nervous and trembled and I could hardly walk ^ ^ )1?^ or^ andt: Street Station, 0.00 a.m.,12.50. 8.40 and 5.10 p.m. Sundays, 0.45 a.m. and across the floor without aid, for I was so dizzy. I . 0.15 p; m. On SandavswiU stop at Interlaken and Avon took everything 1 saw advertised for the cure of tSfB toa°paSe»bary P8rk Bnd A8bnry F« k headache but I did not find relief until I tried Tiainfc Leave PM U O ^U a^B ro ad Street) for Ripans T abules, which w^re highly recommended At 8.20,11.08 a. m,, 8,80 and 4.00 p. m., week* days. Market St. Wharf, via. Camden and to the by friends. I bad taken but two small boxes Trenton. 7.28,10.80 a.m., 2.80 and 8.20 p. m, I^aye Market Street Wharf, via Ja m o iU n when I could 4fce a change, ahd now I can go 1.28 a. ni., 4.00 p. m., wjekdays. dbout niy daily toil with comfort. I have been WaaUngtoh &nd tbe Sontb. taking thetn eight months, and I will continue. Ppr Baltimore and ^^U nstim faSoI^fo^b.B a, W-23, 11.28, 11,88 B.m„ (is.88 U ni. I am a new person since 1 began to take RipihS itod, Dining Carl, .1.18 (Dining Car), 8.18. 8.29 (Dining Carl, 4.40, B.2B (Dining Car)! T abules.” б.05.6.20, e,55 (Dining Car), 7,81 (D£ninir Preparing For New Year’s in OldenTinies. " ■-daS». 8.—A ca» of bad health that R'l P’A'N fl will liot benefit. They banfrh pafn and prolong life. One alvea relief. Note *he B’l'PTA'JB S. on the package find accept no substitute. RTJ^A'N S. 10 for B cdnte. maJr be had at anyr drug, rtqre* Ttn 6.25 (Blnlng Car),’ 0.06, Wsamples and one thousand test IraoniaJs will be rnAfled to any Addreas for 5 cent*, foi-kAfrled 7.81 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12.20 night. to tho Klpaaa Chemical Co,, 10 fiyruce St., New York. i )pAir Pkdt*oAiTi6 !«. CHIMES AND RHYMES. Timn-tabltrn of a ll ottoi- trainaof the wotem SUN WARPS IN fibfeWiAtfe. may be obtained at the ticket offices or atatlonc. Tt»<6 Chriatinas Children. J. B. M C T C H l k ^ ^ g ° ^ nt^ V Pa°°' ^ Tkey Are Vtry Largeljr InKtramruUl Th» Uf.tle folks at our house — they tilk In Carlnff H iir Patients like anything of D llM U . 'Bout Santa Claus’ cotrilh’rvAil’ What Iis’fl JJEW YORK SRD LOHCr 8RARCH E. B. g’oin’ toibrirtK; An' mother never has to scold, or tell ’em The theory that sunlight exert* • ’bout the noise-— Time Table in effect November 25, l6oo< powerfully healing ipfluence upon dis­ They’re just the sweetest little girls'—the STATIONS foj NEW YOfiK ease proces.es has now become so well best o’ little boys! established that the sunrcoib is re­ 'Cause why? They know that Santa Claus garded as a necessity- in a Well-ip- knows ever’thing they do, third street, Cortlandt Btreo^anJ0 De S ottls' street. - pointed hospital. In the plans of new An’ while he’s loadin’ up his sleigh he's watchin’ oC’em too! s & ( & & E l T ay' toot of B60tot hospitals that a spite to be np to date An* them that minds their mother, they the solarium finds a prominent place, gets, the most o’ toys ' L e w W AsftUBY PARK and and to keep ui> with tbe ddVatac’es 6 f They’re just the sweetest little feiHs—th6 First National Bank Foot al Llliert, stro«t-. 4.80, b.«6, 11.80 a. m.. best o’ little boys! medical science many of the old hos­ 4.80, 6,28 p. m. , , pitals are attaching solaria to their Foot Whitehall Mrreat; (S<|r th F< They've just been wrltin’ letters to Santa f10 ■^erm^nai) buildings, says the Trained Nurse. Claus each day. OF ASBURY PARK. 8.25vll.25 k. m., 4 2b,o.jiup m. • An* tellin* him just what they want, an* The sun ward is easily built. I t bbb • • m- " showln* him the way Mattison Avenue and Bond Street Poot COrtUttdt street: B.00 a. m., 13,60, »$.4o. must be, of course, on the south side To where our house is, bo’s he'll know just •5.10.p. m , . . , of the building, having its eastern, wheire to leave the toys Between Postoffice and Depot. Foot DSsbrosse^ street: 9.00 a. m., 12.50,*8,40 southern and Western walls largely They’re jiist the sweetest little girls—the *5.10 b. If beat o’ .little boys I constructed of glass. A‘ good plan is Hipworth—I’d like to make a bar­ [ORGANIZED FEBRUARY, 18 8 6 ] They’re longin', longin’, longin’ fer the to build a large hay window, with gain with you. 8.50 a. m. 12.10, 2.25, 4.00, 5.88 aild 6.20 metal fr.aihe Work, and. If the hos­ Sykes (of the next flat)—What? days an' nights to go. P- m. An’ all o’ them are happy, an’ they make Por FreiShold, Trenton and PhiladnlDhla.TrlaSea pital building, is to be three or. four illpworth—If you won’t give your their mother so! ^ - OFFICERS Giif - *" nn ° nc - — *" * ' ■* stories high, this bay window may ex- boy a drum on Chrikthiis I Wdn’jt give $he rievet- Hhs .to scold ’em, or tell ’em 'bout tend to the full heipht of the main the noise— G e o r g s F. K r o e h i ; , President route, 6.17,8.00 a m., 12.10,4.00 p. m. mlhe a horn.—Philadelphia North For Toma Biver a»d intermediate Stations to structure. With this arrangement American. v :v' 'Cause they’re the sweetest little girls—the O. H. B r o w n , First Vice President best o' little boys! ' ^Camden, via Sea Side Park: 1.25 p. m .. each floor will hnve the advantages M a r t i n H. S c o t t , Cashier For Belmar, Spring Lake, Sea Girt and Manas- With a Boond Torn, ■j-F. L. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution. , quan:.. 7.00, 7.29, 8.05. 10.85, 11.04 a.mi. of a sun ward. f2.15,1.25, 2.58. 4.07, 5.19, 0.28, 6,48, 8.28 “If you can't manage the boy, Maria, Food Yalae of Fl«h, The means of ventilation should be p. m. Just turn him over to me." Fish has very high food value; In For Point Pleasant: 7.05, 10.85, 11.04 a.m.. perfect and the heating arrangements She turned him. over at OBce. and papa fact, is . very nearly as nutritious aa „ 1.25, 2.58, 5.10. 6.28,6.48. 8.28 p. m. ' adequate, for the sun bath is just aa Then turned him over his kne«. Patrons valuables received for safe keeping free Fot Long Branch and Bed Bank: 6.17, —Qftlonoy* *yrit^unq. , , chicke^ or, t.urkey, of charge. Foreign Exchange bought and sold. B.00,8.50, f l 1.00, Long Branch only) a.m*. practicable and useful on bright, win­ -L. rPra“cl1 onIy)* ^ 25, 4.eiitlfc ef- TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 25.1800. ifects. _ MfflKET fflONMOUJPH AND Trains leave Asbnry Park: F-irNew York, Newark and Elizabeth via all FEMININE SPECULATORS. NMWKNl rail fohte, 6.17,8.00, a.m., 12.10, 4.00, 0.20 p. m. Sundays, from Interlaken station, 7.81 a.m.. 4.18 p.m. Baa 7 ProiUuat Kflldel^hlA Wait, SftHB DSPOSIIP @OMPAH5 For Philadelphia 4nd Trenton, via E3irabotib ea (iambic lit Bliefc. ta a * port. 6.17, 8.00, a. m 12.10,4.00 p. m. Sundays, from Interlaken station, 7.87 a.m.iBL| 1 Alintilac Eitrrit. CQOHMOUIIH BU1LDINS, pSBUl^Y '4.18 p. m, ForB altim oreacd Washington—8.00 a.m., 12.10, 4.00 p.m . Sundays, from Interlaken The fact that maay^of thfc leading station^ 7.87 a.m.* 4.18 p.m. women of Philadelphia gamble in For Easton, Bethlehem. Allentown and stocks was a fact brought out by th t r n n i ^ l f t f t f t Bxecate« till trostB known to tho law: loatu moneron Vootf Chdnk—6.17. 8.00, k. in., 12.10, (4^00 to V U I m II* ip iV V f V V U and mortgage; reeeires depoalta sobjoot to chock and Baston) p.m. Sundays, from Interlalcen sta­ failure there recently of a big firm tion. 4.18 p.m. + i, t n A n allows Internet on daily balances; aot» as tnutee, regiit.ar ForWilkesbarreand Scranton—8.00 a.m., 12. id of stock brokers. The womeh Who Surplus, $25,000 r,nmd6 f“ fe.ftTa'S', “ d p. m. were losers by their collapse have For Buffalo and Chicago via D. L. A W .fi, B.— 8.00 a m. thronged the bfflcea of the assignee J. H. OLHAOSFV, Gen’lS u p t for the bankrupts, trying to make H. P. BALDWIN, Gen’l Pass. Agent. come advantageous arAngemetit df £edrfe t*6ur name at A. C. TWINING, Ppnidaat. 6. B. M. HABVEY, Vlce-Pre«Hene. -their unfortunate Investments. Aa a publication office ■ B. A. TUSTING, Sec re tat?. D. G. COBHELL, Treaanrer. rule, the women were well dressed. ?18 CQattisonarc. In years they Jiad reached' or passed UIBECTOBS, hue, and a carrier O B. BroWn. Col. G. B. U. Harvey Henry Mitchell, M. D, A. C. Twisin*. Ross- Fenton middle life. While in appearance they J, H. Btee)jatan, Geo F. Kroehi, John P. O’Brien, H, H. ¥t»*i»nd seemed ' to be shrewd, womanlike, will deliver to you u, C. Cornell. Brnc» ^ Keator, M D lftrry B. Smith. G. D. W. Vroom ecarcoly one of thein was able to the Hail? edition Wm, J. Harrinon. B. A rnatlnr. S. A. Patterson. comprelienU how Howard, Crosby & Farm Co. should not drop around and make the 3°urnal for SJje good-every investment mode on the cents a ujeefcj. ffiaburg f ’ark Hotels. hoard, says an eastern exchange. They hud been slip pin g into thia On Deal Lake^ Chestnut street office for months to HOTEL MARLBOROUGH gamble on the market. The habit de^nnM to have a wonderful Hold on Asbury Park, N. J. them. As a rule, their «il*tom foss dOtir- Conner Grand arid Munroe Avenues. i b drop Into tfie office each dily And examine thfe board, ioun&ln£ Idly Open AH the .Year, Electric launches connect wita dbout hnd following the musical C. W . SIMONSON. Click of the sounder. trolley cars at Interlaken. New house. Handsomely Furnished. After comparing the qiirfthtlotia bisttuct Ad^NT fOK Has All Modern Improvements with those of previous days find watching the board ftfr A few tnld- A. M. SEXTON. A strictly fitst-class family utes the patrons would place their Ballatttine’s Ex^funfuger Beers ■ A Z Enlarged and ImproYed, Electric light, eun parlor Open all the year. ’ ' orders. If a certain stock would be brand AVG* HOtCl B^porior table. Steam^ heat i^wi^ten yeai. 7(k and v l'!anped, two ppintB to 73, Bottled by Steam Process and Guaranteed to Keep in any 'Climate. Teleplioha, 120. when the women returhed on the fol­ Oorn6r Grand ana Summorfiold Avenues. Sixteentli season WiheS, Llauors, and foreign and sw s tie Hies ftnfl Pdrtert. Winter andSnmroot. Permanont and transient gnests. Terms. lowing day they Fold out apd studied The linpericti $8 to $12; $2 -per day. H. A.’KINQSLEY. Ihe boards for new invetments. Goods delivered only bn order— free of charge. X ' i m . l / > v J * Corner Bangs Avenne and Main St. Near Union depot and on Ab a rule, these women speculator* I I I © f 6 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 trolley. ^ Open all the year, Firat-claaa injrveryin every particular.part are ihijllners, dressmakers or sales­ telephone call 67-a. 8PC2ICSO k&KK N. J, Reduced rates till July. EDWARD B. PALEN women. Tljeir purchases varied from Corner Cookman Avenue and Beck Street. Open all the Year. Firatclass accommodations for Transient and Summer guests ten dollars up to $50. Some of ,them Hotel Ebbitt Speolal rates or ommerolal travelers. W. Wi WAED, Mag’r. Jiave been following the business for jhjpiiths Aid have made money. Scarce­ 810 Cookman Avegue T*o blocks, from ocean, facing Wesley Lake, and Insurance Terms $8 to $12 Acrommodativns for 125. JEidai^ed_and reap* . /■ ■ t ly any of them are losers on invest­ PrSttcfetoirt pointed. 27th season. Open all the year. Proprietor. ments made previous to’ two or thje Hol'els. inuaician’a eyes. '‘Ah,” he said, sadly, “ and Ut good form. would not have bfiliSved it, but hehaaetoler ILL THE 8ES1 MatJBS 0? OiflES flfJB LIQUORS ; ^ . * $ and 5 Pitman avenue, 4 and 6 McClintook street. Open all the year Boal Estate boogfct, sold and escbanjcd. 14 march on me." To those fainiliW with hi IT fL -k A H —. .-.S, ^ 8uu parlors and well hebtod rooms few: the cool months; The onis. I,;■ U ffl© hotel in Ocoau Gw>vo supplied with eea water baths. Tho location ii ;Aorks, the truth' of his rernatk wouldJuid^ot liav C®'3''H'AtGIS TTEl^IOE .Qcra^X’CH'S'EHD. U0BV of th0 b2Sfci w o |eofc frcm boar

tools were taught to minister to n u ' t THE SCHOOL OF LIFE J wants in this direction; then came the railroad, and when condensed air and the heat of the sun can be util­ Unique Institution Founded by Dr. ized aa forces our present methods of Hiram W. Thomas. travel will seem slow and cumber­ STEINBACH’S some. Nothing widens life like view­ ing other countries and peoples. Our Hon the Venerable Paator ot the present mail system, made possible People* Church at Chicago Pro- by the Increased carrying facilities, . poieB to Ilelp and llp- the telegraph and the telephone; ail !v lift the Blaaiea. pldce us, in a., position where it is al­ most impossible for us to imagine the [Special Chicago Letter.] restricted conditions under which our ancestors existed and throve. Tho 'H E spirit of helpfulness waa narrow life of-the-past Impressed ~iti' never so thoroughly awakened self on the intellectual and spiritual The showing and selling of Christmas gift goods lias started in with an unprecedented rush at the as at the present day when nature...... _. thousands of men nnd women, with Steinbach stores, where every nook and corner of the 23 departments is replete with the new things for the In ^Virginia, in his youthful days, “love of the neighbor” inciting’ them, Dr. Thomas walked three miles to holidays. Such a display was never before attempted in Asbury Park; such remarkably low pricing has never are systematically working together school, night and morning, and to relieve want and suffering. The before b$en offered. Delighted buyers and “ lookers” crowd the stores daily, an unfailing sign that our efforts worked his board, to study under a to please the buying public’are appreciated. . • ■resulting benefits are mutual, as is iteacher “who knew no more than I did, evidenced in many ways. In Chicago and I knew nothing; but it was go­ Just a word-'concerning the Christmas stock ! The new things include everything procurable for gifts ing, to school.” No one was out of for mother, father, brothers, sisters and sweethearts, for lyisbands, for wife and the little ones. Nothing desi­ work in those days, for there was comparatively little machinery. -The rable has been overlooked. The goods are attractively displayed, and the price tickets have been marked price of calico was ,12% cents per temptingly: low. Additional salesfolks will assist the regular force, so 'there will be no delay, no matter how yard, and a man in a day could earn great the rush of shoppers. Come in and enjoy the holic[ay-garbed stores, no matter whether you want to four yards. Now all that'is changed, but there is great room for improve­ buy or not. * ment and the work is progressing W e advise our patrons, however, to make their Yule-tide purchases early, while the assortment is com­ more rapidly than ever before. Na­ plete. Gifts bought now will be carefully packed and reserved for Christmas eve delivery, if desired. ture is giving up her secrets, the spirit of good will is growing and a The delivery servicewill.be in competent hands so there will be no disappointments. This service will take higher spiritual development is one in all the coast towns of Monmouth and Ocean counties. Enumeration of the thousand-and-one suitable of the most marked signs of the times. specials in stock is impossible. The most desirable of the gift goods include : \ The bad sanitary conditions in our cities is only so by contrast with the Sterling Silver Novelties for Everybody. comforts and luxuries of the well-to- do. I n . the worst districts in Chi­ The Newest Copyrighted Novels. cago the health is better guarded A Hatchless Line of Umbrellas. A than it was in the best streets and Framed Pictures and Rare Bric-a-Brac. palaces of royalty in London 200 years ago.; Still, while the birds and beasts Artistic Furniture, Beautiful Rugs. > BEV. H. W. THOMAS, D. D. are provided for in the general econ­ Exquisite Crockery, Rich Glassware. omy, man, endowed with intellect and Pretty Cushions, Faddish Draperies. the work of the charitable societies given the Golden Buie, is expected to has been brought into such order that provide for the temporal wants of the Plated Ware for the Dining Room. * . v no one who knows where to apply race. Yet half the world is half-fed Holiday Neckwear and Gloves. need suffer for food or clothing. In and half-clothed, arid powerful na­ Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. every possible manner needy appli­ tions are occupied in killing off those cants are aided towards self-help by weaker than themselves. We have House Coats, Bath Robes and Slippers. some of the branches of the Bureau thousands of miles of territory, which Newest Conceits in Jewelry. of Associated Charities in the Unity irrigation would transform into al­ - Toys and Games for the Children. building. And it is not the wants of most tropical abundance, a section r • body alone that are being re­ where the population of the congest­ Overcoats and Suits for the Men. lived in this great office structure, ed portions of our cities might be pro­ », Furs and Cloaks for the Women. 1 :it a movement is now in operation vided with beautiful home sites. The Vih ereby the social, mental and spir- secretary of the interior asked for : . v In fact, everything to be found in the largest city department stores, with prices as low, if not lower T::il needs of all, rich and poor alike, $200,000 to improve our desert by Ir­ than any of our more pretentious competitors. n ..v be satisfied. rigation, while the secretary of the I’his “School of Life” is the outcome navy demanded $10,000,000 for war­ of many years of thought and study ships. This item speaks for itself. — Pfw iiii HMraim fjtnrm M tWHnn nnnw imwwwtfwyw— on the part of Dr. H. W. Thomas, of It is to study conditions, past and tlie People’s church, which has been, present, as well as to aid one and all, for the last 20 years, a church home for strangers in Chicago, as well as of THE STEINBACH COMPANY a large regular congregation devoted­ ly attached to the pastor. As the years have gone by it has grown more Holiday Caterers. Two Modern Stores. and more evident to this lover of men that something more was needed Pioneer Price Pruners. than a church home on Sundays. On the other six days people need a cen­ ter where all may find spiritual and moral help, sympathy and encourage­ ment. The enterprise has received a cordial backing by members of the People’s church, who desire to extend its activities along lines not ordinar­ NOTABLE MEN. ily reached by church methods. It will be open on all week days from Lord Salisbury has never been known nine a. m. to four p. m. and in the ia be in the peers’ gallery in the house evenings. From the contemplated • f commons, and Mr. Gladstone, though scope of the school its effects promise he was in parliament, for 60 years, . to become more extended than those was never seen in the smoking-Toom. of any philanthropic enterprise here­ SCENE IN SCHOOL OP LIFE. It is declared to be a fact that when tofore projected. The benefits are • Joseph Chamberlain was made colo­ expected to be cooperative, for every tliati the "School of L ife ” is to be nial secretary he did not know where phase of life is to be touched.upon as conducted. Special attention will be the colonial office was, although it ia it presents itself. given to the study of sociology and just opposite Downing street, where he Sermons will be given in the Peo­ unusually good opportunities are pre­ had so often sat as a cabinet minister. ple's church, recapitulating different senting themselves for that end. The An album once belonging to Von incidents of the life of the last hun­ cases needing material help will be Moltkc and now preserved at Creisan dred years. Dr. Thomas will speak on directed to the proper branches.of th e contains, among otheT autographs, a the “Intellectual and Social.” the associated charities. A poor widow, flve-line poem by King Ludwig II. of “Moral and Religions” and “Nineteen likely to lose her mortgaged home, Bavaria, in which.Von Moltke is styled Christian Centuries.” Mrs. Vandal ia will be provided w ith fre e legal, a d ­ “Germany’s greatest hero.” Varnum Thomas, his gifted wife and vice und such assistance, as Is pcs-, George S. Goddard, the new state li­ able assistant, will lecture on the sible. There w ill,be,adans in probate are among the most acceptable presents a sweetheart, a brarian of Connecticut, graduated “Historic Survey of the Century.” In la w . .to - w h i c h tuition fee will be sister or wife can make to a lover, a brother or husband from Wesleyan jn. 1892 and receivedthe^ discussing the material triumphs of charged, for-'the benefit of women degree of B. D. from Yale in 189S. He the old century Dr. Thomas quoted Teft with estates, that they need not became assistant, librarian of the state Herbert Spencer and spoke of the be entirely nt the mercy of sometimes has the largest and finest'stock of the library in 1808. „ i unscrupulous lawyers, with no choice smokers’ articles men like best. . . . . Gens. Joe Wheeler, Fitzhugh Lee and but to follow their advice in all innt- John B. Gordon will attend the next ters pertaining to .settlements, sign­ meeting of the Confederate Veterans’ in g of papers and investments. These n can se^ y°u a b°x of twenty-five, fifty7 association s invited guests. The gath­ re q u ire a id .a s w ell as some of their D C r i l l g C r or one hundred cigars at most any ering will be held next August a id St. , less pros crons .sisters, and being.able m Joseph Mo., is making a strong effort to pay for instruction., will be ghul to price you want to pay— brands to suit every taste..,-. . . . . to secure it. avail themselves of the privileges of ? Ia accordance with the will of the this class. W hat a discussion such a can sh°w you the choicest assortment 'f late marquis of Bute the employes on proposition would have provoked TOO his estate in the island of Bute were D C r i l l ^ C i 0f pipe's in Asbury Park— short ones, r years a g o ! j* paid a sum equal to a full year’s salary. At nSoii. on every week day. ad­ r The legacy applied only tp those who long ones, fat ones, lean ones, meerschaum, briar and other v £ ► dresses will be delivered on various qualities at special holiday prices. . ' . had been upward of trwo years on the subjects. Dr. Thomas lectures every r - • estate at the time of Lord Bute's death. Monday, on which day, with Mrs. r About 100 men of various grades par­ Thomas, lie is at the rooms, Gil aud ticipated. 613 Unity building, from ten o’clock „ (Y£±r can a*so su'1 y°u *n every line of novel- until one. U C r i l l ^ C r ties—tobacco boxes, cigar holders and BREVITIES. On Tuesday of a recent week Dr. cigarette holders, match boxes, and many similar articles Bland gave “ Reminiscences of Wen­ m which are useful and economical to buy. Our assortment Switzerland cultivates 35,000,000 dell Phillips.” On Wednesday. \T. B. fruit t,rees. , ■ . ■ ~ Smiley spoke on “Sociology.” On is the most complete in Asbury Park. . ;: _ . • ' California strawberries now In the Thursday, Mrs. La Fevre lectured on New York market sell at )1 a pint. MRS. H. W. THOMAS. “The Beautiful in the Common.” makes a specialty of supplying the Commercial estimates' of the 1900 (Better Known by tier Platform Name, There is some programme for every wheat crop of Siberia place It at 32,- Vam'.aita Varnum.) evening. Mrs. Sherwood is - to give trade with the best brands of cigars 000,000 bushels. . some of her charming art talks. The and tobacco. Whatever you .buy at Beringer’s, you may be There are now about #,800,000 farms world as beinjj ruled by the dead. "New Uses of Music" will ex­ Not so much by the personalities of sure the price is right, the quality'right ana that satisfaction in the United States, and 600,000 fac­ plained. There are to be addresses tories. ... - ' . • those Who lived on the physical plane on Intellectual life, on literature and is always guaranteed. .. . . ‘ * • .^before rVis, as the conditions they Illinois’ beet sugar output last year philosophy, A class is studying Em­ was valued at $250,000, About £,000 created before we were born. The in­ erson. Lectures' are to- be delivered acres were cultivated. volved street plar., for which one of on homes, schools atidtlie duties of A twentieth of Scotland's area is our eastern cities is noted, causes the^ mothers. The best smOkes come from feet of the Bostonians to trtfjd”the As everything-relates to life in one forest land,'seven-tenths is mountain, heath end lake, and only onfe-quarter line of the cow-puths formed by the way or another, many unlooked-for cultivated land. - lieTd boys of 200 years ngo. And it is ideas are. likely to be'expressed on un­ not alone in material things that our expected topics, for there seems to be A shipment of 100,000 young peach way is, to a great extent, marked out no lim it to what these venturesome trees from Georgia nurseries, boiind for us, but mental and spiritual en­ people have undertpken. for Cape Colony and Natal, South Af­ vironment form us to a great extent. In certain instances, situations have rica, will be made soon. The most ancient employed for their been obtained for'those in need of Theaverage yield in Franc? per aero use the elements—earth, air, water employment.' IJere people may speak for barley was about 22% bushels in and fire. We have nothing, new, in of their perplexities, sure of sym­ iS2^i% .:n®5nvSteet=-“Asbury. Park 1809 nnd 21.1 buBhels in 1000. That reality. We huvc learned new appli­ pathetic attention an.d' advice/ A of oats was 27.8 bushels in tho former cations of natural forces nnd all these cheerful welcome will be extended to ond 25.8 in the latter year. , . , things affect life. The world is edu­ all and it is hoped that the lectures . According to tho report to the Ger­ c a t in g itself gradually, as its needs on all the great topic^ of .the day man government from the imperial develop, for a premature-knowledge will be well attended. consul general a t Valparaiso, mndo - would liave been dangerous in the “Help” is the keynote ftf,. the under date of. Juno 61, 1000, the ex­ hands of the rnco. In th e early daya w'ork, and Dr, Thomas will have the • w > ports of wheat from Chili Dince. Jan­ ,1.-01,10 traveled in litters borne by gdod wishes of all- for the .Success of , ,>■ - . • 1 uary 1, -of this* year, amounted ta s lu m , o v .walked, according to their his undertaking, '111 >wt' oaly about 6,000,000 kilograms, - os fjhout 220,000. ' '