The City Record. Vol
THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXIII NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1905. NUMBER 9882. THE CITY RECORD. Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. OFI'TCIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Rose Lebowitz (No. 2)....... 85 4o ...................................\V. It Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the I lelen Littaucr,. Supreme, BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Rings Co.. City of New York ...... Notice of motion to confirm report nn August 4. 1905, in matt_r of GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. pttbl is park, Fourteenth, Fi ft-en th JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION COUNSEL, EDWARD M. GROUT, COMPTROLLER. and Seventeenth Warrls, Br.,, k- !yn ............................. Inhn 1. D,Ianr. Supreme, Kings Co.. People ex rel. PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. Interstate Pav- Published daily, except legal holidays, ing (ompany. ...... Copy of writ of mandamus in matter against Edward M, Grout, as Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplemet:ts. Three cents a copy. Cemptrnller, etc., on Noventbcr SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents: 20, t 905 ........................ \ au .\ukrn & Rice. Canvass, io cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Suprentc, Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, z5 cents each N. Y. Co.. City of New York ...... Certified copy of order on October 16. t905, iu lratt_r of opining All- section. thony avenue ................... Il. I. St. J, ho. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Municipal, Brooklyn, Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. sd I )ist ...