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[ Providence Passover Journal ==-- -----------,------~----- -- - ~- - - ---- ---- r [ Providence PassoverJournal [ ISSUED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE HISTADRUT - JEWISH FEDERATION OF LABOR OF ISRAEL Volume XXXI PROVIDENCE, R. I. - 1957 Price 15 cents [ [ [ [ I [ [ II' We Salute DAVID BEN-GURION, Prime Minister of Israel, on the occasion of his 70th birthday . May he be granted many more years of inspiring leadership at the helm of Israel. Thirty-first Annual THIRD "SEDER" Celebration, Wedn esday Evening, April 17, 1957, 7:30 o'clock , at Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. Guest Spea kers : Guest Artist : MOI SHE RIVLEN of the Israeli Embass y EMMA SCHA VER ISAAC HAMLIN Accompanist - PROFESSOR ARTUR EIN STEIN THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURNAL Dennis'. • • Saxo ny BEAUTYSALON EE 906 SMITH STREET PROVID ENCE, R. I. Telephone MA 1-6246 FREE PARKING COMPLIMENTS of . .. Ra.,aL e 11,0.w.nBa.ttLinr; ea.. ROY AL CROWN COLA NEHI "TRUE FRUIT" ORANGE NEHI PALE DRY GINGER ALE From your dealer, or call JAckson 1-4163 116 LESTER STREET PROVIDENCE, R. I. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURNAL 1 of modern Israel, following the curve of develoment of the Jewish community for nearly a half century, through thee birthpangs of the State and up to the present day. + + HISTADRUT+ + "Kupat Holim'' has been the faithful companion of the Jewish community in all its travails, in the field of coloni­ is the pulsating heart of Israel, pwnping zation , conquest of labor, illegal immigration, the war lifeblood into the arteries which nourish the of Independence and the present Middle East crisis. The crowning ~Jory of "Kupat Holim" is its role in the ab­ young democracy. sorption of new immigrants as an integral part of the nation. SELF -RELIANCE Histadrut and "Kupat Holim" are two sides of one coin The ph ilosophy of Histadrut aims to convert each which seeks to better human welfare through mutual aid. Israeli into a useful . productive citizen. The same spirit Of all Histadrut institutions, "Kup at Holim" exercises the that gave Israel its David Ben Gurions, its Itzhak Ben most direct and constant contact with the general member­ Zvis, its Golda Mayers, is infused into the newcomers ship. Day after day, it safeguards the health of the who are encouraged to settle in the border regions and workers and immigrants and their families. enter all phases of creative work. To these newcomer s Histadrut gives a firm footing, and guides their steps to­ ward a happy, independent life, free of the handicaps of LOUIS DE:MBITZBRANDEIS their past. This spirit of freedom. of brotherhood and unity, of mutual aid and cooperation, prevents Israel from A Tribute splitting apart into two separate "nations", the old and by JUDGE FRANK LICHT the new, the modern and the backward . Histadrut is the great unifier of Israel, enriching aJJ. of its components by stren gthening their sense of a common destiny. On November 13, 1956, the nation celebrated the Cen­ Histadrut's Department of Culture is one of Israel's tennial Anniversary of the birth of Louis Dembitz Brandeis. chief instruments for uniting the dive·rse elements of the Few men have had a greater impact upon their own times country into one harmonious social and cultural com­ and future generations. What made Judge Brandeis great munity. Immigrants from backward lands are being was his unquestioned brilliance of mind, his passion for raised to Israeli and western standards; Hebrew becomes freedom, his stubborn insistence on the rights of the indi­ a Jiving tongue and the Bible a living book; modern Israeli vidual, his belief that workers had the right to organize to art , music; folk dancing, literature, are sponsored with improve their economic position, his fight for a system of the aid of the Israel Histadrut Campaign. Rapid integra­ free enterprise in which monopolies and cartels did not tion of all sections of the people is essential for healthy destroy individual i~itiative, his refusal to accept ancient growth of a dynamic Israeli culture, uniting ancient her­ legal precedent without an examination of its applicability to ritage with present-day democratic concept . the actual facts of life and his deep conviction that a free SKILLS government has a primary responsibility to improve the standards of living of all its citizens without limiting their Israel 's economy requires thousand s of skilled work ­ personal liberty. ers in industry and agriculture. Histadrut has pioneered Brandeis had· a genius for fighting only important trade schools for young and old, training multitudes of battles. When he fought the monopolistic practices of the native and immigrant workers for every productive field New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company or of work. The "Amal" network of trade schools for boys, the United Shoe Machinery Company or when he fought for is constantly expanding, enrolling over 1,000 students the conservation of the nation's natural resources or when annually, training carpenters. auto and aviation mechanics, he fought the "Money Trust" or when he fought the unrea ­ electricians, printers, machinists, and other skilled work ­ sonable accumulation of vast power in government or in­ ers. Special attention is given to youths from Oriental dustry, he was striking at the roots of national evils which countries, whose training in technology goes hand in hand cried out for remedy. So too when, as a member of the with tra:ning in civics and Jewish studies. The Israeli Supreme Court, he dissented from the majority view he was Histadrut Campaign he.Jps build and equip the "Amal" seeking to interpret the law in consonance with a pattern of schools and provide scholarships. life based on reason and justice . In the end he won most of HEALTH his battles. As a lawyer and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Israel's greatest health organization is "Kupat Holim", he wrote his philosophy of law and life into the very founda ­ the Sick Fund of Histadrut. It cares for over 1,050,000 tion stones of our democracy. Time and history can only men, women and children. "Kupat Holim's" network of enhance his stature . can only carve out for him a 15 hospitals, 880 clinics and many other medical institu­ loftier place in the hearts and minds of his countrymen. tions, protect the health of the pioneering forces and new But what of Brandeis as a Jew? Born in Louisville, immigrants in every corner of· the land . Its services Kentucky, just prior to the Civil War, of parents who fled range from maternity and infant care to surge ·ry, care of the European Revolutions of 1848 and who were not identi­ tubercular and polio cases , mental institutions, physio­ fied with Jews or Judaism in any formal way, it might have ther apy and occupational therapy, convalescent homes, etc. been expected that Brandeis would be swallowed up into the While normal expenditures are covered by membership stream of assimilation. This is just what happened. Brandeis fees, the Israel Histadrut Campaign contributes large for a good part of his life had no real association with his sums toward building new hospitals and clinics, and the fellow Jews or the hopes and aspirations of the Jewish purchase of modern medical equipment. Two -thirds of People. But like Herzl, and for basically similar reasons, he Israel's entire population is served by "Kupat Holim". was attracted. to his people. The history of "Kupat Holim" parallels the history In 1912 Brandeis, at nearly the height of his caree1·, 2 THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURNAL "IS SEGREGATION ALWAYS BAD?" They have felt that anything that smacks of segregation ha s to be destroyed. by RABBI ELI A. BOHNEN It is quite understandable, then, that in view of all the se things, the term "Segregation" should be one freight­ ed with overtones of evil. The word "Segregation" has become a "dirty " word in America and yet one wonders whether this is necess ­ And yet, for Jews , this is not the end of the story. sarily a good thing. It is a word which has been very For, while whenever segregation appeared with other much in the news of late, since the historic decision of groups it implied .a victim and victimi zer , this eleme nt the United States Sup r eme Court outlawed Jim Crow was lacking where the Jews we re concerned. although transportation and Jim Crow educat ion, and Jim Crow Jews have been the object of segregation, they have not legislation. regarded themselves as victims necessarily. On the con­ No really esthical person will question the statement trary , in most instances, until our 01vn time they wel ­ that the segregation of the colored citizens of this country comed segregation and wught it out . They felt that un­ has contributed a blemish upon our national character. inhibited association with their neighbors was not always There is no doubt that the segregation of some hwnan desirable. beings by othe r s, when it is imposed for the purpose of The Exodus from Egypt, as it is described in the Bible, depriving them of equal status or of degrading them in is an incident in history which , according to tradition. is any way, is immoral. surrounded by many miracles . The Ten Plagues were Jewish defense agencies have fought every attempt miracles; the crossing of the Red Sea wa s a miracle- The to segregate Jews and to exclude them from any activity greatest miracle of all is implied, and that is the fact that or any geog r aphical area. These agencies have been alert the Israelites were able to retain their will to survi ve to denounce and fight any effort to restrict Jews in hous ­ through centuries of slavery and opp ression.
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