The December 16, 2008 regular meeting of the Blythe City Council was called to order at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers by Mayor Crain. Also in attendance were Vice Mayor Mays and Council Members DeConinck and Contreras. Councilwoman Covel was absent. Staff attendance included: City Manager Lane, Assistant City Manager Hull, Finance Director Colbert, City Clerk Whitney, Police Chief Smith, Public Works Director Rodkey and Planning Director Wellman.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman DeConinck and the Invocation was offered by Vice Mayor Mays.

ADDED STARTER The City Council may add an item to the Agenda after making a finding that there is a need to take immediate action on the item and that the item came to the attention of the City Council and/or staff subsequent to the posting of the Agenda. An action adding an item to the Agenda requires a 2/3 vote of the City Council (4 of 5 Councilmembers). If less than 2/3 of the City Council is present, adding an item to the Agenda requires a unanimous vote.

PROCLAMATION: 1. Service Recognition, Charles “Butch” Hull Mayor Crain read for the record the City of Blythe Proclamation honoring Charles “Butch” Hull for his service to the City and the Community since 1973. Mr. Hull thanked Council, staff and family for their support over the years.

CONSENT CALENDAR Items on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted with one motion of the Council. If any item requires individual consideration, it will be removed from the consent calendar and acted upon separately. 2. Posting of the Agenda: The summary of agenda items was posted on the bulletin boards on the outside of the public entrance to the Council Chamber and near the inside entrance of the Council Chamber on Thursday, December 11, 2008 . 3. Approval of Warrant Register, 11/18/08, warrants numbered 49637 through 49648 in the amount of $1,527.69; 11/18/08, warrants numbered 49649 through 49672 in the amount of $4,207.84; 12/04/08, warrants numbered 49636, 49673 through 49677 in the amount of $1,085,759.00; and 12/10/08, warrants numbered 49678 through 49792 in the amount of $899,886.55. 4. Approval of Payroll Register, 11/20/08, warrants numbered 41218 through 41232 in the amount of $23,869.63; 11/21/08, warrants numbered 41184 through 41217 and Direct Deposits numbered 16767 through 16842 in the amount of $367,254.82; 12/05/08, warrants numbered 41268 through 41277 and Direct Deposits numbered 16919 through 16987 in the amount of $36,688.11; and 12/05/08, warrants numbered 41218 through 41232 in the amount of $23,869.63. 5 City of Blythe Community Facilities District 2004-1 Annual Report (Hidden Beaches) FY 2007/08. 6. City of Blythe Redevelopment Agency Audit Report F/Y 2007/08 7. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 829-08. ORDINANCE NO. 829-08. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLYTHE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.64 OF THE BLYTHE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 2.64.200. 8. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 27, 2008. 9. Southern California Edison Monthly Breakdown for November 2008. 10. City of Blythe Fire Department Monthly Incident and Activity Report for November 2008. 11. Development Services Department Building Permits Issued for November 2008. 12. City of Blythe Police Department Monthly Activity Report for October 2008.

No public comment. Councilman DeConinck moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Vice mayor Mays. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

PUBLIC HEARING: Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund. Finance Director Colbert reported that the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) provides funds to front line law enforcement services. The Government Code Sections 30061 and 30063 require that the City Council of a government entity appropriate existing and anticipated monies exclusively to fund frontline municipal police services in accordance with written requests submitted by the Chief of Police of that City or the Chief Administrator of the law enforcement agency that provides police services for that City. The request to the City Council specifies the personnel, equipment and programs necessary to meet the City’s needs. The Council at a public meeting considers the requests and determines the allocation of funds. This year, as in the past, the City of Blythe Police Department plans to use this source of revenue toward the salary and benefits of two police officer positions. The revenue and expenditure was included in the City’s FY 2008/09 Capital and Operating Budget; therefore it is staff’s recommendation that the City of Blythe hold a public hearing to accept and expend the estimated $100,000 in SLESF funding for FY 2008/09 to be applied towards the salary and benefits of two police officer positions as approved in this fiscal year’s budget.

No public comment. Mayor Crain questioned the City Manager’s concurrence. City Manager Lane stated that he accepted the recommendation of the Chief and if there were questions regarding the allocation, he would defer to Chief Smith. Mayor Crain stated his concern of procedure with the new staff report format and the deletion of the City Manager concurrence. City Manager Lane responded that a staff report prepared for the agenda has been approved by him and should he disagree with an issue, it would come out during the meeting. Councilman Contreras questioned receiving $100,000 and expending $197,000 for two police officer positions. Finance Director Colbert responded that any expense over the $100,000 would be transferred from the general fund. Mr. Contreras stated that maybe it would be more beneficial to hire only one position instead of two due to the general fund budget issues and hiring freeze. Ms. Colbert responded that there would not be any hiring, that this will be to help fund current positions as revenue offset to continue to fund what is already in place. Councilman DeConinck moved to accept staff’s recommendation. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mays. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote. . . Riverside County 2009-2014 Consolidated Plan. Planning Director Wellman reported that the City of Blythe is working with Riverside County to prepare the 2009-2014 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help identify and prioritize community needs, activities and projects to be funded through the Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Shelter Grant and Home Investment Partnership Act. It is recommended that the City Council hold the public hearing to gather public input regarding community needs, review and discuss the General Needs Assessment Survey Results, and to continue this item to the meeting of January 13, 2009, at which time action to approve the Community Development Needs/CDBG Funding Priorities List will be requested. A blank copy of the Consolidated Needs Assessment Survey will be provided to each Council member to fill out and submit the completed document to the Planning Department no later than Monday, January 5, 2009. Subsequent to receipt of Council’s surveys, staff will compile the results separate from the community responses and submit the resulting Community Needs/CDBG Funding Priorities List for approval at the January 13, 2009 meeting.

No public comment. Item continued to the meeting of January 13, 2009.

2 RESOLUTIONS: Resolution No. 08-804, Parking Fine Schedule for Traffic Infractions. Chief Smith reported that in an effort to create a moderate environment for the development of growth for the City’s future and to promote a sense of community pride and safety, the Blythe Police Department has been aggressively enforcing parking violations. The fines for these violations have not been updated in approximately twenty years. Council and staff have been working on changing fee schedules throughout the departments within the City; therefore staff recommends Council adopt Resolution No. 08-804 setting certain fees for traffic infractions related to illegal parking.

No public comment. Councilman DeConinck confirmed that a comparison survey was completed in determining the increases. Vice Mayor Mays received clarification of the difference between infraction 22500(L) and 22507.8(a-b). Councilman Contreras questioned whether there was a fine for a second offense which would be the same fine for each infraction. Vice Mayor Mays moved to accept staff’s recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 08-804. Seconded by Councilman DeConinck. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.


Resolution No. 08-805, Recreation Center User Fees and Hours of Operation. Assistant City Manager Hull reported that on November 25, 2008 the Parks and Recreation Committee met to discuss the hours of operation and fees charged at the Blythe Recreation Center. Recreation Department staff has assembled a summary of hours of use for the Recreation Center by adults. There is consistent use from 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. during the week, with little use by adults from 6:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. and Saturdays from 11:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. In addition, a review of the fees currently charged at the Recreation Center revealed a need to adjust all daily fees upward, potentially offsetting a portion of the General Fund deficit. Staff is recommending the discounted fee structure (monthly, yearly) be left alone since very few discount cards are sold. While adult fees were increased about two years ago, the children’s rate has not been adjusted since the Center was opened. Therefore, it is staff’s recommendation for Council to authorize staff to change the hours of operation to Monday through Friday from 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m., closing on Saturday and to adopt Resolution No. 08-805 adopting the new fee schedule increasing the children’s rate from .50 cents per day to $1.00 and Wednesday from free to .50 cents. All adult fees will increase from $2.00 to $3.00 and existing discount rates to remain the same.

Public Comment. Derek Rathenberger of 12588 Florence Blvd. stated that raising fees will only drive more people away. He feels the Center continues to decline with less people because you don’t’ even know it’s open and when you are there, there are not enough activities. A fee increase will have a negative effect on the community. Councilman Contreras moved to accept staff’s recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 08-805. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mays. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.


Resolution No. 08-806, Employer Paid Contributions. Personnel Manager Whitney reported that since the City of Blythe joined the California Public Employee Retirement System, the City has paid a portion or the employee’s entire share of retirement contribution as a benefit to its employees. This contribution is referred to as the Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) and is reported as tax deferred. Due to the IRS ruling CalPers requires a resolution on file to

3 substantiate this procedure. Therefore, staff’s recommendation is for Council to adopt Resolution No. 08-806 which provides for the Employer Paid Member Contributions to be reported as tax deferred.

No public comment. Vice Mayor Mays moved to adopt Resolution No. 08-806 as recommended. Seconded by Councilman DeConinck. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.


CONTINUED BUSINESS: Building Abatement Prioritization, Study Session. Planning Director Wellman reported that the prior Study Session for Building Abatement Prioritization was cancelled. Staff’s recommendation is to re-schedule the Study Session for either Tuesday, January 6, 2009 or Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

No public comment. Council was unanimous in selecting Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 5:00p.m. for the Building Abatement Prioritization Study Session.

NEW BUSINESS: Blythe Airport New Lease Agreement, Desert Air Ambulance. Prior to staff’s presentation, both City Attorney Zundel and Mayor Crain removed themselves from the Council Chamber due to an economic conflict. Vice Mayor Mays continued the meeting as Assistant City Manager Hull reported that staff had recently been approached by Mr. Jeff Gatchell of Desert Air Ambulance Service currently operating out of the Blythe Airport inquiring about the feasibility of a leased property east of the main hanger. The City of Blythe had an appraisal done on the airport in March 2007 an in that southeast corner (Superpad “D”) is valued at $2,392 per acre, per year. Potentially the 200’ x 400’ parcel or 1.84 acres represents a net income to the airport of $4,401 in the first year. All airport leases are adjusted for the area CPI annually. Therefore, staff is recommending that Council conceptually endorse the leased area that would use a common taxiway between the main hanger straight through to the take off end of the runway which would make his operation more efficient. The purpose for a conceptual endorsement would be to give Mr. Gatchell a tool to market his project in order to proceed with this type of commercial aviation venture at the airport. Mr. Tony Garcia of FAA has given his conceptual nod to the Plan as presented and Mr. Gatchell was present for questions..

No public comment. Councilman DeConinck moved to tentatively approve the 1.84 acre lease area east of the main hanger at Blythe Airport as presented. Seconded by Councilman Contreras. Abstain: Mayor Crain. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

Letter of Public Convenience or Necessity, Blythe Ranch Market. Planning Director Wellman reported that Blythe Ranch Market is requesting approval of a letter of convenience or necessity in order to obtain an Off-Sale (Type 20) Beer and Wine License from the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. The letter of convenience or necessity is required pursuant to section 23958.4 of the Business and Professions Code because there is an existing undue concentration of off-sale licenses within Census Track No. 461.02 where the Blythe Ranch Market will be located. The number of licenses allowed within census tracks is based on population. The number allowed within this census track is two and there are currently seven active off-sale licenses within the track in question. As indicated in the applicant’s statement of justification, the owner of Blythe Ranch

4 Market believes that the Off-Sale of Beer and Wine License is necessary in order to be competitive with other businesses in the community. Therefore, it is staff’s recommendation that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Form per Section 23958.4 supporting issuance of an Off- Sale Beer and Wine License to Halum Market, Inc., dba: Blythe Ranch Market, with full knowledge of the undue concentration provision as outlined by the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. Mr. Mike Maurice was available for questions on behalf of the owner of Blythe Ranch Market.

No public comment. Vice Mayor Mays moved to approve staff’s recommendation. Seconded by Councilman DeConinck. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

Golf Course Snack Bar and Restaurant Lease. City Manager Lane reported that on August 12, 2008 Council approved a lease agreement with Dr. Tejeda for operations of the restaurant and snack bar at the Golf Course. It was to be a one year lease with the lease payment of $100 per month from May through September and $200 per month from October through April. Both operations are currently open and Dr. Tejeda has asked to convert the one year lease to a five year lease and to consider two five year extensions at his discretion. Dr. Tejeda is present to discuss his request and in summary, this would help him to recoup his investment as it has been more than originally anticipated. The Economic Development Committee approved the concept but would need a specific recommendation from Council as this is a policy decision. Dr. Tejeda is also requesting that Section 40 (30 day termination notice of either party) be removed from the Agreement. It is staff’s recommendation to obtain Council direction.

Public comment. Dr. Tejeda of 951 E. Chanslorway briefly spoke to staff and Council about his requests. The request is being made not only to help recoup his investment costs but to also help maintain current staff, plan for future reservations made by customers and for more commitment to long term employment when hiring. Dr. Tejeda continued to discuss items that were in need of repair that they were not aware of at the time of inspection due to delays with the Riverside County Health Department. Most of the equipment is old and in need of repairs and/or replacement. He also stated that if Council cannot agree to these changes, he will have no choice but to submit a 30- day notice because he cannot commit to long term goals with his staff and customers. Cathy Zedara of 440 N. Arrowhead #90 spoke in support of Dr. Tejeda’s request because of the need for the quality of food and service currently being offered at the local Golf Course. She is not, however in favor of deleting Section 40 of the Agreement. The facility is clean and any problems that arise are dealt with immediately. Vi McGordy of P.O. Box 442 in Blythe also spoke in support of Dr. Tejeda’s request. She does not golf, but enjoys having the restaurant close by and the service they provide to the community. Councilman Contreras commented that although he wants to see all businesses prosper, he’s not sure that a long term lease is in the City’s best interest at this time due to the condition of the City and other options currently being pursued regarding the Golf Course. Councilman DeConinck questioned the City’s current investment in the Golf Course to date with Assistant City Manager responding that it is just under $35,000 within the last three months. Mr. DeConinck indicated that the amount of the monthly lease payment will not cover any expenses the City may incur and that some items are the responsibility of Dr. Tejeda as stated in the lease agreement. Dr. Tejeda responded again that without a lease extension he will have to submit a 30- day notice and added that his investment to date is at least the same as the City’s and possibly double that amount. Equipment could not be turned on for inspection due to Riverside County. Mayor Crain stated that this is not the time and place to discuss “deal” points. A conceptual endorsement of a lease extension is possible, however there would need to be some adjustment to the rent with a longer term Capital Lease Agreement. Assistant City Manager Hull commented that this is not the format to discuss changes to the current document by either party and recommends that the Economic Development Committee could meet with Dr. Tejeda and work out the details to 5 bring back to Council at a future date. City Attorney Zundel stated that he has heard all requests and concerns confirming that these are not issues to be discussed at the table at this time. Mayor Crain stated that Council is giving staff direction to discuss a lease extension with other possible changes and recommended without objection to continuing this item to the meeting of January 13, 2009.

Request for Extension, Tentative Tract Map 33475. Planning Director Wellman reported that on December 4, 2008, staff received a Request for Extension of Tentative Map 33475 from Clarum Homes. Pursuant to amended section 66452.6(e) of the Subdivision Map Act, upon application of the subdivider filed prior to the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, the time at which the map expires may be extended by the legislative body for a period or periods of time not exceeding a total of six years. While the Subdivision Map Act allows for the developer has requested a six year extension, it is staff’s recommendation that a three year extension to the life of Tentative Tract Map 33475 be granted subject to the original project conditions of approval. The request to grant the three year extension is intended to give the City an opportunity to revisit the project conditions of approval as they relate to City Standards and development plans should another extension be requested or required.

No public comment. There was some continued discussion regarding extensions, conditions and requirements with Councilman Contreras moving to accept staff’s recommendation. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mays. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

Post Accident and Reasonable Suspicion, Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedures. Personnel Manager Whitney reported that recently Council approved the City’s Vehicle Take Home Policy for City employees driving and/or operating City equipment. The policy states that employees involved in a vehicle accident or injured while operating equipment, may be subject to post accident substance abuse testing. In order to for the City to comply with this portion of the Policy, the City must have a Post Accident and Reasonable Suspicion Program in place. WPCI currently handles our Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (CDL/DOT drivers only) and this would be a separate policy covering all employees. Therefore, staff is recommending that Council accept the Post Accident and Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Testing Program with WPCI for employees driving City vehicles or operating City equipment.

No public comment. Vice Mayor Mays moved to accept staff’s recommendation. Seconded by Councilman DeConinck. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

Request for Extension, Tentative Tract Map 33709. Planning Director Wellman reported that on September 25, 2008, staff received a Request for Extension of Tentative Map 33709 from Van Weeldan Real Estate. Pursuant to amended section 66452.6(e) of the Subdivision Map Act, upon application of the subdivider filed prior to the expiration of the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, the time at which the map expires may be extended by the legislative body for a period or periods of time not exceeding a total of six years. Staff is again recommending that a three year extension rather that the six years allowed by the Subdivision Map Act be granted subject to the original conditions of approval.

Councilman DeConinck stepped away from the table due to a conflict of real property. No public comment. Councilman Contreras moved to accept staff’s recommendation. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mays. Abstain: Councilman DeConinck. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

6 Address Conversion Project. Planning Director Wellman reported that the technical work on the address conversion project is complete and the next phase of the project is ready to begin, which includes public outreach. Ms. Wellman gave a brief outline of the dates and timeline of letters, workshops, etc. Staff’s recommendation is to receive and file.

No public comment. Receive and file.

Transition Work Load, Assistant City Manager Hull. Assistant City Manager Hull reported that with his pending retirement he has provided an outline of workload distribution and contact information for various assignments he has been doing. Staff’s recommendation is to receive and file this information.

No public comment. Receive and file.

Blythe Heat, Winter League . Assistant City Manager reported on the request of Winter League Baseball to return to the City of Blythe utilizing Alexander Field for semi- professional baseball to come back to the community during the month of February 2009. The attached letter Agreement between the City of Blythe, Arizona League and Blythe Little League will accomplish that goal The City’s RDA authorized improvements to Alexander Field in the amount of $56,000 in the last fiscal year’s budget. Local teams benefited from these improvements as well and the semi-pros returned to L.A. They had a very successful season and all parties concur that this is an excellent program for the community. It is staff’s recommendation that Council approve the Agreement between the Arizona Winter League (AWL), Blythe Little League (BLL) and the City of Blythe and to approve the sale and consumption of beer at the baseball games as stated in the Agreement. Aaron Scott with BLL and Glen Dobson, Jr. with AWL are present for questions.

Public Comment. Quinton Hanson of 830 Oleander Lane spoke in support of staff’s recommendation due to the very successful prior season. Glen Dobson of AWL thanked Council for having them back for another year, stating that hopefully it will be another successful one. They will be providing assistance with the Blythe umpires and the upkeep of the field. This is a great program for local kids and other semi-pros to have an opportunity to move up to professional baseball. Councilman Contreras confirmed that there will be some sort of promotional programs with the League for local kids and seniors during the season. There was continued discussion regarding the sale of beer and the Agreement to do so between AWL and BLL and the City’s obligation to ABC. Assistant City Manager Hull stated that he could check the prior Agreement for the correct language as City Attorney Zundel stated that the change is substantive and to approve tonight Council will need the exact language of the change.

Mayor Crain called for a five minute break for this information to be researched and to continue with the meeting.

Assistant City Manager Hull reported that the language from the previous minutes pertaining to the beer sales was obtained. City Clerk Whitney read for the record “that after a couple of games were underway, Mr. Dobson requested that with 5 or 6 games left, they would like to sell beer. Mayor Crain asked if there would be a “beer garden” with Chief Whitney responding that there would not. Assistant City Manager Hull stated that they would check I.D.’s and only serve two beers per person. No beer will be taken out of the parking lots. Vice Mayor Mays confirmed that they would be wearing wristbands for consuming beer. They cannot be transferred and there will be no sales after the seventh inning. The Elks will be selling the beer, with the proceeds to be split between the 7 three agencies. Mayor Crain asked about the Chief of Police having the ability to pull the City’s permit in the event of problems. The minutes state that the Mayor moved to authorize the onsite beer sales at Alexander Field for the Blythe Winter Heat League with limited purchase of two beers per customer with sales to stop at the seventh inning, subject to the approval by the Chief of Police.” Mayor Crain then recommended that item #6 of the Agreement be changed to read as follows:

Beer Sales. The League and Host agree to facilitate the sale of beer at the games identified in Section 3. Beer sales is contingent upon obtaining the approval of the Blythe City Council and ABC that purchases shall be limited to not more than two beers at a time, no beer will be sold after the bottom of the seventh inning and there will be no consumption of beer outside the perimeter fence.

Chief Smith stated that the current law which pertains to ABC states that the Chief of Police has the authority to pull a permit and cancel at any time if there is any violation by state law. Councilman DeConinck moved to accept staff’s recommendations with the changes to item #6 as stated above. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mays. Absent: Councilwoman Covel. Unanimous aye vote.

WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Area Low Income Citizens and Homeless, Bob Weete. Mr. Weete of 331 River Valley Avenue spoke to Council, staff and others about the local Harmony Soup Kitchen and what they do for the homeless in the area. These people are from all walks of life and the experience of volunteering is remarkable. The Kitchen was also able, through grants, to hire a cook to prepare these meals on a daily basis. There are too many homeless in our community and the numbers are increasing every day. Mr. Weete invited everyone to come check it out and maybe even help by volunteering their time serving, donating, cooking, etc. Councilman Contreras thanked Mr. Weete for his involvement and participation in the community. Mayor Crain also thanked Mr. Weete and recommended this item for receive and file.


REDEVLOPMENT AGENCY: See RDA Minutes for December 16, 2008.



City Manager Lane reported that staff has met with some customers of the Golf Course to work with them on improving operations and other issues at the Golf Course and they will continue to move forward with these meetings. Mr. Lane also reported that staff has collected over $500 (still collecting) to give to a family gifts and food for the holidays as well as provide food baskets to those City employees with children who were recently laid off. He also reminded staff, Council and the community about the “Light Runner” service provided by Palo Verde Valley Transit during the holiday season.

Chief Smith reported that the transition with Blythe Ambulance Service is complete and that the transition went very smoothly. There has been a considerable reduction in work load for the dispatch center. He also reported that there have been several complaints of excessive speed in the area of the Golf Course, Palo Verde College and Sixth Avenue. They will attempt to have the speed 8 trailer working and be enforcing violations in that area. Chief Smith also gave a brief update on recent burglaries within the City and announced that they will be having a DUI Checkpoint on Friday evening.

Councilman Contreras mentioned that he attended both the Fireman’s Ball and the Hospital Dinner and that they were very good. He added that the Christmas Parade was also excellent. He extended his congratulations to Assistant City Manager Hull for his retirement. The Destination Development Committee Meeting was very well attended and had some good information.

Councilman DeConinck reiterated comments about both the Fireman’s Ball and the Christmas Dinner. He thanked staff for their help and clean-up after the Christmas Parade and also thanked ACM Hull for his dedication, extending his appreciation for everything he has done for the community, wishing him well into his retirement.

Vice Mayor Mays also attended both the Fireman’s Ball and the Hospital Dinner which were very nice. The U.S. Postal Office had their 100 year anniversary that was well attended. She also commented on the “fun” Christmas Parade and extended her congratulations to ACM Hull in his retirement and stated that he and his professionalism would be greatly missed.

Mayor Crain also stated that the Fireman’s Ball and the Christmas Parade were excellent. He also highlighted important and fun times during ACM Hull’s career with the City. He stated that he will be missed, thanked him and encouraged him to enjoy his retirement with his family, wife and grandkids. Mayor Crain stepped aside and asked that ACM Hull approach the bench to get a perspective of the “other side” and conduct the balance of the meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Quinton Hanson of 830 Oleander Lane handed out two pieces of information regarding unemployment as it pertains to small businesses from the San Francisco Chronicle and a copy of the PV College Economic Survey results on small businesses in Blythe for December 2008.

ADJOURN: City Council Meeting Adjourned by Assistant City Manager Hull at 9.05p.m.

Robert A. Crain, Mayor


Patti Whitney, City Clerk

(S E A L)