THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 • [email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside Geneva CAMPUS • Concert pianist Jie Chen Motor Show visits Compass International School Madinat Khalifa debuts P | 4

P | 10 FOOD • Mozzarella in 40 minutes: Not a stretch No more than 16 visitors are allowed at any time on Chumbe P | 7 Island, off the coast of Tanzania. The tiny island is owned by a FILM private nonprofit that uses tourism • Oscars 2016: And to support the protection of its next year’s awards spectacular reef, home to hundreds will go to… of fish and coral species. P | 8-9

HEALTH • Timely meals, early to bed can prevent mental illness

P | 11

TECHNOLOGY • iRobot Roomba 880: A vacuum cleaner that’s almost a pet

P | 12 TOURISM FOR A LEARN ARABIC • Learn commonly used Arabic words CAUSE and their meanings P | 13 2 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 COVER STORY

Off the Zanzibar coast, Chumbe Island champions marine conservation

By Paige McClanahan All of this we learned during our first briefing with members of Chumbe’s t first, the island was just a staff, just after we got off the boat. We blur on the horizon; a low, and the other guests — some of whom gray smudge on which I fixed were visiting for the day, others, like Amy gaze in the hopes of keep- us, overnight — piled onto brightly col- ing myself from losing my breakfast oured sofas on the veranda of Chumbe’s over the side of the boat. The morning main building, a high-ceilinged struc- mist had turned to rain, and the steely ture made of local timber and coconut blue swells outside our wooden vessel leaves that serves as restaurant, visi- were getting bigger as we cruised away tors center and head office. from Zanzibar, the island from which In line with its status as a conser- we were venturing even further afield. vation area, Chumbe has some strict We were heading toward Chumbe, a rules, we were told. A maximum of 16 sliver of coral reef and jungle that sits guests are allowed on the island at any in the Indian Ocean about 20 miles off time. Fishing and scuba diving are both the coast of mainland Tanzania. The forbidden, as is shell collecting, which island has no roads, no power lines and I admit I was slightly disappointed to fewer than a dozen buildings; it covers hear. But we were actively encouraged an area of 54 acres, about one-third to explore the reef the old fashioned the size of Washington, DC’s Mall. But, way: with flippers and a snorkel. small as it may be, Chumbe is breaking And so we did — at least half a dozen ground in marine conservation. The times during our stay. On our first ven- island was going to be our home for the ture into the water, I stuck close to next three days, and I (and my stom- our guide, who introduced himself as ach) couldn’t wait to get there. Matata, since I figured he would know By the time our guide turned off the where to find everything good. But I boat’s engine, the sun had emerged didn’t need any guidance, it turned out. and the ocean had transformed into As soon as I stuck my head under- a peaceful lagoon that shimmered water, I was face to face with a maze of a miraculous shade of turquoise. corals that were branching, ballooning, Following the half-dozen other pas- or just waving in the gentle current. It sengers off the boat, my husband and felt like I was swimming through an I jumped into knee-deep water and underwater botanical garden, with the waded the few yards to the shore, tak- coral flowers blooming salmon pink, ing care not to step on the shells that mustard yellow, a deep maroon. And littered the sand. then there were the fish. Schools of And there we were: Chumbe, said glimmering damselfish hung lazily in to be the world’s first privately man- the water — so tame that I could almost aged marine protected area and still swim into them. Matata pointed out the only one in Africa. Being private, sea cucumbers, angelfish, sea urchins Chumbe doesn’t get any government and an octopus, and I spotted a neon- money; its conservation work is funded flecked stingray gliding along the sea- by the visitors, like us, who come to the floor. It was another world, and I was island to relax and get a close-up look happily lost in it, the water so warm I at one of the most pristine coral reefs could have spent hours exploring. in East Africa. PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 3

known as “coral rag.” The forest is home to 75 tree species, including the storied African baobab, one of which soars majestically above the otherwise low canopy. We learned about local fauna, including a (nonvenomous) lime- green tree snake and the 16-inch coconut crab, the world’s largest land-dwelling arthropod. In the evenings, we wandered back to our seaside bungalow to relax and shower before dinner, a generous buffet heavy on seafood and spices. Shaped like a giant, upside-down clam and constructed of the same local timber and coconut leaves as the main building, our lit- tle house was straight out of “Swiss Family Robinson.” Like everything else on the island, Chumbe’s bungalows — which use only solar power, have pit latrines and harvest rainwa- ter for the showers and sink — were designed to minimize any environmental impacts. It seemed perfectly fitting that we shared our lit- tle jungle cottage with a clutch of hermit crabs that had set up house under the front steps. It’s all in keeping with what Kloiber describes as a “green line” that runs through everything that’s done on Chumbe — the fundamental commitment to conservation that underlies how the project was designed and how it con- tinues to be run. Conservation is their focus, but tourism is their lifeblood, Kloiber tells me. “The engines of the project are really the guests,” Kloiber says. “As long as the eco-tour- ism is working, it’s a self-sustaining project.” WP-Bloomberg

At one point, a sharp tap on my reefs anymore because there are communities to educate them shoulder made me jump. I turned hardly any left,” Ulli Kloiber, about the reef and its inhabitants. to see Matata jabbing his finger into Chumbe’s manager of conserva- They soon started to reach out to the hazy blue distance. I squinted tion and education, told me during local high schools, inviting students through my snorkel mask but saw a chat on the veranda of the main to the island at no cost to learn only light and shadow. building. about the reef, and experience it “Did you see it?” he said, resur- The waters around Chumbe were firsthand. Both of those outreach facing with a splutter a moment still relatively untouched when the programmes are still active, with later. “The shark! It was just over protected area was established in all of the work funded by tourists’ there.” the mid-’90s, Kloiber explained. visits. It was a blacktip reef shark, The Tanzanian military had owned “At the beginning, of course, it Matata later explained, a species the island for a time but hadn’t was quite tough, because the fish- that is apparently fairly common made much use of it. Otherwise, ing communities had no idea what along the East African coast. He Chumbe had simply been a stop- a marine protected area was or assured me that the sharks didn’t off point for fishermen trolling the what the benefits [of conservation] pose a threat to humans. But waters between the mainland and were,” said Kloiber, adding that still, the idea of sharing the water Zanzibar, a semiautonomous region there isn’t even a word for “coral” with such a predator gave me the of Tanzania; the island’s lack of in the local language of Swahili. shivers. fresh water kept away any poten- Chumbe’s staff also act as watch- It didn’t scare us away, though; tial long-term inhabitants. The dogs, reporting any fishing to the we were back for more later in the only buildings were a lighthouse authorities in Zanzibar, and offend- afternoon. There was just so much and a small mosque that had been ers are either fined or forced to If You Go: to see. built by British colonisers around hand over their fishing gear. They Indeed, the 74-acre protected the turn of the 20th century. still spot poachers about four or five Where to stay: area is home to more than 400 spe- So setting up the conservation times each year, Kloiber tells me, Chumbe Island Coral Park cies of fish and 200 species of hard area was relatively straightfor- but that’s much less frequent than Chukwani Road coral — 90 percent of the marine ward, Kloiber told me — the island it used to be. Chumbe Island, Zanzibar biodiversity that can be found in was pretty much empty. Today, Indeed, after two decades of con- 011-255-242-231-040 all of East Africa. The managers Chumbe’s educational and conser- servation work, Chumbe’s reef is of Chumbe have worked hard to vation activities are managed by now one of the best protected in the Eco-bungalows, Afro-Indian cuisine, and protect their little patch of ocean, Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd, a region. Species like sea urchins and snorkeling galore. Rooms from $260 per and for good reason. not-for-profit company known as parrotfish have been fished out of person per night, including all meals, In the waters around nearby CHICOP that’s owned by a German other reefs in the area, but they’re activities, and the boat ride to and from Zanzibar, overfishing and booming woman named Sibylle Riedmiller. still thriving in the waters around Zanzibar. tourist numbers are causing long- She was the one who arranged for Chumbe. Protea Hotel Mbweni Ruins term damage to fragile marine eco- the land and its surrounding waters But there’s more to the island Plot number 143/93, Mbweni St. systems. Globally, climate change to be leased from the government than just the reef, as we were happy Kiembe Samakie, Zanzibar — which is increasing the acidity of Zanzibar; Riedmiller is still the to discover on the second day of our 011-255-242-235-478 of the oceans, as well as the tem- owner of CHICOP, although she is visit. Swapping our flippers for san- perature — is taking an enormous no longer based on the island. dals, we took a guided walk through znzmr-protea-hotel-mbweni-ruins toll on coral reefs and the species Riedmiller and her staff started the island’s interior. Chumbe is cov- A quick drive from Zanzibar International that inhabit them. off by putting rangers on the island ered in dense forest that sits on Airport airport, this friendly and atmos- “People don’t talk about pristine and working with local fishing a layer of jagged, fossilised coral, pheric hotel is where you catch the boat to Chumbe. Rooms from $188 (double occupancy), including buffet breakfast. 4 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 CAMPUS American School of Doha holds 4th annual Military Appreciation Day

S Ambassador to Qatar Dana Ambassador, was Colonel William Shell Smith welcomed over Wozniak, Commander Area Support U250 men and women from the Group - Qatar Third Army/US Army US Army and Air Force bases to the Central, and Colonel Stephen Biggs, American School of Doha (ASD) for 379 Air Expeditionary Wing Vice their 4th annual Military Appreciation Commander, Al Udeid Air Force Base. Day. The day marks an opportunity to Military guests had full access to recognise the troops for the volunteer the campus for the day to take part in time they provided to the school and also activities such as basketball, American to honour their service to their country. flag football, volleyball, scuba diving, In her opening address ASD School water polo kayaking, and more. Many Director, Dr Deborah Welch expressed enjoyed just having the opportunity to the school’s gratitude for the military’s walk through the grass in their bare- 3,000 hours of volunteer service thus foot and taking the time to relax in a far this year to support school events, comfy couch in the school library. sporting events, and after-school Over 40 students, parents, fac- US military men and women play a game of volleyball at ASD. activities. ulty and staff volunteered to head- Dr Welch remarked: “Our 2,100 stu- up activities, grill hamburgers and Oesterblad commented: “It was great working servicemen and women sta- dents of 79 different nationalities ben- manage the concession area. Several getting to help out and meeting all of tioned here in Qatar the opportunity to efit from the US military in a myriad local businesses also joined in support- the troops.” relax and enjoy a day of fun in the sun. of ways. From helping launch rockets ing the day as sponsors: Gulf Agency Phillip and his wife took to the grills Dr Welch said: “We are so fortunate for an after school activity, to robotics Company provided the t-shirts, True themselves volunteering to help cook to have the support of these great men to officiating games to providing les- Value Hardware sponsored the activi- 300 hamburgers for the day. and women offering to volunteer and sons on flight and weather, we are truly ties, and Sylvan Learning provided the The American School of Doha is positively impacting the lives of our grateful for this partnership.” food. Managing Director for Sylvan proud to host this event each year and students.” In attendance along with the US Learning Centers in Qatar, Phillip is happy that they can offer the hard The Peninsula

Concert pianist Jie Chen visits Compass International School Madinat Khalifa nternationally-acclaimed her perform. Some of our stu- a painting and the children with concert pianist Jie Chen dents played for her in return her personal calendar to mark Ifrom China visited Compass and she was impressed by the Chinese New Year. International School Madinat standard.” Students in Year 7 have been Khalifa. She was invited to After her interactive session studying Chinese music this the school as a result of the with the students, she answered term and were very fortunate partnership with the Qatar questions from the students. that Jie Chen was able to select Philharmonic Orchestra. They were keen to understand some of the students for special Dr Terry Creissen, Principal how she became such a profi- awards as part of their project. of Compass International School, cient and successful pianist. The Dr Creissen who spent 5 years Madinat Khalifa said: “It was a Head Boy and Girl presented Jie as a Principal in Shanghai was fantastic opprtunity for the stu- with flowers and a gift and she in even heard speaking a little dents to meet Jie and listen to turn presented Dr Creissen with Mandarin. The Peninsula Jie Chen with school officials addressing the students.

The outgoing batch of Class XII students of Ideal Indian School comprising 114 students from the Science stream and 111 students from the Commerce stream appearing for All India Senior School Certificate Examination received their Hall Ticket from Principal Syed Shoukath Ali during special assembly recently. CAMPUS / COMMUNITY PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 5

Bhavan’s Public School organising road show as part of Qatar National Environment Day

n order to support Qatar National Undersecretary Hamad Al Khalifa, P IEnvironment Day Campaigns, R Director Mohsin Al Khayareen and Bhavan’s Public School is organising a Director Abdullah Al Kuwari were also theme based ‘Road Show’ in association present to witness this event. with Indian Cultural Centre, Indian Bhavan’s Public School Acting Embassy and Ministry of Environment. Chairman, J K Menon, President A school bus is been transformed with P N Baburajan, Vice Chairman R lightings and banners with Environment O Abdul Khader, Principal V L slogans. A mobile wild life exhibition is Balasubramaniam, ICC President also arranged in the bus with photo collec- Girish Kumar, ICC General Secretary tions of rare species of birds and animals Divakar Poojari, IBPN President K M seen in deserts. The roadshow was flagged Varghese and Ministry of Environment off by the Minister of Environment H E Technical Advisor cum Liaison Officer Ahmed Amer Mohamed Al Humaidi from Dileep Anthikkad attended the flag the ministry building. off ceremony. The two-day long road Environment Ministry Under show on Qatar National Environment Secretary Ahmed Al Sada, Day would finish today. The Peninsula The flagging off ceremony.

‘Shooot’ Awareness Programme at El Jaish Sports Club

l Jaish Sports Club hosted E“Shooot” awareness programme organised by Public Relations Department in association with Qatar Police Sports Federation recently. More than 100 children partici- pated in the safety awareness pro- gramme. The programme is intended to raise awareness among the chil- Students and officials at the awareness programme. dren between 7–12 years of age and learn the traffic culture unifying football actions with traffic signs Shoot awareness programmes, of traffic culture in the minds of the of Ministry of Interior Sheikha Al and signals. highlighting the theme “through buds through entertainment activi- Anoud Al Thani said that the pro- The events were held in Ibn awareness achieve the goal”, were ties. Al Moghaiseb expressed his grammes will be held in Rayyan Khaldoun Independent Preparatory already held in Lekhwiya sports club, pleasure in the huge participation Sports club on March 1, Al Ahli School for boys. Col Adil Ahmad Sailiya sports club and Qatar Sports of children in the event adding that Sports club on March 3 and in Malullah, Asst Chairman of QPSF, Club, where a large number of chil- such awareness programmes were Messaimer club on March 4. She and Abdul Khader Al Moghaiseb, dren participated in the event. very necessary in the Qatari commu- added that the campaign was con- Technical Manager of the childrens’ Col Malallah said that the pro- nity especially among the children. fined to children to train football as wing under the club, attended the gramme was important as it is The head of Media Studies sec- well as educate traffic rules. events. intended to inculcate the guidelines tion at Public Relations Department The Peninsula

Education City alumni showcase their artistic talent at HBKU Student Center

amad bin Khalifa University An advocate of design thinking, H(HBKU) is hosting the first eager to make a difference in her com- Education City (EC) Alumni Art munity, Aisha Al Naama commented: Exhibition in campus this month. The “Participating in the Education City initiative brings together the work Alumni Art Exhibition is a great of six EC graduates: Sara Al Emadi, opportunity for us young artists or Aisha Al Naama, Rana Rwaished, hobbyists to be encouraged to share our Fatma Al Rumaihi, Noor Al Maadeed, works, and to connect with other tal- and Sahwa El Nakhly. ented individuals within the Education This year’s participating alumni are City community, as well as to engage graduates of Virginia Commonwealth with the Qatari community.” Visitors admiring one University in Qatar and Carnegie Though she completed her degree of the artworks. Mellon University in Qatar, and come in business administration, Noor Al from diverse academic backgrounds Maadeed is an avid doodler and crea- including interior design, business tive conceptualist. She expressed her learn more about art, allowing artists Education City community and the administration, and graphic design. excitement and said: “This exhibition to show their pieces in a comfortable public at large. Those interested can Each artist spent some of their forma- gives a platform for upcoming artists and educational setting.” visit the HBKU Student Art Gallery, tive years as a student at one of HBKU’s to showcase their pieces and provides The exhibition is sponsored by located in the HBKU Student Center, partner university branch campuses. the public with an opportunity to HBKU Student Life and open to the until March 22. The Peninsula 6 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 WHEELS

Toyota rolls out first mass-market cars to run on hydrogen fuel cells

By Drew Harwell The Mirai is an absolute oddity even in the world’s still- battery-powered electric car. Toyota is not the only automaker oyota this week officially small green car market. A dozen workers in blue hard pushing hard on fuel cells: The hydro- rolled out what it’s bet- gen-powered Hyundai Tucson is now ting will mark “a turning hats will hand-craft the cars without help of conveyor belt, available in California, and Honda’s point” in automotive his- turning out only three a day, Toyota said. The small-batch fuel-cell car is expected to roll out tory — a sleek, affordable, next year. Teco-friendly “future” car that can drive operation will roll out 700 this year for the US, Japan, But Toyota has been one of its big- for 300 miles, takes less than five min- gest boosters, opening its more than utes to charge and comes with three Europe, and crank up to 2,000 starting next year. 5,000 fuel-cell related patents up years of free fuel. for free and saying it wants to build It’s everything haters of petrol-guz- and fund new fueling stations, first zling car culture could love. And the doesn’t win against the current-case three a day, Toyota said. The small- in California and then stretching to biggest name in electric cars hates it. batteries. It doesn’t make sense, and batch operation will roll out 700 this the east coast. California is investing Toyota’s Mirai (meaning “future” in that will become apparent in the next year for the US, Japan, Europe, and tens of millions of dollars to build 28 Japanese) will be one of the first mass- few years.” crank up to 2,000 starting next year. new hydrogen recharging stations, market cars to run on hydrogen fuel But Toyota, one of Big Auto’s few Toyota plans to sell the Mirai for on top of the 10 it was home to as of cells, which convert compressed hydro- pioneers of fuel-efficient cars like the about $45,000 in the US, including last year. gen gas to electricity, leaving water Prius hybrid, has not been content about $13,000 in federal and California Japan has proven to be far more vapor as the only exhaust. As opposed to let Musk’s aggression stand. Bob incentives, starting next year. It will embracing of the “hydrogen society,” to getting plugged in overnight, the Carter, a Toyota senior vice president, sell to the public in Japan next month. investing in self-service hydrogen sta- sedan will need only about three min- slapped back at Musk last month by At 300 miles, the four-seat Mirai tions, easing fuel-cell regulations and utes to get back to full charge, a huge criticising his sole focus on battery- offers the longest range of any electric offering about 3 million yen (about boon for convincing the world’s drivers powered cars: “If I was in a position vehicle on the market (and more than $25,200) in incentives to early Mirai to convert to a cleaner ride. where I had all my eggs in one basket, Tesla’s $80,000 Model S, which gets 265 buyers. Abe, one of the first to receive But the green technology has found I would perhaps be making those same miles). A full tank of hydrogen, Toyota a Mirai, said he wants all of Japan’s a surprisingly forceful critic in Elon comments.” adds, has enough energy to power the agencies to have one, too. Musk, the electric-car pioneer and The electric-car infighting has average American home for a week. Although Mirai production began founder of Tesla Motors, maker of opened up a huge division over the But hydrogen fuel cells carry their in December, Toyota’s president, Akio battery-powered cars like the Model future of zero-emission cars. Although own challenges. To sell successfully in Toyoda, marked Tuesday as the official S. Musk has called hydrogen fuel cells they make little sense anywhere America, the cars will need a nation- roll-out date. Five years ago to the day, “extremely silly” and “fool cells,” with else now but California, home of the wide infrastructure for recharging a congressional panel grilled Toyoda his main critique being that hydrogen nation’s few hydrogen refueling sta- (a problem Musk has sought to get about the automaker’s recalls for is too difficult to produce, store and tions, Toyota and its home country of around through Tesla’s national net- unintended acceleration programmes, turn efficiently to fuel, diverting atten- Japan are investing heavily into usher- work of “superchargers.”) Though its a long embarrassment for the major tion from even better sources of clean ing in what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe emissions are greener, hydrogen is now Japanese brand. energy. has called the world’s “hydrogen era.” mostly sourced from natural gas, which “For us, that date marks a new “If you’re going to pick an energy The Mirai is an absolute oddity even carries its own environmental impacts. start,” Toyoda said. “This is not to source mechanism, hydrogen is an in the world’s still-small green car But Toyota has been strong in its reflect on the past, but rather to cel- incredibly dumb one to pick,” Musk market. A dozen workers in blue hard defense of hydrogen, saying it will give ebrate Toyota’s new start, where we said last month in Detroit. hats will hand-craft the cars without drivers far quicker refueling times take a fresh step towards the future.” “The best-case hydrogen fuel cell help of conveyor belt, turning out only and farther range than the typical WP-Bloomberg FOOD PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 7 Mozzarella in 40 minutes: Not a stretch

By Cathy Barrow

izza night in our house is full-on DIY. Homemade pizza dough and sauce from summer’s canned tomatoes, sure; that’s de Prigeur. But homemade mozzarella? Oh, yes. Quite simply, it’s a revelation. Mozzarella is entry-level cheesemaking: satisfying, quick, inexpensive and fun. Stretching the cheese is like pulling taffy, but the cheese is quicker to come together. In fact, the process is so quick that if it’s taking too long, you might have overdone it and the cheese might be tough. But it will still melt like a dream and taste fresh and milky, and the next time, you’ll do even better. And that pizza? Just tear pieces of cheese and scat- ter them across its surface. While you’re doing that, some of those pieces might end up in your mouth. It happens. After melting, the mozzarella bubbles and browns into the chewy topping and long, tantaliz- ing strings associated with the best pizzeria pies. At home. In about 40 minutes. First things first: The better the milk, the better the cheese. It’s possible to make mozzarella from whole, 2 percent, 1 percent or nonfat milk, but not from UHT (ultra-high-temperature) processed milk, so check the label; curds simply will not form if you use UHT milk. I prefer the flavour of whole milk and always use pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from a local dairy. You’ll need two items that might not be in your arsenal: citric acid, a coagulant, and rennet, an enzyme that firms curd. Both are available in some looked back. Once the curds are stretched and silky- the pot and let it sit for 10 minutes, during which grocery stores, in the canning department of hard- shiny, you pull them into long strands, spoon those time a somewhat solid mass of curds will form. ware stores, at international grocers and online. into cream, chop them up with scissors and stir until Use a long stainless-steel palette knife (with a Neither is expensive, and citric acid will come in they absorb the rich cream. rounded, flat blade) or similar knife to slice into the handy when canning tomatoes this summer. Rennet The result spoons like ricotta or cottage cheese curd mass, pressing it to one side. The whey will be is available in tablet or liquid form, either animal- (although Adler gave me the side-eye when I made clear and yellowish, and the cut should be clean. If based or vegetarian (made from artichokes). Always the comparison to the latter, traditionally a diet food) the whey is cloudy or the curd is crumbly, cover the keep rennet in the refrigerator; it will stay fresh and but has those delicious strings that stretch from bowl pot for another 10 minutes. Cut the curds into 1-inch active for a year. to mouth. Unlike mozzarella, delicious stracciatella segments, slicing from top to bottom then side to From there, the process is straightforward: You holds for four days in the refrigerator. These days, I side in a checkboard pattern. Let the curds sit for 5 dilute both citric acid and rennet before gently stir- turn half of my mozzarella into stracciatella for the minutes, so they can express whey. ring them into the milk. Then you leave it alone, and fastest, most satisfying lunch imaginable. Heat the curds to 105 degrees while stirring lazily, the transformation happens. In just a few minutes, The next time dinner plans include pizza, pick up about 5 minutes, then spoon into a metal, ceramic or the milk achieves a custardy texture, jiggly but firm. a gallon of milk. glass bowl. Let them rest for 10 minutes. Slip in a knife and press the curds aside, then use a (At this point, the curds may be used to make long knife to cut a 1-inch checkerboard pattern all Homemade Stracciatella) the way through the curds, from the top to the bot- Homemade Mozzarella Press against the curd mass; pour any resulting tom and side to side. 1 serving pound whey back into the pot. Place the pot of whey over Gently heated, these creamy curds are ready to be This takes about 40 minutes to make. For this medium heat; bring to 180 degrees. spooned out of the whey and drained. Now for the recipe, use only non-chlorinated water; see the Note, The cheese will not stretch until it registers 135 fun part: You take small clumps and dip them into below. You’ll need an instant-read thermometer and degrees on an instant-read thermometer. Heat the the reheated whey before stretching. The cheese is food-safe gloves. curds in the whey as follows: Pull a baseball-size hunk ready when it’s shiny and bouncy and buoyant. Taste Make Ahead: If you need to de-chlorinate the of the curds from the bowl. Use a skimmer to dip it. So tender. water, you’ll need to leave it out at room temperature them into the hot whey for 30 seconds. A gallon of milk makes five or six baseball-size at least overnight and up to 24 hours. Don food-safe gloves, because you’ll be handling portions of mozzarella. That’s more than you need for very hot cheese. Remove the curds from the skim- pizza, so use some of the curds to fashion a few other Ingredients mer and pull the curds, fold, pull and fold. They will forms. Homemade string cheese for the kids’ lunch, 1 1/2 teaspoons citric acid (see headnote) not quite stretch, and they might tear. herb-marinated bocconcini (small balls) for yours. 1 1/4 cups cool, chlorine-free water (see NOTE) Place the curds back into the whey for 30 seconds, Mozzarella is only one of the stretched cheeses — 1/4 teaspoon (or 1/4 tablet) rennet (see headnote) remove and pull the curds again. They should be provolone is another — and they are all differentiated 1 gallon whole milk shiny and hold together like taffy. Work quickly to by their tender quality when fresh and young, and Kosher salt pull, fold and pull, repeating only one or two times their firm sliceability when aged or chilled. When until the mozzarella feels supple, then form a cir- refrigerated, your mozzarella will firm up as the fats Method: cle with thumb and forefinger and press the mass tighten, and the cheese will lose some of its bounce. Dissolve the citric acid in 1 cup of the chlorine-free through to form a sphere of cheese. Twist to detach, Try to eat most of it right away, especially when water. In a separate container, dissolve the rennet in place on a plate and continue to form the remaining still warm: It’s so much creamier and tender than the remaining 1/4 cup of chlorine-free water. curds in the same way. Salt the cheese to your liking. store-bought, but it won’t hold long — at most, only Pour the milk into a large, deep stainless-steel pot. a day or two. Stir in the dissolved citric acid-water mixture. Heat Note: To remove chlorine from water, let the Or buy yourself more time by making stracciatella to 90 degrees over medium heat, stirring occasionally. water sit out uncovered at least overnight and up to (the cheese, not the egg-drop soup or chocolate- Use a spoon or skimmer to stir in the dissolved 24 hours. The chlorine, which is a gas, will dissipate. studded gelato of the same name). I’ve been making rennet-water mixture for about 30 seconds, gently Barrow is the author of Mrs. Wheelbarrow’s mozzarella for years, but chef Matt Adler at Osteria moving the milk from the bottom of the pot to the Practical Pantry: Recipes and Techniques for Year- Morini in DC taught me this new form, and I haven’t top without breaking the surface of the liquid. Cover Round Preserving, (W.W. Norton, 2014).WP-Bloomberg 8 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 ENTERTAINMENT PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 9

BOLLYWOOD NEWS HOLLYWOOD NEWS Oscars 2016: And next When Ellie Goulding almost got punched Sonam to complete graduation this year inger Ellie Goulding was nearly punched in the face while she was popular film actress and a fashionista, Sonam Kapoor says she has Sout running, but she says her nimble footwork got her out of the year’s awards will go to… Aone regret in her life — that she didn’t complete her graduation. way. A man, whom she claimed was “off his face”, attempted to smack The 29-year-old, however, hopes to get her degree this year. her with a “Superman punch” — which involves feigning a leg kick to “My biggest regret is I’ve not completed my studies. But I’m going generate more power — but fortunately the 28-year-old star used her to finish my graduation this year. I’m going to fill in the forms to get athletic figure to dodge his fist, reports my undergraduate degree in literature. For me, it’s one of those things Goulding wrote on micro-blogging website Twitter: “This old guy off that I regret the most,” Sonam said on the sidelines of L’Oreal Paris his face literally tried to superman punch me on my run earlier it’s a Femina World Awards 2015 here. good thing I’m a brick did an impressive dodge.” Sonam, who appeared in films like Saawariya, I Hate Luv Storys, Goulding, who is dating Dougie Poynter, later admitted she was Raanjhanaa and Khoobsurat among others, feels that she should have considering retaliating but decided against it because she didn’t actu- waited for four more years before entering showbiz. ally know what the man’s problem was. “I stopped studying at the 12th. Then I came and become actress. I “I couldn’t take him out because I didn’t really know what his deal could have waited for four years,” she said. was,” she said. Sonam was last seen in comedy film Dolly Ki Doli, which got a mixed response from the audience. As of now, she is busy with Salman Khan- starrer Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and she has also announced plans to could see him featured in next year’s set fell flat), Jake Gyllenhaal has been on open her clothing line called Rheson with her sister Rhea Kapoor. of nominees. Most promisingly, he’s set to a bit of a run lately and many thought Forget Eddie, Alejandro and Julianne. embarrass Ashton Kutcher by taking on he would get a nomination for his turn Beyonce, Jay Z renting $150,000 home Get your bets in early with our handy the titular role in Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs, as a ruthless sociopath in Nightcrawler. scripted by Oscar-winner Aaron Sorkin, Sadly, he didn’t, but next year could well I’m ready for a comeback: Genelia inger Beyonce and husband Jay Z are renting a home here for guide to who might be crying on which gives him his surest bet for awards see him finally getting his second Oscar S$150,000 a month. The couple, who have a three-year-old daugh- glory. It’s not his only punt though with nomination, eight years after Brokeback ctress Genelia D’Souza, who has been away from the big screen ter Blue Ivy, were unable to find a property to buy that is suitable for a new take on Macbeth, alongside one of Mountain, with three potential films up Apost her marriage to actor in 2012, says she their needs, so they have agreed on a 12-month deal to return to the stage next February. this year’s best actress nominees Marion for release. The most awards-friendly of is now ready to make a comeback in Bollywood and will focus on her Holmby Hills mansion they were based in last summer. Cotillard, and The Light Between Oceans, the bunch is Demolition, the latest from acting career. The duo dealt directly with the owners of the seven-bedroom, nine- the new drama from Blue Valentine Dallas Buyers Club director Jean-Marc Genelia, who has starred in movies like Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na bathroom 16,000 sqft property and were able to negotiate a discount Leonardo DiCaprio a critically adored adaptation of Jane heartbreak-bringer Derek Cianfrance, Vallée, where he plays a grieving husband and Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya, was present at a promotional event here from $200,000 to $150,000 a month, based on them signing a longer Could 2016 be the year that the Eyre before defying expectations again which also stars Rachel Weisz. next to Naomi Watts. But Southpaw could Tuesday when she was asked about her comeback to the film industry. lease, reports Poor Leo meme finally becomes obso- by moving to the small screen and direct- also be a contender as he’s starring as To that, she said: “I don’t think I ever left it, but yes I am on a break, It was recently claimed the couple’s friend Gwyneth Paltrow was lete? After taking a year off from los- ing the first season of True Detective, one Quentin Tarantino a boxer (hello Raging Bull, The Fighter, I would love to be back, I would love to do something that makes me instrumental in their decision to relocate from New York City to ing out an yet another Oscar with his of the most deservedly talked about Unlikely as it may have seemed, after Million Dollar Baby) and an early still happy, that makes people happy and I am ready now for comeback.” California as the “Iron Man 3” star advised it would be a better place quaalude-popping turn in The Wolf of shows of recent years. He’s returning his unsuccessful Grindhouse fanboy suggests a mighty transformation. And Genelia and Riteish Deshmukh became parents to a son on Nov to raise a family. Wall Street, he’s taking the lead in The to film with Beasts of No Nation, a West excursion, Tarantino has become some- finally, there’s Everest, a true life tale of ember 25, 2014. A source said: “Beyonce and Jay Z are making LA their permanent Revenant, a gritty western, set in the African-set drama about child soldiers, thing of an Oscar darling. His last two a climbing expedition that goes wrong home based a lot on the advice of their friends. The friend that really 19th century. He plays a fur trapper headlined by Idris Elba, who might films notched up 13 nominations and which also stars Oscar nominees Keira influenced them to move was Gwyneth Paltrow.” who is robbed and left for dead by his finally see some Academy recognition three wins between them and after some Knightley and Josh Brolin. Amazed by Rekha’s grace, enthusiasm: Katrina The insider added: “Gwyneth was telling Jay and Bey about the hunting companions, played by Tom after being snubbed for Mandela. It’s a false starts, his next finally went into pro- quality of life for her kids in LA and really swayed Beyoncé and Jay to Hardy, Will Poulter and Domhnall tough subject but Fukunaga’s distinctive duction last month for a speedy release Steven Spielberg ctress Katrina Kaif, who will be seen sharing the screen space make the move. It’s all for Blue Ivy.” Gleeson, and sets out to take revenge. and uncompromising style, which led later this year. He’s staying on similar Usually barrelled out to present one Awith Bollywood’s evergreen talent Rekha in upcoming film Fitoor, While the plot might sound a bit pulpy, him to an Emmy win last year, should territory to Django Unchained with The of the biggies, although not this year, says she is amazed by how graceful the veteran is. it’s notable for being the next film from be an ideal fit for the material. Hateful Eight, a western that sees a cast of the three-time Oscar-winner Steven Katrina, who is yet to shoot with Rekha, said: “Every time I have met freshly minted Oscar winner Alejandro familiar collaborators, including Samuel L Spielberg is set to return to the stage her, I have been amazed by her warmth, her grace and her immense Monica Bellucci prefers ‘Bond lady’ González Iñárritu, whose green card Meryl Streep Jackson, Tim Roth and Michael Madsen, with a film that matches him with enthusiasm towards life. I am sure we will have a great time filming has thankfully not been revoked just Yes, really. The 65-year-old actress, play bounty hunters who seek refuge dur- incredibly safe awards territory: war. But together and I am looking forward to it.” ctress Monica Bellucci, who will play the James Bond’s new love yet and could find himself amongst the who continues to be the exception to ing a blizzard. Also look out for comeback rather than yet another second world war Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, Fitoor, also features Aditya Roy Kapur Ainterest in Spectre, says she wants to be called a “Bond lady” nominees for a second year in a row. the rule that women over the age of 50 kid Jennifer Jason Leigh, who plays the drama, St James Place is a thriller about and Katrina Kaif. instead of “Bond girl”. The 50-year-old, who will star opposite Daniel don’t get offered great roles, might be only female, who might be a best support- the Cold War, and a lawyer who must After debuting in Bollywood in 2003 with Boom, Katrina cemented Craig, 46, in the film Jennifer Lawrence heading for a 20th nomination with two ing actress contender. negotiate for the release of a pilot whose her space in tinsel town by delivering six back-to-back hits in Namastey believes the youthful If you had the pleasure of playing roles in contention. The first, and most plane is shot down in the Soviet Union. A London, Apne, Partner, Welcome, Race and Singh Is Kinng. She has term “Bond girl” is along with our Oscars bingo card this likely, is a lead in Jonathan Demme’s Cate Blanchett screenplay from the Coens suggests good featured in some of the best new age item numbers, and is among the no longer applicable year, one of the few unstamped events comedy Ricki and the Flash, which sees It’s been a quiet post-Oscar period for things (although, well, the same could leading actresses in Hindi filmdom today. to her character, was prior winner Jennifer Lawrence her play a woman who abandons her Cate Blanchett, with just a supporting role have been said for Unbroken) and a cast Asked about the competition in the industry, Katrina said: “There reports dailymail. falling over yet again. She didn’t attend family to become a rock star yet gets a in George Clooney’s misfiring Monuments that includes Oscar winner Tom Hanks, are enough films being made out there for all of us. The position game the ceremony sadly but next year, chance to make amends. It might sound Men and a voice role in How to Train Your Oscar nominee Amy Ryan and a rare is transient so I don’t indulge in too much thought about it.” “My first thought expect her to be front and centre, with sentimental but a script from Diablo Dragon 2, but there are two awards-friendlyscreen appearance from Mark Rylance, was, ‘How can I be a role in David O’Russell’s latest Joy. Cody suggests otherwise and with films that could see her back in the race makes this one sound like a frontrunner. a Bond girl at 50?’ Her third film with the director, but Streep having learned to play guitar in 2016. Firstly, she stars alongside Rooney After my audition first as lead, tells the unlikely true story just for the film, it could be gold. If not, Mara in 50s-set romantic drama Carol, a Liam Neeson (director) Sam of a single mother who becomes a suc- Streep also has a small role alongside Patricia Highsmith adaptation from Todd Remember when Liam Neeson used Mendes told me cessful entrepreneur after inventing Carey Mulligan in Suffragette, where Haynes, who previously helped her to a to do something other than murder for- that, for the first the Miracle Mop. It’s light stuff and a she plays legendary activist Emmeline best supporting actress nomination for eigners and pretend his thirtysomething time in history, he script that’s co-written by Bridesmaids Pankhurst. It only took her two weeks I’m Not There. And secondly there’s Truth, daughter is a teenager? While he might wanted a woman of Oscar nominee Annie Mumolo suggests to shoot and might just be an extended the fact-based look at CBS anchor Dan be raking it in with the Taken fran- a similar age to the that Lawrence will be supplied with a cameo but she boasts a keynote speech Rather which also stars Robert Redford chise and every attempt to cash in on actor playing Bond,” steady stream of zingers. A support- which might just bring the house(s of and Elisabeth Moss. The Academy loves a his action man persona, it’s been a while she said. ing cast that reunites her with Bradley Parliament) down. good journalist tale (Network, Good Night since we’ve seen him really act. Back in “I told Sam he would be a hero among women for casting me in Cooper and Robert De Niro and a and Good Luck, All The President’s Men) 2011, he brought a haunting soulfulness Spectre. prime Christmas release date hints at Michael Fassbender and Blanchett’s role as Rather’s producer to the surprisingly grim survival saga The “Compared to the Bond girls who have gone before me, I am so third time lucky. After being snubbed for his role in Mary Mapes sounds like prime material. Grey but we’re about to see him get truly much more mature. I’d prefer to be called a Bond woman or perhaps Shame, it took Michael Fassbender’s challenged once again in the latest film a Bond lady,” she added. Cary Fukunaga role as a barbaric slave-owner in 12 Jake Gyllenhaal from Martin Scorsese. He stars as a Jesuit Spectre is slated to release on November 6, 2015. After breaking out with the bru- Years A Slave to net him his first Oscar While he struggled to find his place as a priest in Silence, a historical drama about tal crime thriller Sin Nombre, Cary nomination. He’s got a busy year ahead leading man for a time (roles in Rendition, religious persecution in Japan that sounds Fukunaga switched genres and delivered of him, with a number of roles that Prince of Persia and Love and Other Drugs like a surefire nominee. The Guardian 10 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 MOTORING HEALTH / FITNESS PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 11

Timely meals, early to bed can prevent mental illness Using ‘smart,’ iving a structured life with regular meal Ltimes and early bedtimes can lead to a bet- ter life and perhaps even prevent the onset of self-destructing mental illness, suggests a study. Our daily sleep-wake cycle is governed by an internal 24-hour timer — the circadian clock. “However, there is evidence that daily activ- ity is also influenced by rhythms much shorter syringes than 24 hours which are known as ultra- dian rhythms and follow a four-hour cycle,” explained Kai-Florian Storch from the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and McGill University in Montreal. Most prominently observed in infants before they are able to sleep through the night, ultra- dian rhythms may explain why, on average, we eat three meals a day that are relatively evenly spaced across our daily wake period. These four-hour ultradian rhythms are acti- vated by dopamine, a key chemical substance in the brain. When dopamine levels are out of balance, the four-hour rhythms can stretch as By Todd C Frankel long as 48 hours. inside it that locked into place after the plunger was In the new study conducted on genetically depressed. A syringe manufacturer licensed the product. modified mice, Storch and his team demon- he World Health Organization called this week In 1990, the Soloshot hit the market. Since then, strated that sleep abnormalities, which in for the worldwide use of needle syringes that it has been used to deliver more than 6 billion vac- the past have been associated with circadian Tself-destruct after a single injection. cine shots. rhythm disruption, result instead from an These “smart” syringes are a response to a problem But the Soloshot was limited to the vaccination imbalance of an ultradian rhythm generator that medical authorities have recognised for decades market, which accounts for only 5 to 10 percent of (oscillator) that is based on dopamine. — the frequent reuse of disposable shots. An esti- all injections worldwide. The product didn’t work in The new data suggests that when the ultra- mated 25 percent of the 18 billion medical injections syringes with varying dosages, where the plunger is dian arousal oscillator goes awry, sleep becomes performed worldwide each year are done with dirty pulled back to different levels. disturbed and mania will be induced in bipolar needles. Unsafe injections cause as many as 1.7 million “People started to realise, what about the other 90 patients. Oscillator imbalance may likely also new hepatitis B infections annually, 315,000 hepatitis percent?” said Hedman, who is the WHO’s technical be associated with schizophrenic episodes in C infections and 33,800 HIV infections, according to officer for essential medicines and health products. schizophrenic subjects. the World Health Organization. Stopping these infec- Solving that problem would take several more The findings have potentially strong impli- tions would be a boon for public health. years. cations for the treatment of bipolar disease “This is a risk we don’t have to be taking,” the The effort received an unexpected boost in 2000 and other mental illnesses linked to dopamine WHO’s Lisa Hedman said. when the US Congress passed the Needlestick Safety imbalance, the authors noted. But changing the practice — especially in poor and Prevention Act, which required steps to reduce countries — has proven difficult. In some places, the risk of health-care workers accidentally stabbing syringes are scarce. Or the dangers are not fully themselves with needles. Brain goes silent when we appreciated, despite education campaigns. And some- That led to inventions such as the spring-loaded times health-care providers can just get lazy. needle, which retracts after use “like a ballpoint pen,” talk loud So how do you stop people from reusing syringes? Hedman said. And there are syringes with plastic he part of the brain identified as the command How do you remove the temptation? covers that can be slipped over a needle and locked Tcentre for human speech does not actually The WHO has been hunting for solutions for nearly into place. work when we speak loudly, a study reveals. The 25 years. Only recently has the technology become Although these devices were designed to protect Broca’s area — named after 19th century French feasible — cheap, easy to use, hard to break — for nurses and doctors, they also rendered the syringes physician Pierre Paul Broca — has been recog- an announcement like the WHO made on Monday. inoperative after a single use. nised for more than 150 years as the command “It’s not simple,” WHO spokeswoman Judith Other designs came on the market. A man named centre for human speech, including vocalisation. Mandelbaum-Schmid said. “There had to be quite Marc Koska developed the K-1 syringe, with a Now, scientists at the University of California a lot of engineering.” plunger that breaks off if you try to reload it. He’s Berkeley and Johns Hopkins University in The WHO’s quest began in 1987 — just as the delivered TED talks about the experience. Maryland are challenging this long-held spread of a disease called HIV was beginning to cause Today, there are more than 70 suppliers of non- assumption with new evidence that Broca’s area alarm. At the same time, the widespread switch from reusable syringes. actually switches off when we talk out loud. glass syringe tubes to plastic ones made reuse even “But it took a long time for industry to respond,” “Broca’s area shuts down during the actual more risky, since glass containers could be disinfected Hedman said. delivery of speech, but it may remain active with heat, while plastic melted and warped. The WHO’s call to use self-destructing syringes is during conversation as part of planning future The agency put out a call for syringe designs that seen as a step to pushing for the widespread adoption words and full sentences,” said study lead automatically and irrevocably stopping working after of the devices. The technology works and is priced on author Adeen Flinker. a single filling and injection. The syringes essentially par with regular syringes. The need is greatest in the Neuroscientists have traditionally organ- needed to break after one use. developing world. But the reuse of syringes remains ised the brain’s language centre into two main The WHO wanted to use these shots to deliver enough of a problem in the United States that the regions: one for perceiving speech and one for vaccines. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention runs producing speech. “This finding helps us move One place that took up the challenge was Path, a One & Only campaign to reinforce the message. towards a view that Broca’s area is not a centre a small international health technology nonprofit Unsafe medical injections have affected at least for speech production but rather a critical area in Seattle. Staff already had begun playing around 150,000 US patients since 2001, according to the CDC. for integrating and coordinating information with different designs two years earlier. They knew Preventing these exposures is as simple as a tiny across other brain regions,” Flinker said. they had to make their invention work with exist- flange that stops a syringe from being reloaded “like The discovery has major implications for ing plastic syringes to keep costs down, said Steve going the wrong way out of a rental car parking lot,” the diagnoses and treatments of stroke, epi- Brooke, the company’s commercialization adviser. Hedman said. lepsy and brain injuries that result in language There were examples out there. Patents for single- She appreciated the simplicity of some of these impairments. use syringes dated back to 1960s. But none seemed solutions. Agencies to fit the need. “They are elegant little things,” she said. Path came up with a plastic syringe with a metal clip WP-Bloomberg 12 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 TECHNOLOGY iRobot Roomba 880: A vacuum cleaner that’s almost a pet Leading the march of cleaning machines into our homes, the Roomba 880 deserves its title as king of the robotic vacuums – but is it worth the price tag?

By Samuel Gibbs Cleaning If the brush gets tangled up with to it, like a little robotic cleaning pet. Disappointingly, on its first outing cables or loose paper, the main suction When it has caught and screwed up n science fiction, robots are usu- the robot doesn’t clean as well as a channel can be removed and cleaned bits of paper or got stuck somewhere, ally attempting to take over the human with a decent, ordinary vac- by releasing a few screws or clips – a I’ve felt more sorry for it than annoyed. world and kill us all. In real life, uum cleaner. But Roomba is designed two minute job. I’ve then made a special effort to keep Iit turns out they can be rather to clean once a day rather than once a things off the floor, which is all round useful for cleaning the lounge carpet. week, which means the first run takes Maintenance a good thing. Terminator – of dust! a while because the bin is small and has The drop sensors, the bin, the air Whether the 880 is worth the cost The iRobot Roomba 880 is the cur- to be emptied several times. filters and the front wheel need regular over a traditional vacuum cleaner rent king of the robotic vacuums, but After a couple of days the bin only maintenance: iRobot recommends once comes down to how much you dislike is it any good and how does it compare needs emptying once or twice a week, a week, but you can probably get away vacuuming. Cheaper Roomba models to a standard vacuum? depending on the floor type and size of with less than that. The air filters need are available which are more in line the cleaning area. In a medium-sized cleaning by just tapping on the side with the cost of a traditional cleaner, What is that thing against the two-bedroom flat, I ended up emptying when the robot’s bin is emptied. plus it probably works out cheaper wall? the bin and cleaning the filters once than hiring a human cleaner. The Roomba certainly doesn’t look a week. Price For those that are very tidy and like vacuum. The puck-shaped disc is The spinning bush and central suc- The iRobot Roomba 880 costs £600 constantly clean, the Roomba prob- approximately the size of a car’s steer- tion band do a solid job of cleaning in UK, which is at least £300 more than ably isn’t for you, but for the rest of ing wheel in diameter and the height even the edges of a room. Some spots most other normal vacuum cleaners. us, robotic vacuum cleaners are finally of a mug. that Roomba can’t reach will need to worth buying. I’m even thinking about On the top are four buttons and be cleaned with a handheld vacuum – Verdict buying another one for upstairs. a handle, with a big central “clean” including stairs – but overall the clean- The iRobot Roomba 880 is a much Pros: Hassle-free cleaning, that power button and four other buttons ing is quite impressive. better vacuum cleaner than you’d just-vacuumed feeling without the with which to set the clock, cleaning The 880 also comes with a remote expect. As a robot it does what it says effort every day, easy to maintain and schedule, return the robot to its dock, control, which can be used to steer on the tin – cleans the floor when you programme, remote control, effective or concentrate on a single, troublesome it towards a particularly dirty patch. set it to and returns to base afterwards. cleaning spot. Hasta la vista, dog hair... It can also be used to steer the robot It requires little in the way of main- Cons: Expensive, will need another away if it gets stuck under something, tenance and just gets on with the job. cleaner for the stairs and odd bits, Programming though generally it can get under most But it does take on a life of its own. needs filters changing Programming the robot for a sched- furniture without an issue. I have become surprisingly attached The Guardian ule is easy. Select the day, input a time and press “OK”. As long as the clock is set correctly, the Roomba will trun- dle off on a cleaning run and return to base when it has finished, or run out YouTube’s top 10 games channels of battery. In testing, I experienced a couple of issues with the clock going wrong, watched 2.2bn times in January once caused by a power surge, and once when the Roomba got trapped in By Stuart Dredge a room and ran out of battery. It lost collected views grew by nearly 40 percent from 4.3bn in time when it was recharged and I failed July 2014 to nearly 6.1bn in January 2015. to notice, which meant it turned on he 10 most popular games channels on YouTube Multi-channel network (MCN) Maker Studios in the middle of the night and woke generated more than 2.2bn video views in January accounted for four of the top five games channels in everyone up. Talone, led by Let’s Play gamer Felix ‘PewDiePie’ January – PewDiePie, Stampy, The Diamond Minecart The Roomba 880 is capable of clean- Kjellberg with 417.9m views that month. and Markiplier – while Popular MMOs is signed to rival ing several rooms on one charge, and PewDiePie topped the latest monthly chart of YouTube Fullscreen. will spend a maximum of 25 min- games channels published by online video industry site The chart is the latest reminder of just how big games utes in each room before moving on. Tubefilter, based on data from analytics firm OpenSlate. has become as a category on YouTube, rivalling music and Two “Virtual Wall Lighthouses” are PewDiePie was joined in January’s top 10 by Popular children’s videos as its most popular content. included in the box. They simulate a MMOs (266.8m views); Stampy (252.9m); The Diamond There’s a crossover with the latter and games in chan- wall in doorways, preventing the robot Minecart (210.8m); Markiplier (208.1m); Jack Sceptic Eye nels like Stampy and The Diamond Minecart, which are from passing into the next room until (201.2m); Vanoss Gaming (183.8m); Vegetta (177.8m); Juega aimed at the huge audience of young Minecraft fans. Both it has finished in the first, and then German (127.3m); and El Rubius (108.8m). are likely to benefit from this week’s launch of a dedicated help it find its way back to the charg- That’s nearly 2.2bn views between the 10 channels. How YouTube Kids app. ing base. are they growing? You can gauge that by a comparison to YouTube gamers have also become powerful influencers Once the robot has finished cleaning, Tubefilter and OpenSlate’s chart from six months ago, within the games industry, with developers and publishers or when the bin is full or the battery in July 2014, when the top 10 YouTube games channels jostling to persuade the most popular channels to feature runs low, it will automatically return generated 1.6bn views. their games in Let’s Play videos – often paying for the to the charging dock. Meanwhile, the 100 most popular channels in the chart’s privilege. The Guardian COMICS & MORE PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 13

LEARN ARABIC At the Book shop

Paper Waraqa Ruler Masara Chalk aboor Shelf Raff Black board Law aswad Hoy en la Historia Map are e a February 26, 1935 Rubber Mimat Robert Watson-Watt first Globe Koura ariyya demonstrated the potential of radar (radio detection and ranging) Ink ibr to detect aircraft. It proved critical to the defence of Britain in WWII ç = ‘a’ in ‘agh’ when surprised 1815: Napoleon escaped from the island of Elba in an attempt to regain the throne of France Baby Blues by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman 1980: Egypt and Israel established diplomatic relations, marking the end of 30 years of war between them 1990: The Soviet Union agreed to withdraw all its 73,500 troops from Czechoslovakia within five months 1995: Barings Bank, Britain’s oldest merchant bank, collapsed after a trader ran up $1.4 billion in losses Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS ALL IN THE MIND Hagar The Horrible by Chris Browne Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.

Zits by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman


ACROSS 44 Saint who is one of the 9 River into which the 37 Sportscaster Jim 47 Ohio’s ___ Point, CROSSWORD Fourteen Holy Helpers Vltava flows home of the Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Army equivalent of a 38 Olympic gymnast Strug leading seaman: Abbr. 45 Squarely, informally 10 Clear of vermin 39 Manhattan eatery Thrill Dragster and 14 15 16 4 Lowered 47 First name in late-night TV 11 Some corner shops referenced in Billy Millennium Force roller coasters 11 Man on the street? 48 Monumental 12 Move from A to B, say Joel’s “Big Shot” 17 18 19 49 Kind of day or job 14 New England state sch. 54 Pro athlete in a red- 13 Hero of 20-Across 40 “Wow!” 50 Headlight? 15 Football helmet feature and-white uniform 18 Stanger a.k.a. 41 Turned off and on 20 51 Part of A.M.P.A.S.: Abbr. 16 Preposition with three 55 Subway inits. Bravo’s “Millionaire 46 Shade 21 22 homophones 56 Bright spots Matchmaker” 52 Arum family member 17 Span since 1955 57 One being shepherded, say 19 “You can’t beat me!” 53 TLC, e.g. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 Middle of an Aeschylus 58 It’s double-hyphenated: 24 Sight-singing technique TASTESBAD DODGE trilogy, with “The” Abbr. 25 54-Across, e.g., for 30 31 32 S EWER L I NE ONE AM 21 Classic label in classical 59 Like many a sports car short ENERGYBAR GUMUP 33 music 60 Brutus’ “but” 26 Gender option on TEAMO KINGSI ZE 22 Try to pull off, say DOWN modern forms 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 23 Camera movement 1 Schnitzels, e.g. 27 Onetime center for the SITS FRIDAY JER distribution of oranges 24 Unwelcome neighbor 2 Plain variety EDY ROONEY POPO 42 43 44 28 2008 World Series 29 Get on board 3 Stick in a purse? BUTTS LEHAR winners, to fans 45 46 47 30 Gouda and Muenster 4 1950s-’70s defense FACEBOOKFRI ENDS 31 Didn’t get snapped up, 33 Greeting at the head of acronym LIONS YEARN say 48 49 50 51 52 53 a procession 5 Request often ARNE TOWAGE J AY 32 Laura Nyro album “___ 34 Selfish response to a accompanied by 54 and the Thirteenth PFC CEDARS MERE request “please” Confession” JOECAMEL BARCA 42 River that 6 Pasta eaten with a spoon 55 56 57 34 They run up legs ARDOR SK I PARKAS passes by the Hermitage 7 “That’s enough,” to a server 35 Skips CCELL SEVENCENT 58 59 60 43 Wall hanging 8 Banker/philanthropist 36 Reproductive, in a way Solomon KESEY AREACODES

HYPER SUDOKU How to play Kakuro: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once.


Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate How to EASY SUDOKU play Hyper Easy Sudoku Puzzles Sudoku: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in A Hyper Sudoku each empty cell so every Puzzle is solved row, every column and by filling the every 3x3 box contains all numbers from 1 the digits 1 to 9. to 9 into the blank cells. A Hyper Sudoku has unlike Sudoku 13 regions (four regions overlap with the nine standard regions). In all regions the numbers from 1 to 9 can appear YESTERDAY’S only once. Otherwise, a Hyper Sudoku is solved like a normal Sudoku. ANSWER CINEMA / TV LISTINGS PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 15

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2D/Action) SHOWING AT VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER 1 – 10:35am, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 & 11:00pm TEL: 444933989 444517001 Focus (2D/Comedy) 2 – 10:30am, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 & 11:55pm 13:05 Eastenders 08:00 News The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water 13:35 Doctors 08:30 Witness 3 (2D/Animation) – 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00 & 4:00pm 14:00 Upstairs 09:00 The System The Wedding Ringer (2D/Comedy) Downstairs 10:30 Inside Story – 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 & 11:55pm 14:55 Getting On 11:30 The Stream Zarafa (2D/Animation) – 10:45am, 12:30 & 2:15pm 15:25 Rev. 12:00 News 12:30 People & 4 Serena (2D/Action) – 3:45, 6:05, 8:15 & 11:00pm 15:55 Dad's Army Power The Protector 2 (2D/Action)–10:15am, 2:45 & 11:50pm 16:25 Weakest Link 13:00 NEWSHOUR 5 17:10 Eastenders The Atticus Institute (2D/Horror) – 7:15pm 14:30 Inside Story 17:40 Doctors Clash of Empires: Bloodlines (2D/Action) 15:00 Witness 18:05 Upstairs – 12:35, 5:00 & 9:30pm 16:00 NEWSHOUR Downstairs The Boy Next Door (2D/Thriller) – 10:20pm 17:00 News 19:00 Dad's Army 6 Boys of Abu Ghraib (2D/Drama) – 3:40pm 17:30 The Stream 19:30 Getting On Youm Maloush Lazmah (2D/Arabic) 18:00 NEWSHOUR 20:00 Stella – 10:50am, 1:15, 5:40, 8:00pm &12:15am 19:00 News 20:45 Waking The 19:30 Earthrise Captain Sabertooth & The Lama Rama Treasure Dead 20:00 News 7 (2D/Action) – 10:00am, 2:15, 6:30 & 11:00pm 22:25 Lead Balloon 20:30 Inside Story & 12:15am; Fort Bliss (2D/Action) 22:55 Case Sensitive: 21:00 NEWSHOUR – 12:00noon, 4:15 & 8:30pm The Other Half 22:00 News The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Lives 22:30 The Stream 8 (2D/Animation) – 3:15 & 5:10pm 23:00 Wukan Votes Dragon Blade (2D/Action) – 10:20am, 12:50, 7:10, 9:30 & 11:50pm Focus (IMAX 2D/Comedy) – 11:30am, 1:40, 3:50, 9 6:00, 8:10, 10:20pm &12:30am 13:20 Lion Man: One 13:00 The Focus (2D/Comedy) World African Indestructibles 10 – 10:00am, 12:10, 2:20, 4:40, 6:50, 9:20 & 11:40pm Safari 14:00 Animal Autopsy 13:50 Into The Pride 15:00 Outback 1 Zarafa (2D/Animation) – 2:15pm 14:45 Animal Cops Wrangler Serena (2D/Drama) – 4:00pm Houston 17:00 Inside Combat 15:40 Tanked Rescue Captain Sabertooth & The Treasure of Lama 18:25 Into The Pride 18:00 Last War Rama (2D/Action) – 6:00 & 7:45pm 19:20 Romeo & Juliet: Heroes The Protector 2 (2D/Action) – 9:30pm A Monkey's Tale 19:00 Outback Still Alice (2D/Drama) – 11:30pm 20:15 Tanked Wrangler 22:05 Into The Pride 22:00 Last War 2 Fort Bliss (2D/Drama) – 2:45pm 23:00 Romeo & Juliet: Heroes MALL A Monkey's 23:00 The Human Combustion (2D/Action) – 5:00pm Tale Family Tree Focus (2D/Comedy) – 7:00 & 11:15pm Ab Tak Chhappan (2D/Hindi) – 9:00pm Fireman (2D/Malayalam) – 2:00, 6:30 & 11:00pm 3 12:00 The Goldbergs 13:00 The Ellen Youm Maloush Lazma (2d/Arabic) 15:30 The Daily DeGeneres – 4:15 & 8:45pm Show With Show Jon Stewart 14:00 Unforgettable Serena (2D/Drama) – 2:30pm 1 17:00 Late Night 15:00 Crisis Combustion (2D/Action) – 4:30pm With Seth 16:00 Emmerdale Meyers 16:30 Coronation Youm Maloush Lazma (2D/Arabic) – 6:30pm 18:00 New Girl Street The Protector 2 (2D/Action) – 9:00pm 19:00 Black-Ish 17:00 The Ellen Captain Sabertooth & The Treasure of Lama 20:00 The Tonight DeGeneres Rama (2D/Action) – 11:15pm Show Starring Show Jimmy Fallon 18:00 Unforgettable 2 Zarafa (2D/Animation) – 3:00pm 21:00 The Daily 19:00 Suits Show With 20:00 The Flash Focus (2D/Comedy) – 5:00, 7:00 & 11:15pm LANDMARK Jon Stewart 21:00 American Idol Youm Maloush Lazma (2D/Arabic) – 9:00pm 22:00 Family Guy 22:00 24: Live Another Day 3 The Protector 2 (2D/Action) – 2:30pm Fort Bliss (2D/Drama) – 4:30pm

Captain Sabertooth & The Treasure of Lama 13:00 Unstable Fables: 13:00 Streetdance: Rama (2D/Action) – 7:00pm 13:00 Jamai Raja 13:05 Hannah Montana 12:15 You Have Been The Goldilocks & All Stars 13:30 Wizards Of Fireman (2D/Malayalam) – 9:00pm 13:30 Bandhan Warned The Three Bears 15:00 All Is Lost 14:00 Doli Armaano Ki Waverly Place 13:05 Auction Hunters: 14:30 Wallace & Gromit: 17:00 Won't Back Still Alice (2D/Drama) – 11:30pm 14:30 Jodha Akbar 14:20 Austin & Ally Pawn Shop The Curse Of The Down 15:00 Kasamh Se 15:00 Binny And The Edition Were-Rabbit 19:00 Promised Land Ab Tak Chhappan (2D/Hindi) – 2:30pm 16:00 Hum Paanch Ghost 13:30 The Liquidator 18:00 Los Campeones 21:00 Safe Haven 17:00 Gulf Rangoli 15:20 Binny And The Auction Hunters Killer Joe The Protector 2 (2D/Action) – 5:00 & 9:15pm 13:55 De LA Lucha 23:00 1 Season 4 Ghost 14:20 Railroad Alaska Libre 01:00 Won't Back Captain Sabertooth & The Treasure of Lama 17:30 Gulf Rangoli 15:45 Liv And Maddie 15:10 Highway To Sell 22:00 Marvel's Next Down Rama (2D/Action) – 7:15 & 11:30pm Season 4 16:10 Violetta 16:00 Fast N' Loud Avengers: Heroes 03:00 Promised Land 17:00 Austin & Ally Zarafa (2D/Animation) – 3:00pm 18:00 Maharakshak 16:50 How It's Made Of Tomorrow Aryan 17:25 Jessie 17:15 How It's Made Combustion (2D/Action) – 5:00pm 18:30 Bandhan 17:50 Liv And Maddie 17:40 Alaska: The Last ROYAL 2 19:00 Hello Pratibha 18:15 Girl Meets World Frontier Focus (2D/Comedy) – 7:00 & 11:15pm 19:30 Jodha Akbar 18:40 Binny And The 18:30 Street Outlaws 20:00 Jamai Raja Ghost 19:20 American Muscle 13:15 Last Vegas PLAZA Ab Tak Chhappan (2D/Hindi) – 9:00pm 14:00 Maid In 20:30 Kumkum Bhagya 19:30 Violetta 20:10 The Liquidator Manhattan 15:00 Peeples 21:00 Qubool Hai 20:20 Dog With A Blog 20:35 Auction Hunters 17:00 Closed Circuit 3 Serena (2D/Drama) – 2:30pm 16:00 Big Daddy 21:30 Satrangi Sasural 22:00 Suite Life On 21:00 Street Outlaws 18:00 Along Came 19:00 The Heat Fort Bliss (2D/Drama) – 4:30pm 22:00 Luv Shuv Tey Deck 21:50 American Muscle Polly 21:00 Baggage Claim Chicken Khurana 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 22:40 Hellriders 23:00 This Is The End- Youm Maloush Lazma (2D/Arabic)–6:45 & 9:00pm 20:00 Girl In Progress 01:00 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 22:50 Shake It Up 23:30 Alaska: The Last 22:00 Schuks! Your 01:00 World War Z Li'l Champs 5 23:10 Wolfblood Frontier 03:00 Closed Circuit Still Alice (2D/Drama) – 11:15pm Country Needs You 16 PLUS | THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015 POTPOURRI

Saunders said they’ve collected all the evidence they Events in Qatar Toronto police stumped need and have filled in the tunnel for safety issues. “Until we get what the intent is behind this, we’re going by mysterious tunnel to continue to investigate,” Saunders said. Doha Film Institute Screening Awards season showcase olice are asking for the public’s help in trying to When: Feb 27-28 determine who built a mysterious underground Hungarian village for rent, Where: Katara Drama Theater building 16 Ptunnel near York University in Toronto. What: Don’t miss out on the Awards Deputy Chief Mark Saunders said Tuesday the tun- comes with deputy mayor’s post Season buzz with the Doha Film Institute’s nel is 10 meters long and two meters high. He said it f “king for a day” sounds too majestic, a small celebration of classic and contemporary isn’t near any infrastructure and doesn’t appear to lead Hungarian village will let you become deputy mayor award-winning films, taking place at Katara anywhere. Ifor a few days. following the 2015 Academy Awards. Watch The chamber was discovered on January 14 in a The village of Megyer, population 18, has put itself up four acclaimed feature films from Academy secluded wooded area by a conservation officer who spot- for rent to companies and tourists. Awards history — Whiplash, Les Choristes, ted a large pile of dirt. Saunders said more than one For 210,000 forints ($750) a day, a prospective renter Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and person with some level of expertise likely built it. gets seven guesthouses that sleep 39 people, four streets, Casablanca . Visit for Police found plywood wall supports, a gas generator, a bus stop, a barn, a chicken yard, six horses, two cows, more information and tickets moisture resistant light bulbs, a sump pump for removing three sheep and four hectares (10 acres) of farmland — ground water, a wheelbarrow and food and beverage con- along with the possibility of temporarily being named tainers. They also found a rosary with a Remembrance deputy mayor. Family Art Workshops

Day poppy nailed to a wall. The deal aims to revitalise the hamlet, which dates When: Till March 31, 2015 Saunders said there’s nothing to suggest a criminal back to at least the 11th century and is 190km southwest Where: Katara Art Studios - Bldg 19 element. of Budapest. Mayor Kristof Pajer said yesterday that the What: Katara Art Studios is hosting a “It’s not your everyday find,” Saunders said. silence of the remote countryside was its main attraction. series of Diverse Family Art Workshops from September 2014 to March 2015. He said he doesn’t have a working theory on why it “We offer all sorts of programmes to our guests, but They invite families to attend with their was built but said whoever built it took quite a bit of most are simply captivated by the surroundings and the children aged between 5 years old to 10 time to build it. quiet,” said Pajer, a 42-year-old engineer. “Once they sit years old. He said it was warm and comfortable inside. Police out in the meadow, nothing else matters.” The cost of each workshop is believe it was used during the winter. Still, Pajer says he also tries to get companies using QR150 The bunker is located about 25 meters from the fence Megyer for team building, for example, to include some of the Rexall Centre entertainment complex, which hosts village improvements in their activities, like helping to the Canadian Open tennis tournament in the summer and paint the playground swings. Doha Jewellery & Watches will be used to host tennis events for the Pan American Among the privileges of deputy mayors, Pajer said, Exhibition Games in July. He said it didn’t represent a threat to interim officials can rename the village streets to their When: Opens to public from Feb 24-28; the games and said the bunker would have been an eye liking for the duration of their stay. 12noon-22pm, Friday 4pm to 10pm sore to police. Agencies Where: Qatar National Convention Centre What: The Exhibition distinguishes itself from other exhibitions as the chosen venue for international product launches in the world of jewellery and watch design and manufacturing. The aims of the exhibition IN FOCUS by Shareefabanu A P are to demonstrate the latest trends in the industry today; showcase the most magnificent gemstones and sophisticated timepieces in the world. Free admission, pre-register at

Here There Exhibition When: Till March 30, 2015; Opening hours Sunday-Wednesday 10:30am – 5:30pm, Tuesday closed and Thursday 12pm – 8pm. Where: Al Riwaq Exhibition Hall What: The Qatar Brazil 2014 Year of Culture closes with a grand finale event as QM Gallery Al Riwaq presents Here There, a showcase of works by artists from Qatar and Brazil. Free entry

Mal Lawal Biennale When: Till February 28 Where: Doha Exhibition Center What: Spread over 5,000sqm space, the expo is divided into 11 categories and offers a feast to the eyes and intellect of visitors with a diverse array of objects. There has been a rise in the number of participants from 90 in the first edition to 152 this year, 110 of whom are from Qatar and 42 from other GCC countries. Free entry

A hybrid tea rose in a house garden. Send your photos to [email protected]. If you want your events featured here, Mention where the photo was taken. mail details to [email protected]

Acting Editor-In-Chief Dr Khalid Al-Jaber Acting Managing Editor Hussain Ahmad Editorial Office The Peninsula Tel: 4455 7741, E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]