Prepared for Council by Land Use Consultants

August 2010

28 Stafford Street Edinburgh EH3 7BD Tel: 0131 202 1616 [email protected] registered address: 43 Chalton Street London, NW1 1JD

1. LANDSCAPE CHARACTERISTICS PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Movement Visible movement in the landscape may include vehicle traffic, aircraft, 1.1. A matrix was developed to enable standardised recording of a number of key landscape shipping, tidal movements, or moving structures such as wind turbines. characteristics. These characteristics were chosen to inform decision makers as to the main Remoteness Tranquillity, an indication of the general level of human influence, depending features of each landscape character area, in a way which facilitates comparison with other on factors such as noise, and views to man-made features. character areas. Many of the characteristics are indicators of the likely sensitivity of the landscape to a particular development type, others are more qualitative. It is intended that the CULTURAL CRITERIA matrices will assist, for example, in the consideration of relative sensitivity of different character areas to development. Settlement The relative density of settlement, from scattered farmsteads to urban areas.

1.2. The characteristics recorded are defined below. For each characteristic, a five-point scale is set Industry The relative presence or absence of industrial or commercial buildings and out, against which each landscape is assessed. The assessment, represented by the shaded box infrastructure, including brownfield land. on each scale, is based on the same source material as the Northumberland LCA. Professional judgement has been used in deciding the exact placement on the scale. Vertical The presence of tall vertical features, such as communications masts, pylons, features and wind turbines. Table A1: Definitions LANDSCAPE CRITERIA Linear The presence of linear features including transport routes, power lines, and features rivers. Landform The nature of the underlying geography, whether simple and consistent, such as a moorland plateau or coastal plain, or more complex, such as rocky Historic The influence of cultural heritage features, including built structures, outcrops. features: designed landscapes, and visible earthworks, on the landscape. It should be noted that some historical features, such as buried archaeology, have little Land cover The pattern of land uses within a landscape, from the continuous overt influence on the landscape. monoculture of the largest plantation forests, to intricate assemblages of small fields and woodlands. Recreation Evidence of regular recreational use of a landscape, such as long-distance footpaths, visitor facilities, and landscape-based tourist attractions. Scale The relative size of landforms, ranging from the most intimate valleys, to extensive open moorlands, and, to a lesser extent, the relative scale of land QUALITATIVE CRITERIA cover patterns. Condition The physical state of the landscape, and its visual and functional intactness. Enclosure The way in which landforms enclose the landscape, or opens out into other The extent to which a landscape is representative of the Northumberland landscapes, is closely related to scale. Woodlands and forestry may also Distinctiveness landscape, or contributes to a sense of place. create enclosure. Rarity The relative frequency of a landscape’s general type, within the study area. VISUAL CRITERIA

Skylines Visual horizons can be very simple and predictable generally in areas of simple landform and landcover, or more complex where woodland and other features interrupt the view.

Views and Can include views from popular viewpoints, or views to landmark cultural

landmarks and natural features.

Intervisibility Depending largely on enclosure, landscapes may be visible across a wide area, or may be secluded and difficult to see from the outside.

Receptors The presence of visual receptors is indicated by settlement, and by the popularity of areas for recreational purposes, as well as roads used by tourists, and main roads with large numbers of potential receptors.

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 1 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010

Landscape Character Area 1a Tweed River Mouth

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently sloping farmland surrounding river farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Berwick upon Tweed lies to the north of the river predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture fields, with some woodland along the river course The railway, road and industrial areas of Berwick contribute industrial character Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Estuary mouth features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Tall industrial buildings and some masts Open farmland with some containment within broad river valley Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Road, railway and river are significant linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Surrounding skylines reflect smooth sloping topography features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Railway bridge, Berwick Bridge, Berwick Castle and town of Berwick not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Railway bridge at Berwick and coast provide important focus for views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of footpaths, attraction of coast and NCN route landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed, field boundaries could be enhanced Visible from major transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Bridge, river and landform highly distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Road and railway are busy routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Combination of railway bridge, river and town unique activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Transport routes and town reduce tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 3 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 2a Lower Aln

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Shallow, steep sided valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Proximity of , Lesbury and Hipsburn predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Areas of arable, pasture and woodland Alnwick urban edge, roads and railway provide strong human influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Deep and broad valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Masts of RAF station at Lesbury (immediately outwith LCA), overhead wire of railway, power Enclosure provided by valley landform and woodland lines and mobile phone masts VISUAL CRITERIA Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features predictable some variety unpredictable features features prominence and interrupted Road, railway and river are notable linear features Skylines influenced by varied topography at valley edge Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape important to aspect of the landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important landscape landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is designed landscape, traditional cottages, disused railway and evidence of historic views local views views important in settlement views Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for Views to settlement edge recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction visitors, national intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider designation or landscapes landscapes landscape attraction Limited due to valley landform Local recreational use of disused railway Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main maintained managed, with managed with some landscape transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. landscape some elements in elements in poor Transport routes provide views and high numbers of residents experience landscape better repair repair PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Some lack of maintenance of field boundaries Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to continuous movement on frequent movement occasional ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland movement roads and movement movement sense of place Northumberland railways Valley with estate influence representative landscape Main road and railway provide movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or the area features of some some unique landscape the area activity and noise sense of noise rarity features remoteness Incised wooded valley found in many locations Roads, railway and town create busy landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 4 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 2b Lower Coquet

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow incised valley within broader vale farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Landscape influenced by Guyzance and Warkworth predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Semi natural woodland, pasture and arable farmland Small scale works outside Warkworth, influence of pylons and railway Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broader vale and narrower incised valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line, overhead wires of railway Broader vale more open, incised valley more enclosed Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Pylon line, railway and minor roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gentle topography of surrounding landscapes features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Remains of priory at Guyzance and Warkworth Castle not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views to Warkworth Castle and along river valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local footpaths and use for fishing landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Broader vale allows some intervisibility with adjacent landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some loss of field boundaries Visibility predominantly from local transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Valley landscape with estate influence movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within More limited movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Valley landscape influenced by some rarer features of Guyzance activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Influence of land management, roads and settlement reduce sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 5 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 3a Haggerston

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Coastal plain with small drumlin hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small villages, hamlets and farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly arable farmland Influence of road and railway but limited other influences Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Gentle landform and larger fields features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts, and overhead lines of railway Limited enclosure by landform or woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Road and railway don’t dominate landscape and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently undulating landform give simple skylines with occasional areas of higher ground features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some larger properties and estate influences not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Allows views to Holy Island Sands and Lindisfarne and Haggerston Castle provides feature attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of footpaths, NCN and caravan park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed, some loss of field boundaries Visibility from A1 and mainline railway Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Representative but lacking distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy main road and rail routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Typical coastal farmland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Busy roads and railway but essentially agricultural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 6 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 3b Lucker

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Flat or gently rolling farmland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent small villages and farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly arable with occasional woodland Mainline railway and farm buildings Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale fields features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Mobile phone masts, large agricultural buildings and silos and quarry at Belford Station Gentle variation in topography, some enclosure by shelterbelts in places. Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Mainline railway and local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Limited variation in topography, some woodland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Few prominent historic features, some policy woodlands not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No views or landmark features attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Topography limits intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Lack of management as a result of agricultural intensification Landscape crossed by mainline railway and local roads between villages Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Not distinctive but representative of lowland agricultural landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Occasional movement on local roads and railway the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or A lowland agricultural landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Farmed landscape with small villages

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 7 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 3c Rock

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several villages and frequent farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable farmland and frequent woodland Proximity to RAF Boulmer, influence of mainline railway, quarries at Howick Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Gently undulating topography features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylons in south of area Some enclosure provided by areas of woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and mainline railway and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gentle topography, some woodland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate influences at Rock House and Howick Hall not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Belts of Scots pine and policy woodlands provide landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths, attraction of Howick Hall landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Gentle landform limits views Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Variable condition of field boundaries Mainline railway and local roads between villages Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Lacking distinctive features but representative of lowland agricultural landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on mainline railway and local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or A frequently found agricultural landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Local movement on roads and railway, and frequent settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 8 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 4a North Tweed Coast

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads High cliffs and rocky foreshore, and sloping farmland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Northern edge of Berwick upon Tweed influences landscape predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Coast, cliffs and pasture and arable farmland Roads and railway, along with industrial and commercial influence of Berwick upon Tweed Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Coastal edge and slope of land towards coast reduce scale features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Generally open, although some enclosure within headlands Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Main road and railway and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently undulating landscape inland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No significant features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Dramatic views along the coast attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Coastal path, golf course and caravan site landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some intervisibility although limited by coastal aspect Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Influenced by proximity to sea and exposure to weather Mainline railway and A1 pass through the landscape Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Coastal cliff and seaward views movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Transport routes create continuous movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rocky cliff lined coastal edge activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Movement on transport routes limits tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 9 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 4b Farne Islands Coast

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Sandy bays, islands and rocky headlands farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several villages predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Beaches, dunes and farmland No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Focus on coastal edge and seaward views features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Bamburgh castle on distinctive rise Some open areas and some enclosure within bays Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and coastal edge and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Headlands and rocky outcrops, although gentle rise inland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Bamburgh castle forms a distinctive landmark not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Bamburgh Castle and Farne Islands provide important features attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Bamburgh castle, beach and towns are important for recreation landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some intervisibility, influenced by coastal aspect and rocky headlands Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Coastal landscape under pressure from tourism development Settlements and transport routes provide high level of receptors Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Bamburgh Castle, coast and islands distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Frequent use by visitors of coastal transport routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Combination of castle, coast and islands is unique activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Towns and coast important for visitors

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 10 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 4c Craster Coast

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Low lying with locally prominent ridges farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Craster and hamlets predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rocky cliffs and pasture Influence of RAF Boulmer Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Coastal aspect and heughs contain landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Radar apparatus at RAF Boulmer Some enclosure at coastal edge and by heughs Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Few local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently rising landscape, although local influences such as heughs features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Dunstanburgh Castle and historic fishing village of Craster not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views to Dunstanburgh Castle attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Attraction of Craster and coastal footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some intervisibility with neighbouring low lying landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Opportunity to enhance field boundaries Coastal tourist route Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Coastal landscape with distinctive local heughs movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Routes provide local and recreational links the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Coastal heughs are unique activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Tourism and RAF Boulmer provide human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 11 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 5a Holy Island Coast

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad sweeping coast and sands farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Settlement limited to Lindisfarne and frequent farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Sands, dunes and arable farmland No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad sweeping sands and coast features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Generally open enclosure in bays Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear features limited to local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently undulating landward skylines, seaward views more varied features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Lindisfarne Castle and village important features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Holy Island and Lindisfarne Castle distinctive landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Important tourist destination and attraction landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Intervisibility focused on Holy Island Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Well managed coastal landscape Views from mainline railway and A1, and tourist destination Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Landform and historic Lindisfarne Castle make this a distinctive landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Coastal island and castle are unique within Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Important tourist destination and activity reduces sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 12 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 5b Beadnell and Embleton Bays

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong CULTURAL CRITERIA consistent occasional lacking strong topographical Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional variety complexity variety settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg Rocky headlands and sandy bays frequent villages or frequent farmsteads farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small settlements predictable occasional lacking landcover limited variety in variety complexity resulting in Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial landcover mosaic effect or brownfield features influence small scale influence Rocky headlands, sand and arable and pasture farmland land industry No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Bays and field pattern create medium scale landscape Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Headlands create some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads only linear features and interrupted No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Inland landform rises gently, along coast headlands punctuate skyline Historic features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Dunstanburgh Castle lies in south of LCA not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Views to Dunstanburgh Castle and headlands recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Coast a draw to visitors landscapes landscapes landscape

Some areas are visible with neighbouring landscapes QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed coast and farmland with visitor facilities Coast provides draw for visitors on local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Combination of headlands and bays provide some distinctive features movement roads and movement movement railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Local roads but visitor movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Lack of rare features although headlands and Dunstanburgh Castle provide unique features activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Coastal landscape provides high degree of tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 13 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 5c Aln and Coquet Estuaries

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently sloping landform with occasional rocky headland, and estuary mouths farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Alnmouth, Warkworth and influence of Amble predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Coastal sands, dunes and saltmarsh Influence of towns, but no other industry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Coastal aspect and local features create medium scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No significant vertical features Generally open with some local enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and railway on periphery of landscape character area and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skylines inland, some variety along coastal edge features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Warkworth Castle locally prominent not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Features of settlements and Warkworth Castle provide views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Alnmouth and Warkworth key visitor attractions and role of sandy beaches for recreation landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Parts of the landscape intervisible with neighbouring areas Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed some loss of field patterns Main coastal road linking key settlements and mainline railway Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Settlements, sandy beaches and estuaries significant coastal landscape features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Important road links and rail movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Estuaries and saltmarsh are rare features activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Busy transport links limit tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 14 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 6a Whittingham Vale

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating with some features of glacial deposition farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Whittingham and numerous farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable, pasture and parkland influences Disused railway line Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Valley landscapes and field pattern create medium scale features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Electricity pylons cross the landscape Undulating landform and woodland create some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and pylons create some linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Undulating surrounding hills and woodland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Extensive areas of rig and furrow not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Local views within valley landform attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths and small areas of access land, attraction of Edlingham Castle landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landform contains views Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some loss of hedgerows and lack of management of woodland A679 provides main transport route Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Agricultural valley landscape lacking distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Some movement but not prominent the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Typical agricultural valley landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Agricultural and local movement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 15 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 7a Hulne Park

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow steep sided valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Urban edge of Alnwick predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Extensive tree cover, arable and pastoral farmland and parkland No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Landform creates medium to small scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Valley landform and woodland create enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Prominent estate wall and local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Wooded and undulating features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Designed landscape with features of Alnwick Castle, Hulne Priory, and Brizlee Tower not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views are contained within the valley landscape and include features associated with Hulne Park attraction visitors, national and Alnwick Castle designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Alnwick Castle and Garden are important attractions intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landform constrains intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Well managed estate landscape transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Some visibility from road routes ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Designed landscape and estate wall, along with association with Alnwick Castle are distinctive continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Roads connect local centres providing some movement rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Combination of extensive policy woodland, valley landscape, and historic features is unique much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Management of woodland and farmland

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 16 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8a Doddington Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Chain of low hills with scarp slope farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Infrequent properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Moorland and woodland Quarry creates some human influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Undulating moorland and low hills features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Woodland and landform create enclosure in some places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Occasional roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Low ridge of hills with adjacent ridges to east and west features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Concentration of historic earthworks and cup and ring marks not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Scarp slope provides local landmark attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Golf course, areas of access land and network of paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Higher summits have some intervisibility, and hills relate to neighbouring valley Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some lack of management of field boundaries and overgrazing of moorland Local roads provide visibility and some recreational visitors Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Scarp slope and moorland provides some distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Landscape character type is found in several locations, but scarp slope is distinctive activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quarry, forestry access and local roads reduce sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 17 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8b Kyloe and Chillingham Hills

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Long chain of undulating hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Occasional properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Forestry plantations, estate woodland, parkland and moorland Some evidence of coal working Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Low undulating hills features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No prominent vertical features Enclosure within valleys and by woodland but generally open Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear features limited to local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple to undulating neighbouring ridges features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate woodland and parkland associated with Chillingham Castle, hill fort at Ros Castle not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Scarp slope and prominent hills provide local landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Chillingham Castle important attraction, rock climbing popular in Kyloe Hills, St Cuthbert’s Way, landscapes landscapes landscape National Trust land Higher hills have some intervisibility QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Some visibility from local roads Estate woodland and parkland well managed PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Combination of estate influences, moorland, forestry and estate influences railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Movement limited to local roads and visitors landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Moorland hill ridge with scarp slope and estate influences remoteness

Influences of tourist attraction and land management reduce sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 18 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8c Charlton Ridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently rolling, landscape with low hills and valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered farmsteads and settlement of South Charlton predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pasture and arable with some coniferous woodland blocks Agricultural landscape Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Larger scale in the north becoming smaller in scale to the south features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Some enclosure provided by valleys and woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Minor local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Immediate skylines are frequently shaped by the undulating landform of the adjacent character features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent area. Bewick Moor and Alnwick Moor form simple, distant skylines. landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Historic features are not a prominent feature of the landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Elevated highpoints allow expansive views of Bewick Moor, distant sea views across the farmed designation or coastal plain and distant views of Alnwick Moor. attraction Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively Local footpaths provide recreational value restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed landscapes landscapes landscape maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Views of the surrounding landscape are frequently obscured by the complex landform of landscape some elements in elements in poor this character area better repair repair Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Lack of maintenance of traditional field boundaries viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. sense of place Northumberland Few residential receptors and local road users, the A1 passes close to the east of this landscape Not a distinctive landscape character area, however views to this area are shielded by the rising landform. Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very the area features of some some unique landscape the area continuous movement on frequent movement occasional rarity features movement roads and movement movement Undulating upland landscape with few features of interest railways Landscape is crossed by a small number of local roads and footpaths Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Movement on roads creates human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 19 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8d Beanley Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Upland ridge with distinctive low hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered farmsteads and Glanton village predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture farmland, heather and forestry at summits Upland farmland landscape Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Areas of more open moorland and smaller scale areas features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Small part of landscape crossed by pylon line Some areas have greater enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Few local roads and short length of pylon line and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Undulating landform and surrounding skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Small scale parkland landscape at Hedgeley Hall, rich in forts and settlements not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Beanley Moor and the distinctly shaped Fawdon Hill range appear as key landmarks within views attraction visitors, national from this landscape. designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Network of footpaths and large area of access land over Beanley Moor intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed More elevated areas of the landscape have some intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some loss of hedgerow trees transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Some views from A697 and local roads ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Undulating upland ridge with some distinctive hills continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Traffic on local roads and A697 rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Farmland, crags, moorland and some estate influences much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Farmed landscape and some movement on roads

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 20 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8e Rothbury Forest

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad upland ridge with occasional crags farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Very limited settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Extensive grass and heather moorland with substantial forestry plantations Pylons provide industrial influence and evidence of small scale coal mining at Alnwick Moor Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale broad upland ridge features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylons provide vertical features Broad ridge with extensive views Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and pylons provide linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple undulating landform with some crags features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Prehistoric remains and influence of country estates not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Craggy cliffs form occasional landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of paths, large area of access land, Cragside Estate visitor attraction landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some areas of higher visibility, particularly in the east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed upland landscape Frequent road users on local roads, including the B6341 and the A697 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland moorland with occasional crags movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Frequent movement on roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Common landscape type with distinctive crags activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Land management and transport routes limit sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 21 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8f Harwood Forest

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating upland landscape farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Limited settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Extensive areas of coniferous forestry, semi improved grassland and heather moorland No industry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale upland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Open, expansive upland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and edges of forestry and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Expansive open skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic features limited influence on landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Expansive landscape without key features in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of footpaths and small area of access land landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Higher intervisibility in the east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Upland managed landscape A696 and B6342 provide visibility Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Expansive open moorland lacking distinctiveness movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Expansive upland landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Expansive upland character dominates

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 22 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 8g Sweethope and Blackdown

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gentle dip slope with occasional crags farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Upland landscape with no settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Moorland, forestry and pasture Historic evidence of quarrying Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Undulating landform, forestry and crags features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Straight edges of forestry and local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple sweeping skylines of adjacent hills and slopes features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Scattering of historic features such as enclosures and sheepfolds not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Crags provide local landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access land, network of paths, fishing at Sweethope Loughs landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Slope has higher intervisibility with neighbouring landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Managed as an upland forested landscape, moorland could be enhanced Limited receptors on local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland forested moorland with crags and loughs movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Minor and local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Several landscapes within this type activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Limited movement or activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 23 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 9a Coquetdale

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Flat valley bottom, steep valley sides, glacial deposits create undulating terrain farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Sharperton, Hepple and Thropton and Rothbury predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Variety of landcover between valley floors and sides with pasture, arable, woodland and gorse Sand and gravel extraction at Caistron scrub Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small features prominent vertical features features, but features Narrow twisting valley vertical features lacking Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed prominence enclosed in some open areas No vertical features places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Steep sides create enclosure features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, Roads and river aligned along valley floor predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Undulations of surrounding hillside, particularly within National Park landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Numerous tower houses and bastle houses and historic villages landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Tower and Bastle houses provide local features designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Some paths within valley, gateway to National Park intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landform constrains intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Roads provide access to Northumberland National Park ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Distinctive narrow, sinuous valley continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Busy village of Rothbury and main access routes to National Park rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Incised sinuous valley surrounded by steeply rising slopes much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Valley provides transport corridor with frequent human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 24 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 10a Rosebrough Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating upland moorland plateau farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Occasional farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Heather moorland, rough grazing and some coniferous plantation Some masts and tracks Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Open expansive plateau with large scale enclosure features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Some prominent masts Generally open with some enclosure in places provided by woodland blocks Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Minor roads and edges to forestry plantations and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Land falls to the east and rises gently to the west providing simple skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Numerous cairns, enclosures and cup and ring marked stones not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No key features, however some visibility from A1 corridor attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Areas of access land and network of paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Eastern areas have greater intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some lack of management of field boundaries, upland character Rural roads cross the area, some visibility from A1 corridor Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Lacks distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Limited movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland pasture and moorland, with only two areas within this type, however other extensive activity and noise sense of noise upland moorland areas which share similar characteristics remoteness Land management activity reduces sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 25 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 10b Alnwick Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently rising slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Sparsely settled, although close to the edge of Alnwick predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Moorland, pasture and forestry Prominent radar station and disused railway contribute industrial elements to the landscape Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Open, expansive landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Radar station and communication area prominent Little enclosure by landform or vegetation Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and linear forestry plantations and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple surrounding landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Small scale features such as cup and ring marked rocks and enclosures not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Expansive views across the coastal plain, and high visibility from A1 attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access land, few paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Upland moorland landscape with mosaic of heather management High level of intervisibility with coastal plain Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Association with Alnwick and distinctive radar dome provide sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Traffic movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise Only two areas within this type, however other extensive upland moorland areas which share remoteness similar characteristics

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 26 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 11a Belford Hills

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Sparsely settled but adjacent to edge of Belford predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pasture, moorland, gorse scrub and forestry No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Some communications masts in south of LCA Strong enclosure pattern, reinforced by areas of woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Many roads cross the landscape and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Coastal plain falls to the east, ridge to the west provides some variation features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate influences around Belford and rig and furrow not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Bamburgh Castle and the Farne Islands are prominent in views to the east from this landscape, but attraction visitors, national does not contain significant landmarks designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Network of paths including St Cuthbert’s Way intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed High level of intervisibility with adjacent landscapes maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Well managed although some lack of field boundary management transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Crossed by several roads and adjacent to A1 ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Wooded sloping farmland with estate influence continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Several roads cross the landscape rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Although only two areas within this type, several similar fringe farmland types much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to main transport routes and roads

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 27 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 11b Buteland and Colt Crag

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Farmsteads across the area predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable, pasture, moorland and forestry Current and previous quarrying of sandstone and whin outcrops Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium to large moorland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Limited enclosure, generally open moorland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Several roads and edges of forestry and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Upland of National Park to the west, more gentle landform to the east features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Evidence of past mining and rig and furrow not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of paths, areas of access land landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Strong intervisiblity with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some impacts of former mineral extraction Limited number of residents but main A68 crosses landscape Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Some crags and broadleaved woodland in ravines create local distinctiveness movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Network of local roads and A68 cross the landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland moorland and pasture activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Lack of settlement and open character

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 28 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 11c Hetton

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Simple, gently sloping shallow valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly arable with some woodland blocks No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale farmed fields within shallow valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Some enclosure provided by landform Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Surrounding skylines of more elevated land are largely simple features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some cup and ring marked rocks but no significant features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Important visual relationship with surrounding ridges attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Includes St Cuthbert’s Way long distance route landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Intervisibilty with neighbouring ridges and valleys, but not wider landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Field boundaries are fragmented in places but have been subject to re-planting Limited to local properties and minor roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Farmed valley lacking distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Very still with only occasional movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Important relationship with surrounding hill ridges activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Agricultural landscape away from main transport routes

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 29 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 12a Breamish Vale

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Rolling farmland with meandering river and floodplain farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small villages and farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Farmland with woodland Large sawmill, sand and gravel extraction Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium-large scale arable fields features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places None significant Generally open arable landscape, some enclosure by shelterbelts Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A697, River Breamish in places and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by distinct sandstone hills features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Chillingham Castle and policies, Devil’s Causeway not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Not greatly significant in views from neighbouring uplands attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Chillingham Castle and cattle landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Cheviots and Ros Castle are prominent in views out Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Declining management away from the main estates Small villages, A697 transport route Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sense of place largely lent by surrounding hills movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Generally rural landscape , though with A697 having local effect the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is common within the area, though the hill setting is more unique activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Utilitarian landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 30 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 13a Till and Glen Valleys

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Flat floodplain landscape farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Wooler, Milfield predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Intensive agriculture with blocky woodland Sand and gravel extraction Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large-scale floodplain features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Prominent pylons through valley Open floodplain enclosed by surrounding hills Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A697, pylon line, linear large field boundaries and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by surrounding hills features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historically important, but mainly buried archaeology not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks, though landscape forms foreground in views to hills attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Several attractions in neighbouring landscapes landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important relationship to Cheviots and Doddington Moor Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Sand and gravel extraction and tree/hedgerow loss A697 with open views, settlements Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Not greatly representative of Northumberland, though important to setting of Cheviots movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy A697, active rural landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Broad flat floodplain is a rare type in Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Sand and gravel extraction, farming activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 31 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 14a Moneylaws and Coldside

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Smooth rounded hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mix of upland land uses Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Generally large-scale upland landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Some enclosure on lower slopes Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines to the south and west formed by the Cheviots, open to the north and west features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic settlements, monument at Lanton not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Important features in views, monument at Lanton attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local paths, Flodden battlefield landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important part of foreground of Cheviots Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Limited receptors within this landscape Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Closely related to the distinctive Cheviot landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet upland landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Relatively unusual activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quiet upland landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 32 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 14b Wooler Foothills

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Smooth, rounded hills with denes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Fringes of Wooler predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Upland and upland fringe land use Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Mast above Wooler, pylons near South Middleton Denes are enclosed Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by the Cheviots and Doddington and Weetwood Moors features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Hill forts, not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Important features in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Important access to National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important part of foreground of Cheviots, backdrop to Wooler Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Limited receptors within this landscape Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Closely related to the distinctive Cheviot landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet upland landscape, proximity to Wooler the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Relatively unusual activity and noise sense of noise remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 33 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 14c Old Fawdon

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Smooth rounded hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rough grazing, with occasional forestry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Open upland landscape Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Cheviots form skyline to west, open to east features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Hill forts not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Hills are important in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Important access to the National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important part of foreground of Cheviots Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Very few receptors Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Closely related to the distinctive Cheviot landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet upland landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Relatively unusual activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quiet upland landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 34 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 15a Lilburn and Roddam

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating landform farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable, pasture and woodland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Line of pylons, mast at Brandon Enclosure in lower areas Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A697, pylons and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by Cheviots to the west, more open to the east features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate influences, historic buildings, hill forts not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks or significant views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access to National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important relationship with the Cheviots and the sandstone hills to the east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Well managed estate landscapes Little settlement, A697 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Associated with distinctive Cheviot landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Agricultural movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Estate landscapes have some rarity activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quite rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 35 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 15b Upper Coquet

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating landform farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Netherton, Snitter, farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable, pasture and woodland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Enclosure limited to valleys Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by Cheviots to the west, and Rothbury hills to east features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Medieval villages, field patterns not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks or significant views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access to National Park, national cycle route 68 landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important relationship with the Cheviots and the sandstone hills to the east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Evidence of ongoing management Little settlement, local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Associated with distinctive Cheviot landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Agricultural movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Important relationship with the surrounding hills activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quite rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 36 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 16a Halidon

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Simple slopes from Tweed up to Halidon Hill farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Little settlement but close to larger town predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Generally arable Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Prominent mast on Halidon Hill Little enclosure on slopes Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skyline of Halidon Hill, open views to south features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Battle site not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Halidon Hill is a key local landmark attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Viewpoint with interpretation landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Hill has relationship with landscapes to south, and to west along the Tweed Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Visible from A1 and A6105 passes through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinctive hill movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within A roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is common type throughout Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Close to Berwick, main roads

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 37 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 16b Duddo and Lowick

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating farmland varies in form, with denes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Well settled landscape though few substantial villages predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Generally arable Agricultural industry eg silos at Lowick Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Enclosure in some lower-lying areas Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear field boundaries and local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Generally simple skylines formed by undulating topography features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Ford village and castle, Duddo Stones not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Some important local landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Ford village is a popular attraction landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important views of the Cheviots in places, views north into Scotland Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Visible signs of positive management Well settled, A698 passes through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sense of place stronger around Ford movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Agricultural movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is common type throughout Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Human-influenced rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 38 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 16c East Learmouth

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating farmland varies in form farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Relatively well settled landscape, Cornhill predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Generally arable Agricultural industry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Line of Pylons crossing the landscape Enclosure in some lower-lying areas Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear field boundaries and local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Generally simple skylines formed by undulating topography features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Etal village and castle, Flodden battlefield not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Some important local landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Etal Castle and light railway are popular attractions landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important views of the Cheviots in places Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Visible signs of positive management Well settled, A698 and A697 pass through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sense of place stronger along Tweed and around Etal movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Agricultural movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is common type throughout Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Human-influenced rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 39 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 17a Horse Rigg

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Parallel ridges farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Large arable fields Medium-scale quarrying at Horse Rigg Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Generally exposed, few enclosed locations Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Field boundaries and plantations are linear in form and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skylines formed by undulating terrain features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Hill forts and historic settlements not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Not a prominent landscape attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider No significant path network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important relationship with Cheviots across the Bowmont valley Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some loss of field boundaries Few settlements, local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sense of place due to association with Cheviots movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Agricultural movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Closely related to rolling farmland and upland fringe types which are common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Although quiet, a strongly human-influenced landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 40 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 18a Bowmont Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow flat bottomed valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Woodland arable and pasture Sand and gravel extraction Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Surrounded by high hills Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Meandering river, roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features High hills to either side features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic ancient settlements, eg Ad Gefrin below Yeavering Bell, little visible not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views are limited to up/down the valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access to National Park eg Yeavering Bell footpath landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Overlooked by hills to north and south Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. River banks are neglected B road, farmsteads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Associated with distinctive Cheviots movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Narrow valley type is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Little human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 41 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 18b Wooler Vale

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow, flat-bottomed valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Edge of Wooler predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Urban fringe, farmland and woodland Caravan park, light industry/commercial Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylons along western edge Surrounded by higher hills Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A697 and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features High hills to either side features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views are limited to up/down the valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Caravan park, local footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Overlooked by hills to east and west, and from Wooler Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Affected by urban fringe land uses A697, edge of Wooler Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Edge of Wooler movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Urban fringe activity, busy A697 the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Narrow valley type is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Urban fringe land uses reduce tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 42 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 18c Upper Breamish

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Floodplain and outlying hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mostly open grassland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Line of pylons crosses the landscape Floodplain enclosed by hills Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Pylon line and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines vary from simple ridges to more complex views framed by the valley features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Chapel at Brandon, rig and furrow not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views are limited to up/down the valley, including the Cheviots in places attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Caravan park, local footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Relationship with outliers of the Cheviots Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Local roads, few farmsteads, limited views from the A68 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sense of place largely relates to adjacent Cheviots movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Rural landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Not a unique landscape type activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Human features evident, though quiet

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 43 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 18d Upper Aln

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Simple broad valley with some glacial landforms farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small hamlets predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mixed farmland and estates Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Lower valley enclosed, while upper slopes more open Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads are only significant linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Formed by Cheviots to west, and hills to north-east and south-east features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Medieval villages not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks, views generally look beyond attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access to National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Strong relationship with Cheviots and hills to east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Signs of positive management on estates Few settlements, minor roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Estate influence and relationship to Cheviots movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Rural landscape movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Not a unique landscape type activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Human features evident, though quiet

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 44 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 19a Kielder and Redesdale Forests

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Moorland plateau farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Hardly settled at all predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Dominated by forestry and moorland Industrial forestry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large-scale upland landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Cluster of masts on Deadwater Fell Open and exposed, although forestry offers some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Occasional linear forestry edges and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by plateau landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Occasional cairns, earthworks, etc not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks, views generally contained attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Forest drive and less-used walking routes landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Not highly visible from outside, due to landform and forestry Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Working forest, so condition varies with felling regimes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Extensive forested moors are distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Working forestry the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or This is the only landscape of such great extent within the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Man-made landscape and forestry working

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 45 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 19b Kielder Reservoir

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Variety lent by differing scales of inlets and valleys around the reservoir farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Kielder village is only significant settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Dominated by moorland and forestry, and the reservoir Industrial forestry, reservoir structures Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Some smaller-scaled ‘arms’ of the reservoir features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Some inlets are enclosed, reservoir itself very open Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Lakeside road, Kielder dam, forestry edges and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Mostly formed by forested moor features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views of and around the reservoir attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Kielder Reservoir is an important tourist destination with significant infrastructure landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Only related to the surrounding moors Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Actively managed woodland and lakeside Lakeside road, Kielder village Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional The large reservoir is a distinctive feature of the Northumberland landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Relatively busy during tourist season the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Large reservoir in upland setting is unique within the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Overtly man-made landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 46 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 20a Otterburn and Elsdon Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad valley basin farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Otterburn is only significant settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pasture with coniferous and broadleaf woodland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Telegraph poles Open basin, enclosed at edges Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A68 and River Rede, though the latter is less significant and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines defined by valley sides features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Otterburn village, historic buildings and Roman sites not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views are limited by topography attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Through route, tourists on A68 landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Related to neighbouring uplands Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some neglect of river banks A68, some settlement Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Otterburn is a distinctive settlement movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy A68 the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland fringe valley landscape is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Busy roads, proximity to Otterburn Camp

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 47 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 20b Bellingham and Woodburn Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Incised valleys, merging tributaries farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Bellingham is largest settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Textured feel from rig and furrow and wet pasture Evidence of past mineral extraction Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Incised valleys often enclosed Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines defined by valley sides features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Rig and furrow, Roman sites not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views channelled by valleys attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access to National Park and Kielder Reservoir landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Related to uplands to east and west Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some pastures neglected, woodland well maintained Local roads, A68, relatively well settled Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Some features lend a sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Rural landscape with local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland fringe valley landscape is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Relatively well settled landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 48 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 20c Upper North Tyne Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Clearly defined floodplain farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mixed farmland and woodland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Enclosed by higher ground to north and south Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads, dismantled railway and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines defined by valley sides features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Bastles, rig and furrow, estate parkland not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views channelled by valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Important for access to Kielder Reservoir and the National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Related to uplands to north and south, and Kielder Reservoir Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some pastures neglected, woodland well maintained Local routes, relatively settled Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Historic features give a sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Local roads, agricultural movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland fringe valley landscape is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Settled rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 49 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 21a Corsenside Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Upland plateau with occasional outcrops farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rough grazing and heather moor dominate Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Little or no enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Formed by plateau landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Earthworks, hill forts not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views limited, few landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Pennine Way passes through, adjacent to National Park landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Relationship with valley to east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Very few farmsteads, minor roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rocky outcrops are distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Little movement, few roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Open uplands relatively uncommon activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Artillery range

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 50 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 21b Ealingham Rigg

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Long upland ridge farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Very few properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rough grazing dominates Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Prominent mast above Bellingham Little or no enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Ealingham Rigg itself a prominent hill attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider National Park footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Strong relationship with valleys to east and north Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Very few receptors but visible from Tyne Valley to north Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rocky outcrops are distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Empty upland landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Open uplands relatively uncommon activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quiet upland landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 51 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 21c Otterburn Plateau

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Upland plateau and narrow valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few properties, Otterburn Camp predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mainly rough grazing, some plantations Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Enclosure within valleys Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Formed by plateau landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Rig and furrow, bastles, earthworks, Dere Street not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views limited, few landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider National Park, activity restricted by military training landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Relationship with valley to east Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Very few farmsteads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rocky outcrops and valleys are distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Military activity the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Open uplands relatively uncommon activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Military training and firing

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 52 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 22a Devil’s Water and Hinterland

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Complex landscape of incised valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent small villages and scattered settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Wooded denes and mixed farmland Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Valleys and undulating landform create medium-small scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Valley landform and woodland creates some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Sinuous valleys and roads relate to landform and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simpler moorland landscapes adjoin the LCA, some variation within the rolling landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Saxon and medieval villages,, medieval rig and furrow and sixteenth and seventeenth century field not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is patterns views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Local views within valleys and to historic buildings recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Network of paths Valley landscape surrounded by higher hills QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Frequent settlement and minor local roads Some lack of field boundary management PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Incised wooded denes railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Local movement, no key through routes landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Incised wooded valleys with native woodland are found in several locations throughout remoteness Northumberland but rare overall Proximity to Hexham and frequent settlement provide activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 53 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 22b Dipton Wood and Slaley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Incised valleys and open farmland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Village of Slaley and frequent properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Wooded gorges, commercial forestry and mixed farming Some settlement and historic mills but no industrial influences Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Open farmland with large scale enclosure features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line crosses part of landscape at Corbridge Common Field boundaries, valley landform and woodland create some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and pylon line and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Largely simple and smooth skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Medieval village of Slaley and medieval field patterns, and rig and furrow not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Local landmarks include crags and wooded denes attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of footpaths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Some intervisibility from higher areas of land Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Coniferous woodland masks distinctive landform in places and lack of management of field Local roads, small village of Slaley and dispersed properties boundaries PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Incised ravines with rocky outcrops and waterfalls create locally distinctive and intimate railways landscapes Movement for agricultural activities and local travel Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or the area features of some some unique landscape the area activity and noise sense of noise rarity features remoteness Incised wooded valleys with crags, waterfalls and native woodland are found in several locations Visual association with upland moorland areas throughout Northumberland but rare overall

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 54 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 23a Lower South Tyne

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Incised valley of River South Tyne and tributaries farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent small villages and scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Improved and semi improved pasture, parkland and rougher grazing on upper slopes Historical quarrying and mining and disused railways Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad valley reaching to moorland slopes features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Enclosure created by valley landform and regular field Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Landscape is criss-crossed by local roads and railways and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features High moorland ridgelines overlook valley features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Featherstone Castle and parkland, medieval influences not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Rocky outcrops and waterfalls, and focus of main river valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Contains a network of paths and several elements of the national cycle network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landscape with some intervisibility with neighbouring slopes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some lack of woodland management and field boundaries Important recreational landscape and local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad river valley with incised tributaries movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Local roads and recreational use the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Fringes of the Pennine dales with some distinct characteristics activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Agricultural upland fringe landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 55 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 23b Lower Allenheads

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Incised sinuous valley of the River Allen farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Richly wooded semi natural vegetation and open pasture No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Intimate dale landscapes and more open to the south features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Valley landform creates enclosure along with medium small field pattern Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Few roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skylines of surrounding moorland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Limited influence of historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views limited by landform and woodland and lack of transport routes attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of paths and access to woodland landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Restricted by valley landform Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some lack of management of woodland and field boundaries Limited receptors, few properties or transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Incised wooded valley, with limited settlement movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Lack of access within the landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Fringes of the Pennine dales with some distinct characteristics activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Wooded valley landscape and agricultural

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 56 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 23c Lower Derwent

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Deep winding gorge, with gentle and steep sided slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered farms in lower valley reaches predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Areas of pasture and dense woodland Local influence of dam and outflow of River Derwent, waterworks at Mosswood, disused quarry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small and historic mining activity Medium scale open gentle slopes and steep, deeply incised valley create smaller scale Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed features prominent vertical features features, but features enclosed in some open areas vertical features lacking places prominence Valley landform, although more open on some upper valley slopes None VISUAL CRITERIA Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features predictable some variety unpredictable features features prominence and interrupted Some local roads Smooth surrounding skylines Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape important to aspect of the landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important landscape landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is No strong influence of historic features views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Wooded gorge provides local focus recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Parking and access at Derwent Dam, but limited within valley Deep valley landform restricts intervisibility QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Limited settlement and local roads however A68 runs at northern valley edge Some loss of field boundaries on upper valley slopes, lack of woodland management PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Deep winding gorge, distinctive feature railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Sparsely settled but local roads provide access to Derwent Reservoir landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Rarer landscape with deep wooded gorge and limited settlement remoteness Sparsely settled valley but proximity to popular attraction of Derwent Reservoir

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 57 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 24a Middle South Tyne

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Steep sloping valley sides and wooded gills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Dispersed pattern of hamlets and farms. predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Complex mix of woodland and in-bye pastures No current industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Relatively narrow incised valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Communications masts at Knarsdale Narrow valley with some flood meadows, and incised valleys of tributaries which join the main Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None river course features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, Roads, disused railway and river course all provide parallel linear features predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Enclosed by smooth moorland ridgelines landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Roman road, disused railway, legacies of mining and quarrying landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national River forms focus within the valley landscape designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Pennine Way, South Tyne Trail, national cycle network, Isaac’s Tea Trail and local paths intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landscape surrounded by moorland tops limits intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Majority of landscape elements are in good condition, some opportunity to enhance field transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. boundaries A689 runs along valley Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Fairly straight valley landscape surrounded by moorland movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on main and local roads and recreational routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Fairly straight coursed, middle dales are infrequently occurring landscapes activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Settled but largely tranquil

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 58 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 24b Middle West Allen

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Steep valley sides with incised gills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Improved pasture with trees along field boundaries Disused quarries and mines but no modern industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Narrow but straight valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No notable vertical features Narrow steep sided valley. Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear course of river, local roads and A686 above valley floor and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skylines of surrounding moorland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No significant features beyond stone walls and historical mining and quarrying not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and River provides focus in local views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Isaacs’s tea trail is the only recreational route landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landscape surrounded by higher moorland restricts intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Landscape elements generally well managed, some opportunity to enhance field boundaries A686 runs above valley floor, but sparsely settled valley Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sparsely settled straight coursed valley landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Limited movement within valley the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Fairly straight coursed, middle dales are infrequently occurring landscapes activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Limited settlement and only minor local roads within landscape creates tranquillity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 59 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 24c Middle East Allen

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad shallow valley, becoming steeper and more defined to the south farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Allendale Town, frequent dispersed properties and farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Improved pasture, woodland and semi improved pasture on upper slopes No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad valley with gently sloping sides features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Few communications masts in north Valley landform provides physical enclosure and strong enclosure pattern Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Network of local roads and strong enclosure pattern and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Smooth moorland forms surrounding skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Legacies of lead mining and strong enclosure pattern not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Local views within valley landscape but no key features attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Extensive network of paths, Isaac’s tea trail landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landscape with surrounding moorland hills has limited intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed, some opportunity to enhance field boundaries Local roads and Allendale Town Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad, settled valley landscape, not highly distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Settlement and local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Broad, shallow valley with settlement activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Settled landscape with human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 60 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 24d Middle Devil’s Water

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Shallow valley with moorland slopes and incised tributary burns farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mixed broadleaved and coniferous woodland, pasture and gorse lined incised valleys No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Upland valley landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Enclosure provided by valley landform Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Minor road and strong enclosure pattern and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Surrounding slopes of smooth moorland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No notable historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No key landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Upland valley surrounded by higher moorland hills Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Additional management of woodland and field boundaries would be beneficial Few residents and one minor local road Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland moorland valley movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remote upland valley the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Large areas of upland moorland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Limited human activity in upland valley

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 61 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 24e Middle Derwent

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow valley to the east becoming broader to the west and containing Derwent Reservoir farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Blanchland and scattered farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Heavily wooded with parkland and estate influences, coniferous plantations and areas of pasture Man made form of reservoir and dam, but otherwise limited industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broader vale to the east features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Incised valley more enclosed, more open to the east Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and edges to blocky coniferous plantations and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Smooth surrounding moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Blanchland Abbey and parkland and estate landscapes not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Derwent Reservoir forms a key landmark and visual focus attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Derwent Reservoir is an important recreational and visitor attraction landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Limited intervisibility of valley landscape surrounded by higher moorland hills Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some opportunity to enhance areas of coniferous forestry and field boundaries Popular destination and views from transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Recognisable landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Many visitors and local transport routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Few upland reservoirs activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Man made reservoir, coniferous forestry and popularity as a visitor destination reduce remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 62 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 25a Blenkinsopp Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating upland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Semi natural grass and heather moorland Disused quarries and mining in evidence and A69 and pylons introduce human features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad upland ridge features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line and mast introduce some vertical features Open moorland with gently undulating topography Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Pylon line and A69 influence northern part of LCA and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Smooth moorland slopes features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some Roman features and evidence of settlement, along with historic mining not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Important backdrop to the Tyne Gap and views along Hadrian’s Wall, although does not contain attraction visitors, national distinctive features designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Pennine Way, large areas of access land intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Some intervisibility with neighbouring valley landscapes but limited overall maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some lack of management of stone walls transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to A69 crosses LCA, and some visibility as a backdrop to Hadrian’s Wall ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Open upland moorland character but lacking distinctive features continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Movement limited to transport on A69 rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Extensive areas of upland moorland found in upland fringe landscapes much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Largely upland and remote in character

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 63 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 25b Hartleyburn and Knarsdale Commons

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Steep sided valleys and slopes with complex drainage patterns surrounding smooth moorland farmsteads tops No settlement Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial predictable occasional lacking landcover or brownfield features influence small scale influence limited variety in variety complexity resulting in land industry landcover mosaic effect No industry, although some evidence of past mining activity Semi natural grass and heather moorland Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small features prominent vertical features features, but features Open moorland tops and enclosed valleys vertical features lacking Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed prominence enclosed in some open areas No vertical features places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Some enclosure within incised valleys features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, Straight sided edges of coniferous plantation predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Smooth moorland tops landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Some evidence of past mining activity landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Forms an important backdrop to the South Tyne Valley designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Nearly whole area access land, Pennine way on eastern edge intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Higher summits have strong intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Typically well managed moorland landscape transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Main transport routes on the valley floor ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Upland fringe moorland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Limited movement within the landscape, no roads within LCA rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Moorland with incised valleys much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to valley transport routes reduces remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 64 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 25c Whitfield Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad undulating plateau farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Dispersed farmsteads in the north of the LCA predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Heather moorland and peat Evidence of historical mining activity, but no industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Expansive large scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Open moorland plateau Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and field boundaries provide linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Evidence of past mining activity not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Wallace Crags to the west and the centrally located Whitefield Lough provide features of interest attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Extensive areas of access land and network of paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Elevated areas have higher intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed with some issues associated with management of open moorland Viewers limited to local roads and sparse settlement Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad moorland plateau, few distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Limited movement on local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Extensive area of upland moorland, with a strong sense of remoteness activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Much of the area, particularly to the south has a strong sense of remoteness and solitude.

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 65 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 25d Allen Common and Mohope/Acton Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Ridges and slopes surrounding steep sided valleys, and incised by burns farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Limited settlement predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Enclosed pasture and moorland Evidence of historic mining activity, but no modern industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Sloping valley sides and open ridge tops features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Mining chimney, but not other vertical features Some enclosure within incised valleys, but open character on elevated ridges Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Minor roads and field boundaries and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently sloping open moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Evidence of past mining activity not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and The mining chimney at Dryburn Moor is a local landmark and disused mines on Hesleywell Moor attraction visitors, national are also notable features. The crags at Brownley Hill are also local landmarks. designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Extensive areas of access land, local paths, Isaac’s Tea Trail and national cycle network route 7 intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Upland ridges have high levels of intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Generally well managed with some issues affecting moorland management transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Proximity to valley settlements such as Allendale Town, Allenheads and Nenthead, and minor ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland roads cross the landscape sense of place Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Upland ridges extending between valley landscapes, some distinctive mining relict landscapes Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique continuous movement on frequent movement occasional landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within movement roads and movement movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area railways rarity features Movement limited to minor roads Upland pasture and moorland Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Fairly remote upland landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 66 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 25e Hexhamshire and Bulbeck Commons

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad upland ridges with steeper valley slopes and incised burns farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Occasional farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly heather moorland with some coniferous plantations No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Sloping valley sides, incised valleys and open moorland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Some enclosure within incised valleys, but generally open Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Some minor roads and field boundaries and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic farming and mining routes cross the landscape, but no significant features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Occasional waterfalls within incised valleys attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Extensive areas of access land and a network of paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Elevated areas are extensively intervisible with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed with some issues affecting moorland management Some local roads cross the landscape, and views from roads and settlements within valley Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland ridges with visual association with adjoining valley landscapes movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Limited movement on minor roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland moorland plateau activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Open moorland with strong sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 67 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 26a Healey

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating with small incised valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture farmland and extensive forestry plantations Pylon line crosses northern part of landscape Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium to large scale enclosure pattern, with some incised valleys features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line crosses northern area of landscape Some enclosure within valley landscapes, generally open Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads, pylon line and edges to plantations create linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Smooth upland slopes beyond intervening valleys features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Country houses with associated parkland and estate landscapes such as Slaley Hall and not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Minsteracres views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Local paths and cycle route Elevated areas have high intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Dispersed properties and local roads Woodland restructuring and enhancement of enclosure pattern would improve quality PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Lacking distinctive features railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Limited movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Upland farmland with forestry and estate influences remoteness Upland woodland and farmland

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 68 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 27a Upper West Allen

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Steep and shallow slopes, incised by narrow gullies farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered small farms and farm clusters predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rough pasture, small areas of mixed woodland Historic influence of lead mining and quarrying Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Shallow and broad dale features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Enclosure provided by dale enclosed by higher moorland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads follow valley floor and stone walls create linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Wealth of historic features associated with mining industry which often form relic landscapes not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Remnants of past mining activity provide local interest attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths and Isaac’s Tea Trail landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Dale landform surrounded by higher moorland restricts visibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Well managed landscape Local roads and scattered properties Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Part of upland moorland landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Some through roads but quiet rural landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland dale with historic mining influences activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Remote landscape on the margins of settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 69 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 27b Upper East Allen

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Sinuous river course within narrow V shaped valley which broadens to the north farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Allenheads and dispersed farmsteads and barns give rise to a relatively populated character predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Enclosed rough and unimproved pasture and coniferous plantations Historic industrial influences on landscape, occasional masts Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broader vale features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Enclosed vale landform merging with rising moorland slopes Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads run parallel to river course and strong enclosure pattern and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Surrounding skylines formed by smooth moorland tops features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Wealth of historic features associated with mining industry which often form relic landscapes not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No key landmarks identified although areas of past mining activity provide local interest attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths, national cycle network route 7, Isaac’s Tea Trail landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Enclosed vale landform restricts views Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Well managed landscape Settlement of Allendale Head, many dispersed properties and through route of B6295 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Settled upper dale landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Through route on B6295 the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Settled upland dale with historic mining influences activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Many dispersed properties and local roads

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 70 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 28a River Irthing

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads River Irthing has cut a steep sided gorge, and gentler valley slopes surround the course of farmsteads Hadrian’s Wall Small villages of Gilsland, Longbyre and Greenhead Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial predictable occasional lacking landcover or brownfield features influence small scale influence limited variety in variety complexity resulting in land industry landcover mosaic effect Small rural villages, railway Pasture, scrub and rough grazing, with woodland associated with the River Irthing Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small features prominent vertical features features, but features Incised valley to the west with gently sloping valley landscape to the east vertical features lacking Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed prominence enclosed in some open areas Occasional masts places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Enclosure associated with course of the River Irthing, less strongly defined to the east features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, Hadrian’s Wall, railway , river, hedges and stone walls create strong linear features predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Surrounding smooth moorland skylines landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Hadrian’s Wall and the Stanegate, visual presence of Thirlwall Castle landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Hadrian’s Wall is a landmark feature, Thirlwall Castle is also prominent designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Network of local paths, Pennine Way, Hadrian’s Wall path and national cycle route 72 intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landform restricts intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Well managed transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to B6318 provides main through route, and several small villages ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Hadrian’s Wall provides a distinctive landscape feature continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Local roads, visitors and settlement create movement rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Association with Hadrian’s Wall rare within Northumberland much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Rugged upland character but influenced by settlement and transport routes

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 71 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 29a North Tyne Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently sloping and undulating valley sides dissected by a repeating pattern of tributary streams farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several small villages and dispersed properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable, pasture and valley floor meadows and high concentration of woodland No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad valley and medium scale field pattern features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Broad valley landform provides enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Hadrian’s Wall, dismantled railway, roads, river and stone walls all create linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Predominantly smooth moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Parklands and estates, Hadrian’s Wall and major fort at Chesters not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Parklands and estates, river and Hadrian’s Wall provide importance in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Hadrian’s Wall path, network of local paths, parkland and estate landscapes including Chipchase landscapes landscapes landscape Castle, Chester, Brunton House, Haughton Castle, and Nunwick. Valley landform restricts intervisibility QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Several villages, dispersed properties and local transport routes Well managed landscape PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Broad settled valley of the North Tyne with high concentration of woodland railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique A6079 and network of ‘B’ and minor roads landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Few broad river valleys within Northumberland remoteness Settled river valley with main transport routes

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 72 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 30a Haltwhistle to Newbrough

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Narrow well defined valley floor farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Proximity of Haltwhistle, Bardon Mill and Haydon Bridge within landscape character area predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly pastoral with areas of wooded gorge Some industrial development on flood plain at Haydon Bridge, edge of Haltwhistle, sewage works, Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small caravan site Narrow but linear valley Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed features prominent vertical features features, but features enclosed in some open areas vertical features lacking places prominence Rising valley sides create enclosure, and medium scale field pattern No vertical features VISUAL CRITERIA Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features predictable some variety unpredictable features features prominence and interrupted River railway, A69 and local roads Largely simple surrounding moorland skylines Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape important to aspect of the landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important landscape landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Historic industrial influences of mining, mills, industry and architecture views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for River and gorge provide focus in views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Network of local paths and national cycle route 72 Narrow valley restricts intervisibility QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Views from railway and A69 and proximity to Haltwhistle and Haydon Bridge Well managed landscape with some opportunity to enhance field boundaries PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Straight, narrow river valley with wooded gorge in places railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Movement on A69 and railway landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise An infrequently occurring landscape remoteness Influence of transport routes and proximity to settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 73 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 30b Newbrough to Corbridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently sloping valley sides surrounding river course farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Part of Hexham within LCA and visual influence of Corbridge predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture farmland, riparian woodland and settlement Several industrial areas at Hexham, focused in this locality Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broader river valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line crosses valley to east of Hexham Broad valley landform creates enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Main roads, railway and river and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Some variety with valley of River North Tyne, settlement and low farmed ridges features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Towns have historic cores, but no significant historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and River provides visual focus, and also smoke plumes of chipboard factory at Hexham attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Some local paths, national cycle network route 72, golf courses and parks at Hexham landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landform restricts intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Mixed farming with influence of industry Frequent settlements and main transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad settled river valley movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement on main roads, railway and associated with settlement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or An infrequently occurring landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Strong influence of transport routes and settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 74 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 30c Corbridge to Wylam

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Low lying valley floor and gentle valley slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several larger villages and Prudhoe town predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mixed farming, woodland, industry Previous gravel extraction, dumping of chalk waste, extensive industrial development at Prudhoe Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad, shallow valley with gentle surrounding slopes features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylons pass through a small part of the landscape at the eastern edge Broad valley creates some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads, railway and river are prominent features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Undulating low hills, occasionally cut by narrow valleys features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate landscapes such as Bywell and Styford Hall, subtle evidence of historic industrial activity not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and River forms feature in valley views, as do 18th century estate landscapes and castles attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider National cycle network 72, Hadrian’s Wall Path, local paths, National Trust properties landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landform restricts intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Wooded and farmed landscape with opportunity for enhanced management of field boundaries High visibility due to main transport routes and settlement Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad river valley closely associated with settlement in places movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Main transport routes and settlement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Broad settled river valley activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Settlement and transport routes limit sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 75 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31a Tipalt Burn

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Shallow valley, with slopes less pronounced to the east farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small villages and farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Semi natural woodland, mixed conifer plantations, parkland and pasture Industrial influence limited to that of pylons Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium scale valley landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line on northern valley side and occasional masts Enclosure provided by valley landform and areas of woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A69 and railway run side by side along the valley floor and pylon line crosses valley and northern and interrupted slopes Gently undulating low summits Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape important to aspect of the landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important landscape landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Influence of estate landscapes of Blenkinsopp Hall and Blenkinsopp Castle views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Estate woodlands and Blenkinsopp Hall provide local landmarks recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Some local paths, national cycle network route 72 Valley landform limits visibility QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair A69 and railway provide visibility Generally well managed although some opportunity to enhance management of field boundaries PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA and woodland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to continuous movement on frequent movement occasional ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland movement roads and movement movement sense of place Northumberland railways Shallow pastoral valley with strong estate influences Main road and railway provide movement in valley floor Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or the area features of some some unique landscape the area activity and noise sense of noise rarity features remoteness Several landscape character areas within this type Transport routes and settlement reduce sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 76 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31b Haltwhistle to Bridge End

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads South facing slope above River South Tyne, more gentle in the west and steeper in places in the farmsteads east Several settlements extend onto the valley slopes Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial predictable occasional lacking landcover or brownfield features influence small scale influence limited variety in variety complexity resulting in land industry landcover mosaic effect Pylons and disused quarries at Newbrough introduce some industrial elements Pasture and areas of semi natural woodland in gullies Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small features prominent vertical features features, but features Slopes of broader valley vertical features lacking Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed prominence enclosed in some open areas Pylon line runs along the upper slopes places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Incised gullies cross the slopes in places and the slopes form part of the wider valley landscape features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, A69 and valley topography, along with pylon line create linear features predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Low undulating ridge crossed in places by incised valleys landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Some larger houses and estates on slopes and historic valley side settlements landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Incised wooded gullies provide some visual focus on valley sides, but not of wider significance designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Local paths and national cycle network route 72 intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landform limits visibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some loss of field boundaries and lack of management of semi natural woodland transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Slopes visible from A69, railway and settlements ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Valley slopes lacking distinctive features continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area A69 main route with frequent movement rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Several landscape character areas within this type much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Valley functions as a transport corridor and settlement reduces sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 77 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31c North Plenmeller Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Slightly irregular north facing valley slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few scattered properties within the landscape predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Poorly drained pasture and coniferous woodland No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Slopes of broad river valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Valley slopes linking to upland landscape of Plenmeller Common Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Minor roads and straight edges of woodland and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently undulating slopes of Plenmeller Common features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No significant historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No significant landmarks, but features in views from valley floor attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landform restricts intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some loss of field boundaries A69, railway and valley settlements provide receptors Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Lower valley slopes with woodland blocks, linking to moorland movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within A69 main route with frequent movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Several areas within this type characterised by valley slopes associated with moorland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Valley slopes influenced by proximity to settlement and transport routes on valley floor, but also association with upland landscape of Plenmeller Common

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 78 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31d Langley to Stocksfield

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Sloping valley sides associated with bluffs, curving river valley and incised tributary valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Influence of several towns including Hexham predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pasture and woodland and patches of gorse and bracken Influence from urban areas and pylons but no industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Valley slopes and association with moorland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylons cross the valley to the east of Hexham Enclosure formed by valley landform, although also visual association with more open moorland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads, pylon line and edges to woodland and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently undulating moorland skylines cut in places by incised valleys features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic settlement but no other significant historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Waterfalls are a key feature along the valley sides and lines or clumps of Scots pine form attraction visitors, national distinctive landmarks designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Local recreational use intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Lower slopes have restricted intervisibilty, however higher slopes have greater intervisibility maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Opportunity for enhancement of field boundaries and woodland management transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Proximity to main settlements and transport routes ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Slopes form part of wider valley landscape but not distinctive in themselves continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Several settlements and local roads rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Several areas within this type characterised by valley slopes associated with moorland much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to settlements creates stronger human influence

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 79 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31e Stocksfield to Prudhoe

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Rising valley slopes less steep to the east farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Majority of LCA taken up by urban areas of Painshawfield and Prudhoe predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Urban areas, arable, pasture and some woodland Strong urban influence, and industrial area at Low Prudhoe, outwith LCA Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Medium sized field pattern on open slopes above broad valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Mast at edge of Prudhoe Open valley slopes above broad valley, little woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and settlement edge create linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple farmland skyline features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Remains of Prudhoe Castle not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Landscape forms background to settlement attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Network of local paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Lower slopes restricted, but upper slopes have greater intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Field boundaries well maintained Close proximity to settlement and transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Peri urban agricultural landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Frequent movement associated with settlement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Farmland slopes closely associated with urban area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to settlement limits sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 80 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31f Acomb to Ovington

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Irregular slopes rising gently above valley floor farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Frequent villages and small towns of Acomb and Corbridge predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Estates, parkland, woodland and mixed farmland Industrial influence limited to urban areas and main roads Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Gentle slopes, medium to large field pattern features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Woodland and undulations of landform create some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A68 and A69 along with local roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Smooth moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Concentration of estates and parkland and features such as cultivation terraces not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Estates and historic buildings provide local features in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local network of paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Visibility limited beyond immediate valley landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Generally well managed with some opportunity to enhance management of field boundaries Several villages and main transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Estate landscapes contribute some distinctive features to the wooded and farmland slopes movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Frequent movement on A69 and A68 the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Well wooded estate influenced landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Frequent settlement and main roads limit sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 81 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 31g Ovington to Wylam

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gentle and more irregular slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several small villages within LCA predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture with some woodland within tributary valleys and coniferous plantations Minor influence of pylons in the east, but limited industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Small to medium sized field pattern, open, gentle slopes features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Two pylon lines cross the eastern part of the LCA Some enclosure provided by valley landform and woodland Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads which cut across contours, field boundaries and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Largely gentle and regular skyline slopes features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic settlements of Ovington and Hornsley not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and No distinctive landmarks, but slopes are a feature in local views from the valley, and allow views attraction visitors, national to the south designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Network of local paths intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Valley landform limits visibility, although some views to the south maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some loss of field boundaries and development pressure transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Several settlements within and adjacent to the LCA, and main transport routes ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Gently sloping farmed valley slopes continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Movement on local roads rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Ancient woodland in tributary valleys provides some rarity, but farmed slopes are comment much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to settled valley floor

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 82 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 32a Howden Hill

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Simple moorland slopes incised by upland burns farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in No properties within LCA predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mat grass moorland No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Gently undulating open moorland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Open and exposed moorland landscape Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Some field boundaries and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Sheepfolds, cairns and settlement are small scale landscape features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Landscape contains no key features attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Access land, but no paths within LCA landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS The elevated moorland has some intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Upland moorland landscape, limited management requirements No transport routes or settlement within LCA, and landform limits views from nearby roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland moorland typical of Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within No movement within the landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland moorland landscape type often found in Northumberland activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Remote upland landscape, removed from human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 83 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 32b Haltwhistle, Melkridge and Ridley Commons

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating moorland and slopes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Dispersed farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Moorland and semi-improved pasture Disused mineral workings at Oaky Knowe Crags Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Part of extensive open moorland plateau features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line extends through the LCA west to east Open moorland landscape Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and pylon line and parallel ridges of cuesta landscape provide linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Gently rolling moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Evidence of cord rig cultivation near Haltwhistle and close association with Hadrian’s Wall not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Crags provide some features in local views, visual association with Hadrian’s Wall attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Several campsites, network of paths, access land and national cycle network route 72. Gateway landscapes landscapes landscape to Hadrian’s Wall Some intervisibility with surrounding landscapes from more elevated areas QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair Close proximity to B6318 and network of local roads but limited settlement Landscape features are in good condition PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Cuesta landscape provides distinctive features railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Movement on B6318, local roads and recreational activity landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Less common cuesta landscape remoteness Landscape has remote character because of narrow roads, sparse settlement and extensive agriculture

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 84 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 33a Erring Burn

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Shallow valley with gently undulating topography farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few farmsteads comprising historic buildings and modern barns predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Arable and pasture with field trees No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad, gently undulating valley features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Broadly enclosed by valley landform and hedgerow trees provide pattern of enclosure in parts Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable The route of the A68 cuts strongly across the landscape and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Open and uncluttered skyline features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Pele tower at Cocklaw and rig and furrow earthworks not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Few footpaths and little evidence of recreational use landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS As a shallow upland valley this area has limited intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Fair condition although loss of field boundaries Few residents but visibility from A68 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Shallow upland valley lacking distinctive characteristics movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within A68 crosses through the landscape providing movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Farmed upland landscape shares characteristics with other upland areas activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Rural and tranquil character although influenced by A69

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 85 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 34a Acomb Ridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently rising to low ridge farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few scattered farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Poorly drained and semi improved pasture, and small woodland blocks Some disused quarries and mine shafts Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line passes from west to east in southern section of LCA Some woodland blocks and field boundaries, however little enclosure provided by landform Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Hadrian’s Wall earthwork and B6318, and pylon line all run parallel east to west, A68 runs north and interrupted to south Smooth moorland skylines Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape important to aspect of the landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important landscape landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Significant earthworks of Hadrian’s Wall and historic mining activity views local views views important in Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for Landscape includes earthworks of Hadrian’s Wall recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction visitors, national restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part designation or intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider attraction landscapes landscapes landscape Hadrian’s Wall path and network of local routes, battle site and parking An elevated ridge with high intervisibility with surrounding landscapes QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and maintained managed, with managed with some landscape properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main landscape some elements in elements in poor transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. better repair repair B6318 and A68 provide visibility, but few residents Extensively managed upland landscape with lack of management of field boundaries PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional sense of place Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Extensive upland landscape including route and earth works of Hadrian’s Wall. railways Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique Roads within landscape are main transport routes with frequent traffic landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little the area features of some some unique landscape the area much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or rarity features activity and noise sense of noise Upland landscape containing part of Hadrian’s Wall remoteness Largely unsettled landscape, but influenced by transport routes and visitor activity associated with Hadrian’s Wall

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 86 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 34b Broadpool Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gentle slopes and rises, incised in places by small burns farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Improved, semi improved and rough pasture No industrial features Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Broad upland slopes incised with burns features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places None Generally open slopes, enclosed where burns cut through the landscape Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Local roads and incised burns and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple moorland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No significant historic features, although some evidence of medieval settlement not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and The landscape contains no landmark features and does not form a key landscape in views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Pennine Way runs along western edge, network of local paths landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Higher slopes have some intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Extensively managed upland landscape with lack of management of field boundaries The landscape is crossed by minor roads and contains scattered settlement Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Upland slopes but lacking distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement limited to local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or An upland farmed landscape activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Upland slopes with limited human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 87 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 34c Grindon Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Upland relatively flat landscape farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered properties predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Some arable, improved and semi improved pasture with areas of woodland plantation No industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale landscape features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line passes through the LCA Open and bleak beyond influence of forestry plantations Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Pylon line and local roads provide linear features and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple smooth upland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Part of landscape provides setting for part of Hadrian’s Wall not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Generally open and bleak although woodland blocks provide local features and landscape provides attraction visitors, national setting for Hadrian’s Wall designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part National cycle network route 72, some local paths intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Some intervisibility from more elevated areas maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some lack of management of field boundaries transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Local roads and scattered settlement ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Lack of distinctive features within landscape continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Movement on local roads rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little Upland farmed landscape much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Upland farmland with some human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 88 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 34d Featherstone Common

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently sloping, incised in places by watercourses farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Occasional property predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Unimproved pasture with pattern of hawthorn hedges, small copses of mixed woodland and No industrial influence patches of gorse Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small features prominent vertical features features, but features Strong enclosure pattern and association with valley landform vertical features lacking Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed prominence enclosed in some open areas Mast but no other features places Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None Generally open, some woodland features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features VISUAL CRITERIA features features prominence Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, Local roads and edges to forestry plantations predictable some variety unpredictable Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features and interrupted features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Simple upland skylines landscape important to aspect of the Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape landscape landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains Extensive rig and furrow and linear earthworks landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views local views views important in recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and views attraction visitors, national Landscape does not contain landmarks but provides some backdrop in views from A69 designation or Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively attraction restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part Few local paths intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS landscapes landscapes landscape Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Some intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes maintained managed, with managed with some landscape Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent landscape some elements in elements in poor viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and better repair repair properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main Some lack of management of field boundaries transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to Few receptors within landscape, although proximity to main transport route of A69 in valley floor ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA sense of place Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very Strong pattern of hawthorn hedges, but otherwise lacking distinctiveness continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique movement roads and movement movement landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within railways the area features of some some unique landscape the area Traffic on minor local roads rarity features Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little An agricultural upland landscape much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Upland agricultural landscape with limited human activity

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 89 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 34e Lowes and Nubbock Fells

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating, many different aspects farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered properties within LCA, although close to Hexham predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pastoral landscape of improved and semi improved pasture with shelterbelts Areas of disused workings, on the outskirts of Hexham and includes Hexham racecourse Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Simple landform with strong enclosure pattern features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places No vertical features Shelterbelts and woodland create some enclosure Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads and edges of forestry and shelterbelts provide linear features, strong enclosure pattern and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple upland skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important No significant historic features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Landscape lacks landmark features beyond Langley Loch attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Some local paths, fishing at Langley Loch, small areas of access land landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS More elevated areas have some intervisibility with neighbouring landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some lack of management of shelterbelts and field boundaries A686, B6305 and minor local roads, plus occasional properties and proximity to Hexham Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Landscape lacks distinctive features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Frequent movement on main and local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Landscape is common across the area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Proximity to settlement and transport routes reduce remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 90 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 35a Coquet Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad, gently v-shaped valley, some incised gorge sections farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Felton, numerous farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Mix of farmland, woodland and estates Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Woodland and small-scale field pattern features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places A line of pylons crosses the valley Valley landform, often incised Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable The A1 and A697 cross the valley and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by surrounding farmland and woodland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Brinkburn Priory and country estates not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and This enclosed landscape is not prominent, country houses are occasional landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Game fishery, local footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Valley landform prevents most outward views Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with few landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. No significant apparent lack of maintenance B road, Felton and farmsteads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinctive wooded valley landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Movement associated with river the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Incised gorge sections are rare activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Relatively tranquil

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 91 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 35b Font and Wansbeck Valleys

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Consistently flat to gently undulating valley floor farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Settled landscape, Mitford village and hamlets, edge of Morpeth is not prominent predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Broad, gently v-shaped valley No prominent industry Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Woodland and small-scale field pattern features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Pylon line crosses the valley Gentle valley landform Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable The A1 crosses over the western edge and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by surrounding farmland and woodland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic estates, also deserted medieval villages although these are not prominent not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Not a prominent landscape, country houses are local landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network and National Trust property at Wallington landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Views contained by woodland, though some open views Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with few landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. No significant indicators of poor management Relatively settled, local transport routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinctive wooded valley with historical features movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within A1 crosses to the west, though limited movement elsewhere the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Broad valley landscape is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Occasionally remote, though human features common

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 92 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 36a Ingoe Moor

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Moorland plateau, slightly rolling farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Scattered farmsteads and hamlets predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Rectilinear fields, little woodland Small-scale quarrying operations Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large fields and broad landform features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Small wind farm at Kirkheaton, masts Little enclosure within this upland fringe landscape Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Open skylines formed by gently rolling moorland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Capheaton estate, also Roman road and standing stones which are less prominent not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Crags form occasional landmarks, though this is not a prominent landscape attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network and St Oswald’s Way landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Despite exposure, the topography offers limited intervisibility Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Little structure, gappy field boundaries, though some intact areas Local roads and farmsteads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional An upland fringe landscape not particularly representative of Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Local roads, farming activity the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Not a common landscape, but with features which are not rare across the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Although sparsely settled, it is man-modified with limited sense of remoteness

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 93 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 37a Wingates Ridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating landform farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Hamlets at Wingates, farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pastoral landscape with some coniferous woodland No prominent industrial influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Communication masts, line of pylons crossing the ridge Alternating enclosed and exposed areas Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A697 crosses the ridge but is not prominent and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating farmland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historical features in this area are not significant landscape features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Prominent in views from the National Park attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network and access land landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS More open areas have views to the National Park and to north and south Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. An intact landscape with signs of positive management Relatively settled, local roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinctive upland fringe, association with National Park offers sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet upland landscape, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling landscape is relatively common within the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Relatively tranquil though human-influenced

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 94 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 37b Longwitton Ridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Undulating landform, some outcrops farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Hamlets at Cambo, Scots Gap, numerous farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pastoral landscape with some estate influence Occasional mineral extraction Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Line of pylons crosses the east edge of the area Alternating enclosed and exposed areas Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable B roads, disused railway and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by surrounding hills features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Prominent folly buildings and country estates not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Visible in views from the National Park, prominent folly buildings attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network and access land landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS More open areas have views to the National Park and the landscape to the south Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. An intact landscape with signs of positive management Relatively settled, local routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinctive upland fringe, folly buildings lend a sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet upland landscape, though with numerous local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling landscape is relatively common in the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Remote in places, though human influence felt throughout

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 95 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 38a Longframlington

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating landform, between coast and upland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small towns/larger villages at Shilbottle and Longframlington, edge of Alnwick predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Intensively farmed, some woodland and coniferous plantations Limited active industry, but mining has been important in this landscape Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large scale farmland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Masts near Shilbottle, two pylon lines Open and exposed towards the coast, some areas enclosed by plantations Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable The A1 runs through this landscape and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating farmland features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Industrial heritage, earthworks, historic buildings not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Locally significant views attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Overlooks coastal landscape to the east, and towards the National Park Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. This landscape appears to be reasonably intact, despite past mining activity Well settled landscape, A1 passes through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Some sense of place in historic buildings and villages movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Pockets of quiet, but generally busier landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or The rolling farmland type is relatively typical of the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Remoteness only occurs in pockets away from settlement and main roads

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 96 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 38b Longhorsley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Consistently undulating farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Settled, but few significant villages other than Longhorsley predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Intensively farmed landscape with some woodland plantations Agricultural industry, limited evidence of mineral working, an airfield Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None Large-scale farmland features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Occasional masts Occasional enclosure formed by undulations Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A1 and A697 both prominent and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Towers, estate landscapes, medieval field patterns not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few prominent landmarks, few viewpoints attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Local path network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Limited relationship with adjacent landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. The landscape appears to be reasonably intact Well settled, A1 and A967 pass through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Some sense of place in historic buildings and villages movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Particularly busy along main road corridors the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or The rolling farmland type is relatively typical of the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 97 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 38c Whalton and Belsay

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently rolling landform farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Several small villages or hamlets predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Generally arable, with varied field patterns and estate woodland Disused airfield Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Prominent line of pylons, occasional masts Limited enclosure within valleys Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A roads and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Formed by gently rolling landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate landscapes and woodlands, deserted medieval villages not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few prominent landmarks, few viewpoints attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Belsay Hall is a key attraction, local footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Limited relationship with adjacent landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. The landscape appears to be reasonably intact, particularly on estates A1 and A696 pass through Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Historic features are distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Roads and agricultural movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or The rolling farmland type is relatively typical of the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Mostly quiet rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 98 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 38d Pont Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Shallow undulating valley farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Villages, and edge of Ponteland predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Pasture, with distinctive field boundary pattern, estate woodland Disused airfield and military camp Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Lines of pylons Shallow valley is more enclosed than other examples of this LCT Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by gently undulating landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Estate landscapes not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few prominent landmarks, few viewpoints attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Limited footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Low lying landscape with limited relationship with adjacent landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. The landscape appears to be reasonably intact Local roads and residents Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Some sense of place in historic buildings and villages movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Quiet rural landscape the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or The rolling farmland type is relatively typical of the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Quiet rural landscape

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 99 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 38e North Tyne Ridge

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Open ridge farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few villages, farmsteads predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Some woodlands and plantations Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Line of pylons crosses the area, prominent masts above Tyne valley Open ridge above Tyne Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable B6318 on line of Hadrian’s Wall, pylons and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating landform features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Hadrian’s Wall, few visible remains besides earthworks not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few significant landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Hadrian’s Wall footpath landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Important in views from the Tyne and Pont valleys Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. A69, B6318 Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Tyne valley edge is distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Relatively busy through routes the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Association with Tyne valley makes it more unusual than other rolling farmland areas activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Settled, views over built up areas

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 100 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 39a Coastal Coalfields

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently rolling or flat farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Small towns/large villages at Amble, Widdrington Station, Pegswood, etc predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly arable, much landcover is the result of reclamation Current and past mining Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Power lines, more frequent in the south Exposed toward the coast Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Railway line with overhead cables is prominent, roads and power lines and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple flat skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Occasional historic buildings, industrial heritage at Queen Elizabeth Country Park not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few viewpoints and no landmarks attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Queen Elizabeth Country Park, golf course, caravan park, Amble landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Intervisibility restricted to edges of this landscape, particularly the coast Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Affected by mining and reclamation Visible from East Coast Main Line, A roads and settlements Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Mining heritage is distinctive of Northumberland movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within East Coast Main Line, road network, farming and mining movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is a common landscape type activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Human dominated landscape, quarrying and settlement in evidence

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 101 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 39b Seaton Delaval

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Consistent west-east slope farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Estate woodland and shelterbelts break up the landscape Frequent industrial and commercial buildings Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Power lines Open towards the coast Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Roads, railways and power lines and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines often formed by views of settlement features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Seaton Delaval and surrounding landscape not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Seaton Delaval Hall is an important landmark attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Seaton Delaval is a National Trust property, well used local footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Mainly intervisible with coast and urban areas Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Affected by urban fringe issues Surrounded by urban areas, crossed by main roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Seaton Delaval is distinctive feature movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy roads and railway cross the area the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland type is common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Closely associated with urban areas

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 102 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 39c Stannington

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Rolling farmland cut by river valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Morpetha and Ponteland, smaller villages and farms predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Chiefly arable with valley and estate woodland Industrial/commercial and urban fringe elements, past mining activity Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Power lines Enclosure within river valleys Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A1 dual carriageway and East Coast Main Line and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Some skylines relate to urban areas features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Blagdon Estate, historic features within river valleys not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Few landmarks or viewpoints attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Country parks and riverside walks landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Intervisibility restricted to outer edges Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some urban fringe effects Views from the A1 and East Coast Main Line Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional River valleys have more sense of place movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Main roads and settlement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Rolling farmland is common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Closely associated with built-up areas

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 103 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 40a Druridge Bay

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad, sweeping coastal strip farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Few settlements aside from Amble predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Sand dunes backed by arable land Past mining activity but little overt influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Open to sea Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Linear features follow the natural curve of the coast and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple landward skylines features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some historic buildings, mining heritage not apparent not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Significant views along the coast, particularly the broad Druridge bay attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Part of popular Northumberland Coast, though less visited than areas to north landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Closely associated with adjacent farmland and areas along the coast Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Well maintained coastal landscape Few local residents Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Broad sweeping sandy bay is distinctive movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Coastal movement, local roads the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Sandy coast is relatively uncommon activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Coastal aspect feels detached from nearby development, though views of industrial features

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 104 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 40b Seaton Dunes

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Sweeping bay with dunes and headland farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Close to Blyth and Seaton Sluice predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Dune system with limited development Industrial features are visible but outside this area Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Open to sea Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable A193, coastal footpath and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Varies from open sea to urban views features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Locally significant views along coast attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Well used coastal footpath and beach landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Relationship with adjacent farmland and areas along the coast Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Evidence of lack of management along dunes Close to larger settlements, A193 along the sea front Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Sweeping sandy bays distinctive, though more settled than elsewhere movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy main road and settlements the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Sandy coast is relatively uncommon activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Closely associated with urban areas

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 105 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 41a Blyth and Wansbeck Estuaries

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Low-lying coastal strip with rocky headlands farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Large settlements predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Includes arable, industrial, settlement, and semi-natural foreshore Large factories, extensive brownfield around Blyth Harbour Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Alcan chimneys, wind turbines, etc Open to coast Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Main roads, railways and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Complexity originates in urban features features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic buildings at Newbiggin and Blyth Harbour not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Some industrial buildings are local landmarks eg Alcan chimneys, Blyth wind turbines attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Newbiggin is a seaside resort landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Close relationship to urban area, and views along coast Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Suffers from post-industrial neglect Settled coastal strip with main roads Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Features such as the Blyth wind turbines are distinctive, the post-industrial landscape less so movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy main roads and settlements the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or This is the only area of such heavy development in the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Urban/industrial area

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 106 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 42a Ashington, Blyth and Cramlington

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Gently undulating with river valleys farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Complex variety of settlement, arable, wooded valleys and industrial/urban fringe Frequent industrial and post-industrial areas Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Tall buildings, industrial chimneys, masts, power lines Enclosed within river valleys and within settlements Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable Dual carriageways, railways, etc and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Varies in relation to settlement features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some historic buildings and historic village cores not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Some landmark buildings, views along river corridors attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Urban parks, riverside walks landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Occasional views to coast and adjacent farmland Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Many aspects suffer from post-industrial decline and subsequent neglect Densely populated, numerous main routes Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinct sense of place, though not representative of the wider county movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy urban area the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or The only large built up area within the study area activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Dominated by urban settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 107 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 43a Kiln Pit Hill Hinterland

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Rounded ridge and hills farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in No large villages predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly pasture, simple field pattern, some rough grazing and woodland Past mining activity but little overt influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Prominent masts on ridges Enclosure away from ridges Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating ridges features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Historic village sites, earthworks not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views across adjacent ridges attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Limited local footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Ridges are intervisible across a wide area Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some signs of positive management A68, few residents Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinct landform, but not representative of the wider Northumberland landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy roads, quieter in other areas the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland fringe type is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Occasionally tranquil away from settlements

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 108 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 43b Prudhoe Hinterland

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Rounded ridges farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Little settlement, but closely associated with Prudhoe predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Predominantly pasture, simple field pattern, some rough grazing and woodland Past mining activity but little overt influence Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Power line skirts the area Enclosure away from ridges Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Skylines formed by undulating ridges features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Earthworks not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Views across adjacent ridges attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Limited local footpath network landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Main ridge is intervisible across a wide area, particularly from Tyne Valley Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some signs of positive management Visible from Prudhoe Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Related to Tyne Valley which is a representative landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Local traffic, agricultural movement the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or Upland fringe type is relatively common activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Occasioally tranquil away from views of settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 109 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010 Landscape Character Area 44a Derwent Valley

LANDSCAPE CRITERIA CULTURAL CRITERIA Landform Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Complex, strong Settlement Urban areas Towns and larger Occasional Occasional Occasional consistent occasional lacking strong topographical settlements towns or villages/ hamlets properties eg variety complexity variety frequent villages or frequent farmsteads Broad valley with occasional denes farmsteads Land cover Simple, Simple, with Some variety Varied, but Much variety in Associated with Consett predictable occasional lacking landcover Industry Industrial areas Many human Limited industrial Very limited, No industrial limited variety in variety complexity resulting in or brownfield features influence small scale influence landcover mosaic effect land industry Simple pattern of mixed farmland and woodland Past mining activity, urban fringe influences Scale Large Medium-large Medium Medium-small Small Vertical Frequent, Some prominent Some vertical Few vertical None features prominent vertical features features, but features Enclosure Open, exposed Generally open, Some enclosure Mostly enclosed, Enclosed vertical features lacking enclosed in some open areas prominence places Open valley enclosed by ridges Linear Prominent, large- Prominent Linear features, Few linear None VISUAL CRITERIA features scale linear medium-scale but lacking features Skylines Simple, Largely simple, Varied Some complexity Complex, features features prominence predictable some variety unpredictable and interrupted Historic No significant Historic features Some historic Some prominent Historic features Simple skylines formed by valley sides features historic features do not relate to features, less historic features are a prominent Views and Landscape Limited or Locally important Some important Landscape landscape important to aspect of the landmarks contains no occasional landmarks or landscape contains landscape landscape landmarks and is landmarks or locally significant features, or important Some historic buildings and features not a feature in significance in in views significance in landmarks, or is Recreation Little or no Low level Locally significant Well used for Important for views local views views important in recreational use informal or local recreational use recreation, recreation for views recreational use or attraction greater than local locals and Significant views along the valley attraction visitors, national Intervisibility Self contained, Occasional views Intervisibility Intervisibility and Extensively designation or restricted to adjacent with some strong links to intervisible, part attraction intervisibility landscapes neighbouring neighbouring of wider Derwent Valley Walk along disused railway landscapes landscapes landscape QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Closely related to adjacent upland landscapes Condition Poorly Less well Generally well Well managed Well managed Receptors Low number of Local transport Some visibility Higher visibility Frequent maintained managed, with managed with some landscape viewers from routes, limited from main from main properties and landscape some elements in elements in poor properties and numbers of transport routes, transport routes views from main better repair repair transport routes residents more residents and properties transport routes. Some evidence of positive management Visible from main roads and settlement around Consett Distinctive- Not Unrepresentative Some distinctive Representative Distinctive to PERCEPTUAL CRITERIA ness representative but with some features landscape of Northumberland Movement Busy, frequent to Frequent Occasional to Quiet, limited Still, very sense of place Northumberland continuous movement on frequent movement occasional Distinct landform, but not representative of the wider Northumberland landscape movement roads and movement movement Rarity A common A more common A more common A rarely A unique railways landscape across landscape, with landscape with occurring landscape within Busy through routes in valley the area features of some some unique landscape the area Remoteness Not tranquil, Limited Some human Relatively Tranquil, little rarity features much human tranquillity activity reducing tranquil human activity or River valley is relatively common type activity and noise sense of noise remoteness Tranquil areas away from settlement

Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment 110 Land Use Consultants Annexe A August 2010