Roasted Chicken Paprika with Fennel, Heart and Swiss Light Sauté Makes 10 portions

10 each chicken breasts, boneless, skinless 2 teaspoons garlic, chopped 8 ounces onions, finely diced 8 ounces red bell peppers, medium diced 8 ounces Chablis 8 ounces tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and diced 8 ounces red stock ½ teaspoon black pepper, coarse ground 1/8 teaspoon red pepper, crushed 1 each bay 3 tablespoons Spanish paprika

Fennel, artichoke and chard sauté: 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil 1 pound fennel bulb, peeled and julienne 10 each artichoke hearts, fresh, sliced (soak in lemon water to prevent enzymatic browning) 1 bunch Swiss chard, chopped into 2 inch pieces 4 ounces Sauvignon Blanc ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon white pepper, ground 2 tablespoons lemon juice, freshly squeezed 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

Grill chicken breasts until well browned on both sides. Place garlic, onions, and bell peppers in a sauce pot with the white wine. Cook until wine is almost evaporated and are tender. Add tomatoes, red vegetable stock, peppers, bay leaf, and paprika to pan; heat through. Add par-cooked chicken breasts to pan and cover. Bake in 375°F oven for 45 minutes or until chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. Remove chicken and bay leaf from pan. Puree sauce and strain. To make fennel, artichoke heart and Swiss chard sauté heat olive oil in sauté pan and add julienne fennel and sliced artichoke hearts; toss frequently and cook quickly (4 minutes) before adding chopped Swiss chard. Add white wine, salt, white pepper and continue to cook together for 10 minutes; And add lemon juice and parsley just before serving. Serve fennel, artichoke and Swiss chard sauté in center of plate and top with piece of cooked chicken paprika; drizzle sauce around plate.

Approximate values per serving: 207, (grams) 27.4, (grams) 4, (grams) 6.3, Saturated Fat (grams) 0, Cholesterol (milligrams) 70, (grams) 1.4, Total (grams) 1, (milligrams) 860.