NOTICE*. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. FITTSFHLD. Head. Tbe wind was a _WPKriAl. SWEPT INTO TOE SEA. blowing gale and a BURSTING BOILER. NOTES FROM WASHINGTON. can goods said to be deleterious to health. It The of the tuition for the winter teriib!e Published every day (Sundays excepted) bv the | proceeds sea was running. As we approached was finally voted that the report of the aom- ; term of the Pi'tefield Institute just closed of the Notional Educational whrn PORTLAND we saw tbe Tsssel was a steamer and the Prospect* ■nlttae bn Dostponed to Tuesday next, aa PUBLISHING amount ■ ( COMPANY, to £40 more than lor any winter term tbe t bairunn of the ff *t will amend waves were Terrible Accident in a Bill—Indifference of be made to lntroduo* meat* Lace Curtains lor breaking over her. We Rochester, ■a At Exchange i tbe | ast four yeais. The fur a anchored a-core 97 St., Portland, Me. prospect Moose Committee on Education—Im- the unanimous support of the eoss- -FOK- on her I la-ge attendance to the spring teim is very starboard quarter, 200 or 300 yards away. (N. H.) mlttee. Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- Faotory. ps taut Statement the ; good. Terrible Disaster to a Savannah Tbe ea ter’s boat was ac c n :e lowered and by Agricultural Where Dace ers. Seven Indian* a Year, if paid in advauce. the shot Begin. 10 and 12 1-2 cts. BCCKLAND. manned five men in Bureau Concerning per yar<3 Rates of Advkhtiming: One Inch of the by charge of Lieutenant Enropeau Crops. The Court of Alabama Claims space, Rhodes who Commission* length oi column, constitutes a “square.” Qen. J. P. of Rockland 'has been rein- Bound Steamer. brought off seven meo. A re- Caused by Tinkering With n Valre era took nnder Cleansad and done like new j Cilley Safety to too yesterday adsla-ment aoo'kar up $1.50 per square, first week: 76 cents turn trip was made and oue man wag [Special Press.] daily per stated as a pension claim agent. His evidtnce brought —Four men knotty question. Iu their decision In the week three inset tione or vessel. Killed, One missing and high after; le§s, $1.00, coutinu- in defence of alleged i r-gular transactions tojttie Lieotenat Kennedy was then Wa-hinotox, Jan. 18. aras question they held that the area'' iu« every other day after first 50 cents. "high week, was dispatched iu the with lour men and took Sereral Others Adds Addi- as Half three forwarded to WaslPngtou, and so conclu- gig Injured—Fire The prospects of tbe passage of a bill appro- defined in the act under which the court la square, Insertions or less, 76 cents; one off four or five men. eet«hli«hed thebu- Meanwhile the lifeboat commences three or a week, $1.00; $6o cents per week after. sively Ms innocence, that tional Herror to the Scene. a snm from the revenue sitting, mdei, marine FOSTERS transferred Several m“L to the at priating large surplus Special Notices, one-thi d addiii< rial. ; reau quietly backed out of their posi.ion, and SHE RUNS UPON THE ROCKS OFF cutler, and league, from shore. The queitlon presented la length the Was cleared of the country to educational do not Under bead of “Amusementh” and “Auction tbe General resumed practice. rigging of the surviv- purposes, this rase wav, where does the ehore begin? The Forest ors. The vessel sunk iu City Dye House Sales,” $2.« 0 per square per week; three insertions THE MlSSACnUSETTS COAST. about four fathoms of seem to be as as were some months canicular vessel involved was a SPRINGY ALE water N. accident good they captured by or leas, $1.60. aud the ou the bow was the Dotes, H., Jan. 18.—A terrible 13 Preble St. railiug only ago. The committee on education has bad Confederate privateer a mile or too from the opp. Preble House Mrs. Henry Makin d ed from the effects of portion of the hull the occnired at just visible. We found Rochester thla afternoon, at Wal- mouth of Pass l’Ooutre, cue of the pease* ef Order* THE MAINE STATE PRESS. : an overdose of laudanum taken with suicidal men iu the lore aud and Its first meeting, and its preliminary work has by express will receive prompt attention maintop lace’s shoe and The concern the river, and within three mtlea of Send for intent on It was factory tannery. Missisaippi circular. dec20sneodtf Published every Thursday at a Sunday. tigging. impo-sible to row over tbe not been favorable to the Morning, $2.60 was rnn a with espec'ally project. Pam I’Outre lighthouse. The case was very year- if paid in a rigging as the boat* would have by 120-horse-power engine, advance, $2.00 year. TCFSBAM. Most of the Passengers Swept Into the been pounded Tbe more nnfavorable feature, however, is tb ably argued for the claimant* hy C. T. Russel'. Adveru^ments inserted m the “Maine State to nieces. The men three boilers. noon A noted in the rigging were forced This some trouble hap- of and Clarence Haleef Portland Press < winch has a circulation in Topsham man, somewhat eccentric, to the ettitade of tbe chairmen of the committee Jr., Benton, IAIS(]RAi\< K. large every part jump into the sea, and we caught them as to the when the of the for $' .00 lor first insertion and a crony of his who is ever with him, have Sea. pened safety valve, engineer, who claimed that the abore commenced at the State) per square they arose to the surface and them toward the proposition itself. and 5C cents per square for each inser- mutually made their wills in favor of each pulled John Grimes, who was also boss of the forts, ten miles or more from the point of cep* subsequent into the boats. Some of the meu not yard, tion. ! olher. The one who dies first gets the other's could "I do not believe much in the project," he tore, and that the mud lamps end pilot ra- swim, but oue weighted the tafety valve with abtick, and Address all communications to Both are has nearly every in the was said to late as he tions on at the property. pretty well off. Oue saved. rigging your correspondent yesterday and lighthouses built pile* PORTLAND PUBLISHING au extonsive claim the for Eugene McGarry jumped from the disconnected the middle one of the three boil- stood in the corridor at the House and chstted month of the deita in no sente constituted the CO. j against government aud L W. D. LITTLE & GCL rigging, eut Rhodes for ers. about the bill and its Ha is I timber lands. Both men are well advanced In OVER ONE HUNDRED PER- jumped him, At 1 o'clock work ctarted and after prospects. himself shore within the meaning of the act. Gen. but the boat w*b lifted 15 op, feet ou a crest aud a a farmer but i years. some time it was found college graduate, by occupation, Creeawell, for the United States, on the other MAINE. it «as necessary t> etarpoard to tanning there was not 31 IN GENERAL. SONS FIND WATERY avoid be'iu a strong Southern man ia bis views and pre- hand, produced an English decision, rendered , Exchange Street. swamped. The pt»r man was not power enough to drive the and oi- seen after- machinery, judices "My idea of educational matt- rs, be by 8ir Willi tm Scott, which deel ired explicit- House at The namee of tbe Maine graduates from the wards. At the same Robbery Biddeford. iuitant McCar- ders were soon after to shot down. "is that who will or N. are Ellen GRAVES. nearly, giveu said, people appreciate ly that for all international pnrpoaea the terri- ESTABLISHED I?i 1843. Plymouth, H., Norm *1 School 8. ty’* Brother was into the BlDDEFOiin, JaD. 18.—The boase ot Lewis palled boat. Capt. About fifteen minutes make va’uable use of ednoatlon is those who tory of the United States extended to the mad Mitchell ol Yarmonthville, Marv H. Robinson aaa later the boiler which Wright among the last to leave the will get it their own efforts. I favor educa- Reliable Insurance in first-class Bma 1 was rot bed yesterday while the of Brunswick and Gertrude J. of Nor- ship. had by lamps at the moatb of the Miniteippi river, American and family Teague Two men who were frozen so stiff been disconnected burst, with a detona- roreign Co’s at lowest that they tion, of course, for those who will acoent it, but the t»rm "mud lamoe" which was Kates. Losses promptly ad- was away. Bauk books, and ; way. were unable to using very Justed and attention papers, money relinquish their hold on the tion heard for miles. When the debris was l have serious doubts about ibis for used In the caan. prompt given to business. i proposition by counsel for the claimants other articles valued at 8500 were stolen. Herbert J. Banton, the roan arrested for r’gging were «t length tbe persons re- tbe 8 A Brunswick Man Among only cleared away the middle boiler was found to general distribution of the surplus for ibis A number of representatives of New Eng- »*»pl TKI4KPHQNE70L circulars the Reported on tbe snly The Biddeford Harder—Hr,. seudiog lottery through mails, maining steamer, excepting the at lestt on the io land this court ere here Barrow. captain, be and was purpose, plan proposed interests before with waa formerly business manager of tbe Free- L eut. Rhodes asked him to but he misBing, discovered in the leather Plead. Not Guilty. the Lost. jump, most of these bills. X tell you the people ol « view of uuitiog on some legislation which i holder, a Greenback in Bau- shouted’Vave those men first.’’ •• 100 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Mrs. paper published They sre froz- storehouse, yards away. this couuiry do not appreciate education, or they will ask Congress to pass in their favor. May Banows, oue of the parties I gor. the en,’’was lieutenant’s answer. The cap- 1 he Killed. those whose business it is to impart it. Look The decisions of the court hare been compiled charged with the murder of her It is tain then aud he hv bu>*-and, estimated that there are upwards of jumped, although could not Four dead bodies were found the at the miserable salaries they pay their teach- the oPieiat reiv-rt-r. a-d are being publish- swim a in mini, Thomas at was bushels of in Aroostook stroke he was rescued Lieutenant ers. tne average male teacher Barrows, Kittery, brought into 1,000,000 potatoes by via.: Why only gets ed to the bar by aubsoriplion. DISSOLUTION. Court this and not County availing shipment west. Although TUB CUTTER DEXTER DOES NO- Kennedy. 837 per mouth for six months jf tbe year, and i. morning plead guilty and Lieut. C uriosities ef the ucaC LetterOBae. hereby given that1 lie firm of Y08K, the market i-Jdull and prices low, it is better Rhodes performed a heroic act which John Grimes, engineer, aged 10. the female teacher 826 per month for the same NOTICEWAITF. & tO- is tliis ■ dissolved mutu- her case was assigned for tria 1 the 29th inst. elicits the curiosities recently added to the ay by pel cy for the bidders to send their stock on BEE WORK. beany commendation. Two men buue Angelo 30. time.” Among al consent Tbe business of toe late firm will be Hoitt, fireman, aged collection of tb« bull* Bangor'. District Court. as tbere is a coustaut loss in the r ggiup unable to move from exhaus- do uot think Dead Letter Otfioeif* settled J. at now, from rot, freez- “You the bill in its usually pre- by s. Yoik, 4 Central Vt harf. tion. The William Cleveland, aged 26. of "Pain addressed to Victoria Washington, Jan. 18.—The President has ing, etc., at every over, andlalerouit officer determined to save the men sented form, of a distribution of funds socoid- Cura," Quean Portland, Jauuary 17,1884. culliug a at the peril oS his life. Louis Depree, aged 30. ine to rtrnner by Georgia doctor, wbo confidently asserts J. 8. YOFK. approved the bill fixing the time for may be difficult to get potatoes to market. All Returning to the cut- i"iteracv. is the thimr then Mr. holding thei available ter be asked Gabri-dsou to The Wennded. that It will oure her Injured knee. Another C. W. OLIVER. the potato cars ot the New Brunswick Capt. give him a Aiken?” _Janl7d2w*^ regular term of the District Court of Maine R.ilwav man to steer that he curiosity is a communication addressd to and Maine t'entral Railroad have Fall Detail* *f the might swim to the wreck The were wounded: ”No, X am Dot satisfied with it, and what is at Diaaater and Name* ef followiog "Masers. Davis and Mabono Bangor. This is the first bill ot the baeu brought into for the forward- and rescoe the uufortunate men. The more X am very sure that it will not Blaine, requsition captain Joseph Gamier, aged 23, blown 100 feet and pass Machine ,uft IUO LUtll. |>ll, 1UO £>A1I LUrifl granted the aud Lieut. Manufacturing Company, Baltimore, Notice. XLVIIIth Congress which has become a law. the Eo*t. request, Rhodes was “Why not,Mr. Aikeu; tbe general sentiment Copartnership iu cot will die. Md., by a Russian in ana heated cars are need. Thirty o( thtso oars placed the boat, bet ou reaching the steamer badly by gla9s; probably of the Honse has been understood to be firm, dealing bolting undersigned have this d*y formed a copart- Cube of the quite rubber la Brig Olive Trancis. it was found to be to jLuumw favorable to goods. This communication supposed f«-r tbe of on tbe rail passed through Baugor, Pound east. The folly attempt uowuing, ageu to, Dones oroaen it, has it not?” THEnership purpose earning 0 have been called forth an artiolo m on * The House coin uittee on c aims freight (raffle is iui rtased the move- "I don't thiuk meas- by pub- king business idgerv’s Wharf under the today visibly by and burned. Congress will pass any 1 * ment of don the and bod; shed in a Baltimore newspaper, wherein hrm name of WAI E. OLIVER & CO. agreed to recommend to the House that the the tubers, aud special trams leave attempt, aunr out to man the ) fa ure that is going to send money into the Jan. 1884. The boat to take bint to Joseph 40, ribs and arm Messrs. Davis and Mahon* were re* Portland, 17, Baugor every day. telegraph this morning, brings the news the wreck. Lieut. Rhodes Davidson, aged South,” be answered quietly, as be stroked his Blaine, ALBERT H. claim o* the owners and the bo ferrrd to iu connection with machin- WAITE, officarsjof brig rded the life b mt, aud tyinr a rope about broken. gr ty beard. “The has been to dis- polis uissol ed bv mmual con- pulled and ihiug gives South any money. That day taken to the sent All accouuis wi.l be Battled Ira Personal. 11 isuster. cutter. His leg was found to be bay been the mystery of all Secretaries Lincoln and Chandler by Berry, Jr., The Patrick Barry, aged 29, is missing, and is congressional leg- appeared at the old stand. Git; of Columbus was a our, but after ch.using his as the sea islation. Xiook at the Clarence of was magnificent clothing, livers of the South, aud before the House committee on appropriations Hale, Ei-q., Portland, Me., Jan. 18.—Steamer was he supposed to be killed. IRA BERRY, Jr. Boston, City of Cam- smoother, determined to make a last her harbors, her cities without build- again today in behalf of a relief ex- 10.1 Qt, ail m tf n till, K n nf tka TT Ail Ct iron steamer of 2200 tons, (companion to the public Greelv F. H. FKRNALD. of the which left attempt, end he again set ont for the wreck. When tbe exploeioD occurred the boiler shows that The Jan. bridge Bangor line, Rockland pen- ings; everything Congress will not pedition. consideration of the subject was Portland, 12,1884. Court. Gate ot the sams This time the men were reached. Supreme Me., for Boston last at 8 City line,) which sailed al- One was etrated a biick wall in the rear of the leather give any large sums of money to tbe Sontb. postponed until Monday. uight o’clock, has not with his feet T he business hanging and arms through the Aud I don’t believe it will in this case. True The Secretary of War kas received the re- of dealer in Watches A tVomnn Assaulted, aud ternate from Boston for house, tbe base ot a Cocks, Charts, yet arrived, grave ftars are felt that she Thursdays Savannah, retimes, aud his head was passing through ninety will talk of Nautical Instruments and optical Gr>od8, will be hanging. Lieut. they about being willing to do a great port the committee of Inquiry appointed to Bangor, Jau. 18.—A woman named Smnlbn has met w th a ditaster. Rhodes a bowline about foot when the c -miuucd at the oli stand, No. 48 Exchange street, Ga. In the fnrions gale of Thursday night put liim, wheu be chimney, chimney fell, burying d« al for the negro; I am carious to see what it investigate the crcn instances attending the “For sake by was an-anl'ed a man an it a murmured, God’s don’t touch me.” H jilt in the from which tbe was will do with the which would send fittiug out nod failure of the recent brutally Sunday night by [in tsrvtew with Press reporter this the debris, body proposition eshsequvnt IRA Jr. Columbus struck on the rocks off Gay The man, who was afterwards found to be Mr. or millions of into the South Greelev BinHfliunn It will nnt ha* J ,,, BERRY, named Hall who effected au entrance to her John W. dug out. The dead bodies were forty fifty money 1anl4dlw murniug, Capt. York, keeper of the Richardson, was iu the b it picked up, to be Public for Head. is a remarkable at the placed boa,, died disliihuted there, even for bis sake. I several days yet. Noiblog ti defin- hou-e and beat her with a club. The matter Portlaud (This promotor; beh rs laid out in tbe and a sum- Observatory st tied that he signaled reach’ng the cutter. About $400 was carrying shop, jury don’t believe it will be done. If the money itely known as to tbe character of its contents, has been •outhwtbt end of Martha’s found in a Wallet his moned for an kept quiet by the police in hopes to the Cambridge about 3 o’clock yesterday after- Vineyard, Mass., in pocket. The second ioqnest. All tbe bodies were proposed by tbe bill was to be distributed ac- bnt Gen. H.zen, L'eut. O.zisre end Lieut. who was the NOTICE. ct'chihe which not man, last person removed from cording to population,then it would Garlingtou feel confident that the *111 offender, has yet been noon. She was then passing about six miles elevated 134 feet above high water, and on badly disfigured. go through report the w-eck, was in the ratlines iu the weather quickly euougb, for on tbst basis it would exonerate them from ell blame in the matter. done. sooth of Portland The pscnnia’.y loss to Wallace’s mill will be give Dr. E. B. Sead light, Was under steam which is a feet above rigging, aud although when mint of the money to the North. We Beed, Clairvoyant and Serious Accident. revolving light 173 tbe breathing placed sit quiet- in tile he also 860,000. Fire broke oat in the house and see a Bo nnic Pinsicluu »s lorilcd lor and all right. But she was some boat, expired belore reaching the engine ly by hundred millions of money The Indieunen e Agalail Lawnacs apparently sea Tbe steamer filled at once keeled a Augusta, Jau. 18.—James Morrison, 14 ) and cutter. after tbe was voted every year iu short time at merchants Ex- tenm.lesor more explosion, bat put out by the Ate pen i„n, which goes al- Braloerd Preaeaaced Valid. out of her usual coarse—in the yea s of age, bad his right leg broktn in'*! Our A-JiV'Htman, chief -toward of the most entirely to the Noith. hat wht n we ask change. Temple sticet. shore. 1(1 explanation ot lUts York .aid oyer. despatches giye details. department. St. Albans, Jan. 18.—A decision lathe Portlnuo, Capt. steamer, said; I was in my berth when the the of a Mexican bill Vt., We.. Boom 7 one fliulit. shocking manner at broom passage ptnylon which matter of the up Smiley’s fcandljS a southwest wind was Tbe accident has cast a over the com-, validity of tbe indictments heavy blowing, aud the ves-el struck, aud was not awakened by tbe gloom -Would give as much to the Sontb as it does to "Hite v a. m to V ni. factory His 1-g caught OIL a Lawrence was Hours, p. today. pent yei- shock. A alarm was all of the dead against B'ansard given tbla d#C28 st amer hauled iu toward shore probably for Jan. general given, snd I hur- mnnity, being highly egt£eni6d. the North, we set no encouragemeut, tbcugb dtf cas neartrb4ett-fffinho limb was Boston, 18.—Steamer City of Colum- morning by Judge Vaettey of the Supreme Twjmtluch ried into my clothes and left utv stateroom^ The true cause of tue obj ct is safe y. He said it would probably take her for the explosion equally worthy.” Court. The deciaiou bolds that the absence of uba’r. bus, Bosiou, Savannah, has gone down off Tub excitement aud vrflfprobably ’’And as 18*3.4 mORKISOK’8 18834. wound over the greatest prnva led, the be to the bill appropriating ten mil- tea hour, or mere to reach Boston from where Head. women were nbver known. There are rumors that the jurors does not vitiate an iodictment that tbe Oay One hundred lives are lost. met ing about the earn In their lions a year, or like aud for A Newsy Item. s.,metMng that, claim that five wen she was signaled.—Ed j Hew Jau. t igbs dresses. Ou reaching the dt-ck I found boilers had been condemned some time educational jurors disqualified became LElTCRE and MUSICAL AUEKCI Bedford, Mrss, 18.—lne fol- ago. purposes?” were The first of ilia sea-on took at to* men the; depositors and aontuer because his bop place rater. hoisting tbe jib, aud in about twenty “X do n t tuiuk it will be is a correct account ot the terrible di- to get wife was a A BUREAU OF INTELLIOESCE lowing minutes tbe st. am*r listed. likely depositor iu her own light and that Hotel North last evening It was en'ire y si c Tbe houses wi re ihrough iu that form, I wonld favor a bill The steamer City of Cambridge of the Ban- saster to steamer of cff curried away l>y ib« sea almo.se these were part’cnlarly interested on scoouat For Enlerialiinient < ouunitiecs City Columbus, Ga; immediately, which would reimburse State a csssfnl. This was the first of a series which- and the deck FORTY-EIGHTH every certain of Br ilnerd’s liabilitv t > them is gor line was det-iued by heavy weather. She Head this The steamer left Boston began to break up at about CONGRESS. of personally and Wusicul A1 lists. moruing. 7 percet tage the nomey ir may expend iu gen- t o wi 1 be held at the hotel daring the winter. o clock. As the pisreugera cime on speculative and remote. A juror it not- P r h as just arrived deck they ral educate n. This would Circulars, etc., addrvsB ARTHUR B. MORRI- (9.30 p. m.) Thursday afternoon with 80 fin-class and 42 were stimnla'e the to be so iutersslod swept overboard by sc ires, sn i the scetm .upposed under aach cir SON, M,eager, -'4.3 Coue e— Street W. Al. SENATE. States to ac.ion, and would be better in steeraje passengers, about oue-tklrd of whom was horrible. After the vessel many cuaistauces as to bis to sit Furbush & Sun’s New Piano \Varernoms Hox 1476 listed, I made preclude liability ways.” on tbe case. P-»t.and Me W were my way the wiudwsrd The holds that twelve nriv‘24d 1 wt.M. XrStf INDUSTRIAL MATTERS. ladies and children, and a crew of t6. along side, up au in- "Do think a Judge AUGUSTA. yon sncb bill might pass? meu are clined plane, aud into the rigging, where sufficient to Soda true bill, end the Thursday night the wind blew a hurricane "Poesibly, though I cannot gay as to that. of The executive committeo of the An Advance in the Price of Glass. about 40 persons, all men, had takeu judgment the Conntv Court it affirmed. St’teGrange refuge. Nor do I speak Iu any sense for the committee, WEATHER INDICATIONS. consisting of G. A. Hall of Son>h from the northwest and a tremendous sea was There we clung for The indictments are deemed Wattrford, New Jau. 18.— It was life,with Augers benumbed rai»nee ot of which I am good. York, 1-arnsd this war ana Navy on the ot . chairman, In saying what I Nelson Ham of Lewiston, Ivory Lord o< Saco running. At 3 45 this with the wind and with Soiling corpses aud debris at our subject m< ruing that the National Window Glass morning, relief expedition for and his have already said. The committee has not and T. B. Hauler of held a at feet. I saw one who was Lit, Greely party Jan. 19. Strong, meeting South half the ou man, knocked into expressed itself on the GENERAL NEWS. Washington, Mauutsc'nrers’ Assoctaion and Nationol Bot- bearing Gist, vessel struch and recommending immediate action as the Bubject, or even consid- Augusta Thursday evening, Worthy Master the sea wheu the topmast head broke. ered it in detail, The for tle and Vtal Manufacturers' Association at the reef situation of the must n >w any Mluat it indications New Eoglaud are Rubie was in attendance. outside Devil’s Bridge buoy. She im- The steward funner part; be most peril- may determine their held said he rememberel a to recommend tn regard to this Special Officer J. M. Wilson of the United cl weather with rain and private meetiugs yesterday and day few of ous also, correspondence reiatiug to the exe- very important st.te-' udy snow, northerly BATH. mediately filled and keeled over, tbe water the ictsengers. Among them a Boston matter I do not know. I Treasury Department seized in Hew before, resolved to advance the price of glass- cution ot the Cliiu.se exolueiou act as asked only speak my own fa in the eastern in and Globe reporter, whom he recalled from the views thus far.” York city a small package wbioh arrived last windF, ling, preceded portion For that ever since ware generally 10 per cent. All the factories breaking floating the port side of the for the Senate in a resolution thirty-six yeare, is, Bath iaot that he came by of the sev- in the mail iu to him and requested a Thursday from Amsterdam. It by rising barometer acd generally colder. has been a city, Mr. Nathaniel lias the Western States have been closed for saloon. Nearly all the passengers hurried to enth iaat. Nevertheless, with a chairman the contaiued Lrugiey warm Diace at the t ible, as his lungs were not holding diamonds valued si $20 000. each year been ulecied to fill tbe office of some months past, the men struck At 12 35 tbe Senate went into city having the decks, most of them The BaiJ he executive ses- views that Mr. Aiken does it is not Eliza Hasan of the a wearing life-preser Strong. gentleman was going probable Quinoy, daughter late METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. couBtable and messenger. Tbe county of Sag- against proposed reduction in their wages. sion. JoelaL for vers, but most of them were into the sea South for his health. The that the bill will be Quincy 17 tears president of Har- adahoc was established and The Western manufacturers yesterday agreed swept description giveu Mr. Miller of from committee vigorously pressed. thirty years ago, answers to that of Mr. N. J. Ca’arornia, on vard College, died in Q Mass Thurs- with of a to continue orders from their and at once. The boats Monon, formerly .incy, theexoeptiou single year Mr. Loug- receiving custo- perished were cleared uf foreign reiati . is a proposed by will be defeat- until A Mr. Harmon prominent Democrat boat off from B-tchelder ot one of Monday. boy named Frost, 11 years old, was ed. It was declared that the Western factor* put Gay Head and took away Boston, whom was ac- HOUSE. been a great and the work is thus far fatally of Riddeford, and Mr. Clark is also an active It labor, while at ies would remain seven companied by is wife; Mr. a car- injcrsd coasting Conoord, H. H., B ook Island,. ., closed until the men passengers, one of whom died soon after- Sargent, wtrker in tbe Democratic vineyard. This agreed of J. Mr. Slocum ofNawYork asked unanimous very valuable, as it establishes a standard that Thursday night. Mass. 20.98 33 x 7 NW Clear to accept the terms bv the riage maker, Merrimac; C. Bell of Low- Bo.imi, case out of a and created proposed employers. wards. after noon another consent that tbe to-morrow’s session will 30.00 la x 7 grew political quarrei Shortly life boat ell, aud George Goddard of Stowe. be set enable those interested to at a Ex-Cougressman Green Adams of Mt. Washington.. NW Fuggy Strike of Ribbon judge Kentucky, interest. the Weavers. a arart for debate on the Fitz John died in Me. ... 29.99 20 —6 N great pat off to the distressed and meanwhile Johu L. Cook, only Potter Philadelphia yesterday aged 66 years. Kastport, t.louuy vessel, srreen-maker, recertly in bill. glance wbat tbe present crop of Earope is to Ne. Haven,Conn 29.95 3 x 6 N Cloudy At the the civil cases Paterson, N. J.—Jan. 18.—The strike of tbe ,employ of JE. T. Burrowes of The Winchester Arms of Hew Sapreme Coart, Saco, the revenue cutter Dexter came and sent Pcrtlaud, Mr. be. Tbe of Company Me ... 29.94 33 x 8 NW Clear the nbuuu weavers went into effect along was a Reed of Maine crop Earope has fallen consider- is Portland, are fini-hed and the criminal cases will be today and Me., passenger, aud occupied a state- objected. Haven, Conn., engaged in filling an order Ms 29.94 8» x 6 W w jb a off two boats. men were taken Mr. Brumm of for Priivincetown, Cloudy up on partial success. It iscalculated that less Twenty-one room ou deck, with an P>nusylvauia offered a re- ably below the average, being over two hun- tbe Ct inese government for 2500 masked. N. Y. 29.no 37 x 6 N brought Monday. elderly man, who told Albany, Cloudy than half of the tv■‘ccr auu solution which was reTerre I to the are 1200 ribbon weavers were oot auuaru me uexitr, him he was born in committee dred million bushels short of They of the 1873 model and magaalno New IToik, N. T. 29.95 35 xlO Clm Cloudy BRIDGTON. Brunswick, Me., but on last year’s pro- at uoou. The manufacturers are all ....uou uumouv uwu'u foreign affairs instruct n* tbe committee to a,D. C. 29.92 38 xll S Lt.Rain firm iu (our of whom died afterwards. After all uni, neu' ram. At trie weapons. Washingt We the from this week’s the make at to whether duction, and about a hundred millions below Atlanta Ga.29.9t 41 copy following refusing the workmen’s demauds. t me ilie vessel he was inquiry any minis- Keith of Vt, was found *3 E MyKain persons on the wreck had been struck, awake, but did foraigu Major Sheldon, tries 29.88 News: taken off the net feel ter accredited t Ihe Uoited States has en- the average. Here is a table from the dead iu the office Ch ton. 69 xl4 SW Cloudy alirmed umii he heard orders given to report, depot yesterday. Heart dis- Fla. 29.95 86 xl4 Hr Editor: Dexter sailed for this deavored to the effects of a ease was the Jacksonville, SW Clear port, where she ariived hoist the jib aud detected signs of Confusion nullify unanimous giving the average crop of each country for cause. He was formerly presi- Savannah, Ga. ..29.90 60 |xl4 S Clnudy 1 had concluded not to answer Mr Pratt’s Answer NEW HAMPSHIRE. this and Mr. resolution of t ils Honse by representations dent of the oH bank and evening. The total number of persons alarm. Cook dresssd himself, and the past and the Miselqaoi also a well Ohio.. 29.87 38 x7 Clm Lt.Itain to an article in Monday’s Press of which 1 was the reflscting on the honor and decade, eatimated crop of this Cincinnat', learning that the ship bad struck a rock aud integrity of its known hotel proprietor. Buffalo, N. Y ... 29.93 28 —1 SE Lt. Snw author, wherein be stales ”ih>-y vi.ited without in- Violent Shock. saved is 23. Five dead bodies have been re- memtx rs. Earthquake was ho went year: Cuic.ro, Ilia. 9.90 30 -3 N l.t. Snw vitation,” wc. must have sinking, back to the state room Ipie.-umebe lorgotien N. Jon. 18 covered and 119 souls are thus unacc Mr. Slocnm of New York moved to 1883. Minn.... 30.46 —« —40 his to a once iut mate friend Contoocook, H —A sharp and unted and alatmed h s The latter dispense llnluih, NW Char iuvitaiiou, of ms. to companion. with the hour Estimated Ti-it and io ▼ioioiit shock occurred r this for. Seventeen of the seemed and morning and thongh there waB Average Milwaukee. Wis.. 30.04 14 —18 N l.t. Snw tbe scbouls report bim tbe results of bit earthquake arty saved and four of the crazed, although Mr. Cook pulled Bushels. Bushels. rhe of a _ Discoverer the Open Polar St. M..-— 29.82 36 —1 N W Lt.Rain th-t alteru on. hut when we morning, awakening aud things him out of his berth twice general opposition cn the Republican Louis, ii.Te-iigationa very people shaking dead were bronght here and six to be he could not pre- Bid*-, St. I'au Mtnn. 30.37 9 —21 N read iu iVe lies Press a supposed the motion secured the Austria. 38,655,470 33~413 680 t;le»r ay’s direct denial of ilia generally. vail ujou him to leave the room. Mr Cook requisite two-thirds Sea. Omaha. Nebr -30.86 10 —27 N fact, i. makes one feel deeply and much living and one dead are at Head. The vote. Hungary. 70,990,307 77,762,98a C'ondy grieved Bequest to Dartmouth Gay was at length compelled to abandon the at- (Springfield Republican.) Bi-marck. Oak 30.7i —13 —36 N Clear surpri ed. writer uinter-toud it to College. The house Belgium 24,-19,600 21,692,037 ForBurelythe names of those at the latter are not and returned to then a) 12 IB went into committee .. Jon. place tempt, the where he Heumark. St. Vincent. Minn. ... be such, as well us o be s pre-cut at tbe time. Hanover, 18 —President Bartlett has deck, 4,574,921 4,i 00,000 William Morton baa died at to of the whole on the piiva'e the first lately Sitka, Hie challenge to 1 oo not cure to ac receivi'd a known. The crew as make climbed the top of one of the where calendar, France. 283,8,3,-69 equivocate, copy of the will of the late Mr. list, by some honsea, hill that 285,B13,832 was a x — beiug for the relief of Kitz John Pur Alaska. He remarkable Instance of Rife. Fall. cept and now finally leave tbe matter for be and Ha'l of New who of he found two young men named Germany. 85,33- 961 72,779,950 Gorlen, York, brqoethed the survivors this was as follows: Farnsworth, ter. G is •Too small to measure. but own conscience to do battle. evening, ami a Britain. 83,970 875 88,735 692 $511,000 to Dartmouth. It was an uncondition- Cant. Wright, seaman named White. the fascination which Arctic exploration po«- H. H. Capt. S. E. first mate Edward After the majority and reports of Ireland.. itespectiully, F. al gill, and will be to the Wright; Fuller; At about 11 o’clock the house was carried minority 4,136,'64 2,669,864 paid college as soon the committee had been G ei-ce. 6 ses'es lor men who nave onee yielded to it* second mate and the five men read, Mr. Slocnm pro- 102,894 6,102.894 ELLSWORTH. as the estate can be settled. At a Augustus Harding; quartermas- away sought refuge la the large recent ceeded to in favor of the bill. •t»ly. 139,290,878 128,972.178 He first went in FOREIGN. of ters All five of ttiese unn were saved. speak He drew N her north I84S> upon tbe The of Ellsworth are of a meettug the college trustees it was voted Philip C ark; Dominick McDonald aud foretop. a lands.. 5.609,132 6.700,000 brig people talking said picture of the excitement which exiate.1 at Advance as a member of tbe th*t the next collegiate one Mr. Cook many of the scenes were beart- Portugal. 9.000,000 0,00 Grinnell- waitr-works system. year begin week James parser, William Port*r's trial, and withint 9,0 than the Dinn; Spaulding: reudiug. John a coal casting aspersion Hum >uia. 25,000 OoO Franklin search and he so layer date given in the catalogue Roach, passer, dangled on the 20,(9 0,000 expedition, sig- FARMINGTON. just chief Archibald from the court, declared the result was a fore- Russia 000 King Alfonso the sent ont, and the recess be engineer, Morrison; first assis- inaiustay for two hours with his 194,094,979 160,000 nalized himself that Congress gave him • Accepts Resign- Thanksgiving gone conclusion Fi r that Servia. 4,2 58 730 The Maine Sla'e B a-d of Aerionlture will shortened to one tant H A. hands and legs about the At twenty long years 4,5 I),n00 role of thanks. Dr. Kane was the day. engineer, Phillips; second assistant, mainstay. length man suffered as even 9P«>n surgeon ation of the hold a farmers’ worst criminals seldom 119,-38,440 120,000,0 0 Spanish Ministry. institute at FariningioD, Jan- Held his struggles grew feebler until be dropped [>f that and when he was oat for Burglary. Henry Collins: third assi-tant, Wm. stiff- r, but to-day Fitz John uo Sweden. 3,177,171 3,951,862 party, fitting uary 30.b, and at North Jay, 31st. Murray; in theses. A passenger was astriue Porter, matter January J,n. John ttiestiy what the action of 0 Norway. 284,736 290,362 his own expedition the first man be Exeter, 18.—A burglary was commit- seamen, Madden, Edward O'Brien, El- and there from 5 until mgress wou.d be, stood S»i sought uuvui a nu, clung nearly 15 a. m., Zetland. 2,14 ,128 2,145,528 as volunteer was ted at Lunidutitierry, iu tins county las- Novem before the w< rid fully viudio tied. The same a Morton. It was daring Madrid, Jan 18.—King Alfonso has accept- ward Leary, Robert or Simen John when he too relinq ished the fight for life aud turkey. 40,867,200 40,887,300 On the 17th of D cemtter Mr. W. bt-r A man named Geo. Glaut, men who had rniued Porter bad this that Morton discovered the ed the of the tendered George young \V. Tanas,war into the ocean. All the struck a dead expedition resignation Cabinet, White and Mchael dropped rescued give at Whit>ker kindled a tire ou bis owu land for htooght here from N. H Kennedy; firemeu, Thom- blow Sherman, and he had seen at a i4 ipen water to tbe north which such im- la-t today Hollis, charg- the highest prats to the officers of revenue review Total.1,143,826^6 1,036,088,688 gave ulght. as the the purpose of buruiug some brush. The fire- ed w tit being one of the offenders. At an ex- O’Leary, John Hines, Thomas Mi- of the Union army Gen. Sherman refuse hiB to tbe discussion as to the In view of the impossibility of effecting any Butler; cutter for the bravery they manifested in giv- petus existence got beyuud bis coutn 1 and burned a large amination before Situ he waa to baud to the Sec etary of War because he agreement with the Liberals, Kmg Aifon-o Judge e, held oheal Smith, Thomas Caroey, aud Wm. Mur- ing them from the wreck. All the survivors had nf the open polar sea. Kane, bioken in tract of wood laud and al-o burned a ansaer before the * to throw has ch Seuor dwelling gtaud jury, aud iu default of are now on the tempted disgrace upon him. It was health bit arged Canuvssdel Gastello, Cou- ray; oilers, Michael Day, John McKsuoa and board cutter, where they are upon return, sought relief in trav- bouse, a church, the town house and other $500, was comini tea to Poitsmoutu his (Slocum's) tirm belief that had not war (To the Associated Press.) S rvat v with the task of the io;m- jail. erred for by the officers. the Morton and Kane died effecting bull The fire burned a wood lot be- James coal John Alex- ceased as it had Sherman's el; accompanied him, atiou it >hj new cabin t. iugs. Lowe; passers; Roach, The t-ridered the name would have Friends of the postal telegraph look to the In his to mayor hospitalities of the been arms at Havana in 1856. longing T. S. Dumftr, who brought suit ander and placed side by side with that of Porter. action of the Senate Comuii'tee ou Morten, McGiggan Cornelias O’Leary; chief city to the survivors but to Post Offices who Fla'ieb,] against Mr. WliUaker. After ttie they preferred stay Mr Steele of Iudi.na with bad entered the navy in 1843, served lresriug FINANCIAL. A. F. ru the cutter. The steamer defended the person- much interest. Senate bill will undoubt- steward, Pitman; second stewar,Onarlej was fast goiug to the rebellion as The decis'on of Alfonso to call Con- evidence Judge R -Oman gave a vt r ilot for i nel of the court mart that it was be [hrough he bad also through King when the cutter left her at G m. a', asserting edly favorably rapoit-d. The positioo ol Mrv it.yes into the lor and H. stewardess, Teresa .pieces p. :he Mexican his power uas caused a seussti )n. plaintiff $85 costs. The def-nd- The Week's Failures. Howes; Snith; cook, satisfactory to Keverdy Johnson, Porter’s the Democrats ou the committee is doubtful. war; ship sank under blm The is a full list The new ministry will be comoosed as tallows: ai t, Mr. Whitaker, bis New John second following of those loet: counsel, who had admitted that Tbe trieuds of it the attack upon the forts below New through atiunuy, York. Jan. 18.—It G Dun & Co., re- Whitehead; cook, Thomas Galla- Porter had a the bill fear ihat all of the Dem Or- entered an and the case will come Willism W. fair'rial. Ha gave a President of the Council-Seuor Canovas del appeal up r« t 382 latlurea iu the Uuited States thi, baker, Daulel Wright and wife of 5G7 East history of the orders of ocrats cm the committee will bill. gans, aud when tbe Monongahela was car- at gher; McCarthy; porter, Edward oppose any Casteltu. again the April term of t ie Supreme Judi- wet k aud 43 iu Fourth str-el. Bostiu; E. S. Rand ami the 27th and 28tli of which be de- Mr. is not in ried inland a >iaal wave in Canada; or a tot.1 of 425, as Wm. wife, August, Sautsbury favor of any measure by 1867 Morton Minister of Affair*—,T. D. cial Court. Other actious are pen agaiust Bri-gs; pantrymen, Fitzpatrick and 39 F. rt clared Porter didn’t Foreign Elduagen. iug aratn-t a t .sal of 333 last an (awyer) Avenue, Roxbnry; T. It. disobey orders because he winch will tend to extern! the of tbe was one of the 40 left to float Mmis'er of ouauee—P. Cos week, incrta-e of Frauk power her, and of tbe G«yun. Mr. Whitaker growing out of the same fire. 92 226 of these Mahoney; waiters; Furbar Held, produce deal r. Levi was afraid, but because he loved McOlellau General Government. The Minister of file iuterlor—1\ Romero Y. Robledo. failures occured in the West- Hanson, Boston; L»wreuce, other Democratic 21 of tbe party who survived the outbreak of ern t George H. Dr. H. C. B.rtlett more than he did his members have not M meter of Commeice aud HAMgDEN. an Southern States. ThiB is the greatest Harry Moore, Wm. Boardman, Richard Sulli Kellogg, and couotry. Porter had asyet committed themselves vellow fever. went Agriculture—Piedal Mrs. Mrs. orders He norih agaiu with Y. Mou. nurnbt r n it is van and wife, Keane, D. R. Small, South- positive to push his army agaiDSt the bat from what is known of their A few nights ago an unknown man broke reported any week, believed, Daulel Bigney; oiessman, John Mc- general views Hall’s as second officer of the M ids er of ampton, Muss ; Misa Mrs. riaht of t'ae and there was no it is not exnected expedition, War—Gen. Quesada Y. Matheus, into the boose of Mrs. Ltwrencs since 1878. They are neither of a large nor Beach, Gibson, Os- enemy, proof that many of them will favor de iiiraralles. Bmulleu, Donald; mess-boy, Dankl a son of car (asigi. Turaish ral to the court mar Polaris, and Hall cave biin, for prudential Marquis Erst with the significant character. McDonald, CounsulGen at Bostou, presented ial that he did so. auy bill. One significant feature of the situa- er Hampden, evident object of Jwtuis of Mailue—Admiral Xopete Y. Car- the meo-maj. 29 Marlboro; A. J. Morton, Hoaton Porter bad declined to because he said tion is that tbe friends of the reasons, absolute control of the stores. It hallo. robbery, and finding Mrs. Surulieu A Montreal Defaulter. Globe; obey postal telegraph awake, Helen Brook*, Mr. lie would haveti to are not will be remembered that it was while these etruck her several blows Those of t ie crew known to be saved Nurthboro, Mas-.; and light, which McDowell wedde 1 to any partcuiar measure. A massacre at Hand heavy on the bead, Montreal, J,.n. 18.—Altre-i secre- are Mrs. 0. A. hod -The Forces of the Panze, Rand, aud 8on of Boston; Mrs. replied, ‘‘That is what we came litre for.” They are uuited cn the that were being removed to the ice, with a view one Immuring the skull. The police have a tar» and treasurer of the Capt, Assistant E general question to Credit Foncier La an Wright, igiueer Phillips, R. B Mr. of lo the Prophet Picpnriug Fall ou Khar- clue and are in search of the Henry Slade, Cbelsea, Msgs.; Bilvea, Maginriis Montana inquired why, if electricity should be made available for tbe use abandoning ship, that tbe Ice sudden- perpetrator. Mrs. Company, has at scouried. His to Fireman and two defalcation O’Leary, 8teward Pitman, and Sea- wife children, Mrs. J. Gen. McDowell wauted to of the broke aud a toum. Suiajl-n was alone iu tbe house at the Atxiuson, Mrs. fight, he aid people. Senators thus far take more ac- ly up, part of tbe crew drifted time. the company are not known. Forged checks L Mrs. H. not do man Madden. The are Davis, J. Kellogg. so? tive im> r-st in the thau off. Morton was oue She is C7 years of age and her may re- ou the and following the names subject Representa- of the few left upon Jtn from Khaitinm injuries People’s Jacques Cartier t auks Both in tives. The Caieo, 18.—Reputs sult fa The matter of those taken ashore BE-IDENCE3 UNKNOWN. gentlemen spoke excited manner, friends of tue measure, even if it the and their fate was ally. has been kept quiet have been discovered to at Gay Head, one of vessel, long unknown. St ne liiat tbe en-imy are encircling that city, amounting $10,COO. and several other members to their sball net be to a bill at iu of the capture of the villain. whom is C Richardson aud S. Vance and jumped possible pass this ses- took to an and were in for move- hopes kuown to be dead bat it is not known wife, wife, feet which caused siou or io this They open boat, finally evidently preparation ihe.dectsive T. great confusion io the com- Congress, hope to begin a dis- HALLOWELL. E. Hutodiu8nn and wife, HeurN L. Bachel- picked up by a Scotch whaler and landed at ment. wnicbfone: thirl mittee for same moments and drowned cussion which will result so CONSPIRACY Harry Collius, engineer- der and wile, 16 Everett the in commending The Hallowell Cuitnn M TO DEFRAUD. Are., Dorchester, voices of tho dubatore. the Dundee, Scotland. Morton’s seven years of No Help for a Heleagnred City, inufacturing Com- Wm. Michael C F. James, James A. postal telegraph to the people that the next Spoulding, pursei; Kennedy’ Merrill of Boston, Cont fining Mr. in the ice pany will make a reduction of 10 ou Steele said that he did not Congress cannot refuse to establish hardship dissatisfied him with any London, Jan. 18.—Baker Pasha has been percent, for the Edvard Henry L. Dminis sn l wife, Mrs, James some sys- the wages of all to lake Capias Arrest of Montreal anil waiter; O’Brien, vater, John Beal, wish to reflect on the who tem ot other lire, aud be soon service in tun obliged to finally abauduu all hope of empl nes, effect Ja Mrs. WUiicomb, D. \V. J. gentlemen com- postal telegraphy. sought being ■ Mitchell, uary28th. They chose this alteruativa rather Toronto Merchants. Holmes, seaman; one passenger, name ui. Tibbetts, posed the b isrd of review, but Senator almost Arctic climate of Alaska. His terns ahletiaffrd any relief to Tewfik Bey, who, M, 8 rgent, A. Cummings, A Chase aud Ran- The Myra Clara than as t iere is in wife, dolph bad obtained a list of Dames of Usiaet Case. with 100U worn, n and children ou bis 8hutdowu, profit the busi- j Chicago, Jan. 18.— Au affidavit for a koowu. H. Mrs. persons would have expired in and be wan hands, capias Durland, 8.1. Piukham o' Lynn, W. and The House June, n«ss at tbe present prices. With this reduc- l for the arrest of the members of the selected sent it to Willard’s Hotel end Committee on private land claims to is still bravely deleu dug S.nkat, where he is The following are those on the raft whose I. ipham. G. R H tininood, C. D. C. F. planning spend the remainder of his days tiou tbe ore firm o; Ball, submitted it tithe today to with 400 soldiers He estimates wages not solcw as iu some of tbe Thomas Wal's & Sods of Mon- Joel geotlemen there to know unanimously agreed rtpnt lavorably at his oid home in besieged, only fate is unknown: A. Frank, Nourse of Boston. a bill fir Jersey City, where bin mills. treal aud Toronto has been filed tbe firm of Morrison, chief engineer; whether that was satisfactory or Dot. Gen. tbe relief of Myra Cl .ra Gaines. It tbe rebel forceB surrouudmg Sinkat at 27,000, neighboring hy Steerage—The reel deuces of none of the fol- wife and three children have lived for morn Da iel & of Edwin Fuller, first Schofisld would have liked to the provides for the i-sne of to Mrs. Gaines aud the forct s between Suakim and Berber There was a h aring before Judge White- Oppeohelmer Co., London, Ed*. mate; Augustus Harding, lowing are known: Annie Susie get nomiu- patents | It Kelly, Smith, atiou for the tor 38,457 acres of 1-ml on than 20 years. at 10,1,000. Tewfik believes it house at the court house iu ! is chitr^d that the Montreal firm bought second mate; William G. E. Presidency, and Randolph car- account of grants Bey possible, Augusta Thursday, Mnrray, assistant engi- Goddard, T. M-Caity, G ried made to oua goods valued at $1500, Pennsylvania and New in by Spain John aud Thomas according to his la t dispatches, to bold out a Hallowed divorce case. According to representing themselves neer; William Hines, C. Griffin, T. E. Jersey bis Lynn as so vine. Another bill of Fitzpatrick, pantry man; Rich- Giddings, breeohe9 pocket. L rqu art, irotn whom the claimant litGe longer, but Baker Paslia does not ex- the evidence Mr. MeClure bad been unable to $4400 was bough! W. E. Wright, August J. R. received a Pleasant Words. two mouths and similar ard Sullivan, Piiuce Edwards Island. Pearson, Hebar, Mr. Rosecraus inquired what the title to such lauds. pect to be aole to aid him. sleep iu his bed for fi teeu that later, purchases w**re Capiain G J. — gentleman See of years, during Whitcomb, C. A. Willett, Brown, hid said. prospectus Portland Prb'W, recently made of o'h«r Loudon — Labor for Political this time he had slept on a lounge in the firms, the total amount Wright says in addition that Walker, — Forset'. The last three The ( re-organized and under new editorial cooVol Agitations Purposes. j reachiug ap- Mr. St?ele—I Mg hnlmert-yiaaniuK Case. ki chen during cold weathn and in tbe stable $80,000 Oppeuheimer & Co. are be the Cross plied for ti :kets soy friends under- and to the best irom Pa.i< state tuat no I pasied Rip light ship at 12 o’clock just before the hour of start- In the committee on working give digest of the Special despatches the now couviuced that the stood, and the country and the House, elections today when weather would allow; that the wife ! defendants were en- ing and ih-ir full names were not understood, the news of the dav, aud able editorial reviews of commercial cmU exists there. Trade iu a and continued by Eist and West with a obtained; himself chairman was instructed to to tbe bad uaed abusive aud offensive i gaged Conspiracy to defraud both their Chop gentleman understood that Schofield report tbe with discussion* is more active language officers, first mate, Edward Fuller of Barn- w« Honse on the result political ti-Id, of ell than at any time dnriDg the European and Americau strong breeze from the west-southwest. uld like to be ticketed with the nomination. Monday of tbe consider i- pnblie towards him and once nelted him with stones I creditors, thcuijh who Passed stable; second mate, Allen Eldridge of Chat- tion of tbe matters of interest. Portland b aa no reaena to pistyesr and the of the soca'led luo Mr. ptima facte evidence in attempts and other miaul lautr are is dci elated. It is claimed that Rosecraus—I understood no such thin?. the Chal- of lea. The defense was that the Nobeka, and with a coarse west-3oathwest ham, Mass.; boastman, Clark of Bos- case. complain iis treatment of city matters.— workingmen delegates to create an agitation ihe goods were converted into Phillip ot»eie continuing said: The mere-Manning Tbe report is that neith- libellant bad abused his wfe and had cash, and that board er Brunswick cruelly ri -—• ton; Qu-rtermaster A. is eutitied to the Telegraph. are made solely for pi liti -al effect. the members of uijaciii xu non AIcDouald; Engineer found thani Gen. seat on prims facie right. not been faithful to his vows. the firm decamped and are Aforrtson of Third Pope’s army would have been marriage Boston, Eugiueer Collin<, * uo™ will uo uuuaiuerea OU The Press is too well known in this reelen Prince V ictor Napoleon's Reply* now in Chicago. Thomas the emior very cold aad everything was well. I annihilated if the 12,000 men of Porter’s had Its merits next HOLLIS. Walls, working Purser W. S. Spalning of Secood week. to member of the is went Boston, gone iuto the Such require any commendatory words fro* of. Paris, Jan. 18.— Priuce Victor in firm, charged with below a short lime and soon after beard Steward Howe and 33 seaman fight. reasoning that to Napoleon having names unknown. lucrease the The The loading exponent of to an from M. at to Joseph Locke, an aged and respected citizen made away with 540,000, which he is said ti army by an addition of the best Department a Jo.lire Republican principle* reply inquiry Ca-saguac the second mate, who was in the house in the chief of of ui-d at uis residence in that on have pilot Providence, R. I.. Jan. 18.—The cutter corps was to cause metropolis the Slat*, ably and how far the Bonapartists might cuuut upon Hollis, place brought to this city. The defendants extinction was absurd. The Evening Star publishes an interview with DtiXlHP tlAM Iai (IniI At. Knfl fnpd Dunai.iQon it should n wide Tuesday morning, at the of 83 and were to bail. the mate, sing out to the During the tiial a ai'h carefully edited, have circu- „ him says that at. present be has no political age years held quartermaster gentleman who was now Attorney Geuer.il Brewster, iu whiob the 9 m< ntfas He was a persons and bur dead bodies taken from sn officer of this lation. Under its new editorial control and role to till and tfaa he intends to hold himself swell known farmer aud to port. I jumped out of room, and think* ihe House beard Porter say after latter is repotted as "It is rather my wreck saying unjust bnsiues* the Pass. seat cattle dealer, and has lived on the ot the City of Columbus off Head. McDoweli’s to intimate that management folly tint in reserve uutil calls him to serve his always we had come a Gay testimony, "They accuse me ot frauds and iea duty aud in the log across vessel bound down irregular! its reputation as a first-class place same house where big death U. S. SENATORS. not being loyal to Pope; well I was not." He which Springer’s committee have heeu journal.—Bildg- country. the sound, I then cried out inveet- ton News. occurred. "bard apoxt,” not hoped the gentleman on the are in DeLong’s Remains. An Insane Young Englishman .lumps other side would tigating the Department of Justice. On KENNEBONK. Situation in knowing it was a vessel, and in the not be led by political bias. the these Taka the Portland Daily Paras for that cen- Unchanged Kentucky* moonlight from a train. contrary, irregularities iu the account Oeenedeq, Kama, Jan. 18.—Lieuti. Har- Mr. of of turned ter. It fights class to the and is Capt. Joseob T. Na-ou Idied from Louisvilde, J in. 18.—The senatorial situa- 8%w the buoy on the Devil’a on the Lyman Massachusetts also supported 8'ates Marshals were unearthed front, known ber aud Schulze of tbe United States Thursday | bridge port New Jan. a by navy OU9 of York, 18—John Morse, young the bill. the for its »s a leader. the effects of two pot Paris green taken tloa at F anKlort remains unchang- about 1 wo Department of Jusuce. If there is, or has ability party It realizes thw wiiii me Doaies ot Liiauteniut GJouinander ue practically points forward of the Stream and Emdlebmau, whose parents reaide iu the West The committee then aud is armed fur it. about breakfast time. Oaptiiu Mason was ed. Six ballots were cast in the rose and the Honse been auy iu this situation, Fur utber than Dr. Mr. J r >me caucus last r.re wrong-di.iug department. I Loug, Ambler, J. Culiius aud about 300 yards distant. She End, Loudon, aud saul to he wealth?, is agreed to bold a session am political service it has all the known in early iifs as a student and scholar. night. On the last ballot W. L. Jaekscn of immediately to-morrow for deoate entirely ignoraut of it. merite, and even others of toe Jemuetie iu 8t. Michael’s on expeiliton passed was a struck. I dying hospital, Newark.While only the Fit* John Porter mure, than yon find in Bostou He rtudeut in Bovdoin College and Louisville, changed from Williams to Black- ordered the engine reversed, and bill. dailier— news, through this place j eat si day tn route to the traveling to this city on a Pennsylvania tram, TheOrrgen Central Land Croat. markets, shipping, and is Hubstquenlly foil .wed the sea and becune a burn, rnakiog the vote stand: she jacked about twice her Adjourned. etc., emphatically • United StatHH. Williams, 53; length. yesterday he threw At a Mttit.e to sncie-.sful He had morning, suddenly open meeting of the House committee on paper the very heart.—Walervillw shipmaster. cbargeoflbe Blackburn, 45; Sweeney, 24. Ward meetings The steamer the door of the Ulnrderrd iu Hit Bed* aud have immediately stopped and I or- car and sprang from tie ph t- public lauds ex-Sanator Mail. hue ship Arcturus whirs. He retired been neld here at which resciluti n« were today, Mitcholl coi form. The train was at a FIRES. tinned his Romb, Jan. »r a fiontbes a sotne siucs with a adoited dered the jib hoisted, aod to head gi iog very rapio argument agaiust the forfeiture of The Press 18.—Monsif>n Cesare, digni- years comforta- insrncting their representative* to endeavored and itsndB In tbs front rank among of itie rate, was then near The train the Central land onr tary church, wa< murdered in bis bed ble He has numerous schools Vote for Blatkbur ■. her to the bat Waverly. Oregon grant. Mr Tweed, Maine is property. taught north, she filled forward and was and he papers, and now conducted by last and his room oue stopped yonng man takeu on Son-in-law of W m. M. in be- waiter night plundered by assassins. and for years hat beeu of the school c >m- Judge E. Wilson listed over to Bni/roud Offices Burned Out. Everts, appeared Alien, late associate editor and Wash- Elected Senator* port so that the plankshire was board. H skull was found to be half of the mit'.ee. He was au active member of Uev. fractured, California & Oregon Company. C. ington cot of the Annapolis, Jan. 18 about four feet aud he was unable to Mi Kankakee, Id.. Jan. 18 —F.re iu the respondent Boston Advertiser. Md., —Judge Ephraim under water. I went aft and Bpeak. rse’s attend- gener- P. Huntington followed Mr. Tweed for the It has a Mr. Lockwood’s (Union Congtegalioual) v al offices ot ttio large editorial is on * K. Wilson as elected Beoalor ant, A. B. said the man Indiana, Ilduois & Iowa rail- force, printed POLITICAL. Church and esteemed for his talents and iu- today. He is told the to cool Todd, yonng was 23 same company. fast and has a rssidint of Bmw passengers keep and get life years and road company Ja-t press every facility for forulahlag Hill, Worcester county, 62 ill, t'-at he left home some years night destroyed all the The commnnitv, as well as the 1 The D6WB. Onr com Nominated t-grity. ol age, was a member preserver*. I ne*t told the officers of ago to travel in this c impany’s papers and accounts. IHexicaa Treaty Rejected. inanity will do well to add tbw B. J. Hall In Iowa by the years of the 431 Con- country. For a time be to widow and four adult children, were shocked Press their list of as its ci Iannis era Jiemotrats. gress, and d< clii ed re-election. At he the deck to get the boats wae a bookkeeper iu this city, aud atterward The Operu House and Post Office The Senate rejeoted the Mexican papers at the tragical termination of au use'nl life. present ready. at Wash treaty—37 well worth is Judge of the fi st Judicial and went to Nebraska, While there he became yeas, 21 nays—nut a necessary two-thirds. reading.—Wiutbrop Badges. Des Jan. 18.—The Democrat c cau- x. y. z. District, has The steamer 6ett:ed down aft and righted* iugton, Kan., Destroyed. Moines, bseu on the enamored of a has bench since 1878. He is young lady, and was engaged to St. Ja i. Nominations Confirmed. recently been 1* cus nominated Senator B. J. Halt of LEWISTON. regarded It was blowing hard be Lodis, 18.—Tne Oo-ra „^e reorganised yesterc&y as a gentleman of sound very and a heavy sea was married to her. A tear he House at ail its is new Sta'es Senator. judicial qualities, good ago began to act Washington, the continuations made departments, nuder editorial com* for Uuited On The of shoes ever Kansa’, owned by E. C. Knowles Among by the Sen- trol a Burlington, biggest shipment made abilities aud unblemished running. Launched port boat No. 6 which strai gely, and hai to be in a mnat c and decided in enterprise Senator Bloom of a resolu- reputation. placed and valued at was ate todav were the Isaac improvement motion of Johusoo, from the Auburn and Lewiston factories was ou #20,000, binned yesterday. following: M.Board- and was asylum. Ee was bii way boms to England The store be vigor interest is already apparent. It is tion was that at au eaily date a com- immediately capsized. The sea was occupied by C. T. in man, to collector of ca-t >me for the district passed made Wednesday. It was 1010 cases. in charge of when he Little, the located in the of the and »tors and lour over the Todd, leaped from the same building, was also of Bellas’, Chief metropolis Stale, by miitee of three sen representa- breaking steamer's deck aod the stern train. horned. Loss #24.000 Me.; Engineer Chas. H. its position tbe at- FAKIS. NEW YORK. to and brains will command tives be to draft a license bill, on The post ffice was also Luring, be chief of the Bureau of appointed being entirely under water we were forced to destroyed: loss #3,000. Steam tention of the pnblio aud take the lead of alt wiich Democrats aud Greenbackers can unite Mr. JamesT. Clark of Paris died in Wash- The Post Office at Engineering: Commodore Robert W Sanfairit go up on of the Powder Mills Junction City, Ky., tbe papers in the (N H ) R*. in barun nv D. Mr. Clark had Bclmonico s Will. top house. I stayed there Explode-Several Men and State.—[Dover for the prt mo'iou of sobrnty and ington, 0., Wednesday. Burned. Al.xDRhiud, Tbomgs h! beeu In New awhile but we were Killed. Rear PwiSS £ publican. with the of p-r oual lioeity. G'a failing health for nearly two years, York, Jan. 18.—The will of Charles fiually obliged to take to Admirals. principles aud Junction Citv, Ky., Jan. 18.—Fire We take in adding to oar didi.t h for the kgisaiire offices were also was in Washington on his way to Florida, Deimunico makes no hut di- the rigging. The Scranton, Pa., Jau. 18.—Nine of the ten yester- The pleasure axchaegw public bequeit*, mate, second mate, chief day oestroved Wells & Hog atneeiien. list tbe the Siaie C-unuiiit-ie where he was to spend the wiutt r with his vides the between hit powuer m He ol tue Consumers Powder Tuttle’s general store. Portland Pass', prospect as of nouii> a’ed. The Democratic propeity sister aud neph- engineer aud fourth Com- Turnlmd & The House committee « n Thomas ews. engineer took to the raft. pany iu Co.’s store, end the poet ifflee. commerce discuee- which, for this veer, will be fonnd lu decided jo-terday io lull two COUVentio..P, the daughter, Mrs. M. Crocker. Mr. tzploued rapid succession lot night, Loe8 ed for two hours today’s CUrk had I think the steamer struck on sbakii <5o5,000; lnsm ancs $20,000. today the proposed me,scree paper. The Press does not need onr feeble to nomiuaie s to the ^aiional beeu ac!i-e in Republican polit cs a lone rock. The g the eaiti lor miles aruuud One rnau delegat of reia ta iou against the introduce it in Oxford end the State. For several Fatal captuiu is was kill d and SHVtr.l others prohibition of Amm- commendation to to oar read.re at Goavtn ion, to be held on May 7th. couuty Coasting Accident. positive he struck outside of the reported killed. ic n he was An hog products h? France and one of I he foremost papers of Melon years depul) sheriff aud j tiler of Ox- M OSCE'TER, Jan. 18.—A and io Int WN, Pa., Jan. 18 —Anezplusicn or Edward Ge-many. Any 14-year-old daugh- buoy backing drifted inside. uuder a rest on Toe sub-corn i»>tiee to on who likes ford coil'.tv, aud was lor onrreu this us ruing iu the Tapper, suapicio.i appointed c, n-ider tlie Republican pollfea will like ike many years an in- “t- Nortd wag miiiug house ol the ° Dei* fir Hurley a rran of Franklin, ‘J Briokfisid Tbejffijers of the implicated in the Townsend outheg Jeer, reported favorab y on the sod those who don’t c.n lefce Clapper, young spector in t .6 ousiom house in Portiaud. As kill-d cutter Dexter furnished Vulcau O.tnaunte near joint resole- Pkkss, ft It* Igs was last night while c A double Company, this city, lu- • Ut Vt., found iu the road frozen. acting. the * • Confessed reliaole news. Tbe Press, a 1th Its Thursday suoh be was for soma years stationed at came iu statement: s'Auily three men. jedtwrdn,clears the Skin and aug30dtt 36 Temple Street. price. soon despoiled. the polls. He joined the Democratic party Scalp, hea s Ulcers amt Sores, restores the Com- plexion. Cuticura Soap, an Skin Bcau- con- exquishe rOHlLAND to get an office which the Republicans tiiler and Toi et is in treat- LOST ANM FOUND. THEATRE. Mr. “A Winter is Requisite indispensable J. B. Brown & Sylvester’s poem Idyl” skin r Sons, PRANK aud sidered him unlit for, and it is not likely ing disease-*, and for ugh, chapped, or g’easy CURTIS.Proprietor Manager reprinted this in to the au- skin, blackheads, blotchrs, and baby huu ors. Citti- morning justice will the Lost. that be release them from condition. CURA Remedies are the only infallible blood pur- GRAND SHAKESPEAREAN EVENT. thor. been iu for his revis- and skin LADY'S Gold E. Having put type ifiers beautitieis. Waltham Watch. N. He was taken as Butler and so The finder up, many wld he rewarded PERRY, BANKERS, 4 by It at ion, it accidentally got into the paper iu an leaving McKEN- Monday and Tuesday Evenings, Jan. 21 others, whose claims tbe Republican party fhn«. 28 State NET’S Jewelry S.ore. jaulSu3t unfinished state. is Houghton, E*q lawyer. 318 middle It much too good a Stieer, Boston, reports a case of Sait Klieum under Street, and £2. rejected, have been taken up. They have in to be in bis observation for ten years, which covered the pa- Lost. NO. 245 MIDDLE STREET. of the thing spoiled that way. oct20 Offer lor tulc Appearance POPULAR TRAGEDIAN, some cases been able by their personal fol- tient’s bo ly at:d limbs, and to which a;l known VTIt of eoJSm Gold Bowod Glasses, nn Congress St. fflnine Central ------7*. methods of treatment had been applied without the From the silence of the to the Democratic a tem- AP tinder will be rewarded by leaving at SO m • iue C'entrul ------5t. Argus yesterday lowing give party benefit, whi h wt ^ completely cured solely by tbe NURTH ST. Jsul7d3t* AndroMCOggin and Kennebec ft- THOS. W. some suspect its whole and oc at the end of which it has Cuticura Remedies, leaving a clean and healthy KEENE, force, regular porary triumph, skin. Portland aud Ogdeuaburg 0a* —8UPPORTED BY— is in than City of Portland.0a casioual, at work assisting the Mayor to been a worse condition of reputation TO LET. Mr. J. Newton Gotthold iVIr. nn«l Mrs. Everett Su bbins. Belchc-town. and other first-class bonds and stocks. prepare a statement of the finances. before. CRETONNES! CRlTONNES! And a Specially Selected under the man* Company city’s Mass., write: Our little was boy terribly afflicted agemcutof W in. Ki. But what is wanted is a statement from the aud Continental Uu)«ien* Mr. Aiken on the Education Bill. Sterling1 Exchange City Auditor of what his books show. Prob- bought and sold at most favora- Mouldy Kvniinir, J».i 91, Nbaknprare'a helped him until we t ied Cuticura TOJLETe 2000 y ards to foe close«l out at The interview with Congressman Aiken Remedies, the Noe. ble rates. ■Subliiue Tragedy, ably it cannot be had. which gradually cured Jiim, until he is now as fair Thrmpsnn block. il7. 119 STORES.,;lsal and 123 Middle a few oct2G eodtf of South Carolina, reported by our Washing- as any child. street, do >rs below OTHELLO! the post office; titted suitable for wholesale or retail KEENE ton does little credit to that business, with light, finished, airy basements. Rent OTHELLO.THOS. W. 152,348 less emigrants came to this county correspondent, II- E. Carpenter, N. V., cured of Henderson, reasonable. Inquiie of H E. THOMPSON, No. 104 25 OEKTTS YARD. b «ivr :o . Tueudny* January 99* gentleman's candor or sense. He is Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years’ standing, by Brackett por last year than the year before, the total good street, Portland, Mo. Last of Mr. Keene. Cuticur v Remedies. The most wonderful cure ou Janl4dif Portland Gs appearance Shakespeare's chairman of the House on edu- Municipal, flrand 11 5a*. .vino 1 Trorradv number contribu- Committee record. A full of scales fell from him 4s being 560,196. Germany dustpan daily. §Eooms to Let. Deering cation to which is the PI13 siciaus and his friends thought he must die. Ohio and Gs ted iu 1883 in a referred bill making County City 180,812 against 220,946 1882, Cure sworn to before a justice of the peace and Hen- rooms, single or in suites,furnished Portland Water Co.. 1st and 2d mort., Gs RIOHARD III ! an from the to or unfurnished Ur loss of about 60,000. There were lees emi- appropriation public treasury derson’s most prominent citizens. DESIRABLE at 17B STATE ST Wakefield, Mass., Water Co., 1st mort., Gs the Battle of Roxtrorlb field. dtf These are not the thin Maine Central It. K. Bonds—all issues. MSWU/O IU IUC CfflAUUOUUIVUl! UUU slascy goods DUKE OF GLOSTER.. W. KEENE grants also from Ireland, Austria, Sweden -TIr#. S. writes n0'-*7_ Northern Pac. It. R. Land Grant, 6s *.THOS E.iWh ip pic, Decatur, Mich., K. maintenance of schools for the edu that her and some of Car Trust and Bonds. (Afterward. King 111.) and Norway than the year before, but more public face, head, parts her body were JOB SAJLSL often thrown upon the market, but Equipment almost raw. Head covered with scabs and s >res. Seats, $1.00,75 and 50. Gallery, 35. Sale of cation of all the people. Mr. Aiken treats -for sale from England, Scotland and Italy. Ger- Suffered fearfully and tried everything. Perma- firm,, desirable suitable for by- seats commence! Thursday, .Jan. 17. janl6dlirji the whole with a of indiffer- cured the Cuticura Remedies a For Sale. goods, man immigrants still outnumber subject degree nently by from greatly Skin Humor. sound and ence which we is shaied but a small horse, hind, suitable for ex- those from other hope by or furniture and WALTZING any country. Sold by all druggists. Cuticura, 50 cents; Re- BLACKpress family. Owner has no further me coverings drapery, of tbe or for him. proportion people North South. solvent, $1.00; Soap, 25 ceuta Potter drug Address, L. W. F. SWAN & BARRETT Class at Gilbert’s every Monday Robert Harris who has been elected AKD Cdemic iL Co., Boston, Mass. jaulSdtt Press Office, and usually sold from 45 to 05 cents just Tbe debate! which have been had heretofore _ Evening at 8 o’clock. President of the Northern Sem! for “How to Cure Skin Disemi^s.” Pacific railroad in either house of Congress on similar bills lanltt err., o_n_ FOR SALE. per yard. 186 middle $£iect. has had a deal of good experience in rail- have developed an interest, de33 PORTLAND, MB. eodtf ASSEMBLIES increasing At 237 Middle street, one 24 feet wall road management and is iu rail- in at 8.30 regarded this subject and some of tbe leading Sen- case, oue office desk, and three show Every Thursday Evening roau circles as We also offer curtain BONDS FOR SALE. jaol'J dtf one of the most able atois avd Representatives from the South cases for counters, all of black waluut pales complete men In the and in nice business. Some years ago he was have taken an active interest in supporting condition; to be sold as a for 75 cents each. Rockland.Gs & 4-». Bath.Gs & 4s of very low price; must be sold at once to Newcastle.Gs & 4s. Waldoboro .. *.Gs manager the Chicago, & the the to our in- Burlington measure, recognizing peiil make room for others. Aneon. 4s. Maine Central. .7s & 5s and afterwards became Portland & CONCERT AND REllNGS. Quincy Vice presi- stitutions which is involved in tolerating a OH! ;aul neofISt Ogdensburg.Gs. dent of the A tine Erie. He has been a director of numerous class of illiterate citizens who very entertainment consisting of vocal and FOR SALE. instrumental music and readings, will be given in the Northern Pacific for some He is ARETAS years. have the right to vote and thus to exercise a BRICK YARD and three thick Machines, late- SHURTLEFF, Chestnut St Church, Wedi es ’ay evening, January described as a the late MO. 194 MIDDLE STREET, 23rd. Tickets 26 cen’s, for sale at man of nervous temperament influence on affairs. A ly occupi.d by .lames A. Ayer, at Sac- Stockbridge^ large public earappa of AM ASA Sacca- 1, ianldtf and F. B. Clark’s Book dtore. and restless Enquire WINSLOW, Jay. 1884._ energy. Mr. Aiken’s talk about the rapp.», Janl4dtf WALTER jam 7dlw unwillingness Me._ _ COREY<& of CO., Congress to have sublic money spent in HOME INVESTMENTS Judge Pershing, of Pennsylvania, has de- PORTLAND THEATRE- the South is sheer nonsense in view of what MY Portland .... 6s. due 1887. cided that a base ball player is not a laborer Portland Gs. 1907. Frank and has been done. lie instances the re- SAWMILL, Cards.Proprietor Manager. within the o/ the Portland Water Co. Gs. 1888. meaning statutes giving 44 44 fusal to millions for waterpower, residence, outbuildings aEd Gs. 1 891. laborers a over other appropriate building preference creditors in WITHabout 10 acres of land, f *r sale, situated on Portland & Ogdensburg 6s. 1900. One Night, Jan. 23. levees. Tbe North is to ROBES the v\ Wednesday, Mississippi MB River at est Bath ready FURS near 6s. 1897. the distribution of an insolvent estate. This PfecataquA Falmouth, Me., Municipal do, and to have done, whatever it is right to R. R. Station, For particu ars iuouire of Maine Cential Consol 6s. 1912. REGULAR SEASON OF 1*83-4. decision will prove grateful to the pride of EDWARD ME KRILL, Androscoggin & Keunebcc Gs. 1891. do for the of improvement the navigation of Jan. 3,1884. West Falmouth, Me. REMNANTS! Leeds & Farmington Gs. 1H96. The REMNANTS! Pear Co. of the base ball Reorganized America! player, if not to his pocket, for 3 an dtf Also Safe in vestments G cent, inte- that great artery of commerce. Much has jielding per it will 3_ rest for sale furnish him a substantial reason for 6REAT REDUCTION. by Better and Thau Ever. been given already to be expended,both along For Sale or To Let. -OIF1- Larger, Stronger himself a Gray Wolf Robes $6.25 former price $6.50 considering professional gentle- ** fllHE 3 its course and to open a deep channel at its Plusli Lined 6.5o >*.00 story brick house Fo. 1^ Gr .y street, near h. m. pa ysow & Determined to maintain my former reputation of man and prefixing a title to his name. Here- •« 7.50 j>.60 *- Park, furnished with all the modern conven- co., having the * mouth; but maDy are and ought 8.00 « 10.00 iences Atno for pale, if the and after we unwilling desired, Carpets may expect to have professors of 11 part of Furniture in said hou-e. to be to on schemes 10.0) 12.50 Inquire of J. F. BANKERS. Beat Specialty Company on the Road. unwilling expend money •* RANDALL & base ball as we now have professors of danc- 11.00 13.60 CO., 119 Commercial street. of improvement which are a private, rather 12.50 15.00 DQv2? dtf UPHOLSTERY 32 Exchange Street. ing and skating. 13.50 16.50 oc31 eodtf PAT UOONEI’S than a public, benefit, or off-schemes which HEfiTlNIJi. —— provide no real advantage in return for the Aujor-— HENRY .■NEW lOKK STAR Senator-elect Payne says the attempt White Wolf Robes, Black CLEWS & CO. vast amounts required. Every river and No. 18 purify the government service by the prt- J Wolf AlWflfAL MEETING. New Street, also 9 Wall Street, N. T. harbor bid in recent Robes, at the ent civil service reform law is libe passed by Congress (NEXT DOOR TO THE STOCK EXCHANGE.) “cleaning annual of the Stockholders of the COMBINATION I years has given tbe South a fair share of tbe same reduction meeting the Augean stables with a tooth International will be liolden at Bankers brush,” THE Steamship Co., and Cofiimtssirm Merchants. Headed by tbe Great and Only amount appropriated. Tbe sums their offace Exchange St. on Wednesday ibe 23rd of Goods ! aud that the stream of must be given by Securities and Products bought and sold on com- Democracy •January, at 3 o’cl ck p. m. for « hoi e of Drapery Northern offleers^nd mission for c*sh or on 4 rent, run it people in charily to aid the South the transaction of any other busiuesj that margin. |=er allowed PAT through before it will be Winter Gloves Great- Aiay on Members of N. Y. Stock ROONEY. thoroughly come before the meeting 1 Deposits. Exchange, in tbe educational work can be counted by legally N. Y. Produce N. Y. cleansed. With all due respect to Mr. Payne Reduced. H. J. LIBBY, Secretary. hxebange, Mining Exchange. Sea's 7n» and 60c; gallery 3oc. Sale of seats millions ly Petroleum Exchange, aud the Board of commences we and ought to forever close tbe Portland, Jan. 11.1884. janl2dtd Chicago Monday, Jan. 21. janl8d6t are inclined to think that if the ancient iVe shall now close out all onr remnants at Trade. Private wire to Chicago. mouth of Southern man who is N. Y. Branches 963 cor. 23d Hercules had been compelled to choose be- any disposed Portland Railroad Company — An- Broadway, St. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE one-half their cost. connected by GraDd Cent. Hotel op. Bond St. to of Northern uncharitableness to HORSE BLIVETS nual ill. j — ON — tween a tooth brush aud * stream of Democ- complain ctiiiff. Private wires) 34G Broadway cor. Leonard St. that section. Annual of the stockholders of the This will be Hie he would the 75 rls. and from 75 cts. to &t, Ke- Meeting best ever offered racy have.chosen tooth brush, THEPcrtiaud Kaitroau Company will be held in the opportunity But Mr. Aiken’s talk shows that he is duciiou on our i iue Blankets. Glaciers. for the sound reason Lbrary R >om, Mechanics Hall. Me., on to desirable very that a stream of Portland, purchase material for Cov- CITE ADVERTISEMENTS. of the of MONDAY, Jan. 21, 1884, at 3 o’clock p m., for the PROF. II. CARMICHAEL, A. IM. Ph. O. would be sure strangely ignorant history attempt- Democracy to bring in much choice of directors and the transaction of ant other ering or or of Bowdein t o lege, ed on this very Bills business that cmne betore th»-m. ftc-Covering Furniture, more dirt than it would out. legislation question. may legally of Portland. will lecture on “Glaciers,” in the carry E. A. Secretary for City for educational purposes, which in voile NkWMAN, at small Y. Furs! Furs! Furs! Portland, January 14. 1884. jani4d7t Hangings expense. City Marshal’s Office, 1 iVL. C. A. H A.L L, It is said that the Civil Service Commission precisely the same conditions of distribution Jan. 17,1884. ) and under the auspices of the on marked very low. Association, will prosecute W. L. Odell, the agent of the by which the South would, as was well Wednesday Eve’ng, Jan. 83, at 8 o’clock. 6100 ENT c. o. u. MILES BAKING POWDER in Indiana Republican committee, who has known, have received the lion’s share of Coasting Streets. The lecture will be illusirated by Stereopticon Views and PB9VILEGE TO EXAMINE. ------after this date permission is been contributions from clerks in have been one or the v::i Lereby grant soliciting beuefit, passed by ON ed for ersons to COAST with a SLED on the LECTCRE ON JOHN HAMPDEN. the Postoffice This is the other house in different Walter following streets, or portions thereof, Prof. A. S. D. D of Bowdoln Col will department. congresses, sup- Rveuia , stood that the men who engage in this busi- Congressmen of the North, and with the 3 urner to Eastern Promenade, J •B.'iS. M N o'clock. Adm ssion to each lec- Atlantic to Fore, ture 26c. Members of the Association ad-nitted free. ness do so at the risk of lo full their MERRY, Free Street. being compelied of coustitments. Senator approval JaaI7_ dtf * F- >re down the hill by the Portland Co., janlOST&W *X’.fc=LXLS Hancock to pay a heavy fine if they are found out, and H >ar, who, when a member of the House, XXXX, Fore, Fox from Washington to Back Bay, tbe business will soon cease. The only rea- introduced the first bill of this character, Anderson from Cumberland to Back Bay, from Cumberland to ! son that it has not ceased before is that fourteen once said in the 237 Middle Boyd incoln, PortlBid Ri. years ago, Senate, Street, Pearl, from Cumberland to Back Bay, Rollerskating there are still people in the country who that he challenged the Representatives of the GARMENTS. Cedar from Ox884, to consider the widen tig of this peerless “food.” realization public day poor man in Philadelphia had to bor- “B” If. B. BI( Kb'K, Gen. Asent, S1G Sit. street to a width of >ixty feet, will meet at the that row a dollar to a bottle of Congross The Ohio wool relates to the or removal buy Athlophoros. junction of-A” and “B” on MUUDOCKi’S FOOD. impending danger. grow- appointment 130 ('osnuerciul St., Portland, Jlr. streets SATURDAY, LIQUID On account of his poverty his name shall remain td® “ineteenth day of A. D. 1884 About held a of officials. One reason is UeoL January, at one the middle of October of last year, Miss Sa -«*, too, have just convention for the particular that a dlawSly o clock p. to hear secret. lie had suffered terribly from Rheu- in., all parties interested, and will die Cahill, a young at present at Wal- afterwards lady residing of their and the officials were then so few. The whole matism. lie writes: determine if public convenience and n do s reet, was afflicted with a purpose proiecting industry, gratefully cessities Somerville, severely require that s ltd street should be bo wid- most us attack of inflammation of the iron men will follow suit. number in civil office I took my first dose Tuesday dangcrr the bow- pig Bv the during Washington’s afternoon, ened. from which, the and on after but els, by untiring watchfulness of Wednesday, seven doses, I hud FLORIDA JOHN w. 1 her time that Mr. Morrison to administration were, in bis own “a DEERING, Mayor. family physician, she at last, to all apnearau gets ready begin phrase, not a sharp or severe ache left. Then I reduced ROBERT M. GOULD. the Committee ces, recovered; but, unfortunately, iu an his raid on the tariff mere and his dose one-half and took the remainder of tho JOHN C I unguarded every protected indus- handful,” during two Presi- TUKEsBUltY, on moment the malady returned even more severe bottle. I was able to be steady at work till Sat- AUGUST INK I). SMITH, Out thfcn the her after a time in the will have a dential terms he removed but all for when I took a f Laying first, leaving thoroughly try country delegation in eight, urday, severe cold and was un- Pinn-PalminE I.I\ t exh SIMOND1, New Streets. tasted, and power levs as an infant A thiid able to use my left hand. I purchased another JAMES that the tariff be cause, this list not Mr. CONN'ELLAN, time did .this disease and a third Washington demanding including Pinckney, bottle and by bed-time I found relief. Tlio The depth of Winter tries every cranny harrowing return, d7t time wa* it* fatal warded off—and let the French was medicine is all claim for of the If you are not fortified, woe consequence so alone. Minister, who recalled by you it.” body. _’ on betide you! You must not get below par at FRIDAY’S throughout the entire tall, wiuter aud spring desire of the of or SHEETING months, iu peri>His of six months. government that nation. a neuralgia, rheumatism, SALE. recurring eve»y Investigate Athlophoros all singl’e point, of Portland. At The New Age makes several rather clum- you please! asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, inflammations City about the beginning of dune of the present The of removal waS almost her question wholly Find all the fault you choose with it! and of some kind, will make a bed in your sys- year, attending pby>-ician, iu a fit of despera- sy excuses for its failure to its City support an abstract one, for the the fact tem. The art of taking care of Marshal’s Office, ) tion, positively command© her to use Murdock’s but, fortunately us, yet remains, that it is what yourself Liquid Food and ihat charges against Marshal White before the doing is the one to be studied now. Medicine is December 19, 1883. j alone, whici she did, sub- men of that had a no on it for period gr< at taste for the other medicine ever could do for Rheu- at times; treatment is good always. 44 Wamsutta 12 l-2c best To teunntM occupant* and sisting enti'ely over three weeks. From good 7 l-2c owuen of bnild- the in Investigating committee. One is that the and Sheeting or lo moment which she commenced to use this abstract of matism and The Florida pine treatment, through, m, Snow «.»ttle.—Editorial from tbe In- In an the Pino-Palmine SHEETING. National ott’s Debates. It arose on the bill to emergency dustrial estab- it is treat- Bank, Journal. Boston, Sept. 1, 1883. New it is difficult to see it medicim Now perpetual Al in the flute of Age made, why lish the of Portland, Blaine, From a Department Foreign Affairs, af- ment-worth its -weight in gold as a toning, t Leading Physician iu Boston, to was not to volunteer evi- his whom ween equally proper terward called the State Department. It was invigorating agent; keeping system up; Al the Close of Basinets*.December refer. him cola, and changes; 3000 wide 4 31,1883 dence to support that charge. But it was moved to striae out the words—as applied to fortifying against yards yard Sheeting l-2c “My wife was sick with nervous prostration for enabling him tohrave weathers and sea- cue to the birtn of her the cffiaer thus * “ “ “ year previous child: suffered not to volunteer this created—“to be removable attend to his busi- RESOURCES: necessary in case, be- sons, and courageously severely from nervous dyspepsia; lived almost from office the President of the the of thou- 6000 8c Loans and by United ness. He repeats testimony 6 l-2c discounts....$1,873,G2H.09 wholly on milk, as nothing else caused so little cause all persons who had evidence u. b. Bonds to pain any Stales.” Che of sands of our best citizens, many of whom “ secure circulation ... in the importance the subject was “ “ 60,000.00 stomach. After tbe birth of tbe child, was as sufferers as him- Other bonds and the Marshal were invited to Mr. Madison have been almost great stocks, Mortgages 4,000.00 prostrated aud could not even against present amply recognized, going so far 1000 28c 9-4 20c Due from compleieiy digest ihe and as restored to health. approved reserve agents... was as to “The decision that self, promptly 189,208.29 milk; rapidly losing ground when the use of is. aii uiu was necessary was to an say: is at this time The we sell Due from other National Banks... accept goods at C I-2c are Stoott, Lockwood and other 32,7G1.70 LIQUID FOOD was begun. At first one-half tea- made will become the Real estate tuinitnre and fixtures... Irritation, Another excuse is that the ‘‘lo- permanent exposition reliable as the well 6,000.00 spoonful was taken evenr hour, later one, and still J. K. FOY & CO., Gen’l AgUs for Maine. makes, heavy known Continental Checks and other cash of the constitution; atid on a permanent ex- goods. items. 13 825.87 later two each hour. Fro .. the first the FOuD was 379 l-i$ Peril for cal reporter” responsible for the article or me constitution will Congress Street, and, I?|e. Exchanges clearing bouse. 21L078.73 seemed to agree with the patient. Abou this position depend the d avvS&w Bills of other time Banks. 2d, 171.10 Liquid food was for a week or Reflecting on the Marshal and the and character of the whole Fractional rejected ten proprietors genius govern- paper currency,nickels and da* 8. The patient not did not continue to ment.” He and others took the only gain knew nothing about it. But if the proprie- ground that T H E Mew lot Ladies’ pennies. 21.60 but lost, and was again attacked with neuralgia, $1.25 Specie .. in no way could full executive Might Dresses, made of 60,224.55 which passed aw*v again afier 11QUID FOOD had tors wanted to repudiate the article a responsibility Legal lender Notes. good be upon the President unless be had Fruit of Loom 10.000 00 been used several day9. At the present placed Redemption fund n ith U. S. Treasur- writing, to have done so would have been be- Colton, handsomely nine mouths after confinement, tbe patient is pur- place a corresponding power over his subordinates. er (.1 cent, of per circulation). 2,250.00 suing her ordin «ry life, though ot very She fore the All the familiar in at 75 cents. Due from U. S. strong investigating committee. The New argumeuls favor of a trimmed, Treasurer,other than still ends t»«e use of FOOD three times a 6 cent, LIQUID is to out strong government were per redemption fund..... 1,000 00 day hetps her digestion and greatly adds to her Age evidently trying crawl of a bad brought forward, €Ir8« Book by I. O-Kin B**r the ieac er and learner, with the best, of constitution, against bill,” music, she being unable to nourish It, we obtained a wet Mr. of North and improved elements. Has received decided LIABILITIES. A Democratic Coru'erence. Page, Carolina, “contains in it praise nur*e, and have always given it Liquid Food three from those xvh have u^ed it in their fall cias>es,and times the seeds of royal preiogative. Everything Capital stock paid iu. $S00,000.00 daily, commencing with five drops, and are ih*y are quite willing to recommend it to all c om- j now it 2U or a There was a of the Dem- which has been said in favor of in Surplus fund. 3o0.000.00 giviug ba'f teaspoonful; it is now meeting city energy menciug wi«.ter classes. 192 paces. 100 secular RINES Undivided as and well BROS. profits. strong a%any baby. 43,424.05 at the the Executive may go to the destruction of an-1 6u sacr»*d tunes, improved elements, &c., &c. ocratic politicians Falmouth Hotel *n17 National bank notes outstanding_ 4o!< ot'ioo remember this. aud establish This Order it with perfect confidence. dU Dividends Mothers, If your baby dote not last at the freedom, despotism. very unpaid. 41 437.*21 Tuesday evening, which subject Individual thrive, do not change its food, but add 5 to 20 energy, so mucli talked of, has led rnauy pat- Price 75 cts. deposits subject to check. 8;ii,'77.'U69 drops a for iu the Certified Food at each of candidate Mayor approaching riots to the Bastile, to the Block and to the Checks. 7,247,54 of Liquid feeding, Cashiei's checks O ils election was discussed. halter.” the ablest assailant of the outstanding. lS.'si Auy married lady that cannot retain her municipal earnestly Perhaps Due to other National Banks. 144 765.31 Cantatas for Societies. food, or has last a child umli r one Our information is to the effect that the power of removal was Elbridge Gerry, of year old 46th Paulm. Massachusetts—he through whom a new (80 els.)...Ruck. Total ...$2,294,167.33 that w«§ brought up by hand, can have a resembled that once held the Kecl»*iupiiou. Gouiioil. meeting by aud was added to the (910. bed auigutd her free for four permanent phrase Jo cph’8 Bonduge, .C’hndwick. Sn STATE OF months, mice to take measures to themselves (91) ln»olvcncy. MAINE, County of Cumberland, ss. protect American dialect in ihe word • Oiutiln. (SO Ct which will bnild up her system, enabling gerrymander. .).(alllie Court of Insolvency for tlie of ,WuV Cashier of the above named from the cat. He claimed iu this debate that Krbcccu. (61 €11.) County Cumberland, do her to retaiu her food iu a It will be remembered that all unlimited Holy,*. State of Maine. A. 11. 1884. Bank, solemnly swear that the above few days and Hnlli ami Uouz. (03 e|«,) January 11, statement is true removal to a that to a .AutirexvM. to the best of my knowledge uoii • ish her child. the mice were of that a bell should belonged only king; and others. Also lOO lu case of BEXJAMIN Insolvent and opinion four President such many by the best BARNES, Jit., belief. WM. A. W1N S111P. Cashier. years’ power could some of the Debtor. Hlbe cun have her own be attached to the cat so be only authors, containing 6\yeete?t and best of Subscribed and sworn to before me this l?tn family physician that they might be made useful the means of day by “being pro- sacred music. Send for lists and descriptions. fllHlS is to give notice that on the eleventh day of of January, 1884. if »hc wants him. warned of her but when it came bim a re-election.” If this FOB JL A. D. 188+, a Warrant in Wm. T. approach; curing step were SAMS BV January, Insol- Small, N. P. Tl hen uiotheis nourish their babies the II Of the was Issued C of Correct—Attest to the of a mouse who was taken, he said, the Presidency ebould be for OperflSj the older standard op vency by Henry Peabody, Judge and point finding the Court of for said of P. mortality sickness will be reduced 75 or even eras in e egant form for $1 each; LAKME ($2y Insolvency County Cumber- I. FARRINGTON,) to undertake to life, hereditary. With some fore- the cent. willing put the bell on the C. M1GNON ($<); CARMEN ($2 ; MEFI^TOFELK land, against estate of said JOS. IV *LKER. } Directors. per of our later he added: “The H. SOPPY & CO. AND ALL & _oct!3dlawtfS experience McATXISTER have a J. tbev were in sight (#2): FATINITZA (|2); BELLS OFOURWILLE BENJAMIN Jr., of ! t? large stock S. WINSLOW, ) cat, difficulty, and the scheme BARNES, Portland, I a of the choicest coal officers, instead of being ibe of ___eodtf <$I.oC); AIDA ($2). and the new operas, 10- mined for domestic pur machinery light to be an insol vent debtor, on petition of selected )an!8__d3t_ had to be abandoned. So at this LANT11E. and each adjudged poses, with great care for fall and winter meeting it the government, moving in regular order PIRATES, PA1IENCE, $1: said which whs tiled on the and others. debtor, petition eleventh I use; clean and free from s ate. Our stock the will be the pr©~cTtr je many of A. I). com- was the opinion of most that it would be prescribed by legislature, day January, 1884, to which date interest prises all the grades of first-class from SWEDISH REMEDIES'. coal, the free of the to be on claims is to be computed. Franklin unfortunate for the to mere puppets President, em- book mailed for the burning to the hardest Big Vein very party have to go Any post*freo retail price. That the of any debts to or said debt- in all sizes. Lehighs, Swedish, Swedish or thrown aside as useless lumber ac- a Union Cabinet payment by N\ e hare also for open the r WILBOXH CGMPOUHD OP ployed and Package of and the transfer and of 1 grates, tng- ^ Bjtaaio into the election with Mr. Deering for its OUTER DITS0> & or, delivery any property Cannel Acadia and Virginia Grate Lung to his fancy.” His arguments did Toilet CO., Bostot. him are forbidden law. whicha*! born coals, cording Paper for the Bath 3 by by with a flame and make a cheerful Hr#. I Balsam and that it would be best for all c ause was struck out a Jan Tb^T&wtf That a of the creditors of said to candidate, not prevail; the by __ meeting debtor, COD LIVER! An Boom or Closet. their debts and choose more concerned if he should be to vote of thirty-four to twenty, and after some prove ,oue or assignees RANDALL & McALLISTER, (PURE tive Tonic the persuaded (iOLD MEDAL, JABIS, 1878. of his estate, will he held at a court of insolvency to further modification the bill a 7tt i'ouiinri'cial St. mill 70 Wood Lungs, but there was and no passed by be holdeu at Probate Court room, in said Portland, Exchange Si. withdraw; nobody oc30 Lon, AND LIME.J fier. It Swedish vote of to and after some on the of No. S77 A. pari- thirty-four twenty, BAKER'S twenty-first day January, A. D. 1884, Telephone d3m fits the number willing to face the Mayor and tell at ten o’clock in the blood Pepsin further modification the bill passed by a forenoon. PUI3 Given under my hand the date first above writ- strengthens him to go. small majority in the and by the C. H. & IMPORTED the Cures Con- House, Co. T* Oue system ten nn«l All.—Are you auffrriHS from was one vote of the President in the Senate. Guppy a 0 or and acts like stipation. in this predicament there but easting BrakM Cocoa. H. R. gh Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, any of the va- Being Warranted SARGENT, a charm on The result of that vote has not been fol- absolutely pure Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of Insol- rious pulmonary troubles that so often end in Con- the digestive organsu_ to be done. It was taken for Agents. which the excess thing granted Cocoa, from of for said of Cumberland. WINES & sumption? If so, use Wi'bor’s Pure Cotl-Licer Oil _ SWEDISH REMEDIES lowed by quite the evils that and Ger- vency County to Page LIQUORS *nd Lime a safe and sure no V» hen taken accordin'' directions, to a has removed. It lias 'this is together that the intended be caudidate but Oil been three jaul2&10 •f all kind*, in the remedy, tjuack cured consumption Mayor ry feared, it has undoubtedly influenced, hut is the have times and times again times the of Cocoa mixed preparation, regularly prescribed by med- Thousands of and as the fcould not help itself, it was as Madison the genius and char- tor. strength ical faculty, Manufactured A. B. in the first and second stages. party predicted, & Preble Sis. (UUCDAL ouly by Wilbob wonderful cures. \\ rite to* acter of the whole It is to be toogras with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, PAt'KAOES, Chemist, Boston. Sold by all testimonials of/‘s that he must receive the government. jaulO eodtf FISTULA AND PILES druggists. and c'.cuJars—Sent b ree. informally agreed mid is therefore far more economi- --—FIJK SALE BY dec24eod Aw 1 pamphlet* remembered that no prophetic visiou had yet ai F. \v\ A. Behgengken, M. D., Democratic nomination and support. Iu cal. It is delicious, revealed to any one the vast future popula- nourishing, tjured without the Use of the Knife. R. STANLEY & Lynn. Mass. Tropriet*. and SON, return for this it was determined that he tian fot which was and strengthening, easily digested, Importers, Congress legislating, READ Id NEW NO. FOBE ^ FLOORING, for iuvolids at WILLIAM (M. !>., Harvard, 1842), and STHEET, FOKT- Nwnli*h II o tunic l orn pound cures of Madison a admirably adapted Lyspepsia shou d be mulcted for a large share the piaiuly thought b'mself making &c., cf all thicknesses, ROBERT M. READ (M.D., Hai ,nrd, 1 M7ti olDcm, Liver and W“li as for in health. i, LAND, MAINE. iDr. KESISOH-S Indigestion, Kidney Complaint*, &c. bold he estimated that It width*. and persons Fvntin *75 Trcni«iii mr«ft Ito-iou Hu Innua cures expenses of the in which he had very guess whey qualities. Hoii»e, AvmnIimH Lung Coughs and Colds campaign “in some attention to the treatn ent of FI SIT I •• Also. General Mauagers for New in hours. might years” double in number, Sold by Grocers everywhere. give special England, twenty-four so much at stake, and which was unlikely and reach six millions. LI.PIliFS AND AM. Dl *A»EM <> * IMSKTHE LELCUKATED Nwnli-h f'ep-in »* ill* the best Family Laxative THE HEI5T5Ji.fi, without detection from busi- Swedish Botanic Compound 75c a bottle. to a Demo- OFFICE, prove profitable investment of ness. Abundant references given. Pamphlet sent Summit Mineral it’s W. BAKER & lass. Jsyring Water, 276 60c; ,BaU 36e. cratic funds, that bad better be husbanded Mrs. Murphy—‘ Osh, awful, iber paypul 58 Kilby St., CO., Dorchester, on application. Middle 8t., open from Jon. 7th to what’s buried alivei If I he living wlnn I’m Of*** Hour*—11 a, in. to 4 p.xu.{ excop t Surd ays). OFBOM IS AKl*ISON, MAINE, Jan. 28th. SwedUh Remvdler for aal. by .11 ter the later In ths BOSTON. j»nl4 dlw -r if be States bonds, 3s ..,. 100 Lewis, 11 SATURDAY roof, could have bad his choice and kuew do Portland; Peter Crowell, Baker, Boston; MORXING. JAJf. 1D.~ llis the other do do 4%s, reg.1148/s Curtis Tilton, do. parents were dead, members that he was to and there was do do going live, do 4%8,coup...1148/a Nov 18—Ar. scbs EmaUoc. Merriman. dominion line. of his family had gone away; the only ia- in do do do Rookport; aid Worcester Lino. nothing reassuring bis remark that he was 4s, reg ...124 H W Middleton, Boeion: Isabella.I e»is Portland THE fit EMM. miliar face be had seen since his return was do do do Humphrey, 1883. WINTER afraid he was getting better.” 4s, coup...... 124% do; Alice Archer, Fletcher, and Col Milliken, Dun- ARRANGEMENTS. lug be obtained *1 me Pacific 6s. *96.. 328% May Henodi :»1 ltepote of N- « that of Tom Aiuslee, his college friend. He ‘■Don’t you want to get well, John?” slle ton. Portland. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER B. R LIVERPOOL AND Fessenden, Marquis Brunoll K Co., Armstrong was in hired aud Tho following are the closing quotations Stocks: ROOKPORT sell' Belle PORTLAND* • Hodso quartered lodgings, they asked sadly, trying to scan his face in the 12th-Ar, O’Neil, McLaugh- Wentuortb, Robert Oatelio, Gilpatrick Chicago & lin. Providence. DIRECT RERTICR Jewett. Rose, MeFa. were as bleak and dismal as such places deepening twilight. Alton.334 of Trains. land, Watson, rttrange, Stim Chicogo & Alton pref.346 Jan 16—Ar, sch Alice Montgomery. Lavender. Arrangement son. Gould, Boston & Maine am generally are. In the room where he “It is not ihe Liverpool. From Lanagan, Mepot, lay thing to do under the cir- Burr & 20 Portland. —- On and attar SlandaT. Jaae IN Portland. CbisLolm Chicago, Quincy.... .3 .from Bros.,on all trains that run out of tb< tilt re was a faded brussels carpet, an arm- he Erie. Trains will loar T' city. cumstances,” answered plaintively. Af- 26% j|!!?S¥3ISSa, Passenger •OREGON1, B* Jm! chair out at elbows, a hair-cloth sofa, a bed ter a moment’s Erie pref.. 69 Barque Charlotte A of I-c- Hortland at 7.30 a. 111., am f ?«; * Willard Small & silence he reached down for Littlefield, Bangor, 548 TORONTO, •• Auburn, Co, Illinois Central.. tons, built iu was gyld at New York 1.05 p. m., at Worooste ! JaniiS: ,“] and some other essential articles in the baud that was ..|...135% 1864, 17ib inst arriving Augusta, .T. F. Pierce. keeping resting on the counter- Lake at 2.16 m. and 7.30 m. with Shore... 96 at $4 760. p, p. Returning Imii Liverpool, Halifax and Portland News Co. those mentioned. The room and asked Union a. Berries Bangor, Bangor already pane, tremulously: Michigan Central. 88% Sch Georgianna Young, of Damaristotta, 22 Depot, Worcester, at 8.00 m. and 11.16 s Bar Harbor. F. S. Jordan. was and was tons, From From Port!sad hot, the street below noisy. "Would you much New Jersey Central. 87% has been sold to parties on Long Island, N Y. m., arriving at Portland at 1.26 p.m. and 6.40 n Liverpool Both, J. O. Shaw. be—very disappointed m. via Halifax. Direct. He lay tbere listlessly, lor king at tbe stunt- if I should Northwestern.116% Biddeford, F. M. Burnham. get well?” For t limoa. DOMINION, Tbur*. Dec. 20. Thus. Jan. 10 11 ed Northwestern pref.142% Sch Helen L Martin, (of Camden) Capt L A Foun- Ayer .Inric.. Fitchburg maples, with leaves all covered with dust In an instant she was MONTREAD, Thors. Jan. 8. Thorn. SA d k* «J®Uerao«. the bed New York tain, sailed from New York 5 for Nashua, nad Jaa. Brunswick, ‘i*B whose kneeling by Central.112% Dec Port Spafu l.ovrell, Windham, Kp G. Dennis, n. tops just reached the open window with tier arms around Hock wlitre sbe arrived and ping at 7.30 a. nr. and 1.05 in. ONTARIO, Thursday, Jan. 17. Thuraday F«h. 7, Cumberland him, her moist lashes island....116 discharged 445.000 ftet p. M«lls, F. a. Vergil. his for one breath of St. all For (Jeneord and or by bed, yearning pure, brushing his face. Paul. .(88% lumber, in twenty day*. The distance between i'laucheatrr, points North, a 1 sheep carried by theaa Steam ora. Daman isootta. E. W. Dunbar. 1.05 m. fresh air, one hour of perfect But she St. Paul pref. ...136% the two ports is about 2,600 miles. p. *60.00 and *70.00. Freeport, W A. Mitchell. quiet. Jack,” said, “if you don’t get well Union Pacific ^BJN-jpo.00, there would never be else but Stock... 74% For Rochester. Mprlngvole, Alfred, ffal *130.00. Fryeburg, H. C. Harrnou. anything this I'll be the wretehedest widow that ever Western Union INTEhwSSrIS0'«nd Tel..,.S 73% Lockport. NS, claims to be next to Gloucester in erboronud wars River.7.30 n. n., 1.01 *76-°°- Fairfield, E. H. Evans. until it was alt over; be would never leave sobbed above Adams Ex. the Bank the wreck of bliss.” Co.*..129 fishing business*. During the year 1883 p. ei., and (mixed) at 0.30 p. ni. ReturnLni asBffss&r**Keturn Farmington. D. H. Knowlto*. bis room until he left American Ex. Prepaid the world. He a man were dead shall be Co. 94% fifty-five vcstels, averaging 80 tons, with 16 men leave Rochester at (mixed) 6.45 a. m., 11.11 Steerage 'tickets issued for *20.00. Gardiner, Palmer & Co. ‘Though yet Boston Air For passage or turned wearily from the window aud Line. 81% eacb, sailed out of that port.—their average catch a. m., and 3.S5 m.; at Portlant freight apply to DAVID TOR. Gorham, Jas. H. Irish & Co, away live at such said John as bis p. arriving (’eeerai solicitation,” Canada Southern. 60% be ng about 2.000 qtls. valued at a. Agents, Grand H allow el C. L. covered bis with bis band. $8,000. The total (mixed) B.40 m.. 1.25 p. m. and 6.40 p. m. Trunkk R.It. R. 1, Spaulding. eyes tfrms closed about her with a that Del. & Hudson Canal enteb of the was about Freight Offices, Foot of India St. Cbandier & pressure Co...105% port 106,000 qtls. The For Lewiston, Estes. Tbere was a knock at the and be Del. & crews on shares and make two Oerham, Snccarappa, Cumberlnai Livermore G. D. door, argued returning vitality. They were not Lackawanna.116 go trips each season. mile. Westbrook and 4U Falls, Hughes. Bar.& r earned «>n an Woodford’s dec1*_ “Come it was too the Cod Rapids...... 70 They average last season, some Mechanic Falls, A. W. E. A. responded feebly in,” arms of a man at death’s in- $250; at 7.30 si. m., 1.05, 0.30 end Bridge, Thomas. lying door, Metropolitan Elevated. 90 as high as $ '.26 for four mouth* work. The (mixed S. L. Crockett. A. O. early for tbe doctor; it might be his land- different to average *0.30 p. as. INTERNATIONAL STBABWfffp Norway, Noyes. the possibilities of the world be- Manhattan E evated. 41 cost of fitting out a banker at that is Old Orchard Geo. E. A. L. who sometimes came see port $1 200, Fogg, Jelliaca. lady in to if he hind him. New York Mevated and her value when for tea is The 1.05 p. m. tialn from Portland connects ai G. A. Beale. .106 ready $6,000. « Richmond, needed and to him his medi- Morris & Jaae.with Iloosac Tunnel Roms Me., 0. 8. A drew* anything, give Essex.121% ftyei foi Eastpprt, Calais, Me., su Rockland, Pit & Ft. FROM t beWest, and at Union Sabattus E. H. Johnson. cine. He heard the rustle of drapery, aud sburg Wayne. ...133% MERCBANT’SEXCHANGE.l Depot, Worcester, foi John, N.B., N. Ac. New VorU via Norwich and all rail, Halifax, S., Saccarappa, F. E. Webb. smelled a faint sweet odor. He lifted his Wit and Wisdom. Pittsburg .138% Ar at Delaware Breakwater Nelli* V.iue, Pullman Palace Car 18tb, barque vIlNpriugUcId, also with N. V. dk N. K. Saco, II. B. Kendrick & Company.109% Smith, Crowley, Caibarien. R, Go., hand from his eyes and beheld a visiou. A Wells Ex R .(“Steamer Route”) for Philade’. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Spring vale. C. H. Pierce. It Fargo .109 Sid fm Liverpool Jan 17. ship Chap E Oils, Maryland slender in soft is said that tbe peculiar sunsets are caused United States Ex. 68 Moody. and tbf So. Paris. A. M. fair, woman, clad white Co... San Francisco; steamer Me A for Port- Baltimore, Wasbiagton, Gerry. the 8un to set the new standard Ontario, ulay, 8hi».oath and with Ho.un, a R. S. mull that seemed to make the room several by trying by land. Albaav R. foi Thomaston, Delano. » POWDER the TWO TRIPS time. West. Parlor Cars on train PER WEEK H. M. California "Hocks. A r at Melbourne Jan leaving .Portland Finalhaven, Roberts. degrees cooler was standing by the bed. mining 15, ship Henry S Sanford, at 1.05 p. m. and train Waldoboro. G. Bliss. Carver, New York. Pure. leaving Worcester, at 8.00 ON AND AFTER She wore a bunch of in her belt, (By Telegraph.) Absolutely a. m. EON. Watenfllle, J. S. Carter. heliotrope Captain Isaiah Rynders Had an Attack DAT, DEC. Fleam, whose San Francisco, Jan. 18.—The following are the Close 3d, Farmoutb, W. E. Smith. fragrance seemed like a blessed of J?2EMOI{AIVDA. This Powder never varies. A marvelo connections made at Westbraok Jia* •rs •( this Ala* paralysis; tried New York’s best physicians; official quotations of stocks to-day: purls Mob with wlU closing mining trains of Me. — breath from that far away nook he had been Wreckejs were the strength and wholesomeness. More economical than through Central B. B.. and r Leave Railroad Wharf. got no relief until he obtained Giles' Iodide engaged yesterday in saving at QrandTrnnli Transfer State for a moment from un- Alta. 1% small spars and of sebr the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi- Portland, with through street, eyery Monday ami longing only before; Best & rigging Etna, which sunk trams of Qrand Trunk B. at ® A W inter Ammonia Belcher. 2% inside 01 Portlanri tion with the multitude of low test, short K. 1.h}lr9d*V. p. m., for Eastport and Idyl. der the bonnet fell a Liniment,which, to his unspeakable Head 9th inst. The vessel is in weight with St. fluffy, feathery poke Eureka. 1% an alum or Sold in cans. Tickets to all John, connections for Oaiais, upright position, lies easy, and appears to be but phosphate powders. only Through points West and South Rohbinston SI slight.y curling of brown hair joy, cured him. Captain Rynders will give Gould * Curry. 1% Royal Baking Powder 106 Wall N. be had of S. H. Andrews, Pembroke. BY HERBERT M. SYLVESTER. fringe bright little injured. She will come up when the cargo is Co., St., Y. may Helleu, Ticket Agent, Portlaud Honlton, Woodetook. Oraaf aDd a Hale & Norcross. 1% mch6 & Rochester at foot of Honan, Gamnobelle, Tarmonte pair of large violet eyes beamed on any information desired. Besides 310 West out and may be refitted at .mall expense. dlyr Depot Preble St., and of Bol- DIgby, Annapolis. Mexican. 1% Scfi D tins & Adams, No. 22 St. Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, Newcastle A mhgu~ I Written for the him with a sweet compassion. 23d New York. Sold Mary Haskell, Carter, Irom Tu-ks Island Exchange Press.] st., by W. F. Phillips. Ophir 3% for wiili • Doss not at Fleton, Shediec,’ He was an Baltimore, guano, sprung a bad leak prev- stop Woodford's. lotto to BathnA, dSSSSSU. S? unpromising subject truly; his Yellow Jacket .. 3% UAVJLBOAJ9S. WD. Fort ious to Jan and bad to be on J. W. Fairfield, Grand Falls, and othss Sierra 11, abandoned, account PETERS, Sipt. stations on the Now SUNSET. face was sharp and sallow, and a beard Nevada... 2% of the 'l8 Brunswick and later. a Wo that some Union pumps getting choked. The crew were (,’anada, suggest competent debating Coil...... 2% taken Western Aslant the threshold of the about a week old added much to its hag- off by the barque Phenix and lauded at New »1.’iiWind®a0r’ “i1 AnL'»I8>Us, Oara. West, society tackle the question: Resolved, That Belcher. 1 Turk. FM1 Roads, and Stags Rentes. Stretches a gardness. He must be for he Grand Trunk of Canada. sombre reef very tall, an errand boy is no slower than the rise in Savege.... .1 Railway •* Freight received np to 4 p, su. and any la. seemed to stretch from her indefinite- formation regarding the same be Of gray, whose low, uneven scarp, away one’s favorite speculative stock on the present eo.UEKTii;ports. HEADING B. I may hart at th* as she Philadelphia change”of time. » office of the Freight Agent, Railroad ly, stood there at the bed’s head, and market. Boston illarkeu Wharf. Outlined In sharp relief PASCAGOULA—Sid sch M A Keae For with ho was thin to emaciation. 12th, Folsom, Circulars, Excursion Routes, Tickets the is set Boston Jan. 18.—The following were to-day’s Baltimore. On and after 15th, Slate Rooms and farther Against sky, roughly Bound Brook Route. MONDAY,OCT. IsSJ, information apply» 7 •a “This is Mr. she said at Premature Lon of the MOBILE-Ar ech will run ns follows t 40 With that Hemingway,” Hair. quotations o Butter, Cheese, Eggs, &c: 17tli, Maggie G Hart, Crowell, Trains Company’s Office, Exchange St. pinnacles glow Wood's Holl. T. O, last. be Butter—We -BETWEEN- HF.P8FY, President, anil May the use of Bub- quote We*tern and Northern cream — Manager" Like Norombega’s mystery entirely prevented by NEW ORLEANS Cld 14th, baraue DEPARTURES: “It was once,” he answered eries at 33(6 36c lor and for fair to Mendota, centuries wearily. nett’s Cocoaine. choice, 24^30c Nash. Pensacola; sch T R Pillr do. Of »go. “I am Miss New York ano Vermont dairies 24(®30c lb bury. Pitcher, For Auburn and Lewiston, 7.20 a. 1.15 -*lcl___drt Margaret Wintbrop,” sbe con- good; P PENSACOLA—Cld sch New York, Trenton & Philadelphia. m., The with Housekeepers should insist for 18(6)22 for fair and 14ih, Maggie J Smith, and 5.15 p. m. hills, rugged, rock-set domes, tinued. “I am Dr. Ainslee’s sister-in-law. upon obtaining choice, good; Western dairy Bennett, New York. at 20@21c and vYestern ladle For Gorham, 7.40 a. ra., 4.00 and 5.15 p. m. Wind blown and bare, uprear I believe are his Burnett’s Flavoring Extracts, are the packed 16@17c & TYBBE—Ar loth, sch Gen Adelf ert from you patipnt?” they tb; firm with a good demand. Ames, For Gorham, Montreal, Quebec and Chi- Barren Island. STATION IN NEW YORK FOOT LIBERTY ST. — AKD — Their brightly polished, topaa walls Tom and I are old and I best. Cheese is firm at 3 2%(6)14c for cago, 1.30 p. m. “Yes; friends, choice, ll@12c BRUNSWICK—Ar ech J E Law- In the clear remember for fair and 6(5)9o for common. 17th, Douglass, atmosphere; your father very well. Won’t good; ry. New York. Stations In ARRIVALS: have been 31 Philadelphia ww uuaivu Cuisine. we’re Eggs selling at32^34e While, from the broken cloud-rifts uc CtOIWUy CUUUCU1J 1CU1CU1 Mistrets—“Susan, thinking foriEastern, BALTIMORE—Cld sch Frank From Lewiston and 8.35 a. PHILADELPHIA @32o for New York and for 16th, Harrington, Auburn, m., of having a head boiled for dinner. You Vermont, 31@32c Boston. NINTH AND GREEN 3.15 and 5.50 m. Burst the deep, golden floods bering his position as host. pig’s Southern and for Western. Kent, STREETS, p. Direct Line. understand 27@30c Ar 17 I tonus. m. Steamship it, I suppose?” Cock—“Oh no, and Aroostook tb, barque Buckrnan. Iquique; ech From Gorham, 9.45,8.35 a. m. and 5.15 p. Of Nature’s alchemy that sift She drew up the shabby arm-chair and sat Potatoes-Houlcon Rose at 60@ N mum. I told before I came un- Pickering, Haskell, rI urks Is'and. 5 AND THIRD AND BERKS STS. From Montreal and Qnebec, you I didn’t Wi UUBU, cowwiu iwjoa nutkuorii IVUBo |Susan Chicago, From DOST IH Their the woods down by the bed. It was not so to be- J Cld 17th. 12 35 ra. glory through easy derstand game.” 48(®60c, Eastern Proiilics 60c. brig Screamer. Robisnon, Havana. p. as sbe bad PHILADELPHIA—Ar scb Lizzie Norton, Pullman Palace Cars on train and gin imagined. Beans—choice Northern hand picked pea at 2 60 16tb, Sleeping night Every Wednesday and Sain 11. Norton, Booth bay. Parlor cars on train between and Mon- “He will take me for a lunatic or an assas- ®-& bush; choice New York small hand-picked Express Double Track. Stone Ballast day Portland In the of Sid fm Delaware Breakwater 17th, ech Carries Trains, treal. ■rday, TWILIGHT. sin with days adulterated articles of food it do $2 70(6*2 76; common to at designs upon imaginary wealth,” good $1 60^2 26; Bailey, Rivers, for New York. choice small at (from Progresso) Room Cars on all trains TICKET OFFICES} From As shadows the shuttle she aB she is a to use the Yeast Powder hand-picked pea. Vermont, $2 80® Drawing day PHILADELPHIA deepen, thought. sat there revolving her pleasure Congress 2 NEWCASTLE, DEI.—Passed down 16tb, barque 9u; choice screened co 2 26@2 46: hand-picked Freeda A and Sleeping Cars on night trains. Of the frost swifter cold-blooded scheme and she had which is med 2 6 vYlliey, Willey, from Philadelphia for Every Tuesday and plies wishing absolutely pure. @2 60, and choice screened do 2 30(62 40; Vera Crus. 74 Street, and Friday. JBe sure railroad or Exchange Depot 'Twixt nature's and weaves deliberated it more before common beans 2 20; German medium beaus buy tickets (at any steam- warp, swifter upon fully taking 00@2 In gobs Ella Frances, for From S at 2 20(62 do 2 port, Providence: Jennie boat office in New England) via Long Wharf, Bocwva, For Earth its subtle this step. But it was too late to go back MABRIAfiES. 25; pea 40@2 60; ichoice improved Greenbank and Annie E Foot of India Street. p. m. From Pine Street Wharf guise; at old-fashioned Hall,- now. yellow-eyes 3|25@3 80; yellow-eyes NEW VOHK-Ar Philadelphia, at 10 a. m. And down the river the What plausible excuse could she give at 3 25. 17th, scb Albert W Smith, BOUND BROOK ROUTE] path, pines 16(^3 • Inanrance one-half the fur come Berry, Providence. AT RATES rale at Echo the having there unattended? He in Jan. iti. Rev. P. is. Reuben Apples—We No 1 Baldwins at TICKETS SOLD SEDUCED ---— dreary cry Freeport, by Wiug, quote $3 256*3 60; Ar 18th. barques Esther, railing Teasel, would tell of course that 6be had been B. Curtis and Miss Cilia L. both of No 2 do 2 0,it2 26; Western $3@3 26 Ip bbl. fancy Benjamin. Progresso; Freight for the Weet Of winds whose dying cadences Tom, Fogg, Freeport. Levi S Andrews, Watts. sch Carrie S by the Penn. R. R.. and In Hebron. Dec. 28, Helen only child of Mr. eating at $4 00o$6 60. Pensacola; —TO— South Are Nature’s there. Tout would tell Annie, who would 8., Bailey, Rivers. Progresso. FARE by connecting lines, forwarded free of com- lullaby. and Mrs. Fred Farris, 2 years. Hay—Choice prime hay is quoted at $16@$17 mission. look unutterable and lecture her for a aged Cld 17ih ship George Stetson. San Fran- (One Way, In the cii>p *ir of things In Brownfield. Jan 2, Mrs. Betsey Pearv, 76 ton medium to good at $14@$i 6: choice eastern Hf^gins. $3,50. Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Tern Dollar.. growing dusk, aged cisco; barque Fred W Carlon, Pro- New Fork and ( Excursion, 4.00. St. Omaha. Passage Hound Trio SI* week. He bad suffered much; be years,- wife of M, C. Esq. fi«e at $13@$14; poor at $1.@$13, with Ea tern Spalckhaven, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Loin*, Sagi- Meals and Night £■' a her. »-.ordon line evidently Peary, gress; Havana, Rice, Havana: sens Cbas K Room Included. was lu Jau. Willard J. Coombs and swale at $9. Kve straw at $13 00 and oat Flint, naw, St. Paul,Salt Lake City, For lying there so miserable and helpless; it Brunswick, 10, 0t@$14 Brown. Demarara; Canton Matauzas. Freight or Passage apply to Thick with groups of glit’ering stars Miss Helen W. straw $> ton. Wbittier, NKW EHGUIIB Dearer, San Francisco seemed that she had never the Hussey. $9,3*10 VINEYAKIkhaven—Sid AGENCV, That appreciated In 16th, schs Emeline G wierdly burn and shine, Brunswick, Jau. 14, N. Palmer Woodard and Sawyer, and Nellie Starr. de3it/ •iSiggga.vsa.. inhumanity of the whole pr- ceeding till Hattie E. Broun. Gloucester Fish market. 311 Washington Street, Boston. and all points in the And come and go as silently hoS'1\)N—Ar 17th, barque T K now. But she was a woman of resolution, In Jen. Silas Burbank of Weldon, Parker, shapleigh, 5, Strong FOB THE WEEK ENDING dan. 18. Cape Haytl. As ligLts which, far at sea, and Mrs. Kb<*da W. B ker of J. £. WOOTTEN, Gen. Manager. West and Southwest. Sbe had satisfied herself that the arrange- bhapleigb. Below ltfth, sch Pebago, Clark, from St John, NB, Northwest, PACIFIC MAIL 8. 8. Sail strat to and lu North Jan. Herbert and Georges Codfish—We quote prime Georges $5% C. G. HANCOCK." CO, gely fro, guided ment would he one of mutual Berwick, 6, Staples for New York. 21 day* out. (proceeded advautage. Miss Annie Winn. -IP qtl for large and $344 for medium pickled cured 17tb.) Gen. Paw, & Tick. Agt., JOSEPH General bands we cannot see. Clb 17th, barque Rachel W\man. Monte- Philadelphia. HICKSON, Manager. By The in her mind was how to in Rock Jan. Bank $3^4 for and $244 for medium; do Emery. HrP. BALDWIN. TO only question port. 14. Geo. R. Stover of Belfast large dry video; sen H W .J. STEPHENSON. G. P. A. CALIFORNIA, and Emma S384 and $3V4 shores at and Nova Middleton, Humphreys, Wiscasset, Gen. Kastern Pas*. 119 begin. a. Stiiuson of Caution. -IP qtl. $5 $4. to load lor Savannah. Agt., Liberty Street, New oetlfitf W. J. SPICER Superintendent in Scotia dry Codfish at and do cured “It was kind and of Rockland, Jan. 17 Win. A. Hill and Clara A, $6m» $4; pickle Shi —^^erfc- nov26dtf very thoughtful you at and Trawl Cusk at Had 17tb, brig Sparkling Water. JAPAN, CHINA, Pierce. $5 $3; Bay $6. $3 *4, Ar sch Cbas N A to be the somewhat dock at Pollock at and Hake 18th, >immon*w BSF5itt7Hoboken. Conspicuous Opportunity. come,” said, breakiug $2, $2% $244 ^ qtl; Cld Julia Saidwltk New slack salted Pollock 18th, oarque A Brown, Nickerson, for I ismLRlILROAD. Island*, Isaland protracted silence. $8*4, Buenos Ayres. Ao.trelle, BY II. OBATBK. Boneless and prepared fish 344 to 4c ^p lb for Portland & R. R. H. “Thoughtful but not she BOOTH BAY -~-Sld sebs Jerusba Ogdensburg Steamers sail from kind, perhaps,” 444 to 6c for Haddock aud and to 8c ^6tb, Baker, New York for AsnlawaU an Hake, Cusk, d Chase, (from Portland) for the replied with nice discrimination. “Toni Macbias; Georgia L On and after MONDAY, Oct. 1st, loth, and 20th of eash — * Codfish. Smoked Halibut 13c <|p ib. Smoked Sal- month, [Chicago Tribune.l In Capo EUz&botti, Jan 15, Drake, N'ew Y- rk lor Calais. and was ns how uncomfortabl Oetavia, danzhistof mon at 17e: Scaled at 16c box:No 1 and Trains will run passengers freight for all the above telling to-day W. Ctiue. 19 10 mouths. ***■■*- Herring >|p BELFAST— Cld ONLY LINE THROUGH THE NOTCH. 15th, Passenger tI 1 married? I wonder if joeo. aged years lucBrnt. Bloater* oue 17ih, scb Prescott Hazeltine, “Why don’t get you were here and bow ill. I West ^ hundred. ns follows understoodl Baldwin, Jan. 17. Mrs. Rachel, relict of Swett, Poreland. —TO— 0t !0th doe® no* there is of law or condition of at- Mackerel—Nothing of consequence on tlie market: for San Fran* any process fiom bint that you did not have proper I Kleazcr Noble, age » 76 y» ars cisco*™*1 prices nominally »t S20 $* bbl for Is. $ L n for extra ethics that can me from that ques- not In East Hiram, Jan. 11, Mrs. Eliza A. FOREIGN 8*01? TB. BURLINGTON Leave Poi-tlaad far Dexter, Bangor Steamers sail protect tention, and—that—you—could get well, Greene, 2«. *13,gl3 76 for 28, $yvk 'or 3s and for 4b VT., from San Francisco tm aged 77 yearg. Vauceboro, SI John, Halifax and regularly tion?”—and Miss Margaret turned and I came here with a Nova Scotias S aud 10 for 2s At Melbourne Nov ships Oh inn and Sandwich New Wiuthrop purpose.” Ju Jan. John 80 6, SL2Vj $ Is, and 3s. 18tb, Memnon, Sawyer, OGDENSBURG, N. ¥., tbe St. Islands, Augusta, 12, Carter, aged years. Nova from Province*, Hi.Andrews, Stephen. ■J‘tll!*n. round and looked at her b:other-iu- He looked and she could In » ? medium Fredericton, Aroostook and all $ obi; do $3M»; large gibbe.i at Alert, Park, disg. AND MONTREAL. Fount,, For Freight, lists and law as if for a not have felt more or if and Eliza J. Merrill, »0 S3V«- stations on H.& ft. ft., 1.25 Passage, sailing forth* reply. guilty contemptible aged years. me lium and small do $3. Shore rouud At Shanghai Dec Addie E Piscataqui. information, to or address the In lialiowell 7tb, barque Sleeper, in., 1.30 apply General tsm Dr. Ainslee looked up from bis paper with she had stabbed him with a knife and re- Jan. Id, Mrs. uaunah Hovey, aged Trout at $14 & bbl; Pickled Codhsh at $544;IIad- sineper. for New York. On nn. Bartlett and intermediate stations. Rockland, and Knox & Lincoln R. R., Wiuthrop by upoo inestimable privileges Herring—Selling bait ^p 100. 'i Sid fm Dec rain* arrive m Portland : 7.00 a. m., 1.30 ra. Auburn and Lewis- CU^.qV,OUUUi UUW for State. Sugar is (By Telegraph.) every night Sun- IS road Wharf, Portland, Fit- her friends she was of as ec- Chicago. Jan. 23.000'head: days included but not through to on .very Amang spoken It was of no consequence whatever to unchanged at 8 for granulated and 7%c for 18—Hogs—Receipts Skowhegan shipments bush; 10c lower; at 6 Monday mornings or to Bucksport and Dexter or centric, a woman who unfortunately had that she desired his 7,000 packing 16@ Hemingwav demise; Extra C. In New York refined was firmer and high- 5 55; packing and shipping at5 6 0|£6 25; light at Rnmford Falls & Buc&field beyond Bangor on Sunday mornings. and while inestimable ad- was even it at that moment ideas, possessing figuring upon er for Standard A, Confectioners and Powdered. 6 00(6/5 66; skips at 3 75^5 00. vantages, bad failed to make any with of a time Carrie—Receipt5* 6500 head; shipments 4.200 hd; RAiiAmoAr:, signally pleasurable anticipations Potatoes aie weak with a small local trade de- WO B THY LEAVE FOR PORTLAND AND only all below best BOSTON use of them. when it have cast about her a mantle li^glSc lower; exports 6 00@6 60; would mand. No of Fresh the brom Halifax, 8.10 a. m.,6.15 p. m.; St. John. receipts Fish; jobbing price good to choice shipping 6 35*^5 9o; common to me- Fall Arrangement in Effect Oct. ’83. Conneet m WKIKLAND with Miss regarded it from a differ- of and 15, 8.30 a. m., 9.CK) p.m.; Henlton. 9.30 a. Steamer tot BLOTS Winthiop unimpeachable dignity permanent is the 6c lb for Cod and Haddock. At Chi- dium at 4 00@6 25. m., ent of She same, ^ Of 8.30 p. St. 10.16 a. point observation. knew many from social peisecutions. She was DSheep—Receipts 3200 head; shipments 2400 hd; Confidence. Connections via Grand Trank Rail m.; Stephen. m.f hakcock* security cago H< closed 1 Oc and Cattle 9.30 D. id.: VoDffborA. 1.35 a. m van l/v^!M^UrthNE’ to-day gs lower, 10@ common 25 inferior to fair at 2 things that the world could not kuow con- like a section of lower; 75@l 00; way leave Portland lor Buckheld and “ si'ting there, paradise, 16c lower on all the best. p. m,; SucbHQori, 6.40 a. m. 1.30 m.; R°*U“d' *** the of various mem- grades except medium to good 4 25 £4 76; choice to extra 4 90@ A VPR’Q Sarsaparilla Is a medicine that, fS^-jjScatioi, 7.40 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. p. EW» cerning alleged felicity fitted into that dmgy chair, illuminating the n I E.11 O Bangor, 7.16 a. m., 7.46 p. m.; Dexter, 7.00 L^dlnS*”*" The are to of 6 40. 40 in all Leave Jantoa for Portland 4.16 and bers of ber aud who following day’s closing quotations _ during nearly years, m. at 4 family, past present, whole room and it with the a.m,6.10p. Belfast, 6,30 a. m., 3.06 p.m.; a.a ’®*T®Maehlaeport SO filling exquisite parts of the world, has proved Its effi- 9.46 a. m. m. every Monday and at bad married and '‘well.” Then there Flour, Grain, Provisions, &c. Nkawheaan, 8.20 a. m. 3.16 p. m.; Water- touching intermediate early odor of To such a presence a Domestic market*. as the host blood STAOE CONNECTION* Landings, at heliotrope. cacy alterative known rill*, 9.16 a. m. 1.66 ud 10.00 and on connecting Portland with Pullman was tbe inevitable entail of care and suffer- man twin furma. p.m.; and early train for may much. There was but to medical science. with p. m. train for Chase West at 6.15 a. m. morning Boeton. forgive Superfine and .old H.M.Oorn.car Iots.75 (By Telegraph.) Turner, Mills, Mondays Augusta. 6.00 a. Connect with sane woman should one BrlttO'.’s Pern. tXvflelo Mexico m. Boeton and 8 ing. Why any fiy pre- thought iu his mind after he was as- low 60 I new car lots.65 New York, Jan. 18. Flour market—receipts 8umner, Mills, 10.00 a. m., 2.46, and 10.65 p. m.; Bangor teamen at grade?..3 50@4 do, g,68 and Kumford Rockland, (coming Weet, and receive cipitately into tbe cousequences of marriage < sured that it was not an illusion which had X and i lots.... 8 21,665 bbls exports 886 bbls; very dull export and SARSAPARILLA Falls. L. L. LINCOLN. Saps. Unrdiaer, 6.17 a. m., 10.18 a. m„ 3.07, paasengers »M Spring Corn, bag @7 SfSffSB octlS dtf from Bangor and River XX car home trade demand sales 14,*400 bbls. and 11.14 p. m.: Bath. 6.65 a. m.. 11.00 a. Landjngtt ftw raff when she had tbe benefit of other people’s come to torture him with malicious contrast: Spring. .6 00@6 OO [Oats, lots.. @45 light; Honduras Sarsaparilla) is its m.| freight Patent Oats, lots.46 Flour, No 2 at 2 OOa?2 85;Sup. Western and State 4.00 p. m., and Saturdays only at 11.66 m. experience as a warning was something “Her friends would Spring bag genuinease, and its powers arc enhanced p. GEORGE certainly objtct.” Wheats.7 00 Meal .72 at' 2 66(63 35; common to good extra Western and by Brunswick, 7.26 and 11.30 a. m.. 4,30 L. DAT, Miss bad never understood aud 60@8 the extracts of Yellow Dock and Stil- G<,WaI Wiutbrop She assured him with strict 7eracity that Michigan Win- .CottcnSeed.car lots28 v»u State 3 20&/3 76; good to choice do at 3 90@6 60; p. m. 12.36 a. m., (night.) Rockland. 8.16 a. m., fn Akni/m WKitA lVl,Anf W a.4-*a ... lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and l. 16 Portland, Dee. 6.^1883.***^ did not seek to explain. She bad ail a wo- it was her own affair entirely and rested ter straightsB 26@6 7G K ottouSeedjbag lots30 00 pm. Lewiston, 7.20 a. m. 11.10 a.m., ^tST 6 do 6 76; common to Irou, and other W. m. 11.20 a. m. man’s horror of called an “old with themselves. Do roller..,.6 25^6 60 SackedBran car lot, 25@G 60; fancy 60@G good potent ingredients. A. S. 4.16p. pm.; Phillips, 6.65 .being maul,’ extra Ohio at 3 common to choice extra blood 8.20 General tbe immunities of St. Louis Win- 19 50^20 00 20(t£6 00; IQ y?ur vitiated by derangements Parmiagtfca, a.m.; Wialhrop, 10.13a. Ocean Steamer Ticket Office. though spinilerhood When it all came out Annie was slio;ked St. JiOuis at 3 4( 26: Patent Minnesota extra of the m. due in Portland at follows .The ter straight. 6 00@6 25 I do bag lots.23 00 digestive and iis’similatorvfunc- being morn- ule of ticket* were at aii limes alluring. It bad never to 6 60: choic to double extra trains from and Bath piOR (Message by th* White Ste beyond anything. Sh« bad always known Do roller...6 60@6 76 I Mute, car lots. goou prime 60@6 tions? is it tainted Scrofula? or ing Augusta 8.86 a. m. Anchor, do G KO@G 90, including 1,400 bbls Mill extra by 8.40 a. in. The trains Jp wFarJ' 8tata, American, Red BM* been ber deliberate sisterhood. Being 28 that would do something Winter Wheat $24ya@25Mj City does it contain the of Lewiston, day from North Gennan Lloyd, “Meg” disgrace- at 6 25 -bbls No 2 at 2 700 bbls poison Mercury and all intermediate stations con- Hamburg, American, Rostac- she that time bad come atents.6 76,e£7 26 : do bag lots ... 26 6u 15@6 @2 86; or WOLFE’S Bangor, and Amsterdam and to-day felt the for but she was not for this. To ; Disease? dam, Italian all flnt elma ful prepared Produce. ProvinioaH. Superfine at 2 66(5:3 5:1200 bbls low extra at 3 20 Contagious necting roads at 12.40 and 12.46 p. m. The line*, heroic measures. She did not look a day deliberately .propose to a man, and then Cranberries, bbl— I Pork— (a3 40 3400 bbls Winter Wheat extra at b 20@ THF 'f’tdiug physicians of the United afternoon trains from Waterville, Augusta, Bath, over 20. Her hair was 6 bbls Minnesota extra at 3 20a6 • n“ States, who know the Book land and EScSrTaSS^^htS aad *te«r»geoii the same soft tint of sit down with the of the whole Maine.... 12 00(513 00 I Backs. ..19 00@1«50 75; 3,OoO 90. composition Lewiston at 6.40 p. m. The prepaid ticket* from Jwer?ai3 coolly eyes fiou of Pullman Portland at lowest rates. brown that it bad ber cheek Cape Cod,12 60(514 00 I Clear.18 00(6^8 60 Rye quiet. Wheat—receipts 7J,500'"bush; Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, say that Night Express train at 1.60a.ic. ticket! always been; community upon her and wait for him to lots Steerage prepaid from inland place* in Fm Pea Beans... 2 90(53 1G Mess.16 60 exports 76,384 bush; spot V*@%c lower; spec- else so for the Limited Tickets first and second class (or rope to inland had firmness of contour and a delicate blush die—it was too much. 00@'1G nothing good purifica- placet in the United State! gw. Mediums....2 70@2 81 Mess Beef.. 11 o0@l 2 00 ulation less active; export demand moderate: sales tion of the blood is within the of 9>,John and Halifussaale at redacrd Ung and Scandinavian that have a range Aromatic at J52T it to on Schiedam exchange iowS't upon might belonged girl The doctor was in with German mod2 3552 5C Ex Meas..l2 00 210,000 bush spot; No 4 at 83c; No 3 Red at 96 rates, Choice secretly sympathy I 60@13 pharmacy. Cumberland and Acadia coal for tale of the which bad made ber con- Yellow u0(53 35 75 (<|96%c elev; No 2 Red at 1 o7(ftl 07y2 elev; No L PAY SON TUCKER, Gen’l by th 17; beauty what he called the Mutual Benefit Associa- Eyee3 Plate.13 60@13 nut thc uso of t,lis Manager. P1*®-* Onions 2 65 Ex Plate. 14 2nn 14 60 Red State at l 14; No L White State at 1 06. Rve V bj remedy Is it t. E. BOOTHBY. Gen’l. Pass. & Ticket Agt. F?£ Circular*, Bailing scheme* spicuous as a debutante gave no signs of ap- and the result of all this was au imme- pbbl. 50§2 uilka tion, Irish Potatoes 40545 Hams. steady. Barley steady, t’oru—spot No 2 possible for a person who has Portland Oct. 12. 1KH3 ocU2dtf but wbat did all 12@12yjc steady; proaching deteiioratiou, diate and quiet wedding, at which the SweetPotatoes4 7655 00 Hams, covered 16 @16c others %(®lo tower and less active, receipts 73,5o0 corrupted blood to attain sound health SCHNAPPS. ip"™ this amount to when everybody knew she gtoom did not wear the “regulation black.” Eggs doz.30531c Lard- bu;exporls 58,449 bush;*aJeg 136,000 on spot:No 2 and prevent transmission of the •de- at Hlc in Oats rather ~ was 28, and attested with exasperating in- Auy unpleasant that might have Turkeys, ^ lb .20(52'c Tub, ^ lb 9ya@ 9% elev. weak; speculative trade structive taint to posterity. gossip Chickens. 16(al7o Tierces.. 9% more active; receipts 31,60° bush; sales 137,ooO delicacy that she was “remarkably well pre- followed the event was averted a 9ya@ TUnDmirm effective renovation Eastern neatly by Fowl...12 514c bush spot; No 3 at 39c; do White at 41c; No 2 at Railroad. served.” | Pail. lu@10y3 inUnUUuriLY of the must LINE story industriously circulated by Tom Aios- Ducks HeeiU. 39^s@40c; White do 4)%@42c; No 1 at 40c; do system As a general beverage and necessary ALLAN_ 17@18 Include not the removal of cor- She could uot possibly put it off much lee to tbe effect that, Hemingway was really Butler. IRed Top.3 00®3 25 Whit* at 43%c. Mixed Western at 39%(6:42c; do only 1883. Winter Arrangements. 188* 00 White 42@47c; White State 44(5 46c. Miigar firm; ruption from the blood, but its enrich- corrective of water rendered longer, aud yet she felt acenaiu shrinking an old lover of and some Creamery.345.35c Timothy.1 G5@2 impure by Meg’s, mysterious 5 15-16c; retmed is firmer. C 6 ment and the of the from her as the Gilt Edge Vrer....33a34c .10 @12 refilling 13-16@5 strengthening destiny hand of a suicide bints of a romantic story in the jClovcr.... cut loaf and crushed l.iverpool, Halifax and Portland Boev loo background Choice.22523 c RaiNiui. (aGVfec; 8%c; powdered 8Vsfe vital organs. vegetable or other might recoil from its iuslrumeut—as she that he could tell if he felt granulated 73/4faj7 13-16; Ex C do decomposition causes, disposed. Good.IB&IBc Muscatel.2 00@2 75 8%c; 6%@6%; DTI I ADI C witnesses, all over the From | Prom to review tbe London 2 White 6%c; Yellow 6% 56“%, olf A at STEAMER. I Liverpool Portland/ began mentally opportunities A week later, when Ainslee came for his Store.12;egl4c Lay’i. 10@2 Go 6%@7V4c; ••tLlMDLt world, testify that this as of via. Hell far. via, Halit (iieene. standard A at 7 7-16&7V2c; Confectioners A Limestone, Sulphate Copper Ac, the __l_ | a., remaining to ber. usual afternoon visit to the invalid, [Ondura.9V^@10y» 7%c; work is Iietter Ayer’8 Meg Cubes at 8%c. Petroleum—united at 1 accomplished by « I THURSDAY. is at Yermont.... 11 @15 Valencia.7@ 8 x 09% bid. THURSDAY^^^ no she exclaimed him aside and than other Trains leave Portland Sabdikiar ... “Money object,” called hesitatingly inquired NYFact’y..ll (515 Orange*. Tallow barelv steady at 7%@7 11-lGc. Porli is Sarsaparilla by any Aromatic Schnapps is superior to every Dec. 27 Jan. IT last. “I want the con- mess 14 Circassian...! *« freedom, aud only whether he thought it would hurt the pa- Applets. Valencia b f>0@6 60 very dull; spot 60: family me>s at 15 60. remedy. At ‘A a. aa. Dally (Night Pnllinan) for gaee, «7sn. 3 3* Polynesian .. I •• dition with freedom is Bating fc> bbl.. k 00@5 00 Florida..4 00 Beef quiet. Laril opened shade lower, closing weak ft nn that is dis- other alcoholic A Blddeford. “10 £1 compal'ble perfect tient to be moved. 00@6 pi corrupted through preparation. public Kennebunk, Conway Junot., Kittery, ■■ lb Messina.2 5 00 at inside prices; contract grade spot 9 refined DLUUU Portsmouth. PARiaiAM.1 17 Feb. widowhood.' Unfortunately we can’t be I don’t think it would Evaporated 18@20 ^3 02V2; ease is made pure, and blood Xewburyport. Salem, Lynn and T “Um-m-m, no; Dried Palermo.2 76 for continent quoted at 9 25: S A at 9 60. Butter Boston, at 6.30a. m. burn and tbe odds Apples....9Vs5(10 60@2 weakened through diminution of the saltr of over 30 vears duration in every arriving A widows, against being hurt him to be moved; in fact, I am sure it Sliced Lciuodn. firm; Western 10va88c: State at 18®32c. Cheese At S.45 a. m. for Elisabeth. Clo.gow Portlnad Fortnightly Bervico ...10@10^ red is made Gape Scarboro, Saco, lelt a widow with incumbrance are infinity would but 1 would that are Niignr. Messina.5 60 firm; Western flat 10%@12c. corpuscles strong, by Kennebunk, North and uot; suggest you 00@6 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. section of onr of Blddeford, Wells, South .... to firm. country Wolfe's STEAMER. to oue. If there was only some way of iu of own Granulated & lb 8hi Palermo.4 (J0@4 60 Freights Liverpool Udolpho Berwick, Conway Junotion, connecting for all From Glasgow. ! From Portland danger defeating your purpose. Extra the blood and stations on J a woman a widow bv an act of C.7% Chicago, Jan. 18.—Flour Wheat is DIIDIPVIEUP building ConwavDivision.Kittery, Portsmouth, making Con- If you nurse him too you he quiet. lower; rUnlr Yliiu the weil, know, January at 89% No 2 at up system require Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement by Newburvport. Salem, Gloucester, Uoekport, gress or a decree of court! It’s to and @90%c: Chicago Spring shocking might recover, that, under the circum- 89&9"%C; No 3 at 72@79%o; No 2 Red Winter time in serious cases, lint benefit will Lynn, Chelsea and Boston, arriving at 1.16 p m. AustriaR. Dee. 26 ! °J*a.*ia** think of tbe risks a woman must run to at- At 1.00 El. for Scandinavian Jan. 9 *• stances, would fall little short of disaster.” Foreign Export*. at94@96Vfcc. Corn is at Oa s be derived from thc uso of Aykr's the medical faculty and a sale p. Scarboro, Saco, Blddeford, I og higher 52@52%c. unequaled Hanoverian.. tain that seventh Leaven of independence. “Don’t be brulal, Tom,” she said. “This LIVERPOOL. ENG. Steamship Sarnia—13,865 are firm at 32%c. Rye weak at 67c. Bariev in fair Sarsaparilla more speedily than Kennebunk, Welle, No. Berwick, Conway 23 | Feb. • 1 believe I will a bush corn 12,*/60 do peas £4u bbls apples 21 do demand at 69c. Pork fairly active at 14 60^14 75. other Junction, Kittery, Portsmouth, No-.vburyport advertise for consumptive is and he as well from anything else. by any alcoholic distillation have and For pasMge to LEVE place ineffably dismal, may asbes 12 do asbestos 1832 cases cat.ned goods 16,- Lard steady at 8 6U@8 66. Bulk Meats in fair de- Salem, Lynn, Boston, arriving at 6.1 U p. m appiy A ALDKN. G.naral and agree to uuise him the be comfortable for the for which like effects are with Sound and 1 Sut® tenderly through iittle time that is 000 it lumber 644 qr# beef 82 carcasses mutton mand; shoulders at 6 3 );short ribs 7 76; short clear larniriMP connecting Rail Lines for all St Boeton »nd remnant of -ITI Lulu I is-- is abun- insured for tt the of Southern and Western W!Xr,vg 40a1 \ his existence if he will obligate left.” 499,900 lbs bacon do grease 25.000 do oat- 8 00. falsely claimed, reputation salubrity points. Exchange St., T. P. MuGGWAN. i8,000 JVijLLRON, or for himself to die within a time.” meal do cheese do butter lteceiptp—Flour Ibis wheat dant in the market, under many names, At tt.OO p. m. (Express), for Boston ar.d 422^ concern st., pauaee or freight to H. (I given She look a cottage in the suburbs near the 863,880 28,560 52,500 11,000 65,000 bush, principal A’ Ji0- 1 do cotton. corn 206 000 bush, oats 124 000 bush hut the onlv that has stood claimed for it, Cor sale by all Way Stations, arriving in Boston at 9.30 A|{®Iua' intfia St., Port land. Mrs, Aii her sister and her senior of rye 6.000 preparation Drnggist p.m., slee, river, with plenty space around it, and feet deals do bush. connecting w ith Rail Lines for Now York. A*nov24 dlf Sardinian—286,659 boards bn, barley 33,000 the test of a ml of ___ two turned toward lier the face of 105,452 time, proved worthy at 2.00 by years, windows that looked out upon an expanse 37,026 bush corn 5964 do peas 109,800 ibs cotton Shipments—Flour 22,000 bbls, wheat 66.000 bu, the world’s is and Grocer*. Sundays p. in. Express for Boston and confidence, Way at shocked aud outraged wifehood. of shining water and fat-blue rims of hills. 60,000 do oatmeal 20,877 do tallow 15,577 do but- corn 127,000 bush, oats 78,000 bush, rye 7,600 bu, principal Stations, arriving Boston 6.30 But Mrs. to the indiscretion of ter 1650 do lard 906 packages meat 3 J do leather bariev 26.000 bush. p. in., connecting with Fall River Line for New Ainslee, It was Jane; about the verandas and win- York. had added tbe of 900 caces canned goo< s 6 bags seed St. Louis, Jan. 18.—Flour higher. Wheat marrying young, folly dows hung a mass of climbing roses that MATANZAS. Schr E shooks higher; Trains Leave Boston her aud Miss Mary Long—2600 No 2 Red Fall at 1 02%r^t 02y2;No 3 at 96c, Lard m spoiling buSDand, Winlhrop filled the with and into the and beads 2482 box shooks Ayers Sarsaparilla, place fragrance, nominally at 8 t>5. At 7.30, 9.00 a. m., and arrive in Portland at 11.66 this silent protest from her. with Schr Norena—4166 shooks and o expected airy front room, its wide windows and NAJAKDG,PR. Keceipts—Flonr 4,000 bbls, wbea* 12.000 bush, PREPARED BY a. m. and 1.00 p« m. At 13.30 p. m. and arrive want of heads 2000 prs extra heads “If you something that sort,” its distant of river hills 160,000 shingles. corn 94,000 bush, oats 33,000 bush.barley 2000 bu m Portland 5.00 p. m At 7.00 p m. glimpses and'green 3« 00 C. & Mass. Oai\>, t said the doctor, aside his “it rye bush. Dr. J. Ayer Co., Lowell, and arrive in Portland at 11.00 p. m. laying paper, beyond, went the U;valid’s bed. Railroad is not wur.n whin? to advertise. 1 have a Receipt. Shipments—FlourlO,000 bbls,wheat 13,000 bush, All day the fresh breeze from the corn Sold all Trice Fullnsnn Parlor Cars long Portland, Jan. 18. 62,000 bush, oats 6,000 bush, rye 4,000 bush! by druggists: 1; 18 BEAVER STREET patient on naud that will exactly fill the ladeu with the odor of 0000. On Trains Boston 9 13.30 and ” river, roses, parted Received by Maine Central Railroad, for Portland barley six bottles for $5. leaving a.ro.t 7.00 p. bill and Portland a. the fleecy drapery of the windows and blew 25 cars miscellaneous merchandise: for connecting Detroit, Jan. 18.—Wheat advancing;No 1 White m. 8.45 m., 1.00 and 6.00 p. m. “Tell me about she with sud- roads, 115 cars miscellaneous merchandise. fall at 1 02; No 2 Red at 1 01; No 2 White him,” said, softly upon his face. Everywhere reigned 94c. NEW Through Pullman Sleeping Cara _ ..► den euthusiasm. Wheat—Receipts 14,000 bu; shipments 8 000 bu. YORK. The new steamer the delicious quiet his tortured nerves had On Trains leaving Boston at 7.00 p. m., and Port- elegant IREMONT and favorite Bflidenaucl Tallow. New _ lb D. W. SANBORN, General Passengers by this line are reminded that they so* Steer Hides under 90 lbs. 6 Savannah, Jan. 18.—Cotton is quiet; Middling Manager. cure a comfortable rest and monies, aud is as solely in need of readied him now was the c|> lb Master of Trans. LUCIUS night’s avoid the •*- Compe- daily pilgrimage uplands 10%o. TUTTLE, and Cow Hides, all weights. 6 c$> lb Gen’l Pass’r pense lneonvenlence of arriving In Boston late tent nursing asauypoor devil I ever saw. of Tom Ainslee’s Near him A sent at buggy. all Bull ami Stag Hides, all weights. 4o lb Charleston, Jan. 18.—Cotton steady; No tobacco that is mode both to chew octlSdtf_ night. He has no Iriends here, he was born Middling though day loug sat “Meg” iu her soft white dress Calfskins.10c lb uplands 10%c. and smoke can be as good for smoking pur- ES^Ticketa and Staterooms for sale at D. H, aud raised in this 1 tried to him Light and Deacon Skins. 26 to 40c each Mem poses as pure smoking tobacco. For chew Boston & ulainp FO0NG’S, 272 Middle Street. place. get and her flowers, with the Bolt light Pins, Jan. 18.—Cotton steady; Middling up- Railroad, into the but it is aud Rendered Tallow.■ •. 7 Vac-p lb ing it is necessary to put in cerfhin ingre- Through Tickets to New Fork, via the varied* hospi al, crowded, on her blown bair, and a softer light Rail ana art sanann di« nts which its value for Sound Lines for sale. ftiora lias liooti mur>h gii'l/nota tltiu l: impair smoking. \ On and after Oct. in her gr-at violet eyes; In Blackwell’s Bull Monday, 15, 1888, taken as usual. surroundings I*rr Rood* VI hoie*alc market. Markets. Durham Smoking To- Freight that I couldn’t a nurse lor European PAMMENOEKTRAINN WILL ■ get him, though which certainly invited an interest in bacco culy the purest, finest leaf is used, LEAVE *1 B, i’OVLB.ir., General Agent. The following quotations are wholesale prices KNOW THYSELF. PORTLAND (or BOSTON I’ve been looking tor oueever since lie came. terrestrial and as the weeks (By Telegraph.) and the inevitable result is, that for smok- ___ dtt things, passed Woolens and corrected 18.—12.30 8.45 a. 1.00 and 3.30 He was a classmate of miue at but Fancy Goods, dally by Peer- Liverpool,Jan. P.M—Cotton market ing, it has no equal. Try it once, and you qat 6.16, m„ college, John a man of honor and at 6 16-lCd; A GREAT MEDICAL WORK at Boston by, Hemingway, ing, Milltken & Co.. 158 Middle street: Ftead\; aplanus Orleans at C Vs6 years probably KENNEBUNK at 0.16, 8 46 a. m., enough everything generous recovery? It would he hut a poor Fine Ontario.Portland...Liverpool. ...Jan 17 never before fell to the lot of 1.00,3.00 9-4.22 V* @27 V* any physician. 300 and5.45 p. m. FOR WELLS at 6.16, 8.46 a. be wants; the only trouble is, be cau’t a return for Alps..New York..Pu*to Kico...Jau 18 bound In get her assiduous attention and ten- Fine 10-4 ..26 @33-* pages, beautiful French muslin, embossed m. and 3 00 p.m. (See cote) FOE{ NORTH for love or York..Havana.Jan 19 HEAP OCEAN nurse money.” der ministrations She could not have been Saratoga.New oovcrs, full gilt, guararteed to be a liner work, in TICKETS. TICKINGS. ETC. Oder.New York..Bremen.Jan 19 The doctor bad forgotten what started bis more of his every sense.—mechanical, literary and professional m., 1.00, 3.00 and 3.30 p. m. FOB NALJIOK sweetly careful comfort if she Tickings, I Prills... 8@ 9 Oevonia.New 19 —than other work sold In this desiring to aead for friends in the Old Coun- be was of bis York..Glasgow_Jan any country for *2.60. FAl.I.rt and BICE AT FALLS*. at 6.16, 8.46 recital; ibiuking only friend, had “loved with a love that was more than Best...... 14 @16V* I Corset Jeans. .6 &V* City of New York.. ...Janl9 or the will be ALLtry will save money by buying their prepaid V*@ Chicago.,. Liverpool money refunded in every instance. a. m., 1.00 and 3.00 p.m. FOB NKWMAK- have a Medium.. ... York.. 19 steerage tickets at the General Ocean woudering what could subdued jovial in return fur which he was about to .10V* <^13Va Satteens..... Hermann.New Antwerp ...Jan Price only 8100 by Illustrative KKT at Steamship love,” f.itfht. 7 fin) 0 i(iAmhrinii CU. mail, post-paid. 6.16, 8.46 a.m. .3.30* p.m, FOR KX- 22 Waesland.New Y 19 « cents. Send now. Office, No. Exchange Street, (don’t mistake, h? and naturally buoyant fellow so completely, inflict upon her a permanent and i.»..Antwerp.Jan sample Gobi medal awarded BTER, LAWHBNCE unmitigat- Demins,best 13%@16% Silesias.10%® 18 Wisconsin.New York.. Liver 22 the author the HAVERHILL, number) at the sign or the big Locomotive, at wlieu be was calieu to order pool_Jan by National Medical Association, to AW® LOWELL at 8.46 a. 1 00 prt% suddenly by ed disappointment. In vain he assured Duck3. 9 .®13Y2 Cotton Flam 1?.Brown Cephalouia.New York.. ..Jan 23 officers of whleh 6.16, m.. sent reduced rates tbeCunard and other last Liverpool.. the he refers. and 3.30 p, m. FOR by firs* Miss even 9 St York.. ROCUEHTBR. EAR class mail srearner* direct across ti e Winthrop. bimseif that had he dreamed of a Fancy 11%S14 | aa4% Pierre.New Havre. Jan 23 This book should be read the for Instrno N. coming ocean, possi- by young H., AND ALTON RAY. at on the “Touare certain that he can- never Bleach jd, 8®D'% Montreal.Portland.. 24 tion, and the afflicted for MINOTON, warm Gulf Stream route, thus all uositively ble recovery he would have allowed .Liverpool_Jan by relief. It will benefit 8.46a.m., 1.00 and 8.30 p. m. FOR itlAN- avoiding hatting.8^9 ;£10 ^lu v* % & 12% Circassian.Portland ...Liverpool....Jan 24 all.- London Lancet. not recover?” she asked. her to take such a this could not @1t CHENTER AND N. risk; possi- Adriatic.New ..Jan 26 Address the Peabody Medical CONCORD, B., STATION* at 1.00 m. ALPHONSO FIELD, est, ring Pactic prefer e l.. 62 to J B Coyle, Jr. Bbato Treat- p, KOMTON *'OK of her husband. % ment, m. deed to be an Insolvent on •< part tered. Northern Pacific common.... 24% Steamer a. guamiMed tpccific for Hysteria, Dizrintis PORTLAND at 6.00 p. adjr debtor, petition Mrs. Falmouth, Lareorn, St John, NB, via * Convulsions, Trains on said Debtor which was filed on tha Perhaps out of regard for Ainslee’s Paciiic Mail 41% for Boston e bits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Boston & Maine road connect with all petition “It would he an re- K. Eastport Nervous Prostration caused steamers eleventh of A. D. 1884. t« the discus- certainly ungrateful Mo. & Texas. 20% ■ by the useofalcohcl running between Portland and Bancor (lay January, abnormally sensitive sympathy Soh Daylight, Hodgdon, Baltimore—coal to Maine or turn for all your but I am afraid I Louis & 443/s a tobacco, Wakefulness* Mental Soft- Rockland, Mt. Desert, which date interest on claims is to be computed. sion but ibe was not kindness, Wash. Cent KK. of the Depression, Macbias, EastDort Calais* rested here, subject am Central Pacific. 4 ening Dram in and 8t. John and Halifax. Al*o That the payment of any debts to or by said debt- getting better,” he sa.d apologetically. 64% Sch Grace to resulting Insanity leading connect with Grand Miss it in Cushing, Moeher, Philadelphia-coal to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Trunk trains at Grand Trunk and the transfer and delivery of any forgotien. Winthrop pondered “In Tom that I Boston & Maine KK. Age, Station, and Maine or, property bp fact, intimated to-day might Impotency, Weakness in either Central and Portland & him are forbidden law. secret and ultimately evolved a purpose. New York Stock and Honey Tlarkel. a sex, Involuntary Ogdenburg trains at Tranr- by recover.” Cleared* Ho**®* opermatorrhcca caused over-exertion fer That a of the Creditors of said Vt John had been crushed SErfojwiA by Station. meeting Debtor, by of the or and (hooso oue or more Hemingway Meg also bad a She had (By Telegraph.) Steamship brain, self-abuse over-indulgence. Kach All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for prove their debts assignee* no been uni- misgiving. thought Sarnia, (Br> Lindell, Liverpool,- a pW88IAH ARMY OIL CO. box contains refresh- a catastrophe. He had simply a New York, Jan. at D l nrrance & one month's treatment. Jl.abox,cr meats. First olass of his estate, will be held at Court of Insolvencp good deal about the of his re- 18.—Money easy 1%®2 per Co. 268 0 boxes Rooms at'Portland. possibility cent, on call prime mercanile Ex- Washington 8t., Boston. for $5.00; sent by mail prepaid on rcceiut o* Transfer pining to be boldfu at Pi obate Court Room in said Port- formly unlucky. A series of unprofitable and paper at 5*8. Schhlorona, chase, FaJ.rdo, PR-George S Hunt £ Station, Exeter, Lawrence and Boston covery, wondered whether it would firm at 486 fit uo. price. We guarantee 0 boxes to cure case. With land. on the twenty first of A. each inconsiderable in change tor long ana 487% for short 'no I any THROUGH TICKETS to all am: day January, Db speculations, itself, make much to Governments each order received for 6 boxes ;cd with be Joint. We^ at ten o’c'ock in the foreuoon. had difference him. Whether strong. State bonds quiet, itailroad Sch Mary E Long, Orne, Matansos—Isaac Emery, _dly accompar*. $ri. South may had of M. L. Ticket 1884, melted his once fortune to a bonds are we will send the our written Boston Willinni., Given under hand the date ample John restored to health aud no tinner; West Shore 6s legs active. Stocks bch Ann Elm, Rock laud—J Nickerson purchaser rjarantce Agent, A Maine aDd at I’ni.n my first above written* for Hemingway, Jameson, In Hours. to refund the mr-'-rif the treatment Depot, meagre income barely sufficient his in need of eloped strong. A son. Twenty-Four does'noL effect Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St. H. R. needs. longer nursing, might not wish ’'Benson's a cure. J. C. Wkbt & Co., issue SARGENT, Th« strenuous efforts to retrieve it at the Stock Exchange aggreat Sch Leontfia, Rockland—J Nlokenon A Capcine Porous Piaster* onred my lam* Proprietors, guar- J. T. Gen. himself a man whether .tr.^ni*kC^ion# Gray, haek In antees II. II. HAY & a H BTB-nrvo FURBER, 8upt Deputy Sheriff as of the Court of in a cllmats single again; there ed 384,300 shares. son. twenty-fear hours.”—J. M. 0. Pure, sure. through CO., Druggists,onl: B .H. STEVENS, Gen. Portland. Messenger X« uusuited to him had sapped 36*- agents, PortUnd,Me. Middle and Agent, solvency for said County of Cumberland. JanlBWSfcw junction Free Ht.> °"ul dtf Jan 12* 19 DB.JOBNTAn.OB CIinAN. THE PRESS music AND DBA31A. SUBURBAN NOTES, NEW ADTEBTHEHENTN. BUSINESS CARDS. AUCTION MALES. Resolutions Pnssed by the Hospital and tararaili. KEENE. O. A SifUKDAT M0RNI5W, JAX, 13. City Physicians. The flfteeu anniversary of the marriage of F. BAILEY CO., Mr. T. W. Keene made his first S. appearance Mr. & Mrs. Rufas Titcomb at cor- C. ANDREWS, At a of tbtt directors of Yarmouth Inctloneers and Commission Merchant meetiog the Maine in as a ago, Portland, tragedian, two seasons was Counsellor mid Attorney at Law, held ner, made a very pleasant and notable ocoa- HAMBURG SALE. CITY AftD General Hospital yes‘erday afternoon at aad drew well Saluntu AM Kid ange HI. VICINITY. pleased audiences to Portland fci n on the house of Mr. Clapp, it was Wednesday eveuing last,though a com- 188 MIDDLE STREET, Theatre. Mr. Keene’s conception of his char- plete w. o. BAiLny, c. w. Aijaor Resolved, That the cl surprise. Many friends and neighbors par- ^ directors the Maine or all Jt. McQaarrie, young every inis season. It will be for your iuteiest ta inspect onr stock be.oie PORTLAND, ME. SeHi-Annual of the it is be well THUKSDAV. Jail. 25, at 3 p. m., we iball “t-ttement—Cumberland Bone Co. quiet dignity and grace with which he said, supported. ty years of a^e, employed as teamster at Mc- trying elsewhere. J. 1f\N 9 pell Montreal. C. S. AUSTIN. NATLOR. the very desirable proper y Mtuatcd oa Excursion to **, ik'■ guided our delibeiations. Identified with the issfiS KOI El. Qtiillan &,Oo.’8haw mill met with an unfirtun- Halls and Private Dwelling* Decorated Main gt eet corner of Seavey, c liaistingi'f a two 8 AUCTION ital from its Churches, SALES, '-.^‘aesis host very inception and president Pit star at in a ti i»”i at short notice. •tory wood >n containing 18 rowing, ample Rooney’s combination will be at {accident on afternoon. He was en- rhfc-cla-s manner, Repair- bojse, Sale—Real of its hoard of directors for Thursday &c. Cellar under itae whole h< u»e* CEiecutor’a Estate. lies US: B~ thirteen years, lie Portland Theatre next and the ing old {rescuing a sjeoiaity. my30eodtf Moseis, pant' !••#*, Wednesday,; gaged in saw-dust from the ridg I* in ttnw condition and and »«* may almost be called its founder; and the tickets will be for sale hauling mill and property r**p.i--, isntertainments. Monday. rery arrange l and loca'ed. community immediately around us and the for some unf ccouutable reason undertook to coi.viemly splendidly CWaltatng—M. R. Gilbert. The matinee at ibe Lyceum should be well GEO. A. GAY & CO. I^»t about 7nxl75 fne*. Tormn and made easy t State at large are alike indebted to him for Illuttraled Lectures -Y. M. C. A. Hall. attended today. throw off the belt which ruus the wood taw. known at gale. V* IlJfRED hARNr S, hts zeal in its behalf. Always unflagging A Paris dispatch say8 that Mr. Stern, an The belt Executor ot Egt. of Auu B. Barnes. striving tor its aod its caught, and, iu attempting to clear it, growth prosperity; American banker, wasmartied to Mile. Sophie 499 • F. O Suspenders damaged by water at the Are of firm, calm, patient friend in time of trial; he was thrown agaiustthe large in such CONGRESS ST. CORNER fiROWN. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers, Croizette, of the Comedie Francaise, yester- pulley Janly jan!9 d5t his time and his means to son- eodtf January 1st, large lot of 50 and 75 cents goods, Ireely giving its day. a mtauer as to c»ich his leg in the spokes, the institution stands to-dsv a memorial to be sold at 25 cents porr; it two Saturday. of his huu We beaming places, one above and one be- large-hearted auity. soirow for The F. and £. Club. EDUCATIONAL. Owen, Mocre & Co. our loss, but we re in the recurd he haB low the knee joint. At the same time two juice The Press left behind him. yesterday gave an account of the belts GRAND caught him aud wrapped him firmly to TRUNK RAILROiD MRS. Adtice to Mothers.—MRS. At annual dinner given at the Preble House CASWELL’S SCHOOL WINSLOW’S tho meeting of the of the the which was LADIES’ physicians 260 city shaftiug making revolutions — — the F. and Sin- Photographer, FOR 8NOTHING 8YRUP should be used to take action on the death of Thursday night by E. Clnb. always Dr. John Taylor per minute. The shingle saw belt eight inch- Indian Felt, high cut. button Arc- Fine Portraits a'spocialt,,^ when children are cuttiug teeth. It rel eves Gilman, a committee was to gularly enough, although Thursday marked es was narrow YOUNG LADIES AND appointed pre- wide, broken short off as it bit upon the EXCURSION. tics; wiotlis. MISSES. the the little sufferer at it natt resolutions twenty-fifth anniversary of the clnb, no Extension Heel Gabbers a once; produces al, pare expressing the opinion of bis arbor. A large post stood close to the driv- Spec OPPOSITE FALMOUTH HOTEL account has Two tenrs per year. The Second Term will be- quiet sleep by relieving the child from professional brethren his life ever been givtn of the circum- abaft iatty. pain, regarding and ing and had he been but a few inches gin Kebruary 1, 1884. K..r circular, ai d Informa- stances Fab ut Extension Portland. Mq. and the little cherub awakes as a services which led to its nor any Buy your Heel rieodtf tion at 98 Park one ’’bright as and their sense of loss by his decease. formation, further from the bis head would €3r rt A.3NTI3 apply street Irour to thr.o pulley have Rubbers ut of Gold o'clock m. button.” It Is list of its members. struck it as Sign Hoot. p. Jaol7dtf very pleasant to taste. It This committee makes the following report: he revolved on the shaftiug. He soothes was rescued fr xn bis the child, softenB the gums, allays all Whereas, In the providence of God Dr. January 17tb, 1859, nine lads about fifteen perilous situation, medi- cal assistance cilfed, and be was taken to Instmction in !n«lish and Class pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and John Tat lor Gilman lias been removed from or sixteen y ears of age, who bad been constant the GEORGE H. residence of his qucIb on Mxin KtrAAt urhhru Winter Carnival LADIES’ STARR, this cotmnoniiv and whereas the is the best known for by death, friends and playmates on “Christian Shore”— ua 18 leal Studies remedy diarrhoea,whether of Portland have uoing as well a-t cjuld be expected. physicians assembled to do about the of -AT- Zephyr Rubbers a at General and Com- arising from teetbiDg or other causes. vicinity Cumberland, Parris, and Cnpe Specialty Shipping the subscriber Twenty- reverence to his memory as one peculiarly Elizabeth.—Fire East Right-Other Sign of Gold Boot. given to private pupils by five cents a bottle. honored and beloved; therefore Mechanic streets—determined to form a club Rears. mission Merchant, Resolved, That we desire to record our which should meet thereafter on About appre- annually 9.30 o’clock last night, fire was dis- J. _SM&W&wly ciation ot and affection for our No. 1 Union Portland, SJc. W. ^deceased January 17th until the last member was re- covered in a Wharf, COLCORD, brother ill the following statement: story aud a half wooden bouse, MONTREAL, jaii din From Dr. Quinbij. moved 14_ Rev.' Dr. Gilman wes a by death. If was also voted to have a near what are kuowu as 1884. 143 Pearl gentleman by nature. Daw’s woods, owned Commencing February 4, of Ladies’ Oil Goat and Street. "Augusta, Jan. 1878.” a pairs Peb- Me., 5, Descended from long line of cultured an- supper on the anniversary, appoint officers, and Mr. W. G. Osborne G. ]an24 dtf by of this city. Their be- Keturu ble Goaf, which Herbert Briggs, "Adamson’s Botanic Balsam cestors he was "to the manner born.” Ticket* to Iflontrenl from Feb- button, must Cough has been The keep a set of records. The nine were no water blended boys ing near, the honse was burned to tie ruary tib 10 8n, good to return up to Fett. be sold at once without used in our family for more than gentleness and dignity of his manner ATTORNEY AT LAW AND S0L1CIT0B three years John T. Alexander, painter, now of Eliz- 11,1834. were charming. He » as also a man of broad Cape ground, but by tearing down a small ell the regard to profit. and — — we cun recommend it as a Edward A. OF superior remedy individual culture, and the rhetoric <1 of abeth; Jordan, ex-Counci I man and neighbors Baved the barn. These goods must he sold to make for and colds. beauty Nobody occnpid the conghs jinI4MW&S&w some of his annual itn n. room for hospital reports is puiiuer; ouujamiu lucser, Duuaer; joseyn place, the last an Spring goods. American & Foreign Patents, _• tenant, employee of Mr. DOWN upon the memories of of us. Widths pressed many K. Brett, foreman for A. D. H. 8. au, a, b, c aud d. Dr. Gilman was also boru Smith; Osborne, having moved oat about lour weeks fir. O. at Fa for the medical Excursion to No. 93 Portland, le. Fitzgerald, 1 month Hotel of the custom C. E. Also, Special Mon- Exchange St, .Friday profession. He was possessed of innate refine- Trickey, house; Randal), ago. The building was valued at about and 18:h 8700, CyAU holiness relating to Patent* promptly and Saturday, January and 19th. ment of nature, of a peculiar chief engineer East Boston treal February 5, 1884. geuilenessof Ferry Company; and was probally insured, but to what amount faithfully executed. ]ul2dtf J*nU dlw manner, and, at the same time, of de- Charles _, great Rich, broker; James S. Roberts, lieu- we were unabled to Ticket, to d to so only on the 3th and re- 200 cision of Cbaraoier. He to au learn as Mr. Osborue is out THEY had, unusual de- turn within 10 Ladies’ Pebble Wei tenant Seventeenth Maine and C. of daj». pairs Goat.button, De Meyer# gree, the power of it. tuitive and was Volunteers, the city. The cause of the fire isunknown. diagnosis, box loc. low vamp, w ith work- r It is now remarkabe for at H. same the undisputed that Wei De Meyer's riving quickly at correct con- Merrill, regiment, two latter The Urge crew of men employed at the Eas- ed billion boles. Price Catarrh clusions in the sick room. Go Hurlk NAf'ilrPfl o only Cure is the only tr»atraent that will killed iu tbe Battle of tbe Wilderness. tern railroad and repair car shop at Turner’s $6.00. $2. Widths, b, c and d. absolutely cure Catarrh—fresh or cbronc. very large lucrative practice, and became ‘‘It The first of these lads was held in J. is a Rev. A. cue ol tiie most of meeting Island, have length of the woik STEPHKN^ON, g. p. a. GO—-AT marvel, P. Fries, N. Y distinguished tbe physicians day’s Cairo, the a JOSEPH Geu. "Ic restored me to the a»d surgeons of the State He bad upper story of wooden bouse, situated iu reduced from io HICKSON, Manager. pulpit. Rev. G o E the full ten eight hours. The prin- Ja.nl dtd Reis, N. Y." "One confidence aud affection of his His the rear of S. house on Cobleville, box radically patients. Henry Trickey’s Parris ciple objection on the part of the tisaeh UDday Times copy. GENTLEMEN’S cored Rev. C. H. ability and skill were admitted aud mea, STEPHEN BERRY. me, Taylor, 150 Nolle by all, his street, and the records have been an conscientious devotion carefully arrangement is that the pay has been re- Weseott calf, band boots street, Rrooklyu.’* “A perfect corn after 3(5 to the interests of his “THE ATLANTIC, dependent alone on reading pegged was kept up to the present time. Not a meeting duced custom all years suffering, D. McDonald, 719 Broad- palieuis generally recognized aud appre- proportiinitely. made; width-, from Book, Card and Job Printer, COST. has been not a matter for its success, is brilliant above all others in the way, N. Y., &c &c. oiaied. He had uiibuuuded iaiih iu national omitted, supper passed, as narrowest t» t'-c widest Tnou8endsof testimon- and, Thursday, Mr. Reuben Dyer was driving Wo. 37 (Mum »treet isla aie rec. ivert tr..m all and scientific medicine, aud liat“d n what is this and nevtr has been so so b. c. d. e and parts of the w< rid. preleusn exceedingly remarkable iu all these from Portland te respect, fresh, f. and i m iu Turner’s Island, loaded w.th versatile> Delivered, $1.00. Dr. W. i De Meyer’s “Treai- empire every form. He was oue ol Gent*’l and custom made years, not au unpleasant word has be- cement so genial, as it is note.'’—The World. sewed, tse, with sti temeuts ton the fouudeis of the Maine Medical passed pipe his sled wsb overturned at the Literary by cured, mailed Arsocialion, calf boon, light oili»ie so e, AT.T. G-IESIWTJXJN'IEJ. Dee. D. B. aud a coustant attendant tween any of tbe members, not a dollar has Dewey & Co., 182 Fulton St., N. upon its annual upper end of the overhead bridge, scattering 41.50 former WOLF to the end of his been only ; price decl8eod3ta meetings life. As oue of ihe the sal j set of discussion—for the b 11s the pipe in all directions. The less must H O FF’S __ have $7.50. 411 widths, sizes founders of the Maine General as bem considerable. Hospital, are all paid at every anniversary—and only two and half sizes. B. H. Dooglass & prerident of Its board of directors from the be- Sons’ Capsicum Cough have the two Next the work of FEBRUARY ATLANTIC EXTRACT till as a liberal died, mentioned above. At the Monday, filling Clark, Gents’ Jersey goods a MALT Drops are manufactured ginning now, contributor to iis specialty. THE by and & Co. s and NOURISHES themselves, funds and as one whose wlio'e heart was eu- dinner chairs are always set for the entire Chapiin t-iirteeujhouses, at Turner’s Cheap medium goods in all are the result of over contains WEAKEST, fcHj ROBES fotty years’ in lu-ted in iis and with a Ready everywhere the s experience development success, the Line, and must be even when but one survives. Is.aud, capacity for forty thousand leading j les. value of his tons, Compounding cough medicines services iu the institution cauuot will commence. S.WFIR MITCH ELL I.vWarTisib. The third STRENGTHENS T«E be At the dinner and meeting on Thursday all ... easily over-estimated,-- FEEBLEST, * and fourth chapters of a Serial Ab a Iriend be was were The Messrs. Phiuney’s ice at the striking Story. pi tender aud true: as a Ct- present except Mr. Randall, sick at crop Cape Sunaav Services. lzen patriotic aud is Children's and Misses’ AND RUUDS UP TH E fE* 11 earnest, abounding in every home, and th.e officers were elected: Very promisiug. They will house from fif- F. y fHURcn of The following MARION CRAWFOvD-A Romax Singep* S Y S T E M B Y E N A B- M by Rev. R. good work. In his domestic relations be teen 2 % Messiah.—Preaching was S. hundred to two thousand tons there aud of tin School LING PA- $5.00. 8. Kellerraan at 10 One most SerUl eter UKIICATE 30a. u. and 7 p. in. one of the of men, aud his President—Benjamin T'ickey. noteworthy Stories Boots; Sunday happiest home was a-'d haul t. their house 'JlfcNTs '10 i# achuol at 12.15 p. m. H*-erefary Treasurer—E. A. Jordan. city from five huudred in an the best that can ASSIM1L- Jp DOTed fur its gentrous and to one published American magazine. money bit). And graceful hospitality. Hisiorian—H. 8. Tiickey. thousand tons. AlEhVOD. ' Congress St. M. E. Church -Rev. G. D Llnrl Dr. Giiman was all to be at ^IjA distinctively a Christian Orator—Char es A bought eay, paetor. at 10 30 Rich. number of years ago, Mr. Preaching a. ra. ai d 3 p m. by mas iu tne hri ad seuseof the t> rm. Joseph Ander- HENRY JAMES—En Province. VI. Must be in Irt the pastor. To this Toastmaster—J. K. Brett. put up Sunday School 1.30 p, ui. Praier Bon of one thl*|ff proposit o no proof need be we Freeport, of the hardest style in.t'le, muI me, ling 7 p. m. adduceJ, y»t Surge* n—J. T Alexander. working beai'jpw'; BUFFALO delight to recall tiie occasional men of that O. B. FROTHISGHAM-Voices of Power. ou label tbo name of TN F'kht opening of hi, Chaplain—C. E Randall. towh, was iaduoad bet- jj!|| i'|l Universaust Church- Rev. heart to his friends wheu against.’biB Blanchard Henry the natural retioence ter to loin & NT* pastoi. Preach ng at 10% a. m. bv member has fi led au office at some judgment, about six huudred dol- CO.,1 of his nature had yielded to the warmth Every ELIZABETH ROBINS—The ami Crimi- 1|| **• L- thrvia of Boston. school at gtnial lars to a resident Vagabonds « Sunday Ilf time of Freeport, cud ~. lfi.lo p. ID. friendly fellowship, his itrnug faith iu Ins during the life of the club. never hav- Lalsofladia,_-. Sole A gents for the [jfc vy and the ing received bis United 27 m Green IOff': ROBES Redeemer, hope aud which over- The mousy again, Mr. State*, ;J Gospel M.ssiow—Tracer 9: Snndav joy following were the first officers: Cyrus Coie School meeting flowed his heart and the of O her Es.-ays, Poems, Reviews, and Contributors' *ich St., >'eur York. jjjf l«i%; Preaching at 3 and 8 p m hy Rev. S. pervaded atmosphere Pre»*i lent—H. S. Cape Elizibeth, learuiug of the transaction F. P. arson, pastor. P of his sick room. Trickey. Club. ayer meeting «, T, sumonvy and Treasurer—E. A. made up his mind to reimburse For s*l© all meeilug 7, be.son of 0 Tnat we most Secretary Jordan. him In part for by Druggists.® so-,g 3 4. Resolved, respectfully tender 35 Cents n a Price ^ Historian—J. K. Brett. his so he seut for Mr. number; $4.00 year* 84.U0 per doz. Liberal to me bereaved family of our brother our loss, Anderson, about ITARKANT Fratermtv, Hall—At 2.30 m. Congnss Orator—C. H. Merrill. jaiil» dlt p. .Suqjecti That heaitfeli sympathy in tneir great weile at two weeks ngo, and offered him ‘‘Rwolred, Orgnnic has a Bp- loss, Toactuiaster—J. T Alexander. choice be- $4.50. sinning and ther.f re the same Mifflin & Boston. Spiritual),, m Is uot true" time, we would re j rice with them in tween a smell fer n aud three Houghton, Co., ill-cuss ou to be I Surge* n—Charles Rich. valuable build- j*nl9 eodlw opene hy Capt H utft. tiie record of such a life, such a aud lots at Mr. New death, E. Randall. ing Ferry Village. Anderson chose SHOE Jerusalem New such an entrance into Chaplain—C. DEALER Mr. Church, High «t.-Preach immortality. the litter, and Cole deede I to him the e: is iierfrv that the lrg hy Rev. T hus. A. Kii g, pastor, to Thai the club a floral memorial morrow morn Resolved, the committee communicate Every year lays lots on Free St corner of street *ut>scriber has been lngat 1(1% o clock, of High aud one Notic duly appointed and taken 431 subject sermon; "Howto these resolutions to the next above CONGRESS ST. GOODS and to the the letters of the cn Mr. b^rselt the ART Flnu Best Unto the family bearing organization, the H. Cnamberlain’s ou Free St. upon trust of Administratrix o£ the HORSE Soul.” daily papers. at Ferry are estate of Park Street graves of its two deceased members in Ever- Village. They very desirable lots’ of OHURCH-The pastor. Rev John A. Israel T. Dana. M. tor Sign Gold Boot. Telephone 502. W D., building purposes. LEVI S. BROWN, late of Deering, In a at preacb at l0*30 “• “■ Sunday School 1-tkpmkn H. greeu Cemetery. In 1862 and in 1867 two ele- nod if Large Variety M 12 m' weeks, M. D., in the County of and gaut parties the Crmberland, deceased, Augustus S, Thayer, M. D., were given by organ'zation The gt^en bonds a-* tbe law directs. All de- Semi annual Pine St. M E. CHUHru.-Rev. J. M. Williams t'ity Doing Penance. person* having Statement of the Committee. which were fully atteuded their mand* upon the estate of said deceased, are pastor. the at 3 m by lady The for the required Condition of the Preaching by palter p. Praise city present has to exhibit ibe aud all indebted Cumberland BLANKETS municipal year to at 7 m- The First Parish church will be at friends. same; persons meeUDg P' Sunday School at open Annually also the wives of the mem- estate Bone il30Pr*5#r been doing political penance. The election of said are called upon to make pa\ ment to Company. 10.30 this morning, aud the funeral services bers entertain the club. last SOPHIA H. BROWN, Administratrix. People’s Spiritual Goo-1 Mayor Deering spring was ihe result of a Agreements actually 00 Meetings, Tfmolars’ wi 1 take place at 11 o'clock. Iu the historical Deering, January 15, lb84. Janl9dlawS3w* paid in.$110,000 Bali, Congress St. Spea.Jug at 3 and 7.30 p. nr. by sketch, given Thursday general belief that the Hebt-.lue.. 33 2"4 19 Mrs. P. 1> The of Portland Republican ticket Bradbury, Trame medium. Cbidieu's apothecaries will meet at evening; many remiuiscences of schoolboy C-pital inves'ed in real estate. (15,439 00 80 Cents. 1.3u would be elected Lyceum p. m. the at without difficulty. The rum ALFEED A. KENDALL is admitted a Last valuation of real estate ass. s- city buildiug 10.30 o’clock this forenoon, were mentioned. by Prkiile days How tbe boys a9ed to We have a large s*ock of Robes and Chapel.—Sunday School at2. Preach- element, however, did not and when member ut our Hrtn from til's date. »»*•».. 28,COO 00 Blankets, aud from thence in a to the First swear sleep, I and tLe above are the actual ing by the Pastor at 3 Sabbath School Con. proceed body by the different hand of the < Agg egste value of taxable property.. 74,900 00 sliall continue my store, Farrington prices cost of tiicm. pm. engines the ballots were counted the HAI)FOUK> X KFNimj.. Total cert at 7 p. m. Frt eloall. Parish ohurch to attend the funeral Democratic can- Por Jan. 1884. assets. 163,286 28 ami of the old department—the didate was land, 1, ]mi19<1 w. Block, eniteavor to suit my m..ny Casco, Atlantic, Tiger, found to be elected a small ma- F. D. Second Covgbf.o *tionai. j by EI.US, and Chuhch.—Preaching late Dr, John T. Gilman. with a patrons the public geaernlly with a v/uf 7 m. Aldermen. *_* The Personally anpeared before me, F. D Ellis, iud made complete 1‘uimins, Engravings, p. ara. What fun they nsed to have with experience oath Temperance Item*. of this year will, without that the above statement nv blot guo-eribel is Frames. A tist»’ Mate ials, and Social Vf. doubt, cause the euc- Fottery il)K Meeting—F. McKenney »U1 lead in “Trip* ; how they used to cess of true. EDW N L a Light of Honor Lodge, I. O. G. of South patronize “Tappy the Republican ticket at the OYER, all the novelties found in an Ai t social meeting at the room of the i. M. C. A. at 4 T., coming J iul (.Vl3t J of the usually who a inun ostice Peace. p. in. celebrated its seventh Tob,” Kept jank store where the boys cipal election unless the Store. Flue Gold Gilt Frames in all Windham, anniversary should Democracy State sold stuff to put in nomination a more styles. Tbo-e in want I invi*h I am Tin Plate and Iron present company of 8V4 par t or such an amount as work among his people in Pottl and will GM, prepar- Stacks, Sheet Worker, Agent nd, All students of our social condition ed to fi>l all <>rd**iB atthe-lo^est fur Amlin’s Patent Ex v' wou’d secure the of But the alsb work in various iu the State. present possible prices. pa- ding ater Cou- rights complainant. places Orde « aud will receive careful • duct -rs. All of Plain see that oue of most solicited, and kinds O*nduct0iS an M. J. Dow of treasurer of the easily the dangerous ele- complaiuaut required tLat injunction should be Brooks, grand RAILROAD .HATTERS, prompt attention. constantly on h>n«l, Tin Hooting » Grand reached D ments of is the class known as grant'd agaiurt using the patented invention or Lodge, ering Wednesday society “boys of specialty, Tin Hoofs repaired and the 16 h. He will visit Person** troubled with le HATS Gorham, Freeport, painted, roofs cansed conveying nay pnrt of tbe letters patent. The the etreet.” Some of them live in places Wifi. ky Cumberland Cent* r, West Cumberland, Yar- Fraulalia «V Mcgantic Railroad. If insnre with the MJWIABKS, by snow and ice freezing on the caves of the Court held that under the circum-tances he wou d which can be called homes. are ion Old in to close. and mouth and and some other hardly They At a of buildngcan h*ve them lined up Water exobange Still Soft Hat» Gr»»y, possibly metting subscribers to the capital 97 1-2 iu all col. rs mid not be aui horized to an so »• attracted to the Exchange St., Portland, Me. 'll ht, a* d snow and Ice removed at myle*. grant injunction weep- places in the county for the purpose of organiz- street by their love of com- t.d3m* very flourishing duty municipalties to a HAVE Benner, Strout & Holmes. provide its was the ---- Last week a was charter, effected, following board juvtnile temple organized for them can i Luiit. place where they spend their eve- of Insurance GRATFF1L-COT1FORTING. at directors Life Be.rw elected a __ South ck. The prospect* of this tem- being by unanimous COE, The State Co., Sore ple are good. It is in the hands of those hav- nings. provides schools for the vets. I Chapped Hands, Lips, Salt Superior Court. OE NEW ing the good of the cause at heart, and is young on the ground that education protects YORK. of The Hatter BEFOREJUDGE BONUEY. Samuel W. Sargent, Vamnm B. Mead of Rheum, Roughness the Hands bound to flourish. .• society. On the same ground, it seems to me, Friday—Hugh Doheity paid $581—flues and At the regular meeting of Maple lodge. Al- Boston, Mass Pnilip H. Stubbs J. W. Porter Assets or Face, procure a glass of EPPS’S COCOA. 197 Middle > on it should provide places, well warmed and $100,000,000. Street. eosts liquor coxplaiuts and indictments. lan's Corner htld Tuesday evening, Jan. 15th, of Strong, M tine,William Dolbier, John Wiu- J»nl2 a which shall win from the ’_eorttf Martin Flaherty p id $65.23 tine and costs on a committee appointed to act w th the lighted, boys street E. S. Weston of BREAKFAST. ter, Kmgfieid, Maine, S. H. The pxper’ence of Years has shown the for State temperance commi-tee iu the to our Forty complaint illegal transportation of intoxicating campaign. books, papers, games. Already city most soisf »c resul s Hinds, George W. Harris of Salem, Maine, ory to all its Policy Ho.deis, “By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws a free into which th^se as hutidr ds can A CARD. liquors. opens reading room, testify. which the of and <- Chari, s N. Porter of Eustis, Maine, Abner W. fia govern nitrations dige-tiou n Coart nntil The Workingmen's Lecture. boys enter. S<>me evenings ibtre are H.ATftS of PIUS wIUM are LOWER, its DIVI- and adjourned Monday, Feb. 4th. eighty (1LYCERI.YE JELLY. trition, by ac*reful application of tie tine Having ite'ermfued lo make a LA often Mayo of Freeman, Main-. A code of DENDS KUER, its Security Grea er than 8 change Mr. Morrill lectured last tv niug on the present, fifty, when twenty are a l who by-laws any properti of„w* ll-selecte l Cocoa, Mr. Kpp*» 1 as pro- In our *>tU r Lif Company in the W its are Lusln-ss, nr have sold oar rntiie to so small a room. The rest of was aud ORLD; Policies vided our breakfist tables w-th a flavored of water. ought occupy presented adopted. continual in delicately Court. chemist*y He showed the compos5- y increasing value. which save Muuieipnl this Jarge eltss are roaming the or vihi Superior to beverage may us many heavy doctors* street, after the the A Po icy ot $3,500 on a well-known citizen of Vaseline, Cosmoline, bills, li BEFORE non ui water toe sat stac- Immediately adjournment is by the judicium me of such art cl* s of JUDGE OOl LD. uy analysis, uy only iog vile places. They are growing up wi boat Is now and another of board of directors convened iu Portland, $8,000 Cold Ice or diet that a oonstitu i n ti ay be built Frida—Ann Mao influence. school Winter’s Hal] is u >w • Cream, Camphor gradually up well. Juto'icati m, second of- t ry method, that of passing a current of elec- ennobling Their days are S'AO 0»». No other Company in the world to reaift has uutilstiong enough every tendency to dis- of and the church does not influence them. and organized by the election of S. W. Sar- sho«n such res 'Its ease. consisting Curtain Slnffs. lire Car. fenc ; niDeiy days iu the oouuty jail. tricity through a volume of watsr, thus few, any other skin cosmetic. Hundreds of subtle ma a.i es are sep- Do not l»e deceived or floating tains. Lace Pa rick From among them will come our thieves and of and W. by Tontines, any other around us ready to attack wherever there is Bed Sets, Cretonnes, Iriuaes. Powers. Search and seizure; fined $100 the wafer into two and gent Boston, presidtnt, FredJ P. scheme. arating gases, hydrogen murderers. For a h ng time I have been con- gambling a weak point. We may escape many a 'fatal stiaft &c., &c., to * To be all and costs. App aled. Fogg of Strong, clerk. This C« nip «»> no i sues a new form of procured of or ourselves I oxygen. To make the experiment clearer he vinced that they should not be left t > the care Policy,the druggists by keeping well foriifle with pure blood Skmi-Endowuknt, wh’Ch is a high y lorm ami a onr A survey of the line is now in The popular properly nourisliea frame.”—Civil Service Ga- an inverted tube of water over of philanthropic institutions; that the progress. of insurance tor 20 at much less of the WALTER CORE! placed each of in years lhau the manufacturers, zette. & CO., llriei Jottings. work of reaching and elevating these of Eugineer charge reports that lor the first usual cost of Endowments. the wires. was iu the tube boys Made simply with boiliug water or milk. Sold in Oxygen caught the street is their two miles from Strong station ihete will not At this time it is well to before b-youd power. enquire you in- tins only iVfeib. and lb.) labelled thus: together with onr goo 1 will i the over wire over bo a rever-e and for sure. by Grocers, hu«i- the positive aud hydrogeu the Good work is done the curve, the first three miles Ail desirable information fur- uees. at by these—notably by cheerfully We >econnnend our cue* noon, 35° at sunset; wind south-west. V M n A —with i h innro tlian Dmiun hnti- the rise » ill be less than 100 feet, or a uratie nished upon application to AAtl I* 8 EPP>i dk Chem- heerfully negative. This experiment illustrated the €’0., Homoeopathic t mers or tlio less ttian 33 ti ist*, e from At ChailesJ. Pennell's may be seen fresh fired boys—by lire Portland Fraternity—bv the feet to e mile,aud that the prob- G. H. GUPPY Louuou, England. nov243T&w47-ly wanting auttbiug & CO. our manner of electroplating, which is done by able maximum for the stuck to tneui. radishes in Elizabeth. Gosoel Mission—by the Friendly Inn. But a grade entire Hue will W. D. grown Cape a current of a solu- not exceed 50 feet > We propose t>» pasting electricity through W' rk so large aurl so imp. rtant should m t be t the mile. There will be LITTLE, Agent. rearrange onr store and Remember the for the bat Drug lasts, {five our individim! flttamlan well to iuclude tbis plan $8,409.10, expenditures, $8,376 98. The large and elegant assortment SHADES. have followed that of potassium. he .re can The Reform in our school and have it under the for shore attributed of CHAS. H. Confidently ieylng offer In* Club will hold a system, reoeipts rent, per C. II. temperance capita O’BRION, GUPPY k ducements uot Mr. Morrill prepared hydrogen, which was of our school board. We found risen here lu thli to-morrow at charge may ednca'e to the members of the amounted to CD., meeting evening, commencing 7 tribe, over market. discovered in Eoglaud Cavendish. He by pint ares, by games, b,’ papers as well as bv Kesjteclfully. at their by The farm Druggists, o’clock, hall, corner of Temple auui.ty of P. C —L B. TWOltrgemaker*, with pooler >f will be Cornucopias Sugar Toys and -or- PROPOSALSnutii litn. f..r $11600 (Tour Cumberland, deceased, and ha* A friend ..... 6 00 pro looks; sold 21, p r ee.lt H> war taken upon himself that trust The In this — by giving bonds following transfers of reel estate h P. C t'tiomas Q. Luring. at on application to Novelties in Bonds of ih-Town or iu e the £1 Piyiaiu church .. 14 00 good bargain, Sneetmeats. Deering. -n pa> able Lm< Uw direct*. AU pe..ou» JOHAT Ij, annual! Pr bo having demand, m,!£ have been of P mouth church Mission Circle 71 70 P. C.—Euoch Kuigut. BEST, >pusa!s-111 received r r the wh 1. tho estate or .aid are •eanty recorded at the registry j .. or deceaeed, required to ..K Wniiston church, Representative to Giand Lodge, two yetrs— Poril nd, *by part thereof. The'1 own reserves the right the .ante; and all deeds: Young People’s Society W. D. LITTLE & to Meet per.on.’ IndebSl 80 00 Thomas G, Loring. CO., Sole agent In Make for Hammond's celebrated auy proposal, not deemed f >r the iutereet tojVjsS C.E.. E. WlDdbam—Joshua Hanson to Charles H. to Grand Lodge, one year— 31 Exchange Street. C.O. HUDSON creamery brand. Bottom prices to the wholesale °v“«<<>»»• M. JACOBS, Tress, Representative novlS jauladlv Me. dan. Hanson et al., land. Tofeti..666# 17 L. B. Roberts. janl2 dtf dtf trade. jan!5dlf Stroudw, tjr. Peering. 6. W*4.