C O M I N G E V E N T S MT MAUNGANUI 2019 INTERMEDIATE AUGUST 2019 9 Elite Cross Country 9 WEAR GREEN!! National Day of Support for Principals – see information in

this newsletter 7 August 2019 13 BOT Meeting Newsletter No. 13 Boostrix Vaccination Year 7’s 2 June 201722 14 Open Evening Boys College 15 2019 Bandquest IN THIS NEWSLETTER Baypark Stadium 16 Deadline for ICAS  From the Principal Testing for Online  Room 22 Learning Page Registration  ICAS Information 21 MMI Open Evening  Sports Information 6pm – 7.30pm  PSG Report 22 PSG Donut Day  Brief Notices 29 MMI Open Day  Coastal Values SEPTEMBER 2019  Enrolment Information 8-13 Anchor AIMS Games  PhotoLife Orders 20 2020 Enrolments Due  Sponsors Advertisements 27 Last Day Term 3  Community Notices OCTOBER 2019 14 First Day Term 4

HOMESTAYS NEEDED th We have a group arriving from Japan on 13 October to 30th October, who will be requiring homestay accommodation, with our MMI student families. Families are paid $50.00 per night to assist with expenses and will also need to be police vetted (we will do that here at MMI).

They are from Ritsumeikan Junior High School.

Ritsumeikan have been coming to us for six years and we have had a wonderful experience with students from there.

Please contact Jane Howard if you think you may be able to assist us: [email protected]

Thank you so much to our fantastic host families. Without you, these students could not enjoy the experience of Mt Maunganui and .

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/


Kia ora koutou,

You may have seen this on our MMI Facebook Page. We are so proud of College, the highest performing state school in the Western for NCEA in 2018. This is a testament to the hard work that we all do to support our Mount learners. Thank you to our early childhood centres, School, School, Mount Maunganui Intermediate Mount Maunganui College and Tahatai Coast School, for the work that we all do, to support our learners.

NZ Herald Mount Maunganui College Academic Success

Daily Notices and Self Management One of the things that we take pride in at MMI is the extracurricular opportunities that we provide for our students. This means that MMI is a very busy place. Although, we strongly encourage self- management, there are some students who may require a helping hand. There is so much going on currently, parents/whānau may want to check out the daily notices to help students with self- management and organisation. https://mtint.school.nz/daily-notices/

NZ Anchor AIMS Games It is only just over four weeks to the games. To comply with the Privacy Act and robust health and safety procedures, all AIMS Games participants MUST have a signed medical and media waiver form to allow them to compete in the 2019 Games. Whānau please check that you have done this.

CHECK HERE - This will take you directly to the waivers page: https://enternow.co.nz/publicview/agency/aimsgames/entryform/4896/aimswaiver

Library Books We currently have 22 library books that have been overdue for two months. Reminder letters have gone out today, to the students involved. The replacement cost of books that are not returned will be added to individual accounts. Please remind all children to return their library books to school, each week, on their library day.

Attendance Attendance is tracking slightly lower than usual. We are down to 91.5%. We understand that there have been winter bugs and family holidays but it is really important for our student learning and social development, that our kids are here every single day. Later in the newsletter we have included tips for encouraging good attendance.

Good luck to our chess team, surfers, gymnasts and cross country team who are representing our school this week. All the best for our Science and Technology Students, our Dance NZ Made dancers, our to Rock Bands and our AIMS Open Water Polo, who also compete next week.

Mā te wa Whaea Lisa Tumuaki


Please note, if you are enrolling your child with Mt College and they currently attend MMIS,

you do not need to supply a copy of their report. This is for non-contributing schools only. We

will supply MMC direct with any data required.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/


These are tests sat by thousands of students throughout New Zealand, Australia and other Pacific Areas and administered out of Australia.

All students in our school may enter any of the exams. A gentle reminder, the students in the Accelerate classes are expected to sit the English, Mathematics and Science papers. Other papers are optional.

As advised in an earlier newsletter, the ICAS assessments are to be completed online, this year.

Global Assessments, who manage these tests, have informed us that we have a 3 day window to do the testing, but year 7 candidates need to complete on the same day, year 8 candidates also.

The sitting date windows are as below. We will determine exact dates once registrations are received and we have awareness of how many devices are required for each assessment.

SUBJECT SITTING DATE WINDOW Digital Technologies Mon 2nd to Wed 4th September Science Wed 4th to Fri 6th September Writing Mon 9th to Wed 11th September Spelling Wed 11th to Fri 13th September English Mon 16th to Wed 18th September Mathematics Wed 18th to Fri 20th September

!!!! PLEASE NOTE - ICAS TESTING AND AIMS GAMES CLASH !!!! ICAS writing and spelling assessments are scheduled for the week of AIMS games – 9-13 September. With ICAS’s shortened testing schedule this year, and change of format for testing, any student involved in an MMI AIMS team will NOT be able to register for these tests, this year.

Below is the link for the google form to register for ICAS testing for 2019. The subject list, costs and payment information is on the form. Please pay at the office direct or online. You cannot pay using this registration link.

The cut-off date for registration and payment is 12pm, Friday 16th August https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KcklXhHIXoNf63_4nKo0XzKwfMR1PzEvQkIpV2Z_enw/edit?ts=5cf87 9e9

Please note that all testing will be online, rather than by paper, for this year.

As a school we will not be doing any preparation for these assessments.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

Attendance Tips for Parents:

What can I do to make sure my child is going to school? The key here is to make school the priority. There are things you can do at home, and things you can work side by side with the school on.

At home

 talk to your children about why it is important to go to school every day – ask them what they want to be in the future. Their education is the key to doing well in life  be positive about school  set good habits about going to school from day one  prepare your children the night before school - make sure they have done their homework  have a good morning routine that gets them to school on time, relaxed and with everything they need  don't let them have the day off just because they would rather be at home  keep absences due to sickness to times when your child is actually sick - don't keep them at home when you know that they are just nervous about school – talk to the school who can help your child overcome this  know about your child's school life - ask questions, listen to your child. This will make it easier to pick up on any issues they might be having  keep family holidays outside of term-time, as every day at school is an opportunity to build skills, and repetition is critical for learning – especially for primary school children  don’t overload them – school may be exhausting for your child so make sure they have some downtime after school to relax and have a break. https://parents.education.govt.nz/primary-school/your-child-at-school/making-sure-your-child-attends- school-every-day/

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

SPORTS INFORMATION [email protected]



We had 100 pupils representing us, in 4 different codes, at the annual super 11 winter tournament, last Friday. They had to brave very chilly weather, but we were really happy how they all contributed positively, to this awesome event.

Netball Year 7 - 3rd Year 8 - 10th

Rugby 15 aside - 6th

Hockey Girls - 7th = Boys - 6th = Mixed - 4th

Football Girls - 1st (Won 6 - 0 v Taupo)

Boys - 2nd (Missed out by 1 goal in a penalty shootout v Otumoetai)

Billets – A big thank you to all the families who billeted the visiting Gisborne Intermediate pupils.

It was very much appreciated.


Tomorrow, our teams will be running against their Super 11 counterpart schools, for individual honours and hopefully hold on to the team trophy, won for the 1st time ever, last year.

These races will be at Waipuna Park, Welcome Bay, Tauranga

Start Time: 11:00 am 25 minute intervals 11:00am Yr 7 Girls 11:25am Yr 7 Boys 11:50am Yr 8 Girls 12:15am Yr 8 Boys 12:35pm Para Athlete Race

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/


AIMS - Badminton preparation tournament

Our team competed in the western Bay of Plenty Champs last Friday and we came away with some promising results leading into the AIMS games. Shot team!

Don’t forget to download the AIMS APP, details below:


App download:  iPhone - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nzaimsgames/id1473659164  Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.p2266CG


FB POST: Click here to see the past 10 years of AIMS Games hoodies https://www.facebook.com/ANCHORAIMSGAMES/photos/a.1410324165885274/233033593721 7421/?type=3&theater

ORDER NOW: Don’t forget to pre-order your 2019 Anchor AIMS Games hoodie here https://www.logotech.co.nz/category/Aims-Games/1135.aspx

REMINDER: you can only get the names on the back of the hoodie if you order prior to the Games!

APP DOWNLOAD: iPhone - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nzaimsgames/id1473659164 Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.p2266CG

Vicki Semple | Anchor AIMS Games Tournament Director M 027 576 0066 | E [email protected] | W www.nzaimsgames.co.nz

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

To read more on this update click on this link: https://mailchi.mp/0e727f06b569/moving-forward-in-arataki-august-2019?e=9c9d39b115

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

BRIEF NOTICES – INFORMATION (please check this regularly, information changes each week)

SCHOOL TIMETABLE ABSENTEE INFORMATION BUS INFORMATION School Starts – 8.45am Please inform us of your child’s absence by Web - https://www.baybus.co.nz/schools/school- Morning Interval – 10.25am using one of the following ways: bus-routes-2019/ Lunch – 12.20pm Text – 027 232 0446 Dismissal – 2.45pm Phone – 575 5512 ext 1 Email – [email protected]

MEDICATION TERM DATES TERM 3 UNIFORM/SHOES If you child has a severe medical condition or needs to take medication at school Term 1 - 4 February –to 12 April Students may now wear any plain black winter please contact the office. Term 2 – 29 April to 5 July shoes or plain black sandals. Winter shoes can Term 3 – 22 July to 27 September now include a plain black running/or sports shoe Term 4 – 14 October to 18 December (no white/coloured labels, soles or branding).

DROPPING YOUR CHILD TO AND FROM VISITING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS OR PARENT SUPPORT GROUP SCHOOL DROPPING ITEMS TO YOUR CHILD These are NOT drop off zones: If you need to deliver sports gear, lunch or any Check out our  Lodge Avenue Staff Carpark other items please do so through the school Minutes of our Meetings on the school website  Lodge Avenue Turn Around office. https://mtint.school.nz/parent-support-group-  The Bus Bay on Links Avenue minutes-of-meetings/ For the safety of your children, when If you need to see your child please come to dropping off or picking them up. Please the office first and if your child is coming in late Keep an eye on the notices to see what is refrain from entering and parking in these they need to come to the student lobby for a coming up in term 3 & 4. areas. late pass.

USEFUL LINKS LUNCHES ONLINE CHANGE OF DETAILS Online lunch ordering is available. It would greatly assist us if you could please Website: advise the office if you have any changes of https://mtint.school.nz/ Wednesdays – Subway address, phone numbers and emergency contact Newsletters Thursdays – Bakers Delight details. In the event of an emergency, sickness https://mtint.school.nz/newsletters/ Fridays – Subway or injury we need to be able to contact someone Daily Notices: who can collect your child. https://mtint.school.nz/daily-notices/ www.lunchonline.co.nz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/ PSG Minutes: https://mtint.school.nz/parent-support- group-minutes-of-meetings/

FRIDAY ASSEMBLY SUBJECT FEES PAYING FEES ONLINE Every Friday we have assembly and all In 2019 the subject fees are set at $110.00. If you wish to pay online or by automatic payment students are required to wear their correct You can choose to pay $27.50 per term. you are encouraged to do so. Our bank account school uniform. This does not mean they These include: number is: can wear their PE gear, so please remind your child to wear their uniform to school Food Technology 12 3146 0104711 03 every day and bring their PE gear in their Hard Materials/Electronics bag, so they do not forget. Media Studies/Robotics Please put your child’s name as the reference. Music Also, it would be appreciated if you do not Visual Arts SCHOOL DONATION pick up your child early on Fridays. We are Dance and Drama The school donation is $50.00 per year and $20 in assembly from 1.30pm and it becomes per sibling. If you pay this by 31 March you will The cost of these programmes are subsidised difficult to locate children during this time. receive a $5.00 discount off the first sibling only. by the Board of Trustees. The subject fees must be paid if students wish to consume or to keep any item produced in these programmes.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/


1 Jack Paton-Tapsell For your creativity and positive attitude towards all aspects of your learning! Keep it up Jack.

2/3 Andy Arnold For effectively using tuakana teina learning during your mixed ability math analogue clock lesson. He whetū koe!

2/3 Emily Grant-Thomas For collaborating effectively with your peers when working in mixed ability statistic math lesson. Keep up the awesome effort!

4 Luca Fleming For consistently having an outstanding attitude towards your work and for helping others achieve in the class. You’re an asset to Room 4.

5 Luke Williams For your positive attitude towards learning this week, you have been engaged and motivated to take on new learning. Kei te whakahīhī au ki a koe Luke!

6 Luis Mann For collaborating effectively with your peers when working in groups. Keep up the awesome effort!

7 Archie Mutch For being open to our new tuakana teina learning sessions. The writing you produced was to a high standard and showed just how capable you are! Kei te whakahīhī au ki a koe!

8 Liam Buitendag For your positive beginning at MMI and excellent involvement in all activities.

9 Kevin Saroha For completing your learning to a pleasing standard in an efficient manner. Well done on your great start to Term 3

10 Darcy Porter For making valuable contributions to class discussions and being an enthusiastic member of our class.

11/12 Harry Burns For your thorough and considered investigation on reaction times for your Science board.

13 Maya Foucher For your willingness to give things a go when you’re in the learning pit. You can be proud of your efforts Maya!

14 Rhys McLeod For showcasing your creative artistic talents in our class art work session. Ka wani kē!

15 Josiah Beckett For a huge improvement on your time management and inquiry learning, well done!

16 Keira Searle For a fabulous invention related to a lIteracy activity she has been working on all week. Ka Pai

17/21 Hinepare Taniwha- For settling well in to term 3 and demonstrating what it is to be a great model. Tawa You are always listening and encouraging others to do the right thing. Miharo!

18 Mason Verster For being a role model for other students in PE, where you show such strong support for your team mates of all abilities.

19 Gevin Wu Heran For making an enthusiastic start as room 19’s International Student. It has been a pleasure having you in our classroom.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

20 Macka Wagstaff For the outstanding work he did with his technology inquiry. Good luck with the regionals Macka!

17/21 Paige Taylor For the improvement you have made with your learning since the beginning of the year. Your focus and drive during independent learning time has paid off. We are very proud of your achievements! Tino pai!

22 Isobella Davoren For being a dependable member of the classroom. You are always working hards and caring for others.

23 Jade French-Brown For your enthusiasm and involvement in helping organise our class trip. He rawe tō āwhina mai!

Dance & Alexei Hambling For your excellent leadership skills in your group work when creating an original Room 15 Samoan Sasa. Ka pai! Keep it up :) Drama

Digital Tatiana John For your excellent work in planning,then creating a 3D model using SketchUp. Room 14 Technology

Food Keanu Perry For always displaying a respectful attitude. Room 22 Technology

Music Mordecai Simeona For being an awesome class member. Supportive of others, on task and always Room 20 displaying your Coastal Values.

Visual Arts Eva Dixon For her positive and conscientious attitude towards all her learning. Love the Room 15 care you take with all your work!

Math Maia Grant For your positivity towards Mathematics and your ability to think of a strategy to Magicians Room 19 try and solve a problem



Students can swap their uniform for items of green clothing in support of our wonderful Principal, Lisa Morresey.

More to come in the newsletter next week and keep an eye on our Facebook


Please note this is not a mufti day and students will be expected to be wearing green or their uniform.

Please no face paint, jewellery and if students only have a green t shirt then please wear black on the bottom or their uniform.

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

https://www.kipmcgrath.co.nz/papamoa https://www.moondrainage.co.nz/

http://www.youtravel.co.nz/mtmaunganui http://www.formnz.co.nz/careers

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/

Thank you to TECT who have approved funding to extend our IT department. Without funding of this nature we would not be able to function as well as we do. We apprecaite you TECT!

Mt Maunganui Intermediate School, 21 Lodge Avenue, Mt Maunganui 3116 Phone 07 575 5512 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mtint.school.nz/