

Julien Seguinot

This work was done at Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse (Geological Survey of Norway) in Trond- heim, between March and August 2008, under the supervision of Ola Fredin. It is within the scope of a five-month-long internship included in my first year of master studies at the Terre-atmosph`ere- oc´eandepartment of the Ecole´ normale sup´erieurein Paris.

1 Contents Abstract

1 Literature review 3 Erdalen in western Norway exhibit a set 1.1 Glacial overdeepenings ...... 3 of several sediment-filled overdeepened basins 1.2 Large-scale modelling . . 4 carved in the by the Quaternary . 1.3 Process of or quarrying 6 This is a common phenomenon in presently or 1.4 Plucking quantification ...... 8 previously glaciated regions of the world. De- spite of numerous glacial erosion theories, the 2 Field area description 9 origin of glacial overdeepenings remains confuse. 2.1 Geographical setting ...... 9 The present study attempts to take a step fur- 2.2 Geological setting ...... 9 ther in the comprehension of the underlying pro- 2.3 Quaternary geological setting . . 9 cesses. The results of a numerical model of 2.4 Morphology ...... 11 glacial erosion, based on shallow ice flow mod- elling, bed separation and glacial plucking by 3 Glacial plucking model 11 sub-critical crack growth in conjunction with ob- 3.1 Ice flow model ...... 12 servations on Erdalen geology and geomorphol- 3.1.1 Continuity equation . . . 12 ogy shows that small-scale overdeepenings are 3.1.2 Navier-Stokes equation . . 13 mainly the expression of bedrock resistance vari- 3.1.3 Flow law ...... 13 ations and flux pattern of the . Glacial 3.1.4 Sliding speed ...... 14 plucking, as modeled in this study, mainly con- 3.1.5 Non-dimensionalization . 14 tributes to headwall steepening. 3.2 Bed separation calculation . . . . 15 3.3 Fracture growth and erosion rate 16 3.4 Numerical implementation . . . . 17 R´esum´e 4 Results 18 4.1 Observed erosional features . . . 18 Arrachement glaciaire et d´eveloppement d’om- 4.1.1 Plucking and abrasion . . 18 bilics dans les vall´ees glaciaires; mod´elisation 4.1.2 Exploitation of the bedrock 18 et ´etude de cas `a Erdalen en Norv`ege. La 4.2 Bedrock geology ...... 18 vall´eeErdalen dans l’ouest de la Norv`egeoc- 4.3 Modelling results ...... 19 cidentale pr´esente une s´erie de bassins rem- 4.3.1 Unviable bed separation . 19 plis de s´ediments et surcreus´es dans la roche 4.3.2 Pre-existing 20 par les glaciers quaternaires. Les ombilics glaciaires se rencontrent commun´ement dans 5 Discussion 20 les r´egions qui sont ou furent couvertes par 5.1 The too high sliding velocity . . 20 les glaces, et malgr´e les nombreuses th´eories 5.2 Geomorphologic effects ...... 21 d’´erosionglaciaire, leur origine demeure mal ex- 5.3 Erdalen basins ...... 22 pliqu´ee. Cette ´etudea pour but de faire un pas dans la compr´ehensiondes processus sous- jacents. Les r´esultatsd’un mod´elenum´erique d’´erosionglaciaire fond´esur l’approximation de

2 couche mince, le d´etachement du lit rocheux subglacial water pressure, or water pressure tem- et l’arrachement par croissance de fracture poral fluctuations (Hooke, 1991; Iverson, 1991). sous-critiques sont associ´es`ades observations Since the last deglaciation, many alpine land- g´eologiques et g´eomorphologiques effectu´ees `a scapes became very unstable, because of the of- Erdalen pour montrer que les petits ombilics tentimes very steep slopes exposures and weath- sont en g´en´erall’expression de variations dans la ering of rock by the glaciers (Terzaghi, 1962; r´esistancede la roche m`ereet dans la forme du Augustinus, 1995; Ballantyne, 2002), leading flux de glace. L’arrachement glaciaire tel qu’il a to the formation of numerous fluvial and rock ´et´emod´elis´edans cette ´etude explique en outre avalanches deposits in the valley floors. Still la formation d’arˆetes. today, and especially in Norway, the landscape remains strongly active and rockfall and rock- fall induced tsunami hazards are serious (Blikra Introduction et al., 2006). Understanding glacial erosion pro- cesses and glacier bed morphologies could help In past glaciated areas, ice has been a very ef- unravel the localization of such events. ficient erosional agent during the Quaternary The aim of this study is to gain a better glaciations, overprinting the existing fluvial net- understanding of the formation of small scale work. Glacially eroded valleys are often easily overdeepenings, relying on previous works in this identified by their characteristic U-shaped trans- area, field observations in Erdalen (Sogn og Fjor- verse profile, but in most of the cases, they also dane, Norway,) and a numerical processes-based show a very typical, stepped longitudinal profile, glacial erosion model. consisting of alternating bedrock thresholds and basins. These basins are called overdeepenings and are presently oftentimes filled with seawa- 1 Literature review ter, lakes or sediments. 1.1 Glacial overdeepenings The formation of glacial overdeepenings is not very well understood and there are many hy- If few overdeepenings have been observed under potheses explaining the processes involved (Sug- present glaciers (Hooke, 1991), rather they have den and John (1976, p. 182), Benn and Evans been exposed during the last deglaciation as flat- (1998, p. 348), MacGregor et al. (2000).) First, bottomed valleys, glacial lakes, or (fig. 1.) the basins could be due to of bedrock resistance These basins have however been identified as ev- variations (lithology, foliation, preexisting frac- idence for glacial erosion for a long time, since tures.) Second, some overdeepenings are situ- rivers do not transport eroded material upslope, ated in the valley confluence points, which in which indeed glaciers can do. turn suggest tributary glaciers could play an Numerous glacial overdeepenings can be quali- important role. Finally, overdeepenings could tatively explain. They are very commonly delim- be formed by self-driven glacial processes lead- ited down-valley by a threshold of harder rock, ing to localisation of glacial erosion (Anderson as the glacier erodes deeper into the less resis- et al., 2006), under the effect of climatic varia- tant materials (Veyret, 1955; Beaudevin, 2008; tions (Oerlemans, 1984), spatial distribution of Benn and Evans, 1998, p. 348). As we will see

3 later, preglacial joints density may play an even more important role in their formation (Matthes, 1930; King, 1959; Gordon, 1981). Finally, it is generally assumed that the local erosion rate of the bedrock is increasing with the ice dis- charge (Harbor et al., 1988; Anderson et al., 2006), and some superficial velocity measure- ments shows valley glaciers can locally accelerate just below, and sometime just above a conflu- ence point (Gudmundsson, 1997; Wangensteen et al., 2006; NASA, 2008). This can explain why so many overdeepened basins are found at the junction point of one or several tributary glaciers (Veyret, 1955; King, 1959; MacGregor et al., 2000). Aside from of all these different explana- tions, there are still some cases of stepped and overdeepened valleys, apparently carved in ho- mogeneous bedrock, trough a regular channel of constant width. This is precisely the case of Erdalen, whose longitudinal profile exhibit sev- eral basins of depths around 50 m and lengths around 1 km. Some authors discussed the im- portance of pre-existing fluvial morphology and meltwater erosion in their formation (Benn and Evans, 1998, p. 349), but this both points will not be brought up in the present study. Rather we will focus on glacial processes, which justify glacial erosion modelling.

1.2 Large-scale erosion modelling A very simple glacial erosion model was pro- posed by Anderson et al. (2006). This model does not require any flow law for the ice, as Figure 1: Sediment enfilling of glacial over- the glacier movement is not described in term deepenings. After the glacier retreats, the basins of velocity field and ice depth, but only ice dis- are filled with water, glacial , then glaciola- charge per unit width, which means integrated custrine, glaciofluvial and eventually fluvial de- velocity over the entire ice depth. The equa- posits. tions are resolved in one dimension along the

4 1000 glacier erode faster than the equilibrium line re- treats up-valley. A numerical implementation of 800 Anderson et al. (2006) simplest model (uniform

) valley width, linear mass balance) shows that m

( 600


o the valley floor is rather preferentially eroded i t a

v 400 up-slope than really overdeepened (fig. 2.) An e l e overdeepening can only be obtained if the equi- 200 librium line stay at the same position, and this means either that the valley floor is raising or 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 the ELA is lowering. down-valley distance (m) Oerlemans (1984), which is a pioneer in long- profile glacial erosion modelling, used a slightly Figure 2: Simple model of glacial erosion of a lin- different model based on temperature-dependant ear valley profile. Valley floor elevation at 10 k.y. ice flow and an empirical abrasion law, obtained intervals. Glacial erosion progressively retreats the same results and concluded that overdeep- up-valley while the glacier bed is flattened, but enings are ‘favoured by a gradually deteriorating never overdeepened. climate, or slow uplift of the entire region.’ The first hypothesis concerns but two phenomenons on very different time scales. The measured longitudinal profile and erosion is assumed to glacial erosion rates are usually at the order be proportional to the ice discharge per unit of magnitude of one millimeter per year (Burki width. As a direct consequence of mass con- et al., 2008), while the glaciers advances and re- servation, the ice discharge and, hence, glacial treats with a period of a few hundred years. A erosion are at maximum close to the equilibrium fifty-meters deep basin can not be carved by a line, which marks the border between accumula- slowly lowering glacier. Isostatic rebound follow- tion (snow fall greater than melting) and abla- ing the deglaciation could explain a global uplift tion (melting greater than snow fall) zones of the of the valley floor. But once more, this slow up- glacier. Anderson et al. (2006) argued that this lift will be overprinted by rapid climatic varia- glacial erosion maximum is responsible for carv- tions, and if isostasy could eventually play a role ing overdeepenings, as the bottom of the valley in the formation of very large overdeepenings is less eroded than the equilibrium line location. (Kessler et al., 2008) or overdeepened at This is only true if the equilibrium line stay at the valleys upper ends (MacGregor et al., 2008), the same position. it can not explain the presence of repeated one- What Anderson and coworkers did not take kilometer long basins, like in Erdalen. This sug- into account in this paper is that as long as the gest that the understanding of the formation of ice erode the bedrock, the glacier is retreating overdeepened basins could lie in a better mod- as its bed is carved down to lower, and there- elling of the erosional processes. fore warmer elevations. Under a steady climate, Harbor et al. (1988); Harbor (1995), demon- which can be modelled by a constant equilibrium strated that the carving of the transverse U- line altitude (ELA,) the question is to know if the shaped profile was very well simulated by a

5 simple linear relationship between basal ice ve- locity and erosion rate. Later, Braun et al. (1999) incorporated this simple erosion law in a combined fluvial, hillslope and glacial two- dimensional landscape evolution model, allowing coupling between tectonics and glacial erosion (Tomkin and Braun, 2002; Tomkin, 2003, 2008), which indeed had been done before with fluvial erosion (Kooi and Beaumont, 1994). The flow laws for the ice were based on the shallow ice ap- proximation (SIA,) which will be detailed later in this study. MacGregor et al. (2000) noticed that the Yosemite 600 m deep overdeepening in Cali- Figure 3: Erosional forms in Vesledalen, Western fornia, USA was correlated with several hanging Norway. The plucking process takes advantage tributary valleys and tried to simulate this mor- of the gneiss foliation (left-dipping on the pic- phology using a one-dimensional model of the ture) and existing fractures, and the top of the same kind as Braun et al. (1999), based on SIA steps are slightly polished by abrasion. and erosion proportional to ice velocity. The val- ley steps was well reproduced, but only a very shallow 10 m deep and 7 km long overdeepening of two processes called abrasion and plucking resulted from the experiment, what can not be (or quarrying.) Abrasion involves polishing of compared to the Erdalen features, or most other the bed by ice-carried debris particles, and lead observed glacial overdeepenings. to the formation of striae and glacial polishes. Very recently, a lot of new work on glacial Plucking (fig. 3) is the detachment of large frag- erosion modelling has been published, compris- ments which diameter can reach up to several ing improvements of numerical two-dimensional meters. In this study, we will assume plucking methods (Herman and Braun, 2008) and simu- to be the main erosion agent, as abrasion needs lation of large-scale overdeepenings using simple much more energy to erode the same volume of erosion laws (Kessler et al., 2008; Tomkin, 2008). rock. In addition, field observations from Hal- MacGregor et al. (2008) successfully modelled let (2008) suggest abrasion to be very slow, and the formation of overdeepened glacial cirques us- it is obvious that the formation of overdeepen- ing a empirical slope-dependant law for glacial ings as well as glacial stepped profiles are domi- quarrying, which definitely shows that the an- nated by plucking (Matthes, 1930; Hooke, 1991). swer lies in the erosion rule, and therefore in Major plucking steps are often found on the glacial erosional processes understanding. slopes down-valley of the thresholds, while the up-valley dipping slope of the basins are usually more polished. 1.3 Process of plucking or quarrying Although the process of plucking is still dis- It is well known from field evidence that in cussed, it is generally admitted that its mech- a glacial valley, glacial erosion mainly consist anism is strongly linked to basal glacier hy-

6 produced by Hallet (1996) in a model we will discuss later. They are also responsible for sea- sonal variations in erosion rates and sliding ve- locities, as water pressure is higher during the melting season, due to infiltration of meltwaters from the surface into the glacier. But subglacial cavities does not adapt instan- taneously to short-term pressure fluctuations, as they are built by the moving glacier, and they are subjects to transient regimes. Iverson (1991) used a finite-elements ice flow model over a bedrock step to calculate effective pressure re- Figure 4: Linked-cavities drainage system. The sponse of instantaneous water pressure fluctu- size of the cavities depends on the water pres- ations. An abrupt decrease in water pressure sure. Erosion by plucking is more efficient un- will cause the glacier to drop a bigger part of der high water pressure. After Benn and Evans his weight on the rock and therefore increase the (1998, p. 109) effective pressure, and the erosive power of the glacier. An experiment (Cohen et al., 2006) un- der Engabreen in Northern Norway confirmed draulics. As glaciers are melting, supraglacial these notions and showed that glacial plucking water infiltrates into the ice down to the bed strongly depends on rapid water-pressure fluctu- to form a subglacial drainage system. This sys- ations. tem can either take the shape of a channelized Such daily water pressure fluctuations have network, a thin water film, or a linked-cavities been observed by Hooke (1991) under Stor- system (Benn and Evans, 1998, p. 109), which is glaci¨arenin Northern Sweden, above a small the drainage form usually associated with glacial ridge separating two rock basins and causing the quarrying (fig. 4.) The water flows in a network formation of at the glacier surface. The of linked-cavities between the glacier and the fluctuations were only observed at the summit bedrock at the pressure imposed by the glacier and down-valley of the ridge, while the previ- weight and its water contents. If this pressure ous basin bottom of the ridge keep a constantly is low, the cavities will tend to shrink, and the high water pressure during the measurements. glacier weight will be distributed over a large bed This, and the fact that plucking marks are often surface, inhibiting erosion. Conversely, high wa- observed down-valley of such rock bars, suggest ter pressure will lead to large cavities and high that overdeepenings could be the result of a a effective pressure of the ice on the small out- positive feedback between erosion and morphol- crops still in contact with glacier bed, strongly ogy of the glacier. According to Hooke (1991), favouring plucking. If water pressure however water would mostly infiltrate in the exceed a critical point, the glacier will tend to zones, which are naturally located over convex float over the water and slide down at high ve- bed areas (fig. 5.) Water pressure fluctuation, locities. These steady-state effects were well re- due to daily cycles or weather changes, would

7 ice flow


crack propagation rock

Figure 5: Conceptual model of overdeepenings Figure 6: Idealised periodic bed for glacial pluck- formation involving erosional feedbacks between ing modelling. After Hallet (1996). hydrology and morphology. After Hooke (1991). ridge, flattening the ridge rather than creating a positive feedback. The Hooke (1991) model propagate down to the glacier bed under this can therefore not be applied in Erdalen where zones, favouring plucking on the down-valley side we envision a significantly thicker ice. of the rock bars. The stepped bed relief would then be emphasized and new crevasses will ap- pear over the thresholds. 1.4 Plucking quantification This model needs however the water, or at Hallet (1996) proposed a theoretical model of least the pressure fluctuations, to propagate ver- glacial quarrying, assuming the process is limited tically into the glacier. This is viable in lower by sub-critical crack growth rate. This model Storglaci¨aren,which is only 150 m thick. Under uses an ideal periodic stepped bed profile (fig. 6) a several hundreds meters thick glacier like the to calculate the size of subglacial cavities, then one we could expect to find in Erdalen during the ice-induced stress over the bedrock and crack the last glaciation, crevasses only reach a neg- growth velocity. The equations requires knowl- ligible depth down into the total ice thickness. edge of several basal condition parameters, and Below that, water conduits are not at the at- are therefore difficult to be used in a landscape mospheric pressure anymore and the glacier can development model, as also admitted by 6. be considered as a permeable porous medium. In all, it is evident to me that a new model of A parcel of water will then flow perpendicular to glacial erosion, based on realistic processes mod- the Shreve’s equipotential surfaces (Hooke, 2005, elling nevertheless simple enough to be easily im- p. 201) and reach the glacier bed a significant plemented in a numerical one-dimension longitu- distance down-valley of the initial crevasse. In dinal profile evolution model, is necessary. Re- addition, a pressure perturbation from the sur- sults from the modelling work will then be com- face would be diffused through the glacier thick- pared to the observed overdeepenings and glacial ness and reach the bed on the both sides of the erosional features in Erdalen.

8 2 Field area description ever, as explained by one of the authors of the 1:250 000 map (Lutro and Tveten, 1996), this 2.1 Geographical setting contact was not the object of a detailed map- Erdalen is a glacial valley located in the mu- ping and should not be taken as an evidence for nicipality of Stryn, Sogn og Fjordane in Nor- such small features as the Erdalen basins. To way (fig. 7.) The valley starts at 29 m above my knowledge, no more precise geological map sea level at the shores of Strynvatnet, a 20 km of Erdalen area has been published yet. long lake which used to be part of the Nord- In addition, according to Ole Lutro, whereas fjord system before isostatic rebound lifted the Western gneiss province is associated with it to its present position at 29 m above sea level. high topographies and deep glacial valleys, the Erdalen waters mainly come from the melting different types of precambrian rocks does not of Erdalsbreen and Vesledalsbreen, two outlets shows any correlations with topography, which glaciers of Jostedalsbreen, continental Europe’s in turn suggest that the ensemble could be con- largest , whose highest point is the Lo- sidered as an homogeneous block. However, dalsk˚apaat 2083 m elevation. Like the rest of the modelling results form Hallet (1996) showed the western fjords region, the valley is also sub- that glacial erosion could be extremely sensitive ject to a high precipitation rate. The tree limit to bedrock resistance variations, as a marble is is approximately at 700 m above sea level and eroded 1000 times faster than a granite. Even if the glaciers goes down to 900 m. such variations probably do not exist in Erdalen, second-order features like small-scale overdeep- 2.2 Geological setting enings still have to be proved to not depend on second-order bedrock resistance variations. This The geology of Norway has been widely influ- is why field investigations are needed. enced by the Caledonian (500 - 390 Myr BP.) Erdalen is however situated in an area of 2.3 Quaternary geological setting older rock, called the Western gneiss province. As indicated by its name, this precambrian base- The Quaternary era is characterized by a suc- ment mainly consist of orthogneiss, described cession of several glacial and interglacial peri- as ”granitic orthogneiss with bands or folia- ods. During the glacial periods, the climate is tion, sometime migmatitic, gneiss with dioritic cooler and the ice cover large areas of Earth’s to granitic composition, sometime augen gneiss,” surface, particularly in the northern hemisphere in the map from Lutro and Tveten (1996). where several new ice sheets are formed. Dur- The Jostedalsbreen area is hosting a large in- ing the early Quaternary (3 Myr BP - 0.7 Myr trusion of quartz-monzonit (1031 kyr) to granitic BP), small to medium scale glaciations emanat- rocks (1009 kyr.) Subsequently, they all have ing from the Scandes dominated been strongly folded and deformed, especially in Scandinavia. During the last 700 kyr full scale during the Caledonian orogeny. According to ice ages have been the dominant mode of glacia- the same map (fig. 8,) Erdalen bedrock mainly tion (Fredin, 2002). During these large glacia- consist of orthogneiss, and quartz-monzonit can tions, the Scandinavian ice sheets joined together be found in the middle part of the valley. How- with the Kara Sea ice sheets in northern Russia

9 Figure 7: Shaded relief map of Erdalen showing the location of the overdeepened basins. Higher basins can be visualised by their drainage systems (S, Gra, U) or the glacial lakes which fill them (Eb, V, Vb.) Contains data from NorgeDigitalt (2008)

Figure 8: Extract from the bedrock map from Lutro and Tveten (1996) over the Erdalen area. Light orange is the granitic orthogneiss and pink the intrusive Quartz- monzonite. According to the mapping geol- ogist Ole Lutro, the contact between the two rocks has been extrapolated from the sides of the valley and can therefore not be consid- ered as exact on the scale of Erdalen basins.

10 Figure 9: Higher Erdalen seen from Ulvestegen Figure 10: Lower Erdalen seen from the Hest- step. Grandane and Sandane basins are visible hammeren hill. One can see, from left to right, in the foreground, while the Hesthammeren rock Greidung and Tjellaug basins, and part of Erdal threshold is hiding the rest. Notice the beautiful overdeepening and Strynvatnet in the distance. U-shaped profile of the valley, however disturbed The slopes of the valley are covered by rockfall by the sediments infillings. June 2008. deposits and snow avalanches. April 2008.

(Larsen et al., 2006) and have reached all the Seismic investigation (Hansen et al., 2008) way out onto the Norwegian shelf to the West. were made in Tjellaug, Greidung and Sandane This implies that the Erdalen and Nordfjord area overdeepenings, and their results are shown as has been covered by different volumes of ice dur- a longitudinal profile of the bedrock elevation in ing numerous Quaternary glaciations and that fig. 11. The origin of Sandane, the deepest basin maximum ice thickness in the area might have of the valley (fig. 9,) could be associated with reached close to 2 km (Winguth et al., 2005). the confluence between Vesledalen and Ercdalen. Tjellaug and Erdal basins are found below minor 2.4 Morphology confluences as well, but the Greidung 78 m deep overdeepening is located in a homogeneous part As many glacial valleys, Erdalen show a typical of the valley. It can therefore not be explained U-shaped cross-profile, which is approximately by confluences and shows that the origin of the 3000 m wide and 1500 m deep (fig. 9.) The valley other basins must be sought elsewhere. is approximately 10 km long and has a main con- fluence near its upper end. Seven basins are visi- ble in the main valley, and two in the Vesledalen 3 Glacial plucking model tributary (fig. 7.) The three lower basins are rel- atively low elevated and are used for agriculture The ice flow model we will use to calculate the (fig. 10.) The two higher basins are glacial lakes glacier geometry is based on a shallow ice ap- exposed during the last years by the recent re- proximation (SIA.) Based on the data derived treat of Erdalsbreen and Vesledalsbreen. from the SIA model, subglacial cavities size can

11 n e 1200 g Water Sediments e Erdalsbreen t e Ice Bedrock s n e e a n v d l a 800 n d ? U a ) r n g a Hesthammeren n

m G g ? S u ( SE u NW

d i a

n l 400 ? e l l

o r e a i G j d t T r a 122 m E v 0 e Unknown depths 78 m l 91 m ? E 51 m -400 0 1 distance down-valley (m) 10 13

Figure 11: Longitudinal profile of Erdalen taken along the river bed showing surface elevation and sediment depths. Modified from an original drawing of Louise Hansen, see Hansen et al. (2008) be calculated. Finally, based on cavity size, a z plucking rate is computed using fracture me- chanics. All quantities are defined in terms of distance down-valley x, and eventually elevation z and time t. Time derivative of a function f h is written f˙ and its space derivative is written f 0 = f 0 . A coordinate of a vector quantity ~u s vd x H is mentioned by uz, for instance. The model vs will be one-dimensional as we attempt to explain b Erdalen features as longitudinal profile features. L x

3.1 Ice flow model Figure 12: SIA model parameters. Let us consider a glacier flowing on its bed along the unique dimension x (fig. 12.) As glaciers roughly homogeneous width and height, we will adapt to climatic conditions much faster than use the SIA as it is. they erode the bedrock, we will for now as- sume that the bed morphology is unchanged. The simplest way to describe glacier morphol- 3.1.1 Continuity equation ogy and velocity field is the SIA, which assumes The ice can be modelled as an incompressible the glacier is much larger in the horizontal space medium. The equation of mass conservation can than thick. In the case of a channelized valley therefore be written as: like the relatively narrow Erdalen, this approx- imation should be corrected by a scaling factor 0 = div ~v 0 0 (Braun et al., 1999). However, as Erdalen has a = vxx + vzz

12 Where ~v(x, z, t) is the ice velocity. By inte- Again, since we are using the shallow ice ap- grating over the glacier depth, and neglecting proximation, horizontal derivatives can be ne- the variations of horizontal speed (SIA approxi- glected, as well as normal components of the de- mation:) viatoric stress tensor. Z s ( 0 0 p0 = τ 0 0 = (vxx(x, z, t) + vzz(x, z, t)) · dz x xzz b p0 = −ρg 0 z = qx(x, t) + vz(x, s(x), t) − vz(x, b(x), t) 0 R s 0 The last equation leads to hydrostatics equi- With qx(x, t) = b vxx(x, z) · dz denoting the 0 ice discharge per unit width. One could notice librium and can be reintroduced into the px ex- that the SIA identify tangent and horizontal ve- pression. The atmospheric pressure at the sur- locity, as well as vertical and normal velocity. face of the glacier is negligible. Consequently we can express conditions at the ( p = ρg(s − z) base b of the glacier and the free surface s in τ = ρg(s − z)s0 terms of vertical velocity: xz ( vz(x, y, s(x, y), t) = h˙ (x, t) − a(x, t) We are now able to express basal conditions vz(x, y, b(x, y), t) = 0 in terms of the morphology of the glacier: ( Where h is the glacier thickness and a the pb = ρgh 0 (2) local net mass balance, which is the difference τb = ρghs between accumulated and melted snow depths. This leads us to the one-dimensional mass bal- 3.1.3 Flow law ance of the glacier: The third input equation of a SIA model is the h˙ = a − q0 (1) flow law. The ice is not a Newtonian fluid, rather its rheology is well described by Glen’s power law 3.1.2 Navier-Stokes equation (Hooke, 2005, p. 66). The dynamics of the ice are described by the ∗2 Navier-Stokes equation: ˙ = A · τ τ

dρ~v 1 t = div~ τ − grad~ p + ρ~g Where ˙ = 2 (grad ~v + grad ~v) is the strain- dt ∗2 1 2 rate tensor, τ = 2 tr(τ ) the second invariant ρ is the volumetric mass of ice, ~g the acceler- of the deviatoric stress and A the Glen’s law pa- ation of gravity, p the pressure field and τ the rameter, which depend on the temperature but deviatoric stress tensor. Because the internal will be taken as a constant is this model. In our friction forces in the ice are very high, we can case, the last equation becomes: neglect the inertial term: 1 0 3 ( 0 0 0 vxz = A · τxz 0 = τxxx + τxzz − px 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 03 0 = τxzx + τzzz − pz − ρg vxz = 2A(ρg) (s − z) s

13 The integration also needs of the basal velocity will rather use the popular semi-empirical ‘gen- vb which is still an unknown. A second integra- eralized Weertman law,’ which fitted the data tion leads to the expression of the ice discharge from Bindschadler (1983) well: per unit width: 3 τb A vb = kw v = v + (ρg)3(h4 − (s − z)4)s03 pe x b 2 Where pe = pb − pw is the effective pressure 2A 3 5 03 q = vbh + (ρg) h s and kw a sliding constant. Using equation 2, the 5 basal velocity can then be expressed in terms of Using equation 1 leads to the equation of parameters. the glacier dynamics, which is equivalent with le Meur et al. (2004): (ρghs0)3 vb = kw ρgh − pw ˙ 0 2A 3 5 03 0 h = a − (vbh) + (ρg) (h s ) (3) h3s03 5 = k (ρg)2 w δ 3.1.4 Sliding speed The water pressure is usually described The ice velocity can be divided in two compo- through a water level hw = pw/(ρg) (Hooke, nents, which are the sliding speed vb and the 2005, p. 200) and here we will use a ”dry depth” deformation speed vd of the glacier (fig. 12.) If δ = h − hw. The new equation for the ice dis- the deformation speed can be obtained — at a charge becomes: given sliding speed — from the last equation, k 2A  the theories of glacier sliding are as numerous as q = (ρg)2 w + ρgh h4s03 (4) δ 5 the different ways to model a glacier bed. This is why the sliding motion of the glacier is often 3.1.5 Non-dimensionalization neglected in SIA modelling, which is indeed un- fortunate since glacial erosion depends on basal In order to compare the two different terms of velocity. However, we will demonstrate that this the last equation, and to easier implement it on approximation can be justified in the case of an a numerical model, we will non-dimensionalize it Erdalen-like glacier. the following way: The sliding law problem has been discussed ∗ ∗ a lot in literature. Lliboutry (1987); h = H · h a = B · a Fowler (1987); Schweizer and Iken (1992), for in- s = H · s∗ q = LB · q∗ stance, focused on the effect of water pressure on sliding over a sinuous linked-cavity bed pro- Where H, L and B are respectively valley el- file This effect is known to cause big changes in evation, length and mass balance orders of mag- glacier motion between the warm and cold sea- nitude. The new derivatives can be expressed son, and is responsible for glacier phenom- using: ena. However, the resulting sliding laws are not ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ B ∂ easy to be implemented in a SIA model and we = · = · ∂x L ∂x∗ ∂t H ∂t∗

14 value source than its sliding. Even if sliding and deforma- ρ 916 kg m−3 Hooke (2005, p. xiv) tion are of the same order of magnitude, we ne- g 9.81 m s−2 glect the effect of sliding on ice topography by A 2.9 10−25P a−3s−1 Paterson (1994, p. 97) choosing a null value for the S coefficient. Equa- −2 −1 kw 84 m bar yr Bindschadler (1983) tion 4 is then reduced to the following one. Note also that this effect would be emphasized for a Table 1: SIA model parameters values. The warmer glacier, while the approximation would ◦ Glen’s law parameter A is taken for a −15 C ice, not be true in the case of a colder glacier. which seems to be a realistic mean value between glacial maximums and deglaciation stages. q∗ = D· h∗5s∗03 (5)

The non-dimensional rewriting of the equa- 3.2 Bed separation calculation tions 1 and 4 leads to the following: In order to calculate the plucking rate under the 2 7   glacier, we need to know the effective normal ∗ (ρg) H kw 2A ∗ ∗4 ∗03 stress pi applied by the ice on the bedrock. In q = 4 + ρgH · h h s B L δ 5 a linked-cavity configuration of the bed, as men- tioned above, this requires to estimate the extent h˙ ∗ = a − q∗0 of the water cavities, which is usually expressed The behaviour of the glacier can be describe by a bed separation coefficient σ, taken as the by two non-dimensional numbers: ratio between area of the cavity and total bed surface. Several glaciologists solved the problem 7 kw 2 H sliding of bed separation over a sinuous bed (Lliboutry, S = (ρg) 4 ∼ B δL massbalance 1987; Fowler, 1987; Schweizer and Iken, 1992). 5A H8 deformation D = (ρg)3 ∼ We will however use an idealised stepped bed 2B L4 massbalance profile (fig. 13) similar to the one from Hallet (1996), which appears to be a more realistic ap- q∗ = (S + D· h) h∗3s∗03 proximation of plucking landforms in line with We can note that the ratio between sliding and field observations made in Erdalen (fig. 3.) deformation does neither depend on B nor L. If Kamb (1987) solved the problem of cavity for- we choose B = 1 m/an, H = 1 km and L = mation over a bedrock step using a linearly vis- 10 km as realistic values for an intermediate-size cous ice approximation, and his solution seems to Erdalen glacier, δ = 200 m following the order match closely with numerical modelling results of magnitude of data from Bindschadler (1983) from Iverson (1991). Neglecting basal melting, on Variegated glacier in Alaska, and the values the length c · cos β of the cavity is given by: given in table 1 for others parameters, we find: s ηv · l sin β c · cos β = 4 b S = 75 D = 330 πpe

This implies that the shape of the glacier is The basal velocity vb can be expressed in four times more affected by the ice deformation terms of the SIA parameters using once more the

15 bed separation coefficient becomes: ice flow l √ σ = 5.7 · h∗s∗0 c

water 3.3 Fracture growth and erosion rate β vc The dynamics of fracture propagation are gen- rock erally described in terms of intensity factor K α under the theory of elasticity. If this intensity factor excess a critical value Kc, the fracture be- comes unstable and start to propagate at a veloc- Figure 13: Bed model parameters. ity approaching those of the P-waves in the same medium. However, plucking is thought to be a slow process rather that an instant detaching of Weertman’s sliding law. The viscosity η does not rock boulders by elastic crack propagation. Hal- appear in our model as we used the Glen’s flow let (1996) assumed in his model that the quarry- law. However, we can assume a linearly viscous ing rate was limited by the crack growth velocity. approximation to be reasonable for the lowest This assumption is strongly reinforced by field layer of the glacier, and express the viscosity pa- evidence, as it is usual to observe intermediate- rameter at the base in analogy with the Glen’s size cracks on the lee side of plucking steps law using η = 1/(2Aτ 2). This leads to: b (fig.3.) In addition, Cohen et al. (2006) observed s the growing of such a crack by acoustic emission k τ 3 · l sin β c · cos β = 4 w b (micro-seismic) events in a plucking experiment. 2Aτ 2 · πp2 b e It is well known in rock mechanics that slow s 2k · l sin β crack growth, also called sub-critical or quasi- = 2 w hs0 πAρgδ2 static crack growth, can occur under very low values of K (Martin, 1972). Atkinson (1982) The bed separation coefficient is then given suggested that the most important process in- by: volved in sub-critical crack opening under mode I s c 2µk (tensile cracks) for systems containing quartz is σ = = 2 w hs0 l πAρgδ2 stress corrosion. In this process, the growing rate of the cracks is limited by chemical reactions s 2µk H2 weakening the tip of the crack. Moreover, stress σ = 2 w h∗s∗0 (6) πAρgδ2 L corrosion can occur in preexisting joints, and was several times observed in association with acous- Where µ = sin β/l cos2 β is a parameter de- tic emission events (Atkinson, 1982). In geologic pending on the morphology of the bed. This materials, the experimental data on crack ve- morphology will then be an input to the model. locity vc is commonly fitted by Charles’ power Using µ = 0.05 and the values given above, the law, which was already used by Hildes (2001) to

16 model plucking: force balance over the bed in the vertical direc- tion gives: −∆H n vc = vc0 · e RT K p = p σ + p (1 − σ) Where ∆H is an activation enthalpy, R the b w i gas constant, T the absolute temperature and pb σ n a stress corrosion index (Atkinson, 1982). As pi = − pw temperature variations under a glacier are in- 1 − σ 1 − σ significant from a geophysical point of view, we pb − pw δ will neglect its effect on crack velocity. The val- pi − pw = = ρg 1 − σ 1 − σ ues of stress corrosion index gathered by Atkin- son (1982) for experiments on Westerley granite The erosion rate can therefore be expressed as: under water pressure are about n = 34, which is the value I will use in my model. This already db  k n = e (7) suggest an extremely high dependency of erosion dt 1 − σ rate on basal stress, rather than basal velocity. As the intensity factor is directly proportional to Where ke is an erosional parameter which will the applied differential stress, we can write: be adjusted to fit the order of magnitude of mea- sured erosion rates. n vc ∝ (pi − pw)

We can notice that the glacier do not only ap- 3.4 Numerical implementation ply a normal stress pi on the bed, but also a shear stress. Based on this consideration, the The computation is run using the parameters crack should preferentially open in the direction given above. In a first stage, starting from a of larger differential stress. However, we consider given valley floor, the evolution of glacier thick- here an idealized bed constituted by two perpen- ness will be computed using equations 1 and 4 dicular families of parallel and equidistant preex- until the glacier reaches a steady state (accu- isting joints. As we will see later, this hypothesis mulation is balanced by .) In a second is based on field observation. In addition, we can stage, the program will perform several steps, notice from SIA model results that τb is one or- each of them comprising bed separation calcula- der of magnitude lower than pb, which allows us tion using equation 6, erosion of the valley floor to neglect it in a direction which approach the with 7 and evolution of glacier thickness to a new vertical. Then, we consider that the plucking steady-state profile. The time length of these process is limited by the propagation rate of the steps are arbitrary. nearly vertical cracks. Actually, the nearly hor- Below 1000 m above sea level, the mass bal- izontal joints are probably weakened by exfolia- ance is taken as a linear function of elevation tion processes resulting from repeated advances centered on the ELA at 600 m, with a gradi- and retreats of the glacier. The quarrying rate ent of 1 mm a year per meter elevation. Above of the bedrock is therefore directly proportional 1000 m above sea level, the mass balance is fixed to the crack growth velocity vc. In addition, a to a constant maximum of 400 mm a year.

17 4 Results

4.1 Observed erosional features 4.1.1 Plucking and abrasion Plucking steps are visible all the way up on bedrock outcrops of the valley, from the forest covered slopes of the the lower basins to the bare rock slabs in the upper part. In most of the places, plucking seems to be the predomi- nant process, forming steps which can be more than ten meters high, while abrasion plays only a secondary role, smoothing the landforms. Figure 14: Plucking steps at the border of Tjel- However, some localities exhibit a dominance laug basin. The left step shows an irregular of abrasion landforms. They are more often vis- break in preexisting cracks, whereas the fracture ible in the middle of the valley on the lee side in the middle is concave and smooth. April 2008. of the rock thresholds, with the exception of the southern exposed part of Grandane basin. An an horizontal or gently up-valley dipping weak intermediate case of largely smoothed steps is plane form the lee side. located at the lower end of Sandane basin. 4.2 Bedrock geology 4.1.2 Exploitation of the bedrock Investigations were conducted in Erdalen dur- Plucking steps sometime show a curved concave ing ten days in april and june in order to get an profile (fig. 14), in accordance with experiment overview of the local bedrock geology. The acces- by Cohen et al. (2006). This suggests a self- sible bedrock outcrops are not numerous, as they induced crack opening, following the direction are often covered by sediments, rock avalanches of maximum compressive stress. If several such deposits and abundant vegetation. On the valley features are observed in Hesthammeren, this is sides, snow avalanche hazard limited field visit however a very seldom case at the valley-scale and observation. and plucking predominantly exploits the bedrock The bedrock of Erdalen is mainly consti- weaknesses, such as foliation in the upper part tuted by a granitic orthogneiss showing dif- of the valley (fig. 3), or more often fractures ferent degrees of partial melting. The three networks, which are very dense in Erdalen old mainly observed textures are a homogeneous fo- gneiss. More generally, it seems that the glacier liated gneiss, a layered gneiss which can con- takes advantage of the weak planes that fit the tain migmatitic zones and amphibolite blocks, best with a defined morphology. One or more of- and finally a highly folded gneiss, whose folia- ten two nearly vertical fracture planes, not neces- tion is apparently chaotic. Locally, a homoge- sary perpendicular to the glacier flow direction, neous granitic texture can be observed. The sec- build the steep face of the plucking steps, while ond rock type found in Erdalen is a large-grained

18 Figure 15: Interpreted bedrock geology profile in Erdalen crossing the Hesthammeren hill in its center part. Most of the observations were made on the right bank of the river. What appears as ellipses on Hesthammeren can also be interpreted as sheath folds crossing the profile plane in an oblique direction. Modified from an original drawing of Louise Hansen, see Hansen et al. (2008). granitic rock, whose feldspars can reach several and east dip in the lower part. In addition, a centimeters in size. Within the gneiss, it is hard stereographical projection of the measured folia- to differentiate between the three textures previ- tion planes show that most of them contain this ously described. However, the degrees of migma- axis. This suggest a structure of sheath folds, tization and folding both seem to increase at the or elongated boudins, along this direction of lin- neighborhood of the granulite. The contact be- eation. Local mapping in Hesthammeren fur- tween the two rocks have been observed only thermore suggest that the granitic rock build the twice, in the very lower part of the valley in Erdal center of these sheath folds or boudins. village, and on the way up to Hesthammeren, the Observations in lithology and foliation are small hill separating lower and higher Erdalen, gathered in a longitudinal profile (fig. 15,) where a small piece of granitic rock is found in which is nevertheless highly interpreted. Ex- the foliated gneiss. It shows that the granulite cept for the granitic zones on the top of Hes- is intruding the gneiss. However, the transition thammeren, there is no apparently correlation between the two rocks is generally progressive, between bedrock geology and location of the which in turn suggest intense deformation oc- overdeepenings. cured after the intrusion. About the structure, the foliation of the gneiss 4.3 Modelling results looks quite regular in the upper part of the val- 4.3.1 Unviable bed separation ley, but more variable in the lower part (fig. 15.) Contrary, the direction of lineation, when mea- The model described above exhibited problems surable, is slightly variable in the upper part, mainly concerning bed separation with a mean but keep a very homogeneous 80 degrees azimuth value of three, which makes no sense since this

19 implies that calculated cavity size stretches three 1.6 bed profile bed steps in lenght. A dimension analysis shows 1.4 glacier surface bed separation that this effect is mainly due to a excessively high 1.2 sliding velocity of the glacier (around 600 m/yr,) ) m 1 k (

all other quantities implied in equation 6 having n o

i 0.8 t a a reasonable order of magnitude. This leads us v e l 0.6 to try another experiment in which the sliding e 0.4 constant kw will be diminished by two orders of magnitude. 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 4.3.2 Pre-existing overdeepening distance down-valley (tens of km)

−10 By choosing kw = 10 , equation 6 is reduced Figure 16: Modelled glacier morphology and to: √ bed separation over an exponential profile over- ∗ ∗0 σ = 0.62 · h s printed by an overdeepened anomaly. Note the The model is applied to an initial exponen- minimum bed separation in the overdeepening. tial bed which as been manually overprinted by The equilibrium line is located at 0.6 km eleva- an overdeepening-shaped anomaly in the form of tion a fourth-degree polynom. The resulting glacier and bed separation are shown in fig. 16. De- ice would not sticks anymore on this wall and spite the variations of elevation and slope of the an arˆetewill be exposed. This is however not glacier surface, the bed separation is a relatively the case in our model, and therefore the erosion homogeneous function. However, it is higher on has been also inhibited under the very thin ice the high slopes of the upper part of the pro- depths to simulate this effect. file, whereas the glacier sticks stronger to its The second result of this experiment is a a slow bed at the places it is thicker, and especially flattening of the initial overdeepening because of in the middle of the overdeepening. The peak a lower erosion rate in its center part. This sug- in bed separation at the lower end of the glacier gest that glacial quarrying, as modelled in this should not be taken as implying high water pres- study, could not be responsible for the formation sure. At this place — and partially because of of glacial overdeepenings. high bed separation — the water conduits in the glaciers are particularly large and reach atmo- spheric pressure. As cavitation and plucking can 5 Discussion not occur there, the erosion will be inhibited in 5.1 The too high sliding velocity this part. Five erosional steps have been applied and the First, we can wonder why the results obtained resulting valley profiles are shown in fig. 17. The with initial values are so extreme. As explained erosion rate is maximum in the higher part of above, the problem can be summarize in a too the valley, which leads to the formation of a high basal velocity of the glacier, or a too high steep headwall. Under realistic conditions, the value for the sliding constant kw. This constant

20 1.6 5.2 Geomorphologic effects bed profile 1.4 glacier surface The model we used lead to an erosion rule in 1.2

) which denudation rate is proportional to basal

m 1 k ( stress at power twelve (equation 7.) This differ n o

i 0.8 t

a significantly from ice discharge or basal speed v e l 0.6 e linear relationships, and have other effects on the 0.4 glacier bed. 0.2 The previous experiment simulate well head- 0 wall erosion and arˆeteformation. Note that such 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 distance down-valley (tens of km) an headwall do not exist in Erdalen, as the ice is flowing from the Jostedalsbreen ice cap. The Figure 17: Modelled valley floor evolution by limit condition of null ice thickness at the high- glacial erosion of an exponential profile over- est point was however the simplest we could put printed by an overdeepened anomaly. Note the in the SIA model. In addition, steep and high rapid carving at high altitudes and smoothing of steps, such as the ones located in the highest the overdeepening. The ice thickness profile is part of Erdalen and Vesledalen, causing , drawn after the last erosional stage. could be somehow compared with an headwall situation, and therefore might have been formed according the proccesses described by the model. The results tend to support the idea that glacial plucking is the main cause for this headwall re- treat, as already underlined by the modelling ex- was determined by Bindschadler (1983) for Var- periments of MacGregor et al. (2008). The origin iegated glacier in Alaska, using relatively high of this strong localised erosion is correlated with water pressure. In addition, this glacier is sub- the thin ice depth and steep glacier, which in ject to surges, short events in which the ice dis- turn creates bed separation, as demonstrated by charge can be increased by more than hundred- fig 16. fold. The main hypothesis in glaciology litera- The second main conclusion of the model is ture for such events is that after water pressure the flattening of overdeepenings. This totally excess a critical value, the glacier would float contradicts with theories of positive erosional on a basal water layer and reach dramatic slid- feedbacks (Hooke, 1991), as the model displays ing speeds. We can imagine that for a regular a negative feedback which can also be described glacier, the water pressure will therefor be re- qualitatively in the following terms. The higher duced, and the calculated kw constant smaller. water pressure in overdeepenings tend to in- Note that the ”generalized Weertman’s sliding crease bed separation at those places. However, law” is not supposed to explain the surge phe- this effect is counterbalanced by the slope effect, nomenon. Note also that using the new sliding which lifts the glacier by increasing the basal constant, the approximation of neglecting sliding stress. This in turn induce a lower erosion inside in the SIA model becomes totally justified. compared to outside the overdeepening. Conse-

21 quently, Erdalen overdeepened basins can not be Conclusions explained by strictly glacial processes. Glacial erosion processes in general and the for- 5.3 Erdalen basins mation of glacial overdeepenings in particular are still enigmatic problems despite of significant This study allows us to make several hypothe- theoretical advances during the past decades. ses on the formation of Erdalen overdeepenings. A new model of glacial erosion, fields observa- As those can not be explained by glacial positive tions and bibliography works enabled to reach feedbacks, we have to rely on external factors en- the following conclusions. Small-scale glacial hancing their carving, such as valley width vari- overdeepenings are very probably the geomor- ations, confluences, preexisting fluvial morphol- phologic expression of external factor enhanc- ogy and bedrock resistance variation. Because ing glacial erosion. These factors can be as Erdalen has been carved by the glacier of more various as valley widening, narrowing, tributary than 1.5 km, and has a relatively homogeneous junctions, bedrock lithology and fracture density width, the effects of the initial fluvial network variations, and two neighbouring overdeepened and valley walls can be ignored. basins could have different origins. In addition, The upper basins (Grandane and arounds) glacial plucking was suggested to have an impor- forms a quite typical confluence association in tant role in glacial headwall erosion. which the valley has been overdeepened both be- However, the plucking model presented can be low and above a confluence point. This kind of improved by a better modelling of glacier hy- morphology can be frequently observed and is draulics, snow and ice adhesion on steep slopes strongly correlated with velocity fields observed and climatic variations. Furthermore, a better over confluences (Gudmundsson, 1997). This quantification of the ”generalized Weertman’s suggest that those basins have to be related with sliding law” or any other sliding law through wa- the local accelerating and decelerating effects of ter pressure measurements on various glaciers is a confluence between two comparable widths. needed. In the middle part of the valley, Hestham- meren exhibit a locally atypical bedrock pattern, containing some regions of not much fractured, large-grained granulite. This is also the place Acknowledgments in which most self-induced cracking (fig. 14) were found, and the highest rock threshold in Thanks to Alexandre Schubnel, Aline Sain- the valley. These observations tend to reinforce tot, Christophe Pascal, Eiliv Larsen, Giulio Vi- the lithological hypothesis for this, and conse- ola, Jochen Knies, Lena Rubensdotter, Louise quently, for the Greidung basin located at its Hansen, Marc-Henri Derron, Martina B¨ohme, foot. Ola Fredin, Ole Lutro and Valentin Burki for Finally, the two lower basins are not correlated interesting discussions and helps in writing the with bedrock variations. Therefore they have to present thesys. Drawings were made using be explained by the confluences of small tribu- Inkscape, Gfortran, GNUplot, Grass GIS, Ar- taries from the valley side. cGIS and Gthumb. Compilated with LaTeX.

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25 Appendix 1: model code enddo do i=2,imax-1 Here follows the Fortran95 program used to pro- if(s(i).lt.1) then duce fig. 16 and 17. It will write six files contain- a=s(i)-0.6 ing respectively bed elevation, glacier thickness, else glacier surface elevation, ice discharge, bed sep- a=.4 aration and erosion rate. endif h(i)=h(i)+1e-5*(a+330 ! variables declarations *(q(i)-q(i-1))/dx)*dt ! ------if(h(i).lt.0) then implicit none h(i)=0 integer t,u,i endif real,parameter :: tmax=100000,dt=1, enddo umax=5,xmin=0,xmax=1.5,dx=.01 s=b+h integer,parameter :: imax=151 enddo real b(imax),h(imax),s(imax),q(imax), do i=1,imax a,sigma(imax),e(imax) write(1,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,b(i) write(2,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,h(i) ! initial topography write(3,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,s(i) ! ------write(4,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,q(i) do i=1,imax enddo b(i)=1.5*exp(-2.5*(i-1)/100.) write(1,*) enddo write(2,*) do i=51,71 write(3,*) b(i)=b(i)-.1*(i-51)**2*(i-71)**2/10000 write(4,*) enddo write(*,*) ’...’

! initial ice depth ! erosion ! ------! ------open(1,file=’b.txt’) open(5,file=’sigma.txt’) open(2,file=’h.txt’) open(6,file=’e.txt’) open(3,file=’s.txt’) do u=1,umax open(4,file=’q.txt’) do i=3,imax-2 h(1:imax)=0 sigma(i)=sqrt(-(s(i+1)-s(i))/dx*h(i))*.62 q(1:imax)=0 if((h(i+2).ne.0) sigma(1:imax)=0 .and. (h(i).gt.0.04)) then e=0 e(i)=(.66/(1-sigma(i)))**34 s=b+h b(i)=b(i)-e(i) endif ! first stage enddo ! ------do t=0,tmax,dt do t=0,tmax*20,dt do i=1,imax-1 do i=1,imax-1 q(i)=((h(i+1)+h(i))/2)**5 q(i)=((h(i+1)+h(i))/2)**5 *((s(i+1)-s(i))/dx)**3 *((s(i+1)-s(i))/dx)**3 enddo

26 do i=2,imax-1 if(s(i).lt.1) then a=s(i)-0.6 else a=0.4 endif h(i)=h(i)+1e-5*(a+330 *(q(i)-q(i-1))/dx)*dt if(h(i).lt.0) then h(i)=0 endif enddo s=b+h enddo do i=1,imax write(1,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,b(i) write(2,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,h(i) write(3,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,s(i) write(4,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,q(i) write(5,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,sigma(i) write(6,*) xmin+(i-1)*dx,e(i) enddo write(1,*) write(2,*) write(3,*) write(4,*) write(5,*) write(6,*) enddo

! terminaison ! ------close(1) close(2) close(3) close(4) close(5) close(6) end