A Glossary of Greek Birds
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL CENTER LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO FROM THBJLreWTRY OF THE LATE PAN S. CODELLAS, M.D. rr^r s*~ - GLOSSARY OF GREEK BIRDS Bonbon HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE Fro. I. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. FIG. 5. FIG. 6. FRONTISPIECE. ILLUSTRATIONS. i. PARTHIAN FIG. AN ARCHAIC GEM, PROBABLY (Paris Coll., 1264,2 ; cf. Imhoof-Blumer und Keller, PI. xxi, 14). FIG. 2. TETRADRACHM OF ERETRIA (B. M. Cat., Central Or., PI. xxiii, i). Both these subjects represent a bird on a bull's (or cow's) back, in my opinion the pleiad in relation to the sign Taurus (vide infra, p. 31). In 2 is to the in r it is in Fig. the bull turning round, symbolize tropic ; Fig. the conventional kneeling attitude of the constellation Taurus, as Aratus describes it (Ph. 517) Tavpov 5f ateeXfcov oaarj irepityaiveTai oK\a, or in Cicero's translation ' Atque genu flexo Taurus connititur ingens.' Compare also, among other kindred types, the coins of Paphos, showing a bull with the winged solar disc on or over his back {Rev. Num., 1883, p. 355; Head, H. Numorum, p. 624, &c.). FIGS. 3, 4. A COIN OF AGRIGENTUM, WITH EAGLE AND CRAB (Head, H. Niimorum, p. 105). Aquila, which is closely associated with i. as Cancer rises : it Capricorn (cf. Manil. 624), sets may figure, therefore, as a solstitial sign. FIG. 5. COIN OF HlMERA, BEFORE B.C. 842, WITH THE COCK (Head, cf. H. Numorum, p. 125 ; infra, p. 26). FIG.
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