KEDUTAAN BESAR REPUBLIK INDONESIA Beilino' 100600, Chaoyans Dist.ict, no. 4 Dongzhimen Wai Streel P-hone: 86-10-654j25486-89 Facsimile: 86-10-65325368 Emall: [email protected] KEMENTERIAN LUAR NEGERI PUSAT KOMUNIKASI BERITA BIASA MASUK Kepala Perwakilan R.l BERITA BIASA l,lomor Agetrd. 00735 Paraf Tgl/ lam Tqrlma 010t 0838 bas Tol/ lam Sdel 010t 0839 bas

wsNu Epr PRATIGNYO KUAI AllVia Kemlu

Nomor B-0001 5iBErJ rNG/1 401 07 Kepada Yth. Menlu Rl Yth. Mendikbud Rl Yth.Wamendikbud Rl Bidang Pendidikan Yth. Konjen Rl Hong Kong lnfo Yth. Sekjen Kemdikbud Rl Yth. Dirjen DiktiKemdikbud Rl Yth. Dirjen Dikdas Kemendikbud Yth. Dirjen Dikmen Kemendikbud Yth. Kepala BPSDMPK&PMP Kemendikbud Yth. Dirjen Aspasaf Kemlu Rl Yth. Kepala Biro PKLN Kemdikbud Rl Yth. Koordinator Kopertis Wlayah 1-12 Dari KUAI RI Jumlah 76 Halaman

Perihal I nformasi mengenai Beasiswa-beasiswa yang Ditawarkan oleh Pemerintah dan Perguruan Tinggi Tiongkok pada tahun 2014.

Merujuk perihal tersebut di atas, bersama ini disampaikan dengan hormat hal-hal sebagai berikut: j. Pemerintah Tiongkok melalui Scholarship Council(CSC) telah menawarkan 4 kategori beasiswa yang dapat dilamar oleh mahasiswa lndonesia untuk tahun 2014. Beasiswa yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut:

fij$.4 l- iiilli'i'r :r'' 1.1 Beasislva Chinese Local GovernmentScholarship- Beasiswa yang bersumber dari pemerintah daerah ini berbentuk full scholarship dan partial scholarship. Penjelasan rinci tentang masing-masing beasiswa pemerintah daerah ini bisa dilihat di lampiran, Beasiswa-beasiswa tersebut diantaranya adalah :

1). FujianGovernmentScholarship. 2). Tianjin Govemment Scholarship. 3). Sichuan Provincial Government Scholarship 4). Hubei Provincial ScholarshiPs 5). Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship 6). Scholarship for lnternational Student in Jiangxi Province 7). Shandong GovernmentScholarship 8). Heilongjiang Government Scholarship for lnternational Students 9). Guangxi Govemment Scholarship foTASEAN Students 10). Beijing Government Scholarship 11). Jilin Provincial Government Scholarship 12). Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship for lnternational Students 13). Nanjing Govemment Scholarship 14). Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship 15). Jiangsu Jasmine Scholarship 16). Liaoning Govemment Scholarship 17. Hangzhou GovernmentScholarship 18). Ningbo Government Scholarship 19). Yiwu Government ScholarshiP 20). Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government for lnternational Students 21) - Zhejiang P rovin ce Governm ent S cholarship 22). Shanghai Govemment Scholarship 23). Guangdong Government Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship

1.2. Beasiswa Penrerintah Pusat China. Beasiswa ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) jenis yaitu: 1).' Beasisra Chinese Government Scholarship. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa yang akan menempuh jenjang 51 (Bachelor), S2 (Master), dan 53 (Doctoral). Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk futt schalarshrp yang mencakup tuition fee, biaya buku, asrama, asuransi kesehatan dan uang saku sebesar 1400-2000 yuan per-bulan. Batas waktu penerimaan aplikasi beasiswa pada tanggal 30 April 2014'

2). Beasisna Chinese University Program. Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada mahasiswa program Master dan Doktor dalam bentuk pembebasan biaya pendidikan, uang saku, biaya asrama dan asuransi. Beasiswa full scholarship ini, penerimaan aplikasinya ditutup pada tanggal 30 APril 2014.

3). Great Watt Fellowship (China-UNESCO) Scholarship' Beasiswa futt scholuship ini diberikan kepada para dosen yang ingin melakukan post doctoral research di perguruan tinggi China. Batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal I APril 2014. 4), ChindAUN Scfiolarshrp Prcgram. Beasiswa full scholarship untuk program Magister dan Doktor ini diberikan dalam rangka perjanjian antara China-ASEAl,{ untuk mendukung pertukaran mahasiswa, dosen dan guru antara Negara-negara ASEAhI dengan China. 1.3. Beasiswa Hanban. Hanban merupakan instansi pemerintah di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan China yang dibentuk untuk menyebarluaskan 'propaganda' bahasa dan kebudayaan China. Organisasi yang memiliki dana yang luar biasa jumlahnya ini, membangun cabang yang disebut Contucious lnstitute di babagai penjuru dunia termasuk di lndonesia. Ada 6 Konfusius lnstitut yang di bawah pengelolaan Hanban di lndonesia. Beasiswa Hanban yang tersedia dalam bentuk Canfucious lnstitute Scho/arshrp ini adalah: 1). Scholarshipfor Student of MTCSOL. Beasiswa ini untuk lulusan sarJana yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke jenjang master bahasa Mandarin. Jenis beasiswa ini full scholarship dengan batas akhir pendaftaran tanggal { April setiap tahunnya.

21. Scholarship for One-Academic-YearSfudenf. Beasiswa ini untuk mereka yang sedang belajar di kelaskelas yang dikelola oleh Confusr?s Ins0lufe. Jenis beasiswa ini adalah full scholarchip untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin selama 1 (satu) tahun dengan persyaratan HSK-3, atau telah menyelesaikankan 120 jam belajar di kelas Confusius lnstitute. Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 30 Maret 2014.

3). Schotarship for One Semesfer Sfudanf. Beasisnra fullscholarship ini merupakan program yang diperuntukan bagi siswa yang sedang belajar di kelas Confusius lnstitute dan memiliki prestasi cemerlang, untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin atau filsafat atau sejarah selama 1 (satu) senrester di China. Persyaratannya harus memiliki HSK-2 atau 60 jam betajar di kelas Confusius /nsfifute. Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 30 Maret 2014.

2. Selain itu perguruan-perguruan tinggi Tiongkok juga menawarkan beasisrva secara langsung kepada mahasiswa asing yang disebut University Scho/arshrp. Beasiswa Universitas ini bersifat Paftiat Schotarship berupa pembebasan Tuition Fee atau pemberian diskon sampai sebesar 70%. Persayaratan untuk melamar beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada laman:,asox?cid=106&PaoeNo=1-. Universitas.universitas yang menaw arkan Universify Scholarship adalah: 2.1. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. 2.2. HangzhouDianziUniversitY. 2.3. South China University of Technology. 2.4. Chongqing Technology & Business University. 2.5. Chongqing Univasity of Science and Technology 2.6. Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2.7. HainanUniversity. 2.8. China Three Gorges UniversitY 2.9. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 2.10. Xian University of Post and Telecommunications 2.11. Xian Jiatong University

t:Y:rIr9Ygv_---*=*t,, 1

-", 2.12 Zhejiang A&F UniversitY 2.13. SouthwestUniversity 2,14. Nanjing University of Posts and Tdecomunlcations 2.15. Fujian University of Technology 2.16. Shandong University of Science and Technolbgy 2.17. Shandong Normal UniversitY 2.18. Henan University of TraditionalChinese Medicine 2.19. WuyiUniversity 2.2A. Jinan University 2.21. China University of Mining and Technology 2.22. Qinghai Nationaties University 2.23. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 2.24. Jiangnan Universi$ 2.25. University of Chinese Academy of Science 2.26. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science 2.27. 2.28. Nanjing University of Schi&Tech 2.29. Dalian Maritime University 2.30. Beijing Forestry University 2.31. Donghua University 2.32. Harbin Normal University 2.33, Harbin Engineering University 2.U. Mudanjiang Normal UniversitY 2.35. Lanzhou University 2.36. Central ChinaNormal University 2.37. Hohai universi$ 2.38. Jiangsu University 2.39. Huahong University of Science and Technology 2.40.

Mahasiswa pelamar dapat mengontak dan menyampaikan berkas lamarannya secara langsung kepada universitas yang dimaksud. 3. Terlampir informasi beasiswa yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah dan universitas China. Untuk informaii lebih rinci, pelamar dapat mengontak Atase Pendidikan KBRI Beijing melalui email @ atau mengunjungi laman www.atdikbudbeiiing,,com untuk memperoleh panduan pendafl aran beasiswa dimaksud. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.

Beijing, 6 Januari2014

Petugas Komunikasi

PUSAT KOMUNIKft;i - i;--tu!s;.:; i LAMPIRAN

1. FUJIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP The government of Fujian Province has established the fujian Government Scholarship for lnternational Students (hereinafter referred to as FGS) in accordance with the Guidance for the Medium and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development in Fujian Province e}$-2020),in effort to further promote the development and make progress on scale, level and service abili$ of the international students' education of Fujian Province, and attract more academically excellent international students to study in Fujian. Scholarship Category Students who wish to study and are studying in Fujian province CRITERIA & ELTGIBILITY A. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. B. Education background and age limit a. Applicants for Governor Special Scholarship Program must recommend by our Provincial partnership cities and be under the age of 50. b. Applicants for lnternational Liaison of Provincial partnership cities study in Fujian program must recommend by our Provincial partnership cities and be under the age of 50. c. Applicants for lnternational Liaison of Provincial partnership cities trainees program and be under the age of 50. d. Applicants for lndependent recruitment program by Fujian universities includes: -Applicants for undergraduate program or long term language must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 30. -Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. -Applicants for general scholar program must have bachelor's degree or completed at least hrvo years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 50. -Applicants for doctoraldegree programs must have a master's degree and be under the age of 40. -Applicants for senior scholar program must have master's degree or above or hold academic title of associate professor or above and be under the age of 50. -Applicants should meet the language requirernents of the higher education institutions. -Applicants should not be awardees of Chinese government scholarships at the same time. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria The scholarship is divided into the following categories and is granted to the relevant institutions that accept international students: A.Governor Special Scholarship Program: 60,000 RMB/person/year B.lnternational Liaison of Provincial partnership cities study in Fujian program: 30000 RMB/person/year C.lnternational Liaison of Provincial partnership cities trainees program -Non-academic language students:30,000 RMB/person/year,granted to the student for one academic year -Short-term program trainees:S,O00 RMB/person/month,granted to the student for individual study period

I I pusar KoMUNIKASI - KEtulLri i L___ : -_* D.lndependent recruitment program by Fujian universities: -Undergraduate program or long term language students: : scholarship is granted to the students pursuing a bachelor's degree for 3 academic years and students pursuing a bachelor's degree for 4 years of 30,000 RMB/personlyear -Master's degree or general scholar students: scholarship is granted to the student for 2 to 3 academic years with the standard of RMB 40,000 per year. -Doctoral degree or senior scholar students: scholarship is granted to the student for 3 to 4 academic years with the standard of RMB 50,000 per year. Application Deadline Applicants should hand in applications within written forms or apply online from January to April each year. Application Documents The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a.Application Form For Fujian Government Scholarship b.Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. c.Original and photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form printed by Chinese quarantine authority for students who apply to study more then 6 months or above. d.A study plan (400 words or above) or research plan (800 words or above) e.Applicants for music and art are requested to submit the applicants' own works f.Students under age 18 should submit relevant legal documents from their guardians g.Application documents will NOT be returned. CONTACT Address: No. 162, Gu Pin Rd, Gulou District, Fuzhou. Postcode: 350003. Tel: 0591-87821532 Fax 0591-87856880

2. TIANJIN GOVERNIT'ENT SCHOLARSHIP ln order to promote the development of higher education of lnternational students in Tianjin, to further improve the talent cultivation, scientific research, social seryice, and culturalexchange, Tianjin Government has set up the Scholarship (TGS) for

I nternational students. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Recipients are lnternational Students in Tianjin and students who wish to study in Tianjin. Recipients are the undergraduate or the higher level foreign students who are applying to study in Tianjin and the excellent international students who are studying in Tianjin. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high schooldiploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 30. c. Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor degree and be under the age of 35 with two letters of recommendation from professors or associate

t I pusar KoMUNtKASt - KEI$I i i i t ___ professors. d. Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master degree and be under the age of 40 with two letters of recommendation from professors or associate professors. e. Applicants should meet the language requirements of the higher education institutions and provide relevant prooft, such as HSK certificate, other Chinese learning and examination certificates, etc. The restriction can be relaxed for the foreign students whose majors are taught in English. f. Applicants should not apply for other scholarship in the same time. g. Application Conditions For lnternal Students f ) Applicants must be foreign self-funded undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD student who has normally enrolled in Tianjin. Applicants who have applied for leave of absence, retaining student status or extension of schooling last year will not be allowed. 2) Applicants must perform well in school without truancy, other violations of school regulations in school or other violations of Chinese laws and regulations off school. 3) Applicants must have the right learning attitude and study hard. Applicants' academic record should be excellent in the previous year. 4) Applicants have not obtained any other scholarships in the same year. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Doctoral student scholarship: 40,000 RMB/person/year. b. Master student scholarship: 30,000 RMB/person/year. c. Undergraduate student scholarship: 20,000 RMB/person/year. AD['IIsSIBLE DIVISION Applicants could apply to the Higher Education lnstitutions that are eligible to enroll. APPLICATION DEADLINE The Higher Education lnstitutions must submit Scholarship List and application documents to Tianjin Municipal Education Commission by June 15. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. Application Form for Tianjin Government Scholarship (Applicants shall obtain the form from the Higher Education lnstitutions or download from the website of the targeted HEls). b. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. c. Foreigner Physical Examination Form d. Study plan or research plan should be submitted for degree or research students. e. Copy of the passport f. HSK certificate (The restriction can be relaxed for the foreign students whose majors are taught in English.) g. Please note that application documents will NOT be returned. OTHER CLAUSES The Higher Education lnstitutions must be full-time colleges or universities that are eligible to enroll international students. Higher Education lnstitutions must establish assessment working group. The review comments should be made fairly, openly, equitably by the group and be approved by president. The assessment results should be publicized for one week and then be submitted to Tianjin Municipal Education Commission.

pusar t___I KoMUNIKAST - KEMr".i r r Scholarship List will be determined by the experts organized by Tianjin Municipal Education Commission. CONTACT Address: No.50, Shuishanggongyuan North Street, Nankai Dist.,Tianjin,P.R.China. Postcode: 300074. Tel: 0086 22 83215117 Fax 0086 2283215305

3. SICHUAN PROVINCIAL GOV=RNIIIENT SCHOLARSHIP lnstitutions and Standard The scholarship is applicable to the higher education institutions of Sichuan Province which are entitled to enrollforeign students. These institutions include full-time regular higher education institutions, higher vocational colleges and junior colleges which have been approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education and offer formal programs. Standard: Doctoral student scholarship: 30000 RMBlperson/year Master student scholarship: 25000 RMBlperson/year U nderg raduate student scholars h ip : 20000 RM B/personlyear Junior college student scholarship: 1 5000 RMBlpersonlyear Long term student scholarship: 10000 RMB/person/year MaJors Majors suitable for the foreign students Qual ification of applicants Excellent students among the doctoral students, master students, undergraduate students, junior college students and long term students who are studying in the relevant institutions and who are applying to study in the institutions. The students will get the scholarship every year until they finish their study on the premise that they are approved by the institutions every year. Procedure Foreign students may search on the website of the institutions to get the information about the procedure of enrollment and the application for scholarship. Based on the application requirements, foreign students may directly submit written application to the relevant institutions. Application materials (in duplicate) A. Application form for Sichuan Provincial Government Scholarship B. The notarized photocopies of the highest diploma and transcripts. (Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English) C. Photocopy of the passport D. Health certificate E. Letters of recommendations from two professors or associate professors of the applicant's universities or colleges. (for master student and doctoral student only) F. Other material needed by the relevant institutions

xlytu I Ll!:{ LoY_u_yKas,_ ! Acceptance and Review The application form is accepted every year and it is from January to June. The relevant institutions accept the forms promptly according to the enrollment standard for the scholarship students and the qualification of the students. The review work is carried out by the relevant institutions. The institutions should establish Scholarship Review Group to work out specific measures and report it to the Education Department of Sichuan Province for record' Contact lnternational Exchange and Cooperation Office of Education Department of Sichuan Province Postcode 610041 Telephone number 028-861 2901 1 861 28031 Fax number 028-861 13730 E-mail: scsjyt@1 Details of the contact of relevant institutions can be found in their websites lnstitutions for Sichuanan Provincial Governmentmen Scholarshi lnstitutions Telephone Fax Website E-MAIL number Southwest +86 +86 28 http://www.sw [email protected] Petroleum 2883032453 83032453 n University chenjt66166@1 Chengdu 02884077A9 0288407709 Chenqian0T@cd University of g I cn Technoloov Southwest +86-816- +86-816- www.swust.ed [email protected]. University of 6089127 6089126 cn Science and Technoloov Chengdu 428- 024- http:l/www.cuit [email protected] University of 85966899 85966503 .edu.cnl n lnformation Technoloqv Sichuan 86+813+55 86+813+550 http:lffil.suse. 344317085@qq. University of 05983 5983 com Science and asP?id=7 [email protected] Enqineering .cn Xihua University 028- 428- http:/1www.xhu [email protected] a7725432 87725432 Sichuan 0835- 0835- http:/lghc.sica aumdwsb@sica Agricultural 2882233 2883166 University Xichang College 0834- 0834- http:llwww.xcc [email protected] 2580106 2580106 om zuoiiaoliu Luzhou Medical 0830- 0830316255 http:f/www.lzm 13982789059@ College 3161918 / 7 1398278905 chinalzmc@126. I com

pusar KoMUNTKASi ' KEtuti , iI .. Chengdu 028- 428- http:llwww.cdu studytcm@cdutc University of TCM 87744542 87784606 Northe Sichuan 0817- 0817- http:l/www.ns [email protected]. Medical College 2242632 2242632 cn 0817- 3352046 Sichuan Normal *860280847 +86 28 http://www.sic 770186807@qq. Universitv 60706 847il143 com China West 0817- 081 7- www.cwnu.ed cwnu_oice@163 Normal University 2568955 2568610 .com 0817- 2568931 Mianyang Normal +86 +86 leccmnuSSS@ali University 8162579436 8162200018; ;2579544 2200008 Neijiang Normal 0832- 0832- http:/lwww.njtc Foreign_affairs University 2341539 2341246 Yibin University 0831- 0831- http://www.yibi [email protected] 3531 186 3531 186 om ex.aspx

4. HUBEI PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS ln order to adapt the development of study abroad in china and increase the use efficiency of scholarship for international students, Hubei Province have established regulations of Hubei Provincial Scholarships Management for the purpose of talents cultivation, scientific researches, social service and cultural exchanges in universities and colleges. Scholarship Standard 1.1 Scholarships are provided for supporting tuitions in principle. According to different amounts, scholarships should be divided into five categories: Undergraduate Scholarship is 10,000 per year; Graduate Scholarship is 15,000 RMB per year; Doctorate scholarship is 20,000 RMB per year; General Scholar Scholarship is 5,000 RMB per 6 months or 10,000 per year; Advanced Scholar Scholarship (including visiting scholars, similarly hereinafter) is 10,000 per 6 months or 20,000 per year. 1.2 The standard of scholarship for foreign students enrolled as the requirement of the external agreement that Hubei province signed should be implemented according to the external agreement. Major Limitation Hubei Provincial Scholarships are open and applicable for all majors'students or scholars. Application Requirement 3.1 Applicants should be foreign citizens with valid passport and, should be friendly to China. 3.2 Applicants should be well-behaved, hardworking, grade excellent and in good health.

rusnr KoMUNtKAsi . KEMrr; t-.__i 3.3 Requirements on applicants'academic degree and age' 1. Undergraduate scholarship applicants should be within average age of 25 years old and have obtained degree equal to Chinese High School Degree or above. 2. Graduate Scholarship applicants should within the average of 30 year old and have obtained bachelor degree. 3. Doctorate Scholarship applicants should be within the average age of 35 years old and have obtained master's degree. 4. All General Scholar Scholarship applicants should be within the average age of 40 years old and Chinese language scholars should have obtained Higher School Degree or above, professional scholars should have obtained bachelor's degree or above or should be university students in grade 2 or above. 5. Advanced Scholar Scholarship applicants should have obtained master's degree or above and associate professor title or above, and should be the average age of 50 years old. 3.4 The requirement for applicants' Chinese language proficiency to be decided in accord with the major to be learned and language of instruction. 3.5 Applicants do not obtain any financial aid from Chinese government or other organizations. Application Date Scholarship Applications should be accepted by all universities and colleges beilyeen February and June. More details would be provided by related universities and colleges. Application Process and Acceptance Department 5.1 All Hubei provincial college and universities organize current foreign students to apply for the scholarship and contact the foreign students who are planning to study in Hubei province through Chinese embassies in foreign counties, foreign educational institutions or internet. 5.2 All qualified foreigners, both the ones who are studying in colleges and universities in Hubei province and the ones who are in foreign counties can apply to the colleges and universities you study in or you want to. 5.3 All colleges and universities accept scholarship application on Feb. to June. The application will be assessed basically on the principal of open, fair and justice by the school assessment team and the result will be published in school for a week. 5.4 Ministry of Education of Hubei Province accepts all colleges and universities' Application Forms of Hubei Provincial Foreign Student Scholarship every June, and will publish the result on Hubei province education information net ( for a week after the assessment, if there is no dispute, the Ministry of Education of Hubei Province will issue a document to conflrm it. 5.5 The scholarship students recommended by foreign government and international organizations according to the requirement of the agreement will be arranged to study in the appointed colleges and universities by Ministry of Education of Hubei Province. Related Universities and Contact lnformation The following is the list of universities and colleges: 1. Yangtze University Tel: 0086-071 6-8060267 Fax. 0086-0716-8064il4 Email: [email protected] 2. Hubei University Tel: 0086-27-886827A3 Fax: 0086-27-88684263 Email: [email protected] 3. Hubei University of TechnologY Tel: 0086-27-88A34023 Fax: 0086-27-88034423

Em a i I : a myh but@ 1 26. com fiason hong2003@ 1 26. com 4. Hubei University of Science and Engineering Tel: 13297685286 Fax: 0086-071 5-8338059 Email:41 60654 1 [email protected] 5. Hubei Normal University Tel: 0086-A7M-6574857 Fax: 0086 -07 1 4-657 4857 Email: [email protected] 6. Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tel' 0086-27-68889170 Fax: 0086-27-68890066 Email: [email protected] 7. Huazhong Agricultural University Tel: 0086-27-87281296 Fax: 0086-27-87396057 Email: Zhangchi@mail. 8, Jianghan University Tel : 0086-A7 1 3-84227 461 Fax: 0086-071 3-8621 601 Ema il : ljcat0630@vip. sina. com/[email protected] 9. China Three Gorges University Tel: 1 5871 635301 I 13487232553 Fax: 0086-071 7-6393309 Ema il : 58221 9468@qq. com 1617 387 8@qq. com 10. Wuhan lnstitute of Technology Tel: 0086-27 -87 1 951 1 310086-27-87 1 95660 Fax: 0086-27-87195310 Ema il : 326dingding@ 1 63. com/guoyunhfc@ 1 63. com 11. Wuhan lnstitute of Physical Education Tel: 1 86071 648521133778561 29 Fax: 0086 -27 -87 1 9200710086- 27 -87'l I 1 730 Email: [email protected]/ Peixul Application Materials 7.'l Applicants should provide related materials based on universities and colleges' requirements. The following is the list of the basic materials: 1. Application Form of Hubei Provincial Foreign Student Scholarship 2. Copy of Passport 3. Notarized highest Diploma 4. Notarized Transcript or Certificate of Job Title 5. Letter of Recommendation and Health Certificate 6. Other documents required

) I KOMUNIKASI . KEML.I.! t- PUSAT 7.2 Applicants who haven't been studying in the colleges and universities applied for need to fill inApplication Form of Hubei Provincial Foreign Student Scholarship {form 1}; Applicants who have been studying in the colleges and universities applied for need to fill in Application Form of Hubei Provincial Foreign Student Scholarship (form 2). $cholarsh ip Qualifi cation Adm in istration 8.1 All colleges and universities issue Scholarship Offer Letter for foreign students offered scholarship. 8.2 The foreign students offered scholarship should register for school and go through registration process in the required registration date on Scholarship Offer Letter, the scholarship qualification will be exempted for one who registers later than the required registration date. 8.3 Any applicant of the following will be exempted scholarship qualification: 1. Any applicant of the following will be exempted scholarship qualification 2. One who gets involved in activities of illegal organizations 3. One who seriously breaks school rules 4. One who breaks Chinese laws 8.4 The school should make a comprehensive assessment on the foreign students who obtain scholarship and report to the Ministry of Education of Hubei Province to for the record when they finished school. Contact lnformation Address: Hongshan Road No.8 in Wuhan City in China Postal Code: 434471 Telephone N umber: 0086-27-87 3281 41 Fax Number: 0086-27 -87328047

5. JIANGXI PROVINCIAL GOVERNIIENT SCHOLARSHIP ln order to promote the development of higher education of lnternational students in Jiangxi, further improve the talent cultivation, scientific research, and cultural exchange, Jiangxi People's Government has set up the Scholarship for international students. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship is available to all universities in Jiangxi that enroll international students. b. This scholarship is applicable to lnternational students, including Doctoral students, Master students, Bachelor students, and Exchange students or Short-term students (more than 6 months) who wish to study and are studying in Jiangxi. The duration of the scholarship is for 1 academic year. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Class A scholarship (For Doctoral and Master students): 25,000 RMB/person/year; b. Class B scholarship (For Bachelor students): 20,000 RMB/personlyear. c. Class c scholarship (For Exchange students or Short-term students of more than 6 months): 6,000 RMBlperson/year. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. Fresh students must abide by the Chinese law and stipulations, meet the enrollment requirement of relevant universities in Jiangxi, and have excellent academic performance; Students who are studying in Jiangxi must have top academic performance within the class or the grade, have no violation of the Chinese law and stipulations, and university stipulations. a. Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master's degree, a letter of recommendation by 2 professors or associate professors, and be under the age of 44" b. Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor's degree, letter of recommendation by 2 professors or associate professors, and be under the age of 35. c. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high schooldiploma with good academic performance and be under the age af 25. d. Applicants for short-term or exchange program must study more than 6 months. e. Applicants for Chinese language majors must provide HSK certificate. f. Applicants are not awarded any other scholarship from any Chinese department during the duration of due Jiangxi Government Scholarship. APPLICATION Applicants could apply to the universities in Jiangxithat are eligible to enroll scholarship students. Applications are accepted by the end of May. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant universities. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. APPLICATION FORM FOR JIANGXI GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP (Applicants shall obtain the form from the universities). b. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts; c. a photocopy ofpassport; d. Foreigner Physical Examination Form should be provided; e. A letter of recommendation (for Doctoral and Master students); f. Study plan (for fresh students); Please note that application documents will NOT be returned. University Name List for Jiangxi Government Scholarship

School Name Teleohone Fax E-mail 86-791- 86-791- ffi Ei 7t**v [email protected] Nanchanq Universitv 83827065 83827065 86-791- 86-791- irE16'Et+*' [email protected] Jianqxi Normal Univeritv 8812A464 88120463

Xffi&rlltt+ 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] Jiangxi Agricultural 8381 3978 83828053 Universitv

frwM&.k+* 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] Jiangxi University of Finance 83807960 83800670 and Economics

4pxtitEt+ 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] East China Jiaotong 87045363 87045372 Universitv fir&E-tS 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] East China University of 83897980 83879835 Technoloqv

HEftilgI+* 86-791- 86-791- nchkforeign@aliyun. com Nanchang Hangkong 83863153 838631 53 University #Ftlxt+ 86-796- 86-791- [email protected] 81't5935 8109665 J inqqanqshan University f;ffi+effi6+H* 86-798- 86-798- [email protected] Jingdezhen Ceramic 8499600 8499012 lnstitute 116+ E6t+ Jiangxi University of 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] [email protected] Traditional Chinese 87142681 87118672 Medicine 86-797- 86-798- ffiffi8+ffi [email protected] Gannan Medical University 8269655 8269655 86-798- #ffirfitE+H' 86-797- [email protected] Gannan Normal University 8393600 8393600 ,TEf+frllfiiAt# Jiangxi 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] Science & Technology 83819018 83821825 Normal Universitv 86-795- 86-795- H6+ffi [email protected] Yichun UniversiW 3242114 32421fi 86-792- 86-795- ,rit+ffi,v [email protected] Jiuiiano Universifu 8314451 8314451 86-790- 86-790- ffi*+H [email protected] Xinvu Universitv 6653100 6653100

ffiEE-+ts 86-791- 86-791- [email protected] Nanchang lnstitute of 8s973201 83973201 Technoloov

Note : l.Universities marked with '*'are qualified to receive Chinese Government Scholarship Applicants; 2. Universities marked with 'V'are qualified to receive Confucius lnstitute Scholarship Applicants.

6. SHANDONG GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP For the implementation of the Plan of Study in China, issued by Ministry of Education and in accordance with the Outline of Long-term Education Reform and Development of Shandong Province Shandong Provincial Finance Bureau, together with Shandong Provincial EducationDepartment formulates Shandong Government Scholarship Plan. According to the plan, 8 million RMB will be appropriated to '17 provincial-level universities annually as the scholarship for foreign students. Each university witl be responsible for its own enrollment promotion and the

i PUSAT KOMUNIKASI - KEML i.' i implementation of the scholarship plan. Overseas students could get in touch with the 17 universities directly. University Contact TelephonelFax/ Adress Email H,B+[&t+ IEBftH. 0532-88959007 rlr6'dB'&ffifla\{A#& Qingdao Zhou Xiaolan 0532-88956566(F) 99€, thlJffi' 266061 University of [email protected] lnternational Science and [email protected] Exchange and Technology m Cooperation Office http:/lieco.qust. ed u. Qingdao University of cnIENGLISH Science and Technology.99 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong, P.R. China. 266061 *rkE+H EtF 0538-6235751 rhfi&'#*ffiKffiffi Taishan Medical Wu Jun 0538-6235860(F) 619 q, ffrlrH+l*B University [email protected] pn&H'+rfi College of lnternational Education, Taishan Medical University 619 Great Wall road, TaiAn, Shandong, China ta zi E,St+ Qingdao lp) fili 0532-85953863 26A0718&fi't-tr$f University Zhou Lei 0532-85954822(F) 308 €, H,tSt+Hp6 http://www.internati [email protected] b.W+*.tt Wqr tx ^X., ol?id=79 I nternational Students http://www.internati Office Qingdao University ol?id=42 308 Ningxia Rd, Qingdao,China.26607

1 r|]x * tr rI6&'€.&fr#FH F.Sztilt+ Liu Wen XKffiF& 700 €L& Qingdao Agricultural 808 fi 0532-88030488 University Main 0s32-88030457(F) Building808,No.700 [email protected] Changcheng Road,Chengyang District, Qingdao /index.html City,Shandong

i rusnr KoMUNIKASI - KEMLU Province, China LLfitrFfiA+ rilil* 86-531-86182865 S tr rlr6*'#HfrI'f.t Shandong Normal Liu Feng 86-531 -861 82865(F) tW 88 €rlrltr/ffiffit University [email protected] +EffiTifi+Iffi frl! http:/lwww.sie.sdnu om ffit 25AO14 School of lnternational .edu.cnl Exchange, Shandong Normal University cnllaihua/university 88 East Wenhua detailen.aspx?colle Road, Ji'nan, seld=14 Shandong Province, P.R.China 2504M i{liilEl dr6trE6t$ -FXa Shandong Liu Tongguo S EIr.lrh$iffi,f 531-82613221 University of +e& 1636e 8682613221(F\ € Traditional 't6369#, Jingshi Road, [email protected]; Chinese ltledicine Lixia District, [email protected] Jinan, http://www.sdutcm. Shandong, China rI6il+&t+ fd,#E 0532-86057717 €,&fr?3rrf*{^a--tsX Shandong Fan Zhijian 13854259546 Efigl&P& 579 €, rlt University of 0532-86057187(FJ Xt+&t+trffitiin4[ [email protected] Science and International Office [email protected] Technology Shandong University http://www.sdust.ed of Science and Technology 579 Qianwangang Road, Economic & Technical Development Zone,

Qingdao, Shandong , China

ffi6t+ I)ft6 0535-6902271 * EIrlr6&'ff{6fi#tlt Yantai University Wang 0535-670151s(F) xi#ft.Fr 30 €,x{6t http :/linternational.y Lingyun [email protected] [email protected] frIIffi 264005 om !nternational Student Section, lnternational Office, Yantai University No.30 Qingquan Rd., Laishan District, Yantai, Shandong, P.R.China 264005

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLI"I BIfrE+H WlW+ 536-8462233 t\*.'#Wfiffi*rEm{rr VYeifang Medical Shen 8462232 7166 € University Yinghua 8462238(F) 7166 Baotongxi http:/ fHrfi [email protected] Street, Weifang, cn/english.htm Shandong 261053, P.R.China rlrfiglt# 4frffi 0533-2786693 rlrlrr€iffil$.ffi$KrsmrK Shandong Li Na 0533-2780944{F) HW 12€rtrfrryIt University of [email protected]: +reffi6,ft-stlt{L Technology [email protected] 255049 http:l/ ; Office of lnternational .cn/en/index.htm Cooperation & Exchange, Shandong University of Technology, No.12 Zhangzhou Road, Zhangdian Zibo, Shandong, 255049, PR China 4mffit# ffiK 0086-635-823961 8 tttf,.'&Wlffi,ffiH EffiX Liaocheng Gao Fei 86-635-8239658(F) iffiffiE& 1 q University [email protected] No. 1, Hunan Rd., htto:/ Dongchangfu District, cn/ Liaocheng ,252059, http://sie. P.R. China index.aspx il^w6.*.# T.:TE 0531-8291 1306 Shandong Wang Zheng 0531-88544A41Ft 40 q frljffi, 250A1p. Universityof int [email protected] 40 Shungeng Lu, Finance and Jinan, Shandong Economics P.R.China 25AOU

B,Sert+ -LE-E 0532-85071737 lnternational Office, Qingdao Wang Chen 0532-85071736 Qingdao Technological fttf g 0532-85071098(F) Technological University #6fr [email protected] University m 11 Fushun Road, [email protected] Shibei District, [email protected] Qingdao, Shandong Province, PR.China dr6&'€,$ffifilhXffi ,|mE& 11 -B €,&rgrt+mmti,t 4*IEtr ilr6:rffi+H 7J'K. 0535-6708673 rlr6;Hfl6ffi*rltXi&i&

I PUSAT KOMUNIKASI - KEMLI', i I l--.i Shandong Sun Ci 0535-6904244 (F) s& 1e1 I Lnstitute Of L0risun_82@' 191 Binhai Road, Business and Laishan District, Technology Yantai City, Shandong Province, P.R.China €6t+ if Iff 0535-6696181 *Brlr*.'A'M6ffiZX Ludong University Xu Lin 0535-6673797 x_{rE^+w 186 q http:/lenglish. ldu.ed *€fl 0535-6697578 (F) g6i+El'mtrti5A [email protected] T4\XIBX IFft. davidsallywu@l!3.qo lnternational m Exchange and [email protected] Cooperation Office of Ludong University 186#, Hongqi Middle Road, Zhifu District, Yantai Ci$, Shandong Province, P.R. China.

fiBrfiffit+ l4'# 05374455878 * EI rlr*i ffi& ft #+f Eq Qufu Normal Sun Yan 0537-4455878 (F) W st €:ffi.H/fljffii# University [email protected] EBII{{tifi+l.ft lnternational Cultural Exchange School Qufu Normal University #57 Jing Xuan Xi Lu Qufu, Shandong, P.R. China i?E #ffits IFX- 0531-82765557 rlr6&'i*ffimffi+XW University of Wang Xiang 4531-82767273 'MW't06 -B No.106 Jinan [email protected],cn, Jiwei Road, Jinan, [email protected] Shandong, China cnl n

7. SCHOLARSHIP FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IN JIANGXI PROVINCE ln order to attract more outstanding international students to come to study in higher education institutions and expand the scale of the international students in Jiangxi Province and enhance Jiangxi's international reputation, Jiangxi Provincial Government has set up Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship for lnternational Students and the quota of the scholarship has already been distributed to each higher education institution including our university. Here are some guidelines for students applying for this scholarship to follow:

. ; PUSAT KOMUNTKASI KEMLU i r ___ _-. ; Category of Scholarship The scholarship is divided into three categories: Type A Scholarship, 25000RM8 for each person per year, used to sponsor international students studying for doctoral and master degrees; Type B Scholarship, 20000RM8 for each student per year, used to sponsor international students for bachelor's degree and Type C Scholarship, 6000RM8, used to fund visiting scholars or other foreign students who will study in the university for at least half a year. Target of Scholarship According to the stipulations concerning Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship for lnternational Students, more than 80% of the quotas of scholarship have to be used to enroll freshmen and less than 20% of the quotas of scholarship can be used for the students who are non new students. Use of Scholarship The scholarship is used for students to pay for registration fee, tuition fee, accommodation fee, fee for basic learning materials, fee for internship; and to buy Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme. So when the students in our university get the scholarship, the money will be used to pay for all the fees for the next academic year. Criteria and Eligibility Applicants (freshmen) who apply for this Scholarship should have a good academic basis. After the new international students enter Nanchang Hangkong University, the university will organize a math and an English exam to test the applicants' capability and skills, and the results will be major criteria for determining scholarship awarding and the results of courses you learned in your Secondary School will be refened to. Application and documents 1).Fill in Application Form for Jiangxi Government Scholarship. You can get the form from the lnternational Students' Office. 2). Provide the copy of your passport 3). Provide the copy of your health examination 4). Write a Study Plan in China (for freshmen) 5) Provide the copies of notarized highest school graduate certificates or diploma and notarized transcripts All this documents must be submitted to the lnternational Students'Office before Sept2Oth Selection and publication The university will form an assessment group to assess all the applications publicly, fairly and justly and release the final applicants on the bulletin board to accept the supervision by the public. After that without much complaint we will submit the name list of scholarship students to the Provincial Education Administration for the final approval.

g. STUDENTS The government of Heilongjiang Province has established the Heilongjiang Government Scholarship for lnternational Students(hereinafter referred to as Scholarship) in accordance with the Guidance for the Medium and Long-Term

I PUSAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLU t-_---- Educational Reform and Development in Heilongjiang Province (2A12-2020),in effort to further promote the development and make progress on scale, level and service ability of the intemational students' education of Heilongjiang Province, and attract more academically excellent international students to study in Heilongjiang. Scholarship Category The scholarship is to support international students with excellent performance, who are to study in the appointed educational institutions in Heilongjiang province, for degrees at different levels. Eligibility A. Education background and age limit - Applicants for bachelor's degree must have acquired a diploma equivalent to Chinese high-school graduate and be under the age of 25, and should also be in accordance with the eligibili$ of the host institution. - Applicants for master's degree program must have bachelo/s degree and be under the age of 35 and should have a bachelor's degree with letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors. - Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master's degree and be under the age of 40 and should have a master's degree with letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors. B. Other Requirements - Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens (with a foreign nationality over four years) and be in good health - Applicants must comply with laws and regulations of the Chinese government and rules and disciplines of the host institutions. - Applicants should not be currently studying in China. (Students currently in China who graduated from a Chinese institution for more than one academic year are eligible.) - Applicants' proficiency of Chinese level be determined by the host institution according to specialty and teaching language. - Applicants should not be awardees of any other scholarships. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria The scholarship is divided into the following three categories and is granted to the relevant institutions that accept international students: Class A: Doctoral Degree Student's Scholarship Class A scholarship is granted to the student for 2 to 3 academic years with the standard of RMB 24,OAA per year. Class B: Master's Degree Student's Scholarship Class B scholarship is granted to the student for 2 to 3 academic years with the standard of RMB 19,000 per year. Class C: Bachelor's Degree Student's Scholarship Class C scholarship is granted to the student for 4 academic years (five years for medical specialties) with the standard of RMB 13,000 per year. Recipients of all categories of scholarship are exempt from registration fees, tuitions fees, experiment fees, practice fees, basic teaching materials fees, accommodation fees and insurance. lnternationaltravelexpenses, monthly living allowance and other fees are not included. Scholarship Application Applicants should hand in applications within written forms in accordance with provisions of class A, B and C scholarships from January to April each year. Application Deadline April 30. Applicants must fill in and provide the following

pusar i KoMUNTKASI - KEMLU I I _,--_:---._-.. :--- _ -t documents honestly and completely (in duplicate): 1. Application Form for Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English)' 2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. HSK record: determined by the needs of host institution. 4. A study or research plan in Chinese or in English. 5. Recommendation letters from two professors or associate professors in Chinese or English for doctoral degree and master's degree scholarship applicants. 6. Bachelor's degree scholarship applicant should provide their home country high school academic record. 7. Original and photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form printed by Chinese quarantine authority. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results are valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration while determining the time to take the medicalexamination. 8. Photocopy of passport (within the validity period). 9. Other documents if required by the host institution. Contact lnformation of Scholarship Host lnstitutions, 20{4-2015

No University Contact Address Tel Website lnternation 74 Xuefu Road, http:/Arww.studyat al lnstitute Harbin, China T. 0086-451- Heilongjian of lnternational 86609033 Email: 1 g Education lnstitute of F. 0086-451- [email protected] University and Education and 86609406 m Culture Culture 150080 lnternation 50 Hexing T. al Students http:l/studyathrbnu Harbin Street, Nangang 0086-451- Recruitme 2 Normal District Harbin, 88067479 nt Office Email: University China F.0086-451- lnternation [email protected] 150080 86305382 alColleqe The office T_ 0086-454- of No.188 Xuefu 8603918 recruitment Street, Jiamusi 0086- www.tmsu.oro Jiamusi in City, 18946400098 Email: 3 University lnternation Heilongjiang F. 0086-454- [email protected] al Student Province, China 8603918 m Education 154047 0086-454- Colleqe 8617486 - Program No.59, Mucai http://giil. neau.edU. Office of Street, T. 0086-451- Northeast cn/morend.a€px?&l lnternation Xiangfang 551901 55 4 Agricultural =6 al District, Harbin, F. 0086-451- University Email: P. R. 55190588 Exchange China [email protected] Division 150030

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLU http:/lwww.hliucm. neilc*pa'**"n-' Heilongjian 24, Heping road, lnternation T. 0086-451- 60iternlqiivxvlindex o Xiangfang al 82193621 5 University District, Harbin, Education F. 0086-451- of Chinese Heilongjiang, College 82126942 Email: Medicine China 150040 Admission.HLJUC M( T. 0086-452- lnternation http:/liec.qqhru.ed 2738429 al Wen hua $tr. 0086- Exchange No.42, Qiqihar Email: Qiqihar 13836262991 6 Coltege city, [email protected] University 0086- ( Foreign Heilongjiang m 1 3803623489 Affairs province, China. luzhen94976@126 F. 0086-452- .com Office) 2712849 157 Baojian http:l/cie.hrbmu.ed College of T. 0086-451- Harbin Road, Harbin, u.cnl lnternation 87086250 7 Medical China College of Email: al F. 0086-451- University lnternational [email protected] Education 87086250 Education m T. 0086456- http://www.hhxy.ed 6842090 Foreign No.1 Xueyuan u.cnl 00861 3845679 Affairs Road, Heihe, Email: Heihe 812 Departmen Heilongjiang, [email protected] I University 0086456- t, Heihe China m 6842603 Universi$ 164399 [email protected] F. 0086-456- m 6842091 The NO.191 wenhua lnternation street ,xingzhon http:l/www.mdinu.c al g road T. 0086-453- Mudanjian ,aimin om/giil/index.asp Education District, 6512908 g Normal Email: I School of Mudanjiang F. 0086-453- University [email protected] Mudanjian City 6512223 ,Heilongjian m g Normal g Province Universitv 157011 No.52 Xuefu Departmen Road, Harbin, Harbin tof China http:/lqixv.hrbust.e University T. 0086-451- lnternation Department of of Science 86390081 10 al lnternational Email: and F. 0086-451- Cooperatio Cooperation and [email protected] Technolog 86390866 n and Exchanges, 145 om v Exchanges Mailing Box 150080

9. GUANGXI GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP FOR ASEAN STUDENTS Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students was established by the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2010 for the purpose to fund the students and research scholars from ASEAN Countries who


r Pr-J$AT KSMUTIIKAS! -KEMLil i i intend to study or make scientific research in the institutions of higher learning of Guangxi, and to increase and develop international exchanges and cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN countries in education. $cholarship Categories and Requirements for Applicants The scholarship is devided into two categories: full scholarship and outstanding student award" (1) Full scholarship The full scholarship is designed for the students from ASEAN countries who are to study in the universities of Guangxi for bachelofs, maste/s or Phd degree. Recipients of the scholarship will enjoy exemption of such fees as for registration, tuition, textbooks and other teaching materials, accommodation, and insurance for diseases and accidents. ln addition, they will also get living expense by month. (2) Outstanding student award The outstanding student award is given to the self-funded students from ASEAN countries who will receive their education in the universities of Guangxi for one year or longer, and is excellent both in moral character and study. Req uirements for Applicants (1) Scholarship for bachelor's degree: applicants should have graduated from a senior high school and keep an outstanding academic record and aged below 25 years old. (2) Scholarship for Master's dgree: applicants should have a bachelor's degree, and an outstanding academic record. They must be recommended by two professors or associate professors, and aged under 35. (3) Scholarship for Phd dgree: applicants should have a Master's degree, and an outstanding academic record. They must be recommended by two professors or associate professors, and aged under 40. (4)Besides the requirements above, applicants should also have a level of proficiency in Chinese needed for taking classes. For those whose Chinese does not meet the needs, they will be arranged to study in the Chinese language program for as long as one schoolyear. All applicants must abide by the Chinese laws, regulations and rules of the univerities and be in a good health condition. Application Time Application must be made from March through June each year. The deadline for a full scholarship application is 30th June, and for outstanding students award, the deadline is 1Oth March. Application process Applicants themselves should make wriften application directly to the intended university, and submit at the same time the required documents. Please visit the websites of the universities to get enrolment information. Documents Required (1) Documents for a full Scholarship (a). (Guangxi Government Full Scholarship Application Form for ASEA Studen6) filled out in Chinese or Enslish (see appendix 1). (b). Authenticated Certificate of highest education and the grade report or the academic record . (c). Study or research plan (Chinese or English). (d). Recommendation letters by two professors or associate professors (Chinese or English), for Master's or Phd. degree applicants only. (e). Foreigner Physical Examination Form (see appendix 3).

pusnr KoMUNIKAST 'KEMLU t-,_---i (2) Documents for Outstanding Student award (a) (Guangxi Government Outstanding Student Scholarship Application Form for ASEAN Student) filled out in Chinese or English (see appendix 2). (b) Academic record for last term and HSK certificate. Acceptance Offices Applications should be made directly to the Ooverseas Students Offices of the universities. Acceptance Offices Applications should be made directly to the Ooverseas Students Offices of the universities. Contact lnformation Please visit the websites of the universities for the admission guide. lnstitutions Admitting ASEAN Students Under Guangxi Government Scholarship Programs lnstitution Guangxi University J. ffit+ Guangxi Medical university I. ffiEF+t+ Guangxi Teachers University /* ffiffiid+H Guangxi University for nationaliry J. EEffit+

Guangxi Arts lnstitute l- 62l&* ffi, Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine l. E+E&t# Guangxi University of Finance and Economicsf fiSiglirffi Guangxi University of Technology f ES&/t+

Guangxi Normal U niversityf E llfi td t + Guilin University of Electronic Science & Technology&ffi€fflfrt+

Guilin University of TechnologyEffiE-tS Guilin Medical University&ffi E+ H

Yulin Teachers UniversityE ffi llm Id+ ffi Youjiang Medical University for NationalityEXEffi E+ffi Wu Zhou UniversityElt{ # H Hezhou Universityfi ,)l{ + E

Q inzhou Universityff ,t{ + ffi Guangxi Teachers University fot Nationatity J. ffiRffiffifd+H

1 r;irsor *nnoo;;;";"- *r";l I 10. B=IJING GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP ln order to promote the developmeat of higher education of lnternational students in Beijing, further improve the talent cultivation, scientific research, social ' seryice, and cultural exchange, Beijing Government has set up the Scholarship (BGS) for lnternational students. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Students who wish to study and are studying in Beijing. a. Excellent internationalstudents who pursue degrees at Higher Education lnstitutions (hereinafter referred to as HEls) in Beijing. The duration of the scholarship is no more than 4 academic years. b. Chinese language students and senior scholars. The duration of the scholarship is no more than 1 academic year. c. General scholars. The duration of the scholarship is no more than 1 academic year. d. Exchange students and students with special contributions. The duration of the scholarship is no more than 1 academic year.

CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master's degree and be under the age of40. c. Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. d. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 30. e. Applicants for general scholar program must have bachelor's degree or completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 50. f. Applicants for long term language studies must have senior high schooldiploma and be under the age of 60. g. Applicants for senior scholar program must have master's degree or above or hold academic title of associate professor or above and be under the age of 50. h. Applicants should meet the language requirements of the higher education institutions. i. Applicants should not be awardees of Chinese government scholarships at the same time. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship covers tuition fees only, and it falls into the following five categories: a. Doctoral student scholarship: 40,000 RMB/person/year. b. Master student scholarship: 30,000 RMB/personlyear. c. Undergraduate student scholarship: 20,000 RMB/person/year. d. Senior scholars and long term language student scholarship: 10,000 RMB/person/year e. Scholarship for exchange student (longterm or credit transferrable students) and student who make special contributions to international exchange and cooperation in the capital area: 5,000 RMB/person/year. APPLICATION Applicants could consult the dispatching authorities, such as relevant governments departments, Chinese embassies or Consulates about application details. Applicants could also visit the website of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

pusnr i KoMUNTKAsI - KEMLU I t_. '--_."*__ .-.-.._-..---- J (http:/lwww. bjed u. for the application details. Applicants could apply to the Higher Education lnstitutions that are eligible to enroll scholarship students. Applications are accepted by the end of February. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. Application Form for Beijing Government Scholarship (Applicants shall obtain the form from the Higher Education lnstitutions or download the form from the website of the targeted HEls). b. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. c. Foreigner Physical Examination Form should be provided if the duration of study is six months or above. d. Study plan (no less than 400 words) or research plan (no less than 800 words) in Chinese or English should be submitted for degree or research students. e. Applicants for music and art are requested to submit the applicants' own works according to the requirements of the target HEls. f. Applicants under 18 should provide legal documents of their legal guardians in China. g. Please note that application documents will NOT be returned. OTHER CLAUSES HEls and specialties: Applicants for BGS can choose institutions and majors from HEls in Beijing. Please consult HEls in Beijing for details. Selection, notification and review: The committee in relevant HEls willassess allthe applications. HEls will send the Scholarship Admission Notice, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the candidates three months before the study begins. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if applicants fail to meet the eligibility or the application materials are incomplete. The host institutions will make a yearly review on the scholarship students' performances. lf the scholarship students violate the law of China or regulations of the host institutions, or the rules of BGS, the scholarship will be terminated. Upon graduation, scholarship students will be reviewed in a comprehensive way, and the result will be submitted to the office of Beijing Government Scholarship Management Team. Visa application and registration a. Visa application Students under BGS should apply for visa to study in China at the Chinese embassy or consulate-general with the original documents and one set of photocopies of the Admission Notice, Visa Application for Study in China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination Form and valid passport. Those who will study in China for 6 months or above shall apply for *X" visa; and those who willstudy in China less than 6 months shall apply for "F"visa. The scholarship students must come to China and register with institutions with the original copies of the above mentioned documents. Students who come to China with other types of passports, visas or without the original documents will not be able to register with institutions. b. Registration Scholarship students must register with the institutions within the set time with original Admission Notice. lf the scholarship is not sufficient to cover the tuition fee, the rest should be on the students' own expanse.

I Scholarship students who are unable to register on time must obtain permission from the institution. Those who fail to register wiihout the prior consent from the institution will be considered as voluntarily giving up the scholarship and the scholarship will be automatically terminated. Cost generated by students' early arrivals should be covered by students themselves. CONTACT The office of Beijing Government Scholarship Management Team Address: No. 109, Qian Men Xi Street, Xi Cheng District, Beijing' Postcode: 1 00031. Tel: +86 10 66075023 Fax: +86 10 66075029

List of University:

*JbHff. BEIJING MUNICIPALITY l.lbHts Shaoyuan Building 3, Peking University JbH7\+5EI38&g+Sil.aE Beijing, 100871 100871 Email: [email protected] http://www. oir. pku.ed u. cn Tel: 01 0 - 6275123A 62752747 Fax: 014 - 62751233

2. JbHH.:rl.EiFSH BEIJ ING INTERNATIONAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY ItHfiEffiEHET T1OOO24 No.1 Dingfuzhuang Nanli BEIJING 10OA24 Tel: 010 - 65778827 45778413 Email: [email protected] http:/iwww. cn Fax: 010 - 45778827

3. ibHax+w, BEIJING FILM ACADEIIIY No.4 XiTu Cheng Road BEIJING 100088 lbHfitr*fifiF4€HE106E Email: ao. [email protected]. cn 100088 http://www. cn Tel: 010 - 82045433 Fax: 01O - 82445747

4. JtHrrlt t+ BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ibHfiffiffi tr5r*E 100€1 aa124 No.1 00 Pingleyuan, Chaoyang District, BEIJING 1AU24 Tel: 01 0 - 67391 858 67392472 Email: [email protected] Fax: 010 - 67391859 67392319 http://www. bjpu. s. JrHffigflfixt+ No.37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, IIHfi+HEF37€8ffi+ffi BEIJTNG 100191 100191 Email: [email protected] Tel:010 - 82316488 82339165 http:l/is. cn

KEMLU I II; PUSAT KOtulUNlKAr, Fax:010 - 82339326

6. JbH.fLrt+ BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY It Hfi' jt rFEES 1 5t 1 ooo2e = No.15 Beisanhuan Donglu BEIJING Tel: 01A - 6443475464451484 100029 Ernail: faoffice@mail. Fax:010 - 644236't0

7. JbHilEA+ BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY No.3 Shangyuancun Xizhimenwai BEIJING ibtrfi'ffi € ll fl. r E #38 1 00044 100044 Tel:010 - 51684535 51688351 Email: [email protected]. cn http://www. njtu. edu. cnljg/jgws/ 51688201 Fax:010 - 62255671

8. JbH+tfr7\+ UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY BEIJING I t H fi' E,t x + ffi rs30t 1 00083 No.30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Tel:010 - 62332942 62332531 District, BEIJ I NG 1 00083 Email: [email protected]. cn Fax:01O - 62327878 cn e. JtHtt-t+ BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No.S Zhongguancun South Str. BEIJING JbHfr'EEtr+Xffffitffis€ 100081 100081 Email: [email protected], Tel: 010 - 68918706 68918120 [email protected] http : //www. bit. ed u. cn, http : /lisc. b it. ed u. cn 6891 1438 Fax:010 - 68914846,HtF:lltt+ BEIJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY BAX226, No.35 Qinghua East Road, I b H fi'E4p H Er35B, 226fa# Beijing 100083 100083 Email: [email protected]. cn Tel: 010 - 62338271 [email protected] http ://www. studybeij in g. co m. cn Fax: 010 - 62310316

1{. JLHtrfifdt+ BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY No.1 9 Xinjiekouwai Street, BEIJING JbHfi ffiffi tr fltffi1e€100875 100875 Tet: 010 - 58807986 58800309 Email: [email protected], [email protected] http:llwww. 58800325 Fax:010 - 58800823

No*_l,TlTf:"j i 5ys1r *=r* I UNIVERSITY 12. JbHSBt+ BEIJING SPORT No.48, Xinxi Road BEIJING 100084 IbH trffi ft X,fEEE6E8€ 1 0CI084 Emai l: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 0'10 - 52989341 62989391 http://www. cn Fax:01A -62989472

STUDIES 13. ILH'I.ELEA+ BEIJING FOREIGN UNIVERSITY JbHfr'E = 41t,ffi2810008e No.2 Xisanhuan Beilu BEIJING 100089 Tel: 010 - 88810671 Email: wsclxb@ http:/lwww. cn, Fax:010 - 88812587 H

14, JLHfiF€t+ BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF POSTS & TELECOMMUNICATIONS IbHfiEEtrH*,ffiE*10€ No.10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, 100876 BETJTNG 100876 Tel: 010 - 62281949 Emai l: [email protected] http:l/www. bupt.ed Fax:014 - 62281774

15. JbHiFE/(+ BEIJING LANGUAGE & CULTURE UNIVERSITY JbHfi+ffifiF158100083 No.15 Xueyuan Road BEIJING 100083 Tel: 010 - 82303086 82303088 Email: Zhaosh 1 http://www., Fax: 010 - 82303087 http ://www.studyin f6. JbH+E6t+ BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE MEDICINE jbHffi'Jb=fi*w11€10002e No.11 Beisanhuan Donglu BEIJING Tel: 010 - 64286303 64286502 100029 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01 O - 6422A858 64287519 [email protected] http:l/www. bucm.ed u. cn

17. xi,d&fifrat+ UN IV=RSITY OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & ECONOMIGS JbHfiHffiF^tfit0*10002e No.10 Huixin Dongjie BEIJING 100029 Tel: 01A - 64492327 6449-2329 Email: [email protected] http ://www. u ibe. ed u. cn Fax: 010 - 64493820

15.1#1Y,B.t t+ NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY JbHfr E+XErEulb*ffi2€ No.2 Beinong Road, Huilongguan, 'ra2206 , BEIJING 102240 Tel: 010 - 80793074 61772040 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Fax:010 - 80793074 http :i/www. ncep u. ed u. cn

,rLlsAT id*",:lKA...: , i,._[I!r]i, i i fe. Hlpt# TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY No.1 Qinghuayuan BEIJING 100084 ItHfi ElpE 1t100084 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01 A - 62784857 62788503 http://www.tsi ng h cn Fax: 010 - 61772164 61772342

?;a.H#&)f HEt+ CAPITAL UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS & BUSINESS Jt,Hfr ffiffiSAlg2€100026 No.2 Chaoyangjintaili BEIJING 1 00026 Tel: 010 - 65064328 65976331 Email: [email protected] cn Fax:010 - 65006091 65001706

21. Effirfiffit+ CAPITAL NORMAL UNIVERSITY No,83 Xisanhuan Beilu BEIJING 100089 lbHfi'tr = sjtffi83810008e Email: [email protected]^ Tel:010 - 68902651 68902656 http://study. ciecn u. cn Fax: 010 - 68900173 68416837

22. H#ffH+H CAPITAL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION lbHfiib=$EEF11€100088 No.11 Beisanhuan Xilu BEIJING 100088 Tel: 010 - 82099177 Email: [email protected] http ://vwvw. cipe. net. cn Fax:010 - 82099120

23. ,lt+H, CHINA FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY No.24 Zhanlan Road, Westen District, JbH fi Effi XE]ffi E*24€ 1 00037 Beijing 100037 Tel. 010 - 68323348 68323894 Emai l: [email protected] http:/lwww.cfau. ed u. cn Fax: 01 0 - 683486A4 68323243

CHINA UNIVERSITY OF GEOSCIENCES 24.+.E*ffit+ ( JrH ) (BETJTNG) lbHffi +ffiffi2sE-t00083 No.29 Xueyuanlu BEIJING 100083 Tel: 010 - 82321080 Emai l: [email protected] http://www. Fax: 010 - 82321080

25. +E$l+ffiffir.,*_R GRADUATE UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEIUTY OF SCTENCES ( PHD ( fiEEIStSE E ) Program only JbHfiE#U XXf,EEry19E ) No.19 A Yuquan Road, BEIJING 100049 100049 Email: [email protected] Tel: 010 - 88256206 http://www. g ucas. ac. cn Fax:01A-88256247

*,,=oi 'a",*ii-,*^ , .*,, UNIVERSITY 26. SEStuttS CHINA AGRICULTURE No.17 Qinghuadong Lu BEIJING 100083 JbHE4EXW17fr100083 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01A - 62736704 http:l/ Fax:01A - 62737744

27. *Etikf*+HilTf;effi THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF lbHfiEEX+*ffHX',ffi12fr AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 100081 No.1 2 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Haidian BEIJING 100081 Tel: 01A - 82106598 District, Em ai l:studyi ncaas@caas. net. cn Fax:010 - 82106598 http ://www. gscaas. net. cn

28. + E/'Rt# RENMIN UNIVERISTY OF CHINA No.59 Zhongguancun Dajie BEIJING JbHfi + XfiJ7\ffset1 0a872 144872 Tel: 010 - 6251 1588 Email: rmdxlb@ http://www. Fax.010 - 62515343

2e. +E&X7t+ CHINA UNIVERISTY OF POLITICAL SCIENGE & LAW lbHfiEifrBzs€r 00088 No.25 Xitucheng Rd, BEIJING 100088 Tel: 010 - 58908240 58908241 Email: [email protected] http://www. cupl.ed u. cn Fax:010 - 58908241

30. * xu-4x+ CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND ECNOMICS JbHffi+Hffifi*sgEr 00081 No.39 Xueyuannanlu BEIJING 100081 Tel: 01A - 62288276 Email: [email protected] http :l/www. cufe. ed u. cn Fax:010 - 62288982

31. +4*^+H CENTRAL ACADEIIIY OF FINE ARTS No.8 Huajiadi South Street BEIJING ItHfi f[x*ffiffi8€ 1001 02 100fi2 TEL: 010 - 64771419 Email: [email protected] http:l/www. cafa. ed u. cn Fax: 01O - 6477fi19

MINZU UNIVERSITY OF CHINA 32. No.27 Zhongguancunnan Dajie, BEIJING +*RHt+ 100081 Email: studyinbeijingcu n@yahoo. ItHfi +nfsffitffi27fr100081 http://www. m Tel: 010 - 68934344 68933263 Fax: 010 - 68933459

i,r"JSAT t{OtuIt"}l.liKA.;, lif, ntil. i 33. s*xtEil+H THE CENTRAL ACADEMY OF DRAMA No.39 Dongmianhua Hutong BEIJING lbHfiF ffifAffi E3e€100710 100710 Email: [email protected] Tel: 010 - 64035626 www. ch ntheatre. ed u. cn Fax:010 - 64016479

34. +**fi+ffi CENTRAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC No.43 Baojiajie, BEIJING 100031 lbHfr !ex ffi43E-100031 Email: [email protected] http:l/www. ccom.ed u. cn Tel: 01A - 66413242 Fax: 010 - 66413138

35. +EftHt+ COMITUNICATION UNIVERSITY OF CHINA JbHHFHtrEiEEFffi_E No.1 DingFuZhuang East Street, 100024 ChaoYang District, Beijing, 1AAA24 Tet: 010 - 65779359 Email: [email protected] http://www.cuc.ed Fax: 010 - 65783578

CHINA UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM, 36. + EE*t+ ( JbH ) BEIJING lbHffiE+EF+trFra+r a224e NO.18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing Tel: 010 - 89733796 102249 Email: [email protected] Fax: 010 - 69700644 http:l/

CHINA UNIVERSITY OF MINING AND 37. +Earrlllt+ ( JbH ) TECHNOLOGY, BEIJING ITHfi'EEtr#ffi,ffiT11€ D11, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, 100083 Beijing 100083 Tel: 010 - 62331239 Email: [email protected] http:l/ Fax: 010 - 62339839

38. +EB+&H+H CHINA YOUTH UNIVERSITY FOR POLITICAL SCIENCES ItHfi'88trtr=TFJIffi25E NO.25 Xisanhuan Bei Lu, Haidian District, 100089 Beijing 100089 Tel: 010 - 88569820 Email: cyulink@ 1 http://www.cyu.ed u. cn Fax:010 - 88569201

39. +E+TEil+Hffif;Effi GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IIHfi,FilJ WH9 H*8tr+ E& Liangxiang Higher Education Park, Fangshan District, Beijing 102488 Email: yb-yjsy@cass. org. cn Tel: 010 - 81360328 http:/ Fax: 010 - 81360326 40. lrHffiAt# NO.97 Beisihuan Dong Lu, Beijing 100101 ItHtrJb E ry.F^ffi97fr1001 01 Email: [email protected] Tel: 010 - 64909136 http://www. Fax:01A-84625251 41. H't$Efi+t+ CAPITAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY NO.10 Xitoutiao, You Anmen, Fengtai JbHfi+€,X&E ll4Er\*10 District, Beijing 100069 810006s Email: [email protected] http://www.ccm u.ed u. cn/ Tel: 010 - 8391 1 199 Fax:010 - 83911189 42. lbtrfrE#+ffi BEIJING INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY JIHffi#ffiXfi+ffiJTtr EfEF NO.z East Yinghua Road , North End of w42+-100029 Heping St., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029 Tel: 01a - 64288129 (+t601 ) Email: [email protected] Fax: 010 - 64288129 ( *605 ) http://www. 43. + EE6+H CHINA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC NO.1 Anxiang Road, Chaoyang District, IIHfiffiffi tr8ffifiS-€TOO101 Beijing 100101 Tel: 010 - 64887358 Email: [email protected] http: //www. ccm usic.ed u. cn/ Fax:010 - 64879974 44. ltH,f=Ef+frt+ BEIJING INFORI}IATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY JbHfiffiffi XJT,ES+E$358 NO.35 Beisihuan Mid Road, Chaoyang 100085 District, Beijing 100085 Tel: 014 - 82411924 Email:[email protected] http://www. Fax: 014 - 82411924 45. JbHrffit+ BEIJING TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY I b H fi' EE EerSffi 33€ I 00048 NO.33 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Tel: 0'10 - 68984717 Beijing 100048 Email: wb@pub. Fax: 010 - 68984717 http:l/www. btbu.ed u. cnl 46. +Extfi#ffi NATIONAL ACADEMY OF CHINESE THEATRE ARTS Jb H fi + A tr 7?-,?+4ooB 1 ooo73 NO.400 Wanquansi, Fengtai District, Tel: 010 - 63351063 Beijing 100073 Emai l: [email protected]. cn Fax:010 - 63351063 http: //www. nacta. ed u. cn/ 47. )Y,frrlltts NORTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ItHffiEffiU XHztrEEFs€ NO.5 Jinyuanzhuang Road, Shijingshan 104144 District, Beijing 104144 Tel: 010 - 88802805 Email: [email protected] http:/1www. cn/ Fax:010 - 88803581 48. JrHf*ffi+H NO.1 Wanshousi Lu, Haidian District, lbH EtEE tr 7?-*+E& 1 E 1 00081 Beijing 100081 Tel: 010 - 68935527 Email: lindsaybda@1 Fax:010 - 68935527 4e. ltHeffit+ BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE IbHffiEffitrEtrGH181OOO44 NO.1 Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Tel: 010 - 68361635 Beijing 100044 Email: [email protected] Fax:010 - 68350321 http:l/www. bucea. ed u. cn/ 50. JLHEi+&re+ffi BEIJING YOUTH POLITICS COLLEGE NO.9 Huajiadi Jie, Chaoyang District, lbHfi ffi rB trftx&ffi e6 1 001 02 Beijing 100102 Tel: 010 - 84778300 Email: [email protected] http://www. bjypc. ed u. cnl Fax:014 - 64725626 51. JbHEFffitl*ffi BEIJING INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION ItHfi';txx+^'fi2&18 NO.1 Band 2,,Xinghua Avenue, Daxing, 102600 Beijing 102600 Tel: 010 - 60261010 Email: [email protected] http:l/www. bigc,edu. cn/ Fax:010 - 60261014 52. *Hryn6+H NO.1 Fuhe Street, Tongzhou District, JbH fi-iE,,IiI X H FJ Affi W 1 E Beijing 1AY49 141149 Email: [email protected] Tel: 010 - 80575100 http://www.bwu. edu. cn/ Fax:010 - 89534109 53. lbHrffi€ilEt+ BEIJING OPEN UNIVERSITY NO.s Baitaan, Dazhongsi East Road, JbHfi'E,EEAtr+XffiH#trs Haidian District, Beijing 1A2249 €100098 Email: hjzx@mail" http://www.btvu.orgl Tel: 010 - 82160886 Fax: 01O - 82'160888 f l.JILIN PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP

Jilin ProvincialGovernment Scholarship is established by Jilin Provincial Government to provide scholarships for international students and scholars to study for Master's degree and complete the postgraduate education in school, aiming at reinforcing international communication and recruiting autonomously international students to enjoy Jilin governmental scholarship. Brief lntroduction to the Program 1. Recruitment Category: Full-time school Masters, not including foreign students who learn their own language, English and French, or any other third countries language literature major. 2. Duration of Scholarship: No more than 2 years. Application 1. Application Channel and Application Period: The applicants shall directly submit the application forms together with relevant application documents to the lnternational Students Office to Jilin Agricultural Universi$. The apptication deadline is May 1st,2A14. 2. Qualifications of Applicants: (1). Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health; (2). Obey the laws of the Chinese government regulations, the rules and regulations of the school; (3). Applicants should have a bachelor's degree approved by China's Ministry of Education, under the age of 35; (4). Applicants do not won any other kind of Chinese government scholarship at the same time. 3. Application Documents: (1). Application Form for Jilin Provincial Government Scholarship; (Annex 1) (2). Visa Application for Study in China(JW202l; (3). Notarized certificate of highest education, certificate of graduation or notarized copies of degree certificate, including its English translation; (4). One copy of passport and digital photograph(white background) (5). Foreigner Physical Examination Form and Blood test report(The original copy from Chinese Ambassy ). r2. 1. Jilin Provincial Government Scholarship is full scholarship --Exempt from tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials; free accommodation on campus(2 share one room in principle); basic living allowance; comprehensive medical insurance for international students in China. 2. Scholarship students are not permitted, in principle, to change their subjects, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice and the Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202). 3. In accordance with the Measures for the Annual Review of Jilin Provincial

t iui-lT [?"Y]l*"=9_!' Government Scholarship, scholarship students who study in China for more than one year must participate in the annual review of Jilin Government Scholarship Status. The hosting institutions will make a comprehensive review on the scholarship students'performance, including academic record, learning attitude, class attendance, behavior, rewards and punishment. CONTACT The office for lnternatioanl Cooperation and Exchange of Jilin Agricultural University Address: No. 2888, Xincheng Street, Changchun

Postcode. 1 3001 8. Tel: +86-0431 -84532992, +96-9 431 -8453327 2 Mobile: +86-1 3844046369 Email:[email protected]

Fax: +86-0431 -8451497 1


Fujian Provincial Government set up this scholarship in 2012 to finance international students to study in Fujian in an undergraduate, master's or doctoral program. The scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation; cost of course materials, etc. Eligibility Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health. .Applicants for undergraduate studies must hold a high school diploma and be under the age of 30. .Applicants for master's studies must hold a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. .Applicants for doctoral studies must hold a master's degree and be under the age of 44. Application Procedure Applicants are eligible for scholarship assessment only after they are admitted to the undergraduate, master's or doctoral programme of Xiamen University. (The guidance for admission application is available at : How to apply for undergraduate/ maste/s / doctoral programmes) 'Applicants shallfill in the Application Form for Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship and then sign the form. .Applicants are required to make online application at http:/ , Please download and print the Application Form for International Students generated after successful online application. Send by post to XMU Admissions Office by the indicated deadline the two forms and other required application documents. Application Time Feb-May

. rilSp.i lrrifuti;rJiti* '- i,:.. I Result Release Time to be announced. A list of scholarship nominees will be submitted by XMU Admissions Office to Fujian Provincial Government for final approval. Contact Admissions Otfice of Xiamen University Tel: +86 (0) 592 2184792 Fax: +86 (0) 592 2184256 Email: [email protected] Web : http:/

Address: Admissions Office, 3rd Floor, Jiageng 3 Building, Xiamen University , Fujian , China 361005

1 .

Nanjing Government Scholarship is established by Nanjing government, Jiangsu province aiming to support more excellent international student to study and do scientific research in Nanjing. Entrusted by Nanjing government, China

Pharm aceutical U n iversityrecru its i nternational students supported by the scholarship across the world. Categories of Applicants and the scholarship Categories of applicants Scholarship Bachelor 10000 Yuan/year Master and PhD 20000 Yuanlyear Visiting student 5000 Yuan/ half year Eligibil ity Requiremenb

1, Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health. 2. Education background and age limlt: - Applicants for bachelor's degree program must be a high school graduate and under the age of 28. - Applicants for master degree studies must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35; - Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have master's degree and be under the age of 40. - Visiting students must have bachelor's degree 3. Applicants should have a competitive academic record. 4. Applicants should have strong scientific research ability. Choices of Specialties China Pharmaceutical University offers 22bachelar's programs, 29 master's degree programs and 24 doctoral programs. For more specific information, please check the list of programs on our website. ( Master and doctoral applicants are encouraged to contact their prospective supervisors prior to application and are expected to enclose in their application package the relevant recommendation letters written by those supervisors.

I PTJSAT t{{}futl...l ldiK/+.,,, i,.r:r";:i I Application Materials The applicants rnust fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly (in dupticate), 1. Completed Application form for Naniing Government Scholarship 2. The notarized photocopy highest diplorna and transcripts. lf applicants are university students or already employed, they should also provide documents of belng university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English. 3. Photocopy of the passport and two recent photos (white background, 35mm x 45mm in size) 4. A study or research proposal in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words) 5. Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors in Chinese or English ( applicable to Master and doctoral applicants) 6. Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable) 7. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration as they plan to take the medical examination. Note: Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of application. Date of Application June 15 to Augusl15,2414. Admission and Notification 1. China Pharmaceutical University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants' competitiveness, academic record and otherwise. 2. An acceptance letter will be send to the applicants granted the scholarship and admission letter and visa application form will be issued after the applicants make the payment according to the acceptance letter. Contact lnformation Office of lnternational Exchange and Cooperation China Pharmaceutical University # 639 Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District Nanjing 211198 China Contact: Mr. Qiu Tel: +86-25-86185423 Fax. +86-25-83213611 Email: adm [email protected]

rii$A; l'.)t';:ji'liii* - TS.CHONGQING MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP ln order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from the rest of the world, the Chongqing Municipal Government offers a variety of scholarship programs to sponsor international students and scholars to undertake studies and research in Chongqing institutions of higher education. Basic lnformation . Application Deadline: April 30 every year . Suitable Students: Freshmen or students at school . Time for lssuing Results: Late May to mid-June . Number of scholarship available:20-30 Programs Scholarship (RMB/Year) First class Second class Graduate 30,000 't5.000 Undergraduate 25,000 10,000 Chinese lanquaoe course 10,000 B,000

CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. 2. Education background and age limit: - Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high schooldiploma with good academic performance and be under the age o125. - Applicants for master's degree program must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. - Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master's degree and be under the age of 40. - Applicants for Chinese language training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35.Chinese language is the only subject available. - Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45. All subjects including Chinese language are available. - Applicants for senior scholar program must have master's degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50. Application Documents 1. Application Form 2. Photocopy of passport 3. Highest diploma (University students or applicants employed shall also provide proof of studying or employment on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English) 4. Academic transcripts (Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English). 5. Recommendation letters (only for postgraduate studies, or study in China as senior scholars) 6. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination due to the 6'months validity of the medical results.) 7. A study or research plan (lt must be in Chinese or in English. Undergraduate applicants are required to submit a study or research plan of no less than 200 words, and no less than 800 words for graduate applicants.) 8. Articles or papers written or published. Contact lnformation: Add: Office of lnternational Cooperation and Exchanges, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications No.2 Chongwen Road, Nan'an Chongqing, P.R. China, 400065

TE L : +86- 23-62487 7 85, +86-23-62460007, FAX : +86-23-62487 9 1 2 Website: www. cq Contact Person: Ms. Fan Aiping E-mail: gjc@,cn

1 6. JIANGSU JASMINE SCHOLARSHIP ln order to further develop higher education of international students, Jiangsu Provincial government especially establishes "Jasmine Scholarship" for international students studying in Jiangsu since the fall semester, 2UA. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP The Scholarship is used to subsidize those excellent foreign students to accept degree education at Higher Education lnstitutions in Jiangsu province. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health. 2. Education background and age limit: -Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high schooldiploma with good academic performance and be under the age af 25. -Applicants for master's degree program must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. -Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master's degree and be under the age of 40. 3. Agree to obey the relevant laws of the PRC and meet the admission requirements of the host universities. 4. Applicants must have a good academic record and merits.

i FltrSAT ld{}f'q!"il'Ji!'.;i... ,ir1 1il.ii i t 5. Applicants should not be awardees of other scholarships offered by Chinese government or local governments at the same time. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP

Undergraduate students: 20000 RM Bl/ear Postgraduate students: 30000 RMBffear APPLICATION Applicants shall apply directly to the HEls in Jiangsu once an academic year. Applications are accepted from May. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must flll in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicates). 1. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): University students or applicants employed shall also provide proof of studying or employment on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 2. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

3. A study or research plan. Applicants for postgraduate degrees are required to submit a study or research plan in Chinese or in English. 4. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.

5. Application Form for Jasmine Scholarship for lnternational Students Studying in Jiangsu. 6. Applicants applying tor 2 or more HEls at the same time must list all the HEls on the Application form. Note: Application documents will not be returned regardless of the result of application.

& g*fi m g + trfi *t+tg +rgiE Es+&t * HEls entitled to admit Jiangsu Jasmine Scholarship for lnternational Students ffiHrffifdt+ NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY No.122 Ninghailu NANJING 210497 rrfi€ffi'Hfi'?Er$r 22€] 210497 Tel: 025 - 83598326 ;83728418 Fax: 025 - 83711748 i 83598362 http://www. njn u.ed u. cn Email: [email protected] ffiH{FHTEA+ NANJING UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION SCIENCE& ,ittr€ffiHfiffin X?xffi TECHNOLOGY 219 €210A44 No.219 Ningliu Road, Pukou District, NANJING 214444

Tel:025 - 58731456

Fax: 025 - 58699848

http:llwww. n u ist. ed u. cn www. globen uist. cn Email: [email protected]. cn ffiHSWfr^# NANJING UNIVERSITY OF CHINESEMEDICINE No.282 Hanzhonglu NANJING 210A29 trs€H'Hf ixsffi282 E 214029 Tel: 025 - 86798167 ; 86798168 Fax: 025 - 86798167 ; 86798168 http:l/www. nj utcm. edu. cn www. nj ucm. com Email: niuiec@hotmail. com ffiHEftt+ NANJING MEDICAL UNIVERSITY No. 140 Hanzhong Rd. NANJING 210029 ,i[figH Ffi'EEHffi * ffi 'X Tel: 025 - 86862020 140 € Fax: 025 - 8686862020

http:/lwww. njm u.ed u. cn E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] ffiH&rlLt+ NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY No. 159 Longpan Road .NANJING 214437 ffiHfi2ffiffitsg q21oo37 Tel: 025-85427617 Fax:025-85427617

http:llwww. njfu. ed u. cn

E-mail: intered [email protected]. cn ; zhangy@njfu. ffi'HZle+H NANJING UNIVERSITY OF THE ART No.74, Beijing West Road. NANJING 210013 H,HfiItHtr,ffi74 B Tel: 025-83498218 210013 Fax 025-83498293 http:l/www. njarti. edu. cn

E-mail: CO I [email protected] u. cn ffitrrdLt+ NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY

I i pusnr KoMl.JNlK,\*r; i11111:1; ,. t ffiFffi+ drlbffi2oo € No.200. North Zhongshan Rd., NANJING 210009 210009 Tel: 025-83587879 Fax 025-83587878 http://www. nj

E-ma il : C I E@njut. edu. cn Vivan. [email protected] u. cn HtrffiE+ffi NANJING XIAOZHUANG UHIVERSITY No.41 Beiwei Rd. NANJING 210017 ffiHf itffwqt Ez'to0tt Tel: 025-86569128, 86569163

Fax 025-866 1 4926 http:/Arww. E-mail: njxzul 927@1 ffi,HfrF€A+ NANJING UNIVERSITY OF POSTS AND TELECOi'IMUNICATIONS HHfr'trEEA'EE$g € No. 9 Wen Yuan Road, Qixia District Nanjing, 21AA4O 214046 Tel: 025-8 3492393, 85866246

Fax025-85866999 Http:/lwww. njupt.ed E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] ffiF-E+ffi NANJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No. 1 Hongjing Road, Jiangning Science Park, Nanjing HHfi')I?H+EEA*AiE 211167 18211167 Tel: 025-86118829

Fax 025-86 1 1 8899 Http:/lwww. cn E-mail: [email protected] ffiHffi4t+ Nanjing University of Finance and Economics No. 3 Wenyuan Road, Xianlin College Town, Nanjing ffi'Hfi {lllr*t+fitrEB3 210444 t210046 Tel:025-84028789

Fax:025-8 4A2811 http:lfuww. ni ue.ed u. cnl E-mail: [email protected] ffiHF'i++ffi Nanjing Audit University No.77 Beiwei Road,Nanjing,210029,China ffiHfiitrTw77 821002e Tel:025-86585112 Fax:025-86585278

http: //www. nau. ed u. cn E-mail: [email protected] trfi{7\+ SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY No.50 Donghuan Rd SUZHOU 215A21 ;rxgilrf{fi6r6ffi50 6 215021 Tel:0512 - 67166591 ;67165752 Fax: 0512 - 67166591

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] ffifi{st&+ffi SUZHOU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENGE AND TECHNOLOGY fir't{ffixHmH1701 fr No.1701 Binhe Road New District SUZHOU 215011 21s411 Tel: 025-051 2-68083225 Fax:0512-68083225

http :llwww. usts. ed u. cn E-mail:wsc@mail. ffitf|J&ffit+ Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 111Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, fir{lfiriLEEtXEf 1l1 Suzhou lndustrial Park, Suzhou 215123 *215123 Tel: 025-051 2-881 61 000 Fax:0512-88161899 www.xitlu, E-mail: [email protected] fi,N^+ YANGZHOU UNIVERSITY No.88 Daxuenanlu YANGZHOU 225009 x6€6$tff't+H'ffiss Tel:0514 - 87971297 :87977185 ; 87971850 €225009 Fax 0514 - 87971276 ; 87971850 http:l/ Email: [email protected];[email protected] ft,,il{ lff fdt+ XUZHOU NORMAL UNIVERSITY No. 101 Shanghai Road Tongshan DistrictXuzhou City 6i$1fiffiutrtffiEF101 6 221"116 221116 Tel: 0516-83500439 Fax:0516-83500431 E-mail: iecxn u@public. ffifl{E+H XuzhouMedical College No.209 Tong Shan Road Xuzhou 221OO4 &rflfi'ffiiltH2oe frz21oa4 Tel: 0516-83262858 Fax:0516-83262858 I http :l/www. xzm c. ed u. cnl

E -mail: lsjxzmc@ 1 ffi,,,{lrE+H XUZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No.1 8 South Sanhuan RD,Xuzhou 2210A8

i PUSAT KOMUNIKASi - I\Efui, I. i L.._ ___.__ t+fl'|fi'=sH'E*18 E Tel: 0516-83105286 221048 Fax:0516-83242744

http :/lwww. xzit. ed u. cn E-mail: [email protected] H*r{7\+ Changzhou University No.1 Gehu Road, Wujin District, Changzhou, Jiangsu Hfi{fi'Et*trffiffiffi1 € , 213164 213164 Tel: 0519-86330254 Fax:0519-86330500 E-mail: [email protected] Hfl{r+ffi CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No.299 South Tongjiang Rd. CHANGZHOU zfiA0z Hfiifi.iHtrffiffi2ee 6 Tel: 0519-85210282 213042 Fax:0519-85210282 E-mail: [email protected] ir6 it + JIANGSU UNIVERSITY No.301 Xuefu Rd. ZHENJIANG 212A13 Hxfi'+ffi3A1 fr212afi Tel: 0511-887922Aa Fax0511-887922Ae

http://oec. ujs. ed u. cnlpub/cms/ [email protected] irfiftfrit+ JIANGSU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Hf,fr'SXWz E ,212a1s No. 2 Mengxi Road, ZHENJIANG 212013 Tel: 0511-844A1Afi Fax:0511-84421823 [email protected]. cn f iEt+ NANTONG UNIVERSITY Nol9Qixiu Road, Nantong, 226019 Tel: 05't3-85051869 Fax:0513-85012130

H ttp :1/www. ntu. ed u. cn E-mail: [email protected] H,J{lt+ CHANGZHOU UNIVERSITY No. 1 Gehu Road,Changzhou 213164

* - o=*rr,- j ^orr*,^o* H'r{fi'xtffiffi1 +fiF Tel: 0519-86330254 R:213164 Fax:0519-86330500 http :llwww. cczu. ed u. cn/ [email protected]

HFE|,iFY6+ffi HUAIYIN TEACHER'UNIVERSITY No.71 Jiaotong Rd.Huai'an, 223041 HAfi'ft)EW71 A223A0',1 Tel: 0517-83517216 Fax:0517-83511344

http ://www. hytc. ed u. cn E-ma il:[email protected] *srfird+ffi YANCHENG TEACHERS UNIVERSITY No.50 Kaifang Avenue, YANCHENG 224A02 *hffiffinfiItiH50 E Tel: 0515-88233990 224042 Fax:0515-88221990

http : //www. yctc. ed u. cn

E-mail: vuiianboii(O 1 s*r+ffi, YANCHENG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No. 9 Yinbin Avenue, YANCHENG 224051 SfifiieRtEg Ezztasl Tel: 0515-88399183 Fax88399183 Email: [email protected] EE-+H, HUAIHAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY No. 57 Cangwu Rd. LIANYUNGANG 222005 Tel: 0518-5817407 Fax:0518-5806171

http ://www. h h it. ed u. cn Email: [email protected]

1 7. LIAONING GOVERNIITENT SCHOLARSHIP ln order to enhance the cooperation in the field of higher education and promote the development of higher education of lnternational students in Liaoning Province, Liaoning Government has set up the Scholarship for lnternational students.

pusnr KoMUNIKAST . KEMt*r, i LI Gategories of applicants lnternational students who wish to pursue doctoraldegrees in Liaoning Province. Students who are pursuing their doctoral degrees are not eligible to apply for this scholarship. Type of Scholarship Full Scholarship Quota 30 scholarships willbe available. Application Deadline From January to May.

Eligibility Requirements Please consult the relevant Higher Education lnstitutions (HEls) directly. Application Procedure Applicants shall apply to the Higher Education lnstitutions in Liaoning Province that are eligible to enroll scholarship students. Notification

HEls shall fonivard the notification to the applicants by June 30. Application materials The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. Application Form for Liaoning Government Scholarship for lnternational Students (in duplicate). b. Notarized original and photocopies of highest diploma and transcripts. c. Student or work status certificate. d. Study plan or research plan in Chinese or English. e. Two recommendation letters from professors. The above mentioned documents should be either in Chinese or English. Documents not in Chinese or English should be attached with notarized translation in one of the two languages.

List of University:

HEIs Tel/Fax Website

Dalian University of T.0411-84708063 http:/ldutsice. d Technology F.4411-84708897 [email protected]

Northeastern T.024-83687293 University F.424-23891829 [email protected]

t- - KEMr-ii ru_:llKoIVluNlKASr I Dalian Maritime T. A411-84729210 http: l/eng lish.d lm u.ed u. cn University F. 0411-84727317 pengxuefei@hotmail. com

T. 024-62202503 Liaoning University F. 024-622A2714 [email protected]

Dongbei University of 7.0411-84712106 www chineselelearning. com Finance and Economics F.0411-84712278 [email protected]

Chinese Medical T. A24-23265s39 University F. 024-23265539 cm [email protected]. cn

Shenyang Agricultural T. 024-88487086 University F.024-88488098 [email protected]

Shenyang University T. A24-25496051 http : /lyjsxy. s ut. ed u. cn of Technology F.424-25499028 [email protected]

Shenyang T. 024-23986102 Pharmaceutical University F. 024-8389A024 [email protected]

Liaoning Normal T. 0411-82156787 http://gjy. University F. 0411-84200935 [email protected]

Liaoning Technical T.0418-3350187 University F.4418-2823977 [email protected]

1 8. HANGZHOU GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP The Hangzhou Government Scholarship sponsors students who are studying at or applying to study at higher education institutions (HEls) in Hangzhou. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP lnternational students who apply to study or are studying at HEls in Hangzhou pursuing a bachelor degree, a master degree, a doctoral degree or a two/three-year college degree, or as a long-term general scholar. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY 1. Basic requirements: a. Applicant for bachelor's degree program or for twolthree-year college degree should have obtained senior high school diploma or equivalent education, and be under the age of 30. b. Applicant for master's degree program should have obtained the bachelor's

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI - KEMi i degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters trom 2 professors/assistant professors and be under the age of 35. c. Applicant for doctoral degree program should have obtained the master's degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters from 2 professorslassociate professors and be under the age of 40. d. Duration of scholarship for long-term general scholars should be three months or above. 2.Other requirements: a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants should comply with the laws and regulations in China, and comply with the rules and disciplines in the host HEls. c. Applicant should have a good knowledge of Chinese and provide proof;s such as HSK certificates or other Chinese learning or Chinese examination certificates. For those applying for courses taught in English, the standard might be lowered. d. Applicant who is already studying in Hangzhou should have a good academic record. e. Applicant should NOT be awarded with other Chinese Government Scholarships of all levels. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships fall into four categories: A, B, C, and D. a. Class A Scholarship: 30,000 RMBlperson/year. The Class A Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a master's degree or above in Hangzhou. The scholarship covers registration fee, tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials, accommodation fee, insurance, and living expense. b. Class B Scholarship: 20,000 RMB/person/year. The Class B Scholarship sponsors excellent internationalstudents pursuing a bachelor's degree in Hangzhou. The scholarship covers registration fee, tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials, accommodation fee, insurance, and living expense. c. Class C Scholarship: 12,000 RMBlperson/year. The Class C Scholarship sponsors excellent internationalstudents pursuing a two- year or three-year college degree in Hangzhou. The scholarship covers registration fee, tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials, accommodation fee, insurance, and living expense. d. Class D Scholarship: 6,000 RMB/person/year. (3,000 RMBlpersonlsemester)) The Class D Scholarship sponsors excellent long-term general scholars who apply to study or are studying in HEls in Hangzhou. APPLICATION Eligible applicants should apply to HEls in written fonn before deadlines. Applicants for Class A, Class B and Class C can apply only once a year. Applicants for Class D can apply once a semester. Eligible applicants can apply consecutively. Applications are accepted from January to May. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Application materials should be in duplicate, including: Application form for Hangzhou government scholarship. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. Photocopy of passport. Health certificate. Photocopies of recommendation letters. Application documents will NOT be returned.

19. NINGBO GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP The Ningbo Government Scholarship sponsors students who are studying at or applying to study at higher education institutions (HEls) in Ningbo. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP lnternational students who apply to study or are studying at HEls in Ningbo pursuing a bachelor degree, a master degree, a doctoral degree or a twolthree-year college degree, or as a long-term general scholar (one semester or above). CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY 1. Basic requirements: a. Applicant for bachelor's degree program or for twolthree-year college degree should have obtained senior high school diploma or equivalent education, and be under the age of 30. b. Applicant for master's degree program should have obtained the bachelor's degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters from 2 professorslassistant professors and be under the age of 35. c. Applicant for doctoral degree program should have obtained the master's degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters trom 2 professors/associate professors and be under the age of 40. d. Duration of scholarship for [ong-term general scholars should be at least one semester. 2.Other requirements: a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health, b. Applicants should comply with the laws and regulations in China, and comply with the rules and disciplines in the host HEls. c. Applicant should have a good knowledge of Chinese and provide proofs such as HSK certificates or other Chinese learning or Chinese examination certificates. For those applying for courses taught in English, the standard might be lowered. d. Applicant who is already studying in Ningbo should have a good academic record. e. Applicant should NOT be awarded with other Chinese Government Scholarships of all levels.

i PUSAT KOMUNIKAST - KEMLL.; i VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships fall into four categories: A, B, C, and D. a. Class A Scholarship: 30,000 RMB/person/year. The Class A Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a master's degree or above. b. Class B Scholarship: 20,000 RMB/person/year. The Class B Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a bachelor's degree. c. Class C Scholarship: 10,000 RMB/personlyear. The Class C Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a two- year or three-year college degree. d. Class D Scholarship: 6,000 RMB/person/year. (3,000 RMB/personlsemester) The Class D Scholarship sponsors excellent long-term general scholars. APPLICATION Eligible applicants should apply to HEls in written form before deadlines. Applicants for Class A, Class B and Class C can apply only once a year. Duration of Class D scholarships which is less than one academic year is considered as one semester. Eligible applicants can apply consecutively. Applications are accepted from January to May. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Application materials should be in duplicate, including:

Application form for N i ngbo govern ment scholarship. (see attach ment) Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. Photocopy of passport. Health certificate. Photocopies of recommendation letters. (not applicable for long-term general scholars) Application documents will NOT be returned


The Yiwu Government Scholarship sponsors students who are studying at higher education institutions {HEls) in Yiwu. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP lnternational students studying at HEls in Yiwu for one semester or above. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY a. Applicant should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants should comply with the laws and regulations [n china, and comply with the rules and disciplines in the host HEls. c. Applicant for scholarship of Class A and Class B should have an excellent

i PUSAT KOMUNIKA$I . KtsMi i: I academic record which among top in the class. d. Applicant for scholarship of Class A and Class B should NOT be awarded with other Chinese government scholarships. VATUES OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Class A Scholarship: 10,000 RMB/personlyear. The Class A Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a hro/three year college degree or above in HEls in Yiwu. b. Class B Scholarship: 5,000 RMB/personlyear. The Class B Scholarship sponsors excellent long-term general scholars in HEls in Yiwu. c. Class C Scholarship: 3,000 RMB/person. The Class C Scholarship sponsors international students who obtained award at the level of provinces or above in talent shows/competitions or competitions in literature, fine art, calligraphy, photography and etc while studying in HEls in Yiwu. lt also sponsors students who make special contributions to the HEls in Yiwu. APPLICATION Eligible applicants should apply to HEls in written form before deadlines. Applicants for Class A, Class B and Class C can apply only once a year. Eligible applicants can apply consecutively. Applications are accepted from May to June. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPL}CATION DOCUMENTS Application materials should be in duplicate, including: Application form for Yiwu government scholarship.(see attachment) Photocopy of passport. Health certificate. Photocopies of recommendation letters. (not applicable for long-term general scholars) Application documents will NOT be returned.


SCHOLARSHIPS Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government Scholarships for Neighboring Countries (hereinafter referred to as Government Scholarship) are full scholarships. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Office of Education is responsible for enrollment and day to day management of international students from neighboring countries. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Excellent international students from neighboring countries of Xinjiang. The Government Scholarship provides support to both degree oriented programs

ruSnf KOMUNTKASI " KEMr : r i ;i_ and non-degree oriented programs. The former includes undergraduate program (4 or 5 years), master program (3 years), and doctoral program (3 years). The latter includes Chinese language and Chinese culture programs (1 semester or't academic year), general scholar program (1 semester or 'l academic year), and senior scholar program (1 semester or 1 academic year). Chinese language training shall be arranged before the major study. lf the major study program is conducted in English, there will be no Chinese language training. Duration of the scholarship is decided in the enrollment process. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master's degree and be under the age of40. c. Applicants for maste/s degree programs must have a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. d. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25. e. Applicants for general scholar program must have bachelor's degree or completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 45. f. Applicants for Chinese language studies must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of35. g. Applicants for senior scholar program must have master's degree or above or hold academic title of associate professor or above and be under the age of 50. VALUE$ OF SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship covers registration fee, tuition, accommodation fee, medical insurance that is the same as Chinese students', and living allowance, which falls into the following three categories: a. Doctoral student and senior scholar: 1,500 RMB/person/month. b. Master student and general scholar: 1,20A RMB/person/ month. c. Undergraduate student and Chinese language student: 1,000 RMB/person/ month. APPLICATION Applicants shall apply directly to one of the 6 universities in Xinjiang: 1. Xinjiang University 2. Xinjiang Medicine University 3. Xinjiang Normal University 4. Xinjiang Agricultural University 5. Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics 6. Yili Normal University Applications are accepted from March to Augus\ 2414. APPLICATION DOCUNNENTS The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. One original copy and one photocopy of Application Form for Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government Scholarships for Neighboring Countries (printed by

,-l . i PUSAT KOMUNIKASI KEMLU I Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Offlce of Education). Application form shall be filled out in Chinese, English or Russian. Applicants shall choose one or two majors in one or two of the above mentioned universities. b. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. lf the applicant is a student or employed, he/she needs to submit the studenUwork status certificate. Certificate in languages other than Chinese, English or Russian should be attached with translations in one of the three languages. c. HSK level certificate. d. Notarized transcript from senior high school (for undergraduate program) or transcript (other programs). Transcripts in languages other than Chinese, English or Russian should be attached with translations in one of the three languages. e. Study plan (no less than 300 words for undergraduate program, 400 for general scholars and senior scholars, 500 for graduate students) in Chinese or English. f. Graduate school applicants shall submit two letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors in either Chinese or English. Graduate school applicants who are already in China shall obtain the admission notice form universities. g. Applicants for music shall submit one cassette. Applicants for art shall submit colored photos of 6 pieces of work (2 sketches, 2 pastels, and 2 other works). h. Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by the Quarantine Department of China) in English. Forms without photos or seal on the perforation will not be accepted. The validity of the Form is 6 months. OTHER CLAUSES Selection and notification: The universities will assess all the applications, and then forward the qualified ones to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Office of Education. Once be proved by the Office, students are offtcially awarded with the scholarship. The Office will send the Scholarship Admission Notice, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the universities who shall notice the students. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if applicants fail to meet the eligibility or the application materials are incomplete.


The Zhejiang Government Scholarship sponsors students who are studying at or applying to study at higher education institutions (HEls) in Zhejiang Province. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP lnternational students who apply to study or are studying at HEls (see the attachment) in Zhejiang Province pursuing a bachelor degree, a master degree, a doctoral degree, or as a long-term general scholar.

t . L____:.I PUSAT KOMUNIKASI _ __-_.l KEMLU I CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY 1. Basic requirements: a. Applicant for bachelor's degree program or for twolthree-year college degree should have obtained senior high school diploma or equivalent education, and be under the age of 30. b. Applicant for master's degree program should have obtained the bachelor's degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters from 2 professorslassistant professors and be under the age of 35. c. Applicant for doctoraldegree program should have obtained the master's degree or equivalent education, get recommendation letters from 2 professors/associate professors and be under the age of 40. 2 .Other requirements: a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants should comply with the laws and regulations in China, and cornply with the rules and disciplines in the host HEls. c. Applicant should have a good knowledge of Chinese and provide proofs such as HSK certificates or other Chinese learning or Chinese examination certificates. For those applying for courses taught in English, the standard might be lowered. d. Applicants should have a good academic record which is among top of the class. e. Applicant should NOT be awarded with other Chinese Government Scholarships of all levels. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Class A Scholarship: The Class A Scholarship sponsors 40 students, at a rate of 30,000 RMB/person/year. The Class A Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a master's degree or above in Zhejiang Province. The scholarship should be used to cover registration fee, tuition fee, fee for basic learning materials, accommodation fee and serious disease and accident insurance. b. Class B Scholarship: The Class B Scholarship sponsors '160 students, at a rate of 20,000 RMB/person/year. The Class A Scholarship sponsors excellent international students pursuing a bachelor's degree in Zhejiang Province. The scholarship should be used to cover registration fee, tuition fee, fee for basic learning rnaterials, accommodation fee and serious disease and accident insurance. c. Class C Scholarship: The Class C Scholarship sponsors 100 students, at a rate of 6,000 RMB/person/year. The Class C Scholarship sponsors excellent international students who are studying in HEls in Zhejiang Province for a long term. APPLICATION Eligible applicants should apply to HEls in written form before deadlines. Applicants for Class A, Class B and Class C can apply only once a year. Applicants for Class D

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI - KEMLU can apply once a semester. Eligible applicants can apply consecutively. Applications are accepted from January. For the specific application deadlines, applicant$ should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Application materials should be in duplicate, including: Application form for Zhejiang Province government scholarship. Notarized highest diploma and transcripts. Copy of passport. Health certificate. Recorn mendation letter. Application documents will NOT be returned.


ln order to further develop the education of international students and attract more outstanding international students to study in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission has founded the "Shanghai Government Scholarship for lnternational Students" (hereinafter referred to Scholarship). lt is established to fund excellent international students to pursue bachelor's degree or above at higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as HEls) in Shanghai. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Excellent international students who pursue degrees at HEls in Shanghai. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY a. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. b. Applicants for doctoral degree programs must have a master's degree and be under the age of 44. c. Applicants for master's degree programs must have a bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. d. Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 25. e. Applicants should have good academic performance. f. Applicants should not be awardees of other Chinese government scholarships at the same time. VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP a. Tuition in the academic year The tuition fees might be different based on the HEls and majors. Applicants should read the prospectus of the HEls before they apply for the specific value. b. Registration fee c. Basic book expense APPLICATION Applicants shall apply directly to the HEls in Shanghai once an academic year. Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements could apply continuously.

nlusAr KoMUNlItsl- KEllLtr i I Applications are accepted from January. For the specific application deadlines, applicants should consult the relevant HEls. APPLICATION DOCUIUIENTS The applicants must fill in and submit the following documents truly, correctly and completely: a. Class B scholarship application form: The form should be duplicated in either Chinese or English. b. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants in universities shall also provide proof of student status. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. c. Academic transcripts: Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English rnust be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. d. For master's or doctoral degree applicants, a study or research plan in Chinese or in English (1,000 words or above) shall be submitted. e. Recommendation letters: Master's or doctoral degree applicants should submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors in the HEls they graduated from. f. Applicants for music and art are requested to submit the applicants' own works according to the specific requirements from the HEls. g. Please note that application documents will NOT be retumed. OTHER CLAUSES HEls and specialties: Allthe HEls and specialties that are qualified to accept international scholarship students certified by China Scholarship Council are entrusted to educate students under Shanghai Government Scholarship programs. For details please check the Guide to Study in Shanghai on the website of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission ( ) or check the website of China Scholarship Council ( Selection and notification: The committee in relevant HEls will assess allthe applications. The results will be forwarded to the applicants in written form.


SCHOLARSHIP With the aim of encouraging increasing outstanding overseas students to study in Guangdong, promoting development of Guangdong High Education Management of Foreign Students, advancing lnternational influence of Guangdong High Education, "Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship" has been set up by Guangdong Government to award foreign full-time students with excellent school performances. Date of application Every October Requirements for application The applicant rnust satisfy following conditions: 1. Undergraduate students currently reading in full-time courses and with formal academic qualification (freshmen students are not included) . 2. Students need to have foreign nationality, supply valid foreign pas$port and visa. 3. Acquired fundamental Chinese Language Proficiency and supply relevant proof (Students studying in English-taught-program could relax this restriction in appropriate way) . 4. Age under 40 years old. 5. Passed in all subjects of compulsory courses and no disciplinary records in the last academic year. 6. Have not gained or awarded with any other scholarship during the academic year. Scholarship Amount

Y 1 0000per year. Detailed Application Process lndividual application---+College selection+University selection---+Scholar public list---Guangdong Education Department and Guangdong Finance Department reconfirmation and approve The necessary materials for application include

( 1 ) Application Form For Guangdong Government Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship ( Downloading the attachment from this page) (2) School attendance certificate (Academic Affairs Office) (3) Undergraduate transcript (Academic Affairs Office) (4) One copy of Foreign passport, including pages of personal information and valid visa.


Chinese Government Scholarship Program is established by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) in accordance with educationalexchange agreements or understandings reached between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both fullscholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Program. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Duration of Duration of Prdpa,ratgfy Duration of Study , Program Chinese Language Courses Scholartship Program lacademic vear (academic vear) ' {academic year} Bachelor's 4-7 deoree 4-5 1-2

r'i.jSAi IiCIMUNIKA$l - KEMt lr i Master's 2-3 1-2 2-5 deqree Doctoral 3-4 1-2 3-6 deqree Chinese language 1-2 None Upto2 traininq General 1 1 Upto2 scholar Senior 1 1 Upto2 scholar 1. According to the regulations stipulated by MOE, all undergraduate programs for international students are instructed in Chinese. Applicants with no command of Chinese are required to take the college preparatory courses for one to two years before pursuring major studies. And only by passing the examinations of the college preparatory courses could they start their university studies. 2. Certain Chinese HEls conduct sorne postgraduate programs and non-degree courses for general and senior scholars in English. Please check Directory of Chinese Higher lnstitutions Admitting lnternational Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program or visit the website of CSC for details. 3. Scholarship students should complete their study within the set time; duration for scholarship specified in the Admission Notice cannot be extended in principle. APPLICATION Applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or dispatching authorities between January and April every year. Applicants may contact the above authorities for application details. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health. 2. Education background and age limit: - Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25. - Applicants for master's degree program must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. - Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master's degree and be under the age of 40. - Applicants for Chinese language training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35.Chinese language is the only subject available. - Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45. All subjects including Chinese language are available. - Applicants for senior scholar program must have master's degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.

i rU$A.T KOMUNIKASI - KEMLL.I I VALUES OF SCHOLARSHIP 1. Full Scholarship - Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, fee for basic learning materials; and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus,v - Living allowance; - One-off settlement subsidy after registration for new student; - Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lnternational Students in China; - One-off inter-city travel subsidy. Note: 1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the institution's arrangements should be self-afforded. 2) Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution .Other textbooks and materials shall be self- afforded. 3) Monthly allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month): - Undergraduates & Chinese language students: CNY 1,400 Yuan - Master's degree students & general scholars: CNY 1,700 Yuan - Doctoral degree students & senior scholars: CNY 2,000 Yuan Scholarship students shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 1sth (1Sth included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 1Sth will get half amount of that month. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days afrer the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the following month after the students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon their return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month. Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travelexpenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university's approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons. 4) New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China. - CNY 1,000 Yuan for new students who will study in China for less than one academic year - CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above 5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution's hospital or the hospitals entrusted by the institution. The students are to

SAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLU cover a certain percentage of expen$e in accordance with the institution's regulations. 6) Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lnternational Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the entrusted medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance sxpen$ss, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship student, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company. 7) One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China) A hard-seat train ticket {hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling. From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located; From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for maior study is located; From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation. Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded. ln principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located. 2. Partial Scholarship One or several items of full scholarship (one-off settlement subsidy and one-off inter- city travel allowance excluded). APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate) 1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English) Those who are available for online application shallfill in and print the application form after submitting it online. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on . Those who cannot apply online shall contact the dispatching authorities to get the application form and fill it truly, correctly and completely, 2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 4. A study or research plan. All applicants are required to submit a study or research plan. lt must be in Chinese or in English. 5. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studies, or study in China as senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English

USAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLU from professors or associate professors. Applicants who are already in China shall submit the Admission Notices or lnvitation Letters issued by the target universities. G. Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants' own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants' own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works). Z. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China. 8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months. The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th, 2014, via either the Chinese diplomatic mission in the applicant's home country or the embassy of the applicant's home country in China. lndividual applications are not accepted by CSg.Application documents will not be returned. SELECTION OF INSTITUTIONS AND SPECIALTIES Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEls designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher lnstitutions Admitting lnternational Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Only the listed Chinese HEls in the Directory are available to the applicants for their study in China. APPROVAL AND NOTIFICATION 1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions for academic competence and they willforward their nominations to CSC for approval. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application documents are incomplete. 2. lf'overseas applicants for degree programs with exemption of examinations are academically ineligible to the proposed programs, the institution reserves the right to decide the academic program they could attend or whether to give them conditional offers for their proposed programs. Students who attend Chinese language courses prior to their university study or those attend the college preparatory program must pass the university entrance examinations or other exarninations required before they start their major studies. Students attending the college preparatory program, while failing to pass the required examinations within the set period, shall complete their study as Chinese language students. 3. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEls, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC. 4. Scholarship applicants academically accepted by Chinese HEls will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC.

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI . KEMLU 5. Students are not permitted, in principle, to apply to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Notice- 6. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for $tudy in China tJW201) to the candidates through dispatching authorities by July 31st, 2A14.


PROGRAM Chinese Government Scholarship-Ghinese University Program is a full scholarship established by MOE to support Chinese universities in specific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. At present, a total of 22l Chinese universities are designated to undertake this program. Program Categories, Duration and Language of Instruction 1.1. This scholarship only supports graduate programs. Scholarship duration is two to three years for master's programs and three to four years for doctoral programs. 1.2. Most programs in Chinese universities are instructed in Chinese. Certain universities offer English-taught programs. (Speciflc information of universities and programs is available cnllaihua andwww. cam puschina. org ) 1.3. The scholarship duration specified in the Admission Letter, covering major study and Chinese language study, cannot be extended in general. Scholarship Coverage -a waiver of fee for registration, tuition, laboratory experiments, internship, and basic textbooks; -free on-campus dormitory accommodation; -monthly living allowance; -one-off settlement subsidy; -outpatient medical service and Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lnternational Students in China. Application Receiving Agency and Deadline Applicants should apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking this program between January and early April. Please refer to the Chinese universities for the specific deadline for each university. Eligibility To be eligible, applicants must: - be a citizen of a country other than the People's Republic of China, and be in good health; -not be a registered student in Chinese universities at the time of application; or be a graduate from Chinese universities for more than one year;

I pusar KoMUNTKAST - KEMLU I -be a bachelo/s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master's programs; -be a master's degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral pr0grams. Application Procedure 5.1 Applicants directly apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking this program. Please visit or for the university list and more information. 5.2 Recommended candidates must finish the online application procedure at CSC Online Application System for lnternational Students. Please go to and click Application Online for lnternational Students, complete the required information, submit the completed Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship online and print a hard copy. 5.3 A package of complete application documents (Please check Application Documents for the detailed checklist.) must be submitted to the designated Chinese universities before the deadline. Please NOTE CSC does not accept any individual application other than the recommended applications from the designated Chinese universities. Applicants should consult the designated Chinese universities for the instructions of the CSC Online Application System for lnternational Students and Agency Number. Application Documents {in duplicate} a) Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship ( in Chinese or English) . b) Notarized highest diploma (photocopy!: Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of student status by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations. c) Academic transcripE: Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations. d) A Study Plan or Research Proposal in Chinese or English with a minimum of 800 words. e) Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors. 0 Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of their own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of their own works which include two sketches, two color paintings and two other works. g) Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of theForeigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form designed by the Chinese

I pusar KoMUNTKAST - KEMLU L,_. - - quarantine authority can be downloaded fromhttp:/ or http:/ The physical examinations must cover allthe items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the offrcial stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months. h) Applicants with valid HSK Certificate should enclose it in the application package. The above documents should be bound on top left corner (in duplicate) and sent directly to the designated Chinese universities, who will forward the nominated documents to CSC before April 30h. No application documents will be returned. Approval and Notification 7.1. The designated Chinese universities will review the application documents and decide the nominated candidates. 7.2. Nominated candidates will be officially awarded Chinese Government Scholarship with the approvalfrom CSC.

7.3. Each individual applicant is eligible for only one scholarship. CSC is authorized to award only one scholarship to each individual applicant nominated by more than one university.

7.4. CSC will send, before June 30th, Admission Letter and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) of the approved applicants to the host universities, who willforward the documents to the scholarship winners. 7.5. Students are not permitted, in general, to apply to change their specialties, host universities or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Letteronce they agree to accept the scholarship. 7.6. lf applicants fail to register before the deadline for registration, their scholarship will not be reserved.


Chinese Government Scholarship-Great Wall Program is a full scholarship established by MOE for the United Nations Educational, $cientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to sponsor students and scholars in developing countries to study and research in China. Categories, Duration and Language of lnstruction This program supports, in general, one-year English-taught programs for general scholars and senior scholars. Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programs without adequate Chinese proficiency are required to get the approvalfrom both CSC and UNESCO for one-year Chinese language study.

pusar i KoMUNIKASI . KEMLU I L_ _.._-.__ -__ -, ___----_ J $cholarship Coverage -a waiver of fee for registration, tuition, laboratory experiments, internship, and basic textbooks; -free on-campus dormitory accommodation; -monthly living allowance; -one-off settlement subsidy; -outpatient medicalservice and Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lnternational Students in China; -one-off inter-city travel reimbursement. Application Reeeiving Agency and Deadline Applicants shall apply to the National Commission for UNESCO in their home countries between January and early April. Eligibility To be eligible, applicants must: - be a citizen of a developing country other than the People's Republic of China, and be in good health; -be under the age of 45 and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study when applying for general scholar programs: -be a master's degree holder or an associate professor (or above) under the age of 50 when applying for senior scholar programs. Application Procedure 5.1 Applicants consult the National Commission for UNESCO in their home countries for the details and requirements of Great Wall Program and submit the application as required, 5.2 Once recommended by the UNESCO, candidates shall contact the target university for Admission Letter. 5.3 Recommended candidates must finish the online application procedure at CSC anline Applicatian System for lntematianal Studenfs. Please go to and click Application Online for Intemational Sfudents, complete the required information, submit the completed Application Form for Chinese Governmenf Scfiolarsfiip online and print a hard copy. 5.4 A package of complete application documents must be submitted to the National Commission for UNESCO in their home countries before the deadline. The applications must be forwarded to CSC via permanent delegation of P.R. China to UNESCO before April 30th. (Please check Application Documenfs for the detailed checklist.) 5.5 CSC does not accept any individual application other than the recommended applications from the UNESCO. Candidates with Admission Letter will be placed in the host university; those without Admission Letter should follow CSC's placement.

Please NOTE applicants should consult the National Commission for UNESCO in their home countries for the instructions of CSC Online Application System for !nternational Students and Agency Number. Application Documents {in duplicate} a'S Apptication Form for Chinese Gavernment Scholarship (in Chinese or English). b) Notarized highest diploma (photocopy): Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of student status by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations. c) Academic transcripts: Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations. d) Recommendation letters: Applicants for senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors. e) Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of their own works. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of their own works which include two sketches, two color paintings and two other works. f) A Research Proposal in Chinese or English with a minimum of 500 words. g) Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of theForeigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form designed by the Chinese quarantine authority can be downloaded or The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the oflicial stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months. h) Applicants with Admission Letter from designated universities should enclose the letter in the application package. i) Applicants with valid HSK Certificate should enclose it in the application package. NOTE: The above documents should be bound on top left corner (in duplicate) following the above order. No application documents will be returned. Approval and notification 7.'t. Recommended application documents will be reviewed by CSC. The applications will be regarded as invalid if the application documents fail to meet the requirements or the applicants are ineligible. 7.2. Qualified applications will be fonivarded to universities for recruitment.CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the university options, specialties, program categories and duration of study. CSC will forward their nominations to universities for recruitment approval. The application enclosed with Admission Letter will be forwarded directly to the host university which granted the Letter. 7.3. Scholarship applicants accepted by Chinese universities will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approvalfrom CSC. Each applicant can only be granted one scholarship program. 7.4. CSC will send, before July 31st, the List of Scholarsfi ip Winners, Admission Letter andVisa Application Form for Study in China {JW2O1} to the permanent delegation of P.R. China to UNESCO, who will forward the documents to the scholarship winners. 7.5. Students are not permitted, in general, to apply to change their specialties, host universities or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Letter once they agree to accept the scholarship. 7.6. lf applicants fail to register before the deadline for registration, their scholarship will not be reserved. Contact lnformation Mr. Jhaycee Manansala (Fellowship Program Section, UNESCO) Tel: +331 45681417 Email: J. [email protected] 28. CHINESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP.AUN PROGRAM

ChinaiAUN Scholarship is a full scholarship program provided for ASEAN member countries by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE). MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafier referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of this scholarship program. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS AND DURATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Categories of Applicants Duration of Scholarship Master's Degree Students 2-3 academic years 1. The instruction language could be either Chinese or English. Applicants who apply for courses instructed in Chinese are required to take one-year Chinese language course prior to the academic study if their Chinese is not qualified. Only by passing the examinations of the Chinese language course, could they start their major studies. For those taking the Chinese language preparatory courses, the scholarship duration will be extended automatically for one year. 2. Scholarship students should complete their study within the due time; duration for scholarship specified at the time of admission cannot be extended in principle. APPLICATION

Applicants shall apply to the ASEAN University Network Secretariat between January and the beginning of April, 2014. CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens from ASEAN member countries and be in good health. 2. Education background and age limit: - Applicants for master's degree studies must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. - Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have master's degree and be under the age of40. VALUHS OF SCHOLARSHIP - Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials, and accommodation fee for dormitory on campu$; - Living allowance; * One-off settlement subsidy after registration for new student; - Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lntemational Students in China; - One-off inter-city travel subsidy. Note: 1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the university's arrangements shou ld be self-afforded. 2) Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbooks and materials shall be self- afforded. 3) Monthly living allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month): - Master's degree students: CNY 1,700 Yuan - Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000 Yuan Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (1sth included) of the registration month will get the full amount of the living allowance of that month, and those who register after 1Sth will get half amount. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays eould be reimbursed upon return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month. Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnaney or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The internationaltravel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university's approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year, and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons. 4) New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China. - CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above 5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution's hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution's relevant regulations. 6) Comprehensive Medical lnsurance and Protection Scheme for lnternational Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the appointed medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship students, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company. 7) one-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving china) A hard-seat train ticket {hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling. From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution is located; From the Chinese language training institution to the city where the university for major study is located; From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation. Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded. ln principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located. 8) lnternational travel expenses: self-afforded APPLICATION DOCUMENTS

The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correcly and completely (in duplicate). 1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or in English) Applicants must fill in and print the application form after submitting it online. The csc online Application system for study in china is available on http://lai u. cn Applicants who have no internet access due to the limited internet service provided in their countries can request the application form from their dispatching authorities. 2' Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in chinese or English. 3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 4- A study or research plan written in Chinese or English (no less than 400 words). 5' Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (The original copy should be kept by the applicant). The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medicalexaminations must cover alt the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. lncomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.

r*__-_i PUSAT KOMUNIKAS' _ - KEMLU-- -l I The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th 2014 via the ASEAN University Network Secretariat. lndividual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned. SELECTION OF INSTITUTIONS AND SPECIALTIES Applicants may choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEls designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher lnstitutions Admitting lnternational Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of instltutions and specialties strictly according to those listed in the Directory. APPROVAL AND NOTIFICATION 1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions. 2. Applicants are encouraged to contact HEls for admission before applying for a scholarship. lf an applicant has been admitted at the time of application, s/he should attach the admission notice from the Chinese HEls. 3. Students are required to sign on their Admission Notice, if they have no objection with the placement, and are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.. 4. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the candidates via ASEAN University Network Secretariat by July 31st, 2414. VISA APPLICATION

After receiving the Admission Notice, students should apply for visa to study in China at the Chinese embassy or consulate-general in their home countries with the Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination Form (can be downloaded from http:l/ The students are required to register in Chinese universities with the original copies of the above documents. CONTACT Ms. Raksit Waropas ASEAN University Network Secretariat Tel: 00662-2153640, 2153642,2153248 ext 0 Fax: 00662-2168808 E-mail: raksit@au nsec. org, aun. raksit@gmail. com Web: Address: Rm.210, Jamjuree 1 Bld, chulalongkorn university, phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Thailand Postcode: 10330 ln order to support the development of Confucius tnstitutes, facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in the world, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students of Chinese language, Confucius lnstitute Headquarters/Hanban (hereinafter referred to as Hanban) launches the "Confucius lnstitute Scholarship" program to provide financialaid for students, scholars and Chinese language teachers wortdwide to proceed to a Master's degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) in Chinese universities (hereinafter referred to as "host institutes',), or study in such majors as chinese Language and Literature, chinese History and chinese Philosophy.

l. Scholarship Category and Apptication Requirement

The category of scholarshig of 2AM includes Scholarship for Students of Master,s Degree in Teaching ( chinese to speakers of other Languages MTCSOL) , Scholarship for Students of One-Academic-year + frfl16gOl, Scholarship for One- Academic-Year Students, and Scholarship for One-semester Students. Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health, aged between 16 and 35 (Chinese language teachers in post shall be aged below 4S). Scholarship for Students of MTCSOL

The scholarship is provided to outstanding students of Confucius lnstitutes (Classrooms), overseas local Chinese language teachers, outstanding performers on HSK exams, winners of the "Chinese Bridge' Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High $choolStudents, and outstanding graduates of Chinese language across the world for taking the MTCSOL degree. The scholarship winner shall begin the study in autumn 2A14, and the grant will cover two academic years. Applicants are required to have bachelor degrees or its equivalent with a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 5) and a score of at least 50 on the HSKK (intermediate level), and make a written commitment stating that helshe will be engaged in Chinese language teaching for at least S years after graduation. Applicants with specific teaching posts arranged will be given admission priority {certification by the institution helshe willteach for is required). Hanban will provide support for outstanding graduates to return to their countries to teach. Scholarship for Studenb of One-Academic-year * il,ITCSOL

The scholarship is provided to Confucius lnstitute students from Africa and Latin America regions who would like to engage in the chinese language teaehing. Applicants shall sign agreements with the Confucius lnstitute or institutes to which they will be providing teaching services. Applicants are required to have bachelor degrees or its equivalent with a score of at least '180 on the HSK (level 3) and a score of at least 60 on the HSKK (primary level). Those who pass the first-academic- year assessment and score at least 180 on the HSK (level 5) can continue to study in china for the Master's Degree in Teaching chinese to speakers of other Languages. Hanban will provide support for graduates returning to their countries to

i.r PUSAT l(OMUNIKA+t . itEiuri,r i i teach Chinese language by recruiting them as local teachers and providing wage subsidies, etc. Scholarship for One-Academic year Students The scholarship is provided to outstanding students of Confucius lnstitutes .Chinese (Classrooms), winners of the Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High Schoolstudents, overseas local Chinese language teachers, outstanding graduates of Chinese language across the world, and outstanding performers on the HSK, or those who intend to become Chinese teachers. The scholarship winner may choose to study majors including Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese philosophy. The time of entrance is autumn zaW and the grant term is one academic year. Applicants should achieve a score of at least 180 on the HSK (level 3) and at least 60 on the HSKK (primary level), or complete their study at a Confucius lnstitute for over 120 hours. Scholarship for One€emester StudenB

The scholarship is provided to outstanding students of Confucius lnstitutes (Classrooms), winners of the 'Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, overseas local Chinese language teachers, outstanding graduates of Chinese tanguage across the world, and outstanding performers on the HSK. The scholarship winner may choose to study majors including Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese Philosophy. The time of entrance is autumn 2014 or spring 2A15 and the grant term is one semester. Applicants shoutd achieve a score of at least 120 on the HSK {level 2) and at least 40 on the HSKK (elementary level), or complete their study at a Confucius lnstitute for over 60 hours.

Applicants with HSK and HSKK scores will be given priority to all categories of scholarships. Winners of the finals of the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese proficiency competitions for Foreign college students and for Foreign High school students in China shall arrange their applications in accordance with the prize specifications Repetitive applications are invalid. ll. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria Scholarship winners are exempt from registration fees, tuition, fees for basic learning materials, accommodation fees on campus, and are provided with a one-off resettlement subsidy, monthly allowance, outpatient medical service and comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China. Monthly allowances are at the following rates (CNy yuan per month): a' CNY 1,4OO for One-Academic-Year Students and One-semester Students. b. CNY 1,7OO for Master,s Degree Students. The one-off resettlement subsidy is cNY 1,500 for students who will study in china for one academic year or more; CNY 1,000 will be provided to all students who studies in China for one semester; the one-off resetflement subsidy will not be

PUSAT KOMUNIKASI . I(EMtt} provided to those who have studied in China for more than half a year before being enrolled. lll. Recruitment procedures From the issue date of the Procedures, applicants should log on to the Confucius lnstitute Scholarship website at, set up an individual account, read information and introduction of host institutes and majors, complete and submit the confucius lnstitute scholarship Application Form online. Confucius lnstitutes (independently set-up Confucius Classrooms), overseas Chinese test centers, educational and cultural offices (sections) of Chinese embassies (consulates), host institutes and institutions of higher education in those countries with no confucius lnstitutes are entrusted by Hanban as the recommending institutions. The recommending institutions shall exam the qualification and application materials of applicants, and submit the list of recommended applicants to Hanban by April ZSth, ZA14 Host institutes are responsible for reviewing the qualification of applicants and submitting the proposed enrollment name list of qualified candidates to Hanban by May 25th, 2014

Hanban willorganize an expert panelto make the final selection, and publish the name list of successful applicants on the Scholarship website by June 1sth,2014. Hanban willalso inform the host institutes and the recommending institutions, which will inform the applicants. The host institutes .Enroltment will post "Admission Notice", lnstructionsn, ,,Visa Application Form for Foreigners to study in china" (Jw2a2 Form) and other related materials to successful applicants through their recommending institutions by July 1st,2A14 lV. Application Documents Applicants must log ,,confucius onto the scholarship website, fill out the lnstitute Scholarship Application Form", and attach the electronic files of the following materials:

Photocopy of passport photo page

Photocopy of HSK and HSKK Result Report Notarized highest education dipromas attained or proof of study Reference Letter and Letter of commitment. students attending chinese language programs of universities in countries with no confucius lnstitutes established shall attach a reference letter signed and issued by the university president. The Master,s Degree scholarship applicants are required to submit reference letters provided by two professors or associate professors (in chinese or English). A written commitment stating that the applicant will be engaged in chinese language teaching for at least 5 years after graduation (written in chinese and sign with signature). Applications under the age of 18 shall submit relevant legal documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.

;J r l 3i..T Winners of the finals of the "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students in China shall submit the scholarship certificate. Winners preliminary of rounds of the "Chinese Bridge" Proficiency Competitions in their countries shall provide award proof and reference letter provided by the organizers.

chinese language teachers shall submit certificate of employment and recommendation letters provided by institutes they work for. Those applying for the scholarship for students of one-Academic-year + Master,s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages are required to provide the agreement signed with the Confucius lnstitute or the institute which they will be working for.

Other materials required by host institutes. V. Entrance and AnnuatAppraisal The scholarship winners shalt register at the host institutes before the deadline set by the institutes. Scholarships will not be kept for those who do not register on time without reasonable cause.

Scholarships will be canceled for those who cannot pass the health examination. students for a Master's degree in Teaching chinese to speakers of other Languages (MTCSOL) shall be subject to an annual appraisal organized by the host institutes before the end of the first school year after being enrolled according to "AnnualAppraisal the Procedures for Confucius tnstitute Scholarship". Only the eligible students are entitled to continue to receive the Scholarships in the following year. Vl. Contact lnformation

Division of Testing and Scholarship, Confucius lnstitute Headquarters / Hanban Address: 129, Deshengmenwai street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 1000gg. Fax: +86-1 0-58595937 Email:scholarships@hanban. org confucius lnstitute scholarship website: http:l/ HSK and HSKK Website: http:/