Chapter VI


RANUNCULACEAE Key to the genera: l.Climber;leaves opposite.... 1.Erect herbs;leaves alternate, Delphinium

CLEMATIS L. Key to the species.’ 1.Leaves glabrous: 2.Leaves bipinnately compound; leaflets 3 .... C. gouriana 2. Leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 3-5 .... C. hedysarifolia L Leaves densely hairy: 3.Flowers yellow ;filaments hairy in the middle .... C .wightiana 3.Flowers white;filaments glabrous ... C. triloba Roxb. ex DC. Syst. Nat. 1:138.1817 ;Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. Fl.Brit.India . 1:4 1872 ;Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 1:2*1958 (Repr-ed.), Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28 B :59.1982. Mar.: 'MorveV. S Climbing to a great height, usually glabrous. Stem grooved, brown. Leaves pinnate; leaflets ovate, round at the base^ acuminate at apex, 3-6 x 1.5-3.5 cm; petioles long, slender. Flowers small, fragrant ,in compound panicles, yellowish or greenish- white,0.5-1.0cm across; pistil apocarpous; stamens many,free ;filaments narrow, linear, glabrous.Fruit achenes ■ovoid, 0.3cm long,hairy with long feathery tails. Fls.& frts. : November - February. lllus. : Wight, 933 & 934.1845; Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot .Gdns.

34 Lucknow 54: t 9. 1962 & 80 ;t 27 ,1963 . Distrib. : Common along Ghats . Warandha Ghat, Rayari, Hirdoshi, Umbarde, Bhor.

Clematis hedysarifolia DC. S y st. Nat.l:148 1817 ; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook f. FI. Brit India T.4 1872: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:3 1958 (Repr ed); Rec. Hot. Surv. India 16(1) ; 1. 1965; Sant.Ibid. 59; Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28 B:60 1982. C. naravelioides O. Ktze. Verb. Bot. Ver. Priov. Brandenb. 26:119 1885. Climbers with woody branches. Leaves compound; leaflets ovate- lanceolate, base rounded, apex acuminate. Flowers in compund panicles. Achenes ovoid, compressed, red, hairy. FIs. & Frts.: November-February. Illus. : Talbot, For .FI. Bombay Pres & Sind l:l,t.4 1909; A.S Rao,^ Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gdns.Lucknow 54:t.l2 1961. Distrib. : Frequent along ghats.Hirdoshi.

Clematis triloba Heyne ex Roth, Nov.Pl. 251 1821;Hook f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:3 1872; Lisboa J. Roy. Asiat. Soc. (Bombay ) 15;1883; Cooke,FI. Pres.Bombay 1:2 1958 (Repr.ed); Rau J. Mysore Univ. 28B:63 1982. Mar. :’Ranjai’ ^ ^ ^tensive climber, but often found trailing amongst grass.Whole except the older stems are tomentose.Stems sulcate;branches tomentose.Leaves simple or unipinnate, ovate-orbicular,entire or one-7 lobed;lobes usually mucronate, acute. Flowers white,^xillary cymes; bracts foliaceous, ovate, acute. Sepals spreading, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, stamens many; filaments ligulate, glabrous. Fruits achenes ovoid, flat silky, with long feathery tails. FIs. & Frts. : September-February. Illus. : Gupta in Bull. Nat. Bot. Gdns. Lucknow 54:t 18:1961.

35 Distrib. : Common throughout the Warandha Ghat,Hirdoshi.

Clematis -wightina Wall, ex Wight & Arn. Prodr 2. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:5. 1872;Cooke,Fl. Press Bombay 1:3. 1958 (Repr. ed); Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 286:65.1982. Woody climbers;branches villous.Leaves 3-5 foliolate;Ieaflets ovate,acute at apex,margin toothed.Flowers in axillary dichotomous cymes; bracts and bracteoles ovate villous. Achenes elongate, with feathery tails. FIs. & Frts. : December-February. Ulus. ; Gupta in Bull. Nat. Bot. Gdns. Lucknow 54:t 19-1961. Distrib. : Common in evergreen forest. Hirdoshi.

DELPHINIUM L. Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz in J.. Arnold Arbor 49; 106,f 14 1968. D.dasycaulon Fresen. var. malabaricum Huth in Both Jahrb 20:435. 1895. D.dasycaulon acut. non Fresen. 1837 ; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:25. 1872 ;Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:5 1958 (Repr.ed.); Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28B:65 1982. Herbs, about Im high; stem white hairy. Leaves reniform, 2-3 cm across, 5- 7 lobed. Flowers blue in racemes; lower bracts leafy, 2-3 lobes, upper linear, bracteoles 2; sepals dark blue, spur obtuse. Follicles 3, oblong, apiculate. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Distrib. : Rare,on exposed hill slopes among grasses. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. Endemic to Western Ghats.

DILLENL^CEAE DILLENIA L . Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. PI. Cor. l:21,t.20. 1795; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook.f. FI. Brit India 1-38. 1899- Rirdwood. Cat. FI. Matheran and Mahabaleshwar.

36 PLATE -11

HIRSUTA Dalz. | 7. Delphinium malaharicum 6. 1897; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:7. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Blumea 7:117.1952. Mar. -J^aramvel ‘ Tree^ 10-12m high with erect trunk; branches numerous, ascending with drooping ends. Leaves oblong lanceolate, 60-70cm long at the apex of branches. Flowers 10 cm in diammeter, fragrant; sepals ovate, obtuse; petals yellow, oblong lanceolate; stamen numerous, the outer erect, the inner spreading. Fruit in axillary fascicles with persistent sepals, 5-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : February- June. Distrib. : Common on the road side and on slopes. Warandha Ghat.

MAGNOLIACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES Michelia champaca L. Sp. PI. 536. 1753: Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.India 1:42. 1872; Cooke. FI. Bombay 1:8.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : “Pivla chapha ” Tall tre^^ handsome, evergreen with a straight trunk, 6-8m high; branches ascending. Leaves lanceolate, acute at apex^8-16 x 5-8 cm. Petiole long. Flowers very fragrant, yellow, axillary, solitary; sepals and petals 15 or more, deep yellow or orange, pedicel long. Capsule type of fruit, brown, opening on the back by two valves; valves woodyjbrown. FIs. & Frts. : May-August. Illus. : Talbot, For,FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 1:12, f. 8. 1909; Khanzada and Khan in Nasir and, Ali, FI. W. Pak. 64:2, f. 1. 1974. Distrib. :Cultivated for fragrant flowers .Bhor, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Baneshwar. s Notes: Generally planted near Temple^for its fragrant and attractive flowers. At time found as an escape. Bhor, Nasarapur, Baneshwar. /- 37 ANNONACEAE ANNONA L. Key to the Species. 1. Areoles of fruits raised, ovoid; leaves with ascending nerves ...A .squamosa. 1. Areoles of fruits flat, 5 angled; leaves with divergent nerves... A. reticulata. Annona reticulata L. Sp. PI. 537. 1753.; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:15. 1958(Repr. ed.). Mar.: “Ramphal” L Tree, 8 m high; young branches tomentose, the older glabrous. Leaves membranous, rounded at the base, minutely pellucid, upper surface glabrous, the lower with a few scattered hairs. Flowers 2-4 together on lateral pedicels; pedicels long, elongating and becoming thick and woody in fruit; sepals small, long, tomentose; petals broad surface. Fruits globose or somewhat pear shaped, c yellowish - red when ripe. Seeds smooth, bluish. FIs. & Frts. :July-September. nius. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 1:28. f. 18. 1909. Distrib. : Cultivated for edible fruits. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Umbrade.

Annona squamosa L. Sp. PI. 537. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 15.(Repr.ed.). Trees about 5-6m high. Leaves elliptic, apex subacute, pellucido-punctate, glabrous above; petioles long. Flowers solitary or 2-4 together on extra -axillary branches; petioles long, bracteate below the middle; sepals minute, triangular, pubescent; petals pubescent on both surfaces. Fruits globose, 2-4cm across; yellowish-green when ripe, easily broken into large pieces. Seeds brownish-black,

smooth. FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Ulus. : Talbot, For.FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 1:27, f. 17. 1909. Distrib. '■ Cultivated for edible fruits. Bhor, Umbrade, Rayari, Ambeghar.

38 CULTIVATED SPECIES Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari in Baileya 12:147,1964. Annona hexapetala L.f. Sup. PI. 270, 1781. Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br. in Bot. Reg. 423, 1820; F. B. 1^1:54, 1872; A. unanatus (Lam.) Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sc. Bot. 7:234. 1912. A. uncinata Lam. Encycl. 2:127. 1786. Mar. : 'Hirva Chapha’ Large glabrous shrubs. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, shining dark green. Flowers A on hooked penduncles, frangrant, yellowish green, solitary or in pairs. Ripe carpels 6-10, yellow. ¥ls. & Frts. : April - October. Distrib. : Mostly cultivated in gardens for fragrant flowers at Baneshwar. Notes: The flowers contain essential oil which is used in perfumery. Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 398. 1864; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:62. 1872; Cooke, FI.Pres . Bombay 1:13. 1958.(Repr. ed.). Uvaria longifolia Sonn. Voy. Ind. Orient. 2.233.t. 131. 1782. Mar. : “As/io/t” Trees, 7-10 m^Leaves narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, shining, wavy. Flowers yelloish-green. Fruits ovoid-oblong, 1-3 cm. FIs. & Frts. : January-April. Distrib. : Planted in gardens as an avenue tree. Bhor, Nasarapur. MENISPERMACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Bark corky... Tinospora 1. Bark not corky: 2. Stamens all free : 3. Inflorescence arising from old wood... Diploclisia 3. Inflorescence arising from leaf axils ... Cocculus

39 2.Stamens all connate ; 4.Inflorescence umbellate ... Stephania 4. Inflorescence a panicle or fascicled: 5. Leaves sub -orbicular... Cissampelos 5. Leaves triangular-ovate.... Cyclea _ CISSAMPELOS L. Cissampelos L. Sp PI. 103L 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.Brit. India l:103,1872;Cooke,Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:24. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.; 'Pahadver Climbers with branches striate, pubescent. Leaves 2-6 cm across. Male flowers in axillary cymes; sepals obovate, concave, hairy; petals connate into a short cup; female flowers in axillary racemes; bracts reniform, villous; sepals ovate, pubescent; petals half the length of the sepals. Drupes sub-globose,red, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : July- August. ^ ' Ulus. : Maheshwari, Ill.Fl. Delhi f.2.1966. Distrib. : Common along forest edges. Hirdoshi. COCCULUS L. Cocculus hirsutus (L) Deils in Engl. Pflanzenr. 46:236. 1910. C. villous, DC. Syst.Nat. 1:525. 1818; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:101. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:22. 1958(Repr. ed.). Menispermum hirsutum L. Sp. PI. 341. 1753.

Msli. ’.^Vasanver ^ ^traggling^ scandent shrub; young parts densely and softly villous; branches striate. Leaves 3-5 nerved, ovate-oblong, obtuse, subacute, apiculate, subcordate or truncate at the base, softy villous on both surfaces, at length nearly glabrous; petioles long, densely villous.Male flowers in small axillary cymose- panicles; pedicels slender; bracts minute, subcordate, hairy; sepals oblong-ovate.

40 hairy outside, inner 3 larger; petals thinly membranous, obovate, emarginate, embrancing the stamens, smaller than the petals of the female flowers;female flowers in axillary clusters, 2-3 together, rarely racemose; petals thick and fleshy, divided at the apex into two triangular lobes with swollen bases, claw hairy, ovaries 3, smooth; stigma terete, thick. Drupes small, 2.0-3.0 mm across. FIs. & Frts. : February- August. Distrib. : Common on shrub. Bhatghar Bhor, Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat. CYCLEA Arn. Cyclea peltata (Lamk.) Hook. £ & Thoms. FI. Ind. 201. 1855 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:104. 1872. Menispermum peltatum Lam. Encycl. 1:96. 1797. C. burmanni (DC.) Hook. f. & Thoms, op. cit; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:23. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Climbers. Leaves 6-10 x 3-4 cm. Rowers small, greenish; male flowers: sepals connate, pilose; petals connate, shrorter than the sepals; female flowers: sepals oblong; petals orbicular. Drupes subglobose, pilose. FIs. & Frts. : February- August. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:46, f.29. 1909. Distrib. : Common along Warandha Ghat.

DIPLOCLISIA Miers. Diploclisia glaucescens (Bl.) Diels in Engl. Pflanzenr. 46. 225. t. 77.1910. Cocculus glaucescens Bl. Bijdr. 25. 1825. C. macrocarpus Wight &Am. Prodr. 13. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms. FI. Brit. India 1:101.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1.22.1958 (Repr. ed.). Extensive, woody climbers with brownish bark. Leaves variable, broader than long, mucronate, 5-nerved, 4.2-10.2 x 5.0-12 cm. Flowers bright yellow. Drupes pendulous, glaucous-green, obovoid-oblong.

FIs. Sc Frts. : February- June.

41 Distrib. : In decidous forests. Warandha Ghat. Notes : Leaves used as wrappers for making bidis.

STEPHANIA Lour. Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 3, 18:14. 1866; Banerji in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 51:420. 1953. Menisermum japonica Thunb. PI. 193. 1784. Stephania hernandifolia sensu Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook FI. Brit. India 1:103. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1.23.1958 (Repr. ed.). Twining shrubs. Leaves broadly ovate, peltate, acute-acuminate, 4-11 x 3-9 cm. Flowers greenish-yellowish, minute. Drupes solitary, obovoid, red at maturity. FIs. & Frts. : July- October. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

TINOSPORA Miers Key to the species 1. Leaves glabrous; flowers yellow ... T.cordifolia 1. Leaves tomentose beneath; flowers green ... T. sinensis Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thoms. FI. Ind. 184. 1855 & in Hook f. FI. Brit. India. 1:97. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:19. 1958 (Repr. ed.j. Menispermum cordifolium Willd . Sp. PI. 4:826. 1805. Mar. : 'GulveV extensively (^abrou^limber, bark corky, greyish -white, lenticellate. Leaves membranous, cordate, glabrous on both surface; petioles long. Racemes axillary or terminal; flowers yellow, pedicels slender; bracts lanceolate. Drupes dorsally convex, ventrally flat, 0.4-0.5 cm across, deep red turning black on drying.

42 FIs. <& Frts. : January- May. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 485-486. 1841. Distrib. : Very common on hedges and shrubs. Hirdoshi, Shirgaon. Notes : 1] plant juice used in fever 2] Leaves, stem, and roots are used medically to fever, blood presure and swellings.

Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. Sunyatsenia 1:193, 1934 & Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad n.s. 24:158. 1935. Campylus sinensis Lour. FI. Cochinch. 113.1790; Bole &L Almedia in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77:453. 1981. T. malabarica Lam. Encycl. 4:96. 1797; Hook f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.Brit. India 1:96. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:19. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Climbers. Leaves ovate, acuminate at apex; petioles twisted at base. Flowers green, in axillary racemes. Drupes ovoid, red, 1-3 together. Fls.& Frts. : November- January. Distrib. : Bhor, Bhatghar.

NYMPHAEACEAE NYMPHAEA L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves glabrous, entire to bluntly dentate ... N.nouchali 1, Leaves covered beneath by dence short hairs ... N.pubescens ^ /

Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f. FL. Ind. 120. 1768; Subram. Aquat. Ang. 6. 1962; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77:454. 1981. N.lotus Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:114. 1872, non L. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres.

Bombay 1:26. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Mar.: ‘'Pivla Kamal”

43 Herbs with leaves peltate, orbicular or elliptic, entire or sinuate-dentate. Flowers red, white and blue. Berries globular, spongy. FIs. & Frts. : August- October. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 178.1841. Distrib. : Baneshwar.

Nymphaea pubescens Willd. Sp. PI. 2:1154. 1799. N.lotus wslt. pubescens Hook, f. & Thoms. FI. Ind. 241. 1855 & in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1:114. 1872, non L. (1753); Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1.27. 1958 (Repr.ed.). N. nouchali auct. non Bum. f. (1768); Subram. Aq. Ang. 6.t. f .2.1962. Mar.: "Yuimar Aquatic floating herbs. Leaves orbicular or reniform, base broadly cordate, glabrous. Flowers rosy-red. Fruits fleshy, globose. Seeds small, ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : July- September. Distrib. : In ponds. Bhor.

NELUMBONACEAE NELUMBO Gaertn. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Fruct. I:73.t.l9.f.2 1788; Subram. Aq. Ang. . 8: f. 4. 1962. Nelumbium speciosum Willd. Sp. PI. 2:1258. 1800; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 1:116.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:28.1958 (Repr.ed.). Aquatic, rhizomatous herbs. Leaves simple, orbicular, glaucous-green, glabrous; margins up turned. Flowers pink, solitary, above water; torus tubinate. Fruits ovoid, glabrous, 6-8 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : October- December. Distrib. : In ponds and lake at Nasarapur near Baneshwar temples. Notes: A monotypic genus with attractive, beautiful, colourful, flowers. Rhizome and thalamus are edible. Seeds also said to be edible and medicinal.

44 PAPAVERACEAE ARGEMONE L. Argemone mexicana L. Sp. PI. 508. 1753. Hook. f. & Thoms. FI. Brit. India 1;117 1872; Cooke,FI. Press.Bombay 1:27 1958 (Repr.ed). Mai I’Pivla dhotra' ^ A prickly herb upko i^O cm tail. Leaves sessile amplexicaul, cauline and radical, bluish-green,variegated white, spiny on margins and veins, prickles very sharp.Flowers bright yellow,3-4 cm across, solitary terminal; petals long imbricate in 2 series; bracts foliaceous; ovary covered with soft spines, stigma red.Capsules 2-3.5 cm long, spinous, erect.Seeds black, globose, reticulately veined. FIs. & Frts. : Almost throughtout the year Illus. : Wight, Illus. f. 11.1840. Distrib. : Common weed in waste places. Shirgoan, Varvand, Hirdoshi.

Note: Latex is used to cure eye is a native of Mexico. An exotic weed often troublesome, usually found growing along road sides, wasteland, riverside. Oil extracted from the seeds is used in soap industry^ ^

FUMARIACEAE FUMARIA L . Fumaria indica (Haussk) Pugsley in Journ. Linn. Soc. 44:313 1919 . F. parviflora Wight & Arn. Prodr. 18. 1834 (non Lamk.) F. parviflora Lamk. var. vaillantii auct. PL (non) F. vaillantii Loisel 1809 ; HooLf.& Thoms. FI. Brit India 1:258. 1855; Cooke, FI.Pres. Bomaby 1:30.1958 (Repr.ed). M ar: 'Pitpada’ Erect or spreading 10-20 cm tall herbs. Leaves pinnatisect,l-3cm long , narrowly linear. Flowers pale pink, 0.5-0.7 cm long terminal racemes. Fruits round, papillose, upto 2 mm across, apiculate at apex, pale yellowish-green. Fl^& FrtS' : November-february. K 45 0 ^ Illus. : Mahes^Illus, FI.Delhi fig.4.1966. Distrib. : Found in cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Kambare.


Key to the genera. 1. Leaves hairy; pods linear, flattened .... Cardamine 1. Leaves glabrous;pods subterete ..... Rorippa

Cardamine trichocarpa Hochst. ex. Rich. Tent. FL Abyss. 1:18 1947;Gamble FI. Pres. Madras 1:27 1957 (Repr. ed-) C. hirsuta L. var. subumbellata. Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. 4:294 1852.C. subumbellata Hook. f. & Thoms. & in Hook. f. FI. Britlndia 1:138 1972; Cooke^Fl. Pres.Bomaby 1:32.1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, 12-18 cm high. Leaflets 5, terminal larger, upto 2-7 cm long . Flowers in lax racemes. Pods about 3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. :July-November. Illus. : Mattew,Ill. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t 26 1982. Distrib. : Common in wet places.Bhor, Bhatghar,

Rorippa indica(L). Hiern, Cat. Air. PI. Welw. 26. 1896 Nasturtium indicum{L.)DC.?rodr. 1:39 1824; Hook f & Thoms, in FI. Brit India 1:134.1872 proparte (excLvar. benghalense)',Cooke¥l. Pres. Bombay 1:31.1958 (Repr.ed). Erect, glabrous herbs upto 50 cm tall. Lower leaves petioled, pinnatipartite with 1- 4 segment on either side; upper leaves sessile, lanceolate-oblong. Flowers

46 pedicellate, yellow, in racemes. Pods 1-15 cm long, linear, shortly beaked. Seeds sub-reniform, reddish-brown, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : November-April Distrib. ; Bhor and Bhatghar.


Brassica campestris L. Sp. PI. 666. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms. & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:156 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:36 1958 (Repr ed). Herbs erects, Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid. Flowers yellow in elongate racemes. Pods upto 4-5 cm, 2-valved.

FIs. & Frts. : March-April. q Distrib. : Common under cultivation Bhor, Nasarapur.

Brassica juncea (L) Czern. & Cross ex. Coss. in Bull.Bot. France 6:609 1859; Hook. f. & T. And in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:152 1872; Cooke FI Pres Bomaby l:37^1958(RepT.ed).Sinapis juncea L. Sp. PI. 668. 1753. Mar CMoharV ■ ^ Herbs,erect upto 50cm high. Leaves lanceolate entire or denate lower leaves pinnatifid. Flowers yellow. Pods erect upto 3cm long.Seeds many reticulate. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : Common annuals,also found along roadsides Hirdoshi,Khanapur, Ambawade.

Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L. Sp. PI. 667. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:37 1958 (Repr.ed.)^Bole & Almeida in J. Bomaby Nat. Hist. Soc. 77:455. 1981.

47 Mar:’Phul-kobi’. The head is formed of condensed and thickened flower clusters. Distrib. : Grown in a agricultural farms Bhor, Sarola. Note;- l)The well-known cauliflower cultivated in many part of Bhor taluka ii) Leaves used in gastric disorder and bronchitis. Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. Sp. PI. 667. 1753. Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:37 1958 (Repr ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist Soc. 77:455 1981 . Mar :’Kobr Stem short and thick .Radical and lower leaves thick, fleshy obovate- oblong; closely packed into large head. Leaves small, clasping. Flowers large, creamy yellow. Distrib : Common vegetable, cultivated throughtout Bhor taluka,

Lepidium sativum L. Sp. PI. 649. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in FI. Brit. India 1:159 1872; Cooke, FI Pres, Bombay 1:37 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar Erect slender herbs ujJto 30cm tall. Leaves 1.5-6 x 6-1 cm, petiolate, glabrous, basal ones pinatipartite gradually becoming entire. Flowers white, in 5- 10cm long terminal racemes. Pods 0.3-0.5 x 0.2-0.3 cm broadly elliptic-oblong, glabrous, compressed. Seeds minute, reddish brown FIs. & Frts. : December-April Distrib. : Rare, Warandha Ghat cultivated at Bhor. ’

Raphanus sativus L. Sp. PI. 669. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in FI. Brit. India 1:166 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bomaby 1:37 1958 (Repr. ed.). MsiV.’Mula’ Herbs, 40-70 cm. tall, hispidly hairy. Leaves radical or cauline, radical ones

20-40 X 5-8 cm, lyrately pinnatifid; petiolate, cauline, linear to linear -lanceolate.

48 Racemes 10-20 cm long ,terminal. Seeds ellipsoid, reticulatedly veined, brown FIs. & Frts. : November-April. Distrib. : Cultivated for vegetable.Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur, Utroli.

CAPPARIDACEAE/ CAPPARACEAE V. CAPPARIS L. Key to species 1. Leaves early caducous ,flowers zygomorptic ... C. decidua 1. Leaves persistent; flowers not as above : 2.Flowers axillary^solitary ..... C. divaricata. 2.Flowers not as above : 3. Flowers^supra-axillary ^ 4. Prostrate shrubs; leaves orbicular C. spinosa 4. Erect shrubs; leaves ovate, lanceolate ... C. zeylanica 3. Flowers umbellate and corymbose : 5. Inflorescence um bellate...... C.rotundifolia 5. Inflorescence corymbose .... C. moonii

C apparis decidua (Forssk .) Edgew. in J. Linn. Soc 6:184. 1864; Jacob in Blumea 12:424 1965. Sodada decidua Forssk. FI. Aegypt-Arab 81. 1775. C. aphylla Roth, Nov. Sp. PI. 238 1821; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:174 1872; Cooke FI. Pres. Bomaby 1:49 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar I’Neptad’ Shrubs,straggling, 7 m high, densely armed;branches zig-zag. Leaves confined to young twings. Flowers red in racemes; sepals 4, bi-seriate; petals concave. Berries globose,scarlet. FIs. & Frts. : April-August. Illus. : Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi f. 12 1966.

49 Distrib. : Occasional in dry areas Bhongawali, Sarola,Nigade,Bhor*

Capparis divaricata Lam. Encycl. 1:606 1785; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:174 1872; Cooke^Fl. Pres. Bomaby 1:48 1958 (Repr. ed.). Large shrubs or small trees. Leave ovate to narrowly oblong or lanceolate. Flowers greenish. Fruits scarlet, sub-globose,ribbed, 5 cm across. FIs. & Frts. :February-April. Distrib. :In deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

Capparis moonii Wight, 111. 1:35 1840; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:175; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bomaby 1:49 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar: ‘WaghatV Shrubs ascending upto 3 cm long. Leaves elliptic-oblong, 5-10 x 3-5cm. Rowers fragrant, white, puberulous. Fruits subglobose, 5-10 cm across,reddish- brown when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : November-June. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bomaby Pres. & Sind 1:59, f 37. 1909; Raghavan & Rolla Rao in J. Bomaby Nat. Hist. Soc. 62:421,t.2. (1965). Distrib. : Freguent in scrub forests Rayari,Bhor,Utroli. Notes : Pulverised fruits used in treatments of tuberculosis.

Capparis rotundifolia Rottl. Neue. Schr. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. 4:185; Jacobs in Blumea 12:485 1965 C.pedunculosa Wall, ex Wight & Am. Prodr. 27. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. Brit. India 1:176 1872; Cooke FI. Pres. Bomaby 1:47 1948 (Repr. ed). C. longispina Hook. f. & Thoms, (op.cit). C. pedunculosa var. longispina (Hook f & Thoms )Trim Handb Fl.Ceylon 1:63 1892; Cooke

{op.cit 48). Mar:’K^o/isma’

50 Shrubs, l-3m high. Leaves brodly elliptic or orbicular, 2-4 x 1.0-2.7 cm, apex mucronate. Flowers white.Berries white, ovoid globous,0.7 x 0.5 x 0.6-1.1cm across. FIs. & Frts. : February-August. nius. : Talbot,For FI. Bomaby Pres. & Sind 1:61,f.39 1909. Distrib. : Rare in Hirdoshi.

Capparis spinosa L. Sp. PI. 503. 1753; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:47, 1958 (Repr. ed.); Jacobes in Blumea 12:416. 1965 C. spinosa vai.vulgaris Hook, and f. Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:173 1872. Shrubs branches diffused pubescent when young .Leaves variable; broadly ovate to orbicular, glabrous or pubsent. Flowers white.Fruits ovoid, red when ripe. Seeds globose,embedded in scarlet pulp. FIs. & Frts. :January-March. Illus. :Talbot, For FI. Bomaby Pres, and Sind l:52,f.32 1909. Distrib. :Occasional in dry area Bhor,Sarola, Nigade.

Capparis zeylanica L. Sp. PI. Ed. 2:720. 1762; Dunn in Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 1:46. 1915. [1:34. 1957 (Repr. ed.)];Jacobs in Blumea 12:505, f. 1965. C horrida L. f. Suppl. 264. 1781; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:178 1972;Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:51 1958 (Repr. ed.). Large climber Leaves 2.4-6 x 1-3.2 cm elliptic to ovate, obovate ,obtuse attenuate at base,mucronate. Flowers solitary or in cluster. Sepals 4 Petals 4,white stamens many.Gynophore 2-4 cm long. Berries glabose,red Seeds many. FIs. & Frts. :March-May. Illus. :Wight, Ic 1.173. 1839; Talbot, For FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:63, f. 41. 1909 (C. horrida). Distrib. :Frequent on hill slopes.Warandha Ghat,Rayreshwar.

51 PLATE - in

NOCAR PUS N I M M O N H Gvah. CLEOMACEAE CLEOME L Key to the species. l.Andro-gynophore present; stamens 6 ...... C. gynandra 1. Andro-gynophore absent;stamens more than 6 ; 2.Leaves simple;flowers pink or purple ..... C. simplicifolia 2.Leaves compound;flowers yellow ...... C. viscosa.

Cieome gynandra L. Sp. PI. 671. 1753. Gynandropsis pentaphylla (L.)DC. Prodr. 1:283. 1824; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:171 1872;Cooke,Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:42 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar '.’Pandhari tilvan’Q Herbs, 1 m high^lxaflets sessile,middle lobe longer ; bracts leafy,trifoliate; speals deciduous; petals obovate with long, narrow claw ; gynophore 1-2 cm long .Capsules elongate,cylindrical, 6-8 cm long. Seeds dark brown. FIs. & Frts. : June-August. Illus. : Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi,f. 10. 1966. Distrib. : Found near cultivated fields. Venupuri, Hirdoshi, Bhor.

Cieome simplicifolia (Camb.) Hook. f.& Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:169 1872; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:40 1958 (Repr. ed.). Polanisia simplicifolia Camb. Jacq. Voy. Bot. 20. F. 20. 1844. Herbs, 12-35 cm high; stem strigose with rigid spinular hairs.Leaves lower petiolate; upper sessile, oblong . Flowers solitary in the axils of leafy bracts. Capsule elongate, about 3.0cm long beaked. Seeds globose, yellowish. FIs. & Frts. July September Illus. Wight Ic. t. 1072. 1842. Distrib. Frequent near cultivated field and along roadsides Hirdoshi,Bhor,Bope.

52 Cleome viscosa L. Sp. PI. 672. 1752; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 1:169 1872;Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:14 1958 (Repr. ed.). C. icosandra Jacobs in Van Steen. FI. Malesiana Ser 1(2):103. 1962. Herbs, viscous-pubescent, upto 1.5m tall. Leaves 3-5 foliate; leaflets 1-4 x 0.5-2 cm elliptic oblong ,glabrous above and pubscent beneath. Flowers l-1.5cm across, axillary ,solitary or in lax racemes. Capsules 4-9 cm long, cylindrical, hairy. Seeds 0.1 cm across,dark brown,reniform. FIs. & Frts. : Throughtout the year Illus. : Mahesh,Illus. FI. Delhi fig. 9.1966. Distrib. :Common in wet places and in cultivated fields .Bhor, Hirdoshi.

BIXACEAE BIXA L. Bixa Orellana L. Sp. PI. 512. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms in Hook. f. FI. Brit, India 1:190. 1872; Cooke FI. Bombay 1:57 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar: 'ShendrV Small trees. Leaves ovate, 7-11 x 4.7-7.5 cm, base subcordate, apex acuminate. Flowers yellow, in panicles. Capsules subglobose, 2-valved, prickly.

FIs. & Frts. August-September. Illus. Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 1:72 f. 46.1909. Distrib. Common in deciduos forests, Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

FLACOURTIACEAE Key to the genera 1. unarmed; stamens less than 10; flowers bisexual Casearia 1. Plants armed; stamens more than 10; flowers unisexual...... Flacourtia

53 CASEARIA Jacq. Casearia graveolens Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot 4:107. 1852. C.B Cl in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:192 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:553 1958. (Repr. ed.).

M ar; 'Bokhada' q Trees 6-8m high Leaves broad elliptic, 9.0-14.5 x 3.3-5.5cm,base obtuse, apex acute; stipules deciduous green; petals absent. Capsules ellipsoid, about 2 cm long yellow. FIs. & Frts. : February-November. Distrib. : Common in deciduous forests along Warandha Ghats.

FLACOURTIA Commers Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Interpr. Rumph. Herb. Amb.377. 1917. Gmelina indica Burm. f. FI. Ind. 132 1768. Flacourtia ramontchi L. Herit. Strip. Nov. 3:59. 1785; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:193 1872;Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:59.1958 (Repr. ed.). Shrubs, 2-3cm high. Leaves 1.5-4.4 x 1-2 cm, cuneate at base,crenate, obtuse-rounded; sepals 5,pale greenish. Male flowers: stamens many, female flowers: ovary 3-5 loculed. Drupes globose,yellow. FIs. & Frts. : February-July nius. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres & Sind 1:77,f .50. 1909. {Flacourtia ramonctchi). Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopes and hill tops .Warandha Ghat.

COCHLOSPERMACEAE COCHLOSPERMUM L. Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston in Trimen Handb. FI. Ceylon 6:14 1931. Bombax religiosum L. Sp. PI. 552. 1753. Cochlospermum gossypium DC. Prodr. 1:527 1824; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:190 M ar: 'Ganer ’

54 Small trees upto 8 m tall with ash coloured bark. Leaves palmately 3-5 lobed, glbrous above and tomentose beneath, petiolate. Flowers in 7-12 cm in diameter, showy above,bright yellow, in terminal corymbose-panicles, appearing before leaves; petals obovate,deeply emarginate, veined, anther, basifixed, many. FIs. & Frts. : February-April Distrib. : Shivther Ghal, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bhutonde, Bope.

PITTOSPORACEAE PITTOSPORUM Banks Pittosporum dasycaulon Miq. in Anal. Bot. Ind. 3:5 1850; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:199;1872; Cooke,FI. Pres. Bombay 1:62 1958 (Repr. ed.) ;Gowda in J. Arnold. Arbor. 32:324. 1951;Nayar & Fasc. FI. India 6:6. 1980. Mar "GapsundV. Trees, 5-8 m high. Leaves oblong-lanceolate 6 x 3 cm,crowded at apex.Flowers yellow in terminal or psedudoterminal umbels ; petals oblong. Capsules about 1cm across , 2-valved. Seeds red. FIs. & Frts. :September-February. nius. :Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind. 1:82, f. 54. 1909. Distrib. : Rare,endemic to Western Ghats. Hirdoshi forests.

POLYGALACEAE POLYGALA L. Key to the species. 1. Flowers pink; 2. Procumbent herbs; racemes less than 1 cm long.... P. erioptera 2. Erect herbs; racemes more than 3 cm long... P- persicaraefolia 1. Flowers yellow.... P. arvensis

55 Polygala arvensis Willd. Sp. PL 3:876. 1802; Burtt. in notes R.B.G. Edinb. 32:404. 1973. P. chinensis auct. non L. 1753; Bennet in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:204. 1872 P. P.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:64. 1958 (Repr. ed.); S. K. Mukherjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 12:38. 1960. Decumbent herb; branches 3-20 cm long. Leaves 0.4-4 x 0.3-1.5 cm, elliptic-oblong or obovate-ovate; acute-retuse, mucronate. Racemes axillary; sepals 5; outer sepals 3, wing sepals 2; petals 3, yellow, adnate to staminal sheath;stamens 8. Capsule suborbicular, 2-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : July-December. Ulus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 16. 1966. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat. Polygala erioptera DC. Prodr. 1:326. 1825; Bennet in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 203. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:63 1958. (Repr. ed.); S.K. Mukherjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 12:47. 1960. Prostrate herb. Leaves 0.2-1 x 0.2-0.4 cm, obovate, cuneate at base, Obtuse retuse. Racemes short, axillary, solitary; sepals 5; outer sepals 3, ovate, wing sepals 2, obovate; petals 5, pink, adnate to the staminal tube; stamens 8. Capsules oblong. Seeds 2. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat.

Polygala persicariaefolia DC. Prodr. 1:326. 1824; Bennett in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:202. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:63. 1958 (Repr. ed.); S.K. Mukherjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 12:45. 1960. Erect herb, 15-40 cm high. Leaves 1.4-5 x o.2-1.4 cm, elliptic to linear lanceolate, attenuate at base, acute. Racemes leaf-opposed; sepals 5; outer sepals 3, elliptic, wing sepals 2, suborbicular; petals 3, pink; stamens 8. Capsules oblong. Seeds 2. FIs. & Frts. : August-October.

56 Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat.

CARYOPHYLLACEAE Key to the genera 1. Stipules absent... Vaccaria 1. Stipules scarious; 2. Valves of capsule 5... Spergula 2. Valves of capsule 3... Qiolvcarpaea'^olycarp,

SPERGULA L. Spergula arvensis L.Sp. PL 1753. Hook. f. & Thoms, in FI. Brit. India 1:243.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:69. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Annual, erect, sub-erect or diffuse, 12-30 cm tall herbs; stems geniculate,branched from the root. Leaves upto 5.2 cm long, in false whorls, linear or sub-linear semierete, somewhat fleshy. Flowers yellowish white, stalked in terminal subumbellate cymes. Capsules ovate or subglobose, glabrous. Seeds many, black or dark brown. FIs. & Frts. : November-February. Ulus. : Mahesh, Illus.. FI. Delhi fig. 69.1966. Distrib. : A rare weed in cultivated field. Hirdoshi, Bhor. POLYCARPAEA Lamark ^ Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. Tab. Encycl. 2:129. 1797; Hook f. & Thoms, in FI. Brit. India 1:245. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:70. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Achyranthes corymbosa L. Sp. PI. 205. 1753. Erect, annual herb^up^to 30cm tall. Leaves whorled at node, 0.5-2.2 X 0.1-2.5 cm, sessile, linear, mucronate; stipules fimbriate. Flowers light pink, in dense, much branched terminal cymes; sepals lanceolate, scarious. Capsule minute, oblong-obovoid, shining brown. FIs. & Frts. : August-January.

57 Illus. ; Wight, Icon. t. 712. 1843. Distrib. : Common; Warandha Ghat. VACCARIA Medic. Vaccaria pyramidata Medic. Phil. Bot. 1:96. 1789. Saponaria vaccaria L. Sp. PI. 409. 1753; Edgew. & Hook f. & FI. Brit. India 1:217. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:66. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. ; ‘Sabni’ Herbs, erect, annuals. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. Flowers pink, in dichotomous cymes. Capsules ovoid. Seeds globose, black. FIs. & Frts. : February-March Distrib.. : Common weed of agricultural field. Bhatghar, Bhor.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Dianthus caryophyllus L. Sp. PI. 410. 1753; Edgew. & Hook f. in Fl.Brit. India 1:214. 1874; Blatt. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 34:304. 1930. Perennial herbs. Leaves linear, channelled above. Flowers pink,fragrant, in loose panicled cymes. Capsules ovoid. Seeds pear shaped, flat. FIs. 6c Frts. : September-January. Distrib. : Cultivated. Hirdoshi near forest office. Note : Handsome garden plant, Native of East Asia.

PORTULACACEAE PORTULACA L. Key to the species. 1. Nodes without appendages... P.oleracea 1. Nodes with a ring of hairs.... P- quadrifida

Portulaca oleracea L. SP. PI. 445. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:246. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:72. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

58 Mar. : ‘GhoV Prostrate succulent herbs. Stem reddish. Leaves obovate, alternate, opposite, subsessile. Flowers in clusters; petals 5-6, yellow. Stamens 8-12; style 3-5 fid. Capsule ovoid. Seeds numerous, black, concentrically striate. FIs. & Frts. : February-June. Distrib. : Common weed in waste places and cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Bhatghar. Portulaca quadrifida L. Mant. 73. 1767; Thiselton Dyer in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:247. 1874;Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:72 1958 (Repr. ed.). Geesinkin ■Blumea 17:290. 1969. Herbs, prostrate. Leaves small, elliptic-oblong, base cuneate, apex acute, fleshy. Flowers yellow, subsessile, surrounded by silvery hairs and involucre of 4 Leaves. Capsule obout 0.3cm long. Seeds tubercled. FIs. & Frts. : July-September. Illus : Wight,Ic. 109.1839. Distrib. : Weed near cultivated field. Bhor,Hirdoshi, Umbarde. ELATINACEAE BERGIA L. Bergia ammaniiioides Roxb.. Hort. Beng. 34. 1814; Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 219. 1821; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:251. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:77. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Prostrate, erect herbs, 14-30 cm tall, glandular hairy. Leaves 0.6-3.5 X 0.2-1.2 cm, oblanceolate, base tappering into a short petiole; margin serrate. Flowers in axillary clusters; sepals 5, petals 5. Capsules sublobose. Seeds minute, polished. FIs. & Frts. : November-December. Illus. : Maheh; Illus. FI. Delhi f. 22.1966. Distrib. : Common in wet places and river bank. Bhatghar,Bhor, Deoghar.

59 CLUSIACEAE GARCINIA L. Garcinia indica (Du Petit-Thouars) Choiss. in DC. Prodr. 1:561. 1824; T. And. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:261. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:80. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Brindonia indica Du petit-Thouars, Diet. Sci. Nat. 5:340. 1804. Mar. : ‘Kokam’ Trees, 6-10 m high. Leaves about 4-8 x 1.0-2.5 cm, membranous, base and apex acute. Flowers yellowish, unisexual. Fruits globose about 3 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : February-April. Ulus.. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 1;90, f.57. 1909. Distrib : Occasional along hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

MALVACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Antheriferous filaments terminal staminal tube : 2. Epicalyx present... ^ Malvastrum 2. Epicalyx absent : 3. Ovules 2-many per locule; cocci 2-many seeded. Abutilon 3. Ovules 1 per locule ; cocci 1-seeded.. Sida 1. Antheriferous filaments lateral to staminal tube : 4. Stigma single ...... Thespesia 4. Stigma many : 5. Leaves not glandular: 6. Calyx deciduous: Abelmoschus 6. Calyx persistent.... Hibiscus 5. Leaves glandular... Urena

60 ABELMOSCHUStt) Medic V Key to the species. 1. Epicalyx lobes ovate, enclosing calyx.... A. manihot 1. Epicalyx lobes linear to linear-lanceolate, subtending calyx.... A. moschatus Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic, subsp. tetraphyllus (Roxb.. ex. Hornem.) Borss. in Blumea 14 : 97. 1966. Hibiscus tetraphyllus Roxb. ex Hornen. Hort. Hafn. 661.1815.Mast, in Hook.Fl.Brit.India 1:341.1874.Cooke, Fl.Pres.Bombay 1: 118.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar, : ‘Ranbhendi’ Woody, perennial, herbs. Leaves orbicular deeply 3-5 lobed, 2.4-12 x 2.0- 17 cm. Flowers in terminal racemes, 4-5 cm across, yellow with purple spot in the throat. Capsules 3-6 cm long, 4-5 valved, oblong stigose. Seeds globose or reniform, hairy. FIs. & Frts : September-January. Illus. : Talbot, For FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:123, t.74. 1909; Ic Roxb. Fasc. 2, t.5.1968. (Repr. ed. {H. tetraphyllus)]. Distrib. : In most places at Warandha Ghat. Abelmoschus moschatus Medicus, Malv, 46. 1787; Borss., Blumea 14:90. 1966. Hibiscus abelmoschus L., Sp. PI. 696. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:112(118). 1901; Gamble, FI. Madras 97 (69). 1915. Erect herbs, pubescent, with retrorse bristles. Leaves triangular to oblong, crenate denatate. Flowers usually in terminal racemes; epicalyx lobes linear, usually 10, appressed in fruit, to 1.5 cm long ; corolla yellow with purple centre.

Seeds glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : January-April. Distrib. : Warandha Ghat.

61 CULTIVATED SPECIES Abelmoschus esculentum (L.) Moench. Method. PI. 617. 1784; Van Borss. Blumea 14(1): 100. 1966. Hibiscus esculentus L. Sp. PI. 676. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:343. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:119.1958 (Repr.ed). Mar. . ‘Bhendi’

Herbs 70-100 cm tall, hispidly hairy. Leaves large, 3-5 lobed, petiolate; petiole upto 10 cm long. Flowers yellow with purple spot within, axillary, solitary. Capsules 6-15 cm long, 6-8 angled with stiff hairs. FIs. & Ftrs. : June-July.

Distrib. ; Cultivated at Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur. ABUTILON Mill. Key to the species.

1. Mericarps 5, sepals lanceolate... A. pcrsicutn 1. Mericarps 15-20; sepals ovate :

2. Capsules densely silky tomentose... A. glaucum 2: Capsules hairy, glabresecent... A. indicum Abutilon indicum(L.) Sweet, Hort, Brit. 54. 1826 emend. Hochr. in Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Geneve 6:19. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Borss. Blumea 14:170, f. 19d. 1966. Mar. : ‘Mudra’

Herbs, 50 cm high. Leaves cordate, upto 3.0 x 2.5 cm, 5-7 nerved. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary; pedicels jointed above the middle; carpels reniform, acute, dorsally hairy. Seeds 0.2 cm across, punctate. FIs. & Frts. : March-April. Illus.. : Wight, Ic.t. 1838. Distrib.. : Rare, near cultivated field. Hirdoshi. Abutilon persicum (Burm.f.) Merr. in Philipp J.. Sci. 19:364. 1921; Blumea 14:163. 1966. Sida persica Burm. FI. Ind. 148, t. 47, f.l. 1768. Abutilon polyandrum (Roxb.) Wight «fe Ann. ex. Wight, Cat. 12.1833: Mast, in Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 1: 325.1874:Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:101.1950.(Repr. ed.).

62 Mar. ; 'Madam’ Shrub, 2-3 m high. Leaves 3-20 x 1-17 cm, broadly ovate, cordate at base, acuminate-caudate; petiole upto 13 cm long. Flowers solitary, or in racemes; bracts leafy; sepals 5, connate at base; petals 5, yellow. Stamens many., Mericarps 5. Seeds reniform, brown, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : January-June. Distrib. ; Rare on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

Abutilon glaucum (Cav.) Sw. Hort. Brit. 54.1826. Sida glauca Cav. Icon. 5.8. t. 11. 1791. Abutilon muticum G. Don, Gen. Syst. 1:502. 1831; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:327. 1872; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 1:102. 1958(Repr.ed). Mar. : ‘Kasili’ l-12m tall, tomentose, glaucous shrubs. Leaves ovate, orbicular, petiolate, upto 65 cm long and almost as much broad; petiole 2-7 cm long. Flowers axillary, 2-4 cm across; corolla orange yellow. Fruits 1.2-2.2 cm across, globose, silky villous. FIs. & Frts. : January-April. Distrib. : Rare, Warandha Ghat. HIBISCUS L. Hibiscus caesius Garcke in Oest. Bot, Zeit. 7:850. 1849; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 1:116. 1958 (Repr.ed); Rakshit & Kundu in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12:173 (1970) 1972. H. gibsonii Stocks ex Harv. & Sond. FI. Cap. 2:587. 1961-62; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:339.1874. Mar. : ‘Agya’ Herbs, upto 2m high; stem and branches light coloured, terete, branches bristly. Leaves 2.4-5 x 0.4-1.5 cm, 3-5 lobed oblong-lanceolate, stellate hairy, margins sharply serrate. Flowers yellow with a purple centre, solitary, axillary, 6- 7 cm in diams., peduncles upto 8-9 cm long, prickles few, jointed near the flowers. Capsules ovoid, pointed. Seeds 4 in each locule, pilose.

63 FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. ; Frequent on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Sp. PI. 694. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:344. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:20. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Jasvand' Shrubs. Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, coarsely serrate. Flowers creamish, axillary, solitary. FIs. C&: Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens. Bhatghar, Bhor, Baneshwar.

Hibiscus cannabinus L. Syst. Nat.(ed.lO) 2:1149. 1759; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 1339. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:116. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Am badi’ 1-3 m tall, errect, glabrescent or hairy under shrub; stem prickly. Leaves deeply 3-5 lobed except at the base which are often undivided, serrate; petioles upto 5 cm long; stipulers subulate. Flowers yellow with purple spot, axillary shortly pedicillate; involucral bracts 7-10 linear, free , upto 1.3 cm long. Capsules ovoid, beaked, very hairy. FIs. & Frts. : August-December. Distrib. : Common, Bhor.

Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Sp. PI. 695. 1753; Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 1:340. 1872; ' Van Borssum in Blumea 14(1) : 64. 1966; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:117. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Lai ambadi’

64 1-2 m tall, deciduous, glabrous herbs with purple stem. Leaves entire or 3- 5 lobed, cuneate at the base; midrib of leaf glandular beneath. Flowers solitary, cultivated axillary, purple; pedicels stout upto 1 cm long. Capsules ovoid, beaked and hairy. FIs. & Frts. ; October-December. Distrib. : Cultivated at field. Hirdoshi.

MALVASTRUM A. Gray Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Gracke in Bonplandia 5:295. 1857; Borssum Blumea 14(1) : 152. 1966. Malva coromandeliana L.Sp. PI. 687. 1753. Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. Gray, PI.Wright. 1. 16. 1852; Hook. FI. Brit. India 1:321.1874. Erect, hairy herbs upto 65cm tall. Leaves 2-4.1 x 1-2 cm, glabrescent to hairy, crenate, elliptic. Flowers axillary, solitary, subsessile or shortly petiolate. Fruits upto 0.6 cm across, globose, depressed at apex; carpels many, reniform. FIs. & Frts. : June-October. Illus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 26.1966. Distrib. : Frequent in cultivated field and wastelands. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Rayari.

MALACHRA L. Malachra capitata (L.) L. Syst. (ed.l2)2:458. 1767; Mast, in Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 1:329. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:105. 1958(Repr.ed.); Borss. Blumea 14:146.1966. Sida capitata L.Sp. PI. 685.1753. Mar. : ‘Ran bhendV Erect, scabrid herbs & under shrubs, 40-110 cm. Leaves ovate suborbicular, cordate, crenate, 4.0-7.0 x 2.5-9 cm. Flowers yellow, 3-5 in axillary and terminal capitate heads; carpels 5, white reticulated. Seeds brown, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : August-October.

65 Distrib.. ; On road sides and waste places at Hirdoshi. Note : This Brazilian plant is intorduced in India for its fibre. Now it is naturalized as a weed along road side and in waste places.

SIDA L. Key to the species. 1. Mature leaves cordate at base... S. cordata 1. Mature leaves cuneate-truncate at base : 2. Pedicels longer than petioles... S. rhombifolia 2. Pedicles shorter or equalling the petioles... S. acuta Sida acuta Burm. f. emend. K. Schum FI. Bras. 12:326.1891; Borss. in Blumea 14:187. 1966; Mast in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:323. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:98. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist, Soc. 77:459. 1981. Mar. : ‘Jangli-methi’ Herbs ; branches minutely stellate hairy. Leaves lanceolate, subacute. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary; pedicels jointed above the middle; carpels 5-9, puberulous. Seeds black. FIs. & Frts. : November-December. Illus. : Wight Ic. t.95. 1834. Distrib. : Common weeds of dry places. Bhor, Hirdoshi.

Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Van Borss. in Blumea 14(1) : 182. 1966. Melochia cordata N. Burm., FI. Ind. 143. 1768 Sida veronicifolia Lam. Encycl. Meth. 1.5. 1783; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:97. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Sida humilis Cav. Diss. 5. 227.1. 134, f.2. 1788; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:322. 1872. Perennial branched herbs; branches trailing or prostrate, slightly hairy. Leaves cordate, ovate, acute, 1.5-7 x 2.0-6.5 cm, petiolate, appressed hairy on both

66 the surfaces. Flowers pale yellow,axillary,solitary or in pairs. Fruits upto 0.5cm across, globose; carpel 5. Seeds brown. FIs. & Frts. : Throyghout the year. Distrib. : Common near cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Bhatghar. Sida rhombifolia L. Sp. PI. 684. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. Brit. India 1:324. 1874; Blatt. & McC. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 34:629; Borss. in Blumea 14:193. 1966. Herbs, about 40 cm high. Leaves 1-7 x 0.5-4 cm, stellate hairy, entire at base, serrate at apex. Flowers yellowish-orange; calyx accresscent. Carpels 10, shortly awned. FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Distrib. : Common weed in waste places. Bhor, Nasarapur. THESPESIA Soland. Key to the species. 1. Leaves 3-lobed... T. lampas 1. Leaves entire... T. populnea Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. FI. 19. 1861; Mast, in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:345. 1974; Borss. in Blumea 14:116.1966. Hibiscus lampas Cav. Diss. 3:154, t. 56, f.2. 1787 T. macrophylla B l. Bijdr. 73. 1825; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;121. 1959 (Repr.ed.). ^ Shrub^ 1-1.5 m high. Leaves up^7 x 8 cm, ovate, acute, sometimes lanceolate 3-lobed, lobes triangular, acuminate, finely reticulately veined with black glandular dots on lower surface; peduncles 3-4 in. long, axillary. Flowers axillary solitary, 6m across; corolla bright yellow, 3 cm across, with crimson centre. Capsules 2.5 cm long, ovoid, pointed, 4-5 vaved pilose. Seed glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 1:124, f.75. 1909.

67 Distrib. : Common along hill slopes Warandha Ghat, Rayari, Shrigoan. Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland ex Corr. in Ann. Mus. Herb. Paris 9:290. T.8.f. 1. 1807; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:345. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:121. 1958. (Repr.ed.); Borss. in Blumea 14:106. Hibiscus populneus L.Sp. PI. 694. 1753. Tree about 5 m tall. Leaves 7-12 x 5-10 cm, broadly ovate, cordate, acuminate, stellate, tomentose beneath with red dots. Flowers axillary, solitary, long pedicels; calyx cupular, teeth minute. Capsules globose, about 2.3 cm in diam., with peltate scales, enclosed by persistant calyx. Seeds oviod. FIs. & Frts. : July-October Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 8.1838; Mathew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 69.1982; Distrib. : Commonly planted along roadsides. Bhor, Bhatghar. URENA L. Urena lobata L. ssp. sinuata (L.) Borss. in Blumea 14:142.1966. U. sinuta L. Sp. PI. 692. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:329. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:106. 1958.(Repr.ed.). Under shru^, 0.5 to 1 m high. Leaves 1.5-4.5 x 1.5 cm, deeply lobed; lobes linear-lanceolate, serrulate, acute apex, glandular at the midrib below. Flowers axillary, solitary or in clusters of 2-3; epicalyx segments 5, linear-lanceolate; sepals 5; petals 5, pink with purple centre; stamens many. Capsules glochidiate. Seeds reniform. FIs. & Frts. : September-February. Ulus. '■ Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi, f. 27. 1966. Distrib. '■ Frequent in wastelands along road sides, Bhor.

68 BOMBACACEAE BOMBAX L. Key to the species. 1. Flowers 5-7 cm, deep red, stamens 70-100, capsules generally hairy... B. ceiba 1. Flowers 10-14 cm, light red, stamens 400, capsules glabrous... B. insigne

Bombax ceiba L. Sp. 511. 1753; Robyns in Taxon 10:160. 1961. B. malabaricum DC. Prodr. 1:479. 1824; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:349. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:127. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Salmalia malabarica(pC.) Schott. Endl. Melet. Bot. 35. 1832; Bole & Almeida J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.77.460.1981. Mar. : ‘Kate savar’ Deciduous trees upto 30m tall, with grey, glabrous bark; prickles conical. Leaves digitate, petiolate large; leaflets ovate, lanceolate, glabrous. Rowers 6-8 cm across solitary sessile, crowded at the end of leafless branches; calyx cup shaped, thick, irregularly lobed; corolla bright red, tomentose; stamens more than 60. Capsules 8-12 cm long ovoid. Seeds packed in white silky cotton. FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Syst. t. 82. 1871. Distrib. : Frequent in deciduous forests along Ghats, sometimes planted along roadsides, leafless when flowering. Hirdoshi. Bombax insigne W all.PI. Asiat. Rar. 1:71, t. 79-80, 1830; FBI 1:349, 1874; Cooke, 1:120 (121), 1901. Salmalia insigne (Wall.) Schott. & Endl. Melet. Bot. 35. 1832; Nichol. & Saida, in FI. Hassan Dist. 146, 1976. Large tree, branches prickly. Leaflets 7-9, obovate, cuspidate, glaucous beneath. Flowers white or pinkish-white; stamens numerous. Capsules 18-30 cm long, glabrous.

69 FIs. & Frts. ; January-May. Distrib. : In deciduous forests. Rayreshwar, Hirdoshi, Bhor. CULTIVATED SPECIES Adansonia digitata L. Sp. PI. 1190. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:348; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:126. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Gorakh Chinch’ Trees. Leaves digitate, deciduous; leaflets 3-9, obovate-oblong, acute or obtuse at apex. Flowers large, pendulous, tomentose. Fruits sub-globose, about 2 cm across, indehiscent, tomentose. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : Planted at Bhor.

STERCULIACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Flowers unisexual, petals absent... Sterculia 1. Flowers bisexual, petals present: 2. Ovary raised on gynophore... Helicteres 2. Ovary not raised on gynophore ... Pterospermum

HELICTERES L. Hel icteres isora L. Sp. PI. 963. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:365. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:136 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Murudsheng' ^ 0^hrub^or tree; young shoots ^ i t ^ stellate hairy. Leaves 3-5 x 2-4 cm oblong, roundish, cordate shortly acuminate, closely dotted on both surfaces with stellate hairs, petioles long, stipules subulate. Flowers upto 3.6 cm long in axillary, bright red coloured; pedicles very short, stellately tomentose, bracts small hairy, calyx tubular, petals red at first fading to lead colour; staminal column fused with the gynophore; anthers 10, in a ring round the ovary; ovary

70 conical on a curved gynophore, style as long as the ovary. Follicles upto 5cm long pale brown, glabrous, twisted. Seeds raddish brown minutely tubercled, wrinkled. FIs. & Frts. : August-February. lllus. : Wight, Ic. 1.180.1839. Distrib. : Not common, found on the road side of S Warandha Ghat Near Waghjai temple. Notes: The fruits are used medicinally for stomach pain and dysentery.

STERCULIA L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves digitately compound... S. foetida 1. Leaves simple: 2. Leaves not lobed; calyx rusty-tomentose outside... S. guttata 2. Leaves lobed; calyx yellow outside... S. urens

Sterculia foetida L. Sp. PI. 1008.1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:35 1874;Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:130.1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77:460. 1981. Mar. : ‘JangliBadam’ Trees, about 18-21 m high. Leaves digitate; leaflets subsessile, 5-, oblong lanceolate, pubscent when young. Flowers flesh coloured in axillary racemes. Follicles boat-shaped, woody, bright red when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : March-May. Illus. : Wight, Ic. 1.181.1839. Distrib. : Cultivated at Bhatghar.

Sterculia guttata Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3:148. 1832; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:355.1874; Cook, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:124.1958 (Repr.ed.).

71 Trees, 9-12 m high. Leaves ovate-oblong, about 12 x 8 cm, base truncate, apex acuminate, glabrous above, stellate pubescent on nerves beneath. Flowers reddish in terminal racemes. Follicles 1-5, obovoid, orange. FIs. & Frts. : January-March. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 487. 1841. Distrib. : Rare along Ghats in deciduous forest Hirdoshi

Sterculia urens Roxb., PI. Cor. 1:25; 24. 1795; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:123(131).19S2; Gamble, FI. Madras 106(76). 1915. Tree with bark peeling. Leaves 4-6 lobed, grey beneath, to 20 x 20 cm Panicles compact, yellowish; calyx thick, 0.6-0.7 cm long; lobes not reflexed, with hairy gland at base; staminal column erect; anthers 15. Follicles to 4 cm, bristly, red when young. FIs. & Frts. : October-June. Distrib. : Common in deciduous forest. Hirdoshi.


Pterospermum acerifoiium Willd. Sp. PI. 3:729, 1800; Graham, Cat. 20, 1839; F.B.L 1:368, 1874; K. Schum. in Engl. & Prantt. Pflanzenf. 3(6):93, f. 48 H, 1890; Dalgado, 23, 1898; Cooke,Fl. Pres.Bombay 1:129(137), 195^.

^large tree. Leaves variable in shape and size, orbicular or oblong, entire or lobed, tomentose beneath, glabrous above. Flowers white, axillary, solitary or in pairs. Capsules oblong, 5-angled, hairy outside. Seeds with large thin wings. FIs. & Frts. : December-March. Distrib : Warandha Ghat, roadside.


Dombeya calantha Schum, Bailey Man. Cult. PI. 669, 1949. Shrubs. Leaves usually 3-5 lobed, the middle lobe largest, acuminate, coarsely toothed, cordate, 7-nerved. Flowers large, showy, rose coloured, 3.5 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : November-January. Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Bhor,Umbarde, Hirdoshi and Nasarapur.

Theobroma cacao L. (Cocoa chocolate tree) (SMA-3542) It is recently introduced tree, cultivated at Shivther Ghal, Warandha Ghat. Seeds yield cocoa. TILIACEAE Key Jo the genera. Fruits echinate or bristly .... Triumfetta 1. Fruits not echinate, not bristly : 2. Petals glandular at base ... Grewia 2. Petals eglandular at base ... Corchorus CORCHORUS L. Key to the species. 1. Capsules 3-winged.... C. aestuans I. Capsules not winged... C. olitorius Corchorus aestuans L. Syst. Nat., (ed. 10) 1079. C. acutangulus Lam. Encycl. 2: 104. 1786; Wight, Ic. t.739. 1844; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:398. 1874; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 1:160. 1958(Repr.ed.). Prostrate herbs. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, sparsely hairy,

73 1.5-7 X 0.6-2.8 cm. Flowers yellow in extra-axillary or leaf opposed cymes. Capsules 3-winged, 6-angled. Seeds dark brown, rough, truncate. FIs. & Frts. : September-october. Ulus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 35 1966. Distrib. ; Along roadsides AVarandha Ghat. Note : The plant yields coarse fibre.Roots and leaves are said to cure pnueumonia.

Corchonis olitorius L.Sp. PI. 529. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:397. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:158. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herb, much branched, 0.5-1 m high. Leaves 2-13 x 1-6.2 cm, oblong- ovate, glabrous, lower serratures prolonged into filiform appendage, serrate, cymes leaf opposed; sepals 5, oblong; petals 5, yellow, spathulate; stamens many. Capsules glabrous, ribbed. Seeds trigonous. FIs. & Frts. : September-November. Illus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 33.1966. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

GREWIA L. Key to the species. 1. Stipules auricled... G.tiliifolia 1. Stipules not auricled... G. hirsuta

Grewia hirsuta Vahl Symb. Bot. 1:34 1790 ; Mast, in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 1:391. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:153. 1958 (Repr. ed); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77:462. 1981. Shrubs, 2-5 m high, young branches pubescent. Leaves distichous, 4-6 x 2- 4 cm, base unequal, apex acute. Flowers about 1 cm across; sepals linear lanceolate, base callose; petals oblong, outuse, gland orbicular. Drupes globose, obscurely 4-lobed.

74 FIs. & Frts. : August-November. Illus. : Wight, Ic.t. 76. 1838. Distrib. : Common on exposed hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

Grewia tiliifolia Vahl, Symb. Bet 1:35. 1790; Mast, in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:386. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:150. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Dhaman’ Trees, 6-7 m high. Leaves 2.4-6 x 2.4-62 cm, ovate-cordate, orbicular, cordate at base, crenate-serrate, obtuse; stipules lanceolate, falcate with basal round lobes; cymes axillary; sepals 5, tomentose outside; petals 5, yellow, oblong-spathulate. Stamens many. Drupes globose, 2-lobed. FIs. & Frts. : April-September. Distrib. : Found associated with Tectona grandis. Rayreshwar.

TRIUMFETTA L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves ovate-acuminate, serrate but not lobed... T.pilosa 1. Leaves rhomnoid, oftem lobed: 2. Leaves appressed grey-tomentose beneath, oebicular-rhomboid, capsule and base of brostlespubescent... T. rotundifolia 2. Leaves sparesely pubescent, often lobed... T. rhomboidea

Triumfetta pilose Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 223. 1821; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:394. 1974; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:156. 1958(Repr.ed.). Suffuticose branched herb, 100-120 cm tall • Leaves ovate-lanceolate, velvety tomentose beneath. Flowers yellow with hooked spines. Seeds dark brown, smooth, polished.

75 FIs. & Frts. ; November-December. : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 87. 1982. Distrib. : Frequent in rocky crevices. Rayreshwar.

Triumfetta rotundifolia Lam. Encycl. Methi. 3:421. 1879; Mast. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:395. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:157. 1958.(Repr.ed.). Herbs, upto 50-55 cm tall, erect, suffruticose. Leaves orbicular, irregularly toothed, glabrescent above, softy grey-tomentose beneath, petiolate. Flowers yellow, 0.8 cm across, in racemes. Fruits echinate with recurved spines, 0.3-0.5 cm, globose or oviod, indehiscent. FIs. & Frts. : February-December. Distrib. : Common in open areas and waste lands. Nasarapur.

Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 22, 1760; FBI 1:395. 1874; K. Schum, in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf. 3(6) : f : 13 A-131890; Dalgado 25. 1898; Cooke, 1:147(156), 1901. Bartramia indica L. Sp. PI. 389, 1733 (non T^indica Lamk. 1791). T. bartramia Linn. Syst. Nat., (ed. 10) 2:1044, 1759 {nomen confusum), Santapau in Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind. 16(1) : 24, 1960. T. angulata Lamk. Encyl. 3:421; 1792 Graham, Cat. 21, 1839; Dalz. & Gibs. 25, 1861. ^ 0 ^ Sranched shrub, stellately hairy^ Leaves variable usually 3-lobed, irregularly serrate, cordate or cuneate at base. Flowers yellow, interminal cymes. Fruits sub-globose, shortly stalked, densely hairy. FIs. & Frts. : August-December. Distrib. : Hirdoshi. LINACEAE LINUM L. Linum mysorense Heyne ex Benth. in Edward’s Bot. Reg. 16. Sub t. 1326. 1830, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:411. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:164. 1958 (Repr.ed.)^’ Hajra in Ease. FI. India 13:7. 1983.

76 Mar, : ‘Undri’

Plants erect, slender, glabrous herbs 10-25 cm. Leaves simple, linear lanceolate, mucronate, 3-nerved, 0.5-1.2 x 0.2-0.3 cm. Flowers yellow in terminal, corymbose, unilateral, paniculate cyme. Capsules globose. Seeds compressed, ellipsoid, brownish, smooth, shining. Frs. and Frts. : July-October. Distrib. : On open plateau. Rayreshwar,Warandha Ghat.

malpighiaceae ASPIDOPTERYS A. Juss. Aspidopterys cordata (Heyne ex Wall.) A. Juss. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 2, 13:267. 1840; Hook, t FI. Brit India 1:421. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:168. 1958(Repr.ed.). Hirarea cordata Heyne ex Wall. PI. As. Rar. 1:13.1829. Shrubs, scandent; young branches tomentose. Leaves 5-15 x 5-12cm; petioles about 4-5 cm long, tomentose. Flowers in lax, axillary and terminal panicles; sepals ovate, acture; petals oblong-elliptic. Fruits orbicular, membranous. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Occasional in deciduous forests. Hirdoshi.

ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Herbs, procembent; flowers yellow; fruits spiny... Tribulus 1. Herbs, erect; flowers rosy; fruits not psiny... Fagonia

FAGONIA L. Fagonia cretica L. Sp. PI. 38. 1753. F.arabica L. op. cit.; Edgew. & Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:425.1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:173.1958 (Repr.ed.).

77 Mar.: ‘Dramasa’

Herbs; root stock woody. Leaves 1-3 foliolate; leaflets entire, mucronate

Wtth 2 parrs of sharp stipules. Flowers solitary; sepals and petals decidous. Fruits of 5 cocci. Seeds oviod, compressed. FIs.

t r ib u l u s l . Tribulus terrestris L. Sp. PI 387- I7sq ^ t-i « • r P • JO/, 1/83. Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:423. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:170. 1958(Repr.ed.).

Procumbent or prostate herbs; young parts silky villous. Leaves opposite enqual. abruptly pinnate, stipulate; stipules lanceolate, hairy. Leaflets oblong’ obovate, mucronate, 4-7 pairs. Flowers yellow, axillary or leaf opposed, solitary’ pe icelled. Fruits globose, consisting of usuaUy five woody cocci, glabrous or hairy, often muricate, each with two hard unequal spines.

FIs. & Frts. Throughout the year. Illus. Mahesh, Illus. FI. Delhi f. 38. 1966. Distrib. Common weed of waste places. Bhor, Umbarde, Hirdoshi.

geraniaceae MONSONIA Guill.

Monsonia senegalensis Guill. & Perr, FI. Seneg. Tent. 131. 1831; Hook f. FI. Bnt. India 1:427. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:175. 1958(Repr.ed.).

78 Herbs, 8-10 cm tall, erect to prostrate, viscid-glandular. Leaves 1.5-3.5 x 1-2 cm, ovate, villous beneath, margins ciliate. Flowers pink on defiexed peduncles. Fruits obconical, with long hairy beak, upto 5 cm long. Seeds 5, oblong, green-brown with 2 curved faces. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : Found in grasses, Hirdoshi.


Tmpaeo^i^lum majus L. Sp. PI. 345. 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 602, f. 99. 1949; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 78:549. 1981. Climbers. Leaves peltate, 7-10 cm across, petioles 8-20 cm long. Flowers orange yellow, solitary, axillary; sepals 5, one produced into long spur; petals clawed, 3 fringed at base, 2 small with scarlet streaks inside. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Baneshwar.

OXALIDACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Herbs erect; leaves pinnately compound, sensitive to touch... Biophytum 1. Herbs procumbent; leaves palmately 3-lobed, not sensitive to touch... Oxalis

BIOPHYTUM DC. Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. Prodr. 1:690. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:436. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:177. 1858 (Repr.ed.) Oxalis sensitiva L. Sp. PI. 434.1753.

79 Herbs, 15-25 cm high; stem reddish, densely hairy. Leaves crowded at apex of branches; leaflets 5-8 pairs, obovate, 1.0 x 0.6 cm, base obtuse, apex apiculate. Flowers yellow, interminal umbel; sepals glandular-pubescent. Capsuels ellipsoid. Seeds ovoid, transversely striate. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Illus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2. t. 96. 1982. Distrib. : Frequently near cultivated field. Hirdoshi, Rayari, Umbarde, Bhor.

OXALIS L. Oxalis corniculata L. Sp. PI. 535. 1753; Edgew. & Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:436. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:177. 1958.(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Ambusi’ Herbs, pubescent. Leaflets subsessile, obcordate. upto 1.5 x 1.7 cm, base cuneate, apex emerginate, sparsely hairy. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary or together. Capsules 1.2-2.0 cm long shortly beaked, tomentose. FIs. and Frts. : April-July. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t.l8. 1838. Distrib. : Common weed along bank of Nira river. Bhor, Bhatghar.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Oxalis corymbosa DC. Prodr. 1:696. 1824; Calder in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 6(8); 325-341,1919; Babu, FI. Dehra Dun 103. 1977. Herbs, perennials; bulbs globose with 3-nerved scales. Leaves cordate. Flowers purple in subumbellate- corymbs. FIs. and Frts. : March-May. Distrib. : Weed in gardens at Bhatghar dam.

80 Note : Introduced from America.

BALSAMINACEAE IMPATIENS L. Key to the species. 1. Plants scapigerous; leaves radical... I. acaulis 1. Plants not scapigerous; leaves cauline : 2.Leaves opposite : 3. Leaves oblong-lanceolate; flowers yellow... I. dalzellii 3.Leaves oblong-linear or elliptic- lanceolate; flowers purple or white; 4. Leaves glandular at base; flowers white... /. minor 4. Leaves not glandular at base; flowers pink or violet: 5. Pedicj^^s glabrous... /. oppositifolia 5. Pedicl^ hairy : 6. Lip boat-shaped... I. lawii 6. Lip saccate... I. pusiila 2. Leaves alternate or subopposite : 7. Spur long; capsules glabrous... /. pulcherrima 7. Spur short; capsules tomentose... I. balsamina Impatiens acaulis Arn. in Hook f. Comp. Bot. Mag. 1:325. 1825; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:443; 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:180. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Blatt. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36:309. 1933. Herbs, scapes 12-2- cm long. Leaves sub-orbicular about 12 cm long, base subcordate, apex rounde, crenate. Flowers rosy in racemes; spur short, curved. Capsules ellipsoid, about 1 cm long. Seeds minutely hooked. FIs. & Frts. : August-October.

81 Illus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2: t. 99. 1982. Distrib. : Common perennials near water falls on wet rocks. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

Impatiens balsamina var. rosea (Lindl.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:454 1874.1, rosea Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 27. 1841. /. balsamina var. brevicalcarata T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:185.1958. (Repr.ed.). Erect, variable herbs. Leaves narrow, lanceolate. Flowers rosy, pinkish or reddish. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : In hilly forests, Warandha Ghat.

Impatiens dalzellii Hook. f. & Thoms, in J. Linn. Soc. 4:123. 1860; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:449. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:183.1953(Repr.ed.). Erect, fleshy, branched herbs. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute-acuminate spinous-serrate, glabrous, pale beneath. Flowers solitary. Capsules ellipsoid, turgid, tapering at both ends. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Common on hill tops. Warandha Ghat.

Impatiens lawii Hook. f. & J. Linn. Soc. 4:122. 1860; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:183; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:183.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 10-30 cm high. Leaves sessile about 2 cm long, distantly spinous serrate, scabrid above; standard orbicular, cuspidate; wings with obovate terminal lobe and small lateral lobes. Capsules about 0.8 cm long. FIs. &. Frts. : August-November. Distrib. : Rare along Ghats. Warandha Ghat.

82 Impatiens minor (DC.) Bennet in Ind. J. For. 2:283. 199. Balsamina minor DC. Prodr. 1:686. 1824. I. kleinii Wight & Arn. Prodr. 140. 1834; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:445. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:181, 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 10-25 cm high. Leaves sessile, 2-6 x 1-3 cm, high on the nerves. Flowers in axillary pairs; sepals linear, acute; standard orbicular-oblong; spur as long as slight;y longer than the flowers, curved. Capsules fusiform, about 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : July-September. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 884. 1845. Distrib. : Common monsoon herbs Warandha Ghat.

Impatiens oppositifolia L. Sp. PI. 939. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:448.1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;182. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 30-50 cm high. Leaves 2-4 x 1-2 cm Flowers axillary, solitary or 2- 3 together; lip conical; spur short, curved. Capsules ellipsoid upto 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : August-September. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 883. 1845. Distrib. : Frequent on grassy slopes, Warandha Ghat.

Impatiens pulcherrima Dalz. in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2:37. 1850; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:458. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:185. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect, branched herbs. Leaves elliptic oblong acute, crenate-serrate, glabrous, 4.4-9 x 3.4-3 cm. Flowers white-purplish, lip with long spur. Capsules turgid. Seeds sub -globose, rugose. FIs. & Frts. : July-October. Distrib. : As an under growth of forests. Warandha Ghat.

Impatiens pusilla Heyne ex Hook. f. & Thoms, in J. Linn. Soc. 4:122, 1860; Blatt. in J, Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36:312. 1933.1, inconspicua Bth. ex Wight &

83 Arn. Prodr. 139. 1834; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:448. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:182. 1958(Repr.ed.). Herbs 15-25 cm high. Lower leaves petioled, upper sessile, 3-6 cm, long, pubsecent above. Flowers solitary; sepals linear, subulate; standard ovate, mucronate. Capsules about 1.5 cm long, beaked. FIs. & Frts. ; September-November. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 970. 1845. Distrib. : Common along Ghats and among grassses on rocky plains. Warandha Ghat.

RUTACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Leaves opposite; flowers unisexual... Euodia 1. Leaves alternate; flowers bisexual: 2. Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, entire or obsocurely crenulate... Glycosmis 2.Leaflets ovate, obtuse, irregularly crenate-dentate... Murraya

EUODIA Forst. Euodia lunu-ankenda (Gaertn.) Merr. in Phillipp. J.. Sci. 7:378. 1912. Fagara lunu-ankenda Gaertn. Fruct. 1:334. 1788. E. roxburghiana Bth. FI. Hongk. 56. 1861; Hook. f. 1:487.1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:188.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Bok’ Trees, about 9 m high. Leaves 3-foliolate; ;leaflets oblong, 5-12 x 3-6 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, pubescent. Flowers in axillary paniculate cymes, glandular pubescent; bracts broadly ovate, acute; sepals sub orbicular; petals white, ovate, spreading. Cocci 2-valved. Seeds globose, black, shinging. FIs. & Frts. : April-october.

84 nius. : Wight, Ic. t. 204. 1939. Distrib. ; Frequent along Ghats in moist deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

GLYCOSMIS Corr. Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka Bull. Soc. Bot. Ff. 75:708. 1928; Brizicky in J. Arnold Arbor. 43:90. 1962; Mitra & Subram. Ibid. 50:155. 1969. Limonia mauritiana Lam. Encycl. 3:517. 1792. G. pentaphylla auct.non DC.1824 , Hook, f. n . Brit. India 1:499. 1875; Cook, H. Pres. Bombay , 1:192. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Puri & Mahajan Bull. Bot. Surv. India 2:120.1960. Shrubs or small trees. Leaves 5-foliolate; leaflets subsessile, 6-10 x 1-4 cm. Flowers white in axillary panicles; calyx glandular; ovate, orbicular; petals broadly obovate. Berries globose, about 0.8 cm across, apiculate. FIs. & Frts. : February-September. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. 1.1839 {Glycosmis triphylla Wight). Distrib. : Common in forests. Warandha Ghat.

MURRAYA L. Key to the species. 1. Leaflets 3-7, glabrous; fruits oblong... M. paniculata 1. Leaflets 11-17, pubescent; fruits oviod... M. koenigii Murraya koenigii (L.) Spr. Syst. Veg. 2:315,1825; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:503. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:193. 1858 (Repr.ed.). Bergena koenigii L. Mant. 1:565. 1767. Mar. : ‘Kadhi-nim’ Trees about 5m high. Leaflets oblong- lanceolate, about 3x1 cm, base unequal. Flowers white in terminal cymes, fragrant; peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Berries blackish, apiculate.

85 FIs. & Frts. : February-April. Illus.. : Wight, Ic. t. 13. 1838. Distrib.. : Common on hill slopes in deciduous forests. Also Widely cultivated for scented leaves which are used in cooking.

M urraya paniculata (L.) Jack, in Malay. Misc. 1(5). 31. 1820. Chalcas paniculata L. Mant. PI. 1. 68. 1767. Murraya exotica L. Mant. PI. 2:563. 1771; Wight, Icon. t. 96. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:503. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:193. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘KuntV Plants small, evergreen trees. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, oblique, acuminate, glabrous, 2.7-8.5 x 1.5-3 cm. Flowers white. Fruits orange-red ellipsoid, 2-seeded. FIs. & Frts. :July-October. Distrib. : Along the hill slopes. Warandha Ghat, Bhor. Note : This species is also cultivated in garden for its white fragrant flowers. Tribal people use the branch as a stick and keep it in their houses with the belief that it keeps ghosts and snakes away.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Aegle marmelos (L) Corr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 5:223. 1800; Wight, Icon, t.l 6.1836; Hook. f. FI. Birt. India 1:516. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:204. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Crateva marmelos L. Sp. PI. 444.1753. Mar.’Bel’ LA- Small,decid|ous, spiny trees.Leaves alternate, glabours; leaflets ovate- lanceolate. Flower buds greenesh, in axillary panicles. Fruits large,globose,4-10 cm across, pulpy, glabours,grey when mature,many seeded. FIs. & Frts. : April-June

86 Ulus. iWight, Ic. t. 16. 1838; Matthew, Illus.Fl. Tamilnadu Caranatic t. 101.198. Distrib. :Usually planted near temples.Bhor,Hirdoshi. Note: The fruit pulp is eaten during stomach disorders.The leaves are used for worshiping Lord Shiva.

Citrus aurantifolia (Christem) J. Wash.Acad.Sci.3:465.1913. Limonia aurantifolia Linn. 1:618. 1111.Citrus medica var. acida (Roxb.) Hook, f. FI. Birt.India 1:515. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres.Bombay 1:201.1958 (Repted.). Mar • JLimbu Small trees.Leaflets elliptic oblong.Inflorescence of short racemes.Flowers white,small.Fniits globose or ovoid,small,rind thick or thin,pulp pale. Fl.s & Frts :Throughout the year Distrib. :Cultivated at Bhor.

Limonia acidissima L. Sp. PI. ed. 2,554.1162J^eronia elephantum Corr. in Trans.Linn.Soc.5:225.1800; Cook. f. FI. Pres.Bombay 1:201.1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Kavath’ Trees,moderate sized,spines straight,shrap.Leaves imparipinnate:leaflets 3-

8.1.4-2.5 X 1.0-1.5 cm,cuneate and obovate tips crenulate.Inflorescence of pubescents, lateral or terminal. Flowers red. Fruits about 5 cm in diam, globose. Seeds embedded in pulp. Fl.s & Frts .-March-August Illus. : Wight, Ic.t.16.1838. Distrib : Few in scrub forests.Hirdoshi.

87 SIMAROUBACEAE AILANTHUS L. Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. PI. Cor. 1;24, t. 23. 1975; Bennet in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:518; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:205. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Basak in Fasc. FI. India 4:4 1980. Mar. : 'Maharuke’ Tree, 20-22 m high. Leaves equal or unequal, pinnate, 20-30 cm long, crowded at the branch endings; leaflets 9-29, subopposite, 5-6 x 2.4-3.2 cm, obliquely tnicate at base, leaf surface densely pilose. Inflorescence of large lax, branched panicles. Flowers yellow. Samara 3-4 x 1 cm. lanceolate with both ends tapering. Seeds compressed solitary. FIs. & Frts. : November-April. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 67. 1838; Talbot, For FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:208, f. 126 & 127. 1909. Distrib. : Few. Warandha Ghat.

BALANITACEAE BALANITES Del. nom. cons. Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Illus. FI. Egypt 263. t. 28. f. 1. Ximenia aegyptiaca L. Sp. PI. 1194. 1753. Balanites roxburghii. in Ann. Nat. Sci. (Ser 4), 4(2):258. 1854; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:522. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:207. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Hinganbet’ Armed, deciduous, trees upto 8 m tall; young part pubescent. Leaves 2- foliate, petiolate sharp; stright 2.5-3.5 cm long spines; leaflets 1-3.5 x 0.4-1.8 cm, elliptic or obovate, obtuse or subacute. Flowers small greenish-white, in shortly peduncled cymes. Drupes large, oviod, woody, 2.5-5.0 cm long, five grooved. FIs. & Frts. : March-April.

88 ///ms. ; Wight, Ic. t. 274.1840. Distrib. : Occasional in this area. Hirdoshi, Umbarde, Warandha Ghat. Note : Fruits used as detergents or soap.

OCHNACEAE OCHNA DC. Ochna obtusata DC. Ann. Mus. Paris 17:411,1811; Robson, Taxon 11:51, 1962. 0. squarrosa auct non L. Roxb.; PI. Cor. t. 89,1775; F. B.I. 1:523, 1875. Large shrubs or small trees with smooth brown bark. Leaves elliptic-ovate or oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, serrulate, glabrous. Flowers yellow-red, fragrant in umbellate panicles on the old wood. Fruits of 3-6 drupes, on swollen tortus, black, covered by persistent calyx. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Distrib. : Grown in garden, Bhor. Note : The decoction of root is said to be useful in menstrual complaints

BURSERACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Fruits drup, dehiscent... Boswellia 1. Fruits drup, indehiscent... Canarium

BOSWELLIA Roxb. ex Colebr. Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. in Asiat. Res. 9:379, t. 5. 1807; Bennet in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:528. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:210 1958

(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Salai’

89 Trees, 4-7 m tall, young shoot pubescent. Leaves 14-18 cm long; leaflets

1.2-4.5 X 1.3-2.2 cm, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, hairy. Inflorescence, axillary, racemes, shorter than leaves. Drupes trigonous. 1-1.4 x 1-1.3 cm, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:216, f. 130. 1909. Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopes in drier parts. Warandha Ghat.

CANARIUM Roxb. Canarium strictum Roxb. FI. India 3:138. 1932; Bedd. Sylv. t. 128. 1871; Bennett in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:534. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:214. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Dhup’ Large trees. Leaves pinnate, coriaceous; leaflets 7-15, ovate-lanceolate, acuminates, margin serrate. Flowers unisexual in panicles. Drup^ ellipsoid, tapering at both ends.- FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Distrib. : Rare in Hirdoshi forest.

MELIACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Seeds not winged ... Cippadessa 1. Seed winged... Chukrassia

CIPADESSA Miq. Cipadessa baccifera (Roth) Miq. Ann. Lugd. Bat. 4:6, 1968; Santa. FI. Khand. (ed.3), 36,1967; Vertak, 34, 1966. Melia baccifera Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 215.

90 A small much branched shrub, young parts silky. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 3-6 pairs and odd one, opposite. Flowers small white, in axillary corymbose, panicles which are shorter than the leaves; stamens a little shorter than the petals, filaments hairy inside; ovary glabrous; style short, stigma capitate. Fruits berry type, globose, scarlet. Seeds angular. FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Distrib. : Very rare in this area. Only one plant found at Bhor.

CHUKRASIA A. Juss. Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss. var. velutina King in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 64:88. 1895; Hieren in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:568. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:229. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees, upto 20 m high. Leaflets ovate-oblong, upto 7 x 4 cm, base unequal, apex acuminate. Flowers in terminal panicles; calyx pubescent without; petals spathutate. Capsules ovoid, ca 3 cm long. Seeds ca 1.0 x 0.5 cm, winged below. FIs. & Frts. : February-may. Ulus. : Wight, 111. t. 56. 1840 (C. nimmonil Grah.) Distrib. : Rare in forests of Warandha Ghat.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Azadirachta indica A. Juss. in Mem. Hist. Par. 19:221, t. 2, f. 5. 1830; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:220. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Melia azadirachta L. Sp. PI. 385. 1753; Hiem in Hook f. FI. Brit India 1:544. 1875. Mar. : ‘Kadhi-nimb’ Trees, large, 15-20 m high. Leaflets 9-17, falcate. Flowers white in axillary panicles, fragrant. Drupes oblong, fleshy. FIs. & Frts. : March-June. Ulus. ' " ' : Wight, Ic. t. 17. 1838.

91 Distrib. : Widely cultivated as avenue tree along roadside and also for its medicinal value. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Melia azedarach 1. Sp. PI. 384. 1753; Hieren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:544. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:218. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Bakan’ or ‘Bakan nimb’ Trees, 10-12 tall. Leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets opposite, elliptic, ovate- lanceolate, margin serrate, acuminate. Flowers sweet scented in axillary panicles. Drupes globose, yellowish, one seeded. FIs. & Frts. : December-January. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. 1.160. 1839; Matthew, Illus. Tamilnadu Carnatic 1.128. 1982. Distrib. : Commonly cultivated near village. Bhor.

ICACINACEAE NOTHAPODYTES Bl. Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Grah.) Mabb. in Manilal Bot. Hort. Malab. 88. 1980. Premna nimmoniana Grah. Cat. PI. Bombay 155. 1839. Nothapodytes foetida (Wight) Sleum. Notixbl. Bot. Fart. Berlin Dahlem 15:247. 1940. Stemonurus foetidus Wight, Icon. t. 955. 1845. Mappia foetida (Wight) Miers Ann. Mag. Nat.. Hist. Ser. 2,9:395. 1852; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:589. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:239.1958 (Repr. ed.). Trees with wrinkled bark. Leaves ovate-oblong, glabrous. Flowers white or yellow in terminal panicles with unpleasant odour. Fruits ellipsoid, green to red-purple. FIs. & Frts. : March-November. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

92 CELASTRACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Leaves opposite... Cassine 1. Leaves alternate : 2. Unarmed, shrubby climbers... Celastrus 2. Armed erect shrubs... Maytenus CASSINE L. Cassine glauca (Rottb.) Ktze. Rev. Gen. PL 1:114. 1841; Ding Hou in Steenis, FI. Males. 1,6:286. 1962. Mangifera glauca Rottb. Nye. Sami. Vid. Selsk. Skr. 2:534, t. 4, £ 1. 1783. Elaeodendron glaucum Pers. Syn. 1:421. 1805; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. 1:623.1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:248.1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees, 5-10 m tall. Leaves 1-6 x 0.7-3.5 cm, elliptic-ovate, obovate, acute- cuneate at base, crenate-minutely serrate, acute-obtuse. Cymes corymbose, axillary; calyx 5 lobed; petals 5, oblong, greenish; stamens 5. Drupes oblong. Seeds solitary. FIs. & Frts. : October-March. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:275, f. 182.1909. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat. CELASTRUS L. Celstrus paniculatus Willd. Sp. PI. 1:1125. 1797; Lawson in Hook. FI. Brit. India 1:617. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pre. Bombay 1:245. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Ding Hou in Steenis FI. Males. 6:235. 1963. Scandent shrubs. Leaves elliptic-ovate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acuminate emarginate, glabrous. Rowers greenish-yellow. Seeds reddish-brown, ovoid. FIs. & Frts. :May-October. nius. : Wight, Ic. 1.158. 1839; Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 142. 1982.

93 Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

MAYTENUS Molina Maytenus emarginata (Willd.) Ding Hou in Steenis, FI. Males. 1. 6:241. 1962. Celastrus emarginatus Willd. Sp. PI. 1:1128. 1798. Gymnosporia montana (Roth) Bth. FI. Austr. 1:400. 1863; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:621. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:247.1958 (Repr.ed.). Shrub, 1-2 m high. Leaves obovate-elliptic, 3.5 x 1.5 cm, base tapeirng, apex entire or emarginate. Flowers greenish-yellow; sepals broadly oblong; petals elliptic-oblong. Capsules obovoid, 0.8 cm across. FIs and Frts. : November-January. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 382. 1840. (Celastrus emarginatus WilldJ. Distrib. : Common. Warandha Ghat, Shirasgoan.

RHAMNACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Plant climbers... Ventilago 1. Plant not climbers.: 2. Leaves sub-oppposite, glabrous, 1-nerved... Scutia 2. Leaves distichous and alternate, hairy 3-nerved... Ziziphus

SCUTIA Commers. ex Brongn. Scutia myrtina (Burm. f.) Kurz in J. Asiat Soc. Beng. 44:168. 1875. Rhamnus myrtinus Burm. f. FI. Ind. 60. 1768. S. indcica Brongn. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 1- 10:363. 1827; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:640. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:260. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

94 Shrubs; branchlets glaucous. Leaves 1-3.5 x 6-2.5 cm, obovate- suborbicular, cuneate at base, obtuse-apiculate. Umbels axillary; calyx capsular, lobes 5, ovate; petals 5, orbicular, pale greenish; stamens 5. Drupes globose, dark blue v/hen ripe. Seeds 2-4. FIs. & Frts. : February-April. Illlus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:302, f, 179. 1909. Distrib. ; Common. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

ZIZIPHUS Miller Key to the species. 1. Leaves glabrous on both surface... Z. glaberrima 1. Leaves tomentose beneath... Z. mauritiana

Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgew.) Sant, in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 51:803. 1953. Z. xylopyra Willd. var. glaberrima Sedgew. Indian Forester 45:71. 1919. Mar. : ‘Ghoti’ Tree, 2.5-3.5 m tall, branches armed. Leaves 2.5-4.5 x l,3-4,0 cm, elliptic- oblong, suborbicular or ovate-elliptic; stipular pricklets if present are in twins, one straight, the other curved. Flowers white. Fruits about 2.0 cm in diam., globose. FIs. & Frts. : May-December. Distrib. : Frequent in open areas, Bhor. Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Encycl. 3;319. 1789. Z. jujuba Lam, op. cit. 318; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:632. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres.Bombay 1:256. 1958 (Repr.ed.) , non Mill. 1768. Mar. : ‘Bor’

95 Trees, 3-4 m high; branchlets woolly. Leaves 1.3-3 x 1-4 cm, obtuse- oblique at base, dentate, acute-rounded tomentose below. Cymes axillary; calyx lobes 5, petals 5, pale greenish; stamens 5. Drupe globose, red when mature. Seeds 1-2.

FIs. & Frts. : April-December. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 99. 1838; Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:294, f. 175. 1909. (Z jujuba); Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 44. 1966. Distrib. : Rare in hill Rayreshwar Area.

VENTILAGO Gaertn. Ventilago denticulata Willd. in Ges. Natur £ Fr. Neue. Schr. 3:417. 1801; Baneijee & Mukerjee in Indian Forester 96:209. 1970. V; calyculata Tulas. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4,8:124. 1857; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:631. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:254.1958(Repr.d.). Mar. : ‘Kanvel’

Much branched, scandent shrubs. Leaves ovate-elliptic or oblong- lanceolate, hairy beneath, at length glabrous. Flowers greenish in drooping panicles. Fruits yellowish, globular with basal flat disk formed by persistent calyx.

FIs. & Frts. : October-February. Distrib. : Occasional in hill forests. Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat.

VTTACEAE CISSUS L. Key to the species 1. Erect shrubs... C. woodrowii 1. Climbers... C. pallida

96 Cissus woodrowii (Stapf ex Cooke) Sant in Kew Bull. 1948; 176. 1948. Vitis woodrowii Stapf ex Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 248. 1903 & 1:264 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Shrubs, 1-2 m high. Leaves cordate, 9-13 x 9-12 cm, apex acute, margins crenate, recurved petioles 6-9 cm long. Flowers in axillary umbellate cymes; calyx membranous; petals calyptrate, deciduous. Berries subglobose, about 0.5 cm across.

FIs. & Frts. : July-August. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. Sind1:309, f. 182. 1909. Distrib. : In frequent. Warandha Ghat.

Cissus pallida (Wight & Am.) Steud. Nom. Bot. (ed.2) 1:372. 1840; Planch, in DC. Monogr. Phan. 5:477. 1887. Vitis pallida Wight & Am. Prodr. 125. 1834; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:647. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:265. ;958(Repr.ed.). Scandent shrubs with glucous-white stems. Leaves broadly ovate- suborbicular or cordate shortly acuminate, with small, distant glandular incurved serratures. Flowers 4-merous in compound umbels. Berries subglobose, 1-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : May-June. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:310 ; f. 182. 1909. Distrib. : Rare along hill slopes. Warandha Ghat. Note : The root is said to be useful medicinally to cure tumours. CULTIVATED SPECIES Cissus vinifera L. Sp. PI. 202. 1753; Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:652. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;275. 1958(Repr.ed.).Ci55i/5 vinifera L. Matn. PI. 1:39. 1767. Vitis quadrangularis Wall, ex Wight & Am. Prodr. 125. 1834;

97 Lawson in Hook. f. Brit. FI. India 1;645. 1875; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1;266. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Trailing herbs. Leaves orbicular, crenate. Flowers white. Fruits berry, globose, red at maturity, 1-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : May-June. Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Bhot, Bhatghar, Nasarapur. A

LEEACEAE LEEA L. Key to the species.

1. Leaves 2-pinnate... L. indica 1. Leaves 1-pinnate: 2. Leaflets oblong... L. crispa 2. Leaflets ovate, cordate ... L. macrophylla

Leea crispa van Royen e. L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 2:627. 1767 & Mant. 124. 1767; Lawson in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1; 665. 1875; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:276 1958 (Repr.ed.); Ridsdale in Blumea 22:88. 1974. L. aspera Edgew. Trans. Linn..Soc. 20:36. 1846, non Wall, ex G. Don 1821; Lawson op. cit. L. edgeworthi Sant, in R^c. Bot. Surv. India 16(1):54. 1967 (Repr.ed.). Shurbs, upto 2.5 m high. Stem jointed, winged, woolly-leaflets 3 -5 x 1.5- 2.0 cm, base rounded, apex acuminate, glabrous above, pubscent on the nerves beneath. Flowers pentamerous in terminal cymes, pubescent; bracts and bractoles linear-lanceolate; calyx campanulate; petals connate bellow. Berries 0.7 cm across, black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : June-August. Distrib. : Rare in deciduous forests. Hirdoshi, Nasarapur.

98 Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Philipp. J. Sci. Bot. 14 245. 1919; Ridsdale Blumea 22:95. 1974. Staphylea indica Burm. f. FI. Ind. 75, t. 23, f. 2. 1768. L. sambucina Willd. Sp. PI. 1:1177. 1797, nom. Lawson in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:666. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:77 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Shurbs, 2-5 m high. Leaves 10-15 cm long; leaflets 3-12 x 2-6 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, margin serrate. Flowers white. Berries globular, 3-5 lobed, purple-black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : April-December. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 78. 1838. [L. staphylea Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall, ed.) 2:476.1824] Distrib. : Common in deciduous forest. Warandha Ghat.

Leea macrophylla Roxb.ex Hornem Hort. Hofn. 1:231, 1813 & FI. Ind. 1:654, 1832; Graham, Cat. 247, 1839; Dalz. & Gibs. 41, 1861; Wight, Icon t. 1154, 1886; FBI 1:664, 1875(Excl. syn. L. latifolia)-, Dalgado, 39, 1898; Cooke, 1:259(276), 1902. Stout herbs. Leaves simple, broadly ovate, cordate, acute or acuminate, \ coarsely serrate, main nerves opposite, 8-10 pairs, very prominent. Inflorescence terminal corymbose -cymos. Flowers white. Berries globose, 3-6 lobed, black. FIs. & Frts. : July-September. Distrib. : Kikvi, Sarola,Nigade.


Key to the genera. 1. Climbing herbs. Cardiospermum 1.Shrubs ODtrees. Sapindus

99 CARDIOSPERMUM L. Cardiosperm um halicacabum L. Sp. PI. 366. 1753; Hieren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:670. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:280. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Kapalphodi’ Ciimbers^Leaves 4-7 cm long, leaflets 1-4 x 0.5-1.5 cm, ovate-lanceolate, is, attenuate at base, dentate, acuminate. Racemes axillary; lowest pedicel tendriller; penduncle about lO^cm long; sepals 4 in 2 rows; petals 4, white, centre yellow; stamens 8. Capsule sharply 3 winged. Seeds globose, black. FIs. & Frts. : December-May. Distrib.. : On hedges, Bhor, Kikvi. Note : The green leaves of plants are eaten as vegetable.

SAPINDUS Vahl Sapindus em arginatus Vahl, Symb.Bot. 3:54, 1794. S. laurifolius var. emarginatus Cooke, Fl.Pres.Bombay 1:284.1958 (Repr.ed.). .MdiX.:‘Ritha’ g l5 6 Tree, 7-10 m high; branches tomentose. Leaves paripinnate; leaflets 3 pairs, each 2-7 x 1.3-2.5 cm, oblong, obovate-oblanceolate, cuneate at base; petiole 2-4 cm long. Flowers in panicles; sepals 5, in 2 rows; petals 5, white; stamens 8. Drupes 3 lobed, ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : October-February. Distrib.. : Occasional, Hirdoshi, Khanapur, Ambeghar. Note : Fruits are used for washing cloths.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 19. 1760; Hiren in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:697. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:287.1958 (Repr.ed.).

100 Shurbs 1-4 m high, ^ a v e s sessile, oblanceolate, 4-9 x 1-2 cm, base tapering, apex subacute, shining. Flowers greenish-yellow in axillary cymes. Capsules membranous, compressed, up 0 1.5 cm long, broader than long. Seeds black. FIs. & Frts. ; January-July. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1: 342, f. 202. 1909. Distrib. : -Occasional in scrub area, frequently cultivated as hedge plant. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Key to the genera 1. Leaves pinnate;. Rhus 1. Leaves simple j 2. Style lateral... Buchanania 2. Style apical... Semecarpus

BUCHANANIA Spreng. Buchanania lanzan Spreng. in Schrad. J. Bot. 4:234. 1800; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:293. 1958 (Repr.ed.). B. latifolia Roxb. FI. Ind.(Carey ed.) 2:385. 1832; Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 2:23. 1876. Mar. : ‘Charole’ \^malLlrees, 5-10 m tall, young part silky tomentose. Leaves 10-20 x 6-8 cm, broadly oblong, apex emarginate. Flowers 0.3-0.4 cm across, white, ^ense panicles; sepals hairy, petals oblong 0.8-1.0 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : January-May. Illus.. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 165.1871. Distrib.. : Frequent in dry deciduous forests in Hirdoshi.

101 RHUS L ^ Rhus mysorensis G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2:74. 1832; Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 2:9. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:290. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : "AmonV

Shrubs, 2-3 m tall, armed^woody. Leaflets 1-3 x 1-2 cm obovate, cuneate, toothed. Inflorescence of branched panicles, axillary and terminal. Flowers white. Drupes about 0.4-0.5 cm in diam., subglobose glabrous. FIs. & Frts. lAugust-December. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:347, f. 203, 1090; Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 48. 1966. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Found associated with Maytenus emarginatdi.

SEMECARPUS L.f. Semecarpus anacardium L. f. Suppl. 182. 1781; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:30. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 296. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Bibba’ Trees, 7 m tall. Leaves 8.0-20.0 x 5-8 cm, obovate or elliptic-oblong, glabrous above, grey tomentose beneath, 13-15 nerved, obliquely ovoid, ripens black, seated on fleshy-receptacles. FIs. & Frts. : August-March. q Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 558. 1842; Talbot, For^Fl- Bombay Pres. & Sind 1: 355, f. 208. 1909. Distrib. : Bope, Hirdoshi, Rayari.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Anacardium occidentale L. Sp. PI. 383. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 20. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 292. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

102 Mar. : ‘Kaju’ Trees, 5 m tall, branches terete. Leaves 5-10 x 3.0-5.0 cm, obovate or elliptic. Inflorescence of compound panicles, terminal and sub-terminal. Fruits ovoid, yellow colour nuts reniform, about 3.0 cm long, fleshy, dark coloured. Seeds reniform, stalked.

FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:351, f. 205. 1909. Distrib. : Cultivated at Bhor.

Mangifera indica L. Sp. PI. 200. 1753; Bedd. FI. Sylv. T. 162. 1871; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:13. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:291.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Am ba’ \^vergreenUrees, 15-25 m tall. Leaves 10.5-15 x 3-4 cm, lanceolate, attenuate at base, acute-acuminate; petioles 1-3 long. Panicles terminal; calyx 5- lobed; petals 5, cream-yellowish, oblong; stamens 5, fertiles 1; staminode 4. Drupes ovoid-oblong, fleshy. Seed solitary. FIs. & Frts. : January-May. Distrib. : Widely cultivated for its edible ‘Mango fruits’. Bhor, Nasarapur.

MORINGACEAE MORINGA L. Moringa concanensis Nimmo ex Gibs, in Dalz.& Gibs. Bombay FI. 311, 1861; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;45. 1876; Hookers Icon. PI. 2596, 1899; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:301. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

103 Trees, 8-10 m tall. Leaflets 17-21, elliptic-suborbicular, glabrous. Flowers yellow, streaked with red. Capsules straight, acutely triguetrous, slightly constricted between seeds, FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Distrib. : In deviduous forest. Occasional Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Nasarapur.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Moringa oleifera Lam. Encycl. 1:398. 1785; Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 80. 1871; Steenis, FI. Males. Ser. 1, 5:554. 1953. M. pterygosperma Gaertn. Fruct. 2:314. 1791; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:45. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:301. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Shevaga’ Trees. Leaflets ovate or obovate, glabrous, deciduous. Flowers white in panicles. Pods cylindric, 9-ribbed. FIs. & Frts. : January-April. Illus. :Bedd FI. Sylv. t. 80.1869. Distrib. : Mostly cultivated at Bhor. Note : The leaves and green pods are used as a vegetable.

CONNARACEAE CONNARUS L. Key to the species. 1. Erect shrubs... monocarpus 1. Climbers... C.wightii Connanis monocarpus L. Sp. PI. 676. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:50. 1876; Cook, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:303.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Sundar’

104 Shrubs. 3-5 m high. leaflets 5. oblong, 4-8 x 2-4 cm, base rounded, apex acuminate. Flowers m dense terminal panicles. Follicles fusiform, 2.5-5.0 cm long, scarlet turning brown.

FIs. & Frts. : August-December.

along forest edges. Warandha Ghat Conoarus wightii Hook f. FI. Br.t. India 2:51. 1876; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1.304. 1958 (Repr.ed.)

Climbers, leaves pinnatel leaflets 5-7, oblong-elliptic, apex acuminate base rounded. Flowers white, in'terminal panicles. Fruits ovoid. 3.0 x 1.3 cm high birhgt red when mature. Seeds 1, arrillate. FIs. & Frts. : February-May.

• Talbot. For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:370. 214. 1909. ^ Distnb. . Frequent in forest. Shivther Ghal.

0 l e g u m in As a e Key to the sub families. ^

1. Flowers actmomorphic; petals valvate... Mimoceae 1. Flowers zygomphic; petals imbricate ; 2.CoroIla papilionaceous; stamens usually connate... ^ ... Fabaceae(Papihonaceae) 2.Corolla not papilionaceous;

stamens usually free... CaesalpiniLe

FABACEAE (Papilionaceae) "ity to the genera. . Climbers:

105 2. Calyx showy, foliaceous, persistent, creamish-white... Paracalyx 2. Calyx not as above ; 3. Leaves 1-3 foliolate: 4. Pod 2-4 seeded ; L 5. Flowers solitary or in fascicles... Cajanus 5. Flowers in racemes... Rhynchosia 4. Pods many seeded : 6. Pods with dense, irritant bristles. Mucuna 6. Pods not as above... Dolichos 3. Leaves more than 3-foliolate : 7. Herbaceous climber^... Abrus 7. Large woddy climber^.. Dalbergia 1. Herbs, shrubs or trees : 8. Erect or prostrate herbs and shrubs: 9. Flowers whitemerbs and shrubsi^ 10. Leaves simple ; 11. Pod'^urgid... Crotalaria 11. Pod^not turgid... Goniogyna 10. Leaves compound: 12. Flowers white... Flemingia 12. Flowers yellow : 13. Pods jointed... Zornia 13. Pods not jointed: 14.^ods compressed ... Smithia 14. Pods turgid... Melilotus 8. Trees: 15. Leaflets 3: Erythrina 16. Plants armed; pods subturgid...

106 16. Plants unarmed; pods flat... Butea 15. Leaflets more than 3 : 17. Leaflets opposite; flowers Pongamia in axillary racemes... 17. Leaflets alternate, flowers in axillary and terminal panicle... Pterocarpus

9. Flowers pink, violet or red 18. Pods jointed : 19. Leaves 1-foliolate; pods subterete 4-angled or moniliform... Alysicarpus 19. Leaves 1-3 foliolate; pods linear- oblong... Desmodium — ------^ 18. Pods not jointed : I 20. Pod Punescent... Indigofera 20. Pod not pubescent... Tephrosia ABRUS L. Abrus precatorius L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 472. 1767; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:175. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1! 382. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Breteler, in Blumea 10:617, f. 5. 1960. Mar. : ‘Gunj’ ^ Climbers. Stem sparsely hairy. Leaves 3-5 cm long; leaflets 8-10 pairs, C oblong about 1.5 x 0.7 cm, base rounded, apex apiculate, deViduous. Flowers pinkish-white. Pods oblong, about 2icm long. K FIs. <& Frts. : December-February. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 33. 1838; Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi f. 71. 1966. ^

Distrib. : Occasional in scrub forests at lower elevation. /s. Bhor, Nasarapur, Bhatghar.

107 ALYSICARPUS Desv. {nom. cons.) Key to the species. 1. Pods distinctly rugose... A. tetragonolobus 1. Pods not rugose: 2. Flowers pedicelled... A. belgaumensis 2. Flowers sessile... A. pubescens

AJysicarpus belgaumensis Wight, Ic. t. 1840; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:160. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:372. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Herbs, u{|to ijm high. Leaflets 2-7 x 1-3 cm, glabrous above, hairy beneath. Flowers pink in congested racemes; calyx deeply divided, lobes oblong-lanceolate, strongly nerved. Pods compressed apiculate, 3-4 jointed. FIs. & Frts. : April-December. Ulus. : Wight, op. cit. Distrib. : Common at higher elevation in grasslands. Apshingi, Warandha Ghat. AJysicarpus pubescens Law.ex Wight, Ic. t. 250. 1840; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;160. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:372. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, about Im high. Leaves 1-foliolate; stipules linear-lanceolate, 2cm long, hairy; leaflets lanceolate, acute, 4-5 cm long, apex mucronate, 3- nerved hairy on the nerves and margins. Flowers in 3-9 cm long spikes; bracts ovate, acuminate, silky hairy; calyx deeply divided. Pods moniliform, mucronate, included; joints globose, reticulate. FIs. & Frts. September-December. Illus. Wight, op. cit. Distrib. Occasional near cultivated fields. Bhor.

108 Alysicarpus tetragonolobous Edgew. in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 21:169. 1853; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:159. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;372. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 30-40 cm high, hairy. Leaflets elliptic-oblong or lanceolate,upto 1.5 x 0.5 cm, base rounded, apex obtuse, hairy beneath.

Flowers in 2-5 cm long racemes. Pods umo 1.3 cm long; joints 2-5, apiculate, transversely ribbed. 1 FIs. & Frts. : September-January. Distrib. : In rock crevicePwarandha Ghat.

BUTEA Roxb. ex Willd. (non.cons.) Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. in Engl. & Prantl, Pfan. 3(3):366. 1894. Erythrina monosperma Lam. Encycl. 1:391. 1785. Butea frondosa Koen. ex Roxb. In J.Asiat. Res. 3:369. 1792 & PI. Cor. t. 21. 1795; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:194. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:395.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Palas’ l^ciduous 5-10 m tall. Leaves trifoliolate; leaflets 16-25 x 10 21 cm, coriaceous, rhomboid-broadly obovate, laterals unequal at base, obtuse. Flowers in terminal and axillary fascicled racemes; calyx dark velvety, 5- lobed, unequal; petals 5, orange scarlet; stamens 10, diadelphous. Pod oblong, 1-seeded base flat, wing like. FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Distrib. : In deciduous forests.Warandha Ghat, Bhor. Hirdoshi. Note: The tree is very conspicuous when in full bloom of orange-scarlet flowers.Hence known as ‘Flame of the forests’. Leaves used as meal plates.


12. Butea monosperma (Lani.)Taub.

a L 13 , .-I lO U L L i r i SPJC ^ r 4 rn n h jNicons, CAJANUS DC. {nom. cons.)

Cajanus lineatus (Wight & Arn.) van der Maesen in Agric. Univ. Wageningen papers 85(4):143. 1985. Atylosia lineata Wight & Am. Prodr. 258. 1834; Baker in Hoolc. f. FI. Brit. India 2;213. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:408. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Jangli-tur’ Shrubs, 1.5-2.0 m high, hairy; stipules linear-subulate about 0.5 cm long, hairy. Leaflet 1.0-2.5 x 0.51.2 cm. Pods about cm long. Seeds 2,strophiolate.

FIs. & Frts. : December-April. Distrib. : Common near cultivated fields. Nasarapur, Rayari, Hirdoshi.

CROTALARIA L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves stipulate : 2. Prostrate herb^.. C. filipes 2. Erect herb^.. C. retusa 1. Leaves exstipulate... C. vestita Crotalaria filipes Bth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 2;475. 1843; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;66. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:312. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Prostrate herbs. Stems slender, urito 35 cm long, clothed with spreading hairs. Leaves sessile , 1.3-2.6 x 0.7-0.8 cm base obliquely cordate, pubescent, apex acute or obtuse. Flowers yellow in lateral racemes. Pods glabrous, 0.7 cm long, oblong. FIs. & Frts.: August-February. Distrib. : Common among grasses. Bhatghar, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

110 Crotalaria retusa L. Sp. 715. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:75. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:318. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Dingala’ Shrubs, 0.5-1 m high, densely pubescent. Leaves 2-7.5 x 0.6-2-5 cm, obovate- oblanceolate, cuneate at base, obtuse-retuse; stipules 2, linear, subulate. Racemes terminal; calyx lobes 5, puberulous; petals 5, golden yellow with pink streaks, standard orbicular; stamens 10. Pods oblong. Seeds reniform. FIs. & Frts. : September-March. Distrib. : Also along the road side. Warandha Ghat.

Crotalaria vestita Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:67. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:313. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs hairy. Leaves obovate-oblong, appressed-pubescent. Flowers yellow. Pods oblong , glabrous, 15-20 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : September-october. Distrib. : Among grasses on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

DALBERGIA L. Key to the species. 1. Stamens monoadelphous... D. latifolia 1. Stamens diad^lphous... D. lanceolaria

Dalbergia lanceolaria L. f. Suppl. 216. 1781; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:235. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:425. 1958 (Repr.ed.) D. frondosa Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:226. 1832; Wight, Icon. t. 266. 1840. Trees, 5-10 m; bark smooth, greyish-white. Leaflets 11-17, elliptic-oblong puberulous beneath. Flowers white or pinkish in axillary or termmal, leafless panicles. Pods strap shaped, glabrous, stipitate, 1-3 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : March-May.

I ll Distrib. : In deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. PI. Cor. 2;7, t. 113. 1798; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 231. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 422. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Bitti' Trees, about 10-12 m high. Leaflets 5-7, broadly ovate to suborbicular, 2.5-5.0 cm across, base cuneate, apex emarginate at base. Flowers yellowish in axillary and extra axillary panicles, bracts and bracteoles minute, deciduous. Pods strap shaped, 1-3 seeded.

FIs. & Frts. : February-April. Distrib. : Occasionally found in deciduous forests. Hirdoshi.

DESMODIUM Desv. Desmodium ritchiei Sanjappa Bull. Bot. Surv. India 22:229. (1980) 1982. D. rotundifolium, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:172. 1876 non DC. 1825; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1^58 (Repr. ed.)p.p. Herbs erect unto 40-45 cm high. Leaves compound, leaflets 1-3 x 1.5-3.0 cm, orbicular, glabrous above, appressedly hairy beneath. Flowers pinkish. Pods

0.5-1.0 X 0.1 cm, falcate, reticulately veined. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Common in open areas Rayari.

DOLICHOS L. Dolichos trilobus L. Sp. PI. 726. 1753p.p.- Verde, in Taxon 17:170. 1968 & Kew Bull. 24:442. 1970. D. falcatus Klein ex Willd. Sp. PI. 1047. 1803; Baker in Hookf. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:381. 1958 (Repr.ed.)p.p. ^Climbers, weak. Leaflets 2-8 x 2.0-6.5 cm, ovate-rhomboid, ovate or lanceolate, apex acuminate, base rounded or truncate, glabrescent on both

112 surfaces. Inflorescence of racemes. Flowers about 1.5cm, long; pinkish-violet. Pods 1.5-6.5 X 0.5-1.0 cm, green, linear-obiong, stubfalcate, apiculate. FIs.

ERYTHRINA L. Key to the species. 1. Pods with 2-3 seeds; leaves acuminate... E. stricta 1. Pods with 6-8 seeds; leaves acute^^jfi^... £. variegata Erythrina stricta Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:251. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:189. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:391. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Large trees. Leaflets glabrous; terminal leaflet reniform-cordate, lateral ones ovate-cordate, shortly acuminate, 8-12 x 7-10 cm. Flowers scarlet in terminal, horizontal racemes. Pods narrowed at both ends, brownish. FIs. & Frts. : October-May. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 175. 1872. c Distrib. : In moist deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

Erythrina variegata L. in Stickm Herb. 10. 1754 & Amoen Acad. 4; 122. 1759. E. indica Lam Encycl. 2:391. 1786; Wight, Icon t. 58. 1838; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:188. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:390. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Pangara’ Deciduous trees with greyish bark. Leaflets rhomboid-ovate, acute acuminate, stellately pubescent when young, glabrous at length. Flowers bright red in dense rcemes. Pods blackish, stalked. Seeds subreniform, oblong.

FIs. & Frts. : March-May. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 58. 1838. (£. indica)

113 Distrib. ; Occasional in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

FLEMINGIA Roxb. Key to the species 1. Flowers deep violet... F. gracilis 1.Flowers white or dull purple : 2. Erect shru^ leaves 1-foliolate... F. strobilifera 2. trailing herbs; leaves 3-foliolate... F. nilgiriensis

Flemingia nilgiriensis (Baker) T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 393. 1902 & 1:419. 1958(Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 78:562. 1981^jp. (}estita var. nigiriensis Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:230. 1876. ^ Herbs. Branches 30-50 cm long, hairy. Leaflets ovate-oblong to obovate, 1.0-2.5 X 0.7-1.0 cm, hairy. Flowers dull purple in terminal heads; calyx densely fulvous pubescent with bulbous based hairs. Pods sub-globose, 0.5 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : August-September. Ulus.. : Wight, Ic. t. 987. 1845 {F. procumbens) Distrib.. : Rare on rocky ground. Warandha Ghat.

Flemingia strobilifera (L.) Br. ex Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed.20) 4:350. 1812; Wight, Icon. t. 267. 1840; Baker in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2: Hedysarum strobilifera L. Sp. PI. 764. 1753. Mar. : ‘Kanphuti’ Shrubs, 1-1.5 m high. Leaves 4.5-16.5 x 1.5-7.2 cm, ovate-laneolate, obtuse-rounded at base, acuminate. Racemes axillary and terminal; bracts cordare leafy; bracteoles many; calyx pubescent, lobes linear; petals 5, white, standard auricled; stamens 10. Pods turgid, densely pubescent.

114 FIs. & Frts. : November-May. Distrib. : In moist deviduous forest. Warandha Ghat. Flemingia gracilis (Mukerjee) Ali in Biologia 12:78. 1966. Moghania gracilis Mukerjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 6(1):22 1952; Reddi in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 11:145. 1969; Kothari & Moorthy in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 80:259. 1983; Kothari in Red Data Book Ind. PI. 3:137. 1990. Herbs^ hairy.Leaflets 3, ovate-lanceolate, acute, apiculate, densely pubescent, glaucous - green beneath, 2.4-7.5 x 1.5-4.4 cm. Flowers deep violet on capitate heads. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Among grasses. Warandha Ghat.

GONIOGYNA Wight & Am. Goniogyna hirta (Willd.) Ali in Taxon 16:463. 1967. Hallia hirta Willd. Sp. PI. 3:1169. 1802. Heylandia latebrosa DC. Mem. Leg. 201.1825; Baker in Hook. f. H. Brit. India 2:65.1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:310.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: ‘Godhadi’ FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Illus. : Mathew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 1.190. 1982. Distrib. : Common in open grasslands. Bhor, Rayreshwar.


Key to the species. 1. Leaves simple... /. linifolia 1. Leaves compound... I. cassioides

115 Indigofera cassioides Rottl. ex DC. Prodr. 2:255. 1825; I. pulchella Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:382. 1832; Baker in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:101. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:341.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Unhali’ Shrubs, erect, 1.0-2.0 m high. Leaflets 0.5-2.4 x 0.4-1.3 cm, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate, base acute, hairy on both surfaces. Inflorescence of short peduncled racemes. Pods 1.5-3.4 x 0.1 cm, turgid, glabrous. Seeds 8-12. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 367.1840 (/. pulchella); Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 204. 982. Distrib. : Common, Warandha Ghat.

Indigofera iinifolia (L.f.) Retz. Obs. Bot. 4:29. Wight, Ic. t. 313. 1840; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:92. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:330. 1958(Repr.ed.). Hedysarum linifolium L. f. Suppl. 221. 1781. Prostrate, branched, silvery pubescent herbs. Leaves simple, appresed- pubescent. Flowers red. Pods globose. FIs. &. F rts.: August-October. Distrib. : Ambakhind, Bhor, Bhatghar.

MELILOTUS A. Juss. Melitotus indica (L.) All. FI. Ped. 1:308. 1785; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:325. 1958(Repr.ed.). Trifolium melilotus-indica L.Sp. PI. 745, 1733, Melilotus parviflora Desf. FI. Atlant. 2:192. 1800; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2:89. 1876. Herbs annual, erect, 30-40 cm high. Leaflets about 1.5 x 1.0 cm, oblanceolate or obovate-cuneate, apex rounded, truncate or retuse. Inflorescence of slender, spicate congested racemes. Flowers small. Pods ellipsoid, compressed, tapering at both ends, glabrous. Seeds 1, oblong-ellipsoid, compressed, brown.

116 FIs. & Frts. : December-February. !llus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi, f. 53. 1966. Distrib. : Few. Warandha Ghat.

MUCUNA Adans. Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Prodr. 2;405. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:187. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:389. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Dolichos pruriens L. in Stickman, Diss. Herb. Amb. 23. 1754. Mar. : ‘Khaj-kuiri’

Climbers. Leaflets 4.6-14.0 x 2.0-9.4 cm, terminal rhomboid-ovate, base cuneate, lateral truncate, inequilateral at base, apex subacute. Inflorescence of pendulous cymes, axillary. Flowers purple-mauve turning black upon drying about 3.5 cm long. Pods 5-7 x 1.2 cm, falcately curved on both ends. Seeds 5-6. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Illus.. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 73. 1966. Distrib.. : Common on hill slopes found on Carissa congesta. Warandha Ghat.


Paracalyx scariosa (Roxb.) Ali in Univ. Studies, Karachi 5(3);45. 1968. Cylista scariosa Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 92. 1795; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:219. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:412.1958 (Repr.ed.). Climbers. Stems and branches finely downy. Leaflets 3.5-10.0 x 2-5 cm, terminal rhomboid, lateral obliquely ovate, apex acute, softy velvety oubescent above, densely downy beneath. Inflorescence of a x illa r y ^ peduncled racemes, 6-12 cm long. Flowers yellow. Pods small, obliquely downy, 1-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : November-February.

117 Illus. ; Wight, Ic. t. 1597. 1850 (Cylista scariosa); Mathew, Illus.. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 211. 1982. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.


Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. var. acuminatus Prain in J. As. Soc. Bengal 56. 455.1895; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:427. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees, 10-18 m. bark yellow-grey and ash coloured, fissured. Leaflets 5-7. ovate-oblong or lanceolate, glabrous, 4-6 x 3.5-6.2 cm. Flowers in terminal and lateral panicles. Pods flat, orbicular, white, 1-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : May-July. Distrib. : In deciduous forests. Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat.


Psoralea corylifolia L. Sp. PI. 764. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;103. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:341. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Bawchi’ Erect annuals, 30-70 cm tall; stem^and branches grooved with conspicuous glands and hairs. Leaves 3-8 x 3-6 cm, broadly ovate, inciso-dentate. Flowers white, blue or pink in axillary racemes. Pods 0.4 to 0.6 cm long, ovoid, black. FIs. & Frts. : August-January. Distrib. : Common weed in the field at Baneshwar, Nasarapur.

118 PONGAMIA Vent. Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, FI. For. Cochinch. Sub. t. 385. 1899; Thoth. In Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3:418, t. 1. 1962. Cytisus pinnatus L. Sp.Pl. 741. 1753; P. glabra Vent. Jard. Malm. 28. 1803; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:240. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:429. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Karanj’ Trees, 10-15 m high. Leaflets ovate-oblong or elliptic, 5-9 x 2-5 cm, base rounded or acute , apex shortly acuminate, gland dotted. Flowers greenish-white. Ponds about 5 x 2 cm. FIs. & Frts. : February-July. lUus. : Wight, Ic. t. 59. 1838 (P. glabra) Distrib. : Common along river beds Hirdoshi, also planted as an avenue tree. Bhor.

SMITHIA Ait. Key to the species. 1. Leaflets usually more than 4 pairs : 2. Flowers purple... S. purpurea 2. Flowers yellow : 3. Stem bristly... S. setulosa 3. Stem glabrous... S. sensitiva 1. Leaflets not more than 4 pairs... S. agharkarii

Smithia agharkarii Hemadri in Indian forester 97:67, f. 8. 1971. Herbs, 9-18 cm high. Sten^ bristly in upper part. Leaflets subsessile, 2-3 pairs uji^o 1.2 x 0.4 cm, bristle tipped, sparsely strigose beneath; stipules lanceolate, cuspidate, scarious. Pods 3-5 jointed; joining orbicular, ribbed. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Ulus. '■ Hemadri op. cit.

119 Distrib. : On open grassy plateau found along with Swertia densiflora. Warandha Ghat.

Smithia purpurea Hook. Bot. Mag. 73, t. 4283; Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:149. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:359. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, about 60 cm high. Leaflets sessile, 5-15 pairs, elliptic-oblong, bristle tipped about 1cm long; stipules ovate-oblong, scarious, auricled at base, about 1.2 cm long. Flowers in axillary racemes. Pods 10-12 jointed orbicular- oblong. FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Distrib. : Common, in Warandha Ghat.

Smithia sensitiva Ait. Hort. Kew. 3:496. 1789; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:149. 18761 Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:357. 1958(Repr.ed.). Diffuse, branched herbs. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 3-10 pairs, linear-oblong, obtuse, bristle pointed, glabrous or bristly on margins and mid-rib beneath, 0.4-1.2

X 0.2-0.3 cm. Flowers yellow in axillary racemes. Pods jointed orbicular, reddish- brown, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. ^ Distrib. : Among grasses in moist places Warandha Ghat.

Smithia setulosa Dalz. in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 3;208. 1851; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:150. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:359. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Dichotomously branched herbs, 120 cm. Leaflets linear-oblong, bristly on margins and midrib beneath. Flowers bright yellow. Pods with orbicular and glabrous joints. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. ■ In hilly forest warandha Ghat. In

120 RHYNCHOSIA L. Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Prodr. 2:385; 1825. Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:223. 1875; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:414. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Dolichos minimus L. Sp. PI. 1020. 1753. Climbers. Branches slender, glabrescent. Leaflets lanceolate-rhomboid, apex acute or acuminate, glabrous above, pubescent beneath. Inflorescence of axillary 6-12 flowered, lax racemes. Flowers yellow about 0.5 cm long. Pods about 1.5 X 0.5 cm, round or oblong, turgid, slightly recurved, glabrescent. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Ulus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi f. 76. 1966. Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopes.

TEPHROSIA Pers. {nom.cons.) Key to the species. 1. Leaflets 7-11; racemes short... T. tinctoria 1. leaflets 11-27; racemes elongated... T. purpurea

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pres. Syn. PI. 2:329. 1807; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:112. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:346. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bosman «fe De Haas in Blumea 28:464. 1983. Cracca purpurea L. Sp. PI. 1753. Mar. : ‘UnhaW Herbs 30-40 cm high. Leaflets 13-19, oblanceolate, 1.5-2.5 x 1.0-1.5 cm, base acute, apex rounded mucronate, glabrous above puberulous beneath. Flowers violet in 3-5 cm long, leaf opposed racemes. Pods 3-5 cm long, sparsely hairy. FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Ulus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t. 225. 1982. Distrib. : Occasional in wastelands. Bhor, Nasarapur.

121 Tephrosia tinctoria (L.) Pres. Syn. PI. 2;329. 1807; Wight, Icon t. 388. 1840; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:111. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:345. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Galega tinctoria L. Syst. Nat. ed.lO. 1172. 1759. Erect, velvety-puescent undershrubs, 90-150 cm. Leaflets mucronate, densely silky-pubescent beneath. Flowers orange-yellow. Pods linear, flat, mucronate, curved upwards at apex, silky hairy. Seeds 10-12, ellipsoid, compressed. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : In forest, frequently Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

ZORNIA Gmel Zornia gibbosa Span, in Linnaea 15:192. 1841; Dandy & Milne-Redhead, in Kew Bull. 17:74. 1963; Anjali Chakraborti & Jain in Curr. Sci. 42:744. 1973. Z. diphylla auct. pi. non Pers. 1807. Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:147. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:355. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, diffuse, much branched. Leaflets lanceolate, up to 1.7 x 0.5 cm, gland dotted. Flowers small, yellow with red streaks in axillary spicate- racemes. Pods compressed, unto 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. \ : November-May. Illus. : Maheshwari, IIIus. FI. Delhi f. 64. 1966. Distrib. : Occasional in waste places. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur.


Arachis hypogea 1. Sp. PI. 741. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:161. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:435. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Bhuimug’

122 Herbs annual, decumbent. Leaves pinnate; usually in pairs, ovate or ovate- lanceolate. Inflorescence of sessile, axillary, capitate spikes. Flowers yellow or white. Pods underground, 1-5 seeded, indehiscent. FIs. & Frts. ; September-October. Distrib. : Widely cultivated. Bhor, Nasarapur, Utroli.

Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. in field columb. Mus. Bot. 2:53, 1900. Cytisus cajan L. Sp. PI. 739. 1753, Cajanus indicus Spreng; Syst. 3;248. 1826; F.B.I. 2:217, 1876. Mar. : ‘Tur’

Undershrubs, 2-5m tall. Leaves trifoliate; leaflets, elliptic-oblong, silky beneath. Flowers yellow, in long axillary and terminal racemes. Pods narrowed at both ends,3-5 seeded with oblique depression between the seeds. FIs. & Frts. : October-February. Distrib. : Commonly cultivated in fields. Bhor

Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC. Prodr. 2:404. 1825; Sauer in Brittonia 16:149.1964. Dolichos gladiatus Jacq. Coll. Bot. 2;276. 1788. Canavalia ensiformis sensu Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:195. 1876, non DC.1825; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:397.1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Abeyvel’ Biennial herbs. Leaflets 5-8 x 3-6 cm, elliptic, ovate, sparsely pubescent on both surface. Inflorescence of lax many flowered, axillary recemes, 8-10 cm long. Flowers pinkish-white. Pods linear-oblong, slightly hairy. Seeds about 0.3 x 0.3 cm, reddish-brown. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1;404, f. •228. 1909 {Canavalia ensiformis).

123 0 Distrib. : Escape^Warandha Ghat.

Crotalaria juncea L. 714. 1753; Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:79. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:320. 1958(Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Tag’ Annuals, branches numerous, striate, silky pubescent. Leaves 3-7 x 1.5 cm, linear or oblong, apex obtuse or subacute, appressed silky hairy on both surfaces. Racemes erect 12-16 flowered. Flowers yellow, 2-3 cm long. Pod 3 cm long, sessile. Seeds 10-15. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Cultivated for its forage. Hirdoshi.

Clitoria ternatea L. Sp. PI. 753,1753; Hook. f. F. B. I. 2:208,1876. M ar.: ‘Gokarn' Glabrescent, slender twiners. Leaflets 5-7, elliptic, obtuse or retuse, rounded at base. Flowers blue-white, in 2-3 flowered racemes. Pods nonseptate, sharply beaked, oblong. Seeds 6-10. FIs. & Frts. c July-october. Distrib. : Common garden plants. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Cicer arietinum L. Sp. PI. 38. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:176. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:435.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Harbara’ Herbs, erect, much branched, hairy. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 1.0-1.5

X 0.5 cm, ovate oblong or obovate, glandular-j?ubescent. Flowers pink, blue or white, solitary in leaf axis. Pods 1-2 x 0.5 cm, pubescent, inflated, seeded, hairy. Fls.& Frts. : August-March. Distrib. : Cultivated in field at Bhor, Nasarapur.

124 Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:23. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:231. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:421. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘ Sisvi’

Trees, bark greyish-brown, rough, fissured. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets broadly ovate or suborbicular, glabrescent. Flowers white in axillary panicles. Pods strap shaped, glabrous, long stalked, 1-4 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : March-June. Distrib. ; In deciduous forests and also planted roadside at Hirdoshi.

Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 2, 1:688. 1840; Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16:77. ed. 3, \961.Robinia sepium Jacq. Enum. Syst. PI. 28. 1760. Trees, about 4-5 m high. Leaflets imparipinnate, 3.5-4.0 x 1.5 cm. Inflorescence of 5-15 cm long, erect or drooping racemes. Flowers pinkish-white. Pods about 10.5 x 1.5 cm. Seeds about 0.8 x 0.8 cm, black. FIs. & Frts. :February-March. Ulus. : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 203. 1982. Distrib. : Common as an ornamental tree, Bhor, Bharghar.

Medicago sativa L. Sp. PI. 778,1753; F.B.I. 2;90,1976. M ar.; 'Ghas’ Herbs, erect, annual hairy, 100 cm tall. Leaves trifoliate, leaflets obovate oblanceolate, denticulate upwards the apex. Flowers purplish m close racemes; raceme often exceeding the leaves. Pods indehiscent, spirally twisted and 2-

seeded. FIs. & Frts. : Febniary-March.

125 Distrib. : Common in cultivated fields. Khedshivapur, Bhor, Nasarapur.

Pisum sativum L. Sp. PI. 729. 1753; Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:181. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:46. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Matar’ Climbers. Leaflets ovate to elliptic-oblong. Flowers white in axillary fascicles. Pods many seeded. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Distrib. : Cultivated as vegetable, also found as an escape. Nasarapur, Bhor, Bhatghar.

Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alst. in Trim. Handb. FI. Ceylon 6:77. 1931; Mohlenbrock in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 44. 318. 1957. Arachis fruticosa Retz. Obs. Bot. 5:26. 1791. S. mwcrona/^Willd. Sp. PI. 3:1166. 1800; Baker in Hook, t FI. Brit. India 2:149. 1876. Herbs,erect or prostrate, pubescent. Leaflets lanceolate, upto 2.5 x 0.5 cm apex mucronate; stipules adnate half length to the petioles, with two long spines. Flowers yellow, solitary, axillary. Pods oblong, 0.6 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Cultivated along hill slopes as a fodder plant. Hirdoshi.

Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. var. picta (Prain) Sant. PI. Saurashtra 14. 1953. S. aegyptiaca Poir. vai. picta Prain in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 66:361.1898; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:349.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘ShevarV

126 Shrubs or small trees. Leaflets 18-26, linear-oblong. Flowers in few flowered, axillary racemes; standard golden yellow in colour. Pods 17-24 cm long, beaked. FIs. & Frts. ; November-March. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 32. 1836. Distrib. : Cultivated as a hedge plant and also for foldder purpose. Bhor, Nasarapur, Salore, Bhatghar.

S^sbania grandiflora (L.) Ores. Syn. PI. 2:316.1807; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:115. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:350. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Robinia grandiflora L. Sp. PI. 722. 1753. Trees, 8-10 m. Leaves compound, leaflets oblong ovate, glabrous. Flowers creamy-white showy in racemes. Pods sub-tetragonous, beaked. FIs. & Frts. : December-March. Distrib.. : Cultivated in Hirdoshi, Bhor. Note : Tender leaves, flowers and fruits(^a^by local people. The juice of leaves and flowers said to be effective against headache.

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek in Kew Bull. 24:559. 1970. Phaseolus radiata L. Sp. PI. 725. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:403.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, much branched. Leaflets ovate, apex acute, base deltoid and rounded, glabrescent and appressed hairy, 3.7-12 x 2.6-8 cm. Flowers, many in axillary racemes. Pods straight and slighty falcate, linear-cylindric, densely hairy. Seeds 8-12, black. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Common along the road side. Hirdoshi.

Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. subsp. cylindrica (L.) van Eseltine in Hedrick, vegetable of New York 1:11. 1913; Verde, in Kew Bull. 24. 544. 1970. Phaseolus

111 cylindrica L. Herb. Amb. 23:1754. V. catjang (Burm. f.) Walp. in Linnaea 13:533. 1839; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:205. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:405. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Chavli’ Herbs, branches ascending. Flowers in axillary racemes. Pods linear, straight or curved, sub-terate. Seeds sub-reniform, compressed. FIs. & Frts. : April-June Distrib. : Cultivated as a vegetable. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich, in Hist. Fis. Polit. Nat. 1, 11:191. 1885; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:206. 1876; Verde, in Kew Bull. 24:553. 1970. Phaseolus vexillatus L. Sp. PI. 724. 1753. V. capensis (L.) Walp in Linnaea 13:533. 1839; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:404. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Hulaga’ Climbers. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, 3.0-8.0 x 1.5-3.4 cm, apex acute or acuminate, hairy; stipules oblong-lanceolate, actue. Pods 10-11 m long, clothed with brown hairs. Seeds brownish. FIs. & Frts. : September-November. Distrib. : Very rare in forests. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi forest.


Key to the genera. 1. Herbs, shrubs or trees : 2. Petals 5^perfect:

3 . T r e e s ; leaves simple... Bauhinia 3. Herbs or shrubs’"leaves pinnate... Cassia ^ ^ k Hardwickia 2. Petals 0 ...

128 1. Climbers : 4. Flowers orange in spicate- racemes... Moullava 4. Flowers yellow in racemes... Caesalpinia

BAUHINIA L. Bauhinia racemose Lam. Encycl. 1:390. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:276. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:459. 1958 (Repr.ed.); de Wit in Reinwardtia 3:537. 1956. Mar.": ‘Apta’ Trees, 10-15 m high with numerous spreading branches. Leaves ovate- orbicular, 1.5-4.0 X 2-9 cm, base cordate; apex obtuse, mucronate, glabrous aove, puberulous beneath. Flowers white to yellow in terminal, 5-20 cm long racemes. Pods oblong, 9-17 cm long, balck glabrous. FIs. & Frts. March-July. Illus.. Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 182. 1872. Distrib.. Common in deciduous forest. Varvand and Warandha Ghat. ^


Key to the species. 1. Leaflets 6-7 pairs; pods prickly... C. bonduc 1. Leaflets 8-20 pairs; pods smooth... C. decapetala

Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. FI. Ind.(Carey ed.) 2:362. 1832 emend. Dandy & Excell in J. Bot. 76:179. 1938. Guilandina bonduc L. Sp. PI. 1753. Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Flem. in As. Res. Bombay 1:437.1958 (Repr.ed.).

Mar. : ‘Sagargota’

129 s Shrubs. StertYpubescent, armed with hooked yellowish prickles; petioles armed with prickles, pinnae 6-8 pairs; leaflets 6-8 pairs; 1.5-2.0 x 1.0-1.1 cm, elliptic. Inflorescence racemes, dense at top and lax at bottom, long peduncled, terminal and supra-axillary. Rowers yellow. Pods oblong, dehiscent. Seeds 1-2, globose to oblong.

FIs. & Frts. : August-January. Ulus. : Matthew, Illus.. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 230. 1982. Distrib. : Few in hedges around fields. Nasarapur.

Caesalpinia decapetala (Roth) Alst. In Trim. Handb. FI. Ceylon (Suppl.) 6:89. 1931; Sant. & AVagh in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 5:108 (1963) 1964. Reichardia decapetala Roth; Nov. PI. Sp. 212. 1821. Caesalpinia sepiaria Roxb. FI. Ind. 2:360. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:256. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:439.1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Chilar’ Stragglers, armed, bushy shrubs; petioles armed with recurved hooked prickles, pinnae about 7 pairs; leaflets 8-9 pairs, 1.1-1.2 x 0.5 cm, oblong. Inflorescence of simple racemes at ends of main or lateral branches. Flowers yellow. Pods 6.0-6.5 x 1.0-2.2 cm, oblong, beak about 1 cm long, green, flat, turgid. Seeds about 8. FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 37. 1838; Ic. Roxb.. Fasc. 6, t. 9.1973 [Repr.ed. {Caesalpinia sepiaria). Distrib. : Shivther Ghal, Bhor.

130 CASSIA L. Key to the species. 1. Trees ; pods 30-40 cm long... C. fistula 1. Herbs or shrubs; pods umo 20 cm long : 2.Flowers in axillary, recemose : 3. Leaflets 8-12 pairs... C. auriculata 3. Leaflets 4-6 pairs... C. occidentalis ^^^^^lowers in solitary : 4. Herbs with a strong foetid odour... C. tora ; 4.Herbs without a strong odour; 5. Leaflets 3 pairs... C. obtusifolia 5. Leaflets 10-40 pairs ; 6. Petioles with a sessile gland... C. mimosoides 6. Petioles with a stipitate gland... C. pumila

Cassia auriculata : L. Sp. PI. 379. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:263. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;448. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Pandey in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.-68:316. 1971. Mar. : ‘Tarwad’ Shrubs, 2-3 m high, much branched. Leaflets oblong, 1-2 x 0.3-1.3 cm, apex obtuse, mucronate; rachis with erect gland between each pair of leaflets. Flowers yellow with orange streaks; perfect stamens 7. Pods oblong, 10x2 cm, shortly stalked. FIs. & Frts. : December-March. Ulus.. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 1:450, f. 254. 1909. Distrib.. '■ Found in Rayari, Bhatghar.

131 Cassia fistula L. Sp. PI. 377. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;261. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:444. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Pandey in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68:313. 1971. Mar. : ‘Bahava’ Trees, 5-10 m high. Leaflets 4-8 pairs, ovate or ovate-oblong, 5-10 x 2.5- 4.5 cm, base acute, apex emarginate. Flowers yellow in lax racemes; calyx deeply divided; lobes oblong, obtuse; petals 5, ovate, shortly clawed. Stamens 10. Pods pendulous, brownish-balck, shining.

FIs. & Frts. ; April-october. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 269. 1840. ^ q Distrib. : It is also cultivated road side Bhor. L >-

Cassia mimosoides. Sp. PI. 379. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:206. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:453. 1958 (Repr.ed.); V. Singh in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 75:439. 1978. Herbs, perennial, diffuse, erect about 28-30 cm high. Leaflets 0.8-1.0 x 0.1-0.2 cm, linear-oblong, glands sessile, situated near the top of the petioles. Flowers yellow, solitary on the upper axils. Pods 3.5-5.0 x 0.4 cm, linear, appressed hairy. Seeds 15-20, obliquely ovoid, brown, shining. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Common in open fields. Bhor.

Cassia obtusifolia L. Sp. PI. 377, 1753 Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 447.1958(Repr.ed.). C. tora sensu Baker in Hook. f. Fl.Brit. India 2:263. 1878 {non L.1753) Mar. : ‘Takla’ Undershrubs about 180 cm tall. Leaves with 3 pairs of leaflets; lowest pair of/ leaflets shortest and with a gland. Flowers yellow, in axillary subsessile pairs. Pods reticulate and terete, about 17-25 cm long^^^ny seeded.

132 FIs. & Frts. : August-october. Distrib. ; Fairly common on wasteland along roadsides. Hirdoshi Note : The leaves and seeds are used for skin diseases.

Cassia occidentalis L. Sp. 377, 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:262. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 445. 1988(Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Rantakla’

Diffuse undershrubs. Leaves ovate with a prominent gland at the base of petioles; leaflets usually 5 pairs, elliptic-ovate, acuminate. Flowers yellow; axillary, born in few flowered racemes or corymbs. Pods glabrous. Seeds ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : August-January. ^ Distrib. : Very common on wastelands^Bhor, Nasarapur.

Cassia pumila Lam. Encycl. 1:651. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:266. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:452. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Pandey in J.. Bombay Nat.. Hist. Soc. 68:318, t. 2,18-25. 1971. Herbs, diffuse, about 25cm long with white, spreading hairs. Leaflets subsessile about 1.0-0.3 cm, base unequal, apex obtuse petioles with a peltate gland at the base. Flowers yellow; petals obovate, veined. Pods linear about 1.5cm long, glabrescent. FIs. & Frts. : June-August. Distrib. : Monsoon herbs in open grasslands. Warandha Ghat.

133 Cassia tora L. Sp. PI. 376. 1753-^ Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:263. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:447. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect herbs, 30-90 cm. Leaflets 3 pairs; obovate-oblong, glabrescent, equal sided, 0.6-4.5 x 0.4-2.3 cm. Flowers yellow in pairs, axillary. Pods subtetragonous, linear, falcate, beaked. Seeds 20-30, rhomboidal, polished. FIs. & Frts. : August-october. Distrib. : As a weed; roadside. Bhor.

MOULLAVA (Rheede) Adans. Moullava spicata (Dalz.) Nicolson in Manilal, Bot. Hist. Hort. Malab. 184. 1980. Wagatea spicata Dalz. in kew J. Bot. 3;89. 1851; Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:273. 1878; Cooke, Fi. Pres. Bombay 1:443. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Waghati’ Shrubs, scandent; main rhachis with recurved pickles. Leaflets 5-6 pairs, oblong, 2-4 X 1-2 cm, base, rounded, apex obtuse, shining above, pale beneath. Flo\^rs in 8-12 cm long spicate - racemes; rhachis brown pubescent, armed with spike; calyx scarlet. Pods 5-7 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : November-April. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1995. 1853^(Wagatea spicata). j Talbot For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:447, f. 252 1909; Distrib. : Common in Bhor, Nasarapur, Ambavade, Apti.

HARDWICKIA Roxb. Hardwickia binata Roxb. PI. Cor. 3;6, t. 209. 1819; Baker in Hook. f. fl. Brit. India 2:270. 1878; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:456. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Anjan’ Trees, 6.0-7.5 m tall. Leaflets 1 pair, 1.5-3.1 x 2.0-3.4 cm, subsessile, obliquely ovate. Inflorescence panicles, axillary and terminal. Flowers

134 yellowish-green. Pods 5-7 x 1.5-2.0 cm. Strap-shaped, veined, narrowed at both ends. Seeds 1. FIs. & Frts. : August-January. Illus. : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu, Carnatic t. 233 & 968 A,b 1982. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes in the drier parts. Bhor, Nasarapur.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Bauhinia purpurea L.Sp. PI. 375. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:284. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:461. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Trees, 2-4 cm. Leaves orbicular, base cordate, pubescent when young. Flowers fragrant, white, rosy or purple in terminal and axillary, corymbose racemes. Pods flat, woody 12-16 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : September-November. Distrib. : Usually planted at Nasarapur. Note : The leaves, flower buds, flowers and young pods are edible as a vegetable. Wood is used for agricultural implements and as fuel.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Swartz Obs. 166, 1791; F. B.I. 2:255, 1878. Poinciana pulcherrima L. Sp. PI. 380,1753. Mar. : ‘Shankasur’ Large, much branched shrubs. Branches prickly lenticellate or upper without thorns. Pinnae 6-8 pairs, leaflets about 10, broadly oblong. Flowers variously coloured, scarlet or yellow in large loose, terminal or axillary racemes. Pods oblong, straight, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : June-December. q Distrib. : Usually grown in garden Baneshwar. /\ 135 Cassia surattensis Burm. f. FI. Ind. 97. 1768; Backer & Bakh. f. FI. Java 1;538. 1963. C. glauca Lam. Encycl. 1:647. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:265. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:453. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Pandey in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68; 314, t. 1, f. 10-17. 1971. Trees, 8-10 m high. Leaflets oblong-elliptic, 1-4 x 1-2 cm. Flowers yellow in axillary racemes. Pods flat, 10-16 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Cassia siamea Lam. Encyl. 1;648. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:264. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:454. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Pandey in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68:312,1.1, f. 1-9. 1971. Trees, 10-15 m high. Leaflets 7-10 pairs, ovate-oblong, about 6 x 2 cm, pilose beneath, base and apex obtuse. Flowers yellow in terminal panicles. Pods linear. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Distrib. : Cultivated at Bhor, Baneshwar.

Parkinsonia aculeata L. Sp. PI. 375. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:260. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:442. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Vilayati babhuV Large glabrous shrubs or small trees, armed with sharp^woody spines which represent the rachis of 2-pinnate. Leaves; pinnae 1-3 pair. 15-30 cm long; leaflets numerous, minute, ovate-oblanceolate. Flowers yellow in 7-9 cm long, lax, axillary racemes. Pod moniliform, 6-12 cm long, turgid, 4-6 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : November-May. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres, and sind 1; 445. f. 251. 1909.

136 Distrib. : Native of Tropical America planted on road side.

Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde in Blumea 15:393. 1967; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 78:564. \9S\. Jonesia asoca Roxb. in Asiat. Res. 4;1799. S. indica auct. non L. 1767; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:271. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:456. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Ashok’ Trees, 7-12 m high. Leaves lanceolate, linear. Flowers orange-yellow in dense axillary corymbs. Pods linear-oblong. Seeds 4-6. FIs. & Frts. : March-September. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 206. 1839 (Jonesia asoca Roxb.); Bedd. op. cit. Distrib. : Cultivated near temple. Bhor, Baneshwar.

Tam arindus indica L. Sp. 34. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:273. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:457. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Chinch’ Large^evergreen trees. Leaves 5-12 cm long; leaflets 10-20 pairs; 0.8-2.0 x 0.4-0.6 cm, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, petiolate. Flowers yellow with reddish strips in few flowered lax racemes at the end of branchlets. Pods 7-15 x 2-2.5 cm, some what falcate, with rough; fibrous, epicarp. Seeds 2-10 ^dark chocolate- brown, rhomboidal. FIs. & Frts. : March-July. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 184. 1872. ^ Distrib. : Around the Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur village etc.


Key to the species.

137 1. Flowers yellow or whitish yellow... D. elata 1. Flowers crimson red... D. regia

Delonix elata (L.) Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 396. 1919 (1:280. 1957. Repr.ed.). Poinciana elata L. Cent. PI. 2;16. 1756; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:260. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:441. 1958. (Repr.ed.). Trees, 6-10 m. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets linear-oblong, glabrous. Flowers yellow in terminal, corymbose racemes. Pods dark brown, linear-oblanceolate, reticulate, beaked, 4-8 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib.. : Planted road side. Bhor, Sarola.

Delonix regia (Bojer) Rafin. FI. Telur. 2;92. 1836. Poinciana regia Bojer in Bot Mag. 58. t. 2889. 1829; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:260. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;442. 1958. 9 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Gulmohor’

Large, deciduous trees, 15 cm. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets 10-30 pairs, oblong, glabrous. Flowers in lax, terminal or axillary racemes. Pods woody, compressed, thick, linear, dark brown, 20 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : Cultivated roadside. Bhor, Nasarapur. Note : This beautiful avenue tree, cultivated in garden and along road sides for ornamental purpose.

MIMOSACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Armed trees, climbers or undershrubs : 'A ^ 2. Stames indefinljite...indefin"il Acacia

138 2.Stamens 8-10 :

3. Pods linear... Dichrostachys 3.Pods falcate... Mimosa S 1. Unarmed tree^limbers : 4. Woody climbers... Entada 4. Trees... Albizia ACACIA Willd.

Key to the species. 1. Erect shrubs or trees: 2. Flowers in heads: 3. Pods moniliform... A. nilotica 3. Pods not moniliform... A. leucophloea 2. Flowers in spikes: 4. Stipular spines solitary, hooked... A. chundra 4.Stipular spines in unequal pairs, straight... A. horrida 1. Scandent shrubs... A. sinuata

Acacia chundra (Rottler) Willd. Sp. PI. 4:1078.1806. Mimosa chundra Roxb. ex Rott. in Ges. Fr. Neue Schr. 4:207. 1803. M. sundra Roxb. PI. Cor. 2:t. 225. 1811. Acacia sundra (Roxb.) DC. Prodr. 2:458. 1825; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:295. 1878. Acacia catechu Willd. var. sundra (DC.) Prain in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 66:508. 1898; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:476. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Khair’ Shrubs or small trees. Leaves 10-15 cm long; pinnae 10-20 pairs; leaflets 20-40 pairs, 0.3-0.6 x 0.1 cm, linear-oblong; stipular spines short, hooked; rachis with small gland at the base of first pair of pinnae. Flowers white or cream coloured in axillary spikes. Pods 4-6 x 1 cm, thin, brown.

139 FIs. & Frts. : July-December. Ulus. : Mahesh, Illus. FI. Delhi f. 83. 1966. Distrib. : Rare in the hill forest. Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat.

Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. ssp. indica (Benth.) Brenan in Kew Bull. 12:83. 1957. A. arabica (Lam.) Willd var. indica Benth. in Hook. Lord. Joum. Bot. 1;500. 1842. A. arabica auct. non (Lam.) Willd Sp.Pl.4:1085.1806; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:293. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:472.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘BabhaV Small trees with dark blackish-brown, irregularly, longitudinally fissured bark. Leaves 5-10 cm long; pinnae 4-8 pairs; 0.3-0.6 x 0.1-0.2 cm, minute, linear- oblong, stipuls or spines 0.4 to 0.5 cm long. Flowers yellow in axillary, globose heads. Pods 3-8 x 1 cm, jointed, moniliform, turned. FIs. 6c Frts. : March-July and September-January. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 47. 1870. Distrib. : Very common Bhor, Salole.

Acacia horrida (L.) Willd. Sp. PI. 4:1082. 1806; Hillcoat & Brenan in Kew Bull. 1958:40. 1958. Mimosa horrida L. Sp. PI. 521. 1753. A latronum (L.f.) Willd. Sp. PI. 4:1077. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;296. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:478.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar, : ‘Dev-BabhaV Shrubs, about 6-7 m high. Leaves pinnately compound, pinnnae 2-5 pairs; leaflets 6-13 pairs, elliptic, base truncate; smaller stipules spines 2.5 cm long, larger 5-6 cm long, hollow, shining. Flowers creamish in lax spikes. Pods falcate, dark brown. FIs. & Frts. : October-March. Distrib. : Rare in scrub forest. Warandha Ghat.

140 Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Sp. PL 4;1083. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;294. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;475. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Nilesen in Adansonia 19:345. 1980. Mimosa leucophloea Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 150. 1800. Mar. ; ‘Hiwar’

Trees, 4-5 m higii, bark yellowish. Leaves bipinnate, pinnae subsessile, 4-7 pairs; leaflets 11-20 pairs, about 0.2 x 0.1 cm, linear-oblong. Flowers whitish- yellow. Pods 5-8 X 0.5-0.7 cm, flat, linear-oblong, yellowsih-brown. Seeds 10-20. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 48. 1870; Mahesh. Illus. FL Delhi f. 80. 1966.

Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 24:186. 1935; Saldanha & Nicolson FI. Hassan Dist. 229. 1976. Mimosa sinuata Lour. FI. Cochinch. 653. 1790. A. concinna (Willd.) DC. Prodr. 2:464. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:296. 1878; Cooke, FL Pres. Bombay 1:479. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.; ‘Shikekai’

Shrubs; branches yellow. Leaves pinnate, 7-8 pairs; leaflets sessile, linear, about 0.5 0.2 cm; base oblique, apex apiculate. Flowers creamish in globose heads. Pods oblong,7-10 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : March-July. Distrib. : Common in deciduous forest. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Kikvi, k Ambavade.

ALBIZIA Durazz. Key to the species, l.^nnae 2-pairs... A. odoratissima 1. Pinnae 6-20 pairs... A. amara

141 Albizia amara (Roxb.) Boiv. Encycl. 19. Siecle 2:34. 1838; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:301.1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:483.1958 9Repr.ed.). Mimosa amara Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 122. 1799. M ar.; ‘TugW Trees, 8-10 m high. Leaves 2-pinnate; rachis pubescent, glands between the upper most pair of pinnae and in the middle of the petiole; leaflets 10-30 pairs, linear-oblong, base subacute, apex obtuse, glabrous above, puberulous beneath. Flowers yellow in subsessile heads. Pods large, flat, 7-10 cm long, coiled. FIs. & Frts. : May-December. Illus. : Roxb. op. cit.; Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 61. 1870. Distrib. : Rare in dry deciduous forests, Hirdoshi.

Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Bth., in Hook. London J. Bot. 3:88. 1844; Bedd; FI. Sylv. t. 54. 1870; Cooke, FI. Bombay 1:542 (482). 1903; Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 431(306). Mimosa odoratissima L. f. Suppl. 1. 437. 1781. Trees, young branches pubscent. Leaves 15-18 cm long, petiole gland near base; rachis with gland between uppermost pairs of pinnae; pinnae 4 pairs, 9 cm long; leaflets 12-18 pairs, obliquely oblong, obtuse at apex, glabrescent, with midrib near upper margin, 2.5 x 0.6 cm. Panicles large, downy, heads 2 cm across. Flowers sessile; calyx pubescent,corolla white. Pods brown, flat. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Distrib. : Deciduous forest at Hirdoshi. DICHROSTACHYS (DC.) Wight & Ain.{nom. cons.) Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. Prodr. 271.1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:288. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:468,1958 (Repr.ed.). cinerea L.Sp.Pl.520.1753.

142 Shrubs, 4-6 m high, thorny, with greay or greyish-white bark. Leaves 2- pinnate, 4-5 cm long; rachis pubscent, glands between each pair of the pinnae; pinnae 10 pairs; leaflets sessile, linear, base obtuse apex acute. Flowers in dense, axillary, yellow in upper half, red in lower half obtuse, spex actue. Pods in dense, densely hairy, dark brown, 2-10 seeded. FIs. <&, Frts. : October-january. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 357. 1840. Distrib. : Rare in scrub forests. Rayari.


Albizia lebbeck (L.) Bth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 3:87. 1844; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:298. 1878; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:481. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Nielsen in Adanosania 19:220. 1979. Mimosa lebbeck L. Sp. PI. 516. 1753. Mar. : ‘Shiris’ Trees, 7-11 m high. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 5-10 pairs, 2-6 x 1-2.5 cm oblong, terminal ovate-oblong. Flowers white, fragrant. Pods 8-18 x 2-4 cm, linear-oblong, pointed, pale-yellow. Seeds 4-12. FIs. & Frts. : March-July. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 53. 1850; Talbot, FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 1:495, f. 280 & 281. 1909. Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopes of Warandha Ghat.

Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in Taxon 10.53. 1961. Luceana glauca (L.) Benth. In Hook. Journ. Bot. 4:416. 1802; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;290. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:469. 1958 (Repr.ed.), Willbur in Taxon Lamk, Encycl. 1;12.1783. Mar. : ‘SubabhuV

143 Large, erect, unarmed shrubs, 4-5 m tall. Leaves 2-pinnate, 8-16 cm long, pinnate 3-6 pairs, 4-8 cm long; leaflets 10-15 pairs, 0.8-1.2 x 0.1 x 0.3 cm, linear- oblong. Flowers white. Pods 10-15 x 1-1.5 cm, linear flat, pale to dark brown. Seeds 15-20, compressed. FIs. & Frts. ; August-January. X) Distrib. : Common all areas of Bhor. ENTADA Adans. ( non. cons.) Entada rheedei Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2:325. Jan-May 1825; Panigr. in Taxon 34:714. 1985. E. pursaetha DC. Prodr. 2:425. Nov. 1825; Brenan in Kew. Bull. 1955. 164. 1955. E. scandens auct. non Nenth. (1841); Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:287. 1878 pro-parte; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:465. 1958 (Repr.ed.). E. phaseoloides (L.) Merr. Philipp. J. Sci. Bot. 9:86. 1914. Mar. : ‘Garambi’ ^ Woody climbers. Leaves bipinate, ultimate le^ets reduced to tendrils; v^leaflets^ Flowers yellow in peduncled, axillary spikes. Pods woody, dark grey, flat, sutures thick, indented between seeds, about 75 x 7 cm. Seeds dark-red, orbicular, hard, compressed, about 14 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : February-May. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. Note : Fruits are larger in size. MIMOSA L. Mimosa hamata Willd. Sp. PI. 4:1033. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:291. 1878; Cooke, FI. Bombay 1:471. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Shrubs, about 1-2 cm tall with brown bark. Prickles hooked about 0.4 cm long. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets 4-9 pairs, opposite, ovate-oblong. Flowers pink in globose. Pods 6-7 x 1-1.5 cm, flat, falcate, stutures provided with straight or hooked spines. FIs. & Frts. : June-December. Illus. : Mahesh; Illus. FI. Delhi f. 79. 1966.

144 Distrib. : Common in open area Rayreshwar. Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 1;377,1842. Erect, trees with drooping branches. Leaves simple, phyllodes straight, falcate with 4-6 parallel nerves. Flowers yellow in axillary panicled- spikes at the tip of branches. Pods green, spirally twisted. Distrib. : Planted at some places. Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi, Utroli, Bhatghar,

Mimosa pudica L. Sp. PI. 518, 1753;Baker in Hook. f.Fl.Brit.India 2:291.1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:470.1958(Repr. ed.). M ar.; ‘Lajalu’ Prickly prostrate herbs. Leaves bipinate digitately congested; leaflets 12-20 pairs, obliquely narrow-oblong, sensitive to touch. Flowers in axillary globose heads, white to reddish. Pods flat, 2-5 jointed, margin strongly bristly. FIs. & Frts. : June-September. Distrib. : Common bank of Bhatghar dam.

Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 3; 199.1844; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:302. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:485. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.; ‘Vilayati-chinch’ Moderate sized, armed trees. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets ovate-oblong glabrous. Flowers greenish-white in globose heads. Pods torulose, spirally twisted. Seeds black, ovate, covered by red or greenish aril. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Distrib. : A Native of mexico, planted road side, Bhor, Nasarapur. Note : The white or pink aril is edible and wood is useful for fuel.

145 Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce, Bot. Exch. Club. Soc. Brit. 1. Isles 3:422. 1914. Mimosa cineraria L. Sp. PI. 517, 1753. Prosopis spicigera L. Mant. 68, 1767; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:288. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:467. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Shami’ Large trees, branches with small prickles. Leaflets 9-12 pairs oblong, obliquely rounded at the base, mucronate. Flowers yellow in axillary spikes. Pods turgid, straight, cylindric, torulose. Seeds 10-15, pale brown, shining. Insect galls are common on leaf rachis. FIs. & Frts. : December-June. Distrib. : Fairly common in forests. Hirdoshi.

Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. in Joum. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6:47, 1916. Mimosa saman Jacq. Fragm. 15, t.9. Pithecelobium saman Benth. in Hook. Joum. 3:216, 1844. Large trees with dark grey bark. Leaves dark green; pinnae 3-7 pairs. Flowers pink or rose in globose- heads. Pods fleshy with firm sutures. Seeds surrounded by pulp. FIs. & Frts. : May-July. Distrib. : Planted along road sides Bhor.

Parkia biglandulosa Wt. & Am., Prodr. 239,1834; F. B.I. 2;289.1878. M ar.; ‘ChenduphaV ^ Large trees with feathery bipinnate leaves; petiole with 2 glands, flowers white in globose heads; peduncle long, dusty. Pods large, flat, softy reddish- brown, tomentose. Seeds 8-15. FIs. & Frts. : Febmary-May. ^ Distrib. : Frequently planted in garden. Bhor, Baneshwar. k

146 ROSACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES Rosa indica L. M ar.; ‘Gulab^ Different varieties of Rosa species are cultivated in the garden for ornamental purpose at Bhor Nasarapur.


Kalanchoe floribunda Wight & Am. var.glabra C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:415.1878; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:496.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, about 1-2 m high. Leaves elliptic-spathulate, upto 10cm long, base tapering apex rounded. Cymes 8-10 cm long; bracts linear-lanceolate; corolla tube inflated, lobes broadly lanceolate, acute; hypogynous about 0.2 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : November-February. Ulus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t. 254.1982. Distrib. : Occasional succulent perennials along hills near Hirdoshi. CULTIVATED SPECIES Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. Syn. PI. 446. 1805. Cotyledon pinnata Lam. Encycl. 2:141. 1786. Bryophyllam calycinum Salisb. Parad. London t. 3. 1805; C.B.Cl. in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:413. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:494. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘FanphutV Succulent, glabrous herbs, 40-100 cm. Leaves opposite, 3-5 foliolate; leaflets ovate, crenate. Flowers reddish-purple, pendulous in large panicles. Fruits enclosed in persistent papery calyx and corolla. Seeds ellipsoid.

147 FIs. & Frts. : January-march. Distrib. : Dry part of Bhor taluka.occasionally found in Bhor. DROSERACEAE DROSERA L. Drosera indica L. Sp. PL 282. 1753; Wight, III. l:t. 20. 1840; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:424. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 499. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect or suberect, glandular pubescent, insectivorous herbs. Leaves cauline, narrowly linear, circinate, the upper portion fringed w^ith gland tipped tentacles, the lower half (petiole) glabrous. Flowers pinkish in leaf opposed racemes; pedicles glandular hairy. Capsules 3-valve. Seeds minute, obovoid-oblong, reticulately veined.

FIs. & Frts. : September-October. Distrib. : On hilly plateau. Warandha Ghat.

COMBRETACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Flowers in branched spikes raemes... Terminalia L 1. Flowers in globose heads...' Anogeissus

ANOGEISSUS (A.P.DC.) Guillem. Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall, ex Guillem. & Perr. FI. Seneg. Tent. 1:280. 1832; C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:450. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:512. 1958. (Repr.ed.); Scott in Kew Bull. 33:560. 1979. Conocarpus latifolia Roxb. ex. DC. Prodr. 3:17. 1828. Mar. ; ‘Dhavada’ Trees, 12-15 m high. Leaves elliptic, 4-9 x 2.2-4.5 cm, base cuneate, apex obtuse or shortly cuspidate. Flowers yellow, about 0.4 cm across; calyx tube

148 compressed, pubescent, 2-winged, teeth broadly triangular; petals absent. Fruits yellowish-brown. FIs. & Frts. : August-September. Ulus. ; Wight, Ic. t. 994. 1845. Distrib. ; Common component of deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat. TERMINALIA L.

Key to the species. 1. Petioles of leaves eglandular... T. bellirica 1. Petioles of leaves glandular ; 2. Glands on petiole below the leaf... T. chebula 2.Glands on midrib base : 3. Glands stipulate • •• T. crenulata 3. Glands sessile: 4. Fruits crenate... T. arjuna 4.Fmits not crenate... T. paniculata

Terminalia aijuna (Roxb.ex DC.) Wight & Am. Prodr. 314. 1834; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:447. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:509. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Pentaptera arjuna Roxb. ex DC. Prodr. 3:14.1828. M ar.; ‘Arjun’

Trees, 10-15 m high. Leaves sub-opposite, 5.202.0 x 3-6 cm, elliptic- oblong, apex subacute, nerves 11-16. Flowers sessile, white or yellow. Drupes 2.5-4 cm long, ovoid, with 5 hard projecting wings. FIs. & Frts. : April-August. Illus. : Bedd., FI. Sylv. t. 28. 1869. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat.

149 PLATE - V

^ . •

16. Gardenia latifolia Aiton Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb.. PI. Cor. t. 198. 1895; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. Brit. India 2;445. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:508. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Myrobalanus bellerica Gaertn. 2;90, t. 97. 1791. M ar.: ‘Behda’ Trees, 12-16 m high. Leaves broadly elliptic, 7-17 x 4-11 cm; coriaceous, base alternate, apex subacute or rounded. Flowers greenish in 4-15 cm long spikes; male flowers in upper part of the spike, shortly pedicelled, pubescent; female in lower part, sessile. Drupes ovoid, obsucrely angled when dry. FIs. Frts. ; April-July. Illus.. ; Talbot, For FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 2:13, £ 294. 1911. Distrib.. : Common along Ghats and outside of deciduous forests. Umbarde, Rayari.

Terminalia chebula Retz. Obs. Bot. 5;31. 1789; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. Brit. FI. India 2;446,1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;509.1958. (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Hirda’ Trees, 6-11 m high. Leaves elliptic-oblong, 5-9 x 2-4 cm, rounded, apex obtuse, apiculate, silky when young. Spikes 5-8 cm long; bracteoles linear, hairy exceeding the flowers; calyx lobes triangular; stamens 10, biseriate. Drupes pendulous, ellipsoid, 2.0-3.5 cm long, 5-ribbed when dry.

FIs. & Frts. : April-September. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 1869; Talbot, For, FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 2;15, f. 295. 1911. Distrib. : Widely distributed in deciduous. forests. Varvand, Ashimpi, Hirdoshi.

150 Terminalia crenulata Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 380. 1821; Sant, in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. See. 50:306. 306. 1952. T. tomentosa (Roxb.) Wight & Am. Prodr. 314. 1834. r. tomentosa var. crenulata C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:448. 1878. T. tomentosa T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:510 1958, p.p. (Repr.ed.). M ar.; ‘Ain ’

Trees, 10-15 m high. Lx)wer leaves sub-opposite, upper alternate, elliptic- oblong, 9-22 X 6-11 cm, base cordare, unequal, apex acute or obtuse; glands stalked. Flowers yellow in 10 cm long panicles. Drupes 3-5 cm long, reddish, wings coriaceous. FIs. & Frts. : May-September. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 2:18, f. 297. 1911. Distrib. : Common in deciduous forests Varvand, Hirdoshi, Rayari.

Terminalia paniculata Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 383.184; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:448, 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:510. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.; ‘KinjaV

Trees, 9-12 m high. Leaves oblong upto 10.0 x 4.5 cm, coriaceous, base subcordate, apex acute or acuminate; usually with 2 glands at the base. Flowers creamish, sessile; bracts and bracteoles, ovate, acute, recurved, pubescent. Drupes sessile, rusty-tomentose. FIs. & Frts. : August-December. Distrib. : Common along Ghats in forests Hirdoshi.

151 CULTIVATED SPECIES Quisqualis indica L. Sp. PI. Ed. 2, 556. 1670; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:459. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:517. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; ‘Lal-chameli’ Shrubs, scandent with young branches pubescent. Leaves opposite, elliptic, acuminate, 4-8 x 2-4 cm. Flowers orange-red in densely tomentose racemes. FIs. & Frts. : March-August. Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental plant at Bhor and Nasarapur. Terminalia catappa L. Planted in gardei^at Bhor and Baneshwar.


Key to the species. 1. Leaves ovate-lanceolate... S. cumini 1. Leaves elliptic to oblong... S. rubicundum

Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels in U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 2:248. 1912. Myrtus cumini L. Sp. PI. 571. 1753. Eugenia jambolana Lam. Encycl. 3:198. 1789. Duthie in Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 2;449. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:523. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Jambhul' Trees, upl|o 20 m high. Leaves 7-9 x 2-4 cm, coriaceous. Flowers creamish-white in paniculate -cymes, fragrant; calyx cup-shaped; petals calyptrate, deciduous. Berries globose or oblong, purple. FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 535. 1842 {Eugenia jambolana). Distrib. : Dry decidous forests,also planted. Hirdoshi.

152 Syzygium nibicundum Wight & Arn. Prodr. 330. 1934. Eugenia ruhicunda Wight, 111. 2;15. 1850 & Ic. t. 538. 1892; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:495. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:521. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Lendi jambhuV

Shrubs or small trees. Leaves oblong, 2.5-6.0 x 1.5-3.5 cm, attenuated at both ends. Flowers small, pale pink, sessile; calyx rugose outside, lobes obsolete. Fruits globose. FIs. & Frts. : March-June. Ulus. ; Wight, op. cit. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Bhatghar, bank of river Nira at Hirdoshi. CULTIVATED SPECIES Callistemon citrinus Stapfjin Bot.Mag.l50,t. 9050.1925; Matthew in Rec.Bot.Surv. India 20(1) : 104.1969. Metrocideros citrina Curt, in Bot.Mag. 8: t. 260.1794. Shrub^p to 10-12 ^ with erect or spreading branches. Leaves lanceolate, acute, the midvein and lateral nerves prominent. Infl. spike-recemose; stamens bright red. Capsules ovoid. Cultivated in gardens. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Rev. Voy. Recher. Per. 1;153, t. 13. 1799; Matthew in Rec. Bot^Surv. India 20(1): 108, 1969; Bailery, Man. Cult. PI. 727.1949. Mar. : ‘NilgirV Trees. Leaves linear-lanceolate, upto 17cm long. Curved. Flowers in axillary umbels; petals calyptrate, deciduous. Capsules hard, loculicidally dehiscing. FIs. & Frts. : July-November. Distrib. : Common^cultivated. Bhor, Nasarapur.

153 Myrtus communis L. Sp. PI. 417, 1753; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:462. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:529.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Vilayati mendi’

Shrubs. Leaves opposite ovate-lanceolate, coriaceous. Flowers white with pink tinge, axillary, solitary. Berries ovoid, 1-2 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Cultivated for fragrant leaves used in medicine at Bhor, and Nasarapur.

Psidium guajava L. Sp. PI. 470. 1753; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:468. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:529.1958. (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Peru' Trees. Leaves 14-16 x 6-8 cm, oblong elliptic-oblong or obovate, entire, softy hairy beneath. Flowers white, 1-3, on axillary peduncles. Berries pyriform, dark green. FIs. Sc Frts. : More or less throughout the year. Illus. : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 270. 1982. Distrib. : Planted in gardens. Bhor, Nasarapur. Note : It is a Native of Hawai.


Key to the species. 1. Leaves yellowish-green; flowers in fascicles... M. talbotianum 1. Leaves turning black; flowers in

154 pedunculate cymes... A/, umbellatum

Memecylon umbellatum Burai. f. FI. Ind. 87. 1768; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:535. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M. edule Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 82. 1798; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:563.1879. M ar.: ‘Anjan’

Trees^6-8 m high. Leaves ovate-elliptic, 5-8 x 2.5-4.5 cm, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Flowers dark blue; calyx campanulate becoming saucer-shaped after expansion; petals orbicular. Berries globose, yellowish black, crowned with calyx lobes. FIs. & Frts. : January-June. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2;53, f. 318.1911. Distrib. : Common component of forests. Hirdoshi, Bhor.

Memecylon talbotianum Brand, in Talbot, Trees Bombay ed. 2. 1902 (Appendix); Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:536. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Trees. 10-12 m high. Leaves elliptic, acuminate, 5-8 x 2.0-3.5 cm, coriaceous, base acute. Flowers blue, small, on the branches of fallen leaves. Berries globose, about 0.5 cm across, yellow turning purplish black.

FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2;54, F. 320. 1911. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

155 BARRINGTONIACEAE BARRINGTONIA L. Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn. Fruct. 2;97. t. 101. 1791; C.B.Cl. in Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 2:508. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:428. (R& Eugenia acutangula L. Sp. 471. 1753. Trees, 8-10 m high. Leaves obovate-oblong,

FIs. & Frts. : June-October. Distrib. : Very rare in forests of Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Shivther Ghal. Note: Wood is used for boat building.

LECYTHIDACEAE CAREY A Roxb.. Careya arborea Roxb. PI. Cor. 3:14, t. 218. 1819; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:511. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:528. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:310. 1982. Mar. : ‘Kumbha’ Trees, about 15 m high. Leaves broadly obovate, upto 15 x 9 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate, deciduous. Flowers yellowsih-white ca 8cm across in terminal spikes; sepals and petals oblong to elliptic-oblong. Stamens many, subconnate at base, redj^Fruits globose, green, about 5j:m in diameter. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Illus. : Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 205. 1872. Distrib. : Frequent in deciduous forest^amthadi, Rayareshwar forest.


Key to the (species.) 1. Herbs; flowers small: 2. Capsules septicidal^.. Rotala 2. Capsules circumscissile... Ammannia 1. Shrubs or trees; flowers large : 3. Flowers zygomorphic... Woodfordia 3. Flowers actinomorphic... Lawsonia AMMANNIA L.

Key to the species. 1. Petals absent: A. baccifera 1. Petals present... A. multiflora

Ammannia baccifera L. Sp. PL (ed.2) 195. 1762; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:569. 1859; Koehne in Engl. Pflanzenr. 17. 53. 1903; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;541. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Ammannia salicifolia Hieren in Oliv. FI. Trop. Afr. 2:278. 1871; C.B.Cl. op. cit; Cooke, op. cit. 542. Erect, glabrous herbs upto 70 cm height. Leaves linear-oblong or oblong- lanceolate, glabrous, 2.4 x 0.4-1.1 cm. Flowers reddish in dense, axillary clusters. Capsules globose, red, not covered by calyx. Seeds minute, brownish, obovoid. FIs.

Ammannia multiflora Roxb. FI. Ind. 1:447. 1820; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:570. 1859; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1:541.1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect, glabrous herbs, 10-20 cm tall; stem & branches 4-gonous. Leaves 1-

2.5 X 0.3-0.5 cm, sessile, linear-oblong. Flowers red, axillary, solitary or 3-many

157 flowered peduncled cymes. Capsules red, globose, deep red. Seeds numerous, hemispherical. FIs. & Frts. : August-January. Distrib. : Common in moist places. Bhatghar, Hirdoshi.

ROTALA L. Rotala floribunda (Wight) Koehne in verh. Bot. Vereins prov. Brandenburg. 19 (Sit. 2. 41):49. 1877; C.D.K. Cook in ti|i^siera 29:43, f. 6. 1979. Nimmonia floribunda Wight in Madras J. Lit sci. 5:312, t. 20. 1837. Ammannia floribunda (Wight) C.B.Cl. in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:567. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres, Bombay 1:539.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 20 cm long; stem reddish. Leaves sessile, about 2.5 to 3.0 cm long, base & apex obtuse. Flowers pink-violet; calyx teeth triangular, acute; petals oblong. Capsules ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : October-February. Distrib. : Common on wet rock along Ghat. Warandha Ghat. Bhatghar.

WOODFORDIA Salisb. Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 40:56. 1871. Lythrum fruticosum L. Sp. PI. ed. 2.641. 1762. W. floribunda Salisb. Parad, London t. 42. 1806; C.B.Cl. in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:572. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:543.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘DhayatV

Shrubs 2-3 m high. Leaves sessile, oblong-lanceolate, 4-0 x 7.5 x 0.5-2.5 cm, base rounded, apex actue. Flowers in axillary pedunculate cymes; pedicels short, glandular; calyx tubular, constricted below, t^th glandular. Capsules

158 ellipsoid, 0.7-1.0 cm long, enclosed within the calyx tube. Seeds cuneate-obovoid, brown, smooth. FIs. & Frts. ; February-May. Distrib. : Common component of deciduous forest along Ghat Hirdoshi, Varvand, Umbarde, Rayari.

LAGERSTOEMIA L. Lagerstoemia microcarpa Wight, Ic. t. 69. 1838 & t. 109. 1839; Furtado & Srisuko in Card.. Bull. Singapore 24:192, t 2a-b. 1969. L. lanceolata Wall, ex C.B.Cl. in Hook. I FI. Brit. India 2:576. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:545. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J.. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:312.1982. Trees, 10-12 m high. Leaves ovate, 4-10 x 2-5 cm, base and apex acute, glabrous. Panicles 6-10 cm long; calyx tube pubscent; petals oblong. Capsules ellipsoid, upto 1.5 cm long, 4-valved. Seeds many, upto 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : April-December. Illus. : Wight op. cit. Distrib. : Common trees with white bark in dense forests. Warandha Ghat.

LAWSONIA L. Lawsonia inermis L. Sp. PI. 349. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:544. 1958 (Repr.ed.). L. alba Lam. Encycl. 3:106. 1789; Wight, 111. t. 87. 1840; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:573.1879. Mar. : ‘Mendi’ Glabrous shrubs, 2-3 m. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers numerous, yellow and white, fragrant in paniculate -cymes. Capsules globose. Seeds minute, brown. FIs. & Frts. : August-September.

159 Distrib. : Usually planted as hedges, leaves yield a dye. Bhor, Nasarapur.

PUNICACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES Punka granatum L. Sp. PI. 472.1753; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:581. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:548. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:313.1982. M ar.: 'Dalimb’ Trees, upto 6m high; branches armed. Leaves opposite or clustered, oblong-obovate, upto 5 x 0.5 cm. Flowers orange-red, axillary, solitary. Fruits globose. Seeds angular. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Cultivated for edible fruits. Bhor, Nasarapur.


Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Excell in Garcia De Orta 5:571 & 574. t. 1957; Raven in Reinwardtia 6:385. 1963. Jussia hyssopifolia G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2;693. 1832. Small, well branched, suffruticose herbs. Leaves lanceolate, cunneate, acute. Flowers 4-merous, solitary, axillary. Capsules cylindric. Seeds ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : August-October. Distrib. : In moist places of Warandha Ghat.


17. Anaairdium occidentale L

il8. Tectona grandis L . •- PASSIFLORACEAE PASSIFLORA L.

1. Stipules foliaceous, subpeltate; petioles glabrous... P. subpeltata 1. Stipules modified into filiform segments; petioles densely silky hairs... P. foetida

Passiflora foetida L. Sp. PI. 959. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:557. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Climbers. Leaves ovate, 3-lobed, 5-9 x 4.0-7.4 cm, base cordate, apex acute, glandular hairy; stipules semi - auriculate with filiform segments. Flowers white, axillary, solitary; calyx divided halfway down; petals oblong; corona of short threads, many-seriate. FIs. & Frts. : July-August. Distrib. : Found along hedges. Warandha Ghat.

Passiflora subpeltata Ortega. Nov. Rar. PI. Hort. Matrit. 6:78. 1798; de Wilde in Polhill, FI. Trop. E. Africa, Passifl. 16 t. 4. 1975. Passiflora calcarata Mast., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27:638. 1871; Gamble. FI. Madras 524 (370). 1919. Glabrescent climbers. Leaves palmately 3-10 lobed; stipules foliaceous, subpeltate; petioles glabrous, with scattered stipitate glands; bracts, enitire, ovate, sepals with sub-terminal dossal spur; petals and corona white. Berries elliptic, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : October-January. Distrib. : Bhor, Nasarapur.


Carica papaya L. Sp. PI. 1036. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:599. 1879; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:313. 1982; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:557. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Papaya’

Trees. Leaves large, pinnatified. Flowers unisexual; male in drooping panicles; females in axillary clusters. Fruits fleshy, many seeded.

Distrib. : Widely cultivated for edible fruits. (Cultivated at Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi.


Key to the genera.

1. Flowers white... Coccinia 1. Flowers yellow : 2.Petals free or connate at base: 3, Male flowers in racemes ... Luffa 3. Male flowers solitary... Momordica 2.Petals united, campanulate : 4. Tendrils branched ... Diplocyclos 4. Tendrils unranched : 5. Connectives crested, prolonged ... Cucumis 5. Connectives not as above ... Citrullus CITRULLUS Schrad. Citnillus colocynthis (L.) Schrad, in Linnaca 12:414. 1838; C.B.Cl. m Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:620. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:571. 1958 (Repr.ed.);

162 Bole & Alemida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:313. 1982; Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11:20, f 1-7. 1982. Cucumis colocynthis L. Sp. PI. 1011. 1753. Mar. ; ‘Kadu-indrayan’

Herbs, trailing; branches angular; scabrid or hirsute. Leaves ovate deltoid, 3(-5-7) lobed; lobes deeply dissected. Flowers yellowish; calyx tube campanulate; lobes recurved. Fruits upto 5cm across, variegated green and white. Seeds ovate- oblong, brownish.

FIs. & Frts. : November-January. • Wight, Ic. t. 498; Chakravarthy, op. cit. Distrib. : Common weed near cultivated fields at Hirdoshi and Bhatghar. CULTIVATED SPECIES

Citrullus lanatus (Thunb). Mats. & Nakai in Cat. Sem. Hort. Bot. Univ. Tokyo 1916:30. 1926; Chakravarthy in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 17:114. 1959 & in Fasc. FI. India 11:22. 1982. Momordica lanata Thunb. Prodr. FI. Cap. 13. 1794. C. vulgaris Schrad ex Eckl. & Zeyh. Enum. PI. Afr.Austr. 279.1834. C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:621. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:571. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Tarbuj’ Herbs, trailing; branches grooved. Leaves 3-6 cm long, 3-lobed, lobes pinnatifid, scabrid; tendrils 2-fid. Flowers greenish-yellow, solitary, axillary. Fruits large, subglobose-ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : April-June. Distrib. : Introduced from Africa. Cultivated for edible fruits. Seeds one considered to have cooling effect used in fever.


Cucumis melo L. Sp. PI. 1011. 1753; Jeffrey in Kew Bull. 34:793. 1980. C. pubescens Wild. Sp. PI. 4:614. 1805; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:619. C. trigonous Roxb.. FI. Ind. 3:722. 1832; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. op. cit. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1;569. 1958 (Repr.ed.). C. melo var. agrestis Naud. Ann. Sci. Nat. 4, 11:73. 1859; Cooke, op. cit. Chakravarthy in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 17:103. 1959 and in Fasc. FI. India 11:35. 1982. C. callosus (Rottl.) Cogn. in Engl. Das. Pflanzenr. 88:129. 1924; Chakravarthy. op. cit. 100. And op. cit. 31. Mar. : ‘Shendad’ • Annuals; (^limbers ^ mono^ious; stems rigid hairy. Leaves 2-7 x 2.0-6.5 cm.; subrobicular, sub-hirsute on both sides. Flowers yellow. Fruits 2.0-4.5 x 1.2- 3.0 cm, oblong or obovoid, green or yellow. Seeds numerous, oblong or ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : July-December. Ulus. : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 296. 1982. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes and valleys. Warandha Ghat.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Cucumis sativus L. Sp. PI. 1012. 1753; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:630. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:570. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Chakravarthy in Fasc. FI. India 11:36. 1982. M ar.: ‘KakdV ^ Annuals herbs with hirsute stem. Leaves broadly cordate-ovate, hispid, 3-5 lobed. Flowers yellow. Fruits oblong-cylindric, yellowish-green. FIs. & Frts. : August-November. Distrib. '■ Usually cultivated. Bhor. Note : The fruits are edible.

164 COCCINIA L. Coccinia grandis (L.) Viogt, Hort. Suburb. Calc. 59. 1945; Chakravarthy in Fasc. FI. India 11:24. 1982. Bryonia grandis L. Mant. PL 1:126. 1767. Coccinia indica Wight & Arn. Prodr. 347. 1834; Wight, 111. 2:t. 105. 1850; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:621. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:572. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : Tondli’

Prostrate herbs. Leaves entire to 3-5 angled or lobed, obtuse or apiculate, denticulate, 3-6 x 4.2-6 cm. Flowers white ellipsoid, immature green with white steaks; pulpy, juicy. Seeds yellowish, oblong-obvoid. FIs. & Frts. : August-September. Distrib. : On hedges along the road sides. Hirdoshi, Rayareshwar. Note . Usually cultivated^occasionaly found as an escape. Tender shoots and fruits are used as vegetables. Roots, stems and leaves are used in medicine ^ (^ in ^ sk in diseases, bronchitis etc. 7

DIPLOCYCLOS (Endl.) Post & O.Ktze. Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffrey in Kew Bull. 15 (3):352. 1962; Chakravarthy in Fasc. FI. India 11:48. 1982. Bryonia palmata L. Sp. PL 1012. 1753. B. laciniosa L. Sp. PL 1013. 1153, pro parte-, Wight, Ic. t. 500. 1841; C.B.CL in Hook. f. FL Brit. India 2:622. 1879. Bryonopsis laciniosa auct. non (L.) Naud. (1862); Cooke, FL Pres. Bombay 1:568. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Shivlingi’ Extensive ^tendril climbers ^ monoecious. Leaves palmately 3-5 lobed, glabrous, 4-6 x 3.5-5 cm. Flowers yellow or creamy-white in axillary fascicles.

165 Fruits globose-ovoid, green to pale yellow with streaks. Seeds ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : September-october. Distrib. :0n hedges in moist deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat, Rayareshwar.


Luffa cylindrica (L.) M. Roem. Fam. 2:63. 1846; Chakravarthy in Fasc. FI. India 11:70. 1982. Momordica cylindrica L. Sp. PI. (ed.l) 1009. 1753. Luffa aegyptiaca Mill. Diet, (ed.4) 500. 1785; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:619. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:565. 1958 (Repr.ed.). L. pentandra Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:712. 18332; Wight, Ic. t. 499.1841. Mar. . ’GosalV

Extensive climbers with angulate, glabrous stem. Leaves orbicular, cordate, palmately 5-lobed, scabrous, 15-20 cm, as long as broad. Flowers bright yellow. Fruits fusiform. Seeds ovoid, black, slightly winged. FIs. & Frts. : August-November. Distrib. : In hilly slopes, on low bushes or cultivated. Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat. MOMORDICA L. Momordica charantia L. Sp. PI. 1009. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:616. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:562. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘ Karale’ Slender, climbing or trailing annual herbs with much branched, angled or grooved stems. Leaves upto 10 cm long and as much broad, deeply 5-7 lobed, glabrous, membranous. Flowers monoecious; male flowers lemon-yellow, solitary,

166 axillary. Berries obtusely fusiform, pendulous, tuberculate. Seeds pale-yellow, flat.

FIs. & Frts. : May-January. Distrib. : Widely cultivated Bhor, Hirdoshi.

BEGONIACEAE BEGONIA L. Begonia crenata Dryand. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 1:164, t. 14.f.3. 1791:C.B.C1. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:651. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:584. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

Herbs, 15-25 cm high; stems reddish. Leaves alternate, ovate or suborbicular, 4-5 x 3.5-5.0 cm, base cordate, apex acute, glabrous above, silvery white beneath, margins crenate. Flowers unisexual, pinkish with glistening dots when fresh. Capsules membranous, 3-winged%cci|rescent perianth. Seeds many minute, ellipsoid. ^ FIs. & Frts. : July-February. Distrib. : Common monsoon herbs in moist rocky surface. Warandha Ghat.


Opuntia elatior Mill. Gard. Diet, (ed.8) no. 4. 1768. O. dillenii Grah. ex Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay F1.39. 1861; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:657. 1857. O. nigricans Woodrow in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 1:89. 1895; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:587. 1958(Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Nivadung’

167 Straggling, succulent shrubs, much branched, with jointed stem; joints leaflets, spiny, ovate-oblong or obovate, glaucous-green. Flowers yellow-pink, at length reddish-purple. Fruits fleshy. FIs. & Frts. ; February-March. Distrib. : Bhor, Utroli. Note : Fruits are edible.

MOLLUGINACEAE MOLLUGO L. Mollugo pentaphylla L. Sp. PI. 89. 1753; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 1:594.1958 (Repr.ed.); M. stricta L.Sp.PL2:131.1762;CB.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:663. \S 1 9 M -Pentaphylla \2s.rupestris Coo\iQ,op.cit. Diffuse, dichotomously branched herbs with ribbed or angular stem. /s. Leaves radical and cauline, linear-lanceolate or oblong, glabrous. Flowers minute, pale green to yellow in lax racemes. Capsules ellipsoid. Seeds many, dark brown. FIs. & Frts. : March-October. Distrib. : In moist places, river beds, common weed in fieldj Rayari, Bhor.

AIZOACEAE TRIANTHEMA L. Trianthema portulacastrum L. Sp. PI. 223. 1753. T. monogyna L. Mant. 1:69. 1767; C.B.Cl. in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:660. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 589. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘GhetoW ^ ^ riuaj[^te^ succulent, subglabrous, prostrate; Leaves 3-4.4 x 2.3 cm, obliquely opposite in equal pairs, orbicular, obtuse or retuse at apex. Flowers

pink, solitary, axillary. Capsules brown. FIs. & Frts. : July-September.

168 Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 228. 1840. Distrib. : Common weed 0) waste places. Bhor.


Key to the genera. 1. Plants trailing; leaves and umbels simple... Centella 1. Plants erect; leaves and umbels compound : 2.Mericarps not winged: 3. Pubescent herbs; furrow 2-3 vittate... Pimpinella 3. Glabrous herbs; furrow 1-vittate... Trachyspermum 2.Mericarpes winged: 4. Plant glabrous... Catum 4. Plant hairy : 5. Petals radiant... Pinda 5. Petals not radiant... Heracleum

CENTELLA L. Centella asiatica (L.) Urban in Mart. «fe Eich. FI. Bras. 11. 287. t. 78. f. 1. 1879. Hydrocotyle asiatica L. Sp. PI. 234. 1753; Wight, Ic. t. 565. 1842; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:669. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:598. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Brahmi’ Slender, radially creeping herbs, rooting at nodes. Leaves suborbicular- reniform, glabrous, 1.5~6.7 x 2-6.5 cm. Flowers pink-purplish or white in axillary fasciculate- umbels. Fruits ovoid-orbicular, wrinkled, primary and secondary ridges distinct. FIs. & Frts. : Almost throughout the year. Distrib. : In moist shady places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

169 CARUM L.

Carum stictocarpum C.B. CL, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 681.1879. Annual 1-2 feet high, erect. Much bramnched root fusiform. Stems glabrous. Leaves bipinnate linear-lanceolate. Flowers white, compound umbel, mericarpes winged. FIs. & Frts. : October-November. Distrib. : Common on Warandha Ghat.

HERACLEUM L. Key to the species 1. Flowers yellow... H. grandis 1. Flowers white... H. pinda

Heracleum grandis (Dalz.) S.M. Almeida in Indian Forester 111:160. 1985. Pastinaca grandis Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 107 1861. Peucedanum grande (Dalz.) C.B.Cl. in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 2:710; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:605 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, erect, succulent, reddish. Leaves mostly radical, bipinnate, pinnae usually 2 pairs ending leaflets, pinnules variously divided, ultimate leaflets 8 .5 - 9.0 X 3.5-6.0 cm. Inflorescence of large terminal umbels. Flowers about 1cm long yellow. Fruits about 1cm long, ovate. FIs. & Frts. :July-September. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat, Rayareshwar Forest.

170 \ ^ Heracleum pinda Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 107. 1861; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;717. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:608.1958(Repr.ed.). Annual herbs, erect. Leaves mostly radical,5.2 x 3.5 cm. Inflorascence white in terminal umbels. Fruits with 6 vittate on the back. FIs. & Frts. : July-october. Distrib. ; In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

PIMPINELLA L. Key to the species 1. Fruit glabrous... />. heyneana 1. Fruit white scaly .... p. tomentosa Pimpinella heyneana (DC.) Kurz in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 46:115. 1877; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:684. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:601. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Helosciadium heyneanum DC. Prodr. 4:106. 1830. Herbs, about Im high. Leaves 3-folilate; leaflets 3-5 x 1.5-3.5 cm,

deeply lobed. Primary umbels 10-18 rayed, unequal; secondary umbels 6-8 . flowered on filiform pedicels. Flowers white, petals ovate, apex inflexed. Mericarps ovoid, about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : November-January. Distrib. : Infrequent in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat. Pimpinella tomentosa Dalz. ex C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Birt Inida 2:689. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:602. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs about 1-1.5 m high. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets serrate; petioles sheathing, striate, pubescent. Flowers small, white; primary umbels 6-8 rayed; secondary umbels 6-12 flowered, bracteoles linear. Mericarps 3 about 0.5 cm long, ridges obscure. FIs. & Frts. : January-October. Distrib. : Frequent along Ghats. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

171 PINDA L. Pinda concanensis (Dalz.) Mukh. & Const, in Kew Bull. 41(1):226. 1986. Heracleum concanensis Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. 2:260. 1850; C.B.Cl. in Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 2:716. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:608. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect, hairy herbs with fusiform roots, 30-60 cm. Leaves lower 2-ternate, upper reduced to sheaths, segments ovate, acute, pubescent, 1-2.5 x 0.5-1.2 cm. Flowers white in terminal, compound umbels. Fruits ellipsoid, flattened, ribbed, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : July-October. Distrib. : In hilly forest. Shivther Ghal, Warandha Ghat. TRACHYSPERMUM L. Trachyspermum stictocarpum (C.B.Cl.) Wolff in Engl. Pflanzer. 43:89. 1927; Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16(1):225. 1967 (3'‘^ Rev. ed.); Rolla Rao & Hemadri in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67:357. 1970. Carum stictocatpum C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI.Brit. India 2:681. 1979; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:600. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Pimpinella lateriflora Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 1861; Cooke, op. cit. 603. Herbs, about Im high. Leaflets deeply cut into linear-lanceolate, glabrous segments. Flowers white in compound umbels; bracts 5-6, linear, acute. Mericarps ellipsoid, brown, puberulous, ridges slender, obtuse. FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Distrib. : Common. Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Ambadkhind.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Anethum graveolens L. Sp. PI. 263. 1753; Buwalda in Blumea 2:20. 1936; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:316. 1982. Peucedanum graveolens (L.) Hiern. FI. Trop. E. Art. 3:19. 1871; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:709. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:606.1958 (Repr.ed.)

172 Mar. ; ‘Shepu’ Herbs, slender, erect. Leaves 2-3 pinnate; segments linear. Primary umbels 6-9 rayed; secondary umbels 6-14 flowered. Flowers yellow. Mericarps oblong, about 0.5 cm long, ridges thick. FIs. & Frts. : December-March. Distrib. : Cultivated as vegetable. Bhor.

Coriadnim sativum L. Sp. PI. 256. 1753; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:717. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:609. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79:317.1982.

Mar, : ‘Kothimbir’ Herbs, 25-50 cm long. Leaves pinnatisect, 5-8 cm long. Primary umbels 3-4

with single linear bract; secondary umbels 8 -1 0 flowered; bracteoles linear. Flowers white. Mericarps ovoid, about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : Throughtout the year. . Distrib. : Commonly cultivated all area of Bhor.

Note: Whole plants and seeds used as condiment.

Daucus carota L. Mar. : ‘Gajar’ It is cultivated(^cr^for food. Bhor, Nasarapur. k ^

Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn. Fruct. 1:105. f. 5. 1768; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:695. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:609. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. : ‘Badishep’

173 Erect, annual herbs, upto 90 cm tall; stems terete, striate, glabrous. Leaves much dissected, 5-15 cm long; segments narrowly linear or filiform. Flowers yellow in large, terminal, compound umbels. Fruits ovate -elliptic, shortly beaked and compressed, with 2 wings.

FIs. & Frts. : October-December. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 515. 1842. Distrib. : Commonly cultivated on a small scale. Nasarapur.


Schefflera elliptica (Bl.) Harms in Engl. Pflanzenr. 3:39. 1894; Rehder in J.. Arnold Arbor. 15:114. 1934; C.B. Shang in Candollea 39:468. 1984. Sciadophyllum ellipticum B l. Bijdr. 878. 1826. Schefflera venulosa (Wight & Arn.) Harms in Engl. & Prantl. Pflanzefam. 3:39. 1894. Heptapleurum venulosum Seem, in J. Bot. 3:80. 1865; C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:279.1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:610.1958 (Repr.ed.).

Climbers. Leaves alternate, digital crowded at the apex; leaflets 3-4, elliptic-oblong, 7-11 x 4-4.5 cm; stipules connate, about 1 cm long. Flowers greenish-white in paniculate. Fruits subglobose, brown, 5- angled.

FIs. & Frts. : June-October. ^ Distrib. : Rare in decidous forest. Warandha Ghat.

174 RUBIACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Climbers..... Rubia 1. Erect or prostrate herbs, shrubs or trees : 2. Herbs ; 3. Flowers 5-merous...... Dentella 3. Flowers 4-merous : 4. Flowers, in axillary or terminal sessile head.... Spermacoce 4. FlowerSjterminal cymes : 5. Seeds few :

6 . Seeds globose...... Neanotis

6 . Seeds angular...... Hedyotis 5. Seeds manny.. Oldenlandia 2. Shrubs or trees : 7. Plants armed :

8 . Erect or scandent shrubs : 9. Ovule 1 per locule... Canthium 9. O vul^ or more per locule.... Gardenia

8 . Small trees.... Catunaregam 7. Plant unarmed : 10. Stipules intrapetiolar; 11. One calyx lobe enlarged, leafy and showy. Mussaenda 11. All calyx lobes equ^: 12. Stipules persist^t... Spermadictyon 12. Stipules deciduous.... Pavetta 10. Stipules interpetiolar: 13. Flowers in globose heads.... Mitragyna 13. Flowers in cymes or panicles ; 14. Corolla lobes imbricate..... Wendlandia 14. Corolla lobes valvate..... Ixora


Canthium diccocum (Gaertn.) Teys. & Binn. var. umbellatum (Wight) Sant. & Merch. in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3 : 107 . 1962. C. umbellatum Wight, Ic . t . 1934 . 1885; Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 132 . 1880. Plectronia wightii T. Cooke, 1 : 606 . 1903 [2 :3 4 . 1958 (Repr.ed.)]. Mar. : 'Tupa\

Trees 4-5 m high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 8 - 10 x 3.5 - 5.0 cnijbase tapering, apex shortly acuminate; stipules ovate, accuminate; corolla densely beared in the throat within. Drupes obovoid, about 1.5 cm long, black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : September - December Illus : Wight, op. cit. Distrib. : Common in evergreen forests v Warandha Ghat, Kamthadi, Bope.

CATUNAREGAM Adans. ex. V. Wolf. Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirvengadum in Taxon 27 : 515 . 1978 Gardenia spinosa Thunb . Diss. Gard. no. 7. 1780. Randia dumetorum (Retz.) Poin in Lam . Encycl. suppl. 2 : 829.1811; Hook . f . FI. Brit. India 3 :110.1180 ; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 27 .1958 (Repr.ed.), M ar.; 'G ela\

Shrubs or trees 3 - 6 m high. Leaves fascicled at the end of branches, 2.5 - 8.0 X 0.5 - 4.0 cm, obovate, apex obtuse, base cuneate. Flowers white or yellow. Fruits ovoid. Seeds many, embedded in sticky pulp. FIs. & Frts April - September Illus Wight, Ic . t . 580.1842 (Randia dumetorum). Distrib. Common on hill forest, hill slopes, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

OLDENLANDIA L. Key to the species. 1. Top of capsule flat, not protruding O. corymbosa 1. Top of capsule rounded, protruding O. herbacea 176 Oldenlandia corymbosa L . Sp . PI . 119 . 1973 ; Hook . f. FI. Brit . India 3 : 64 . 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 15. 1958 (Repr.ed). Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam. Encycl. 1 : 272. 1782 ; R. S. Rao & Hemadri in Indian Forester 99 : 375. 1973. Mar. : 'Pitpada’.

^-Erect or diffuse.’jHerbsTy^aves linear, glabrous, 1.2 x 3 cm. Flowers white in umbels. Capsules globose. Seeds minute angular. FIs. & Frts. : September - February. Distrib. ; A weed among grasses along road sides in moist places - Warandha Ghat.

Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb . F I. Ind. 1 ; 423.1820 ; Cooke, F I. Pres. Bombay 2 : 16. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Hedyotis herbacea L . Sp . PI . 102 . 1753; R. S. Rao Hemadri in Indian Forester 99 : 376. 1973. Oldenlandia heynei G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 : 531.1834; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 65 1880. Herbs erect, slender, profusely branched, 10-40 cm. high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, glabrous, 1.1-3.8x0.2-0.4 cm. Flowers white, solitary, filiform penduncles or paniculate -cymes. Capsules subglobose. Seeds many, ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : March - October. Distrib. : Among grasses road side and wet places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

SPERMADICTYON Roxb. Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. PI. Cor. 3 : 32. t . 236 . 1815. Hamiltonia suaveolens Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 : 554, 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 197. 1880 ; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 51. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees upl|;o 3 - 4 m tall with greyish or pale - brown, faintly longitudinally fissured bark. Leaves 5 - 15 x 2.5 - 7.4 cm, ovate, elliptic or lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Flowers pale blue or white, numerous in axillary and terminal, paniculate -cymes. Fruits ellipsoid, black, glabrous. Seeds triangular, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. August - March Illas. Talbot, For. Fl.Bombay Pres.«& Sind.2: 135,t.364.1911. Distrib. Occasional on Rayreshwar fort.

177 IXORA L. Key to the species.

1 . Flowers ^^igh^mall tress /. brachiata 1. Flowers bright - scarlet-, shrub>.... /. coccinea Ixora brachiata Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall.ed.) 1 : 391 . 1820 ; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 142. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 39,1958 (Repr. ed.). M ar: ‘Gorbale’

Trees 5 - 6 m high. Leaves elliptic - ablong 5 - 15 x 2 - 8 cm. base attenuate, appex obtuse. Flowers white in shortly penduncled cymes; lower bracts shortly cuspidute, upper landeolate - subulate. Fruits globose, purple - black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : February - May Ulus : Wight, Ic. t. 710. 1843. Distrib. ; Common along ghat slopes, Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

Ixora arborea Roxb. ex J.E. Sm. in Rees, Cyclop. 19 : 5.1811 ; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 : 319. 1982. /. parviflora Vahl, symb. B ot. 3 : 11, t . 52 . 1794; Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 142, 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 39. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘'Raikuda\

Trees, 4-6 m high. Leaves oblong - elliptic 4 - 1 0 x 3 . 5 - 6 . 5 cm, coriaceous, base rounded, apex obtuse; stipules ovate, cuspidate. Flowers white in trichotomous cymes. Fruits about 0.5 cm across. FIs. & Frts. January - April. Illus Wight, Ic. t. 711 . 1843 (/. parviflora) Distrib. Common in deciduous forest. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bope.

MUSSAENDA L. M ussaenda glabrata (Hook, f.) Hutch ex. Gamble FI. Pres. Madras 610. 1921 & 2 : 430. 1957 (Repr.ed.) ; Jayaweera in J. Arnold Arbor. 44 : 241 . 1963. M. frondosa L. var. glabrata Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 90. 1880, M. frondosa L. Sp. PI. 177. 1753 p.p.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 24.1958 (Repr.ed.).

178 var. glabrata Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 90. 1880, M frondosa L. Sp. PI. 177. 1753 p.p.-, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 24. 1958 (R epne^

---- scandent. Leaves broadly elliptic, 4 . 5 - 10 . 0 x 3 . 0 - 6 . 5 cm; stipules twin, linear - lanceolate, acute, hairy. Flowers in terminal cymes; calyx lobes linear - subulate, hairy. Berries obovoid, about 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : July - October. Illus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 95, f . 339. 1911. Distrib. : Rare in deciduous forests. Hirdoshi.

NEANOTIS Lewis Neanotis concanensis Daniel & Vajr. in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 3 : 675. 1982. Hedyotis lancifolia Dalz. in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2 : 135. 1850, non Schum & Thonn. 1827. Anotis lancifolia (Dalz.) Hook f.Fl. Brit. India 3 : 73. 1880; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 20. 1958 (Repr. ed.) N. lancifolia (Dalz.) Lawis in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gdn. 53 : 39. 1966. Herbs, 15-40 cm high, erect or diffuse. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, 3 - 7 x 0 . 7 -

2 . 0 cm , membranous, base acute or obtuse, apex acuminate, pubescent; stipules bristly. Floweres purple in terminal cymes. Capsules about 0.5 cm across. Seeds ellipsoid, brownish - black. FIs. & Frts. : August - January Distrib. : Common along road sides and in open places along hill slopes. Warandha Ghat, Shivthar Ghal.

HEDYOTIS L. Hedyotis herbacea L. Sp. PI. 102. 1753; Rolla Rao & Hemadri in Indian Forester 99 : 376. 1973. Oldenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall, ed.) 1 : 445. 1820; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1 : 16. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 : 321. 1982; O. heynei G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3 : 531. 1834 ; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 65. 1880. Herbs, 15 - 35 cm. high. Leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate, 1 - 2 x 0 . 3 - 0 . 5 cm, base tapering, apex acute, margins recurved. Flowers white. Capsules about 0.2 cm across. Seeds reticulate. FIs. & Frts. ; February - November. 179 illus. ; Matthew, FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; 3. 728 , t . 529. 1983. Distrib. : Common near cultivated fields.

PAVETTA L. Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex J.E. Sm in Rees, Cyclop. 26 ; 2. 1819. P. indica var. tomentosa (Roxb. ex J.E. Sm.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 151 . 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 41. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Shrubs, 3 - 5 m high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 5 - 12 x 2 - 5 cm. Flowers white in dense, trichotomous; pubescent cymes. Berries globose, about 0.7 cm across, black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. June - September. Ulus. Wight, Ic . t . 1065. 1846 (P. brunonis). Distrib. Common along the forest edges in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

MITRAGYNA Korth/(nom. cons.) M itragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) K ortly^bs. Naucl. Ind. 19. 1839; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:8. 1958 (Repr.ed.), Nauclea parvifolia Roxb. PI. Cor. 1 ; 40. t. 12. 1795. Stephegyne parvifolium Korth. Verh. Nat. Ges. 130t . 161. 1840 ; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 125. 1880. Mar. : 'Kadam’. ^ Deciduous trees u{^o 15 m tall. Leaves 4-17 x 2-16 cm, ovate, elliptic-oblong or suborbicular - ovate, ootuse - apex. Flowers creamy - white in 1 - 2 cm across, globose, terminal or axillary heads. Capsules in globose heads, glabrous cuneate, distinctly ribbed. Seeds minute, brown. FIs. & Frts. April - December. Ulus. Bedd. FI. Sylv . t . 34 . 1839. Distrib. Throughout in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

RUBIA L. Rubia cordifolia L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 3 ; 229 . 1768 & Mant. Alt. 197. 1771; Hook.

180 f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 202. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 54. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Deb & Malick in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10 : 6 . 1968. M ar.: ‘Manjistha’. Perennial, herbaceous climbers. Stems quadrangular, prickly on margins. Leaves ovate, 1.7-5.0x0.7-2.7 cm base rounded or cordate, apex acute or acuminate; petioles 1 . 5 - 3 . 0 cm. long, prickly, triangular, exstipulate. Flowers in terminal panicled -cymes, branches trichotomous, spreading; bracts ovate acute; calyx long; corolla greenish. Fruit drupes globose, 0.3 cm long, purple black when ripe. FIs. and Frts. : October - December Illus. : Wight, Ic. 1.187.1839 {R. munjista Roxb.). Matthew, III. R. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 347. 1982. Distrib. ; Common. Warandha Ghat.

GARDENIA J. Ellis nom. cons. G ardenia latifolia Ait. Hort. Kew. 1 : 294. 1789; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 116 . 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 30.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar: ‘DikemaW Trees, about 7 m high. Leaves opposite or whorled, crowded towards branch endings, 3.5 -10.0x1.5-5.2 cm, elliptic or obovate. Flowers white, fragrant. Berries 3 . 0 - 4 . 5 cm. in a diam, globose, surrounded by calyx - limbs. Seeds numerous, pale brown, embeded in purplish - grey pulp. FIs.

WENDLANDIA Bartl. Wendlandia thyrsoidea(R. & S.) Steud. Nom. ed. 2.2 : 786. 1841; Raiz. in Indian Forester 92 : 326. 1966. Canthium thyrsoideum R. & S. Syst. 6 : 20). 1820. W. notoniana Wall, ex Wight «& Am. Prodr. 403. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 40. 1880; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 2:11.1958 (Repr.ed)

181 Shrubs or small trees, 5-8 m high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate 7 - 12 x 2.5 - 5.5 cm , base cuneate, apex acuminate, pubescent beneath. Flowers white, fragrant, in dense, pubescent panicles. Capsules globose, with persistent calyx lobes, pubescent. FIs. & Frts. : February - March Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 ; 93, f. 338. 1911. Distrib. : Common on exposed hill slopes Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. 0 DENTELLA G. Forster Dentella repens (L) J. & G. Forst. Char. Gen. PI. Inst. Mar. Austr. 26, t. 13. 1776; 0 Subr. & Sharma in Bull^ot. Surv. India 10 : 386, f. 1-6. 1968; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 3 : 42. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 12. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Oldenlandia repens L. Mant. 1 : 40 . 1767. ^ Herbs, prostrate, rooting at lower nodes. Leaves spathulate, margin^ bristly hairy' stipules connate, scarious. Flowers white, subsessile. Capsules globose about 0.3 cm across, villous. FIs. & Frts. : June - July. Distrib. : Found in Marshy places. Bhatghar Hirdoshi, Bope.

SPERMACOCE L. Spermacoce hispida L. Sp. PI. 102. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 200. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 53 . 1958 (Repr.ed.); Deb & R. Dutta in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 5 : 1046 . 1984. Herbs, about 30 - 40 cm long. Leaves sub-sessile, elliptic - oblong, 1 . 4 - 3 . 0 x 0 . 6 - 1 . 0 . cm, apex acute; stipules connate; calyx oblong, hispid; corolla hairy. Capsules ellipsoid, about 0.5 cm long, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : September - November. sO Distrib.: Weed along roadside Hirdoshi, Bhor, Kikvi.

182 CULTIVATED SPECIES Hamelia patens Jacq. (//. erecta, Jacq.). Scarlet bush, 5 - 6 m high. Leaves usually in whorls of 3, elliptic - ovate to oblong, 3 - 8 inches long, acute or acuminate, petiolate. Flowers scarlet - orange, almost sessile along the branches; calyx segments short, triangular; corolla with narrowly cylindric tube; stamens exceeding the very short corolla tube. Fruit ovoid. Cultivated in garden at Nasarapur, Bhor, Kamthadi.

Ixora coccinea L. Sp. PI. 110. 1753, Wight, Icon. t. 153 . 1839; Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 145. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 40. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Large shrubs, upto 140 - 150 cm. L^eaves obovate, elliptic - oblong, glabrous, 1.7 - 8.9 X 1.1 - 3.5 cm. Flowers red in terminal, paniculate cymes. Fruits globose, purplish, FIs. & Frts. : Almost throught the year. Distrib. : Cultivated in garden^hor, Nasarapur.

ASTERACEAE Key to the genus. 1. Florets all liqulate : 2. Achenes beaked..... Lactuca 2. Achenes not beaked.... Sonchus 1. Florets all or at least disc florets^tuber 3. Achenes spinous ; 4. Leaves opposite..... Acanthospermum 4. Leaves alternate.... Xanthium 3. Achenes not spinous : 5. Leaves mostly radical..... Elephantopus 5. Leaves all cauline .... Glossocardia 6. Leaves opposite : 7. Heads yellow : 8. Pappus present Tridax

183 8. Pappus usually absent; 9. Pappus not feathery ; .... Bidens 9. Pappus feathery : 7. Heads white or purple ; 10. Heads solitary or in fascicles : 11. Heads solitary, 1 - flowered.... Lagascea 11. Heads fascicled, many flowered... Eclipta 10. Heads in axillary.^.. Ageratum 6. Leaves alternate : 12. Heads spiny : 13. Leaves white - tomentose..... Echinops 13. Leaves glabrous..... Tricholepis 12. Heads not spiny : 14. Plants white w oolly..... Gnaphalium 14. Plants glabrous or hairy : 15. Heads yellow or white : 16. Headj white : 17. Pappus absent.... Artemisia 17. Pappus present..... Parthenium 16. Heads yellow .... Blumea 18. Achenes sparsely hairy..,. Vicoa

■^18. Heads in axillary...7 . Senecio 15. Heads purple or pink 19. Plant.aromatic.... Sphaeranthus s 19. Plant^ot aromatic : 20. Leaves deeply pinnatifid.... Cyathocline 20. Leaves entire or lobed ;

184 21. Heads axillary ..... Caesulia 21. Heads terminal Vernoniu


Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Prodr, 5 : 522.1836. Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv. India. 16(1): 139. 1967.(3^“ Rev. ed.). Herbs hairy, 20 - 50 cm. high. Leaves 2 - 5 x 1 - 2. 4 cm., elliptic - obovete, cuneate at base, cordate - serrate, acute at apex, scabrous. Heads solitary, axillary^ with a pair of horn like spines. FIs. & Frts. : October - November Distrib. : Common in waste lands. Bhor.

AGERATUM L. Key to the species. 1. Branches hairy when young; heads 60 - 75 flowered..... A. conyzoides 1. Branches hairy throughout; heads 75 -1 0 0 .... A. houstonianum

Ageratum conyzoides L. Sp. PI. 839. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 243. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 70.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: 'Osadi’ Erect herbs, 10 - 30 cm. high, pubescent. Leaves 0.5 - 4 x 0.2 - 2.3 cm, ovate, truncate attenuate at base, margin crenate - serrate, apex obtuse - acute, sparsely pubescent. Flowers heads in dense corymbs; involucral bracts lanceolate. Flowers bisexual; corolla lobes 5, tubular, pale blue; stamens 5, scale like. Achenes curved. FIs. & Ftrs. : Mostly throughout the year. ^ 0 Distrib. : Very common in waste landjBhor, Rayari, Nasarapur. N ote: Leaves are said to be mosquito repellent and usually planted as hedge plant.

Ageratum houstonianum Mill. Card. Diet. ed. 8, n . 2. 1768; Wadhawa et al in M. V. M. Patrika 6 : 29, f. 1-4.1971; Giri & Majumdar in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 80 ; 453. f. A - C. 1983. 185 Herbs, 40 - 60 cm high. Leaves deltoid, 2.0 - 6 x 1-5 cm, sparsely hairy. Heads purple. Achenes about 0.2 cm long, brownish - black. FIs. & Frts. : April - December Distrib. : Weed in waste places. Sarola, Kikavi.

ARTEMISIA L. Key to the species 1. Leaves densely tomentose beneathji...... A. nilagirica 1. Leaves glabrous/..... ' A. parviflora

Artemisia nilagirica (C. B. Cl.) Pamp. in Nuovo. Giom. Bot. Ital. N. S. 33 : 452. 1926; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 : 596. 1982. A. vulgaris L. var. nilagirica C. B. Cl. Comp. Ind. 162. 1876. A. vulgaris auct. non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 325. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 105.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Dhor-davana\ Under shrubs, 2 - 3 m high; stems striate, pubescent. Leaves 5 - 9 x 3 - 4 cm, deeply lobed with stipule like appendages at base. Heads about 0.3 cm across; outer involucral bracts ovate, acute; inner oblong, membranous, margins scarious. Achenes oblong, about 0.15 cm. long. FIs. & Frts. : October - December. Illus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 354. 1982 Distrib. : Aromatic shrubs, common along ghats^ (9 Shivther Ghal, Rayari, Hirdoshi. Artemisia parviflora Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal. 181 . 1825; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 322. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :104 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Tel-davana’. Under shrubs, 1 - 3 m high. Leaves upljto 3.0 to 0.7 cm, lower cuneate at base with a pair of stipule like appendages, tobthed at apex; upper minute, entire, lanceolate. Heads numerous, globose in panicled - racemes; involucral bracts ovate, acute, margins scarious. Achenses ellipsoid, brown. FIs. & Frts. October - December. Illus. Wight, Ic. t . I l l . 1846 (A. glabrata DC.). Common near forest edges. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. Distrib. 186 BIDENS L.

Bidens biternata (lour.) Merr. & Sherff ex sherff in Bot. Gez. 88 : 293. 1829; Sant, in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3 ; 12 . 1961. Coreopsis biternata Lour. FI. Cochinch. 508. 1790. B. pilosa auct. non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 309. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 101. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 20 - 30 cm high. Stem^quadrangular, grooved. Leaves pinnate; petioles sheathing, dilated at base. Heads about 1 cm across outer involucral bracts oblong, subacute, herbaceous, inner longer, membranous, Achenes 0.5 - 0.8 cm. long. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : ' Waste places. Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi.

BLUMEA DC. (nom. cons) Key to the species 1. Heads with purple floret^... B. Mollis 1, Heads with yellow flore^: 2. Heac^n leaf^clusters..... B. belangeriana 2. Head^m terminal panicle^.... B. molcolmii

Blumea mollis (D. Don) Merr. in Philipp. J. sci. (Bot.) 5 : 395 . 1910; Randeria in Blumea 10 ; 261. 1960. Erigeron molle D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal 172. 1825, Blumea Wightiana Dc. in Wight, contrib. Bot. Ind. 14. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 261. 1981; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 75. 1958 (Repr.ed.). •||firect^}ei^s; 20 - 40 cm tall, glandular, pubescent. Leaves 1 - 8 x 0.5 - 3.5 cm.. elliptic - oblong, margins dentate - serrate; tips obtuse or acute, base tapering mto a long petiole. Heads in panicles, 0.6 - 8 mm across. Achenes angled glabrescent. Pappus shorter than involucral bracts. FIs. & Frts. : November - February. Distrib. : Common throughout Warandha Ghat,.

Blumea malcolmii (C.B.Cl.) Hook f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 266. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 78. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Randeria in Blumea 10 : 278. 1960. Pluchea malcolmii C. B. Cl. comp. Ind. 95. 1876 (Fig. 28).

187 Herbs, about 1 m high ; branches densely silky - woolly. Leaves sessile, obovate, 3 - 9 x 1.5 - 2.5 cm, base tapering, apex obtuse, margins irregularly toothed, densely white - woolly beneath; involucral bracts linear, acute. Achenes sparsely hairy. FIs. & Frts. : Throughtout the year. Distrib. : Common along ghats athigher elevations. Warandha Ghat, Shivthar Ghal.

Blumea belangeriana DC. Prodr. 5 : 444. 1836; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3 ; 266. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 78. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Randeria in Blumea 10 : 277. 1960; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 : 597. 1882.

Herbs, 50 - 60 cm high, glabrous at base. Leaves sessile, obovate, 5 - 10 x 2 - 4 cm. Heads about 0.5 - 0.6 cm across; involucral bracts linear, woolly. Achenes about 0.2 cm long, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : December - April. Distrib. : Occassional in shady places along ghats. Shivther Ghal, Warandha Ghat. CAESULIA Roxb. Caesulia axillaris Roxb. PI. Cor. 1 : 64. t. 93. 1795; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 291. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 92 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Succulent, erect herbs il^o 40 cm tall. Stems stout, more or less branched, striate, glabrous. Leaves sessile 1.5 - 11 x 0.3 - 1.3 cm, lanceolate, acute, distantly serrulate with narrow base. Heads 0.5 - 1.5 cm across, solitary axillary; florets pale blue or white, sessile; involucral bracts 2 , orbicular, crenulate; corolla tubular, slightly enlarged with 5 linear lobes; anthers black. Achenes winged, blackish -brown ovoid. FIs. & Frts. August - May. Ulus. Wight, Ic. t. 1102. 1846. Distrib. It is found in moist places, at Bhatghar Dam side, Nira river bank at Hirdoshi.


Cyathocline purpurea (Buch.- Ham. ex D. Don) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 333. 1891. Tanacetum purpureum Buch - Ham. ex. D. Don. Prodr. FI. Nep. 181. 1825. Cyathocline lyrata Cass, in Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. 1, 17 : 420. 1829; Wight, Ic.t. 1098. 1846; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 246. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 71. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Suberect, tender herbs, 20 - 40 cm. Leaves radical and cauline, pinnatifid, lobes toothed, hairy beneath. Heads violet in terminal, corymbose- panicles. Achenes minute, brownish. FIs. & Frts. : October - February. : Wight, Ic. 1.1098.1846 (C. lyrata). Distrib. : Shady places in hilly forests, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi,

ECHINOPS L. Echinops echinatus Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3 : 447. 1832; Hook. f. H. Brit. India 3 : 358. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 112.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs about 1 m high, white tomentose^Leaves sessile, 2.5 - 7.5 cm long, pinnatifid; lobes triangular, spinous, scaberulous above. Heads 2.0 - 3.5 cm. across; involucral bracts multiseriate, rigid; outer bracts oblanceolate, intermediate produced into spines, innermost connate into a tube. Achenes elongate, subterete, villous; pappus with connate bristles. FIs. & Frts. April - December. Ulus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; t. 364.1982. Distrib. Occassional in waste places and along roadsides. Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi.

ECLIPTA L. Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Mant. 2 : 286. 1771; Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3 : 438. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 304. 1881. Verbena alba L. Sp. PI. 902. 1753; Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16 (1): 133 .1967 (3rd Rev. ed.). E. erecta L. op. cit.: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 95.1958 (Repr.ed.). 189 Mar.; ‘Maka’ Herbs, about 40 cm high, erect or prostrate, rooting at nodes; sten^ and branches Wight hairy. Leaves sessile, oblong - lanceolate, 2-7 x 1-2 cm., base cuneate, apex acute. Heads about 0.6 cm across. Achenes of ray florets triquetrous, warted, often empty, disc, disc florets compressed. FIs. & Frts. October - Decmeber Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t. 365 .1982 Distrib. Common along Nira River side at Hirdoshi, Bhor.

ELEPHANTOPUS L. Elephantopus scaber L. Sp. PL 814. 1753; Hook. f. H. Brit. India 2 : 242. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 68.1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar.: "Hastipata’ Herbs, 12 - 25 cm high, strigose. Leaves in a rosette, oblanceolate, sub acute or rounded at apex, 9-15 x 2.0 - 4.0 cm, serrate, base tapering into petiole, apex subacute or rounded, hairy, margin serrate. Heads purple, terminal, 1-2 cm. across. Involucral brac^roadly ovate, about 2 cm long. Achenes truncate at apex, cuneate at base, about 0.5 cm long, 10 - ribbed. FIs. & Frts. : October - December Illus. : Wight, Ic. 1.1986.1846; Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t. 366. 1982. Distrib. ; Found in waste places. Bope, Bhor, Nasarapur.

GLOSSOCARDIA Cassini Glossocardia bosvallea (L.F.) DC. in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 19. 1834. Verbesina bosvallea L.f. suppl. 379. 1781. Glossocardia linearifolia Cass, in Diet. Sci. Nat. 19 : 62. 1821; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 308. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 100. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, annual, prostrate or erect. Leaves 1.5 - 3,0 cm. long, 2 - pinnatisect. Heads 0.5 - 1.0 cm. long, yellow, pappus glabrous, spreading at an acute angle or at right angle upto 0.3 cm long, never scabrid. Achenes about 0.5 cm long, flat, oblong, villous on the angles and edges, brown. FIs. & Frts. : August - October.

190 Illus. : Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi, i 109. 1966. Distrib. ; Common on rock surface^arandhat Ghat. Notes : Whole plant cnished^boiled and extract used as a drink. It gives an alcoholic effect.

GNAPHALIUM L. Key to species. 1. Heads in corymbs.... G. luteo-album 1. Heads in spikes..... G. polycaulon

Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers. Syn. PI. 2. 421. 1807 ; Grierson in Notes R. B. G. E dinl^lil : 137. 1972. G. indicum non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 289. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 87. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Herbs, erect or prostrate, 5-12 cm. high. Leaves sessile, obovate, apiculate 1.0

- 1.5 X 0.2 - 0.3 cm, white woolly. Heads golden yellow, about 0.4 cm across in terminal leafy spikes. Achenes oblong, shortly beaked. FIs. & Frts. February - May. Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; t. 373. 1982. Distrib. Common along roadsides and in waste places. Hirdoshi, Rayari, Bhor.

Gnaphalium luteo - album L. ssp. afHne (D. Don) Koster in Blumea 3 : 484. 1941. G.affine D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal. 173. 1825. G. luteo-album L. Sp. PI. 851. 1753;

Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 288. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 8 6 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 7 - 15 cm long. Leaves sessile, 2-5 x 0.4 - 1.5 cm, base semi- amplesicaul, woody. Heads yellow in axillary and terminal corymbs; involucral bracts multiseriate. Achenes small; pappus hairs uniseriate. FIs. & Frts. : March - April. Distrib. : Common along riverbeds and waste places. Bhatghar, Bhor.

191 LAGASCEA Cav. ^on. consy

Lagascea mollis Cav. in Anal. Cienc. Nat. 6 : 332, f. 44. 1803; Hook^f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 302. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 93. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; 'Jharvad' Herbs about 1 m high, slender, pubescent. Leaves 3-7 x 1-4 cm, base cuneate, apex acute or acuminate, margin crenate. Heads white about 1.4 cm. across. Involucral bracts linear lanceolate, connate. Achenes about 0.3 cm. long. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the years. Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t. 378. 1982. Distrib. Common weed near cultivated field along roadsides and in waste places. Bhor, Nasarapur.

PARTHENUM L. Parthenium hysterophonis L. Sp. PI. 988. 1753; Rolla Rao in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 54 : 218, t. 1. 1956. Mar.; 'Gajar - gavaf Herbs, 1-2 cm high. Leaves sessile, lanceolate-oblong, 4-7 x 2.0 - 3.5 cm, base tapering, apex acute. Heads white, about 0.2 cm. across. Achenes triquetrous, compressed. FIs. & Frts. Throughout year. Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 382.1982. Distrib. Native of America spread as a troublesome weed throughout the district. It causes skin alergies. Bhor Nasarapur Kikvi.

PULICARIA Gaertn. Pulicaria wightiana (DC.) C.B.C.I. Comp, Ind. 128. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 298. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 90. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Poloa wightiana DC. in Arch. Bot. (Paris) 2 ; 514. 1833. Herbs, 30 - 45 cm. high, pubescent. Leaves sessile, 2-4 x 0.5 - 1.0 cm, base amplexixaul, puberulous. Heads 1.0 x 1.5 cm. across. Involucral bracts linear -

192 subacute, about 2.0 cm long subequal, hairy. Achenes oblong, minute, ribbed; pappus fimbriate. FIs. & Frts. : June - October Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1089. 1846 [Callistephus wightianus (DC.)]. Distrib. Annuals near cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Umbargani.

SENECIO L. Key to the species. 1. Heads ebracteolate.... 5. gibsoni 1. Heads bracteolate :

2 . Stems grooved, glabrous — S. bombayensis 2 . Stems terete, white pubescent S. edgeworthii

Senecio bombayensis Balakr. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67 : 61. 1970. Senecio grahami Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 347. 1881; Cooke, FI. Press. Bombay 2 : 110. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: ‘Sonki’ ^ l^ e c tjljerbs^f^o 50 cm tall. Leaves prominently veined beneath, 3-5 x 2-4 cm. rhomboid - ovate, coarsely toothed, petiolate. Head^ - 2.5 cm across; florets bright yellow in terminal corymbose -cymes. Achenes hairy. FIs. & Frts. August - December. Illus. Wight, let. 1551. 1850. Distrib. Common^arandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

Senecio edgeworthii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 346. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 109. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs about 1 m high, woolly when young, glabrous at length. Leaves 2.0 -

3 .5 X 1.5 - 3 .0 cm, white woolly beneath, margins sinuate - dentate; petioles about 1 cm long, auriculed at base. Heads about 1 cm across; involucral bracts linear - lanceolate, acute, about 0.3 cm long, woolly. Achenes oblong, about 0.2 cm long, faintly ribbed; pappus white , slightly longer than the achenes. FIs. & Frts. : August - October. 193 Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1151 . 1846. Distrib. : Common along ghats, Rayreshwar. Senecio gibsoni Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 347. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 111 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs about 1.5 m high. Leaves sessile or shortly petioied, ovate - rhomboid,

2-5 X 0.5 - 3.0 cm, scaberulous above, tomentose beneath, margins irregularly toothed. Heads in lax, dichotomous corymbs; involucral bracts oblong - lanceolate, acute, margins scarious. Achenes obconic, ribbed; pappus hairs yellowish, rigid, unequal. FIs. & Frts. : April - November. Distrib. : Common along ghats Warandha Ghats, Shivther Ghal Rayreshwar.

SONCHUS L. Sonchus oleraceus L. Sp. PI. 794. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 414 . 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :119. 1958 (Repr.ed.). [€rect^annual(ljert^uFko 70 cm tall with milky juice; stems grooved, glabrous. Leaves 5 - 20 x 2.5 - 7.5 cm; obovate - oblanceolate, rounded or acute at tip, amplexicaule at the base, spinously toothed. Heads 1-1.5 cm. across and with dialated base; flowers yellow. Achenes narrowly ovoid, ribbed. FIs. & Frts. : September - August Illus. : Wight, Ic.t. 1141. 1846. Distrib. : Fairly common as a weed in fields or waste places^hor.

SPHAERANTHUS L. Sphaeranthus indicus L. Sp. PI. 927 . 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 275. 1881, pro parte; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 84. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. : "Gorakhmundi’’ ^^romati^lierb^ 17-28 cm high; branches winged. Leaves 0.7 - 3.2 x 0.3 - 1.2 cm, obovate - oblong, decurrent, serrate, acute at apex. Flower heads aggregated into a globose receptacle, pink; bracts linear; male florets; corolla lobes 5, pale pink, stamens 5. Achenes angular, oblong. ^ FIs. & Frts. : October - January. 194 Illus : Wight, Ic. t. 1094. 1846. Distrib. : In wet places of Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Bope.

TRICHOLEPIS DC. Key to the species 1. Stems prominently leafy T. radicans 1. Stems sparsely leafy T. glaberrima

Tricholepis glaberrima DC. Prodr. 6 : 564. 1837; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 381. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :114.1958 (Repr.ed.) Herbs^erect, about 3 - 4 m high. Leaves 2.4 - 9.0 x 0.4 - 1.0 cm, lanceolate or linear - lanceolate, entire. Heads bluish - purple, solitary, axillary and terminal, 1.5 - 2.0 cm. in diam. Achenes about 0.5 cm. long, brown; oblong pappus yellowish - brown. FIs. & Frts. : September - October '(? Distrib. : Common in grassesj^Warandha Ghat.

Tricholepis radicans (Roxb.) DC. Prodr. 6 : 564. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 381. 1881; Cooke, FI. press. Bombay 2 : 114. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Carduus radicans Roxb. H. Ind. 3 ; 408.1832. ■ Herbs, erect^about 25 cm. high. Leaves 1.5 - 4.0 x 0.5 - 1.5 cm, lower leaves usually obovate, cauline leaves oblong. Heads purple, on solitary peduncles. Achenes about 0.4 x 0.1 cm, faintly striate, oblong, smooth pappus yellow. FIs. & Frts. Sepetember - December. Illus. Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 390 .1982 Distrib. Frequent in open fields^irdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur.

TRIDAX L. Tridax procumbens L. Sp. Pi. 900. 1753. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3 : 311. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :102.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Dagadi Pala’ or ‘EkdandV

195 Erect or procumbent herbs, upfo ^ cm. tall. Leaves 1 - 3 x 0.4 - 1 cm, ovate, acute, deeply 3 - lobed, hairy. Heads upp 1-7 cm across, solitary on long peduncles; florets yellowish- white. Achenes cuneate, faintly ribbed, dark brown, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : Throughtout the year Ulus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; t. 391 . 1982. Distrib. : Common weed growing in all types of habitats. Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Hirdoshi, Ambeghar.

VERA^OMA Schreber ( nom. cons.) Key to the species 1. Achenes glabrous V. diver gens 1. Achenes pubescent or silky...... V. cinerea

Vernonia cinere (L.) Less, in Linnaea 4 ; 291. 1829; Hook. f. FI. idia 3 : 233. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 65. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Conyza cinerea L. Sp. PI. 872. 1753. . Herbs erect, 30 - 45 cm high. Leaves petiole , 2-5 x 1-3 cm, broadly elliptic or lanceolate, apex obtuse or acute, pubescent on both “leads 0.5 - 0.8 cm in diam.; pink , in open terminal or axillary paniculate, bose cymes. Achenes about 0 .1 X 0.1 cm., oblong, terete, pappus ; outer small e at base; inner longer than achenes. FIs. & Frts. August - February. Ulus. Mahesh. Ulus. FI. Delhi f. 101.1966. Distrib. Common in waste lands, cultivated fields and along with road sides. Bhor, Bhatghar, Nasarapur.

Vernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew. in J. Asiat, Soc. Beng. 2 : 172. 1853; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 234. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 67. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Eupatorium divergens Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3 : 414. 1832. Shrubs about 2 - 2.5 m high. Leaves elliptic, 4 - 11 x 2.5 - 4.0 cm, scabrid above, margins serrate. Heads about 2 cm. across; involucral bract j elliptic, acute, mucronate. Achenes 3 -4 angled, about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. 196 Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1084, 1846; Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 347. 1982. Distrib. : Common perennials along ghats. Warandha ghats. VICOA Cass. Vicoa indica (L.) Dc. in Wight, contrib. Bot. Ind. 10. 1834. Inula indica L. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 1236. 1762. Vicoa auriculata Cass. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1, 17 : 418 - 1829; Hook. f. FI.

Brit. India 3 ; 297 - 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 88 . 1958 (Repr.ed.) Herbs, perennial, erect up to 90 cm high. Leaves sessile, 1.5 - 2.5 x 0.1 cm, linear or linear - lanceolate, hairy Heads yellow, 0.7 - 1.2 cm in diam. Achenes about

0.2 cm long, brown. FIs. & Frts. : December - February. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1148. 1846. Distrib. : Common on hill slopes. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

Q XANTHIUM L. Xanthium indicum Koen^n Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 601. 1832; Wight, Icon. t. 1104. 1846. X. strumarium L. Sp. PI. 987. 1753fHr^art^ Mar. : ‘Landga’ Suffniticose, scabrous herbs, 20 - 110 cm. Leaves ovate - triangular or sub- orbicular, acute, coarsely dentate, rough with pubescent, 4-12 x 3.5 - 10.5 cm. Heads greenish - yellow in terminal and axillary racemes; involucre of fertile heads avoid with hooked prickles, flchenes oblong^glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : October - March. Distrib. ; Common in waste lands along road side, dried ditches. Bhor.

CULTIVATED SPECIES C artham us tinctorius L. Sp. PI. 830. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 286 . 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 126 .1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Kardai' Herbs, about 1 m high. Leaves spiny, heads orange - yellow, solitary or terminal corymbs. FIs. & Frts. : February - May.

197 Distrib. ; Annuals, cultivated for its oil seeds . Bhor, Nasarapur

Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass, in Diet. Sci. Nat. 59 : 248 . 1829; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 308. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 125. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Polymnia absyssinica L.f. Suppl. 383. 1781. Mar. ; "Karale’ Herbs, stout, erect, 30 - 90 cm. high. Leaves 4.0 - 8.0 x 1.0 - 1.2 cm, lanceolate, apex acute, base cordate, sparsely hairy on both sides. Heads 2 - 3 cm. in diam. Achenes about 0.4 cm, 4 - angled. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Illus. Matthew. Illus. FI. Tamilinadu Carnatic t. 375. 1982.

Distrib. Cultivated torfor i)ilDll seeds. Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Bhor

Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 2 : 825. 1825, Wight, Ic. t. 1097. 1846; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 247. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 72. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Arfemw/a maderaspatana L. Sp. PL 849. 1753.

\_^strate, densely glandular] HerbsA8 - 20 cm. Leaves pinnatifid, hairy, 1.2 - 5 x 0.3 - 1 cm. Head^ yellow, globose, terminal, leaf - opposed on solitary. Achenes glandular, pubescent. FIs. & Frts. : October - May. Distrib. ; As a weed in cultivated field^nd wet places. Bhor, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Ambeghar.

Helianthus annuus L. Sp. PI. 904. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 124 . 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. ; 'Surya phuV Shrubs 1-3 m high. Leaves simple, ovate, acute. Heads bright yellow, about 10 cm across. Ray and disc florets present. FIs. & Frts. : December - May. Distrib. : Bhor, Nasarapur, Utroli. Notes : Grown on large scale as economic and ornamental plant throughout the area.

198 Lactuca sativa L. Sp. PI. 795. 1753; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 ; 602. 1982. L. scariola var. sativa (L.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. Jndia 3 ; 404. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 119. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Leaves used as salad.

Solidago canadensis L. Sp. PI. 878. 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. ed. 2. 1005. 1949. Herbs, young branches pubescent. Leaves sessile, lanceolate - oblong, distantly serrate, scabrid above, pubescent beneath. Heads yellow in racemes. FIs. & Frts. : October - December. Distrib. : Common ornamental herb. Warandha Ghat. A.

Tagetes erecta L. Sp. PL 887. 1753; C. B. Cl. Comp. Ind. 143. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 125 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs. Leaves pinnate with 11-15 segments, lanceolate, acute apex , serrate margins, glabrous. Heads yellow, solitary, terminal. FIs. & Frts. : September - November. Distrib. : Road sides^arandha Ghat. L

Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Ic. 1 : 10, t.l4 . 1791; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 125. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, erect, highly branched, 50 - 60 cm high. Leaves 3.0 - 7.0 cm long. Head about 4 cm in diam. ray florets orange; disc florets yellow. Achenes about 0.7 cm long, hispid. FIs. & Frts. : October - November Distrib. : Common road sides of Warandha Ghat.

Calendula officinalis L. Sp. PI. 921 . 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 357 . 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 126. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. -Hist. Soc. 79 : 598 .1982. Annual herbs. Heads yellow or orange. Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Baneshwar.

199 LOBELIACEAE LOBELIA L. Key to the species

L Flowers white in terminal racemes L. nicotianifolia 1. Flowers bluish - purple(j^axillary..."^ L. alsinoides

Lobelia alsinoides Lam. Encyci. 3 : 588. 1791. L. trigona Roxb. FI. India.(Carey & Wall, ed.) 2 ; 111. 1824; C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 425. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 130 . 1958 (Repr. ed.) ySmall^ herb^ Leaves ovate - oblong , sub-lanceolate, glabrous, 0.7 - 2 x 0.2 - 1 cm. Flowers bluish - purple, axillary. Capsules globose - ellipsoid. Seeds many brownish, tapering at ends. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrib. : In moist places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, ^ Rayreshwar. Lobelia nicotianij^folia Roth ex Roem, & Schult. in Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 5 : 47 . 1819 (nicotianaefolia)] C.B. Cl. in Cooke f. FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 131. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: "DhavaV (Stoutyfriei^ 50 - 120 cm high. Leaves 5 - 15 x 2 - 8 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, acute at both ends, margins serrate - dentate. Racemes terminal, cylindric, pubescent; bracts foliaceous; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate; corolla curved, white; upper 2, lower 3 - lobed; stamens 5, filaments connate, dilated at apex, anthers long hairy at tip. Capsules 2 - loculed. Seeds many, ellipsoid, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : November - March. Distrib. : In hilly forests^Warandha Ghat.

CAMPANULACEAE CAMPANULA L. Campanula dimorphantha Schweinf. Beitr. FI. Aethicop. 140 . 1867. Sabnis & Bhatt. in Geobios new rep. 3 : 157 . 1984. C. canescens Wall, ex,DC. Prodr. 8 : 473. 1839, non Roth, 1827; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 439. 1881; C wallichii Babu in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 65 : 808 1968. 200 Herbs, annual, erect, multicauline; stems wiry. Leaves 2 - 3 x 1.0 - 1.5 cm, radical narrowed into a short petiole, ovate - spathulate. Flowers violet, solitary, sessile forming a speciform panicle. Capsules subglobose, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : December - January. Distrib. : Few near stagnant water. Bhatghar, Bhor, Hirdoshi.

PLUMBAGINACEAE PLUMBAGO L. Plumbago zeylanica L. Sp. PI. 151. 1753; Wight, 111. 2 : t . 179 . 1850; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 480. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 136. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : 'Chitrak' \^Subscandent Herbs, 50 - 100 cm high. Leaves 2-9 x 1-5.8 cm, elliptic - ovate, attenuate - auriculate at base, acute, acuminate at apex. Racemes terminal and upper axils, spicate; calyx tubular, conspicuously stalked, glandular hairy, ribbed; 5 - toothed; corolla tubular, slender, lobes 5, white. Capsules 5 valved with persistent calyx-ieeds compressed. FIs. & Frts. : August - October. Distrib. : Common along hill slopes. Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Nasarapur.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Plumbago auriculata Lam. Encycl. 2 : 270. 1876. P. capensis Thumb. Prodr. FI. Cap. 33. 1794; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 137. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79 : 606. 1982. Mar.; ‘Nila - chitrak’ Shrubs, 1 m high. Leaves elliptic - obovate, base and apex acute. Flowers blue in 3 - 4 cm long spikes. Capsules oblong, 5 - valved. FIs. & Frts. : December - February. Distrib. : Grown in gardens as ornamental plant. Nasarapur, Baneshwar, Bhor.

201 PLATE - Vll

20. Lobelia nicotianiffolia Roth. ^21. ^'^linicanthus sphaerostachyus

22. Clerodendrum serratum (L.) fg | 23. PRIMULACEAE ANAGALLIS L. Anagallis arvensis L. Sp. PL 211. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 ; 506, 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 139 . 1958 (Repr. ed.). > /^lenderTTo^^rS^c^^ erecTc^3rocumbent\l{erbv Leaves opposite, 0.5 - 1.5 X 0.5 - 1 cm, ovate, glabrous, sessile. Floweres blue, solitary, axillary. Capsules upjto 0.5 cm. across, globose or ovoid, seeds brown, triangular. FIs. & Frts. September - March. Ulus. Wight. Icon. t. 1205 . 1848. Distrib. Common weed. Hirdoshi, Bhor.

MYRSINACEAE Key to the species 1. Fruits many seeded Maesa 1. Fruits single seeded Embelia MAESA Forsk Maesa indica (Roxb.) DC. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17 ; 134. 1834. Baeobotrys indica Roxb. FI. Indi. 2 : 230 . 1824. Maesa dubia (Wall.) Dc. Op. cit., C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3 : 510. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 141. 1958

(Repr.ed.). Maesa indica (Roxb.) DC. wslt. perottetiana (A.DC.) C. B.Cl. op. cit. 509. Mar. : ‘Atki’ ^ Large shrub, 2 - 3 m high. Leaves 6 - 16 x 3 - 10 cm, acute - obtuse at base, coarsely serrate - dentate, acuminate, pubescent beneath; nerves prominent beneath. Racemes paniculate, axillary and terminal; calyx 5 - toothed, glabrous; corolla lobes 5, white; stamens 5. Drupe globoses with cupular calyx, seeds angular. FIs. & Frts. : November - March. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat. ^ \ > U \ ^ EMBELIA Burm. f. Embelia basaal (R. & S.) A. DC. in Trans. Linn. Soc.London 17:131. 1834; Matthew & Rani in FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 1 : 651 . 1983. Ardisia basaal R. & S. in L. Syst. Veg. 4 : 517 . 1819. E. viridiflora (A. DC.) Scheff. Comm. Myrs. Arch. Ind. 45.

202 1867; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Bril. India 3 ; 516. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 145. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Large climbers. Leaves elliptic, 6-16x4-7 cm, coriaceous, base rounded or acute, apex obtuse. Flowers white in short cylindric racemes; calyx lobes triangular, gland - dotted; petals oblong, gland - dotted. Fruits globose, about 4.0 cm across. FIs. & Frts. December - April. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1591, 1850 {Samara rheedii Wight); Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carratic 2 : t . 408. 1982. Distrib. Common in forests. Warandha Ghat, Bope SAPOTACEAE Key to the genera 1. Sepals uniseriate, stamens 5 - 6 .... Xantolis 1. Sepals biseriate; stamens 8 - more.: 2. Petals with petaloid appendages;.... Mimusops 2. Petals without petaloid appendages. Madhuca

MADHUCA J.F. Gmel. Madhuca longifolia (Koeni 3 ) Macbride, Contr. Gray. Herb. Harv. Univ. N. S. 53,: > t o ^ Av 17. 1918; goyen^ Blumea 10 : 53. 1960. Bassia longifolia Koenig in L. Mant. 2 App. 563. 1751. Bassia latifolia Roxb. Cor. PI. 1 : 20. t. 19. 1795; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 544. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 152. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : Trees ujj^o 40 m in tall; branches slender, often thickened at the nodes. Leaves congested it the apex of branchlets, broadly elliptic, elliptic - obovate, oblong, lanceolate or oblanceolate, petioles long. Flowers creamy - white in dense axillary fascicles. Berries ovoid, fleshly, yellow when ripe. FIs. & Frts. January - July. Illus. Wight, Illus. t. 147.1850. Distrib. Very common in forest^t Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Shivther Ghal

203 MIMUSOPS L. Mimusops elengi L. Sp. PL 349.1753; C.B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 548.1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 . 155. 1958 (Repr.ed.); van Royen in Blumea 6 ; 594.1952. Mar. : 'BakuW Trees, 12 m high. Leaves elliptic, 10 - 17 x 4 - 7 cm, coriaceous, base attenuate, apex shortly acuminate. Flowers white, solitary or in axillary fascicles; calyx lobes, biseriate, the outer ovate - lanceolate, acute, fulvous - tomentose, the iimer linear - lanceolate; corolla lobes 24, stamens 8, alternate with densely hairy staminodes. Berries ovoid about 1 cm across. FIs. and Frts.: February - April, Illus. : Wight, Ic. 1.1586,1850; Matthew, 111. A. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2: 414.1982. Distrib. : Occassional in dry decidous forests, also planted for its fragrant flowers. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur, Baneshwar

XANTOLIS Rafm. Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Raf. Sylv. Tell. 36. 1838; van Royen in Blumea 8 ; 226.1957. Sideroxylon tomentosum Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 28.1795; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 :538.1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :150.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Kumbal’ Shrubs, woody about 4 m high, armed with spines. Leaves 4 - 9 x 2 - 5 cm, elliptic or elliptic obovate, apex subacute. Flowers white, fragrant, in axillary clusters. Berries about 1.2 - 0.5 cm, ovoid to fusiform, yellowish - green, glabrescent. Seeds fusiform, yellow or brown. FIs. & Frts. : May - October. Illus. : Talbot, F. H. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 154, f . 371. 1911 (Sideroxylon tomentosum). Distrib. : Common along roadsides. Warandha Ghat, Shivather Ghal.

204 CULTIVATED SPECIES Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen. in Blumea 7: 410.1953. Mar. : ‘Chiku’ It is commonly cultivated for its fruits. Bhor, Nasarapur. EBENACEAE DIOSPYROS L. Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. PL Cor. 1 : 36. t . 46. 1795; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 564. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 159. 1958. (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘’Temburni’ [iKiddle size(^^ ^ e ^ lO - 15 m tall, deciduous tree. Leaves 5 - 15 x 2.5 - 7 cm, alternate or sub-opposite, ovate - oblong, elliptic- oblong or elliptic - lanceolate. Male flowers 3 - 12 in axillary, pendulous cymes; female flowers solitary. Drupes 2.5 - 4.5 cm across, ovoid or globose, glabrous, yellow when ripe. FIs. & Frts. February - August. Ulus. Bedd. FI. Sylvat. t. 67.1870. Distrib. Common in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat.

SYMPLOCACEAE SYMPLOCOS Jacq. Symplocos beddomei C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 582. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 169. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: ''Lenda’ Trees, 10 m high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 8 - 18 x 3.5 - 6.0 cm, margin crenate. Flowers in axillary spicate- racemes, 8 - 12 cm long, pubescent; bracts ovate, deciduous, bracteoles 2, ovate, ciliate; petals oblong obtuse. Drupes dark blue becoming yellow, about 1.5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : October - April. Distrib. : Common. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bope.

OLEACEAE Key to the species 1 Climl^mg herbs or shrubs Jasminum 1. T re e s i Olea 205 OLEA L. Olea dioica Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 : 106. 1832; C. B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 612.1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 179. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees, 4 - 5 m tall. Leaves 4.5 - 8.0 x 2-3 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, apex acute or acumniate; inflorescence of compund panicles. Flowers poiygamo-dioecious. Fruits about 1.7 x 0.4 cm, ellipsoid, purple, covered with whitish powdered bloom when ripe. FIs. &. Frts. : December - May. : Talbot, F. FI. Pres. Bombay «fe Sind 2 : 197, f. 390. 1911. Distrib. :Hirdoshi, Shivther Ghal, Bhor. JASMINUM L. Jasminum grandiflorum L. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 9. 1762; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 603. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 176. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'ChameW Shrubs, scandent. Leaves pinnately compound. Flowers white with a reddish tinge. FIs. & Frts. : September - December. Distrib. : Cultivated in gardens for fragrant flowers Bhor, Nasarapur. ^

CULTIVATED SPECIES Jasminum humile I^ iffu se evergreen shrubs 5 - 15 fl. high. Leaves alternate, obtuse, oblong. Flowers bright yellow, fragrant; calyx teeth triangular; corolla lobe$ obtuse. •Cultivated in gardens- Bhor. U Jasminum multiflorum (Burm. f.) Andr. Bot. Rep. 8. t. 496. 1807. Nyctanthes multiflora Burm. f. Fl. Ind. 5 ; t. 3. f. 1. 116S. Jasminum pubescence Fl. Brit. India. 3 : 592. 1892; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2 : 173 . 1958 (Repr.ed.) J. bracteatum Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1 : 92. 1820; W ight,/c.t. 1248. 1848. Mar. : 'Ran-mogra' 206 Scandent shrubs with pubescent branches. Leaves ovate - elliptic, appressedly hairy, 2.5 - 8 x 1.7 - 3.6 cm. Flowers Wight in terminal, axillary panicles. Fruits globose, dark purple to blackish. FIs. & Frts. : December - March. Distrib. : In hilly forests Warandha ghat but cultivated in gardens of Bhor, Nasarapur, Bhatghar.

Nyctanthes arbor - tristis L. It is commonly cultivated as ornamental plant. Bhor, Nasarapur.

APOCYNACEAE Ket to the genera 1. Plants armed; fruit a berry...... Carissa 1. Plants unarmed; fruit capsule, drupe or follicle. : 2. Leaves whorled; drupe 3.,.. Rauvolfia 7 2. Leaves opposite; Follicles ^ 3. Corona present...... Wrightia 3. Corona absent...... Holarrhena

CARISSA L. Key to the species 1. Spines striaght..... C. Congesta 1. Spines decur^ved. C. inermis

Carissa congesta Wight, Icon.t . 1289. 1848. C. carandas L. var. congesta (Wight) Bedd. For. Man. Bot. 156. 1872; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 631. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 186. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar.; ‘Karvand’ rge, spmy *^mbs, Leaves elliptic - oblong or obovate, glabrous. Flowers white in terminal, paniculate -cymes. Fruits ellipsoid, reddish to dark black at maturity. FIs. & Frts. : January - June.


2 6 . AMSOMELES MALABARICA {L.)Br. Illus. : Wight, op. cj7..; Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 206, f. 393. 1911 (C. c a r a n d u s ^ • Distrib. ; Common in deciduous forest (^rvad, Hirdoshi, Bhor, Warandha Ghat. Note : Fruits are edible,

Carissa inermis Vahl,Symb. Bot. 3 : 43. 1794; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 187. 1958 (Repr.ed.) C. smvissima Bedd. ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 632. 1882; Cooke, op. cit.. 188. Shrubs^about 5 - 6m high. Leaves elliptic, 5 - 10 x 4 - 5 cm, base and apex acute, coriaceous. Flowers white in dichotomous cyme; corolla tube inflated at apex. Berries ellipsoid, 1 - 2 cm long, purple when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : June - November. Distrib. : Common along ghats Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bhor, Ambad Khind, Rayreshwar.

HOLARRHENA R. Br. Holarrhena pubescens (Buch. - Ham.) Wall, ex G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4 : 78. 1837 38; Panigrahi in Taxon 36 (2) : 466 . 1987. Echites pubescens Buch.- Ham. in Trans Linn. Soc. London 13 : 524 . 1821. Holarrhena codaga G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4 : 78 1837 - 1838; Wight, Ic. t. 1297. 1848. H. antidysenterica Wall, ex A. DC. in DC Prodr. 8 : 413. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 644.1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay : : 195.1958 (Repr.ed.). MAR. : ^Kuda^ Large shrubs or small trees with dark brown, yellow spotted bark. Leaves ovat - oblong, acuminate, glabrous. Flowers white in terminal corymbose- cymes. Follicles cylindric, creamy - white, spotted, 11-30 cm long. Seeds linear-oblong, compressed, brownish with silky - brown coma. FIs. & Frts. Almost throughout the year Illus. Bedd., For Man. in FI. S;^v. 20. fig. 6. 1871. Distib. In dry deciduous forests^hor, Hirdoshi r

208 RAUVOLFIA L. Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Bth. ex Kurz, For. FI. Burma 2 : 171 . 1877; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 632. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 188. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sulochana in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 38 ; 578 . 1959. Ophioxylon serpentinum L. Sp. PI. 1043. 1753. Mar. : 'Surpagandha' or 'H adki\ Herbs, 20 - 50 cm high. Leaves 8-14 x 2.2 - 6.3 cm, whorled, elliptic - oblanceolate, attenuate at base, acuminate at apex, glabrous. Cymes corymbose, terminal and axillary; peduncle 3-6 cm long, pedicels reddish; calyx lobes 5, reddish corolla tubular; stamens 5. Drupes ellipsoid, solitary or in pairs' Seeds ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : August - November. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 849. 1844; Maheshwari, III. FI. Delhi f. 121. 1966. Distrib. : Rare in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bhutonde, Ambeghar.

WRIGHTIA R. Br. Key to the species 1. Fruits stout,'leaves tomentose W. arborea 1. Fruits slender; leaves glabrous W. tinctoria Wrightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabberley in Taxon 26 (5-6) : 533 . 1977. Periploca arborea (Dennst.) Schlussel : 13, 23, 25. 1818. Wrightia tomentosa R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4 : 414. 1819; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 653. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 199. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. : ‘Pandhara Kud^ \^Smal^e ^ upp 8 m tall with yellowish milky juice. Leaves 6 - 15 x 2 - 6 cm, elliptic- oblong or ovate - oblong, apex, accuminate, tomentose on both sides. Flowers creamy - white, 2.5 cm or more across in terminal corymbose -cymes. Follicles stout, cylindrical, up|^30 cm long, rough with white tubercles. FIs. & Frts. April - December Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 443. 1841. Distrib. Common in Ghat, Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar, Ambeghar.

209 Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 1 : 73. 1811. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 653. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 200. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Kalakuda' ^ \|j(eciduousjtre^up^o 10 m tall with milky latex and greyish bark. Leaves 4-12

X 2-6 cm elliptic lanceolate or elliptic- oblong. Flowers white, in terminal paniculate- cymes. Follicles linear - cylindric, glabrous. Seeds short beaked, longitudinally striate. FIs. & Frts. Nearly throughout the year. Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 444. 1841. Distrib. Common in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat Shivther Ghal, Hirdoshi.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 76. 1811; Wight, Ic.t. 422. 1841; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 642. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay.2 : 194. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Echites scholaris L. Mant. PI. 53. 1767 • Mar. ; ‘Saitan’ Trees, 12 - 14 m|jhigh]Leaves 4 - 7, in whorl, elliptic - oblong, oblanceolate, glabrous. Flowers greenish - white in umbellate -cymes. Follicles cylindric, pendulous, about 15 - 17 cm. Seeds papillose. FIs. & Frts. ; December - March Distrib. : Occasionally in hilly forests. But cultivated at Bhor, Bhatghar.

Allamanda cathartica L. Mant. 2 : 214 . 1771; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 207. 1958 (Repr.ed.); B o le ^ Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. S o c ^ l ; 367. 1984. Climbers^large^Leaves 4 - 5 in whorls, lanceolate, u^o 8.0 cm. long, hairy. Flowers large, yellow. FIs. & Frts. ; June - October. Distrib. : Native of Brazil, often grown in gardens. Bhor Nasarapur.

Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4. 95. 1837. Vinca rosea L. Syst. Nat (ed. 10) 944. 1759; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 640 . 1882 Lochnera rosea (L). Reichb. Con. Sp. Reg. veg. 134. 1828; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 192. 1958 (Repr.ed.). 210 Mar. : ‘Sadaphuli’ Undershrubs; leaves opposite, obovate, lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers red & pink. Follicles green, linear in pairs. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Bhor, Nasarapur, Baneshwar.

C atharanthus pusillus (Murr.) G. Don. Gen. syst. 4 : 95 . 1836; Sant, in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3 : 15 (1961) 1962. Vinca pusilla Murr. in comm. Gotting 3 : 66, t. 2. f. 1. 1773; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 640. 1882. Lochnera pusilla K. Schum. in Engl. & Pranti, Pflanzenf. 4(2); 145.1895; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 191. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, erect, annual, about 30 cm high, branches quadrangulate. Leaves 2-5 x 0.5 - 2.0 cm., ovate - lanceolate. Flowers white, axillary, solitary or in pairs. Follicles 3.5 - 4.5 X 0.1 cm, straight, striate seeds about 0.2 x 0.1 cm, black, cylindric, rounded at both ends, ribbed, muricate. FIs. & Frts. August - September. Ulus. Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi, f. 120 . 1966. Distrib. Common in cultivated fields. Hirdoshi.

Ervatamia divaricata (L.) Burkill in Rec.Bot.Surv.India 10: 320.1925. Nerium divaricata L.Sp. Pl.209.1753. Shrub jZ m high,* leaves oblanceolate to oblong, 7 - 12 x 3.5 cm. Inflorence terminal cyme. Calyx cupular; corolla white, 3-4 cm across, salver form; stamens 5. ovary ovoid. Fruits meri^arps^lO x 1 cm. Cultivated in garden. Bhor, Sarola, Khanapur, Nasarapur. />■

Nerium indicum Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8, no. 2. 1768; Bor & Raiz. Beaut. Ind. Cl. Shr. 199. 1954. N. odorum soland. in Ait. Hort. Kew ed. 1, 1 : 297. 1789; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 655. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 206. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; 'K anhef Shrubs, about 3 - 4 m high. Leaves 8 - 12 x 2 cm, linear, acuminate at apex. Inflorescence of terminal cymose. Flowers white to dark red, fragrant. Fruits a follicle. Seeds brown, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : March - October.

211 Distrib. ; Planted in gardens as an ornamental. Bhor, Bhatghar. Notes : It is a native of Western Himalayas and Nepal.

Plum eria rub ra L. Sp. PI. 209. \153yP. acutifolia Poir. in Lam. Encycl. 2 : 667. 1812; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3 : 641. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres, bombay 2 : 206. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; "Pandhra Chapha’ Trees^ about 4 m high, branches terete. Leaves 20 - 25 x 6 cm. oblong; inflorescence of cymes. Flowers white, yellow at centre, fragrant. Fruits a follicle. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 471.1841 (P. acutifolia) Distrib. : Grown near temples. Baneshwar. Bhatghat dam gardens. Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Merr. Phil. J. Sci. Bot. 9 : 130 . 1914. Cerbera peruviana Pers. Syn. 1 : 267. 1805. Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex. Steud. Nom. 2 ; 680. 1841; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 207. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Pivla Kanher’ |^Smal|^|re^Leaves linear - lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers yellow, bell shaped in axillary cymes. Drupes greenish, yellow, ellipsoid, 4 - angled. Distrib. : Usually planted in gardens. Baneshwar, Bhor. Notes : Fruits are poisonous and bark is bitter.

ASCLEPIADACEAE Key to the genera 1.Anthers without a membranous appendage: 2. Corolla tube long... Ceropegia 2. Corolla rotate.... Frerea 1. Anthers with a membranous appendage.... Calotropis 3. Pollen masses pendulous...... Sarcostemma 3. Pollen masses erect: 4. Corona corolline..... Gymnema 4. Corona staminal: 5. Corolla lobes overlapping: 6. Corona lobes tubercle like.... Tylophora 212 6. Corona lobes adnate to staminal column ; 7. Corona lobes with a subulate process on the inner face of their free appical part.... Pergularia 7. Corona lobes without a subulate process on the ^ inner face of their free apical part Wa^takaka 5. Corolla lobes valvate : 8. Leaves thin“^^corona small^stellate.. Heterostemma 8. Leaves thicK'and fleshy corona large, stellate.... Hoya t A

CALOTROPIS R. Br. Key to the species L Corona - lobes narrow C. gigantea 1. Corona - lobes broad C. l^rocera i-c-

Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2 . 2:78. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 17 . 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 214. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant,and Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 17. 1962; Bole and Almeida in L Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81 : 370. 1984. Asclepias gigantea L. Sp. PI. 214. 1753. ‘Rui’. Mar. ; 'RuV '0 Large shrub with milky latex,(^^i^^woolly, 2 - 3 ni high. Leaves coriaceous, 4.5 - 10 X 2-5 cm, oblong - obovate, cordare at base, acute, i^ig ^ tomentose beneath. Umbels paniculate, axillary and terminal; peduncl^4 - 10 cm long; pedicels 2 - 4 cm long. Calyx lobes 5, glandular within. Corolla lobes 5, pinkish, fleshy, ovate. Corona simple, staminate, Folicular mericarps inflated, fleshy; seeds ovate with silky coma. FIs. & Frts. : February - July. Ulus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; t. 437. 1982. Distrib. : Common in waste places. Varvand, Bhor, Sarola. Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed.2) 2 : 78. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 18. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 215. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Asclepias procera Ait. Hort. Kew (ed.l) 1 : 305. 1789. Mar. : ^RuV Herbs or 3 - 4 m tall shrubs with abundant milky latex. Leaves 4 - 11 x 2 - 6 cm, sessile or sub sessile, thick, glaucous - green. Flowers pale pmk m termmal and

213 lateral, umbellate -cymes. Follicles paired, 7- 10 x 3-4 cm, glaucous-green. Seeds flat with 2-3 cm long coma. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1278. 1848. Distrib. : Common in dry parts. Sarola, Bhor.

CEROPEGIA L. Key to the species 1. Erect herbs.... C.noorjehaniae 1. Twining herbs.: 2. Leaves fleshy..... C.bulbosa 2. Leaves membranous: 3. Corolla lobes equal or longer than tube. C.vincaefolia 3. Corolla lobes shorter than tube.: 4, Corolla tube funnel shapes/.,.. C.oculata 4. Corolla tube sub- cylindric..... C.santapaui

Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. PL 1 : 11. t. 7. 1795; Wight, Ic. t. 845 . 1845; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 67. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 239. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant.& Irani in Uni. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 28. 1962; Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16 : 10. f. 4. 1984. Twiners. Leaves petiolate, the lowest almost orbicular, the upper ones elliptic - oblong^glabrous. Flowers dark - purple. Follicles green, cylindrical. Seeds flat, ovate - oblong with coma. FIs. & Frts. August - September. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 845. 1844 - 45. Distrib. Occasional in the hedges. Warandha Ghat.

Ceropegia oculata Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4093. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 72. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 242 . 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant. & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 . 33 . 1962; Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16 : 26 t. 4 (20) . 1984 & in Red data book Ind. PI. 1 ; 62. 1987.

214 Twiners. Leaves ovate, acuminate, sparsely hairy beneath, ciliate on margins, 4.4 - 4.6 X 1,2 - 4.3 cm. Flowers deep - violet in 4 - 8 flowered cymes; corolla long, swollen at base, lower shorter than tube and united at the apex. FIs. & Frts. : August - Spetember. Distrib. : In hilly forest Warandha Ghat.

Ceropegia santapaui Wadhwa & Ansari in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10 : 95 . t. 1. f. 1-9. 1968; Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16 : 30 t. 25, f. 17. 1984. Climbers. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, 2 - 10 x 1.5 - 2.5 cm. Flowers purple in axillary cymes; peduncles and pedicels sparsely hairy; corolla tube about 0.6 cm long, lobes about 0.5 cm long; corona of 5, elongated. Follicles paired, about 5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : August - October. Distrib. : Rare, endemic to Maharashtra. Warandha Ghat.

Ceropegia nooijohaniae Ansari in J. Bombay Nat. Hist Soc. 69 : 249. t. 1, f. 1-5. 1972. & Fasc. FI. India 16 : 26.1984. Herbs, 15 - 40 cm high, pubescent when young. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 7-9 x 0.3 - 1.5 cm, hairy on upper surface. Flowers in pedunculate, usually 3 - flowered cymes; corolla tube about 1.2 cm long, inflated at base; corona lobes bifid. Follicles in pairs about 9 cm long, tapering at both ends. FIs. & Frts. : July - September. Distrib. : Rare on hill slopes among grasses, Warandha Ghat.

Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3740. 1839 emend. Ansari in Bull. Bot, Surv. India 13 ; 187. 1974 & in Fasc. FI. India 16 ; 31, t . 4, 1984. C. hirsuta var. vincaefolia (Hook.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 72. 1883. C. stocksii Hook. f. op. cit.. 74; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 243. 1958 (Repr.ed.). C. polyantha Blatt. & McC. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 34: 936. 1931. C. oculata vat. subhirsuta Huber in Mem. Soc. Broter . 12 ; 65. 1957; Sant,& Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 34, t . 4. 1962. Twiners. Leaves ovate, 5-10 x 2 . 5 - 4 . 5 cm, puberulous. Flowers in pedunculate cymes; peduncles hirsute; corolla tube 1.6 - 4.5 cm long, inflated at base, 215 funnel shaped at apex; lobes 1.5 - 3.5 cm. long ovate, deltoid at base, linear at apex, pubescents outer corona lobes entire or shortly bifid, inner oblanceolate. FIs. & Frts. : August - September. Distrib. : Hirdoshi, Shivether Ghal.

FREREA Dalz. Frerea indica Dalz. in J. Linn. Soc. 8 : 10. t. 3.1865 ; Hook. f. H. Brit. India 4 : 76. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 243. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant. & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 44. t. 7. 1962; Jain & Sastry in Threatened Plants India 41. t. 1990; Nayar & Satry, Red Data, Book. Ind. PI. 1: 72.1887. Pereimial^ succulent herbs, 10 - 15 cm tall. Stems branched, glabrous, pale - green. Leaves opposite, fleshy, elliptic - oblong, obtuse or sub-acute apex, subsessile,

1.4 - 4.2 X 0.7 - 2.5 cm; corolla rotate, purple with pale - yellow spots in centre. Follicles 2, terete, green, smootl^ Seeds comose. FIs. <& Frts. : September - October. Distrib. : Rare, on the way to Shivthar Ghal. Warandha Ghat.


Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex. Schult. in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 6 : 57. 1819; Wight, Ic. t. 349.1840; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 29. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 224.1958 (Repr.ed.)Perip/oca sylvestre Retz. Obs. Bot. 2:15.1781. Mar.: 'Bedakipala^ Shrubs, much branches, scandent. Leaves ovate - elliptic or oblong, hairy 2.5 - 6 x 2 - 3.4 cm. Flowers minute, greenish - yellow in pedunculate or sessile, umbellate- cymes. Folliscles terete, lanceolate, beaked. FIs. & Frts. : April - May. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat. Notes : The plant is said to be good remedy for diabetes.

216 Heterostemma urceolatum Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. 4 ; 295.1852. Oianthus urceolatus Benth. in Hook. Icon. PI. 1.1991.1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 49.1883; Cooke. H. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 236. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant & Irani in University Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 65. 1962. Climbing undershrub. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate or ovate - lanceolate, acute, sub cordate. Flowers purplish red, few in dense cymes. FIs. & Frts. : July - August. Distrib. : Rare. Hirdoshi Forest.

HOYA R. Br. Hoya Wightii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 59.1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 234. 1958 (Repr.ed.). H. pendula Wight & Am. in Wight contrib. 36.1834. p.p. (Excl. syn, non Wight IC. t. 474.1841); Sant. & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 :56.1962) Mar.: ‘AmbrV Climbers, stout. Leaves elliptic, 7-8 x 3.0 - 3.5 cm, base acute, apex acuminate. Flowers pale yellow in lateral, pedunculate umbels. Corona fleshy, radiating from the staminal colunm. FIs. & Frts. : April - October Distrib. ; Occassional perennials growing on rocks. Warandha Ghat.

PERGULARIA L. Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Res. Sci. Miss. Stephanpanoli Somali. Ital. 1 ; 115. 1961. Asclepias daemia Forssk. FI. Aegypt. Arab. 51.1175. Daemia extensa R. Br. in Mem. Wem. Soc. 1 ; 50 . 1809; Hook. f. H. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 219. 1958. (Repr.ed.). Mar.; "UtarnV Herbaceous twiners with milky latex. Leaves 2 - 8 x 1.3 - 8.3 cm, broadly ovate, hirsute beneath. Flowers creamy - yellow, in umbellate cymes. Follicles lanceolate, hairy, echinate. Seeds broadly ovate hairy with 3 - 5 cm long coma. FIs. & Frts. : September - February.

217 Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 596. 1842. Distrib. : Common on hedges and on shrubs. Warandha Ghat, Bhatghar.

TYLOPHORA R. Br. Tylophora dalzellii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 43. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 227, 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant.& Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 87. t. 11. 1962. Climbing herbs, with stiff, hairy stem. Leaves ovate, ovate - oblong, apex acute - acuminate, glabrescent, 3.5 - 8.4 x 2.4 - 5 - 6 cm. Flowers reddish - purple in axillary, umbellate - cymes. Follicles lanceolate, straight, tapering at apex. FIs. & Frts. : May - October. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat, Apshingi.

SARCOSTEMMA R. Br. Sarcostemma acidum (Roxb.) Voigt, Hort. Sub. Calc. 542. 1845; Sant & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 76. 1962. Asclepias acida Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) . 2 ; 31.1832. S. brevistigma Hook. f.R.Brit. India 4 ; 26.1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 222. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar.: 'Soma’ Herbs, twining. Flowers small on slender pedicels; calyx deeply divided, glandular; corolla campanulate, lobes ovate - oblong; outer corona lobes cupular, inner erect, apex inflexed. Follicles lanceolate. FIs. & Frts. April - July. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 595. 1842 (5. brevistigma). Distrib. Warandha Ghat. Bhutonde, RayreshWar.

WATTAKAKA Hassk. Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) Stapf in Curtis, Bot. Mag. Sub. t. 897. 1923; Huber in Abeyw. FI. Ceylon 1 : 50. 1973. Asclepias volubilis L. f. Suppl. 70. 1781. Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Bth. ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 46 Marsdenia volubilis (L.f.) T. Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 2 : 166. 1904 [2 : 230 . 1958 (Repr.ed.)]. Mar. : ‘Hirandodi’

218 o Large climbers. Leave|rs silky pubescent^6 -12 x 4 - 10 cm^base rounded, apex acuminate. Flowers in lateral umbellate -cymes; peduncles 2 - 3 cm. long, puberulous; calyx lobes ovate - oblong, obtuse; corolla lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, corona 5 - lobed. Follicles paired. FIs. &. Frts. : April - December. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 586. 1840 {Hoya viridiflora). Distrib. ; Perennial in hedges. Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Hirdoshi, Ambawade, Nasarapur, Kikvi, Sarola.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Asclepias curassavica L. Sp. PL 215. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 18. 1883; Cooke, R. Pres. Bombay 2 : 245. 1958 (Repr.ed.) ;Sant. & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. No. 4 : 15. 1962; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81 : 370. 1984. Erect herbs, 1-2 m high. Leaves 5 - 14 x 1 - 4.3 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, attenuate at base, acuminate. Umbels axillary, pubescent; peduncles 2-5 cm long; pedicels 1 - 2 cm long; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate, ciliate; corolla lobes 5, reddish - orange; corona scales simple at staminate column. Follicles of 2 mericarps, beake- Seeds winged with silky coma. FIs. & Frts. : April - July. Illus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 436. 1982. Distrib. : Found in marshy places. Bhor, Hirdoshi.

PERIPLOCACEAE Key to the genera 1. Corolla lobes overlapping..-C Cryptolepis 1. Corolla lobes valvate Hemidesmus

CRYPTOLEPIS L. Cryptolepis buchanani R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4. 409. 1819; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 :5. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 210. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant.& Irani, Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 91. 1962. Mar. ; ‘Karamta’ 219 Stout climbers with milky latex; bark purplish- red, peeling off in papery flakes. Leaves 7.5 - 11.5 x 2.8 - 6 cm, oblong - obovate, acute- obtuse at base, apex acute, glabrous. Racemes umbellate, axillary ; calxy lobes 5; corolla lobes 5, white, lanceolate; stamens 5; corona simple. Follicles of 2 mericarps, 7 - 9 cm long, tapering towards apex- Seeds obovoid with silky coma. FIs. & Frts. April - December. Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 494.1840. Distrib. Occasional, Hirdoshi.

HEMIDESMUS L. Hemidesmus indicus (L.) Schultes in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 6 : 126. 1819; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 5. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 210. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant. & Irani in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 96. 1962. Periploca indica L. Sp. PI. 211. 1753. Mar. ; "AnantmuV Twining^wiry herbs with milky latex. Leaves opposite and whorled, 2.3 - 1.5 x 0.4 - 2.2 cm, linear - lanceolate, apex acute - acuminate, glabrous. Cymes subsessile, clustered, axillary; calyx lobes 5, pale greenish, glandular inside; corolla lobes 5, reddish - brown, fleshy; stamens 5; corona simple. Follicles tapering towards apex. Seeds oblong, coma pale white. FIs. & Frts. : July - December. Illus. ; Wight, Ic.t. 594.1842. Distrib. : Warandha Ghat, near temple. Notes : Roots used as tonio^^^^^^,,^^ ^

CULTIVATED SPECIES Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. ex Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 5 : t . 435 .1820; Wight. Ic .t. 832. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:6. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 245. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Sant. & Irani, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 4 : 93. 1962. Mar. ; 'KavaW Climbers or straggling shrubs. Leaves elliptic - oblong, glabrous. Flowers in 2- 3 chotomous cymes. Follicles green, woody, 3 winged, 10 - 15 cm long. Seeds ovate, silky. FIs. & Frts. : May - June. 220 : Wight. Ic. t. 832. 1844 - 45. Distrib. : On hedges, Bhor, Umbarde. Note : The latex yeilds a good quality of rubber.

GENTIANACEAE Key to the genera 1. Flowers zygomorphic.... Canscora 1. Flowers actinomorphic: 2. Petals glandular...... Swertia 2. Petals eglanduiar: 3. Flowers 5 - merous. Centaurium 3. Flowers 4 - merous. Exacum

CANSCORA R.Br. Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br. Prodr. 451. 1810 (in obs.); C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 :103. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 257. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Gentiana diffusa Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3 : 47 .1994. Slender herbs, branches dichotomous, 18 - 28 cm high. Leaves 0.5 - 5.5 x 0.2 - 1.9 cm, basal leaves elliptic - lanceolate, upper ones membranous, ovate - cordate, J>v obtuse, apex acute - acuminate, glabrous; flowers pink terminal cymes; calyx lobes 4; corolla pink or white; lobes 4; stamens 4, fertile 1, sterile 3. Capsules oblong, bivalved. Seeds warted. FIs. & Frts. : August - May. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1327 . 1848 (C.lawii). Distrib. : Widely distributed on moist rocks, under shade. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

CENTAURIUM Hill Centaurium centaurioides (Roxb.) Rolla Rao & Hemadri in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 67 : 357. 1970. Chironia centaurioides Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey.ed.) 1 : 584 . 1832. Erylhraea roxburghii D. Don in London & Edinb. PhU. Mag. & J. Sci. 8 : 77. 1836; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 102. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 255.

1958 (Repr.ed.). 221 Herbs, 12 - 16 cm high, ascending. Leaves sessile, radical oblong 2.0 - 2.2 x 0.3 - 0.5 cm, apex obtuse; cauline oblong. Flowers pink in dichotomous cymes; anthers spirally twisted at apex. Capsules oblong 0.4 - 0.7 cm. long. FIs. & Frts. : November - February. Jllus. : Wight, Ic.t. 1325. 1948 (£. roxburghii). Distrib. : Common herbs in rice fields at Hirdoshi, Bhor, Bhatghar.

EXACUM L. Key to the species 1. Calyx - lobes winged on the back...... E. pumilum 1. Calyx - lobes not winged on the back...... EJfjzwii

Exacum lawii C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 98. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 254. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 5 - 6 cm high; stems subquandrangular, narrowly winged. Leaves ovate, about 0.8 x 0.3 cm, apex subobtuse, 3 - nerved. Flowers purple; calyx 0.3 - 0.4 cm. long, lobes broadly ovate, 3 - nerved, margin ciliolate, corolla 0.7 - 0.8 cm long, lobes broadly obovate. Capsules subglobose, 0.2 - 0.5 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : September - October.

Distrib. : Common in moist grassy places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther G h ^

Exacum pumilum Griseb. in DC. Prodr. 9 : 46. 1845; Wight, Icon. t. 1324 (3). 1848; C. B.Cl. in Hook. f. H. Brit. India 4 : 98 . 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 254 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect, slender herbs. Leaves linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers bluish to bluish - purple in axillary or terminal cymes. Capsules subglobose. FIs. & Frts. : August - September Distrib. : Among grasses. Bhatghar, Janai temple , near Warandha Ghat.

222 SWERTIA L. Swertia densifolia (Griseb.) Kashyapa in Kew. Bull. 15 : 42. 1961. Ophelia densifolia Griseb. in DC. Prodr. 9 ; 125. 1845. S. decussata Nimmo ex. C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 127 . 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 259. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. ; ‘Kadavi’ Herbs, 40 - 80 cm high* stem^obtusely quadrangular. Leaves numerous, sessile, decussate, ovate, 1.5 - 3.5 x 1.0 - 2.4 cm. long, apex obtuse or shortly apiculate, 5 - nerved. Flowers in dense, terminal corymbose cymes, bracts foliaceous, lanceolate, acute about 0.8 cm long, 3 nerved, calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, nectary yellow, fimbriate. Capsules oblong 0.3 - 0.5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : October - January ^ Distrib. : Common annual in open area. Hirdoshi, Bope A BORAGINACEAE Key to the genera l.Leaves opposite or sub opposite.... Trichodesma c l.Leaves alternate or fascicled 2. Bases of nutlets produced downwards... Cynoglossum 2. Bases of nutlets not produced Adelocaryum

ADELOCARYUM Brand. Key to the species 1. Flowers pale blue with dark centre..... Coelestinum 1. Flowers dark blue..... malabaricum

Adelocaryumi coelestinum (Lindl.) Brand. Fedde Repert 13 ; 549. 1915. Cynoglossum coele stinum Lindl. Bot. Reg. 25 : t. 36. 1839. paracaryum coelestinum Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 2 ; 850. 1876; C.B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 4 ; 160 . 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 285 . 1958 (Repr.ed.) Erect herbs with reddish stem^^and fusiform roots. Leaves broadly ovate, cordate, glabrous, upto 20.0 x 15.0 cm. Flowers wK^ewith blue tinge at centre. Fruits

green, pyramidal 0

223 FIs. & Frts. September - October Ulus. •Wight, Ic. t. 1994 . 1850. Distrib. Frequent in open places and hill tops, found associated with Impatiens Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Rayreshwar.

Adelocaryum malabaricum C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 160. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 286. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, erect, branches^ hairy, 20 - 40 cm high. Radical leaves broadly ovate with long petioles, bulbous hairy above. Inflorescence of terminal racemes forming dense corymbs. Flowers about 1.0 cm in diam. Nutlets ovoid, acute about 0.5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : July - December. Distrib. : Rare. Shivther Ghal. N o te : It is restricted on hill slopes at an attitude of 1000 m above sea level. It is endemic to western Ghat.^ As

CYANOGLOSSUM L. Cyanoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl ex Hornem.) Thunb. ex. Lehm. Neue Schriften Naturf. Ges. Halle 3(2): 20. 1817; Kazmi in J. Arnold Arbor. 52 : 344. 1971. Anchusa zeylanica Vahl ex Homem. Enum. Hafn. 3 : 1807. C. furcatum Wall, ex Roxb. R. Ind.

(Carey ed.) 2 : 6 . 1824; C. B.Cl. in Hook f. R . Brit. India 4 : 155. 1883. C. denticulatum A. DC. var. zeylanicum (Vahl ex Homem.) C.B.Cl. op. cit. 157; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 284. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Lichardi’ Herbs, 25 - 40 cm high, pubescent. Leaves 1 -7 x 0.4 - 4 cm, ovate - lanceolate, obtuse attenuate at base, acute at apex, strigose hairy above; perioles up to 2 cm long. Racemes 3 - 10 cm long; branched, 1 - sided, paniculate, axillary and terminal'Flowers blue;calyx lobes 5; corolla campanulate, lobes 5, blue, scale at throat; stamens 5, included. Nutlets 4, glochidiate; seeds compressed. FIs. & Frts. : January - November. Distrib. : Near the bank of Nira river, Hirdoshi.

224 TRICHODESMA R. Br. Trichodesma indicum (L.) R. Br. Prodr. 496. 1810; Hook. f. FI. brit. India 4 : 153. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 281. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Annauls, erect, much branched, 15 - 40 cm high. Leaves 4.2 x 0.5 - 5 cm, variable, sessile, ovate or oblong or lanceolate oblong, clothed above v^ith stiff hairs, more or less densely villous beneath. Flowers violet - blue, solitary, leaf - opposed and in terminal few - flowered cymes. Fruits pyramidal with persistent style. Nutlets ovoid, smooth, bluish white. FIs. & Frts. August - December. Ulus. Wight, Illustr. t. 172. Distrib. Common during^th^ monsoon. Hirdoshi, Bhatghar.

HELIOTROPIACEAE HELIOTROPIUM L. Key to the species 1. Flowers yellow or greenish yellow...... H. subulatum 4. Flowers white H. ovalifolium Heliotropium subulatum Hochst. ex DC. Prodr. 9 : 528 & 551. 1845. H. zeylanicum Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 148. 1883; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 2 : 274. 1958 (Repr.ed.) (non Lam. 1787). '^ ^ m d l ^erect, 20 - 35 cm tall\ |A n rm a^ 1.2 - 6.0 x 0.2 - 1.5 cm, lanceolate and densely strigose. Flowers greenish yellow, sessile, in 15 - 30 cm long, terminal, simple or branched, scorploid cymes; corolla lobes caudate - acuminate. Nuts 4, conical glabrous minutely tuberculate. FIs. & Frts. July - November Ulus. Wight, Icon.t. 892. 1844 - 45 Distrib. Waste places. Hirdoshi, Ambadkhind. Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. FI. Aegypt - Arab. 38. 1775; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 150. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 278. 1958 (Repr.ed.). [-]^ect or procembent/Herbs7i'up|to 20cm tall.Stem^ clothed with white hairs from bulbous base, branching from the base. Leaves ovate, elliptic about 12-16 x 5-10 .

225 mm. Flowers white, in terminal, ebracteate, 2 - 4 cm long spikes. Nutlets ovate, 1-5 mm long. FIs. & Frts. June - February. I Hus. Wigtht, Icon.t. 1388.1848. Distrib. Common along wet places. Bhatghar, Warandha Ghat.

CORDIACEAE CORDIA L. f c • Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. Prodr. 18. 1876. Qordia myxa auct. ^lur. non L. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 136 .1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 265 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Bhokar’ Ifyliddle size^ree^^ith youn^ parts pubescent. Leaves alternate ovate, elliptic or orbicular 4-9 x 3 - 5.5 cm, coriaceous, glabrous. Flowers white or cremy yellow, polygamous in axillary and terminal cymose panicles. Drupes pale orange, globose. FIs. & Frts. March - June. Ulus. Bedd., F l«. Sylvat. t. 245, A. 1872. Distrib. Planted in fields and occasional in deciduous forests. Nasarapur, Bhor, Warandha Ghat.

CONVOVULACEAE Key to the genera 1. Corolla tube usually uniformly enlarged from base to apex. 2. Style 2 free 8 partly united, below : 3. Sepals much enlarged in fruits...... Parana 3. Sepals not or slightly enlarged in fruits...... Evolvulus. 2. Style entire, stigma usually bifid..... Convolvulus 1. Corolla tube not ui^ormly enlarged from base to apex ; 4. Fruilj^dehiscent...... Ipomoea 4. Fruit^ndehiscent..... Argyreia ARGYREIA Lour. Key to the species A. cuneata 1. Erect shrubs.... A. involucrata. 1. Scandent shrubs.....

226 Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker- Gawl. in Bot. Reg. 8 , t . 661. 1822; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 191. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 327. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Convolvules cuneata Willd. Sp. PI. 1 ; 878 . 1798. Mar. : ‘‘MhalungV (-€rect^silkyf^hrub,| 1- 1.5 m high. Leaves 2.4 - 10 x 0.9 - 4 cm, obovate - oblanceolate, acute - obtuse at base, obtuse - retuse, pubescent beneath, cymes axillary, few flowered peduncle 3.5 cm long; calyx 5, lobes 5; corolla purple showy. Stamens 5. Berry ovoid, apiculate, shining. Seeds smooth. FIs. & Frts. : July - December • Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 476 & 9746. sO Distrib. Road sidej^Hirdoshi. Argyreia invoiucrata C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 187. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 325. 1959 (Repr.ed.).

Scandent shrubs; stems hairy. Leaves ovate, about 10 x 8 cm,glabrous, petioles long. Flowers purple, bands dark, hairy. Fruits berries about 1 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : July - October. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar fort. CONVOLVULUS L. Convolvulus arvensis L. Sp. PI. 153, 1753. C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.India 4 : 219, 1883; Cooke,-FI. Pres.Bombay 2: 303.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'ChandveV Herbs^ annual, glabrous, much branched spreading on the ground. Leaves ovate or oblong - sagittate. Flowers whity or pink, solitary, axillary, on long peduncles. Capsules globose. FIs. & Frts. : August - February. Distrib. : Common weed in rice and wheat field. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Khanapur.

EVOLVULUS L. Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 392. 1762; C.B.Cl. in Hook. t. FI. Brit. India 4 : 220. 1883; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 297. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Convolvulus alsinoides L. Sp. PI. 157. 1753.

227 Mar. : 'Vishnukranta^ y Kostrate Herb^ootstock woody branches, silky pubescent. Leaves 0.5 - 1.8 x 0.3 - 0.8 cm, elliptic, ovate - oblong, obovate, acute at base, obtuse - acute, apiculate, silky hairy. Cymes sxillary, 1-3 flowered, peduncles slender, 1.5 to 2.5 cm long; bracts lanceolate; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate; corolla campanulate, light blue or white; stamens 5. Capsules globose; Seeds glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : July - December Illus. : Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi f. 146. 1966. 5 Distrib. : Occasional near cultivated fields and along roadside. Nasarapur, Bhor.

IPOMOEA L. Key to the species 1. Leaves 3-5 lobed...... /. nil 1. Leaves entire: j.c ’ ^ 2. Erect shrubs; flow ers injpanicles...... I. carnea 2. Twiners; flowers solitary /. curassavica

Ipomoea carnea Jacq.(^bsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex. Choisy) Austin in Taxon 26 : 237. 1977.1, fistulosa Mart. ex. Choisy in DC. Prodr. g ; 349. 1885. /. carnea Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib 13 . 1760; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 321. 1958 (Repr.ed.). I. crassicaulis (Bth.) B. L. Robinson in Proc. Amer. Acad. 51. 530. 1860, Ooststr. in Steenis, FI. Males. 1, 4 : 485. 1953. Mar. : 'Besharam' Scandent shrubs with milky juice and hard young parts. Leaves broadly ovate, 6 - 13 x 5 - 10 cm, thinly pubescent beneath. Flowers pale pink in axillary or terminal corymbose cymes. FIs. &. Frts. : More or less throughout the year. Distrib. : Common weed in^^rshy places. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Ipomoea curassavica Al. Auct. Syn. 10. 1773; Dandy in Taxon 19 : 622. 1970. I. obscura (L.) Ker - Gawl. in Bot. Reg. 3 : t. 239 . 1817; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.

228 jJndia 4 : 207. 1^3; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 317. 1958 (Repr.ed.) ^ststr. in "^ te en is, FI. ^ le s j^ , 4 ; 471, f. 44, 1953. M ar. ; ‘‘PungW Stem prostrate, glabrescent. Leaves ovate orbicular, base cordate, apex acute. Bracts lanceolate, minute; speals oblong; corolla long. Capsules subglobose.

FIs. & Frts. : December - April ^ q Distrib. : Common climbers along road-side Hirdoshi. Ipomoea nU (L.) Roth, 0at. Bot. 1 : 36. 1797;'^^n Ooststr. in FI. ^ a l£ . ser. 1, 4 : 465 : 1952. (^nvolvulus nil L. Sp. PI. (ed. 2) 1 : 219. 1762. Ipomoea hederacea auct. iioii (L.) Jacq. 1787, C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 199. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 321. 1958 (R e p r^ glender^^hair)^^imber^|Ixaves ovate - sub - orbicular, 3 - 5 lobed, hairy 3.2 -

10 X 2.4 - 9.2 cm. Flowers blue, throat white, solitary, axillary or a few in cymes. Capsules globose, smooth. Seeds dark brown, pyriform, densely pubescent. FIs. <& Frts. : September - October Distrib. : On hedges. Bhor, Hirdoshi. PORANA Roxb. Porana racemosa Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 ; 41. 1824; Ooststr. in Steenis, FI. Males. 1, 4 ; 403. 1953. P. malabarica C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 223. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 294. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Climbers, extensive. Leaves 2.5 - 10 x 2.5 - 7.0 cm, ovate, deeply cordate at base, apex acuminate, appressed - pilose on both sodes. Inflorescence of panicles, axillary. Flowers white. Capsule about 0.7 cm long, ovoid. Seed 1, ovoid. FIs. & Frts. ; October - November Illus. : Talbot For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 298, f. 432. 1911 {P. malabarica). Distrib. : Rare on Carissa(0ongesta. Warandha Ghat.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Encycl. 1 ; 465 . 1793; F. B. I. 4 : 202, 1883. Convolvulus batatas L. Sp. PI. 154, 1753. Batatas edulis Choisy, convol. Orient, in Mem. Soc.

Phys. Genev. 6 ; 535, 1134. Mar. : ‘Ratali’

229 Creeping or twining herbaceous plant, rooting at nodes. Roots large, tuberous, white or red. Leaves variable in shape, entire or dived, often palmately 3 - 5 lobed, cordate at base, lanceolate. Flowers reddish purple axillary peduncled cymes. Fruits not seen. FI Feb - March Distrib. Cultivated at Bhor, Kapurvol district, Nasarapur, Kikvi.

Ipomoea cairka (L) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 287. 1827; Ooststr. in(s)teenis FI. ij^ales. 1, 4 ; 478. 1953; Sant^in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16 (1): 195. 1967 (3rd Rev. ed.) Convolvulus cairicus L. syst. Nat. ed. 10. 922. 1759.1, palmata Forssk. FI. Aeg - Arab. 43. 1775; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 214. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 319. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Twiners. Leaves palmately 5-7 lobed, lobes oblanceolate, 3-6 x 1.0 - 2.5 cm. Flowers violet, solitary, axillai^. Capsules sub- globose about 1.2 cm. across. k ? FIs. & Frts. April - May Ulus. Wight, Ic. t. 156. 1839 (/. pulchella). Distrib. Grown on wall^Bhor.

Ipomoea hederifolia L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 925. 1759; ^erdcourt, FI. Trp. Afr. 132 . 1863. Ipomoea angulata Lamk. Table. Enclycl. 1 ; 464. 1791. Quamoclit coccinea Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 330. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Twiners with obtusely 4 - gonous stem. Branches minutely pubescent. Leaves broadly ovate, 6-9 x 5 - 7.5 cm, acuminate, cordate and broadly cuneate at base. Flowers scarlet, in terminal, lax, dichasial c^mes. Capsules globose, 4 - gonous, up to 0.7 cm, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. September - January. Distrib. Occasional on the hedges. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur, Warandha Ghat.

230 Ipomoea quamoclit L. Sp. PI. 159. 1753 ; Hook, f, FI. Brit. India 4 : 199. 1883; Oostst. in Steenis, FI. Malesiana ser. 14 (4): 482. 1953; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 331.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Ganeshvel’ Slender, glabrous, herbaceous twiners. Leaves ovate to oblong, in outline, 2-8

X 1-5 cm, deeply pinnatisect; segments narrowly linear or filiform. Flower scarlet - red, 2.5 - 3.5 cm long, axillary, solitary or few in cymes. Capsules ovoid, nearly globose, glabrous.

FIs. & Frts. : August - October 3 Q Distrib. Common on hedges and cultived in garden|^Baneshwar

CUSCUTACEAE CUSCUTA L. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. PI. Cor. 2 : 3. 104 . 1819 & FI. Ind. 1 : 445. 1832 Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 225;1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 292. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Amarvel’ Leafless^ stem parasites, twining. Stems glabrous, pale yellow, some - what thick and fleshy. Flowers white or creamy -white, solitary or 2-3 in cymes & short racemes. Capsules globose, circumscissile near the base, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : December - April Distrib. : Common on different host^ ^uch as Ficus, Vitex etc. Bhor, Nasarapur.

SOLANACEAE Key to the genera 1. Fruit capsular.... Datura 1, Fruit berry ; 2. Anther opening by apical pores.. Solarium 2. Anther dehiscing longitudinally : Physalis 3. Flowers solitary..... Withania 3. Flowers clustered....

231 DATURA L. Key to the species 1. Capsules erect.... D. stramonium 1. Capsules inclined. ^ 2. Corolla pure white * fruit with weak prickles...... D. innoxia A ^5 2. Corolla often purplish' fruit^ith conical prickles...... P. metel D atura metel L. Sp. PI. 179. 1^53; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 344. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Deb in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1 : 37. 1980. D. fastusa L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 932. 1759; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 242. 1883; Cooke, op. cit. Mar. : 'Kala - dhatara’ Herbs, about 1 m high; stem^divaricately branched, pubescent. Leaves ovate, 4 - 9 X 2 - 4 cm, base truncate, apex acute. Flowers Wight, solitary, axillary; calyx

tubular, 8 - 9 cm long, pubescent; teeth triangular acute; corolla tube 12 -13 cm. long;

lobes shortly deltoid. Capsules subglobose. 2 - 3 cm. across. FIs. & Frts. ; November-December Ulus. : Wight. Ic. t. 1396. 1848. Distrib. : Frequent in waste places and along sides. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur. D atura innoxia Mill. Grdn. Diet. (ed. 8) no. 5. 1768. Datura metel auct non L; Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 4 : 243. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 344. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Dhotra’ ^

Small undershrubs, uj^to 10 cm tall, softly pubescent. Leaves ovate, 10-15 x 6 - 8.5 cm, very unequal sided at base, obscurely sinuate, dentate. Capsules globose, clothed with weak long spines, septifragally dehiscent, nodding, supported on reflexed calyx base. FIs. & Frts. : September - March ^ Distrib. : Common in waste land. Bhor, Umbarde.

I - ■ " D atura (^ram onium L. Sp. PI. 179. 1753; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 :242 . 1883; Deb in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1; 38,1980.

232 Herbs, about 1.5 - 1.0 m high. Leaves ovate - oblong, margins irregularly lobed. Flowers white to purple, solitary, axillary. Capsules ovoid, spiny. FIs. & Frts. : June - September. Distrib. : Occasional in Waste places. Hirdoshi, Bhor.

PHYSALIS L. Key to the species 1. Flowers yellow with brown spots; anthers greenish...... P. longifolia 1. Flowers uniformly yellow; anthers yellow P. minima

Physalis longifolia Nutt, in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 5 : 93. 1837; Sant, in J. Bombay Nat, Hist. Soc, 58 :550,1961. Herbs ^Im high. Stems dichotomously branched, pubescent when young. Leaves ovate or oblong - ovate, 5 - 10 x 3,5 - 6,5 cm, glabrous above, puberulous beneath. Flowers solitary, axillary. Berries subglobose, 1 cm across with persistent calyx. FIs. & Frts. : November - January. Distrib. : Rare perennial found near cultivated fields, Hirdoshi,

Physalis minima L. Sp. PI, 183 , 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit, India 4 : 238. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 340.1958 (Repr.ed.). Soft herbs, 20 - 40 cm tall, profusely branched. Leaves broadly ovate, unequal sided at base, margins, broadly serrate. Flowers uniformly pale yellowish, solitary, axillary, nodding on a slender penduncle. Berries orange - yellow, ovate, 7-6 cm, shortly stalked enclosed in a inflated persistent calyx. FIs. & Frts. : October - February, Q Distrib. : Common weed in wet places Bhatghar, Bhor, Nasarapur.

SOLANUM L, Key to the species 1, Unarmed.... nigrum 233 1. Armed with prickles:

2. Herbs 5 Surattense 2. Shrubs & undershrubs S. anguivi

Solanum anguivi L. Sp. PI. 187. 1753; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 234. 1883; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 336. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Deb. in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1 : 47. 1980. Mar. : 'Ran Wange' Shrubs, 1 - 2 m high; stems prickly, stellately tomentose, leaves ovate - oblong,

4- 13 X 1 - 5 cm, tomentose. Flowers pale purple in lateral cymes; calyx stellately hairy, lobes traingular. Barries globose, 1 cm across, yellow. Seeds minutely pitted. FIs. & Frts. June - November Illus. Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi f. 151. 1960. Distrib. Common among undergrowth in deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat, Umbarde, Rayari.

Solanum nigrum L. Sp. PI. 186. 1753 ; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 229. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 332. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Deb in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1 : 49. 1980. Mar. : 'KanganV

Herbs^l m high. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, 2 - 13 x 1.5 - 6.0 cm thin, base tapering, margins entire or slightly toothed, sparsely pubescent. Flowers white, in extra - axillary, sub-umbellate cymes. Berries globose, 0.5 - 0.8 cm across, purplish - black when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : Throughtout the year. Illus. ; Wight, Ic. t. 344. 1840 (S. rubrum Mill. Card. Diet. ed. 8 . n. 4. 1768). ^ ^ Distrib. : Common weed near cultivated fields^along road side. Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat.

Solanum surattense Burm. f. FI. Ind. 57. 1768. (Excl. Syn. Pluk and Raj. Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad and Wendl. Sert. Hanov. 1 ; 8 . t. 2. 1795; Cl. in Hook. f. B . Brit. India 4 : 236. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 335.1958 (Repr.ed.) 234 Mar. : 'Bhui-ringnV ^ ^ Prostrate annual, armed all over, with staight, sharp, yellow prickles. Leaves ovate - elliptic or elliptic -oblong 5 - 12 x 1 - 5 cm sinuately pinnatifid. Flowers purple in extra - axillary, few flowered cymes or solitary. Berries 1.8 - 2.0 cm across, yelllow, globose. Seeds black. FIs. & Frts. : January - June Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1404. 1848 {S.jacquini Willd. Sp. PI. 1 : 1041.1798). Distrib. : Very common in waste land along road side^ Bhor, Hirdoshi.

WITHANIA Pauq. Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal in DC. Prodr. 13 : 453. 1852; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 239. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 341. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Deb in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1 : 52. 1980. Physalis somnifera L. Sp. PI. 182. 1753.

Undershrubs, 1 - 2 m high. Leaves ovate, 6 - 8 x 3.0 - 4.5 cm, pubescent on nerves; petioles 1 cm. long, stellately tomentose. Flowers greenish - yellow in axillary umbellate - cymes; calyx and corolla stellate tomentose. Berries globose, enclosed within enlarged calyx. FIs. & Frts. : July - October Illus. ; Wight. Ic. t. 853. 1844 (P. somnifera). Distrib. : Rare in waste places. Venupuri, Umbarde.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Capsicum annuum L. var. acuminata Fingerh. Mon. Gen. Caps. 13. t. 2. f. c. 1832; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 347. 1958 (Repr.ed.) C. frutescens Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 ; 574. 1832, auct. non. L. (1753); C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 239. 1883. Mar. : ‘MirchV Perennial herbs. Leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate. Inflorcence axillary solitary. Flowers white. Berries green and red. Note : Native of South America, cultivate thorughout the area for its edible fruits.

235 Cestnim diurnum L.

Shrub^i to 4 m high. Leaves oblanceolate - oblong, 8 - 10 x 2 - 5 cm. P a n ^les axillary; calyx puberulous; corolla white ^8 mm across, rounded, 5 lobegj Planted in gardens Bhor.

C estnim nocturnum L. Sp. PI. 191. 1753. Mar. : 'Rat rani’ Erect under shrubs. Leaves simple, ovate - lanceolate. Flowers greenish - white in axillary and terminal cymes, combined into a leafy panicle. Cultivated in gardens for ornamental purpose. Bhor, Nasarapur, Banehswar.

Solanum melongena L. Sp. PL 186. 1753; Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 235. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 339. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. : ‘Wa/zga’ Armed annuals, 25 - 50 cm tall; stem^and branches stellately, grey - tomentose. prickless few, short. Leaves ovate - oblong, 15 - 20 x 6 - 10 cm. often smaller, sinuately lobed. Flowers purple in short, few flowered, racemose cymes. Berries ovoid -ellipsoid or oblong, varying in colours. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the year. Distrib. Cultivated for fruits. Bhor, Nasarapur, Engawali. Solanum wendlandii Hook: f. . Armed, climbing shrubf prickles recurved, scattered on the branches. Leaves variable, pinnatifid. Cymes 20 - 25 cm across; calyx campanulate; corolla rotate. Cultivated in gardens Nasarapur. LYCOPERSICON Mill. Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten. Deutsch. FI. 966. 1855; Deb. in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 1 ; 4. 1980. Solanum lycopersicum L. Sp. PI. 185. 1753. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Card. Diet. ed. 8 No. 2, 1768; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 237. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 345. 1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.: ‘Tomato' Herbs, sticky pubescent. Leaves pinnatisect. Flowers yellow, solitary. Berries

irregularly 4 - 6 lobed, depressed - globose, seeds discoid. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year.

236 Distrib. : Common - Bhor, Engawali.

SCROPHULARIACEAE Key to genera 1. Leaves heterophyllous Limnophila. 1. Leaves not heterophyllous ; 2. Leaves alternate Verbascum 2. Leaves opposite: 3. Corolla spurred, Kickxia 3. Corolla not spurred: 4. Leaves pinnate.... Sopubia 4. Leaves not divided : 5. Leaves linear.., , Striga 5. Leaves various, never linear Buchnera

BUCHNERA L. Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal. 91. 1825; Hooke f.Fl. Brit. India 4 : 298. 1884. ( Erect^ n u a l^ erbs,| about 35 cm high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate. Flowers in long spikes, pale violet, showy. Capsules enclosed by hispid calyx. Seeds numerous small. FIs. & Frts. : September - December Distrib. : Common in moist places. Warandha Ghat.

KICKXIA Dumort. Kickxia ramosissima (Wall.) Janchen in Oesterr Bot. Zeit. 82 : 152. 1933. Linaria ramosissima Wall. PI. As. Rar. 2 : 43 . t. 153. 1831; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 251. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 353. 1959 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'HarankulV Pernnial herbs, often much branched from the base. Branches slender, 20 - 70 cm long, glabrous. Leaves alternate, 1-4 x 0.8 - 3.0 cm, glabrous; the lower 3-7 lobed, triangular, hastate; the upper usually lanceolate - saggitate, apiculate. Flowers yellow, with filiform, axillary pedicels. Capsules subglobuse, about 0.3 cm m diameter.

237 FIs. & Frts. September - October.

Illus. Wight, 111. t. 185. 1840. ^ Distrib. Common on the fort wall. Raiyreshwar.

LIMNOPHILA R. Br. Key to the species 1. Flowers distinctly pedicellate...... L. indica 1. Flowers sessile or sub -sessile...... L. heterophylla

Limnophila heterophylla (Roxb.) Bth. Scroph. Ind. 25. 1835; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 270. 1884; Philcox in Kew Bull. 24 : 124. 1970. Columnea heterophylla Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3 : 97 .1832. \•ferectjn b r^ 11-18 cm high. Lower leaves whorled, pinnatisect; upper decussate, 2 - 3.4 x 2.8 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, decurrent, serrate, acute. Flowers solitary axillary; calyx lobes 5, equal; corolla tubular, lobes 5, unequal, blue, throax yellow with pink streaks; stamens 4, didynamous. Capsules globose. Seeds many, angular. FIs. & Frts. ; August - September Distrib. : Common on Shivther Ghat.

Limnophila indica (L.) Druce in Rep. Bot. Exch. club. Soc. Brit. Isles 3 : 420, 1914; Philcox in Kew Bull. 24 : 115. 1970. Hottonia indica L. Syst. nat. ed. 10. 919. 1759. L. gratioloides R. Br. Prodr. 442. 1810; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 271. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 362.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. ; 'TurtV Herbs, 5 - 7 cm high. Leaves whorled, lanciniate, about 1 cm long. Flowers solitary, axillary, rarely 2; bracts leafy; pedicels about 1 cm long; calyx lobes 5, scabrous; corolla yellow, lobes 5, unequal, throat purple; stamens 4. Capsules globose. Seeds many, angular. FIs. & Frts. January - October. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 861. 1844. Q Distrib. Common in water logged areas Bhor, Bhatghar.

238 SOPUBIA Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Sopubia delphinifolia (L.) G. Don Gen. Syst. 4 : 560; 1837; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 302. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 379. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Gerardia delphinifolia L. Cent. PI. 2 : 21. 1756. Herbs, 20 - 30 cm high, stems grooved, sub-quadrangular. Leaves 1.0 - 2 - 5 cm long, lobes filiform. Flowers in terminal racemes; bracteoles filiform, 1 cm long. Capsules 0.5 - 0.7 cm long seeds cuneate - oblong, striate. FIs. & Frts. : September - November Distrib. rCommon in grasslands and along exposed slopes during post-monsoon season. Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

STRIGA Lour. Striga densiflora Benth. in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. 1 : 363. 1836; Hook. f. Brit. India 4 ; 299. 1884; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 375. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Saldanha C. J. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 5 (1) : 69. 1963. Buchnera densiflora Benth. Scroph. India 41. 1 8 3 5 . ^ ------'------35 cm tall, scabridly hairy ^erb^Leaves 1-3^ 0.2 - 0.5 cm, sessile, narrowly linear. Flowers white , in slender spikes. Capsules upjto 0.5 cm long, smooth, glabrous, globose or ovoid. Seeds blackish - brown, reticulate. FIs. & Frts. : August - October Distrib. : Frequent in open grasslands. Shivtheghal, Bhor.

VERBASCUM L. Verbascum chinense (L.) Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16 (1) ; 177. 1967 (3rd Rev. ed.). Scrophularia chinensis L. Mant. PI. 2 : 250. 1771. Celsia coromandeliana Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3 : 79. 1794; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 240. 1884; Cooke; FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 352. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs about 1 m high. Leaves oblanceolate, 4 - 10 x 1.5 - 4.5 cm, base cuneate, apex acute,pubescent. Flowers yellow in 10 - 15 cm long raceme. Capsules 0.5 - 0.7 cm across, 2 - valved. Seeds oblong. FIs. & Frts. : April - November

239 Illus. ‘.Wight, Ic. t. 1406. 1846 (C. coromandeliana) Distrib. iCommon weeds in waste places. Kanare, Khanapur, Utroli.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Russelia equisetiformis Schlecht. & Cham, in Linnaea 6 : 377. 1831; Sant. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 49 : 47, 1950; Mahesh. FI. Delhi, 251, 1963. R. juncea Zucc. in Flora 15 (2) Baily. 99, 1832. \/^%ect or~drooping7lTiucirb^ Stems ribbed. Leaves whorled, linear upper ones reduced to minute scales. Flowers numerous red or bright scarlet, dichotomous cymes. FIs. & Frts. : June - November. Distrib. : Grown in gardens. Bhor, Baneshwar.

OROBANCHACEAE AEGINETIA L. Aeginetia indica L. Sp. PI. 632. 1753; Wight, Ic.t. 895. 1844 - 1845; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 384^1958 (Repr.ed.).

"^i^ect, leaflessT^capiger^, purple, pa'rasitic^^e^ with tuberous rhizomes, 10 - 30 cm; corolla purple, inflated tube. Capsules ovoid, beaked, enclosed in persistent calyx and corolla. Seeds minute, brownish. FIs. & Frts. : September - October Distrib. : In hilly fores^Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi

LENTIBULARIACEAE ULTRICULARIA L. Key to the species 1. Leaves more or less lineai; sepals nearly equal U. coerulea 1. Leaves orbicular or reniforhi7^rsisten t; sepals very unequal...?7. striatula

Utricularia coerulea L. Sp. PI. 18. 1753; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 331. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 392. 1958 (Repr.ed.).

240 Herbs, 10 - 20 cm high; bladders globose, minute. Leaves 1 - 5 cm long, base attenuate. Flowers bluish - purple in lax racemes; bracts ovate, acuminate; calyx upper lobe ovate, lower narrower, 2 - lobed. Capsules ovoid, enclosed in enlarged calyx. FIs. & Frts. : October - December Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1573. 1850 Distrib. : Slender herbs in moist situations. Bhatghar, Warandha Ghat. Utricularia striatula J.E. Sm. in Rees, Cyclop. 37 no. 17. 1819; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 393. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Taylor in Kew Bull. 18 ; 91, 92, f. 3. 1964. U. orbiculata Wall, ex A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 8 : 18. 1844; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 334.1884. Herbs, tiny, stolons filiform creeping, bearing leaves and bladders. Leaves orbicular - reniform , small petiolate. Inflorescence 2 to 3 cm long, recemes. Flowers blue. Capsules subglobose. FIs. & Frts. ; September - November Distrib. : Wet rock. Warandha Ghat, Umbarde

GESNERIACEAE RHYNCHOGLOSSUM Bl. Key to the species 1. Calyx winged; stamens 4.... R. notonianum 1. Calyx not winged; stamens 2.... . R. obliquum var. parviflorum

Rhunchoglossum obliquum Bl. var. £arvtflori^C. B. Cl. in DC. Mon. Phan. 5 : 161 1884 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 367. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 398. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 82 ; 73.1985.

Herbs, about 50 cm. high. Leaves elliptic - oblong, 5 - 15 x 2 - 7 cm, base unequal, apex acuminate. Flowers blue in solitary or paired racemes. Capsules ovoid. Seeds minute. FIs. & Frts. : October - January. Distrib. : Occasional in moist situation. Hirdoshi, Umbarde.

241 Rhynchoglossum notonianum (Wall.) Burtt in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 24 ; 170. 1962. Wulfenia notonianum Wall. Tent. FI. Nepal. 46. 1826. Klugia notonianum (Wall.) A. DC. in DC. Prodr. 9 ; 276. 1885; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 366. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 397. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, slender, 9 -10 cm high. Leaves ovate, 2 - 5 x 1.0 - 1.5 cm, base oblique, auriculate. Flowers purple in terminal racemes, bracts linear. Capsules broadly ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Illus. : Wight. Ic. t. 1353, 1848 (K.notonianum). Distrib. ; Common monsoon herbs along Ghat. Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar. BIGNONIACEAE HETEROPHRGMA DC. Heterophragma quadriloculare (Roxb.) K. Schum. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf. 4 (3b) : 243. 1895. Bignonia quadrilocularisy Roxb. PI. Cor. 2 : 24, t. 145. 1800. Heterophragma roxburghii A. DC. Prodr. 9. 210. 1885; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 381. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 404. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. ; ‘Waras'

Trees, 6 - 12 m high. Leaves pinnate, 30 - 35 cm long, leaflets imparipinnate,

5.0 - 10.0 X 4 -7 cm, oblong. Inflorescence large, terminal, many flowered panicles. Flowers white fragrant. Capsules linear. Seeds 3.0 x 1.5 cm. FIs. & Frts. : February - May Illus. : Talbot, for FL Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 311, f. 437. 1911, PL 14. Q Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopesj^Warandha Ghat. CULTIVATED SPECIES Spathodea campanulata D. Beauv. FI. D’owar 1 : 47 tt. 27 - 28, 1805.^ Medium sized trees; young branches glabrous. Leaves large up ^5 cm long, opposite, leaflets elliptic, oblong, acuminate. Flowers large, orange -scarlet. Capsules elongate. FIs. & Frts. : December - April ^ Distrib. : Grown in gardens and along road side. Nasarapur.

242 Millingtonia hortensis L. f, Suppl. 291, 1781; f,B . I. 4 ; 377,1884. Tall, handsome trees with corky bark. Leaves 2 - 3 pinnate, leaflets ovate, lanceolate, accuminate, rounded at base. Flowers fragrant in axillary terminal, panicles, white. FIs. & Frts. : October - December ^ Distrib. : Generally planted in garden Bhor, Kamthadi, Ambeghar. A

Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don in Bot. Reg. t. 631, 1822 and Edinb. Phil Jour. 264, 1823. ^ ^m all^orji^dium size^ltres^-lxaves bi-pinnate, pinnae 15 - 20 pairs. Flowers blue in terminal panicles. Capsules orbicular. FIs. & Frts. : April - June ^ Distrib. : Planted in gardens & along road sides Nasarapur, Bhor.

Pyrostegia (i^e^resl. Trees ; branchlets striate. Leaflets ovate to ovate - oblong; petioles pubescent. Flowers crimson - orange, long, in many flowers; pendulous panicles; calyx glandular, ciliate; corolla - lobes oblong, obtuse. Cultivated in garden! Nasarapur.

Kigella pinnata, DC. '^ ’all trees, 5 - 7 m high. Leaves ternate 7-9, oblong, toothed or entire, glabrous. Flowers scarlet coloured; j^iow^ gourd like long, hanging on cord like stall^

to several m^ long. ^ q Cultivated in garden^Bhor.

Tabebuia argej^ea Britt. Trees utiW 7 - 8 m high. Leaves 5 - 7 oblong, leaflets long, densely silvery - scaly on both sides. Flowers yellow, long. Capsules long, greay lined with black. FIs. & Frts. : December - May Distrib. : Cultivated forest nursery Baneshwar.

243 Tabebuia pentaphylla Hemsl.

Trees^2 - 6 m tall. ‘Leaves petioled, oblong entire, leaflets 3 - 6 cm long. Flowers rose, pink or white.

FIs. & Frt?. : q May -August Cultivated forest nursery Baneshwar, k- k

Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth in H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3 : 144. 1819. Bignonia stans L. Sp. PI. (ed. 2) 871. 1763; Stenolobium stans Steem. in J. Bot. 1 : 8 8 . 1863; C. B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 382. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 410 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Shrubs, 1 - 3 m. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets ovate - lanceolate, serrate. Flowers yellow in racemes. Native of America, usually planted in gardens at Bhor.

PEDALL4CEAE SESAMUM L. Key to the species ^ 1. Plants prostrate with pinnatifi^d leaves S. orientale 1. Plants erect with palmately leaves..... S. mulayanum

Sesamum orientale L. Sp. PI. 634. 1753 : Backer & Bakh. f. FI. Java 2 : 544. 1965. S. indicum L. op. cit.; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 387. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 413. 1958. (Repr.ed.). Mar. : T iT . Herbs, 1 m high; stems quadrangular, hairy. Lower leaves opposite, 2 - 3 lobed; upper alternate, 5 - 10 x 1 - 3 cm, sparsely hairy. Flowers pinkish - purple, solitary, axillary. Capsules oblong, beaked, glandular - hairy. FIs. & Frts. : August - September. nius. : Wight, 111. t. 163. 1850 (S. indicum). Distrib. : Cultivated for seeds for oil extraction rarely found as an escape Varvand. k

Sesamum mulayanum Nair, Bull^Bot. Surv. India 5 (3 & 4): 251 - 253.1963.

244 Mar. : ‘Rantil’ Strongly smelling annuals; 0.5 - 4 cm tall with, branches and stem^ quadrangular. Leaves very variable, often heteromorphic, opposite or upper alternate, usually 3 - foliate, 3 - lobed or 3 - partile, lower ones undivided. Flowers pink or pinkish - white, solitary in the axis of higher leaves. Capsules erect, oblong, quadrangular, 2 - 2.5 cm long. Seeds brownish - black. FIs. & Frts. : August - December Distrib. : Frequent in was^places, road sides and as a weed in cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur.

MARTYNIACEAE MARTYNIA L. Martynia L. Sp. PI. 618. llS^M artynia diandra Glox. Obs. Bot. 14 . t. 1. 185; Hook^f^H. Brit. India 4 : 386. 1884; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 2 : 414. 1958 (Repr.ed.) M ar.; ‘ VinchavV ^ Glandular - hairy herbs, upjto 2 m tall. Leaves thin, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 15 - 25 x 12 - 23 cm, lobed. Flowers pink in erect terminal racemes. Fruits ovoid, with shork beak, glandular - pubescent when young. Seeds black. FIs. & Frts. : July - October Distrib. : Native of Mexico but naturalised and found as weed in waste place^Bhor, Bhatghar, Nasarapur

THUNBERGIACEAE THUNBERGIA Retz. {nom. cons.) Thunbergia leavis Nees in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 377, 1832; Panthaki & Sant, in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 53 : 499, 1956. T. fragrans Roxb. var. leavis (Nees) C.B.Cl. in Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 4 : 391,1884. Twining undershrubs. Leaves ovate, cordate, palmately veined. Flowers white, solitary, long pedicellate; bracts small, bracteoles large, spathaceous, enclosing flowers buds. Capsules globose. FIs. & Frts. ; July - October. Distrib. '• Frequent along Warandha Ghat.

245 CULTIVATED SPECIES Thunbergia grandiflora (Roxb. ex Rott.) Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 3 : 34. 1932; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 392. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 418.1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 9. 1952. Flemingia grandiflora Roxb. ex Rottl. Ges. Natur. f. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4 : 202. 1803.

Climbers, pubescent. Leaves ovate, acute, 7.5 - 1 0 x 8.0 -10.5 cm, shallowly 5 - 7 lobed, pubescent. Flowers blue in terminal racemes. FIs. &Frts. July - April Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 872.1844. Distrib. Cultivated in gardens. Bhor, Baneshwar. ACANTHACEAE Key to the genera 1. Corolla 5 lobe^: 2. Stamens 4 : 3. Flowers in spikes or racemes Dipteracanthus 4. Calyx 2 lipped..... Neuracanthus 4. Calyx 5 lobed : 3. Rowers not in spikes: 5. Bracts orbicular..... Carvia 5. Bracts obovate - oblong.... Supushpa 2. Stamens 2 :

6 . Calyx 4 - lobed.... Barleria

6 . Calyx 5 - lobed : 7. Bracts obovate.... Eranthemum 7. Bracts elliptic.... Nilgirianthus 1. Corolla 2 lobe^: 8 . Upper lip of corolla obsolete .... Blepharis 8 . Upper lip of corolla well developed : 9. Stamens 4 : 10. Corolla lobes twisrted .... Hygrophila 10. Corolla lobess imbricate.... Lepidagathis 9. Stamens 2 ;

246 11. Capsules 2 - 4 seeded: 12. Prostrate herbs.... Dicliptera 12. Erect herbs: ^ 13. Anther cell^not spurred.... Peristrophe 13. Lower anther cells spurred at base; 14. PlacenQis separating elastically from the valves from base upwards..... Rungia 14. Placentas not seperating elastically from the valves...... Justicia 11. Capsules 6 - many seeded : 15. Branches reduced spiny cladodes... Haplanthodes 15. Branches not as above ... Andrographis ANDROGRAPfflS Wall. Andrographis echioides (L.) Nees in Wall. PL As Rar. 3 : 117. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 505. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 451, 1958 (Repr.ed.) Justicia echioides L. Sp. PL 16.1753. Glandular annuals, 8 - 20 cm tall. Leaves 1 - 4.5 x 0.4 - 3 cm, oblong to elliptic - oblong, apex obtuse or acute. Flowers about 1 cm long, creamy with purple dots within throt, in 3 - 7 cm long racemes. Capsules elliptic oblong, 1 -1.2 x 0.3 - 0.4 cm, sparsely hairy with persistent calyx. Seeds brownish, oblong. FIs. & Frts. August - September. Illus. Mahesh. Illus. FI. Delhi, f. 165.1966. Distrib. Common in Ambadkhind, Rayreshwar fort.

BARLERIA L. Key to the species. 1. Armed, capsules 2 - seeded..... B. prionitis 1. Unarmed, capsules 1 - seeded : 2. Flowers white in cymes.... B. lawii 2. Flowers bluish in spikes: 3. Outer sepals spinous.... B. cristata 3. Outer sepals not spinous.... B. strigosa

247 Barleria cristata L. Sp. P1.636.1753;C.B.C1. in HooLf.H.Brit.India 4: 488 .1884.Cooke, FI. Pr. Bombay 2 : 460. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 59 : 1952. Undershrubs, erect or diffuse. Inflorescence of axillary and terminal, short, ovate, dense spikes. Flowers white. Capsules ellipsoid, acute at both ends. Seeds orbicular. FIs. & Frs. : September - December Distrib. : Planted near temples and in gardens. Bhor, Warandha Ghat. Barleria prionitis L. Sp. PL 636. 1753. Hook. f. H. Brit. India 4 : 482. 1884; Fr. Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 57.1952; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 457. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: "Pivali KorantV Erect much branched bushes 1 - 1.5 m tall. Leaves 8 - 18 x 2.5 - 3.5 cm opposite, elliptic with tapering base, glabrescent, usually with acicular, axillary spines. Flowers yellow, in axillary and terminal spicate cluster; corolla pubescent outside; bracts foliaceous oblong -lanceolate, acute and bristle - tipped. Capsules ovoid with a beak. Seeds hairy, flattened, orbicular. FIs. & Frts. October - January. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 452.1841. Trim. H. Ceyl. 3 : 316.1931. Distrib. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur

Barleria lawii T. And in J. Linn. Soc. 9 : 492. 1867; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 486.1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 460.1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 .5 9 . 1952. Shrubs, 1.5 m high, hairy. Leaves elliptic, 3 - 9 X 1.2 - 3.0 cm, base tapering into short petiole, apex acuminate, hairy; bracteoles linear, lanceolate; calyx lobes in 2 pairs, outer elliptic lanceolate, acute, longer than inner pair, reticulately nerved, inner lanceolate, acute. Seeds orbicular. FIs. & Frts. : November - January. ^ jllus^ : Bedd. Ic. 62. t. 258.1874 (B. beddomep T. and ex Bedd.).

248 Barleria strigosa Willd. C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 490. 1884; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 462. 1958 (Repr.ed.) ; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 1952. B. terminalis Nees in DC. Prodr. 11 : 225. 1847; Malhotra & Moorthy in Indian Forester 107 : 448, t. 1. 1981. Shrubs, 2 m high. Stems sparsely strigose. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 6 -1 2 x 2,4 - 5.0 cm, strigose; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, about 1 cm long, hairy; calyx tube in unequal pairs; outer elliptic - lanceolate, strigosely hairy, inner linear, acute. Capsules 1.5 cm long. FIs. iSc Frts. ; October - December Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat.

BLEPHARIS A. L. Juss. i^Blepharis asperrima Nees in DC. Prodr. 11 : 267. 1847; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 478. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 424. 1959 (Repr.ed.); Sant in Univ. Bombay Bot. mem. 2 :14.1952. Suberect or prostrate herbs, rooting at nodes, leaves ovate - lanceolate, entire or spinous - dentate, rough, hairy. Flowers blue, solitary, sessile in upper axil or in short, terminal spikes. Capsules oblong. Seeds 2, ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : September - November Distrib. : Frequent in hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

DICLIPTERA A. L. Juss. DicUptera zeylanica Nees in DC. Prodr. 11. 474.1847; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 552. 1884; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 2 : 482, 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 79.1952. Herbs, stems densely white woolly. Leaves ovate, hairy. Flowers pink, bracts broadly ovate in opposite pairs enclosing 1 - 3 flowers, hairy; corolla, upper lip obovate, lower oblong. Capsule 3 - lobed. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the years June - October. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1551. Distrib. Common in shady places Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal Bhutonde.

249 DIPTERACANTHUS Nees Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3 : 81. 1832; Sant, in

Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 ; 24. 1952. Ruellia prostrata Poir. in Lam. Encycl. 6 ; 349. 1804; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. Dl. Brit. India 4 ; 411. 1884. R. prostrata Poir. var. dejecta c. B. Cl. op. cit. 412, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 431. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 40 cm in height. Leaves ovate, 1-2 x 0.5 - 1 cm long. Flowers sessile, pale violet. Calyx 5 - lobed, hairy, corolla tube narrow, cylindrical, infundibuliform. Capsules clavate, 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the year Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 525. 1982. Distrib. Common in drier part. Sarola, Bhor, Utroli.

ERANTHEMUM L. Eranthem um roseum (Vahl) R. Br. Prodr. 477. 1810. Justicia rosea Vahl_, Enum. 1 ; 165. 1804. Daedalacanthus roseus T. Anders. In J. Linn. Soc. 9 : 487. 1887; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 419. 1884; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 34. 1952; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 439. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.: ‘Dashamuli’ Undershrubs 50 - 80 cm tall. Leaves 2.5 - 20 x 2-8 cm, oblong, acuminate with tapering base, petiolate, hairy. Bract foliaceous, white , prominently green nerved. Flowers ^ ^ ^ o r purple. Capsules 0.6 - 1 cm. long, pointed. Seeds suborbicular. FIs. & Frts. : November - February. Distrib. : Common in forests, Hirdoshi, Ambawade.

JUSTICIA L. Key to the species 1. Calyx 5 - partite; bracts orbicular J- betonica 1. Calyx 4 - partite; bracts not orbicular J- diffusa

Justicia betonica L. Sp. PI. 15. 1753; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 525. 1885; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 : 85. 1952. J. betonica L. var. ramosissima C. B. Cl. Op. cit., Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 486. 1958 (Repr.ed.)

250 Undershrubs, about 1 m high. Stems with a purple tinge, swollen at nodes. Leaves ovate, base attenuate, apex acute; bracts ovate, acute; calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, ciliate; corolla upper lip 2 - lobed, lower 3 - lobed. Capsules 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. January - November Illus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 534. 1982. Distrib. Common in open and along roadsides. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Kikvi, Khanapur.

Justicia diffiisa Willd. Sp. PI. 1 : 87. 1798 Hook. f. H. Brit. India 4 : 538. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 486. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 87.1952. Diffuse herbs, 10 - 30 cm tall. Leaves 0.5 - 3.05 x 0.5 - 2 cm, ovate to elliptic - lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers in axillary and terminal, linear spikes, 2 - 15 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, pale purple; bracts ovate, acuminate with scarious margins. Capsules 0.4 - 0.5 cm long, pointed, oblong, stalked, glabrous. Seeds concentrically rugose. FIs. & Frts. September - December. Illus. Trim. FI. Cyl. 3 : 338 .1931. Distrib. Common in Warandha Ghat. Bhor. Baneshwar.

HAPLANTHODES O. Ktze. ■ y Y i Haplanthodes verticillatus (Roxb.) R. B. Maju^dar in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 25 (1 & 2) : 76. 1971; Panigr. & G. C. Das in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 23 : 199 (1981) 1983. Justicia verticillata Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 ; 135 . 1832. Haplanthus verticillatus (Roxb.) Nees in DC. Prodr. 11 ; 513. 1847 ;(‘Verticillaris’); C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 506.1884 ; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 452.1958 (Repr.ed.) ; Sant, in Univ Bombay Bot. Mem. 2; 51.1952. Herbs, erect 30-50 cm tall. Leaves 6 - 10 x 3.5 - 5.0 cm, ovate oblong, apex, attenuate, decurrent at base. Flowers white with purplish tip. Capsules 1.2 x 0.2 cm, narrowly oblong, grooved. Seeds oblong, yellowish brown hairy. FIs. & Frts. : December - February. Distrib. : Few on hill slope^Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Rayreshwar.

251 HYGROPHILA R. Br. Key to the Species 1, Flowers in axillary whorls...... H. auriculata 2. Flowers in terminal spikes...... H. serpyllum

Hygrophila serpyllum (Nees) T. And. in J. Linn. Bot. Soc. 9:456.1867; C.B.Cl. in Hook.f.fl Brit. India 4:406. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:429. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:19.1952 Physichilus serpyllum Nees in Hook, comp. Bot. Mag. 2:311.1837. Herbs, root stock woody. Leaves 1.0-2.5 X 0.4-1.0 cm, elliptic, hairy on both surfaces. Inflorescence of terminal. Flowers blue. Capsules about 0.5 X 0.1 cm linear, pointed. Seeds ovoid. FIs. & Frts. December - May Ulus. Wight, Ic. t. 1493.1849. 0 Distrib. Frequent in marshy places^Bhor, Bhatghar, Sarola 0)

Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.) Heine in Kew Bull. 16:172.1962 Barleria auriculata Schum. & Thonn. Beskr. Guin PI. 285. 1827 Asteracantha longifolia (L.) Nees in wall. PI. As Rar 3:90 1832; Cooke, FI. Pres, Bombay 2:428,1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, perennial, stout, thorny, hispid Leaves 5.0 - 8.5 X 1-2 cm. Opposite, 3 pairs at each node, lunceslate. Flowers blue in many- flowered, axillary whorls. Capsules 1.2 X 0.3 cm obolong

FI. & Frts. : September - February q Distrib. :Commonly in ^ r s h y area^Bhor, Hirdoshi, Bhatghar Leaves Opposite. Flowers blue.

LEPIDAGATHIS Willd. Key to Species 1. Rowers in globose- heads.. L. cristata 2. Flowers in terminal spikes.. L. prostrata

252 Lepidagathis cristata Willd. S. PL 3 : 400. 1800; Hook . India 4 : 516. 1885; Sant, in Univ Bombay 2: 470 . 1958 (Repr. ed.). ^ Mar. ; ‘ Bhuigend’ Perennial herbs, erect and branched. Branches numerous, spreading on all sides close to ground. Leaves opposite, sessile^ linear -oblong, acute apex , hairy nerves below. Flowers in a subradical globose head, bract is long, ovate acuminate, spinous- pointed hairy, bracteoles membranus, hairy,* spinescent calyx long; corolla hairy outside 1-4 cm. long white or pale pink with brown or purple spots. 2 lipped tube narrow, stamens slightly exserted beyond the corolla tube, filaments glabrous; anthers

2 - celled, one of the cells rather higher up than the other; ovary glabrous, style slightly pubescent. Capsules long, ovoid, subcute, glabrous, grooved on the two sides with scarious back, 2 seeded. Seeds large for the size of the capsule rounded.

FIs. & Frts. : November - February Illus. : Wight, Ic .t. 455. 1841; Matthew Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2;t. 535.1982 Distrib. : Common Road sides of Warandha Ghat.

Lepidagathis trinervis Wall, ex Nees in wall. PL As Rar . 3: 96. 1832; C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 517 . 1885. Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 2 ; 471 . 1958 (Repr.ed); Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem 2:72 1952 Herbs, 10-20 cm; leaves linear, 3 - nerved, glabrous, 1.7 - 3.2 X 0.2 - 0.4 cm. Flowers white with yellowish - brown or purple spots in sessile spikes, usually 2 or more together and forming globular heads; capsules compressed, ovoid - lanceolate. Seeds oblong FIs. & Frts. : September - October Distrib. : Among grasses in Hirdoshi

NEURACANTHUS Nees N euracanthus sphaerostachyus (Nees)Dalz. in Hook Kew J. Bot. . 2:140. 1850; C.B.Cl. in Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 4:491 . 1884; Cooke , FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 465 . 1958 (Repr. ed); Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot.Mem. 2:66. 1952 Lepidagathis sphaerostachya Nees. in DC. Prodr. 11:254. 1847.

253 Erect, woody herbs. Leaves elliptic-oblong, ovate - elliptic or obovate - oblong, coriaceous glabrous. Flowers dark blue or bluish-purple in axillary, globose heads. Capsules linear - cylindric, glabrous. Seeds orbicular, compressed, densely silky hairy. FIs. & Frts. September - October Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1531 . 1830 {N. lawii) Distrib. Common on Warandha Ghat.

NILGIRIANTHUS Bremek. Nilgirianthus heyneanus (Nees) Bremek . var. neesii Bremek. in Verh. Ned. Akad. wet.2:1(1): 173.1944; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. mem. No. 2 40, 1952. Strobilanthes heyneanus Nees in wall PL As. Rar. 3: 85.1832; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 4 : 443. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:444. 1958 (Repr. ed). Shrubs, 100-150 cm tall; young stems and branches hairy. Leaves 6-12 X 2-5 cm, broadly ovate, hairy on both sides. Flowers blue with purple throat, corolla 1.5 - 2.0 cm long. Fruits ovoid, 4 seeded. FIs. & Frts. August - October. Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1619.1850 Distrib. Common along the Ghat Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Hirdoshi.

PERISTROPHE Nees Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brum, in Kew Bull . 38 : 451 . 1983 . Dianthera paniculata Forssk. FI. Aegypt - Arab. 7.1775 . Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees in Wall . PI. As. R ar. 3 : 113 . 1812; Hook . f . FI. Brit India 4 : 554.1885; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:93.1952; Cooke, FI. Press. Bombay 2:495 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). ,^recj H erbal-1.5 m high, much branched with angular branches. Leaves 3.3 - 10 X 1.8 - 4.2 cm., ovate, acuminate or elliptic -ovate with appressed hairs. Flowers in trichotomous cymes in largi^panicles; corolla rosy 1.25 cm long. Capsules

0.8 - 1 cm long, pubescent and stalked^eeds orbicular, papillose. FIs. & Frts. : October - February ^

254 Illus. Mahesh.Illus. FI. Delhi f.l66 . 1966 Distrib. Road side, Bhor to Hirdoshi

RUNGIA Nees Key to the species 0^ 1. Bracts dimorphic.... R. pectinat^ 1. Bracts monomorphic.... 2. Erect herbs, densely hairy.... R. elegans 2. Decumbent herbs, rooting at nodes.... R. repens

Rungia pectinata (L) Nees in DC. Prodr. 11.469.1847; Sant, in Uni. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:11.1952. Justicia pectinata L. Amoen. Acad. 4:299.1789. Rungia^parviflora Nees var. pectinata (L.) Cl. in Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 4:550.1855; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2:478.1958 (Repr. ed.). Stragling herbs, much branched . Leaves 1-6 X 0.5 - 2.2 cm. elliptic- oblong or elliptic- lanceorate, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Inflorescence spikes axillary or terminal in clusters of 2-4 together, 0.8 - 2.5 cm long; corolla blue, 1-3 cm long. Capsules 0.25 - 0.3 cm long, flat ovoid, pubescent at tip. Seeds orbicular, echinate, fla t. FIs. & Frts. November - February. Illus. Wight, Ic .t. 147.18g) Distrib. Common in grasses^ Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Bhor.

Rungia repens (L.) Nees in W all. PI. As. Rar . 3 110 . 1832; Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 4:549. 1885; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 480. 1958 (Repr.ed.)^ Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. Bot. Mem. 2 : 18.1952yJusticia repens L. Sp. PI. 15.1753. Herbs; stems creeping, slender, glabrous or puberulous. Leaves 2.5 - 1.3 - 2 cm., subsessile, oblong - lanceolate, acute, base usually tapering. Flowers in erect terminal spikes 2.5 - 7cm. long; bracteoles linear - lanceolate, corolla white or pink with dark spots. Capsules 0.4 - 0.6 cm long, pubescent seeds suborbicular rugose with concentric furrows. FIs. & Frts. November - February. Illus. Wight, Ic .t. 465.1841 Trim . fl. Ceyl. 3:343.1931. Distrib. Common in open areas. Rayreshwar.

255 Rungia elegans Dalz. in Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 196 . 1861 ; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4 ; 549. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:480, 1958 (Repr.ed). Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2 ; 79.1952; Herbs, 15-45 cm. tall with soft white hairs. Leaves 2 X 1.3 - 4.3 cm., ovate, elliptic, acute with hairy nerves; bracts ovate, accute with scarious margins, 1.5 - 1.3 cm long. Capsules 0.4 - 0.5 cm. long. Seeds broadly oblong or suborbicular, rugose. FIs. & Frts. : September - January, q Distrib. : Common near the fields Hirdoshi, Nasarapur

CARVIA L. Carvia callosa (Nees) Bremek . in verh. Ned. Akad. Wet. (II) 41 : 187 . 1944; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:46 . 1952 . Strobilanthes callosusj Nees in Wall. PI, As. Rar. 3 : 85 .1832; C. B. Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 4:451 1884; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 444.1958 (Repr.ed). M ar.: ^KarvV. Large shrubs, 1-2 m. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, acuminate , hairy on nerves beneath Flowers bright blue or purple in 3-7 cm long, axillary spikes. Capsules ovoid, compressed. Seeds ovoid - ellipsoid, appressed hairy. FIs. & Frts. : August - February Ulus. : Wight, Ic.t. 1520. 1850 Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Shivthar Ghal. Note : Stems of this plant is utilised as partition walls of house by tribals. Seeds are said to be tonic. SUPUSHPA Suryan. Supushpa scrobiculata (Dalz. ex C.B. Cl.) Suryan. in Koninkl . Nederl. Akad. wet. C. 73:428 . 1970. Strobilanthes scrobiculatus Dalz. ex C. B. Cl. in Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:445. 1884; Cooke, fl. Pres. Brit. India 4 : 445 . 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:446 . 1958 (Repr. ed. ) Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:49 .1952. Undershrubs, about 1 m. high. Leaves elliptic - lanccolate, 4 - 11 X 1.6 - 3.5 cm. Flowers in subsessile glandular hairy spikes in the axils of fallen leaves; bracts purple, glandular hairy. Corolla tube hairy .Capsules fusiform. Fls. & Frts. : November - January

■■ ? ------^ 256 CULTIVATED SPECIES Adhatoda zeylanica Medic. Hist. & Commentat. Acad. Elect. Sci. Theod- palat. 6 ; 393 . 1790; Ramamoorthy in Saldanha jg^Nicolson, FI. Hassan Dist. 540 . 1976. Justicia adhtoda L. Sp. PI. 15 1753. A l a s k a Nees Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3 : 103.1832; Sant, in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2: 92.1952; C. B. Cl. in Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:540.1884: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:493.1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : ‘Adulsa’

Shrubs, foetid smelling. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 8 - 15 X 3-7 cm. Flowers white in terminal spike; bracts elliptic, longer than calyx. Capsules clavate, pubescent. FIs. & Frts. : October - February Ulus. : Matthew, II. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2. t. 519.1982 9 Distrib. ; Common in cultivation as a hedge plant^hor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi.

Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees in Wall PI. As Rar. 3 . 98, 1832. Naik, FI. Osmanabad, 250;1979 Justicia infundibuliformis L. Sp. PI. 21, 1753. Crossandra undulaefolia Salisb Parad. Lond t. 12 , 1805; f. B. I. 4: 492, 1884. Mar. : ‘Aboli’ Shrubs, 50-70 cm. tall; stems glabrous, hairy. Leaves generally in whorl of 4 , large,^ lanceolate. Flowers orange- yellow, elongate axillary spikes-bracteoles present. Capsules oblong. Seeds covered with hairs. FIs. & Frts. : June - December Distrib. : Common cultivated in gardens. Bhor, Nasrapur, Hirdoshi.

VERBENACEAE Key to genera 1. Leaves(^mple : 2. Stems and branches unarmed : 3. Corolla regular; stamens equal: 4. Corolla white.....

257 4. Corolla purple...... Callicarpa 3. Corolla irregular, stamens unequal.... Clerodendron V 2. Stems and branches armed with recurred prickles...... Lantana 1. Leaves (digitate) compound..... Vitex.

CALLICARPA L. Callicarpa tomentosa (L.) Murr Syst. Veg. (ed. 13) 130.1774. C. lanata L. Mant PI. 2:331.1771;C.B.C1. in Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:570.1885;Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 502 .1958 (Repr. ed.). C. w allichi^ Walp. Rep. 4:125.1845; Wight, Ic. 1.1480.1884. Mar. : ‘Alisar’ ^ Large shrubs or small trees, 1-2 m, bark greyish, rough leaves, ovate or elliptic - lanceolate, crowded at branch^ips; dnips globose, black shining. FIs. & Frts. : October - May^ ^ Distrib. : In hilly forests^Warandha Ghat.

CLERODENDRUM L. Key to the Species. 1. Calyx lobes long, ovate, acuminate^l^aves opposite...... C. multiflorum. 2. Calyx lobes very short, broadly triangular; leaves often in whorls...C. serratum Clerodendnim multiflorum (Burm. f.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 3 ; 526.1891. Volkameria multiflorum Burm. f. FI. Ind. 137,t. 45.f. 1 - 1768.Clerodendrum phlomidis L. f. Suppl. 292. 1781; C. B. Cl. in Hook . f. FI. Brit India 4: 590 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 511 1958 (Repr. ed.). Shrubs, 1.5 -3.0 m high, branches pubescent. Leaves 1-3 X 0.5 - 2.0 cm., V Ovate or sub^omboid, thinly hairy. Inflorescence of panicles, axillary. Flowers 2.5 - 3.0 cm long, fragrant. Drupes 0.6cm. long, brodly obovoid , depressed. Ulus. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 2:358, f. 454.1911, Mahesh.lllus. Fl.Delhi f. 173.1966 (Clerodendrum phlomidis)- Distrib. : Common in hedges along with Rhus mysorensis Q Warandha Ghat.

258 CLERODENDRUM L. Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon, Cat. 46 No. 382.1824; Hook f. FI. Brit India 4:592; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 512 1958 (Repr. ed.); Volkamaria serrata L. Mant.90. 1767 Mar. : 'BharangV Shrubs^up|to 2m. tall with bluntly quadrangular stem leaves opposite, 12 - 15 X 5.7 cm reaching 25 cm. in length, broadly elliptic - oblong or obovate, sharply serrate. Flowers numerous, showy, pale blue or bluish - purple, in dictotomus cyme; calyx puberulous, cup shaped, truncate, not enlarged in friuts, lobes very small, triangular accute; corolla glabrous^ o^side pale - blue, the larger lower lobe, dark bluish - purple. Fruits drupes 0.5 - 0.7 cm. long 4 - lobed obovoid, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. June -Novembar Ulus. Wight,Ic .t. 1472 . 1849 Distrib. Common in drying moist place^Bhatghar, Bhor, Hirdoshi.

LANTANA L. Key to the Species 1. Plants arm ed...... L. camara 2. Plants unarmed ...... L. indica

^ o 0 Lantana camara L. \ ^ r . ac^uleatea (L.) Moldenke, Tjbrreya 34 : 9.l934J^ntana a^culeata L. Sp. PI. 627.1753. Lantana camara auct. non L.;Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 .^2.1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:498.1958 (Repr.ed). Mar. : 'TantanV or ‘Ghaneri’ [_^tragalin^hru^^l-3 m tall; branches aculeate with recurved prickles. Leaves 3-8 X 1.5 - 3.5 cm, ovate to obolong-ovate, crenate - dentate. Flowers usually orange - red to scarlet in dense, corymbose heads. Drups globose, 0.3 - 0.4 cm in diameter, shining, bluish- black when ripe. ^ FIs. & Frts. : Through^the year0 Distrib. : Bhor, Rayri, Bank of River Nira at Hirdoshi.

259 Q Lantana indica Roxbj_Fl. Ind. 3:89.1832; Hook .f. fl. Brit. India 4:562. 1885;Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:478.1958 (Repr. ed.). Shrubs, 1-2 m high, stems angulat, rusty pubscent. Leaves 4 - 8 X 1.8 - 4.5 cm., ovate, acute - truncate at base, crenate - dentate, acute-acuminate, densly pubscent beneath. Spikes axillary, 1-4 cm long; peduncles 6-8 cm. long; calyx lobes 5, ciliate; corolla pink or globose, pink .Seeds oblong. FIs. & Frts. Throught the year Illus. Wight, Ic .t. 1464. 1849 Distrib. Frequent in plains. Venupuri, Deodhar, Varvand.

TECTONA L. Tectona grandis L. f. Suppl. 151.1781; Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:70.1885;Cooke,^. Pres. Bombay 2:503,1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : ‘‘Sag’ [ jtarge^deciduoi^lrees,' L5-20 m tall with straight trunk. Leaves 30-50 X 15-20 cm , elliptic or obovate, acute, coriaceous rough. Flowers white, shortly pedicillate in terminal panicles. Fruits subglobose, some what 4 lobed upto 1-3 cm diameter. FIs. & Frts. June - December Illus. Bedd. FI. Sylv. t. 250.1872. Distrib. Planted in forests^Bhor, Hirdoshi, Umbergani.

VITEX L. Vitex negundo L. Sp. PI. 638.1753; Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4: 583. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 508.1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : ''NirgudP'’ Shrubs or small trees with with quadrangular branches. Leaves often 3-foliate or occasionally 5 - foliate; leaflets 2-15 X 1-4 cm., elliptic to lanceolate. Flowers pale bluish - purple in axillary or terminal paniculates Drupes 0.2 - 0.3 cm in diameter, dark purple to almost black. Seeds globose, with 4 obovate oblong . FIs. & Frts. : Through the year. Illus. : Wight, Ic.t. 519.1842 Distrib. : Common along river banks at Bhor, Hirdoshi, Bhatghar, Nere, Kari.


Duranta repens L. Sp. PI. 637.1753; Ann. miss. Bot. Gard. 60:90 1973 D. plumieri Jacq. Select Strip Amer. Hist. 186 .t. 176 . 1763; C.B. Cl. in Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4:560 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 518 . 1958 (Repr.ed). Erect armed shrubs. Leaves ovate - elliptic or oblong - lanceolate, acuuminate, glabrous. Flowers blue to bluish purple in axillary and terminal, dropping spikes Dupes orange, persistent calyx. FIs. & Frts. : September - December Distrib. : Common hedge plants at Nasarapur Khed Shivapur, Bhor.

Stachytarpheta urticaefolia (Salisb.) Sims, in Bot. Mag. t. 1848. 1816. Cymburus urticaefolia Salisb Parad. London, t. 53 . 1806 Stachytarpheta indica auct. no/y Vahl. (1804); C. B. CL in Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4: 564.1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:501. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Herbs, dichotomously branched, glabrous. Leaves elliptic, coarsely serrate, glabrescent, 2.0 - 5.5 X 1.0 - 3.5 cm. Flowers deep blue & voilet in sessile, glabrous, terminal spikes long upto 23 cm.; drupes oblong, ribbe. FIs. & Frts. : January - March. Distrib. : In moist places. Bhatghar Bhor, Kari.

Clerodendrum philippinnum Schauer in DC Prodr. ? ? Shrubs about 1.5m high. Leaves brodly ovate, cordate. Flowers white. FI. : April - December. 5 Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Khed Shivapur, Khopi, Kelawade, Nigade

Lantana montevidensis Brig, in Ann. cons. Jard. Bot. Geneve. 7-8 : 301.1898; Bole & Almeida in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 82. 81.1985. Shrubs. Leaves ovate. Flowers pink in long FIs. & Frts. : November - January.

261 Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental planti at Bhor, Baneshwar. Holmskioldia sanguinea Retz. ‘ Straggling shrubs to 3 cm high. Leaves ovate, 6 X 4 cm. Racemes in upper axils. Calyx saucer shaped, 2X 1 cm, bright - red to orange. Corolla tubular, deep red, 1cm across. Stamns 4, ovary 4 -celled. Drups obovoid, 4 - lobed. Cultivated in forest n*^rse^ybaneshwar.

LAMIACEAE Key to the genera 1. Calyx 2 lipped ; 2. Lower lip of corolla twice as long as upper lip.. Plectranthus 2. Lower lip of corolla as long as upper lip...... Ocimum 1. Calyx tubular 5-10 lobed. : 3. Calyx 8-10 lobed ; 4. Flowers white, calyx teeth spiny..... Leonotis 4. Flowers white, calyx teeth not spiny...... Leucas 3. Calyx 5 lobed: 5. Stamen.declinate...... Lavandula 5. Stamei^erect or spreading;

6 . Flowers unisexual..... Colebrookea

6 . Flowers bisexual: 7. Calyx 10-15 ribbed..... Micromeria 7. Calyx not ribbed: 8 . Corolla lobes - 4..... Pogostemon

8 . Corolla lobes - 5..... Anisomeles

ANISOMELES R. Br. Key to the species 1. Plants sparsely hairy; leaves ovate...... heyneana 1. Plants densely white woody; leaves lanceolate..... malabarica Anisomeles malabarica (L.) Br. ex Sims, in ^ r tis , Bot. Bot. Mag .t. 2071 . 1819 ; Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 673 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 544, 1958

262 (Repr. ed.); S. K. Mukharjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14;153.1940/iVepe?a malabarica L. mant PI. 566 . 1771. ^ Herbs. Leaves oblong - lanceolate, apex acute. Flowers purple, Nutlets about 0 .2 cm long, ellipsoid, brown, shining. FIs. & Frts. : October - November ^ lllus. : Wight, Ic .t. 864.1844 - 45; T^dulingam & Venkatnarayana, Handb. S. Indian weeds, 342, f. 136. 1955 (Rev. ed.) Distrib. : Warandha Ghat

Anisomeles hyneana Bth. in W^all PL Rar. 1:59.1830; Hook .f. fl. Brit India 4: 672 . 1885; Cooke Fl. Pres. Bombay 2:543.1958 (Repr. ed.); S. K. Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14:152 .1940

Herbs, much branched^about 1 m high. Leaves 2.0 - 7 X 5.0 - 3.0 cm, ovate, apex acuminate. Howers White. Nutlets about 0.2 cm long, dark brown, broadly ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : September - December Distrib : Rayreshwar.

COLEBROOKEA Sm. Colebrookea oppositifoiia Sm Exot. Bot. 2:t.ll5. 1805; Hook .f. Fl. Brit India 4:642.1885; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2:541. 1958 (Repr. ed.), Mukherjee, S. K. Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14:84 . 1940; Colebrookea ternifolia Roxb. PI. Cor. 3:40 t. 245.1819. Mar. : 'Bhaman’ Much branched shrubs, 1.5 - 3.5 m. tall. Leaves 10 - 15 X 2-4 cm, light green, opposite or temate, oblong - lanceolate. Flowers white, numerous in axillary or terminal panicular-spikes. Nutlets oblong - obovoid, pubscent. FIs. & Frts. : November - April Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Ubarde, Shirgaon,Umbargani, Rayari.

263 LAVANDULA L. Key to species 1. Stem pubsent; leaves sessile...... L. bipinnata L Stej^ villous; leaves petiolate...... L. gibsonij

Lavandula gibsoni Grah. Cat. PI. Bombay 149.1839; Hook .f. FI. Brit.India 4: 631. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 533 . 1958 (Repr. ed); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14(1): 64 . 1940 Plant herbaceous, about 20-35 cm high. Leaves 3- 7 cm. long; lobes oblong, obtuse softy villous. Flowers blue in dense, cylindrical, 2.5 - 3.5 cm long spikes; bracts ovate, acuminate, pubsent, ribbed. Nutlets ellipsoid, about 0.4 cm long black. FIs. & Frts. October - November Illus. Wight, Ic .t. t439.1849 (L. lawii). Distrib. Warandha Ghat, Umbargani, Apshingi Common along Ghat.

Lavandula bipinnata (Roth) O.ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 521.189^ Bisteropogon bipinnatus Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 255. 1820; Mukherjee S. K. Rec. Bot. Surv. India 1465.1940 Lavandula burmanni Benth. Lab. Gen. et. Sp. 151.1833 & in DC. Prodr. 12:147 . 1848; Hook .f. fl. Brit. India 4:631 . 1885; Cooke, FI. press. Bombay 2:534 . 1958 (Repr. ed). Erect herbs, 0.5 - 1.5 m tall. Leaves deeply divided into linear to linear - lanceolate, segments, pubscent on the both the surfaces. Flowers white, with blue tinge, in terminal, simple or branched spikes. Nutlets oblong - ellipsoid, smooth, back. FIs. & Frts. September - January Illus. Wight, Ic. t. 1438-1849. Distrib. Common on hill slopes^ Warandha ghat

MICROMERIA Bth. Micromeria capitellata Bth. in Dc. Prodr. 12:218.1848; Hook .f. Fl. Brit. India 4:649.1885; Cooke, Fl. Pre. Bombay .2:542.1958 (Repr. ed); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14:97.1940.

264 Herbs, 30-40 cm high. Leaves ovate, 1-3 X 1.5 -2.0 cm, margins crenate, pubscent. Flowers pale blue in lax, axillary spikes; bracts linear - lanceolate; calyx glandular hairy. Nutlets ellipsoid, minute, brown. FIs. &Frts. : April - June Distrib. : Common along wet river banks.Bhatghar, Bhor, Hirdoshi.

LEONOTIS R. B*'. Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. Prodr. 504.1810; Wight, Ic. t. 867 .1845; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4:691. 1855; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:555 . 1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Sury. India 1 4 (1 ) : 185.1940. Phlomis nepetiifolia L. Sp. PI. 586.1753. Mar. : ‘DipmaV Erect, stout, pubscent herbs, 0.5 - 2.0 m. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, crenate - serrate margins, acute apex, finely pubscent 5.0 - 12.4 X 2.8.2 cm. Flowers many in axillary, globose whorls. Nutlets oblong - obovoid, brownish; margins ribbed. FIs. & Frts. July - December Illus. Wight, Icon .t. 867.1844 -1845 Distrib. In hilly fores^Hirdoshi, Umbarde, Apshingi, Shirgaon.

LEUCAS R. Br. Key to the species 1. Herbs...... L. biflora 1. Erect herbs or undershrubs : 2. Calyx mouth oblique...... L. aspera 2. Calyx mouth straight: 3. Leaves sessile, entire...... L. longifolia 3. Leaves petioled, serrate...... L. stelligera

Lucas aspera (Willd) Link, Enum. Hort, Berol. 2 : 113 . 1822; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4 : 690 .1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 548 . 1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. surv. India 14 : 166 . 1940. Phlomis aspera Willd. Enum. PI. 2 : 612 . 1809.

265 Plant herbs, about 15-30 cm high. Leaves subsessile, verticillate, oblong - lanceolate, 1.5 - 4.0 cm long. Flowers sessile, white in terminal whorls. Nutlets oblong, brown. FIs. & Frts. : September - October Disrib : Occasional near cultivated fields. Hirdoshi, Nenupuri, Nirgudghar, Ambavade.

Leucas longifolia Bth. Lab. Gen. & Sp. 744 . 1835; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4 ; 684. 1885; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2:551.1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14(1);170.1940. Mar. : ‘DhudhanV Plant erect, stout, hispid herbs, 15 - 30cm. Leaves simple linear, appressed - pubscent, 1.2 - 4.2 X 0.1 - 0.3 cm. Flowers white in axillary whorls, often approximated at top appears as leafy spikes. Nutlets obovoid - oblong, trignonomus, yellowish - brown. FIs. & Frts. : July - October Distrib. : In most deciduous forests, Warandha Ghat.

Leucas stelligera Walls ex Bth. in Wall. PI. Asiat. Rar. l:61.1830;Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4: 686 . 1885; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 553 . 1958 (Repr.ed); Mukherjee in Rec. Bit. Sury. India 14(1):177.1940. Erect, softly villous herbs, 40 -60cm Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, densely hairy. Flowers white or creamy - white, many in terminal and axillary whorls Nutlets oblong - ovoid, smooth, dark brown. FIs. & Frts. : Septmber - March Distrib. : In hilly forests, frequent. Shivthargarl, Warandha Ghat, Ambavade.

Leucas biflora R. Br. 0 ir . procumbens (Desf.) Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 1151 - 1924 [2:804.1957(Repr. ed.)]. L. procumbens Desf. in Mem. Mus. Paris 2 : 7, t , f . 2 - 1824; Hook. f.Fl. Brit India 4:683.1885; Cooke, fl. Pres, bombay 2 : 553 . 1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot Surv. India 14 :180 .1940.

266 Herbs with stems pubescent, deflexed. Leaves elliptic, base rounded, apex obtuse. Flowers white; calyx long; corolla upeer lip erect, villose. Nutlets 4. FIs. & Frts. : July-August Distrib. ; Rare in dry areas, Bhor, Hirdoshi.

OCIMUM L Key to the species. 1. Pedicels longer than flowering calyx...... O. sanctum 1. Pedicels shorter than flowering calyx...... O. americanum

Ocimum americanum L. in Juslenius Cent. PI. 1.115. 1755.C. Qznum Sims, in Bot. Mad. : 51 : t . 2452. 1824; Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 607 . 1885; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2:521 . 1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : ‘Rantulas’ Erect aromatic herbs, 30-40 cm high. Leaves .05 - 2.8 X 0.3 - 1.3 cm elliptic - ovate, acute at base, entire or slightly margins serrate, acute apex, gland - dotted. Flowers in whorls on elongate, interrupted spikes; calyx villous, upper lip recurved, lower 4 - toothed; corolla pale pink, lobes 5; stamens 4. Nutlets 4, ovoid, black FIs. & Frts. : June - August Distrib. : Bhor, all areas.

Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Sp. PI. 597 . 1752; H. Keng in Steenis, Fl.j^ales. ser. 1 . 8 :378 . 1978 . O. sanctum L. mant. pi li 85 . 1767; Hook .f. FI. India 4: 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 521.1958 (Repr. ed.)-Mukherjee in Rec. Bit. Surv. India 14(1) : 19.1940 Mar. : 'Tulas'' Perennial, woody herbs, 30 -70 cm high .Leaves ovate - oblong, hairy. Flowers pinkish - white and purple in compact whorls in terminal and axillary racemes. Nutlets ellipsoid, brown, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Often cultivated, also found as an escape, Warandha Ghat.

267 PLECTRANTHUS Herit. ( nom. cons. ) Key to the species. 1. Calyx 2 lipped...... P. mollis 1. Calyx subequally 5 lobed...... P. stocksii

Plectranthus stocksii Hook .f. FI. Brit india 4: 618 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 528.1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot Surv. India 14:43.1940 Herbs, about 1 m high. Leaves ovate, 2.5 - 7.5 X 1.5 - 4.0 cm, base rounded, apex acute, margins coarsely serrate. Flov^ers in branched paniculate - cymes; bracts ovate, acute, foliaceous; calyx enlarged in fruits covered with minute red glands. Nutlets ellipsoid, yellowish - brown. FIs. & Frts. : October - December Distrib. ; Common in forests, Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar. €) Plectranttius m|lllis (Ait) Spr. Syst. 2:690.1825; Sant in Rec. Bot Surv. India 16(1) : 215 . 1967 • C Rev. ed.).Ocimum molle Ait Hort. Kew. 2 : 322 . 1789 . P.incanus Link Enum. Hort. B erol. 2. 120. 1822; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4:621.1885 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14: 47 .1940. Mar. : 'Lai - aghada’ Herbs, 20-40 cm high, pubscent Leaves broadly ovate, 3 -5 X 2.5 -5.0 cm., margin crenate, sparely pubscent on nerves. Flowers bluish, in 7-9 cm. long racemes; bracts ovate, about 0.2 cm. long; calyx accrescent; corolla about 0 .6cm. long; lower lip boat - shaped, upper rounded. Nutlets oblong, about 0.3 cm long, brown with dark spots. FIs. & Frts. : August - November Distrib. : Bhor, Ambeghar, Rayri. Notes : Common weed near villages in waste places.

POGOSTOMON Desf. Key to the species 1. Leaves sessile, verticillate..... P- deccanensis 1. Leaves petiolate, opposite:

268 2. Bract, ovate, imbricate...... P. denghalensis 2. Bract^anceolate, not imbricate P. purpurascens

Pogostomon parviflorus Benth. in Wall PL As. Rar. 1 ; 31 . 1830; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4:632.1885; Mukherjee, S. K. Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14 : 25.1940; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 536.1958 (Repr. ed.). Suffruticose, 1-2 m tall, often with quadrangular, smooth and shining, purpish branches. Leaves 4.5 - 20 X 2.5 - 14 cm. ovate, acute apex or acuminate and irregularly toothed. Flowers Pale to bright pink, in terminal and axillary panicles. Nutlets ellipsoid, trigoneous, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : October - May Distrib. ; Bank of river at Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. roadside of Warandha Ghat.

Pogostemon deccanensis (Panigr.) Press in Bull. Brit Mus. Nat. Hist. 10:73 . 1982 Eusteralis deccanesis Panigr. in Phytologia 32:475.1978 Dysophylla tomentosa Dalz. in Hook J. Bot. 2:337 . 1850; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4: 641.1885 Dysophylla stellata Bth. ^ a r. tomentosa T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay • 2:540.1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot.Surv. India 14:81.1940. Herbs. Stems pubscent with long hairs. Leaves linear, 0.5 - 1.5 cm long, margins entire Flowers pink dense 1 - 4 cm long spikes; filaments exserted, bearded with purple hairs. Nutlets ellipsoid, minute. FIs. & Frts. : October - March Distrib. : Bhatghar, Bhor, Warandha ghat .

Pogostermon purpurascens Dalz. in Hook. Bot. Kew. Gard. Misc. 2:337.1850; Hook .f. FI. Brit.India 4:632 .1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:537, 1958 (Repr. ed.); Mukherjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14:71.1940; Pres, in Bull. Brit. Mus. 10:73 . 1982. Herbs, about 1 m. high. Leaves ovate 2.5 - 12.0 X 1.5 - 7.0 cm, softly hairy. Flowers purplish - white in many flowered spikes. Nutlets ovoid, minute, black when ripei.

269 PLATE - IX

27. Pogostemon deccanensis (Paiiigr.) Press,

29. Asclepias curassavica 1 Fir. & Frts. : September - April Distrih. : Common along the hill slope in shady places. Rohideshwar fort, Shivthar ghal.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Mentha spicata L. Sp. PI. 576.1753. M. viridis L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 804.1763; Hook .f. FI. Brit India 4: 647.1885; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 2:559.1958 (Repr. ed.). Mar. : 'Pudina' Herbs. Leaves subessile, ovate lanceolate, margins serrate. Flowers purple. Distrib. : Cultivated for edible leaves at Bhor, Nasarpur. r Hyptis suaveolens (L.) poit. in Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist, Nat. 7 : 472 .t. 29 .f. 2. 1806; f\U ook .f. FI. Brit India 4:630 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 560 .1958 (Repr. ed.). Mukherjee Bot. Surv. India 1463.1940 Ballota suaveolens L. syst. (ed. 10) 1100.1759. Erect woody, glandular - tomentose, herbs about 90 cm. to 1 m tall. Leaves 6-11 X 5.5-9 cm ovate; the lower ovate - cordate. Flowers blue, in axillary and terminal whorls forming lax panicales. Nutlets blakish - brown, obovoid, cuneate. FIs. & Frts. : September - December Distrib. : Tropical American weed. Now naturalised and found on waste land Bhor, Bhatghar, Shirvali. Salvia coccinea Buch’hoz ex etl Salvia 23.1777; Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:656 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 558 .1958 (Repr. ed.). Herbs, about 1 m high. Leaves ovate cordate, crenate - serrate, puberulous. Flowers scarlet, in terminal whorls. FIs. & Frts. : August - October Distrib. : Bhor, Bhatghar. Notes : Native of tropical America, occasionally cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plants. Bhor. Ocimum bacsilicum L.Sp.Pl.597.1353; Hook.f.Fl. Brit. India 4: 608.1885;Cook^Fl. Pres. Bom.2: 523: 1958(Repr.ed.). M ar.: 'Tulas’ Commonly cultivated. Leaves are used for worshipping god.

270 Key to the genera

1 . Leaves opposite pair, subequal; flowers pedicellate...... Commicarpus 1. Leaves opposite pair, unequal, flowers sessile...... Boerhavia

BOERHAVIA L. Boerhavia diffusa L. Sp. PI. 3. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 563 . 1958 (Repr. ed.) B. repens L. Sp. PI. 3. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 4 : 709 . 1885; B. repens L. var. diffusa Hook .f. FI. Brit. India 4:709:1885 Diffuse woody herbs with fusiform roots. Leaves 1-3 X 07 - 2.4 cm.; broadly ovate, elliptic - oblong or suborbicular. Flowers pink, minute, subessile in umbels forming axillary and terminal, corymbose- panicles. Fruits upjto 0.3 cm.; broadly and bluntly 5 - ribbed, glandular. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Distrib. : Common in waste land Nasarapur, Ambavade.

COMMICARPUS Standley Commicarpus ^inensis (L.) Heimerl. in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 16, C. 117. f. 2G. 1934; Meikle in Notes R. B. G. Edinb. 36 : 243. 1978. Valeriana chinenses L. Sp. PI. 33. 1753. B. repanda willd. Sp. PI. 1 : 22. 1797; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 709. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 564. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Aschers, & Schweinf. Beitr. FI. Aeth. 1 : 167 . 1867; Stemmerik in

Steenis, FI. Males 1, 6 : 455. 1964. Herbs diffuse, 1 - 2 m long. Leaves deltoid - ovate, 2-4 x 1.5 - 4.0 cm . Flowers pink in lax umbels on slender peduncles; perianth funnel - shaped. Fruits clavate, about - 0.5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : Throghout the year. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1766. 1851 (B. repanda)-Udiiiht^, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 ; t. 579. 1982. Distrib. : Common weed in drier parts of taluka. Khanapur, Sarola, Bhor.

271 CULTIVATED SPECIES M irabalis jalapa L. Sp. PI. 177. 1753; Stemmerik iniQteenis, FI. Males. 1, 6 : 451. 1964; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 567 . 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘GulbakshV Herbs, about 1 - 1.5 m high. Leaves ovate - lanceolate in unequal pairs. Flowers red, white or variegated in dense corymbs. Fruits globose, ribbed, black. FIs. & Frts. : August - November Distrib. : Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Bougainvillea spectabiiis Willd. Sp. PI. 2 ; 348,1799. Large, densely tomentose, scandent shrubs, climbing with curved tips of thorns. Leaves usually ovate, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers small, white; bracts various coloured, usually in a cluster at the end of branches. FIs. & Frts. : June - October. Distrib. : Common in gardens as an ornamental. Bhor, Nasarapur, Khedshivapur.

AMARANTHACEAE Key to the genera l.Leaves alternate {in Aerva sa n g u in o le n td y ^ leaves both alternate and opposite)^ 2. Flowers unisexual^..... Amaranthus 2. Flowers bisexual or polygamous : 3. Staminodes present..... Aerva 3. Staminodes absent.....: 4. Urticles many seeded.... Celosia 4. Urticles 1 seeded..... Digera 1. Leaves opposite.: 5. Prostrate herbs.... ^ Alternanthera 5. Erect herbs or undershrub^; y y Achranthes 6 . Perianth, bract and bracteoles spinej^.... L Gomphena 6 . Perianth, bract and bracteoles not spinel...

272 ACHYRANTHES L. Achyranthes aspera L. Sp. PI. 204. 1773; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 130. 1885; C. . Baker \/

AERVA Forssk. Key to the species : 1. Straggling undershrubs; leaves alternate and opposite.... A. sanguinolenta 1. Erect herbs; leaves alternate : 2. Leaves f- linear;flowers unisexual..... A. javanica 2. Leaves obovate; flowers bisexual... A. lanata

Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume, Bijdr. 547. 1826. Achyranthes sanguinolenta L. Sp. PL (ed. 2) 1 : 294. 1762. Aerva scandens (Roxb.) Wall, ex Moq. in DC. Prodr. 13 (2); 302. 1849; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 727.1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 577. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Scandent herbs or undershrubs. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, appressed - pubescent. Flowers silvery - white in axillary and terminal, spike - like pseudo - racemes. FIs. & Frts. December - March. Illus. Wight, Icon. t. 724. 1843. Distrib. Common in waste places Bhor, Kikvi, Sarola.

273 Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult. in Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 11 : 131. 1808; Wiglit, Ic.t. 723. 1840; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 728. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 :

578. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Ac/i_yranf/ie5 lanata L. Sp. PL 204. 1753. Plant erect, diffusely branched, grey - tomentose herbs. Leaves simple, elliptic - obovate, appressedly white - pubescent - beneath, 1.3 - 2.8 x 0.5 - 1.5 cm. Flowers white. Utricles minute, ovoid, black, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : July - December ^ Distrib. ; Along the road sides iBhor, Nasarapur, Utroli, Khandapur, Hope. Notes \ The roots are said to be used to cure Malaria Fever.

Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15) 15 : 565. 1819; Wight, Ic. t. 876. 1844 - 1845; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India . 4 727 . 1885; Cooke. H. Pres. Bombay 2 : 577. 1958 (Repr.ed.Wre^me javanica Burm^Fl. Ind. 212.1768. Woody - tomentose undershrubs or shrubs, 60 - 90 cm . Leaves linear - oblong

to oblong - spathulate or ovate - lanceolate, densely greenish -white tomentose, 1.0 -

2.5 X 0.5 - 0.8 cm. Flowers greenish - white in terminal, woodly. Paniculate spikes; utricles orbicular - ovoid, thin. Seeds minute, black, shining. FIs. & Frts. : March - May. Distrib. : In plains and hilly areas. Umbargani, Umbarde, Warandha Ghat.

ALTERNANTHERA Forssk. Key to the species : 1. Heads prickly, t^pals very dissimilar..... A. pungens 1. Heads not prickly, t^pals all similar.... A. sessilis

Alternanthera pungens Kunth in H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. Sp. PI. 2 ; 206. 1817; Melville in Kew Bull. 13 : 174. 1958 . A. repens (L.) Link, Enum. PI. Hort. Berol. 1 ; 154. 1 8 2 1 , non Gmel. (179^ ______^^^rostrate"^ creeping7 densely'hairy (^rb^ Leaves broadly obovate or nearly orbicular, alternate, subopposite or 2 - 3 together, pubescent beneath, 0.7 - 3.2 x 0.6 - 2.0 cm . Spikes creamy - white, axillary. Seeds orbicular, brown.

274 FIs. & Frts. September - October Distrib. Near the mashy places. Bhatghar, Bhor, Nasarapur.

A lternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. Cat. PI. Hort. Monspel. 4 ; 77. 1813; Hook. f. 4 ; 731. 1885. Gomphrena sessilis L. Sp. PI. 225. 175. Alternanthera triandra Lam. Encycl. 1 ; 95. 1783; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 584. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Much branchedj prostrate or ascending herbs, rooting at lower nodes with branches upko 50 cm long. Leaves oblong - elliptic, oblanceolate & linear -oblong, 1 -

5 X 0.3 - 1.5 cm, obtuse or subacute. Flowers sessile, in small axillary heads, white or tinged with pink. Utricles obcordate, compressed with thickened margins. FIs. & Frts. July - March. Illus. Wight, Icon. t. 727. 1843. Distrib. Common in wet places. Bhatghar, Bhor, Ambawade, Hirdoshi.

AMARANTHUS L. Key to the species : 1. Plants armed...... A. spinosus 1. Plants unarmed...... : 2. Fruil^^suborbicular, rugose.... A. viridis 2. Frui^broadly ovate, smooth. A. lividus

A m aranthus lividus L. Sp. PI. 990. 1773; Townsend in Dassanayake & Fosberg Rev. Handb. FI. Ceylon 1 : 18 . 1980. A. oleraceusj L. Sp. PL ed. 2 . 1403. 1763. A blitum var. oleracea (L.) Hook. fl. FI. Brit. India 4 : 721. 1885; Cook, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 575. 1958 (Repr.ed.). ' Mar. : 'Tandulja' Herbs, about 1.0 to 1.5 m high. Leaves ovate, 1.2 - 3.0 x 0.7 - 2.0 cm. Flowers greenish in axillary c usters and terminal spikes; perianth lobes long. Capsules ovate. FIs. <& Frts. April - May Distrib. Weed in waste places. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur.

275 Amaranthus spinosus L. Sp. PI. 991. 1753; Wight, Ic. t. 513 . 1841; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 718 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 573. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Kate MathV Erect or diffuse herbs, 20 - 40 cm. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate or ovate - oblong, glabrous. Spikes greenish in axillary, globose clusters and terminal one simple or branched. Utricles ovoid, membranous, thickened at top, regose. FIs. & Frts. : September - March. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 513.1841. Distrib. : As a weed on road side and vv^aste places. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Sarola, Kikvi. Amaranthus viridis L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1405. 1763. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 720. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 575. 1958 (Repr.ed.). MdLT.'.’Math’ Herb, 30 - 50 cm high. leaves deltoid - ovate, 1.3 - 3.0 x 7 - 2 cm, base truncate, apex acute. Flowers green in axillary and terminal 2 - 5 cm long spike; bracteoles 2, ovate - oblong, keeled; perianth lobes ovate - oblong, keeled. Capsules about 0 .2 cm long, apiculate. FIs. & Frts. : July - September Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 717. 1840 (A. fasciatus Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey.ed.) 3 : 609. 1832. Distrib. : Common in waste places. Sarola, Kikvi, Navi, Bhongawali. CULTIVATED SPECIES Amaranthus cruentus L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 1269. 1759; Duke in Ann. Mo. Bot. Card. 48 : 15. 1961. A. paniculatus L. Sp. PI. ed. 2 . 1406. 1763; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 718 . 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 573. 1958 (Repr.ed.) A. hybridus L. <^ssp. (L.) Thell. var. paniculatus (L.) Thell. in Asch. & Gr. Syn. 5 : 247. 1914; Backer in Steenis, FI. Males. 1, 4 : 79. 1949. Mar. ; ‘Rajgira’ Herbs 1 m high. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, 3 - 6 x l - 2 cm Flowers pinkish in dense, 2 -15 cm long spikes, perianth lobes oblong - lanceolate. Capsules ovoid. FIs. & Frts. : February - September.

276 illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 720. 1843 (A. frumentaceus Buch. Ham.) Distrib. : Cultivated in field Bhor, Nasarapur, Sarole.

A m arathus tricolor L. Nayer in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 19 (1) : 114. 1964. A gangeticus L. var. tristis (willd.) prain, Bengal PI. 869. 1903; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 574. 1958 (Repr.ed.). A. tristis willd. Sp. PI. 4 : 382. 1805. Mar. : "ChaulaV Erect or diffuse, glabrous herbs about 45 - 60 cm tall. Leaves3-8 x 2-6 cm, broadly ovate, entire, with undulate margins and long tapering petiole. Flowers green, in dense, axillary clusters. Utricles ovoid, circum scissile, regulose, membranous. FIs. & Frts. August - January. Illus. Wight, Icon.t. 714. 1843. Distrib. Cultivated at Bhor, Kikvi, Nasarapur, Khedshivapur.

CELOSIA L. Celosia argentea L. Sp. Pi. 205. 1753; Wight, Icon.t. 1767. 1852; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 : 714.1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 570. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Kurdu' Erect, glabrous herbs, 15 - 50 cm. Leaves simple, linear - lanceolate, ovate - lanceolate or elliptic, glabrous, 1.5 - 6.5 x 0.5 - 2.5 cm. Flowers pinkish - purple in upper half or completely glistening white in spikes. Utricles ellipsoid, greenish - brown, seeds black. FIs. & Frts. July - December Illus. Wight, Icon.t. 1767. 1852. Distrib. Common weeds in cultivated field^kavi, Sarola, Hirdoshi DIGERA Forsk. Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Beitr. Amarant. 77. 1826; Baker in Steenis, FI. Males. 1, 4 : 80. 19A9. Achyranthes muricata L. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 295. 1762. D. arvensis Forssk. FI. Aeg. Arab. 65. 1775; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4 ; 717. 1885; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 572. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 15 - 40 cm high, stem angular, striate. Leaves 2.5 - 6.0 x 2 -5 cm, base truncate, apex acute or emarginate, amrgin reddish. Flowers pink in 8 - 15 cm. long

277 racemes, bracts and bracteoles ovate - lanceolate, acute, perianth lobes ovate - oblong, connate below. Nutlets globose, about 0.2 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : February - July Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 732. 1843 (Desmochaeta muricata (L.) DC. Cat. PI. Hort. MonSp. 103. 1813; Matthew, 111. FI.

Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 587 . 1982. Distrib. : Common weed in cultivated fields. Bhor, Rayari.

GOMPHRENA L. Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Beitr. Amarant. 93. 1825. Backer in Steenis, FI. ^ales. 1, 4 : 96. 1949. Herbs, 20 - 40 cm high; branches ascending, pubescent. Leaves elliptic, 1.5 - 3.0 X 0.7 - 1.0 cm. Flowers in terminal spikes; perianth lobes lanceolate, keeled, pilose. Utricles about 0.2 cm long. FIs. & Frts. July - December. Illus. Maheshwari, 111. FI. Delhi, f. 179. 1966. Distrib. Frequent near cultivated field^Wor, Bope.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Gomphrena globosa L. (_^£iect^rt^r^p|;o 30 - 50 cm Leaves obovate - lanceolate, 5^- ^0 x 1.5 - 4 cm. Spikes globose, elongate, 2 - 3 cm across. Flowers 4 mm across. prominently 1 - nerved. Seed^shiny. ^ Cultivated in garden. Bhor, Nasarapur.

Celosia cristata L. ^ ^ Mar. : ‘Cockscomb' It is an ornamental plant, cultivated in gardens. Bhor, Nasarapur.

278 PI.ATE - X


A. 32. Carvia callosa (Nees ) Bremek, CHENOPODIACEAE Key to the species 1. Flowers unisexual, dimorphic.... Spinacia 1. Flowers bisexual, all sim ilar: 2. Roots tuberous..... Beta 2. Roots not tuberous..... Chenopodium

CHENOPODIUM L. Chenopodium album L. Sp. PI. 219. 1773.; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 3. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 586 .1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Chakvat' Erect herbs, 20 cm. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate or rhomboid - oblong, glabrous. Flowers minute, greenish, clustered in axillary and terminal, paniculate - spike. Utricles membranous, enclosed by sepals, seeds orbicular, black, shining. FIs. & Frts. : February - March. ^ ^ Distrib. : Cultivated for vegetable-^-bfl found in dryer part. ------\ ^ Hirdoshi. ^ Note : Leaves are used as vegetable. Nasarapur, Bhor. ^ BETA L. Beta vulgaris L. Sp. PI. 222,1753; Bailey, Man, Cult. PI. 353,1949. Mar. : 'B eef Glabrous, tuberous herbs. Leaves hoostly basal, ovate to oblong - ovate, passing into linear bracts in the inflorescence. Flowers greenish, many in open panicles. FIs. & Frts. : November - December. Distrib. : Cultivated during winter season for tuberous roots which are eaten raw as a salad or cooked as vegetable. Bhor, Nasarapur

279 Spinacia oleracea L; Sp. PI. 1027,1753; F. B. I. 5 : 6. 1886. Mar. ; 'Palak' Annual herbs. Leaves radical; cauline leaves smaller, becoming lanceolate in inflorescence. Flowers unisexual, the staminate in spikes or panicles; the pistillate in clusters. Utricles enclosed in spinose capsuels like body. FIs. & Frts. : November - Decemebr. Distrib. : Cultivated during winter season in fields. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Ingawali, Dhangwadi, Khopi.

POLYGONACEAE Key to genera ^ 1. MantsGlimberj...... Antigonfion OV' J 1. fitairts Herbs^shrubs : 2. Leaves gland dotted...... Fersicaria 2. Leaves not gland dotted...... Polygonum ANTIGONON L. Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Am. Bor. Beech. Voy. 308. t. 69. 1841; Cooke, FI. Press. Bombay 3 : 10. 1958. (Repr.ed.). Large climbers. Leaves simple, cordate, deltoid. Flowers smaH pinkish, white, turning pink in large panicles. FIs. & Frts. : June - October. Distrib. : This plant is usually grown in gardensas an ornamental on hedges. Bhor, Nasarapur.

POLYGONUM L. Key to the species 1. Inflorescence capitate.... F- chinensis 1. Inflorescence spicate - racemes : 2. Styles 3..... P- barbatum 2. Styles 2..... P- glabrum

280 Polygonum barbatum L. Sp. PI. 362.1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 37. 1886; Puri & Mahajan in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 2 ; 131. 1960. Persicaria barbata (L.) Hara, FI. East. Himal. 70. 1966; Maiti & Sikdar in Indian J. For. 8 : 191. 1985. Herbs, about 1 m high. Leaves lanceolate or linear - lanceolate, 6 - 10 x 1-2 cm, hairy on midrib beneath, stipules 1 - 2 cm long. Flowers white in slender racems; stamens 5. Nutlets about 0 - 2 cm long. FIs. & Frts. August - November. Ulus. Wight, Ic. t. 1798. 1852. Distrib. In marshy places Bhor, Hirdoshi. Polygonum chinense L. var. ovalifolia Meissn. in Wall. PI. As. Rar. 3 : 60. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind^a 5 : 45. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 8 1958 (Repr.ed.). Persicaria ^inensid (L.) H. Gross, ^ar. pvalifolia (Meissn.) Hara, FI. East. Himal. 71. 1966. ^ Subscandent herb, 0.5 - 1 m high. Leaves 2.3 - 10.2 x 1.5 - 5.3 cm, elliptic - oblong, acute at base, crenulate, shortly acuminate at the apex. Flowers heads in terminal panicles; perianth lobes 5, white ovate; stamens 8. Nutlets trigonous, blackish - brown shiny. FIs. & Frts. : September - December. Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1806. 1852. Distrib. ; Common near bank of Nira River at Bhor, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. PERSICARIA L. Persicaria glabra Willd. Sp. PI. 2 : 447. 1799; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 34. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:5.1958 (Repr.ed.), Procumbent, perennial herbs, 30 - 80 cm tall. Leaves 7 - 20 x 1 - 3 cm, lanceolate, finely acuminate, glabrous, closely gland - dotted. Flowers pink or pale pink in terminal racemose panicles. Nutlets biconvex, 0.3 cm in diameter, orbicular & broadly ovoid, shining black. FIs. & Frts. September - April Illus. Wight, Icon.t. 1797.1852. Distrib. Common in marshes places. Hirdoshi, Bhatghar, Baneshwar.

281 CULTIVATED SPECIES Homalocladium platycladum (F. V. Muell) Bailey, Man. Culti. PI. 351. 1949; Naikin Indian Forester 95 ; 416. 1969. Polygonum platycladum Muell in Bot. Mag. t. 5282. 1863. Muehlenbeckia platyclados (F. V. Muell) Meissn. in Bot. Zeit. 23 ; 313. 1865; Cooke, FI. Pres, bombay 3 : 11. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Undershrubs, 60 - 70 cm high. Phylloclades striate, 1-2 cm broad. Leaves lanceolate, 2.0 - 3.5 x 0.5 -1.0 cm, chartaceous. Flowers white in lateral fascicles. FIs. & Frts. ; April - June. ^ Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Bhor, Nasarapur. Rumex dentatus L. Mant. 2 : 226. 1771 ; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 59, 1886. y^ect, annualj Herbs, upjto 120 cm tall. Leaves oblong, obtuse, rounded or dordate at base. Flowers green, in distinct whorls. Nutlets acutely trigonous, brown. FIs. & Frts. ; January - June. Distrib. : Common in W^t fields. Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Ambawade. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE ARISTOLOCHIA L. Key to the species 1. Procumbent herbs; flowers solitary.... A. bracteolata 1. Twining herbs or shrubs; flowers in racemes.... A. tagala. Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. Encycl. 1 ; 258. 1783; Matthew, FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 3 : 1344. 1983. A. bracteata Retz. obs. Bot. 5 : 29. 1789; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 75. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 16. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Stem 30 - 45 cm long. Leaves broadly ovate or reniform, 3.5 - 5.0 x 3.0 - 5.2 cm, base cordate, apex obtuse; petioles 2 - 3 cm long. Bracts sessile, orbicular; perianth tube cylindrical, inflated below, constructed into long neck with 2 lips, hairy within. Capsules oblong, about 2 cm long, 12 ribbed. FIs. & Frts. : July - October Illus. : Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 601. 1982. Distrib. : Near cultivated fields. Ingawali, Kelwade, Bhogawali. Aristholochia tagala Cham. Linnaea 7 : 207. 1832; Cooke, FI. Bombay 2 : 524 (3 . 17). 1906; Gamble, FI. Madras 1202 (841). 1925. Aristolochia acuminata Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 489. 1832, non Lam. 1783; Wight, IC.t. 771.1844. Mar. : 'PopatveV

282 Climbing shrubs, petiole to 4 cm long, leaf blade ovate, acuminate at apex, deeply cordate at base, 5-7 ribbed; bracts, small ovate. Flowers purple. FIs. & Frts. : August - December Distrib. : In Warandha Ghat, Bope... PIPERACEAE PIPER L. Key to the species. 1. Stems grejly - hirsute, leaves sub cordate at the base.... P. hookeri 1. Sten^glabrous, leaves rounded or acute at base.... P. nigrum Piper hookeri Miq. in Hook. London J. Bot. 4 : 437 . 1885; Hook f. Brit. India 5 : 88.1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 :19. 1958 (Repr.ed.). ^candent]Shmbs7 Leaves ovate or oblong lanceolate, acuminate, hairy beneath. Flowers in slender spikes. Fruits globose. FIs. & Frts. April - October. Distrib. In hilly forests. Shivather ghal. Piper nigrum L. Sp PI. 28. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 90. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 19. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ^KaliMirV Stem^erete, nodes swollen. Leaves broadly ovate, 6 - 16 x 2.5 - 7.0 cm. Spikes 6 - 12 cm long. Flowers subtended by bracts forming a short cup. Fruits globose, about 0.8 cm across, red when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : April - September Illus. ; Wight, Ic. t. 1935.1853. Distrib. : Rare Warandha Ghat. LAURACEAE Key to the genera 1. Leaves whorled; lowers sessile.... Actinodaphne 1. Leaves alternate & sub-opposite; flowers pedicellate. Litsea ACHINODAPHNE Nees Achinodaphne angustifolia Wall. PI. Asiat. Rar. 3 : 31. 1832 A. hooken Meissn, m DC. Prodr. 15 (1); 218. 1864 (excl. var. longifolia); Hook. f. FI. Brit. India S : 149. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 31.1958 (Repr.ed.) . Mar. ; T is a ’

283 Trees, 1.5 - 2.0 m. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic lanceolate, achuminate; young leaves densely silky, mature ones thinly white - tomentose. Flowers buds rusty - tomentose. Barries ellipsoid, greenish - red, 2 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : October - May Distrib. : In hilly forest. On way to Warandha Ghat, Shivtherghal, Hirdoshi, Umbarde. LITSEA Lam. Litsea stocksii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 176, 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 33. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trees, 6 - 9 m high. Leaves elliptic - oblong, obtuse or acute, 6 - 15 x 3.0 - 6.0 cm. Flowers creamish in axillary, 6 -8 flowered heads; bracts concave, pubescent; perianth lobes oblong, tomentose. Fruits ellipsoid, about 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : April - October Distrib. : Common component of forests. Warandha Ghat. Shivther Ghat, Hirdoshi. PROTEACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES

Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. in R. Br. Prot. Nov. 24,1830. M ar.: ‘Oak’ Large, robust trees with young shoots to mentose. Leaves bipinnate sometimes tripinnate, pinnae entire or again lobed, lanceolate. Flowers orange coloured, in secund, one sided, showy racemes. Fruits an oblique, coriaceous, follicle, brown seeds 1 or 2. FIs. & Frts. : March - July. p Distrib. : Planted as an ornamental tree in garden & roadsid^Bhor, Baneshwar, Bhatghar. ^ THYMELIACEAE GNIDIA L. Gnidia glauca (Fresen.) Gilg. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19 ; 265. 1894. Laswsiphon glaucus Fresen. Flora 21 : 603. 1838 Gnidia eriocephala Meissn. in Denkschr. Koenigl - Baier. Bot. Ges. Regensburg 3 ; 292. 1841; Wight, Icon. t. 1859. 1852. Lasiosiphon

284 eriocephalus (Meissn.) Decne. in Jacq. Voy. 148. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 197. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 36. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Rametha'. Much branched shrub 100 - 200 cm. Leaves subsessile, oblong - lanceolate, glaucous, silky - hairy beneath. Flowers yellow nearly sessile in dense, terminal heads, surrounded at base by an involucre of large, silky, villous bracts. Fruits ellipsoid, pointed. FIs. & Frts. : September - June. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat. Hirdoshi Umbarde. Note ; The bark of this species also^sed as fish - poison. EIAGi^ACEAE ELAE^GNUS L. Elaeagnus infundibularis Momiyaim in J. Jap. Bot. 48 : 262. f. 3. 1973 ; Momiyama & Hara in En. FI. PI. Nepal 3 ; 189.1982. E. latifolia auct. non L. (1753) ; Bedd. n . Sylv. t. 180. 1872; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 202 1886; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 3 : 37 .1958 (Repr.ed.) Large scandent shrubs with spiny stem and branches. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, acute - acuminate, upper surface with small, whitish scales, lower surface silver - white, shining. Flowers many, straw coloured. Fruits ellipsoid, pinkish with whitish, scabrous spots. FIs. & Frts. : November - January. Distrib. Common way to Warandha Ghat. Ambawade, Rohideshwar. Note : Fruits are edible and are sold in the market also.

LORANTHACEAE Key to the genera 1. Plants leafy; stems and branches terete; flowers bisexual...... Dendropthoe 1. Plants leafless^stem and branches flattened; flowers unisexual... Viscum k DENDROPHTHOE Mart. Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Etting in Denk Sch. Kaiseti. Akad. Wiss. Math. Naturwiss. Kl. 32; 52 - 53, 58, t . 13,1.14,1872. LoratUhus fakatus L. f. Suppl. 211.

285 1781. Loranthus longiflorus Desr. in Lam. Encycl. 3 : 598. 1789; Hook. f. FI. Brit, india 5 ; 214. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 42. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Loranthus longiflorus Desr. var. coccinea Talb. Tr. (ed.l) 172. 1894; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 43.1958 (Repr.ed.) Mar. : ‘‘BandguV Parasitic shrub. Leaves 6 - 15 x 2-5 cm, linear, falcate, ovate - lanceolate, or oblong, sub-orbicular, acute - subcordate at base, acute - obtuse, petiolate or sessile or amplexicaul. Racemes axillary, pubescent. Calyx tubular, minutely 5 - toothed. Corolla greenish yellow to red, tube 2 - 4 cm long, lobes 5, deflexed. Stamens 5. Drupe ovoid, seeds solitary. FIs. & Frts. December - May Ulus. Maheshwari, 111. H. Delhi f. 190.1966. Distrib. Common in decidous forest. Mostly found on Mango plants. Hirdoshi, Apshingi, Varvand.

VISCUM L. Viscum articulatum Burm. f. FI. Ind. 311. 1768; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 226. 1886; Cooke, FI. press. Bombay 3 ; 47. 1958 (Repr.ed.).R. S. Rao. in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 36 : 126. 1957. V. nepalense Sprenf. Syst. Cur. Post^. 4(2) : 42. 1827; Danser in Blumea 4 : 283.1936. Plants shniby parasites; branches drooping. Leafless, dichotomous, jointed, dark green. Flowers minute, greenish - yellow. Fruits greenish, globose. FIs. & Frts. February - July. Illust. Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 423, f. 482. Distrib. In deciduous forests Hirdoshi, Baneshwar, Shivather ghal. SANTALACEAE Key to the genera 1. Shrubs; leaves alternate. Flowers unisexual Osyris 1. Trees; leaves opposite, flowers bisexual Santalum

SANTALUM L. Santalum album L. Sp. PI. 349. 1753; Bedd. H. Sylv. t . 256. 1872; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 231.1886; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 49.1958 (Repr.ed.).

286 Mar. : 'Chandan’ Evergreen semi parasitic tree, 3 - 5 m high. Leaves 2 - 5 x 0.5 - 2.5 cm, elliptic - ovate, acute at both ends; cymes paniculate, axillary and terminal perianth lobes 4 - 5 brown, throat hairy. Sta-m 4 - 5, alternating with scales. Drupe globose, stony, seeds subglobose. FIs. & Frts. : March - October Distrib. : In deciduous forest Warandha ghat \

OSYRIS L. Osyris quadripartita Salz. ex Decne. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 2, 6 : 65. 1836; Gandhi in Saldanha & Nicolson, FI. Hassan Dist. 302. 1976. O. wightiana Wall ex. Wight, Ic.t. 1853. 1852. O. arborea wall, ex A. DC. in Dc. Prodr. 14 : 633. 1857; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 232. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 50. 1958 (Repr.ed.), Shrubs, 2 - 3 m high; young branches triangular. Leaves subsessile, oblanceolate, 1 - 4 x 0.5 - 1.8 cm, base acute, apex mucronate. Flowers yellowish - green; male flowers in umbels; perianth lobes 3, ovate; stamens 3; female flowers 1 - 3 together; perianth obovate; staminodes 3. Drupes about 1 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Illus. : Wight, op. cit. Distrib. : Common Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. BALANOPHORACEAE BALANOPHORA J.R. & J. G. A. Forst. Balanophoro fungosa Forst. & Forst. f. char. Gen. PI. 100, t. 1776 ssp. indica (Arn.) B. Hansen, Dansk. Bot. Ark. 28 : 100. 1972; Matthew, FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : 37. 1838. Langsdorfjla indica Arn. in Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 : 37. 1838. B. indica (Arn.) wall, ex. Griff in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20 : 95. 1846; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 , 237. 1886; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 52.1958 (Repr.ed.). Herbs, 10 - 15 cm high. Rhizome tuberous, branched, pale brown. Male flowers in ovoid - oblong head with ovate - oblong , yellow or orange scales; perianth lobes linear. Female flowers in purplish - brown, globose heads, perianth absent. Fruits minute. FIs. & Frts. ; October - December Illus. ; Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 623. 1982.

287 Distrib. Leafless root parasite rare in Warandha Ghat.

EUPHORBIACEAE Key to the genera 1. Inflorescence a cyathium.... Euphorbia 1. Inflorescence other than cyathium.... ; 2. Plants with stinging hairs...... Tragia 2. Plants without stinging hairs ; 3. riant mos%t trees.; 4. Flowers ^ lita r y .: 5.Leaves opposite.... Emblica 5. Leaves alternate: 6. Sepals and petals 5..... Bridelia 6. Perianth lobes 6.... Glochidion

4. Flowers in spikes: % 7. Leaves peltate... Macaranga 7. Leaves other than peltate : 8. Stamens opposite to perianth lobes... Jatropha 8. Stamens alternate with perianth lobes... Mallotus 3. Plants h(erbs & shrubs ; 9. Flowers solitary or in axillary.... Phyllanthus 9. Flowers in spikes or racemes : 10. Flowers in spikes.: IL Plant dioecious.... Homonoia IL Plant monoecious.... Acalypha 10. Flowers in racemes : 12. Whole plant stellate.... Chrozophora 12. Branches and leaves with detachable scales.... Croton ACALYPHL\ L. Key to the species . 1, Leaf apex cuspidat^- acuminate.... A. ciliata 1. Leaf apex acute.... A. indica

288 Acalypha ciliata Forst. FI. Aegypt. Arab. 162. 1775; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 417. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 109. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Stout herbs, 30 - 70 cm tall, stem becoming glabrescent with age, young, parts pubescent. Leaves greenish, in androgynous, 1 - 2 cm long spikes; the male flowers few, sessile at the top of the spike, the female several at the base - capsules 3 - lobed. Seeds reddish - brown, oblong and glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : August - September Distrib. : Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Hirdoshi. AcaJypha iDdica L. Sp. PI. 1003. 1753; Wight, Icon.t. 877. 1844 -1845; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 L 416,1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 108.1958 (Repr.ed.). Erect herbs, 30 - 75 cm tall. Leaves ovate, rhomboid - ovate, crenate - serrate, acute, cuneate at base. Flowers in lax, erect, axillary spikes. Capsules small, hispid, enclosed by bracts, mostly one seeded. FIs. & Frts. : August - December Distrib. : Common in waste places Bhor, Bhatghar, Sangavi. BRIDELIA Willd. Key to the species 1. Flowers in axillary clusters.... B. squamosa 1. Flowers in axillary and terminal spike.... B. retusa Bridelia retusa (L.) Spr. Veg. 3 : 48. 1823; Hook. f. FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 68. 1958 (Repr.ed.).(^uytia retusa L. Sp. PI. 1042. 1753. Mar. : '‘Asand’ A^^nial^ r moderate sized deciduou^^e.ppinous when young, brownish bark. Leaves 7 - 13 x 3.5 - 7.5 cm, elliptic - oblong or obovate, rounded at the apex, with entire or slightly srenulate margins. Flowers greenish - yellow, monoecious, sessile or shortly pedicellate, crowed in dense axillary clusters, sometimes paniculate spike, calyx greenish, tinged with red, glabrous, segment fleshy, triangular - ovate, acut; petals greenish - white, male flower obovate, petinate, those of the female flowers subspathulate; disk of males flower thich and pulpy, of the female flower truncate, enclosing the ovary, style short. Fruit Drupe fleshy on persistant, enlarged calyx, globose, 0.6 -1 cm across, glabrous with purple bracts. FIs. & Frts. : August - February.

289 Illus. ; Bedd. Flor. Sylvat. t. 260. 1873 Trim. FI. cey 4 : 10 . 1931. Distrib. ; Ver^common Bhatghar, Hirdoshi, Bhor, Warandha Ghat, Ray^eshwar. Bridelia squamosa (Lam.) Gehrm. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 41, Beibl. 95 ; 30 . 1908 ; Sant, in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 50 ; 308. 1952 . B. retusa sensu Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 68. 1958 p.p. (Repr.ed.). non. spr. 1826; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 268 . 1887. Cluytia squamos^ Lam. Encycl. 5 : 54. 1790. M ar.: ‘Asana’ Trees, 6 m high. Leaves lancealate, 10.0 - 12.0 x 3.0 - 5.0 cm, margin crenulate. Flowers sessile, greenish yellow; sepals triangular, petals obovate. Drupes globose. FIs. & Frts. : September - May Distrib. : Common, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. CHROZOPHORA A. H. L. Juss Chrozophora rottleri (Geis.) Juss. ex Spreng. Syst. 3 : 850, 1826. Croton rottler] Geis. Crot. Monogr. 54, 1807. C. plicatum Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 681, 1832. Chrozophora plicata voigt. Horti. Sub. Cale. 156, 1846, non A. Juss. F. B. I. 5 : 409, 1887. Annual erect, herbs upto 60 cm tall with a long slender tap root. Leaves thick, ovate or orbicular, sometimes obscurely 3 - lobed, wrinkled, base trunctate, cordate or cuneate. Flowers in pedunculate racemes. Capsules densely stellately hairy, without silvery scales, turning blue when wetted. Seeds globose, brown. FIs. & Frts. : Decemeber - April Distrib. : As a weed along road side Hirdoshi, Ambawade, Rayari, Kari. CROTON L. Croton bomplandianus Baill. in Adansonia 4 : 339. 1864; Croizat in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 41; 573 - 1940. Herbs, 50 - 60 cm high, covered with white scales. Leaves 3.0 - 4.5 x 1.0 - 3.5 cm, base and apex acute, margin serrate. Male flowers, sepals 5, ovate, petals 5, yellow, oblong; stamens many, inserted on a hairy receptacle; female flowers, sepals as in male, petals absent, disk in the form of red glands, style 3. Capsules 3 valved. FIs. & Frts. : April - July.

290 Distrib. : Occasional in waste places. Kelawade, Khopi, Hivare. EUPHORBIA L. Key to the species 1. Armed, succulent ^hrubs.... E. nerifolia 1. Unarmed, noj[^i^cculent herbs. ; 2. Leaves alternate.... E. heterophylla 2. Leaves opposite. ; 3. Capsules globrous... E. bombaiensis 3. Capsules hairy.... E. hirta Euphorbi^ bombaiensis Santapau Bull. Bot. Soc. of Bengal 8 ; 17. 1957. E. microphylj^a Heyne in Roth, Nov. PL Sp. 229. 1821; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 252 . 18; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 65,1958 (Repr.ed.). Annual herbs. Stem prostrate. Leaves 0.1 - 0.5 x 0.1 - 0.4 cm, ovate- obovate, Subsessile, stipulate. Flowers in axillary cymes. Capsules 0.5 - 1.8 cm across. Seeds smooth yellowish - brown, obtusely 4 - angled. FIs. & Frts. : June - March. Distrib. : Frequent near wet places. Bhatghar, Bhor, Hirdoshi. Euphorbia heterophylla L. Sp. PI. 453. 1753; R. sm. Kew Bull . 26 : 264. 1972. Euphorbia geniculata orteg. Nov. Rar. PI. Hort. Matrit. Decad. 18. 1797; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 266. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 66. 1958 (Repr.ed.).Santapau, Bull, Bot. Soc. of Bengal 8 : 3. 1954; Erect herb, 15 - 25 cm high. Leaves 1 - 5 x 0.5 - 4 cm, obovate - oblanceolate, rarely rhomboid, acute to attenuate at base, entire or serrate, acute. Cyathia in terminal clusters; involucral bracts campanulate, giant solitary, male flowers many, surrounded by bracteoles; styles 3. Capsule triangular; seeds tuberculate. FIs. & Frts. : August - February. Distrib. : Common weed in field crops and west places. Bhatghar, Ingawali, Kikvi. Euphorbia neriifolia L. Sp. PI. 451 . 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 255. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 59. 1958 (Repr.ed.), Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 8 : 7. 1954. Mar. : ‘Nivadung’

291 Shrubs 1.5 m high, branches with pairs of stipular spines from low, conical. Leaves towards the end of branches, fleshy, alternate, sessile, deciduous. Capsules - trigonous. FIs. & Frts. : Decert^er - April Ulus. ; Talbo^t|or FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 432, f. 485 . 1911 {E. liguluria Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 ; 465 - 1832) Distrib. : Found as an escape Warandha Ghat. Euphorbia hirta L. Sp. PI. 454. 1773. E. pilulifera auct. non L. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 250 . 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 64. 1958 (Repr.ed.).Santa. Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 18 ; 15. 1954. Mar. : ‘Dud/ii’ Ascending herb, 20 - 35 cm high, hispid pubescent. Leaves 0.5 - 4.5 x 0.2 -1.5 cm, obliquely ovate - lanceolate, serrate, acute, trinerved at base. Cyathia is pedunculate capitate cymes; pedicels upto 2 cm long. Involucral bracts campanulate, glands 5, male flowers, anthers globose. Styles 3. capsule hairy, triangular, seeds angled. F/s. & Frts. : September - October Distrib. : Common weed along the road side Nasarapur, Bhor. GLOCHIDION J. R. & J. G. A. Forst Glochidion ellipticum Wight, Ic. t. 1906. 1852; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 321. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 75. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Rani in Matthew, FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 3 ; 1445, PI. 108h. 1983. G. hohpackeri Bedd. FI. sylv. 193. 1873; Hook. f. op. cit. 314; Cooke, op. cit. Mar. : 'Bhoma’ Trees, 7 - 9 m high. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, 2.7 - 6.4 x 1.0 - 4.0 cm, base acute, apex acuminate; stipules minute, triangular, acute. Flowers greenish - yellow in axillary clusters, males flowers pedicellate, female flowers sessile, perianth lobes 6, oblong, pubescent without capsule sessile. FIs. & Frts. : September - May. Ulus. : Wight, op. cit., Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 446, f. 493. 1911; Matthew, III. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 640. 1982. Distrib. : Common Road side Warandha Ghat.

292 HOMONOIA Lour. Homonoia riparia Lour. FI. Cochinch. 637. 1790; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 455. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 118. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Sherna’ 0 Shrubs^ Leaves linear - lanceolate, base acute or rounded, glabrous above clothed with minute scales beneath; stipules linear - lanceolate. Male flowers : Perianth 3 lobed, elliptic, acute, female flowers, perianth 5 - lobed, ovate, styles 3, shortly connate at base, spreading. Capsuls green. FIs. & Frts. ; Throughout the year. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 1868. 1852 (Adelia nertifolia roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 375. 1821 Distrib. : Common along river banks. Bhatghar, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur. JATROPHA L. Key to the species • ^ 1. Flowers greenish - yelIo\^^ants glabrous J. curcas 2. Flowers red; plants glandular hairy..... J. gossypifolia Jatropha cnicas L. Sp. PL 1006. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 383. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 95. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Moglai eranda’ Soft wooded, deciduous shrubs or small trees. Leaves broadly ovate - sub - orbicular, entire or 3 - 5 lobed, 4.3 - 7.0 x 4.0 - 8.5 cm. Flowers in terminal or extra axillary cymes. Capsules yellow, ovoid - globular. FIs. & Frts. : May - July. Distrib. : In waste places. Bhor, Rayari, Sarota, Kikvi. Jatropha gossypifolia L. Sp. PI. 1006. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 383. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 94. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Shrubs. Leaves palmately 3 - 5 lobed, brownish- green. Flowers in terminal, trichotomous cymes. Capsules greenish - yellow, 3 - lobed. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the years. Distrib. : Roadside of Baneshwar, Nasarapur.

293 MALLOTUS L- iMallotus phiUppensis (Lam.) Muell. - Arg. in Linnaea 34 : 196. 1865; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 442. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 113. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Croton Philippense Lam. Encycl. 2 : 206. 1786. Mar. : ^Shendri’ Deciduous, 5 - 10 m tall, tree, bark gray, young parts rusty - pubescent. Leaves

5 - 20 X 3 - 13 cm, ovate or ovate - lanceolate, acuminate, glandular beneath. Flowers in terminal spikes, clustered together 4 - 9 cm long. Capsules pubescent, glandular red, 3 - valved, 0.6 - 1.2 cm across. Seeds subglobose black. FIs. & Frts. : November - January. Distrib. : Common in Warandha Ghat, Umbarde. MACARANGA Muell Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Muell - Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 (2) : 1010 . 1855. Osyris peltata Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 755. 1832. ^caranga roxburghii Wight, Ic.t. 1949. f. 4. 1853; Hook. f. FI. Brit, india 5 : 448. 1887. M. tomentosa Wight Op. cit. f. 1 : Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 117. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Large trees with flat spreading . Leaves elliptic- suborbicular or deltoid - ovate* petiole, 5 - 2 - 12.0 x 4.2 - 8.0 cm. Flowers yellowish in axillary, rusty - tomentose panicles. Capsules sphreical, densely clothed with waxy glands. FIs. & Frts. : February - March Distrib. : In deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat. PHYLLANTHUS L. Key to the species 1. Flowe^^^ig^.. P. fraternus 1. Flower^yellow.... P. asperulatus Phyllanthus asperulatus Hutch in Kew Bull. 1920 ; 27. 1920; Webster in J. Arnold Arbor. 37 : 14. 1956; Chavan et. al. in M. V. M. patrika 8 ; 13. 1972. P. niruri auct. non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 298. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 84; 1958 (Repr.ed.) Herbs, 30 - 40 cm high, branchlets trigonous or subterete, scabrid on the angles. Leaves oblong, about 1.0 x 0.4 cm. Male flowers in axillary clusters, perianth segment 5, ovate - elliptic; female flowers solitary; perianth segments 5 - 6, spathulate. Capsules globose, about 0.2 cm across.

294 A' Fls.& Frts. : July - October ^ Distrib. : Along road side, Bhor / Phyllanthus fraternus Webster in contr. Gray Herb. 176 ; 53. 1955 & in J. Arnold ^ Arbor. 38 : 1957. P. niruri auct. noiy L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 298. 1887; ) l Cooke, FI. press. Bombay 3 : 84. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : Bhuiavala. Herbs, about 50 cm high. Leaves about 0.8 x 0.3 cm, subsessile, oblong, apex obtuse. Flowers white , axillary. Fruit capsuled, seed trigonous. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the year. Illus. Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2 : t. 649. 1982. Distrib. Very common Hirdoshi. ^ EMBLICA Gaern. Emblica ofTicinalis Gaernj^Fruct. 2; 122,1.180.1790. Phyllanthus emblica L. Sp.Pl. 982.1753. Mar. ; 'Avia’ Trees : Leaves 2 - pinnate, leaflets linear -oblong, glabrous. Flowers greenish - yellow, minute, numerous. Fruits globose, greenish - yellow, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : March - October Distrib. : In deciduous forests. Warandha Ghat. Notes : Fruits are rich in natural source of vitamin ‘C’ They are also used for preparing writing inks and hair dyes. Seeds are used in treatment of asthma. TRAGIA L. Tragia hildebrandtii Muell. Arg. in Brenan Abh. 7 : 26. 1880. Tragia cannabina L. f. Suppl. 415. 1781. (non. illegit.); dooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 120. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Tragia involucrata L. var. cannabina Muell. - Arg. in DC. Prodr. 25 (2) : 944. 1866; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 465. 1837. Mar. ; 'KhajhuiW Straggling or erect shrubs, 1 - 3 m tall, hispid. Stem stout. Leaves palmately deeply lobed; lobes dentate, lanceolate, middle lobe longer, 3 - 8 cm long. Racemes 3 - 5 cm long, axillary and terminal. Fruits densely hairy, 3 - lobed; seed globose, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : June - November Distrib. : Found on bushes. Warandha Ghat, Nasarapur, Ambavade.

295 CULTIVATED SPECIES Manihot glaziovii Muell. - Arg. in Mart. FI. Bras. 11(2) ; 446. 1874; Airy Shaw, Euphorb. Borneo 174. 1975. Trees about 10 m high, latex milky. Leaves peltate, deeply 3 -5 lobed, lobes 3.4 - 1.0 X 2-4 cm, elliptic - oblong or obovate. Inflorescence of axillary and terminal panicles. Flowers greenish - yellow. Fruits globose. Seed ovoid, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : March - August. Illus. ; Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic t. 646. 1982. Distrib. : Planted at Nasarapur. Notes ; It is a native of Brazil

Ricinus communis L. Sp. PI. 1007. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 457. 1887; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 125. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : 'Erand' Small tree or shrub, 2 - 5 m high, branches glaucous. Leaves palmately 7 -9 lobed, lobes 2.4 - 8 x 1 - 3.3 cm, lanceolate, serrate, acuminate; petiole 6 - 17 cm long, glaucous. Raceme paniculate, 15 - 20 cm long, the upper male flowers, upword; calyx lobes 3-5, purplish lanceolate; stamens many. Lower female flowers; calyx lobes 5, lanceolate. Capsule oblong, 3 - lobed, soft prickly; seeds oblong, caruncled. FIs. & Frts. : March - October. Distrib. : Cultivated in field^a^reas of Bhor. Note : Native of Tropical Africa now naturalised often cultivated for the seeds for extracting the commercial castor oil and also of medicinal value. Euphorbia tirucalli l! ^ Sp. PI. 452, 1753; Graham, Cat. 179, 1839; Dalz. & Gibs. 76, 1861; FBI 5 : 254, 1887; Dalgado; 164,1898; Cooke]^ : 570 (3 : 66) 1906. ?'p Mar. : ‘Sher’ Unarmed, glabrous, milky shrub. Branches dark - green, dichotomously branches, cylindric. Leaves small, linear - oblong, deciduous. Note : A native of Africa often found planted as hedge plant along cultivated field. Tribe people said the White latex to be used as fish poison.

296 Euphorbia pulcherrima V/illd. ex klotz. in otto & Diett Allg. Gartenz 2 : 27, 1834; f. B. I. 5 : 239, 1837. Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grab, in Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 20 ; 412, 1836. Mar. ; 'Laipatta' Erect garden shrubs. Stem glabrous, angular, green. Leaves long petiolate, ovate, green. Leaves long petiolate, ovate to lanclate. Bracteal leaves bright Vemilion red Scarlet. Cyathia in cymes. FIs. & Frts. : December - January. Distrib. ; Common garden plant^, Bhor. (College garden). Euphorbia ^lendens Bojer ex. Hook, s ^ Armed shrub to 1 m. Leaves obovate - oblong, 2.5 - 7 x 1 - 2.5 cm. Inflorence dichotomously branched. Cyathia consists 2 petaloid bracts. Involuvre 5 x 3 mm. Cultivated in gardens Bhor. Acaiypha hispida Burm. f. \ ‘ . Dioecious shrub to 3 m. Leaves ovate, green of spikes red, pedulous. Cultivated in gardens Baneshwar. Putranjiva roxburghii Wall. Tent. FI. Nepal 61, 1826; F. B. L 5 : 336, 1887. Mar. : ‘PutravatV Evergreen tree with dropping branches. Leaves obliquely elliptic - oblong, acute, serrulate, gland dotted. Flowers dioecious, yellow crowded in rounded axillary clusters. Drupes ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : March - May. Distrib. : Planted in garden^). Bhor (College garden). URTICACEAE GIRARDINIA Gaud. Girardinia zeylanica Decne. in Jacqucm. Bot. Voy. 152. 1844; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 132. 1958 (Repr.ed.). G. heterophylla var. zeylanica Hook. f. FI. Brit, india 5 : 551. 1888. Urtica heterophylla willd. Sp. PI. 4 : 363. 1805. Herbs, 1 - 2 m high. Leaves ovate, 6 - 8 x 5 - 6 cm, entire and 3 - lobed, margin coarsely serrate, pubescent. Male flowers at the base of racemes, perianth lobes elliptic, obtuse, stamens 4-5, female flowers at the apex of racemes; perianth tubular, 3 lobed. Achenes obliquely ovate, compressed. FIs. & Frts. : October - January.

297 Illiis. : Wight, Ic.t. 687. 1843 {U. heterophylla) Distrib. ; Common in Waste Places. Hirdosiii. ULMACEAE TREMA L. Trem a orientalis (L.) Bl. mus. Bot. 2 : 61. 1856; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 484. 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 129. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Celtis orientalis L. Sp. PI. 1044. 1753. Mar. : 'KaramatigoV Trees, 3 - 5 m high, bark ash coloured. Leaves 5 - 14 x 0.8 - 1.5 cm, obliquely ovate, apex acuminate, margin crenate - serrulate.Flowers greenish - yellow^ or creamy -white, fascicled in axillary cymes.Drupes about 0.3 cm in diam., ripens black. FIs. & Frts. July - April lllus. Wight, 602 & 603. 1842 (Celtis orientalis)', Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres. & Sind 2 : 500, f. 515 . 1911. Distrib. Frequent on hill slopes found associated v^ith Albizia procera Hirdoshi. MORACEAE Key to the genera 1. Flowers enclosed in receptacle.... Ficus 1. Flowers exposed....: Artocarpus FICUS L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves opposite.... F. hispida 1. Leaves alternate : 2. Leaves elliptic - lanceolate, acute at base.... F. racemosa 2. Leaves not as above. : 3. Leaves glabrescent to densely tomentose.... F. benghalensis 3. Leaves glabrous : 4. Leaves caudate..... F. religiosa F. amplissima 4. Leaves obtuse, acute.... FICUS L. Ficus amplissima J. E. S m ^R ees, cyclop. 14. No. 1. 1810; corner m Gard. BulL . 3 ; 549. 1832; Wight, Icon. t. 668. Singapore 21 ; 11. 1965 (t S / c Roxb. FI. Ind

298 1840 ; King in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 515 . 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 150. 1959 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘PiprV Large branched, glabrous trees upto 15 m, leaves ovate, elliptic - lanceolate, glabrous, receptacles axillary or from leaf scars, purple, orbicular, crowded towards branches tips. FIs. & Frts. ; April - October Distrib. : In plains area Warandha Ghat, Bhor, Nasarapur. Ficus benghalensis L. Sp. PI. 1059. 1753; King in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 1 : 18. t. 13 & 81 c. 1887 & in Hook.f. . FI. Brit. India 5 ; 499. 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 145. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Corner in Gard. Bull. Singapore 21 : 14. 1965. Urostigma benghalensis (L.)Ga. Sp. Nov. Gen. Fici. 7. 1844; Wight, Icon.t.l889. 1853. M ar.: ‘Wad' Large tree, 17 - 28 m tall, with numerous large aerial roots, latex milky. Leaves

5 - 15 X 4 - 11.5 cm, ovate, rounded or cordate at base, obtuse, nerves 4 - 6 pairs, petioles stout, 1 - 3 cm long. Receptacles 0.5 -1.5 cm across in axillary pairs, globose, pubescent; basal bracts 3, rounded; orange - red when ripe. FIs. & Frts. : April - June. Distrib. : Nasarapur Road side of Bhor. Note : It is held in reverence by the Hindus. Very often cultivated along road sides as avenue. During fruiting season varieties of Birds could be seen. Ficus hispida L. f. Suppl. 442. 1781; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 522. 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 :154.1958 (Repr.ed.). M ar.; ‘Kala Umber’ Small tree, 3 - 8 m tall, hispid - pubescent; stem hollow. Leaves opposite, 16 -

23 X 6.2 - 8 cm, elliptic - oblong or lanceolate, obtuse - rounded at base, serrate or entire, acuminate, scabrid, 3 - 5 ribbed, nerves 5 - 6 pairs; petiole 4 - 7 cm long. Receptacles on stem & leafy branchlets in clusters, upto 15 cm across, pubescent, yellow when ripe; bracts 3, triangular. FIs. & Frts. September - April Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 638.1843. Distrib. Bhor, Bhatghar, Nasarapur.

299 Fiscus religiosa L. Sp. PI. 1059. 1753; King in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 ; 513 . 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 149. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Corner in Card. Bull. Singapore 21 ; 6. 1965. Mar. : "PimpaV Large tree, 15 - 20 m tall, often epiphytic, glabrous. Leaves 6-15x6-11 cm, broadly ovate truncate at base, acuminate - caudate, undulate along margin, 5 - 7 ribbed; petiole 6 - 10 cm long. Receptacles in axillary pairs, up to 1 cm across, globose, dark purple when ripe; basal bracts 3, pubescent. FIs. & Frts. : February - March Distrib. : Often planted along road side and other religious places. Bhor. Note ; Planted near temples as sacred tree and also used in local medicine. Ficus racemosa L. Sp. PI. 1060. 1753; Corner in Gard. Bull. Signapore 21 : 34. 1965.^glomerata Roxb. PI. Cor. 2 : 13, f. 123. 1798; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 535. 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 154. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : ‘Umber’ _____ (jieciduous Treef Ao - 15 m tall. Leaves 3.5 - 13.2 x 1.5 - 4 cm, ovate - lanceolate, obtuse acute at base, acuminate, glaucous beneath, 3 - ribbed; petiole 1 - 2 cm long. Receptacles on tubercled and warted branchlets, subglobose, pinkish on ripe, upto 2 cm long, basal bracts 3, ovate - triangular. FIs. & Frts. : Throughout the year. Illust. : Wight. Ic. t. 1967. 1853. Distrib. : Common in deciduous forest also planted near temples. Warandha Ghat, Baneshwar. ARTOCARPUS L. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Encycl. 3 : 210. 1786; Jarrett in J. Arnold Arbor. 60 ; 334. 1959; Sant, in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3 ; 12 (1961) 1962 . A. integrifolius sensu Gamble FI. Madras 1369. 1928 , Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 541. 1881. Mar. : ‘Phanas’ Trees, 12 - 15 m high. Leaves 11.0 - 14.5 x 4.5 - 7.0 cm, obovate, acuminate at apex. Fruits reaching upVo 50 x 20 cm on stout drooping peduncles, oblong. FIs. & Frts. : April - May. Ulus. : Sant, in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 57. f. A. & B. opp. Page

300 448. 1960. Distrib. : Few near villages and on hill slopes; found along with Mangifera indica. Warandha Ghat, Bhor. Shivther Ghal.

CULTIVATED SPECIES Ficus elastica Roxb. ex. Hornem. H. Hufn. Suppl. 7. 1819; Wight, Ic.t. 663. 1840; King in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 508. 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 155. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Epiphytic trees with aerial roots. Leaves coriaceous, shining, receptacles enclosed by hooded involucres when young and at maturity leaf with only saucer shaped cup. Distrib. : Planted at Bhor - Nasarapur. Moms alba L. Mar. : Tw?/’ ' . Trees, 5 - 6 m high, trunk attaining 20 cm diam, branches gray. Leaves thin, light green, base semi - truncate, mostly oblique. Cultivated at Hirdoshi, Nasarapur.

CASUARINACEAE CASUARINA Forst. Casuarina equisetifolia Forst., Char. Gen. 104, t. 52, 1776; f. B. I. 5 : 598, 1888. Mar. : ‘S u m ’ Tall trees with dropping branches; branches dimorphic, those on longer internodes deciduous, branchlets of limited growth and with short internodes bear whorls of 6 - 8 scale like leaves. Male spikes usually numerous, at the end of branchelets; female cones globose or ovoid. Seeds winged. FIs. & Frts. : May - June. ^ Distrib. : Planted in garden for ornamental purpose.

Note : Species is usually planted in bulk by forest department to prevent soil erosion. Bhor, Nasarapur.


Key to the genera. 'i\ 1. Stems brached, leafy throughout .... Hydrilla 1. Sternless or stoloniferous; leaves radical: 2. Petioles distinct, spathes winged ... Ottelia 2. Petioles indistinct; spathes not winged ... Vallisneria HYDRILLA L.C. Rich. Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle 111. Bot. Himal.f. 376, 1839, F. B. I.. 5 ; 695, 1888. Serpicula verticillata L .t, Suppl. 416, 1781. Mar.; ‘Sheval’ Slender, submerged herbs. Leaves 4 - 8 per whorl, linear, oblong, apex apiculate, entire. Flowers pale-pink, regular, mono or dioecious; male flowers solitary; female flowers sessile. Fruits subulate, smooth or muricate. FIs. & Frts. ; December - January. Ulus. Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2: t.686.1982. Distrib. Common in ponds and tanks. Bhatghar, Bhor, Hirdoshi. OTTELIA Pevs. Ottelia alismoides (b) Pers. Syn. PI. 1 ; 400. 1805; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 5: 662, 1888; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay, 3 : 173, 1958 (Repr. ed.) Stratiotes alismoides L. Sp.Pl. 553. 1753. Fleshy, submerged aquatic herbs, root fibrous. Leaves 5.10 x 4.12 cm., variable, oblong, orbicular, base cordate,* petiolat^. petioles trigonous. Spathes 2.5 - 5 cm long with undulate wings. 5 - 6 winged; peduncles 20 - 35 cm long; sepals oblong, green; petals 2 - 5 cm across, white and orbicular. Fruits 2.5 - 3 cm long, ellipsoid.

302 FIs. & Frts. November - April. Ulus. Matthew, Ulus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t.688. 1982 • Distrib. Common in Nira river at Bhor, Bhatghar. In ponds and tanks, Nasarapur. VALLISNERIA L. Vallisneria spiralis L . Sp. PI. 1015.1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 660. 1888; Cooke, FI, Pres. Bombay 3 : 171, 1958 (Repr.ed); Subram. Aq. Ang. 57, f.39.1962. Tufted herbs. Leaves radical, narrowly linear, 24 - 30 x 1.0 - 1.5 cm, margins entire or serrulate towards apex. Male flowers minute, numerous with shortly pedunculate spathe; female flowers solitary, spiral/arranged. Fruits linear, included in the spathe. FIs. & Frts. April - May. Ulus. Matthew, lUus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:t.689.1982. Distrib. Rooting at the bottom of Tanks and ponds Baneshwar, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. CERATOPHYLLACEAE CERATOPHYLLUM L. Ceratophyllum demersum L.Sp. Pl.992.1753; Hook.fFl. Brit, India 5:639.1888; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 3 : 165.1958 (Repr.ed); Wilmot -in KewBull.40 : 257.1985. Herbs, aquatic submerged, 20 - 90 cm long; rootless. Leaves finely dissected, segments linear or filiform-margin dentate. Flowers minute, axillary, solitary, sessile. Fruits straw coloured, tuberculate with 3 spines. FIs. & Frts. : June - September. jllus. Mathew, Illus. FI. Tamibiadu Carnatic t.683.1982. Distrib. Common in river Nira at Bhor, Bhatghar.

303 ORCHIDACEAE Key to the genera. 1.Terrestrials :

2. Lip spurred Habenaria 2. Lip not spurred... Malaxis L Epiphytes : 3.Leaves thick ... Oberonia 3. Leaves not as above: 4. Lip spurred: S.Column prolonged into a foot ... Aerides 5.Column not prolonged into a foot... V an da 4. Lip not spurred: 6. Pollinia 8 ... Eria 6. Pollinia2-4... Dendrobium AERIDES Lour. Aerides crispum Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orch. PI. 239, 1833; Hook f. FI. Birt. India 6 : 45. 1890; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 203.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant. & Kap. Orch. Bombay 122.1966. Herbs, 10 - 12 cm high. Leaves oblong, 10 - 12 x 1.5 - 2.5 cm. Flowers pink about 1.5 cm across; bracts triangular - ovate; sepalsoblique, about 1 cm long, minutely denticulate; petals obovate, acute, spreading; lip oblong, 34obed. Capsules elliptic, 2 - 3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. May - July. lllus. Wight, Ic.t. 1677.1851 (A. lindleyana). Distrib. Common at higher altitudes of Warandha Ghat. DENDROBIUM Swartz, (nom. cons.) Key to the species. 1. Flowers creamish- bracts ovate ... D. ovatum 1. Flowers white or with pinkish tinge; bracts lanceolate ... ^ D. barbatulum 304 Dendrobium barbatulum Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orch. PI. 84.1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 719.1890; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 184,1958 (Repr.ed); Sant and Kap.Orch. Bombay 93, PI. 22.1966. ^ /I Herbs; stem^lO - 20 cm high. Leafless when flowering, inte^nodes about 3.5 cm long, shining. Racemes 5 - 20 cm long; bracts about 0.4 cm long, scarious; speals oblong - lanceolate, 3 - nerved; petals lanceolate, spur about 0 - 7 cm long, recurved. Capsules elliptic. FIs. & Frts. January - July. Ulus. Sant. & Kap. op. cit. Distrib. Common on Terminalia spp. Warandha Ghat.

Dendrobium ovatum (Willd.) Kranzl. In Engl. Pflazenr. 45 : 71.1910, Sant & Kap. Orch. Bombay 91, PI. 21. 1966. Cymbidium ovatum Willd. Sp. PI. 4 : 101.1805 D. chlorops Lindl, in Bot. Reg. Misc. 44, 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 5 : 719.1890; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 3 : 184.1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs; stem^40 - 45 cm high. Leaves simple, elliptic - oblong 5-10 X 1.2 - 3.5 cm, membr^ous, caducous. Racemes 5 - 15 cm long; batcts about 0.2 to 0.3 cm long, scarious; sepals ovate - oblong, 3 - nerved; petals abovate - oblong, 5 - nerved; lip obscurely clawed at base. Capsules oblong - avoid, purple, ribbed. FIs. & Frts. June - March. Illus. : Wight, Ic.t. 910.1885 (D. barbatulum). Distrib. Shivther Ghal Warandha Ghat. ERIA Lindl. (nom. cons.) Eria microcbilos (Dalz.) Lindl. In J. Linn. Soc. 3 : 47.1858; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 194.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant.& Kap.Orch. Bombay 154, PI. 36. 1996. Dendrobium microchips Dalz. in Hook. J. BotJCew Gard. Misc. 3 : 345.1851. E.dalzellii Hool^^ FI. Brit. India 5 ; 789.1890 (p.p.) non

Lindl. 1858. 305 Small herbs psedobulbous about 1 cm across. Leaves oblong - lanceolate, 3.0 - 7.0 x 0.3 - 1.0 cm, apex mucronate. Flowers white; bracts lanceolate; sepals & petals lanceolate, 0.6 - 0.8 cm long, lip oblong. Capsules about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. April - October. Ulus. Sant & Kap. op. cit. Distrib. Occasional, Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat. HABENARIA Willd Key to the species. 1. Leaves flat on ground H. diphylla 1. Leaves not as above : 2. Stems leafy upwards... H. heyneana 2. Leaves clustered towards middle or at base of stems ... H. marginata

Habenaria diphylla Dalz. in Hook. Kew. J. Bot. 2 ; 262. 1850; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 151. 1890; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 227.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant & Kap.Orch. Bombay 21, t. 6 f. 22.1966.

Herbs, 10 - 20 cm tall; tubers usually one, ellipsoid. Leaves 1.2 - 3.0

X 0.4 - 3.5 cm, ovate, oblong, acute, margins entire. Scapes 7 - 12 cm long. Racemes 2 to many flowered; flowers shortly stalked, white. Capsules fusiform. FIs. & Frts. July - October. Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 1715.1851. (H.jerdoniana) Sant. & Kap. op. cit.

Distrib. Frequent in moist, open situating in plains Warandha Ghat.

306 Habenaria heyneana Lindl. Gen. Sp. PI. Orch. 320.1835; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 148.1890; Cooke, FI. Pres, Bombay 3 : 225.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant.& Kap. Orch. Bombay 32.1966. H.cerea Blatt.& McC. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36 : 21, t.6.1932.

Herbs, about 20 - 25 cm tall. Leaves 2.0 to 4.0 x 0.5 - 1.5 cm, ovate and norrowly oblong - lanceolate. Inflorescence of terminal spikes. Flowers greenish - white; bracteate; shortly pedicellate. Capsules ellipsoid and oblong.

FIs. & Frts. July - August. Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 923.1845. Distrib. In hilly forests, Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Rayreshwar. Habenaria marginata Coleb. in Hook, Exot. F1.2, 17: t.l36. 1824; F. B. I. 6 ; 150, 1890.Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay3:226.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant. & Kap.Orch. Bombay 33, t.5, f 17.1966. Herbs, stout, terrestrial, glabrous about 25 cm tall. Leaves cauline, 3 - 4 clustered near the base of stems, oblong, upto 10 cm long, thick, apex acute, margin white, glabrous. Flowers yellow, in a terminal spikes. Capsules fusiform, turgid, curved. FIs. & Frts. October - December. Ulus. Sant, op.cit. Ugemuge, FI. Nagpur E>t. 156.1986. Distrib. Grows in shady places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal.

MALAXIS Soland.ex Swartz Malaxis rheedii Swartz in Kongl. Vet. Acad Nya Handl. 21:235. 1800 Microstylis versicolor Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. 21. 1830, non Wight (1844 — 45); Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:179. 1958 (Repr.ed). Malaxis versicolor (Lindl.) Abeywicker in Ceylon J. Biol. Sci. 2:147. 1959; Sant.& Kapadia in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc 58:347. 1961 & Orch. Bombay 141. 1966 307 Microstylis rheedii Wight, Ic.t. 902. 1944; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 5:690. 1890.

Herb^stoloniferous ground orchid; erect stem, swollen at base, 18 cm high; Leaves abovate or ovate elliptic, membranous, 4.5 -15.5 x2.6-5.0 cm; Flowers yellow in terminal racemes. Fruits clavate - oblong. FIs & Frts. July - September. illus. : Wight, op.cit; Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Caraetic 2:t.707. 1982 • Distrb. In hilly forests, Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar. OBERONIA Lindl. (nom. com.) Oberonia recurva Lindl. in Bot. Reg. Misc. 8. 1839; Hook f. FL PI. t. 1784 A. 1888 & FI. Brit India 5:680. 1890; Cooke ¥1. Pres. Bombay 3:178. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Sant, & Kap. Orch. Bombay 60.1966. Herbs. Leaves 2.0 - 5.5 x 0.7 - 1.0 cm. Racemes 2-10 cm long; flowers imbricate; bracts lanceolate; sepals tringular - ovate, gland dotted; petals about 0.5 cm long; lip red, equalling petals. Capsules oblong, about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : October - July. ^ Distrb. Common along ghatsi Shivther Ghal and Warandha Ghat. ^ VANDA W. Jones ex R.Br. Vanda tesscllafa (Roxb.) Hook.ex G. Don in Loud, Hort. Brit. 372. 1830; Sant. & Kap. Orch. Bombay 210, 1966. Epidendrum tessellatum Roxb, PI. Cor.t. 42. 1795. Vanda roxburghii R. Br. F.B.l. 1.6:52, 1890. Herbs, epiphytic; stem stout, leafy upto 60cms long. Leaves thickly coriaceous. Flowers large, in 6-10 flowered racemes; sepals and petals yellow, tessellated with brown lines on the inside, lip with a conical pointed spur. Capsules narrowly clavate - oblong. FIs & Frts. July - September. Illus. Wight, Ic.t. 916. 1844 - 1845. 308 Distrb. : Frequently seen in forests on trees Hirdoshi, Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Rayari. Notes: Roots used in medicated oil for external application in diseases of nervous system. Paste of leaves applied to body during fever. ZINGIBERACEAE Key to the genera. 1.Ovary 1 celled; parietal placentation... Globba 1.Ovary 3 celled; axile placentation: 2. Lateral staminodes broad; 3. Connectives spurred to base; corolla tube funnel shaped ... Curcuma 3. Connectives not spurred at base; corolla tube long slender ... Hitchenia 2.Lateral staminodes small or absent; 4.Flowers in lax-flowered spikes or panicles... Catimbium 4.Flowers in a dense flowered cone like spikes... Costus CATIMBIUM Juss. Catimbium speciosum (Wendl.) Holtt. In Gard. Bull. Singapore 13; 152. 1950. Zerumbe^speciosum Wendl. Sert. Hann. t.l9. 1798. Alpinia nutans (Andr.) Rose in Smith, Exot. Bot. 2:t.l06. 1805; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6;256. 1890; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3;245. 1958 (Repr.ed). A. speciosa (Wendl.) K. Schiun. FI. Kaiser - Wilhelms 29. 1887 & in Engl. PflanzerS?20;339. 1904. Herbs; stem^2.0 - 3.0 m high. Leaves 30 - 40 x 7-8 cm, oblong - lanceolate, tip shortly pointed, base narrowly cuneate. Panicles 15-30 cm long; flowers white tinged. Capsules round, slightly hairy.

309 FIs

1-2 X 0.1 cm, globosely trianous, reddish. Seeds black with a white aril. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Ulus. Wight, Ic. t. 2014. 1853. Distrb. Frequent on hill slopes^arandha Ghat. A

CURCUMA L. Key to the species. 1 .Tubers yellow inside... C. pseudomontana 1 .Tubers orange - yellow inside... C. inodora

C urcum a inodora Blatt. in J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Beng. (N.S.) 26:357. 1930; Sant, in J.Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. 51:135. 1952. Herbs, perennial, tuberous. Leaves radical, 16-31 x 7-14 cm, broadly elliptic lanceolate. Inflorescence of spikes; bracts rosy. Capsules 3 - valved with arillate seeds. FI. & Frts. July — September. Ulus. Sant. op. cit. opp page 136 F.l Distrb. Common in shady areas Warandha Ghat. Curcuma pseudomontana Grah. Cat. PI. Bombay 210. 1839; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:236. 1958. Sant. In J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 45 : 618. 1945. C. montana Baker in Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 6:214. 1890.

310 Herb, 20-30 cm high; root stock with small tubers. Leaves 12-32 x 5-8 cm, elliptic to oblong- lanceolate, acuminate at apex, minutely pubscent; petiole 5-12 cm long. Spikes terminal; bracts ovate-lanceolate, sterile bracts oblong-lanceolate; calyx cylindric, minutely toothed; corolla yellowish, funnel shaped, lobes ovate; stamen 1, staminodes petaloid. Capsules 3- valved, seeds arillate. FIs.

GLOBBA L. Globba marantina L Mant. Alt. 170. 1771; Baker in Hook. f. Fl-Brit. India 6:206. 1890; Burtt & R.M. Smith in Dassan & Fosb. Rev Handb. FI. Ceylon 4:499. 1983. G. bulbifera Roxb. in A sia^R es.ll; 358. 1811 FI. Ind. 1.78. 1820; Baker in Hook, f op cit; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:230. 1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs^with Irhizome creeping roots fleshy. Leaves distichous, oblong or elliptic - lanceolate, 9-15 x 3.5 - 5 cm; ligules broad. Spikes terminal, 15 cm; corolla yellow, labellum 2 fid, base auricled, narrow; staminodes petaloid; filament appendaged. Ovary globose. FIs. & Frts. : August November. Ulus. : Wight Ic.t. 2001 1853 (G. marantoides). Distrb. Rare in Warandha Ghat. HITCHENIA Wall Hitchenia caulina (Grab.) Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6:224, 1890, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:233 1958 (Repr.ed). Curcuma caulina Grah. Cat.

PI. Bombay 210. 1839.

311 Herb; stenyl.O - 1.5 m high. Tubers ellipsoid. Leaves oblong - lanceolate, 15 - 23 x 2.0 - 4.5 cm. Flowers yellow in 10-15 cm long spikes; bracts obovate about 3 cm long, pinkish. Capsule oblong, coriaceous. FIs. & Frts. July - October. Distrb. Common annual in moist shady places. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. CULTIVATED SPECIES Zingiber officinale Rose, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8.348. 1807; Baker in Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 6:246. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:242. 1958 (Repr.ed). Burtt.& R.M. Smith in Dassan & Fosb. Rev Handb. FI. Ceylon 4:4185 fl. 1783. M di.:'Ale’ Herbs; stems leafy, ujito 2 m high, perennial. Leaves lanceolate to linear - lanceolate sessile, narrowed to the base. Inflorescence 4-5 x 2 cm ovoid. Fl & Frts. January - March. Distrb. Grown extensively in Bhor, Nasarapur. CANNACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES C anna indica L. Sp. PI. 1. 1753; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3:251. 1958 (Repr.ed). C. indica L. var. orientalis (Rose) Baker in Hook f. Fl. Brit. India 6:260. 1892. Perennial herbs, 40-80 cm. Leaves oblong - lanceolate. Flowers yellow, reddish - yellow in terminal spikes. Fruits globose, triangular, warty. FIs. & Frts. Throughout year. ^ Distrb. : Usually cultivated in garden £or ornamental purposes »Bhor, Bhatghar, Baneshwar.

312 MUSACEAE Key to the genera. 1 .Plants stoloniferous... Musa 1.Plants not stoloniferous... Ensete ENSETE Horan. Ensete superbum (Roxb.) Cheeseman in Kew Bull. 1947; 100. 1948. Musa superba Roxb. PI. Cor.t. 223. 1811 & FI. Ind. 1:667.1832; Baker in Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 6:261. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:247. 1958 (Repr.ed). Tree like herbs Jf m. Leaves oblong tapering towards base. Flowers in dropping spikes. Fruits oblong. FIs. & Frts. : July - January. lllus : Wight 2017-18. 1853 superba). Distrb. : In forests of Warandha Ghat, Shi vther Ghal. MUSA L. Musa rosacea Jacq. Hort. Schoenb. 4:22.t. 445. 1804; Baker in Hook, f FI. Brit India 6:263. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:247. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.: ‘Rankel ’ or ‘Jangali kel'. Stoloniferous herbs; about 90-150 cm in height. Leaves linear - oblong, petiolate. Flowers few in drooping or erect spikes; calyx yellowish - white; Fruits linear - oblong, 4-5 angled, slightly incurved. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrb. In forests, Warandha Ghat, Shi vther Ghal. CULTIVATED SPECIES Musa paradisiaca L. Sp. PI. 1043. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:249. 1958 (Repr.ed); Chessman in Kew Bull. 1947: 148. 1948. M. sapientum L. paradisiaca (L) Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 6:262. 1892.

313 Mar.: ‘Kel'

Stoloniferous herbs with cylindric false stem. Flowers in dronping spikes. Fruits cylindric. FIs. & Frts. : Through out the year. Distrb. Usually cultivated Hirdoshi, Bhor, Khed Shivapur, Nasarapur. HAEMADORACEAE CULTIVATED SPECffiS ^ (9 Sanseveria zeylanica (L) Willd. Sp. PI. 2:159, 1799; F.B.I. 6:270j m i-A lo e A h hyacinthoidesL. &A. zeylanica L.S^. PL 321^1753. Rhizomes prominent, creeping. Leaves entire, linear - oblong, epetiolate, rigid, flat but concave on lower surface. Flowers brownish whitish on a elongate, stout rachis. Fnuts berries, 1-3 seeded. F/s. & Frts. : January — June. Distrb. Planted as hedges. Bhor, Baneshwar HYPOXIDACEAE Key to the genera. L Leaves linear to linear - lanceolate; ovary produced above into stipe... Curculigo 1. Leaves narrowly linear; ovary not produced above into a stipe.... Hypoxis CURCULIGO Gaertn. Curculigo orchioides Gaertner, Fruct & Sem. PI. 1:63 f.l6. 1788; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2:278. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3: 255. 1958 (Repr.ed) Scapigerous, tuberous herbs. Leaves radical, 5.5 - 18 x 1 - 2.5 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, acuminate at apex. Flowers solitary or in small scape hidden in the bases of leaves; perianth yellow, lobes 6, ciliate at tip; stamens 6. Capsules ovate, fleshy. Seed; globose, shining. FIs. Frts. June - October. lllus. Wight, Ic.t. 2043 A.853 (C. malabarica).

314 Distrb. : Frequent in moist places Bhor, Bhatghar. HYPOXIS L. Hypoxis aurea Lour. FI. Cochinch. 200. 1790; Hook f.Fl. Brit. India 6:277. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3; 254. 1958 (Repr.ed) Small perennial herbs with tuberous rhizomes. Leaves linear, subcoriaceous, 10-25 x 0.5 - 1.1 cm. Flowers yellow in terminal scapes. Capsules oblong, 3 - vaived. FIs. & Frts. : June — August. Distrb. : In hilly forests Warandha Ghat. AMRYLLIDACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Filaments connected by basal membranous corona ... Pancratium 1. Filaments not connected by basal corona ... Crinum CRINUM L. Key to the species. 1. Leaves 10-15 cm broad; umbels 15-20 flowered ... C. asiaticum 1. Leaves 1.5 - 2.0 cm broad; umbels 6-12 flowered... C. defixum Crinum asiaticum L. Sp. PI. 292. 1783; Hook, f FI. Brit. India 6:280. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 3:256. 1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs with bulbs about 6 cm across. Leaves about Im long. Scapes 10 - 14 cm long; flowers white, fragrant; perianth tube 9 cm long; lobes 6, equalling tube; stamens 6; reddish. Capsules globose, 1-2 seeded. FIs. & Frts. : May - September. lllus. : Wight, Ic. t. 2021 - 2022-1853- (C. toxicarium Roxb.) . Distrb. : Occasional monsoon herb along hill slopes-Warandha Ghat. Crinum defixum Ker ^Gawl in J. Sci.& Arts (London) 3:105. 1817; Hook f FI. Brit. India 6:281. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:257. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.: 'Kimbaya'

Bulbs avoid, 3-5 cm across. Leaves linear about 5.2x2.5cm. Scapes 10 - 15 cm long. Flowers umbels; perianth tube 7-8 cm long, lobes white. Capsules subglose, about 2cm across. F/s. (& Frts. September - October. ^ ^ ^ Lakshminarasimhan &[^arm/Fl. Nasj^Dt. 561, Photo & f.32 1991 (C. defixiim). Distrb. Bhor, Nasarapur. PANCRATIUM L. Pancratium longiflorum Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 : 125. 1832; Hook . f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 286.1882. Kamble et. al. in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 3. 812 (1982) 1983. 1 |5capigerousJBerb^ with globose, tunicated bulbs, 5 - 6 cm across, necks long cylindric 3 - 12 cm long and 2 cm broad. Leaves 20 - 30 x 1 - 2 cm, narrowly linear lanceolate or oblanceolate. Scapes shorter than the leaves 10-15 cm; flower white, perianth 10 - 15 cm long; staminal cups about 3 cm long with bifid teeth between the filaments. FIs & Frts. June - July. Distrib. Rare^Warandha Ghat.

CULTIVATED SPECIES PoUanthes tuberosa L. Sp. PI. 316, 1753, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 260 (BSI reprint 1958.) Mar.; "Nishigandha’ Erect leafy herbs about 100 cm tall with tuberous rhizomes.Leaves large, at the base of the stems. Flowers white, very fragrant, in long terminal simple racemes; perianth funnel shaped. FIs & Frts. April - June. ^ Q Distrib. : Planted in garden,^Bhor, Nasarapur.

Notes : Plant contains essential oil. TTT

316 Furcraea foetida (L) Haw. Syn. PI. Succ. 73. 1812; Backer & B akh.^. FI. Java 3 : 165.1968 Agave foelida L. Sp. PI. 323. 1753 Furcraea gigantea Vent.

Shrubs, perennial; stems about 1 m high. Leaves lancelolate, spreading thick, crowded, long, the short stem. Infl. terminal scape upto 10 cm tall; flower bisexual, sessile, yellow. ^

FIs & Frts. ; August - December Distrib. ; Planted in gardens^aneshwar.

Crinum viviparum (Lam.) K. Ansan & V.J. Nair m J. tcon. Tax. Bot'^ 11.205 (1987) 1988, Amaryllis vivipara Lam. Encycl. 1:123. 1783. Crinum defixum Ker - Gawl in J.Sci. Arts London 3:105, 1817, Hook.f. FI. Brit. India 6:281 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:257. 1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, perennial about 1 m high, bulb large ovoid. Leaves 55 - 80 x 2.0 - 2.3 cm, linear. Scapes 60 - 75 cm long, cylindric; inflorescence of 6-12 flowered umbels; flowers white. Capsules 2.0 - 3.3 cm in diam, subglobose, shortly stalked, bea'ked by perianth tube. Seeds rugose. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Ulus. Lakshminarasimhan & SharmiLFl. NasidDt. 561, Photo & f.32 1991 (C. defixum). c O Distrb. Planted in Garden^Bhor, Nasarapur.

AGAVACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES AGAVE L. Agave americana L. Sp. PI. 323.1753; Bailey, Man. Cult, PI. 229.1949.

Mar.: "Ghaipat’. Century plant, so called from the erroneous notion that it blooms only when 100 years old. Leaves bome next to the ground in a massive rosette, 20

317 - 30 cm long, thick and heavy, prickly on the edges, Infl. is produced at the maturity of the plant.

FIs & Frts. October - December. Distrib. Cultivated near fields - Bhor, Nasarapur. DIOSCOREACEAE DIOSCOREA L. Key to the species. 1.Stem.prickly... D. pentaphylla l.Sten^not prickly: 2.Leaves digitately compound... D. hispida 2.Leaves simple... D. bulbifera Dioscorea bulbifera L. Sp. PI. 1033. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:265. c o 1958 (Repr.ed),D. sativa Thurib^Fl. Jap. 151, 1784, non L. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6:295. 1892. (excl./). clifftortiana). Extensive bulbiferous climbers bearing warted bulbils in the leaf axil. Leaves alternate, 3 - 12x5-8 cm, broadly ovate, apex acuminate, caudate membranous, base cordate with deep or shallow broad sinus. Male flowers purplish or greenish, in 2.5 - 6 cm long spikes, bracteate; perianth segments fleshy; female flowers in axillary solitary, or fascicled 10 - 25 cm long pendulous spike. Capsules quadrate, oblong. Seeds winged. FIs. & Frts. : August - October. nius. : Wight, Ic.t 878. 1845; Distrb. : CommonHvarandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Ambeghar. , Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Schless. Hort. Ind. Malab. 33. 1818; Burkill in FI. Males. 4 : 318.1951. D. daemona Koxh. FI. Ind. 3 : 805. 1832, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 289.1892; Cooke, FI, Pres. Bombay 3 : 264.1958 (Repr.ed).

318 PLAI E - Xi

\y i l , • — 9^-* .5* i;r V..J' ^ "V''-,.*^^

35. Protasparagus racemosus ,.. Prickly twiners with tuberous roots. Leaves ovate - oblong or cuneate - obovate, villous when young, glabrescent at length. Flowers greenish - yellow in dense spikes (males) or solitary distant spikes (females). Capsules oblong, winged. FIs & Frts. : June - October.

Ulus. : Weight, Ic. t. 811.1844 (D.daemona). Distrib. \ In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat, Bope, Bhutonde. Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Sp. PI. 1032.1753; Hook.f.Fl. Brit. India 6 : 289.1892; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 3:264.1958 (Repr.ed); Sant, in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 49 : 631.1951. Shrubs, climbing; stems usually prickly. Leaves alternate, 3 - 5 foliolate; leaflets 3.5 - 10.0 x 1.0 - 4.5 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, ovate or obovate. Flowers white or greenish - white; male in racemes towards branch endings; female in pendulous spikes. Capsules 1.5 - 2.5 cm long, retuse at both ends. Seeds winged only towards base. FIs. & Frts. : July - October.

Illus. : Wight, Ic. t. 814.1844. Distrib. : Frequent on hill slopes; found on Carissa congesta. Warandha Ghat. ASPARAGACEAE PROTASPARAGUS Oberm. Key to the species. l.Cladodes more than 1.3 cm in length... P.racemosus l.Cladodes less than 1.3 cm in length... F.laevissimus. Protasparagus laevissimus (Steud.) Kamble^J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15:707- 710.1992. Asparagus laevissimus Stued. ex Baker in J.Linn. Soc. Bot. 14:623.1875; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:317.1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 :270.1958 (Repr.ed).

319 MdiX.-.'Shatavari’

Subscandent bushes with terete stems; branches striate. Leaves with deflexed spinious spurs, leaves scaly deciduous, cladodes 3 - 6 nate, 0.5 - 0.6 cm long. Flowers in dense racemes, 2.5 - 5 cm long; pedicellate, solitary or in pairs; anthers subglobose; stigmas 3. Fruits globose 0.4 - 0.6 cm across. FIs & Frts. : June - August.

Ulus. : Kamble & Pradhan FI. Akola

Dt. 222, Figs. 1-8.1988. Distrib. ; Common, Warandha Ghat. Protasparagus racemosus (Willd.) Oberm. var. javanicus (Kunth ex Bak.) Kamble^ J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 15:707-710.1992. Asparagus recemosus Wild. var.^von/c^(Kunth) Baker, in Journ. Linn. Soc. 14 ; 624. 1875; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 317.1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 270.1958 (Repr.ed). yidii.'.'Shatavari’ Extensive scandent bushes with tuberous root - stalks. Leaves scale like with scarious portion upto 6.00 mm long, spines upto 6.00 mm long and slightly curved or straight; cladodes slender, triquetrous, 1 - 3 nate, divaricate, 10 - 30 mm long. Flowers white, in 2.5 - 5 cm long racemes; pedicels filiform; articulated; anthers subglobose. Fruits subglobose, 0.4 - 0.5 cm across, red when ripe. FIs & Frts. : June - September.

Ulus. ; Wight, Ic. t. 2056.1853. Distrib. '■ Common, Warandha Ghat. LILIACEAE

Key to the genera. 1.Plants succulent... 1.Plants not succulent: 2. Climbers or stragglers ... Gloriosa

320 2. Erect herbs.: 3. Leaves cauline... Dipcadi 3.Leaves radicle: 4.Rootstock a bulb: 5. Flowers dirty - brown... Drimia 5. Flowers white... Scilla 4. Rootstock short with tuberous roots ; 6.Leaves flat... ^ Chlorophytum 6.Leaves terete ... Asphodelus

ALOE L. Aloe vera (L) Burm.f.Fl. Ind.83. 1768, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:283.1958 (Repr.ed.), Gandhi in Said. & Nicols. FI. Hassan Dt. 793. 1976. A. perfoliata var. vera L. Sp. PI. 320 1753. Mar.: "Korphad' Shrubs. Leaves ensiform, upto 6 cm broad, arranged in a rosette. Scapes upto 1 m high, simple or branched; flowers in 15 - 30 cm long racemes; perianth cylindric, yellow, about 2.4 cm. long, bracteate.

FIs. & Frts. November - March. Ulus. Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamihiadu Carnatic 2:t. 740. 1982. Distrib. Waste places. Warandha Ghat, Bhor. ASPHODELUS L. Asphodelus tenulfolius Cav. in Ann. Cienc. Nat. 3:46.t.27.f.2.1801; Hook.f.Fl.Brit. India 6 :332. 1892; Cooke,FI. Pres. Bombay 3:279. 1958


321 Herbs, about 20-25 cm. high. Leaves 15 -20 cm. long. Flowers white in lax about 15 cm. long racemes, bracts ovate, acute, scarious; perianth lobes ablong, obtuse; styles filiform; stigma sub-capitate. Capsules^about 0.4 cm. across.

FIs & Frts. : November - February. Ulus. V4i^x,\cx. 2062. \%53) (A. paiiciflorus) Distrib. Rare, annuals, near cultivated fields 0 Hirdoshi. CHLOROPHYTUM Ker^Gawl. Key to the species. 1.Roots tubj^ous... C. tuberosum 1 .Roots not tub^ous... C. glaucoides

Chlorophytum glaucoides Blatt. In J. & Proc. Asiat. Soc. Beng. (N.S.) 26:361.1930.

Herbs; rootstocks hard. Leaves 4 - 5, 25 - 50 cm long. Scapes 35 - 50 cm long, clothed with narrowly lanceolate sheaths; racemes 15 - 20 cm long; bracts lanceolate, about 3.5 cm long; perianth lobes about 1 cm long, 5 - nerved. Capsules triquetrous, about 0.8 cm long, black. FIs. & Frts. : August - November. Distrib. Common in moist rock crevices. Warandha Ghat near Wagjai temple.

Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker in Joum. Linn. Soc. 15 : 322. 1875, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 334. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 281.

1958 (Repr. ed.).

322 Herb. Roots often tuberous. Leaves 8-45 x 1-3.5 cm, ensiform, linear - oblanceolate, sheathing at base, acuminate. Scapes 30-35 cm long; perianth lobes 6, white oblong; stamens 6; style filiform. Capsules 3-loculed, winged, fleshy. Seeds angled, pitted.

FIs & Frts. June - August. Ulus. : Wight, Ic. t. 2036. 1953 (Phalangium tuberosum). Distrib. Frequen^ Warandha Ghat. DIPCADI Medit Dipcadi montanum (Dalz.) Baker in J. Linn. Soc. 11 : 398.1871; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 346. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 278. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Deb & Dasgupta in Fasc. FI. India 7:6, f. 11-16. 1981.

Herbs with bulbs globose, about 2.5 cm across. Leaves linear, 10 - 18 X 0.2 - 0.5 cm. Scapes 20 - 75 cm. long; racemes 6-10 flowered; outer perianth lobes elliptic - oblong; inner tubular, apex recurved. Capsules obovoid, 3 - lobed. Seed 0.3 - 0.5 cm. long, dull black. FIs & Frts. : July - August. Distrib. Rare ephemeral monsoon herbs Warandha Ghat. DRIMIA Jacq. ex Willd. Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop in J.S. Afr.Bot. 43 ; 272. 1977; Ansari & Raghavan in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77 : 174.1980. Scilla indica Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 2 : 147.1832. Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth, Enum. PI. 4 : 333. 1843; Hook. f. FI. Brit, hidia 6 : 374.1892; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 3 : 277. 1958; Deb & Dasgupta in Fasc. FI. India 7 ; 17.1981.

323 MdiX.'Jangli kan da'

Herbs; bulbs avoid, 3-5 cm long. Leaves linear, 18 - 2 6 xl.5-3.0 cm. Scapes 15-40 cm. long; pedicels spreading; perianth lobes oblong to oblanceolate, 2 — 3 nerved. Capsules about 0.5 cm long. FIs & Frts. July - August. 'ye. Distrib. Rare on plateau^ in rocky areas. Warandha Ghat. GLORIOSA L. Gloriosa superba L. Sp. PI. 305. 1753, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 358. 1892, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 274. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar.; ‘Kal - lawi ’

Climbers with tuberous rootstocks. Leaves 6 - 14 x 2-4.5 cm, ovate - lanceolate, sheathing at base, apex tendrillar. Flowers 5 - 6 cm. long, showy, solitary, axillary; pedicels 9-13.5 cm. long; perianth lobes 6, free, margins wavy, green, than yellow, passing through orange and scarlet to crimson; stamens 6. Capsules linear - oblong. Seeds globose. FIs. S: Frts. : August - September. Ulus. Wight, Ic, t. 2047. 1853. Distrib. Common in forest Warandha Ghat SCILLA L. SciUa hyacinthina (Rotb.) Me Bride in Contr. Gray Herb. 2.56.14 1918; Deb & Dasgupta in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 17:46 (1975) 1978 & Faso. FI. India 7:14. 1981. Ledhourea hyacinthina Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 195. 1821. Scilla indica (Wight) Baker in Sound. Refug. Bot. 3 App. : 12. 1870 & J. Liim. Soc 13:250. 1872, non Roxb. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:348. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:276. 1958 (Repr.ed).

Herbs scapigerous, bulbs ovoid or subglobose. Leaves 2-5, 3.0 - 8.0 x 0.5 - 0.6 cm, oblong - lanceolate, usually mottled with reddish-purple spots

324 above. Scapes 3 - 10cm long; inflorescence of dense racemes, many flowered; flowers purple or pink. Capsules abovoid, 3 - lobed. FIs. & Frts. July - September Ulus Matthew, Ilus, FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2; t. 745. 1982. Distrb. Common on open fields. Rayreshwar, Janai temple. CULTIVATED SPECIES AUium cepa L. Sp. PI. 300 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6.337. 1892; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:284. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.: "Kanda’ N o te : Cultivated throughout the area as a vegetable. AUium sativum L. Sp. PI. 296. 1756; F.B.I. 6:337, 1892. Mar.:‘Lasun’ Bulb short with bulblets enclosed in a white or pink envelop. Leaves flat, linear. Flowers often replaced by bulbous; pinkish, in lax umbels on a long, terete scape exceeding the leaves. Capsules oblong-ovoid, membranous. Seeds black. FIs. & Frts. February - April. Distrib. Native of Europe; under cultivation in some parts. Bhor & Nasarapur. Note : Bulb is used as a vermifuge. SMILACACEAE SMILAX L. Key to the species. 1. Leaf blades of flowering branches orbicular-ovate... ovalifolia 1. Leaf blades of flowering branches broadly ovate... S. zeylanica

325 Smilax ovalifolia Roxb. FI. Ind. 3:794. 1832; Wight, Ic.t. 809. 1844; T. Koyama in Adv. Front PI. Sci. 4:48. T. 1. 1963. 5. macrophysia Roxb. FI. Ind. 3;793. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6;3I0. 1892; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:271. 1958 (Repr.ed)

Mar.:‘G/2o?ve/ ’

Extensive, prickly climbers. Leaves variable in shape. Umbels 1-3 on an axis, many flowered. Berries 9-11mm across. Seeds 1 or 2. FIs. & Frts. : May - October. Distrib. : In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat Smilax zeylanica L.Sp. PI. (ed. 1)1429. 1753; T.Koyama in Adv. Front.Pl. Sci. 4:50. 1963. Prickly climbers deciduous, scandent. Leaves uniform in shapes. Umbles 1-3 (mostly-1) on short axis. Berries 6-8 mm across.

FIs. & Frts. : May - October. Ulus. : Matthew, lllus. FI. Tamilnadu Camntic 2.t .746. 1982. Distrib. In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

PONTEDERIACEAE EICHHORNIA Kunth (nom. com.) Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. in DC. Monogr. Phan. 4:527. 1883; Subr. Aq Ang. 70. 1962. Pontederia crassipes Mart. Nov. Gen. 7 Sp. PI. 1:9 t. 4. 1823. Mar.:‘Ja/paw/’ y^toloniferou^lierbs^eaves radical, broadly ovate - rhomboid, 6-20 cm long. Flowers irregular, greenish-red in spikes. FIs. & Frts. : September-February. jlliis, : Matthew, lllus. FI. Tanulnadu Carnatic 2:t. 747. 1982.

326 Distrib. Common Weed in Nira river at Bhor., Bhatghar, Hiredushi COMMELINACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Fertile stamens 3; staminodes present; 2.Bracts spatheceous... Commelina 2.Bracts inconspicous, ... Murda vnia 1. Fertile stamens 6; staminodes absent; 3. Inflorescence terminal... Cyanotis 3. Inflorscence axillary... Tomingia COMMELINA L. Key to the species. l.Spathespedicellate... C. diffusa l.Spathes sessile: 2.Capsules 5 seeded... C. benghalensis 2.Capsules 3 seeded... C. erecta

Commelina benghalensis L. Sp. PI. 41. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6;370. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3;291. 1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, 50-60 cm. Leaves elliptic - ovate or oblong, glabrous or sparesely ciliate. Flowers bright blue in short cymes; spathes 1-3 together, funnel shaped or turbinate. Capsules pyrifonn; seeds 5 oblong.

FIs. & Frts. September - October. Illus. Wight, Ic. 2065. 1853; Trim.Fl. Ceyl.4 ; 301. 1931. Distrib. Frequent in moist places. Bhor, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi.

327 CommeUna diffusa Burm. f. FI. Ind. t. 7, f.2 1768; Rolla Rao in Notes R.B.G. Edinb 25:179. 1964. C. nudiflora auct pi. non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:369. 1892. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:290. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Herbs, diffuse, 30 cm long; roots fibrous. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, 4.5 - 8.0 X 0.8 - 1.2 cm; sheath about 2 cm long. Spathes ovate - lanceolate, base rounded or cordate; flowers blue; petals obovate - orbicular, clawed. Capsules oblong, coriaceous. Seeds 5, oblong, brown. FIs. & Frts. October — January. Distrb. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur. Commelina erecta L. Sp. PI. 41. 1753; Morton in J. Linn Soc. Bot. London 60:183. 1967. C. kunii C.B. Cl. In J. Linn Soc. Bot. London 11:144, 18&9& Cyrt. Beng. t. 8. 1874; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:373. 1892. Dichotomously branched herbs. Leaves ovate lanceolate, hairy beneath. Flower purple. Capsules elliopsoid, glabrous. Seeds blackish - brown glabrous. FIs. Frts. August - October. Ulus. Mahesh Ulus. FI. Delhi f. 202 1966 (C. kunii). Distrb. Common. Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi. CYANOTIS D. Don (nom. cons.) Cyanotis tuberosa (Roxb.) J.A. & J.H. Schutt. In Roem & Schult-Syst. Vegs. 7:1153. 1870; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6:386. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:302 1958 (Repr.ed.). Trandescantia tuberosa Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 108 1798. Suberect or prostrate herbs with fusiform tubers. Leaves radical and cauline, linear - ensiform, hairy. Flowers bluish, purple; pedunculate, hirsute

cymes. Capsules ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Distrb. In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat.

328 MURDANNIA Royle (nom. com.) Murdannia simplex (Vahl) Brenan in Kew Bull 7:186 1952 Commelina simplex Vahl, Enum PI. 2:177. 1805. Aneilema.sinicum Ker. - Gawl. in Kew Bot. Reg. T. 659 1822; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6:379 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:299. 1958 (Recr.ed). A. hgidum Blatt. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 33:73:1928. Herbs, 30 - 35 cm high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, 6.32 x 10 - 1.5 cm. Sheath 2 - 3 cm long. Flowers blue in lax panicles, bracts ovate, acute, about 1 cm long, caudico^s. Capsules ablong, 0.5 - 0.7 cm long. Seeds 2 - 3, rugose. FIs. & Frts. August - October. Ulus. Wight, Ic.t. 2075.1853 (/i«e/7em

329 ARECACEAE (PALMAE) Key to the genera. 1 -Leaves unipiimate; leaflets linear - oblong... Phoenix 1 .Leaves bipinnate; leaflets obliquely flabelliform... Caryota. CARYOTA L. Caryota urens L. Sp. PI. 1189.1753; Hook. f. FI. Birt. India 6 : 422.1892; Cooke, n . Pres. Bombay 3 : 315.1958 (Repr.ed) Mai.•.‘'Mad'

Trees, 10 - 12 m high. Leaves 3 - 5m long, drooping; leaflets 15 - 30 X 5 -8 cm. spathes 25 - 28 cm long; male flowers; sepals cordate, ciliate. Petals concave, reddish; stamens nmnerous; female flowers; smaller than male flowers; staminodes 3.Berries globose, reddish - Black. FIs. & Frts. March - October. Ulus. Mattew, Dlus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2.t. 757.1982. Distrb. Commonn^Iirc Hirdorshi, Bhor. PHOENIX L. Key to the species. 1 .Seeds acute at both ends... P. dactylifera 1 .Seeds rounded at both ends... P. sylvestris Phoenix dactylifera L.Sp. PI. 1188.1753j^Becc. & Hook, f in Hook f. FI. Brit.India 6 : 424. 1892; Blatt. Pahns BritJ^Ind. & Ceyl. 24, t. 8 & f 3 (9). 1978 (Repr.ed). Max.'Khajur' Trees, 25 - 30 cm tall; trunks covered with persistent base of petioles. Leaves green; pinnae 20 — 35 cm long. Male panicales white, 15.0 — 22.5 cm long on short peduncle; peduncles of female inflorescence 0.8 - 1.2 cm broad; spikes 30 - 50 cm long. Fruits oblong, ripens reddish or yellowish -


330 FIs. & Frts. : March - October. Distrb. : Cultivated in Hirdoshi.

Phoenix sylvestris (L) Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 787,1832, Becc. & Hook. f. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 425.1892; Cooke, FI. Press Bombay 3:311. 1958 (Repr.ed). Elate sylvestris L. Sp. PI. 1989.1753.

Trees with crooked bark, 8 - 12 m. Leaves shining, glabrous upto 2 - 5m long; leaflets con-duplicate. Flowers many, oblique. Fruits orange - yellow, oblong, ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. September - November Distrb. Common in Hirdoshi. Notes : Fruits are edible. The leaves are used for making mats, baskets, brooms and fans. CULTIVATED SPECIES Areca catechu L. Sp. PI. 1189.1753 ; Becc. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. R Brit. India 6 : 405. 1892; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 319.1958. (Repr.ed) Mai./Supari ’ Tree with slender; stem^ ufl^o 3 m tall. Leaves pinnate. Spadix androgynous. Fruits fleshy, fibrous, orange or scarlet. FIs. & Frts. Throughout the year. Ulus. Mattew, Illus. F. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2;t. 754.1982. Distrb. Cultivated at Bhor, Baneshwar. Notes : Cultivated finit seeds. Borassiis flabellifer L. Sp. PI. 1187.1753; Becc. & Hook. f. in Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 482.1894; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 322.1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.Tad’ Tree^with straight trunk, 2 - 5m tall. Leaves coriaceous in terminal crown; petioles 80 —100 cm; male spadix much branched, female one 331 simple, flowers minute. Drupes subglobose, brown. Seeds oblong, 3 - lobed at top.

FIs. & Frts. : March - April. Distrb. : Hirdoshi, Deoghar. Note : Flower - stalk yeild sugar & fruits are edible Cocos nucifera L.Sp. PI. 1188.1753; Becc.& Hook. f. in Hoof. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 482,1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 322.1958 (Repr.ed) Mar.:Wara/’

Tree. Leaves pinnate; leaflets linear - lanceolate. Spadix androgynous, drooping. Drupes obovoid, fibrous. FIs. & Frts. October - December. Distrb. : Cultivated in Bhor, Nasarapur. Hyphaene dichotoma (White) Furtado in Card. Bull. Singapore 25 ; 301,1970; Basu in Ind. PI. Red Data Book - I, 30 1984. Borassus dichotoma. white in Garach. Cat. Bombay PI. 226,1839, H. indica Becc. in Agri. Colon. Florence 2 : 173. L. 3. 1908; R. S. Rao in J. Bombay Nat,Hist. Soc. 60 (3); 761.1963. Tree^ 8 - 12 m. Leaves multifid, flabellate, fan - shaped, upto 1 m broad, long petioles. Flowers unisexual. Fruit green obovoid, mesocarp spongy, fibrous, endocarp hard. FIs. & Frts. September - January. Distrb. Cultivated in Bhor. PANDANACEAE PANDANUS Parkinson Pandanus odoratissimus L. f Suppl. 64.1781; St. John in Taxon 12 : 201.1963 P. tectorius auct pi. non Soland. ex. Parkinson, J. Voy, H. M. S. End, 46.1773; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 324.1958. (Repr.ed.).

332 Mar.: 'Kevada'

Large shrubs or small trees, 4 - 10 m; stem terete, supported by stilt roots. Leaves linear - ensiform spiny on margin and midrib. 50-80 x 4 - 8 cm. Flowers unisexual; spadix much branched, sessile, whitish, fragrant, covering male flowers.

FIs. & Frts. September - October Distrb. Near the river Bhatghar, Nasarapur, near the Baneshwar temple. TYPHACEAE TYPHA L.

Typha angustifolia(^L) Chaubard, Bory et al. Expand Sci. Moree, Bot. 1: 338. 1833; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 489.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres, Bombay 3 : 326.1958 (Repr.ed) MM..''Pankanis' Tall, marshy herbs 2 - 4m high. Leaves linear, semicylindric above the sheaths longer than stems, 2 - 2.4 cm broad. Flowering spikes cylindric, male and female spikes separated from each other; male spikes on the top of the female spikes, yellow, loose, consisting of anthers; female spikes thick compact, brown, consisting of valvate tipped pistillodes, bracteoles sub- spathulate. FIs. & Frts. June - November. Distrb. Bank of river - Bhatghar, Bhor. ARACEAE Key to the genera. 1.Flowers bisexual... Pothos 1.Flowers unisexual: 2. Marshy plants... Pistia 2.Terrestrial plants; 3. Male flowers stipitate... Arisaema

333 3. Male flowers sessile... Sauromatum ARISAEMA Mart. Key to the species. 1 .Leaflets petiolate; apex long caudate... A. caudatum I .Leaflets sessile; apex acuminate, not caudate... A. murrayi

Arisaema caudatum Engl. In DC. Monogr. Phan. 2:559.1879 A. longecaudatum Blatt. in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 26 ; 365.1931 & in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 35:20. 1931. emend. Rolla Rao & Ahuja in Bull Bot. Surv. India 11:450, f. 1-5. 1969; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:508 1893; Cooke, ¥1. Pres. Bombay 3:333.1958 (Repr. ed.) Herbs, about 1 m high; tubers globose, 1 - 2 cm across. Leaflets 5 - 8, oblong - lanceolate, about 12 to 4 cm, base cuneate. Male spadies 20 - 22 cm long; spadix 8 - 10 cm long; female spathes similar to male. FIs. & Frts. June - September. Distrb. Common along hill slopes in rock crevices. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. Arisaema murrayi (Grah.) Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4388. 1848, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:507.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:332. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Arum murrayi Grah. Cat. Bombay PI. 229. 1839. Mar.: 'Sapacha - Kanda ’ Herbs, pereimial, tubers globose. Leaves solitary, segments 5 - 8, 5 - II X 1.5 - 6.0 cm, ovate - lanceolate, acuminate at apex. Spathes striate, 7.5 - 8.5 cm long, white, violet at base; spadix appendage curved. Berries green when young, red at maturity, densely crowded into a head on a long stalk. FIs. & Frts. July - October. Distrb. Common on hill slopes.Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi, Rayreshwar.

334 PISTIA L. Pistia stratiotes L. Sp. PI. 963, 1753; Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 6 : 497. 1893, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 329. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Subr. Ag. Ang. 74. 1962. Floating, stoloniferous herbs. Leaves sessile, obovate - cuneate, densely pubscent, 3 to 7 cm long. Spathes obliquely campanulate, white. Fruits ovoid. FIs. <& Frts : July - December. Distrb. : In ponds near the Bhor, Bhatghar. POTHOS L. Pothos scandens L. Sp. PI. 968. 1753, Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6:551.1893, ^ Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:339.1958 (Repr. ed.). Climbers; stem^much branched. Leaves obovate, elliptic - lanceolate, acuminate, 5 - 10 x 2-4 cm; petiole winged. Spathe cuspidate, green; spadix yellow, globose - ovoid, stipitate. Berries oblong, scarlet. FIs. & Frts. : May - July. Distrb. : Bhor, Nasarapur. SAUROMATUM Schott. Sauromatum pedatum (Willd). Schott in Schott & Endl. Melet. Bot. 17. 1832, Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 508. 1893. Arum pedatum Willd. Enum. Suppl. 54.1809. S. guttatum (Wall) Schott, op. cit.; Hook FI. Fl.Brit. India 5 : 508.1893, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:353. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Blatt. & McC. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 35 : 25.1931. Herbs, tubers globose. Leaves solitary; lobes, elliptic, acuminate, 15 -

18 X 3. - 8.5 cm. Spathes yellowish green with purple spots; spadix sessile, shorter than the spathe, with green or purple appendage. Berries, 1 - seeded, reddish - purple. FIs. & Frts. : August - December. Ulus. : Wight, Ic.t. 800.1844. Distrb. : On hill slopes in red soil.Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. 335 CULTIVATED SPECIES Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott in Schott & Endl. Melet. Bot. 18. 1832, Matthew, 111. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 766 & 979 C. 1982. Arum esculentiim L. Sp. PI. 965. 1753. Colocasia antiquonim Schott, op.cit, Hook f.Fl. Brit. India 6 : 523.1893, Cooke, FI. Pres-Bombay 3:340.1958 (Repr. ed.)

Mar.;‘/4/m.’ Tuberous herbs. Leaves ovate-sub orbicular, cordate with long petioles. Spathes with convolute tube and pale yellow limb. FIs. January - March. Distrb. Usually cultivated at Bhor College garden. Note : All parts of plants edible


Potamogeton nodosus Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. Suppl. 4 : 535. 1816. Potamogeton indicus Roxb. FI. Ind. 1:471. 1820, non Roth ex R. & S. 1818, Hook f.Fl. Brit. India 6:565. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:349. 1958, (Repr.ed.). ^ Floating aquatic herbs; stem^branched. Leaves 6-10 x 2.5 - 4 cm, oblong - elliptic or narrowly elliptic, obtuse to subacute, glossy; petiolate; petioles 5 - 9 cm long, stipules ovate lanceolate 1 - 1.5 cm long. Peduncles upto 8 cm long; spikes 3 - 6 cm. long; flower green. Druplets 0.2 - 0.3 cm across, mucronate. FIs. & Frts. August - December. Distrb. Rare, Bank of Nirariver,Bhatghar.

336 PLATE-Xn

Arisaema murrayi Hook. /^fiy\C//OSryUS RFTUSA fl inn.) Blumc Root juice used for poisoning fSP'

^ .lAiROPiiA GoasYPihOUAiV ) chhrophytumglaucoUles Watt ERIOCAULACEAE ERIOCAULON L. Key to the species. 1. Anthers white or yellow when young : 2.Plants of running water ... - E. dalzellii 2.Plants of marshy ground... - E. cinereum 1 .Anthers black & brown: 3.Floral bracts scabrid or puberulous,pale... - Kmargaretae S.Floral bracts usually black with white hairs on the back... - E. odoratum Eriocaulon dalzellu Koem. in Linnaea 27:605. 1856; Hook. f. FI. Britlndia 6:580. 1893, Kulkami & Desai in J. Bombay nut. Hist. Soc. 69 : 234. 1972. E. rivulare^DsAz. in Hook. Kew J. Hot 3:280. 1851, non G. Don ex Bth. 1849; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:355. 1958 (Repr. ed)^ Fyson in J. Indian Bot. 3:14, t.46. 1922. Herbs; stems very small, thickly with the numerous leaves. Leaves

10.0 - 20.5 X 0.2 cm. linear. Scapes numerous upto 32.5 cm long; head . globose; involucral bracts pale. FIs. & Frts. October - December. Distrb. Very rare in Warandha Ghat. Eriocaulon cinereum R. Br. Prodr. 254. 1810; Fyson in J. Indian Bot. 3:15, 1922; Sant. FI. Khandala ed. 3:294. 1967. Eriocaulon sieboldianum Sieb & Zucc. ex Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 2.272. 1855; Hook f. FI. B iit India 6:577.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:357. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Herbs; stemless^tufted, annuals, 8 - 12 cm tall. Leaves 2.5 - 4 x 0.1 - 0.2 cm, narrowly linear, sub-late, glabrous. Heads 0.2 - 0.3 cm across, ovoid, whitish or purplish; involucral bract, oblong, obtuse and glabrous <;hining^ receptacles conical, glabrescent. Male flowers stipitate, bracteate, sepals 3, narrowly lanceolate or linear, membranous; stamens 6, white, 337 globose; female flowers bracteate, ovary stipitate, styles 3 —fid filiform; petals 3 narrowly lanceolate, membranous. Seeds oblong, rugulose. FIs. & Frts. July - September Ulus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5:10. 1931. Distrb. Marshy places ; Warandha Ghat, Bhatghar. Eriocaulon margaretae : Fyson in J. Indian Bot. Soc. 2:316. 1921; Kulkami & Desai in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 69:233. 1972. Herbs, annual, erect, 10-11 cm. high. Leaves basal, acicular. Scapes many; heads ovoid - ellipsoid about 0.3 cm long; male flowers few, females many. Capsules 3 - seeded. Seeds red, ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Illus T.akshminarasimhan & Sharma, FI. Nasik Dt. 493, f.41. 1991. Distrb. Many in marshy places, or near bank of river Nira at Hirdoshi. Eriocaulon odoratum Dalz. in Hook. Kew. J. Bot 3:280. 1851 : Hook, f FI. Brit. India 6 : 574.1893, Fyson in J. Ind. Bot. 2 :308, t. 24.1921. Herbs. Leaves about 5.0 x 0.2 cm, translucent at apex. Scapes filiform; heads globose, about 0.5 cm. across, white, involucral bracts obovate - oblong, margins scarious; floral bracts obovate, cihate; male flowers sessile; female flowers pedicelled. FIs. & Frts. October - November. Distrb. Moist areas of Hirdoshi. CYPERACEAE Key to the genera. 1 .Nuts enclosed in a bottle - shaped utricle with an entire or notched or shortly slit mouth ... Carex l.Nuts not enclosed in a utricle : 338 2 .Flowers unisexual Scleria 2. Flowers bisexual:

3.Flowering glumes 1 or 2 Rhynchospora 3. Flowering glumes many ; 4.Flowering glumes spirally arranged: 5.Style-base constricted or articulate above the nuts ... Pycreus 6. Leaves absent Eleocharis 6. Leaves present Fimbristylis 5-Style - base passing gradually into the nut: T.Leaves without a coUer around stem ... Fuirena V.Leaves with a collar around stem 4.Flowering glumes distichously arranged; Bolboschoenus S.Styles 2 - fid Kyllinya S.Styles 3 - fid : 9.Rhachilla of spikelets persistent... Cyperus 9.Rhachilla of spikelets deciduous.... Mariscus

BOLBOSCHOENUS Kunth (nom. cons.) Bolboschoenus maritimus (L). Palla ssp. afiinis (Roth) T. Koyama in Brittonia 31 : 284. 1979. Scirpus ajfinis Roth in R & S. Syst. Veg. 2 : 140.1817. S. maritimus L. var. affinis C.B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 659.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 408,1958 (Repr. ed.). Herbs; perennial, solitary 15 - 30 cm high. Leaves 8 - 20 x 0.3 - 0.4 cm, linear. Spikelets 1 - 2 x 0.5 - 1.0 cm, capitate, ovate - oblong. Nuts about 0.2 cm long obovoid. FIs. & Frts. : July - February. Distrb. : Very rare in Warandha Ghat.

339 CAREX L. Carex caricina (D.Don) Ghild. & Bhatt. in J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 7. 602 1985. Cvpenis caricina D.Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal. 39 1825. Carex filicina Nees Var. glaucina (Boeck.) KukenA. In Pflanzenr. 38 : 274. 1907; Karthik, et. al in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 21(2) ; 192. 1981. .C. glaucina Boeck. In Linnaea 40 ; 353. 1876 C. mercarensis Hochst. ex. Stued. var. major Steud. Syn. PI. Cyp. 194. 1855; C.B.Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; J. 19. 1894; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:421. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Perennial herbs, 80 - 100 cm; rhizomes fibrous, conical. Leaves flat, ligulate, linear, dark green. Spikletets linear with 6-10 scabrous hairy urticles; female glumes purple - brown. FIs. & Frts. ; February - March. lllus : Matthew, Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic J 2;t. 779. 1982 (Carex filicina). Distrb. - ; In moist places. Warandha Ghat.

CYPERUS L . Key to the species. l.Spikelets digitate or clustered, not spicate : 2. Nut white when ripe... C. tenuispica 2. Nut brown when ripe... C.difformis 1. Spikelets (sometimes very shortly) spicate ; S.Rhachilla of spikelets not much winged: 4. Base of glumes decurrent along the rhachilla intemode... C. nutans 4. Base of glumes not decurrent along the rhachilla intemade... C. malaccensis 3.Rhachilla of spikelets (usually conspicuously) winged : 340 5. Stolons absent... C . pangorei

5. Stolons present... C . rotundus

Cyperus difformis L. Sp. PI. 67. 1753; Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 6:598.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:376. 1958 (Repr.ed.) Ker, FI. Males. 7(3) : 629.1974. Mar.: "Lavala’ Annual herbs; stems tuffed. Leaves slightly linear acuminate, scabrid on the margins. Inflorescence simple or compound, involueral bracts 2-3; spikes globose, spikelets numerous; rachilla wingless; stamens 1 - 2 stigmas 3. Nut triquetrous, ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : September - June. nius. : Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5 - 25. 1931. Distrb. : Common in all areas of Bhor taluka. Cyperus malaccensis Lam. Ulus. 1:146. 1791, C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 608. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:382 1958 (Repr. ed.). Rhizome bearing perennial herbs, 40 - 60 cm. Leaves ensiform 5-15 cm. Spikelets linear, 20 - 30 flowered. Nut oblong, trigonous, apiculate. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrb. : Bank of Nira river at Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. Cyperus nutans Vahl. Var. eleasinoicie5(Kunth) Haines Bot. Bihar, Orissa 5 : 898. 1924; Kern, FI. Malesiaiia 7 (3) : 610. 1974. C. eleusinoides Kunth, Enum. 2:39. 1837; C.B. Cl. in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 6 : 608. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 382. 1958 (Repr.ed.). Perennials, 40 - 60 cm. tall. Leaves upjto 60 cm. long, linear, glabrous, coriaceous; midrib prominent beneath, scabrous. Inflorescence compound; involueral bract 4 - 6 upto 75 cm; spikets compound 8-18 flowered, rachilla winged; stamens 3; stigma 3. Nut^triquetrous oblong,

brown. FIs. & Frts. August - March. 341 lllus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5 ; 37 . 1931. Distrb. Very common i^^ra river bank Q Bhatghar. Cyperus rotundus L. Sp. PI. 45. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 614 - 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 385. 1958 (Repr. ed); Kern. FI. Malesiana 7(3); 604. 1974. Herbs; perennials with wiry stolons ending in b l^ sh tubers. Leaves linear finelly acuminate, scabrid above. Inflorescence simple or compound umbel. Involucral bracts 2-4; spikelets compressed, 10-40 flowered, glumes ovate, brown; stamens 3; stigmas-3. Nut^trigonous, oblong - obovoid, apiculate, brown to black. FIs. & Frts. June - October. Him. Trim. R Ceyl. 5:35.1931. (? Distrb. Very common Bhor, Waradha Ghat, Nasarapur, Umbarde. Cyperus pangorei Roxb. Descr.Ic.Ra-^.Pl.ilt 7. f.3. 1773. C. tegetum Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 ; 208. 1832; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6:713. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:384. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Perennial herbs. 50 - 100 cm tall. Leaves linear, glabrous. Umbels compound; spikelets 20-30 flowered, usually reddish-brown, glumes hardly keeled, margins scarious; stamen 3. Nuts narrowly oblong, trigonous. FIs. & Frts. : June - March. lllus : Trim. FI. ceyl. 5 : 30. 1931. Distrb. Warandha Ghat. Conraion at Bhatghar. Cyperus tenuispica Steud. Syn. PI. Cyp. 11. 1855, Kern in Steenis, FI. Males, 1.7 : 625. 1974. C. jlavidus sensii C.B. Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 600. 1893 non Retz. 1789; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 375. 1958 (Repr. ed.).

342 Herbs, annual^ 12 - 15 cm high, erect; sten^ solitary. Leaves 4-10 cm long, linear. Inflorescence a terminal, umbellate spike; spikelets 0.2 - 0.5 X 0.1 cm, linear, greenish - brown. Nuts obovoid. FIs. & Frts. September - December. Distrb. Frequent in rice fields at Hirdoshi. ELEOCHARIS R. Br. Eleocharis geniculata (L) R. & Sy. Sust. Veg 2 : 150.187; Kern in Steenis, FI. Males 1, 7 ; 536.1974. Scirpus geniculatus L. Sp.Pl. 48.1753. Eleocharis capitata R. Br. Prodr. 225. 1810, non Scirpus capitata L. 1753; C. B. Cl. in Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 6 : 627.1893; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 3 : 404.1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, erect, densely tufted about 10 - 12 cm high. Spikelets globosely ovoid, greenish - yellow & brown. Nuts about 0.1 cm long, globose - ovoid, brown, smooth, shining. FIs. & Frts. September-January. Ulus. Matthew Ulus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 4:t 654.1988 Distrb. Warandha Ghat, Rareshwar, Bhutonde. FIMBRISTYLIS Vahl. (nom. cons.) Key to the species l.Stigma 3; nuts trigonous ...... F. tenera 1.Stigma 2; nuts biconvex : 2.Spikelets solitary ...... F. tetragona 2.Spikelets more than one: 3.Nuts smooth ...... F.ferruginea 3.Nuts trabeculate ...... F. complanata Fimbristylis complanata (Retc.) Link, Hort. Bot. Berol. 1:292.1827; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 646.1893; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 3 : 400.1958 (Repr.ed). Scirpus complanatus Retz. Obz. Bot. 5 ; 14.1789.

343 Herbs, perennials; rhizomes short; stem deeply grooved, ribbed. Leaves shorter than stem, linear, scabrid on margins. Inflorescence a compound umbel; spikelets 0.4 to 0.6 cm long, ovoid. Nuts stipitate, minutely warted. FIs. & Frts. September - January. Distrb. Rare in moist places. Warandha Ghat. Fimbristylis tenera Schult. In Roem & Schult. Mant. Syst. 2 : 57.1824; C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 642.1893; Verma & Chandra in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 21 (2) ; 258.1981 F. monticola Steud. Syn. PI. Cyp. 3 : 111.1855; C.B.Cl. op. cit; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 399.1958 (Repr.ed). Herbs, annual, 10 - 30 cm high. Leaves linear, filiform, scabrid on margins, 6 - 15 cm long. Spikelets linear or avoid - subcylindric. Nuts obovid, trigonous, tuberculate, creamy - yellow. FIs. & Frts. September - October. Distrb. In moist hilly regions Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. Fimbristylis tetragona R.Br. Prodr. 226.1810; C. B. Cl. In Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 631.1893; Cooke, FI. Press. Bombay 3 : 393.1958 (Repr.ed); Kem in Steenis. FI. Males 1, 7 : 590.1974. Herbs; stems 40 - 50 cm tall, quadrangular; ribbed. Spikelets solitary ovoid - ellipsoid, straw coloured, 7 - 8 mm long; rhachilla with tetragonal pits; glumes broadly oblong, roimded at apex. Nuts straw coloured. FIs. & Frts. December - March. Distrb. Conmion in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. Fimbristylis ferruginea (L) Vahl, Enum. PI. 2 ; 291.1806, C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Birt. India 6 : 638.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 396.1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt & McC. in J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 37 : 544.1934; Kem in Steenis, FI. males, 1, 7 : 572.1974. Scirpus ferrugineus L. Sp. PI. 50. 1753. Herbs, about 1 m high. Inflorescence 4 - 6 cm long; spikelets ellipsoid, reddish - brown, rhachilla narrowly winged; glumes broadly ovate, 344 about 3 mm long, shortly mucronate. Nut compressed, 1.0 - 1.5 mm long, straw coloured. FIs. & Frts. August - September. Ulus. Maheshwari, Dl. H. Delhi. F. 222.1966 Distrb. Common in Warandha Ghat. FUIRENA Rottb. Fuirena ciliaris (L) Roxb. FI. India 1 ; 184. 1820; Kern in FI. Males Ser. 1, 7 (3) : 519. F. 32. 1974, Rao & Verma, Cyperaceae N.E. India 47.1982. Scipus ciliaris L. Mant. PI. 182. 1771. Fuirena glomerata Lam. Encycl. 1 : 150. 1791; C. B. Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 666.1893; Cooke, H. Pres. Bombay 3 : 472. 1958 (Repr.ed). Annuals, 10 - 20 cm tall. Leaves linear - lanceolate, 3 - 5 nerved, margin & the surface hairy, 4-12 cm. Panicles much contracted; spikelets in cluster of 7 - 10, ovoid, oblong, greyish. Nuts obovoid, yellow - brown. FIs. & Frts. : March - May.^ Distrb. In moist places^Bhor, Bhatghar. KYLLINGA Rottb. (worn, cons.) Key to the species. 1 .Nut bearing glumes winged in upper half of keel... K. squamulata 1 .Nut bearing glumes not winged in the upper half of keel. ... K. tenuifolia KylUnga tenuifolia Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 2 : 69. 1855, Hooper in Said & Nicols. FI. Hassan Dt. 688. 1876. K. triceps Rottb. Descr. etic. PI. 14, t - 4 , f. 6. 1773, nom. superjl. ; C. B. Cl. in Hook, f FI. Brit, India 6 : 587.1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 391. 1958 (Repr.ed). Cyperus triceps (Rottb.) Endl. Cat. Hort. Vindob. 1 : 94. 1842; Kem in Steenis, FI. Males.l, 7 : 659.1934. Herbs, erect, 8 - 18 cm high. Leaves 3 - 12 cm long, linear. Inflorescence of compact heads; spikelets white or yellow. Nuts about 0.1 x 0.1 cm oblong apiculate, yellowish brown. 345 FIs. & Frts. : July - September. Illus. Mahesh Ulus. FI. Delhi. F. 213.1966

(Cyperus triceps). Distrb. Common in wet area. Bhor, Bhatghar.

Kyllinga squamulata Thonn. ex Vahl. Enum. PI. 2 : 381, 1806; C. B. C Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 589.1893. Cyperus metzii. (Hochst. Ex. St Mattf. & Kuekenth in Engl. Pflanzenr. 4, 20, 101: 612.1936. Herbs, slender, annual; stem tufted, 20 - 25 cm tall. Leaves lo than stem. Spikelets in solitary heads, sub globoses; glumes ovate, recurved. Nutsovoids. FIs. & Frts. September - November. Distrb. Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur. MARISCUS. Vahl Marisciis konkanensis (T. Cooke) Sedgw. In J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 698 : 1918. Cyperus konkanensis T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 874,1< 3 : 387.1958 (Re^.ed)]. Herbs upjto 1.25 cm high, erect, tufted, perennial. Leaves about ^ / ' ^ long. Peduncles unequal in length, u p |o 10 cm long; spikelets about 0.1 long, green, turning straw - coloured. Nuts about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. June - Septe^er. Distrb. Very common^hivther Ghal, Hirdosh PYCREUS P.Beauv. Pycreus malabaricus C. B. Cl. in J. Linn. Soc. 34 ; 12.1989 Cyi malabaricus (C. B. Cl.) T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 ; 856.1908 369.1958 (Repr.ed) ]. Herbs, aimual, slender; stems 9 —12 cm tall. Leaves as long as i week. Inflorescence about 2.5 x 2.5 cm, composed of 6 - 12 spik arranged upon 2 - 4 sessile branchlets; spikelets 0.5 - 1.0 cm long, liii

346 oblong; glumes about -.2 cm long, boar shaped, dark brown. Nuts globase, ovoid.

FIs. & Frts. August - November. Distrb. Very rare in Warandha Ghat. RHYNCHOSPORA Vahl Rhynchospora wightiana (Nees) Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 2 : 148. 1855 C.B.Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 669.1893; Cooke, FI. Press. Bombay 3 : 415.1958 (Repr.ed). Haplostylis wightiana Nees, Nov. Act. Ac. Caes. Leop, Car. 19, Suppl. 101.1845. Herbs, 10 - 12 cm high. Leaves linear, acuminate 4 - 5cm long, Spikelets reddish - brown in terminal heads, bracts 2 — 3, longer than beads, glumes elliptic - lanceolate, acute, subequal. Nuts obong, compressed. FIs. & Frts. July — August. Distrb. Along hill slopes in moist places, Warandha Ghat. SCLERIA P. Berg. Key to the species.

l.Disc lobes sub-quadrate with a broad truncate top... S. tessellata l.Disc lobes lanceolate or oblong with sub-obtuse ... S. biflora Scleria biflora Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 : 573. 1832; C. B. Cl. in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 6 : 687.1894; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 419.1958 (Repr,ed) Rao & Verma. Cyperaceae N.E. India 57.1982. Tufted annuals, 20 - 60 cm; roots aromatic. Leaves ensiform, flat, glabrous or scabrid on margin. 15 - 25 cm long. Spikelets linear - lanceolate in panicles. Nuts globose, terete, beaked, white hairy on ridges. FIs. & Frts. October - December Distrb. In moist MU slopes. Warandha Ghat. Scleria tesseUata Willd. Sp. PI. 4 : 315.1805; C. B. Cl. in Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 6 ; 689.1894, P.P. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 418.1958 (Repr.ed); Verma & Chandra in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 21 (2): 271.1981. 347 Tufted annuals herbs, 30 - 90 cm high. Leaves linear, acuminate with scabried margins, 15 - 30 cm long. Spikets, solitary in clusters terminal or sub-terminal panicles. Nut cylindric - ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrb. : In moist place. Warandha Ghat. POACEAE (=GRAMINEAE) Key to the genera. 1. Large shrubs or trees, woody wifli large culm - sheaths : 2.Spikelets in globose heads... Dendrocalamus 2.Spikelets in panicles.... Bambusa 1.Herbs or shrubs, not woody, without cuhn - sheaths: S.Spikelets 1 - many flowered ; 4.Grasses unawned: S.Spikelets 1 - flowered. : 6,Inflorescence a panicle^... Sporobolus 6.Inflorescence spike... Cynodon S.Spikelets 2 - many flowered ; 7.Spikes solitary... Eragrostis 7.Spikes few in a whorl... Eleusine 4. Grasses awned ; S.Spikelets 1 - flowered : 9. Glumes often reduced or absent... Oryza 9.Glumes well developed... Aristida S.Spikelets 2 - many flowered ; 10. Lemmas muticous, glumes aristate... Dinebra 10. Lemmas awned, glumes awned or multicous: I l.Spikelets - 2 flowered... Arundinella II .Spikelets - many flowered :

348 12. Upper lemma 2 lobed at the tipe... Indopoa 12. Upper lemna not lobed at the tip; IS.lnflorescene of sessile or shortly peduncled clusters... Melanocenchris 13.Inflorescence of umbelted... Chloris 3. Spikelets 2 - flowered : I4.Male and female spikelets in separate inflorescences... Coix 14.Spikelets all hermaphrodite ; 15.Spikelets solitary or paired : 16.Grasses awned ... Echinochloa 16. Grasses miawned: IT.Inflorescenece of panicles; 18.Spikelets usually subtended by an involucre of bristles; 19.Bristles rigid... Setaria 19.Bristles rather soft... Pennisetum 18.Spikelets not subtended by Panicum bristles... n.Inflorescene of spike : 20. Lower glume usually absent... Digitaria 20. Lower glume well developed... Brachiaha

, 15.Spikelets often paired with one sessile and the other pedicelled ;

21. Spikelets of each pair similar : 22.Spikelets arranged in more or less panicles 23. Spikelets awned... Spodiopogon

349 23. Spikelets unawned... Saccharum

22.Spikelets arranged in a single or in several Lophopogon racemes... 2 1.Spikelets in each pair dissimilar : 24. Joints of the rachis and pedicel of the pedicelled spikelet swollen : 25.Sessile spikelet with a male and

hermaphrodite florate... Ischaemum 25.Sessile spikelet with a hermaphrodite

florate only... Ophiuros 24. Joints of rachis and pedicel narrow : 26. Spikelets in racemes which are

not interrupted by spathes... Sorghum 26.Panicles of racemes which are interrupted by spathes 27.Upper lemme of the sessile spikelet with a basal awn;

pedicelled spikelet reduced... Arthraxon 27. Upper lemme of the sessile spikelet awned from tip : 28.Margins of lower glumes intumed and rounded at sides : 29.Racemes surrounded at base by an Themeda involucre... 29.Racemes without an Heteropogon involucre... 28.Margins of lower glume of sessile :

350 30. Basal sheaths white & cream - tomentose, raceme solitary... Dichanthium

30. Inflorescence usually a panicle, rarely solitary 31 .Joints thickened upwards, toothed at apex : 32. Joints shout with a scarious... Schizachyriiim 32. Joints slender... Andropogon 31 .Joints not toothed at apex ... Cymbopogon

ANDROPOGON L. Andropogon pumilus^ Roxb. FI. Ind. 1:277. 1820; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7 : 170 1896; Blatt. & McC. 99.65. 1935, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:495; 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan, 93 : 1960. ^A^u a l^ fiei¥^15 - 40 cm tall. Leaves linear, glabrous. Racemes binate 0.7 —1.2 cm. long, lower glume of sessile; spikelets deeply grooved, spiket, awned, peduncles slender with cup-shaped structure with 2 - 3 toothed tips. FIs. & Frts. July - December. Distrb. Very common on Warandha Ghat. ARISTIDA L. Key to the species 1 .Awns articulated... A. adscemcionis 1 .Awns not articulated A. funiculata. Aristida adscensionis L. Sp. PI. 82. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:224. 1896, Blatt. & McC. t. 138. 109. 1935; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 : 529. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 407. 1960. Annuals or pereimials 40 - 50 cm. tall; tufted ^weak^ erect grass. Leaves narrowly linear, margins convolute. Panicles 8-20 cm long; awns 3, per spikelet; spikelets - linear lanceolate; lemma 3 - awned; awns scabrid; articulated.

351 per spikelet; spikelets - linear lanceolate; lemma 3 - awned; awns scabrid; articulated.

FIs. & Frts. August - December. Illus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5 : 252.1931. Distrb. Throughout area of Warandha Ghat. Aristida funiculata /Trin. & Rupr. Gram. Stip. 159. 1842 & in Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb. 6,7 : 159 : 1843, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7 : 226; 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:31. 1958 (Repr. ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 14, t.l42, 1935; Bor, Grass, Ind. 410 1960. Mar.: “Pandhri - Kusal ”

Herbs, Leaves convolute or flat, 5 - 15 cm long; ciliate at base. Panicles 10 - 15 cm long, lower glume linear - lanceolate; lemma narrow, cylindric.

FIs. & Frts. October - December. ^ Distrb. : Found drier parts of the area^ Bhor, Sarola. ARTHRAXON P.Beauv. Arthraxon lancifolius (Trin.) Hochst. in Flora 39:188. 1856; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon. India and Pakistan 100. 1960, Sant. FI. Khandala (Repr.ed.) 3.304. 1967,* Jain in J. Ind. Bot, Soc. 51 : 176.1972; Welzen in Blumea 27 : I. 288. 1981. Arthraxon prionodes (Steud.) Dandy in Andrews, FI. Sudan 3 : 399 .1956; Bor, Grass Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan 101. 1960. Andropogonprionodes Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1:383. 1854. Arthraxon serrulatus Hochst. in FI. 39. 188, 1856; Blatt. & McC. 75. t.46. 1935 Arthraxon lanceolatus auct. (Roxb.) Hochst. 29 : 186. 1856; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 487. 1958 (Repr. ed.). M?a.:“Turda” Tufted, straggling or sub-erect, glabrous annuals 40 - 60 cm long. Leaves ovate - lanceolate, compressed, lower glume pectinate. Spikelets in pairs or solitary; spikes 5 - 10 cm long digitate. 352 FIs. & Frts. : August - February. Distrb. [jhroughc^ 6^moi^in grasslands, Warandha Ghat.

ARUNDINELLA Raddi Key to the species. 1.Inflorescence a solitary, cylindrical spike... A. spicata 1.Inflorescence of panicles: 2.Upper lemma unawned... A. leptochloa 2.Upper lemma awned... A. pumila

Arundinella leptochloa (Nees ex Steud.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7 ; 76.1896, Bor, Grass. Ind. 423. 1960. Panicum leptochloa Nees ex Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1:62. 1854. A. gigantea Dalz. in Dalz. & Gibs; Bombay FI. 293. 1861; Hook. f. op. cit; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:525. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Blat1,& McC. Bombay Grass. 197, t. 130 1935. Herbs about 1 m high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, acuminate, 18-20 X 2 cm. Panicles, 1 0 - 12cm; rachis scabrid. Spikelets ovate - lanceolate, 0.25 - 0.3 cm long; upper glume and lower lemma ovate; upper lemma elliptic, coriaceous. FIs. & Frts. ; October - January. Distrb. : Common along ghat Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. Arundinella pumila (Hochst. ex. A. Rich) Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1:114.1854; Bor, Grass, Ind. 423, 1960. Acratherum pumilum Hochst ex. A. Rich. Tent. FI. Abyss. 2:414,f.l00. 1851. Arundinella /e«e//«Nees ex Steud. op. cit. 115, Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 7:71 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres, Bombay. 3:522.1958 (Repr. ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 193, t. 127 1935. Herbs, 5 - 45 cm high. Leaves 5 - 12 x 0.5 - 1.2 cm, sparsely hairy. Panicles 14 - 24 cm longs; lower glume lanceolate, about 0.14 cm long;

353 upper glume ovate - lanceolate, cuspidate; lower lemma ovate, about 0.15 cm long; upper lemma lancelolate, about 0.1 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : August - May. Distrb. : Common Warandha Ghat, Rayreshwar, Bhutonde, Khanapur.

Arundinella spicata Dalz. in Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 293. 1861; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:77, 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:525 (Repr. ed.). Blatt,& McC. Bombay Grass. 197, t. 129. 1935. Herbs^7 - 20 cm high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, 2 - 3 x 0.5 cm, densely hairy. Spikes 1 - 3 cm long; spikelets lanceolate, acuminate, lower glumes about 0.3 cm long with bulbous based hairs; upper glumes & lower lemmas lanceolate, acute, about 0.25 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrb. : Occasional on Plateaus^ayreshwar. B AMBUS A Schreb. (nom. cons.) Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd. Sp. PI. 2:245. 1799, Gamble in Hook, f.fl. Brit. India 7 : 395. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 569. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 283. 1935. Mar.: ^^Kasef ^ Clums,tall upi^o 20 - 25 m high, large, tufted, armed with recurved spines. Leaves linear or linear - lanceolate, rounded at base, sheaths coriaceous, orange - yellow with green or red streaks, ciliate. Panicles large, equalling the stem; spikelets 1- flowered, lanceolate acute, about 0.20 cm long; glume ovate - lanceolate, mucronate; lemmas 3-7, upper 1-3, male or empty, lower bisexual. FIs. & Frts. : Once in life time (100 years) often during September - May. Ulus. : Matthew, FI. Tamihiadu Carnatic 4:tt.721 & 722. 1988

354 Disirb. : Usually grown in gardens^Bhor, Nasarapur.

BRACHIARIA Grriseb. Brachiaria eniciformis (J.E. Sm.) Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross 4 : 469. 1853, Bor, Grass. Ind. 283, 1960 Panicum eniciformis J.E. Sm. in Sibth. et. Sm. Fl. Gracea 1:44, t. 59. 1809 P. isachne Roth ex R & S. Syst. Veg. 2 ; 458. 1817; Hook. Fl. Brit. India 7 : 28. 1896; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3 ; 448. 1958 (Repr. ed.). Brachiaria isachne Stapf in Prain, Fl. Trop. Africa 9 : 552; 1919; Blatt. et McC. Bombay Grass. 133. 1935. Mar.-^^Shimpr Herbs, annual, tufted. Leaves 3 - 4 x 0.2 cm, lanceolate, hairy. Spikelets softly hairy, shortly pedicelled. Grains ellipsoid. FIs. & Frts. January - May. Ulus. Blatt. et McC. op. cilt. 85. Distrb. Common grass in cultivated field, Baneshwar, Khedshivapur. CHLORIS Swartz. Chloris virgata Swartz Fl. Ind. Occ. 1:203. 1797; Hook f. Fl. Brit. India 7:291. 1896; Blatt.& MaC. Bombay Grass, 255. t. 170. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma Ceylon, India & Pakistan 468. 1960. Erect or ascending herbs, creeping and rooting at nodes. 20-30 cm tall. Leaves linear. Spikes 10-15 cm long digitate.

FIs. Frts. August - December Distrb. Found in moist places. Bhatghar, Bhor. CODC L. Coix lachryma - jobi L. Sp. PI. 972. 173; Hook. f. Fl. Brit, hidia 7:100. 1896; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3:517. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC.

355 Bombay Grass. 3. t. 1. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 264. 1960. Mar.: "Ranjondhala’ Stout herbs; 35 - 110 cm tall. Leaves linear - lanceolate, flat, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Inflorescence spike like racemes, axillary and terminal. Male spikelets above the female ones. Nuts ovoid or globose, greyish-white, shinning. FIs. iSc Frts. : August - March Distrb. Common in moist places mostly near rivers. Hirdoshi. CYMBOPOGON Spreng. Cymbopogon maitiiiii (Roxb.) Wats, in Atkins. Gaz. N.W. Prov. Ind. 392. 1882; Blatt,& McC. Bombay Grass 104 1935; Bor, Grass. Burm, Ceylomn, India and Pakistan 129. 1960 Artdropogon shoenanthus L. var. martinii, (Roxb.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:204. 1896. Mar.:‘7?05/ia’ Herbs; scented perennials, 100 - 120 cm tall. Leaves linear - lanceolate, glabrous, flat. Spikes about 2-5 cm long, spatheceous, in terminal 9 - 28 cm long, interrupted racemes. FIs. & Frts. July - February. Ulus. Matthew, lUus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 4:tt 836 & 837. 1988 Dist. Common in hilly area and on plains, Rayareshwar forts. CYNODON L.C.Rich Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 1:85. 1805; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:288. 1896; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:554. 1958 (Repr.ed).Blatt,& McC. Bombay Grass 250 t. 166. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, hidia & Pakistan 169. 1960. Panicum ductylon L.Sp. PI. 58. 1753. Mar.:‘//ara// ’ 356 Perennials; culms, erect 10 - 35 cm tall. Leaves narrowly linear. Spikes 3-5x1.5-3 cm long, digitate; rachilla produced. Spikelets laterally compressed; glumes lanceolates; lemmas oblong to semi - ovate.

FIs. & Frts. : August - February. Ulus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 3 ;274. 1931. Distrb. Very common weed in fields, Bhor, Bhatghar, Nasarapur. DENDROCALAMUS Nees Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees in Linnaea 9:476. 1834; Gamble in Bambuseae Brit. India 78. t. 68, 69. 1896 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:404 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:572. 1958 (Repr. ed). Bambusa stricta Roxb. PI. Cor. t. 80 1796 - 98. Mar.: ‘‘Bambu’ Densely tufted trees, culms solid or with a small cavity 6 - 15 m. Leaves deciduous, narrowed fi:om the base, linear - lanceolate, nerves 3 - 6 pairs, upto 25 x 3.2 cm. Panicles large with dense globular head; spikelets spiny hairy the fertile inter - mixed with may smaller, sterile.

FIs. & Frts. August - October. Ulus. Matthew, further lllus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 4:t. 743. 1988. Distrb. Common in Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

DICHANTHIUM Willd. Dichanthium caricosum (L.) A. Camus in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 27:549. 1921; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 92, t. 61. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 134. 1960; Deshpande in Fasc. FI. India 15:7, f. 7-17. 1984. Andropogon cartcosus L. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 1480. 1763; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:196. 1896;

357 Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:507. 1958 (Repr.ed). D. aristatum (Poir) C.E. Hubb. in Kew Bull 1939; 654. 1939; Bor, op. cit. Herbs, 30 - 40 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, 15 - 20 x 0.2 - 0.4 cm. Racemes paired 1.5 - 2.0 cm long; sessile spikelets 0.3 - 0.5 cm long; Pedicelled spikelets as long as sessile ones.

FIs. & Frts. October - December Distrb. Common weed near cultivated fields^^ Hirdoshi, Bhutonde, Bope, Rayri, Ambeghar. DIGITARIA Haller Key to the species. 1. Spikelets lanceolate.... D. ciliaris 1. Spikelets oblong: 2. Spikelets without clavate hairs... D. longiflora 2. Spikelets with clavate hairs: 3. Spikelets 0.12 cm long... D. stricta 3. Spikelets 0.3 - 0.30 long... D. abludens Digitaria abludens (R-& S.) Veldk. in Blumea 21:53 1973. Panicum abludens R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2:457 1817. Paspalum pedicellaris Trian. ex Steud. Nom. ed. 2,272. 1841; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:19 1896. Digitaria pedicellaris (Trin ex Steud) Prain, Bengal PI. 1182. 1903; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 126. t. 18. 1935; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:458. 1958 (Repr.ed). Digitaria granularis (Trin) Henr. Monogr. Digitaria 302, Fig. 892, 1950; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India, & Pakistan, 302 1960. 4^^rect slender^ aimuals or perennialT(Herbs^O - 50 cm tall. Leaves linear - lanceoate^^flat. Spikes 2 - 5 cm racemosely arranged on glabrous penduncles; spikelets turgid, loosely arranged. FIs. & Frts. July - October

358 Distrh. Common in open grass lands. Bhor, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. Digitaria ciliaris (Retz) Koel, Desc. Gram 27. 1802; Clayton in FI. W. Trop Afr. 2, 3:453. 1972 Paniaim ciliare Retz Obs. Bot. 4:16 1786. Digitaria adscendens (H.B. & tC.) Henr. in Blumea 1:92 1934; Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, India & Pak. 298 1960 Paspalun sangiiinale var. ciliaris Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:15 1896. Digitaria sanguinalis Scop. var. ciliaris Prian, Beng. PI. 2:1181. 1903; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:457. 1958 (Repr.ed). y -E rect^ ler^ 2 0 - 50 cm high. Leaves Imear, flat, glabrous, except bulbous b^ed hairs on the base. Spikelets ellipsoid - lanceolate, acute. FIs. & Frts. August - October Distrb. In shady or moist places. Bhor, Bope. Digitaria stricta Roth ex R.& S. Syst. Veg. 2:474 1817 var. ^trict^Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 305. 1960. Paspalum royleanum Ness ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 358. 1864; Hookf. FI. Brit. India 7:18. 1896; Digitaria royleana (Nees ex Thw) Prain, Bengal PI. 1182. 1903; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:459. 1958 (Repr.ed). Blatt. & McCBombay Grass. 127. t. 82

^ '€rect^annua^hrub^30 - 40 cm taiy Leaves linear - lanceolate^ flat. glabrous. Recemes 3-5x5 -7cm long terminal, sub digitate. FIs. & Frts. : August - December. Ulus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5:125. 1931. Distrb. Common. Warandha Ghat. Digitaria longiflora (Retz) Pers. Syn. PI. 1:85. 1805; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:458. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC-Bombay Grass. 127, t. 81. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 302. 1960; Veldk. in Blumea 21:66. 1973. Paspalum longiflorum Retz. Obs. Bot. 4:15. 1768; Hookf.Fl. Brit. India 7:17 1896. Herbs, about 40 - 45 cm high, erect or ascending. Leaves lancelote acute, 2.5 - 5.0 cm long. Racemes 2 - 3 together, 3 - 4 cm long; rachis

359 winged, serrate; spikelets about 0.15 cm long, verrucose; upper glume about 0.2 cm long, 5 nerved, hairy upper lemma ovate - oblong. FIs. & Frts. : June_=_^y. Distrb. (Tu^ed annual^growing in marshy places. Bhatghar, Bhor. DINEBRA Jacq. Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panz. in Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Munchen, 270, t. 12 1814; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 264, t. 177. 1935; Bor Grass Ind. 491. 1960. Cynosimis retwflexus Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2:1791. D. arabica Jacq. Fragment. 77, t. 121, f. 1. 1809; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:297. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:562. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.: ‘Lonigawat’

Herbs, 30-40 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, 10-12 x 0.2-0.3 cm, flat. Spikes 8 - 28 cm long; spiklets about 0.45 cm long; glumes lanceolate about 0.3 cm long; lemmas oblong, keeled with greenish nerves. FIs. & Frts. : Juluy - August Distrib. Dry area of Sarola, Bhor. ECHINOCHLOA P. Beavu. Key to the species. 1 .Spikelets avraed ... E. crus gall i 1.Spikelets unawned... E. colona ---- ^ Echinochloa colona (L.) Link, Hort. Berol. 2:209. 1833; Blatt & McC. Bombay Grass 148 t. 94. 1935; Bor Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 308 1960. Panicum colonum L. Syst. Nat ed. 10, 2:870 1759; Hook f. FI. Brit. India. 7:32. 1896; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:447. 1958 (Repr.ed). ^lender; diffuselher^ 12 - 35 cm tall. Leaves linear, glabrous or

A ------' sparesely hairy, flat. Panicles 8 - 10 cm long; spikes thin 1 - 2 cm long; spikelets acuminate, cuspidate; glumes broadly ovate or suborbicular; upper lemma coriaceous, ovate, turgid, polished and yellow white. FIs. & Frts. : July - February. 360 Illus. Trim. FI. ceyl. 5:136. 1931 Distrb. Very common in marshy places near rivei^Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. Eichnochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 53:761. 1812; Bor, Grass, Ind. 310 1960. Panicum crusgalli L. Sp. PI. 56. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:80. 1896. Herbs^30 - 35 cm high. Leaves linear lanceolate, 18-20 x 0.1 cm. Spikelets 0.3 - 0.4 cm, hispidulous; lower glumes ovate, rounded; upper glumes ovate, acuminate; lower lemmas cuspidate; upper lemmas acuminate. FIs. & Frts. October - December. Dist. Warandha Ghat. ELEUSINE Gaertn. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Fruct. 1:8. 1789; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:293; Blatt. 1896; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:560.1958 (Repr.ed) and McC. Bombay Grass 259. t. 172 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 493. 1960. Tall tufled anuals herbs. 20 - 30 cm. Leaves linear , flat, glabrous or sparesely hairy. Spikes 3-6x2-4cm long, digitate or subdigitate. Spikelets, biseriate, secund; glumes membranous; lower glumes ovate, oblong acute, upper glumes ovate-oblong, obtuse. Grains oblong, obtusely trigonous. FIs. & Frts. July - January. Illus. Trim FI. Ceyl. 5:277 1931. Distrib. Common Warandha Ghat.

ERAGROSTIS N.M. Wolf. Key to the species. 1. Spikelets breaking up from above downwards; rachis fragile: 2.Keels of paleas scabrid or smooth, not ciliate... E. japonica

361 2.Keels of paleas more or less ciliate... E. viscosa l.Spikelets breaking up from below upwards; rachis tough: 3.Lemmas upto 1.5 cm long... E. pilosa 3.Lemmas upto 0.15 cm long: 4.Plants glandular: 5.Pedicels with a crateriform gland... E. minor 5.Pedicels without a crateriform gland... E. cilianensis 4. Plants devoid of gland... E. unioloides

' Eragrostis cilianensis (All^ Link ex VignoloilUtajtti in Malpighia 18:386 1904; Blatt.& M cC Bombay Grass 237 t. 157. 1935; Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 503. 1960. Poa cilianensis All. FI. Peden 2:246, t. 91. 1785. Eragrostis major Hochst. Gram. Austr. 4:14. t. 24. 1809; Hoolr.f FI. Brit. India 7:320. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:548 1958 (Repr.ed). Annual^jiCTt^20 - 40 cm tall, erect or sub erect, geniculate at the base. Leaves linear to linear - lanceolate, glabrous. Panicles terminal 7 - 15 cm long, oblong; spikelets compressed laterally ovate - lanceolate, upto 4 mm broad. Nut ovoid, light brown. FIs. & Erts. ; August - December Illus. Trim. FL Ceyl. 5:297 1931. Distrib. Not common is Warandha Ghat Eragrostis japonica (Thunb.) in Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb. 6, 1:405, 1831; Bor, Grass. Ind. 509. 1960; T.A. Cope in Nasir & Ali, FI. Pak. 143:88. 1982. Poa japonica Thunb. FI. Jap 51. 1784. Eragrostis diarrhena (Schult). Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1. 266. 1854; Bor, op. cit. 507. E. diplachnoides Steud.op. cit. 268; Bor, op. cit. 508 E. internipta, sensii Staff in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:316. 1896 non (R.Br.) P. Beauv 1812; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 233. 1935 p.p. E. interrupta var diarrhena (Schult) Stap. in Hook. f. op. cit. E. interrupta var diplachnoides (Steud.) Stap. in Hook, f op. cit. E. interrupta var koenigii staff in Hook f. op. cit.-, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:546. 1958

362 (Repr.ed). E. internipta var tenuissima Staff in Hook & op. cit. E. namaquensis Schrad var. diplachnoides (Steud) D. Clayton in Kew Bull. 25:251. 1971. Mar.: 'Chiksi' Herbs, annual or perennial, 20 - 100 cm high erect, strongly tufled. Leaves linear, flat; lingule a fimbriate membrane. Panicles 20 - 50 cm long, effuse with solitary; spikelets 0.1 - 4.0 cm long, linear - oblong ovoid or linear. Red caryposis ellipsoid, reddish brown. FIs. & Frts. October - March. Illus. Mahesh Ulus. FI. Delhi f. 254. 1966. {Eragrostis diarrhena); Matthew Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:tt 864 and 865. 1982. Distrb. Common Bhor, Nasarapur, Hirdoshi.

Eragrostis minor Host. Gram. Austr. 4:15. 1809; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:321. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:548. 1958 (Repr.ed).Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 238.t. 158. 1935; W.D. Clayton et al.Fl. Trop. Afi-. Graminae Part 2:234. 1974; U. Shukla & S.K. Jain in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 20 (14): 67. 1978- Eragrostis poaides P. Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 162. 1882; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 512. 1960. Annuals herbs. 20 - 35 cm tall erect.Leaves linear, glabrous, flat. Panicles 10 -25 cm long, oblong; spikelets 1 cm long, laterally compressed, pale green with dark colour. Grains globose, regulose. FIs. & Frts. August - February. Illus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5:279. 1931. Distrib. Common, Baneshwar. Eragrostis piiosa (L.) P. Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 71. 162, 175 1812; Stapff in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:323. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:550 1958

363 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 241, t. 160. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind 512. 1960. PoapilosaL. Sp. PI. 68 1753. Herbs ascending, about 25 cm high. Leaves linear, 5 - 6 cm long. Panicles narrow, 7 - 12 cm long; rachis filiform; spiklets about 0.2 cm long, purple at apex, rachilla scabrid; lower glume ovate, about o.25 cm long; upper glums ovate-lanceolate. Grains about 0 -10 cm long. FIs. & Frts. August - October. Distrb. Common annual. Bhor, Nasarapur. Eragrostis viscosa (Retz) Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb 6, 1 : 397. 1830; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 233. 1935; Bor, Grass Ind. 515. 1960. Poa tenella L. Sp. PI. 69. 1753. Eragrostis tenella (L.) P. Beauv. var. plumosa (Retz) Stapf ex Hook f. in Hook f FI. Brit. India 7:315 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:545. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass 232, t. 155. 1935; Erect or suberect 30 - 35 cm tall, annual herbs. Leaves narrowly linear, flat or convolute, glabrous. Panicles convolate, 5 - 10 cm pyramidal or ovate - oblong; spikelets oblong, laterally compressed; pale a green 3 - 10 flowered. Grains ovoid.

F/s. & Frts. August - December Illus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5.291. 1931. Distrib. Common in Warandha Ghat.

Eragrostis unioloids (Retz.) Nees ex Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1:264. 1854; Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass. 235 t. 156. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind 515. 1960. Poa unioloides Retz. Obs. Bot. 5:19. 1789. E. amabilis Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:317. 1896, non Wight & Am. ex Nees 1838; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:546. 1958 (Repr.ed).

364 Herbs, erect, 20 - 40 cm high. Leaves lanceolate, 4 - 6 cm long, base cordate, apex tapering. Panicles ovate - oblong 2 - 4 cm long; spikelets purple about 0.2 cm long. Grains oblong. FIs. & Frts. August - April. Ulus. : Blatt. & McC. op. cit. Distrb. : Common throughout the area of Warandha Ghat and Rayreshwar. HETEROPOGON Pres.. Key to the species. 1 .Stout and tall, grasses... H. ritchie 1 -Weak and slender grasses... H. contortus Heteropogan ritchiei (Hook f.) Blatt. & McC in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 32 623. 1928 & Bombay Grass 108 t. 70 1935, Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, '0 India & Pakistan 165. 1960. Andropog^ ritchiei Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:201. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:509. 1958. (Repr.ed). Erect rigid, stout herbs, 80 - 100 cm or more high. Leaves linear flat with tubercle based hairs, 20 - 30 x 1.0 - 1.2 cm. Racemes hispid, 1.5 - 3.5 cm long; sessile spiklets hispid, 0.5 - 0.7 cm long. FIs. & Frts. October - November. Distrib. In hilly forests, Warandha Ghat. Shivther Ghal. Heteropogan contortus (L.) P. Beauv. ex R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2:836. 1817; Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass Log, t. 71. 1935, Bor, Gr^s Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 163 1960. Andropo^n contortus L^Sp. PI. 045. 1753; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7. 199. 1896; Cooke, ¥1. Pres. Bombay 3:510 1958 (Repr.ed). 40 - 50 cm tall, tufled, erect or basally geniculate perennials. Leaves linear, flat 7 folded. Racemes 2 - 5 cm, long, terminal, solitary; spikelets imbricate, pubescent and sessile; upper female spikeles awned; lower male and neuter awrdess; awns upto 9 cm long. 365 FIs. & Frts. : Julv-January.-» J nius. Trim. FI. ceyl. 5:238. 1931. Distrb. Throughout in grassland on hillslopes, Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. ISCHAEMUM L. Key to the species. 1 -Stout perennials, spikelets pilase... 1. pilosum 1 .Slender annuals; spikelets glabrous... I. indicum Ischaemum indicum (Houtt.) Merr. in J. Arnold. Arbar. 19:320. 1938; Bor, Grass. Ind. 180. 1960. Phleum indicum Houtt. Nat. Hist. 2, 13:198, t. 90, f.2. 1782. I. ciliare Retz. Obs. Bot. 6:36, 1791; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:133. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:481. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass. 18, t. 12. 1935. Herbs erect, 17 - 25 cm high, nodes bearded. Leaves linear, acuminate, 3.5 - 5.5 x 0.5 - 0.7 cm, pubscent, base rounded. Racemes 2 - 5 cm long, purplish; sessile spikelets. FIs. & Frts. August - November. Distrb. Common annuals along road sides. Ambadkhind, Rayari, Bope, Nasarapur. Ischaemum pilosum (Klein ex Willd) Wight in Madras Lit. Sci. j. 138; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:130. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:497. 1958 (Repr.ed); McC. Bombay Grass 14. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind 183. 1960. Andropoganpilosus Klein ex Willd. Sp. PI. 4:920. 1806. Herbs, perermial, erect upto 1 m high. Leaves 10.0 x 0.4 cm, linear; ligules membramnous. Racemes 8-12 cm long, pilose; sessile spikelets upto 0.6 cm long, narrowly lanceolate, awns about 0.6 cm long; narrowly lanceolate, awns about 0.6 cm long; pedicelled spikelets 0.4 - 0.5 cm long, awns short. FIs. & Frts. : September - January

366 Distrib. : Common near fields. Baneshwar, Bhor, Sarola, Bhatghar. ^ INDOPOA Bor Indopoa paupercula (Stajff) Bor in Kew Bull. 13:225. 1958. Tripogan paupercula Staff, in Hook Ic. PI. f 2442. 1896; Hook, f FI. Brit. India 7:285. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:558 1958. (Repr.ed): Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 266, t. 178. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 522. 1960. Herbs, culms 7 - 10 cm long. Leaves slender, about 2.5 cm long, involute. Spikelets about 0.5 cm long, hairy at base; lower glumes lanceolate, acute, about 0.3 cm long; upper glume lanceolate, about 0.4 cm long. Grains narrowly oblong, about 0.3 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : September - November • Distrb. : Common in grasslands on Rayeshwar plateaus. LOPHOPOGON Hackel Lophopogon tridentatus (Roxb.) Engl. & Prantl. Pfam. 2(2) :26. 1887; Hook, f FI. Brit. India 7:149. 1896; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 3:484. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass 28, t. 19. 1935; Andropogon tridentalus Roxb. FI. Ind. 1:257 1820. Perennial herbs, 10 - 15 cm tall. Leaves veiy narrowly linear^rigid. Racemes on erect pedimcles, ovoid; spikelets closely imbricate, awned. FIs. & Frts. : August - November • Distrb. Conmion in moist place^aneshwar, Bhatghar, Hirdoshi. MELANOCENCHRIS Nees M elanocenchris jacquem ontii Jaub. et. Spach. 1 11 PI. or 4:36, 5. 325. 1851; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 473. 1960. Gracilea royleana Hook f FI. Brit. India. 7:284. 1896; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 248, t. 165. 1935; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:553 1958. (Repr.ed)-

367 Slender^ annual herb^ 10 - \5 cm tail, tufted. Leaves nanowly linear or ensiform. flat or convolute. Racemes 3 - 5 cm long, filiform, flexuous. spikelets in clusters. 0.4 - 0.6 cm long, tinged with voilet at length silvery' white.

Fl.s. d' Fris. August - October

Distrb. Common in rockv' areas on plains in

grasslands o f ghats; Rayeshwar,

Warandha Ghat, Janai temple.

OPHIUROS Gaeitn. f Ophiuros exaltatus (L) O.Ktze.Rev. Gen. PI. 2 ; 780. 1891; Bor, Grass.

Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan. 199.1960. Aegilops exaltatus L. Mant. 2 : 0 tc • 575.1771; Ophiuros corymbosus (L f) Gaertnj p Fruct., 3 ; 4.t. 181. 3b.

1805; Hool^f FI. Bnt. India 7 ; 160. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 ;

468.1958 (Repr.ed) Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass. 40, t.28,1935;

Herbs, about 2 m tall^ rhizomatous. Leaves flat, linear. Racemes cylindrical, 6 - 10 cm long, solitary; spikelets simken in the cavities of the raceme, lower lemma elliptic, obtuse, upper lemmas elliptic - oblong, obtuse.

FIs. & Frts. : August - December

Distrb. : Common on road side. Hirdoshi, Bhor.

Nasarapur, Bope.


Pamcum notatum Retz. Obs. Bot. 4 ; 18.1786; Bor, Grass. Ind. 701.1960 P.

montanum Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 : 315.1820; Hook, f FI. Brit. India 7 : 53.1896;

Blatt. et McC. Bombay Grass 104.1935. Herbs, perennial, erect, about 2 m high. Leaves 10 - 12.5 x 1.2 - 2.2 cm, linear - oblong, sparsely hairy. Panicles about 20 cm long, spreading-

spikletets about 0.2 cm long, ellipsoid. Grain enclosed by lemma & palea.

FIs. & Frts. September - October.

Distrb. Few on hill slopes Warandha Ghat.


368 PENNISETUM L.C. Rich ex. Pers. Key to the species 1 .Lemmas homomorphous, lower entin ... P. hohenackeri 1.Lemmas heteromorphous, lower 3 - 1» >ecl; 2.Spikelets persistent... P. pedicellatum 2. Spike lets decidous... P. glaucum

Pennisetum pedicellatus Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb. Ser. VI 3 : 184.1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7 : 86.1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 43. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass 180, t. 115.1935; Bor, Grass, Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 346.1960. © Annuals herbs, 60 - 80 cm tall^ Leaves flat, linear or linear - lanceolate. Racemes. 4 - 12 cm long, cylindric, involucre sessile, bristly, bristles wool. Inflorescence pinkish - voile;, spikelets with the involucre, usually solitary. FIs. & Frts. : August - January. Illus. Trim FI. Ceyl. 5 ; 171.1931. Distrb. : Common in moist area Hirdoshi, Bope, Deoghar, Umbergani. Pennisetum glaucum (L) R, Br. Prodr. 1 : 195.1810; T. A. Cope in Nasir & Ali, FI. Pal. 143.234.1982. Panicum glaucum L. Sp.Pl. 56.1753. Setaria glauca (L) P. Beauv. Ess. Agrost. 51, 169, 178.1812, Hook.f. FI. Brit. Inida 7 : 78, 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3: 435.1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.«fe McC. Bombay Grass 172.1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 630-1960. Herbs, 30 - 50 cm high, erect. Leaves linear, acuminate, 3 - 8 cm long, margins scabrid. Panicles 1 - 5 cm long; bristles about 5 cm long; spikelets 0.2 - 0.25 cm long. Grains ellipsoid, about 0.15 cm long, grey. FIs. & Frts. : September - April. Distrb. : Common along hill slopes 0 Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Bope.

369 Pennisetum hohenackeri Hochst. ex Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. I ; 10.1854; Bor, Grass. Ind. 344.1960 P. alopeciiros Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. 1 ; 102.1854 non Jacq.1844; Hook-f. FI. Brit. India 7 ; 84.1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 430.1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC.Bombay Grass 178,1.113.1935. Herbs, 60 - 70 cm high. Leaves linear, convolute. 17 - 35 cm long. Panicles 8 - 15 cm long; spikelets solitary, lanceolate, acute, 0.7 - 0.8 cm; lower glume suborbicular, about 0.1 cm long; upper glume lanceolate, about 0.15 cm long. FIs.

371 Rhizomatous stout perennials, 80 - 100 cm tall. Leaves linear, stiff, glabrous with scabrid margins. Panicles 25-30 cm long; ovate lanceolate; spikelets with silvery silky hairs, awnless in pairs. FIs, & Frts. August - September. Illus. TrimFl. Ceyl. 5;201. 1931. g ^ Distrb. Occassional in patches in marshes^Bho^ SETARJA P. Beauv. (yiom. com.) Key to the species. 1.Bristlesretrorsely barbed... S. intermedia 1 .Bristles antrosely barbed: 2.Upper glume as long as the lemma... S. italica 2.Upper glume shorter than lemma... S. tomentosa

G 0 Setaria intermedia Roem.& SchultSyst. Veg. 2:489. 1817; Hook. f. FI. Brit. A India 7:79. 1896; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 3:436. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass. 174. 1935; T.A. Cope in Nash* & Ali, FI. Pak. 143:183. 1982. Panicum tomentosum Roxb. FI. Ind. 1:303. 1820. Setaria tomentosa (Roxb.) Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:47. 1829; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pak. 365. 1960. filufted|h^s, 50 - 80 cm. Leaves linear - lanceolate, flat, glabrous or sparsely hairy margins scaberulous, 5 - 20 x 0.3 - 0.6 cm; panicles dense flowered, spikelets ovoid, subacute^about 1.5 to 2 mm. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. ^ Distrib. : Road side in moist places^Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi. Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. E ss^grost. 51, 170 & 178. 1812; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:437. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 175. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan. 362. 1960. Panicum italicum L. Sp. PI. 56. 1753. Mar: ‘Rala’ -ill Herbs^60 - 100 cm tall, slender. Leaves linear to linear - lanceolate, flat, glabrous, with scabrous margins; panicles cylindric, often lobed at base, purplish, 10 - 16 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : August - November. Distrb. : Hirdoshi, Bope, Salagun, Umbarde. Setaria tomentosa (Roxb.) Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:47. 1829; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan 365. 1960. Setaria intermedia (Roxb.) R. & G. Syst. Veg. 2:489. 1817; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:79. 1896; Cooke, ¥1. Pres. Bombay 3:436. 1958 (Repr.ed). Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 174. 1935; Herbs, slender erect or ascending, tufted glabrous annual, 60 - 90 cm tall. Leaves linear - lanceolate flat, glabrous or hairy, margins scabrous. Panicles 6 - 8 cm long; spikelets ovoid, sub-acute. FIs. & Frts. : August - February. Illus. : Trim. H. ceyl. 5:163.1931. Distrb. : Common; Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

SORGHUM Moench Soi^hum halepense (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 1:101. 1805; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 5. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 222. 1960; T.A. Cope in Nasir & Ali, FI. Pak. 143:295. 1982. Holcus halepense L. Sp. PI. 1047. 1753. Andropogon halepensis (L.) Brot. FI. Lusit. 1:89 1804; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:1821; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:502. 1958 (Repr.ed). Sorghum miliaceum (Roxb.) Snowden in J. Linn Soc. 55:207. 1955; Bor, op.cit. 223. 5. miliaceum var parvispiculum Snowden op.cit. 209; Bor, op.cit. Mar.: ‘Boru’ Herbs, perennial^ about 3 m high, erect, culms simple or branched solid. Leaves 10-45 x 1.5 cm, linear - lanceolate; sheaths straiate; ligules short, membranous, cilicate. panicles 15 - 35 cm long, decompound, sessile

373 spikelets 0.4 - 0.5 cm long, ovoid - lanceolate; pedicelled spikelets as long as sessile but narrower. FIs. & Frts. July — January. Ulus. Matthew, Illus FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2:tt 937 & 938. 1982; Distrb. Common Bhor, Warandha Ghat, Apti, Nasarapur. SPOROBOLUS R.Br. Key to the species. 1 .Lower glume minute;stamen 3... 5. coromandelianus 1 .Lower glume long; stamen 2.... S. piliferus

Sporobolus piliferus (Trin.) Kunth, Enum. PI. 1:2IL 1833; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:251. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:541. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 226, t. 151. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 632. 1960. Vilfa pilifera Trin. Diss. Bot. 157. 1824. Herbs, 7 - 30 cm high. Leaves 2 - 8 cm long, flat or convolute. Panicles 2.5 - 6.5 cm long; spikelets 0.1 - 0.2 cm long, pale brown. Grains ellipsoid, reddish - brown. FIs. & Frts. : September - October Distrb. ; Annuals along the hill slopes Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Rayreshwar. Sporobolus coromandelianus (Retz.) Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:68. 1829; Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 7:252. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:542. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 228. t. 153. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 629. 1960. Agrostis coromandeliana Retz.

Obs. Bot. 4:19. 1786. Tufted annuals 8 - 20 cm tall. Leaves linear, glabrous. Panicles 3 - 6 cm long, pyramidal; spikelets lanceolate, shortly pedicillate, lower glumes

374 sub orbicular; upper glumes ovate - oblong, sub-acute; lemmas oblong obtuse. Grains broadly ellipsoid, compressed, smooth enclosed in pericarp. FIs. & Frts. August - September Illus. Trim. FI. Ceyl. 5:264. 1931. Distb. Common in moist and shady places. Hirdoshi, Baneshwar. THEMEDA Forssk. Key to the species. l.Involucral spikelets inserted at the same level... T. quadrivalvis l.Involucral spikelets inserted at different level: 2.Panicles very loose & leafy... T. laxa 2.Panicles densely congested, not leafy... T. triandra Themeda triandra Forssk. FI. Aegypt-Arab 123 & 178. 1775; Blatt.& McC. Bombay Grass. 115. t. 74. 1935; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 254, 253. f. 27 1960. Anthistiria imberbis Retz. Obs. 3:11 1783; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7:211. 1896. Themeda imberbis (Retz.) T. Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2:993. 1908. (3:513. 1958. Repr.ed). Mar.; 'Batani' Perennial herbs, 30-50 cm. Leaves linear flat, scabrid above and on margin, 14. to 40 cm long. Panicles 4.5 - 12.5 cm long; racemes clustered, involucral spikelets sessile, 7.10 mm long, bisexual; spikelets solitary, linear - oblong; awns dark brown or purplish. FIs. & Frts. November - February. Distrb. In hilly forests. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, Bope, Janai temple. Themeda quadrivalvis (L) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 2:794. 1891; Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 118. 1935; Bor, Gras. Burma, Ceylong, India & Pakistan 252. 1960. Andropogon quadrivalvis L. in Murr. Syst. Veg. (ed 13) 758. 1774. Andropogan ciliata L. f. Suppl. PI. 113. 1781. Hook f. FI. Brit.

375 India 7:213. 1896. Themeda ciliata Hack in DC. Monogr. Phan 6:664. 1889; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:514. 1958, (Repr.ed). Erect or basally geniculate, simple branched herb, 60 - 90 cm. Leaves linear, flat, glabrous, 12.5 - 20 cm long. Panicles dense, 25 - 40 cm; recemes erect or broadly ovate fascicles 8-15 mm long, involucral spikelets whorled; sessile, persistent, bisexual; spikelets solitary, narrow, linear lanceolate; pedicellate ones narrow, glabrous. FIs. & Frts. : September - October. Distrb. In hilly forests, Warandha Ghat, Bope, Janai temple, Hirdoshi. Themeda laxa (Anders.) A. Camus in Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 26:423. 1920; Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 251. I960. Anthistiria laxa Anders, in Nov. Act. Sci. UpsalSer. 3, 2:243. 1856; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 7:313 1896. 7 (Lea^ grasses^ 60 - 90 cm tall, erect. Leaves linear to linear - lanceolate. Panicles of few small heads in verticillate clusters; involucral spikelets unawned, hermophrodite; spikelets awned, appressedly and shortly ciliate; callus bearded; pedicellate spikelets glabrous. F/s. & Frts. : July - October. Distrb. : Common Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal, K Rayreshwar. CULTIVATED SPECIES ^ Oryza sativa L. Sp. PI. 1:333. 1753; Hook f. FI. fbrit. India 7:92 1896; proparte; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:565. 1958 (Repr.ed) Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 274. t. 187. 1935,^^ Bor, Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 605. 1960. > Mar.: “Tandul”. Herbs 60 - 90 cm. Leaves linear, scabrid on margins and nerves beneath. Panical lax, dropping; spikelets ovoid-oblong, brownish. Grains

oblong - ellipsoid. 376 FIs. & Frts. : October - December Distrb. : Usually cultivated Hirdoshi, Bhor, Nasarapur, Bope, Bhutonde. Eieusine coracana (L) Gaertn. Fruct. 1:8, t. 1, f. 11. 1789; Hook f. fl. Brit. India 7:294. 1896; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3:561 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass 260, t. 173. 1935; Bor, Grass. Ind 492. 1960. Cynosurus coracanus L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10.2:875 1759. Mar.; ‘NachanV

Herbs stout, 30 - 45 cm high. Leaves linear, longer than the stem. Spikes 7-10 dense. Seeds globose, about 0.2 cm across. FIs. & Frts. : September - February Distrib. : Warandha Ghat, Hirdoshi.

Notes: Cultivated along the hill slopes. Panicum miliaceum L. Sp. PI. 58, 1753; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 3 : 456.1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt. & McC. Bombay Grass. 159.t. 100.1935, Bor, Grass. Burma, Cylon, India and Pakistan 327.1960.

> ^^"tufted,^ ^iiTTP.n stout

FIs. & Frts. August - October lllus. Trim. FL Ceyl. 5 : 150.1931 Distrb. Hirdoshi, Shivther Ghal, Ubergani, Bope.

Pennisetum americanum (L) K. Schum, in Engl. Pflanzenr. Oest. Afr. 13.51, C.t.4, F. A. & B, 1895; Bor in Rech. f. Iran 70 : 503.1970 Panicum americanum L. Sp. PI. 56.1753. P.typhoides (Burm.) Stapf & C. E. Hubb. In Kew Bull. 1933.271.1933; Bor, Grass, India 350.1960 P. typhoideum L.C. 2,11 Rich, in Pres. Syn.Pl. 1 ; 72.1805; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 7 : 82.1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3 : 432,1958 (Repr.ed) Mar.: ‘Bajari’.

Herbs, 20 - 30 m high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, 15 - 20 x 0.3 - 0.5 cm. Panicles 5 -7 cm long; spikelets oblong, about 0.3 cm long.

FIs. & Frts. : July - September. Distrb. : Common species under cultivation throughout Bhor taluka.

Saccharum officinanim L. Sp. PI. 54. 1753; Hook FI. Brit. India 7:118. 1896; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 3:466. 1958 (Repr.ed); Blatt & McC. Bombay Grass. 46.1935; Bor, Grass. Ind. 212.1960. Mar: ‘‘Us” Culms about 0.3 m high. Leaves linear - lanceolate, 20 - 30 cm long. Panicles pyramidal, dense, silvery about 20 ^ long. Distrib. : Cultivated Bhor, Nigade, Sorala, Nasarapur.

Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.In Wendel.Collect.Pl. 2:26, t.47.1810; Gamble m Hook. f.Fl. Brit. India 7:391.1896; Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 3: 570.1958 (Repr.ed.); Blatt. & McC.Bombay Grass.282.1935. Trees, 5-15 m high, unarmed.Leaves linear-lanceolate.Panicles large,leafy.Spikelets in bracteate clusters. Distrib. : Occasionally cultivated in gardens. Nasarpur.

378 Cymbopogon winteranus Jowitt in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gdns.Peradeniya 4: 189.1908; Bor.Grass. Ind. 132.1960; Soenarko in Reinwardtia 9:348.1977. Tufted perennials.Leaves 16 cm long, base cordate, tapering towards apex. Panicles large, drooping ; spikelets 0.4 - 0.5 cm long. FIs. & Frts. : November. ^ Distrib. : Cultivated in garden. Baneshwar. <