Systematic Treatment Vi : Systematic Treatment

Systematic Treatment Vi : Systematic Treatment

Chapter VI SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT VI : SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT RANUNCULACEAE Key to the genera: l.Climber;leaves opposite.... Clematis 1.Erect herbs;leaves alternate, Delphinium CLEMATIS L. Key to the species.’ 1.Leaves glabrous: 2.Leaves bipinnately compound; leaflets 3 .... C. gouriana 2. Leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 3-5 .... C. hedysarifolia L Leaves densely hairy: 3.Flowers yellow ;filaments hairy in the middle .... C .wightiana 3.Flowers white;filaments glabrous ... C. triloba Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC. Syst. Nat. 1:138.1817 ;Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. Fl.Brit.India . 1:4 1872 ;Cooke, Fl.Pres. Bombay 1:2*1958 (Repr-ed.), Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28 B :59.1982. Mar.: 'MorveV. S Climbing to a great height, usually glabrous. Stem grooved, brown. Leaves pinnate; leaflets ovate, round at the base^ acuminate at apex, 3-6 x 1.5-3.5 cm; petioles long, slender. Flowers small, fragrant ,in compound panicles, yellowish or greenish- white,0.5-1.0cm across; pistil apocarpous; stamens many,free ;filaments narrow, linear, glabrous.Fruit achenes ■ovoid, 0.3cm long,hairy with long feathery tails. Fls.& frts. : November - February. lllus. : Wight, 933 & 934.1845; Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot .Gdns. 34 Lucknow 54: t 9. 1962 & 80 ;t 27 ,1963 . Distrib. : Common along Ghats . Warandha Ghat, Rayari, Hirdoshi, Umbarde, Bhor. Clematis hedysarifolia DC. S y st. Nat.l:148 1817 ; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook f. FI. Brit India T.4 1872: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:3 1958 (Repr ed); Rec. Hot. Surv. India 16(1) ; 1. 1965; Sant.Ibid. 59; Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28 B:60 1982. C. naravelioides O. Ktze. Verb. Bot. Ver. Priov. Brandenb. 26:119 1885. Climbers with woody branches. Leaves compound; leaflets ovate- lanceolate, base rounded, apex acuminate. Flowers in compund panicles. Achenes ovoid, compressed, red, hairy. FIs. & Frts.: November-February. Illus. : Talbot, For .FI. Bombay Pres & Sind l:l,t.4 1909; A.S Rao,^ Gupta in Bull.Nat.Bot.Gdns.Lucknow 54:t.l2 1961. Distrib. : Frequent along ghats.Hirdoshi. Clematis triloba Heyne ex Roth, Nov.Pl. 251 1821;Hook f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:3 1872; Lisboa J. Roy. Asiat. Soc. (Bombay ) 15;1883; Cooke,FI. Pres.Bombay 1:2 1958 (Repr.ed); Rau J. Mysore Univ. 28B:63 1982. Mar. :’Ranjai’ ^ ^ ^tensive climber, but often found trailing amongst grass.Whole plant except the older stems are tomentose.Stems sulcate;branches tomentose.Leaves simple or unipinnate, ovate-orbicular,entire or one-7 lobed;lobes usually mucronate, acute. Flowers white,^xillary cymes; bracts foliaceous, ovate, acute. Sepals spreading, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, stamens many; filaments ligulate, glabrous. Fruits achenes ovoid, flat silky, with long feathery tails. FIs. & Frts. : September-February. Illus. : Gupta in Bull. Nat. Bot. Gdns. Lucknow 54:t 18:1961. 35 Distrib. : Common throughout the Warandha Ghat,Hirdoshi. Clematis -wightina Wall, ex Wight & Arn. Prodr 2. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:5. 1872;Cooke,Fl. Press Bombay 1:3. 1958 (Repr. ed); Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 286:65.1982. Woody climbers;branches villous.Leaves 3-5 foliolate;Ieaflets ovate,acute at apex,margin toothed.Flowers in axillary dichotomous cymes; bracts and bracteoles ovate villous. Achenes elongate, with feathery tails. FIs. & Frts. : December-February. Ulus. ; Gupta in Bull. Nat. Bot. Gdns. Lucknow 54:t 19-1961. Distrib. : Common in evergreen forest. Hirdoshi. DELPHINIUM L. Delphinium malabaricum (Huth) Munz in J.. Arnold Arbor 49; 106,f 14 1968. D.dasycaulon Fresen. var. malabaricum Huth in Both Jahrb 20:435. 1895. D.dasycaulon acut. non Fresen. 1837 ; Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:25. 1872 ;Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:5 1958 (Repr.ed.); Rau in J. Mysore Univ. 28B:65 1982. Herbs, about Im high; stem white hairy. Leaves reniform, 2-3 cm across, 5- 7 lobed. Flowers blue in racemes; lower bracts leafy, 2-3 lobes, upper linear, bracteoles 2; sepals dark blue, spur obtuse. Follicles 3, oblong, apiculate. FIs. & Frts. : September-December. Distrib. : Rare,on exposed hill slopes among grasses. Warandha Ghat, Shivther Ghal. Endemic to Western Ghats. DILLENL^CEAE DILLENIA L . Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. PI. Cor. l:21,t.20. 1795; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook.f. FI. Brit India 1-38. 1899- Rirdwood. Cat. FI. Matheran and Mahabaleshwar. 36 PLATE -11 HIRSUTA Dalz. | 7. Delphinium malaharicum 6. 1897; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:7. 1958 (Repr.ed.); Blumea 7:117.1952. Mar. -J^aramvel ‘ Tree^ 10-12m high with erect trunk; branches numerous, ascending with drooping ends. Leaves oblong lanceolate, 60-70cm long at the apex of branches. Flowers 10 cm in diammeter, fragrant; sepals ovate, obtuse; petals yellow, oblong lanceolate; stamen numerous, the outer erect, the inner spreading. Fruit in axillary fascicles with persistent sepals, 5-seeded. FIs. & Frts. : February- June. Distrib. : Common on the road side and on slopes. Warandha Ghat. MAGNOLIACEAE CULTIVATED SPECIES Michelia champaca L. Sp. PI. 536. 1753: Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.India 1:42. 1872; Cooke. FI. Bombay 1:8.1958 (Repr.ed.). Mar. : “Pivla chapha ” Tall tre^^ handsome, evergreen with a straight trunk, 6-8m high; branches ascending. Leaves lanceolate, acute at apex^8-16 x 5-8 cm. Petiole long. Flowers very fragrant, yellow, axillary, solitary; sepals and petals 15 or more, deep yellow or orange, pedicel long. Capsule type of fruit, brown, opening on the back by two valves; valves woodyjbrown. FIs. & Frts. : May-August. Illus. : Talbot, For,FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 1:12, f. 8. 1909; Khanzada and Khan in Nasir and, Ali, FI. W. Pak. 64:2, f. 1. 1974. Distrib. :Cultivated for fragrant flowers .Bhor, Hirdoshi, Nasarapur, Baneshwar. s Notes: Generally planted near Temple^for its fragrant and attractive flowers. At time found as an escape. Bhor, Nasarapur, Baneshwar. /- 37 ANNONACEAE ANNONA L. Key to the Species. 1. Areoles of fruits raised, ovoid; leaves with ascending nerves ...A .squamosa. 1. Areoles of fruits flat, 5 angled; leaves with divergent nerves... A. reticulata. Annona reticulata L. Sp. PI. 537. 1753.; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:15. 1958(Repr. ed.). Mar.: “Ramphal” L Tree, 8 m high; young branches tomentose, the older glabrous. Leaves membranous, rounded at the base, minutely pellucid, upper surface glabrous, the lower with a few scattered hairs. Flowers 2-4 together on lateral pedicels; pedicels long, elongating and becoming thick and woody in fruit; sepals small, long, tomentose; petals broad surface. Fruits globose or somewhat pear shaped, c yellowish - red when ripe. Seeds smooth, bluish. FIs. & Frts. :July-September. nius. : Talbot, For. FI. Bombay Pres.& Sind 1:28. f. 18. 1909. Distrib. : Cultivated for edible fruits. Bhor, Hirdoshi, Umbrade. Annona squamosa L. Sp. PI. 537. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 15.(Repr.ed.). Trees about 5-6m high. Leaves elliptic, apex subacute, pellucido-punctate, glabrous above; petioles long. Flowers solitary or 2-4 together on extra -axillary branches; petioles long, bracteate below the middle; sepals minute, triangular, pubescent; petals pubescent on both surfaces. Fruits globose, 2-4cm across; yellowish-green when ripe, easily broken into large pieces. Seeds brownish-black, smooth. FIs. & Frts. : April-July. Ulus. : Talbot, For.FI. Bombay Pres, and Sind 1:27, f. 17. 1909. Distrib. '■ Cultivated for edible fruits. Bhor, Umbrade, Rayari, Ambeghar. 38 CULTIVATED SPECIES Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhandari in Baileya 12:147,1964. Annona hexapetala L.f. Sup. PI. 270, 1781. Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br. in Bot. Reg. 423, 1820; F. B. 1^1:54, 1872; A. unanatus (Lam.) Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sc. Bot. 7:234. 1912. A. uncinata Lam. Encycl. 2:127. 1786. Mar. : 'Hirva Chapha’ Large glabrous shrubs. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, shining dark green. Flowers A on hooked penduncles, frangrant, yellowish green, solitary or in pairs. Ripe carpels 6-10, yellow. ¥ls. & Frts. : April - October. Distrib. : Mostly cultivated in gardens for fragrant flowers at Baneshwar. Notes: The flowers contain essential oil which is used in perfumery. Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 398. 1864; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:62. 1872; Cooke, FI.Pres . Bombay 1:13. 1958.(Repr. ed.). Uvaria longifolia Sonn. Voy. Ind. Orient. 2.233.t. 131. 1782. Mar. : “As/io/t” Trees, 7-10 m^Leaves narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, shining, wavy. Flowers yelloish-green. Fruits ovoid-oblong, 1-3 cm. FIs. & Frts. : January-April. Distrib. : Planted in gardens as an avenue tree. Bhor, Nasarapur. MENISPERMACEAE Key to the genera. 1. Bark corky... Tinospora 1. Bark not corky: 2. Stamens all free : 3. Inflorescence arising from old wood... Diploclisia 3. Inflorescence arising from leaf axils ... Cocculus 39 2.Stamens all connate ; 4.Inflorescence umbellate ... Stephania 4. Inflorescence a panicle or fascicled: 5. Leaves sub -orbicular... Cissampelos 5. Leaves triangular-ovate.... Cyclea _ CISSAMPELOS L. Cissampelos L. Sp PI. 103L 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.Brit. India l:103,1872;Cooke,Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:24. 1958 (Repr.ed). Mar.; 'Pahadver Climbers with branches striate, pubescent. Leaves 2-6 cm across. Male flowers in axillary cymes; sepals obovate, concave, hairy; petals connate into a short cup; female flowers in axillary racemes; bracts reniform, villous; sepals ovate, pubescent; petals half the length of the sepals. Drupes sub-globose,red, hairy. FIs. & Frts. : July- August. ^ ' Ulus. : Maheshwari, Ill.Fl. Delhi f.2.1966. Distrib. : Common along forest edges. Hirdoshi. COCCULUS L. Cocculus hirsutus (L) Deils in Engl. Pflanzenr. 46:236. 1910. C. villous, DC. Syst.Nat. 1:525. 1818; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:101. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:22.

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