

A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfilllment of the Requirements to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo







. Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not

change themselves (QS. Ar-Ra’du : 11)

. Sciences without religion are lame, and religion without sciences is blind (

Albert Einstein)

. Do everything because of Allah SWT ( The writer)

. The future is the reflection what we face and what we do now (The writer)

. We can’t stand and live without anyone else, but we have to choose our

future by ourselves (The writer)

. The limits of my language are the limits of my world (Jeremy Harmer)

. Life is never flat (Chittato)



With a great of love, this thesis is especially dedicated to:

1. My beloved all of Muslim Allah SWT who gives opportunity and blessing,

so I can study until go to the university, which is not all everyone can do

it. It is a gift which is amazing for me. Thanks to Allah so much.

2. My beloved father (Muchotib), my beloved mother (Sri Sugiarti), my

beloved sisters (Dewi Nurul Khasanah) and my beloved brother

(Muhammad Hanif Fatin Raditiyansah) thanks for your love, support,

advice, prayer, sacrifice, and I’ am so sorry until this time I have not yet

given something or everything. I only hope that Allah surely gives more

than what all of you have done to me.

3. My beloved friends in my village Tursino (Bayu, Bondan, Budi, Heri

Hermawan), my beloved friends in my band AQILA (Bayu Prasetya,

Marisa Tri S, Rendy, Adi), and my honey Putri Puansary, thanks for your

prayer and all of everything for me, so I can finish my thesis.

4. My beloved all of friends in E-F class especially for Drianggi Mukti,

Dimas Kurniawan, Nuryaningsih Kusuma Resti, Romadona, Sugiyarto,

and Uli Astuti thanks for your help, support, prayer and everything, so I

can finish my thesis.




First of all, the researcher would like to say thanks to Allah SWT, God the

Almighty for his blessing and mercy given to me during my study and in completing this final project entitled ”A Study Of Sentence Types Used In Justin

Bieber’s Album My World: The Collection And Its Contribution In Teaching

Writing”. This thesis was written in partial fulfillment of the requirement to acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program of Teacher

Training and Educational Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

This thesis has been developed by those who have been generous in time, argument, suggestion. The researcher would like to thank all those individuals who have assisted in providing the development the thesis. They are lectures, friends are too numerous to mention, He will recognize the contributions they have. No best words convey to them except a whole hearted expression of thankfulness.

He would be very grateful to many people who have contributed their ideas and time in completing final project. He would like to express my sincere gratitude to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Drs. H. Hartono, M.M. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Educationa

Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.


3. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. as the Head of English Education Muhammadiyah of


4. Sri Widodo, S.S, M. Hum. Thank you for giving me continue guidance as

well as motivation and your patience during the writing of final project.

5. Junaedi Setiyono, M. Pd as my academic consultant, thank you for the


6. The lecturers in English Department Muhammadiyah University of

Purworejo thankyou for your dedication to teach him until the graduation.

7. All myfriends in class E and F.

8. All 8th semester students.

9. All students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of


10. My special thank you to my parents, my brother, my special one, and my

friends that have supported me morally and financially so that I am able to

finish my study.

Finaly, the research is fully conscious that his writing still far from being perfect. However, the researcher hopes that this writing will be useful for the improvement to English learner.

Purworejo, July....th 2014

Nur Ahmad Shodiq


ABSTRACT Shodiq, Nur Ahmad. 2014. A Study on Sentence Types Used in Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection and Its Contribution in Teaching Writing. A Thesis. English Education Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant: Sri Widodo, S.S, M. Hum. is not only just for fun and amuse, but also for being an effective way to stimulate writing activity in teaching-learning process. It is because of the song containing words and sentences to learn by the student. The teacher can use this media to convey the lesson and introduce the sentence types such as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Therefore, this research is about study on sentence type used in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection. There are two aims of this research. The first aim is to identify kind of sentence types used in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection. The second aim is to describe the implementation of teaching writing using song of it album. In doing this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative methode. In collecting the data, the researcher takes data from internet, observes the data available in the data sheet, rechecks, and makes sure all data well organized. In analyzing the data, the researcher identifies and analyzes the kind of sentence types on the data, describes and discusses the data, and draws conclusions based on the data analyzed. Moreover, the researcher describes the implementation of teaching writing about sentence types found in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The Collection. The result shows that in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The collection, there are four types of sentence found: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence. The total number of sentence types found are as follows: 1) 234 simple sentence (57, 6 %), 2) 53 compound sentence (13, 1 %), 3) 108 complex sentence (26, 6 %), 4) 11 compound-complex (2, 7 %). Key words: Teaching writing, sentence types, song lyric.




TITLE ...... I



MOTTO...... IV









A. Background of The Study...... 1

B. Reason for Choosing The Topic ...... 3

C. Limitation of The Study...... 4

D. Statements of The Problem...... 4

E. Objectives of The Study…...... 4

F. Significance of The Study ...... 5

G. Organization of The Thesis……………...... ……………….....5


A. Previous Studies...... 7


B. Definition of Sentence…………………….……………….…..8

C. Basic Sentence in English……………………………………...9

D. Sentence Structure………………………...... 14

1. Clauses……..…………………………………………….....14

2. Sentence Types…..………………………………………....15

a. Simple Sentence..……………………………………...... 19

b. Compound Sentence..…………………………………....20

c. Complex Sentence..……………..………………………..24

d. Compound-Complex Sentence..…………………………26

E. Teaching Writing...... 27

F. Media in Teaching Learning Process...………………….…....29

G. Song as a Media in Teaching Writing...... 30

H. Definition of Song Lyric...... 31

I. Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection………...... 32


A. Type of Research...... 34

B. Object of Research...... 35

C. Source of The Data………………...... 36

D. Instrument of The research……..…………………………….36

E. Technique of Collecting Data...... 37

F. Technique of Data Analysis………………………………...... 38

G. Unit of Analysis….. ……………………………………..…...38



A. Research Finding………………………………………..…39

B. Discussion………………………………………………….41

1. Simple Sentence……………………………………...... 41

2. Compound Sentence………………………………...…55

3. Complex Sentence…………………………………...... 60

4. Compound-Complex Sentence……………………...…68

C. The Contribution of Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds:

The Collection in Teaching Writing……………………….70


A. Conclusion ...... 80

B. Suggestion ...... 81






Table 1. Sentence Types Found……………………………………………….....39

Table 2. Percentage of Sentence Types Found…………………………………..40

Table 3. Simple Sentences Found…………………………………………….....42

Table 4. Compound Sentences Found…………………………………………...56

Table 5. Form of Compound Sentences………………………………………....59

Table 6. Complex Sentences Found……………………………………………..60

Table 7. Compound-Complex Sentences Found……………………….………..68



Appendices 1. Song Lyric of Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection

Appendices 2. Thesis Consulting Log



A. Background of The Study

Language has important role in the world, especially English as

international language. It used in the other parts of the world and we need to

study language, especially English. According to Thomas (2004: 2) there are

many reasons why we study language. Language as a way of finding out

more about how our brains work and to investigate when the children learn

language. Language can damage our brains results in certain kind of language

disorders (psycholinguistics) so that, it is important to learn and to teach

different languages, the relationship between meaning, language and

perception, the role of language in different cultures, the styles of language

used in literature, the different varieties of language people use and the

differences between different group in linguistic.

We live in a world of language. According to Victoria (2003:3) we

talk to our friends, our associates, our lovers, our teachers, our parents and

our rivals use language. We talk face-to-face and over the telephone, and

everyone responds with more talk. Television and radio further swell this

torrent of words, and even in our dreams we talk and are talked to. We also

talk when there is no one to answer use language. Its mean that the language

is the tool of communication in our live. But, nowadays, English language is

not only used as a mean of human communication but also as a subject

1 learned at school in Indonesia. In global area, Indonesia has been trying to increase the qualities of the people through education. English is a compulsory subject which is teach from elementary school. From the curriculum, we can find implicitly that English should be mastered and used as media to develop science, technology, art, culture, and also to maintain good relationship with other nations. The difficulty of learning English is not only at junior high school but also at the senior high school and even at the university because the process of learning English as foreign language is the same with the process how children learn to talk for the first time. In mastering English, we have to study seriously, and thoroughly. As a student of university, we know that the material given in the mastery of reading, speaking, listening, writing, and vocabulary of graduated English student from elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school is still not good. Although they have studied it, they face some difficulties. In writing for example, they got difficulties expressing their ideas in English. It seems

English is still one of the difficult subject for students.

Writing is important. Many problem faced by the student when they study writing. They got difficulties to express their ideas and difficulties to write down what is in the student mine. They did not know how to write and arrange the sentences. In studying writing we should know about how to write the sentences correctly. To make a good writing is not easy. We need to know and study about sentence structure from the first. When students learn to write, they begin by learning about the types of sentences. According to Alice


(162: 1999), sentence is a group of words that we use to communicate our

idea. Sentence is formed from one or more clauses. There are four types of

sentences in English. Simple sentences, compound sentences, complex

sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Before we can identify these

sentence types, we need to understand the following terms; phrase,

independent clause, and dependent clause

Well, in learning English students should know about writing,

especially the type of sentences. By knowing it, students will try how to use it

to express their ideas. We can study about sentence structure by using

Magazine, novel, short story, poem and song lyric. In this research, the

researcher choses the English song lyric in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds:

The Collection to study about sentence types. As we know that, the of

Justin Bieber has some purpose and meaning. Some of them are to tell about

something to listener, to express their ideas or imagine, give illusion and also

as entertainment. So many ways, styles, and sentence structure of the song

writer in writes interesting song and using the kinds of sentences or can be

called sentence types. Because of that, the researcher is interested to make

research about sentence types in song lyric.

Based on the statement above, the researcher is interested to conduct

the research entitled “A Study of Sentence types used In Justin Bieber’s

Album My Worlds: The Collection and its Contribution in Teaching Writing”.

B. Reason for Choosing The Topic


In choosing something, of course, we have some considerations. In

choosing this topic, the researcher has some reasons as follows; the researcher

finds that there are many students who faced difficulties when they are

studying writing, especially in writing English. The student did not know how

to write and arrange the sentences correctly. Sometimes, the student feel

bored, and there are many students who are not interested in the material

given when studying writing, especially on type of sentences.

C. Limitation of The Study

There are many aspects in writing and problems faced by student when

they study it. Actually, we can study and found the sentence types in many

medias, like magazine, novel, short story and song, but in this research, the

researcher limits of this study to focus on the study of sentence types used in

Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The Collection.

D. Statements of The Problem

Relating to the limitation of the study, the problem in this research can

be formulated as follows:

1. What kind of sentence types used in Justin Bieber album’s My worlds: The


2. How is the implementation of teaching writing using Justin Bieber’s

album’s My Worlds: The Collection?

E. Objectives of The Study


Based on the statement of the problem above, the writer has two

objective of the study. They are:

1. To identify kind of sentence types used in Justin Bieber’s album My

Worlds: The Collection.

2. To describe the implementation of teaching writing using Justin Bieber’s

album’s My worlds: The Collection.

F. Significance of The Study

Generally, the writer hopes that everyone who reads this thesis can get

some knowledge about Sentence types. The writer hopes that the reader will

be interested in studying writing by understanding the sentence types used in

the song lyric.

This thesis may be useful to the English students who are still

confused about sentence types in writing. The writer hopes that this thesis can

be the answer of it and perhaps useful to be used in teaching-learning process

or English course more interesting.

For the writer himself this thesis hopefully can improve his

knowledge about writing, especially on sentence types. He hopes that he can

understand English song lyric and study it easily.

G. Organization of The Thesis

This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is

introduction. It consists of background of study, reason for choosing the

topic, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the

5 study, significance of the study, clarification of the term, and organization of the thesis.

The second chapter is about review of related literature. It consists of theories related to what will to be discussed in this thesis.

The third chapter is research method. In this chapter, the researcher wants to explain the method which is used in doing the research. It is about type of research, object of research, instrument of the research, technique of collecting data, technique of data analysis, and unit of analysis.

The fourth chapter is research finding and discussion. In this chapter the researcher wants to explain the sentence types found in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The Collection and its contribution in teaching writing.

The last chapter is conclusion and suggestion. In this chapter, the researcher gives the conclusion based on the discussion and then the researcher gives the suggestion.



A. Previous Studies

In the previous studies, this material has ever been analyzed by Friska

(2009) in the title, An Analysis of Sentence Types in Tennesee Wiliams’s A

streetcar Named desire. In this thesis, the researcher analyzed sentence types

in movie scene. There are six scene in this movie. She described types of

sentence and its total number of each sentence: Simple sentence 205,

compound sentence 35, complex sentence 107, and compound-complex

sentence 26.

It also analyzed by Rimbawana (2012) in the title, English Sentence

Types Analysis of the Editorials in Jakarta Post Issued in April 2011. The aim

of this research is to give a description of the types of English sentence used

in the editorials of The Jakarta Post issued in April 2011. This research is

categorized as descriptive study since it just collects the data, analyzes the

data, and draws conclusion based on the analysis of the data. The source of

the data in this research is the editorial section of the Jakarta post issued in

April 2011. In the month, there are 20 editorials which are analyzed. The data

is gotten by collecting, listing and copying the editorial section in the Jakarta

post issued in April 2011. Then the data is analyzed by means of reading the

data, identifying the sentence structure used in the text, concerning with the


number of paragraphs, the number of sentences, and the type of sentences.

After all, a conclusion is made. From the editorials of the Jakarta post issued

in April 2011, the researcher found that the number of sentences is 467

sentences. Those sentences consist of 214 simple sentences, 34 compound

sentences, 186 complex sentences, and 33 compound-complex sentences.

The researcher is interested in conducting the research entitled “A

Study of Sentence types used In Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The

Collection and its Contribution in Teaching Writing.”

The differences between this research and the previous studies on the

media or object of the study. The researcher uses the song lyric of Justin

Bieber’s album My World: The Collection is to give a description of the types

of English sentence and descripts its contribution in teaching writing.

B. Definition of Sentence

The word sentence is actually somewhat problematic. In written

language, a sequence of structurally related clauses normally begins with a

capital letter and ends with a full stop. In other words, the sequence is marked

as being a sentence. In spoken language, however, one has to take intonation

into account, as well as the presence of conjunctions such as, and, if, and so

long as to decide whether clauses are structurally related clauses in speech

might not be acceptable as a sentence in written language. There is, in fact, a

general tendency for such sequences to be longer and more complex in

speech than writing. The term sentence is sometimes used to refer only

written language (Graham, 1996: 246). In other opinion, Gerot (1994: 82)


state that, people do not speak in sentences, but they speak in messages,

which are realized grammatically in clauses and clause complex. According

to Richards (2002: 180), sentence is the largest unit of grammatical

organization within which parts of speech (e.g. nouns, verbs, adverbs), and

grammatical classes (e.g. word, phrase, clauses) are said to function. In

English, a sentence normally contains one independent clause with a finite

verb. Units which are larger than the sentence (e.g. paragraph) are regarded as

examples of discourse.

Based on the discussions above, the sentences is a unit of written

language, it does not apply to spoken language. The term of sentence used in

written language, and when the people speak in messages, they use

grammatically in clause. Therefore, the sentence in written language is

different from the spoken language.

C. Basic Sentence in English

According to Nuryanto (1990: 1-2), basic sentence is single, active,

and positive sentence which have subject and predicate. In English grammar,

a subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. The other main part is the

predicate. The following is the discussion about the parts of basic sentence in


1. Subject

The subject is sometimes called the naming part of a sentence or

clause. It usually appears before the predicate to show; what the sentence

is about, and who or what performs the action. The subject is commonly a


noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. A subject may be one word or several

words. There are types of subjects, as follows:

a. The subject may be just a single word: a noun or a pronoun, Such as

1) Felix laughed.

2) He laughed.

In the first example, the proper noun Felix is the subject of the

sentence, and the second example, the personal pronoun he is the


b. The subject may be a noun phrase; that is, a word group made up of a

head noun and any modifiers, determiners (such as the, a, her), and/or

complements, for example: The first person in line spoke to the

television reporter. In this example, the subject is The first person in


c. Two (or more) nouns, pronouns, or noun phrases may be linked by and

to make a compound subject, such as Winnie and her sister will sing at

the recital this evening. In this example, the compound subject is

Winnie and her sister.

2. Predicate

A predicate is usually defined as a word group that comes after the

subject to complete the meaning of the sentence or clause. A predicate

may be one word or many words. There are types of Predicates, as


10 a. A predicate may be just a single word: the verb, for example Felix


In this first example, the verb laughed is the predicate of the

sentence. b. A predicate may be a word group made up of a main verb and any

helping verbs, for example Winnie will sing.

In the second example, will sing is the predicate. The helping

verb (will) comes before the main verb (sing). c. A predicate may also be a complete verb phrase: that is, a main verb

and all the words related to that verb except the subject, for example

The grass is always greener on the other side.

In this last example, the predicate is the verb phrase is always

greener on the other side. Whether it's just one word or many words,

the predicate usually follows the subject and tells us something about it.

In general, the predicate of the sentence divided in two parts: nominal

predicate and verbal predicate

Based on the statements above, the researcher conclude that the

basic or standard sentence in English is the sentence which have subject

and predicate. It can be formulated (Sentence = Subject + Predicate).

The subject is not only a single word, but also a noun phrase (or more)

noun phrase, nouns, and pronouns. In the other main part of the

sentence is predicate. It can be a single word (verb), a word group, and

a complete verb phrase.


The main key of the sentence predicate in English, such as nominal predicate and verbal predicate are using the verb. The verb which is used in sentence predicate is divided in the three parts, as follows: a. Linking verb

A linking verb is a verb which connects a subject to its

predicate without expressing an action. A linking verb is used to re-

identify or describe its subject. The word, phrase, or clause which

follows a linking verb to re-identify or describe the subject is called

the subject complement. The most common linking verb is the verb

to be. Other common ones relate to the five senses (to look, to feel,

to smell, to sound, and to taste). Here is a list of common linking


1) To be

(In all its forms, e.g., am, is, are, was, were, will be, was

being, has been.)

2) To appear

3) To become

4) To feel

5) To look

6) To seem

7) To smell

8) To sound


9) To taste

The verbs to be, to become, and to seem are always linking

verbs. They always link the subject to the predicate to re-identify or

describe it. However, the other verbs in the list above are not always

linking verbs. Remember, linking verbs do not express an action.

However, some of the verbs in the list can express an action namely

action verbs, for example as the following:

1) He smells the soup.

In this example, smells is not a linking verb. This

time, it is an action verb. It has taken a direct object. He

is doing something to the soup.

2) Tony smells awful.

In this example, smells is a linking verb. It links

the subject Tony to the adjective awful and modify Tony. b. Transitive verbs

Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to

receive that action, such as Alice hits the ball. In this example, the

direct object the ball received the action of the verb hit. Here are

some more examples of transitive verbs:

1. I baked some cookies.

2. I rode the bicycle.

3. I moved the chair.

4. I stitched a quilt.


All of the verbs in the previous sentences are transitive

because an object is receiving the action of the verb.

c. Intransitive verbs

Intransitive verbs are action verbs but unlike transitive verbs,

they do not have an object receiving the action. Here are some more

examples of intransitive verbs:

1. I laughed.

2. I cried.

3. The book fell.

4. The horse galloped.

5. The sun set.

In all of the above cases the subject is performing the action

of the verb and nothing is receiving the action.

D. Sentence Structure

1. Clauses

Clauses are the building blocks of sentences. A clause is a group of

words that contains (at least) a subject and a verb. There are two kinds of

clauses: independent and dependent. An independent clause contains a

subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as

a sentence by itself. An independent clause is formed with a subject and a

verb and often a complement. A dependent clause begins with a

subordinator such as when, while, if, that, or who. A dependent clause does

not express a complete thought, so it is not a sentence by itself. It is also


called a sentence fragment. By itself, it is an incomplete sentence, and it is

an error. A dependent clause is formed with a subordinator, a subject, and

a verb. For example as the following:

a. The Sun rose.

b. Water evaporates rapidly in warm climate zones.

c. …when the sun rose...

d….because water evaporates rapidly in warm climate zones...

All of the sentences above are the example of independent clause

and dependent clause. The sentence in (a) and (b) are independent clause.

The sun and water as a subject, rose and evaporates as a verb. In the

sentence (b) has the complement, that is rapidly in warm climate zones.

The example (c) and (d) are different from (a) and (b). They are the

example of dependent clause, they have subordinator when and because.

So that, it cannot stand alone.

A few of the most common subordinators follows; after, before,

that, when, which, although, even though, though, whenever, while, as,

just as, how, unless, where, who, as if, if, until, wherever, whom, as soon

as, since, what, whether, whose, because, so that, etc.

2. Sentence Types

Writing in English begins with the sentence. Sentences are then

combined into larger structures such as essays, business reports, etc. When

people makes sentences, they do many things, they ask questions, make

requests, make statements, or they exclaim a powerful feeling or emotion.


Because sentences convey statements, request, strong emotion, and questions, they can be categorized into four different type of sentences; declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.


The first is declarative sentence. Declarative sentences in the

English language are the sentences that form a statement. A declarative sentence "declares" or states a fact, arrangement or opinion. It can be either positive or negative and it ends with a period (.). The lists below are the example of declarative sentence:

a. Tomorrow I will go to the store.

b. I told her to wear the blue skirt.

c. She did not want to eat the pizza that I gave her.

d. We walked to the mall together.

The second is interrogative sentences. In the English language, the interrogative sentences are the sentences that form a question. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb precedes the subject which is then followed by the main verb. The interrogative form ends with a question mark (?). The lists below are the example of declarative sentences:

a. What do you think I should wear the pink shoes or the white


b. What did the teacher say to you yesterday?

c. Did you go to the movies yesterday?

d. How long have you lived in France?


The third is imperative sentences. In the English language, the imperative sentences are the sentences that make a command or request.

The example as follows;

a. Get me some water.

b. Leave that cat alone.

c. Open the door!

d. Finish your homework.

According to Jendayi (2007) in http//voices.com, many people assume that imperative sentence have no subject when they really do. The subject of imperative sentences is always “you”, since in these type of sentences, the person that is making the command or request is always asking you to do something.

Based on the statements above, the imperative form instructs or some requests. The imperative sentence takes no subject, as 'you' is the implied subject. For this reason, the subject in imperative sentences is called you (understood) because, although the subject may not be visible in the sentence, it is understood that the subject is always “you”, and the imperative form ends with either a period (.) or an exclamation point (!).

To get a clearer understanding, check these sentences out;

a. (You) Get me some water.

b. (You) Leave that cat alone.

c. (You) Open the door!

d. (You) Finish your homework.


The forth is exclamatory sentences. In Oxford dictionary, it has meaning a short sound, word or phrase expressing sudden surprise, pain, etc. In the English language are the sentences that attempt to powerful feelings, or emotions. The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement

(either declarative or imperative) with an exclamation point (!). The lists below are the example of exclamatory sentence;

a. I’m leaving!

b. I cannot wait to graduate!

c. That sounds fantastic!

d. I can't believe you said that!

As a conclusion, the best way to distinguish one sentence from the other is to memorize what each type of sentence does. For instance, we can remember that declarative sentences are the statement sentences, interrogative sentences are the question sentences, imperative sentences are the request and command sentences, or the giving order sentences, and exclamatory sentences are the ones that show a strong feeling or emotion.

All of these sentence types further fall into four basic sentence type categories in English. The sentences are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The kind of sentence is determined by the kind of clauses used to form it (Alice, 1999: 173).

18 a. Simple sentence

A simple sentence is a sentence with only one independent

clause, also known as a main clause. Simple sentences contain no

conjunction (i.e., and, but, or, etc.), for example:

1) I run.

2) The girl run into her bedroom.

3) In the backyard, the dog barked and howled at the cat.

In the first example is simple sentence, it has one independent

clause which contains one subject, I, and one predicate, run. Further,

the second sentence also has one independent clause. The subject in

that sentence is, The girl and has the predicate, run into her bedroom.

The predicate is a verb phrase that consist of more than one word,

while the third sentence also has one independent clause which

contains one subject, dog, and one predicate, barked and howled at

the cat. This predicate has two verbs, known as a compound

predicate; barked and howled. This compound verb should not be

confused with a compound sentence. A compound verb is a multi-

word compound that functions as a single verb. One component of

the compound is a light verb or vector, which carries any inflections,

indicating tense, mood, or aspect, but provides only fine shades of

meaning. In that example, The backyard and the cat are prepositional


19 b. Compound sentence

A compound sentence is two or more independent clauses

joined together. There are three ways to join the clauses: With a

coordinator, a conjunctive adverb and a semicolon.

1) Compound Sentences with Coordinators

A compound sentence can be formed as follows:

Independent clause, + coordinator + independent clause.

For example: Salt water boils at a lower temperature than

freshwater, so food cooks faster in salt water.

In the example above, the sentence salt water boils at a

lower temperature than freshwater as first independent clause,

and food cooks faster in salt water as second independent

clause. This example has coordinator so. So that sentence

called compound sentence which has two independent clause

and a coordinator.

There are seven coordinators, which are also called

coordinating conjunctions. You can remember them by the

phrase FAN BOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). The

following sentences illustrate the meanings of the seven FAN

BOYS coordinators. (Punctuation note: There is a comma after

the first independent clause.)

a) For: Japanese people live longer than most other

nationalities, for they eat healthful diets.


The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add a reason. b) And: They eat a lot of fish and vegetables, and they eat


The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add similar, equal idea. c) Nor: They do not eat a lot of red meat, nor do they eat

many dairy product.

The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add a negative equal idea. Nor means "and not." It joins two

negative independent clauses, and the question word order

is used after nor. d) But: Diet is one factor in how long people live, but it is not

the only factor.

The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add an opposite idea. e) Or: However, people should limit the amount of animal fat

in their diets, or they risk getting heart disease.

The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add an alternative possibility.

f) Yet: Cigarette smoking is a factor in longevity, yet

Japanese and other long lived Asians have a very high rate

of tobacco use.


The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add an unexpected or surprising continuation.

g) So: Doctors say that stress is another longevity factor, so

try to avoid stress if you wish to live a longer life.

The function of coordinator in this sentences is to

add an expected result.

The coordinator but and yet have similar

meanings: They both signal that an opposite idea is coming,

but is preferred when the two clauses are direct opposites.

When the second clause is an unexpected or surprising

continuation because of information given in the first

clause, yet is preferred. (The coordinator but is acceptable

for both meanings; yet for only one meaning.)

2) Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs

A second way to form a compound sentence is as


Independent clause; + conjunctive adverb, + independent


For example: Salt water boils at a higher temperature than

freshwater; therefore, food cooks faster in salt water.

In the example above, the sentence is used a

semicolon (;) and comma (,) after the conjunctive adverb



Several transition signals, such as on the other hand,

as a result, and for example, act like conjunctive adverbs;

they can also connect independent clauses with a semicolon

and a comma. The following lists common conjunctive

adverbs and a few transition signals that can be used in this


a) To add a similar, equal idea: also, besides, furthermore,

in addition, moreover, as well, too.

b) To add an unexpected or surprising continuation:

however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still.

c) To add a complete contrast: on the other hand, in


d) To give an alternative possibility: otherwise.

e) To add an expected result: accordingly, as a result,

consequently, hence, therefore, thus.

f) To add an example: for example, for instance.

3) Compound Sentences with Semicolons

A third way to form a compound sentence is to

connect the two independent clauses with a semicolon alone,

for example: Poland was the first Eastern European country

to turn away from communism; others soon followed.

This kind of compound sentence is possible only when

the two independent clauses are closely related in meaning. If


they are not closely related, they should be writ- ten as two

simple sentences, each ending with a period. c. Complex Sentences

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and

one (or more) dependent clause(s). In a complex sentence, one idea

is generally more important than the other. We place the more

important idea in the independent clause and the less important

idea in the dependent clause. There are three kinds of dependent

clauses: adverb, adjective, and noun.

1) Complex Sentences with Adverb Clauses

An adverb clause acts like an adverb; that is, it tells

where, when, why, and how. An adverb clause begins with a

subordinator, such as when, while, because, although, if, so, or

that. It can come before or after an independent clause. The

sentences below are the example of complex sentences with

adverb clause;

a) Although women in the United States could own property,

they could not vote until 1920.

b) A citizen can vote in the United States when he or she is 18

years old.

In the first example, the dependent adverb clause is

Although women in United States could own property. It

has a subordinator, although. Besides that, this sentence has


an independent clause, they could not vote until 1920 and

before that sentence is used a comma. While, the second

example a dependent adverb clause comes after an

independent clause and use a subordinator when without


2) Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses

An adjective clause acts like an adjective; that is, it

describes a noun or pronoun. An adjective clause begins with a

relative pronoun, such as who, whom, which, whose, or that, or

with a relative adverb, such as where or when. It follows the

noun or pronoun it describes. Let’s see the following examples:

a) Men who are not married are called bachelors.

b) Last year we vacationed in Cozumel, which

features excellent scuba diving.

3) Complex Sentences with Noun Clauses

A noun clause begins with a wh-question word, that,

whether, and sometimes if. A noun clause acts like a noun; it

can be either the subject or an object of the independent clause.

The sentences below are the example of complex sentences

with noun clauses.

a) That there is a hole in the ozone layer of Earth's

atmosphere is well known.

b) Scientists know what caused it.


In the first example, That there is a hole in the ozone

layer of Earth's atmosphere is the subject of the verb is. In the

second example, what caused it is the object of the verb know. d. Compound- Complex Sentences

A Compound-complex sentence has at least three clauses,

at least two of which are independent. We can use almost any

combination of dependent and independent clauses. Just be sure

that there is at least one independent clause. In the following

examples, independent clauses are underlined word and dependent

clauses with bold word.

1) I wanted to travel after I graduated from college;

however, I had to go to work immediately.

2) After I graduated from college, I wanted to travel, but I

had to go to work immediately.

3) I wanted to travel after I graduated from college, but I

had to go to work immediately because I had to support

my family.

4) I could not decide where I should work or what I

should do so at first I did nothing.

Punctuate the compound part of a compound-complex

sentence like a compound sentence; that is, use a

semicolon/comma combination (sentence 1), or put a comma

before a coordinator joining two independent clauses (sentences


2, 3, and 4). Punctuate the complex part like a complex sentence.

With adverb clauses, put a comma after a dependent adverb

clause (sentence 2) but not before it (sentence 3). With noun

clauses (sentence 4), use no commas.

As a conclusion of the discussions and examples about

sentence types above that, a simple sentence type contains one

independent clause and no dependent clause. Then, a compound

sentence is composed of at least two independent clauses. The

clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction (with or without a

comma), a semicolon that functions as a conjunction, a colon

instead of a semicolon between two sentences when the second

sentence explains or illustrates the first sentence and no

coordinating conjunction is being used to connect the sentences, or

a conjunctive adverb preceded by semicolon. A conjunction can be

used to make a compound sentence. The use of a comma to

separate two independent clause without the addition of an

appropriate conjunction is called a comma splice and is generally

considered an error (when used in the English language).

E. Teaching Writing

Harmer (2004: 57) describes that teaching means to give (someone

knowledge) or to instruct or train (someone). It is undertaking certain ethical

task or activities the intension of which is to induce learning. Harmer

(1998:78) also states that the reasons for teaching writing to students of


English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language development, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right. We will look at each of these in turn.

1. Reinforcement

Some students acquire languages in purely oral or aural way, but

most of us benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. The

visual demonstration of language construction is invaluable for both our

understanding of how it all fits together and as an aid to committing the

new language to memory. Students often find it useful to write sentences

using new language shortly after they have studied it.

2. Language development

We cannot be sure, but it seems that the actual process of writing

(rather like the process of speaking) helps us to learn as we go along. The

mental activity we have to go through in order to construct proper written

texts is all part of the ongoing learning experience.

3. Learning style

Some students are fantastically quick at picking up language just

by looking and listening. For the rest of us, it may take a little longer. For

many learners, the time to think things through, to produce language in a

slower way, is invaluable. Writing is appropriate for such learners. It can

also be a quiet reflective activity instead of the rush and bother of

interpersonal face to face communication.


4. Writing as a skill

The most important reason for teaching writing, of course, that it is

a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading.

Students need to know how to write letters, to put written reports together,

reply advertisements, and write using electronic media. They need to know

some of writing’s special conventions (punctuation, paragraph

construction, etc.) just as they need to know how to pronounce spoken

English appropriately. Part of our job is to give them that skill.

Based on the reference above, the researcher conclude that there

are four reasons for teaching writing; reinforcement of learnt language, the

development of the students’ language through the activity of writing, the

appropriate of the activity of writing for some styles of learning and the

importance of writing as a skill in its own right.

F. Media in Teaching Learning Process

The use of media facilities the teacher and students to reach the goals

of the study. Teaching media is one of the components involved in teaching

learning process. It is strongly suggested that the teacher makes use of

teaching medium to support the presentation of the material in the class room.

By using media during the teaching learning process, it is hoped that the

teacher will be able to motivate the students to learn and pay attention to the

material presents.


Media are forms of communication either printed or audio visual and

the tools. And teaching media are means that are used to convey teaching

messages (Arsyad, 2006: 4).

From the definitions above, the writer concludes that teaching media

are the means that used by the teacher to convey teaching material to the

students. It can be printed or audio visual, and the tools such as song or song

lyrics of Justin Bieber’s album.

G. Song as A Media in Teaching Writing

This part talks about song as media in teaching writing of English. It

has many contributions in teaching writing. According to Harmer (2004: 65),

music or song can be a very effective way to stimulate a writing activity since

it often provokes strong feelings and ideas. There is a universality about music

which means that much of it easy for everyone to understand. Choosing the

right song is vitally important. Much of the music (for writing purposes) is

instrumental. We do not want student to be distracted by listening out for

words. On the contrary, we want the music to speak to them directly. We need

music they can respond to. A lot of classical music forms around the world is

very descriptive both in terms of mood and also because composers, both past

and present, have tried to describe events and people with their compositions.

Karmer (http:www.mla.com/adlt/bulletin.htm) states that songs are

good for English teaching because songs are funny. They promote mimics,

gestures associated to the meaning. They are good to introduce supra-


segmental phonetics. Students play a participative role. According to Paul

(2003: 58), there are song for all ages and level. Song can add feeling and

rhythm to language practice that might otherwise be flat. They also help

children remember things more easily and draw children more deeply into a

lesson. Philips (1993:94) also state that music and rhythm it much easier to

imitate and remember language than words which are just spoken.

From the statements above, the researcher can conclude that song are

good for teaching English. It will make the process of teaching writing easier.

The researcher assumes that it is effective using song/song lyric in teaching

English writing.

H. Definition of Song lyric

Almost everyone loves song. Songs almost appear everyday in our life

whether we realize it or not, songs have become part of our life. Song is a

media to express our feeling.

According to Simms (1993: 29), song is short piece in our concise

movement for the medium of solo voice and . Song is a group of

arrangements which consist of lyrics and elements of music like rhythm,

melody, harmony and expressions.

Song is a musical composition. Song contain vocal parts that are

performed, ‘sung,’ and generally feature words (lyrics), commonly followed

by other musical instruments. The word of songs are typically of a poetic,

rhyming nature, although they may be religious verses or free prose.



Then lyrics available in http://en.wikipedia.com/wiki/lyric (in singular

form Lyric) are a set of words that make up a song. The writer of lyrics is a

lyricist or lyrist.

Based on the references above, the researcher concludes that song

lyric is a set of words that make up a song or a group of beautiful words in

which there is a message in it to be conveyed to other people and presented

with beautiful music. It deals with some themes. It deals with story, advice,

study, religion, environment, universe, love, happy and sad feeling.

I. Justin Bieber’s Album My worlds: The Collection.

My Worlds: The Collection is the first compilation album released by

Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber born on March 1, 1994,

he has started singing since he was 12 and he finished the second place when

participating in a local singing competition. He had vocal coaches and

manager. As the international alternative to the Walmart and Sam's Club

exclusive My Worlds Acoustic (2010), My Worlds: The Collection was

released in numerous European countries on November 19, 2010. The album

consists of two discs; the first is a slightly altered version of My Worlds

Acoustic, and the second is My Worlds, a compilation itself made up of My

World (2009) and My World 2.0 (2010). In addition, the album also features a

new song, an inspirational ballad entitled "Pray", a Jaden Smith collaboration,

"Never Say Never", and remixes of "Somebody to Love". The new versions of

the songs were produced by Bieber's music director, Dan Kanter, his vocal

producer , and also producer Rob Wells. While most reviewers

32 complimented the set, several thought that its release was unneeded. The album charted moderately in Europe, reaching the top half of several album charts. Here are the list of song in My World Album; One Time, Baby, One

Less Lonely Girl, Down to Earth, , Stuck in the Moment, Favorite

Girl, , Never Say Never, Pray, Somebody to Love, Bigger,

First Dance, Love Me, Common Denominator, Runaway Love, Never Let

You Go, Overboard, , Up, and Where Are You Now?.

(http://www. AceShowbiz.com; 2014)



. Research method is needed to help the researcher to find the result of the study. Research method, which deals with the ways of the study conducted, is really helpful for the researcher in solving the problem. Besides that, the subject matter being studied will be clear and easy to understand, if an adequate method is applied. According to Arikunto (2010: 203), research method is a way used by the researcher in collecting data.

In this chapter, the researcher will explain the method that the researcher uses in this study. Those are type of research, object of the study, source of the data, instrument of the research, technique of collecting data, data analysis, and unit of analysis.

A. Type of Research

According to Sugiyono (2012: 7-9), there are two types of research.

They are quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative research is

research that is based on the philosophy of positivism, is used to examine the

population or a particular sample, data collection using research instruments,

data analysis is quantitative or statistics in order to test the hypothesis that have

been applied. Meanwhile, qualitative research is research that is based on the

philosophy post-positivism, is used to examine the condition of the natural

object where the researcher is the key of instrument, data analysis is inductive

or qualitative, and the results of qualitative research more emphasis on the


meaning of the generalization. As cited by Sugiyono (2012: 13), Bogdan and

Biklen (1982) state that characteristics of qualitative research is descriptive.

The data conducted is in the forms of words or picture than a number.

Based on the explanation above, this research is a descriptive

qualitative. The researcher uses this research type to conduct the study because

the data produced are in the form of words. The goal of qualitative research is a

depth of understanding. Furthermore, this research is categorized as qualitative

research since the data are taken from words, phrases, clauses, and sentences;

then, the sentences were analyzed descriptively and explained in detail. In this

research, the researcher intents to identify kind of sentence types used in Justin

Bieber’s album My Worlds: The Collection and to describe the implementation

of teaching writing using it.

B. Object of Research

Objects of research here means the object which the researcher tries to

examine. This is a qualitative research; therefore, it is different from

quantitative one. Qualitative research does not use population because it starts

from a certain case in certain social situation and the result of data analysis will

not be generalized to population but will be transferred to other places in the

same social condition as the observed case (Sugiyono, 2012: 216). The object

of this research is the album of Justin Bieber My Worlds: The Collection.


C. Source of The Data

A researcher needed a data indeed. Data is information or fact

(Hornby, 1995: 109). According Arikunto (2013: 172), source of data on the

research is subject from where the data is acquired. While if the researcher uses

observation technique, the source of data can be goods, activity, or a process of

something. Moreover, if the researcher uses documents, the source of data is


Data is needed by the researcher because data is the key element of

research. We could not do research without analyzing data. Source of the data

used in this research was document in the form of song lyric. The researcher

takes the data from song lyric on the Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The


D. Instrument of The research

In the qualitative research, the researcher is the key instrument.

According to Sugiyono (2012: 222), research instrument is a tool that is used to

measure nature phenomenon or social which is observed. In the qualitative

research, the instrument or the tool of research is the researcher himself.

Therefore, the researcher as the human instrument, must determine the focus of

research, choose the source of data, and do the collecting of data. Furthermore,

the researcher has to rate the data, to analyze the data, and to interprete the

data. The last one, the researcher makes the conclusion of the interpretation of



E. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data is the strategic way in the research because

the main objective of the research is gaining the data. Without knowing the

technique of collecting data, the research will not get data that is fulfill the

standard of set in data (Sugiyono, 2012: 224). Based on the way of collecting

data, the collecting data can be done through observation, interview,

questioner, documentation, and triangulation (Sugiyono, 2012: 225).

The researcher uses documentation as the technique of collecting data

for doing the research. According to Sugiyono (2012: 240), document is the

note of event in the past. Documents can be written language, picture, or

monumental work from a person. Documentary method is the technique in

getting the data about the cases or variable as note, transcript, book, magazine

and newspaper. The researcher uses written document in doing this research.

By using documentary method, he takes song lyric in the album of Justin

Bieber My World that he saved from internet.

In collecting data, the researcher takes several steps as follows:

1. collecting the songs of Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The


2. searching for song lyric and saving it from internet

3. reading each song lyric as the data

4. attempting to understand the construct of each song lyric.


F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, this research applied descriptive method.

Analyze is study or examine something especially separating something into its

parts (Hornby, 1995: 13). According to Sugiyono (2012: 224), data analysis is

the process of systematically the data found from interviews, field notes, and

documentation. The way of analyzing data is by organizing the data into

category, explaining it into its parts, synthesizing, arranging it, choosing ,

which is important and would be studied, and makes a conclusion.

After collecting the data, the researcher would like to analyze using the

following steps:

1. Observing the data available in the data sheet

2. Rechecking and making sure all data were organized properly

3. Identifying the kind of sentence types on the data selected

4. Describing and discussing the data

5. Drawing conclusions based on the data analyzed.

G. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research are the sentences in the song lyrics

of Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The collection.



A. Research Finding

In this point, the researcher will analyze the sentence types used in

Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection. There are two tables related

to the research finding.

Table 1 Sentence types found in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection.

Sentence Types No Song Title Compound Simple Compound Complex -complex 1. 11 1 7 - 2. One Time 6 6 6 - 3. Down To The 5 5 2 2 Earth 4. Bigger 12 3 3 1 5. One Less Lonely 19 1 7 - Girl 6. First Dance 9 3 8 - 7. Love Me 12 1 11 - 8. Common 15 1 4 - Denominator 9. Baby 16 10 3 2 10. Stuck In The 7 4 5 - Moment 11. U Smile 8 - 4 - 12. Runaway Love 13 1 5 2 13. Never Let You Go 19 1 6 -


14. Overboard 10 2 5 4 15. Up 15 2 3 - 16. That Should Be 13 - 7 - Me 17. Pray 15 1 8 - 18. Never Say Never 18 5 8 - 19. Eenie Meenie 11 - 5 - TOTAL 234 53 108 11

Table 2 Percentage of sentence types found in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection.

No. Sentence Types Frequency Percentage 1. Simple Sentence 234 57,6 % 2. Compound Sentence 53 13,1 % 3. Complex Sentence 108 26,6 % 4. Compound-Complex Sentence 11 2,7 % TOTAL 406 100 %

Based on the first table, there are 19 song titles analyzed. There are 234 simple sentences found, 53 compound sentences found, 109 complex sentences, and 11 compound-complex Sentences.

Based on the second table, the researcher finds the percentage of each sentence types. The percentage is taken from the frequency of each sentence types found, divided by the total number of all sentences found, and multipled by 100

%. The percentage of all sentence types found are as follow: 1) 57, 6 % simple

40 sentences, 2) 13, 1 % compound sentences, 3) 26, 6 % complex sentences, 4) 2, 7

% compound-complex sentences.

The discussion of the research finding above will be presented in detail on the next subtitle.

B. Discussion

1. Simple Sentence

A simple sentence is a sentence with only one independent clause,

also known as a main clause. Simple sentences contain no conjunction (i.e.,

and, but, or, etc.). (As seen on chapter II page 18).

The simple sentences that used in Justin Bieber’s album My World:

The collection from a song title Favorite Girl consists of 11 sentences; One

Time consists of 6 sentences; Down To The Earth consists of 5 sentences;

Bigger consists of 12 sentences; consists of 19

sentences; First Dance consists of 9 sentences; Love Me consists of 12

sentences; Common Denominator consists of 15 sentences; Baby consists of

16 sentences; Stuck In The Moment consists 7 sentences; U Smile consists of

8 sentences; Runaway Love consists of 13 sentences; Never Let You Go

consists of 19 sentences; Overboard consists of 10 sentences; Up Consists

of 15 sentences; That Should Be Me consists of 13; Pray consists of 15

sentences; Never Say Never consists of 18 sentences; and Eenie Meenie

consists of 11 sentences. Those simple sentences above can be seen in the

following table.


Table 3 Simple sentences found

NO SIMPLE SENTENCE SONG TITLE 1 Girl I want ya. “Favorite Girl” 2 You're my special. “Favorite Girl” 3 You're used to going out the way to “Favorite Girl” impress these Mr. Wrongs. 4 You're my special little lady. “Favorite Girl” 5 I just wanna be with you. “Favorite Girl” 6 Promise I'll play no games. “Favorite Girl” 7 You're the girl of my dreams. “Favorite Girl” 8 You're my special little lady. “Favorite Girl” 9 I want you. “Favorite Girl” 10 You're my special little lady. “Favorite Girl” 11 You're my favorite girl. “Favorite Girl” 12 I'm a tell you one time. “One Time” 13 Now them butterflies in my stomach won't “One Time” stop. 14 You look so deep. “One Time” 15 She makes me happy. “One Time” 16 You're my one love. “One Time” 17 Girl, I love you. “One Time” 18 No one has a solid answer. “Down To The Earth” 19 You can see the look on my face. “Down To The Earth” 20 It just tears me apart. “Down To The Earth” 21 So far away and now I just need you here. “Down To The Earth” 22 Let's start over again. “Down To The Earth” 23 The love the love is bigger. “Bigger”


24 Believe me like a fairytale. “Bigger” 25 We ain't in the playground no more baby. “Bigger” 26 We're big enough. “Bigger” 27 I'm bigger. “Bigger” 28 You were still bigger than me. “Bigger” 29 Now the bully's in the school yard. “Bigger” 30 we ain't pushovers no more baby. “Bigger” 31 Don't like Edle Lane? “Bigger” 32 They shine on me. “Bigger” 33 We were little then My baby. “Bigger” 34 In class I dreamed about you. “Bigger” 35 There's gonna be one less lonely girl. “One less lonely girl” 36 How many promises be honest girl? “One less lonely girl” 37 How many tears you let hit the floor? “One less lonely girl” 38 How many bags you packed? “One less lonely girl” 39 There'd be the one less lonely girl. “One less lonely girl” 40 I'm coming for you. “One less lonely girl” 41 I'm gonna put you first. “One less lonely girl” 42 How many dinner dates set dinner plates. “One less lonely girl” 43 He didn't even touch his food. “One less lonely girl” 44 How many torn photographs are you taping “One less lonely girl” back? 45 If you let me inside of your world. “One less lonely girl” 46 There'll be one less lonely girl. “One less lonely girl” 47 I can fix up your broken heart. “One less lonely girl” 48 I can give you a brand new start. “One less lonely girl” 49 I can make you believe. “One less lonely girl”


50 I just wanna set one girl free to fall. “One less lonely girl” 51 She's free to fall. “One less lonely girl” 52 Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the “One less lonely girl” key. 53 I'll take her and leave the world with one “One less lonely girl” less lonely girl. 54 Yeah you never forget your first dance. “First Dance” 55 Take advantage of the slow dance. “First Dance” 56 We've both been waiting so long. “First Dance” 57 I can't deny. “First Dance” 58 There's so many thoughts in my mind. “First Dance” 59 Under the disco ball, we're the only ones “First Dance” on the floor. 60 Make it before the clock strikes nine. “First Dance” 61 You only got one chance for your first “First Dance” dance. 62 Yeah you never forget your first dance. “First Dance” 63 Baby you can do no wrong. “Love Me” 64 My money is yours. “Love Me” 65 Just stay right here. “Love Me” 66 Oh how you do me. “Love Me” 67 People try to tell me. “Love Me” 68 A minute with you is worth more than a “Love Me” thousand days without your love. 69 Oh, baby you can do no wrong. “Love Me” 70 My money is yours. “Love Me” 71 With me, girl, is where you belong. “Love Me” 72 Just stay right here. “Love Me” 73 Every time I hold you near. “Love Me”


74 I never wanna let you go, oh. “Love Me” 75 I'd face a thousand years of pain for my girl “Common Denominator” 76 I don't wanna go back to just being one half “Common of the equation. Denominator” 77 Girl, without you I'm lost. “Common Denominator” 78 Can't fix this compass at heart. “Common Denominator” 79 I don't wanna go back to just being one half “Common of the equation. Denominator” 80 Girl, without you I'm lost. “Common Denominator” 81 Can't fix this compass at heart. “Common Denominator” 82 You're the common denominator. “Common Denominator” 83 Playing girls was my high. “Common Denominator” 84 You changed the game. “Common Denominator” 85 You and I would stand to be love's reply, “Common yeah. Denominator” 86 I'm gonna hold it down for you. “Common Denominator” 87 You're the common denominator. “Common Denominator” 88 I don't wanna to go back. “Common Denominator” 89 I fall in love with you all over again, yeah. “Common Denominator” 90 Are we an item? “Baby”


91 I would have done whatever. “Baby” 92 We were on iChat all night long. “Baby” 93 I'm gone. “Baby” 94 All I'm gone. “Baby” 95 Now I'm all gone. “Baby” 96 I just need somebody to love. “Baby” 97 I don't need nothing else. “Baby” 98 I need somebody. “Baby” 99 I bring the sun around. “Baby” 100 I sweep away the clouds. “Baby” 101 Money can't find me. “Baby” 102 I need somebody to love. “Baby” 103 I don't need nothing else. “Baby” 104 Is she out there? “Baby” 105 I just need somebody to love. “Baby” 106 Never had to hide like we do, we do. “Stuck In The Moment” 107 Now we don't wanna fall. “Stuck In The Moment” 108 We're tripping in our hearts. “Stuck In The Moment” 109 See like Adam and Eve. “Stuck In The Moment” 110 Tragedy was our destiny. “Stuck In The Moment” 111 We are both too foolish to stop. “Stuck In The Moment” 112 I'm still stuck in the moment with you. “Stuck In The Moment” 113 I'd wait on you forever and a day. “U Smile”


114 Your world is my world. “U Smile” 115 I'll come runnin'. “U Smile” 116 You ain't seen nothing. “U Smile” 117 I won't ever hesitate to give you more. “U Smile” 118 Baby you won't ever want for nothing. “U Smile” 119 You are my ends and my means now. “U Smile” 120 With you there's no in between. “U Smile” 121 You see my baby over here. “Runaway Love” 122 I wouldn't want him to steal my love. “Runaway Love” 123 I'm just trying to be cool, cool, cool. “Runaway Love” 124 What you expect me to do? “Runaway Love” 125 I'm just trying to find the sweet love of “Runaway Love” mine. 126 I'm running out of time. “Runaway Love” 127 Where is my runaway love? “Runaway Love” 128 I must be blind. “Runaway Love” 129 How did I let you get away? “Runaway Love” 130 I'm running out of time. “Runaway Love” 131 Where is my runaway love? “Runaway Love” 132 Why can't I find you love of mine? “Runaway Love” 133 When you're standing in front of my face? “Runaway Love” 134 Baby, give me one last hug. “Never Let You Go” 135 I don't want you to go. “Never Let You Go” 136 We gonna do our dance. “Never Let You Go” 137 Bring the doubters on. “Never Let You Go” 138 They don't matter at all. “Never Let You Go” 139 I got my favorite girl. “Never Let You Go”


140 Don't have a care in the world. “Never Let You Go” 141 I finally caught it out on this floor. “Never Let You Go” 142 Take my hand. “Never Let You Go” 143 Let's just dance. “Never Let You Go” 144 Watch my feet. “Never Let You Go” 145 Follow me. “Never Let You Go” 146 We gonna do our dance. “Never Let You Go” 147 Praise the doubters on. “Never Let You Go” 148 They don't matter at all. “Never Let You Go” 149 That I'll never let you go. “Never Let You Go” 150 Don't you worry about a thing. “Never Let You Go” 151 I am here. “Never Let You Go” 152 I'll never let you go. “Never Let You Go” 153 I'm reaching out for you. “Overboard” 154 Get me out here in the water. “Overboard” 155 I'm overboard. “Overboard” 156 I need your love to pull me up. “Overboard” 157 I can't swim on my own. “Overboard” 158 It's too much. “Overboard” 159 You wanted me to your halfway. “Overboard” 160 I'm reaching out for you. “Overboard” 161 Got me out here in the water. “Overboard” 162 Oh, it's supposed to be some give and take. “Overboard” 163 It's a big big world. “Up” 164 It's easy to get lost in it. “Up” 165 We can make the sun shine in the moon “Up” light.


166 We can make the grey clouds turn to blue “Up” skies. 167 That we can't go nowhere but up. “Up” 168 We can't go nowhere but up. “Up” 169 We'll take it to the sky past the moon to the “Up” galaxy. 170 We can't go nowhere but up. “Up” 171 I'm gonna lace you with pearls, oh “Up” 172 Baby, we were underground. “Up” 173 We're on the surface now. “Up” 174 We're gonna make it girl. “Up” 175 I promise. “Up” 176 And you believe in us. “Up” 177 We can't go nowhere but up. “Up” 178 Everybody's laughing in my mind. "That Should Be Me" 179 Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy. "That Should Be Me" 180 Did with me? "That Should Be Me" 181 Did you forget all the plans. "That Should Be Me" 182 That you made with me? "That Should Be Me" 183 Baby, I didn't. "That Should Be Me" 184 That should be me. "That Should Be Me" 185 That should be me. "That Should Be Me" 186 This is so sad. "That Should Be Me" 187 Now if you're tryin' to break my heart. "That Should Be Me" 188 That should be me giving you flowers. "That Should Be Me" 189 Never should've let you go. "That Should Be Me" 190 I never should've let you go. "That Should Be Me" 191 I just can't sleep tonight. “Pray”


192 Children are crying. “Pray” 193 Soldiers are dying. “Pray” 194 Some people don't have a home. “Pray” 195 I close my eyes and pray. “Pray” 196 I lose my appetite. “Pray” 197 Ooh, I got a vision to make a difference. “Pray” 198 It's starting today. “Pray” 199 I close my eyes and pray. “Pray” 200 I pray for the broken-hearted. “Pray” 201 I pray for the life not started. “Pray” 202 I pray for all the lungs not breathing. “Pray” 203 Can you give 'em one today? “Pray” 204 I just can't sleep tonight. “Pray” 205 I pray. “Pray” 206 I never had the strength to take it higher. “Never Say Never” 207 And there's just no turning back. “Never Say Never” 208 It's my destiny. “Never Say Never” 209 I will never say never! “Never Say Never” 210 I will fight. “Never Say Never” 211 I will fight till forever! “Never Say Never” 212 Make it right. “Never Say Never” 213 Whenever you knock me down. “Never Say Never” 214 I will not stay on the ground. “Never Say Never” 215 Here we go! “Never Say Never” 216 Guess who? “Never Say Never” 217 I gotcha little bro. “Never Say Never” 218 I can handle him. “Never Say Never”


219 I be trying a chill. “Never Say Never” 220 They be trying to sour the thrill. “Never Say Never” 221 Let's go! “Never Say Never” 222 We're the flyest. “Never Say Never” 223 I'm gone! “Never Say Never” 224 Let her go! “Eenie, Meenie” 225 You seem like the type to love 'em and “Eenie, Meenie” leave 'em. 226 Don't leave me out here dancin' alone. “Eenie, Meenie” 227 You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, “Eenie, Meenie” mind, mind. 228 Please don't waste my time, time, time, “Eenie, Meenie” time, time. 229 I'm not tryin' to rewind, wind, wind, wind, “Eenie, Meenie” wind. 230 Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova. “Eenie, Meenie” 231 I can see right through ya. “Eenie, Meenie” 232 Can't make up your mind. “Eenie, Meenie” 233 Please don't waste my time. “Eenie, Meenie” 234 I'm not trying to rewind. “Eenie, Meenie” TOTAL 234

Simple sentence is one of various sentence types that used in Justin

Bieber’s album My World: The collection. There are some forms used in the sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamation. The first form is declarative. A declarative sentence "declares" or states a fact, arrangement or opinion. It can be either positive or negative and it ends with a period (.) (as seen on chapter II page 15), such as (1) You were still bigger

51 than me from a song title of Bigger, and (2) He didn’t even touch his food from a song title of One Less Lonely Girl etc. The second one is interrogative sentences. An interrogative sentence is the sentences that is in a question form. It form ends with a question mark (?) (As seen on chapter

II page 15-16), such as How many torn photograph are you taping back? from a song title of One Less Lonely Girl, and Are we an item? from a song title of Baby etc. The third one is imperative. The imperative sentence is a sentences that states a command or request (as seen on chapter II page 16-

17) such as Take my hand, watch my feet, and follow me from a song title of

Never Let You Go etc. The last one is the exclamatory. The exclamatory is a sentences that attempts to powerful feelings or emotions. The exclamatory emphasizes a statement (either declarative or imperative) with an exclamation point (!) (As seen on chapter II page 17) such as I will never say never!, I will fight until forever! from a song title of Never Say Never.

Besides that, the song lyric in this album using the apostrophe in sentences to showing omission or contraction. A contraction is a word or phrase that’s (or that has) been shortened by dropping one or more letters. In writing, an apostrophe takes the place of the missing letters.


Here are some examples of apostrophes that indicate missing letters:

1. I’m short for I am such as I’m bigger from a song title of Bigger.


2. You’re short for You are such as You’re my one love from a song

title of One Time.

3. Don’t short for do not such as I don’t need something else from a

song title of Baby.

4. I’ll short for I will such as I’ll play no games from a song title of

Favorite Girl.

5. Ain’t

Ain't has several antecedents in English, corresponding to

the various forms of to be not and to have not that ain't contracts. It

is a slight adaptation of 'is not', 'am not', 'are not' and 'have not,'

such as You ain’t seen nothing from a song title of U smile. Aint

short for are not.

6. Dropping the “g” at the end of “ing” and replace it with an

apostrophe such as I’ll come runnin’ from a song title of U Smile,


In the song of Justin Bieber’s album My World: The collection also using slang word in the sentence of song lyric such as wanna, gonna, and gotcha. The following are the example of the use of wanna, gonna, and gotcha contraction.


1. Wanna stand for want to such as I don’t wanna go back to just

being one half of the equation from a song title of Common


2. Gonna stand for go to such as We gonna do our dance from a song

title of Never Let You Go, etc.

3. Gotcha

Gotcha actually has several meanings. All of them can be

derived from the phrase of which this is a phonetic spelling,

namely "[I have] got you".

a. Literally, from the sense of got = "caught, obtained", it means

"I've caught you". As in, you were falling, and I caught you,

or you were running, and I grabbed you such as I gotcha little

bro from a song title of Never Say Never.

b. It's a short step from the benign type of caught to the red-

handed type of caught. Thus, gotcha is often used when you

witness someone doing something naughty.

c. Again, it's a short step from I-caught-you-doing-something-

you-oughtn't to Surprise! I tricked you! This sense

of gotcha is used when someone falls for a practical joke, for


d. A somewhat-natural progression from the "I tricked you"

meaning is gotcha used as a noun: this is a feature of a


system (e.g. a programming language) which trips you up or

catches you off-guard.

e. And finally, from the figurative sense of got =

"understood", gotcha can be used to mean "Aha, I see now"

or "I understand".


2. Compound Sentence

A compound sentence is two or more independent clauses joined

together. There are three ways to join the clauses: With a coordinator (For,

And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So), a conjunctive adverb (also, besides,

furthermore, in addition, moreover, as well, too, however, nevertheless,

nonetheless, still, on the other hand, in contrast, otherwise, accordingly, as

a result, consequently, hence, therefore, thus. for example, for instance) and

a semicolon. (As seen on chapter II page 19-22).

The compound sentences that used in Justin Bieber’s album My

World: The collection from a song title Favorite Girl consists of 1

sentences; One Time consists of 6 sentences; Down To The Earth consists of

5 sentences; Bigger consists of 3 sentences; One Less Lonely Girl consists

of 1 sentences; First Dance consists of 3 sentences; Love Me consists of 1

sentences; Common Denominator consists of 1 sentences; Baby consists of

10 sentences; Stuck In The Moment consists 4 sentences; Runaway Love

consists of 1 sentences; Never Let You Go consists of 1 sentences;

Overboard consists of 2 sentences; Up Consists of 2 sentences; Pray

55 consists of 1 sentences; and Never Say Never consists of 5 sentences. Those compound sentences above can be seen in the following table.

Table 4 Compound sentences found

NO COMPOUND SENTENCE SONG TITLE 1 Girl you ain't my runner up, and no matter “Favorite Girl” what you’re always number one. 2 Your world is my world, and my fight is “One Time” your fight. 3 My breath is your breath, and your heart is “One Time” my heart. 4 I'm a tell you one time, and I'm a be your “One Time” one guy. 5 Many have called, but the chosen is you. “One Time” 6 I'm a tell you one time, and I'm a be your “One Time” one guy. 7 She's got everything I need, and I'm a tell “One Time” her one time. 8 We fight, so we fight through the hurt, and “Down To The Earth” we cry, and cry, and cry, and cry, and we live and we learn, and we try, and try, and try, and try. 9 It's up to you, and it's up to me. “Down To The Earth” 10 Mommy you were always somewhere, “Down To The Earth” and Daddy I live outta town. 11 Now we're standing, and where do we go. “Down To The Earth” 12 The walls are closing in on us, and we're “Down To The Earth” wondering how. 13 Put your tooth under your pillowcase, and “Bigger” know I won't I won't. 14 I was a player when I was little, but now “Bigger”


I'm bigger. 15 I'm bigger, and you're bigger. “Bigger”

16 How many I told you's and start overs, “One Less Lonely and shoulders have you cried on before? Girl” 17 I couldn't ask for more, we're rockin' back “First Dance” and forth. 18 I can't deny, so many thoughts in my “First Dance” mind. 19 Yeah you never forget your first dance, so “First Dance” take advantage of the slow dance. 20 My heart is blind, but I don't care. “Love Me” 21 Just a fraction of your love fills the air, "Common and I fall in love with you. Denominator" 22 You know you love me; I know you care. “Baby” 23 Just shout whenever, and I'll be there. “Baby” 24 You are my love, you are my heart, and “Baby” we will never ever ever be apart. 25 My first love broke my heart for the first “Baby” time, and I was like. 26 I just can't believe, we ain't together. “Baby” 27 I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you. “Baby” 28 I'll buy you anything; I'll buy you any “Baby” ring. 29 I'm in pieces; baby fix me, and just shake “Baby” me ’til you wake me from this bad dream. 30 I used to tweet you and text you and call “Baby” you and hit you on Facebook all the time, but, but, but now you gone. 31 Yeah she was my lover, but now onto “Baby” another like.


32 Watch them play for ya, for you I'd be. "Somebody To Love" 33 I don't need a whole lot, but for you I "Somebody To Love" admit.

34 I'd rather give you the world, or we can "Somebody To Love" share mine. 35 I can bring; give you the finer things, "Somebody To Love" yeah. 36 Now you don't wanna let go, and I don't "Stuck In The wanna let you know. Moment" 37 I wish we had another time; I wish we had "Stuck In The another place. Moment" 38 Everything we have is stuck in the "Stuck In The moment, and there's nothing my heart can Moment" do. 39 Baby, we both have the right to disagree, "Stuck In The and I ain't with it. Moment" 40 I'd give it all up for her, but it'll never be "Runaway Love" enough. 41 And this love's too strong, so baby know "Never Let You Go" for sure. 42 Feels like I'm drowning without your love, "Overboard" so throw yourself out to me, my lifesaver. 43 I know, but you're only taking and not "Overboard" giving anymore. 44 You've always been my girl, and I'm not “Up” ready to call it quits. 45 It's a big big world, and I'm gonna show “Up” you all of it. 46 I close my eyes, and I can see a better day "Pray" 47 I'm strong enough to climb the highest “Never Say Never” tower, and I'm fast enough to run across the sea.


48 Now he's bigger than me, taller than me, “Never Say Never” and he's older than me, and stronger than me. 49 His arms a little bit longer than me, but he “Never Say Never” ain't on a JB song with me! 50 I gotta be the best, and yes. “Never Say Never” 51 I conquered the giant, so now I got the “Never Say Never” world in my hand. 52 I was born from two stars, so the moon's “Never Say Never” where I land (I'm gone!). 53 Pick it up, up, up, and never say never “Never Say Never” TOTAL 53

From the table of compound sentence above, the researcher finds some point to discuss. Compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences separated by coordinate conjunction. The following table is the form of compound sentences.

Table 5 Form of compound sentences

Compound Sentence=

* < Declarative Sentence > , co. conj. < Declarative Sentence >

* < Imperative Sentence >, co. conj. < Imperative Sentence >

As in

I’m bigger, and you’re bigger from a song title of Bigger. The first and

the second independent are declarative sentences.


When a compound sentence, which has two independent clauses, has

no coordinating conjunction between those two independent clauses, the

recommended punctuation is a semicolon (;). The sentences are look like

this. (1) I'll buy you anything; I'll buy you any ring. (2) You know you love

me; I know you care from a song title of Baby. You cannot use a comma to

join these two independent clauses because there is no coordinating

conjunction, it calls comma splices such as You know you love me, I know

you care. When two independent clauses occur in the same sentence, the

semicolon is mandatory. You may also replace the semicolon with a period

and create two sentences such as You know you love me. I know you care.

3. Complex Sentence

A complex sentence contains one independent clause and one (or more)

dependent clause(s). In a complex sentence, one idea is generally more

important than the other. We place the more important idea in the

independent clause and the less important idea in the dependent clause..

There are three kinds of dependent clauses: adverb, adjective, and noun. A

dependent clause starts with subordinating conjunction, such as when, while,

because, although, if, so, that, where, when, why, how, etc. (as seen on

chapter II page 23-24).

The complex sentences that used in Justin Bieber’s album My

World: The collection from a song title Favorite Girl consists of 7

sentences; One Time consists of 6 sentences; Down To The Earth consists of


2 sentences; Bigger consists of 3 sentences; One Less Lonely Girl consists of 7 sentences; First Dance consists of 8 sentences; Love Me consists of 11 sentences; Common Denominator consists of 4 sentences; Baby consists of

3 sentences; Stuck In The Moment consists 5 sentences; U Smile consists of

4 sentences; Runaway Love consists of 5 sentences; Never Let You Go consists of 7 sentences; Overboard consists of 5 sentences; Up Consists of 3 sentences; That Should Be Me consists of 7; Pray consists of 8 sentences;

Never Say Never consists of 8 sentences; and Eenie Meenie consists of 5 sentences. Those complex sentences above can be seen in the following table.

Table 6 Complex sentences found

NO COMPLEX SENTENCE SONG TITLE 1 I always knew you were the best. “Favorite Girl” 2 So many times I wished you'd be the one “Favorite Girl” for me. 3 You're who I'm thinking of. “Favorite Girl” 4 The one I can't live without that's you, “Favorite Girl” that's you. 5 You're my special little lady, the one that “Favorite Girl” makes me crazy. 6 Of all the girls I've ever known it's you, it's “Favorite Girl” you. 7 You're who I'm thinking of. “Favorite Girl” 8 When I met you girl, my heart went knock. “One Time” 9 You know that it humbles me. “One Time” 10 Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to “One Time”


you. 11 You'll be my number one girl always “One Time” makin' time for you. 12 I know where I'll be. “One Time” 13 Right by your side 'cause she is the one For “One Time” me. 14 We fell so far away from where we used to “Down To The Earth” be. 15 I never thought that it'd be easy, ‘cause we “Down To The Earth” both so distant now 16 A heart-breaker when I was little, now I'm “Bigger” bigger. 17 Remember when my heart was young, you “Bigger” were still bigger than me. 18 Is that the reason that you stayed. “Bigger” 19 If you let me inside of your world, there'd “One less lonely girl” be the one less lonely girl. 20 Just to take them back tell me that how “One less lonely girl” many either or's. 21 Saw so many pretty faces before I saw “One less lonely girl” you. 22 Don't need these other pretty faces like I “One less lonely girl” need you. 23 I'll show you what you're worth. “One less lonely girl” 24 If you let me inside your world, there's “One less lonely girl” gonna be one less lonely girl. 25 Tell me that couldn't see an open door. “One less lonely girl” 26 It's your chance take her hand to the floor “First Dance” when I walk to the floor. 27 Girl if you see something you like then let “First Dance” him know. 28 When I close my eyes, I see me and you at “First Dance”


the prom. 29 The DJ's playing my favorite song ain't no “First Dance” chaperon's this could be. 30 Everybody says that we look cute together “First Dance” let’s make this a night. 31 I'm tellin' you, our parents will never “First Dance” know. 32 Girl if you see something you like then let “First Dance” him know, you only got one chance for your first dance. 33 I'm gonna cherish every moment 'cause it “First Dance” only happens once in a lifetime. 34 My friends say I'm a fool. “Love Me” 35 I guess I'm just a sucker for love ‘cause “Love Me” honestly the truth is. 36 That you know I'm never leavin' 'cause “Love Me” you're my angel sent from above. 37 Give you little more because I love ya. “Love Me” 38 Say that you love me. “Love Me” 39 Tell me what I wanna hear. “Love Me” 40 Tell me you love me. “Love Me” 41 I still refuse to listen 'cause they don't get “Love Me” to spend time with you. 42 Give you little more because I love ya. “Love Me” 43 I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya. “Love Me” 44 'Cause when I'm with you, everything has “Love Me” disappeared. 45 You're the light that feeds the sun in my "Common world. Denominator" 46 The only thing that would hurt me, is if "Common you weren't here, oh. Denominator"


47 Now I put my card to the side when broken "Common hearts rise up to say, "Love is a lie" Denominator" 48 The only thing that would hurt me is if you "Common weren't here, whoa. Denominator" 49 I thought you'd always be mine. “Baby” 50 Can't believe that you did me wrong. “Baby”

51 I thought that I loved her, never put no one “Baby” above her. 52 I wish we had another time. "Stuck In The Moment" 53 I wish we had another place. "Stuck In The Moment" 54 That there might be something real "Stuck In The between us two, who knew? Moment" 55 ‘Cause ain't no way, it's gonna end right. "Stuck In The Moment" 56 ‘Cause everything we did, everything we "Stuck In The have is stuck in the moment. Moment" 57 I'm always gonna do what they say (hey). “U Smile” 58 When you smile, I smile (oh whoa). “U Smile” 59 ‘Cause this is as unconditional as, it'll ever. “U Smile” 60 I'm all in ‘cause my cards are on the table. “U Smile” 61 Where she's going that's what nobody "Runaway Love" knows. 62 I need to find her before another man does. "Runaway Love" 63 See my baby really needs some help ‘cause "Runaway Love" she can never stay at home by herself. 64 She says she needs a little company, even "Runaway Love" if she's not always with me, yeah. 65 Searching low and high, know that I'm not "Runaway Love"


giving up. 66 There's a dream that I've been chasing. "Never Let You Go" 67 I understand that it's meant to be. "Never Let You Go"

68 'cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn't "Never Let You Go" be better. 69 Why would I when you are here? "Never Let You Go" 70 There's a moment I've been chasing. "Never Let You Go" 71 If you didn't know, this is love. "Never Let You Go" 72 Whenever you need me, I'll be here. "Never Let You Go" 73 That if it's meant to be it will be. "Overboard" 74 Never understood you when you'd say. "Overboard" 75 Oh, I felt like I was doing my part. "Overboard" 76 You kept thinking you were coming up "Overboard" short. 77 It's funny how things change ‘cause now I "Overboard" see, oh. 78 I know it's hard. "Up" 79 Tell me what we've got to fear. "Up" 80 I'm gonna lace you with pearls from every "Up" ocean that we're swimmin' in. 81 Do you do what you did when you. "That Should Be Me" 82 Does he love you the way I can? "That Should Be Me" 83 You said you needed a little time for my "That Should Be Me" mistakes. 84 Did you think that I wouldn't see you out at "That Should Be Me" the movies. 85 You're takin' him where we used to go. "That Should Be Me" 86 It's working 'cause you know that. "That Should Be Me"


87 I need to know, should I fight for love or "That Should Be Me" disarm. 88 Knowing that things ain't right. “Pray” 89 I know there's good times behind that pain. “Pray”

90 Hey, can you tell me how I can make a “Pray” change? 91 Am I a sinner 'cause half my dinner is still “Pray” there on my plate? 92 I know there's sunshine beyond that rain. “Pray” 93 I know there's good times behind that pain. “Pray” 94 I pray for all the souls that need a break. “Pray” 95 Can someone tell me how to make a “Pray” change? 96 See I never thought that I could walk “Never Say Never” through fire. 97 I never thought that I could take the burn. “Never Say Never” 98 I never thought that I could feel this power. “Never Say Never” 99 I never thought that I could feel this free. “Never Say Never” 100 There's just no turning back when your “Never Say Never” heart's under attack. 101 Gonna give everything I have 'cause this is “Never Say Never” my destiny. 102 Like Luke with the force when push comes “Never Say Never” to shove. 103 Whenever you knock me down, I will not “Never Say Never” stay on the ground. 104 I wish our hearts could come together as “Eenie, Meenie” one. 105 Let me show you what you're missing, “Eenie, Meenie” paradise.


106 Tell me what you're really here for. “Eenie, Meenie” 107 I wish our hearts could come together as “Eenie, Meenie” one. 108 I wish our hearts could come together as “Eenie, Meenie” one. TOTAL 108

From the table of complex sentence, the researcher can conclude that in the song of Justin Justin Bieber’s album My World: The collection contain three kinds of dependent clauses: Adverb, adjective, and noun (as seen on chapter II page 23). The first clause is adverb such as when, where, because, and if. The following sentences are the example of dependent clause with adverb.

a. When I met you girl, my heart went knock. From a song

title of One Time.

b. You’re takin’ him where we used to go. From a song title of

That Should Be Me.

c. I give you little more because I love ya. From a song title

of Love Me.

d. If you let me inside your world, there is gonna be one less

lonely girl. From a song title of One Less Lonely Girl, etc.

The second one is adjective clause who and that, such as you’re who

I’m thinking of from a song title of Favorite Girl, and I understand that it’s meant to be from a song title of Never Let You Go, etc. The last one is the use of noun clause what, such as I’ll show you what you’re worth from a


song title of One Less Lonely Girl. The position of noun clause what in this

example is object of the independent clause I’ll show you.

Besides that, the use of comma in this complex sentence is needed.

The comma is a valuable, useful tool in a sentence because it helps the

reader pause in the right places for specific purpose. In this sentence types,

using commas after clauses that come before the main clause, such as ‘cause

ain’t no way, it’s gonna end right from a song title of Stuck In The Moment,


4. Compound-Complex Sentence

A Compound-complex sentence has at least three clauses, at least

two of which are independent. We can use almost any combination of

dependent and independent clauses. Just be sure that there is at least one

independent clause. (as seen on chapter II page 25).

The compound-complex sentences that used in Justin Bieber’s

album My World: The collection from a song title of Down To The Earth

consists of 2 sentences; Bigger consists of 1 sentences; Baby consists of 2

sentences; Runaway Love consists of 2 sentences; and Overboard consists

of 4 sentences. Those compound-complex sentences found above can be

seen in the following table.

Table 7 Compound-complex sentences found

NO COMPOUND-COMPLEX SONG TITLE 1 I never thought that it'd be easy ‘cause “Down To The Earth” we both so distant now, and the walls are closing in on, and we're wondering


how. 2 You tell me this is for the best, so tell “Down To The Earth” me why am I in tears, woah.

3 I swear they look so small from up here “Bigger” ‘cause we're bigger, and love's bigger. 4 I'm sixteen, and I thought that you'd be “Baby” mine. 5 You know that feeling when you leave “Baby” your love, and its right behind you. 6 I'd give it all up for her, but it'll never “Runaway Love” be enough, I won't stop until I find My runaway love. 7 I'd give it all up for her, but it'll never “Runaway Love” be enough, I won't stop until I find My runaway love. 8 It feels like we've been out at sea, oh, “Overboard” so back and forth that's how it seems, and when I wanna talk you say to me. 9 So crazy is this thing we call love, and “Overboard” now that we've got it, we just can't give up. 10 So crazy is this thing we call love, and “Overboard” now that we've got it we just can't give up. 11 I still love you (still love you baby), “Overboard” and you're the only one who can save me. TOTAL 11 .

The use of compound sentence in Justin Bieber’s album My World:

The collection is little than another sentence types like simple, compound,

and complex. The researcher only finds 11 sentences that including

compound-complex sentence. The compound-complex sentence can call as

combination of sentences between simple, compound, and complex. Its

mean that we can use almost any combination of dependent and independent


clause with its rules. The most important in compound-complex sentence is

at least have one independent clause. The following is the example.

I swear they look so small from up here ‘cause we're bigger, and love's

bigger. From a song title of Bigger.

From the previous example of compound-complex sentence, we

have some alternative to arrange the sentences. The following are the


1. I swear they look so small from up here ‘cause we’re bigger;

moreover, love’s bigger.

2. ‘cause we’re bigger, I swear they look so small, and love’s


3. I swear they look so small from up here ‘cause we're bigger,

and love's bigger.

Punctuate the compound part of a compound-complex sentence

like a compound sentence; that is, use a semicolon or comma combination

(sentence 1), or put comma before a coordinator joining two independent

clauses (sentence 2 and 3). Punctuate the complex part like a complex

sentence. With adverb clauses, put comma after a dependent adverb clause

(sentence 2) but not before it (sentence 3).

C. The Contribution of Justin Bieber’s album My World: The collection in

Teaching Writing

Songs of Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection can give

contribution I teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing. So

70 that, in this part the researcher will discuss how to teach writing using song lyric of Justin Bieber in class X of Senior High School the second semester in the material of complex sentences using noun clause (what, where, why, who, and how). (as found on syllabus).

In this case, the teacher should be selective in choosing a song lyric that will be used in teaching writing. They should choose interesting song lyric and contain some language features which is relevant with the material.

Here, the researcher describes how to teach writing with song lyric to the students. The steps are as follow:


Name of the school : SMA N 8 Purworejo

Subject : English

Grade/semester : X / 2

Time allocation : 1 x 45 minutes (1x meeting)

Thopic : Complex Sentence using noun clause marker.

Language Skill : Writing

Academic Year : 2014/2015

A. Standard of Competence

12. Being able to express the meaning in the form of complex sentence

simply to interact with the surrounding environment.


B. Basic of Competence

12.1 Being able to express the meaning in the form of complex sentence

using a variety of a written language accurately, fluently, and to interact

with the surrounding environment.

C. Indicators to achieve the competence:

Students are able to:

 Identify the certain information about definitions of complex sentence:

Noun clause marker (what, when, where, why, who and how).

 Distinguish the difference between main clause (independent clause)

and sub clause (dependent clause).

 Join two sentences into a complex sentence using clause marker


D. Learning objectives

By reading, writing, watching, asking, and exploring, the students

are expected to be able to identify the detail information about complex



E. Learning Materials

Complex sentence (what, where, why, who and how).

Complex Sentence

Definition: A complex sentence contains one independent clause and

one (or more) dependent clause(s). In a complex sentence, one idea is

generally more important than the other.Complex sentence is statements

that have Subject or Verb more than one will be connected by Clause

Marker (what, when, where, why, who and how). The following are the


 What I really want, is I can't find the cause

Clause Marker (CM) S V S V O

Taken from Justin Bieber’s song: “Somebody To Love”.

 My heart wentknok when I met you

S V Clause Marker(CM) S V O

Taken from Justin Bieber’s song:”One Time”.

 Romi and Julie loved eachother where they stayed.

S V O Clause Marker S V

 Rony doesn’t know why he always thinks about Riny.

S V Clause Marker S V O

 Uya Kuyacan guest who can get luckyness.

S V Clause Marker(CM) V O


 Mr.Handsome has known how he has made Girls falling in



F. Approach and method

 Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

 Guided writing

 Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation.

G. Teaching and Learning Activities

Activity Descriptionof Activity Time

Pre  Greeting the students and praying together to 10’

teaching hope the process of the teaching learning will

be meaningful and successful.

 Checking the student attendance and giving

students some motivation to be ready for the


 Describing the objective and the basic

competence and giving apperception to the


 Writing some sentences in the white board

and giving students some related simple


questions for leading to the material. (The

sentences taken from song lyric of Justin

Bieber Album’s My World: The Collection).

While- Exploration 25’

Teaching  Giving students the script of Justin Bieber’s

song lyric that contain complex sentence and

asking the students to read it.

 Giving students the material of complex

sentence (clause marker what, where, why,

who and how).

 Giving explanation about complex sentences.

 Analyzing the use of noun clause marker in

the complex sentence.

 Asking students to identify structure of

complex sentences.

 Showing students the right structures of

complex sentence.

 Asking the students to analyze the structures

of several different sentences in different

complex sentences by dividing the students


into some group.

 Asking the students to Distinguish the

difference between main clause (independent

clause) and sub clause (dependent clause).


 Making or joining two sentences using

clause marker where, why, who and how. In

this season, the student work in pair.

 Writing 10 sentences in the form complex


 Giving the task about complex sentences.


 Giving students some feedback related to the


 Giving motivation to the student.

 Giving students opportunity for asking

everything they do not know yet about the

materials which have been explained.

Post- 10’

Teaching  Reviewing the materials that have been

taught briefly to the students.


 Giving assessment and reflection of the

materials that have been taught consistently.

 Giving the students any homework as the

follow-up activity.

 Giving feedback of the process and the result

of learning

 Giving information to the students about the

plan of the next teaching learning activity.

 Closing the lesson by thanking, motivating,

greeting,and leave taking.

H. Sources, Media

 Contextual english 2

 http://functional.about.com/od/pq/g/complexsentenceterm.htm

 Song script of Justin Bieber’s


I. Assessment

a. Indicator

Analyzing the form of complex sentences.

b. Technique

Writing test.


c. Form

Answering the essay test.

J. Instrument of assesment

Answer these questions correctly!

1. What is definition of complex sentence?

2. Mention the clause marker that you have known!

3. Give the one example of clause marker!

Key answer:

1. The sentences that have subject and verb more than one.

2. What, who, where, why, how.

3. I will do everything what you will ask.


III. Scoring

No. Examined aspect Score

1 Content 0 – 20

2 Structure of the text 0 – 20

3 Grammar 0 – 20

4 Vocabulary 0 – 20

5 Punctuation/spelling/writing 0 – 20

Maximum score 100

Purworejo, 6 July 2014

Teacher Practicing Teacher,


NIP. 19670717 199203 2 010 NIM. 102120 199



A. Conclusion

From the result of the study, the researcher can conclude that in Justin

Bieber’s album My World: The collection, there are four type of sentences found: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence. The total number each sentence found is as follow: 1) 234 simple sentences (57, 6 %), 2) 53 compound sentences (13, 1 %), 3) 109 complex sentences (26, 7 %), 4) 11 compound-complex (2, 7 %).

The songs of Justin Bieber’s Album My World: The Collection use a variety of sentence types in order to make it more interesting and easier to understand for the listener. Besides, in this album can give contribution in teaching-learning proses, especially teaching writing complex sentences to the tenth grade students of Senior High School the second semester.

B. Suggestions

Finally, the researcher has some suggestion which is useful in teaching learning process the suggestions are as follows:

1. To teachers

a. The teacher should be more creative in using the technique, media, and

method, especially in teaching writing.

b. Don’t be a robot of syllabus. Its mean that the teacher should be flexible and

understand what the students’ needs, so the teaching learning process can be

fun, enjoyable, and interesting.


c. Teacher can use any media to improve and guide writing ability of the

students such as using song lyric in teaching writing.

2. To Students

a. The students should try to solve their problem in understanding writing

sentences. Their difficulties in writing can be solved by looking for many

ways in studying writing; one of the ways is by using song lyric.

b. The students should practice their writing ability by writing and studying a

lot about sentence types.

3. To readers

The researcher suggests the readers who are interested in studying or

analyzing sentence types make more detail explanation about sentence types

and collect the data accurately because there are many various sentences

contain in the songs of Justin Bieber’s album.



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Teaching English Using song available on http://www.mla.com/adlt/bulletin.htm// Taken on Tuesday, April 15th 2014 at 11.15 am.

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Bieber, Justin. My World: The Collection available on http://www.AceShowbiz.comtaken on Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:46:04 PM.

Definition of song lyric taken from http://en.wikipwedia.com/wiki/songlyric taken on April 12th 2014 at 11.22 am.

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Imperative sentence taken from http://www.voices.com taken on Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2:51:13 PM.

Song lyrics of Justin Bieber’s taken from http://, taken on Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 8:39:46 PM.



Song Lyric of Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection

ONE TIME Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time

One time One time

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock knock Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop And even though it's a struggle love is all we got So we gonna keep keep climbin' till the mountain top

Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart(is my heart)

Your my one love My one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'm a tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) And I'm a be your one guy You'll be my number one girl always makin' time for you I'ma tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'ma tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you)

You look so deep You know that it humbles me Your by my side and what troubles them don't trouble me Many have called but the chosen is you Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you

i Your world is my world And my fight is your fight My breath is your breath And your heart (is my heart)

Your my one love My one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'm a tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) And I'm a be your one guy You'll be my number one girl always makin' time for you I'ma tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'ma tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you)

Shawty right there She's got everything I need and I'm a tell her one time One time, one time Give you everything you need down to my last dime She makes me happy I know where I'll be Right by your side 'cause she is the one For me

You're my one love My one heart My one life for sure Let me tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'm a tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) And I'm a be your one guy You'll be my number one girl always makin' time for you I'm a me tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you) I'm a tell you one time (girl I love, girl I love you)

Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time

One time One time



Oh, wooh uh, Oh, ohh, Wooh, uh ooh,

I always knew you were the best The coolest girl I know So prettier than all the rest The star of my show So many times I wished you'd be the one for me I never knew it'd get like this girl what you do to me You're who I'm thinking of, Girl you ain't my runner up And no matter what your always number one

My prized possession One and only Adore ya Girl I want ya The one I can't live without that's you, that's you

You're my special Little lady The one that makes me crazy Of all the girls I've ever known it's you, it's you My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, My favorite girl, my favorite girl

You're used to going out the way to impress these Mr. Wrongs. But you can be yourself for me, I'll take you as you are I know they said believing in love, is a dream that can't be real So girl let's write a fairy tale And show 'em how we feel

You're who I'm thinking of, Girl you ain't my runner up, And no matter what you're always number one

My prized possession One and only


Adore ya Girl I want ya The one I can't live without that's you, that's you

You're my special little lady The one that makes me crazy Of all the girls I've ever known it's you, it's you My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, My favorite girl, my favorite girl

My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, My favorite girl, my favorite girl

You take my breath away, With everything you say I just wanna be with you My baby, my baby, oh oh

Promise I'll play no games, Treat you no other way than you deserve 'Cause you're the girl of my dreams

My prized possession One and only Adore ya Girl I want ya The one I can't live without that's you, that's you, You're my special little lady The one that makes me crazy Of all the girls I've ever known it's you, it's you

(My prized possession) (One and only) (Adore ya) (Girl I want ya) I want you (The one I can't live without that's you), that's you, (that's you), that's you (You're my special little lady) You're my special little lady (The one that makes me crazy) The one that makes me crazy Of all the girls I've ever known it's you, it's you You're my favorite girl (My favorite, my favorite, my favorite) My favorite girl (My favorite girl, my favorite girl)


My favorite girl (My favorite, my favorite, my favorite) My favorite girl (My favorite girl, my favorite girl) My favorite girl


Oh, oh, oh

I never thought that it'd be easy 'Cause we both so distant now And the walls are closing in on us And we're wondering how No one has a solid answer Just walking in the dark And you can see the look on my face It just tears me apart

So we fight (so we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt) And we cry, and cry, and cry, and cry And we live (and we live) and we learn (and we learn) And we try, and try, and try, and try

[Chorus] So it's up to you and it's up to me That we meet in the middle On our way back down to earth Down to earth, down to earth On our way back down to earth (Back down to earth, back down to earth) (Back down to earth, back down to earth) (Back down to earth, back down to earth) (Back down to earth, back down to earth)

Mommy you were always somewhere And Daddy I live outta town So tell me how could I ever be normal some how You tell me this is for the best So tell me why am I in tears, woah So far away and now I just need you here

So we fight (so we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt) And we cry, and cry, and cry, and cry And we live (and we live) and we learn (and we learn) And we try, and try, and try, and try



We fell so far away from where we used to be Now we're standing, and where do we go When there's no road, to get to your heart Let's start over again


I never thought that it'd be easy 'Cause we both so distant now And the walls are closing in on us And we're wondering how.


BIGGER The love the love is Bigger The love the love is Bigger The love the love is Bigger Big

Gotta believe in me Believe me like a fairytale Put your tooth under your pillowcase And know I won't I won't Ever ever let you down (no) Like a seesaw let you down (oh) You know why 'Cause we ain't in the playground no more baby

We're big enough To stand in the picture We're big enough To stand next to love


I was a player When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger A heart-breaker When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger And all the haters I swear they look so small from up here 'Cause we're bigger, And love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

Whoa oh Remember when my heart was young You were still bigger than me Is that the reason that you stayed Most would've got rid of me Now the bully's in the school yard Can't take our hugs and our kisses from us Because we ain't pushovers no more baby

We're big enough To stand in the picture We're big enough To stand next to love

I was a player When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger A heart-breaker When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger And all the haters I swear they look so small from up here 'Cause we're bigger, And love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger


I was a player When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger A heart-breaker When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger And all the haters I swear they look so small from up here 'Cause we're bigger, And love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

(Remember those stroll down street) I remember that (Don't like Edle Lane?) Like yesterday (They shine on me) We were little then (In class I dreamed about you) My baby You wow wow (You wow wow) Since then all I can remember is the love only got bigger

I was a player When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger A heart-breaker When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger And all the haters I swear they look so small from up here 'Cause we're bigger, And love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger

I was a player When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger A heart-breaker When I was little But now I'm bigger I'm bigger


And all the haters I swear they look so small from up here 'Cause we're bigger, And love's bigger, I'm bigger and you're bigger Oh

One less lonely girl Alright, let's go There's gonna be one less lonely girl(one less lonely girl) One less lonely girl(one less lonely girl) There's gonna be one less lonely girl(one less lonely girl) One less lonely girl

How many I told you's and start overs And shoulders have you cried on before? How many promises be honest girl? How many tears you let hit the floor?

How many bags you packed Just to take 'em back tell me that How many either or's (but no more) If you let me inside of your world There'd be the one less lonely girl

Saw so many pretty faces (before I saw you you) Now all I see is you I'm coming for you (I'm coming for you) No no Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you And when you're mine in the world

There's gonna be one less lonely girl(I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you're worth (that's what I'm gonna do) If you let me inside your world There's gonna be one less lonely girl


Christmas wasn't merry, fourteenth of February, Not one of 'em spent with you How many dinner dates set dinner plates and He didn't even touch his food How many torn photographs are you taping back Tell me that couldn't see an open door But no more If you let me inside of your world There'll be one less lonely girl

Saw so many pretty faces (Before I saw you you) Now all I see is you I'm coming for you I'm coming for you No no Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you And when your mine in this world

There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you're worth (that's what I'm gonna do) If you let me inside of your world There's gonna be on less lonely girl

I can fix up your broken heart (heart) I can give you a brand new start (start) I can make you believe (yeah) I just wanna set one girl free to fall, Free to fall (she's free to fall) Fall in love With me

Her hearts locked and nowhere to get the key I'll take her and leave the world with one less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl) One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl) There's gonna be one less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)


One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl There's gonna be one less lonely girl (I'm coming for you)

I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you're worth (that's what I'm gonna do) If you let me inside your world There's gonna be on less lonely girl (I'm coming for you) One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl) One less lonely girl (one less lonely girl)

I'm gonna put you first (I'm coming for you) I'll show you what you're worth (that's what I'm gonna do) If you let me inside your world There's gonna be on less lonely girl

Only you shawty

FIRST DANCE It's your chance take her hand to the floor (when I walk to the floor) Girl if you see something you like then let him know 'Cause you only got one chance, for your first dance Yeah you never forget your first dance So take advantage of the slow dance

When I close my eyes I see me and you at the prom, We've both been waiting so long For this day to come Now that it's here lets make it special I can't deny There's so many thoughts in my mind The DJ's playing my favorite song ain't no chaperon's this could be The night of our dreams

Only if you give, give the first dance to me Girl I promise I'll be gentle, I know we gotta do it slowly If you give, give your first dance to me I'm gonna cherish every moment, It only happens once, once in a life time


I couldn't ask for more, we're rockin' back and forth Under the disco ball, we're the only ones on the floor (I can't deny), so many thoughts in my mind The DJ's playing my favorite song, now we're all alone, here's the opportunity

Only if you give, give the first dance to me Girl I promise I'll be gentle, I know we gotta do it slowly If you give, give your first dance to me I'm gonna cherish every moment, It only happens once, once in a lifetime

Everybody says that we look cute together lets make this a night The two us remember, no teachers around to see us dancin' close I'm tellin' you our parents will never know Before the lights go up and the music turns off Now's the perfect time for me to taste your lip gloss, Your glass slippers in my hand right here, we'll Make it before the clock strikes nine

If you just give, give the first dance to me Girl I promise I'll be gentle but we gotta do it slowly If you give, give the first dance to me we'll cherish every moment, It only happens once, once in a lifetime

Girl if you see something you like then let him know 'Cause you only got one chance for your first dance Yeah you never forget your first dance So take advantage of the slow dance

If you give, give the first dance to me I'm gonna cherish every moment 'Cause it only happens, once in a lifetime LOVE ME

My friends say I'm a fool To think that you're the one for me I guess I'm just a sucker for love 'Cause honestly the truth is That you know I'm never leavin' 'Cause you're my angel sent from above

Baby you can do no wrong My money is yours


Give you little more because I love ya, love ya With me, girl, is where you belong Just stay right here I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya, above ya

Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

People try to tell me But I still refuse to listen 'Cause they don't get to spend time with you A minute with you is worth more than A thousand days without your love, oh your love

Oh, baby you can do no wrong My money is yours Give you little more because I love ya, love ya With me, girl, is where you belong Just stay right here I promise my dear I'll put nothin' above ya, above ya

Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

Love me, love me


Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

My heart is blind but I don't care 'Cause when I'm with you everything has disappeared And every time I hold you near I never wanna let you go, oh

Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

Love me, love me Say that you love me Fool me, fool me Oh how you do me Kiss me, kiss me Say that you miss me Tell me what I wanna hear Tell me you love me

"Common Denominator"

Just a fraction of your love fills the air And I fall in love with you All over again, oh You're the light that feeds the sun In my world I'd face a thousand years of pain for my girl Out of all the things in life that i could fear The only thing that would hurt me, uh Is if you weren't here, oh

[Chorus:] I don't wanna go back to just being one half of the equation Do you understand what I'm sayin'?


Girl, without you I'm lost Can't fix this compass at heart Between me and love, You're the common denominator Oh, oh , oh, oh Common denominator Oh, yeah, whoa

Before your love was low Playing girls was my high You changed the game Now I put my card to the side, ay When broken hearts rise up to say, "Love is a lie" You and I would stand to be love's reply, yeah

Out of all things in life that I could fear, yeah The only thing that would hurt me is if you weren't here, whoa


I can't imagine life without your touch, And every kiss that you give, You fill me up And through all the heart achin' Jealous females hatin'

I'm gonna hold it down for you You, whoa, oh, whoa You're the common denominator Oh yeah whoa

I don't wanna to go back...


Just a fraction of your love fills the air And I fall in love with you all over again, yeah



Oh wooaah [x3]

You know you love me, I know you care Just shout whenever, and I'll be there You are my love, you are my heart And we will never ever ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl, quit playing We're just friends, what are you saying? Is there another, look right in my eyes My first love broke my heart for the first time And I was like...

Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

For you I would have done whatever And I just can't believe we ain't together And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring And I'm in pieces, baby fix me And just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream I'm going down, down, down, down And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

And I'm like Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)


[Justin:] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm sixteen and I thought that you'd be mine, I used to tweet you and text you and call you and hit you on Facebook all the time, But, but, but now your gone, So far along that I cant even find you, You know that feeling when you leave your love and its right behind you, Can't believe that you did me wrong, We were on iChat all night long, Listening to our favourite songs, She was wrong I am gone, I thought I loved her, never put no one above her, Yeah she was my lover, but now onto another like..

Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

Baby, baby, baby oh Like baby, baby, baby no Like baby, baby, baby oh I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

I'm gone (Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah) All I'm gone (Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah) Now I'm all gone (Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah) Now I'm all gone (gone, gone, gone...) I'm gone "Somebody To Love"

For you I'd write a symphony, I'd tell the violin, It's time to sink or swim, Watch them play for ya, For you I'd be, (whoa oh) Running a thousand miles, Just to get to where you are.

Step to the beat of my heart, I don't need a whole lot, But for you I admit I, I'd rather give you the world, Or we can share mine,


I know I won't be the first one, giving you all this attention, Baby listen, I just need somebody to love, I don't need too much, just somebody to love, Somebody to love. I don't need nothing else, I promise girl I swear, I just need somebody to love. I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody

Every day, I bring the sun around, I sweep away the clouds, Smile for me. I would take, Every second, every single time, Spend it like my last dime.

Step to the beat of my heart, I don't need a whole lot, But for you I admit I, I'd rather give you the world, Or we can share mine, I know I won't be the first one, Givin' you all this attention, Baby listen, I just need somebody to love, I don't need too much, just somebody to love, Somebody to love. I don't need nothing else, I promise girl I swear, I just need somebody to love. I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody Somebody to love. I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody I just need somebody to love.

And you can have it all, Anything you want, I can bring; give you the finer things, yeah But what I really want, I can't find cause,


Money can't find me, Somebody to love (oh, oh) Find me somebody to love (whoah ohh)

I need somebody to love, I don't need too much, just somebody to love, Somebody to love. I don't need nothing else, I promise girl I swear, I just need somebody to love. I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody Somebody to love. I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody I just need somebody to love.

I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody, I need somebody I need somebody to love. To love, to love. Is she out there? [x3] I just need somebody to love.

"Stuck In The Moment"

(With you, with you I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place.)

Now Romeo and Juliet, Bet they never felt the way we felt. Bonnie and Clyde, Never had to hide like we do, we do. You and I both know it can't work, It's all fun and games, 'Til someone gets hurt, And I don't, I won't let that be you

Now you don't wanna let go, And I don't wanna let you know That there might be something real between us two, who knew? Now we don't wanna fall but, We're tripping in our hearts and, It's reckless and clumsy, Cause I know you can't love me, hey


I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place, But everything we have is stuck in the moment, And there's nothing my heart can do To fight with time and space, 'Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you

See like Adam and Eve, Tragedy was our destiny, Like Sonny and Cher, I don't care, I've got you baby. See we both fighting every inch of our fiber, Cause ain't no way it's gonna end right but, We are both too foolish to stop.

Now you don't wanna let go, And I don't wanna let you know That there might be something real between us two, who knew? Now we don't wanna fall but, We're tripping in our hearts and, It's reckless and clumsy, And I know you can't love me, hey

I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place, But everything we have is stuck in the moment, And there's nothing my heart can do, To fight with time and space, Cause I'm still stuck in the moment with you

See like just because this cold, cruel world Saying we can't be, Baby, we both have the right to disagree, And I ain't with it. And I don't wanna be so old and gray, Reminiscing about these better days, But convention's telling us to let go So we'll never know

I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place, Cause everything we did, And everything we have is stuck in the moment (Yeah oh no no no)


I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place, But everything we have is stuck in the moment, And there's nothing my heart can do (nothing my heart can do) To fight with time and space (and space). I'm still stuck in the moment with you "U Smile"

Oh Yeah Mmmm

I'd wait on you forever and a day Hand and foot Your world is my world Yeah Ain't no way you're ever gon' get Any less than you should Cause baby You smile I smile (oh) Cause whenever You smile, I smile Hey hey hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness Shouldn't have let you know I'm always gonna do what they say (hey) If you need me I'll come runnin' From a thousand miles away When you smile I smile (oh whoa) You smile, I smile Hey

Baby take my open heart and all it offers Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get You ain't seen nothing yet I won't ever hesitate to give you more Cause baby (hey) You smile, I smile (whoa) You smile, I smile Hey hey hey You smile, I smile I smile, I smile, I smile You smile, I smile Make me smile baby


Baby you won't ever want for nothing You are my ends and my means now With you there's no in between I'm all in Cause my cards are on the table And I'm willing and I'm able But I fold to your wish Cause it's my command Hey hey hey

You smile, I smile (whoa) You smile, I smile Hey hey hey You smile, I smile I smile, I smile, I smile You smile, I smile Oh

You smile, I smile You smile, I smile

"Runaway Love"

You see my baby over here, Hit the road, Where she's going that's what nobody knows, I need to find her before another man does, I wouldn't want him to steal my love,

I'm just trying to be cool, cool, cool. What you expect me to do? I'm just trying to find, find, find, The sweet love of mine. I'm running out of time, Where is my runaway love? Searching low and high, Know that I'm not giving up, I'd give it all up for her, But it'll never be enough, I won't stop until I find, My runaway love.

See my baby really needs some help,


Cause she can never stay at home by herself, She says she needs a little company, Even if she's not always with me, yeah.

I'm just trying to be cool, cool, cool. What you expect me to do? I'm just trying to find, find, find, The sweet love of mine. I'm running out of time, Where is my runaway love? Searching low and high, Know that I'm not giving up, I'd give it all up for her, But it'll never be enough, I won't stop until I find, My runaway love.

Why can't I find you love of mine, When you're standing in front of my face? Oh I, I must be blind, How did I let you get away? (Yeah, yeah)

I'm running out of time, Where is my runaway love? Searching low and high, Know that I'm not giving up, I'd give it all up for her, But it'll never be enough, I won't stop until I find, My runaway love.

I'm running out of time, Where is my runaway love? Searching low and high, Know that I'm not giving up, I'd give it all up for her, But it'll never be enough, I won't stop until I find, My runaway love.

"Never Let You Go"

Oh, no, oh, no, oh

They say that hate has been sent


So let loose the talk of love (of love, of love) Before they outlaw the kiss Baby, give me one last hug There's a dream that I've been chasing Want so badly for it to be reality. And when you hold my hand And I understand that it's meant to be. 'cause baby when you're with me...

It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven (came by and took me to heaven) 'cause when i stare in your eyes it couldn't be better (I don't want you to go, oh no, so)

[Chorus:] Let the music blast We gonna do our dance Bring the doubters on They don't matter at all 'cause this life's too long And this love's too strong So baby know for sure That I'll never let you go

I got my favorite girl Not feelin', no pain, no fear Don't have a care in the world Why would I when you are here? There's a moment I've been chasing And I finally caught it out on this floor. Baby, there's no hesitation, no reservation By taking a chance and more, oh no, because...

It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven (came by and took me to heaven) 'cause when i stare in your eyes it couldn't be better (I don't want you to go, oh no, so)


It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven (came by and took me to heaven, girl) 'cause when i stare in your eyes it couldn't be better (I don't want you to go, oh no, so)

Take my hand Let's just dance Watch my feet


Follow me Don't be scared, Girl I'm here If you didn't know, This is love

Let the music blast We gonna do our dance Praise the doubters on They don't matter at all (oh, baby) 'cause this life's too long And this love's too strong So baby know for sure That I'll never let you go

So don't fear. Don't you worry about a thing. I am here, by you (I'll never let you go)

Don't shed a tear. Whenever you need me, I'll be here (I'll never let you go)

Oh no, oh no, oh... (I'll never let you go) Oh no, oh no, oh... (I'll never let you go)

"Overboard" (feat. Jessica Jarrell)

It feels like we've been out at sea, oh, So back and forth that's how it seems, And when I wanna talk you say to me That if it's meant to be it will be.


So crazy is this thing we call love, And now that we've got it, we just can't give up I'm reaching out for you, Get me out here in the water and I...

I'm overboard And I need your love to pull me up I can't swim on my own It's too much Feels like I'm drowning without your love,


So throw yourself out to me, my lifesaver.

Life saver, oh life saver My life saver Life saver, oh life saver Whoa.

Never understood you when you'd say, You wanted me to meet you halfway, Oh, I felt like I was doing my part, You kept thinking you were coming up short It's funny how things change cause now I see, oh,

So crazy is this thing we call love, And now that we've got it we just can't give up I'm reaching out for you, Got me out here in the water and I...

I'm overboard (overboard) And I need your love to pull me up I can't swim on my own It's too much (it's too much) Feels like I'm drowning without your love, So throw yourself out to me, my lifesaver.

Oh, it's supposed to be some give and take, I know, But you're only taking and not giving anymore. So what do I do? (so what do I do) Cause I still love you (still love you baby), And you're the only one who can save me.

I'm overboard And I need your love to pull me up (pull me up) I can't swim on my own It's too much (it's too much) Feels like I'm drowning without your love, So throw yourself out to me, my lifesaver.

Life saver, oh life saver My life saver Life saver, oh life saver Whoa.

Life saver, oh life saver My life saver


Life saver, oh life saver Yeah.


It's a big big world It's easy to get lost in it You've always been my girl, oh And I'm not ready to call it quits

We can make the sun shine in the moon light We can make the grey clouds turn to blue skies I know it's hard Baby, believe me

That we can't go nowhere but up From here, my dear Baby, we can't go nowhere but up Tell me what we've got to fear We'll take it to the sky past the moon to the galaxy As long as you're with me, baby Honestly (honestly) with the strength of our love We can't go nowhere but up

It's a big big world And I'm gonna show you all of it I'm gonna lace you with pearls, oh From every ocean that we're swimmin' in

We can make the sun shine in the moon light We can make the grey clouds turn to blue skies Yeah, I know it's hard Baby, believe me, ooh

That we can't go nowhere but up From here, my dear Baby, we can't go nowhere but up Tell me what we've got to fear We'll take it to the sky past the moon to the galaxy As long as you're with me, baby Honestly (honestly) with the strength of our love We can't go nowhere but up

Nowhere but up

Baby, we were underground


We're on the surface now We're gonna make it girl I promise If you believe in love And you believe in us We can't go nowhere but up

We can't go nowhere but up From here, my dear Baby, we can't go nowhere but up Tell me what we've got to fear We'll take it to the sky past the moon to the galaxy As long as you're with me, baby Honestly, honestly with the strength of our love We can't go nowhere but up

Nowhere but up Nowhere but up Yeah Nowhere but up "That Should Be Me"

Everybody's laughing in my mind Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy Do you do what you did when you Did with me? Does he love you the way I can? Did you forget all the plans That you made with me? 'cause baby I didn't

That should be me Holdin' your hand That should be me Makin' you laugh That should be me This is so sad That should be me That should be me That should be me Feelin' your kiss That should be me Buyin' you gifts This is so wrong, I can't go on, Till you believe that


That should be me

That should be me

You said you needed a little time For my mistakes It's funny how you use that time To have me replaced But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies What you doin' to me You're takin' him where we used to go Now if you're tryin' to break my heart It's working 'cause you know that

[Chorus:] That should be me Holdin' your hand That should be me Makin' you laugh That should be me This is so sad That should be me That should be me That should be me Feelin' your kiss That should be me Buyin' you gifts This is so wrong, I can't go on, Till you believe that That should be me

I need to know, should I fight for love or disarm It's getting harder to shield This pain in my heart

[Chorus:] That should be me Holdin' your hand That should be me Makin' you laugh That should be me This is so sad That should be me That should be me That should be me


Feelin' your kiss That should be me Buyin' you gifts This is so wrong, I can't go on, Till you believe that That should be me Holding your hand That should be me The one making you laugh, oh baby That should be me That should be me giving you flowers That should be me Talking for hours That should be me, That should be me That should be me Never should've let you go I never should've let you go That should be me Never should've let you go That should be me Never should've let you go I never should've let you go That should be me


Oh, oh oh oh [x3] (And I pray)

I just can't sleep tonight. Knowing that things ain't right. It's in the papers, it's on the TV, it's everywhere that I go. Children are crying. Soldiers are dying. Some people don't have a home.

But I know there's sunshine beyond that rain I know there's good times behind that pain Hey, can you tell me how I can make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray


I lose my appetite Knowing kids starve tonight. Am I a sinner 'cause half my dinner is still there on my plate? Ooh, I got a vision to make a difference. And it's starting today.

'Cause I know there's sunshine beyond that rain I know there's good times behind that pain Heaven, tell me I can make a change.

I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and...

I pray for the broken-hearted I pray for the life not started I pray for all the lungs not breathing. I pray for all the souls that need a break. Can you give 'em one today?

I just can't sleep tonight. Can someone tell me how to make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and I pray (oh)

I pray I pray

I close my eyes and pray

"Never Say Never" (feat. Jaden Smith)

(Never say never) (Pick it up this, pick it up) Yeah, yeah. (Pick it up this, pick it up) Never, never, never, never, never, never. (Pick it up this, pick it up)

See I never thought that I could walk through fire


I never thought that I could take the burn I never had the strength to take it higher Until I reached the point of no return

And there's just no turning back When your heart's under attack Gonna give everything I have It's my destiny

I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up up up And never say never

Ne-never say never (never) Ne-never say never (never) Ne-never say never (never) Never say it, never, never say it

I never thought that I could feel this power I never thought that I could feel this free I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower And I'm fast enough to run across the sea

And there's just no turning back When your heart's under attack Gonna give everything I have 'cause this is my destiny

I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up And never say never

Here we go! Guess who?


JSmith and JB! (Uh-huh!) I gotcha little bro I can handle him Hold up, aight? I can handle him

Now he's bigger than me Taller than me And he's older than me And stronger than me And his arms a little bit longer than me But he ain't on a JB song with me!

I be trying a chill They be trying to sour the thrill No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will

Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove Like Kobe in the 4th, ice water with blood Let's go I gotta be the best, and yes We're the flyest Like David and Goliath I conquered the giant So now I got the world in my hand I was born from two stars So the moon's where I land (I'm gone!)

I will never say never! (never say it, never, never say it) (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (OK) (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, up, up And never say never

I will never say never! (I will fight) I will fight till forever! (make it right) Whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up, Pick it up, up, up


And never say never Ne-never say never (never say it) Ne-never say never (never say it) Ne-never say never (never say it) And never say never Ne-never say never Ne-never say never Ne-never say never And never say never.

Eenie, meenie

Eenie, meenie, miney, mo Catch a bad chick by her toe If she holla If, if, if she holla, let her go

She's indecisive, she can't decide She keeps on looking from left to right Girl, come a bit closer, look in my eyes Searching is so wrong, I'm Mr. Right

You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em And disappear right after this song So give me the night to show you, hold you Don't leave me out here dancin' alone

You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind Please don't waste my time, time, time, time, time I'm not tryin' to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind I wish our hearts could come together as one

'Cause shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova

Let me show you what you're missing, paradise With me you're winning, girl, you don't have to roll the dice Tell me what you're really here for Them other guys? I can see right through ya

You seem like the type to love them and leave them And disappear right after the song So give me the night to show you, hold you Don't leave me out here dancing alone


Can't make up your mind Please don't waste my time Not trying to rewind I wish our hearts could come together as one

'Cause shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova

Eenie, meenie, miney, mo Catch a bad chick by her toe If she holla If, if, if she holla, let her go

Eenie, meenie, miney, mo Catch a bad chick by her toe If she holla, lolla, lolla Let her go

Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova

Can't make up your mind Please don't waste my time I'm not trying to rewind I wish our hearts could come together as one

Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova Shorty is a eenie, meenie, miney, mo, lova