A STUDY ON SENTENCE TYPES USED IN JUSTIN BIEBER’S ALBUM MY WORLDS: THE COLLECTION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION IN TEACHING WRITING A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfilllment of the Requirements to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo NUR AHMAD SHODIQ 102120199 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOREJO 2014 i ii iii MOTTO . Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change themselves (QS. Ar-Ra’du : 11) . Sciences without religion are lame, and religion without sciences is blind ( Albert Einstein) . Do everything because of Allah SWT ( The writer) . The future is the reflection what we face and what we do now (The writer) . We can’t stand and live without anyone else, but we have to choose our future by ourselves (The writer) . The limits of my language are the limits of my world (Jeremy Harmer) . Life is never flat (Chittato) iv DEDICATION With a great of love, this thesis is especially dedicated to: 1. My beloved all of Muslim Allah SWT who gives opportunity and blessing, so I can study until go to the university, which is not all everyone can do it. It is a gift which is amazing for me. Thanks to Allah so much. 2. My beloved father (Muchotib), my beloved mother (Sri Sugiarti), my beloved sisters (Dewi Nurul Khasanah) and my beloved brother (Muhammad Hanif Fatin Raditiyansah) thanks for your love, support, advice, prayer, sacrifice, and I’ am so sorry until this time I have not yet given something or everything. I only hope that Allah surely gives more than what all of you have done to me. 3. My beloved friends in my village Tursino (Bayu, Bondan, Budi, Heri Hermawan), my beloved friends in my band AQILA (Bayu Prasetya, Marisa Tri S, Rendy, Adi), and my honey Putri Puansary, thanks for your prayer and all of everything for me, so I can finish my thesis. 4. My beloved all of friends in E-F class especially for Drianggi Mukti, Dimas Kurniawan, Nuryaningsih Kusuma Resti, Romadona, Sugiyarto, and Uli Astuti thanks for your help, support, prayer and everything, so I can finish my thesis. v vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, the researcher would like to say thanks to Allah SWT, God the Almighty for his blessing and mercy given to me during my study and in completing this final project entitled ”A Study Of Sentence Types Used In Justin Bieber’s Album My World: The Collection And Its Contribution In Teaching Writing”. This thesis was written in partial fulfillment of the requirement to acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Program of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. This thesis has been developed by those who have been generous in time, argument, suggestion. The researcher would like to thank all those individuals who have assisted in providing the development the thesis. They are lectures, friends are too numerous to mention, He will recognize the contributions they have. No best words convey to them except a whole hearted expression of thankfulness. He would be very grateful to many people who have contributed their ideas and time in completing final project. He would like to express my sincere gratitude to: 1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 2. Drs. H. Hartono, M.M. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Educationa Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. vii 3. Semi Sukarni, M.Pd. as the Head of English Education Muhammadiyah of Purworejo. 4. Sri Widodo, S.S, M. Hum. Thank you for giving me continue guidance as well as motivation and your patience during the writing of final project. 5. Junaedi Setiyono, M. Pd as my academic consultant, thank you for the guidence. 6. The lecturers in English Department Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo thankyou for your dedication to teach him until the graduation. 7. All myfriends in class E and F. 8. All 8th semester students. 9. All students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 10. My special thank you to my parents, my brother, my special one, and my friends that have supported me morally and financially so that I am able to finish my study. Finaly, the research is fully conscious that his writing still far from being perfect. However, the researcher hopes that this writing will be useful for the improvement to English learner. Purworejo, July....th 2014 Nur Ahmad Shodiq viii ABSTRACT Shodiq, Nur Ahmad. 2014. A Study on Sentence Types Used in Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection and Its Contribution in Teaching Writing. A Thesis. English Education Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant: Sri Widodo, S.S, M. Hum. Song is not only just for fun and amuse, but also for being an effective way to stimulate writing activity in teaching-learning process. It is because of the song containing words and sentences to learn by the student. The teacher can use this media to convey the lesson and introduce the sentence types such as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Therefore, this research is about study on sentence type used in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection. There are two aims of this research. The first aim is to identify kind of sentence types used in Justin Bieber’s album My World: The Collection. The second aim is to describe the implementation of teaching writing using song of it album. In doing this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative methode. In collecting the data, the researcher takes data from internet, observes the data available in the data sheet, rechecks, and makes sure all data well organized. In analyzing the data, the researcher identifies and analyzes the kind of sentence types on the data, describes and discusses the data, and draws conclusions based on the data analyzed. Moreover, the researcher describes the implementation of teaching writing about sentence types found in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The Collection. The result shows that in Justin Bieber’s album My Worlds: The collection, there are four types of sentence found: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence. The total number of sentence types found are as follows: 1) 234 simple sentence (57, 6 %), 2) 53 compound sentence (13, 1 %), 3) 108 complex sentence (26, 6 %), 4) 11 compound-complex (2, 7 %). Key words: Teaching writing, sentence types, song lyric. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE .....................................................................................................................I APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................II RATIFICATION SHEET......................................................................................III MOTTO.................................................................................................................IV DEDICATION .......................................................................................................V STATEMENTS......................................................................................................VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................................................................................VII ABSTRACT...........................................................................................................IX TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................X LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................XIII LIST OF APPENDICES.....................................................................................XIV CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study............................................................1 B. Reason for Choosing The Topic .................................................3 C. Limitation of The Study..............................................................4 D. Statements of The Problem.........................................................4 E. Objectives of The Study…..........................................................4 F. Significance of The Study ..........................................................5 G. Organization of The Thesis…………….......……………….....5 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Studies.........................................................................7 x B. Definition of Sentence…………………….……………….…..8 C. Basic Sentence in English……………………………………...9 D. Sentence Structure……………………….................................14 1. Clauses……..…………………………………………….....14 2. Sentence Types…..………………………………………....15 a. Simple Sentence..…………………………………….......19 b. Compound Sentence..…………………………………....20 c. Complex Sentence..……………..………………………..24 d. Compound-Complex Sentence..…………………………26 E. Teaching Writing.......................................................................27 F. Media in Teaching Learning Process...………………….…....29 G. Song as a Media in Teaching Writing......................................30 H. Definition of Song Lyric...........................................................31 I. Justin Bieber’s Album My Worlds: The Collection………......32 CHAPTER III . RESEARCH METHOD A. Type of Research......................................................................34 B. Object of Research....................................................................35 C. Source of The Data………………...........................................36
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