First scintillating bolometer tests of a CLYMENE R&D on Li2MoO4 scintillators towards a large-scale double-beta decay experiment G. Bu¸sea, A. Giulianib,c, P. de Marcillacb, S. Marnierosb, C. Nonesd, V. Novatib, E. Olivierib, D.V. Podab,e,∗, T. Redonb, J.-B. Sanda, P. Vebera,g, M. Vel´azqueza,f, A.S. Zolotarovad aICMCB, UMR 5026, CNRS-Universit´ede Bordeaux-INP, 33608 Pessac Cedex, France bCSNSM, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Universit´eParis-Saclay, 91405 Orsay, France cDISAT, Universit`adell’Insubria, 22100 Como, Italy dIRFU, CEA, Universit´eParis-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France eInstitute for Nuclear Research, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine fUniversit´eGrenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, SIMAP, 38402 Saint Martin d’H´eres, France gUniversit´eLyon, Universit´eClaude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, Institut Lumi´ere Mati´ere, UMR 5306, 69100 Villeurbanne, France Abstract A new R&D on lithium molybdate scintillators has begun within a project CLYMENE (Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 crYstals for the scintillating boloMeters used in the rare EveNts sEarches). One of the main goals of the CLYMENE is a realization of a Li2MoO4 crystal growth line to be com- plementary to the one recently developed by LUMINEU in view of a mass production capacity for CUPID, a next-generation tonne-scale bolometric experiment to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay. In the present pa- per we report the investigation of performance and radiopurity of 158-g and 13.5-g scintillating bolometers based on a first large-mass (230 g) Li2MoO4 crystal scintillator developed within the CLYMENE project. In particular, a arXiv:1801.07909v2 [physics.ins-det] 8 Mar 2018 good energy resolution (2–7 keV FWHM in the energy range of 0.2–5 MeV), one of the highest light yield (0.97 keV/MeV) amongst Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometers, an efficient alpha particles discrimination (10σ) and potentially ∗Corresponding author Email address:
[email protected] (D.V.