PUBLICATIONS John B. HEARNSHAW Updated 4 November 2010 ?: most signi¯cant contributions A) Books 1. Hearnshaw, J.B., Cosmic Essays 53 popular essays on astronomy to celebrate the International Year of Astron- omy, 2009. Published by the author, May 2010. ISBN: 9 78-0-473-16933-6. pp. 105 ? 2. Hearnshaw, J.B., Astronomical spectrographs and their history Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN-13: 9780521882576 (Eight chap- ters, 240 pp., » 900 references to original papers, 160 drawings or ¯gures). ? 3. Hearnshaw, J.B., The measurement of starlight | two centuries of stellar photometry (book on the historical development of stellar photometry). ISBN 13 9780 521 018289, Cambridge University Press, 2005: pp. 511+xiv New paperback edition published August 2005. ? 4. Hearnshaw, J.B., The measurement of starlight | two centuries of stellar photometry (book on the historical development of stellar photometry). ISBN 0 521 40393 6, Cambridge University Press, 1996: pp. 511+xiv ? 5. Hearnshaw, J.B., The analysis of starlight: one hundred and ¯fty years of astronomical spectroscopy ISBN 0 521 39916 5, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990: pp. 531 + xv New paperback edition published 1990. ? 6. Hearnshaw, J.B., The analysis of starlight: one hundred and ¯fty years of astronomical spectroscopy ISBN 0 521 25548 1, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986: pp. 531 + xv B) Refereed papers in scholarly journals 1. Hwang, K.-H., Udalski, A., Han, C., Ryu, Y.-H., Bond, I. A., Beaulieu, J.-P., Dominik, M., Horne, K., Gould, A., Gaudi, B. S., Kubiak, M., Szyma¶nski,M. K., Pietrzy¶nski,G., Soszy¶nski,I., Szewczyk, O., Ulaczyk, K., Wyrzykowski, ÃL., (The OGLE Collaboration), Abe, F., Botzler, C.
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