Box Folder 14 19 Friday Night Sermon Material. 1953-1954
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MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series E: Sermons, Speeches, and Writings, 1933-1959. Box Folder 14 19 Friday night sermon material. 1953-1954. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 The Temple Bulletin O F Congregation Emanu-EI B'ne Jeshurun Mi lwaukee 11, Wisconsin Vol. 21, No. 1 Rosh Hashonah 5714 1953 - 1lligq 1lloltt 1llay11 - 5714 Wednesday Evening, Se ptember 9 __ ------ --------- Rosh Hashonah Eve Thursda y Morning, Se ptember 10 -------- ------------ Rosh Hashonah Day Friday Evening, Septembe r 11 , at 8 p.m. ___ _ _ Sabbath of Repentance Dedication of New Torah Breast Plates Friday Evening, Se ptember 18 --------------------- ------- Kol Nidre Eve Saturday, September 19 ----- - ----------------------- - Yom Kippur Day loung Jroplr'11 ~rrtrlrr11 (Community Ha ll ) (8th Grade through High School) We dnesday Evening, Se ptember 9, at 7 p.m. ------------ Rosh Hashonah Eve Friday Evening, Se ptember 18, at 7 p.m. - ---- - ----- - --------- Ko lnidre Eve OJ11tlllrrn'11 ~rruirr.a (Community Hall) (Pupils through 7th Grade) Thursday Morning, September 10, at 11 a .m. __ -- --------- Rosh Hashonah Day Sa turday Afternoon, Se pte mbe r 19, at 1 :30 p.m. ------------ Yom Kippur Day THE TEMPLE BULLET IN NEW YEAR GREETING Published by Once again we grec1 1he advent of a New Congregation Emnnu-EI B'ne Jeshurun Year-5714-wi!h 1hc autumn cycle of our 2419 E. Kenwood Boulevard holy days - Rosh Hashonah, Yorn Kippur, Telephone - EDgewood 2-6960 Succo1h and Simhat Torah. Affiliated with Union of These holy days enclose the essential pre ceprs of our fnirh: that Goe.I is our Creator and Americ.-an Hebrew Congregations Judge; chat man can, and should, follow re l lcrberl A. Friedman __ Rabbi pentance and find aronemenc; thar between Samuel Ilirshherj.( J lonorary Rabbi bondage and freedom 1hcre is a wilderness, and in rhat wilderness there may be a Sinai and a Joseph L. Baron Rabbi Emeritus Sol Altschuller ___ Cantor rendcz-vous with the Eternal; that thru our frail booths we may see the srars; that there is llermnn We il Director Religious Ed. joi• and beauty and salvation in the Torah. OFF.ICEHS From the bottom of my heart J send my blessing 10 the members and friends of Emnnu Edwnrcl H. Prince ------------- President EI B' nc Jeshurun and 1heir families. May they Clrnlcs L. Colclhcrg ___ Vice-President be inscribed in the Book of Life, and may they, Jlennnn /\. ~ J osher _ __ Treasurer in the new year, find replenishment of soul and Lillian Friedman Execulive Secretary an abundant harvest of peace. De. Joseph L. Baron ROSH HASHONAH MESSAGES From rhe personal poinr of view, I re On behalf of the trustees :ind officers view the yenr gone by with a deep sense of your Congregation Emanu-EI B'ne of chankfulness. You, che members of my Jeshurun, I would like to extend to all congregation, have been wonderful. You members and cheir families best and si n have rallied around che banner of Juda cere wishes for A Happy New Yenr of ism in a mnnner designed co chrill any peace, good henlth :ind p rosperity. rabbi. You have worshipped, srudied, listened, observed, in overflowing nmn The Temple is the focal poinr of our bers. For all chis, l am grnceful. fairh. Ir cannot serve chis, its mosc im Thus, I approach the yenr ahead with porrnnt function, unless we are active par great joy. Agnin, we shall share together ticipants. As we rnke an active pare in our the wonderful experience of living our religion, we also rake our place as Jews Jewish herirngc. in che full pncrern of American Life. Looking at the entire world of man, one There is complete harmony between che cnnnot be so happy. This past year was sad ideals of America :ind the ideals of Juda for chose who bochered co chink of Korea ism. Let us in this coming year, therefore, :ind l ndo-China. The yenr abead will be be even beccer Americnns and even bet easier for the mothers of America. But ter Jews. There :ire many wnys of ful the mothers of Russia and China, whose filli ng chis resol ucion, depending on che destinies arc in the hands of diccarors individual's inrerests :ind appronch. One these arc God's children too. And for essencial ingredienr, common to :di indi them :ind for us the times are dangerous. viduals, is :in nctive :ind persistent exer Beleaguered camps waic in a divided cise and practice of one's religious be world for the blinding flash which may liefs. be doom. Thar che year ahead will bring We look forwnrd to n year of active some relief to this tension in man's mosc pnrricipation by all members and their fervenr prayer. families tn the religious, educational and lee us, by devotion to Judaism's eternal recreationnl programs designed by your message of justice and peace, seek peace in the year ahead. In this sense, I wish us Board, Sisrerhood and Men's Club to fill all a happier New Yenr. the needs of our Temple family. Rabbi Herberc A. Friedman E. R. Prince (These names will be read during the Memorial Service on Yom Kippur Doy) Edith Babbitz Victor Gehler Sidney Pollack Bertha Barnett Martha Goldberg Max Riegelmon Sanford Baum Joseph Goldman Edwin Rose Ben Bender Max Gottlieb Benjamin Rosenberg Hannah Benyas Dr. Jack Granof Stella Schwede Sarah Berkowitz Dr. Sam Keller Raymond Scribner Jill Diane Berman John Kuehn Miriam C. Scholl Anno Bornstein Wendy Hope Krouse Sonia Schostok E. A. Braun Sarah C. Loewi Bert Smith Minnie Braun Rose Mogidson Henry Solomon Charles T. Cohen Sam Mallin Miriam Spero Benjamin Eisendrath Leo Monn Saro Steinberg Dr. Joseph Eisenberg Mox Margolis Alvino Tousend Sarah Eskin Dr. Simpson Markson Mox Teweles Irma Florsheim Lester Meister Henry Traxler Theodore Friedlander Gladys Melvoin Sam Weisfeldt Mary Friedman Oscar Michels Jack Weyenberg Sam Friedman Mimi Miller Bertha Wirth Sarah Friedman Clara Nickoll Bello Wodan Fannie V. Gassman Fanny Padwoy Lawrence Yolles Marie Gehler Jeon Polacheck Morris Zucker The above list contains the names of those members of the Temple family who have passed away since last Yorn Kippur. If there ore any additional names which were not called to our attention, please notify the Temple Office by Wed nesday, September 16, at the latest, so that the list may be complete for Yorn Kippur. f!lhe /!Temftle c~ lto1wMrl le ro11wrt1t#J //,al ellaifi v lfare'icre .A( a:t"otmrlutllt Pre1id.,nt of t l1e Union of An1erican llcLrew Conl1rei1olion1 will be pre1enl for tlae llil!li I Inly D•>· Servicu The Congregation recalls wich pleasure Dr. Eisendrach's appearance in our pulpit rwo years ago. We are honored that he has again accepced rhe invicacion to share the pulpit wich Rabbi Friedman for rhe alrernacing services on borh Rosh Hasho nah and Yorn Kippur. To have with us the President of the Union of all che Reform Temples of America is indeed a rribute co rhe scarure and importance of our congregation. We Rabbi Maurice N. Elsendrath will be delighted to welcome Rabbi and Mrs. Eisendrath back co Milwaukee. Notice To College Age TEMPLE USHERS Youth Positions of Honor An inviration has been extended to all The office of Usher in rhe Temple, at college-age boys and girls whose parents sacred services, both for the Holy Days nre members of the Congregation to at and each Sabbath and FestivaJ, is one of cend the Adule services for the coming rrusr and honor. In ancient days rhe Levi High Holy Days. tes were encrusted with che task of super Applicacion for tickers mmt be made intending the flawless funccioning of the in advance. If you have an unmarried son service. In our modern Temples this offi or daughter who is interested in attend ce has been handed over co chose mem ing the Adult services on Rosh Hashonah bers of the congregation who may be ex and on Yorn Kippur, please have them pecred co ace with dignity and decorum. conract Miss Friedman ac rhe Temple Of· This year, for the Holy Days, the du fice, at once. ties of Usher will be carried our by the men and women who constitute the high est body of rhe Temple--the Officers and Board of Trustees. As rhe elected repre Our Sisterhood sentatives of rhe congregation, these indi viduals have agreed co continue their high rradirion of service by acting as Ushers. Conjoinrly with them, the Officers and GIFT Board of the Men's Club will also perform the same service. For many years, the SHOP Men's Club has filled the role of provid ing a sui cable corps of Ushers. This year, HAS A COMPLETE SELECTION in rhe desire co invesr rhc office of Usher wirh a sense of honor, the Officers and OF JEWISH CEREMONIAL Board themselves will serve. OBJECTS Ushering in rhe Temple thus truly be comes an honorable reward for loyalty and devotion. New TORAH BREASTPLATES PRAYER BOOKS Since it has been the practice in our To Be Dedicated September 11 Congregation for members to bring their Ilya Schor, the famous artist who made own High Holy Day Prayer Books co che Torah Crown which was dedicated services, we would like to remind you last year, has compleced a commission to that the Union Prayer Book, Volume II, execme rrwo new Torah Breascplates for newly revised edition, is now available for che Temple. purchase at $1.75 per copy.