A Report for the Jo H N S . a Nd Ja Mes L. K N Ig Ht F O U Nda T Io N the MEDIA MISSIONARIES
A Report for the Jo h n S . a nd Ja mes L. K n ig ht F o u nda t io n THE MEDIA MISSIONARIES ABOUT THE AUTHOR t he Open Society Ins t i t u t e, the Comm ittee to Pro t e c t Journalists’ report Attacks on the Press, 2001,” David Hoffman and the regional directors and international managers of Ellen Hume teaches media I nt e r ne w s, and Kn ig ht Founda t ion director of Jo u r na l i s m studies and is founding Initiatives Eric Newton. director of the Center on Journalist Tim Porter edited the manuscript. Carole Lee and Media and Society at the Margaret Fleming Glennon provided invaluable production University of Massachusetts Boston. She has assistance. conducted journalism and democracy work- shops throughout the United States, and in For the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Ethiopia, Russia, Bosnia, Poland and the W. Gerald Austen, M.D., chairman, board of trustees Czech Republic. Hodding Carter III, president and CEO During more than 30 years as a reporter Penelope McPhee, vice president and chief program officer and analyst for newspapers, magazines and Eric Newton, director of journalism initiatives Denise Tom, journalism program officer television she has been a White House and Larry Meyer, vice president of communications political correspondent for The Wall Street Robertson Adams, communications associate/webmaster Journal, national reporter with the Los Caroline Wingate, editorial consultant Angeles Times and executive director of PBS’s Design: Jacques Auger Design Associates, Miami Beach, Fla.
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