The Pakistan National Bibliography 2012
THE PAKISTAN NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 2012 A Subject Catalogue of the new Pakistani books deposited under the provisions of Copyright Law or acquired through purchase, etc. by the National Library of Pakistan, Islamabad, arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification, 23rd edition and catalogued according to the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd revised edition, 1988, with a full Author, Title, Subject Index and List of Publishers. Government of Pakistan Department of Libraries National Library of Pakistan Constitution Avenue, Islamabad © Department of Libraries (National Bibliographical Unit) 2013 Patron : Ch. Muhammad Nazir, Director General Compiler : Nida Mushtaq, Assistant Editor Composer : Muhammad Nazim Price Within Pakistan Rs. 1300.00 Outside Pakistan .US $ 60.00 ISSN 1019-0678 ISBN 978-969-8014-46-9 Cataloguing in Publication 015.5491 Pakistan. Department of Libraries , Islamabad The Pakistan National Bibliography 2012 / ed. by Nida Mushtaq.— Islamabad : The Authority, 2013. 500p. ; 24cm : Rs. 1300 ISBN 978-969-8014-46-9 1. Bibliography, National — Pakistan I. Editor II. Title (ii) PREFACE A National Bibliography is a mirror in which intellectual and literary trends of a nation can be seen very clearly. On the basis of this reflection, the intellegencia can envision the future heights and goals of a nation. Keeping in mind the importance of National Bibliography, this issue has been compiled, edited and published by National Library of Pakistan, Department of Libraries, Islamabad. This volume includes all the books received in National Library of Pakistan under depository provision of prevailing copyright law of Pakistan. It also includes Pakistani publications acquired through purchase, gifts and exchange basis. However following type of material has not been included: a.
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