COMPACT | COUPÉ | BREAK DP • AIXAM 2014 Création :Création Les Alchimistes Crédits photos: ©ChristianChaize- © istockphoto-fotolia http://www.aixam.com/en/press go to: To photos, downloadthispresskitandtheassociated DOWNLOAD

COLLECTION OVERVIEW LESS ORDINARY AIXAM, ACAR THE CITY AIXAM ELECTRIFIES FOR CITYLADIES THE CITYCAR CONTENTS DP • AIXAM 2014 01 powerful vehicles. fuel-guzzling, bulkyandneedlessly over traditional number of advantages environment, a AIXAM vehiclesoffer the city?Inthisstressful, time-consuming mini, sleek and easy-to-handle vehicle in etc. a Who hasn’teverdreamedofhaving insurance, difficultyingetting afulllicense, parking problems, theprice offueland promote theenvironment, alongwith between 30and50kph, campaignsto Red lights, traffic jams, speed limits IN HARMONY FOR CITYLADIES THE CITYCAR WITH ITS TIME WITH of mobility. in thethickofacool andultra-trendyform oneouttobe preconceived ideasandtry become agenuinecredo. So, any forget lesspollution has less fuelandcreating on electricityisinwiththetimes, andusing carsareindemandbecausedriving format high-tech equipment. Inaddition, mini- finishing details, interiorsand comfortable a sleek look, with trendy colours and as Especially AIXAM vehiclesalsohave

DP • AIXAM 2014 02 easy touse, itsimplifiescitylife. the electricversion. Practical, sleekand combustion versionand0%pollutionin ofCO afewgrams only off gives (3l/100km), energy-efficient it isvery fitted withareversingcamera!Inaddition, easy topark, anywhere. being Especially AM-license carslipsthroughtrafficandis model (L: 2.75m/w1.5mand400kg), the With itsmeasurementandweightofatop XS amount ofglamour. Becausewe’reworthit. facts, information, numbersandtheright to Here arethekeys AIXAM’s new Vision: THE CITYCAR TREND 2 inthe lifestyle mini citycar. with remotecontrol, personalisation, etc. A upholstery, electricopeningoftheboot and tintedwindows, vanitymirror, refined tioning, LCDon-boardcomputer, electric … ofseductionandcomfort. Air-condi The height… else? What masterful silenceintheelectricversion. ,road handlingworthyofabigger plus panoramic windscreen, and performances version), awell-equippeddashboard, a theCityPremium An 800litre-boot(for XL BETTER!“ WHAT COULDBE “3l/100 Km - BOOT SPACE LITRES 800 DP • AIXAM 2014 03 elements provided by atraditional car.elements provided by and protectionfromthe has thecomfort higher levelofsafetythanamoped and goes with it.the stress that a far It offers waiting timestotaketheexam, alongwith license ortoputanendinterminable of drivinglessonsrequiredtoobtain a full being accompanied, to reducethenumber togetuseddrivingwithout perfect way cantaketotheroads.teenagers It’s the of16,From theage withjustan license, AM INDEPENDANCE youandyourfamily.for to-use solutionwithnumerousadvantages, A carwithoutalicense? An attractive, easy- KIND OFFREEDOM IMAGINE ANEW on somebody else. without depending onpublictransportor yourownpace,at inoptimalconditions, youthefreedom totravel models offer constraints,With itslowoperating Aixam in anurbanorsuburbanenvironment? withoutadrivinglicense, living are youoneofthe10millionpeople in FREEDOM AM-license “ with justan age of16 “From the DP • AIXAM 2014 04 WITH THETIMES A VISIONINKEEPING driving! life.the qualityofeveryday Silence, we’re ping toreduceambient noiseandimprove reducenoise fromoutside,significantly hel ment inthepassengercompartment and amuted environ sound-proofing tocreate Aixam has developed high-performing SSHH and sophistication. comfort greater for Exclusive innovations - - tery matching thedashboardin ivory matching tery tures adesignerlook withtwo-toneuphols andfea ismore sophisticated atmosphere wheel to make handling easier. The on-board AIXAM hasaddedanergonomicsteering andsafetyof driving.bute tothecomfort computer onalargecentralscreen contri high-tech dashboardandthemulti-purpose Smooth andminimalistlinesonthe new ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (1) , car - - - -

parallel parktoyour heart’s content! screen.the multimediatablet Nowyou can simpler. You cansee the backofyourcaron reverse gearisengaged, makingparking sing camerawhichcomesonassoon as No moreneck-twistingthankstothe rever IN REVERSE cement. Lifeisbeautiful! a supple and soft reinfor and armrests have bodywork bon black (5) (2) . anewlook The doortrimshave , alu (3) , white (4) orthecolourof - - on S-models(5)version GTO asanoption onPremiummodels-(4)available available (1) Premiumversion, (2) version GTIoroptionGTO-(3) ismadetosimplifylife! tive innovation face withUSBport. This usefulandinforma CONNECT andtheintuitiveBluetooth inter with themultimediatouch-screenby AIXAM telephone hands-free, etc. It’s child’s play stations, connectyourSmartphoneand ra, viewradioinformation, radio lookfor yourmusic,Display use the reversing came E-MOTION - - - DP • AIXAM 2014 05 Vision range, ina of one of the most upmarket models in the tery, etc. interpretation This isaremarkable mirrors, shadesofchrome, two-toneuphols pink motifs, thedécorofwing matching limited edition. or in grey Roofdecorated ful andfemininelookwiththisultra-stylish The CoupéPremiumby AIXAM getsa colour TIMES BEAUTY AT ALL SHOW OFFYOUR limited edition series . - - women willneverbemen. Thank youwho? is a new AIXAM partner in 2014. Because bonnescopines.com blog,A trendyandcollaborative “ “, towomen dedicated mes - DP • AIXAM 2014 DP • AIXAM 2014 e-City ande-Coupé a full range. models: two flagship It offers market with position itself on this innovative andto vehicles touseanelectricengine AIXAM isthefirstbrandof AM-license EUREKA ! e-Coupé, whichareelectrifyingthecity! proach with AIXAM e-City and AIXAM sensations andaneco-responsibleap nowthejoyofsafedriving,cover unique of transport:theyareawaylife. Dis vehicles whicharemorethanameans you andyour«gang», wehavedesigned commitment to the environment. For a license, isaclear choice. Agenuine The electricvehicle, withorwithout THE CITY AIXAM ELECTRIFIES . - - • • • A SWEETBUDGET versions. And muchmorebesides… astheirolder,reliability combustion-engine ristics ofspace, volume, accessoriesand but spacious, the same characte have they people, like all AM-license vehicles. Compact two models inthee-AIXAMrangecancarry itsbest:This isurbanmobilityat thenew TRENDY a Insurance costssimilar tothosefor changes (oil, etc.). to exhaustpipes, timing beltsandvarious Maintenance costshalved. goodbye Say electricity. Around € 2 per100kmtochargewith


• • • • • •   3 h30tofilluponenergy. e-xceptional! 220 V domesticplug. ona 80% ofthebattery 30 minutestocharge Free yourmind. 75 to110kmautonomy. SPOTLIGHT Breathe welltothinkwell. 0% CO What couldbebetter? 100 %recyclable. 100% responsible. Silence isgolden. 0% noisepollution. ASTONISHING! PERFECTLY 2 intheatmosphere

DP • AIXAM 2014 01 vehicles (AixamPro andMEGA), duals (AIXAMrange) andultra-lightutility in thesector, indivi both as avehicle for 2014,ly AIXAM hasbeenthereference market shareofcloseto43%since ear …in France and Europe since 1987. With N°1… landscape. now anintegralpartoftheautomotive and credibility to this sector, which is which havehelpedtogiveaesthetics with highlightsandmajorinnovations company’s hasbeenpeppered history AROLA) andthroughtothisday, the tion ofAIXAMin1983(whichtookover vehicle in1975(AROLA)tothecrea From designingthefirstno-license KEEP ORDINARY LESS A CAR AIXAM, A STEP AHEAD A

- - - over 250,000vehicles. In 2014, produced AIXAM MEGAwill have compared to2002. The company’s 20% isthusabove growth years.back upto12,000inthefollowing 11,200units,production at increasing stabilising faced theeconomiccrisisby vehicles in2007. In 2009, AIXAM-MEGA Aixam Megareachedtherecordof15,500 250,000 • 600in12Europeancountries • 130distributorsinFrance internationally. a densedistributionnetworkinFranceand morethan30years. for has The company

MADE INFRANCE • • • VIRTUOUS are 100%«madeinFrance». how. e AIXAM models, likeall AIXAM-MEGA ranges, from themanufacturer’s andknow- performance brand e AIXAM, arangeofvehicleswhichbenefits and technicaldevelopmentsledtothelaunchof utility, interior space and comfort. Precise research vehicles. performance,With constantconcernfor todevelopinglightandcompactelectric dedicated 20 YEARS… Chanas inIsère. linesarein production and assembly the other four plantarein assembly Aix-les-Bains inSavoie, and on sixproductionsites. The headofficeandone the beginning, employs 230 people thecompany ofFrancesince intheRhône-Alpesregion Located ment zero-emission electric vehiclesinfulldevelop 2015. for theEuropean parliament targetsetby average of CO vehiclesemitjust77.9g/km combustion-engine terms ofpollution: in isfuel-efficient andexemplary Each engine the brand.ment has been a major challenge for since itwasfounded, theenviron respectfor innovation,Engine aerodynamics, recycling, etc.: 2 (2 .96 L/100 km), i.e. 37% less than the

- - recyclable “near 100% pletes theall-terrainquadricyclerange ofPolaris. electric andlightutilityvehicles’market andcom are nowstrengthening the positionofPolarison of that AIXAM MEGA, whoseproductsandexpertise network. To sumup, to similarbackground avery tion, exceptionalqualityandanefficientdistribution vehicles. This successreliesoncontinuedinnova motorbikes) andlow-speed road-based electric all-terrainvehicles(,forming road 2012, itdesigns, makesanddistributeshigh-per 2013. With annual turnover of3.2billiondollarsin American leaderinthemotorsportsmarket, in April Polaris,AIXAM MEGAwasboughtby renowned PARTNER near 100%recyclable! processing witheach AIXAM MEGAvehiclebeing commitment,ecological inwaste whichculminates In addition, aerodynamicsalsocontributetothis

“ - - - DP • AIXAM 2014 01 to improve onthis,to improve constantly. de optimal safety to customers. And multiply innovative solutionstoprovi of technology, its numerous devices of its vehicles. At the cutting-edge with theactiveandpassivesafety shines, Aixamdoesnotcompromise Whether itrains, snowsorthesun LOOK GOOD IN ALLWEATHER - • • • COMPARTMENT PASSENGER PRESERVE THE technicalcomposite materials highly The bodywork uses modern and makeitup elements that like asafetycocoonthankstotherigid compartment (ultra-resistant) behaves The extrudedaluminiumpassenger the violenceofashock. zones and absorbs mises deformation plasticbodyworkmini Thermo-shaped -

GROUNDED KEEP TYRES • • • care ofvisibility: vers is visual, taken particular we have dri perceivedby As 80%ofinformation traffic. intoroad blendsmoothly ensuring they high-levelfittings All ofourvehicleshave SEE AND BESEEN upto43%. Aixam vehiclesby tion, ABS improvethebrakingpower of asanop Fitted asstandardoravailable circumstances. mal efficiencyandsaferoadhandlinginall vehicle comestoacompletestop, opti for if the ABS istriggered, itwillworkuntilthe 5kph,As soonasthespeedgoesabove ofeachtyre. grip electronic sensors maximise the and four thevehiclesliding.avoids channels Itsfour in theeventofemergencybraking;this OEM preventsthewheelsfromlockingup in partnershipwithalargeautomotive The anddeveloped ABS systemchosenby headlamps LED drivinglights andhalogen gency braking of hazardlightsintheeventemer activation 3rd stoplightandautomatic windscreen de-icingsystem wide-angle windscreenandapowerful

- - - - • • • • • AN ACCESSORY EVERYTHING BUT of head-on, sideandrearcrashtests. has acquiredunrivalledexpertise in terms intheEuropeanUnion.force The brand compliance withthestrictstandardsin in since 1988andhasthemvalidated submitted all of its models to crash tests law,it notbeingrequiredby AIXAM has intermsofsafety,A forerunner despite UNPREDICTABLE PREDICTING THE lights driving “LED reversing radarswithcamera ning lighting onbottomsofdoorswhenope fueltank high-density polyethylene two-position safetydoorlocks attachments ofseatbelt reinforcements “ - DP • AIXAM 2014 ronments. intourbanand suburban envi naturally range. A citycarparexcellence, itslips City isthemostcompactmodelin the CITY PACK , CITYS, CITYPREMIUM, GTO COMPACT the dailylifeofcitydwellers. backtodrivingand give enjoyment wheel rimsandroofdecorations, they with theirshadesofchrome, theirbold combustion-engine or electric version, and exceptionalfinishingdetails. Intheir silhouette, andrefined safetyfeatures cense , eachmodelhasaunique identityofthese and attractive AM-li character asserttheinnovative lines that you realchoice. With precise andsharp is completeandcustomisable, offering market initscategory. Its VISION range AIXAM proposesthewidestrangeon AND THEN NOW VISION A NEW - -

vehicle. the wheelofthisversatile venture,at inconfidence youcanset off urban, aspiritofad or have intonature use.and everyday Whether you’remore A practicalvehicleinlinewithlifestyle CROSSOVER CROSSLINE and CoupéGTI. theCoupéPremium for option isavailable will,mised at andthepanoramicsunroof houette. The Coupé designcanbecusto a classy model with a well-sculpted sil The Coupé’s linesarethesignof athletic COUPE S, COUPEPREMIUM, COUPEGTI COUPÉ - - - COMPACT DESIGN City City City City GTO PREMIUM S PACK